- man page for the bunyan CLI (refer to it in the readme)
tail -f
-like support- 1.0 with
v: 1
in log records. Fwd/bwd compat inbunyan
full-on docs
better examples/
better coloring
"template" support for 'rotating-file' stream to get dated rolled files
"all" or "off" levels? log4j? logging.py? logging.py has NOTSET === 0. I think that is only needed/used for multi-level hierarchical effective level.
buffered writes to increase speed:
- I'd start with a tools/timeoutput.js for some numbers to compare before/after. Sustained high output to a file.
- perhaps this would be a "buffered: true" option on the stream object
- then wrap the "stream" with a local class that handles the buffering
- to finish this, need the 'log.close' and
process.on('exit', ...)
work that Trent has started.
"canWrite" handling for full streams. Need to buffer a la log4js
test file log with logadm rotation: does it handle that?
test suite:
- test for a cloned logger double-
causing problems. Perhaps the "closeOnExit" for existing streams should be false for clones. - test that a
adding a new field matching a serializer works and that an existing field in the parent is not re-serialized.
- test for a cloned logger double-
split out
cli to a "bunyan" or "bunyan-reader" or "node-bunyan-reader" as the basis for tools to consume bunyan logs. It can grow indep of node-bunyan for generating the logs. It would take a Bunyan log record object and be expected to emit it.node-bunyan-reader .createReadStream(path, [options]) ?
coloring bug: in less the indented extra info lines only have the first line colored. Do we need the ANSI char on each line? That'll be slower.
document "well-known" keys from bunyan CLI p.o.v.. Add "client_req".
output formats and filtering features. -
Think about a bunyan dashboard that supports organizing and viewing logs from multiple hosts and services.
doc the restify RequestCaptureStream usage of RingBuffer. Great example.
A vim plugin (a la http://vim.cybermirror.org/runtime/autoload/zip.vim ?) to allow browsing (read-only) a bunyan log in rendered form.
Some speed comparisons with others to get a feel for Bunyan's speed.
what about promoting 'latency' field and making that easier?
to close streams and shutdown andthis.closed
process.on('exit', log.close) -> 'end' for the name -
bunyan cli: more layouts (http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/EnhancedPatternLayout.html) Custom log formats (in config file? in '-f' arg) using printf or hogan.js or whatever. Dap wants field width control for lining up. Hogan.js is probably overkill for this.
loggly example using raw streams, hook.io?, whatever.
serializer support:
- restify-server.js example -> restifyReq ? or have
detect that. That is nicer for the "use all standard ones". Does restify req have anything special? - differential HTTP client req/res with server req/res.
- restify-server.js example -> restifyReq ? or have
statsd stream? http://codeascraft.etsy.com/2011/02/15/measure-anything-measure-everything/ Think about it.