Projects that we are considering working on.
Email classification to sort an inbox into "important" and normal mail without using Gmail; possibly extend it to filter spam more reliably; understand the (theoretical and practical) differences between Bayesian (usually employed for that purpose) and neural network algorithms (which might allow to invest more CPU time to get better precision)
Fix typos in texts written on mobile phone touch screen (according to most likely word to fit, considering sentence context well as proximity of the mis-typed key to the correct one)
Teach a neural network to draw logic conclusions. Similar to this?: Neural Programmer-Interpreters / arXiv / HN
- see whether AI can help find 'patterns' in genome data, or music
- evaluate data from
- Image recognition of foxes versus cats versus humans in video streams (perhaps note Andrew Ng's research?)
- Enter one of the competitions from [Kaggle] ( or similar