> all_in_one.py = convert_luna_to_npy.py + h5py_patch_py
- This code is used to train the image by extracting it by patch unit.
- The reason for transpose is to make the coordinate directions
[x, y, z]
image = np.transpose(np.load(mhd_to_npy))
label = np.transpose(np.load(create_label_npy))
offset = patch_size // 2
stride = 8
move = offset // stride
non_pad = image
non_label_pad = label
non_pad = np.pad(non_pad, offset, 'constant', constant_values=np.min(non_pad))
non_label_pad = np.pad(non_label_pad, offset, 'constant', constant_values=np.min(non_label_pad))
image = np.pad(image, offset + (stride * move), 'constant', constant_values=np.min(image))
label = np.pad(label, offset + (stride * move), 'constant', constant_values=np.min(label))
- The patch is centered on the nodule and then extracted.
- If the coordinates of the nodule are on the edge of the image, it is hard to extract the patch... so do padding
patch size
= 68, ie the size of the patch is68 * 68 * 68
= padding size
= It means how many spaces to move around the nodule- It is possible to stride
8 times(4 * 2)
in the x, y, z, xy, xz, yz, and xyz directions respectively. (Then, get 56 patch) - Therefore, It will be make the patch per single nodule point is 56 + 1 =
= 8,move
= 4
def world_2_voxel(world_coord, origin, spacing):
stretched_voxel_coord = np.absolute(world_coord - origin)
voxel_coord = stretched_voxel_coord / spacing
return voxel_coord
- the number of non-nodule patch = 3 * the number of nodule patch
- For the label patch, resize the patch using
, since the output size of the network (U-net) is 8 * 8 * 8 - Don't use
... Because, if you use it, there is a phenomenon that the pixel value is 1 (True) disappears
def get_patch(image, coords, offset, patch_list, patch_flag=True):
xyz = image[int(coords[0] - offset): int(coords[0] + offset),
int(coords[1] - offset): int(coords[1] + offset),
int(coords[2] - offset): int(coords[2] + offset)]
if patch_flag:
output = np.expand_dims(xyz, axis=-1)
else: # label
# resize xyz
xyz = skimage.measure.block_reduce(xyz, (9, 9, 9), np.max)
output = np.expand_dims(xyz, axis=-1)
output = indices_to_one_hot(output.astype(np.int32), 2)
output = np.reshape(output, (label_size, label_size, label_size, 2))
output = output.astype(np.float32)
- See link for reasons why I chose
lzf type
with h5py.File(save_path + 'subset' + str(i) + '.h5', 'w') as hf:
hf.create_dataset('nodule', data=nodule[:], compression='lzf')
hf.create_dataset('label_nodule', data=nodule_label[:], compression='lzf')
hf.create_dataset('non_nodule', data=non_nodule[:], compression='lzf')
hf.create_dataset('label_non_nodule', data=non_nodule_label[:], compression='lzf')
- Use multiprocessing.Pool
is good for exponentiation of 2.- If you want to know how many cpu you have available in Linux...
grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo
from multiprocessing import Pool
def nodule_hf(idx):
with h5py.File(image_patch, 'r') as hf:
nodule = hf['nodule'][idx:idx + get_data_num]
return nodule
process_num = 32
get_data_num = 64
with h5py.File(image_patch, 'r') as fin:
nodule_range = range(0, len(fin['nodule']), get_data_num)
pool = Pool(processes = process_num)
pool_nodule = pool.map(nodule_hf, nodule_range)
nodule = []
for p in pool_nodule :
Junho Kim / @Lunit