GNN architectures can be imported from a list of implemented ones, but new ones can also be defined by instantiating.
The following architectures are currently implemented: GCN, GCNII, APPNP. You can import them from the package's top level. For example, instantiating the APPNP architecture is as simple as calling:
import gnntf
G, features, num_classes = ...
gnn = gnntf.APPNP(gnntf.graph2adj(G), features, num_classes=num_classes)
Contrary to general-purpose machine learning frameworks, you need to
provide the graph (e.g. starting from a networkx graph G
) and
node features during architecture definition. This means that the
architecture is defined for specific input data.
Custom GNNs can be defined by extending the GNN class and adding layers
during the constructor method. Typical Neural Network layers can be
found in the module core.gnn.nn.layers
. For example, a traditional
perceptron with two dense layers and dropout to be used for classification
can be defined per the following code.
import gnntf
import tensorflow as tf
class CustomGNN(gnntf.GNN):
def __init__(self,
G: tf.Tensor,
features: tf.Tensor,
hidden_layer: int = 64,
num_classes: int = 3,
super().__init__(G, features, **kwargs)
self.add(gnntf.Dense(hidden_layer, activation=tf.nn.relu))
self.add(gnntf.Dense(num_classes, regularize=False))
In addition to typical functionalities provided by neural network libraries,
we also provide flow control functionality on the layer level that removes the need
of understanding tensorflow primitives at all by using Branch
and Concatenate
You can simplify architecture definition by instantiating it
via gnntf.GNN(...)
and adding layers afterwards.
In fact, you can add layers after training just fine or
even remove top layers by calling
You can turn Keras layers by wrapping them with the gnntf
interface by calling layer = gnntf.Wrap(layer)
. This
can be added to architectures.