There are two predictive tasks currently supported:
node classification and link prediction. Predictive tasks are
decoupled from the GNN architecture they model and are passed
to the GNN's train
method to define the training and validation
The following code
demonstrates an example of how to use pass a NodeClassification
predictive task to the GNN to let it know what to train towards.
from experiments.experiment_setup import dgl_setup
import gnntf
G, labels, features, train, valid, test = dgl_setup("cora")
num_classes = len(set(labels))
gnn = gnntf.APPNP(G, features, num_classes=num_classes)
gnn.train(train=gnntf.NodeClassification(train, labels[train]),
valid=gnntf.NodeClassification(valid, labels[valid]))
prediction = gnn.predict(gnntf.NodeClassification(test))
accuracy = gnntf.acc(prediction, labels[test])
from experiments.experiment_setup import dgl_setup
import gnntf
import random
G, _, features = dgl_setup("cora")[:3]
adj = gnntf.graph2adj(G)
edges = adj.indices.numpy()
train = random.sample(range(len(edges)), int(len(edges) * 0.8))
valid = random.sample(list(set(range(len(edges))) - set(train)), (len(edges)-len(train))//4)
test = list(set(range(len(edges))) - set(valid) - set(train))
training_graph = gnntf.create_nx_graph(G, edges[train])
gnn = gnntf.APPNP(gnntf.graph2adj(training_graph), features, num_classes=16, positional_dims=16)
gnn.train(train=gnntf.LinkPrediction(*gnntf.negative_sampling(edges[train], G)),
valid=gnntf.LinkPrediction(*gnntf.negative_sampling(edges[valid], G)),
test=gnntf.LinkPrediction(*gnntf.negative_sampling(edges[test], G)),
patience=50, verbose=True)
edges, labels = gnntf.negative_sampling(edges[test], G)
prediction = gnn.predict(gnntf.LinkPrediction(edges))
print(gnntf.auc(labels, prediction))
import numpy as np
from experiments.experiment_setup import dgl_setup
G = dgl_setup("cora")[0]
features = np.zeros((len(G),1))