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Guides | Rest API

Hongsoog Kim edited this page Sep 13, 2022 · 34 revisions

Rest API Guides

In TANGO, there are two types of container.

  • Main container : Project Manager, which coordinates other containers start and stop to proceed workflow.
  • Member container: All containers except for Project Manager, which perform specific task in whole workflow.

Project Manager keeps the project details and coordinates the member containers task with start()/stop() to start or stop the memeber container, while member containers report their status with status() once start() or stop() is called.

Container Type Rest APIs
Main Container status()
Member Container start(), stop()

Rest APIs provided by the main container

As a whole workflow coordinator, the main container (Project Manager) should expose following APIs for member containers reports its current status:

status(from=<container_id>, status=<status>)

The member containers calls status() to indicate theirs current status, where <status> is one of the following values:

  • "started" : report that container of <container_id> starts it task.
  • "stopped" : report that container of <container_id> stops it task.
  • "running" : reports that container of <container_id> is running, reported at interval of<hb_period>
  • "completed": reports that container of <container_id> finishes its task successfully.
  • "failed": reports that container of <container_id> fails.

Rest APIs provided by the member containers

All containers except for Project Manager should expose following APIs for Project Manager start/stop its workflow participant containers:

start(project_id=<project_id>, user_id=<user_id>, hb_peirod=1000)

The main continer calls start() in order to make the member container start its task.

  • hb_period specifies the heartbeat interval in milli-second unit, when status() calling inverval in case of <status>="running"
stop(project_id=<project_id>, user_id=<user_id>)

The main continer calls stop() in order to make the member container stop its task.