Machines, Learning (09:00-10:20) (1:20 duration)
TITLE PipeDream: Generalized Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training AUTHORS Deepak Narayanan (Stanford University), Aaron Harlap (Carnegie Mellon University), Amar Phanishayee (Microsoft Research), Vivek Seshadri (Microsoft Research), Nikhil R. Devanur (Microsoft Research), Gregory R. Ganger (CMU), Phillip B. Gibbons (Carnegie Mellon University), Matei Zaharia (Stanford University)
TITLE A Generic Communication Scheduler for Distributed DNN Training Acceleration AUTHORS Yanghua Peng (The University of Hong Kong), Yibo Zhu (ByteDance Inc.), Yangrui Chen (The University of Hong Kong), Yixin Bao (The University of Hong Kong), Bairen Yi (ByteDance Inc.), Chang Lan (ByteDance Inc.), Chuan Wu (The University of Hong Kong), Chuanxiong Guo (ByteDance Inc.)
TITLE Parity Models: Erasure-Coded Resilience for Prediction Serving Systems AUTHORS Jack Kosaian (Carnegie Mellon University), K. V. Rashmi (Carnegie Mellon University), Shivaram Venkataraman (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
TITLE TASO: Optimizing Deep Learning Computation with Automated Generation of Graph Substitutions AUTHORS Zhihao Jia (Stanford University), Oded Padon (Stanford University), James Thomas (Stanford University), Todd Warszawski (Stanford University), Matei Zaharia (Stanford University), Alex Aiken (Stanford Univeristy)
BREAK 10:20-10:50 (0:30 duration)
It Must Be Secure (10:50-11:50) (1:00 duration)
TITLE Teechain: A Secure Payment Network with Asynchronous Blockchain Access AUTHORS Joshua Lind (Imperial College London), Oded Naor (Technion), Ittay Eyal (Technion), Florian Kelbert (Imperial College London), Emin Gun Sirer (Cornell University), Peter Pietzuch (Imperial College London)
TITLE Fast and Secure Global Payments with Stellar AUTHORS Marta Lokhava (Stellar), Giuliano Losa (Galois), David Mazieres (Stanford), Graydon Hoare (Stellar), Nicolas Barry (Stellar), Eliezer Gafni (UCLA), Jonathan Jove (Stellar), Rafa?? Malinowski (Stellar), Jed McCaleb (Stellar)
TITLE Notary: A Device for Secure Transaction Approval AUTHORS Anish Athalye (MIT CSAIL), Adam Belay (MIT CSAIL), Frans Kaashoek (MIT CSAIL), Robert Morris (MIT CSAIL), Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT CSAIL),
LUNCH 11:50 - 1:40 (1:50 duration)
Systems: Still Buggy (1:40-3:00) (1:20 duration)
TITLE CrashTuner: Detecting Crash Recovery Bugs in Cloud Systems via Meta-info Analysis AUTHORS Jie Lu (The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Chen Liu (The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Lian Li (The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Xiaobing Feng (The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Feng Tan (Alibaba Group), Jun Yang (Alibaba Group), Liang You (Alibaba Group)
TITLE The Inflection Point Hypothesis: A Principled Debugging Approach for Locating the Root Cause of a Failure AUTHORS Yongle Zhang (University of Toronto), Kirk Rodrigues (University of Toronto), Yu Luo (University of Toronto), Michael Stumm (University of Toronto), Ding Yuan (University of Toronto)
TITLE Finding Semantic Bugs in File Systems with an Extensible Fuzzing Framework AUTHORS Seulbae Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology), Meng Xu (Georgia Institute of Technology), Sanidhya Kashyap (Georgia Institute of Technology), Jungyeon Yoon (Georgia Institute of Technology), Wen Xu (Georgia Institute of Technology), Taesoo Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)
TITLE Efficient and Scalable Thread-Safety Violation Detection --- Finding thousands of concurrency bugs during testing AUTHORS Guangpu Li (University of Chicago), Shan Lu (University of Chicago), Madanlal Musuvathi (Microsoft Research), Suman Nath (Microsoft Research), Rohan Padhye (Berkeley)
BREAK 3:00 - 3:30 (0:30 duration)
Keeping Things Private (3:30-4:30) (1:00 duration)
TITLE Privacy Accounting and Quality Control in the Sage Differentially Private ML Platform AUTHORS Mathias Lecuyer (Columbia University), Riley Spahn (Columbia University), Kiran Vodrahalli (Columbia University), Roxana Geambasu (Columbia University), Daniel Hsu (Columbia University)
TITLE Honeycrisp: Large-scale Differentially Private Aggregation Without a Trusted Core AUTHORS Edo Roth (University of Pennsylvania), Daniel Noble (University of Pennsylvania), Brett Hemenway Falk (University of Pennsylvania), Andreas Haeberlen (University of Pennsylvania)
TITLE Yodel: Strong Metadata Security for Voice Calls AUTHORS David Lazar (MIT CSAIL), Yossi Gilad (MIT CSAIL), Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT CSAIL)
Student Research Competition Poster Session 5:00 - 7:30 (2:30 duration) Conference Papers Poster Session 5:00 - 7:30 (2:30 duration)
Cocktails and Reception (Dinner) 5:00 - 7:30 (2:30 duration)
========================================================================= TUESDAY
It Must Be Correct (9:00-10:20) (1:20 duration)
TITLE Scaling Symbolic Evaluation for Automated Verification of Systems Code with Serval AUTHORS Luke Nelson (University of Washington), James Bornholt (University of Washington), Ronghui Gu (Columbia University), Andrew Baumann (Microsoft Research), Emina Torlak (University of Washington), Xi Wang (University of Washington)
TITLE Verifying Concurrent, Crash-safe Systems with Perennial AUTHORS Tej Chajed (MIT CSAIL), Joseph Tassarotti (MIT CSAIL), Frans Kaashoek (MIT CSAIL), Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT CSAIL)
TITLE Using Concurrent Relational Logic with Helpers for Verifying the AtomFS File System AUTHORS Mo Zou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Haoran Ding (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Dong Du (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Ming Fu (Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd), Ronghui Gu (Columbia University), Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Mo Zou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Haoran Ding (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Ronghui Gu (Yale University), Dong Du (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
TITLE Verifying Software Network Functions with No Verification Expertise AUTHORS Arseniy Zaostrovnykh (EPFL), Solal Pirelli (EPFL), Rishabh Iyer (EPFL), Matteo Rizzo (EPFL), Luis Pedrosa (EPFL), Katerina Argyraki (EPFL), George Candea (EPFL)
BREAK 10:20-10:50 (0:30 duration)
Data, Data, Everywhere (10:50-11:50) (1:00 duration)
TITLE Optimizing Data-Intensive Computations in Existing Libraries with Split Annotations AUTHORS Shoumik Palkar (Stanford University), Matei Zaharia (Stanford University),
TITLE Niijima: Sound and Automated Computation Consolidation for Efficient Multilingual Data-Parallel Pipelines AUTHORS Guoqing Harry Xu (UCLA), Margus Veanes (Microsoft Research), Michael Barnett (Microsoft Research), Madan Musuvathi (Microsoft Research), Todd Mytkowicz (Microsoft Research), Ben Zorn (Microsoft Research), Huan He (Microsoft), Haibo Lin (Microsoft)
TITLE Nexus: A GPU Cluster Engine for Accelerating DNN-Based Video Analysis AUTHORS Haichen Shen (University of Washington), Lequn Chen (University of Washington), Yuchen Jin (University of Washington), Liangyu Zhao (University of Washington), Bingyu Kong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Matthai Philipose (Microsoft Research), Arvind Krishnamurthy (University of Washington), Ravi Sundaram (Northeastern University)
LUNCH 11:50 - 1:40 (1:50 duration)
The Revolution Will Be Distributed (1:40-3:00) (1:20 duration)
TITLE Lineage Stash: Fault Tolerance Off the Critical Path AUTHORS Stephanie Wang (UC Berkeley), John Liagouris (ETH Zurich), Robert Nishihara (UC Berkeley), Philipp Moritz (UC Berkeley), Ujval Misra (Dropbox), Alexey Tumanov (UC Berkeley), Ion Stoica (UC Berkeley)
TITLE File Systems Unfit as Distributed Storage Backends: Lessons from 10 Years of Ceph Evolution AUTHORS Abutalib Aghayev (Carnegie Mellon University), Sage Weil (Red Hat Inc.), Michael Kuchnik (Carnegie Mellon University), Mark Nelson (Red Hat Inc.), Gregory R. Ganger (Carnegie Mellon University), George Amvrosiadis (Carnegie Mellon University)
TITLE I4: Incremental Inference of Inductive Invariants for Verification of Distributed Protocols AUTHORS Haojun Ma (University of Michigan), Aman Goel (University of Michigan), Jean-Baptiste Jeannin (University of Michigan), Manos Kapritsos (University of Michigan), Baris Kasikci (University of Michigan), Karem A. Sakallah (University of Michigan)
TITLE Aegean: Replication Beyond the Client-Server Model AUTHORS Remzi Can Aksoy (University of Michigan), Manos Kapritsos (University of Michigan)
Break: 3:00-3:30 (0:30 duration)
Net Work (3:30-4:30) (1:00 duration)
TITLE Snap: a Microkernel-Inspired Approach to Host Networking AUTHORS Michael Marty (Google), Marc de Kruijf (Google), Christopher Alfeld (Google), William C. Evans (Google), Nick Kidd (Google), Xi Wang (Google), Paul Turner (Google), Kevin Springborn (Google), Lena Olson (Google), Nandita Dukkipati (Google), Roman Kononov (Google), Michael Dalton (Google), Emily Musick (Google), Jacob Adriaens (Google), Gautam Kumar (Google), Valas Valancius (Google), Erik Rubow (Google), Amin Vahdat (Google)
TITLE Risk-based planning for evolving data-center networks AUTHORS Omid Alipourfard (Yale University), Jiaqi Gao (Harvard University), Jeremie Koenig (Yale University), Chris Harshaw (Yale University), Amin Vahdat (Google), Minlan Yu (Harvard University)
TITLE Taiji: Managing Global User Traffic for Large-Scale Internet Services at the Edge AUTHORS David Chou (Facebook), Tianyin Xu (UIUC), Kaushik Veeraraghavan (Facebook), Andrew Newell (Facebook), Sonia Margulis (Facebook), Lin Xiao (Facebook), Pol Mauri Ruiz (Facebook), Justin Meza (Facebook), Kiryong Ha (Facebook), Shruti Padmanabha (Facebook), Kevin Cole (Facebook), Dmitri Perelman (Facebook)
Student Research Competition Presentations 5:00-6:30 (1:30 duration) (In a different Room from conference talks)
Banquet and Awards 7:00-9:00 (2:00 duration)
========================================================================= WEDNESDAY
The Persistence Of Memory (9:00-10:20) (1:20 duration)
TITLE KVell: the Design and Implementation of a Fast Persistent Key-Value Store AUTHORS Baptiste Lepers (University of Sydney), Oana Balmau (University of Sydney), Karan Gupta (Nutanix Inc.), Willy Zwaenepoel (University of Sydney and EPFL)
TITLE RECIPE: Converting Concurrent DRAM Indexes to Persistent-Memory Indexes AUTHORS Se Kwon Lee (University of Texas at Austin), Jayashree Mohan (University of Texas at Austin), Sanidhya Kashyap (Georgia Tech), Taesoo Kim (Georgia Tech), Vijay Chidambaram (University of Texas at Austin and VMware Research)
TITLE Performance and Protection in the ZoFS User-space NVM File System AUTHORS Mingkai Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Heng Bu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Jifei Yi (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Benchao Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
TITLE SplitFS: Reducing Software Overhead in File Systems for Persistent Memory AUTHORS Rohan Kadekodi (University of Texas at Austin), Se Kwon Lee (University of Texas at Austin), Sanidhya Kashyap (Georgia Tech), Taesoo Kim (Georgia Tech), Aasheesh Kolli (Penn State University and VMware Research), Vijay Chidambaram (Texas)
BREAK 10:20-10:50 (0:30 duration)
Making Things Faster (10:50-11:50) (1:00 duration)
TITLE AutoMine: Harmonizing High-Level Abstraction and High Performance for Graph Mining AUTHORS Daniel Mawhirter (Colorado School of Mines), Bo Wu (Colorado School of Mines)
TITLE KnightKing: A Fast Distributed Graph Random Walk Engine AUTHORS Ke Yang (Tsinghua University), MingXing Zhang (Tsinghua University), Kang Chen (Tsinghua University), Xiaosong Ma (QCRI), Yang Bai (4Paradigm Co. Ltd.), Yong Jiang (Tsinghua University), Yongwei Wu (Tsinghua University)
TITLE Generuk: Thin Computation over Big Native Data Using Speculative Program Transformation AUTHORS Christian Navasca (UCLA), Cheng Cai (UCLA), Khanh Nguyen (UCLA), Brian Demsky (UC Irvine), Shan Lu (University of Chicago), Miryung Kim (UCLA), Guoqing Harry Xu (UCLA)
LUNCH 11:50 - 1:40 (1:50 duration)
The Final Session (1:40-2:40) (1:00 duration)
TITLE An Analysis of Performance Evolution of Linux's Core Operations AUTHORS Xiang (Jenny) Ren (The University of Toronto), Kirk Rodrigues (The University of Toronto), Luyuan Chen (The University of Toronto), Camilo Vega (The University of Toronto), Michael Stumm (The University of Toronto), Ding Yuan (The University of Toronto)
TITLE ShortCut: Accelerating Mostly-Deterministic Code Regions AUTHORS Xianzheng Dou (University of Michigan), Peter M. Chen (University of Michigan), Jason Flinn (University of Michigan)
TITLE Scalable and Practical Locking with Shuffling AUTHORS Sanidhya Kashyap (Georgia Tech), Irina Calciu (VMware Research Group), Xiaohe Cheng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Changwoo Min (Virginia Tech), Taesoo Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)