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Welcome to MC:T1 - Minecraft for Type 1 Diabetes

Thank you for your interest in MC:T1 - Minecraft for Type 1 Diabetes, the innovative Minecraft mod that simulates Type 1 Diabetes in Minecraft. To learn more about the project, visit

We are currently in development and testing of MC:T1 - Minecraft for Type 1 Diabetes. You are welcome to test it, and we welcome your feedback. When you sign up for the beta test at you will receive an email. To give feedback on MC:T1, reply to that email.


  • You need a PC or a Mac for this - either a desktop or a laptop. This only runs on a PC or Mac. Not on tablets, or iPhones, or consoles.
  • You can get a license for Minecraft Java Edition for PC/Mac from It is AUD$35. If you have trouble using your credit card from Australia, you can buy a Minecraft gift card from 7/11 or Coles.

Playing MC:T1

  1. Once you have a license, download the Java Minecraft client from
  2. Start the Minecraft client.
  3. Log in with your Minecraft account.
  4. Click on "Multiplayer".
  5. Follow the instructions in the video below to connect to the server at

YouTube instructional video

  1. At various times the version of the server will change, and your Minecraft launcher will automatically update to the latest Minecraft version. If you need to create a different version profile to match the MCT1 Server version, see here.
  2. Once you are connected, the MCT1 game will start automatically. If you want US units for the blood glucose, type: /units mgdl.
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