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Jacques Chartier-Kastler edited this page Apr 1, 2020 · 20 revisions

Welcome to the Coral Reef Mapping Drone wiki!

This page hosts the project pitch, and directs you to all the project documentation.

Project pitch


[Work in progress] This section will present the team & each one's contribution


  • Features: We map coral reefs and collect metadata
  • Subject: we focus on shallow water coral reef <10m depth
  • Price: we want to make it affordable enough <1500 USD
  • Usability: deployable from the beach with an autonomy >90 minutes
  • Target users: ocean scientist, citizen scientist, coastal community, Marine protected area manager

Components research

Here is the documentation for the components research: Components research

Meetings archives

Here is the archive of all meetings:

Setting a roadmap: discussion on goals, hardware & software minimal and ideal requirements

First meeting, laying out the bases and sharing the current state of the project

Knowledge Transfer Session with Ken Chew

A project by Maker Space and community workshop based in Hong Kong. Innovation for social and environmental impact.

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