-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-__author__ = "heider"
-__doc__ = r"""
- Created on 1/23/23
- """
-__all__ = [
- "to_lines",
- "to_single_line",
- "explode_line",
- "strip_multiline_dangles",
- "strip_line_dangles",
-import collections
-from typing import Union, List, Sequence
-import shapely.ops
-from shapely.geometry import LineString, MultiLineString, Point, MultiPoint, box
-from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
-from jord.shapely_utilities.points import (
- unique_line_points,
- nearest_neighbor_within,
-[docs]def to_single_line(s: Union[LineString, MultiLineString]) -> LineString:
assume that lines are ordered, NOTE closes of gaps!
:param s:
:type s: Union[LineString, MultiLineString]
:rtype: LineString
if isinstance(s, MultiLineString):
out_coords = [
list(i.coords) for i in s.geoms
] # Put the sub-line coordinates into a list of sublists
return LineString(
[i for sublist in out_coords for i in sublist]
) # Flatten the list of sublists and use it to make a new line
elif isinstance(s, LineString):
return s
raise NotImplementedError
-[docs]def to_lines(geoms: Sequence[BaseGeometry]) -> List[LineString]:
Converts Shapely geoms in to Shapely LineString
:param geoms:
:type geoms: Sequence[BaseGeometry]
:rtype: List[LineString]
lines = []
for g in geoms:
if isinstance(g, (LineString)):
elif isinstance(g, (BaseGeometry)):
boundary = g.boundary
if isinstance(boundary, MultiLineString):
raise NotImplementedError(f"{g, type(g)}")
return lines
-[docs]def strip_line_dangles(
line: LineString, dangle_length_threshold: float = 0.1, iterations: int = 3
) -> LineString:
:param line:
:type line: LineString
:param dangle_length_threshold:
:type dangle_length_threshold: float
:param iterations:
:type iterations: int
:rtype: LineString
working_line = line
for ith_ in range(iterations):
working_segments = []
segments = explode_line(working_line)
if len(segments) > 2:
start, *rest, end = segments
if start.length > dangle_length_threshold:
if end.length > dangle_length_threshold:
elif len(segments) < 2:
segment = segments[0]
if segment.length > dangle_length_threshold:
s1, s2 = segments
if s1.length > dangle_length_threshold:
if s2.length > dangle_length_threshold:
working_line = LineString(working_segments)
return working_line
-def line_endpoints(lines: List[LineString] | MultiLineString) -> MultiPoint:
- """Return list of terminal points from list of LineStrings."""
- all_points = []
- if isinstance(lines, MultiLineString):
- lines = lines.geoms
- for line in lines:
- for i in [0, -1]: # start and end point
- all_points.append(line.coords[i])
- endpoints = set(
- [item for item, count in collections.Counter(all_points).items() if count < 2]
- ) # Remove duplicates
- return MultiPoint([Point(p) for p in endpoints])
-[docs]def strip_multiline_dangles(
multilinestring: MultiLineString,
dangle_length_threshold: float = 0.1,
iterations: int = 3,
) -> MultiLineString:
:param multilinestring:
:type multilinestring: MultiLineString
:param dangle_length_threshold:
:type dangle_length_threshold: float
:param iterations:
:type iterations: int
:rtype: MultiLineString
working_multi = multilinestring
for ith_ in range(iterations):
endpoints = line_endpoints(working_multi)
working_segments = []
for linestring in working_multi.geoms:
segments = explode_line(linestring)
if len(segments) > 2:
start, *rest, end = segments
if start.intersects(endpoints):
if start.length > dangle_length_threshold:
if end.intersects(endpoints):
if end.length > dangle_length_threshold:
elif len(segments) < 2:
segment = segments[0]
if segment.intersects(endpoints):
if segment.length > dangle_length_threshold:
s1, s2 = segments
if s1.intersects(endpoints):
if s1.length > dangle_length_threshold:
if s2.intersects(endpoints):
if s2.length > dangle_length_threshold:
working_multi = MultiLineString(working_segments)
return working_multi
-[docs]def explode_line(line: LineString) -> List[LineString]:
:param line:
out = []
for pt1, pt2 in zip(
line.coords, line.coords[1:]
): # iterate from first cord, iterate from second coords to get
# endpoints of each segment
out.append(LineString([pt1, pt2]))
return out
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- def iashdh():
- print(
- to_single_line(MultiLineString([[[0, 0], [0, 1]], [[0, 2], [0, 3]]]))
- ) # LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1, 0 2, 0 3)
- def ausdh():
- from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Point
- pol1 = MultiPolygon([Point(0, 0).buffer(2.0), Point(1, 1).buffer(2.0)])
- pol2 = Point(7, 8).buffer(1.0)
- pols = [pol1, pol2]
- print(to_lines(pols))
- ausdh()
-def find_isolated_endpoints(lines):
- """Find endpoints of lines that don't touch another line.
- Args:
- lines: a list of LineStrings or a MultiLineString
- Returns:
- A list of line end Points that don't touch any other line of lines
- """
- isolated_endpoints = []
- for i, line in enumerate(lines):
- other_lines = lines[:i] + lines[i + 1 :]
- for q in [0, -1]:
- endpoint = Point(line.coords[q])
- if any(endpoint.touches(another_line) for another_line in other_lines):
- continue
- else:
- isolated_endpoints.append(endpoint)
- return isolated_endpoints
-def snappy_endings(lines, max_distance):
- """Snap endpoints of lines together if they are at most max_length apart.
- Args:
- lines: a list of LineStrings or a MultiLineString
- max_distance: maximum distance two endpoints may be joined together
- """
- # initialize snapped lines with list of original lines
- # snapping points is a MultiPoint object of all vertices
- snapped_lines = [line for line in lines]
- snapping_points = unique_line_points(snapped_lines)
- # isolated endpoints are going to snap to the closest vertex
- isolated_endpoints = find_isolated_endpoints(snapped_lines)
- # only move isolated endpoints, one by one
- for endpoint in isolated_endpoints:
- # find all vertices within a radius of max_distance as possible
- target = nearest_neighbor_within(snapping_points, endpoint, max_distance)
- # do nothing if no target point to snap to is found
- if not target:
- continue
- # find the LineString to modify within snapped_lines and update it
- for i, snapped_line in enumerate(snapped_lines):
- if endpoint.touches(snapped_line):
- snapped_lines[i] = bend_towards(snapped_line, where=endpoint, to=target)
- break
- # also update the corresponding snapping_points
- for i, snapping_point in enumerate(snapping_points):
- if endpoint.equals(snapping_point):
- snapping_points[i] = target
- break
- # post-processing: remove any resulting lines of length 0
- snapped_lines = [s for s in snapped_lines if s.length > 0]
- return snapped_lines
-def bend_towards(line, where, to):
- """Move the point where along a line to the point at location to.
- Args:
- line: a LineString
- where: a point ON the line (not necessarily a vertex)
- to: a point NOT on the line where the nearest vertex will be moved to
- Returns:
- the modified (bent) line
- """
- if not line.contains(where) and not line.touches(where):
- raise ValueError("line does not contain the point where.")
- coords = line.coords[:]
- # easy case: where is (within numeric precision) a vertex of line
- for k, vertex in enumerate(coords):
- if where.almost_equals(Point(vertex)):
- # move coordinates of the vertex to destination
- coords[k] = to.coords[0]
- return LineString(coords)
- # hard case: where lies between vertices of line, so
- # find the nearest vertex and move that one to point to
- _, min_k = min(
- (where.distance(Point(vertex)), k) for k, vertex in enumerate(coords)
- )
- coords[min_k] = to.coords[0]
- return LineString(coords)
-def prune_short_lines(lines: Sequence[LineString], min_length: float):
- """Remove lines from a LineString shorter than min_length.
- Deletes all lines from a list of LineStrings or a MultiLineString
- that have a total length of less than min_length. Vertices of touching
- lines are contracted towards the centroid of the removed line.
- Args:
- lines: list of LineStrings or a MultiLineString
- min_length: minimum length of a single LineString to be preserved
- Returns:
- the pruned pandas DataFrame
- """
- pruned_lines = [line for line in lines] # converts MultiLineString to list
- to_prune = []
- for i, line in enumerate(pruned_lines):
- if line.length < min_length:
- to_prune.append(i)
- for n in intersecting_lines_idx(pruned_lines, line):
- contact_point = line.intersection(pruned_lines[n])
- pruned_lines[n] = bend_towards(
- pruned_lines[n], where=contact_point, to=line.centroid
- )
- return [line for i, line in enumerate(pruned_lines) if i not in to_prune]
-def linemerge(line_s: LineString | MultiLineString) -> LineString | MultiLineString:
- """
- Merge list of LineStrings and/or MultiLineStrings.
- Given a list of LineStrings and possibly MultiLineStrings, merge all of
- them to a single MultiLineString.
- :type line_s: LineString|MultiLineString
- :rtype:LineString|MultiLineString
- """
- lines = []
- for line in line_s.geoms:
- if isinstance(line, MultiLineString):
- # line is a multilinestring, so append its components
- lines.extend(line.geoms)
- else:
- # line is a line, so simply append it
- lines.append(line)
- return shapely.ops.linemerge(lines)
-def one_linestring_per_intersection(lines: Sequence[LineString]):
- """Move line endpoints to intersections of line segments.
- Given a list of touching or possibly intersecting LineStrings, return a
- list LineStrings that have their endpoints at all crossings and
- intersecting points and ONLY there.
- Args:
- a list of LineStrings or a MultiLineString
- Returns:
- a list of LineStrings
- """
- lines_merged = shapely.ops.linemerge(lines)
- # intersecting multiline with its bounding box somehow triggers a first
- bounding_box = box(*lines_merged.bounds)
- # perform linemerge (one linestring between each crossing only)
- # if this fails, write function to perform this on a bbox-grid and then
- # merge the result
- lines_merged = lines_merged.intersection(bounding_box)
- lines_merged = shapely.ops.linemerge(lines_merged)
- return lines_merged
-def intersecting_lines_idx(of: LineString, lines: Sequence[LineString]) -> List[int]:
- """Find the indices in a list of LineStrings that touch a given LineString.
- Args:
- lines: list of LineStrings in which to search for neighbors
- of: the LineString which must be touched
- Returns:
- list of indices, so that all lines[indices] touch the LineString of
- """
- return [k for k, line in enumerate(lines) if line.touches(of)]
-def intersecting_lines(of: LineString, lines: Sequence[LineString]) -> List[LineString]:
- """Find the indices in a list of LineStrings that touch a given LineString.
- Args:
- lines: list of LineStrings in which to search for neighbors
- of: the LineString which must be touched
- Returns:
- list of indices, so that all lines[indices] touch the LineString of
- """
- return [line for line in (lines) if line.touches(of)]