Great applications are already using the CloudApp API. Here are some popular examples:
- BlueNube: CloudApp client for iPad
- CargoLifter: Mail plugin, which automatically uploads emails attachments to the cloud.
- ChromaCloud: Chrome extension to bookmark the current URL.
- Cloud2go: powerful iPhone client to access CloudApp on the go
- Cloudette: free CloudApp iPhone client
- Cloudie: an iOS client for CloudApp
- Cloudier: an iOS client for CloudApp
- Cloudit: an Android client for CloudApp
- ClouDrop: full-featured CloudApp iOS app
- CloudSend: Send websites and videos from your computer to your iPhone using CloudApp.
- Cloupload: full-featured Android client with file previews
- Cloupload Web: the CloudApp web client reimagined
- DropBook: share to Facebook using CloudApp
- Doxie: scan directly into the cloud
- Finapp: a simple CloudApp client for Windows Phone
- FluffyApp: CloudApp client for Windows
- Hojoki: Make all your cloud apps work as one
- iFiles: A file manager, viewer, editor, and more
- Komocloud: CloudApp client for iPhone
- NuageApp: Free CloudApp client for iPhone, with auto upload and copy link to your Mac features
- Nuvola for Android: CloudApp client for Android
- Nuvola for Windows Phone 8: CloudApp client for Windows Phone 8
- OsiriX: plugin for OsiriX
- py-cloudapp: PyQt based, drag and drop uploader that runs on Ubuntu
- RainDrop: a universal iOS client for CloudApp
- Receipts: a simple way to share receipts with CloudApp
- Screeny: screen recording app with CloudApp integration for Mac
- Shoots & Leaves: Upload a photo to CloudApp, then use the link to that photo to create a reminder, email, or more
- Stratus: beautiful iPhone and iPad client
- Tweetbot: full-featured iPhone Twitter client with a lot of personality and CloudApp integration
- Twitterrific: gorgeous Twitter client with CloudApp integration for Mac and iOS
- Up: Up is a full-featured CloudApp client, beautifully designed for iOS 7.
- Viewer: Simple and intuitive client for iPhone
- Weet: Twitter client with CloudApp integration for Mac and iOS
If you've built a new application that uses the CloudApp API, send us a pull-request and we'll be sure to update our docs.