Add more examples
- Add https://www.sicara.ai/blog/2018-01-30-bokeh-dash-best-dashboard-framework-python
- Add Widgets, Pane, Layouts with links (browser_url, navigation_menu)
Create 5 minutes introduction to Panel on Youtube
Implement Notebook widget similar to https://discuss.streamlit.io/t/implementation-of-end-code-block-using-streamlit-for-notebook/1505 and maybe Markdown with fenched code blocks.
embed pdf https://zwiftinsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Watopia-2.11.pdf https://zwiftinsider.com/map/
Panel Designer
xMove CSS into PanelDesigner x- Refactor into TitleComponent x - Make sure Target is _blank x- Communicate on Twitter and LinkedIn
Refactor in to Parameter Explorer x- Add Scroll to Parameter Explorer
- Explorer widget parameters instead of showing parameters
Update into ReloaderComponent
- Remove CSS or JS button if not available
- Add auto reload
- Add Breathing Panel
- Mark the Component Area.
Enable multiple components
- ComponentConfiguration
Provide better example
Documentation example
- etl.py
- component.py
- component_dependence.py
- component.css
- component.js
Make Panel Designer Full Height
Considering watching and reloading all modules.
Provide Dark Theme
All error message should go to std.err as well
ability to minimize designer
Write small blog post about profiling https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=6b82a1de-341998f3-6b824f91-8692dc8284cb-621b79f7bd5315db&q=1&e=435c0121-33a7-4e8a-94b7-14837647c7ab&u=https%3A%2F%2Fdiscourse.bokeh.org%2Ft%2Fbokeh-server-profiling%2F1332%2F3%3Fu%3Dmarcskovmadsen
implement tqdm progressbar similar to https://github.com/Wirg/stqdm