From 43d915c184d1e525bc95a5cd769da12f1a5a872a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MaxPat931 <> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2022 23:20:28 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] Inline rolls and links --- packs/guildfeatures.db | 58 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/packs/guildfeatures.db b/packs/guildfeatures.db index 51f67f1..307e001 100644 --- a/packs/guildfeatures.db +++ b/packs/guildfeatures.db @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ -{"_id":"19XJURfaqfGI9C8e","name":"Deadeyes Thrown 4 - Flying Steel Dragons","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/ranged/daggers-thrown-salvo-teal.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"
Once per long rest, while <Unlimited Blade Works> is active and you are wielding a weapon with the Thrown property, you can use an action to combine your manifested weapons into one gigantic weapon and throw it. Make a special ranged weapon attack against a creature or object within your range. The normal and long range of your weapon increase by an amount equal to its normal range.
\n\n\nIf you hit, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends and the target is pushed a number of feet equal to your weapon's long range:
\n• If the target collides with a creature or object that is the same size as it or smaller, it is also pushed alongside the original target if the attack would have hit it. If the attack misses then it is not pushed. Alternatively, a struck object can break (DM's discretion). You repeat this process for every creature or object in the target's path.
\n• If the target collides with a solid surface or a creature or object that is at least one size larger than it, it stops moving and it takes 4d6 force damage plus an extra 1d6 force damage for every 10 feet it traveled (up to a maximum of 20d6 extra force damage). All other pushed creatures and objects, as well as the solid surface or creature or object which stopped the movement, take half as much damage.
\n• If the target doesn't collide with anything in its path then the weapon explodes after traveling its long range and deals half as much damage that the target would have taken if it collided against a solid surface or a creature or object that is at least one size larger than it.
\n\nIf you miss, you can use an action on your next turn to attempt the special ranged weapon attack once more. If you miss again, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled. The initial force damage increases to 6d6 at 13th level and 8d6 at 17th level.
You gain the following benefits whenever you use the tools listed in @Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.odgyNfy4mtRY21o4]{Monster Slayers 2 - Gambits of the Hunt} (whether crafted by you or purchased with GP):
\n• You can use a bonus action instead of an action to activate them. If you can already do so due to a feature such as Thief Rogue's *Fast Hands*, you can use two tools with one bonus action.
\n• Their DC is equal to their listed DC or DC 14, whichever number is higher.
\n• Acid, alchemist's fire, caltrops, hunting traps, and oil (flask) deal an extra 3 damage of the specified type.
\n\n\n• You are considered proficient with acid, alchemist's fire, and oil (flask). Whenever you throw any of them, they have a range of 20/60 and deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 plus your Dexterity modifier on a hit.
\n\n• You are considered proficient with torches. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack using an unlit torch, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 plus your Strength modifier. If the torch is lit, it deals an additional 3 fire damage.
\n\n• Ball bearings deal 3 bludgeoning damage if a creature falls prone and nets deal 3 piercing damage on a hit due to their barbed construction.
\n\nYou can craft up to three tools at 9th level, four tools at 13th level, and five tools at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 4 at 9th level, 5 at 13th level, and 6 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, while <Unlimited Blade Works> is active and you are wielding a weapon with the Thrown property, you can use an action to combine your manifested weapons into one gigantic weapon and throw it. Make a special ranged weapon attack against a creature or object within your range. The normal and long range of your weapon increase by an amount equal to its normal range.
\n\n\nIf you hit, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends and the target is pushed a number of feet equal to your weapon's long range:
\n\nIf the target collides with a creature or object of the same or smaller size
\n• If the target collides with a creature or object that is the same size as it or smaller, it is also pushed alongside the original target if the attack would have hit it. If the attack misses then it is not pushed. Alternatively, a struck object can break (DM's discretion). You repeat this process for every creature or object in the target's path.
\n\nIf the target collides with a creature or object at least one size larger than it
\n• If the target collides with a solid surface or a creature or object that is at least one size larger than it, it stops moving and it takes [[/r 4d6]] force damage plus an extra [[/r 1d6]] force damage for every 10 feet it traveled (up to a maximum of [[/r 20d6]] extra force damage). All other pushed creatures and objects, as well as the solid surface or creature or object which stopped the movement, take half as much damage.
\n\nIf the target does not collide with anything
\n• If the target doesn't collide with anything in its path then the weapon explodes after traveling its long range and deals half as much damage that the target would have taken if it collided against a solid surface or a creature or object that is at least one size larger than it.
\n\nIf you miss, you can use an action on your next turn to attempt the special ranged weapon attack once more. If you miss again, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled. The initial force damage increases to 6d6 at 13th level and 8d6 at 17th level.
You gain the following benefits whenever you use the tools listed in @Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.odgyNfy4mtRY21o4]{Monster Slayers 2 - Gambits of the Hunt} (whether crafted by you or purchased with GP):
\n• You can use a bonus action instead of an action to activate them. If you can already do so due to a feature such as Thief Rogue's *Fast Hands*, you can use two tools with one bonus action.
\n• Their DC is equal to their listed DC or DC 14, whichever number is higher.
\n• Acid, alchemist's fire, caltrops, hunting traps, and oil (flask) deal an extra 3 damage of the specified type.
\n\n\n• You are considered proficient with acid, alchemist's fire, and oil (flask). Whenever you throw any of them, they have a range of 20/60 and deal bludgeoning damage equal to [[/r 1d4+@abilities.dex.mod]] on a hit.
\n\n• You are considered proficient with torches. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee attack using an unlit torch, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to [[/r 1d4+@abilities.str.mod]]. If the torch is lit, it deals an additional 3 fire damage.
\n\n• Ball bearings deal 3 bludgeoning damage if a creature falls prone and nets deal 3 piercing damage on a hit due to their barbed construction.
\n\nYou can craft up to three tools at 9th level, four tools at 13th level, and five tools at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 4 at 9th level, 5 at 13th level, and 6 at 17th level.
You learn the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.8zT7njvqbpXs4Cel]{Spare the Dying} cantrip. Whenever you cast Spare the Dying, the creature also recovers 1 hit point after [[/r 1d4]] rounds.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_50q5yfxe7ib","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctus Shaman Sanitas","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"24A2gbWHrNldXoAN","name":"BOOM 1 - BFG","type":"feat","img":"icons/weapons/guns/gun-blunderbuss-gold.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"You gain a BFG (Big Fucking Gun) which is magical in nature, mounted on you at all times in a location of your choice (forearm, shoulder, backpack, etc.), and does not need to be interacted with in order to activate its abilities. As you advance through B.O.O.M., you gain a variety of upgrades to the BFG which are detailed below.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_5o1p1m3u9co","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/BOOM","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"2jwy2LYWEpiNkIqD","name":"Ministry of Muses 3 - True Art","type":"feat","img":"systems/dnd5e/icons/skills/light_07.jpg","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to choose a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see.
\nUntil the end of your turn, when you target the creature with a spell or ability, it cannot benefit from immunity to the charmed condition and instead has advantage on saving throws against being charmed. If the creature does not have immunity to the charmed condition then it has disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed but only when you target the creature with a spell or ability.
\nAt the end of your turn, an affected creature remains under the effect of your spell or ability for its duration even if they would normally have immunity against the charmed condition.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can cast each of the following spells as a ritual and without material components:
\n• 2nd level: @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.aL1F8fvYLtNzUbKu]{Speak with Animals}
\n• 5th level:@Compendium[dnd5e.spells.Iv2qqSAT7OkXKPFx]{Locate Animals or Plants}
\n• 9th level: @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.2VXGS206tuChoeXy]{Speak with Plants}
\n• 13th level: @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.gXtzz9t1DTzJeLr4]{Locate Creature}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_50q5yfxe7ib","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctus Shaman Sanitas","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"3zom92WCna4d3ckJ","name":"Sanctuary 2 - Sanctuary's Blessing","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/defensive/shield-barrier-deflect-teal.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Whenever the Protegee is within 15 feet of you and takes damage, you can use a reaction to magically take that damage instead. The damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way and the ability doesn't transfer any other effects that might accompany the damage.
\nYou can use this ability five times and regain expended uses whenever you finish a long rest. You can use this ability six times at 9th level, seven times at 13th level, and eight times at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"reaction","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":1,"max":"5","per":"lr"},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_oja4zx0olxa","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctuary","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"4H3XFjJKhkqVXkbv","name":"The Wandering Court 2 - Court Gifts","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/light/orb-hands-humanoid-yellow.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, you can use either of the following features:
\n\n\n• You can cast @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.BrBZdCCrJRIVg7YX]{Silent Image} (DC 14) without material components.
\nThe DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
\n\n• You can use an action to enable your special sight which allows you to more easily detect visual illusions. For the next 10 minutes, you gain the following benefits versus visual illusions within 30 feet of you:
\n- You can use a bonus action instead of an action to examine a visual image and determine if it is an illusion. Whenever you do so, you can re-roll the check before the DM states the outcome but must use the new roll. You cannot use this re-roll more than once per illusion.
\n- Whenever you fail a saving throw against a visual illusion, you can re-roll the saving throw but must use the new roll.
\nYou can end this effect at any time (no action required).
\n\nYou can use either of these features a total of three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Roll a [[/r 1d10]] to determine the specific Junk Mail action that the Parcel Mimic uses:
\n\n\nIt makes a Slam attack against the creature.
\n\nIt belches out unwanted newspapers and phone books. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check to locate the company and get off the delivery route or take 3d8 force damage.
\n\nIt violently shakes and throws around useless brochures while screeching pre-recorded scam calls. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Deception) check to convince it to swap to another address or become blinded, deafened, and the range of any special senses they have are halved until the start of the Parcel Mimic's next turn.
\n\nIt spews out fliers and restaurant menus which slow them down. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check to navigate the deluge of waste paper and pick out any actual useful ones or come under the effects of the Slow spell until the start of the Parcel Mimic's next turn.
\n\nIt grins and opens its packaging where a mountain of glitter can be seen inside. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check to plead and beg for mercy or become coated in glitter whereupon attack rolls made against it have advantage and it can't benefit from being invisible until the start of the Parcel Mimic's next turn.
\n\nChoose an effect from this list.
Roll a [[/r 1d10]] to determine the specific Junk Mail action that the Parcel Mimic uses:
\n\n\nIt makes a Slam attack against the creature.
\n\nIt belches out unwanted newspapers and phone books. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) check to locate the company and get off the delivery route or take [[/r 3d8]] force damage.
\n\nIt violently shakes and throws around useless brochures while screeching pre-recorded scam calls. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Deception) check to convince it to swap to another address or become blinded, deafened, and the range of any special senses they have are halved until the start of the Parcel Mimic's next turn.
\n\nIt spews out fliers and restaurant menus which slow them down. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check to navigate the deluge of waste paper and pick out any actual useful ones or come under the effects of the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.yqUDoxk4x0NWG5Bz]{Slow} spell until the start of the Parcel Mimic's next turn.
\n\nIt grins and opens its packaging where a mountain of glitter can be seen inside. The creature must succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check to plead and beg for mercy or become coated in glitter whereupon attack rolls made against it have advantage and it can't benefit from being invisible until the start of the Parcel Mimic's next turn.
\n\nChoose an effect from this list.
Now trained in the art of the shield, you are entrusted with the Decorated Shield of the Guardians as you set yourself on the path to protect your allies using your body as the ultimate Bulwark, following them where danger may lie in the dark, or in plain sight.
You gain proficiency in shields and are granted a Decorated Shield from the guild. The Decorated Shield is a normal shield which grants you +2 AC.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_a9o7qmei3xu","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Guardians","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"51cOm6V4Xxtdnojr","name":"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 3 - War","type":"feat","img":"icons/environment/people/infantry-army.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, you can use an action to summon an army of spirits who are hell-bent on war and harass your enemies for the next minute. You can use a bonus action to choose a creature within 30 feet of you and roll a d12. The number rolled determines the effect which the creature suffers:
\n\n\nThe spirits bicker among one another about war-related matters and nothing happens.
\n\nThe creature surrenders and uses a reaction to drop whatever it is holding and go prone.
\n\nUntil the end of the creature's next turn, it becomes frightened of the spirits and can't move.
\n\nAt the start of the creature's next turn, it is overcome with a bout of madness and must use an action to make the maximum number of attacks that it can against random creatures within its reach before it does anything else. If no other creatures are within its reach, it makes one attack against itself.
\n\nAt the start of the creature's next turn, it blankly stares into the distance, takes no action, and must use all of its movement to move in a random direction. Roll a [[/r 1d4]] for the direction: 1, north; 2, east; 3, south; or 4, west.
\n\nUntil the start of your next turn, the creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes.
If you choose a creature who has already been affected by a roll of 3-12 from this ability, forgo the roll. The creature instead gains disadvantage on its next attack roll.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to summon an army of spirits who are hell-bent on war and harass your enemies for the next minute. You can use a bonus action to choose a creature within 30 feet of you and roll a [[/r 1d12]]. The number rolled determines the effect which the creature suffers:
\n\n\nThe spirits bicker among one another about war-related matters and nothing happens.
\n\nThe creature surrenders and uses a reaction to drop whatever it is holding and go prone.
\n\nUntil the end of the creature's next turn, it becomes frightened of the spirits and can't move.
\n\nAt the start of the creature's next turn, it is overcome with a bout of madness and must use an action to make the maximum number of attacks that it can against random creatures within its reach before it does anything else. If no other creatures are within its reach, it makes one attack against itself.
\n\nAt the start of the creature's next turn, it blankly stares into the distance, takes no action, and must use all of its movement to move in a random direction. Roll a [[/r 1d4]] for the direction: 1, north; 2, east; 3, south; or 4, west.
\n\nUntil the start of your next turn, the creature has disadvantage on the next saving throw it makes.
If you choose a creature who has already been affected by a roll of 3-12 from this ability, forgo the roll. The creature instead gains disadvantage on its next attack roll.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level.
Once per long rest, you can spend one minute activating the runes on your weapon or another object for the next hour. Choose one of the following creature types: Aberration, Beast, Celestial, Construct, Dragon, Elemental, Fey, Fiend, Giant, Monstrosity, Ooze, Plant, or Undead. Whenever you are holding the runic weapon or object and a creature of the chosen type is within 20 feet of you, the runes detect the creature and warn you of its presence by glowing softly.
\nAdditionally, you can use an action to coat your runic weapon or object in the fresh blood of a recently-slain creature of the chosen type. If you do so, the detection range is doubled for the duration.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 5th level, three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The runes reveal the general direction of detected creatures from you at 5th level and the distance of detected creatures from you at 9th level, you can't be surprised by creatures of the chosen type at 13th level, and the range increases to 30 feet at 17th level.
You can use an action to create a hovering, glowing orb for the next minute. The orb emits bright light in a 20-foot cone and dim light for an additional 20 feet, and the cone is always centered on you. Whenever you move more than 10 feet away from the orb, it follows you until it is within 10 feet of you. You can only have one orb in existence at a time and creating a new orb causes the previous one to disappear.
\nYou can use a bonus action to expand or reduce the size of the bright and dim light to a maximum of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet each, or have it point towards a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. The orb automatically centers itself on you if the targeted creature breaks line of sight with the orb or if they can no longer be seen by you. You can change the color of the light it emits at any time (no action required).
\n\n\nAt 13th level, you can create two orbs simultaneously and can control one or both of them with a bonus action. They can be different sizes or colors, and can point to different creatures.
Two times per long rest, as an action, the Rescuer can let out a burst from its boosters, shooting them into the air and knocking back those around them.
\nThe Rescuer can jet up to 5 feet straight up in the air. Any creature caught within a 10 feet range of the point where the Rescuer activates this ability must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or take [[/r 2d6]] thunder damage and be knocked back 5 ft. If they fail by 5 or more they get knocked prone.
\nAfter flying up the Rescuer can pick an empty point below them within three times the height reached by the launch where to land, taking no damage and landing on your feet. Opportunity attacks made against you when using Sonic Boom are made at disadvantage.
\n\n\nYou may use this feature thrice per long rest at 9th level, four times at 13th level and five times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 3d6 at 9th level, 4d6 at 13th level and 5d6 at 17th level. The distance you can fly up increases to 10 feet at 9th level, 15 feet at 13th level and 20 feet at 17th level.
Having experienced what multiple-allied combat is like, you have honed the skills necessary to steady yourself whenever the need arises to take a hit for those dearest friends of yours. Not to mention, your combat experience allows you to defend multiple allies at once as your variation in stances broadens both in knowledge, and in-scenario.
\nOnce per long rest, you can use a bonus action and choose an ally within 5 feet of you. Whenever your ally moves or is moved, you move to stay within 5 feet of them and intercept the next attack that is made against them that you can see. The attack is redirected to you where it resolves normally, except that the damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way.
\n\n\nYou stay by your ally's side until the start of your next turn, until you are incapacitated, if you choose to end the effect (no action required), if your ally moves to a location you can't reach, if you move more than twice your movement speed, or if your speed is reduced to 0.
\nYou can use this feature twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. You must intercept a second attack at 9th level, a third attack at 13th level, and a fourth attack at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, you can use either of the following features:
\n\n\n• Whenever you deal damage to a creature, you can use a reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet of you. When you do so, you manifest an illusory duplicate of yourself in an unoccupied space that you can see within 30 feet of the space that you previously occupied. The duplicate mimics you perfectly and lasts until the start of your next turn.
\nPhysical interaction with the duplicate reveals it to be an illusion because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the duplicate can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check (DC 14). If a creature discerns it for what it is, the creature can see through it.
\nThe DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level. The number of illusory duplicates that you create increases to two at 9th level, three at 13th level, and four at 17th level.
\n\n• You can use a bonus action to cause illusions which you manifest to seem completely real and include sounds, smells, temperature, and other stimuli appropriate to the thing depicted, but these effects can't cause damage, force saving throws, or inflict conditions. The next time you cast a spell or use an effect which creates one or more illusions before the end of your turn, creatures with truesight, blindsight, or tremorsense, or those who can see through illusions, do not automatically detect your visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them. They instead make any checks to determine if they are real at advantage. Creatures which perceive illusions normally make these checks at disadvantage. If a creature discerns one of your illusions for what it is, they can see through it and its other sensory qualities become faint to the creature.
\n\nYou can use either of these features a total of three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Whenever you finish a long rest, you can spend half of your Hit Dice (rounded up) to not have to eat or drink anything for the next 24 hours.
\nYou can use an action to emit a putrid aura that instantly spoils all foodstuffs within 5 feet of you until you use another action to stop emitting the foul aura. Food molders, water evaporates, and other non-magical drinks sour (for example, wine turns to vinegar).
\n\n\nA creature who consumes this spoiled food or drink must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or gain one level of Exhaustion and become Poisoned until they are no longer Exhausted. A creature with immunity to the Poisoned condition automatically passes the saving throw. If you consume this spoiled food or drink, it instantly turns back into its unspoiled form and is even more rich, delectable, and succulent than it originally was. Additionally, you can spend 10 minutes disguising up to 10 pounds of spoiled food or drink to make it look appetizing.
\n\nThe DC increases to 14 at 5th level, 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, whenever you succeed or fail a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw against a spell or magical effect that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage in an area, you can use a reaction to gain one of the following effects:
\n\n\n• If you succeeded on the saving throw, you can move up to 15 feet away from the epicenter of the blast. You must end this move further from the epicenter of the blast than you started. Additionally, if the saving throw allows you to take ony half damage on a success, you instead take no damage.
\n\n• If you failed the saving throw, you can re-roll the die but must use the new roll. If you have advantage or disadvantage, re-roll one die of your choice.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to channel your affinity with nature and the elements and share it with one other creature within 30 feet of you. You and the chosen creature gain the Yin and Yang abilities for the next minute.
\n\n\n• You can use a bonus action to touch another creature. They regain [[/r 2d4]] hit points.
\n• Whenever you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage, you can use a reaction to prevent the damage and turn it into healing. You regain hit points equal to half of the amount of damage dealt. Once this sub-ability has been used, you can no longer benefit from the Yin ability.
\n\nYou gain an “Elemental Die” which is a d4 and affects a specific element depending on the immediate terrain or weather effect that you are in:
\n- Swamp, Marsh, or Toxic Fumes: Acid
\n- Arctic, Tundra, or Extreme Cold: Cold
\n- Desert, Mountain, or Extreme Heat: Fire
\n- Coast, Sea, or Rain or Lightning Storm: Lightning
\n- Forest, Underdark, or Fog: Poison
You can use the Elemental Die in the following ways:
\n- Whenever you must make a saving throw which deals the specified type of damage, you can use a reaction to roll the Elemental Die and add it to the result.
\n- Whenever you take the specified type of damage, you can use a reaction to roll the Elemental Die and reduce the damage by the result.
\n- You can use a bonus action to empower your next attack. The next time you hit a creature with an attack before the end of your next turn, roll the Elemental Die. You deal additional damage of the specified type equal to the result.
\nOnce you use your Elemental Die, you can't do so again until the start of your next turn.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 17th level. The healing increases to [[/r 2d6]] at 13th level and [[/r 2d8]] at 17th level. The Elemental Die increases to a d6 at 13th level and a d8 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, whenever you succeed or fail a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw against a spell or magical effect that deals acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage in an area, you can use a reaction to gain one of the following effects:
\n\n\n• If you succeeded on the saving throw, you can move up to 15 feet away from the epicenter of the blast. You must end this move further from the epicenter of the blast than you started. Additionally, if the saving throw allows you to take ony half damage on a success, you instead take no damage.
\n\n• If you failed the saving throw, you can re-roll the save but must use the new roll.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to channel your affinity with nature and the elements and share it with one other creature within 30 feet of you. You and the chosen creature gain the Yin and Yang abilities for the next minute.
\n\n\n• You can use a bonus action to touch another creature. They regain [[/r 2d4]] hit points.
\n• Whenever you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage, you can use a reaction to prevent the damage and turn it into healing. You regain hit points equal to half of the amount of damage dealt. Once this sub-ability has been used, you can no longer benefit from the Yin ability.
\n\nYou gain an “Elemental Die” which is a [[/r 1d4]] and affects a specific element depending on the immediate terrain or weather effect that you are in:
\n- Swamp, Marsh, or Toxic Fumes: Acid
\n- Arctic, Tundra, or Extreme Cold: Cold
\n- Desert, Mountain, or Extreme Heat: Fire
\n- Coast, Sea, or Rain or Lightning Storm: Lightning
\n- Forest, Underdark, or Fog: Poison
\nYou can use the Elemental Die in the following ways:
\n- Whenever you must make a saving throw which deals the specified type of damage, you can use a reaction to roll the Elemental Die and add it to the result.
\n- Whenever you take the specified type of damage, you can use a reaction to roll the Elemental Die and reduce the damage by the result.
\n- You can use a bonus action to empower your next attack. The next time you hit a creature with an attack before the end of your next turn, roll the Elemental Die. You deal additional damage of the specified type equal to the result.
\nOnce you use your Elemental Die, you can't do so again until the start of your next turn.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 17th level. The healing increases to [[/r 2d6]] at 13th level and [[/r 2d8]] at 17th level. The Elemental Die increases to a d6 at 13th level and a d8 at 17th level.
You can transform as long as you are conscious, even if you are not capable of taking actions or reactions. At the start of your turn, if you are incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, restrained, or stunned, you can use a reaction to end any number of these conditions which are currently affecting you and immediately transform.
\n\n\n• Once per dawn, when you must make a saving throw, you can use a reaction to instead make a Charisma saving throw.
\n• Once per dawn, you can cast the Motivational Speech spell at 3rd level. The level it is cast at increases by one at 13th level (4th) and 17th level (5th).
\n• Once per dawn, whenever you hit a creature with your beam of brilliant energy, you can use a reaction to force them to make a DC 16 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they become restrained by magical ribbons until the start of your next turn. On a successful save, they are not restrained. The creature can use an action to break free.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
You can use an action to transform into your magical form. The transformation ends whenever you fall unconscious or use another action to end the transformation. While transformed, you gain the following benefits:
\n\n\n• Whenever you make a Charisma (Persuasion) check, you can re-roll the check before the DM states the outcome but must use the new result.
\nYou cannot use this ability on a creature more than once per Dawn.
\n\n• Once per Dawn, if you fail a saving throw that would cause you to be Charmed or Frightened while an ally is within 10 feet of you, you can re-roll the saving throw but must use the new result.
\n‣ You can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
\n‣ The range increases to 20 feet at 13th level and 30 feet at 17th level.
\n\n• Once per dawn, you can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.LWTUqKkUQdMAmOe0]{Color Spray} spell without material components and at 3rd level.
\nThe level it is cast at increases by one at 9th level (4th), 13th level (5th), and 17th level (6th).
\n\n• You can use an action to fire a beam of brilliant energy at a creature within 30 feet of you. Make a ranged spell attack using your Charisma modifier. On a hit, you deal [[/r 1d8]] radiant damage + your Charisma modifier.
\nThe damage increases to [[/r 2d8]] at 9th level, [[/r 3d8]] at 13th level, and [[/r 4d8]] at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, when a friendly creature that you can see within 10 feet of you is hit by an attack, you can use a reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space that you can see within 5 feet of the friendly creature and make one special melee weapon attack which deals no damage.
\nIf your attack roll is equal to or higher than the opposing attack roll, the triggering attack is deflected and deals no damage.
\nIf your attack roll is lower than the opposing attack roll, the triggering attack deals damage to you instead of the friendly creature and the damage you take is reduced by 3. If the damage dealt to you has more than one type of damage, you must choose which type of damage is reduced.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The damage reduction increases to 4 at 9th level, 5 at 13th level, and 6 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.GtGjNjPBgUHxGYAD]{Sending} spell. Whenever you cast the Sending spell, either through this ability or some other feature, it has the following changes:
\n• You do not need to be familiar with the creature; however, you must know at least their full name or alias.
\n• You automatically succeed when sending messages across planes.
\n• You can send a message of up to 40 words or less.
\n• Upon receipt, an illusion of an envelope appears in front of the recipient and a robotic voice says \"You've got mail.\"
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. The word limit increases to 60 at 9th level, 80 at 13th level, and 100 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to enchant your weapon. The next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack, they must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be baned for the next minute:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the Pass and Fail penalties, must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from any saving throws they make as well as any saving throw to maintain concentration, and only deal half damage with weapon attacks.
\n• <Fail>: they suffer from the Pass penalties, must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from any attack rolls they make, and cannot take reactions.
\n• <Succeed>: they must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from any ability checks they make.
At the end of each of their turns, they can make another Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, they are no longer baned.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can spend one minute setting a state-of-the-art reduced-hazard stick of dynamite in your location along with wiring connecting to a trigger at another location within 60 feet. Additionally, you can spend another 10 minutes camouflaging the dynamite and its wires. After it has been set, you can use an action to trigger the dynamite to explode and cause the following effects:
\n• Creatures within 20 feet of it must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw:
\n\n\n~ <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the Fail penalties and are also Incapacitated and have a speed of 0 until the start of your next turn.
\n~ <Fail>: they take 4d10 force damage, are pushed 10 away, and are knocked prone. Additionally, they are also Deafened for the next minute.
\n~ <Succeed>: they take half as much damage, are not pushed away, and are not knocked Prone.
• Objects take 4d10 force damage and structures take twice as much damage.
\n• Any unsecured objects that are completely within the area of effect are automatically pushed 20 feet away.
\n• The affected area becomes difficult terrain.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 6d10 at 9th level, 8d10 at 13th level, and 10d10 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to enchant your weapon. The next time you hit a creature with a weapon attack, they must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be baned for the next minute:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the Pass and Fail penalties, must roll a [[/r 1d4]] and subtract the number rolled from any saving throws they make as well as any saving throw to maintain concentration, and only deal half damage with weapon attacks.
\n• <Fail>: they suffer from the Pass penalties, must roll a [[/r 1d4]] and subtract the number rolled from any attack rolls they make, and cannot take reactions.
\n• <Succeed>: they must roll a [[/r 1d4]] and subtract the number rolled from any ability checks they make.
At the end of each of their turns, they can make another Constitution saving throw. On a successful save, they are no longer baned.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can spend one minute setting a state-of-the-art reduced-hazard stick of dynamite in your location along with wiring connecting to a trigger at another location within 60 feet. Additionally, you can spend another 10 minutes camouflaging the dynamite and its wires. After it has been set, you can use an action to trigger the dynamite to explode and cause the following effects:
\n• Creatures within 20 feet of it must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw:
\n\n\n~ <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the Fail penalties and are also Incapacitated and have a speed of 0 until the start of your next turn.
\n~ <Fail>: they take [[/r 4d10]] force damage, are pushed 10 away, and are knocked prone. Additionally, they are also Deafened for the next minute.
\n~ <Succeed>: they take half as much damage, are not pushed away, and are not knocked Prone.
• Objects take [[/r 4d10]] force damage and structures take twice as much damage.
\n• Any unsecured objects that are completely within the area of effect are automatically pushed 20 feet away.
\n• The affected area becomes difficult terrain.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 6d10 at 9th level, 8d10 at 13th level, and 10d10 at 17th level.
You'd rather have your friends thanking you for putting yourself between them and a dragon than see them turn to ash. When introducing yourself in a quest, remind your allies that your martyr-like self has no bounds when it comes to their safety, forming a bond with those quest-mates.
\nOnce per long rest, you can use a bonus action to enter a defensive stance where you provide one-quarter cover to creatures of your choice within five feet of you (excluding yourself) until the start of your next turn. A creature with one-quarter cover has a +1 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws. You can use this feature twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
\n\n\nWhen you use Clypeus (Medium) to protect an ally within 5 feet of you, you can also steady your resolve and spend a Hit Die as part of the bonus action. Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier, and gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the total (minimum of 1). You can spend a second Hit Die at 9th level, a third die at 13th level, and a fourth die at 17th level.
Every day at dawn, you can take 10 minutes to commune with the spirits of the sentient animals, plants, and monstrosities that inhabit this world and gain the following benefits until the next dawn:
\n• Whenever you must make a saving throw or skill check to overcome an environmental effect such as extreme heat/cold, torrential rain, fog/mist, quicksand, blizzards, etc., you can expend a hit die to re-roll the die but must use the new roll. If you have advantage or disadvantage, re-roll one of the dice and follow the rules for advantage/disadvantage instead of using the new roll.
\n• Roll a d4. You become fluent in that many languages from the following list:
\n\n\n- Blink Dog (MM)
\n- Giant Eagle (MM)
\n- Giant Elk (MM)
\n- Giant Owl (MM)
\n- Hook Horror (MM)
\n- Ice Toad (RoT)
\n- Kruthik (MTF)
\n- Olman (TftYP)
\n- Sphinx (MM)
\n- Tlincalli (VGM)
\n- Umber Hulk (MM)
\n- Vegepygmy (VGM)
\n- Winter Wolf (MM)
\n- Worg (MM)
\n- Yeti (MM)
\n- Yikaria (SKT)
You roll 2d4 when determining how many languages you are temporarily fluent in at 13th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_50q5yfxe7ib","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctus Shaman Sanitas","color":"#000000"}}} +{"_id":"Bj6eWa56A112BHxk","name":"Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 3 - Nature's Will","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/nature/root-vine-entangle-foot-green.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Every day at dawn, you can take 10 minutes to commune with the spirits of the sentient animals, plants, and monstrosities that inhabit this world and gain the following benefits until the next dawn:
\n• Whenever you must make a saving throw or skill check to overcome an environmental effect such as extreme heat/cold, torrential rain, fog/mist, quicksand, blizzards, etc., you can expend a hit die to re-roll the save or check but must use the new roll.
\n• Roll a [[/r 1d4]]. You become fluent in that many languages from the following list:
\n\n\n- Blink Dog (MM)
\n- Giant Eagle (MM)
\n- Giant Elk (MM)
\n- Giant Owl (MM)
\n- Hook Horror (MM)
\n- Ice Toad (RoT)
\n- Kruthik (MTF)
\n- Olman (TftYP)
\n- Sphinx (MM)
\n- Tlincalli (VGM)
\n- Umber Hulk (MM)
\n- Vegepygmy (VGM)
\n- Winter Wolf (MM)
\n- Worg (MM)
\n- Yeti (MM)
\n- Yikaria (SKT)
You roll [[/r 2d4]] when determining how many languages you are temporarily fluent in at 13th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_50q5yfxe7ib","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctus Shaman Sanitas","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"C0Ha3KKQnua9lnfQ","name":"#[CF_tempEntity]","type":"weapon","img":"icons/svg/item-bag.svg","data":{"description":{"value":"","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","quantity":1,"weight":0,"price":0,"attunement":0,"equipped":false,"rarity":"","identified":true,"activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":null,"attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"armor":{"value":10},"hp":{"value":0,"max":0,"dt":null,"conditions":""},"weaponType":"simpleM","properties":{},"proficient":true},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_d6hrwlludgf","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Magical Girls","color":"#000000","name":"Magical Girls","children":["cJnjg0ArtRGp5j42","8zksyUuFrwulyQJ8","uQAlqrNUDNpR8GPH","8omD6QF8NoxXSaBH","mHsPZv7QqvqHP9xU"],"folderPath":[]}}} {"_id":"C4J5eTtbSZKMkk8C","name":"Grand Order of Dawn 4 - Flames of Redemption","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/fire/flame-burning-fist-strike.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Whenever you fail three death saving throws or are killed outright, you can choose to heal nearby creatures with your dying breath. You can roll a number of Hit Dice up to half of your level (adding your Constitution modifier to each Hit Die) and restore that many hit points, divided as you choose, among any number of creatures other than yourself within 30 feet of you.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_xz8iqc95nn9","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Grand Order of Dawn","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"CZPlWBcsx4wiiW9E","name":"#[CF_tempEntity]","type":"weapon","img":"icons/svg/item-bag.svg","data":{"description":{"value":"","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","quantity":1,"weight":0,"price":0,"attunement":0,"equipped":false,"rarity":"","identified":true,"activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":null,"attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"armor":{"value":10},"hp":{"value":0,"max":0,"dt":null,"conditions":""},"weaponType":"simpleM","properties":{},"proficient":true},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_a9o7qmei3xu","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Guardians","color":"#000000","name":"The Guardians","children":["4l4XcQgs7Zn8mDQa","75KUSVeQBaRb0R23","B54vpXfJ5uddQYJW","QuBWScL1AQ63pci9","Gxo96F0QUhanhFP8"],"folderPath":[]}}} @@ -41,32 +41,32 @@ {"_id":"GzfqR9cAmqEHHxQK","name":"Warp Knights Guild","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/unholy/barrier-fire-pink.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"The warp knights were created to keep the neutrality of the material plane intact we believe that this plane should be ruled by mortals and mortals alone and with the Warp blade a mysterious multidimensional blade that we can draw power from we now have the means to accomplish that goal. We will accept anyone into our folds so long they share our beliefs making us more of a rag tack band of misfits than an actual order of knights.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.k5GNPCuWHDB08MZt]{Warp Knights 1 - Summoned Swords}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.NckWw0mVWnGdp8E5]{Warp Knights 2 - Dimensional Reach}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.VJ3G51YWzeei0ins]{Warp Knights 3 - Planar Jaunt}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.m8tIzydAZG9imtLh]{Warp Knights 4 - Rift Strike}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_ebrg7rjhbwi","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Warp Knights","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"HxvTXbJr6uj4zMxh","name":"Deadeyes Dual Wield 2 - Mantis Counter Strike","type":"feat","img":"icons/creatures/claws/claw-curved-jagged-yellow.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, while you are wielding a weapon in each hand and are hit by a weapon attack from a creature that you can see, you can use a reaction to attempt to parry or deflect the attack and counterattack. You can't use this ability against a critical hit.
\nMake a special melee weapon attack using one of the weapons. This attack deals no damage. If your attack roll is equal to or higher than the opposing attack roll and the attacking creature is the same size as you or smaller, you parry the triggering attack and it misses you.
\n\n\nIf your size is Small, you can negate an attack from a creature who is up to one size larger than you. If the attacking creature is larger than the size restrictions above, you attempt to deflect the attack instead of parrying it and the attacking creature must re-roll the triggering attack and use the lower roll.
\n\nYou can immediately use the second weapon to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature if they are within your reach. You do not add your ability modifier to this attack roll.
\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
The Cloth has granted you an ornate dagger that grants you power beyond your own. The dagger has two charges and it regains both when you finish a long rest.
\nYou can expend one charge to cast the following spells: Dissonant Whispers, @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.3MYDjS6k9IYL0aTj]{Calm Emotions}, Gift of Gab, Phantasmal Force, @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.ImlCJQwR1VL40Qem]{Arcane Eye}, @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.BYNvBJzHcF5VJhXw]{Phantasmal Killer}, or @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.r3243JU4AyQJyfX4]{Modify Memory}.
\n\n\nDissonant Whispers is cast at 3rd level. The level it is cast at increases by one at 13th level (4th) and 17th level (5th). Modify Memory automatically fails if you are fighting the creature. The dagger gains a third charge at 13th level. (use Intelligence if you do not have a spellcasting ability)
Alternatively, when you cast an enchantment or illusion spell, you can expend a maximum of one charge to increase the level that is it cast at by one level. (up to a maximum of 9th level).
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_d5q41bth7kl","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Flayer's Cloth","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"IIYjXBBNAbOBN1Bo","name":"Deadeyes Thrown 3 - Shattersteel Swarm","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/melee/sword-damaged-broken-blue.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with a barrage of thrown weapons. You throw your weapon into the air and manifest a flurry of identical weapons to appear, shoot forward in your choice of a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line, and then disappear. Each creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the **Fail** penalty and are knocked Prone.
\n• <Fail>: they take 4d8 damage of the weapon's base damage type. This damage counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical damage.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage.
\n\nThe DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 5d8 at 13th level and 6d8 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with a barrage of thrown weapons. You throw your weapon into the air and manifest a flurry of identical weapons to appear, shoot forward in your choice of a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line, and then disappear. Each creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the **Fail** penalty and are knocked Prone.
\n• <Fail>: they take [[/r 4d8]] damage of the weapon's base damage type. This damage counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to non-magical damage.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage.
\n\nThe DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 5d8 at 13th level and 6d8 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to unleash all the souls in your Soul Jar and emanate an aura of pure malice.
\nFor the next minute, black wisps of magical smoke wreathe the area around you in a 15-foot radius and lightly obscure the area. Whenever a creature enters the area or starts its turn there, it must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw.
\n\n\nOn a failed save, a creature of Good alignment takes necrotic damage equal to double the amount of souls unleashed, a creature of Neutral alignment takes necrotic damage equal to the amount of souls unleashed, and a creature of Evil alignment takes damage equal to half of the amount of souls unleashed (rounded down). On a successful save, a creature takes half as much damage.
\nThe DC increases to 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to place an incorporeal visage of death in your space for the next minute. It counts as neither a creature nor an object. You can use a bonus action to attempt to teleport to the location of the visage.
\n\n\nIf you are within 90 feet of it, you teleport successfully.
\nIf you are further than 90 feet from it or another creature or object is in the same space as the visage, the teleport fails.
\nAttempting to teleport to the space of the visage causes it to dissipate and fill the 5-foot cube that it occupies with magical darkness which lasts until the start of your next turn. You can see normally in this darkness.
\nIf you successfully teleported to the space and move, attack, cast a spell, force a creature to make a saving throw, deal damage to another creature, or use an object, then the darkness immediately vanishes.
You can only have one visage active at a time and any existing visage vanishes if you summon a new one.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, you can use an action to grant a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you 5 temporary hit points which last for the next hour. While a creature has these hit points, any effect which causes them to be charmed or frightened is suppressed. Once the temporary hit points granted by this feature are lost, any suppressed effect resumes provided that its duration has not expired in the meantime.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The temporary hit points increase to 10 at 9th level, 15 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
Ain't nothin' more valuable than a life long sea farin' companion.
\nOnce per Long Rest, you can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.JGT5bNqu9REL7Fuz]{Find Familiar} spell without material components. The familiar takes the form of a parrot (use the @Compendium[dnd5e.monsters.LPdX5YLlwci0NDZx]{Raven} or Crow statblock), has an Intelligence and Charisma score equal to 11 + your Charisma modifier, has proficiency in the Deception skill (it uses your Proficiency Bonus), and can mimic any sound it has heard, including voices, with its Mimicry trait.
\n\n\nA creature that hears any sounds which the parrot mimics can tell they are imitations by making a Wisdom (Insight) check contested by the parrot's Charisma (Deception) check.
\n\nAdditionally, you can spend one minute teaching it a phrase and setting an observable condition under which it repeats the phrase using your voice and volume. The observable condition must occur within 10 feet of the parrot in order for it to repeat the phrase and it remembers the phrase and condition until you give it a new phrase or summon it again using this ability.
\n\nThe parrot can willingly end its movement in your space and perch on your shoulder. While it is perched, you can't be surprised unless you are *Incapacitated* by something other than non-magical sleep. The parrot magically awakens you if you are sleeping naturally when combat begins.
Once per long rest, whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with an experimental laser shot from your BFG. Choose a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. Roll a d20 to determine the effect of the laser:
\n\n\nTargeting Malfunction -The BFG fires a random laser at a random creature within range (including yourself). If you roll another 1 or a 20 for the laser, re-roll the result.
\n\nFear: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become Frightened of your BFG.
\n\nSleep: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or fall Unconscious. They awaken if they take damage or another creature uses an action to wake them. This has no effect on constructs and undead.
\n\nPetrification: they must succeed a Constitution saving throw or become Petrified.
\n\nPolymorph: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become polymorphed into a space hamster as per the Polymorph spell.
\n\nReduce: they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become reduced as per the Enlarge/Reduce spell.
\n\nConfusion: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become confused as per the Confusion spell.
\n\nSlow: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become slowed as per the Slow spell.
\n\nBanish: they must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or become banished as per the Banishment spell.
\n\nDisintegrate: they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or become disintegrated as per the Disintegrate spell.
\n\nOvercharge: choose an effect from this list except for 1 and 20. You do not expend a use of this ability.
Each effect is DC 16, has a duration of one minute, and does not require concentration. The affected creature can make another saving throw at the end of each of their turns to attempt to end the effect.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with an experimental laser shot from your BFG. Choose a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see. Roll [[/r 1d20]] to determine the effect of the laser:
\n\n\nTargeting Malfunction -The BFG fires a random laser at a random creature within range (including yourself). If you roll another 1 or a 20 for the laser, re-roll the result.
\n\nFear: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become @Compendium[dnd5e.rules.pAcHCDJBhybiVzMF]{Frightened} of your BFG.
\n\nSleep: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or fall Unconscious. They awaken if they take damage or another creature uses an action to wake them. This has no effect on constructs and undead.
\n\nPetrification: they must succeed a Constitution saving throw or become @Compendium[dnd5e.rules.1XcKtGnKprqX6fa2]{Petrified}.
\n\nPolymorph: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become polymorphed into a space hamster as per the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.04nMsTWkIFvkbXlY]{Polymorph} spell.
\n\nReduce: they must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become reduced as per the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.WahI41a3goVUg0x1]{Enlarge/Reduce} spell.
\n\nConfusion: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become confused as per the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.9hQXdMSmerkTsHDe]{Confusion} spell.
\n\nSlow: they must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become slowed as per the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.yqUDoxk4x0NWG5Bz]{Slow} spell.
\n\nBanish: they must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or become banished as per the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.pxpb2eOB6bv4phAf]{Banishment} spell.
\n\nDisintegrate: they must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or become disintegrated as per the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.HBHbOGKNVVprSlwn]{Disintegrate} spell.
\n\nOvercharge: choose an effect from this list except for 1 and 20. You do not expend a use of this ability.
Each effect is DC 16, has a duration of one minute, and does not require concentration. The affected creature can make another saving throw at the end of each of their turns to attempt to end the effect.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
The Royal Fortuna is a fleet manned by pirates from all walks of life. We care about making our fortunes bigger, our fleets stronger, and keep our freedom on the high seas. We commit acts of piracy, typically with the goal of stealing cargo and other valuable goods. Secondly, we look for long lost buried treasure in lands long forgotten. And lastly, we look to pick fights with the biggest and badest seafarer and land lubbers to show our might as the strongest there ever was and to do that we need to scour all bodies of water. Where theres talk of treasure and high stake adventure in the high sea, you’ll find a Royal Fortuna member gearing up.
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.S8seNRSKBhEylOmD]{Royal Fortuna 1 - There Be Buried Treasure Lads}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.DBIbNQwusB8hovTf]{Royal Fortuna 1 - Seadog's Spyglass}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.IyinzyD45dPZ4ska]{Royal Fortuna 2 - Polly Want a Cracker?}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.gF0BjLiD8i7MFdPd]{Royal Fortuna 2 - Drop the Anchor}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.o5qR682dbKz1oOpN]{Royal Fortuna 3 - Pirate's Dingy}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.t9rpd7IhiDk8Yrdf]{Royal Fortuna 4 - Fire at Will}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":null,"max":"","per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":{"threshold":null,"damage":""},"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"4d5DkhRNcE03uonW":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"Item.I3NOQvGr3JrNj0dP"},"cf":{"id":"temp_8onchl66gfg","path":"Royal Fortuna","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"J2ISiYWyj2WwugVF","name":"Rocket Rescue 4 - Thruster Rush","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/movement/trail-streak-impact-blue.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest the Rescuer charges its boosters and rushes through anything in their way at breakneck speeds, moving faster than most are able to see. As an action the Rescuer explodes forward in a 60 feet line, and any creature within 5 ft of the Rescuer during the rush must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
\n\n\nOn a failed save the creatures caught on the area take 4d6 force damage, taking half on a success. If the targets fails by 5 or more they are flung back 10 ft from the line, if they collide with a wall or another creature they take an additional 2d6 force damage.
\n\nYou do not provoke opportunity attacks with this movement. If you are grappling a creature you can decide to allow them to take no damage by protecting them or force disadvantage on their saving throw as you carry them the full length of the dash and slam them against a surface.
\n\nIf the path you have chosen contains environmental hazards or areas that would normally force you to make a saving throw for an effect or to take damage you gain resistances against these sources of damage and can make the saves at advantage. Additionally if you were to crash against a structure or object before traversing the full distance you instead deal double the damage this ability normally would make against it and try to destroy it.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and to 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 6d6 at 13th level and to 8d6 at 17th level.
Once per long rest the Rescuer charges its boosters and rushes through anything in their way at breakneck speeds, moving faster than most are able to see. As an action the Rescuer explodes forward in a 60 feet line, and any creature within 5 ft of the Rescuer during the rush must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
\n\n\nOn a failed save the creatures caught on the area take [[/r 4d6]] force damage, taking half on a success. If the targets fails by 5 or more they are flung back 10 ft from the line, if they collide with a wall or another creature they take an additional [[/r 2d6]] force damage.
\n\nYou do not provoke opportunity attacks with this movement. If you are grappling a creature you can decide to allow them to take no damage by protecting them or force disadvantage on their saving throw as you carry them the full length of the dash and slam them against a surface.
\n\nIf the path you have chosen contains environmental hazards or areas that would normally force you to make a saving throw for an effect or to take damage you gain resistances against these sources of damage and can make the saves at advantage. Additionally if you were to crash against a structure or object before traversing the full distance you instead deal double the damage this ability normally would make against it and try to destroy it.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and to 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 6d6 at 13th level and to 8d6 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to touch another creature and sacrifice some of your health to mend their injuries. You take [[/r 2d4]] necrotic damage and the creature you touch regains a number of hit points equal to two times the amount of the necrotic damage you took. This damage can't be reduced or prevented in any way, and you cannot take more damage than your current hit points.
\nThe damage increases to [[/r 4d4]] at 5th level, [[/r 6d4]] at 9th level, [[/r 8d4]] at 13th level, and [[/r 10d4]] at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"action","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":1,"max":"1","per":"lr"},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_xz8iqc95nn9","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Grand Order of Dawn","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"JtBjJqzab8tG8gRD","name":"Harmony 3 - Harmonious Inspiration","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/social/trading-injustice-scale-gray.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, whenever you make an attack roll or ability check with disadvantage, you can spend one Harmonious Inspiration to cancel out the disadvantage. You begin a one-shot with one Harmonious Inspiration and gain one whenever you finish a long rest. Whenever you have advantage on a d20 roll, you can choose to forfeit the advantage before making the roll to gain one Harmonious Inspiration.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. Harmonious Inspirations can also be used on saving throws at 13th level. Instead of cancelling disadvantage, they turn disadvantage into advantage at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.I2LUSF5ogc7Bj62e]{Speak with Dead} spell except that you can understand the creature regardless of what languages it knows and it is no longer hostile to you if it previously was.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, whenever a creature targets you with an attack while you are wielding a weapon held in one hand and no other weapons, you can use a reaction to choose another creature within 5 feet of you. You cannot choose a creature whose size is Tiny unless your size is Tiny.
\n\n\nIf the creature is the same size as you or one size smaller than you, make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (their choice). If you win the contest, the creature becomes the target of the triggering attack instead of you.
\n\nIf the creature is a larger size than you, make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) contested by the creature's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (their choice).
\nIf you win the contest, you gain a bonus to your AC against the triggering attack depending on the size of the chosen creature:
\n• If the creature is one size larger than you, you gain a +2 bonus.
\n• If the creature is two sizes larger than you, you gain a +5 bonus.
\n• If the creature is three or more sizes larger than you, you gain total cover and the triggering attack is wasted.
You automatically win the contest if the chosen creature is incapacitated. A creature can willingly fail the contest.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can cast two spells from the following list:
\n@Compendium[dnd5e.spells.KrM3oHVv13RAALrS]{Find Traps}
\n@Compendium[dnd5e.spells.SleYkHovQ8NagmeV]{Locate Object}
\n* Nystul's Magic Aura
\n* Wristpocket
\n@Compendium[dnd5e.spells.XZhdgVK3cLoxNCQl]{Remove Curse}
You cannot cast the same spell twice and they do not require material components. You can cast three spells at 9th level, four spells at 13th level, and five spells at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"special","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":2,"max":"2","per":"lr"},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_4appuzsto3c","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Trinity Society","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"M7Bb9SvC4Mb2HqdD","name":"Veil Guild","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/unholy/silhouette-evil-horned-giant.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"VEIL believes that goodness is a parasite - it feeds itself on the mercy of others, coasting on their hard work, and wallows in society’s pity. We were founded to usurp the rotten society that has allowed this weakness to remain, rebuilding it in our image. To that end, we engage in any activity that allows us to accrue power - political intrigue, conquering territory, influencing the masses, or similar activities. We'll do almost anything to achieve our goals, but the most important tenet is this: don't be an idiot - blend into society and don't get caught. We'll work with anyone who lets us get away with our activities, but we won't work with chaotic imbeciles or goody-two-shoes organizations that look too close. While we believe morals are corrupt and spread weakness, our members can maintain a single personal standard for themselves which we will not force them to break, such as no harming children, no torturing innocents, etc.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.U2mTgLN2ir2mKkBX]{Veil 1 - Soul Consumption}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.cwmlRwqt6O50iOgp]{Veil 1 - Soul Jar}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.fCpi1slnBsoQ7zII]{Veil 2 - Soul Consumption Upgrade}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.w9fyAiPcsxN7mfGY]{Veil 3 - Join the Dark Side}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.IKdcdnZsyUM4hjwE]{Veil 4 - Heart of Evil}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_yi8dv1lpwuo","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Veil","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"MQos6Jmd4KnLPhry","name":"BOOM 3 - Wrecking Crew","type":"feat","img":"systems/dnd5e/icons/skills/violet_10.jpg","data":{"description":{"value":"\n\nTwice per long rest, whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with a grenade fired from your BFG. Choose a creature, object, or location within 60 feet of you that you can see and one of the following grenades:
\n\nEach creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the point of impact must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw:
\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they take 3d6 fire damage and and are coated with napalm. While coated with napalm, a creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for the next minute or until it or another creature uses an action to scrape off the napalm. Being doused in magical water also removes the napalm.
\n• <Fail>: they take 3d6 fire damage.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage and aren't coated in napalm.
\n\nEach creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the point of impact must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw:
\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the Fail penalties and are also Incapacitated until the start of your next turn or they escape the area.
\n• <Fail>: they are pulled up to 10 feet towards the epicenter of the blast and are knocked Prone if they collide with another creature or object of at least the same size as them.
\n• <Succeed>: they are not pulled or knocked Prone.
\nThe area is considered difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Unsecured objects within the area of effect are automatically pulled 10 feet towards the epicenter of the blast.
\n\nYou can use either of these abilities a total of three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level. The damage of the Napalm Grenade increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 5d6 at 13th level, and 6d6 at 17th level. The radius and pull effect of the Gravity Grenade increases to 30 feet and 15 feet at 13th level, respectively.
\nTwice per long rest, whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with a grenade fired from your BFG. Choose a creature, object, or location within 60 feet of you that you can see and one of the following grenades:
\n\n\nEach creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the point of impact must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw:
\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they take [[/r 3d6]] fire damage and and are coated with napalm. While coated with napalm, a creature has disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks for the next minute or until it or another creature uses an action to scrape off the napalm. Being doused in magical water also removes the napalm.
\n• <Fail>: they take [[/r 3d6]] fire damage.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage and aren't coated in napalm.
\n\nEach creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the point of impact must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw:
\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the Fail penalties and are also Incapacitated until the start of your next turn or they escape the area.
\n• <Fail>: they are pulled up to 10 feet towards the epicenter of the blast and are knocked Prone if they collide with another creature or object of at least the same size as them.
\n• <Succeed>: they are not pulled or knocked Prone.
\nThe area is considered difficult terrain until the start of your next turn. Unsecured objects within the area of effect are automatically pulled 10 feet towards the epicenter of the blast.
\n\nYou can use either of these abilities a total of three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
\nThe damage of the Napalm Grenade increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 5d6 at 13th level, and 6d6 at 17th level.
\nThe radius and pull effect of the Gravity Grenade increases to 30 feet and 15 feet at 13th level, respectively.
Once per dawn, you can use an action to recite an excerpt of the postman's code which transforms your drone into Courier Carapace™️ and lets you don it for the next 8 hours. The Courier Carapace™️ is an outfit that fits over your existing armor and clothing, can't be removed against your will, and you can use an action to doff it which transforms it back into a drone and ends the effect. As long as you are wearing it, you become the Ultimate Mailman™️ and gain the following benefits:
\n\n\n• Your Strength score is 19. This has no effect on you if your Strength is already 19 or higher.
\n• Your walking speed increases by 20 feet, you are unaffected by non-magical difficult terrain, and opportunity attacks have disadvantage against you.
\n• You gain a fly (hover) speed of 15 feet. If you already have a flying speed, it increases by 15 feet and you gain the ability to hover.
\n• Your temperature and oxygen intake are regulated. You are adapted to hot and cold climates and high altitudes.
\n\n• You can use a bonus action to choose a creature or object that you can see within 60 feet of you and activate your planar GPS tracking. As long as you maintain concentration and the target is on the same plane of existence as you, you know its exact location, you can see it even if it goes invisible, and it cannot hide from you. If it moves to another plane, you know which plane it went to and lose these benefits until you move to the same plane. Choosing a new target ends this effect on the previous target.
\n\n• Twice per long rest, whenever you take acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage, you can use a reaction to gain resistance to that damage type until the start of your next turn. You can use this thrice at 13th level and four times at 17th level.
• You can use Telekinetic Tractor and PO Box as normal. Bicycle cannot be used.
\n• Whenever you use Long Distance Delivery, you detach a Tiny-size drone that can only send messages.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"action","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":1,"max":"1","per":"lr"},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_ghz0tka6z6j","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sigil Postal Service","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"NBsawALql9UCC5Jr","name":"Sanctuary 4 - Hour of Respite","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/control/encase-creature-humanoid-hold.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, you can use an action to cause the ward to emit a 10-foot-radius protective bubble centered on the Protegee.
\nAlternatively, whenever the Protegee takes damage, you can use a reaction to activate the ward's bubble. Until the end of your next turn, the Protegee gains immunity to all damage, their speed is reduced to 0, and they are incapacitated. Additionally, creatures of your choice who are completely within the bubble receive one additional die from all sources of healing and any creature who targets them with an attack or a harmful spell must first make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the attack or spell. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.
\n\n\nYou can use an action, or a reaction whenever you take damage, to activate this ability for yourself but the radius is limited to 10 feet and you gain resistance to all damage instead of immunity to all damage.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level. The radius of the aura increases to 20 feet at 13th level and 30 feet at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
Shamans are practitioners of meditation, healing and partake in the spiritual life normally. Shaman’s lifes normally includes meditation to deepen their knowledge and connection to the spiritual world and focusing their mind to perform all sorts of rituals and chants over ritual totems and without and communicating with the spiritual world to perform healing and to draw energy from them to shield themselves, the nature and other creatures and to be one with the spirits.
The Shaman’s of Santucs Shaman Sanitas have dedicated themselves to help others with their powers. As the ancient
\nFey name suggest- they are part of Sacred Shaman Health circle. They channel their powers to perform rituals to bless others and themselves in order to help the people in need and help those that need it from whatever evil it may be. They have learned trough the natures power also to channel the forces of the spirits in order to heal others and shield creatures from harm. They conduct the spirits in order to heal the people in need, ask them for guidance and make the world a slightly better place.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.1F53c512Kz1rdZEz]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 1 - Earthly Connection}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.3wkBbNQcOhZjeL5o]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 1 - Spiritual Connection}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.YTdEm3OzTyKuilpU]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 2 - Blessing Ritual}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.uY4IXIDCNObEQas7]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 2 - Helping Hands}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.eAIk5rNOBmoRYWaV]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 3 - Nature's Might}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.Bj6eWa56A112BHxk]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 3 - Nature's Will}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.8FeGMewnq3AiefEU]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 4 - Balance of Energy and Matter}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_50q5yfxe7ib","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctus Shaman Sanitas","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"NckWw0mVWnGdp8E5","name":"Warp Knights 2 - Dimensional Reach","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/melee/hand-grip-staff-teal.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, you can use a bonus action to extend your weapon's reach and the range of your Touch spells and features to 30 feet until the end of your turn. Additionally, you can interact with objects within 30 feet of you as if they were within 5 feet of you.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Do you live for the applause? The ohhs, the aahs, the feeling of creating something that makes a jaw drop. To be a performer is to put yourself out in the world, raw and exposed, but there is no other feeling like it. Now the world is your stage, show them a masterful performance.
\nAre you enamored with what you do? Working at it over and over, knowing that you can never reach perfection. Because if something is perfect then it would be complete. But you love what you do and will continue working on perfecting your craft no matter what others think.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.FtPsRq7zuy2t9icl]{Ministry of Muses 1 - Practice Makes Perfect}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.5mCc5iicpxKRcf9m]{Ministry of Muses 1 - Spot Light}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.IVB1NsqNKLDcpqQd]{Ministry of Muses 2 - Attention on Me}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.GNDodk8E4IAQdMjq]{Ministry of Muses 2 - Portable Stage}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.nyt0YMWnAzEi6mSi]{Ministry of Muses 3 - In Character}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.2jwy2LYWEpiNkIqD]{Ministry of Muses 3 - True Art}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.PSAnfEa4HqGUvdWX]{Ministry of Muses 4 - The World is Your Stage}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_96kamsndpbb","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Ministry of Muses","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"Nfhg7IFIMhH5IrLP","name":"Trinity Society 4 - Artifact Mastery","type":"feat","img":"icons/commodities/treasure/bust-pharaoh-gold-blue.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, you can use an action to attune to a magic item for the next hour. The magic item can't be attuned to if it is currently attuned to by another creature and it does not count towards the number of magic items that you can normally attune to. Any effects that would persist beyond the one-hour duration immediately end as soon as your attunement to the item ends. For example, any concentration spells, summoned monsters, or buffs that you receive from the magic item while attuned to it immediately end as soon as one hour has elapsed.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, you can use a bonus action to gain one of the following benefits for the next minute:
\n\n\nA thrown weapon that you are wielding gains the Return property. \"Return: the weapon returns to your hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged weapon attack.\"
\n\nOnce per turn, whenever you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon and hit a creature, you can cause the weapon to ricochet towards a second creature within 10 feet of the first creature. Make another ranged attack against the second creature. If the second creature is outside of the thrown weapon’s normal range, the attack is made with disadvantage.
\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, you can use a bonus action to gain one of the following benefits for the next minute:
\n\n\nA thrown weapon that you are wielding gains the Return property. \"Return: the weapon returns to your hand immediately after it is used to make a ranged weapon attack.\"
\n\nOnce per turn, whenever you make a ranged attack with a thrown weapon and hit a creature, you can cause the weapon to ricochet towards a second creature within 10 feet of the first creature. Make another ranged attack against the second creature. If the second creature is outside of the thrown weapon’s normal range, the attack is made with disadvantage.
\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to transform the area within 60 feet of you into your World Stage for the next minute. The stage is always illuminated with bright magical light and an illusory curtains prevent the light from escaping. The roaring cheers, boos, and applause of a crowd fill your World Stage and can be heard up to 300 feet away.
\nWhile you are within your stage, you gain the following benefits:
\n\n\n• On initiative count 0 (losing initiative ties), you can choose a creature that you can see within your stage and create an illusory image of them that fills a 20-foot cube above your World Stage until you choose a new creature. This image mimics the actions and movements of the creature.
\n\n• You can use a bonus action to select one of the effects from the list below. If an effect requires you to choose a creature, you must be able to see them and they must be within your World Stage. The effect occurs every turn on initiative count 0 (losing initiative ties) and lasts until you are no longer within your World Stage or are knocked unconscious. You can use another bonus action to change the effect.
\n\nDramatic Exit
\nChoose a willing creature: they immediately move up to half of their speed without provoking opportunity attacks.\n\nStunt Double
\nChoose two willing creatures: they instantly swap places.\n\nExit Stage Right
\nChoose a creature: they must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw and can choose to fail it. On a failed save, choose North, South, East, or West and the creature must immediately move 30 feet in that direction.\n\nStage Fright
\nChoose a creature: they must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, they become incapacitated until the end of their next turn.\n\nStar Struck
\nChoose a creature: they must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or become disoriented until the end of their next turn. A disoriented creature automatically fails all Perception checks, has disadvantage on all attacks rolls, and attacks rolls against them have advantage.\n\nCrowd Favorite
\nChoose a creature: they gain 10 temporary hit points and can't be frightened as long as they have these temporary hit points.\n\nDuel of Fate
\nChoose a hostile creature and a friendly creature: they must make a DC 16 Charisma saving throw and can choose to fail it. If they both fail the saving throw, they have disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than each other until the next initiative count 0 (losing initiative ties).\n\nThe Fallen Hero
\nChoose a creature who is unconscious with 0 hit points but is not dead: they regain consciousness and immediately take an extra turn which interrupts your turn. They cannot gain hit points during this extra turn, taking damage causes death saving throw failures as normal, and three death saving throw failures can still kill them. When the extra turn ends, they fall unconscious, gain a death saving throw failure, and one level of exhaustion. This ability can only be activated once per long rest.\n
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 17th level. The DC of the effects increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level (if applicable).
You are given a drone to deliver messages and packages. The drone is a Small magical object with an AC of 8, 18 hit points, and a fly (hover) speed of 60. It is immune to poison and psychic damage, as well as all conditions except prone. If it is forced to make an ability check or a saving throw, treat its ability scores as 10 (+0).
\nIn combat, the drone shares your initiative count but it takes its turn immediately before yours. You can verbally command it to move (no action required) or to take the Dash or Disengage actions. If you don't issue a command, it takes the Dodge action. If the Mending spell is cast on it, it regains [[/r 2d6]] hit points. If it is destroyed, you can have a replacement sent to you when you finish a long rest.
\n\n\nAs you increase your rank in the guild, your drone gains additional actions. The AC increases to 11 at 5th level, 14 at 9th level, 17 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level. The hit points increase to 36 at 5th level, 54 at 9th level, 72 at 13th level, and 90 at 17th level.
You gain the following benefits:
\n• Weapons that already have the Thrown property with a range that is lower than 20/60 feet have their range increased to 20/60 feet and benefit from Aerial Reaver.
\n• If they don't already have it, melee weapons gain the Thrown property (range 20/60 feet) when used by you. These weapons do not benefit from Aerial Reaver.
\n• Shields that you hold count as martial melee weapons for the purposes of being thrown. They deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage, have the Finesse property and the Thrown property (range 20/60 feet), and do not benefit from Aerial Reaver. You can't be wielding the shield in order to gain this benefit.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_ioij62hb4e","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Deadeyes","color":"#000000"}}} +{"_id":"QnPOPTc4Wa6gMiRF","name":"Deadeyes Thrown 3 - Item Crash","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/melee/unarmed-punch-fist-blue.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"You gain the following benefits:
\n• Weapons that already have the Thrown property with a range that is lower than 20/60 feet have their range increased to 20/60 feet and benefit from Aerial Reaver.
\n• If they don't already have it, melee weapons gain the Thrown property (range 20/60 feet) when used by you. These weapons do not benefit from Aerial Reaver.
\n• Shields that you hold count as martial melee weapons for the purposes of being thrown. They deal [[/r 1d8]] bludgeoning damage, have the Finesse property and the Thrown property (range 20/60 feet), and do not benefit from Aerial Reaver. You can't be wielding the shield in order to gain this benefit.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_ioij62hb4e","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Deadeyes","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"QuBWScL1AQ63pci9","name":"The Guardians 4 - Vindico","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/defensive/shield-barrier-deflect-teal.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, when an ally within 30 feet of you that you can see would be reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can use a reaction to leap an unoccupied space within 5 feet of them and absorb a portion of the damage for them. They take enough damage to reduce them to 1 hit point and you take the remaining damage which can't be reduced or prevented in any way. Afterwards, your ally comes under the effect of the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.gvdA9nPuWLck4tBl]{Sanctuary} spell (DC 16).
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
\n\nThe cover that is granted by your Praesidio defensive stance increases to half cover. A creature with half cover has a +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws.
If you are proficient with Tinker's Tools and make an ability check using them, you can treat a d20 roll of 5 or lower as a 6.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_5o1p1m3u9co","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/BOOM","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"RlMjQkab0gZaLMGB","name":"Trinity Society 2 - Grasping the Grappling","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/melee/unarmed-punch-fist-yellow-red.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, whenever you take the Attack action, you can replace one of your attacks with either of the following abilities:
\n\n\n- Choose an object that is not being worn or carried that you can see within 15 feet of you. You shoot the grappling gun at the object in an attempt to grab it and pull it towards you. If it weighs less than 20 lbs, the grappling gun grabs the object with its claw and brings it back to you using its automatic retraction mechanism. You can use a Free Object Interaction to release the claw and drop the item or grab the object with a free hand. Otherwise, it stays attached to the grappling gun.
\n\n- Choose a creature that you can see within 15 feet of you who is no more than one size larger than you. You shoot the grappling gun at them in an attempt to push or pull them. Make a melee attack with a +3 bonus to the attack roll instead of your Strength modifier. You are considered proficient with this attack. On a hit, you choose whether the creature is pushed up to 10 feet away from you or pulled up to 10 feet towards you. If you roll a 20 on the die, the creature is also knocked prone. The grappling gun returns whether you hit or miss.
\n\nYou can use either of these abilities a total of three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The range increases to 20 feet at 9th level, 25 feet at 13th level, and 30 feet at 17th level. The weight of the object increases to 30 lbs at 9th level, 40 lbs at 13th level, and 50 lbs at 17th level. The bonus to the attack roll increases to +4 at 9th level, +5 at 13th level, and +6 at 17th level. You knock the creature prone on a roll of 19 or 20 at 13th level.
Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to touch a creature who is no more than one size larger than you and magically teleport them up to 30 feet away to an unoccupied space that you can see. An unwilling creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
The Rescuer charges its boosters to leap to a better vantage point. Twice per long rest the Rescuer can use a bonus action to make a rocket jump gaining 30 feet of flying speed until the end of their turn that can only be used to move on a straight line and that can't be enhanced by any means. As part of activating this ability you can make a jump to change the starting point of the ability to the end of your jump. This jump does not count as part of your movement for this turn. Opportunity attacks made against you are made at disadvantage.
\n\n\nYou get enough fuel to rocket jump thrice at 9th level, four times at 13th level and five times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, your drone can deliver messages and small packages across vast distances. You can use an action to specify a location, which you must have visited, and a recipient who matches a general description such as \"a man or woman dressed in the uniform of the town guard\" or \"a red-haired dwarf wearing a pointed hat.\" A message of up to 100 words can be spoken to your drone and you can give it a package that weighs up to 20 pounds. The drone travels up to 50 miles over the next 24 hours towards the specified location. If the drone doesn't reach its destination within its travel time or the recipient isn't there, the drone leaves a delivery notice and makes its way back to you.
When the drone arrives at the recipient, it delivers your message and package to the creature that you described and replicates the sound of whoever spoke the message to it. The drone speaks only to a creature matching the description you gave.
\n\n\nThe weight limit of the package increases to 30 pounds at 5th level, 40 pounds 9th level, 50 pounds at 13th level, and 60 pounds at 17th level.
\n\nThe travel time increases to 72 hours (3 days) at 5th level, 120 hours (5 days) at 9th level, 168 hours (7 days) at 13th level, and 216 hours (9 days) at 17th level.
Thrice per long rest, you can perform a minute-long chant which calls forward nearby spirits of the dead to impart their skills on you for the next 10 minutes. Roll a d6:
\n\n\n• Choose a tool in which you are proficient. Whenever you make an ability check using the chosen tool, you can treat a d20 roll of 5 or lower as a 6. If you do not have proficiency with any tools, choose a language from the list in < Nature's Will >.
\n\n• Choose a skill in which you are proficient. You cannot have Expertise or double proficiency in the skill. Whenever you make an ability check using the chosen skill, you can treat a d20 roll of 5 or lower as a 6.
\n\n• 6: Choose a saving throw in which you are not proficient (including death saving throws). You gain proficiency in the chosen saving throw.
Additionally, you can expend additional uses of this ability to allow one or more creatures to take part in the chant with you. Each additional use that you expend allows one extra creature to participate in the chant. Extra creatures must stay within 10 feet of you for the duration of the chant and must roll their own d6 to determine which boon.
\n\n\nYou can perform the chant four times at 9th level, five times at 13th level, and six times at 17th level.
Thrice per long rest, you can perform a minute-long chant which calls forward nearby spirits of the dead to impart their skills on you for the next 10 minutes. Roll [[/r 1d6]]:
\n\n\n• Choose a tool in which you are proficient. Whenever you make an ability check using the chosen tool, you can treat a d20 roll of 5 or lower as a 6. If you do not have proficiency with any tools, choose a language from the list in @Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.Bj6eWa56A112BHxk]{Sanctus Shaman Sanitas 3 - Nature's Will}.
\n\n• Choose a skill in which you are proficient. You cannot have Expertise or double proficiency in the skill. Whenever you make an ability check using the chosen skill, you can treat a d20 roll of 5 or lower as a 6.
\n\n• 6: Choose a saving throw in which you are not proficient (including death saving throws). You gain proficiency in the chosen saving throw.
Additionally, you can expend additional uses of this ability to allow one or more creatures to take part in the chant with you. Each additional use that you expend allows one extra creature to participate in the chant. Extra creatures must stay within 10 feet of you for the duration of the chant and must roll their own d6 to determine which boon.
\n\n\nYou can perform the chant four times at 9th level, five times at 13th level, and six times at 17th level.
You learn the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.udsLtG0BugXHR2JQ]{Prestidigitation} cantrip. Whenever you cast Prestidigitation in this way, it has a range of Touch, a duration of 10 minutes (for non-instantaneous effects), and you can only have one non-instantaneous effect active at a time. You can use an action to dismiss a non-instantaneous effect.
\nOnce per long rest, you can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.hDOENzjuj5WpLq7B]{Animal Friendship} or @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.eS7XnnApoxRxYXPs]{Charm Person} spell (DC 14). Animal Friendship does not require material components.
\nYou can cast either spell twice at 9th level and three times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"action","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":1,"max":"1","per":"lr"},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_oja4zx0olxa","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctuary","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"Z6TQ6squM0QGnatY","name":"#[CF_tempEntity]","type":"weapon","img":"icons/svg/item-bag.svg","data":{"description":{"value":"","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","quantity":1,"weight":0,"price":0,"attunement":0,"equipped":false,"rarity":"","identified":true,"activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":null,"attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"armor":{"value":10},"hp":{"value":0,"max":0,"dt":null,"conditions":""},"weaponType":"simpleM","properties":{},"proficient":true},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_ioij62hb4e","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Deadeyes","color":"#000000","name":"Deadeyes","children":["xggeVhGUcu0hUFdI","DYlOo0tLuK5oT7HL","Fpzq2cituRNITUmo","rI553cj4AebfFhG7","HxvTXbJr6uj4zMxh","pqKRQlxYkT9INUrh","dCiAeNMV1wbLhhb7","sClLqgE6GiaYa4mC","jZVWPRPJx30SB7cH","KT6F5UrEYFZi9Oey","cvjfebLpHEC6eDId","UEqQeJn38k7X1CM4","OQ6PNl7A0AIfSbru","QnPOPTc4Wa6gMiRF","IIYjXBBNAbOBN1Bo","19XJURfaqfGI9C8e","ZyMqYEXUKPzeTkkH","c7mqoJfQH4UgMnV3","zxpfYMVlKymrj3ri"],"folderPath":[]}}} -{"_id":"Z7a704YznI2cTk2m","name":"Monster Slayers 1 - Slayer's Elixir","type":"feat","img":"icons/consumables/potions/potion-bottle-stopped-labeled-red.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Immediately after a combat encounter, you can spend 10 minutes performing a ritual to distill and consume an elixir. The elixir is distilled from the vital organ of a non-humanoid creature who was slain during the combat encounter and consuming it increases your maximum hit points based on the creature's size for the next eight hours:
\n\n\n• Tiny = 1
\n• Small = [[/r 1d4]]
\n• Medium = [[/r 1d6]]
\n• Large = [[/r 1d8]]
\n• Huge = [[/r 1d10]]
\n• Gargantuan = [[/r 1d12]]
\n• Colossal = [[/r 1d20]]
If you use this ability again before eight hours have passed, your maximum hit points only increase if you roll a higher number. The elixir is appalling and useless to other creatures. If a creature *who is not a member of the guild* consumes it, they do not benefit from it.
\nAny creature that does not have vital organs, does not require organs to survive, or whose body disappears or dissolves upon death are not valid targets. Celestials, constructs, fiends, and undead *typically* can't be eaten.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"minute","cost":10,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":"0","per":""},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_om2h4rpbkvn","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Monster Slayers","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"ZyMqYEXUKPzeTkkH","name":"Deadeyes Two-Handed 2 - Aether Strike","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/melee/maneuver-sword-katana-yellow.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, whenever you hit with a melee weapon attack using a weapon held in two hands, you can use a reaction to roll the weapon's base damage die one additional time and add the result to the damage dealt. If you roll the maximum amount on this extra die, repeat the process and roll another base damage die (and so on). These additional dice are not considered to be part of the attack.
\n\n\nFor example, a longsword's base damage die while held in two hands is 1d10. A greatsword's base damage die is 2d6 but you would only roll 1d6 when rolling additional base damage dice.
\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to become an embodiment of harmony for the next minute. While in this form, you gain the following benefits:
\n\n\n• You emit bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Your bright light illuminates both magical and non-magical darkness; however, everything in your bright light except for you is lightly obscured by the warping effects of the light itself.
\n• Your bright light is considered to be affected by a Zone of Truth spell (DC 16).
\n• Hostile creatures within your bright light cannot have advantage on d20 rolls.
\n• Allied creatures within your bright light cannot have disadvantage on d20 rolls.
\n\n• If a creature within your bright light is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use a reaction to end your transformation and swap positions and hit points with the creature. Your hit points immediately drop to 0 and their hit points become the number of hit points that you had when you ended your transformation. If your current hit points are higher than their maximum hit points, the excess is turned into temporary hit points. Any other effects that might accompany the damage (such as Disintegration) affect you instead.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
Immediately after a combat encounter, you can spend 10 minutes performing a ritual to distill and consume an elixir. The elixir is distilled from the vital organ of a non-humanoid creature who was slain during the combat encounter and consuming it increases your maximum hit points based on the creature's size for the next eight hours:
\n\n\n• Tiny = 1
\n• Small = [[/r 1d4]]
\n• Medium = [[/r 1d6]]
\n• Large = [[/r 1d8]]
\n• Huge = [[/r 1d10]]
\n• Gargantuan = [[/r 1d12]]
\n• Colossal = [[/r 1d20]]
If you use this ability again before eight hours have passed, your maximum hit points only increase if you roll a higher number. The elixir is appalling and useless to other creatures. If a creature who is not a member of the guild consumes it, they do not benefit from it.
\nAny creature that does not have vital organs, does not require organs to survive, or whose body disappears or dissolves upon death are not valid targets. Celestials, constructs, fiends, and undead *typically* can't be eaten.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"minute","cost":10,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":"0","per":""},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_om2h4rpbkvn","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Monster Slayers","color":"#000000"}}} +{"_id":"ZyMqYEXUKPzeTkkH","name":"Deadeyes Two-Handed 2 - Aether Strike","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/melee/maneuver-sword-katana-yellow.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, whenever you hit with a melee weapon attack using a weapon held in two hands, you can use a reaction to roll the weapon's base damage die one additional time and add the result to the damage dealt. If you roll the maximum amount on this extra die, repeat the process and roll another base damage die (and so on). These additional dice are not considered to be part of the attack.
\n\n\nFor example, a longsword's base damage die while held in two hands is 1d10. A greatsword's base damage die is 2d6 but you would only roll 1d6 when rolling additional base damage dice.
\n[[/r 1d6x6]]
\n[[/r 1d8x8]]
\n[[/r 1d10x10]]
\n[[/r 1d12x12]]
\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to become an embodiment of harmony for the next minute. While in this form, you gain the following benefits:
\n\n\n• You emit bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for an additional 30 feet. Your bright light illuminates both magical and non-magical darkness; however, everything in your bright light except for you is lightly obscured by the warping effects of the light itself.
\n• Your bright light is considered to be affected by a @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.CylBa7jR8DSbo8Z3]{Zone of Truth} spell (DC 16).
\n• Hostile creatures within your bright light cannot have advantage on d20 rolls.
\n• Allied creatures within your bright light cannot have disadvantage on d20 rolls.
\n\n• If a creature within your bright light is reduced to 0 hit points, you can use a reaction to end your transformation and swap positions and hit points with the creature. Your hit points immediately drop to 0 and their hit points become the number of hit points that you had when you ended your transformation. If your current hit points are higher than their maximum hit points, the excess is turned into temporary hit points. Any other effects that might accompany the damage (such as Disintegration) affect you instead.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 17th level. The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
Death is impartial - you cannot bargain with or cheat death. Death does not care for your deeds in life, wealth, or power - it treats us all alike. The King's Reapers help keep the balance between life and death and we do so unflinchingly. We help those move on who cannot and we force those to move on who will not. We are sent to enforce and encourage the normal flow of life, remove those unnaturally prolonging life, help spirits pass on, and spread the word that death isn't terrible and should not be feared but instead embraced with open arms. Death is part of life, it can be a beginning rather than an end, and is a necessity rather than a punishment. It is not to be purposely prolonged or evaded through undead conversion or other unnatural means.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.cCpQlNKCUI1nsjp6]{King's Reapers 1 - The Recruit}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.K0FgUQTWywuXMAuB]{King's Reapers 2 - The Hunter}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.IQTk4xHGVRUVle6U]{King's Reapers 3 - The Shadows}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.EyGMyU3NqT610PIL]{King's Reapers 4 - The Reaper}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_6di9imrij75","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/King's Reapers","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"atHPMx1dgUKZs7K8","name":"#[CF_tempEntity]","type":"weapon","img":"icons/svg/item-bag.svg","data":{"description":{"value":"","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","quantity":1,"weight":0,"price":0,"attunement":0,"equipped":false,"rarity":"","identified":true,"activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":null,"attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"armor":{"value":10},"hp":{"value":0,"max":0,"dt":null,"conditions":""},"weaponType":"simpleM","properties":{},"proficient":true},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_od4ywplsvrh","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Wandering Court","color":"#000000","name":"The Wandering Court","children":["sy6bTjs49pTKJhXB","4H3XFjJKhkqVXkbv","7IijxF8MMHoXi3dP","EQ6AoexapOXh61fj","mVyv8DVDJH08Rl1V"],"folderPath":[]}}} -{"_id":"c7mqoJfQH4UgMnV3","name":"Deadeyes Two-Handed 3 - Demon Impact","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/unholy/orb-hands-pink.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, you can use a bonus action to wind up a massive blow. The next time you hit with a melee weapon attack using a weapon held in two hands, you produce a shockwave around the target. Each creature within 5 feet of the target, other than yourself and the target, must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the **Fail** penalty and are knocked Prone.
\n• <Fail>: they take [[/r 2d12]] force damage.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage.
If you scored a critical hit, they instead take [[/r 4d12]] force damage.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 13th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 3d12/6d12 at 13th level and 4d12/8d12 at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, you can use a bonus action to wind up a massive blow. The next time you hit with a melee weapon attack using a weapon held in two hands, you produce a shockwave around the target. Each creature within 5 feet of the target, other than yourself and the target, must make a DC 14 Strength saving throw:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the **Fail** penalty and are knocked Prone.
\n• <Fail>: they take [[/r 2d12]] force damage.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage.
If you scored a critical hit, they instead take [[/r 4d12]] force damage.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 13th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level. The damage increases to 3d12/6d12 at 13th level and 4d12/8d12 at 17th level.
You learn the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.vrN18tbTw7io5MWd]{Chill Touch} cantrip (use Wisdom if you do not have a spellcasting ability).
\nOnce per long rest, whenever you make a Wisdom (Insight) check to discern whether a creature is hostile to yourself or another creature or an Intelligence (History) check to recall an incident that resulted in the death of one or more creatures, you can re-roll the check before the DM states the outcome but must use the new result.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature twice at 5th level, three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
Once per dawn, you can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.JGT5bNqu9REL7Fuz]{Find Familiar} spell without material components. The familiar takes the form of a @Compendium[dnd5e.monsters.hIf83RD3ZVW4Egfi]{Cat} which can speak and read one language of your choice that you know, has an Intelligence and Wisdom score equal to 11 + your Charisma modifier, and can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.4v2H3hHb3Ph9XLNd]{Augury} spell once per dawn. It can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.XqzXSKNR75ZdYTA9]{Divination} spell once per dawn when you reach 7th level. You must provide the components for Augury and Divination.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_d6hrwlludgf","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Magical Girls","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"cSc07olTkHKKYm22","name":"Monster Slayers 4 - Slayer's Nightmare","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/control/silhouette-hold-change-green.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, you can use an action to empower your weapon with planar-binding runes. Make a weapon attack against a non-humanoid creature as part of this action, designating them as prey. On a hit or miss, you conjure a *Runic Veil* around them for the next minute which is a cylindrical aura that is just large enough to fit around them or is a 5-foot-diameter, 10-foot-tall cylinder, whichever is larger. They must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or be trapped inside the cylindrical aura:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the Fail penalties and creatures outside of the cylinder also have advantage on attack rolls made against the prey.
\n• <Fail>: they cannot leave the cylindrical aura by any means except teleportation, they have disadvantage on attack rolls made against creatures outside of the aura, and creatures outside of the aura have resistance to all damage dealt by the prey. Whenever the prey attempts to use teleportation or inter-planar travel to escape the aura, they must first succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or their teleportation fails.
\n• <Succeed>: they are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and take [[/r 2d8]] force damage.
If the prey is trapped inside the cylindrical aura, they can make another DC 16 Charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns. During their turn, they can use an action to gain advantage on this save. On a successful save, they are shunted to the nearest unoccupied space and take [[/r 2d8]] force damage.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"action","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":1,"max":"1","per":"lr"},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":"","actionType":"save","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"cha","dc":16,"scaling":"flat"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_om2h4rpbkvn","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Monster Slayers","color":"#000000"}}} @@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ {"_id":"eHVH7AviuOChfwLR","name":"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Guild","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/unholy/strike-body-explode-disintegrate.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"When Aceroc the Horrifying was just a little child his entire town was destroyed by a local warlord. The child was abandoned but for the Horseman of War saved him. The four Horsemen raised and trained him. Aceroc is now out to try to spread their influence as far as he can and recruit people so that they may spread the great horsemen's influence
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.7YZced7LG3dmdaHF]{The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 1 - Famine}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.sgzP7GJkrLJnbw9n]{The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 2 - Pestilence}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.51cOm6V4Xxtdnojr]{The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 3 - War}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.SzUy8XNTi8MB4Qtu]{The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 4 - Death}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_xrg0xbpzj1k","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"fCpi1slnBsoQ7zII","name":"Veil 2 - Soul Consumption Upgrade","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/unholy/strike-body-life-soul-green.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, you can use a bonus action to drink or inhale a soul in order to grant yourself a minor benefit:
\n\n\n• Whenever you fail the next saving throw that you must make within the next minute, you can re-roll the saving throw but must use the new roll.
\n\n• Whenever you make an ability check within the next minute, you can re-roll the check before the DM states the outcome but must use the new roll.
Only one effect can be active at a time.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
Whenever you deal psychic damage and roll a 1 on the damage die, you can re-roll the die and must use the new roll even if the new roll is a 1. You can re-roll the die if it is a 1 or 2 at 13th level. Additionally, when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with psychic damage, you can use a reaction to explode their brain and extract knowledge from it (as with the Thought Valise upgrade).
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_d5q41bth7kl","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Flayer's Cloth","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"fvSZOFm815FqzQDB","name":"Sigil Postal Service 3 - Goin' Postal","type":"feat","img":"icons/sundries/books/book-mimic.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest you can use an action to choose a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see and summon a Parcel Mimic within 5 feet of it that was sent to SPS storage as a prank. It uses the statistics of an Animated Object (Medium), has a flying (hover) speed of 30 feet, and takes its turn immediately after yours.
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.4YCieBw2tpCBt6Sy]{Sigil Postal Service 3 - Parcel Mimic Action: Junk Mail}
\n\n\nDuring its turn, it pursues and attacks the nearest hostile creature that it can see. It moves to the nearest hostile creature by the most direct route and only uses its Junk Mail action against a hostile creature within 5 feet of it. It can make opportunity attack using its Slam attack as normal. If no hostile creature is within 5 feet of it after it has moved, it takes the Dash action to pursue the nearest hostile creature.
The Parcel Mimic vanishes if the creature dies or you dismiss it (no action required).
\n\n\nIt uses the statistics of an Animated Object (Medium) at 9th level, Animated Object (Large) at 13th level, and Animated Object (Huge) at 17th level. The DC increases to 14 at 9th level, 16 at 13th level and 18 at 17th level. The force damage increases to 4d8 at 9th level, 5d8 at 13th level, and 6d8 at 17th level.
Call to the ship to lend a hand and drop an anchor.
\nOnce per Dawn, you can use a bonus action to choose a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you and call for support from your pirate warship. They drop their anchor into a portal, it comes out of another portal directly above the creature, and it falls on them.
They must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the <Fail> effect and are pinned to the ground by the anchor. While pinned, they are *Restrained* until they use an action to make a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check to break free. Another creature can use the same action to attempt to free the pinned creature. If the creature is in water or in the air, they are pushed down 150 feet or to the seabed or ground, whichever is shorter.
\n• <Fail>: they take 3d6 bludgeoning damage and are knocked *Prone*.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage and suffer no other effects.
\nOnce the pinned creature breaks free, or the anchor doesn't pin them to the seabed or ground, it is pulled back through the portal by its chain and disappears. If you use this ability again while the anchor is pinning a creature, that creature is no longer pinned by it.
\n\nIf you are looking at the chosen creature through the <Seadogs Spyglass> when you use this ability, its range increases to 150 feet.
\n\n• You can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
\n• The range increases to 60/300 feet and the push distance increases to 300 feet at 13th level.
\n• The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
\n• The damage increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 5d6 at 13th level, and 6d6 at 17th level.
Once per long rest you can use an action to choose a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see and summon a Parcel Mimic within 5 feet of it that was sent to SPS storage as a prank. It uses the statistics of an Animated Object (Medium) @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.ATo0Eb63TDtnu6iA]{Animate Objects} , has a flying (hover) speed of 30 feet, and takes its turn immediately after yours.
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.4YCieBw2tpCBt6Sy]{Sigil Postal Service 3 - Parcel Mimic Action: Junk Mail}
\n\n\nDuring its turn, it pursues and attacks the nearest hostile creature that it can see. It moves to the nearest hostile creature by the most direct route and only uses its Junk Mail action against a hostile creature within 5 feet of it. It can make opportunity attack using its Slam attack as normal. If no hostile creature is within 5 feet of it after it has moved, it takes the Dash action to pursue the nearest hostile creature.
The Parcel Mimic vanishes if the creature dies or you dismiss it (no action required).
\n\n\nIt uses the statistics of an Animated Object (Medium) at 9th level, Animated Object (Large) at 13th level, and Animated Object (Huge) at 17th level. The DC increases to 14 at 9th level, 16 at 13th level and 18 at 17th level. The force damage increases to 4d8 at 9th level, 5d8 at 13th level, and 6d8 at 17th level.
Call to the ship to lend a hand and drop an anchor.
\nOnce per Dawn, you can use a bonus action to choose a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you and call for support from your pirate warship. They drop their anchor into a portal, it comes out of another portal directly above the creature, and it falls on them.
\nThey must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw:
\n\n\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the <Fail> effect and are pinned to the ground by the anchor. While pinned, they are *Restrained* until they use an action to make a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check to break free. Another creature can use the same action to attempt to free the pinned creature. If the creature is in water or in the air, they are pushed down 150 feet or to the seabed or ground, whichever is shorter.
\n• <Fail>: they take [[/r 3d6]] bludgeoning damage and are knocked *Prone*.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage and suffer no other effects.
\nOnce the pinned creature breaks free, or the anchor doesn't pin them to the seabed or ground, it is pulled back through the portal by its chain and disappears. If you use this ability again while the anchor is pinning a creature, that creature is no longer pinned by it.
\n\nIf you are looking at the chosen creature through the <Seadogs Spyglass> when you use this ability, its range increases to 150 feet.
\n\n• You can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
\n• The range increases to 60/300 feet and the push distance increases to 300 feet at 13th level.
\n• The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
\n• The damage increases to 4d6 at 9th level, 5d6 at 13th level, and 6d6 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can cast two spells from the following list: Compelled Duel, @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.ppWAAEul0QHtm4er]{Detect Thoughts}, @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.ge3Saet9zPTDyaoL]{Heroism}, @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.3MYDjS6k9IYL0aTj]{Calm Emotions}, and @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.gopnZvS0c2jD5FP8]{Tongues}. You cannot cast the same spell twice, they do not require material components, and they are cast at DC 14. Heroism is cast at 2nd level.
\nThe level it is cast at increases by one at 13th level (3rd). The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_xz8iqc95nn9","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Grand Order of Dawn","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"iVNcesaF9W9BoQdr","name":"Sanctuary 3 - Command Protegee","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/wounds/injury-face-impact-orange.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Twice per long rest, you can use either of the following abilities:
\n\n\nYou can use an action to command the Protegee to canalize their endless energy into a 30-foot cone. The Protegee must use their reaction or the ability fails and nothing happens. Each creature in the area must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature suffers the following effects until the end of your next turn:
\n• They can use either an action or a bonus action, not both.
\n• Regardless of an affected creature's abilities or magic items, it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack during its turn.
\nOn a successful save, a creature does not suffer from these effects.
\n\n\nwhenever you use this ability for yourself, a creature who fails the saving throw has disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
\n\nYou can use an action to command the Protegee to attempt to absorb detrimental effects with their ward in a 30-foot-long and 5-foot-wide line originating from them. The Protegee must use their reaction or the ability fails and nothing happens. Each ally in the area can immediately make a saving throw against any effect or condition which they are suffering from but only if it allows a saving throw to be made at the start or end of their turn. Additionally, each creature of your choice in the area who is concentrating on a spell or effect must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature's concentration is broken. On a successful save, they maintain concentration.
\n\n\nWhenever you use this ability for yourself, the line is 15 feet long by 5 feet wide and you cannot force creatures of your choice to make a saving throw to maintain concentration.
\n\nYou can use either ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The DC increases to 16 at 9th level, 18 at 13th level, and 20 at 17th level.
Twice per long rest, whenever you or a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll or ability check, you can use a reaction to forgo rolling the d20 to get a 10 on the die.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
You can spend 10 minutes attempting to decipher unknown text. If you do so, you begin to understand what the symbols mean and gain a rudimentary level of comprehension of the text. This does not decode secret messages.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"minute","cost":10,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":"0","per":""},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_4appuzsto3c","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Trinity Society","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"kinF6RLiRJ73yX3J","name":"Harmony Guild","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/social/trading-justice-scale-yellow.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"\n\n“This is the battle you and I must fight forever, Shar—night devouring the light of the moon, the moon replenishing itself. That is our place in the balance of nature. The fragile, eternal balance Lord Ao has charged us gods to uphold.”
\n— Selûne to Shar during their battle over Waterdeep
Agents of Harmony strive to ensure balance in the world around them. Everything and everyone is a part of a cosmic struggle between evil and good, order and chaos. We are mediators of this struggle, ensuring that one element does not dominate the rest. Therefore, our primary goal is to maintain harmony in the multiverse. We come to the aid of those being attacked by the forces of evil to defend the innocent, yet also understand that law and peace in excess breeds stagnancy and complacency. As such, we will not hesitate to also fight against what is commonly considered good as we acknowledge the importance of maintaining our view of the balance of evil and good. We are primarily self-motivated and seek out opportunities of our own volition to right what we consider to be imbalances in the multiverse; however, we can be called to action by interested third parties who seek our aid as intermediaries in conflicts such as those listed below.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.TMMRetuvJKn0H46t]{Harmony 1 - Scales of Harmony}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.is7Q7KoI5KP71pqT]{Harmony 2 - Balancework Medallion}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.UAIs0wpAqbsvX7th]{Harmony 2 - Ritual of the Sun and Moon}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.JtBjJqzab8tG8gRD]{Harmony 3 - Harmonious Inspiration}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.aLz4m6brDc6ROfX5]{Harmony 4 - Embodiment of Harmony}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_xp25hgikzxr","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Harmony","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"lTuFBApQxG96yRT6","name":"Rocket Rescue Guild","type":"feat","img":"icons/commodities/tech/conduit-transmission-red.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"\nRocket Rescue is a guild focused on mercenary work around or in areas affected by any kind of natural, magical or man-made catastrophe or disaster. They make use of their Valkyrie Propulsion System (VPS) for their own protection and maneuverability as well to provide assistance if their contract so requires. The guild provides a public service however are not public servants, so while heroes are drawn to the seemingly heroic style of work, some sneer at the guild for the price tag it attaches. Rocket Rescue would work with any lawful organization that can help them fulfill their contract within it's stipulations. If their job is to rescue the people on an affected area, for example, they wouldn't work with a guild whose objective would steer them away from fulfilling their own contract. This guild will not work with organizations that can't respect or won't align with the RR's contracted assignments or with guilds that intend or have as an objective to harm people.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.xHeMnaRX9CJtJWJ3]{Rocket Rescue 1 - Rescue Ranger Jacket}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.VjzSUXLPHW2g4uik]{Rocket Rescue 2 - Rocket Jump}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.tbIGaIIqZEy19fTE]{Rocket Rescue 2 - Rush Hour}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.tnR7J1jj2UfxkfYp]{Rocket Rescue 3 - Helping Hands}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.6QuFX6HJGBmLayUI]{Rocket Rescue 3 - Sonic Boom}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.J2ISiYWyj2WwugVF]{Rocket Rescue 4 - Thruster Rush}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":null,"max":"","per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":{"threshold":null,"damage":null},"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"4d5DkhRNcE03uonW":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"Item.grct6KbVSlqstMtd"},"cf":{"id":"temp_qdebrbncjcg","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"m8tIzydAZG9imtLh","name":"Warp Knights 4 - Rift Strike","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/light/explosion-glow-spiral-yellow.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, you can use an action to attack up to five creatures within 30 feet of you that you can see. Make a melee spell attack against each creature with a +4 bonus to the attack roll instead of your spellcasting modifier. You are considered proficient with these attacks. On a hit, a creature takes [[/r 4d10]] force damage.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled. The bonus to the attack roll increases to +5 at 13th level and +6 at 17th level. The damage increases to 5d10 at 13th level and 6d10 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to attack up to five creatures within 30 feet of you that you can see. Make a melee spell attack against each creature with a +4 bonus to the attack roll instead of your spellcasting modifier. You are considered proficient with these attacks. [[/r 1d20+4+@prof]] On a hit, a creature takes [[/r 4d10]] force damage.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled. The bonus to the attack roll increases to +5 at 13th level and +6 at 17th level. The damage increases to 5d10 at 13th level and 6d10 at 17th level.
Over the years Arianna has grown to love her guild and her members. She has grown magically and emotionally with them. Although they have been through dark times together, they always had each other. The guild Magical Girls is all about facing your fears head on. Do not back down for there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Protect those that need protected. Never forget that we have each other through the darkest of nights.
\n\nIn fearful day, in raging night,
\nWith strong hearts full, our souls ignite.
\nWhen all seems lost in the War of Light,
\nLook to the stars, for hope burns bright!
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.cJnjg0ArtRGp5j42]{Magical Girls 1 - Cat Guardian}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.8zksyUuFrwulyQJ8]{Magical Girls 2 - Magical Transformation}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.uQAlqrNUDNpR8GPH]{Magical Girls 3 - Super Magic Transformation}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.8omD6QF8NoxXSaBH]{Magical Girls 4 - Mega Magical Transformation}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_d6hrwlludgf","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Magical Girls","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"mVyv8DVDJH08Rl1V","name":"The Wandering Court Guild","type":"feat","img":"icons/environment/settlement/house-manor.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"In ancient times, the two Fey courts bickered and fought like ill-mannered children, causing massive loss of Fey life- causing the eventual uprising of the Wyldfae with the help of Humanoid influence. These Wyldfae bound together under a Court of their own, and acted as a peacekeeper between the two courts. The Humanoid agents were referred to as Hunters, and they served many purposes. Hunters roved the Feywild, providing sanctuary to those lost in the haze of the land and making sure neither Court overstepped its bounds. Even in the oldest times, it was known as The Wandering Court. The Seelie and Unseelie, also known as the Summer and Winter courts eventually discovered their own balance and made the Wandering Court nothing but the echo of a long lost time.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.sy6bTjs49pTKJhXB]{The Wandering Court 1 - Feywild Intuition}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.4H3XFjJKhkqVXkbv]{The Wandering Court 2 - Court Gifts}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.7IijxF8MMHoXi3dP]{The Wandering Court 3 - Court Neutrality}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.EQ6AoexapOXh61fj]{The Wandering Court 4 - Illusory Being}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_od4ywplsvrh","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Wandering Court","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"nJagPcWREUGVuhdF","name":"The Flayers' Cloth Guild","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/wounds/anatomy-organ-brain-pink-red.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"The Flayers' Cloth is endlessly searching for the secrets and hidden knowledge of the universe to unlock new levels of power. We will secure knowledge at any cost, from making deals with the holders of such knowledge to more forceful means if the deals go awry. We have come to know that pride is a precursor to failure. For this our banner needs not to be shouted - let others trumpet their names so we do not gain notoriety. Missions of ill intent are done in subterfuge while we gladly will deal with sages and researchers for mutual gain. While we do not often align with brutes, mostly due to their methods of work, they do make a good shield if our primary plans crumble upon contact with the enemy.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.Tfqcb25VYIMr2qsB]{The Flayers' Cloth 1 - Mental Contest}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.slIfdzLKMJKOCkme]{The Flayers' Cloth 1 - Thought Valise}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.VAw2usrCaFHwIvqA]{The Flayers' Cloth 2 - Mental Fortitude}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.fbJbvWtO0Q5Bzwdj]{The Flayers' Cloth 3 - Psychic Prowess}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.IEmXiuhwfwMEmo7A]{The Flayers' Cloth 4 - Psionic Dagger}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.Tz6VCWpG2EkWJXi3]{The Flayers' Cloth 4 - Telekinetic Mind}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_d5q41bth7kl","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Flayer's Cloth","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"nyt0YMWnAzEi6mSi","name":"Ministry of Muses 3 - In Character","type":"feat","img":"icons/creatures/eyes/human-single-brown.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest, whenever you are about to make an ability check for a task in which you lack proficiency, you can choose to use Charisma instead of the original stat. For example, you could choose to use Charisma instead of Strength when making a Strength (Athletics) check.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
A good pirate had always got a spare boat lyin' around.
\nYou are given a magical pocket-sized figurine of a rowboat.
\nOnce per Dawn, you can speak its command word to transform it into a Large size self-propelled rowboat for the next hour. The rowboat can hold up to four Medium-size creatures, moves across water at a speed of 6 miles per hour, and can travel upstream and against a significant current. You can use an action while on the rowboat to command it to move, stop moving, or to turn up to 45 degrees. You can speak another command word to transform it back into a pocket-sized figurine.
\n\n\n• You can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
A place where everyone can be safe, rest, heal up and continue their journey. Our diverse guildhalls across the planes are centers of respite for the lonely and abandoned. We serve as orphanages and animal sanctuaries for all races and species but our members do not limit to those activities only! Inside our halls there exists a small group of children and animals which, for different reasons, have decided to become adventurers and animal companions in the future. For that they have been instructed in the ways of adventuring and given a special Ward which helps them experience these situations without major dangers. After gaining the trust of the guild master you can adopt one of these Protegees with goals similar to yours, allowing them to accompany you in your adventures and providing them with a safe place to return. If you already are in charge of a Protegee the guild master can provide protection and training to them.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.YVaJkfz1xLCTD27R]{Sanctuary 1 - Helping Hand}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.d08s6WBJweXi1aMZ]{Sanctuary 2 - Protector}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.isjgtp7UqzwI1EQp]{Sanctuary 2 - Protegee}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.3zom92WCna4d3ckJ]{Sanctuary 2 - Sanctuary's Blessing}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.iVNcesaF9W9BoQdr]{Sanctuary 3 - Command Protegee}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.NBsawALql9UCC5Jr]{Sanctuary 4 - Hour of Respite}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_oja4zx0olxa","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Sanctuary","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"odgyNfy4mtRY21o4","name":"Monster Slayers 2 - Gambits of the Hunt","type":"feat","img":"icons/commodities/materials/bowl-powder-pink.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"During a long rest, you can spend one hour brewing one tonic and crafting up to two tools from the following lists:
\n• Tonics: Wolf's Bane, Eagle Fern, Owl's Clover
\n• Tools: acid, alchemist's fire, ball bearings, caltrops, hunting traps, nets, oil (flask), and torches. See @Compendium[dnd5e.rules.bogWrnJqoNlBd0O8]{Adventuring Gear} for more information on these tools.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"hour","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":"0","per":""},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_om2h4rpbkvn","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Monster Slayers","color":"#000000"}}} +{"_id":"odgyNfy4mtRY21o4","name":"Monster Slayers 2 - Gambits of the Hunt","type":"feat","img":"icons/commodities/materials/bowl-powder-pink.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"During a long rest, you can spend one hour brewing one tonic and crafting up to two tools from the following lists:
\n• @Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.xi7dIpvc3tuU5Y75]{Monster Slayers 2 - Tonics}: Wolf's Bane, Eagle Fern, Owl's Clover
\n• @Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.1AfUzKG7nmqQACb2]{Monster Slayers 2 - Tools}: acid, alchemist's fire, ball bearings, caltrops, hunting traps, nets, oil (flask), and torches. See @Compendium[dnd5e.rules.bogWrnJqoNlBd0O8]{Adventuring Gear} for more information on these tools.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"hour","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":"0","per":""},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_om2h4rpbkvn","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Monster Slayers","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"pDuVYiuvAoZqsKus","name":"#[CF_tempEntity]","type":"weapon","img":"icons/svg/item-bag.svg","data":{"description":{"value":"","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","quantity":1,"weight":0,"price":0,"attunement":0,"equipped":false,"rarity":"","identified":true,"activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":null,"attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"armor":{"value":10},"hp":{"value":0,"max":0,"dt":null,"conditions":""},"weaponType":"simpleM","properties":{},"proficient":true},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_xrg0xbpzj1k","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse","color":"#000000","name":"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse","children":["7YZced7LG3dmdaHF","sgzP7GJkrLJnbw9n","51cOm6V4Xxtdnojr","SzUy8XNTi8MB4Qtu","eHVH7AviuOChfwLR"],"folderPath":[]}}} {"_id":"pqKRQlxYkT9INUrh","name":"Deadeyes Dual Wield 3 - Rending Gale","type":"feat","img":"icons/skills/melee/weapons-crossed-daggers-orange.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Whenever you perform Two-Weapon Fighting, you can do one of the following:
\n• Perform two swift attacks with the melee weapon that you're holding in your other hand instead of one. You do not add your ability modifier to these attack rolls.
\n• Perform the additional attack with the melee weapon that you're holding in your other hand as part of the Attack action instead of using a bonus action. If you do so, you can’t use Two-Weapon Fighting until the start of your next turn.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability five times per long rest at 5th level, six times at 9th level, seven times at 13th level, and eight times at 17th level.
Once per long rest, you can spend 10 minutes performing a special ritual with your guild-issued sable fedora. After completing the ritual, you reach into your magical fedora and pull out a Tier 1 magic item of your choice from the Magic Item Table which vanishes after one hour. For example, any concentration spells, summoned monsters, or buffs that you receive from the magic item immediately end as soon as one hour has elapsed.
You can pull out a Tier 1 or Tier 2 magic item at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"minute","cost":10,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":1,"max":"1","per":"lr"},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_4appuzsto3c","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Trinity Society","color":"#000000"}}} @@ -146,12 +146,12 @@ {"_id":"slIfdzLKMJKOCkme","name":"The Flayers' Cloth 1 - Thought Valise","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/death/skeleton-glow-yellow-black.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"You learn how to share knowledge effectively and receive a Thought Valise. You learn the Encode Thoughts cantrip and can retrieve thoughts from slain creatures to bring to the guild. You can only retrieve thoughts if the creature has an intelligence of 8 or higher. These thoughts are often jumbled and require a Flayer to decipher, but you may be able to comprehend some basic concepts. While in the valise, stored thoughts remain until dispelled.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_d5q41bth7kl","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/The Flayer's Cloth","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"sy6bTjs49pTKJhXB","name":"The Wandering Court 1 - Feywild Intuition","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/nature/leaf-flower-wreath-glow-green-blue.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"You learn to speak, read, and write Sylvan.
\nOnce per Long Rest, whenever you make a Wisdom (Survival) check to track Aberrations, Fey, Fiends, or Undead, or an Intelligence (History) check to recall information about them, you can re-roll the check before the DM states the outcome but must use the new roll.
\n\n\nYou can use this feature twice at 5th level, three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level.
The ship is always with you.
\nOnce per Dawn, you can use an action to choose a point that you can see within 100 feet of you and call for a long-range artillery strike from your pirate warship. They launch a hail of magical cannonballs into a portal which comes out of another portal 300 feet in the air above you and ravages a 40-foot-radius, 300-foot-high cylinder area around the chosen point or a 100-foot-long, 20-foot-wide, 300-foot-high line originating from the chosen point in a direction of your choosing. The height of the portal, cylinder, and line adjust to match the ceiling if it is lower than 300 feet.
\n\n\nEach creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw:
\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the <Fail> effect and catch fire, taking the fire damage at the start of each of their turns until they use an action to put out the fire. Another creature can use the same action to put out the fire.
\n• <Fail>: they take 4d6 bludgeoning damage and 4d6 fire damage, and are knocked *Prone*.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage and suffer no other effects.
\n\nAdditionally, the magical cannonballs break apart on impact and coat the affected area in molten iron which deals double damage to objects and structures, ignites structures and flammable objects not being worn or carried, and turns the area into difficult terrain.
\n\nIf you are looking at the chosen point through the <Seadogs Spyglass> when you use this ability, its range increases to 500 feet.
\n• You can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled.
\n• The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
\n• The damage increases to 5d6 at 13th level and 6d6 at 17th level.
The ship is always with you.
\nOnce per Dawn, you can use an action to choose a point that you can see within 100 feet of you and call for a long-range artillery strike from your pirate warship. They launch a hail of magical cannonballs into a portal which comes out of another portal 300 feet in the air above you and ravages a 40-foot-radius, 300-foot-high cylinder area around the chosen point or a 100-foot-long, 20-foot-wide, 300-foot-high line originating from the chosen point in a direction of your choosing. The height of the portal, cylinder, and line adjust to match the ceiling if it is lower than 300 feet.
\n\n\nEach creature in the area must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw:
\n• <Fail by 5 or more>: they suffer from the <Fail> effect and catch fire, taking the fire damage at the start of each of their turns until they use an action to put out the fire. Another creature can use the same action to put out the fire.
\n• <Fail>: they take [[/r 4d6]] bludgeoning damage and [[/r 4d6]] fire damage, and are knocked *Prone*.
\n• <Succeed>: they take half as much damage and suffer no other effects.
\n\nAdditionally, the magical cannonballs break apart on impact and coat the affected area in molten iron which deals double damage to objects and structures, ignites structures and flammable objects not being worn or carried, and turns the area into difficult terrain.
\n\nIf you are looking at the chosen point through the <Seadogs Spyglass> when you use this ability, its range increases to 500 feet.
\n• You can use this ability twice at 13th level and three times at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled.
\n• The DC increases to 18 at 13th level and 20 at 17th level.
\n• The damage increases to 5d6 at 13th level and 6d6 at 17th level.
Twice per long rest you can rush towards a point at max speed.
\nAs a bonus action when you take the Dash action, you can gain a hover speed equal to your current speed until the end of your turn. While this ability is active you can only move on a straight line, you can move through other creatures' spaces and attacks made against you are at disadvantage.
\nAdditionally as part of this Dash action you can try to grapple or make a melee weapon attack against a creature in your path. This strength check or attack roll are made at advantage. If you succesfully grapple a creature holding onto them doesn't halve your speed for the duration.
\n\n\nAlthough Rush Hour puts a heavy strain on your muscles you can train to be able to do it thrice at 9th level, four times at 13th level and five times at 17th level.
During your turn, if a creature is willing, you are able to grapple them as an item interaction. While holding onto them in this way your speed is not reduced while dragging them. A creature grappled in this way is considered incapacitated until you free them as a free action.
\nAdditionally, if you are willing, a creature can hold onto you as an action if both of their hands are free, making them grappled by you without the requirement of a free hand from your part and without causing penalties to your speed. You can be held onto by up to two friendly creatures, the second one reducing your movement to half as if you were dragging them. These creatures can let go of you at any point as a free action.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":null,"max":"","per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":{"threshold":null,"damage":null},"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"4d5DkhRNcE03uonW":3},"flags":{"core":{"sourceId":"Item.m3tRpOZaebadHWs6"},"cf":{"id":"temp_qdebrbncjcg","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"tqvazrkzFIRg0EYV","name":"BOOM 1 - Speak Softly and Carry a BFG","type":"feat","img":"systems/dnd5e/icons/skills/yellow_14.jpg","data":{"description":{"value":"Whenever you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can re-roll the die but must use the new roll and must decide to do so before the DM states the outcome of the check.
\nAfter the check has been resolved, roll a d10 [[/r 1d10]] and add the number of times you have used this ability since your last long rest. If the total is 11 or higher, the BFG backfires and shocks you. You take [[/r 2d6]] lightning damage which can’t be reduced or prevented and you can't use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
\nThe damage increases to [[/r 4d6]] at 5th level, [[/r 6d6]] at 9th level, [[/r 8d6]] at 13th level, and [[/r 10d6]] at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_5o1p1m3u9co","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/BOOM","color":"#000000"}}} +{"_id":"tqvazrkzFIRg0EYV","name":"BOOM 1 - Speak Softly and Carry a BFG","type":"feat","img":"systems/dnd5e/icons/skills/yellow_14.jpg","data":{"description":{"value":"Whenever you make a Charisma (Intimidation) check, you can re-roll the check but must use the new roll and must decide to do so before the DM states the outcome of the check.
\nAfter the check has been resolved, roll a [[/r 1d10]] and add the number of times you have used this ability since your last long rest. If the total is 11 or higher, the BFG backfires and shocks you. You take [[/r 2d6]] lightning damage which can’t be reduced or prevented and you can't use this ability again until you finish a long rest.
\nThe damage increases to [[/r 4d6]] at 5th level, [[/r 6d6]] at 9th level, [[/r 8d6]] at 13th level, and [[/r 10d6]] at 17th level.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_5o1p1m3u9co","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/BOOM","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"u1PX5MFeBrjU3GyV","name":"#[CF_tempEntity]","type":"weapon","img":"icons/svg/item-bag.svg","data":{"description":{"value":"","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","quantity":1,"weight":0,"price":0,"attunement":0,"equipped":false,"rarity":"","identified":true,"activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":null,"attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"armor":{"value":10},"hp":{"value":0,"max":0,"dt":null,"conditions":""},"weaponType":"simpleM","properties":{},"proficient":true},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_96kamsndpbb","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Ministry of Muses","color":"#000000","name":"Ministry of Muses","children":["FtPsRq7zuy2t9icl","5mCc5iicpxKRcf9m","IVB1NsqNKLDcpqQd","GNDodk8E4IAQdMjq","nyt0YMWnAzEi6mSi","2jwy2LYWEpiNkIqD","PSAnfEa4HqGUvdWX","NclBX9zLNff4AAHk"],"folderPath":[]}}} -{"_id":"uQAlqrNUDNpR8GPH","name":"Magical Girls 3 - Super Magic Transformation","type":"feat","img":"icons/magic/light/explosion-beam-impact-silhouette.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"While transformed, you gain the following benefits in addition to all previous benefits:
\n\n\n• Once per dawn, whenever a friendly creature within 10 feet of you fails a saving throw that would charm or frighten them, you can allow them to re-roll the saving throw but they must use the new roll.
\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level. The range increases to 20 feet at 13th level and 30 feet at 17th level.
\n\n• Once per dawn, you can cast the Hypnotic Pattern spell without material components and using Charisma as its spellcasting ability.
\n\n• If you would be reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can use a reaction to end your transformation and drop to 1 hit point instead. If you do so, you can no longer transform into your magical form until the next dawn.
While transformed, you gain the following benefits in addition to all previous benefits:
\n\n\n• Once per dawn, whenever a friendly creature within 10 feet of you fails a saving throw that would charm or frighten them, you can allow them to re-roll the saving throw but they must use the new roll.
\nYou can use this ability twice at 9th level, three times at 13th level, and four times at 17th level.
\nThe range increases to 20 feet at 13th level and 30 feet at 17th level.
\n\n• Once per dawn, you can cast the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.6g3WLOZ2u0EbaLAd]{Hypnotic Pattern} spell without material components and using Charisma as its spellcasting ability.
\n\n• If you would be reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can use a reaction to end your transformation and drop to 1 hit point instead. If you do so, you can no longer transform into your magical form until the next dawn.
Once per long rest, you can use an action to channel the spirits of nature around you and harness their power for the next minute.
\nWhile channeling the spirits of nature, you can use an action to touch a creature which has no more than half of their maximum hit points or who is affected by < Nature's Might > and they regain [[/r 3d6]] hit points. Additionally, you can choose to reduce the size of the dice you roll in order to increase the range of this ability. Each time you reduce the size of the dice, the range increases by 15 feet. You can end this ability at any time (no action required).
\nDice sizes are categorized as follows: d12 → d10 → d8 → d6 → d4.
\n\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level. The size of the healing die increases to 3d8 a 9th level, 3d10 at 13th level, and 3d12 at 17th level.
Twice per Long Rest, you can use a bonus action to shoot the grappling gun at a point on a solid surface that you can see within 30 feet of you. Alternatively, whenever you begin to fall, you can use a reaction to activate this ability.
\nThe grappling gun latches onto the solid surface with its claws and the wire immediately pulls you to the point on the surface, provoking opportunity attacks. If the grappling gun's claw does not connect with a solid surface, nothing happens and the claw and wire zip back to the gun.
\n\n\nWhile your grappling gun is latched to a solid surface, you can't move, can't benefit from any bonus to your speed, can't be pushed or moved by any means, and you can only use your speed to end the Prone condition. Additionally, you can do one of the following during your turn:
\n• You can use a bonus action to zip to another point by latching onto a new solid surface within range. This requires another use of Fly Like a Maniac.
\n• If you haven't activated this ability during your turn, you can deactivate your grappling gun (no action required) and begin to fall. This ends the ability.
\n\nYou can use this ability three times at 9th level, four times at 13th level, and five times at 17th level. The range increases to 40 feet at 9th level, 50 feet at 13th level, and 60 feet at 17th level.
The Monster Slayers exist to fill a very necessary role in the multiverse: killing monsters. People hire us because of our sterling reputation: we are the best of the best when it comes to killing powerful creatures (due to our specialized training). Like our name implies, we will not accept work that helps monsters. Although there are people who try to hire us by claiming that \"humanoids are the true monsters\", we will not accept contracts on humanoids. When we are hired to kill a monster or group of monsters, we expect our members to do the job and slay monsters - after all, we are being hired to do so and not befriend them. If we encounter monsters other than the ones we are being hired to kill while on a quest, we expect our members to use their best judgement - it is not always necessary to slay all monsters that are not essential to the contract. Sometimes, giving minor aid to sentient monsters in exchange for assistance with the contract is in fact helpful to the completion of said contract.
Note: most importantly, we do not befriend our prey.
@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.Z7a704YznI2cTk2m]{Monster Slayers 1 - Slayer's Elixir}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.5a7jriGHjlq7F1kj]{Monster Slayers 1 - Slayer's Warning}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.odgyNfy4mtRY21o4]{Monster Slayers 2 - Gambits of the Hunt}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.xi7dIpvc3tuU5Y75]{Monster Slayers 2 - Tonics}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.1AfUzKG7nmqQACb2]{Monster Slayers 2 - Tools}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.v2WndUlo1ycjHETF]{Monster Slayers 3 - Journal of the Hunt}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.AAHMiuOrXeh1VWqg]{Monster Slayers 3 - Slayer's Bane}
\n@Compendium[d-n-d-friends-guilds.guildfeatures.cSc07olTkHKKYm22]{Monster Slayers 4 - Slayer's Nightmare}
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"","cost":0,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":0,"per":null},"consume":{"type":"","target":null,"amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_om2h4rpbkvn","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Monster Slayers","color":"#000000"}}} -{"_id":"xHeMnaRX9CJtJWJ3","name":"Rocket Rescue 1 - Rescue Ranger Jacket","type":"feat","img":"icons/equipment/chest/breastplate-banded-simple-leather-brown.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Once per long rest you can choose to activate your jacket to create an equipment that aids your survival for an hour in one of the following ways.
\nOnce the first hour passes the equipment will turn back into a jacket unless you focus on the item to retain its shape as if concentrating on a spell. Unless specified otherwise these equipments have an AC of 11 and 10 hp.
\n\n\nAs a reaction, while falling, you can unfurl your Rescue Jackets coattails turning it into a parachute that reduces your falling speed to 150 feet per turn for one minute or until the parachute is destroyed. This parachute allows you to move horizontally in a 30 foot radius at the start of each of your turns before continue to fall. If you land before the duration ends you take 0 falling damage and can land on your feet.
\n\nAs an action you can turn your jacket into an special personal flotation device (PFD) that eases your movements while in water. For one minute or until the PFD is destroyed you receive the non movement benefits of having a swimming speed. As a bonus action you can choose inflate the device, for the duration the user will be moved 30 feet upwards towards the surface of the water at the end of each of their turns.
\n\nAs an action you can turn your jacket into an opaque 10-feet radius disk that floats centered as an umbrella over your head, giving you cover from rain, snow and other similar environmental effects coming from above until destroyed. Additionally you can use a free action to change overall temperature under the disk to counteract the effects of cold or hot weather. This effect can't be used to block attacks or abilities from creatures. When using the jacket in this way its HP is tripled.
\n\nYou get an additional change for your jacket at 9th level and a third one at 17th level.
Once per long rest you can choose to activate your jacket to create an equipment that aids your survival for an hour in one of the following ways.
\nOnce the first hour passes the equipment will turn back into a jacket unless you focus on the item to retain its shape as if concentrating on a spell. Unless specified otherwise these equipments have an AC of 11 and 10 hp.
\n\n\nAs a reaction, while falling, you can unfurl your Rescue Jackets coattails turning it into a parachute that reduces your falling speed to 150 feet per turn for one minute or until the parachute is destroyed. This parachute allows you to move horizontally in a 30 foot radius at the start of each of your turns before continue to fall. If you land before the duration ends you take 0 falling damage and can land on your feet.
\n\nAs an action you can turn your jacket into an special personal flotation device (PFD) that eases your movements while in water. For one minute or until the PFD is destroyed you receive the non movement benefits of having a swimming speed. As a bonus action you can choose inflate the device, for the duration the user will be moved 30 feet upwards towards the surface of the water at the end of each of their turns.
\n\nAs an action you can turn your jacket into an opaque 10-feet radius disk that floats centered as an umbrella over your head, giving you cover from rain, snow and other similar environmental effects coming from above until destroyed. Additionally you can use a free action to change overall temperature under the disk to counteract the effects of cold or hot weather. This effect can't be used to block attacks or abilities from creatures. When using the jacket in this way its HP is tripled.
\n\nYou get an additional change for your jacket at 9th level and a third one at 17th level.
Whenever an ally within 30 feet of you that you can see would be reduced to 0 hit points or killed outright, you can use a reaction to instead drop them to 1 hit point and enclose them in Otiluke's Resilient Sphere until the start of their next turn (no concentration required). If you do so, you gain one death saving throw failure which can only be reset when you finish a long rest or die. If you die, only one of these special death saving throw failures is removed.
Whenever you have two death saving throw failures (regardless of their source), you gain advantage on death saving throws.
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"reaction","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":"0","per":""},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_xz8iqc95nn9","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Grand Order of Dawn","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"xggeVhGUcu0hUFdI","name":"Deadeyes 1 - A Flair for Spectacle","type":"feat","img":"icons/weapons/swords/sword-flanged-lightning.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"Whenever you take the Attack action or use an action to brandish up to two weapons that you are wielding, you can cause two of the following effects:
\n\n\n• You create an instantaneous, harmless sensory effect that originates from up to two of your weapons such as a shower of sparks, small explosions, or bursts of light.
\n• You create an instantaneous sound that originates from up to two of your weapons such as a rumble of thunder, the cry of a raven, or ominous whispers.
\n• You instantaneously cause harmless tremors in the ground which originate from you.
\n• You instantaneously light or snuff out a candle, a torch, or a small campfire within 10 feet of you.
\n• You make colorful and harmless illusions appear around up to two of your weapons for 1 minute such as flames, crackling lighting, light, or smoke.
\n• You make a colorful illusory trail appear around up to two of your weapons for 1 minute. It shimmers when the weapons are motionless and follows the movements of your weapons when they are in motion.
\n• You make colors, marks, or symbols appear on up to two of your weapons for 1 hour.
\n• You speak a phrase into up to two of your weapons and set an observable condition under which they repeat the phrase using your voice and volume. The weapons remember the phrase and condition for 1 hour.
You can activate up to three effects simultaneously at 9th level and four effects simultaneously at 17th level.
\nWhen asked how you do so, you must jokingly respond with either \"I would have to kill you if I told you\" or \"It's a trade secret\".
","chat":"","unidentified":""},"source":"","activation":{"type":"special","cost":1,"condition":""},"duration":{"value":null,"units":""},"target":{"value":null,"width":null,"units":"","type":""},"range":{"value":null,"long":null,"units":""},"uses":{"value":0,"max":"0","per":""},"consume":{"type":"","target":"","amount":null},"ability":null,"actionType":"","attackBonus":0,"chatFlavor":"","critical":null,"damage":{"parts":[],"versatile":""},"formula":"","save":{"ability":"","dc":null,"scaling":"spell"},"requirements":"","recharge":{"value":null,"charged":false}},"effects":[],"folder":null,"sort":0,"permission":{"default":0,"57sUkRQ7zKNhpeEE":3},"flags":{"cf":{"id":"temp_ioij62hb4e","path":"Guild Features#/CF_SEP/Deadeyes","color":"#000000"}}} {"_id":"xi7dIpvc3tuU5Y75","name":"Monster Slayers 2 - Tonics","type":"feat","img":"icons/consumables/potions/potion-jar-corked-labeled-poison-skull-green.webp","data":{"description":{"value":"You can use a bonus action to drink a tonic and enhance one of your senses for the next hour:
\n\n\nYou have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely on smell. You are aware of the location of any hidden or invisible creature within 10 feet of you.
\n\nYou gain Darkvision out to a range of 20 feet and the normal range of your ranged weapons increases by 10 feet. If you already have Darkvision, its range increases by 20 feet.
\n\nYou have advantage on Perception (Wisdom) checks that rely hearing. Your hearing distance is doubled but you have disadvantage on saving throws that would deafen you. For example, you would be able to hear the thunder from a Thunder Step spell 600 feet away instead of 300 feet away. For reference, the audibility range for certain volumes is as follows:
\n• Trying to be quiet: 2d6 x 5 feet (average 35 feet).
\n• Normal noise level: 2d6 x 10 feet (average 70 feet).
\n• Very loud: 2d6 x 50 feet (average 350 feet).
If you drink a tonic while one is already in effect, you must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for the next hour. If you are already Poisoned or can't be Poisoned, you instead gain one level of Exhaustion. Each subsequent time you drink another tonic while one is already in effect before finishing a long rest, the DC increases by 5. The DC resets to 15 when you finish a long rest. The tonics are repulsive and useless to other creatures. If a creature who is not a member of the guild consumes one, they do not benefit from it.
\n\n\nYou can brew up to two tonics at 9th level, three at 13th level, and four at 17th level.
You learn the @Compendium[dnd5e.spells.icZokbgV1jIMpNCv]{Message} cantrip. Whenever you cast it, it does not require material components, and you can choose one of the following additional effects:
\n• The message you send is spoken aloud to the recipient and can be heard up to 60 feet away.
\n• The message conjures a tiny illusion of yourself which fits in a 1-foot square in front of the recipient and acts as a visual portrayal of the message.
\n• The message creates illusory confetti, lights, or other minor visual effects that are visible only to the recipient.
\n• The message is accompanied by an odor of your choosing that can only be smelled by the recipient.
\n• Your voice can be heard three times as loud as normal in the recipient's head.
\n\n\nThe range of the spell increases to 180 feet at 5th level, 240 feet at 9th level, 300 feet at 13th level, and 360 feet at 17th level. The thickness of material that the spell can pass through doubles at 5th level, triples at 9th level, quadruples at 13th level, and is ignored at 17th level.
Once per long rest, while <Unlimited Blade Works> is active and you are wielding a weapon held in two hands, you can use an action to combine your manifested weapons into one gigantic weapon. Make a special melee weapon attack against a creature or object within 15 feet of you without adding your proficiency bonus.
\n\n\nIf you hit, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends and you deal an extra 6d12 force damage. If you hit a creature, they also have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration and can't take reactions until the start of their next turn. If you roll a 12 on any of the d12s, the d12s explode and you roll another 2d12. If you roll a 12 on either of these new d12s, you repeat the process and roll another 2d12 (and so on).
\n\nIf you miss, you can use an action on your next turn to attempt the special melee weapon attack once more. If you miss again, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled. The initial damage increases to 8d12 at 13th level and 10d12 at 17th level.
Once per long rest, while <Unlimited Blade Works> is active and you are wielding a weapon held in two hands, you can use an action to combine your manifested weapons into one gigantic weapon. Make a special melee weapon attack against a creature or object within 15 feet of you without adding your proficiency bonus.
\n\n\nIf you hit, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends and you deal an extra [[/r 6d12]] force damage. If you hit a creature, they also have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration and can't take reactions until the start of their next turn. If you roll a 12 on any of the d12s, the d12s explode and you roll another [[/r 2d12]]. If you roll a 12 on either of these new d12s, you repeat the process and roll another [[/r 2d12]] (and so on).
\n\nIf you miss, you can use an action on your next turn to attempt the special melee weapon attack once more. If you miss again, <Unlimited Blade Works> immediately ends.
\n\nYou can use this ability twice at 13th level and thrice at 17th level but can only do so once each time initiative is rolled. The initial damage increases to [[/r 8d12]] at 13th level and [[/r 10d12]] at 17th level.