YAML file describes DAG where each node can accept inputs, process data, and return outputs.
Nodes might include:
Literals (string, number)
Allow literal inputs to be inlined in YAML?
URI fetcher/file download
Archive extractor
Archive extractor should receive download URL, no point in loading entire packed archive into filestore
Get file by path from filetree
Minecraft specific:
Curse manifest → github:erisia/builder YAML manifest
github:erisia/builder YAML → .nix
Filetree filter
exclude list? include list? both?
File patcher
Git-style diffs?
Apply to file or filetree?
Each node runs in a separate thread (tokio?).
Nodes read input from/send output to broadcast SPMC channels.
Node threads block until all channels return output, then begin processing.
Inputs to nodes are cloned by channel, no interference between threads on data.
All datatypes passed must implement Clone.
Additional channels for nodes to stream status/logs to main thread.
(this feels like a golang style design, but I want the compile-time checks of Rust)
Bespoke DI container?
Holds all channels
Holds threadsafe references to useful globals
HTTP client for 429 handling
API secrets from env
Misc. config?
of container to node constructor, which then copies references of required components into self, trait for "has constructor accepting DI cont."
Crate enum_dispatch
perfect fit for node constructor trait
Create enum with variants matching structs that implement a trait
Annotate enum and trait
Each enum variant (which can be included in serde deserialize output) will have the functions defined in the trait, and will delegate to the correct variant statically
Nodes have unique names
Create a broadcast channel for each output
DI container owns all channels
Tokio broadcast channels are created by cloning/subscribing to the sender end, so container holds the sender sides
Receiver ends initally created by channel constructor could be dropped
DI container has separate methods for obtaining a sender or receiver channel
Channels are generic (enum by datatype)
es each of its inputs to validate types -
Constructor returns Err if
DI container holds "waker" broadcast channel
Node threads obtain a rx channel from container, and block until a unit message is transmitted
DI container has method that sends wakeup message to all holders of the rx channel
Tokio broadcast receivers only get messages that were sent after they are created by calling tx.subscribe()
Node outputs should be immutable, no edit in place
Duplicated files in memory not feasible
Filetrees represented as list of file paths mapped to content hashes, no nested structure
File paths are represented as a list of each path component, with any trickery mangled by the FilePath struct’s constructor
Separate shared content addressible store holds files indexed by hash
Memory safe insert/retrieve
Pass file bytes to store, store returns hash
If store already has hash, do not overwrite file (or do? hopefully no collisions)
Pass hash to store, store returns file bytes
File store holds only file contents, file tree holds directory structure, filenames, metadata
File tree memory cost should be low enough to allow frequent cloning
Renaming, moving, deleting files from tree has low cost
File store can be abstract, with multiple backends for incremental development without changing interface
Initial implementation will use an in-memory filestore
Nodes can stream log messages/progress meter updates through channels
Build abstraction layer for reading messages
Get DAG structure (nodes/channels)
Get logs for a node
Get progress for a node
Build UI layers
Write log messages directly to stdout
Display DAG visualization with progress indicators
Log view?
Display DAG visualization with progress indicators
Request/WS stream logs from backend
Should abstraction layer fetch data from node outputs? Should it expose this data?
Look into Tokio tracing for exposing log messages