- Update badges (cf1f981 by Mizokuiam)
- style: Update website design and layout (550c47d by mizokuiam)
- style: Improve project cards and mobile responsiveness (3452dc5 by mizokuiam)
- feat: Add CodePrompt Companion to projects section (031b15f by mizokuiam)
- docs: Update README with recent changes and improvements (60e0686 by mizokuiam)
- feat: Optimize hero image loading and add SEO meta tags (5ac2255 by mizokuiam)
- feat: Enhance project cards with hover descriptions (7b8384c by mizokuiam)
- fix: Update README image path to use correct filename (2b4777c by mizokuiam)
- refactor: Move hero preview image to assets/images (a783b89 by mizokuiam)
- docs: Update README with hero preview image (8a1e15c by mizokuiam)
- refactor: Organize project structure and fix image paths (b1f3bd1 by mizokuiam)
- docs: Update README title and fix preview image (936a2d9 by mizokuiam)
- docs: Add README.md with project documentation and screenshot (4187be5 by mizokuiam)
- Initial commit: Portfolio website with glass-morphism design (9c1e376 by mizokuiam)