diff --git a/instances/treasury-factory.near/widget/components/NewAccountInput.jsx b/instances/treasury-factory.near/widget/components/NewAccountInput.jsx
index 929c1fac..ecd141b1 100644
--- a/instances/treasury-factory.near/widget/components/NewAccountInput.jsx
+++ b/instances/treasury-factory.near/widget/components/NewAccountInput.jsx
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ const checkAccountAvailable = async (accountId) => {
return (
diff --git a/playwright-tests/tests/page.treasury-factory.near.spec.js b/playwright-tests/tests/page.treasury-factory.near.spec.js
index f14bd2e8..e6ba7d5e 100644
--- a/playwright-tests/tests/page.treasury-factory.near.spec.js
+++ b/playwright-tests/tests/page.treasury-factory.near.spec.js
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import { expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { test } from "../util/test.js";
+import { SandboxRPC } from "../util/sandboxrpc.js";
+import nearApi from "near-api-js";
test.afterEach(async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
console.log(`Finished ${testInfo.title} with status ${testInfo.status}`);
@@ -18,17 +20,99 @@ test.describe("admin connected", function () {
}) => {
- await page.goto(`/${factoryAccount}/widget/app?page`);
+ test.setTimeout(120_000);
+ const accName = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7);
- await expect(
- await page.locator("h3").filter({ hasText: "Treasury Creation" })
- ).toBeVisible();
+ const setupSandboxTxnProcessing = async () => {
+ const widget_reference_account_id = "treasury-testing.near";
+ const sandbox = new SandboxRPC();
+ await sandbox.init();
+ await sandbox.attachRoutes(page);
+ await sandbox.setupWidgetReferenceAccount(widget_reference_account_id);
+ const transactionToSendPromise = page.evaluate(async () => {
+ const selector = await document.querySelector("near-social-viewer")
+ .selectorPromise;
+ const wallet = await selector.wallet();
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ wallet.signAndSendTransactions = async (transactions) => {
+ resolve(transactions.transactions[0]);
+ return await new Promise(
+ (transactionSentPromiseResolve) =>
+ (window.transactionSentPromiseResolve =
+ transactionSentPromiseResolve)
+ );
+ };
+ });
+ });
+ await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Confirm", exact: true }).click();
- await expect(await page.getByText("Treasury Creation")).toBeVisible();
+ const transactionToSend = await transactionToSendPromise;
+ const transactionResult = await sandbox.account.functionCall({
+ contractId: "treasury-factory.near",
+ methodName: "create_instance",
+ args: transactionToSend.actions[0].params.args,
+ gas: 300000000000000,
+ attachedDeposit: nearApi.utils.format.parseNearAmount("12"),
+ });
+ await page.evaluate((transactionResult) => {
+ window.transactionSentPromiseResolve(transactionResult);
+ }, transactionResult);
+ await sandbox.quitSandbox();
+ };
+ // innitial step
+ await page.goto(`/${factoryAccount}/widget/app`);
+ await expect(
+ await page.locator("h3", { hasText: "Confirm your wallet" })
+ ).toBeVisible();
await page
- .locator("a")
- .filter({ hasText: "Yes, use this wallet and continue" })
+ .locator("a.active", {
+ hasText: "Yes, use this wallet and continue",
+ })
+ // create application account name step
+ await expect(
+ await page.locator("h3", { hasText: "Create Application Account" })
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ await page.locator("input.account-input").fill(accName);
+ await page.locator("a", { hasText: "Next" }).click();
+ // create sputnik dao account step
+ await expect(
+ await page.locator("h3", { hasText: "Create Sputnik DAO Account" })
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ await page.locator("input.account-input").fill(accName);
+ await page.locator("a", { hasText: "Next" }).click();
+ // add members step
+ await expect(
+ await page.locator("h3", { hasText: "Add Members" })
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ await page.locator("a", { hasText: "Next" }).click();
+ // confirm transaction step
+ await expect(
+ await page.locator("h3", { hasText: "Summary" })
+ ).toBeVisible();
+ const submitBtn = page.locator("button", { hasText: "Confirm and Create" });
+ await submitBtn.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();
+ await submitBtn.click();
+ // bos txn confirmation modal
+ await setupSandboxTxnProcessing();
+ await expect(
+ await page.locator("h5", { hasText: "Congrats! Your Treasury is ready" })
+ ).toBeVisible();