will check problematic slices in the diffusion images and will exclude them from the image
bSubregionalCheck is a boolean with a default value of false, it will check all the subregional slices
subregionalCheckRelaxationFactor is a float with a default value of 1.10, it will check the relaxation factor of the subregional slices
checkTimes is an integer with a default value of 0, it will check the number of times the slice is problematic
headSkipSlicePercentage is a float with a default value of 0.10, it will skip the first 10% of the slices
tailSkipSlicePercentage is a float with a default value of 0.10, it will skip the last 10% of the slices
correlationDeviationThresholdbaseline is a float with a default value of 3.0, it will check the correlation's deviation threshold of the baseline
correlationDeviationThresholdgradient is a float with a default value of 3.5, it will check the correlation's deviation threshold of the gradients
quadFit is a boolean with a default value of True, it will check the quadratic fit of the stdev multiple between the baseline and the gradients