diff --git a/documentation/reference_doc/4_5_envelope.tex b/documentation/reference_doc/4_5_envelope.tex
index d9f5f6a6d..1f7d595ba 100644
--- a/documentation/reference_doc/4_5_envelope.tex
+++ b/documentation/reference_doc/4_5_envelope.tex
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ \subsection{Walls} % Andrew
\paragraph{Wall System Turnover Rate}
As described in Section~\ref{sec:system_turnover_and_eul}, we assume that some building systems, including exterior walls, are replaced over the lifespan of the building. Typically, for exterior walls, the structural elements of the wall are maintained, while the cladding, insulation, sheathing, etc. are be replaced. As noted in Section~\ref{sec:system_turnover_and_eul}, the EUL for exterior walls is assumed to be 200 years, which means that most buildings are modeled with the walls they were built with. Once the wall construction type probabilities and distributions of building types, sizes, and vintages are carried through the sampling process and simulations are created, the distribution of construction types and energy code levels can be reviewed. As shown in Figure~\ref{fig:weighted_floor_area_by_energy_code_and_wall_type}, because the majority of the building stock is older, and wall systems are replaced at a low rate, most of the building floor area is assumed to have walls that follow the oldest energy codes.
-\begin{figure}[ht!] \centering
+\begin{figure}[ht!] \centering
trim={1cm 18.3cm 1cm 1cm}, clip, % L B R T
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ \subsection{Walls} % Andrew
\subsection{Windows} % Andrew
\paragraph{Window Construction Type}
-Data from the NFRC Commercial Fenestration Market Study was used to develop the modeling approach for windows in ComStock. This study, conducted by Guidehouse in collaboration with NFRC, characterized the national commercial window stock through data collection and analysis. Six primary data sources representing all regions of the United States were used in the study---a 2020 Guidehouse survey, NEEA CBSA, DOE Code Study, CAEUS, CBECS, and RECS. A variety of window properties were collected, including the window-to-wall ratio, number of panes, frame material, glazing type, low-E coating, gas fill, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), U-factor, and many others. In total, the database contained approximately 16,000 samples, each with an appropriate weighting factor based on the coverage, completeness, and fidelity of each data source. The WWR data was already incorporated into the ComStock baseline during the EULP project. Some of the other key window properties such as thermal performance were then used to create the new baseline window constructions and distributions discussed later in this section. A summary of the data sources and their associated information is shown in Table ~\ref{tab:window_data_sources}.
+Data from the NFRC Commercial Fenestration Market Study was used to develop the modeling approach for windows in ComStock. This study, conducted by Guidehouse in collaboration with NFRC, characterized the national commercial window stock through data collection and analysis. Six primary data sources representing all regions of the United States were used in the study---a 2020 Guidehouse survey, NEEA CBSA, DOE Code Study, CAEUS, CBECS, and RECS. A variety of window properties were collected, including the window-to-wall ratio, number of panes, frame material, glazing type, low-E coating, gas fill, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), U-factor, and many others. In total, the database contained approximately 16,000 samples, each with an appropriate weighting factor based on the coverage, completeness, and fidelity of each data source. The WWR data was already incorporated into the ComStock baseline during the EULP project. Some of the other key window properties such as thermal performance were then used to create the new baseline window constructions and distributions discussed later in this section. A summary of the data sources and their associated information is shown in Table ~\ref{tab:window_data_sources}.
Four window properties---number of panes, glazing type, frame material, and low-E coating---were used to create the baseline window configurations. These four parameters were selected based on which characteristics have the most impact on window performance, which have the most data available from the various data sources, and which inputs we trust from the average building owner or survey recipient. The options for each property are shown in Figure \ref{fig:window_configurations}.
@@ -59,38 +59,38 @@ \subsection{Windows} % Andrew
-Modeling every combination of these four properties would result in 36 different window configurations, which would add significant complexity to the sampling process. Instead, we selected 12 combinations to be modeled, based on which combinations are most common and most realistic. There are four single-pane, six double-pane, and two triple-pane configurations. The unrealistic/uncommon combinations that were eliminated include:
+Modeling every combination of these four properties would result in 36 different window configurations, which would add significant complexity to the sampling process. Instead, we selected 12 combinations to be modeled, based on which combinations are most common and most realistic. There are four single-pane, six double-pane, and two triple-pane configurations. The unrealistic/uncommon combinations that were eliminated include:
-\item Single pane with thermally broken aluminum frame
-\item Single pane with low-E coating
-\item Double pane with wood frame
-\item Triple pane with no low-E coating
-\item Triple pane without thermally broken aluminum frame
-\item Thermally broken double or triple pane without low-E coating.
+\item Single pane with thermally broken aluminum frame
+\item Single pane with low-E coating
+\item Double pane with wood frame
+\item Triple pane with no low-E coating
+\item Triple pane without thermally broken aluminum frame
+\item Thermally broken double or triple pane without low-E coating.
The 12 remaining window configurations are shown in Table \ref{tab:window_configurations}.
-We created a sampling distribution for the new window constructions for the entire country using the initial data set. Overall, single-pane windows make up approximately 54\% of the stock, double-pane windows make up 46\%, and triple-pane windows make up <1\%. Initially, we created distributions based on census division to incorporate geographic location into the sampling. Upon further analysis, we found that it was also necessary to incorporate the energy codes into distributions to prevent scenarios where a single-pane window was sampled for a certain location, but, according to the energy code for that location, a double-pane window was required. For this reason, we modified the sampling distribution to include two dependencies---climate\_zone and energy\_code\_followed\_during\_last\_window\_replacement.
+We created a sampling distribution for the new window constructions for the entire country using the initial data set. Overall, single-pane windows make up approximately 54\% of the stock, double-pane windows make up 46\%, and triple-pane windows make up <1\%. Initially, we created distributions based on census division to incorporate geographic location into the sampling. Upon further analysis, we found that it was also necessary to incorporate the energy codes into distributions to prevent scenarios where a single-pane window was sampled for a certain location, but, according to the energy code for that location, a double-pane window was required. For this reason, we modified the sampling distribution to include two dependencies---climate\_zone and energy\_code\_followed\_during\_last\_window\_replacement.
-To generate these sampling distributions, we used the maximum U-values specified for each climate zone in each version of ASHRAE 90.1, using climate zones defined by ASHRAE 169--2006. For each combination of climate zone and energy code, the 12 window configurations were evaluated to determine which were both realistic and met code (i.e., had a U-value lower than the code maximum U-value). For the older energy codes, we made several assumptions about technology adoption to determine which window configurations were realistic:
+To generate these sampling distributions, we used the maximum U-values specified for each climate zone in each version of ASHRAE 90.1, using climate zones defined by ASHRAE 169--2006. For each combination of climate zone and energy code, the 12 window configurations were evaluated to determine which were both realistic and met code (i.e., had a U-value lower than the code maximum U-value). For the older energy codes, we made several assumptions about technology adoption to determine which window configurations were realistic:
- \item Low-E coating---not adopted until DOE Ref 1980--2004
- \item Thermally broken aluminum frame---not adopted until 90.1-2004
- \item Triple pane---not adopted until 90.1-2004.
+ \item Low-E coating---not adopted until DOE Ref 1980--2004
+ \item Thermally broken aluminum frame---not adopted until 90.1-2004
+ \item Triple pane---not adopted until 90.1-2004.
-Each combination of climate zone and energy code included 2--12 window configurations that met the criteria. After limiting the distributions to these configurations, we renormalized the percentages from the national distribution to 100\%. This kept the percentages from the national distribution while also incorporating intelligent assumptions based on climate zone and energy code. Table ~\ref{tab:window_distribution_4A} provides an example of the window configurations that were sampled for each code year in climate zone 4A.
+Each combination of climate zone and energy code included 2--12 window configurations that met the criteria. After limiting the distributions to these configurations, we renormalized the percentages from the national distribution to 100\%. This kept the percentages from the national distribution while also incorporating intelligent assumptions based on climate zone and energy code. Table ~\ref{tab:window_distribution_4A} provides an example of the window configurations that were sampled for each code year in climate zone 4A.
-As can be seen in Table \ref{tab:window_distribution_4A}, for DOE Ref Pre-1980, the only windows that met code and are realistic are single-pane or double-pane windows with no low-E coating. For DOE Ref 1980--2004, the maximum U-value dropped significantly, such that single-pane aluminum windows no longer met code. However, double-pane low-E windows became available on the market at that time. For 90.1-2004 through 90.1-2010, code required a U-value equivalent to double-pane low-E or better, and in 90.1-2013, the code improved again, meaning that double-pane low-E with a thermal break or better was required. This type of logic was applied to all combinations of climate zone and energy code. Then, we converted the data into the distributions used in sampling.
+As can be seen in Table \ref{tab:window_distribution_4A}, for DOE Ref Pre-1980, the only windows that met code and are realistic are single-pane or double-pane windows with no low-E coating. For DOE Ref 1980--2004, the maximum U-value dropped significantly, such that single-pane aluminum windows no longer met code. However, double-pane low-E windows became available on the market at that time. For 90.1-2004 through 90.1-2010, code required a U-value equivalent to double-pane low-E or better, and in 90.1-2013, the code improved again, meaning that double-pane low-E with a thermal break or better was required. This type of logic was applied to all combinations of climate zone and energy code. Then, we converted the data into the distributions used in sampling.
-A small adjustment was made to the final distributions because some states and localities do not follow or enforce energy codes strictly. Following the code exactly would likely overestimate window performance. Therefore, in scenarios where single-pane windows were technically below code, we assumed that 5\% of all windows in the stock would still have the worst-performing single-pane windows installed. The distributions were adjusted accordingly by subtracting 5\% total from the double-pane configurations and adding to the single-pane aluminum configurations. After making this manual adjustment, the new distributions had the same overall breakdown as the national distribution generated from the Guidehouse data---54\% single-pane and 46\% double-pane .
+A small adjustment was made to the final distributions because some states and localities do not follow or enforce energy codes strictly. Following the code exactly would likely overestimate window performance. Therefore, in scenarios where single-pane windows were technically below code, we assumed that 5\% of all windows in the stock would still have the worst-performing single-pane windows installed. The distributions were adjusted accordingly by subtracting 5\% total from the double-pane configurations and adding to the single-pane aluminum configurations. After making this manual adjustment, the new distributions had the same overall breakdown as the national distribution generated from the Guidehouse data---54\% single-pane and 46\% double-pane .
\paragraph{Window Thermal Performance}
-Once the 12 new window constructions were determined, a team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (LBNL’s) Windows and Daylighting Group used the WINDOW program to assign thermal performance properties to each construction. SimpleGlazing objects in EnergyPlus were chosen to represent windows to reduce complexity. This choice also simplifies the process of applying upgrades, because all fenestration objects in the baseline models use the same object type. The inputs for the SimpleGlazing object are U-factor, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), and visible light transmittance (VLT). For each window configuration, LBNL assigned a frame ID and window ID from the WINDOW database. They also filled in the respective U-factors, SHGCs, and VLTs, which are shown in Table \ref{tab:window_thermal_performance}.
+Once the 12 new window constructions were determined, a team from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (LBNL’s) Windows and Daylighting Group used the WINDOW program to assign thermal performance properties to each construction. SimpleGlazing objects in EnergyPlus were chosen to represent windows to reduce complexity. This choice also simplifies the process of applying upgrades, because all fenestration objects in the baseline models use the same object type. The inputs for the SimpleGlazing object are U-factor, solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC), and visible light transmittance (VLT). For each window configuration, LBNL assigned a frame ID and window ID from the WINDOW database. They also filled in the respective U-factors, SHGCs, and VLTs, which are shown in Table \ref{tab:window_thermal_performance}.
The U-factors originally ranged from U-1.18 Btu/h·ft\textsuperscript{2}·F for the worst-performing single-pane window to U-0.30 Btu/h·ft\textsuperscript{2}·F for the best-performing triple-pane window. As mentioned earlier in this section, the maximum U-Factor that EnergyPlus can model with a simple glazing object is U-1.02 Btu/h·ft\textsuperscript{2}·F, which is governed by the limitations of a 2D heat transfer model when interior and exterior air films are included. Therefore, we adjusted the U-factor for the first two single-pane windows to be U-1.02 Btu/h·ft\textsuperscript{2}·F rather than U-1.18 Btu/h·ft\textsuperscript{2}·F. This allowed these windows to be modeled in ComStock. This results in a slight overestimate of the thermal performance of single-pane windows.
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ \subsection{Roof} % Andrew
\paragraph{Roof System Turnover Rate}
As described in Section \ref{sec:system_turnover_and_eul}, some building systems, including roofs, are assumed to be replaced over the lifespan of the building. Typically, for roofs, the structural elements are maintained, while the roof membrane and insulation are replaced. As noted in Section \ref{sec:system_turnover_and_eul}, the EUL for roofs was assumed to be 200 years, which means that most buildings are modeled with the roof insulation they were built with. Once the roof type probabilities and distribution of building types, sizes, and vintages are carried through the sampling process and simulations are created, the distribution of energy code levels can be reviewed. As shown in Figure~\ref{fig:weighted_floor_area_by_energy_code_roofs}, because the majority of the building stock is older, and roof systems are replaced at a low rate, most of the building floor area is assumed to have roofs that follow the oldest energy codes.
-\begin{figure}[h] \centering
+\begin{figure}[h] \centering
trim={1cm 20.5cm 1cm 1cm}, clip, % L B R T
@@ -143,8 +143,12 @@ \subsection{Floor}
\paragraph{Floor Thermal Performance}
We did not find any data sources that contained the thermal performance of floors in the commercial building stock. This is likely because surveys would need to either find building plans, which can be difficult or impossible for older buildings, or excavate under a slab edge, which is impractical. To account for the lack of data, we estimated floor thermal performance based on an estimate of the energy code followed when building was first constructed. Section~\ref{sec:energy_code} describes how the energy code was determined. The thermal performance of floors for each energy code varies based on climate zone, as shown in Table~\ref{tab:floor_f_factors}. It is notable that only buildings built to the newest energy codes in the coldest climates assume any sort of slab insulation.
+\subsection{Thermal Bridging} % Matthew Dahlhausen
+Thermal bridging includes the impact of uninsulated structural elements that undermine the overall thermal resistance of an opaque assembly. These include linear thermal bridges, such as along corners, roof parapets, and fenestration, and point thermal bridges, such as protruding steel beams. These are formalized by psi factors multiplied by the length of a thermal bridge, and chi factors multiplied by the number of a thermal bridge. ASHRAE publishes psi and chi factors for common major thermal bridges, and thermal bridging requirements were recently added to the envelope section of ASHRAE 90.1-2022 \citep{ashrae_901_2022}. See Appendix section A10.2 of ASHRAE 90.1-2022 for details on calculating thermal bridges.
+Thermal bridging in ComStock is implemented with the Thermal Bridging and Derating (TBD) ruby gem \citep{tbd_gem}. The gem detects the presence of common major thermal bridges in the model (corners, parapets, etc.), and derates the adjacent opaque surface construction (walls and roofs) to account for the thermal bridging. TBD gem version 3.4.1 includes default ASHRAE 90.1-2022 psi and chi factors for different kinds of thermal bridges. These vary by wall construction type (steel frame, mass, wood) and whether thermal bridges are considered mitigated or unmitigated. By default, ComStock assumed the unmitigated 90.1-2022 psi and chi factors by wall construction type. Specific values are listed in the TBD gem \citep{tbd_gem}.
-\subsection{Infiltration and Natural Ventilation}
+\subsection{Infiltration and Natural Ventilation} % Matthew Dahlhausen
Infiltration in ComStock uses the same model as EnergyPlus \citep{energy_plus}, detailed in equation \ref{energyplus_infiltration_eqn}.
diff --git a/documentation/reference_doc/bibliography.bib b/documentation/reference_doc/bibliography.bib
index 378ced561..c8e1c631d 100644
--- a/documentation/reference_doc/bibliography.bib
+++ b/documentation/reference_doc/bibliography.bib
@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ @techreport{ashrae_901_2010
year = 2010
+ title = {Standard 90.1-2022 (I-P Edition) Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings},
+ author = {ASHRAE},
+ institution = {ASHRAE},
+ year = 2022
title = {Emissions and Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID), 2020},
author = {{U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)}},
@@ -583,6 +590,13 @@ @misc{trane_foundation
year = 2023,
+ title = {Thermal Bridging and Derating, Version 3.4.2},
+ author = {Denis Bourgeois and Dan Macumber},
+ url = {https://github.com/rd2/tbd},
+ year = 2024,
title = {Carrier Economizer},
author = {{Carrier}},
diff --git a/national/housing_characteristics/options_lookup.tsv b/national/housing_characteristics/options_lookup.tsv
index 9a731b538..8f6572054 100644
--- a/national/housing_characteristics/options_lookup.tsv
+++ b/national/housing_characteristics/options_lookup.tsv
@@ -4638,6 +4638,15 @@ baseline_window_type Single - No LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Aluminum replace_bas
baseline_window_type Single - No LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Wood replace_baseline_windows window_pane_type=Single - No LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Wood u_value_ip=0.91 shgc=0.525 vlt=0.436
baseline_window_type Triple - LowE - Clear - Thermally Broken Aluminum replace_baseline_windows window_pane_type=Triple - LowE - Clear - Thermally Broken Aluminum u_value_ip=0.3 shgc=0.328 vlt=0.527
baseline_window_type Triple - LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Thermally Broken Aluminum replace_baseline_windows window_pane_type=Triple - LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Thermally Broken Aluminum u_value_ip=0.299 shgc=0.224 vlt=0.32
+thermal_bridging steel-framed and metal default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|steel.m|default
+thermal_bridging steel-framed and metal unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|steel.m|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging mass default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.ex|default
+thermal_bridging mass unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.ex|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging interior mass default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.in|default
+thermal_bridging interior mass unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.in|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging wood-framed default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|wood.fr|default
+thermal_bridging wood-framed unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|wood.fr|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging no thermal bridging thermal_bridging_derating option=(non thermal bridging)
baseline_hvac_sizing autosize hardsize_model apply_hardsize=false
baseline_hvac_sizing hardsize hardsize_model apply_hardsize=true
occupancy_schedule_adjust adjust_schedule adjust_occupancy_schedule peak_occ_frac=0.231
diff --git a/resources/measures/README.md b/resources/measures/README.md
index 61d36d775..6809e55ad 100644
--- a/resources/measures/README.md
+++ b/resources/measures/README.md
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Measures are added to the workflow in order they first appear in the [`options_l
| add_thermostat_setpoint_variability | Modifies the heating and cooling setpoints and setbacks/setups. |
| set_primary_kitchen_equipment | Replaces kitchen equiment with discrete equipment assumptions |
| replace_baseline_windows | Replaces windows in model (originally based on code) with windows of a specific technology type (single-pane, double-pane, etc.) |
+| thermal_bridging_derating | Derates opaque constructions thermal resistance to account for thermal bridging |
| adjust_occupancy_schedule | Reduced the values of all occupancy schedules in the model by a specified percentage |
| hardsize_model | Do a sizing run, which populates the SQL file with the EnergyPlus-calculated capacities and flows |
| | Hard-size HVAC and SWH equipment in the model based on EnergyPlus-calculated capacities and flows. No model changes from here forward will be reflected in the sizing of HVAC equipment unless done intentionally as part of an upgrade. |
diff --git a/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.rb b/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.rb
index 9c3bd8e44..b5202db9f 100644
--- a/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.rb
+++ b/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.rb
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@ def run(model, runner, user_arguments)
# set additional properties for building
props = model.getBuilding.additionalProperties
- props.setFeature('roof_as_constructed_template', as_constructed_template)
- props.setFeature('roof_template', template)
+ props.setFeature('roof_as_constructed_template',"#{as_constructed_template}")
+ props.setFeature('roof_template',"#{template}")
# Not applicable if the selected template matches the as-constructed template
if template == as_constructed_template
@@ -196,51 +196,60 @@ def run(model, runner, user_arguments)
# Make a standard
- standard = Standard.build(template)
- # Apply standard constructions to this model at the surface-by-surface level,
- # which will override default contruction sets for the surface types being updated,
- # which is not all surface types.
- types_to_modify = []
- types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'RoofCeiling']
- # Find just those surfaces
- surfaces_to_modify = []
- types_to_modify.each do |boundary_condition, surface_type|
- # Surfaces
- model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surf|
- next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition
- next unless surf.surfaceType == surface_type
- surfaces_to_modify << surf
- end
- # SubSurfaces
- model.getSubSurfaces.sort.each do |surf|
- next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition
- next unless surf.subSurfaceType == surface_type
- surfaces_to_modify << surf
- end
+ standard = Standard.build("#{template}")
+ # Check that a default construction set is defined
+ bldg_def_const_set = model.getBuilding.defaultConstructionSet
+ unless bldg_def_const_set.is_initialized
+ runner.registerError('Model does not have a default construction set.')
+ return false
+ bldg_def_const_set = bldg_def_const_set.get
- # Modify these surfaces
- prev_created_consts = {}
- surfaces_to_modify.sort.each do |surf|
- prev_created_consts = standard.planar_surface_apply_standard_construction(surf, climate_zone, prev_created_consts)
+ # Check that a default exterior construction set is defined
+ ext_surf_consts = bldg_def_const_set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions
+ unless ext_surf_consts.is_initialized
+ runner.registerError("Default construction set '#{bldg_def_const_set.name}' has no default exterior surface constructions.")
+ return false
+ ext_surf_consts = ext_surf_consts.get
- # List the unique array of constructions
- prev_created_consts.each do |surf_type, construction|
- runner.registerInfo("For #{surf_type.join(' ')}, applied #{construction.name}.")
+ # Check that a default exterior roof is defined
+ unless ext_surf_consts.roofCeilingConstruction.is_initialized
+ runner.registerError("Default surface construction set #{ext_surf_consts.name} has no default exterior roof construction.")
+ return false
+ old_construction = ext_surf_consts.roofCeilingConstruction.get
+ standards_info = old_construction.standardsInformation
- log_messages_to_runner(runner, debug = false)
- reset_log
+ # Get the old roof construction type
+ if standards_info.standardsConstructionType.empty?
+ old_roof_construction_type = 'Not defined'
+ else
+ old_roof_construction_type = standards_info.standardsConstructionType.get
+ end
- if prev_created_consts.empty?
- runner.registerAsNotApplicable("Found no #{surf_type.join(' ')} surfaces in the model to update")
+ # Get the building occupancy type
+ if model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized
+ model_building_type = model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.get
+ else
+ model_building_type = ''
+ end
+ if ['SmallHotel', 'LargeHotel', 'MidriseApartment', 'HighriseApartment'].include?(model_building_type)
+ occ_type = 'Residential'
+ else
+ occ_type = 'Nonresidential'
+ climate_zone_set = standard.model_find_climate_zone_set(model, climate_zone)
+ new_construction = standard.model_find_and_add_construction(model,
+ climate_zone_set,
+ 'ExteriorRoof',
+ old_roof_construction_type,
+ occ_type)
+ ext_surf_consts.setRoofCeilingConstruction(new_construction)
+ log_messages_to_runner(runner, debug = false)
+ reset_log
return true
diff --git a/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.xml b/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.xml
index bbb5bf576..3a8f7d639 100644
--- a/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.xml
+++ b/resources/measures/set_roof_template/measure.xml
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
- 02a7bc2c-8b27-4b68-a198-6026178c47ea
- 2024-10-16T23:19:32Z
+ c8d81d59-6a62-4748-9ae8-5d9554636872
+ 2024-11-12T20:38:31Z
Set Roof Template
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
+ F5D033A6
diff --git a/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.rb b/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.rb
index dc0bd060d..e313cc191 100644
--- a/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.rb
+++ b/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,44 @@
-# ComStock™, Copyright (c) 2024 Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. All rights reserved.
+# ComStock™, Copyright (c) 2023 Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. All rights reserved.
# See top level LICENSE.txt file for license terms.
+# *******************************************************************************
+# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2018, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors
+# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission from the respective party.
+# (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form
+# of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio"
+# trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without
+# specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
+# *******************************************************************************
+# see the URL below for information on how to write OpenStudio measures
+# http://nrel.github.io/OpenStudio-user-documentation/reference/measure_writing_guide/
# start the measure
class SetWallTemplate < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure
require 'openstudio-standards'
@@ -147,8 +185,8 @@ def run(model, runner, user_arguments)
# set additional properties for building
props = model.getBuilding.additionalProperties
- props.setFeature('wall_as_constructed_template', as_constructed_template)
- props.setFeature('wall_template', template)
+ props.setFeature('wall_as_constructed_template',"#{as_constructed_template}")
+ props.setFeature('wall_template',"#{template}")
# Not applicable if the selected template matches the as-constructed template
if template == as_constructed_template
@@ -158,51 +196,60 @@ def run(model, runner, user_arguments)
# Make a standard
- standard = Standard.build(template)
- # Apply standard constructions to this model at the surface-by-surface level,
- # which will override default contruction sets for the surface types being updated,
- # which is not all surface types.
- types_to_modify = []
- types_to_modify << ['Outdoors', 'Wall']
- # Find just those surfaces
- surfaces_to_modify = []
- types_to_modify.each do |boundary_condition, surface_type|
- # Surfaces
- model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surf|
- next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition
- next unless surf.surfaceType == surface_type
- surfaces_to_modify << surf
- end
- # SubSurfaces
- model.getSubSurfaces.sort.each do |surf|
- next unless surf.outsideBoundaryCondition == boundary_condition
- next unless surf.subSurfaceType == surface_type
- surfaces_to_modify << surf
- end
+ standard = Standard.build("#{template}")
+ # Check that a default construction set is defined
+ bldg_def_const_set = model.getBuilding.defaultConstructionSet
+ unless bldg_def_const_set.is_initialized
+ runner.registerError('Model does not have a default construction set.')
+ return false
+ bldg_def_const_set = bldg_def_const_set.get
- # Modify these surfaces
- prev_created_consts = {}
- surfaces_to_modify.sort.each do |surf|
- prev_created_consts = standard.planar_surface_apply_standard_construction(surf, climate_zone, prev_created_consts)
+ # Check that a default exterior construction set is defined
+ ext_surf_consts = bldg_def_const_set.defaultExteriorSurfaceConstructions
+ unless ext_surf_consts.is_initialized
+ runner.registerError("Default construction set '#{bldg_def_const_set.name}' has no default exterior surface constructions.")
+ return false
+ ext_surf_consts = ext_surf_consts.get
- # List the unique array of constructions
- prev_created_consts.each do |surf_type, construction|
- runner.registerInfo("For #{surf_type.join(' ')}, applied #{construction.name}.")
+ # Check that a default exterior wall is defined
+ unless ext_surf_consts.wallConstruction.is_initialized
+ runner.registerError("Default surface construction set #{ext_surf_consts.name} has no default exterior wall construction.")
+ return false
+ old_construction = ext_surf_consts.wallConstruction.get
+ standards_info = old_construction.standardsInformation
- log_messages_to_runner(runner, debug = false)
- reset_log
+ # Get the old wall construction type
+ if standards_info.standardsConstructionType.empty?
+ old_wall_construction_type = 'Not defined'
+ else
+ old_wall_construction_type = standards_info.standardsConstructionType.get
+ end
- if prev_created_consts.empty?
- runner.registerAsNotApplicable("Found no #{surf_type.join(' ')} surfaces in the model to update")
+ # Get the building occupancy type
+ if model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized
+ model_building_type = model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.get
+ else
+ model_building_type = ''
+ end
+ if ['SmallHotel', 'LargeHotel', 'MidriseApartment', 'HighriseApartment'].include?(model_building_type)
+ occ_type = 'Residential'
+ else
+ occ_type = 'Nonresidential'
+ climate_zone_set = standard.model_find_climate_zone_set(model, climate_zone)
+ new_construction = standard.model_find_and_add_construction(model,
+ climate_zone_set,
+ 'ExteriorWall',
+ old_wall_construction_type,
+ occ_type)
+ ext_surf_consts.setWallConstruction(new_construction)
+ log_messages_to_runner(runner, debug = false)
+ reset_log
return true
diff --git a/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.xml b/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.xml
index fe2a197e3..16ef9645f 100644
--- a/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.xml
+++ b/resources/measures/set_wall_template/measure.xml
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
- 04f226b8-9786-4db9-bec1-67a66dae4166
- 2024-10-16T23:26:59Z
+ 5a9d06f9-a5c3-48c4-a905-733ddfac7ecf
+ 2024-11-12T20:38:45Z
Set Wall Template
@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@
- 1EAE6267
+ 82CC940E
diff --git a/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/LICENSE.md b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a055dadb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2020-2024 Denis Bourgeois & Dan Macumber
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/README.md b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f441954bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+###### (Automatically generated documentation)
+# Thermal Bridging Derating
+## Description
+Derates opaque construction thermal resistance for major thermal bridges.
+## Modeler Description
+This measure is adapted from the Thermal Bridging and Derating measure. Details, including default psi value sets, are avialble at rd2.github.io/tbd
+## Measure Type
+## Taxonomy
+## Arguments
+### Default thermal bridge set
+e.g. '90.1.22|steel.m|unmitigated'
+**Name:** option,
+**Type:** Choice,
+**Units:** ,
+**Required:** false,
+**Model Dependent:** false
diff --git a/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/README.md.erb b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/README.md.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4deb9ae5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/README.md.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+<%#= README.md.erb is used to auto-generate README.md. %>
+<%#= To manually maintain README.md throw away README.md.erb and manually edit README.md %>
+###### (Automatically generated documentation)
+# <%= name %>
+## Description
+<%= description %>
+## Modeler Description
+<%= modelerDescription %>
+## Measure Type
+<%= measureType %>
+## Taxonomy
+<%= taxonomy %>
+## Arguments
+<% arguments.each do |argument| %>
+### <%= argument[:display_name] %>
+<%= argument[:description] %>
+**Name:** <%= argument[:name] %>,
+**Type:** <%= argument[:type] %>,
+**Units:** <%= argument[:units] %>,
+**Required:** <%= argument[:required] %>,
+**Model Dependent:** <%= argument[:model_dependent] %>
+<% end %>
+<% if arguments.size == 0 %>
+<%= "This measure does not have any user arguments" %>
+<% end %>
+<% if outputs.size > 0 %>
+## Outputs
+<% output_names = [] %>
+<% outputs.each do |output| %>
+<% output_names << output[:display_name] %>
+<% end %>
+<%= output_names.join(", ") %>
+<% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/measure.rb b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/measure.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..107f0e189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/measure.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# ComStock™, Copyright (c) 2023 Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. All rights reserved.
+# See top level LICENSE.txt file for license terms.
+# *******************************************************************************
+# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors
+# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission from the respective party.
+# (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form
+# of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio"
+# trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without
+# specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
+# *******************************************************************************
+require 'tbd'
+class ThermalBridgingDerating < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure
+ # Returns measure name
+ #
+ # @return [String] measure name
+ def name
+ return 'Thermal Bridging Derating'
+ end
+ # Returns measure description
+ #
+ # @return [String] measure description
+ def description
+ return 'Derates opaque construction thermal resistance for major thermal bridges.'
+ end
+ # Returns measure modeler description
+ #
+ # @return [String] measure modeler description
+ def modeler_description
+ return 'This measure is adapted from the Thermal Bridging and Derating measure. Details, including default psi value sets, are avialble at rd2.github.io/tbd'
+ end
+ # Returns measure arguments
+ #
+ # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] An OpenStudio model
+ # @return [OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector] validated arguments
+ def arguments(model = nil)
+ args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new
+ # psi value sets are defined in psi.rb on the TBD github repository:
+ # https://github.com/rd2/tbd/blob/a250fc0bd1c0db454d21720a68bf6c980d648c8f/lib/tbd/psi.rb#L124
+ choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new
+ psi = TBD::PSI.new
+ psi.set.keys.each { |k| choices << k.to_s }
+ option = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('option', choices, false)
+ option.setDisplayName('Default thermal bridge set')
+ option.setDescription("e.g. '90.1.22|steel.m|unmitigated'")
+ option.setDefaultValue('poor (BETBG)')
+ args << option
+ return args
+ end
+ # Runs the thermal bridging deratign measure
+ #
+ # @param model [OpenStudio::Model::Model] a model
+ # @param runner [OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner] Measure runner
+ # @param [OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector] args Measure argument list
+ # @option args [#to_s] :option ("poor (BETBG)") selected PSI set
+ # @return [Bool] whether TBD Measure is successful
+ def run(model, runner, args)
+ super(model, runner, args)
+ argh = {}
+ argh[:option] = runner.getStringArgumentValue('option', args)
+ return false unless runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), args)
+ TBD.clean! # clean tbd logging
+ tbd = TBD.process(model, argh)
+ TBD.exit(runner, argh)
+ return true
+ end
+# register the measure to be used by the application
diff --git a/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/measure.xml b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/measure.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..043fe3b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/measure.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ 3.1
+ thermal_bridging_derating
+ e80a588e-f52d-4244-888a-3c95bd845604
+ 393d3a57-9d3d-441f-bf6d-b0e117f68de5
+ 2024-08-08T21:48:54Z
+ D69419EB
+ ThermalBridgingDerating
+ Thermal Bridging Derating
+ Derates opaque construction thermal resistance for major thermal bridges.
+ This measure is adapted from the Thermal Bridging and Derating measure. Details, including default psi value sets, are avialble at rd2.github.io/tbd
+ option
+ Default thermal bridge set
+ e.g. '90.1.22|steel.m|unmitigated'
+ Choice
+ false
+ false
+ poor (BETBG)
+ poor (BETBG)
+ poor (BETBG)
+ regular (BETBG)
+ regular (BETBG)
+ efficient (BETBG)
+ efficient (BETBG)
+ spandrel (BETBG)
+ spandrel (BETBG)
+ spandrel HP (BETBG)
+ spandrel HP (BETBG)
+ code (Quebec)
+ code (Quebec)
+ uncompliant (Quebec)
+ uncompliant (Quebec)
+ 90.1.22|steel.m|default
+ 90.1.22|steel.m|default
+ 90.1.22|steel.m|unmitigated
+ 90.1.22|steel.m|unmitigated
+ 90.1.22|mass.ex|default
+ 90.1.22|mass.ex|default
+ 90.1.22|mass.ex|unmitigated
+ 90.1.22|mass.ex|unmitigated
+ 90.1.22|mass.in|default
+ 90.1.22|mass.in|default
+ 90.1.22|mass.in|unmitigated
+ 90.1.22|mass.in|unmitigated
+ 90.1.22|wood.fr|default
+ 90.1.22|wood.fr|default
+ 90.1.22|wood.fr|unmitigated
+ 90.1.22|wood.fr|unmitigated
+ (non thermal bridging)
+ (non thermal bridging)
+ Envelope.Opaque
+ Intended Software Tool
+ Apply Measure Now
+ string
+ Intended Software Tool
+ OpenStudio Application
+ string
+ Intended Software Tool
+ Parametric Analysis Tool
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Model Articulation
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Calibration
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Sensitivity Analysis
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ New Construction EE
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Retrofit EE
+ string
+ Measure Type
+ ModelMeasure
+ string
+ Measure Language
+ Ruby
+ string
+ Intended Software Tool
+ Apply Measure Now
+ string
+ Intended Software Tool
+ OpenStudio Application
+ string
+ Intended Software Tool
+ Parametric Analysis Tool
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Model Articulation
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Calibration
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Sensitivity Analysis
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ New Construction EE
+ string
+ Intended Use Case
+ Retrofit EE
+ string
+ md
+ license
+ 5C9BFB50
+ md
+ readme
+ 02396931
+ README.md.erb
+ erb
+ readmeerb
+ 703C9964
+ OpenStudio
+ 2.9.1
+ 2.9.1
+ measure.rb
+ rb
+ script
+ 660DE5F4
+ thermal_bridging_derating_test.rb
+ rb
+ test
+ FDCBB810
diff --git a/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/tests/thermal_bridging_derating_test.rb b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/tests/thermal_bridging_derating_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f57433f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/measures/thermal_bridging_derating/tests/thermal_bridging_derating_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+# ComStock™, Copyright (c) 2023 Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. All rights reserved.
+# See top level LICENSE.txt file for license terms.
+# *******************************************************************************
+# OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+# (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors
+# may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without
+# specific prior written permission from the respective party.
+# (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form
+# of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio"
+# trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without
+# specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC.
+# *******************************************************************************
+require "openstudio"
+require "openstudio/measure/ShowRunnerOutput"
+require "minitest/autorun"
+require "fileutils"
+require_relative "../measure.rb"
+class ThermalBridgingDeratingTest < Minitest::Test
+ # return file paths to test models in test directory
+ def models_for_tests
+ paths = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../tests/models/*.osm'))
+ paths = paths.map { |path| File.expand_path(path) }
+ return paths
+ end
+ # return file paths to epw files in test directory
+ def epws_for_tests
+ paths = Dir.glob(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../tests/weather/*.epw'))
+ paths = paths.map { |path| File.expand_path(path) }
+ return paths
+ end
+ def load_model(osm_path)
+ translator = OpenStudio::OSVersion::VersionTranslator.new
+ model = translator.loadModel(OpenStudio::Path.new(osm_path))
+ assert(!model.empty?)
+ model = model.get
+ return model
+ end
+ def run_dir(test_name)
+ # always generate test output in specially named 'output' directory so result files are not made part of the measure
+ return File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"output","#{test_name}")
+ end
+ def model_input_path(osm_name)
+ # return models_for_tests.select { |x| set[:model] == osm_name }
+ return File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../tests/models', osm_name))
+ end
+ def epw_input_path(epw_name)
+ return File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../../tests/weather', epw_name)
+ end
+ def model_output_path(test_name)
+ return "#{run_dir(test_name)}/#{test_name}_out.osm"
+ end
+ def sql_path(test_name)
+ return "#{run_dir(test_name)}/run/eplusout.sql"
+ end
+ def report_path(test_name)
+ return "#{run_dir(test_name)}/reports/eplustbl.html"
+ end
+ # applies the measure and then runs the model
+ def apply_measure_and_run(test_name, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path, run_model: false, model: nil)
+ assert(File.exist?(osm_path))
+ assert(File.exist?(epw_path))
+ # create run directory if it does not exist
+ if !File.exist?(run_dir(test_name))
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(run_dir(test_name))
+ end
+ assert(File.exist?(run_dir(test_name)))
+ # remove prior runs if they exist
+ if File.exist?(model_output_path(test_name))
+ FileUtils.rm(model_output_path(test_name))
+ end
+ if File.exist?(report_path(test_name))
+ FileUtils.rm(report_path(test_name))
+ end
+ runner = OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner.new(OpenStudio::WorkflowJSON.new)
+ # load the test model
+ if model.nil?
+ model = load_model(osm_path)
+ end
+ # set model weather file
+ epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(OpenStudio::Path.new(epw_path))
+ OpenStudio::Model::WeatherFile.setWeatherFile(model, epw_file)
+ assert(model.weatherFile.is_initialized)
+ # run the measure
+ puts "\nAPPLYING MEASURE..."
+ measure.run(model, runner, argument_map)
+ result = runner.result
+ result_success = result.value.valueName == 'Success'
+ # Show the output
+ show_output(result)
+ # Save model
+ model.save(model_output_path(test_name), true)
+ if run_model && result_success
+ puts "\nRUNNING MODEL..."
+ std = Standard.build('90.1-2013')
+ std.model_run_simulation_and_log_errors(model, run_dir(test_name))
+ # Check that the model ran successfully
+ assert(File.exist?(sql_path(test_name)))
+ end
+ return result
+ end
+ def test_number_of_arguments_and_argument_names
+ measure = ThermalBridgingDerating.new
+ model = OpenStudio::Model::Model.new
+ arguments = measure.arguments(model)
+ assert_equal(1, arguments.size)
+ end
+ def test_efficient_thermal_bridging
+ # select
+ osm_name = '361_Strip_Mall_PSZ_Gas_3a.osm'
+ epw_name = 'TN_KNOXVILLE_723260_12.epw'
+ osm_path = model_input_path(osm_name)
+ epw_path = epw_input_path(epw_name)
+ # create a new instance of the measure
+ measure = ThermalBridgingDerating.new
+ # Load the model; only used here for populating arguments
+ model = load_model(osm_path)
+ arguments = measure.arguments(model)
+ argument_map = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentMap.new
+ # set arguments
+ option = arguments[0].clone
+ assert(option.setValue('efficient (BETBG)'))
+ argument_map['option'] = option
+ # Apply the measure to the model and optionally run the model
+ result = apply_measure_and_run(__method__, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path, run_model: false)
+ assert_equal('Success', result.value.valueName)
+ end
diff --git a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.rb b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.rb
index 88de7ff4d..24bf30147 100644
--- a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.rb
+++ b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.rb
@@ -72,9 +72,6 @@ def run(model, runner, user_arguments)
return false
- # build standard to use OS standards methods
- template = 'ComStock 90.1-2013'
- std = Standard.build(template)
# get climate zone to set target_r_val_ip
climate_zone = OpenstudioStandards::Weather.model_get_climate_zone(model)
diff --git a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.xml b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.xml
index 5d2f052a4..c426f536d 100644
--- a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.xml
+++ b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/measure.xml
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
- f77caec3-8e54-4b9c-ad60-01ea1df5c693
- 2024-06-20T18:58:42Z
+ c57405a4-f9cf-47e6-9611-35ef65998cab
+ 2024-09-09T21:44:23Z
Exterior Wall Insulation
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@
+ 29F12AB4
- measure_test.rb
+ upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation_test.rb
- 09A58639
+ 978E759C
diff --git a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/tests/measure_test.rb b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/tests/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation_test.rb
similarity index 84%
rename from resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/tests/measure_test.rb
rename to resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/tests/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation_test.rb
index e25299d07..48a8a0c71 100644
--- a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/tests/measure_test.rb
+++ b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation/tests/upgrade_env_exterior_wall_insulation_test.rb
@@ -106,10 +106,6 @@ def apply_measure_and_run(test_name, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path,
- # change into run directory for tests
- start_dir = Dir.pwd
- Dir.chdir run_dir(test_name)
# remove prior runs if they exist
if File.exist?(model_output_path(test_name))
@@ -118,21 +114,16 @@ def apply_measure_and_run(test_name, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path,
- # copy the osm and epw to the test directory
- new_osm_path = "#{run_dir(test_name)}/#{File.basename(osm_path)}"
- FileUtils.cp(osm_path, new_osm_path)
- new_epw_path = "#{run_dir(test_name)}/#{File.basename(epw_path)}"
- FileUtils.cp(epw_path, new_epw_path)
# create an instance of a runner
runner = OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner.new(OpenStudio::WorkflowJSON.new)
# load the test model
if model.nil?
- model = load_model(new_osm_path)
+ model = load_model(osm_path)
# set model weather file
- epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(OpenStudio::Path.new(new_epw_path))
+ epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(OpenStudio::Path.new(epw_path))
OpenStudio::Model::WeatherFile.setWeatherFile(model, epw_file)
@@ -158,9 +149,6 @@ def apply_measure_and_run(test_name, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path,
- # change back directory
- Dir.chdir(start_dir)
return result
@@ -274,6 +262,66 @@ def test_r_value_cz_7
# Apply the measure to the model and optionally run the model
result = apply_measure_and_run(__method__, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path, run_model: false)
+ model = load_model(model_output_path(__method__))
+ model.getSurfaces.each do |surface|
+ next unless (surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors') && (surface.surfaceType == 'Wall')
+ surf_const = surface.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.get
+ new_r_val_si = 1.0 / surface.thermalConductance.to_f
+ new_r_val_ip = OpenStudio.convert(new_r_val_si, 'm^2*K/W', 'ft^2*h*R/Btu').get
+ new_ext_surf_material = surf_const.getLayer(0)
+ insul = surf_const.insulation.get
+ insul_thick_in = OpenStudio.convert(insul.thickness, 'm', 'in').get
+ # Check that original R-value was below target threshold
+ assert(old_r_val_ip < new_r_val_ip, "For surface #{surface.name.get}, the new R-value #{new_r_val_ip.round(2)} ft^2*h*R/Btu is less than or equal to the old R-value #{old_r_val_ip.round(2)} ft^2*h*R/Btu.")
+ # Check that exterior surface material doesn't change
+ assert_equal(old_ext_surf_material.name.get.to_s, new_ext_surf_material.name.get.to_s)
+ # Check that the new R-value matches the target
+ tolerance = 5.0 * 0.5 # R-5/inch * max 1/2 inch off from rounding to nearest inch
+ assert_in_delta(target_r_value_ip, new_r_val_ip, tolerance)
+ # Check that the thickness of the added insulation is rounded to nearest inch
+ assert_in_epsilon(1.0, insul_thick_in, 0.001)
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ def test_existing_thermal_bridging
+ osm_name = 'thermal_bridging_applied.osm'
+ epw_name = 'CA_LOS-ANGELES-DOWNTOWN-USC_722874S_16.epw'
+ # Test expectations
+ target_r_value_ip = 21.0 # 7
+ osm_path = model_input_path(osm_name)
+ epw_path = epw_input_path(epw_name)
+ # Create an instance of the measure
+ measure = ExteriorWallInsulation.new
+ # Load the model; only used here for populating arguments
+ model = load_model(osm_path)
+ arguments = measure.arguments(model)
+ argument_map = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentMap.new
+ # Check that the starting R-value is less than the target
+ old_r_val_ip = 0
+ old_ext_surf_material = nil
+ model.getSurfaces.each do |surface|
+ next unless (surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors') && (surface.surfaceType == 'Wall')
+ surf_const = surface.construction.get.to_LayeredConstruction.get
+ old_r_val_si = 1 / surface.thermalConductance.to_f
+ old_r_val_ip = OpenStudio.convert(old_r_val_si, 'm^2*K/W', 'ft^2*h*R/Btu').get
+ old_ext_surf_material = surf_const.getLayer(0)
+ break
+ end
+ assert(old_r_val_ip < target_r_value_ip)
+ # Apply the measure to the model and optionally run the model
+ result = apply_measure_and_run(__method__, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path, run_model: false)
model = load_model(model_output_path(__method__))
model.getSurfaces.each do |surface|
next unless (surface.outsideBoundaryCondition == 'Outdoors') && (surface.surfaceType == 'Wall')
diff --git a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.rb b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.rb
index dcd653744..f512f21a5 100644
--- a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.rb
+++ b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.rb
@@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ def run(model, runner, user_arguments)
# set limit for minimum insulation in IP units -- this is used to limit input and for inferring insulation layer in construction
min_exp_r_val_ip = 1.0
- # build standard to use OS standards methods
- template = 'ComStock 90.1-2019'
- std = Standard.build(template)
# get climate zone to set target_r_val_ip
climate_zone = OpenstudioStandards::Weather.model_get_climate_zone(model)
diff --git a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.xml b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.xml
index 3f5302b9e..35a0c9501 100644
--- a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.xml
+++ b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/measure.xml
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
- 370fdf61-e62c-43a8-8487-0fd098f03fda
- 2024-06-20T18:58:42Z
+ e61c3b69-deb1-4490-9be0-7239edee2788
+ 2024-09-09T21:44:40Z
Roof Insulation AEDG
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@
- E6813C8D
+ 5B95CB09
- env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb
+ upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb
- E22EA670
+ 2C804AFF
diff --git a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/tests/env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/tests/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb
similarity index 94%
rename from resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/tests/env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb
rename to resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/tests/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb
index 37b290319..2ed5aa63e 100644
--- a/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/tests/env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb
+++ b/resources/measures/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg/tests/upgrade_env_roof_insul_aedg_test.rb
@@ -116,9 +116,6 @@ def apply_measure_and_run(test_name, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path,
- # change into run directory for tests
- start_dir = Dir.pwd
- Dir.chdir run_dir(test_name)
# remove prior runs if they exist
if File.exist?(model_output_path(test_name))
@@ -128,19 +125,14 @@ def apply_measure_and_run(test_name, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path,
- # copy the osm and epw to the test directory
- new_osm_path = "#{run_dir(test_name)}/#{File.basename(osm_path)}"
- FileUtils.cp(osm_path, new_osm_path)
- new_epw_path = "#{run_dir(test_name)}/#{File.basename(epw_path)}"
- FileUtils.cp(epw_path, new_epw_path)
# create an instance of a runner
runner = OpenStudio::Measure::OSRunner.new(OpenStudio::WorkflowJSON.new)
# load the test model
- model = load_model(new_osm_path)
+ model = load_model(osm_path)
# set model weather file
- epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(OpenStudio::Path.new(new_epw_path))
+ epw_file = OpenStudio::EpwFile.new(OpenStudio::Path.new(epw_path))
OpenStudio::Model::WeatherFile.setWeatherFile(model, epw_file)
@@ -166,9 +158,6 @@ def apply_measure_and_run(test_name, measure, argument_map, osm_path, epw_path,
- # change back directory
- Dir.chdir(start_dir)
return result
diff --git a/resources/options_lookup.tsv b/resources/options_lookup.tsv
index f03527340..7b36b5242 100644
--- a/resources/options_lookup.tsv
+++ b/resources/options_lookup.tsv
@@ -4638,6 +4638,15 @@ baseline_window_type Single - No LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Aluminum replace_bas
baseline_window_type Single - No LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Wood replace_baseline_windows window_pane_type=Single - No LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Wood u_value_ip=0.91 shgc=0.525 vlt=0.436
baseline_window_type Triple - LowE - Clear - Thermally Broken Aluminum replace_baseline_windows window_pane_type=Triple - LowE - Clear - Thermally Broken Aluminum u_value_ip=0.3 shgc=0.328 vlt=0.527
baseline_window_type Triple - LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Thermally Broken Aluminum replace_baseline_windows window_pane_type=Triple - LowE - Tinted/Reflective - Thermally Broken Aluminum u_value_ip=0.299 shgc=0.224 vlt=0.32
+thermal_bridging steel-framed and metal default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|steel.m|default
+thermal_bridging steel-framed and metal unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|steel.m|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging mass default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.ex|default
+thermal_bridging mass unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.ex|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging interior mass default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.in|default
+thermal_bridging interior mass unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|mass.in|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging wood-framed default thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|wood.fr|default
+thermal_bridging wood-framed unmitigated thermal_bridging_derating option=90.1.22|wood.fr|unmitigated
+thermal_bridging no thermal bridging thermal_bridging_derating option=(non thermal bridging)
baseline_hvac_sizing autosize hardsize_model apply_hardsize=false
baseline_hvac_sizing hardsize hardsize_model apply_hardsize=true
occupancy_schedule_adjust adjust_schedule adjust_occupancy_schedule peak_occ_frac=0.231
diff --git a/resources/tests/models/370_strip_mall_psz_gas_some_erv_4a/workflow.osw b/resources/tests/models/370_strip_mall_psz_gas_some_erv_4a/workflow.osw
deleted file mode 100644
index f9bd83801..000000000
--- a/resources/tests/models/370_strip_mall_psz_gas_some_erv_4a/workflow.osw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- "created_at" : "20240105T153654Z",
- "seed_file" : "../370_strip_mall_psz_gas_some_erv_4a.osm",
- "steps" : [],
- "updated_at" : "20240105T153851Z"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/resources/tests/models/thermal_bridging_applied.osm b/resources/tests/models/thermal_bridging_applied.osm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e71c5960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/tests/models/thermal_bridging_applied.osm
@@ -0,0 +1,53641 @@
+ {698a5abb-f750-42d7-a9b8-77d71717b1ce}, !- Handle
+ 3.8.0; !- Version Identifier
+ {a01f4660-4e53-4a1f-b8f8-9e6ba7f09a61}; !- Handle
+ {95164841-d0dd-46c8-86e7-fe4b2d749441}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl_AL_USA, !- Name
+ 34.65, !- Latitude {deg}
+ -86.95, !- Longitude {deg}
+ -6, !- Time Zone {hr}
+ 180, !- Elevation {m}
+ City; !- Terrain
+ {222d9a4a-4663-42cd-8c33-d77c491f73de}, !- Handle
+ , !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
+ , !- Do System Sizing Calculation
+ , !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
+ No, !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
+ Yes, !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods
+ , !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value {W}
+ , !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
+ , !- Solar Distribution
+ , !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
+ , !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
+ No, !- Do HVAC Sizing Simulation for Sizing Periods
+ 1; !- Maximum Number of HVAC Sizing Simulation Passes
+ {47bee137-a0f4-4fae-8b2b-e4497c43dc6d}, !- Handle
+ 1.25, !- Heating Sizing Factor
+ 1.15; !- Cooling Sizing Factor
+ {f3a6f472-b7ef-487c-97c2-366b5d258759}, !- Handle
+ 4; !- Number of Timesteps per Hour
+ {604b0f62-43ea-4ee4-aa76-08c041d4bc9f}, !- Handle
+ PolygonClipping, !- Shading Calculation Method
+ , !- Shading Calculation Update Frequency Method
+ 20, !- Shading Calculation Update Frequency
+ 15000, !- Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations
+ , !- Polygon Clipping Algorithm
+ 512, !- Pixel Counting Resolution
+ , !- Sky Diffuse Modeling Algorithm
+ No, !- Output External Shading Calculation Results
+ No, !- Disable Self-Shading Within Shading Zone Groups
+ No; !- Disable Self-Shading From Shading Zone Groups to Other Zones
+ {0476d622-1c62-42a0-8243-78752cac5d07}, !- Handle
+ ConductionTransferFunction, !- Algorithm
+ 200; !- Surface Temperature Upper Limit {C}
+ {1b483419-cdd4-4778-8d7d-aabde26c06a8}, !- Handle
+ Run Period 1, !- Name
+ 1, !- Begin Month
+ 1, !- Begin Day of Month
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31, !- End Day of Month
+ , !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
+ , !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
+ , !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
+ , !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
+ , !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
+ ; !- Number of Times Runperiod to be Repeated
+ {82f3a405-c95f-4874-af95-1fa42ae88c43}, !- Handle
+ , !- Analysis Type
+ , !- Discounting Convention
+ , !- Inflation Approach
+ , !- Real Discount Rate
+ , !- Nominal Discount Rate
+ , !- Inflation
+ , !- Base Date Month
+ , !- Base Date Year
+ , !- Service Date Month
+ , !- Service Date Year
+ ; !- Length of Study Period in Years
+ {49fbb15a-956d-4113-b73a-211523418960}, !- Handle
+ Knoxville Municipal, !- City
+ TN, !- State Province Region
+ USA, !- Country
+ customized weather file, !- Data Source
+ 723260, !- WMO Number
+ 35.82, !- Latitude {deg}
+ -83.99, !- Longitude {deg}
+ -5, !- Time Zone {hr}
+ 299, !- Elevation {m}
+ ./../../../tests/weather/TN_KNOXVILLE_723260_12.epw, !- Url
+ 93A87B0C, !- Checksum
+ , !- Start Date Actual Year
+ Friday; !- Start Day of Week
+ {4f8530e0-f9b4-49fb-8351-ce05eb542312}, !- Handle
+ Correlation, !- Calculation Method
+ , !- Temperature Schedule Name
+ 16.3491666666667, !- Annual Average Outdoor Air Temperature {C}
+ 23.16; !- Maximum Difference In Monthly Average Outdoor Air Temperatures {deltaC}
+ {4d1e11ae-24ab-4ee3-b124-371bfc02c37b}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl Ann Clg .4% Condns DB=>MWB 1, !- Name
+ 35.1, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 7, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 24.2, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.442, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.182; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {41a6605e-f40d-47e4-bb27-422a7c27ff1e}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl Ann Clg .4% Condns WB=>MDB 1, !- Name
+ 31.6, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 7, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 25.7, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.442, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.182; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {3a00cf39-654f-4e23-a572-46ea05be9c37}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl Ann Clg 1% Condns DB=>MWB 1, !- Name
+ 33.8, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 7, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 23.6, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.442, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.182; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {c432b106-8a0b-4e73-90d5-b731f851d1e2}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl Ann Clg 2% Condns DP=>MDB 1, !- Name
+ 26.9, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 7, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Dewpoint, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 22.9, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.442, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.182; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {7425ddf8-b849-49e7-a442-44acf9605da3}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl Ann Htg 99% Condns DB 1, !- Name
+ -5.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 0, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 2.9, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 350, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ 0, !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 1, !- Month
+ WinterDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ -5.2, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAEClearSky; !- Solar Model Indicator
+ {979e6fca-daf0-417a-8329-46fc55aa6e2d}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB 1, !- Name
+ -7.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 0, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 2.9, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 350, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ 0, !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 1, !- Month
+ WinterDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ -7.3, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAEClearSky; !- Solar Model Indicator
+ {9ce7a597-6faf-4b0b-88ad-606a6d98cb99}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl Ann Htg Wind 99% Condns WS=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 12.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 0, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 9.4, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 350, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ 0, !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 1, !- Month
+ WinterDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 12.2, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAEClearSky; !- Solar Model Indicator
+ {ff9e08b4-7c71-4cfe-b14d-b4a9c1874023}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl April .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 30.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 4, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 19.7, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.385, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.312; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {49a4c115-ac5f-4a0f-b09a-0cb4ad650e36}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl April .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 28, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 4, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 21.7, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.385, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.312; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {6e4e34fa-de61-4fcd-bc9a-02520cd06ea1}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl August .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 37.7, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.6, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 8, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 23.2, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.429, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.249; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {b440336e-d8b0-4590-a525-2469edc4846c}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl August .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 32.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.6, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 8, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 26.3, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.429, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.249; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {9904a5eb-7edc-4848-8635-f1ab0e08c055}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl December .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 21.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 10.7, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 12, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 17, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.337, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.605; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {c6ef7c51-194a-4e9d-8d73-002565595cc8}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl December .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 19.7, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 10.7, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 12, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 18, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.337, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.605; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {c0bc8500-9f88-4daa-a9c4-8f5710de1832}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl February .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 22.6, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 2, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 16, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.346, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.514; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {49c9bfd6-26aa-4612-963a-952cb502d622}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl February .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 20.6, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 2, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 18.2, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.346, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.514; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {9b247c72-329d-4dcd-a66e-b7a7b3bb39ff}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl January .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 22, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 10.2, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 1, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 17.3, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.334, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.599; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {f1ab1104-f0d4-4de8-b818-1e914de4e710}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl January .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 20.8, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 10.2, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 1, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 18.2, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.334, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.599; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {80a39cbd-dc93-408f-ae27-2b2a85f899cb}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl July .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 36.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 7, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 23.8, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.442, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.182; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {f71b1be8-cbbf-4b87-b12b-5efc8f6d9c8b}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl July .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 7, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 26.9, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.442, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.182; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {b029d900-2d2a-4350-b5e4-0d20fd0a755f}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl June .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 34.9, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.5, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 6, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 23.6, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.413, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.23; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {bf5bd632-6b15-48c0-8d89-d58b7ca97ee3}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl June .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 31.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.5, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 6, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 25.6, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.413, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.23; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {43fc6de5-206e-4afd-87a5-129eb1028003}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl March .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 27.5, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 3, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 17.4, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.373, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.412; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {2df55932-b9f6-45ec-ac5c-11b5cae81706}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl March .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 24.1, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 3, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 19.6, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.373, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.412; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {27c53657-c4f4-4ad1-8398-df958d39cadc}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl May .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 32.6, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.2, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 5, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 22.4, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.399, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.249; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {77a52fe9-1c5f-4965-bba5-33de1bf170c8}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl May .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 28.9, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 11.2, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 5, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 23.9, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.399, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.249; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {55f8e3ef-94a5-4f54-8b73-f9f861ca1967}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl November .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 27.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12.4, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 11, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 18.9, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.355, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.511; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {91279eb4-9c1d-4107-86a3-3c8bfc0b1b14}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl November .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 23.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12.4, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 11, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 20.5, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.355, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.511; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {7efcb24e-ec3c-4eed-b7fb-af98abfac4b4}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl October .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 31, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 13.3, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 10, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 20.5, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.377, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.437; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {3a265bb6-4eab-4fd4-8e43-b10b409544a7}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl October .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 27.3, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 13.3, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 10, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 23.3, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.377, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.437; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {e1bba8f8-d7a3-4304-8a8e-2270eff8682a}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl September .4% Condns DB=>MCWB 1, !- Name
+ 34, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 9, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 21.8, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.389, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.413; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {8f0973b5-b1e2-47bd-897b-dac06c566dd7}, !- Handle
+ Pryor Fld Rgnl September .4% Condns WB=>MCDB 1, !- Name
+ 29.6, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 12.1, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99181, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 280, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ , !- Sky Clearness
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ 9, !- Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ 24.8, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ 0.389, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ 2.413; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance {dimensionless}
+ {4ed92288-ed24-4ae0-a1b1-d0a9d8ff2665}, !- Handle
+ ASHRAE, !- Climate Zone Institution Name 1
+ ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 169, !- Climate Zone Document Name 1
+ 2006, !- Climate Zone Document Year 1
+ ASHRAE 169-2013-3A; !- Climate Zone Value 1
+ {750d580c-1576-444a-9d71-f4d05646a5cf}, !- Handle
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004|RetailStripmall|FullServiceRestaurant, !- Name
+ , !- Building Sector Type
+ , !- North Axis {deg}
+ , !- Nominal Floor to Floor Height {m}
+ , !- Space Type Name
+ {9b4af3d7-9115-4de5-a479-3391147787e4}, !- Default Construction Set Name
+ {bc8a566f-6ebd-4d88-ba39-efe8ba006a88}, !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ , !- Standards Number of Stories
+ , !- Standards Number of Above Ground Stories
+ , !- Standards Template
+ StripMall; !- Standards Building Type
+ {44e15388-9494-4f14-8275-1d8ac20ef4a8}, !- Handle
+ {750d580c-1576-444a-9d71-f4d05646a5cf}, !- Object Name
+ grid_region, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ SRSOc, !- Feature Value 1
+ hvac_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ PSZ-AC with gas coil, !- Feature Value 2
+ wall_as_constructed_template, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 3
+ wall_template, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 4
+ roof_as_constructed_template, !- Feature Name 5
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 5
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 5
+ roof_template, !- Feature Name 6
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 6
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 6
+ exterior_lighting_as_constructed_template, !- Feature Name 7
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 7
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 7
+ exterior_lighting_template, !- Feature Name 8
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 8
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 8
+ interior_equipment_as_constructed_template, !- Feature Name 9
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 9
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 9
+ interior_equipment_template, !- Feature Name 10
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 10
+ ComStock 90.1-2007, !- Feature Value 10
+ service_water_heating_as_constructed_template, !- Feature Name 11
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 11
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 11
+ service_water_heating_template, !- Feature Name 12
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 12
+ ComStock 90.1-2013, !- Feature Value 12
+ hvac_as_constructed_template, !- Feature Name 13
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 13
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Feature Value 13
+ hvac_template, !- Feature Name 14
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 14
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004; !- Feature Value 14
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ {ef2350c7-7f91-40e7-bbe7-998decc7b814}, !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ {c5f0df39-229c-4459-9689-8105ae56d62c}, !- Group Rendering Name
+ {7ff99cef-d3b7-4336-b3c6-d50a2702d8ea}, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Standards Template
+ StripMall, !- Standards Building Type
+ Strip mall - type 1; !- Standards Space Type
+ {c5f0df39-229c-4459-9689-8105ae56d62c}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1, !- Name
+ 171, !- Rendering Red Value
+ 222, !- Rendering Green Value
+ 78; !- Rendering Blue Value
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ {dc2037b3-5eed-4379-99a9-3de4a1443f2e}, !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ {5fbb37d9-5ba1-4ce8-aed0-67f9268bf78c}, !- Group Rendering Name
+ {f66eef87-69f0-424e-9107-6f6b9d7a5cf8}, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Standards Template
+ StripMall, !- Standards Building Type
+ Strip mall - type 2; !- Standards Space Type
+ {5fbb37d9-5ba1-4ce8-aed0-67f9268bf78c}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2, !- Name
+ 171, !- Rendering Red Value
+ 222, !- Rendering Green Value
+ 78; !- Rendering Blue Value
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ {1b94e205-f341-4ac5-8e72-e9032975e60b}, !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ {7efadc89-8407-4345-9090-96e7faafe962}, !- Group Rendering Name
+ {a30b92e5-126d-4a9f-94c5-f9789d95c707}, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Standards Template
+ StripMall, !- Standards Building Type
+ Strip mall - type 3; !- Standards Space Type
+ {7efadc89-8407-4345-9090-96e7faafe962}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3, !- Name
+ 171, !- Rendering Red Value
+ 222, !- Rendering Green Value
+ 78; !- Rendering Blue Value
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ {3736c256-1b39-4060-b86b-47f480f6c4fd}, !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ {989cdf58-fd77-49ec-90b5-beaae54bbb2d}, !- Group Rendering Name
+ {91c39eb7-b314-48da-b50a-54904336f7ef}, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Standards Template
+ FullServiceRestaurant, !- Standards Building Type
+ Kitchen; !- Standards Space Type
+ {989cdf58-fd77-49ec-90b5-beaae54bbb2d}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen, !- Name
+ 78, !- Rendering Red Value
+ 222, !- Rendering Green Value
+ 133; !- Rendering Blue Value
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004, !- Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ {c3eac54d-3c3b-487b-8c7f-f6dffdf7a95d}, !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ {b69fbf8d-738e-48a1-87b2-3b025c384db6}, !- Group Rendering Name
+ {a5a9ecb2-27b8-46d7-b371-a6efece4a654}, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Standards Template
+ FullServiceRestaurant, !- Standards Building Type
+ Dining; !- Standards Space Type
+ {b69fbf8d-738e-48a1-87b2-3b025c384db6}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining, !- Name
+ 31, !- Rendering Red Value
+ 169, !- Rendering Green Value
+ 34; !- Rendering Blue Value
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Handle
+ Story Ground, !- Name
+ 0, !- Nominal Z Coordinate {m}
+ 5.1816, !- Nominal Floor to Floor Height {m}
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ ; !- Group Rendering Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -11.8048532392402, !- X Origin {m}
+ -5.9024266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {6b5eeb7a-9447-448b-867f-b9d43584b49b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 1, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {d325a846-fd8f-4879-bb12-484f0eed3909}, !- Construction Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.572, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.572, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {a28cb7df-46cb-41f1-9905-4d95c8f62746}, !- Handle
+ Surface 2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {e4183b79-6e24-4c71-8f6a-ff56c9e24169}, !- Construction Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {fc76caaa-93b5-4c8f-aee0-7bbeca602c83}, !- Handle
+ Surface 3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {1cbe96c8-63f1-4516-acf4-b7bc0533c1b5}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.572, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.572, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d1561f01-4d28-4cda-8a6c-074a60e3cf0a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 4, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {b7bc9545-bdf7-446e-abcf-b33602d9d349}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.57199999999999, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {cd0341b8-6c69-4009-af5c-fe7d90f628b9}, !- Handle
+ Surface 5, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {334760c3-3f73-4f8b-9548-8dc0b15d1da0}, !- Construction Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.572, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.572, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {db9bdbfd-8c53-4b1f-83ae-f33084b8bb4b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 6, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {1320c311-ee49-4de2-b450-98b9062aabef}, !- Construction Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.572, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.572, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {7248e870-7a76-449d-a940-bbf13534bc60}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {0f409f76-4fb3-4a42-9ead-cfd763a23ebd}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {e6a69fc9-c2cd-42a6-8d7a-3bee59193030}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {5d88cc27-e436-4ac5-a13a-6e17ab1a37cb}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {0694c4e2-d414-4202-9799-80f8665fb3b9}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {e31c70ce-d17e-4d8e-bed2-0a3c0c087cd2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {e6a69fc9-c2cd-42a6-8d7a-3bee59193030}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {e6a69fc9-c2cd-42a6-8d7a-3bee59193030}, !- Handle
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {e31c70ce-d17e-4d8e-bed2-0a3c0c087cd2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7248e870-7a76-449d-a940-bbf13534bc60}, !- Handle
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- HVAC Component
+ {6060e183-b810-4232-a12e-e43f02a31cb4}; !- Port 1
+ {0f409f76-4fb3-4a42-9ead-cfd763a23ebd}, !- Handle
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}; !- HVAC Component
+ {5d88cc27-e436-4ac5-a13a-6e17ab1a37cb}, !- Handle
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- HVAC Component
+ {0cd8e8b3-0d1e-43bb-9e5f-6f3489a2ae6b}; !- Port 1
+ {eda6cd19-552f-4b24-8e64-991a79c5aa13}, !- Handle
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {51644b5b-02d1-41ef-b333-e3e61b8220f1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {4c2b9631-6c80-46c2-959f-f296a7b6a3d9}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -11.8048532392402, !- X Origin {m}
+ -1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {e6b93c05-aed2-4d6f-a46c-32eeb2b956f7}, !- Handle
+ Surface 7, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {c07044a8-012d-4e41-b897-1306b0cc063d}, !- Construction Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.572, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.572, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {edd978c8-61b4-49a4-b63b-c4e87df0c3e6}, !- Handle
+ Surface 8, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {4f762538-d6de-4892-8d31-7192110cf176}, !- Construction Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {0155da36-2de1-4c8a-aa76-576e579f9b30}, !- Handle
+ Surface 9, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {a552c32f-42b1-4ff8-a323-7b71a78d5b00}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.572, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.572, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {cf5ea72c-c35a-4f9b-93d5-56a50dc2a2a8}, !- Handle
+ Surface 10, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {9ed91727-1c8f-4b9b-a1b6-185de5367e46}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.57199999999999, 3.99680288865056e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {1cbe96c8-63f1-4516-acf4-b7bc0533c1b5}, !- Handle
+ Surface 11, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {fc76caaa-93b5-4c8f-aee0-7bbeca602c83}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.572, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.572, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {3ec09796-6f05-471d-9262-15f755b4d0de}, !- Handle
+ Surface 12, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {a6bd4d4f-6512-43c3-a95d-537fc876837b}, !- Construction Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.572, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.572, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {a8cb6b22-ed1e-4234-84ca-771349fe045a}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {bbbb5d3f-e81e-4696-b30f-5c40e73f6778}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {6f503b9d-24d5-4b59-8e0c-e25e529a894a}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {128c7b2d-eead-4f83-b112-a2ae58f68cdc}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {20caf3c4-1d5e-47e8-b0ab-98a1a1d674a0}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {b0faea73-2d9d-425f-a6cc-22a582eee86f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {6f503b9d-24d5-4b59-8e0c-e25e529a894a}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {6f503b9d-24d5-4b59-8e0c-e25e529a894a}, !- Handle
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {b0faea73-2d9d-425f-a6cc-22a582eee86f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a8cb6b22-ed1e-4234-84ca-771349fe045a}, !- Handle
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- HVAC Component
+ {55ff87cb-e255-478c-977b-6deffd0067c7}; !- Port 1
+ {bbbb5d3f-e81e-4696-b30f-5c40e73f6778}, !- Handle
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}; !- HVAC Component
+ {128c7b2d-eead-4f83-b112-a2ae58f68cdc}, !- Handle
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- HVAC Component
+ {60160112-ae41-4129-8e3c-d1871596381c}; !- Port 1
+ {23bcc87e-eed8-41be-bc4e-661fe3472391}, !- Handle
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {46cad5b3-8acb-4106-bab1-c7c4fb97b58c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {95b9eb0e-af41-48e9-80ee-d49dd5ee3a8c}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -11.8048532392402, !- X Origin {m}
+ 1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {61eb78f0-8ed5-4fa0-a2fb-0bc68211a6fe}, !- Handle
+ Surface 13, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {d325a846-fd8f-4879-bb12-484f0eed3909}, !- Construction Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.572, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.572, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {5beabb71-ebae-4796-9680-ce7aef229b33}, !- Handle
+ Surface 14, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {c2a9878d-01f2-45fa-b951-0f20c3050f30}, !- Construction Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {77b09d07-f30b-46ff-afb8-2306340ac9c5}, !- Handle
+ Surface 15, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {cee0c90a-acce-4a25-875c-5b34e6602dc0}, !- Construction Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.572, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.572, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {9fe4a4b8-cf4b-4ae9-b548-6d3a64514dd0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 16, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {8ebaf74e-78d3-49ba-9d96-6f47b039c1c6}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.57199999999999, -4.21884749357559e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, -4.21884749357559e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.57199999999999, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {a552c32f-42b1-4ff8-a323-7b71a78d5b00}, !- Handle
+ Surface 17, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {0155da36-2de1-4c8a-aa76-576e579f9b30}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.572, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.572, 0, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {e5bc115e-a79f-48d9-ad5e-92f8fd46a6d4}, !- Handle
+ Surface 18, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {a2bb4326-c213-4523-a883-91bbf1b7c8ad}, !- Construction Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.572, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.572, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {75e6766b-37a7-4bcc-b368-8d97faead6fb}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {061d11a1-ba87-4614-80bd-ffacca06c953}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {1ffd9ff1-3959-428a-abce-296039a88169}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {1729c341-3c97-4140-8007-b608220fbb3f}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {45d042f2-0565-425e-a5e9-a185dbd42980}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {946b9266-0589-4b59-bb0f-3970c8505b71}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {1ffd9ff1-3959-428a-abce-296039a88169}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {1ffd9ff1-3959-428a-abce-296039a88169}, !- Handle
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {946b9266-0589-4b59-bb0f-3970c8505b71}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {75e6766b-37a7-4bcc-b368-8d97faead6fb}, !- Handle
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- HVAC Component
+ {9c90e36a-94bf-4c01-b865-d02f952005a1}; !- Port 1
+ {061d11a1-ba87-4614-80bd-ffacca06c953}, !- Handle
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}; !- HVAC Component
+ {1729c341-3c97-4140-8007-b608220fbb3f}, !- Handle
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- HVAC Component
+ {a588c7f8-8447-4e69-aaa9-8a82a0f633c9}; !- Port 1
+ {21a83232-f6db-4d76-ad92-73b922ab35e8}, !- Handle
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {35cc1368-f682-4918-bddf-a4d922c6c143}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {6b9a73b9-7d9e-4cdb-8c48-e7fb26fb717e}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -7.23285323924021, !- X Origin {m}
+ -5.9024266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {9ca5e768-ecae-45d1-b4b1-30132b5e8d06}, !- Handle
+ Surface 19, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {f415a43f-2db7-4b4b-b1ed-dd82b35d2e77}, !- Construction Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {b7bc9545-bdf7-446e-abcf-b33602d9d349}, !- Handle
+ Surface 20, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {d1561f01-4d28-4cda-8a6c-074a60e3cf0a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {9d1037bb-81a0-494f-8cb0-3727c3e998e2}, !- Handle
+ Surface 21, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {c16472c6-1596-4843-a964-8ecebbe1aff7}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {eafb8541-3b50-4536-9d57-57302983687a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 22, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {d006133b-3ba8-4642-908e-ee767bb413c0}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {0ffb382a-9f29-48be-a79b-d9f1bf09cdc9}, !- Handle
+ Surface 23, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {b72af9ff-e143-47d9-8ccb-95e795e5d330}, !- Construction Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d87582d6-25b2-484c-93f6-4f62eff70805}, !- Handle
+ Surface 24, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {317afa74-eb92-4710-826c-c409a5c409ba}, !- Construction Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {49f3a9db-6de0-49dc-ab0b-12a0069da793}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {01c13925-c9ab-452c-8a29-a7e6b41d62fc}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {37d8cbec-598b-4c70-b82e-b62858565e48}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {89ff46a5-408f-47b6-b113-f573fe775497}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {3db743b4-0ee2-4d27-a1a8-5cddff60a662}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {5cdc7af7-4bd7-4dfd-8df6-762b53e64974}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {37d8cbec-598b-4c70-b82e-b62858565e48}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {37d8cbec-598b-4c70-b82e-b62858565e48}, !- Handle
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {5cdc7af7-4bd7-4dfd-8df6-762b53e64974}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {49f3a9db-6de0-49dc-ab0b-12a0069da793}, !- Handle
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- HVAC Component
+ {92a7257a-f34f-48b5-866e-a4f50365f15c}; !- Port 1
+ {01c13925-c9ab-452c-8a29-a7e6b41d62fc}, !- Handle
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}; !- HVAC Component
+ {89ff46a5-408f-47b6-b113-f573fe775497}, !- Handle
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- HVAC Component
+ {4abf4bba-883b-49bb-bbee-21a520cb352b}; !- Port 1
+ {fb719172-a1ba-4d1d-9f2f-7cd9f1270b43}, !- Handle
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {def432bb-69e6-4ab8-b830-a7e80f605a0c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {4f66379c-32c3-4788-8493-ac375cb13f0d}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -7.23285323924021, !- X Origin {m}
+ -1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {823f642a-8cf1-465e-a462-baf931db5eb0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 25, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {25443693-c445-4348-9c4b-2b5cff76a32e}, !- Construction Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {9ed91727-1c8f-4b9b-a1b6-185de5367e46}, !- Handle
+ Surface 26, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {cf5ea72c-c35a-4f9b-93d5-56a50dc2a2a8}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.99680288865056e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {aed45967-1ace-430d-86fb-0b61e0ebe569}, !- Handle
+ Surface 27, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {0aea7111-1ae8-4de0-b0bc-e66c1724852c}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {5e38bd63-de59-4ef7-8c3d-46b20d6cdd39}, !- Handle
+ Surface 28, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {6a03bdb3-bff1-4b08-b232-e2de2b297ca3}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.99680288865056e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {c16472c6-1596-4843-a964-8ecebbe1aff7}, !- Handle
+ Surface 29, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {9d1037bb-81a0-494f-8cb0-3727c3e998e2}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {e6d03c14-d190-44c8-b02b-3350148e1033}, !- Handle
+ Surface 30, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {9fbac219-2c4b-489a-bf77-a8ceec47c4cf}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {f69a5abd-9ce9-41a2-8d3e-aa534016f920}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {5978f62e-4a55-41ab-a248-51b22615906f}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {2769d217-2018-4914-bb71-fad9c1ec31fb}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {2eb9785d-00c9-4182-a74a-e6cc6b312f8b}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {4b4bf3ac-a6b0-4265-b410-73b1e30e756e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {5978f62e-4a55-41ab-a248-51b22615906f}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {5978f62e-4a55-41ab-a248-51b22615906f}, !- Handle
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {4b4bf3ac-a6b0-4265-b410-73b1e30e756e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9fbac219-2c4b-489a-bf77-a8ceec47c4cf}, !- Handle
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- HVAC Component
+ {a22ded65-d031-4f4b-bec4-50e6ee50ad79}; !- Port 1
+ {f69a5abd-9ce9-41a2-8d3e-aa534016f920}, !- Handle
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}; !- HVAC Component
+ {2769d217-2018-4914-bb71-fad9c1ec31fb}, !- Handle
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- HVAC Component
+ {48622e11-4b46-47f7-92ac-519ba1341d3c}; !- Port 1
+ {77f24443-a11c-43e6-b7d7-e7b2e57742c0}, !- Handle
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {92797d6a-d84a-4cc5-88aa-d2b831eee5ce}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {dcc0f1d5-c709-48cc-aa36-364f0de22d06}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -7.23285323924021, !- X Origin {m}
+ 1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {77186e50-7207-4775-9fc6-9d4d30a4c3b6}, !- Handle
+ Surface 31, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {f415a43f-2db7-4b4b-b1ed-dd82b35d2e77}, !- Construction Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {8ebaf74e-78d3-49ba-9d96-6f47b039c1c6}, !- Handle
+ Surface 32, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {9fe4a4b8-cf4b-4ae9-b548-6d3a64514dd0}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, -4.21884749357559e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, -4.21884749357559e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {b6736715-e9dd-4a21-8546-0170222f08db}, !- Handle
+ Surface 33, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {a090149d-acf6-46cf-8427-4f3a7efd4412}, !- Construction Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {8b2d48f7-4612-4373-a773-5a06d4f347b6}, !- Handle
+ Surface 34, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {198ac456-537d-4c95-b6e2-f19619502c75}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, -4.21884749357559e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, -4.21884749357559e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {0aea7111-1ae8-4de0-b0bc-e66c1724852c}, !- Handle
+ Surface 35, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {aed45967-1ace-430d-86fb-0b61e0ebe569}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 0, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 0, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {afaa22ec-e1e6-456b-b24b-3afe6f0f8c4a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 36, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {ef0097c5-33e9-45d1-9da3-e43261f9ca32}, !- Construction Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.69139726746815, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.69139726746815, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.66453525910038e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {aecd964f-edfa-478c-b38c-0856f861d3aa}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {0bcd6b69-fe87-4e95-aaf2-ff0aeb9c7d24}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {1e1aebe4-ffe7-407f-a63d-5db669586711}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {36e890ca-3a50-4b0b-a18e-3d29107d1485}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {effcd8d4-1ac9-492d-8454-a0f25f02b385}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {cd89848e-799c-471e-aff9-1c27076bf110}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {1e1aebe4-ffe7-407f-a63d-5db669586711}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {1e1aebe4-ffe7-407f-a63d-5db669586711}, !- Handle
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {cd89848e-799c-471e-aff9-1c27076bf110}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {aecd964f-edfa-478c-b38c-0856f861d3aa}, !- Handle
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- HVAC Component
+ {2e0ff7d6-4ab2-4369-85fc-6ffc68044dba}; !- Port 1
+ {0bcd6b69-fe87-4e95-aaf2-ff0aeb9c7d24}, !- Handle
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}; !- HVAC Component
+ {36e890ca-3a50-4b0b-a18e-3d29107d1485}, !- Handle
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- HVAC Component
+ {87625c43-8ab2-4e89-89fe-6ecf8c1fda15}; !- Port 1
+ {40be1a27-311e-4a5b-ab4e-b18e0e15ab4d}, !- Handle
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {bed48c23-dd11-4ed7-847f-ad5988391ead}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {320ae3db-4e7c-4829-b3fa-67cd25ee903f}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -3.54145597177206, !- X Origin {m}
+ -5.9024266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {fb5daf39-3166-4755-b0ad-aadd3f798376}, !- Handle
+ Surface 37, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {dfd8c892-a83b-44d5-bd12-f85e8169bf6b}, !- Construction Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d006133b-3ba8-4642-908e-ee767bb413c0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 38, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {eafb8541-3b50-4536-9d57-57302983687a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {cd46dc0a-3330-42ad-9fa7-521b9605d793}, !- Handle
+ Surface 39, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {d10bb4f2-f7b2-4f0a-b80f-dac811ce4c0b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d41fe2bb-8845-44c1-90b5-56b2cffa092b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 40, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {0b263a7d-de5a-48b9-b72d-e6cdff44a9db}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {5a2ce0cb-e5c7-4b82-b6f7-d906afbd441f}, !- Handle
+ Surface 41, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {bb93852e-93fe-4ba8-9355-37a21b476a90}, !- Construction Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {52cc8c22-31fa-407c-916c-c9048ebce070}, !- Handle
+ Surface 42, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {471c963d-a05e-455a-91aa-73a47feb23be}, !- Construction Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {95c435b0-c9cf-46a3-92a0-7c789508d78b}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {5c2e9717-6478-4cb1-a169-88c97e10b4c3}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {e4cce628-aa59-4af0-bea7-e9e20c8655df}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {e1126908-a806-4e5e-adb8-d11fa6cab875}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {df1034b0-085f-4c52-83d5-1679728162fd}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {8ff6a4eb-48ef-456e-a4b3-f1add176fc70}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {e4cce628-aa59-4af0-bea7-e9e20c8655df}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {e4cce628-aa59-4af0-bea7-e9e20c8655df}, !- Handle
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {8ff6a4eb-48ef-456e-a4b3-f1add176fc70}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {95c435b0-c9cf-46a3-92a0-7c789508d78b}, !- Handle
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- HVAC Component
+ {2a86b8f5-f765-458b-90c7-9e37596d0fe1}; !- Port 1
+ {5c2e9717-6478-4cb1-a169-88c97e10b4c3}, !- Handle
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- HVAC Component
+ {64634abe-30e5-4c99-b968-5b9a9ece01e0}; !- Port 1
+ {e1126908-a806-4e5e-adb8-d11fa6cab875}, !- Handle
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- HVAC Component
+ {9688b7d3-47c2-4a6b-ae2b-b7427154705b}; !- Port 1
+ {6814513c-5813-4071-8223-a0e2bbe6b01c}, !- Handle
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {5351835b-f17f-4f8d-9941-13a719ee3006}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {27fef104-f250-4540-af21-365f2d512220}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {0fe99987-fb90-4ba9-bc6f-18737ab80df8}, !- Zone Equipment 2
+ 2, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 2
+ 2, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 2
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 2
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 2
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -3.54145597177206, !- X Origin {m}
+ -1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {6e40a3e4-880f-4fe6-9ab3-c6ea98e06919}, !- Handle
+ Surface 43, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {e7895dd2-9b70-467a-b482-7a26784c1de6}, !- Construction Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6a03bdb3-bff1-4b08-b232-e2de2b297ca3}, !- Handle
+ Surface 44, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {5e38bd63-de59-4ef7-8c3d-46b20d6cdd39}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.99680288865056e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6687f849-fd03-4c2c-98b6-5d2cc2914c68}, !- Handle
+ Surface 45, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {95e4b188-0d66-41c8-a422-6841229a7e78}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {9d986ef5-a13f-45b7-85a8-ee1e49af3555}, !- Handle
+ Surface 46, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {52333780-f227-4b99-beba-2465f267d2d5}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d10bb4f2-f7b2-4f0a-b80f-dac811ce4c0b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 47, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {cd46dc0a-3330-42ad-9fa7-521b9605d793}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {7bc53d86-a4cb-4fd2-84d4-336b28768194}, !- Handle
+ Surface 48, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {a27549f3-ae58-44de-a815-bb1cfb60af9e}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {db265283-937f-4f62-8e25-da33cd838ee4}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {5cccab45-d10b-449f-849a-5c373d1be763}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {e384999e-a614-4f12-996f-b9d1d23e0a99}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {88e38f52-6e2f-4c44-8e70-a6df9eb53750}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {5a2c1cb2-9b27-48b1-a2f9-b572a5f81514}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {5cccab45-d10b-449f-849a-5c373d1be763}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {5cccab45-d10b-449f-849a-5c373d1be763}, !- Handle
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {5a2c1cb2-9b27-48b1-a2f9-b572a5f81514}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a27549f3-ae58-44de-a815-bb1cfb60af9e}, !- Handle
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- HVAC Component
+ {16993b60-9017-44fd-aafa-48d3174a0aa8}; !- Port 1
+ {db265283-937f-4f62-8e25-da33cd838ee4}, !- Handle
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- HVAC Component
+ {3fc67c87-4d49-4dd1-adfc-f7e24fcf87fd}; !- Port 1
+ {e384999e-a614-4f12-996f-b9d1d23e0a99}, !- Handle
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- HVAC Component
+ {42c72b02-9df5-4f10-9f05-3c83af50c498}; !- Port 1
+ {b682c9b9-5879-45a8-8ea6-908eaed421ac}, !- Handle
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {9d8da2ad-b0c1-457a-87f9-a5f59f901ab9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {7d5dd35a-d8ba-4f54-a6e9-d8c8874fcae2}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {e760ae65-67ab-4b2e-b20f-96ff8638c19e}, !- Zone Equipment 2
+ 2, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 2
+ 2, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 2
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 2
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 2
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -3.54145597177206, !- X Origin {m}
+ 1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {bc419b46-c4ab-4057-beef-ecd0035b6b8a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 49, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {dfd8c892-a83b-44d5-bd12-f85e8169bf6b}, !- Construction Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {198ac456-537d-4c95-b6e2-f19619502c75}, !- Handle
+ Surface 50, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {8b2d48f7-4612-4373-a773-5a06d4f347b6}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, -4.21884749357559e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, -4.21884749357559e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d9da7490-62ba-4973-a2a3-628420521254}, !- Handle
+ Surface 51, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {1f2c8316-46f2-460a-9060-5183b555b8ea}, !- Construction Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {12c7869d-4cdc-488d-aed6-0998548fdd17}, !- Handle
+ Surface 52, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {c1cbb31a-aace-4ffb-987a-3a9cc6383bc9}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {95e4b188-0d66-41c8-a422-6841229a7e78}, !- Handle
+ Surface 53, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {6687f849-fd03-4c2c-98b6-5d2cc2914c68}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 0, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 0, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {06607aac-a9d5-44b1-8563-ab491e65bd71}, !- Handle
+ Surface 54, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {97cd56c0-6cb7-49f1-965a-33507d49d476}, !- Construction Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.93221837819883, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.93221837819883, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 2.66453525910038e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {6cad66cc-9bd1-426e-9d5c-5c45b31e2c7b}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {a0b36690-bebc-4049-9e2d-c2ce1cf36a1c}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {886e8284-2c27-40a0-8c91-f07d5811d186}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {a3db8872-05d1-47b1-a448-bc065ac8a12c}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {0c541433-2b63-406e-9271-eab7fe9da511}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {5807d82c-ff43-4957-9131-a3c383153c7e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {886e8284-2c27-40a0-8c91-f07d5811d186}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {886e8284-2c27-40a0-8c91-f07d5811d186}, !- Handle
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {5807d82c-ff43-4957-9131-a3c383153c7e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6cad66cc-9bd1-426e-9d5c-5c45b31e2c7b}, !- Handle
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- HVAC Component
+ {7fcb0968-a918-4b8c-8f0c-622d4e919098}; !- Port 1
+ {a0b36690-bebc-4049-9e2d-c2ce1cf36a1c}, !- Handle
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- HVAC Component
+ {6bb0fe94-ece4-43bc-97ae-cef62ef0c306}; !- Port 1
+ {a3db8872-05d1-47b1-a448-bc065ac8a12c}, !- Handle
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- HVAC Component
+ {a511821e-65ab-4fa8-bb0f-28157faa80e3}; !- Port 1
+ {c99c9d4e-8730-4b32-a549-e7b088d0bcce}, !- Handle
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {08a1a2b1-e308-4f47-a3f6-ae8a6087f5a3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {10832fd6-3d16-4885-8221-75ba0dee94d9}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {30626048-78ad-4779-9a85-402f802f0dc8}, !- Zone Equipment 2
+ 2, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 2
+ 2, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 2
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 2
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 2
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -1.60923759357323, !- X Origin {m}
+ -5.9024266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {b9d71643-f856-4106-8020-8671e3de37b7}, !- Handle
+ Surface 55, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {6c8938ac-c7d3-47f9-961b-4d613850ac29}, !- Construction Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {0b263a7d-de5a-48b9-b72d-e6cdff44a9db}, !- Handle
+ Surface 56, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {d41fe2bb-8845-44c1-90b5-56b2cffa092b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {09078317-a23a-49e0-a782-1c88e20b2f2b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 57, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {bd00482e-205f-41c9-8015-06faeedc2333}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6b897c59-90af-49f6-9ab9-89b654469eb7}, !- Handle
+ Surface 58, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {9edaf387-0ba0-4a9b-b1ef-0c080e5a4323}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {b5d856fc-422b-4d6e-a8a1-b226cf3515fd}, !- Handle
+ Surface 59, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {efdee11d-ac75-4c80-8f1b-cf2bc3c9b5e6}, !- Construction Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {ccec1c5e-b472-4033-8f5d-a2254b4b9728}, !- Handle
+ Surface 60, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {7109508b-d5be-4aab-b0a7-003e83f1e4cc}, !- Construction Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {0174cb84-7f1b-45c6-b63d-b29559718b7b}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {30118d06-83b1-4695-8b92-8880d0685e6a}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {5ce0e980-0c11-4bb0-b0aa-60d5c2e07a46}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {1e6f53ad-6a7a-448c-a030-045015d9ec6a}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {e0cccec2-34cf-49c8-ba14-06cf46963807}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {a34ae1fd-33ec-4e5b-b76b-ecd76bbec65a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {5ce0e980-0c11-4bb0-b0aa-60d5c2e07a46}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {5ce0e980-0c11-4bb0-b0aa-60d5c2e07a46}, !- Handle
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {a34ae1fd-33ec-4e5b-b76b-ecd76bbec65a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0174cb84-7f1b-45c6-b63d-b29559718b7b}, !- Handle
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- HVAC Component
+ {75dcf101-9715-4ba9-9aec-9966f1617201}; !- Port 1
+ {30118d06-83b1-4695-8b92-8880d0685e6a}, !- Handle
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}; !- HVAC Component
+ {1e6f53ad-6a7a-448c-a030-045015d9ec6a}, !- Handle
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- HVAC Component
+ {d848bd53-b852-46ef-823f-41f10e713bc4}; !- Port 1
+ {667aa52c-6cff-4be7-849e-28ffba5d8088}, !- Handle
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {00f5a70c-83ce-4dd1-90a8-855a4e9c47f3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {2e55abfe-3716-41a7-bb1c-dd85e9ca48de}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -1.60923759357323, !- X Origin {m}
+ -1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {d52d6b43-4ff1-4cf2-8afe-a53f12e0bcdf}, !- Handle
+ Surface 61, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {8f7e6c03-65fe-4dd6-a1b7-edbeb03fd747}, !- Construction Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {52333780-f227-4b99-beba-2465f267d2d5}, !- Handle
+ Surface 62, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {9d986ef5-a13f-45b7-85a8-ee1e49af3555}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d235acbf-51e3-4027-b2b4-2c54bc36ee29}, !- Handle
+ Surface 63, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {20f7580a-0697-4fab-aeac-3da96017c536}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -3.5527136788005e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -3.5527136788005e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {7e26ce93-1a7f-4e4a-a38f-f8d20bca5098}, !- Handle
+ Surface 64, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {6bfea751-3e21-43d8-93b5-6ce65900285a}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.99680288865056e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {bd00482e-205f-41c9-8015-06faeedc2333}, !- Handle
+ Surface 65, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {09078317-a23a-49e0-a782-1c88e20b2f2b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {fd527e3a-ac3b-47dc-9ab7-d76704f42921}, !- Handle
+ Surface 66, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {5c8bea84-bba3-487f-930a-96aaef6b41e7}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {977e1f54-70e2-45db-8ada-992beaa4e1cf}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {d44bb4a3-cff7-4ac4-b85f-92a664193b00}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {7d973324-9ee0-444c-b222-5c41a33d9a6b}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {fbfbfca9-5281-48fd-9dc1-880ea4d78427}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {ee9c763c-7235-4eab-b4e1-cf03f28f506a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {d44bb4a3-cff7-4ac4-b85f-92a664193b00}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {d44bb4a3-cff7-4ac4-b85f-92a664193b00}, !- Handle
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {ee9c763c-7235-4eab-b4e1-cf03f28f506a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5c8bea84-bba3-487f-930a-96aaef6b41e7}, !- Handle
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- HVAC Component
+ {e4c666c7-dc8e-48e2-9001-5a7976c1d92e}; !- Port 1
+ {977e1f54-70e2-45db-8ada-992beaa4e1cf}, !- Handle
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}; !- HVAC Component
+ {7d973324-9ee0-444c-b222-5c41a33d9a6b}, !- Handle
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- HVAC Component
+ {044cd399-d606-4998-bb93-b8e6dd29597d}; !- Port 1
+ {55d940c4-5e0a-4234-94ce-8ad8ddba5dcc}, !- Handle
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {816b8598-5d80-45c0-baec-5d6dba33b84f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {5e7464d1-32c8-459f-8438-f44a679ab7ce}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ -1.60923759357323, !- X Origin {m}
+ 1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {84068101-17f9-4b23-a486-310d0aaeb86c}, !- Handle
+ Surface 67, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {6c8938ac-c7d3-47f9-961b-4d613850ac29}, !- Construction Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {c1cbb31a-aace-4ffb-987a-3a9cc6383bc9}, !- Handle
+ Surface 68, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {12c7869d-4cdc-488d-aed6-0998548fdd17}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -2.22044604925031e-16, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {31e6c1c5-009c-4310-9de9-d8aa2b3e77d7}, !- Handle
+ Surface 69, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {91b93688-345c-4dbb-b5d6-b30a5d6fe605}, !- Construction Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {c01a29a8-b931-402d-abb1-7af36a7dc9f2}, !- Handle
+ Surface 70, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {d7767511-b0c8-497a-9c25-e9119d899599}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, -4.21884749357559e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, -4.21884749357559e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {20f7580a-0697-4fab-aeac-3da96017c536}, !- Handle
+ Surface 71, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {d235acbf-51e3-4027-b2b4-2c54bc36ee29}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ -3.5527136788005e-15, 0, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ -3.5527136788005e-15, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 0, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {cd372e56-2764-4075-aa32-3b5cca497385}, !- Handle
+ Surface 72, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {52c7975c-8bcf-461c-9e3e-91b741e879b9}, !- Construction Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373408, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373408, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ -3.99680288865056e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {8d873cb8-9544-43e7-9aec-a8ac41340ca9}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {e29b5772-cc66-4653-acd7-bd03d1a802db}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {f081fd8f-7eee-4891-8ad2-27213f780c5c}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {32bb6a3f-22c3-47ea-ac92-bfaf1fe72e6b}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {21eb44ac-af4e-4410-acfb-0d3facdeb88f}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {9a067519-0778-44e5-8b84-cbd9cb15a3e7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {f081fd8f-7eee-4891-8ad2-27213f780c5c}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {f081fd8f-7eee-4891-8ad2-27213f780c5c}, !- Handle
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {9a067519-0778-44e5-8b84-cbd9cb15a3e7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8d873cb8-9544-43e7-9aec-a8ac41340ca9}, !- Handle
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- HVAC Component
+ {c6bd7152-fc9f-4280-88f8-14411b36b8f0}; !- Port 1
+ {e29b5772-cc66-4653-acd7-bd03d1a802db}, !- Handle
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}; !- HVAC Component
+ {32bb6a3f-22c3-47ea-ac92-bfaf1fe72e6b}, !- Handle
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- HVAC Component
+ {2e102337-ed84-4d3c-a522-8330de402efa}; !- Port 1
+ {d0cad2ea-c112-47c4-8b9d-ca443deeefd0}, !- Handle
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {977cc47b-0169-4ac4-b955-adc17b14f277}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {74c4af79-bd43-436e-b48f-a5f9d4a638f7}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 2.52246104016085, !- X Origin {m}
+ -5.9024266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {f1e7005a-53ab-4218-8f16-d9dd7a1d46ea}, !- Handle
+ Surface 73, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {6c8938ac-c7d3-47f9-961b-4d613850ac29}, !- Construction Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {9edaf387-0ba0-4a9b-b1ef-0c080e5a4323}, !- Handle
+ Surface 74, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {6b897c59-90af-49f6-9ab9-89b654469eb7}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {b77d3021-cb1b-4267-a546-225bd6ecbb13}, !- Handle
+ Surface 75, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {56d1c3b2-aa4f-499c-93d6-380ff21f2853}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {22f94f3f-d1ec-414d-8300-87ec160c8af8}, !- Handle
+ Surface 76, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {efa38a5b-9bad-4e96-9993-eac30bebda2f}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {7fc7ecca-db40-4892-bcea-af5ba0b024f2}, !- Handle
+ Surface 77, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {dc0c2eb0-5f55-40ea-bc08-28007a95ab75}, !- Construction Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {74b342e1-6bad-4286-a5cd-9e26450e3ecd}, !- Handle
+ Surface 78, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {19dcb386-91d5-4c0b-89dd-a3a22503a18a}, !- Construction Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {21060eb4-3b62-43c6-9a06-0752a62b1efb}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {26b7b485-9a10-4d49-a62b-1c9b2c5824e2}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {8fed26e3-ba61-47be-9293-9bbfb45ec30c}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {a471771a-81dc-4492-b90e-53e7e60aa26a}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {8bb37ac5-ed66-4f1e-9b55-8072fcdb3797}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {95ca3f1a-b1a1-4c1e-94f9-6612cd36c348}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {8fed26e3-ba61-47be-9293-9bbfb45ec30c}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {8fed26e3-ba61-47be-9293-9bbfb45ec30c}, !- Handle
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {95ca3f1a-b1a1-4c1e-94f9-6612cd36c348}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {21060eb4-3b62-43c6-9a06-0752a62b1efb}, !- Handle
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- HVAC Component
+ {ca40d0d2-9429-46d5-8c75-67f0a0989829}; !- Port 1
+ {26b7b485-9a10-4d49-a62b-1c9b2c5824e2}, !- Handle
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}; !- HVAC Component
+ {a471771a-81dc-4492-b90e-53e7e60aa26a}, !- Handle
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- HVAC Component
+ {81a659f9-e9a0-4ee7-a620-b8058665eaa8}; !- Port 1
+ {f09c064c-4017-4bc8-8ff5-8701dee17fa7}, !- Handle
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {d896e42b-142e-46a2-b5d0-42fa4913ce38}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {d42989b6-c9bb-456e-adab-87e1b9548f01}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 2.52246104016085, !- X Origin {m}
+ -1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {dcaab47d-45f3-402f-84a9-30d7c3aaa3ce}, !- Handle
+ Surface 79, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {8f7e6c03-65fe-4dd6-a1b7-edbeb03fd747}, !- Construction Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6bfea751-3e21-43d8-93b5-6ce65900285a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 80, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {7e26ce93-1a7f-4e4a-a38f-f8d20bca5098}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.99680288865056e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {bdf751a7-d881-4687-be98-45a4445426f4}, !- Handle
+ Surface 81, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {743d25d4-412b-4af2-888e-f42990e4ced2}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.99680288865056e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.99680288865056e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6353b2d0-6051-4d12-bd1b-08f6cce4c97c}, !- Handle
+ Surface 82, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {88c297ee-a20e-44e1-a7e9-ddee22a5f17b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {56d1c3b2-aa4f-499c-93d6-380ff21f2853}, !- Handle
+ Surface 83, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {b77d3021-cb1b-4267-a546-225bd6ecbb13}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {e4355066-4207-4855-afaf-01374987b71c}, !- Handle
+ Surface 84, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {7175f493-41a8-4356-a180-e286aea6adde}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {26526f29-b98d-4bbb-9d6b-b8f123865b23}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {8151f350-56ad-4e3e-81a9-71b344b9d3a2}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {a149e74d-47f1-407c-846f-d1aa203c80db}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {52b28c9c-8fe3-4fdd-be04-1cb9c8a2749b}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {dc7b4df2-2621-416f-8e19-d480039ee47e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {8151f350-56ad-4e3e-81a9-71b344b9d3a2}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {8151f350-56ad-4e3e-81a9-71b344b9d3a2}, !- Handle
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {dc7b4df2-2621-416f-8e19-d480039ee47e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7175f493-41a8-4356-a180-e286aea6adde}, !- Handle
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- HVAC Component
+ {0334784a-d529-4e56-a08c-1c2dcfc7832b}; !- Port 1
+ {26526f29-b98d-4bbb-9d6b-b8f123865b23}, !- Handle
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}; !- HVAC Component
+ {a149e74d-47f1-407c-846f-d1aa203c80db}, !- Handle
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- HVAC Component
+ {62b1602c-dd87-42e5-acec-2d2181f9a156}; !- Port 1
+ {64901417-b961-426e-b718-236bec473744}, !- Handle
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {edcb4183-a5b0-49d3-801a-e4e4fb17c914}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {9526173b-ee54-44b7-927c-440fa951840f}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 2.52246104016085, !- X Origin {m}
+ 1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {59bf2601-fa7a-4b0b-a5df-d5116c9f1fd0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 85, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {6c8938ac-c7d3-47f9-961b-4d613850ac29}, !- Construction Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d7767511-b0c8-497a-9c25-e9119d899599}, !- Handle
+ Surface 86, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {c01a29a8-b931-402d-abb1-7af36a7dc9f2}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, -4.21884749357559e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, -4.21884749357559e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {60cd41f2-65e7-4a61-9eae-4aee0fda6e4b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 87, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {a2b31097-fa8d-43c7-b677-db9025351bfc}, !- Construction Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {1ae85967-c40c-49cc-823a-f8fa17430943}, !- Handle
+ Surface 88, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {01921f47-1fdb-4cb1-9143-cdebeb7abcba}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {743d25d4-412b-4af2-888e-f42990e4ced2}, !- Handle
+ Surface 89, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {bdf751a7-d881-4687-be98-45a4445426f4}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.99680288865056e-15, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 0, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {25bbafea-cebf-49ab-b7f0-127143191ba0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 90, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {daf1733c-5283-4386-9e9d-2bdd44501fff}, !- Construction Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.13169863373407, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.13169863373407, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.5527136788005e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {5f0169aa-297a-42dc-9b95-db86d4edacae}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {4cb7acae-b1b7-42e5-a7ff-3b2fe3242efb}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {68edbb65-63eb-4afd-bfa4-868f4ebf997d}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {b28525b8-4779-4d25-b141-be6056233b96}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {440cb949-3d2f-4d8c-82f5-28d9b07ae5af}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {cf32893e-8e60-4922-9e00-a3fbb5112a18}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {68edbb65-63eb-4afd-bfa4-868f4ebf997d}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {68edbb65-63eb-4afd-bfa4-868f4ebf997d}, !- Handle
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {cf32893e-8e60-4922-9e00-a3fbb5112a18}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5f0169aa-297a-42dc-9b95-db86d4edacae}, !- Handle
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- HVAC Component
+ {ddecd121-f77f-41d1-9ce6-4df8801cadb8}; !- Port 1
+ {4cb7acae-b1b7-42e5-a7ff-3b2fe3242efb}, !- Handle
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}; !- HVAC Component
+ {b28525b8-4779-4d25-b141-be6056233b96}, !- Handle
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- HVAC Component
+ {c0c0b1f8-9821-4c3d-989c-6ce7379296d5}; !- Port 1
+ {aed78126-e176-4073-a52c-5b3e2ec7b64a}, !- Handle
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {46ea9c79-df59-4fda-8a90-c7d08332c481}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {adc7b30d-4c11-45cf-a79e-140a12050456}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 6.65415967389492, !- X Origin {m}
+ -5.9024266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {b225595b-5be0-4efb-98da-da51ac038f61}, !- Handle
+ Surface 91, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {c2f8fefd-736c-42ea-9414-2981198a0abf}, !- Construction Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {efa38a5b-9bad-4e96-9993-eac30bebda2f}, !- Handle
+ Surface 92, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {22f94f3f-d1ec-414d-8300-87ec160c8af8}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {89629340-b15a-44a2-8828-7f3f3c28ccf8}, !- Handle
+ Surface 93, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {1ece70d6-f482-49ff-a9bc-f177530df52b}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {9b0f5b14-f737-4a3b-8683-e2d1c0130c15}, !- Handle
+ Surface 94, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {5fc9af99-c746-40ad-90b3-11a3afeca94b}, !- Construction Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {57b271df-4b55-4144-83cc-e0ccc51c6af0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 95, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {d8d06e6e-3330-4207-9b15-31e81c72464e}, !- Construction Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {f3df9a58-fb44-4047-a4b2-96c7d28755f5}, !- Handle
+ Surface 96, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {49e79de2-d680-42f8-a393-1f4f7a5fc0e8}, !- Construction Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.5527136788005e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {4724cd21-1fdd-4e32-a70a-513b409b174d}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {8ccce629-53bd-480b-90ed-13954b059c35}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {67fcf7f9-fc38-4478-9336-67fd95d28981}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {31f628d6-4dda-4988-a4ae-dd4bd2dcbbef}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {36ed731d-8cff-4531-ba8d-7859d5a7d78a}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {8a07a855-1d45-4b34-bda5-8ee8f4ace878}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {67fcf7f9-fc38-4478-9336-67fd95d28981}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {67fcf7f9-fc38-4478-9336-67fd95d28981}, !- Handle
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {8a07a855-1d45-4b34-bda5-8ee8f4ace878}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4724cd21-1fdd-4e32-a70a-513b409b174d}, !- Handle
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- HVAC Component
+ {15f5a2b4-42c2-449c-b8a9-1729926cee6e}; !- Port 1
+ {8ccce629-53bd-480b-90ed-13954b059c35}, !- Handle
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}; !- HVAC Component
+ {31f628d6-4dda-4988-a4ae-dd4bd2dcbbef}, !- Handle
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- HVAC Component
+ {ee8afdfa-d5fe-470a-960f-7c6c079cab0d}; !- Port 1
+ {f9554aa4-a841-41a2-9d1a-a1138b0364a7}, !- Handle
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {a0cb68c3-1f79-49c4-8295-bb40e027c9ca}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {18138f49-1a1b-4699-91cb-18e29ec7426d}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 6.65415967389492, !- X Origin {m}
+ -1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {27d8a314-cfea-46d4-9b2d-c1b59e17bf09}, !- Handle
+ Surface 97, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {8a1fba66-e973-42bd-8ecd-8c5e61620ece}, !- Construction Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {88c297ee-a20e-44e1-a7e9-ddee22a5f17b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 98, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {6353b2d0-6051-4d12-bd1b-08f6cce4c97c}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {4027344f-fa6a-4a91-8d6b-a02f0cc8acbc}, !- Handle
+ Surface 99, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {ad280661-b20a-45ea-a230-09ed5914348c}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {db46aba1-95e7-42dc-a954-28651cd10260}, !- Handle
+ Surface 100, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {d7522553-5100-4811-822b-53540aa12c8c}, !- Construction Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6608532392402, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {1ece70d6-f482-49ff-a9bc-f177530df52b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 101, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {89629340-b15a-44a2-8828-7f3f3c28ccf8}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {54718a5b-2fe4-4863-920d-ac80b9217ca3}, !- Handle
+ Surface 102, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {ae3ae2b6-22b0-4360-a4ac-e4345156cf79}, !- Construction Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 2.6608532392402, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {352189d6-8403-4278-8a93-74af85615a8b}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {6d47dd47-5438-492a-bdeb-d928d7c0f679}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {67de374f-2d1a-4dcb-91eb-4b0ac88886b2}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {069b81d9-2b2f-45c8-a0a5-2dc960b308c0}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {951b117a-36be-41dc-af99-5d068c4cab58}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {5f17b034-daa3-4dfd-a1ab-c2bbc493152e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {67de374f-2d1a-4dcb-91eb-4b0ac88886b2}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {67de374f-2d1a-4dcb-91eb-4b0ac88886b2}, !- Handle
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {5f17b034-daa3-4dfd-a1ab-c2bbc493152e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {352189d6-8403-4278-8a93-74af85615a8b}, !- Handle
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- HVAC Component
+ {dfb33b8a-aaad-49b1-b814-75f12f38ead7}; !- Port 1
+ {6d47dd47-5438-492a-bdeb-d928d7c0f679}, !- Handle
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}; !- HVAC Component
+ {069b81d9-2b2f-45c8-a0a5-2dc960b308c0}, !- Handle
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- HVAC Component
+ {d03278db-028b-483d-acb6-b42f28b75aa7}; !- Port 1
+ {b2201e3b-12e7-45b4-ac16-df26a8139f64}, !- Handle
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {128f0a32-5599-45ac-a9d1-361c2384facc}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {5ee9af5c-c8e2-4d10-9ad0-435383c33684}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space Type Name
+ , !- Default Construction Set Name
+ , !- Default Schedule Set Name
+ -0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 6.65415967389492, !- X Origin {m}
+ 1.3304266196201, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ {f835361c-8400-4fe9-b42d-5ebefdf54887}, !- Building Story Name
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}; !- Thermal Zone Name
+ {68c53d04-c3ea-4b46-9429-363bb91e0d9a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 103, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ {c2f8fefd-736c-42ea-9414-2981198a0abf}, !- Construction Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space Name
+ GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {01921f47-1fdb-4cb1-9143-cdebeb7abcba}, !- Handle
+ Surface 104, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {1ae85967-c40c-49cc-823a-f8fa17430943}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6dbb0024-70cf-4135-acf2-c4f0e1deed42}, !- Handle
+ Surface 105, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {646fed8c-7b50-4bc5-b922-45d3248d099b}, !- Construction Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {c6edecf5-8784-40ef-9189-5159eb8677ae}, !- Handle
+ Surface 106, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ {baeec05f-ada5-484d-ac9d-b62f4457036d}, !- Construction Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, -3.77475828372553e-15, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {ad280661-b20a-45ea-a230-09ed5914348c}, !- Handle
+ Surface 107, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ , !- Construction Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ {4027344f-fa6a-4a91-8d6b-a02f0cc8acbc}, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 0, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 0, 0, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 0, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {73252aec-a051-4169-ba26-f28c65296a01}, !- Handle
+ Surface 108, !- Name
+ RoofCeiling, !- Surface Type
+ {05f253bd-e28a-4f3a-b2aa-e1dfe8083e2f}, !- Construction Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, 4.572, 5.1816, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.77635683940025e-15, -3.77475828372553e-15, 5.1816; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground, !- Name
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ , !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ {86642d0b-9141-40db-9408-714d5b223116}, !- Zone Air Inlet Port List
+ {1b3920ec-105a-4b13-8806-be35b2b18e14}, !- Zone Air Exhaust Port List
+ {390b55d9-9442-4af4-91ec-a4f523ca90bd}, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ {60c36b5f-1d81-4e25-b18a-2833d08c61fc}, !- Zone Return Air Port List
+ , !- Primary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Primary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Secondary Daylighting Control Name
+ , !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Secondary Daylighting Control
+ , !- Illuminance Map Name
+ , !- Group Rendering Name
+ {f7e25f53-10db-4515-be7b-e2c518e355dd}, !- Thermostat Name
+ No; !- Use Ideal Air Loads
+ {aacc06ce-d4cb-45a4-9d5e-57d6e4d6f5e6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground Zone Air Node, !- Name
+ {390b55d9-9442-4af4-91ec-a4f523ca90bd}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {390b55d9-9442-4af4-91ec-a4f523ca90bd}, !- Handle
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {aacc06ce-d4cb-45a4-9d5e-57d6e4d6f5e6}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {86642d0b-9141-40db-9408-714d5b223116}, !- Handle
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- HVAC Component
+ {85ba3ac4-5f3d-4ead-ae44-8be89c71cdc1}; !- Port 1
+ {1b3920ec-105a-4b13-8806-be35b2b18e14}, !- Handle
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}; !- HVAC Component
+ {60c36b5f-1d81-4e25-b18a-2833d08c61fc}, !- Handle
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- HVAC Component
+ {977408ac-ebaf-4193-b23b-c651551101ec}; !- Port 1
+ {ac3f60d9-69ee-42e0-b681-463d4ef8dd50}, !- Handle
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.11, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ 0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ No, !- Account for Dedicated Outdoor Air System
+ NeutralSupplyAir, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Control Strategy
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air Low Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ autosize, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air High Setpoint Temperature for Design {C}
+ Sensible Load Only No Latent Load, !- Zone Load Sizing Method
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Dehumidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ HumidityRatioDifference, !- Zone Latent Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Input Method
+ , !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.005; !- Zone Humidification Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio Difference {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ {5f83655a-b7ba-4640-9526-aed5b7ad3a76}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground Zone HVAC Equipment List, !- Name
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- Thermal Zone
+ , !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {573c7688-ce59-4bcc-bc44-889ed24c88e4}, !- Zone Equipment 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Cooling Sequence 1
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment Heating or No-Load Sequence 1
+ , !- Zone Equipment Sequential Cooling Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ ; !- Zone Equipment Sequential Heating Fraction Schedule Name 1
+ {fc58c2fa-f5f4-4f9a-bcfa-eb2c257d26eb}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 1, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {edd978c8-61b4-49a4-b63b-c4e87df0c3e6}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6354532392402, 4.08994384053645, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 2.6354532392402, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0.0254000000000039, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0.0254000000000039, 4.08994384053645; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {bb638b7c-f16e-4b99-8cf7-a4fc9b344734}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 2, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {5beabb71-ebae-4796-9680-ce7aef229b33}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.5466, 4.06308674157303, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.5466, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0.0253999999999959, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0.0253999999999959, 4.06308674157303; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {d310a360-0531-427f-8798-b032741f8629}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 3, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {77b09d07-f30b-46ff-afb8-2306340ac9c5}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5466, 4.572, 4.06308674157303, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5466, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000065, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000065, 4.572, 4.06308674157303; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {83a847c5-a50c-46dc-8c8f-eb500c2f2e8e}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 4, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {0ffb382a-9f29-48be-a79b-d9f1bf09cdc9}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0253999999999973, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.07195874736825, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0253999999999973, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 3.66599726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 3.66599726746815, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.07195874736825; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {73187c3b-5a5b-489f-95cc-e3243905f83d}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 5, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {a28cb7df-46cb-41f1-9905-4d95c8f62746}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.5466, 4.06308674157303, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 4.5466, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0.025400000000003, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 7.105427357601e-15, 0.025400000000003, 4.06308674157303; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {77d19bc0-f0de-42ca-bfb6-d8b9f75c4dce}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 6, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {cd0341b8-6c69-4009-af5c-fe7d90f628b9}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0254000000000071, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.06308674157303, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000071, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5466, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5466, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.06308674157303; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {1b2953ee-9626-40f3-8201-34cedfd4ac2b}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 7, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {b6736715-e9dd-4a21-8546-0170222f08db}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 3.66599726746815, 4.572, 4.07195874736825, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 3.66599726746815, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0253999999999976, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0253999999999976, 4.572, 4.07195874736825; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {284f192c-a6d6-40b6-9760-4a8f3e1cee4a}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 8, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {5a2ce0cb-e5c7-4b82-b6f7-d906afbd441f}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0254000000000027, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.1145499722065, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000027, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 1.90681837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 1.90681837819883, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.1145499722065; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {efd282cb-9be6-4176-8855-7671ebdfc495}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 9, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {d9da7490-62ba-4973-a2a3-628420521254}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 1.90681837819883, 4.572, 4.1145499722065, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 1.90681837819883, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000025, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000025, 4.572, 4.1145499722065; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {bcd5aaf2-5dc3-4d60-ad98-3ee3f164a5a6}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 10, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {b5d856fc-422b-4d6e-a8a1-b226cf3515fd}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.025399999999996, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.06704412975563, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.025399999999996, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.10629863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.10629863373408, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.06704412975563; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6c662121-8b36-4e8a-8058-5b0a95568b3f}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 11, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {31e6c1c5-009c-4310-9de9-d8aa2b3e77d7}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.10629863373408, 4.572, 4.06704412975563, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.10629863373408, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0253999999999959, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0253999999999959, 4.572, 4.06704412975563; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {5dd78bb0-bae1-4bf5-9a0c-b4a42af74ff2}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 12, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {7fc7ecca-db40-4892-bcea-af5ba0b024f2}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0254000000000036, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.06704412975563, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000036, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.10629863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.10629863373407, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.06704412975563; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {3a4d1dfd-5d2c-4bbd-9b84-92ec37796613}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 13, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {60cd41f2-65e7-4a61-9eae-4aee0fda6e4b}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.10629863373407, 4.572, 4.06704412975563, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.10629863373407, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.025400000000003, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.025400000000003, 4.572, 4.06704412975563; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {6bb2a556-abb5-407b-95db-f9d29ebcb7cd}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 14, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {57b271df-4b55-4144-83cc-e0ccc51c6af0}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0254000000000018, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.05892474260946, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000018, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.12529356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.12529356534528, 3.5527136788005e-15, 4.05892474260946; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {bf4f84bf-a143-4140-90c2-8a8c656081dd}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 15, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {9b0f5b14-f737-4a3b-8683-e2d1c0130c15}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 0.0254000000000036, 4.06308674157303, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 0.0254000000000036, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.5466, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.5466, 4.06308674157303; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {13ba6852-529b-4133-907b-dec1ea0285af}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 16, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {db46aba1-95e7-42dc-a954-28651cd10260}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 0.0254000000000038, 4.08994384053645, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 0.0254000000000038, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6354532392402, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 2.6354532392402, 4.08994384053645; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {c3ad9e4d-feb5-44b7-a36c-1087b3d12b05}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 17, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {6dbb0024-70cf-4135-acf2-c4f0e1deed42}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.12529356534528, 4.572, 4.05892474260946, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.12529356534528, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000012, 4.572, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0254000000000012, 4.572, 4.05892474260946; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {1178a402-799d-4782-b10c-28fbb6a5937a}, !- Handle
+ Sub Surface 18, !- Name
+ FixedWindow, !- Sub Surface Type
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Construction Name
+ {c6edecf5-8784-40ef-9189-5159eb8677ae}, !- Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ , !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ , !- Number of Vertices
+ 5.15069356534528, 0.0253999999999962, 4.06308674157303, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 1 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 0.0253999999999962, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 2 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.5466, 0.762, !- X,Y,Z Vertex 3 {m}
+ 5.15069356534528, 4.5466, 4.06308674157303; !- X,Y,Z Vertex 4 {m}
+ {07e2fd25-d0c9-4fce-9c23-c6b03d5f571b}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining People Definition, !- Name
+ People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People {people}
+ 0.721181997919551, !- People per Space Floor Area {person/m2}
+ , !- Space Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3; !- Fraction Radiant
+ {44ee7480-dd0c-4a3b-b979-c55d5d3be3dc}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining People, !- Name
+ {07e2fd25-d0c9-4fce-9c23-c6b03d5f571b}, !- People Definition Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ , !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ , !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ {0c56ad96-3cf5-4a0d-98a4-dc5ec10b067b}, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ {bf0b5e31-7601-4f15-80f2-25015a25b4f8}, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ {873b6471-1765-42a3-b593-50361a0f9a6c}, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {bf0b5e31-7601-4f15-80f2-25015a25b4f8}, !- Handle
+ Clothing Schedule, !- Name
+ {39debce3-2af8-4e6a-9d92-5edabd0bdb0a}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f8b03f09-2fa3-4d78-b5f9-b72f41f447d2}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {f8b03f09-2fa3-4d78-b5f9-b72f41f447d2}, !- Handle
+ Clothing Schedule Default Winter Clothes, !- Name
+ {39debce3-2af8-4e6a-9d92-5edabd0bdb0a}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {60334e8b-d1be-4b44-b36a-7ecb80075c95}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 1, !- Name
+ {bf0b5e31-7601-4f15-80f2-25015a25b4f8}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {86ff397f-d6be-4fe7-81b1-0ed000fc5b06}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 5, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 9, !- End Month
+ 30; !- End Day
+ {86ff397f-d6be-4fe7-81b1-0ed000fc5b06}, !- Handle
+ Clothing Schedule Summer Clothes, !- Name
+ {39debce3-2af8-4e6a-9d92-5edabd0bdb0a}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.5; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {39debce3-2af8-4e6a-9d92-5edabd0bdb0a}, !- Handle
+ ClothingInsulation, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ , !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous, !- Numeric Type
+ ClothingInsulation; !- Unit Type
+ {873b6471-1765-42a3-b593-50361a0f9a6c}, !- Handle
+ Air Velocity Schedule, !- Name
+ {1504e422-0d0e-483e-9b54-0b964383559a}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {bf9e47a1-5eee-4a68-b0d8-5803379d5dbf}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {bf9e47a1-5eee-4a68-b0d8-5803379d5dbf}, !- Handle
+ Air Velocity Schedule Default, !- Name
+ {1504e422-0d0e-483e-9b54-0b964383559a}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.2; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {1504e422-0d0e-483e-9b54-0b964383559a}, !- Handle
+ Velocity, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ , !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous, !- Numeric Type
+ Velocity; !- Unit Type
+ {0c56ad96-3cf5-4a0d-98a4-dc5ec10b067b}, !- Handle
+ Work Efficiency Schedule, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {0a595b4a-cd03-47f6-ba30-81edb303af59}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {0a595b4a-cd03-47f6-ba30-81edb303af59}, !- Handle
+ Work Efficiency Schedule Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Handle
+ Fractional, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1, !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous; !- Numeric Type
+ {b8ae4041-3603-4643-a6f6-5f90ed9a8d9a}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 28.7073490813648, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.405852, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {7b6ab9a1-16bb-4a25-8feb-aa7448848412}, !- Handle
+ {b8ae4041-3603-4643-a6f6-5f90ed9a8d9a}, !- Object Name
+ lpd_fraction_linear_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.25862000000000002, !- Feature Value 1
+ lpd_fraction_compact_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.49280000000000002, !- Feature Value 2
+ lpd_fraction_high_bay, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.12737999999999999, !- Feature Value 3
+ lpd_fraction_specialty_lighting, !- Feature Name 4
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 0.1104, !- Feature Value 4
+ lpd_fraction_exit_lighting, !- Feature Name 5
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 5
+ 0.010800000000000001; !- Feature Value 5
+ {7c0ce50b-0f31-43d6-be23-306d7a8d247a}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining Elec Equip Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 27.1250542501085, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.25, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.3, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0; !- Fraction Lost
+ {77b1d439-84bd-47cd-b80a-0ce395ad0554}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining Elec Equip, !- Name
+ {7c0ce50b-0f31-43d6-be23-306d7a8d247a}, !- Electric Equipment Definition Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Schedule Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {a5a9ecb2-27b8-46d7-b371-a6efece4a654}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining Ventilation, !- Name
+ Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.009438948864, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {c3eac54d-3c3b-487b-8c7f-f6dffdf7a95d}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining Schedule Set, !- Name
+ , !- Hours of Operation Schedule Name
+ {faeb2a55-3abd-486f-b1ac-24cd971a5cab}, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ {390bd946-c363-4d27-9ce9-6f305f73dbd7}, !- People Activity Level Schedule Name
+ {3588025e-5e4f-4b70-b6d4-d16278a20818}, !- Lighting Schedule Name
+ {a7ca8507-3780-40a8-978b-707d8f39fd98}, !- Electric Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Gas Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Hot Water Equipment Schedule Name
+ {7c485dc6-36aa-4179-993c-035467a60bc9}, !- Infiltration Schedule Name
+ , !- Steam Equipment Schedule Name
+ ; !- Other Equipment Schedule Name
+ {faeb2a55-3abd-486f-b1ac-24cd971a5cab}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Bldg Occ, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f2849caa-3b1c-4f64-aba1-c15c33a63ee4}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {ee650538-2f67-4ac3-9726-1f281efe200c}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c2a6d942-5f6b-428f-8017-502a4b3e3f5f}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f2849caa-3b1c-4f64-aba1-c15c33a63ee4}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Bldg Occ Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 6, !- Hour 2
+ 40, !- Minute 2
+ 0.00833333333333335, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 6, !- Hour 3
+ 50, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 7, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 7, !- Hour 5
+ 10, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 7, !- Hour 6
+ 20, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 7, !- Hour 7
+ 30, !- Minute 7
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 7, !- Hour 8
+ 40, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0583333333333334, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 7, !- Hour 9
+ 50, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 8, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.075, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 8, !- Hour 11
+ 9, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0833333333333333, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 8, !- Hour 12
+ 19, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0916666666666666, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 8, !- Hour 13
+ 29, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0999999999999999, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 8, !- Hour 14
+ 30, !- Minute 14
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 8, !- Hour 15
+ 39, !- Minute 15
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 8, !- Hour 16
+ 49, !- Minute 16
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 8, !- Hour 17
+ 59, !- Minute 17
+ 0.249999999999999, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 9, !- Minute 18
+ 0.299999999999999, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 9, !- Hour 19
+ 19, !- Minute 19
+ 0.349999999999999, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 9, !- Hour 20
+ 29, !- Minute 20
+ 0.399999999999999, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 9, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 11, !- Hour 22
+ 30, !- Minute 22
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 11, !- Hour 23
+ 39, !- Minute 23
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 11, !- Hour 24
+ 49, !- Minute 24
+ 0.500000000000001, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 11, !- Hour 25
+ 59, !- Minute 25
+ 0.400000000000001, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 12, !- Hour 26
+ 0, !- Minute 26
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 12, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 12, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 12, !- Hour 29
+ 29, !- Minute 29
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 12, !- Hour 30
+ 39, !- Minute 30
+ 0.266666666666667, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 12, !- Hour 31
+ 49, !- Minute 31
+ 0.233333333333334, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 12, !- Hour 32
+ 59, !- Minute 32
+ 0.200000000000001, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 13, !- Hour 33
+ 0, !- Minute 33
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 13, !- Hour 34
+ 9, !- Minute 34
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 13, !- Hour 35
+ 19, !- Minute 35
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 13, !- Hour 36
+ 29, !- Minute 36
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 13, !- Hour 37
+ 39, !- Minute 37
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 13, !- Hour 38
+ 49, !- Minute 38
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 13, !- Hour 39
+ 59, !- Minute 39
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 14, !- Hour 40
+ 0, !- Minute 40
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 14, !- Hour 41
+ 9, !- Minute 41
+ 0.291666666666667, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 14, !- Hour 42
+ 19, !- Minute 42
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 14, !- Hour 43
+ 29, !- Minute 43
+ 0.375, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 14, !- Hour 44
+ 39, !- Minute 44
+ 0.416666666666666, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 14, !- Hour 45
+ 49, !- Minute 45
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 14, !- Hour 46
+ 59, !- Minute 46
+ 0.499999999999999, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 15, !- Hour 47
+ 0, !- Minute 47
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 15, !- Hour 48
+ 9, !- Minute 48
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 15, !- Hour 49
+ 19, !- Minute 49
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 15, !- Hour 50
+ 29, !- Minute 50
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 15, !- Hour 51
+ 30, !- Minute 51
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 15, !- Hour 52
+ 39, !- Minute 52
+ 0.325, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 15, !- Hour 53
+ 49, !- Minute 53
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 59, !- Minute 54
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 16, !- Hour 55
+ 9, !- Minute 55
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 16, !- Hour 56
+ 19, !- Minute 56
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 16, !- Hour 57
+ 30, !- Minute 57
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 16, !- Hour 58
+ 40, !- Minute 58
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 16, !- Hour 59
+ 50, !- Minute 59
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 17, !- Hour 60
+ 0, !- Minute 60
+ 0.124999999999999, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 17, !- Hour 61
+ 10, !- Minute 61
+ 0.0999999999999993, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 17, !- Hour 62
+ 20, !- Minute 62
+ 0.0749999999999991, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 17, !- Hour 63
+ 30, !- Minute 63
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 17, !- Hour 64
+ 40, !- Minute 64
+ 0.0416666666666666, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 17, !- Hour 65
+ 50, !- Minute 65
+ 0.0333333333333332, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 18, !- Hour 66
+ 0, !- Minute 66
+ 0.0249999999999998, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 18, !- Hour 67
+ 10, !- Minute 67
+ 0.0166666666666664, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 18, !- Hour 68
+ 20, !- Minute 68
+ 0.00833333333333304, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 18, !- Hour 69
+ 30, !- Minute 69
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 24, !- Hour 70
+ 0, !- Minute 70
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 70
+ {36bf660a-432b-4738-959d-252005c274bc}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 2, !- Name
+ {faeb2a55-3abd-486f-b1ac-24cd971a5cab}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {1ce1daef-44d4-4d73-903f-8ec6e0bd9db7}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {1ce1daef-44d4-4d73-903f-8ec6e0bd9db7}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Bldg Occ Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 4, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 4, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.00833333333333335, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 4, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 4, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 4, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 5, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 5, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 5, !- Hour 8
+ 25, !- Minute 8
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 5, !- Hour 9
+ 35, !- Minute 9
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 5, !- Hour 10
+ 45, !- Minute 10
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 5, !- Hour 11
+ 55, !- Minute 11
+ 0.350000000000001, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 6, !- Hour 12
+ 5, !- Minute 12
+ 0.425000000000001, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 6, !- Hour 13
+ 15, !- Minute 13
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 7, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 7, !- Hour 15
+ 25, !- Minute 15
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 7, !- Hour 16
+ 35, !- Minute 16
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 7, !- Hour 17
+ 45, !- Minute 17
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 7, !- Hour 18
+ 55, !- Minute 18
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 8, !- Hour 19
+ 5, !- Minute 19
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 8, !- Hour 20
+ 15, !- Minute 20
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 8, !- Hour 21
+ 24, !- Minute 21
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 8, !- Hour 22
+ 34, !- Minute 22
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 8, !- Hour 23
+ 44, !- Minute 23
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 8, !- Hour 24
+ 54, !- Minute 24
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 9, !- Hour 25
+ 4, !- Minute 25
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 9, !- Hour 26
+ 14, !- Minute 26
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 9, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 10, !- Hour 28
+ 15, !- Minute 28
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 10, !- Hour 29
+ 24, !- Minute 29
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 10, !- Hour 30
+ 34, !- Minute 30
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 10, !- Hour 31
+ 44, !- Minute 31
+ 0.425, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 10, !- Hour 32
+ 54, !- Minute 32
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 11, !- Hour 33
+ 4, !- Minute 33
+ 0.375, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 11, !- Hour 34
+ 14, !- Minute 34
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 11, !- Hour 35
+ 15, !- Minute 35
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 11, !- Hour 36
+ 24, !- Minute 36
+ 0.341666666666667, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 11, !- Hour 37
+ 34, !- Minute 37
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 11, !- Hour 38
+ 44, !- Minute 38
+ 0.325, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 11, !- Hour 39
+ 54, !- Minute 39
+ 0.316666666666667, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 12, !- Hour 40
+ 4, !- Minute 40
+ 0.308333333333333, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 12, !- Hour 41
+ 14, !- Minute 41
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 12, !- Hour 42
+ 15, !- Minute 42
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 14, !- Hour 43
+ 15, !- Minute 43
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 14, !- Hour 44
+ 24, !- Minute 44
+ 0.366666666666666, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 14, !- Hour 45
+ 34, !- Minute 45
+ 0.433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 14, !- Hour 46
+ 44, !- Minute 46
+ 0.499999999999999, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 14, !- Hour 47
+ 54, !- Minute 47
+ 0.566666666666666, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 15, !- Hour 48
+ 4, !- Minute 48
+ 0.633333333333332, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 15, !- Hour 49
+ 14, !- Minute 49
+ 0.699999999999999, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 15, !- Hour 50
+ 15, !- Minute 50
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 15, !- Hour 51
+ 24, !- Minute 51
+ 0.691666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 15, !- Hour 52
+ 34, !- Minute 52
+ 0.683333333333333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 15, !- Hour 53
+ 44, !- Minute 53
+ 0.675, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 54, !- Minute 54
+ 0.666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 16, !- Hour 55
+ 4, !- Minute 55
+ 0.658333333333333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 16, !- Hour 56
+ 15, !- Minute 56
+ 0.65, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 16, !- Hour 57
+ 25, !- Minute 57
+ 0.633333333333333, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 16, !- Hour 58
+ 35, !- Minute 58
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 16, !- Hour 59
+ 45, !- Minute 59
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 16, !- Hour 60
+ 55, !- Minute 60
+ 0.583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 17, !- Hour 61
+ 5, !- Minute 61
+ 0.566666666666666, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 17, !- Hour 62
+ 15, !- Minute 62
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 17, !- Hour 63
+ 25, !- Minute 63
+ 0.516666666666666, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 17, !- Hour 64
+ 35, !- Minute 64
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 17, !- Hour 65
+ 45, !- Minute 65
+ 0.449999999999999, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 17, !- Hour 66
+ 55, !- Minute 66
+ 0.416666666666666, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 18, !- Hour 67
+ 5, !- Minute 67
+ 0.383333333333332, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 18, !- Hour 68
+ 15, !- Minute 68
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 18, !- Hour 69
+ 25, !- Minute 69
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 18, !- Hour 70
+ 35, !- Minute 70
+ 0.249999999999999, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 18, !- Hour 71
+ 45, !- Minute 71
+ 0.199999999999999, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 18, !- Hour 72
+ 55, !- Minute 72
+ 0.149999999999999, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 19, !- Hour 73
+ 5, !- Minute 73
+ 0.0999999999999982, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 19, !- Hour 74
+ 15, !- Minute 74
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 19, !- Hour 75
+ 25, !- Minute 75
+ 0.0416666666666666, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 19, !- Hour 76
+ 35, !- Minute 76
+ 0.0333333333333332, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 19, !- Hour 77
+ 45, !- Minute 77
+ 0.0249999999999998, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 19, !- Hour 78
+ 55, !- Minute 78
+ 0.0166666666666664, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 20, !- Hour 79
+ 5, !- Minute 79
+ 0.00833333333333304, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 20, !- Hour 80
+ 15, !- Minute 80
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 24, !- Hour 81
+ 0, !- Minute 81
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 81
+ {ee650538-2f67-4ac3-9726-1f281efe200c}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Bldg Occ Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {843c1dfe-f523-4840-afcb-47d85c47a5cb}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 3, !- Name
+ {faeb2a55-3abd-486f-b1ac-24cd971a5cab}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {42989d96-89e3-4905-a49d-2872ce492be1}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {42989d96-89e3-4905-a49d-2872ce492be1}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Bldg Occ Sun Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 4, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 4, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.00833333333333335, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 4, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 4, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 4, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 5, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 5, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 5, !- Hour 8
+ 25, !- Minute 8
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 5, !- Hour 9
+ 35, !- Minute 9
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 5, !- Hour 10
+ 45, !- Minute 10
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 5, !- Hour 11
+ 55, !- Minute 11
+ 0.350000000000001, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 6, !- Hour 12
+ 5, !- Minute 12
+ 0.425000000000001, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 6, !- Hour 13
+ 15, !- Minute 13
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 6, !- Hour 14
+ 45, !- Minute 14
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 6, !- Hour 15
+ 55, !- Minute 15
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 7, !- Hour 16
+ 5, !- Minute 16
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 7, !- Hour 17
+ 15, !- Minute 17
+ 0.425, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 7, !- Hour 18
+ 25, !- Minute 18
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 7, !- Hour 19
+ 35, !- Minute 19
+ 0.375, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 7, !- Hour 20
+ 45, !- Minute 20
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 7, !- Hour 21
+ 55, !- Minute 21
+ 0.325, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 8, !- Hour 22
+ 5, !- Minute 22
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 8, !- Hour 23
+ 15, !- Minute 23
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 8, !- Hour 24
+ 25, !- Minute 24
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 8, !- Hour 25
+ 35, !- Minute 25
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 8, !- Hour 26
+ 45, !- Minute 26
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 8, !- Hour 27
+ 54, !- Minute 27
+ 0.322222222222222, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 9, !- Hour 28
+ 4, !- Minute 28
+ 0.344444444444444, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 9, !- Hour 29
+ 14, !- Minute 29
+ 0.366666666666666, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 9, !- Hour 30
+ 24, !- Minute 30
+ 0.388888888888889, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 9, !- Hour 31
+ 34, !- Minute 31
+ 0.411111111111111, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 9, !- Hour 32
+ 44, !- Minute 32
+ 0.433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 9, !- Hour 33
+ 54, !- Minute 33
+ 0.455555555555555, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 10, !- Hour 34
+ 4, !- Minute 34
+ 0.477777777777777, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 10, !- Hour 35
+ 14, !- Minute 35
+ 0.499999999999999, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 10, !- Hour 36
+ 15, !- Minute 36
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 10, !- Hour 37
+ 24, !- Minute 37
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 10, !- Hour 38
+ 34, !- Minute 38
+ 0.433333333333334, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 10, !- Hour 39
+ 44, !- Minute 39
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 10, !- Hour 40
+ 54, !- Minute 40
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 11, !- Hour 41
+ 4, !- Minute 41
+ 0.333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 11, !- Hour 42
+ 14, !- Minute 42
+ 0.300000000000001, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 11, !- Hour 43
+ 15, !- Minute 43
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 11, !- Hour 44
+ 24, !- Minute 44
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 11, !- Hour 45
+ 34, !- Minute 45
+ 0.266666666666667, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 11, !- Hour 46
+ 44, !- Minute 46
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 11, !- Hour 47
+ 54, !- Minute 47
+ 0.233333333333334, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 12, !- Hour 48
+ 4, !- Minute 48
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 12, !- Hour 49
+ 14, !- Minute 49
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 12, !- Hour 50
+ 15, !- Minute 50
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 12, !- Hour 51
+ 24, !- Minute 51
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 12, !- Hour 52
+ 34, !- Minute 52
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 12, !- Hour 53
+ 44, !- Minute 53
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 12, !- Hour 54
+ 54, !- Minute 54
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 13, !- Hour 55
+ 4, !- Minute 55
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 13, !- Hour 56
+ 14, !- Minute 56
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 13, !- Hour 57
+ 15, !- Minute 57
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 13, !- Hour 58
+ 24, !- Minute 58
+ 0.266666666666667, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 13, !- Hour 59
+ 34, !- Minute 59
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 13, !- Hour 60
+ 44, !- Minute 60
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 13, !- Hour 61
+ 54, !- Minute 61
+ 0.316666666666666, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 14, !- Hour 62
+ 4, !- Minute 62
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 14, !- Hour 63
+ 14, !- Minute 63
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 14, !- Hour 64
+ 15, !- Minute 64
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 14, !- Hour 65
+ 24, !- Minute 65
+ 0.408333333333333, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 14, !- Hour 66
+ 34, !- Minute 66
+ 0.466666666666666, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 14, !- Hour 67
+ 44, !- Minute 67
+ 0.524999999999999, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 14, !- Hour 68
+ 54, !- Minute 68
+ 0.583333333333332, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 15, !- Hour 69
+ 4, !- Minute 69
+ 0.641666666666665, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 15, !- Hour 70
+ 14, !- Minute 70
+ 0.699999999999999, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 15, !- Hour 71
+ 15, !- Minute 71
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 15, !- Hour 72
+ 24, !- Minute 72
+ 0.641666666666667, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 15, !- Hour 73
+ 34, !- Minute 73
+ 0.583333333333334, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 15, !- Hour 74
+ 44, !- Minute 74
+ 0.525000000000001, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 15, !- Hour 75
+ 54, !- Minute 75
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 16, !- Hour 76
+ 4, !- Minute 76
+ 0.408333333333334, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 16, !- Hour 77
+ 15, !- Minute 77
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 16, !- Hour 78
+ 25, !- Minute 78
+ 0.325, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 16, !- Hour 79
+ 35, !- Minute 79
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 16, !- Hour 80
+ 45, !- Minute 80
+ 0.274999999999999, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 16, !- Hour 81
+ 55, !- Minute 81
+ 0.249999999999999, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 17, !- Hour 82
+ 5, !- Minute 82
+ 0.224999999999999, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 17, !- Hour 83
+ 15, !- Minute 83
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 18, !- Hour 84
+ 15, !- Minute 84
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 18, !- Hour 85
+ 25, !- Minute 85
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 18, !- Hour 86
+ 35, !- Minute 86
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 18, !- Hour 87
+ 45, !- Minute 87
+ 0.124999999999999, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 18, !- Hour 88
+ 55, !- Minute 88
+ 0.0999999999999993, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 19, !- Hour 89
+ 5, !- Minute 89
+ 0.0749999999999991, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 19, !- Hour 90
+ 15, !- Minute 90
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 19, !- Hour 91
+ 25, !- Minute 91
+ 0.0416666666666666, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 19, !- Hour 92
+ 35, !- Minute 92
+ 0.0333333333333332, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 19, !- Hour 93
+ 45, !- Minute 93
+ 0.0249999999999998, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 19, !- Hour 94
+ 55, !- Minute 94
+ 0.0166666666666664, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 20, !- Hour 95
+ 5, !- Minute 95
+ 0.00833333333333304, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 20, !- Hour 96
+ 15, !- Minute 96
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 24, !- Hour 97
+ 0, !- Minute 97
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 97
+ {c2a6d942-5f6b-428f-8017-502a4b3e3f5f}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Bldg Occ Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {390bd946-c363-4d27-9ce9-6f305f73dbd7}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Activity, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {e04a9a2f-2f00-4341-9dc3-f027ac542164}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {c94ffec2-53b3-4cbd-b7e6-9395de6d2a3b}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {491f1961-e624-4156-8b91-b13f2a7b0d0d}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e04a9a2f-2f00-4341-9dc3-f027ac542164}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Activity Default, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {491f1961-e624-4156-8b91-b13f2a7b0d0d}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Activity Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {c94ffec2-53b3-4cbd-b7e6-9395de6d2a3b}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Activity Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Handle
+ ActivityLevel, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ , !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous, !- Numeric Type
+ ActivityLevel; !- Unit Type
+ {3588025e-5e4f-4b70-b6d4-d16278a20818}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {904aa4d8-94a3-4d82-b1e7-c69f05e50cb8}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {198e1dc0-06cf-45e4-963c-2d831017b41a}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {6a2ddcaf-5e8d-484f-b96d-6cd349af01b5}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {904aa4d8-94a3-4d82-b1e7-c69f05e50cb8}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.460129032333333, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.437258332166666, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.414387632, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.3984577065, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.382527781, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.3665978555, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.35066793, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.3347380045, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.318808079, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.311551652666667, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.304295226333333, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.2970388, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.289782373666667, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.282525947333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.275269521, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.275269521, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.272113866833333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.268958212666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.2658025585, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.262646904333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.259491250166667, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.256335596, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.256335596, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.258053202166667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.259770808333333, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.2614884145, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.263206020666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.264923626833333, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.266641233, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.268146024, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.269650815, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.271155606, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.272660397, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.274165188, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.275669979, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.279703607333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.283737235666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.287770864, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.291804492333333, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.295838120666667, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.299871749, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.318124876833333, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.336378004666667, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.3546311325, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.372884260333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.391137388166667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.409390516, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.430604163166667, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.451817810333333, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.4730314575, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.494245104666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.515458751833333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.536672399, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.536672399, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.555145818333333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.573619237666666, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.592092657, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.610566076333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.629039495666666, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.647512915, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.647512915, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.659584539333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.671656163666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.683727788, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.695799412333333, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.707871036666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.719942661, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.719942661, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.724999245, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.730055829, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.735112413, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.740168997, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.745225581, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.750282165, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.750282165, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.750857823833333, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.751433482666667, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.7520091415, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.752584800333333, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.753160459166667, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.753736118, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.753736118, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.753949850833333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.754163583666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.7543773165, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.754591049333333, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.754804782166667, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.755018515, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.755018515, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.755088599833333, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.755158684666667, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.7552287695, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.755298854333333, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.755368939166667, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.755439024, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.755439024, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.755239977333333, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.755040930666667, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.754841884, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.754642837333333, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.754443790666667, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.754244744, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.754244744, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.7543026055, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.754360467, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.7544183285, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.75447619, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.7545340515, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.754591913, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.754518031166667, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.754444149333333, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.7543702675, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.754296385666667, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.754222503833333, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.754148622, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.756576936833333, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.759005251666667, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.7614335665, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.763861881333333, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.766290196166667, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.768718511, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.768766625, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.768814739, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.768862853, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.768910967, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.768959081, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.769007195, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.768142372666667, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.767277550333333, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.766412728, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.765547905666667, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.764683083333333, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.763818261, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.7601383595, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.756458458, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.7527785565, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.749098655, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.7454187535, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.741738852, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.731263596166667, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.720788340333333, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.7103130845, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.699837828666666, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.689362572833333, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.678887317, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.657674736333333, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.636462155666666, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.615249575, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.594036994333333, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.572824413666666, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.551611833, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.528741132833333, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.505870432666666, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.4829997325; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {198e1dc0-06cf-45e4-963c-2d831017b41a}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {6a2ddcaf-5e8d-484f-b96d-6cd349af01b5}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a7ca8507-3780-40a8-978b-707d8f39fd98}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {11373212-f1a2-4ef8-80b5-56d57ae790ca}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {df3a44ed-be33-45cc-84d2-1799a61b52b1}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c2d059aa-38a4-42f4-9186-eeb99311ffe7}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {11373212-f1a2-4ef8-80b5-56d57ae790ca}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0490356666666668, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0496570833333334, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0502785000000001, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0508999166666668, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0515213333333335, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0521427500000001, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0527641666666668, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0533855833333335, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0540070000000002, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0546284166666668, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0552498333333335, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0558712500000002, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0564926666666668, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.0571140833333335, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0577355000000002, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.0583569166666668, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.0589783333333335, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.0595997500000002, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.0602211666666669, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.0608425833333335, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.0614640000000002, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.0620854166666669, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.0627068333333335, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.0633282500000002, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.0639496666666669, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.0645710833333336, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.0651925000000002, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.0658139166666669, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.0664353333333336, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.0670567500000002, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.0676781666666669, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.0682995833333336, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.068921, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.083074, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.097227, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.11138, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.125533, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.139686, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.153839, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.157646333333333, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.161453666666667, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.165261, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.169068333333333, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.172875666666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.176683, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.1799315, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.18318, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.1864285, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 9, !- Minute 49
+ 0.189677, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 19, !- Minute 50
+ 0.1929255, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 29, !- Minute 51
+ 0.196174, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 30, !- Minute 52
+ 0.196174, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 39, !- Minute 53
+ 0.20807, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 49, !- Minute 54
+ 0.219966, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 59, !- Minute 55
+ 0.231862, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 9, !- Minute 56
+ 0.243758, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 19, !- Minute 57
+ 0.255654, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 29, !- Minute 58
+ 0.26755, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 30, !- Minute 59
+ 0.26755, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 39, !- Minute 60
+ 0.287207, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 49, !- Minute 61
+ 0.306864, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 59, !- Minute 62
+ 0.326521, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 9, !- Minute 63
+ 0.346178, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 19, !- Minute 64
+ 0.365835, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 29, !- Minute 65
+ 0.385492, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 30, !- Minute 66
+ 0.385492, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 39, !- Minute 67
+ 0.399311666666667, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 49, !- Minute 68
+ 0.413131333333333, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 59, !- Minute 69
+ 0.426951, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 9, !- Minute 70
+ 0.440770666666667, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 19, !- Minute 71
+ 0.454590333333333, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 29, !- Minute 72
+ 0.46841, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 30, !- Minute 73
+ 0.46841, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 39, !- Minute 74
+ 0.531668333333333, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 49, !- Minute 75
+ 0.534753666666667, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 59, !- Minute 76
+ 0.537839, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 0, !- Minute 77
+ 0.537839, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 9, !- Minute 78
+ 0.537229666666667, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 19, !- Minute 79
+ 0.536620333333333, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 29, !- Minute 80
+ 0.536011, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 39, !- Minute 81
+ 0.535401666666667, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 49, !- Minute 82
+ 0.534792333333333, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 59, !- Minute 83
+ 0.534183, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.534183, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 9, !- Minute 85
+ 0.534722833333333, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 19, !- Minute 86
+ 0.535262666666667, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 29, !- Minute 87
+ 0.5358025, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 39, !- Minute 88
+ 0.536342333333333, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 49, !- Minute 89
+ 0.536882166666667, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 59, !- Minute 90
+ 0.537422, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 0, !- Minute 91
+ 0.537422, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 9, !- Minute 92
+ 0.539096, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 19, !- Minute 93
+ 0.54077, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 29, !- Minute 94
+ 0.542444, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 39, !- Minute 95
+ 0.544118, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 49, !- Minute 96
+ 0.545792, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 59, !- Minute 97
+ 0.547466, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 0, !- Minute 98
+ 0.547466, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 9, !- Minute 99
+ 0.360811333333334, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 19, !- Minute 100
+ 0.306846666666667, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 29, !- Minute 101
+ 0.252882000000001, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 30, !- Minute 102
+ 0.252882, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 39, !- Minute 103
+ 0.228609333333333, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 49, !- Minute 104
+ 0.204336666666667, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 59, !- Minute 105
+ 0.180064, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 9, !- Minute 106
+ 0.155791333333334, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 19, !- Minute 107
+ 0.131518666666667, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 30, !- Minute 108
+ 0.107246, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 40, !- Minute 109
+ 0.0978933333333333, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 50, !- Minute 110
+ 0.0885406666666665, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 0, !- Minute 111
+ 0.0791879999999998, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 10, !- Minute 112
+ 0.0698353333333331, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 20, !- Minute 113
+ 0.0604826666666663, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 30, !- Minute 114
+ 0.05113, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 40, !- Minute 115
+ 0.048624, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 50, !- Minute 116
+ 0.046118, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 0, !- Minute 117
+ 0.0436119999999999, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 10, !- Minute 118
+ 0.0411059999999999, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 20, !- Minute 119
+ 0.0385999999999999, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 30, !- Minute 120
+ 0.036094, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 40, !- Minute 121
+ 0.035351, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 50, !- Minute 122
+ 0.034608, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 0, !- Minute 123
+ 0.033865, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 10, !- Minute 124
+ 0.033122, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 20, !- Minute 125
+ 0.032379, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 30, !- Minute 126
+ 0.031636, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 40, !- Minute 127
+ 0.0322574166666667, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 50, !- Minute 128
+ 0.0328788333333333, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 0, !- Minute 129
+ 0.03350025, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 10, !- Minute 130
+ 0.0341216666666667, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 20, !- Minute 131
+ 0.0347430833333334, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 30, !- Minute 132
+ 0.0353645, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 40, !- Minute 133
+ 0.0359859166666667, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 50, !- Minute 134
+ 0.0366073333333334, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 0, !- Minute 135
+ 0.03722875, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 10, !- Minute 136
+ 0.0378501666666667, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 20, !- Minute 137
+ 0.0384715833333334, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 30, !- Minute 138
+ 0.039093, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 40, !- Minute 139
+ 0.0397144166666667, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 50, !- Minute 140
+ 0.0403358333333334, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 0, !- Minute 141
+ 0.0409572500000001, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 10, !- Minute 142
+ 0.0415786666666667, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 20, !- Minute 143
+ 0.0422000833333334, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 30, !- Minute 144
+ 0.0428215000000001, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 40, !- Minute 145
+ 0.0434429166666667, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 50, !- Minute 146
+ 0.0440643333333334, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 0, !- Minute 147
+ 0.0446857500000001, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 10, !- Minute 148
+ 0.0453071666666667, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 20, !- Minute 149
+ 0.0459285833333334, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 30, !- Minute 150
+ 0.0465500000000001, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 40, !- Minute 151
+ 0.0471714166666668, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 50, !- Minute 152
+ 0.0477928333333334, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.0484142500000001; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {7c6a21dd-3399-4822-9644-a8ccbd5125d8}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 6, !- Name
+ {a7ca8507-3780-40a8-978b-707d8f39fd98}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 2, !- Rule Order
+ {bc6fc971-c2d0-4127-b687-c3cf395593f8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {bc6fc971-c2d0-4127-b687-c3cf395593f8}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Fri Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.553901222744234, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.553934639627957, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.553968056511679, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.554001473395402, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.554034890279125, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.554068307162847, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.55410172404657, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.554135140930292, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.554168557814015, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.554201974697738, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.55423539158146, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.554268808465183, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.554302225348906, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.554335642232628, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.554369059116351, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.554402476000074, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.554435892883796, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.554469309767519, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.554502726651242, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.554536143534964, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.554569560418687, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.55460297730241, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.554636394186132, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.554669811069855, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.554703227953578, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.5547366448373, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.554770061721023, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.554803478604745, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.554836895488468, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.554870312372191, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.554903729255913, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.554937146139636, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.554970563023359, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.555720630180056, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.556470697336754, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.557220764493451, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.557970831650149, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.558720898806847, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.559470965963544, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.559679052016188, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.559887138068833, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.560095224121476, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.56030331017412, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.560511396226765, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.560719482279409, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.560889406121897, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.561059329964386, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.561229253806874, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 9, !- Minute 49
+ 0.561399177649363, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 19, !- Minute 50
+ 0.561569101491851, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 29, !- Minute 51
+ 0.56173902533434, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 30, !- Minute 52
+ 0.56173902533434, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 39, !- Minute 53
+ 0.562359035396209, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 49, !- Minute 54
+ 0.562979045458079, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 59, !- Minute 55
+ 0.563599055519949, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 9, !- Minute 56
+ 0.564219065581819, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 19, !- Minute 57
+ 0.564839075643689, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 29, !- Minute 58
+ 0.565459085705559, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 30, !- Minute 59
+ 0.565459085705559, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 39, !- Minute 60
+ 0.56665182036918, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 49, !- Minute 61
+ 0.567844555032801, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 59, !- Minute 62
+ 0.569037289696422, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 9, !- Minute 63
+ 0.570230024360043, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 19, !- Minute 64
+ 0.571422759023664, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 29, !- Minute 65
+ 0.572615493687286, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 30, !- Minute 66
+ 0.572615493687286, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 39, !- Minute 67
+ 0.573430942663419, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 49, !- Minute 68
+ 0.574246391639552, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 59, !- Minute 69
+ 0.575061840615686, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 9, !- Minute 70
+ 0.575877289591819, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 19, !- Minute 71
+ 0.576692738567952, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 29, !- Minute 72
+ 0.577508187544085, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 30, !- Minute 73
+ 0.577508187544085, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 39, !- Minute 74
+ 0.582022491738329, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 49, !- Minute 75
+ 0.581667841955639, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 59, !- Minute 76
+ 0.581313192172948, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 0, !- Minute 77
+ 0.581313192172948, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 9, !- Minute 78
+ 0.581240550613464, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 19, !- Minute 79
+ 0.58116790905398, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 29, !- Minute 80
+ 0.581095267494497, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 39, !- Minute 81
+ 0.581022625935013, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 49, !- Minute 82
+ 0.580949984375529, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 59, !- Minute 83
+ 0.580877342816045, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.580877342816045, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 9, !- Minute 85
+ 0.580855802054516, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 19, !- Minute 86
+ 0.580834261292986, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 29, !- Minute 87
+ 0.580812720531456, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 39, !- Minute 88
+ 0.580791179769927, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 49, !- Minute 89
+ 0.580769639008397, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 59, !- Minute 90
+ 0.580748098246868, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 0, !- Minute 91
+ 0.580748098246868, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 9, !- Minute 92
+ 0.580968248539056, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 19, !- Minute 93
+ 0.581188398831245, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 29, !- Minute 94
+ 0.581408549123434, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 39, !- Minute 95
+ 0.581628699415623, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 49, !- Minute 96
+ 0.581848849707811, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 59, !- Minute 97
+ 0.582069, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 0, !- Minute 98
+ 0.582069, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 9, !- Minute 99
+ 0.57449454757127, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 19, !- Minute 100
+ 0.57293698889073, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 29, !- Minute 101
+ 0.57137943021019, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 30, !- Minute 102
+ 0.57137943021019, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 39, !- Minute 103
+ 0.570050208900944, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 49, !- Minute 104
+ 0.568720987591699, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 59, !- Minute 105
+ 0.567391766282453, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 9, !- Minute 106
+ 0.566062544973207, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 19, !- Minute 107
+ 0.564733323663962, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 30, !- Minute 108
+ 0.563404102354716, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 40, !- Minute 109
+ 0.561852778925361, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 50, !- Minute 110
+ 0.560301455496006, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 0, !- Minute 111
+ 0.558750132066651, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 10, !- Minute 112
+ 0.557198808637296, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 20, !- Minute 113
+ 0.555647485207941, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 30, !- Minute 114
+ 0.554096161778586, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 40, !- Minute 115
+ 0.553947646220619, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 50, !- Minute 116
+ 0.553799130662652, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 0, !- Minute 117
+ 0.553650615104685, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 10, !- Minute 118
+ 0.553502099546718, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 20, !- Minute 119
+ 0.553353583988751, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 30, !- Minute 120
+ 0.553205068430784, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 40, !- Minute 121
+ 0.55316514869232, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 50, !- Minute 122
+ 0.553125228953856, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 0, !- Minute 123
+ 0.553085309215392, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 10, !- Minute 124
+ 0.553045389476928, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 20, !- Minute 125
+ 0.553005469738464, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 30, !- Minute 126
+ 0.55296555, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 40, !- Minute 127
+ 0.552998966883723, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 50, !- Minute 128
+ 0.553032383767445, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 0, !- Minute 129
+ 0.553065800651168, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 10, !- Minute 130
+ 0.55309921753489, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 20, !- Minute 131
+ 0.553132634418613, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 30, !- Minute 132
+ 0.553166051302336, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 40, !- Minute 133
+ 0.553199468186058, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 50, !- Minute 134
+ 0.553232885069781, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 0, !- Minute 135
+ 0.553266301953504, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 10, !- Minute 136
+ 0.553299718837226, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 20, !- Minute 137
+ 0.553333135720949, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 30, !- Minute 138
+ 0.553366552604672, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 40, !- Minute 139
+ 0.553399969488394, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 50, !- Minute 140
+ 0.553433386372117, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 0, !- Minute 141
+ 0.55346680325584, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 10, !- Minute 142
+ 0.553500220139562, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 20, !- Minute 143
+ 0.553533637023285, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 30, !- Minute 144
+ 0.553567053907008, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 40, !- Minute 145
+ 0.55360047079073, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 50, !- Minute 146
+ 0.553633887674453, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 0, !- Minute 147
+ 0.553667304558175, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 10, !- Minute 148
+ 0.553700721441898, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 20, !- Minute 149
+ 0.553734138325621, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 30, !- Minute 150
+ 0.553767555209343, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 40, !- Minute 151
+ 0.553800972093066, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 50, !- Minute 152
+ 0.553834388976789, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.553867805860511; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {4bc1befe-2ee6-45a3-bbfc-3a4efcb08d2d}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 7, !- Name
+ {a7ca8507-3780-40a8-978b-707d8f39fd98}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {8760e4d8-a7a3-4a18-a730-faa5a21a0af0}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {8760e4d8-a7a3-4a18-a730-faa5a21a0af0}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.523285480657471, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.523473291284381, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.523661101911291, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.523848912538201, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.524036723165111, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.524224533792021, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.524412344418931, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.524600155045841, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.524787965672751, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.524975776299661, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.525163586926571, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.525351397553481, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.525539208180391, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.525727018807301, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.528376808249338, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.531026597691376, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.533676387133413, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.53632617657545, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.538975966017487, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.541625755459525, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.541625755459525, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.542381803766216, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.543137852072907, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.543893900379598, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.544649948686289, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.54540599699298, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.546162045299671, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.546590658497693, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.547019271695714, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.547447884893736, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.547876498091757, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.548305111289779, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.548733724487801, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.551015742147801, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.553297759807801, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.555579777467802, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.557861795127802, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.560143812787802, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.562425830447802, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.567276579739181, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.57212732903056, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.576978078321938, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.581828827613317, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.586679576904695, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.591530326196074, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.598673345518761, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.605816364841449, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.612959384164137, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.620102403486824, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.627245422809512, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.634388442132199, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.634608035110166, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.634827628088133, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.6350472210661, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.635266814044066, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.635486407022033, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.635706, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.635706, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.635242368546227, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.634778737092455, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.634315105638682, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.63385147418491, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.633387842731137, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.632924211277364, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.632924211277364, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.63218014542964, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.631436079581916, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.630692013734192, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.629947947886468, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.629203882038744, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.628459816191019, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.628459816191019, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.627797577081802, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.627135337972585, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.626473098863368, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.625810859754151, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.625148620644934, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.624486381535717, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.624486381535717, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.624384947137082, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.624283512738447, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.624182078339812, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.624080643941177, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.623979209542543, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.623877775143908, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.623877775143908, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.62375907190735, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.623640368670792, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.623521665434235, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.623402962197677, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.623284258961119, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.623165555724561, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.623165555724561, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.621284085396125, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.619402615067689, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.617521144739253, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.615639674410817, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.613758204082381, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.611876733753945, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.611876733753945, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.61004351364798, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.608210293542015, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.60637707343605, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.604543853330086, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.602710633224121, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.600877413118156, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.598313839711092, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.595750266304028, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.593186692896965, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.590623119489901, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.588059546082838, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.585495972675774, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.580610397360606, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.575724822045439, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.570839246730271, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.565953671415103, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.561068096099936, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.556182520784768, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.552037230755405, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.547891940726041, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.543746650696677, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.539601360667314, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.53545607063795, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.531310780608587, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.529692603990821, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.528074427373054, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.526456250755288, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.524838074137522, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.523219897519756, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.52160172090199, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.521350217418325, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.52109871393466, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.520847210450995, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.52059570696733, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.520344203483665, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.5200927, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.52028051062691, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.52046832125382, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.52065613188073, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.52084394250764, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.52103175313455, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.52121956376146, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.52140737438837, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.52159518501528, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.52178299564219, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.5219708062691, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.52215861689601, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.522346427522921, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.522534238149831, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.522722048776741, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.522909859403651, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.523097670030561, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.523285480657471; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {df3a44ed-be33-45cc-84d2-1799a61b52b1}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {23348e1b-91f4-4c74-b72f-6df23620c982}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 8, !- Name
+ {a7ca8507-3780-40a8-978b-707d8f39fd98}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {e0e14bd8-7f5d-4191-9f2c-b84420e52057}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {e0e14bd8-7f5d-4191-9f2c-b84420e52057}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Sun Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.522561365449526, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.522706581064205, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.522851796678883, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.522997012293561, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.523142227908239, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.523287443522917, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.523432659137595, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.523577874752273, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.523723090366951, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.523868305981629, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.524013521596307, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.524158737210985, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.524303952825663, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.524449168440341, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.526601510738499, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.528753853036658, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.530906195334816, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.533058537632975, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.535210879931133, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.537363222229292, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.537363222229292, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.538184963834964, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.539006705440636, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.539828447046308, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.540650188651981, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.541471930257653, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.542293671863325, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.542631777938083, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.54296988401284, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.543307990087598, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.543646096162356, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.543984202237113, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.544322308311871, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.545921185350052, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.547520062388233, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.549118939426415, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.550717816464596, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.552316693502777, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.553915570540959, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.557920333109121, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.561925095677284, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.565929858245447, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.56993462081361, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.573939383381773, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.577944145949935, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.58532282065421, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.592701495358484, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.600080170062759, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.607458844767033, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.614837519471308, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.622216194175583, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.622323161812986, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.622430129450388, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.622537097087791, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.622644064725194, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.622751032362597, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.622858, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.622858, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.622489933687763, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.622121867375526, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.621753801063288, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.621385734751051, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.621017668438814, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.620649602126577, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.620649602126577, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.619977545470718, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.619305488814859, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.618633432159, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.617961375503141, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.617289318847281, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.616617262191422, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.616617262191422, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.616078500985921, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.61553973978042, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.615000978574919, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.614462217369418, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.613923456163916, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.613384694958415, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.613384694958415, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.612854419096604, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.612324143234792, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.611793867372981, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.611263591511169, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.610733315649357, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.610203039787546, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.610203039787546, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.610196152710647, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.610189265633748, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.61018237855685, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.610175491479951, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.610168604403052, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.610161717326153, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.610161717326153, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.607990428301674, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.605819139277195, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.603647850252716, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.601476561228236, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.599305272203757, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.597133983179278, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.597133983179278, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.595133069394704, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.593132155610131, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.591131241825558, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.589130328040984, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.587129414256411, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.585128500471837, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.580411259627705, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.575694018783572, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.57097677793944, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.566259537095307, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.561542296251175, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.556825055407043, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.552771676469041, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.54871829753104, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.544664918593039, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.540611539655038, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.536558160717037, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.532504781779036, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.532145520463846, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.531786259148657, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.531426997833467, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.531067736518278, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.530708475203089, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.530349213887899, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.528928470948408, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.527507728008918, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.526086985069427, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.524666242129936, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.523245499190445, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.521824756250954, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.521536080209129, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.521247404167303, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.520958728125477, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.520670052083651, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.520381376041826, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.5200927, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.520237915614678, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.520383131229356, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.520528346844034, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.520673562458712, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.52081877807339, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.520963993688068, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.521109209302746, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.521254424917424, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.521399640532102, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.52154485614678, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.521690071761458, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.521835287376136, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.521980502990814, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.522125718605492, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.52227093422017, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.522416149834848, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.522561365449526; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {c2d059aa-38a4-42f4-9186-eeb99311ffe7}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7c485dc6-36aa-4179-993c-035467a60bc9}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Infil Half On, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {d6323311-3eca-467f-be66-95db4601cf5b}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {f49c9bde-4448-46a5-ba59-5f2c7f1b1357}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {9346bfe8-cf9b-4516-9b93-b505af59c672}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {d6323311-3eca-467f-be66-95db4601cf5b}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Infil Half On Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {9346bfe8-cf9b-4516-9b93-b505af59c672}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Infil Half On Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {f49c9bde-4448-46a5-ba59-5f2c7f1b1357}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Infil Half On Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {972c459a-9353-4f32-9c25-b2d297023f1e}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 9, !- Name
+ {7c485dc6-36aa-4179-993c-035467a60bc9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {17e9739e-d181-4da7-98f9-753ff4fd712d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {17e9739e-d181-4da7-98f9-753ff4fd712d}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Infil Half On Default|WntrDsn|SmrDsn|Sun|Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {73ba2cc6-bd4d-4b18-b63c-3ed43a55a3fc}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen People Definition, !- Name
+ People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People {people}
+ 0.0538195520835486, !- People per Space Floor Area {person/m2}
+ , !- Space Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3; !- Fraction Radiant
+ {4078b27d-e0eb-426a-ab24-d7df667e7f89}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen People, !- Name
+ {73ba2cc6-bd4d-4b18-b63c-3ed43a55a3fc}, !- People Definition Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ , !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ , !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ {0c56ad96-3cf5-4a0d-98a4-dc5ec10b067b}, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ {bf0b5e31-7601-4f15-80f2-25015a25b4f8}, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ {873b6471-1765-42a3-b593-50361a0f9a6c}, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {140485b4-09f9-4564-8d13-fc4432889759}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 17.1792010250687, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.61125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {cd663a79-0970-4129-a76c-339de0d319b2}, !- Handle
+ {140485b4-09f9-4564-8d13-fc4432889759}, !- Object Name
+ lpd_fraction_linear_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.75, !- Feature Value 1
+ lpd_fraction_compact_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.125, !- Feature Value 2
+ lpd_fraction_high_bay, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0, !- Feature Value 3
+ lpd_fraction_specialty_lighting, !- Feature Name 4
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 0.1104, !- Feature Value 4
+ lpd_fraction_exit_lighting, !- Feature Name 5
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 5
+ 0.0146; !- Feature Value 5
+ {b3f11d6b-f157-431c-9786-cc79def3cb01}, !- Handle
+ misc_electric_kitchen_equipment_definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 16.8455200195312, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.25, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.3, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2; !- Fraction Lost
+ {4dd60a10-80d6-4c1f-98a7-2290151a00fe}, !- Handle
+ misc_electric_kitchen_equipment, !- Name
+ {b3f11d6b-f157-431c-9786-cc79def3cb01}, !- Electric Equipment Definition Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Schedule Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {91c39eb7-b314-48da-b50a-54904336f7ef}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen Ventilation, !- Name
+ Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ 0.0023876, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {3736c256-1b39-4060-b86b-47f480f6c4fd}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen Schedule Set, !- Name
+ , !- Hours of Operation Schedule Name
+ {faeb2a55-3abd-486f-b1ac-24cd971a5cab}, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ {390bd946-c363-4d27-9ce9-6f305f73dbd7}, !- People Activity Level Schedule Name
+ {3588025e-5e4f-4b70-b6d4-d16278a20818}, !- Lighting Schedule Name
+ {a7ca8507-3780-40a8-978b-707d8f39fd98}, !- Electric Equipment Schedule Name
+ {24aa02a7-19f1-4b45-8e9b-f18168710a5b}, !- Gas Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Hot Water Equipment Schedule Name
+ {7c485dc6-36aa-4179-993c-035467a60bc9}, !- Infiltration Schedule Name
+ , !- Steam Equipment Schedule Name
+ ; !- Other Equipment Schedule Name
+ {24aa02a7-19f1-4b45-8e9b-f18168710a5b}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Gas Equip, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {a521526a-dadf-4a8f-ad4b-27154ad35e10}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {8dd3a58e-1b87-430c-9815-2a4ac9863051}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4a159f64-cd18-4061-a4de-7df5223b0b28}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a521526a-dadf-4a8f-ad4b-27154ad35e10}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Gas Equip Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0299999999999999, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0249999999999998, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.02, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 4, !- Hour 4
+ 30, !- Minute 4
+ 0.02, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 4, !- Hour 5
+ 40, !- Minute 5
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 4, !- Hour 6
+ 50, !- Minute 6
+ 0.03, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 5, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.035, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 5, !- Hour 8
+ 10, !- Minute 8
+ 0.04, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 5, !- Hour 9
+ 20, !- Minute 9
+ 0.045, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 5, !- Hour 10
+ 30, !- Minute 10
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 5, !- Hour 11
+ 40, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0583333333333334, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 5, !- Hour 12
+ 50, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 6, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0750000000000001, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 6, !- Hour 14
+ 10, !- Minute 14
+ 0.0833333333333334, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 6, !- Hour 15
+ 20, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0916666666666668, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 6, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 6, !- Hour 17
+ 40, !- Minute 17
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 6, !- Hour 18
+ 50, !- Minute 18
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 7, !- Hour 19
+ 0, !- Minute 19
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 7, !- Hour 20
+ 10, !- Minute 20
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 7, !- Hour 21
+ 20, !- Minute 21
+ 0.141666666666667, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 7, !- Hour 22
+ 30, !- Minute 22
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 7, !- Hour 23
+ 40, !- Minute 23
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 7, !- Hour 24
+ 50, !- Minute 24
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 8, !- Hour 25
+ 0, !- Minute 25
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 8, !- Hour 26
+ 9, !- Minute 26
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 8, !- Hour 27
+ 19, !- Minute 27
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 8, !- Hour 28
+ 29, !- Minute 28
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 8, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 8, !- Hour 30
+ 39, !- Minute 30
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 8, !- Hour 31
+ 49, !- Minute 31
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 8, !- Hour 32
+ 59, !- Minute 32
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 9, !- Hour 33
+ 9, !- Minute 33
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 9, !- Hour 34
+ 19, !- Minute 34
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 9, !- Hour 35
+ 29, !- Minute 35
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 9, !- Hour 36
+ 30, !- Minute 36
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 9, !- Hour 37
+ 39, !- Minute 37
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 9, !- Hour 38
+ 49, !- Minute 38
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 9, !- Hour 39
+ 59, !- Minute 39
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 10, !- Hour 40
+ 9, !- Minute 40
+ 0.216666666666666, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 10, !- Hour 41
+ 19, !- Minute 41
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 10, !- Hour 42
+ 29, !- Minute 42
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 10, !- Hour 43
+ 30, !- Minute 43
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 12, !- Hour 44
+ 30, !- Minute 44
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 12, !- Hour 45
+ 39, !- Minute 45
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 12, !- Hour 46
+ 49, !- Minute 46
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 12, !- Hour 47
+ 59, !- Minute 47
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 13, !- Hour 48
+ 9, !- Minute 48
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 13, !- Hour 49
+ 19, !- Minute 49
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 13, !- Hour 50
+ 29, !- Minute 50
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 13, !- Hour 51
+ 30, !- Minute 51
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 13, !- Hour 52
+ 39, !- Minute 52
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 13, !- Hour 53
+ 49, !- Minute 53
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 13, !- Hour 54
+ 59, !- Minute 54
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 14, !- Hour 55
+ 9, !- Minute 55
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 14, !- Hour 56
+ 19, !- Minute 56
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 14, !- Hour 57
+ 29, !- Minute 57
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 14, !- Hour 58
+ 30, !- Minute 58
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 14, !- Hour 59
+ 39, !- Minute 59
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 14, !- Hour 60
+ 49, !- Minute 60
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 14, !- Hour 61
+ 59, !- Minute 61
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 15, !- Hour 62
+ 9, !- Minute 62
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 15, !- Hour 63
+ 19, !- Minute 63
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 15, !- Hour 64
+ 29, !- Minute 64
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 15, !- Hour 65
+ 30, !- Minute 65
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 15, !- Hour 66
+ 39, !- Minute 66
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 15, !- Hour 67
+ 49, !- Minute 67
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 15, !- Hour 68
+ 59, !- Minute 68
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 16, !- Hour 69
+ 9, !- Minute 69
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 16, !- Hour 70
+ 19, !- Minute 70
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 16, !- Hour 71
+ 30, !- Minute 71
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 18, !- Hour 72
+ 0, !- Minute 72
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 18, !- Hour 73
+ 10, !- Minute 73
+ 0.291666666666667, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 18, !- Hour 74
+ 20, !- Minute 74
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 18, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 18, !- Hour 76
+ 40, !- Minute 76
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 18, !- Hour 77
+ 50, !- Minute 77
+ 0.258333333333333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 19, !- Hour 78
+ 0, !- Minute 78
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 19, !- Hour 79
+ 10, !- Minute 79
+ 0.241666666666666, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 19, !- Hour 80
+ 20, !- Minute 80
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 19, !- Hour 81
+ 30, !- Minute 81
+ 0.224999999999999, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 19, !- Hour 82
+ 40, !- Minute 82
+ 0.216666666666666, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 19, !- Hour 83
+ 50, !- Minute 83
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 20, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 20, !- Hour 85
+ 30, !- Minute 85
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 20, !- Hour 86
+ 40, !- Minute 86
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 20, !- Hour 87
+ 50, !- Minute 87
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 21, !- Hour 88
+ 0, !- Minute 88
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 21, !- Hour 89
+ 10, !- Minute 89
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 21, !- Hour 90
+ 20, !- Minute 90
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 21, !- Hour 91
+ 30, !- Minute 91
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 21, !- Hour 92
+ 40, !- Minute 92
+ 0.141666666666667, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 21, !- Hour 93
+ 50, !- Minute 93
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 22, !- Hour 94
+ 0, !- Minute 94
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 22, !- Hour 95
+ 10, !- Minute 95
+ 0.116666666666666, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 22, !- Hour 96
+ 20, !- Minute 96
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 22, !- Hour 97
+ 30, !- Minute 97
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 22, !- Hour 98
+ 40, !- Minute 98
+ 0.0916666666666666, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 22, !- Hour 99
+ 50, !- Minute 99
+ 0.0833333333333332, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 23, !- Hour 100
+ 0, !- Minute 100
+ 0.0749999999999998, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 23, !- Hour 101
+ 10, !- Minute 101
+ 0.0666666666666664, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 23, !- Hour 102
+ 20, !- Minute 102
+ 0.058333333333333, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 23, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 23, !- Hour 104
+ 40, !- Minute 104
+ 0.045, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 23, !- Hour 105
+ 50, !- Minute 105
+ 0.0399999999999999, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 24, !- Hour 106
+ 0, !- Minute 106
+ 0.0349999999999999; !- Value Until Time 106
+ {0b31e451-ab79-43b3-a67e-f3fbb50a97c0}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 10, !- Name
+ {24aa02a7-19f1-4b45-8e9b-f18168710a5b}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {93113023-cb91-41b0-9ef0-244393fb7562}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {93113023-cb91-41b0-9ef0-244393fb7562}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Gas Equip Default|Sun Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0.02, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 3, !- Hour 2
+ 24, !- Minute 2
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 3, !- Hour 3
+ 34, !- Minute 3
+ 0.03, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 3, !- Hour 4
+ 44, !- Minute 4
+ 0.035, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 3, !- Hour 5
+ 54, !- Minute 5
+ 0.04, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 4, !- Hour 6
+ 4, !- Minute 6
+ 0.045, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 4, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 4, !- Hour 8
+ 25, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0583333333333334, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 4, !- Hour 9
+ 35, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 4, !- Hour 10
+ 45, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0750000000000001, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 4, !- Hour 11
+ 55, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0833333333333334, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 5, !- Hour 12
+ 5, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0916666666666668, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 5, !- Hour 13
+ 15, !- Minute 13
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 5, !- Hour 14
+ 25, !- Minute 14
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 5, !- Hour 15
+ 35, !- Minute 15
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 5, !- Hour 16
+ 45, !- Minute 16
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 5, !- Hour 17
+ 55, !- Minute 17
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 6, !- Hour 18
+ 5, !- Minute 18
+ 0.141666666666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 6, !- Hour 19
+ 15, !- Minute 19
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 6, !- Hour 20
+ 25, !- Minute 20
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 6, !- Hour 21
+ 35, !- Minute 21
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 6, !- Hour 22
+ 45, !- Minute 22
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 6, !- Hour 23
+ 55, !- Minute 23
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 7, !- Hour 24
+ 5, !- Minute 24
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 7, !- Hour 25
+ 15, !- Minute 25
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 7, !- Hour 26
+ 25, !- Minute 26
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 7, !- Hour 27
+ 35, !- Minute 27
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 7, !- Hour 28
+ 45, !- Minute 28
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 7, !- Hour 29
+ 55, !- Minute 29
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 8, !- Hour 30
+ 5, !- Minute 30
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 8, !- Hour 31
+ 15, !- Minute 31
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 8, !- Hour 32
+ 24, !- Minute 32
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 8, !- Hour 33
+ 34, !- Minute 33
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 8, !- Hour 34
+ 44, !- Minute 34
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 8, !- Hour 35
+ 54, !- Minute 35
+ 0.216666666666666, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 9, !- Hour 36
+ 4, !- Minute 36
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 9, !- Hour 37
+ 14, !- Minute 37
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 9, !- Hour 38
+ 15, !- Minute 38
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 9, !- Hour 39
+ 24, !- Minute 39
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 9, !- Hour 40
+ 34, !- Minute 40
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 9, !- Hour 41
+ 44, !- Minute 41
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 9, !- Hour 42
+ 54, !- Minute 42
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 10, !- Hour 43
+ 4, !- Minute 43
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 10, !- Hour 44
+ 14, !- Minute 44
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 10, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 10, !- Hour 46
+ 24, !- Minute 46
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 10, !- Hour 47
+ 34, !- Minute 47
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 10, !- Hour 48
+ 44, !- Minute 48
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 10, !- Hour 49
+ 54, !- Minute 49
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 11, !- Hour 50
+ 4, !- Minute 50
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 11, !- Hour 51
+ 14, !- Minute 51
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 11, !- Hour 52
+ 15, !- Minute 52
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 11, !- Hour 53
+ 24, !- Minute 53
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 11, !- Hour 54
+ 34, !- Minute 54
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 11, !- Hour 55
+ 44, !- Minute 55
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 11, !- Hour 56
+ 54, !- Minute 56
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 12, !- Hour 57
+ 4, !- Minute 57
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 12, !- Hour 58
+ 14, !- Minute 58
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 12, !- Hour 59
+ 15, !- Minute 59
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 12, !- Hour 60
+ 24, !- Minute 60
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 12, !- Hour 61
+ 34, !- Minute 61
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 12, !- Hour 62
+ 44, !- Minute 62
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 12, !- Hour 63
+ 54, !- Minute 63
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 13, !- Hour 64
+ 4, !- Minute 64
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 13, !- Hour 65
+ 14, !- Minute 65
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 13, !- Hour 66
+ 15, !- Minute 66
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 13, !- Hour 67
+ 24, !- Minute 67
+ 0.288888888888889, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 13, !- Hour 68
+ 34, !- Minute 68
+ 0.277777777777778, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 13, !- Hour 69
+ 44, !- Minute 69
+ 0.266666666666667, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 13, !- Hour 70
+ 54, !- Minute 70
+ 0.255555555555556, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 14, !- Hour 71
+ 4, !- Minute 71
+ 0.244444444444445, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 14, !- Hour 72
+ 14, !- Minute 72
+ 0.233333333333334, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 14, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.222222222222222, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 14, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.211111111111111, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 14, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 14, !- Hour 76
+ 45, !- Minute 76
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 15, !- Hour 77
+ 15, !- Minute 77
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 15, !- Hour 78
+ 24, !- Minute 78
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 15, !- Hour 79
+ 34, !- Minute 79
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 15, !- Hour 80
+ 44, !- Minute 80
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 15, !- Hour 81
+ 54, !- Minute 81
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 16, !- Hour 82
+ 4, !- Minute 82
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 16, !- Hour 83
+ 15, !- Minute 83
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 16, !- Hour 84
+ 25, !- Minute 84
+ 0.141666666666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 16, !- Hour 85
+ 35, !- Minute 85
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 16, !- Hour 86
+ 45, !- Minute 86
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 16, !- Hour 87
+ 55, !- Minute 87
+ 0.116666666666666, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 17, !- Hour 88
+ 5, !- Minute 88
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 17, !- Hour 89
+ 15, !- Minute 89
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 17, !- Hour 90
+ 25, !- Minute 90
+ 0.0916666666666666, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 17, !- Hour 91
+ 35, !- Minute 91
+ 0.0833333333333332, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 17, !- Hour 92
+ 45, !- Minute 92
+ 0.0749999999999998, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 17, !- Hour 93
+ 55, !- Minute 93
+ 0.0666666666666664, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 18, !- Hour 94
+ 5, !- Minute 94
+ 0.058333333333333, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 18, !- Hour 95
+ 15, !- Minute 95
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 18, !- Hour 96
+ 25, !- Minute 96
+ 0.045, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 18, !- Hour 97
+ 35, !- Minute 97
+ 0.0399999999999999, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 18, !- Hour 98
+ 45, !- Minute 98
+ 0.0349999999999999, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 18, !- Hour 99
+ 55, !- Minute 99
+ 0.0299999999999999, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 19, !- Hour 100
+ 5, !- Minute 100
+ 0.0249999999999998, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 19, !- Hour 101
+ 15, !- Minute 101
+ 0.02, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 24, !- Hour 102
+ 0, !- Minute 102
+ 0.02; !- Value Until Time 102
+ {8dd3a58e-1b87-430c-9815-2a4ac9863051}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Gas Equip Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.25; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {4a159f64-cd18-4061-a4de-7df5223b0b28}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Gas Equip Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {61626f21-ce78-4011-99b2-4174f9bd80b7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 People Definition, !- Name
+ People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People {people}
+ 0.161458656250646, !- People per Space Floor Area {person/m2}
+ , !- Space Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3; !- Fraction Radiant
+ {4d4ec8d6-1100-4a93-9419-46924c161888}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 People, !- Name
+ {61626f21-ce78-4011-99b2-4174f9bd80b7}, !- People Definition Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ , !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ , !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ {0c56ad96-3cf5-4a0d-98a4-dc5ec10b067b}, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ {bf0b5e31-7601-4f15-80f2-25015a25b4f8}, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ {873b6471-1765-42a3-b593-50361a0f9a6c}, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {840e0a92-39c8-446f-be0b-17f6c05dfb49}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 63.2917932502532, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.573233, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {afbb8886-e12a-4214-a0c3-dada28c6e69e}, !- Handle
+ {840e0a92-39c8-446f-be0b-17f6c05dfb49}, !- Object Name
+ lpd_fraction_linear_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.41546699999999998, !- Feature Value 1
+ lpd_fraction_compact_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.17019999999999999, !- Feature Value 2
+ lpd_fraction_high_bay, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.20463300000000001, !- Feature Value 3
+ lpd_fraction_specialty_lighting, !- Feature Name 4
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 0.20799999999999999, !- Feature Value 4
+ lpd_fraction_exit_lighting, !- Feature Name 5
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 5
+ 0.0016999999999999999; !- Feature Value 5
+ {f53d5046-e1d8-44a1-aaa0-1aca49c20ccb}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 Elec Equip Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 3.83901929366359, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0; !- Fraction Lost
+ {6ca2caca-44fe-4567-8dd4-366f9edfb7c5}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 Elec Equip, !- Name
+ {f53d5046-e1d8-44a1-aaa0-1aca49c20ccb}, !- Electric Equipment Definition Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {14bad05c-aa75-4a9d-bde5-a1d1522a0e72}, !- Schedule Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {7ff99cef-d3b7-4336-b3c6-d50a2702d8ea}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 Ventilation, !- Name
+ Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ 0.001524, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {ef2350c7-7f91-40e7-bbe7-998decc7b814}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 Schedule Set, !- Name
+ , !- Hours of Operation Schedule Name
+ {39d47e04-b332-412e-bba1-5d04b8032ed6}, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ {0bf4600b-78ab-4269-9ae0-febeb1cd7c5a}, !- People Activity Level Schedule Name
+ {1d76fafa-2c0d-421e-b663-58fe9b9398a3}, !- Lighting Schedule Name
+ {8e1eb267-5711-4a5f-a8fb-a005ff9f5172}, !- Electric Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Gas Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Hot Water Equipment Schedule Name
+ {7d2eb5f7-1ebd-4079-af73-ab3ed91b034e}, !- Infiltration Schedule Name
+ , !- Steam Equipment Schedule Name
+ ; !- Other Equipment Schedule Name
+ {39d47e04-b332-412e-bba1-5d04b8032ed6}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Bldg Occ, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {31753421-a74a-4264-ae7b-b23dde6c9ccb}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {0e6e3329-8dec-4526-8df7-140beda7a18f}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {350da510-4066-4279-88ef-f00abc12768f}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {31753421-a74a-4264-ae7b-b23dde6c9ccb}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Bldg Occ Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.245098039215685, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.240196078431371, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.235294117647057, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.230392156862743, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.22549019607843, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.220588235294116, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.215686274509802, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.210784313725488, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.205882352941175, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.200980392156861, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.196078431372547, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.191176470588233, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.186274509803919, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.181372549019606, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.176470588235292, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.171568627450978, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.166666666666664, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.161764705882351, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.156862745098037, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.151960784313723, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.147058823529409, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.142156862745096, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.137254901960782, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.132352941176468, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.127450980392154, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.122549019607841, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.117647058823527, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.112745098039213, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.107843137254899, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.102941176470586, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.0980392156862718, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.093137254901958, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.0882352941176443, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.0833333333333305, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.0784313725490168, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.073529411764703, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.0686274509803892, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.0637254901960755, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.0588235294117617, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.053921568627448, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.0490196078431342, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.0441176470588205, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.0392156862745067, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.034313725490193, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.0294117647058792, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.0245098039215654, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.0196078431372517, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.014705882352938, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 10, !- Minute 49
+ 0.00980392156862438, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 20, !- Minute 50
+ 0.00490196078431073, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 30, !- Minute 51
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 39, !- Minute 52
+ 0.116666666666666, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 49, !- Minute 53
+ 0.233333333333332, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 59, !- Minute 54
+ 0.349999999999999, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 9, !- Hour 55
+ 9, !- Minute 55
+ 0.466666666666665, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 19, !- Minute 56
+ 0.583333333333331, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 29, !- Minute 57
+ 0.699999999999997, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 30, !- Minute 58
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 39, !- Minute 59
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 49, !- Minute 60
+ 0.533333333333334, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 59, !- Minute 61
+ 0.450000000000001, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 10, !- Hour 62
+ 9, !- Minute 62
+ 0.366666666666668, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 19, !- Minute 63
+ 0.283333333333335, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 29, !- Minute 64
+ 0.200000000000002, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 30, !- Minute 65
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 39, !- Minute 66
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 49, !- Minute 67
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 59, !- Minute 68
+ 0.349999999999999, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 11, !- Hour 69
+ 9, !- Minute 69
+ 0.399999999999999, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 19, !- Minute 70
+ 0.449999999999999, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 29, !- Minute 71
+ 0.499999999999999, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 30, !- Minute 72
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 39, !- Minute 73
+ 0.566666666666666, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 49, !- Minute 74
+ 0.633333333333333, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 59, !- Minute 75
+ 0.699999999999999, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 12, !- Hour 76
+ 0, !- Minute 76
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 9, !- Minute 77
+ 0.633333333333334, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 19, !- Minute 78
+ 0.566666666666667, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 29, !- Minute 79
+ 0.500000000000001, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 39, !- Minute 80
+ 0.433333333333334, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 49, !- Minute 81
+ 0.366666666666668, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 59, !- Minute 82
+ 0.300000000000001, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 13, !- Hour 83
+ 0, !- Minute 83
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 9, !- Minute 84
+ 0.366666666666666, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 19, !- Minute 85
+ 0.433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 29, !- Minute 86
+ 0.499999999999999, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 39, !- Minute 87
+ 0.566666666666666, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 49, !- Minute 88
+ 0.633333333333332, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 59, !- Minute 89
+ 0.699999999999999, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 14, !- Hour 90
+ 0, !- Minute 90
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 9, !- Minute 91
+ 0.583333333333334, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 19, !- Minute 92
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 29, !- Minute 93
+ 0.350000000000001, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 39, !- Minute 94
+ 0.233333333333335, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 49, !- Minute 95
+ 0.116666666666669, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 59, !- Minute 96
+ 2.48689957516035e-15, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 15, !- Hour 97
+ 0, !- Minute 97
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 9, !- Minute 98
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 19, !- Minute 99
+ 0.333333333333332, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 29, !- Minute 100
+ 0.499999999999998, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 30, !- Minute 101
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 39, !- Minute 102
+ 0.495098039215686, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 49, !- Minute 103
+ 0.490196078431373, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 59, !- Minute 104
+ 0.485294117647059, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 9, !- Minute 105
+ 0.480392156862745, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 19, !- Minute 106
+ 0.475490196078431, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 30, !- Minute 107
+ 0.470588235294118, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 40, !- Minute 108
+ 0.465686274509804, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 50, !- Minute 109
+ 0.46078431372549, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 17, !- Hour 110
+ 0, !- Minute 110
+ 0.455882352941176, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 10, !- Minute 111
+ 0.450980392156863, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 20, !- Minute 112
+ 0.446078431372549, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 30, !- Minute 113
+ 0.441176470588235, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 40, !- Minute 114
+ 0.436274509803921, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 50, !- Minute 115
+ 0.431372549019608, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 18, !- Hour 116
+ 0, !- Minute 116
+ 0.426470588235294, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 10, !- Minute 117
+ 0.42156862745098, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 20, !- Minute 118
+ 0.416666666666666, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 30, !- Minute 119
+ 0.411764705882353, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 40, !- Minute 120
+ 0.406862745098039, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 50, !- Minute 121
+ 0.401960784313725, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 19, !- Hour 122
+ 0, !- Minute 122
+ 0.397058823529411, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 10, !- Minute 123
+ 0.392156862745097, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 20, !- Minute 124
+ 0.387254901960784, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 30, !- Minute 125
+ 0.38235294117647, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 40, !- Minute 126
+ 0.377450980392156, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 50, !- Minute 127
+ 0.372549019607842, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 20, !- Hour 128
+ 0, !- Minute 128
+ 0.367647058823529, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 10, !- Minute 129
+ 0.362745098039215, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 20, !- Minute 130
+ 0.357843137254901, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 30, !- Minute 131
+ 0.352941176470587, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 40, !- Minute 132
+ 0.348039215686274, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 50, !- Minute 133
+ 0.34313725490196, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 21, !- Hour 134
+ 0, !- Minute 134
+ 0.338235294117646, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 10, !- Minute 135
+ 0.333333333333332, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 20, !- Minute 136
+ 0.328431372549019, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 30, !- Minute 137
+ 0.323529411764705, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 40, !- Minute 138
+ 0.318627450980391, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 50, !- Minute 139
+ 0.313725490196077, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 22, !- Hour 140
+ 0, !- Minute 140
+ 0.308823529411764, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 10, !- Minute 141
+ 0.30392156862745, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 20, !- Minute 142
+ 0.299019607843136, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 30, !- Minute 143
+ 0.294117647058822, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 40, !- Minute 144
+ 0.289215686274508, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 50, !- Minute 145
+ 0.284313725490195, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 23, !- Hour 146
+ 0, !- Minute 146
+ 0.279411764705881, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 10, !- Minute 147
+ 0.274509803921567, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 20, !- Minute 148
+ 0.269607843137253, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 30, !- Minute 149
+ 0.26470588235294, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 40, !- Minute 150
+ 0.259803921568626, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 50, !- Minute 151
+ 0.254901960784312, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 24, !- Hour 152
+ 0, !- Minute 152
+ 0.249999999999998; !- Value Until Time 152
+ {de74a61c-8317-4077-9911-69f488fb4e38}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 11, !- Name
+ {39d47e04-b332-412e-bba1-5d04b8032ed6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {0d0fb385-ceea-4b6c-8122-4608c0376797}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {0d0fb385-ceea-4b6c-8122-4608c0376797}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Bldg Occ Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 5, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 5, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0500000000000001, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 5, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0666666666666668, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 6, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0833333333333335, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 6, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 6, !- Hour 8
+ 25, !- Minute 8
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 6, !- Hour 9
+ 35, !- Minute 9
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 6, !- Hour 10
+ 45, !- Minute 10
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 6, !- Hour 11
+ 55, !- Minute 11
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 7, !- Hour 12
+ 5, !- Minute 12
+ 0.183333333333334, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 7, !- Hour 13
+ 15, !- Minute 13
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 7, !- Hour 14
+ 25, !- Minute 14
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 7, !- Hour 15
+ 35, !- Minute 15
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 7, !- Hour 16
+ 45, !- Minute 16
+ 0.500000000000001, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 7, !- Hour 17
+ 55, !- Minute 17
+ 0.600000000000001, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 8, !- Hour 18
+ 5, !- Minute 18
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 8, !- Hour 19
+ 15, !- Minute 19
+ 0.8, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 8, !- Hour 20
+ 24, !- Minute 20
+ 0.766666666666667, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 8, !- Hour 21
+ 34, !- Minute 21
+ 0.733333333333334, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 8, !- Hour 22
+ 44, !- Minute 22
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 8, !- Hour 23
+ 54, !- Minute 23
+ 0.666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 9, !- Hour 24
+ 4, !- Minute 24
+ 0.633333333333334, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 9, !- Hour 25
+ 14, !- Minute 25
+ 0.600000000000001, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 9, !- Hour 26
+ 15, !- Minute 26
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 9, !- Hour 27
+ 24, !- Minute 27
+ 0.608333333333333, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 9, !- Hour 28
+ 34, !- Minute 28
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 9, !- Hour 29
+ 44, !- Minute 29
+ 0.625, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 9, !- Hour 30
+ 54, !- Minute 30
+ 0.633333333333333, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 10, !- Hour 31
+ 4, !- Minute 31
+ 0.641666666666666, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 10, !- Hour 32
+ 14, !- Minute 32
+ 0.65, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 10, !- Hour 33
+ 24, !- Minute 33
+ 0.658333333333333, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 10, !- Hour 34
+ 34, !- Minute 34
+ 0.666666666666666, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 10, !- Hour 35
+ 44, !- Minute 35
+ 0.675, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 10, !- Hour 36
+ 54, !- Minute 36
+ 0.683333333333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 11, !- Hour 37
+ 4, !- Minute 37
+ 0.691666666666666, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 11, !- Hour 38
+ 14, !- Minute 38
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 11, !- Hour 39
+ 24, !- Minute 39
+ 0.708333333333333, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 11, !- Hour 40
+ 34, !- Minute 40
+ 0.716666666666666, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 11, !- Hour 41
+ 44, !- Minute 41
+ 0.725, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 11, !- Hour 42
+ 54, !- Minute 42
+ 0.733333333333333, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 12, !- Hour 43
+ 4, !- Minute 43
+ 0.741666666666666, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 12, !- Hour 44
+ 14, !- Minute 44
+ 0.75, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 12, !- Hour 45
+ 24, !- Minute 45
+ 0.758333333333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 12, !- Hour 46
+ 34, !- Minute 46
+ 0.766666666666666, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 12, !- Hour 47
+ 44, !- Minute 47
+ 0.774999999999999, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 12, !- Hour 48
+ 54, !- Minute 48
+ 0.783333333333333, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 13, !- Hour 49
+ 4, !- Minute 49
+ 0.791666666666666, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 13, !- Hour 50
+ 14, !- Minute 50
+ 0.799999999999999, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 13, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.8, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 13, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.766666666666667, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 13, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.733333333333334, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 13, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.7, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 13, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 14, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.633333333333334, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 14, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.600000000000001, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 14, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 14, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.533333333333334, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 14, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 14, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.400000000000001, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 14, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 15, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.266666666666668, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 15, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.200000000000001, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 15, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 15, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 15, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 15, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 15, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.133333333333334, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 16, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 16, !- Hour 71
+ 15, !- Minute 71
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 16, !- Hour 72
+ 25, !- Minute 72
+ 0.0833333333333332, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 16, !- Hour 73
+ 35, !- Minute 73
+ 0.0666666666666664, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 16, !- Hour 74
+ 45, !- Minute 74
+ 0.0499999999999996, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 16, !- Hour 75
+ 55, !- Minute 75
+ 0.0333333333333329, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 17, !- Hour 76
+ 5, !- Minute 76
+ 0.0166666666666661, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 17, !- Hour 77
+ 15, !- Minute 77
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 24, !- Hour 78
+ 0, !- Minute 78
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 78
+ {9e685694-891d-492f-a9c6-cbf8b90373ea}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 12, !- Name
+ {39d47e04-b332-412e-bba1-5d04b8032ed6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {18cc036d-4a86-4206-8fa7-0e04df5959ed}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {18cc036d-4a86-4206-8fa7-0e04df5959ed}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Bldg Occ Sun Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 7, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 7, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 7, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 7, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0500000000000001, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 7, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0666666666666668, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 8, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0833333333333334, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 8, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 8, !- Hour 8
+ 24, !- Minute 8
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 8, !- Hour 9
+ 34, !- Minute 9
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 8, !- Hour 10
+ 44, !- Minute 10
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 8, !- Hour 11
+ 54, !- Minute 11
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 9, !- Hour 12
+ 4, !- Minute 12
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 9, !- Hour 13
+ 14, !- Minute 13
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 9, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 9, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 9, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 9, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.399999999999999, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 45, !- Minute 18
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 13, !- Hour 19
+ 15, !- Minute 19
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 13, !- Hour 20
+ 24, !- Minute 20
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 13, !- Hour 21
+ 34, !- Minute 21
+ 0.333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 13, !- Hour 22
+ 44, !- Minute 22
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 13, !- Hour 23
+ 54, !- Minute 23
+ 0.266666666666667, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 14, !- Hour 24
+ 4, !- Minute 24
+ 0.233333333333334, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 14, !- Hour 25
+ 14, !- Minute 25
+ 0.200000000000001, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 14, !- Hour 26
+ 15, !- Minute 26
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 14, !- Hour 27
+ 24, !- Minute 27
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 14, !- Hour 28
+ 34, !- Minute 28
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 14, !- Hour 29
+ 44, !- Minute 29
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 14, !- Hour 30
+ 54, !- Minute 30
+ 0.133333333333334, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 15, !- Hour 31
+ 4, !- Minute 31
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 15, !- Hour 32
+ 14, !- Minute 32
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 15, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 15, !- Hour 34
+ 24, !- Minute 34
+ 0.0833333333333334, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 15, !- Hour 35
+ 34, !- Minute 35
+ 0.0666666666666668, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 15, !- Hour 36
+ 44, !- Minute 36
+ 0.0500000000000002, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 15, !- Hour 37
+ 54, !- Minute 37
+ 0.0333333333333336, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 16, !- Hour 38
+ 4, !- Minute 38
+ 0.0166666666666668, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 16, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 24, !- Hour 40
+ 0, !- Minute 40
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 40
+ {350da510-4066-4279-88ef-f00abc12768f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Bldg Occ Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0e6e3329-8dec-4526-8df7-140beda7a18f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Bldg Occ Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0bf4600b-78ab-4269-9ae0-febeb1cd7c5a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Activity, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {72c47d94-e808-42d3-8761-69e619a61109}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {6307afba-5dd8-423d-b623-7d638923529c}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {591be6a3-7ecc-4e59-a311-f5a246bae15a}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {72c47d94-e808-42d3-8761-69e619a61109}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Activity Default, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {591be6a3-7ecc-4e59-a311-f5a246bae15a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Activity Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {6307afba-5dd8-423d-b623-7d638923529c}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Activity Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {1d76fafa-2c0d-421e-b663-58fe9b9398a3}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {e99a190a-1e29-4828-8977-96db3c244078}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {e43fb17c-a496-4772-a799-c154f52ffd99}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {1fe52953-5815-404c-a3b2-693fce11fc78}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e99a190a-1e29-4828-8977-96db3c244078}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0990279143333331, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0908426031666664, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.082657292, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0811729438333333, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0796885956666667, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0782042475, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0767198993333333, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0752355511666667, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.073751203, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0724584606666667, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0711657183333333, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.069872976, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0685802336666667, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.0672874913333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.065994749, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.065994749, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.0656892168333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.0653836846666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.0650781525, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.0647726203333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.0644670881666667, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.064161556, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.064161556, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.0653481761666667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.0665347963333333, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.0677214165, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.0689080366666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.0700946568333333, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.071281277, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.075433715, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.079586153, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.083738591, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.087891029, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.092043467, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.096195905, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.1068862755, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.117576646, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.1282670165, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.138957387, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.1496477575, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.160338128, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.198034588833333, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.235731049666667, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.2734275105, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.311123971333334, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.348820432166667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.386516893, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.450640908833333, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.514764924666667, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.5788889405, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.643012956333333, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.707136972166666, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.771260987999999, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.771260988, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.799718678833333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.828176369666667, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.8566340605, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.885091751333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.913549442166666, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.942007132999999, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.942007133, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.946670468333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.951333803666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.955997139, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.960660474333333, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.965323809666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.969987145, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.969987145, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.970107275, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.970227405, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.970347535, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.970467665, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.970587795, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.970707925, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.970707925, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.970732257, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.970756589, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.970780921, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.970805253, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.970829585, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.970853917, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.970853917, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.970893681833333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.970933446666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.9709732115, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.971012976333333, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.971052741166667, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.971092506, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.971092506, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.971133201833333, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.971173897666667, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.9712145935, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.971255289333333, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.971295985166666, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.971336681, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.971336681, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.971337263166667, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.971337845333333, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.9713384275, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.971339009666667, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.971339591833333, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.971340174, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.971340174, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.971345018166667, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.971349862333333, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.9713547065, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.971359550666667, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.971364394833333, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.971369239, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.971343945833333, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.971318652666667, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.9712933595, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.971268066333333, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.971242773166667, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.97121748, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.971161241, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.971105002, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.971048763, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.970992524, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.970936285, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.970880046, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.970780816833333, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.970681587666667, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.9705823585, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.970483129333333, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.970383900166667, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.970284671, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.9697476475, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.969210624, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.9686736005, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.968136577, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.9675995535, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.96706253, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.946091059, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.925119588, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.904148117, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.883176645999999, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.862205174999999, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.841233704, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.769698927166666, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.698164150333332, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.626629373499998, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.555094596666664, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.483559819833331, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.412025043, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.365315729, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.318606414999999, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.271897100999999, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.225187786999999, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.178478472999998, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.131769159, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.123583847833333, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.115398536666667, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.1072132255; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {e43fb17c-a496-4772-a799-c154f52ffd99}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {f44e599a-c6dc-4371-b93f-d3b26c08e5f3}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 14, !- Name
+ {1d76fafa-2c0d-421e-b663-58fe9b9398a3}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {8b4de02d-b04e-481b-9caa-d23e2624bad9}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {8b4de02d-b04e-481b-9caa-d23e2624bad9}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Sun Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.194810529895509, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.194854930030539, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.194899330165569, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.194943730300599, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.194988130435629, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.195032530570659, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.195076930705689, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.195121330840719, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.195165730975749, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.195210131110779, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.195254531245809, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.195298931380839, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.195343331515869, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.195387731650899, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.195878219191987, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.196368706733075, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.196859194274163, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.197349681815251, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.197840169356338, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.198330656897426, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.198330656897426, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.199520569646765, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.200710482396103, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.201900395145442, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.20309030789478, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.204280220644119, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.205470133393457, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.207930669579952, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.210391205766446, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.212851741952941, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.215312278139435, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.21777281432593, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.220233350512424, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.234006774724069, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.247780198935714, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.261553623147358, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.275327047359002, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.289100471570647, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.302873895782291, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.346033472168425, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.389193048554559, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.432352624940693, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.475512201326826, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.518671777712961, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.561831354099094, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.629802356711403, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.697773359323713, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.765744361936023, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.833715364548333, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.901686367160642, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.969657369772951, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.969703330877642, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.969749291982334, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.969795253087025, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.969841214191715, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.969887175296407, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.969933136401098, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.969933136401098, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.969982706858632, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.970032277316166, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.9700818477737, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.970131418231235, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.970180988688768, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.970230559146303, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.970230559146303, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.970238572288585, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.970246585430868, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.970254598573151, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.970262611715434, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.970270624857717, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.970278638, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.970278638, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.970250795383393, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.970222952766786, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.970195110150179, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.970167267533572, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.970139424916965, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.970111582300359, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.970111582300359, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.970065086284383, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.970018590268407, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.969972094252431, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.969925598236455, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.96987910222048, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.969832606204504, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.969832606204504, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.969543600136073, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.969254594067641, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.96896558799921, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.968676581930779, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.968387575862348, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.968098569793917, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.968098569793917, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.915860964729859, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.863623359665801, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.811385754601744, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.759148149537687, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.706910544473629, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.654672939409571, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.65467293940957, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.629188132161342, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.603703324913113, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.578218517664884, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.552733710416656, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.527248903168426, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.501764095920198, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.472756113391564, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.443748130862932, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.414740148334298, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.385732165805666, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.356724183277032, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.3277162007484, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.314275535990225, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.30083487123205, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.287394206473876, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.273953541715701, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.260512876957526, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.247072212199352, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.241506068257687, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.235939924316023, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.230373780374358, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.224807636432693, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.219241492491029, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.213675348549364, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.212103735262467, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.21053212197557, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.208960508688673, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.207388895401776, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.20581728211488, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.204245668827983, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.202547345289985, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.200849021751988, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.199150698213991, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.197452374675994, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.195754051137997, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.1940557276, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.19410012773503, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.19414452787006, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.19418892800509, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.19423332814012, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.19427772827515, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.19432212841018, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.19436652854521, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.19441092868024, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.19445532881527, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.1944997289503, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.19454412908533, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.19458852922036, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.19463292935539, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.19467732949042, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.19472172962545, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.194766129760479, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.194810529895509; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {1fe52953-5815-404c-a3b2-693fce11fc78}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8e1eb267-5711-4a5f-a8fb-a005ff9f5172}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {761bf199-a5cf-4acd-8ae1-76711bbc52e1}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {60ff79b0-13bd-477b-aa88-7c572e7aef67}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a70a268e-f464-4d3c-91f2-83ebbbdcd4db}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {761bf199-a5cf-4acd-8ae1-76711bbc52e1}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.440306666666667, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.440028333333333, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.43975, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.439471666666667, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.439193333333333, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.438915, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.438636666666667, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.438358333333333, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.43808, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.437801666666667, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.437523333333333, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.437245, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.436966666666667, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.436688333333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.43641, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.436131666666667, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.435853333333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.435575, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.435296666666667, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.435018333333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.43474, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.434461666666667, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.434183333333333, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.433905, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.433626666666666, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.433348333333333, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.43307, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.432791666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.432513333333333, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.432235, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.431956666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.431678333333333, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.4314, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.42935, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.4273, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.42525, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.4232, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.42115, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.4191, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.418766666666667, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.418433333333333, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.4181, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.417766666666667, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.417433333333333, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.4171, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.41745, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.4178, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.41815, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 9, !- Minute 49
+ 0.4185, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 19, !- Minute 50
+ 0.41885, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 29, !- Minute 51
+ 0.4192, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 30, !- Minute 52
+ 0.4192, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 39, !- Minute 53
+ 0.419783333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 49, !- Minute 54
+ 0.420366666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 59, !- Minute 55
+ 0.42095, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 9, !- Minute 56
+ 0.421533333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 19, !- Minute 57
+ 0.422116666666667, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 29, !- Minute 58
+ 0.4227, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 30, !- Minute 59
+ 0.4227, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 39, !- Minute 60
+ 0.424283333333333, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 49, !- Minute 61
+ 0.425866666666667, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 59, !- Minute 62
+ 0.42745, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 9, !- Minute 63
+ 0.429033333333333, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 19, !- Minute 64
+ 0.430616666666667, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 29, !- Minute 65
+ 0.4322, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 30, !- Minute 66
+ 0.4322, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 39, !- Minute 67
+ 0.435533333333333, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 49, !- Minute 68
+ 0.438866666666667, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 59, !- Minute 69
+ 0.4422, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 9, !- Minute 70
+ 0.445533333333333, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 19, !- Minute 71
+ 0.448866666666667, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 29, !- Minute 72
+ 0.4522, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 30, !- Minute 73
+ 0.4522, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 39, !- Minute 74
+ 0.716333333333333, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 49, !- Minute 75
+ 0.733166666666667, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 59, !- Minute 76
+ 0.75, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 0, !- Minute 77
+ 0.75, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 9, !- Minute 78
+ 0.754033333333333, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 19, !- Minute 79
+ 0.758066666666667, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 29, !- Minute 80
+ 0.7621, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 39, !- Minute 81
+ 0.766133333333333, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 49, !- Minute 82
+ 0.770166666666666, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 59, !- Minute 83
+ 0.7742, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.7742, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 9, !- Minute 85
+ 0.775583333333333, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 19, !- Minute 86
+ 0.776966666666667, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 29, !- Minute 87
+ 0.77835, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 39, !- Minute 88
+ 0.779733333333333, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 49, !- Minute 89
+ 0.781116666666667, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 59, !- Minute 90
+ 0.7825, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 0, !- Minute 91
+ 0.7825, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 9, !- Minute 92
+ 0.783316666666667, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 19, !- Minute 93
+ 0.784133333333333, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 29, !- Minute 94
+ 0.78495, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 39, !- Minute 95
+ 0.785766666666667, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 49, !- Minute 96
+ 0.786583333333333, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 59, !- Minute 97
+ 0.7874, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 0, !- Minute 98
+ 0.7874, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 9, !- Minute 99
+ 0.6813, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 19, !- Minute 100
+ 0.6618, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 29, !- Minute 101
+ 0.6423, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 30, !- Minute 102
+ 0.6423, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 39, !- Minute 103
+ 0.63274, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 49, !- Minute 104
+ 0.62318, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 59, !- Minute 105
+ 0.61362, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 9, !- Minute 106
+ 0.60406, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 19, !- Minute 107
+ 0.5945, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 30, !- Minute 108
+ 0.58494, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 40, !- Minute 109
+ 0.57605, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 50, !- Minute 110
+ 0.56716, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 0, !- Minute 111
+ 0.55827, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 10, !- Minute 112
+ 0.54938, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 20, !- Minute 113
+ 0.54049, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 30, !- Minute 114
+ 0.5316, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 40, !- Minute 115
+ 0.5226, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 50, !- Minute 116
+ 0.5136, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 0, !- Minute 117
+ 0.5046, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 10, !- Minute 118
+ 0.4956, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 20, !- Minute 119
+ 0.4866, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 30, !- Minute 120
+ 0.4776, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 40, !- Minute 121
+ 0.472683333333333, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 50, !- Minute 122
+ 0.467766666666667, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 0, !- Minute 123
+ 0.46285, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 10, !- Minute 124
+ 0.457933333333333, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 20, !- Minute 125
+ 0.453016666666667, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 30, !- Minute 126
+ 0.4481, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 40, !- Minute 127
+ 0.447821666666667, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 50, !- Minute 128
+ 0.447543333333333, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 0, !- Minute 129
+ 0.447265, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 10, !- Minute 130
+ 0.446986666666667, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 20, !- Minute 131
+ 0.446708333333333, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 30, !- Minute 132
+ 0.44643, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 40, !- Minute 133
+ 0.446151666666667, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 50, !- Minute 134
+ 0.445873333333333, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 0, !- Minute 135
+ 0.445595, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 10, !- Minute 136
+ 0.445316666666667, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 20, !- Minute 137
+ 0.445038333333333, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 30, !- Minute 138
+ 0.44476, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 40, !- Minute 139
+ 0.444481666666667, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 50, !- Minute 140
+ 0.444203333333333, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 0, !- Minute 141
+ 0.443925, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 10, !- Minute 142
+ 0.443646666666667, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 20, !- Minute 143
+ 0.443368333333333, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 30, !- Minute 144
+ 0.44309, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 40, !- Minute 145
+ 0.442811666666667, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 50, !- Minute 146
+ 0.442533333333333, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 0, !- Minute 147
+ 0.442255, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 10, !- Minute 148
+ 0.441976666666667, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 20, !- Minute 149
+ 0.441698333333333, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 30, !- Minute 150
+ 0.44142, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 40, !- Minute 151
+ 0.441141666666667, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 50, !- Minute 152
+ 0.440863333333333, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.440585; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {60ff79b0-13bd-477b-aa88-7c572e7aef67}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {31a918f3-2566-4527-ba95-b1888be06a70}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 16, !- Name
+ {8e1eb267-5711-4a5f-a8fb-a005ff9f5172}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {05cb6a30-ed29-42e3-8b09-f7da98ebe61b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {05cb6a30-ed29-42e3-8b09-f7da98ebe61b}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Wknd Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.605734984271523, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.605575905629139, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.605416826986755, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.605257748344371, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.605098669701987, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.604939591059603, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.604780512417218, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.604621433774834, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.604462355132451, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.604303276490066, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.604144197847682, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.603985119205298, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.603826040562914, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.60366696192053, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.603112375827815, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.6025577897351, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.602003203642384, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.601448617549669, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.600894031456954, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.600339445364238, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.600339445364238, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.600186204470199, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.600032963576159, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.599879722682119, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.59972648178808, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.59957324089404, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.59942, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.599952694536424, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.600485389072848, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.601018083609272, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.601550778145696, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.602083472682119, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.602616167218543, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.603404263245033, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.604192359271523, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.604980455298013, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.605768551324503, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.606556647350993, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.607344743377483, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.608307971854305, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.609271200331126, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.610234428807947, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.611197657284768, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.612160885761589, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.613124114238411, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.615918936258278, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.618713758278146, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.621508580298013, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.624303402317881, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.627098224337749, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.629893046357616, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.63136707781457, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.632841109271523, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.634315140728477, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.635789172185431, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.637263203642384, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.638737235099338, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.638737235099338, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.640729366721854, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.642721498344371, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.644713629966888, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.646705761589404, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.648697893211921, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.650690024834437, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.650690024834437, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.653163770695364, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.655637516556291, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.658111262417219, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.660585008278146, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.663058754139073, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.6655325, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.6655325, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.668531643211921, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.671530786423841, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.674529929635762, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.677529072847682, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.680528216059603, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.683527359271523, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.683527359271523, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.685804081125828, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.688080802980133, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.690357524834437, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.692634246688742, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.694910968543046, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.697187690397351, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.697187690397351, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.698523075331126, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.699858460264901, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.701193845198675, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.70252923013245, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.703864615066225, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.7052, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.7052, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.703142193708609, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.701084387417219, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.699026581125828, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.696968774834437, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.694910968543046, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.692853162251656, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.692853162251656, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.690269958609272, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.687686754966887, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.685103551324503, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.682520347682119, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.679937144039735, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.677353940397351, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.673960749172186, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.67056755794702, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.667174366721854, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.663781175496689, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.660387984271523, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.656994793046358, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.652965287251656, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.648935781456954, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.644906275662252, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.640876769867549, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.636847264072848, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.632817758278146, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.629973315397351, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.627128872516556, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.624284429635762, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.621439986754967, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.618595543874172, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.615751100993378, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.61532056705298, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.614890033112583, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.614459499172185, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.614028965231788, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.613598431291391, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.613167897350993, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.612379801324503, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.611591705298013, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.610803609271523, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.610015513245033, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.609227417218543, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.608439321192053, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.608280242549669, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.608121163907285, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.607962085264901, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.607803006622517, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.607643927980132, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.607484849337748, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.607325770695364, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.60716669205298, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.607007613410596, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.606848534768212, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.606689456125828, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.606530377483444, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.60637129884106, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.606212220198675, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.606053141556291, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.605894062913907, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.605734984271523; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {a70a268e-f464-4d3c-91f2-83ebbbdcd4db}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7d2eb5f7-1ebd-4079-af73-ab3ed91b034e}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Infil Half On, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {24659580-bb24-4243-b38e-3e723d91dd6e}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {49ea020d-3c60-438c-8533-e5fcd19b0ca3}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4697a6f1-315c-434b-8f4f-3afcf3d97de1}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {24659580-bb24-4243-b38e-3e723d91dd6e}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Infil Half On Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 21, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {49ea020d-3c60-438c-8533-e5fcd19b0ca3}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Infil Half On Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 21, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {145b4599-54a8-4032-b3ff-17c694f3a579}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 17, !- Name
+ {7d2eb5f7-1ebd-4079-af73-ab3ed91b034e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {43563282-9f49-4e4f-8f14-6e2dfb7e2624}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {43563282-9f49-4e4f-8f14-6e2dfb7e2624}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Infil Half On Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 22, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {1016d6b4-28d4-43a7-a9d1-45f351e6a691}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 18, !- Name
+ {7d2eb5f7-1ebd-4079-af73-ab3ed91b034e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {ee029495-9cd1-4117-825c-9b95cf072078}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {ee029495-9cd1-4117-825c-9b95cf072078}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Infil Half On Sun Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 17, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4697a6f1-315c-434b-8f4f-3afcf3d97de1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Infil Half On Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {12adbb65-07d8-4ab4-8f31-9b1d25a3381d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 People Definition, !- Name
+ People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People {people}
+ 0.161458656250646, !- People per Space Floor Area {person/m2}
+ , !- Space Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3; !- Fraction Radiant
+ {ed761547-8473-434b-b892-ef0e191f5bf1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 People, !- Name
+ {12adbb65-07d8-4ab4-8f31-9b1d25a3381d}, !- People Definition Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ , !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ , !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ {0c56ad96-3cf5-4a0d-98a4-dc5ec10b067b}, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ {bf0b5e31-7601-4f15-80f2-25015a25b4f8}, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ {873b6471-1765-42a3-b593-50361a0f9a6c}, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {4c747144-480f-424e-849c-deb8b567b130}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 37.2969495938992, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.573233, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {d797d389-5b79-426a-b2b2-7781f92c5b04}, !- Handle
+ {4c747144-480f-424e-849c-deb8b567b130}, !- Object Name
+ lpd_fraction_linear_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.41546699999999998, !- Feature Value 1
+ lpd_fraction_compact_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.17019999999999999, !- Feature Value 2
+ lpd_fraction_high_bay, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.20463300000000001, !- Feature Value 3
+ lpd_fraction_specialty_lighting, !- Feature Name 4
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 0.20799999999999999, !- Feature Value 4
+ lpd_fraction_exit_lighting, !- Feature Name 5
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 5
+ 0.0016999999999999999; !- Feature Value 5
+ {808a7c28-46d1-4efd-aa8f-be43f751edd1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 Elec Equip Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 3.83901929366359, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0; !- Fraction Lost
+ {830618b5-e171-46ca-96c5-9b1bfcb83c3a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 Elec Equip, !- Name
+ {808a7c28-46d1-4efd-aa8f-be43f751edd1}, !- Electric Equipment Definition Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {14bad05c-aa75-4a9d-bde5-a1d1522a0e72}, !- Schedule Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {f66eef87-69f0-424e-9107-6f6b9d7a5cf8}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 Ventilation, !- Name
+ Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ 0.001524, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {dc2037b3-5eed-4379-99a9-3de4a1443f2e}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 Schedule Set, !- Name
+ , !- Hours of Operation Schedule Name
+ {39d47e04-b332-412e-bba1-5d04b8032ed6}, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ {0bf4600b-78ab-4269-9ae0-febeb1cd7c5a}, !- People Activity Level Schedule Name
+ {1d76fafa-2c0d-421e-b663-58fe9b9398a3}, !- Lighting Schedule Name
+ {8e1eb267-5711-4a5f-a8fb-a005ff9f5172}, !- Electric Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Gas Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Hot Water Equipment Schedule Name
+ {7d2eb5f7-1ebd-4079-af73-ab3ed91b034e}, !- Infiltration Schedule Name
+ , !- Steam Equipment Schedule Name
+ ; !- Other Equipment Schedule Name
+ {310b2353-c97a-4d30-971f-c73904c897f7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 People Definition, !- Name
+ People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People {people}
+ 0.161458656250646, !- People per Space Floor Area {person/m2}
+ , !- Space Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3; !- Fraction Radiant
+ {310b9cd4-dda4-404f-85a6-d64930f322dd}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 People, !- Name
+ {310b2353-c97a-4d30-971f-c73904c897f7}, !- People Definition Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ , !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ , !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ {0c56ad96-3cf5-4a0d-98a4-dc5ec10b067b}, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ {bf0b5e31-7601-4f15-80f2-25015a25b4f8}, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ {873b6471-1765-42a3-b593-50361a0f9a6c}, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {568c6221-e85d-42da-9a13-f6741adeb5b0}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 30.5156860313721, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.573233, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {d7f24cad-bb14-41b5-819e-76f4765e81d0}, !- Handle
+ {568c6221-e85d-42da-9a13-f6741adeb5b0}, !- Object Name
+ lpd_fraction_linear_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.41546699999999998, !- Feature Value 1
+ lpd_fraction_compact_fluorescent, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.17019999999999999, !- Feature Value 2
+ lpd_fraction_high_bay, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.20463300000000001, !- Feature Value 3
+ lpd_fraction_specialty_lighting, !- Feature Name 4
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 0.20799999999999999, !- Feature Value 4
+ lpd_fraction_exit_lighting, !- Feature Name 5
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 5
+ 0.0016999999999999999; !- Feature Value 5
+ {21412f7b-ab15-4a36-82ae-15e6252c379d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 Elec Equip Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 3.83901929366359, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0; !- Fraction Lost
+ {0cfe11d1-f28c-4f55-b9db-2c92b886196a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 Elec Equip, !- Name
+ {21412f7b-ab15-4a36-82ae-15e6252c379d}, !- Electric Equipment Definition Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {14bad05c-aa75-4a9d-bde5-a1d1522a0e72}, !- Schedule Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {a30b92e5-126d-4a9f-94c5-f9789d95c707}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 Ventilation, !- Name
+ Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ 0.001524, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {1b94e205-f341-4ac5-8e72-e9032975e60b}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 Schedule Set, !- Name
+ , !- Hours of Operation Schedule Name
+ {39d47e04-b332-412e-bba1-5d04b8032ed6}, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ {0bf4600b-78ab-4269-9ae0-febeb1cd7c5a}, !- People Activity Level Schedule Name
+ {1d76fafa-2c0d-421e-b663-58fe9b9398a3}, !- Lighting Schedule Name
+ {8e1eb267-5711-4a5f-a8fb-a005ff9f5172}, !- Electric Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Gas Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Hot Water Equipment Schedule Name
+ {7d2eb5f7-1ebd-4079-af73-ab3ed91b034e}, !- Infiltration Schedule Name
+ , !- Steam Equipment Schedule Name
+ ; !- Other Equipment Schedule Name
+ {c2f8fefd-736c-42ea-9414-2981198a0abf}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 972 Area 2355, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 23.5489709807586, !- Area {m2}
+ 9.72269356534528; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {6c8938ac-c7d3-47f9-961b-4d613850ac29}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 413 Area 1889, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 18.8901261534322, !- Area {m2}
+ 4.13169863373407; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {8f7e6c03-65fe-4dd6-a1b7-edbeb03fd747}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 0 Area 1099, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 10.9938436931356, !- Area {m2}
+ 0; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {d325a846-fd8f-4879-bb12-484f0eed3909}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 914 Area 209, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 20.903184, !- Area {m2}
+ 9.14399999999999; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {8a1fba66-e973-42bd-8ecd-8c5e61620ece}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 266 Area 1371, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 13.7052396576826, !- Area {m2}
+ 2.6608532392402; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {c07044a8-012d-4e41-b897-1306b0cc063d}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 266 Area 1217, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 12.1654210098062, !- Area {m2}
+ 2.6608532392402; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {f415a43f-2db7-4b4b-b1ed-dd82b35d2e77}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 369 Area 1688, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 16.8770683068644, !- Area {m2}
+ 3.69139726746815; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {25443693-c445-4348-9c4b-2b5cff76a32e}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 0 Area 982, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 9.82226637646504, !- Area {m2}
+ 0; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {dfd8c892-a83b-44d5-bd12-f85e8169bf6b}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 193 Area 883, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 8.83410242512503, !- Area {m2}
+ 1.93221837819883; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {e7895dd2-9b70-467a-b482-7a26784c1de6}, !- Handle
+ Foundation F 126 Perim 0 Area 514, !- Name
+ 1.26343630645112, !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ 5.14134953054979, !- Area {m2}
+ 0; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ {9b4af3d7-9115-4de5-a479-3391147787e4}, !- Handle
+ ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 - StMall - ASHRAE 169-2013-3A, !- Name
+ {20699638-b6aa-442a-aa93-31fe0680b25f}, !- Default Exterior Surface Constructions Name
+ {f03de32b-2cba-4a67-90c5-864a44d8fb46}, !- Default Interior Surface Constructions Name
+ {2e84b747-3705-446a-90a0-99f01e287f1b}, !- Default Ground Contact Surface Constructions Name
+ {d0bbfd6d-62e0-4d5c-b2b9-d5ceb8456a57}, !- Default Exterior SubSurface Constructions Name
+ {9bcb111e-9001-45c7-9a69-a6138139c124}, !- Default Interior SubSurface Constructions Name
+ {dfe9033d-2cb6-4747-bc86-7e2a2b4cd587}, !- Interior Partition Construction Name
+ , !- Space Shading Construction Name
+ , !- Building Shading Construction Name
+ , !- Site Shading Construction Name
+ ; !- Adiabatic Surface Construction Name
+ {20699638-b6aa-442a-aa93-31fe0680b25f}, !- Handle
+ Default Surface Constructions 1, !- Name
+ {160489d4-42d2-4c47-b9f9-b755c55bb01c}, !- Floor Construction Name
+ {0ff3feb9-9b35-4328-8612-5efc4c7aecfb}, !- Wall Construction Name
+ {0ac1e65e-d30a-458a-b33c-bcbd9b195bb5}; !- Roof Ceiling Construction Name
+ {160489d4-42d2-4c47-b9f9-b755c55bb01c}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulated Exterior Mass Floor, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {311eed56-b061-408f-a2c8-678149f1f20b}, !- Layer 1
+ {61ab2afe-ba55-4abd-a07d-d0d1c23b33ce}, !- Layer 2
+ {f0309e58-efc5-4f19-a38d-247d47ba20b8}; !- Layer 3
+ {311eed56-b061-408f-a2c8-678149f1f20b}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulation R-5.51, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.970972286725383, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {61ab2afe-ba55-4abd-a07d-d0d1c23b33ce}, !- Handle
+ 4 in. Normalweight Concrete Floor, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
+ 2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2321.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 831.999999999997, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {f0309e58-efc5-4f19-a38d-247d47ba20b8}, !- Handle
+ Typical Carpet Pad, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.216479986995276, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.8; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {909281dd-c775-431f-8b0a-c83422aeca6d}, !- Handle
+ {160489d4-42d2-4c47-b9f9-b755c55bb01c}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorFloor, !- Intended Surface Type
+ Mass; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {0ff3feb9-9b35-4328-8612-5efc4c7aecfb}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulated Steel Framed Exterior Wall R-7.69, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {311eed56-b061-408f-a2c8-678149f1f20b}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Handle
+ 25mm Stucco, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0254, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.719999999999999, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1855.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 839.999999999997, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Handle
+ 5/8 in. Gypsum Board, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0159, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.159999999999999, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 799.999999999999, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1090, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {4d8e6bf1-1cd7-4b65-ba9a-c4ec8bb646e7}, !- Handle
+ {0ff3feb9-9b35-4328-8612-5efc4c7aecfb}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {0ac1e65e-d30a-458a-b33c-bcbd9b195bb5}, !- Handle
+ Typical IEAD Roof R-13.89, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {c55cfedd-56a7-48b0-9deb-d378c70ce98b}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Handle
+ Roof Membrane, !- Name
+ VeryRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0095, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.16, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1121.29, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1460, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {c55cfedd-56a7-48b0-9deb-d378c70ce98b}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulation R-12.77, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.24921616224864, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}, !- Handle
+ Metal Roof Surface, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.000799999999999998, !- Thickness {m}
+ 45.2799999999999, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7823.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 499.999999999996, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {77f3735f-e6a4-4c15-af73-ead88459ccbf}, !- Handle
+ {0ac1e65e-d30a-458a-b33c-bcbd9b195bb5}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {f03de32b-2cba-4a67-90c5-864a44d8fb46}, !- Handle
+ Default Surface Constructions 2, !- Name
+ {77c2c24b-4f1c-46d8-8468-b74961d8fafd}, !- Floor Construction Name
+ {6d956b09-82bb-4e5b-aa29-0bef21a4fe29}, !- Wall Construction Name
+ {56521a5a-739c-42f4-acc7-c1aacb1c720b}; !- Roof Ceiling Construction Name
+ {77c2c24b-4f1c-46d8-8468-b74961d8fafd}, !- Handle
+ Typical Interior Floor, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {df03e1d9-bed1-4afd-a57d-3c7478209060}, !- Layer 1
+ {b2e00ce7-f509-44c2-b06f-620aa39460cc}; !- Layer 2
+ {df03e1d9-bed1-4afd-a57d-3c7478209060}, !- Handle
+ 100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
+ 2.31044676686054, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2322.00146636525, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 832.5567858096, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {b2e00ce7-f509-44c2-b06f-620aa39460cc}, !- Handle
+ CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.216479986995276, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.8; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {58cae1b1-a584-49cf-8411-d5689e711e49}, !- Handle
+ {77c2c24b-4f1c-46d8-8468-b74961d8fafd}, !- Construction Name
+ InteriorFloor, !- Intended Surface Type
+ ; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {6d956b09-82bb-4e5b-aa29-0bef21a4fe29}, !- Handle
+ Typical Interior Wall, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {cbbabdcd-d9dc-450c-8f92-2a920e302243}, !- Layer 1
+ {cbbabdcd-d9dc-450c-8f92-2a920e302243}; !- Layer 2
+ {cbbabdcd-d9dc-450c-8f92-2a920e302243}, !- Handle
+ G01 13mm gypsum board, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0127, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.160030944416258, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 800.000505207667, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1090.7294438736, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.5; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {5a9020c4-8223-4d29-b009-0440a485afe3}, !- Handle
+ {6d956b09-82bb-4e5b-aa29-0bef21a4fe29}, !- Construction Name
+ InteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ ; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {56521a5a-739c-42f4-acc7-c1aacb1c720b}, !- Handle
+ Typical Interior Ceiling, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {b2e00ce7-f509-44c2-b06f-620aa39460cc}, !- Layer 1
+ {df03e1d9-bed1-4afd-a57d-3c7478209060}; !- Layer 2
+ {447708fa-9d50-472c-a69a-f852049a0ae3}, !- Handle
+ {56521a5a-739c-42f4-acc7-c1aacb1c720b}, !- Construction Name
+ InteriorCeiling, !- Intended Surface Type
+ ; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {2e84b747-3705-446a-90a0-99f01e287f1b}, !- Handle
+ Default Surface Constructions 3, !- Name
+ {f84ac307-25e2-47e0-b695-aba992b119a9}, !- Floor Construction Name
+ {e6b7b26e-461c-49c7-8d1e-017bc0a3a154}, !- Wall Construction Name
+ ; !- Roof Ceiling Construction Name
+ {f84ac307-25e2-47e0-b695-aba992b119a9}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulated Carpeted 6in Slab Floor, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {f7d7e5a9-5642-41a5-a953-703986f28c0d}, !- Layer 1
+ {f0309e58-efc5-4f19-a38d-247d47ba20b8}; !- Layer 2
+ {7f5d5ba4-ee01-4b81-9fcb-431fb7abc2d7}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulation R-5.44, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.958541985530366, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {f7d7e5a9-5642-41a5-a953-703986f28c0d}, !- Handle
+ 6 in. Normalweight Concrete Floor, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1524, !- Thickness {m}
+ 2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2321.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 831.999999999997, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {5a818f14-c71e-436c-93b6-e30c313e14db}, !- Handle
+ {f84ac307-25e2-47e0-b695-aba992b119a9}, !- Construction Name
+ GroundContactFloor, !- Intended Surface Type
+ Mass; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {e6b7b26e-461c-49c7-8d1e-017bc0a3a154}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulated Basement Mass Wall R-6.99, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {7f5d5ba4-ee01-4b81-9fcb-431fb7abc2d7}, !- Layer 1
+ {95c690e4-99c5-46a7-9922-eb1f1256e5a1}; !- Layer 2
+ {95c690e4-99c5-46a7-9922-eb1f1256e5a1}, !- Handle
+ 8 in. Concrete Block Basement Wall, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.2032, !- Thickness {m}
+ 1.326, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1841.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 911.999999999999, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {28adb52d-2c19-470d-a5d3-70fb6f52e464}, !- Handle
+ {e6b7b26e-461c-49c7-8d1e-017bc0a3a154}, !- Construction Name
+ GroundContactWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ Mass; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {d0bbfd6d-62e0-4d5c-b2b9-d5ceb8456a57}, !- Handle
+ Default Sub Surface Constructions 1, !- Name
+ {bcd4cc10-07a6-43b8-ae97-6702eb746c1c}, !- Fixed Window Construction Name
+ {6f5d5ffe-f1a7-4093-acd5-0baced5634f5}, !- Operable Window Construction Name
+ {326d5ecc-233f-4b0a-847a-2aac74357f8f}, !- Door Construction Name
+ {afed4b41-cecb-451b-bce5-d34a5b2dd68a}, !- Glass Door Construction Name
+ {a68acac7-0602-4a69-bdf3-824c0bed0b8d}, !- Overhead Door Construction Name
+ , !- Skylight Construction Name
+ {5d48ec35-4f99-4b58-a5fb-825b8399adc1}, !- Tubular Daylight Dome Construction Name
+ {5d48ec35-4f99-4b58-a5fb-825b8399adc1}; !- Tubular Daylight Diffuser Construction Name
+ {bcd4cc10-07a6-43b8-ae97-6702eb746c1c}, !- Handle
+ U 0.72 SHGC 0.25 Simple Glazing Window U-0.72 SHGC 0.25, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {b82f18a9-e3ed-44e4-a8b1-4025b668fd1d}; !- Layer 1
+ {b82f18a9-e3ed-44e4-a8b1-4025b668fd1d}, !- Handle
+ U 0.72 SHGC 0.25 Simple Glazing U-0.72 SHGC 0.25, !- Name
+ 4.08834960560171, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
+ 0.25, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
+ 0.13; !- Visible Transmittance
+ {4b53eb8a-60f2-403b-83ec-1b38f9cac91e}, !- Handle
+ {bcd4cc10-07a6-43b8-ae97-6702eb746c1c}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWindow, !- Intended Surface Type
+ Metal framing (all other), !- Standards Construction Type
+ , !- Perturbable Layer
+ , !- Perturbable Layer Type
+ , !- Other Perturbable Layer Type
+ , !- Construction Standard
+ , !- Construction Standard Source
+ , !- Fenestration Type
+ , !- Fenestration Assembly Context
+ , !- Fenestration Number of Panes
+ Metal Framing; !- Fenestration Frame Type
+ {6f5d5ffe-f1a7-4093-acd5-0baced5634f5}, !- Handle
+ U 0.72 SHGC 0.25 Simple Glazing Window U-0.72 SHGC 0.25 1, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {a14fd0f2-b7e9-4622-916f-e3d8dcc87b85}; !- Layer 1
+ {a14fd0f2-b7e9-4622-916f-e3d8dcc87b85}, !- Handle
+ U 0.72 SHGC 0.25 Simple Glazing U-0.72 SHGC 0.25 1, !- Name
+ 4.08834960560171, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
+ 0.25, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
+ 0.13; !- Visible Transmittance
+ {464b1367-7979-4833-922a-8fea9c631241}, !- Handle
+ {6f5d5ffe-f1a7-4093-acd5-0baced5634f5}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWindow, !- Intended Surface Type
+ Metal framing (all other), !- Standards Construction Type
+ , !- Perturbable Layer
+ , !- Perturbable Layer Type
+ , !- Other Perturbable Layer Type
+ , !- Construction Standard
+ , !- Construction Standard Source
+ , !- Fenestration Type
+ , !- Fenestration Assembly Context
+ , !- Fenestration Number of Panes
+ Metal Framing; !- Fenestration Frame Type
+ {326d5ecc-233f-4b0a-847a-2aac74357f8f}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulated Metal Door, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {ad58646d-08c6-4641-9040-0b01c57aef88}, !- Layer 1
+ {06494df2-d816-4ead-94ea-8d7a4f70486e}; !- Layer 2
+ {ad58646d-08c6-4641-9040-0b01c57aef88}, !- Handle
+ F08 Metal surface, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0008, !- Thickness {m}
+ 45.2800000000001, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7823.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 500, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {06494df2-d816-4ead-94ea-8d7a4f70486e}, !- Handle
+ Typical Insulation, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0282222222222221, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {56aa7d4a-14a6-456e-a193-c784246f7751}, !- Handle
+ {326d5ecc-233f-4b0a-847a-2aac74357f8f}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorDoor, !- Intended Surface Type
+ ; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {afed4b41-cecb-451b-bce5-d34a5b2dd68a}, !- Handle
+ U 0.88 SHGC 0.16 Sgl Ref-A-L Clr 6mm, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {281a6dee-0a84-4c86-a028-669d84034057}; !- Layer 1
+ {281a6dee-0a84-4c86-a028-669d84034057}, !- Handle
+ REF A CLEAR LO 6MM, !- Name
+ SpectralAverage, !- Optical Data Type
+ , !- Window Glass Spectral Data Set Name
+ 0.00599999999999998, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.066, !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.341, !- Front Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.493, !- Back Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.08, !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.41, !- Front Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.37, !- Back Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0, !- Infrared Transmittance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.84, !- Front Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
+ 0.4, !- Back Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
+ 0.9, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1, !- Dirt Correction Factor for Solar and Visible Transmittance
+ No; !- Solar Diffusing
+ {6797fac8-58cb-4daf-8177-bc76b5a092cd}, !- Handle
+ {afed4b41-cecb-451b-bce5-d34a5b2dd68a}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWindow, !- Intended Surface Type
+ Metal framing (all other), !- Standards Construction Type
+ , !- Perturbable Layer
+ , !- Perturbable Layer Type
+ , !- Other Perturbable Layer Type
+ , !- Construction Standard
+ , !- Construction Standard Source
+ , !- Fenestration Type
+ , !- Fenestration Assembly Context
+ , !- Fenestration Number of Panes
+ Metal Framing; !- Fenestration Frame Type
+ {a68acac7-0602-4a69-bdf3-824c0bed0b8d}, !- Handle
+ Typical Overhead Door, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {06494df2-d816-4ead-94ea-8d7a4f70486e}; !- Layer 1
+ {46f5f421-e765-4b02-9f00-7fa524fad2a6}, !- Handle
+ {a68acac7-0602-4a69-bdf3-824c0bed0b8d}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorDoor, !- Intended Surface Type
+ RollUp; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {5d48ec35-4f99-4b58-a5fb-825b8399adc1}, !- Handle
+ Typical Interior Window, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {53efcffd-d96d-44c1-8d59-96e2301a8c5b}; !- Layer 1
+ {53efcffd-d96d-44c1-8d59-96e2301a8c5b}, !- Handle
+ Clear 3mm, !- Name
+ SpectralAverage, !- Optical Data Type
+ , !- Window Glass Spectral Data Set Name
+ 0.00299999999999999, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.837, !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.075, !- Front Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.075, !- Back Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.898, !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.081, !- Front Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.081, !- Back Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence
+ 0, !- Infrared Transmittance at Normal Incidence
+ 0.84, !- Front Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
+ 0.84, !- Back Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity
+ 0.9, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1, !- Dirt Correction Factor for Solar and Visible Transmittance
+ No; !- Solar Diffusing
+ {5b17e2ea-d044-4d2e-85df-3598d8e23263}, !- Handle
+ {5d48ec35-4f99-4b58-a5fb-825b8399adc1}, !- Construction Name
+ InteriorWindow, !- Intended Surface Type
+ ; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {9bcb111e-9001-45c7-9a69-a6138139c124}, !- Handle
+ Default Sub Surface Constructions 2, !- Name
+ {5d48ec35-4f99-4b58-a5fb-825b8399adc1}, !- Fixed Window Construction Name
+ {5d48ec35-4f99-4b58-a5fb-825b8399adc1}, !- Operable Window Construction Name
+ {8cc53c46-65e8-46b4-b164-5c712c268486}, !- Door Construction Name
+ , !- Glass Door Construction Name
+ , !- Overhead Door Construction Name
+ , !- Skylight Construction Name
+ , !- Tubular Daylight Dome Construction Name
+ ; !- Tubular Daylight Diffuser Construction Name
+ {8cc53c46-65e8-46b4-b164-5c712c268486}, !- Handle
+ Typical Interior Door, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {737c9592-af6a-4ac6-b5f3-c14b539a9c17}; !- Layer 1
+ {737c9592-af6a-4ac6-b5f3-c14b539a9c17}, !- Handle
+ G05 25mm wood, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0254, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.15, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 608, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1630, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.5, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.5; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {37c3beb3-6d7f-4962-bc33-5bd6ccb35d3e}, !- Handle
+ {8cc53c46-65e8-46b4-b164-5c712c268486}, !- Construction Name
+ InteriorDoor, !- Intended Surface Type
+ ; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {dfe9033d-2cb6-4747-bc86-7e2a2b4cd587}, !- Handle
+ Typical Interior Partition, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {737c9592-af6a-4ac6-b5f3-c14b539a9c17}; !- Layer 1
+ {f237a464-ff5e-45f4-8b58-0934e5a06d2f}, !- Handle
+ {dfe9033d-2cb6-4747-bc86-7e2a2b4cd587}, !- Construction Name
+ InteriorPartition, !- Intended Surface Type
+ ; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Handle
+ Always On Discrete, !- Name
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ 1; !- Value
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Handle
+ OnOff, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1, !- Upper Limit Value
+ Discrete, !- Numeric Type
+ Availability; !- Unit Type
+ {d6796186-4b56-495c-b996-dedad75e0a82}, !- Handle
+ 16, !- January Ground Temperature {C}
+ 11.9, !- February Ground Temperature {C}
+ 7.7, !- March Ground Temperature {C}
+ 4, !- April Ground Temperature {C}
+ 7.9, !- May Ground Temperature {C}
+ 13.8, !- June Ground Temperature {C}
+ 17.2, !- July Ground Temperature {C}
+ 20.8, !- August Ground Temperature {C}
+ 24.8, !- September Ground Temperature {C}
+ 26.1, !- October Ground Temperature {C}
+ 26.5, !- November Ground Temperature {C}
+ 22.5; !- December Ground Temperature {C}
+ {cc355041-8e55-40b8-9d4f-68c432e31084}, !- Handle
+ Parking Areas and Drives Def (W/ft^2), !- Name
+ 0.049749436; !- Design Level {W}
+ {aab31e60-048d-47e6-b94f-3f28ad98e744}, !- Handle
+ Parking Areas and Drives, !- Name
+ {cc355041-8e55-40b8-9d4f-68c432e31084}, !- Exterior Lights Definition Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Schedule Name
+ AstronomicalClock, !- Control Option
+ 7600.81395348836, !- Multiplier
+ Parking Areas and Drives; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {42131ba5-f820-4e5c-9fda-54a06f04a93a}, !- Handle
+ Building Facades Def (W/ft^2), !- Name
+ 0.25; !- Design Level {W}
+ {f0f6358d-dce9-4b58-a96d-f5d86d5f68ef}, !- Handle
+ Building Facades, !- Name
+ {42131ba5-f820-4e5c-9fda-54a06f04a93a}, !- Exterior Lights Definition Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Schedule Name
+ AstronomicalClock, !- Control Option
+ 3950.44301313156, !- Multiplier
+ Building Facades; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {037a8fef-71c4-45d5-b185-996a3362ff75}, !- Handle
+ Main Entries Def (W/ft), !- Name
+ 30; !- Design Level {W}
+ {daaeec69-e779-4f55-8ae5-468863248b28}, !- Handle
+ Main Entries, !- Name
+ {037a8fef-71c4-45d5-b185-996a3362ff75}, !- Exterior Lights Definition Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Schedule Name
+ AstronomicalClock, !- Control Option
+ 10.08, !- Multiplier
+ Main Entries; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {e2ea21e4-1144-4e55-98f0-50abd7b31244}, !- Handle
+ Other Doors Def (W/ft), !- Name
+ 25; !- Design Level {W}
+ {6a3f4efb-f481-4702-8645-ccb6874cbd56}, !- Handle
+ Other Doors, !- Name
+ {e2ea21e4-1144-4e55-98f0-50abd7b31244}, !- Exterior Lights Definition Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Schedule Name
+ AstronomicalClock, !- Control Option
+ 6.62399999999999, !- Multiplier
+ Other Doors; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Name
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {3abc2433-db3c-499a-b4f8-445d6e7c6cc6}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {905af6bb-82f5-4b94-a975-ca829bf7a4f8}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4721a624-06da-46ae-9a7a-cb6132598701}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {3abc2433-db3c-499a-b4f8-445d6e7c6cc6}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH Default, !- Name
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 45, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 45, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4721a624-06da-46ae-9a7a-cb6132598701}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {905af6bb-82f5-4b94-a975-ca829bf7a4f8}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {68b65ef0-ecc7-44bc-8b3a-a9ba13ba7a97}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 19, !- Name
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {0242c3bb-09aa-4a88-97a7-7d62db46f590}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {0242c3bb-09aa-4a88-97a7-7d62db46f590}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH Default|WntrDsn|SmrDsn|Sun|Wkdy Day, !- Name
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {27fef104-f250-4540-af21-365f2d512220}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Exhaust Fan, !- Name
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.0660785714285714, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 124.544455, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ 0.0314140682237446, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {ef13eadc-aa7a-4149-a0cb-9e6d44fad148}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {a3e9b6a6-05d3-4544-a9f1-71735d52dc00}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ Zone Exhaust Fans, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Decoupled; !- System Availability Manager Coupling Mode
+ {1d9dc727-ba81-41f7-9e04-3e76baeb34ba}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Exhaust Fan Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {64634abe-30e5-4c99-b968-5b9a9ece01e0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ef13eadc-aa7a-4149-a0cb-9e6d44fad148}; !- Outlet Port
+ {64634abe-30e5-4c99-b968-5b9a9ece01e0}, !- Handle
+ {5c2e9717-6478-4cb1-a169-88c97e10b4c3}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {1d9dc727-ba81-41f7-9e04-3e76baeb34ba}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ef13eadc-aa7a-4149-a0cb-9e6d44fad148}, !- Handle
+ {1d9dc727-ba81-41f7-9e04-3e76baeb34ba}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {27fef104-f250-4540-af21-365f2d512220}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {f78df440-476c-4fdb-9faf-bae4d7b76233}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Exhaust Fan Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {a3e9b6a6-05d3-4544-a9f1-71735d52dc00}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {a3e9b6a6-05d3-4544-a9f1-71735d52dc00}, !- Handle
+ {27fef104-f250-4540-af21-365f2d512220}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {f78df440-476c-4fdb-9faf-bae4d7b76233}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7d5dd35a-d8ba-4f54-a6e9-d8c8874fcae2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Exhaust Fan, !- Name
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.0660785714285714, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 124.544455, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ 0.018282638930635, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {cc48c9c5-8aea-47c0-9a09-43fe259fa129}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {14131cf9-7e93-4446-bc70-8ee824557149}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ Zone Exhaust Fans, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Decoupled; !- System Availability Manager Coupling Mode
+ {35125002-e881-4eb4-bd20-f89a335577c4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Exhaust Fan Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {3fc67c87-4d49-4dd1-adfc-f7e24fcf87fd}, !- Inlet Port
+ {cc48c9c5-8aea-47c0-9a09-43fe259fa129}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3fc67c87-4d49-4dd1-adfc-f7e24fcf87fd}, !- Handle
+ {db265283-937f-4f62-8e25-da33cd838ee4}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {35125002-e881-4eb4-bd20-f89a335577c4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {cc48c9c5-8aea-47c0-9a09-43fe259fa129}, !- Handle
+ {35125002-e881-4eb4-bd20-f89a335577c4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7d5dd35a-d8ba-4f54-a6e9-d8c8874fcae2}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {7c110cb9-38c0-47e7-b5fc-84e12b577ffb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Exhaust Fan Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {14131cf9-7e93-4446-bc70-8ee824557149}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {14131cf9-7e93-4446-bc70-8ee824557149}, !- Handle
+ {7d5dd35a-d8ba-4f54-a6e9-d8c8874fcae2}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {7c110cb9-38c0-47e7-b5fc-84e12b577ffb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {10832fd6-3d16-4885-8221-75ba0dee94d9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Exhaust Fan, !- Name
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.0660785714285714, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 124.544455, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ 0.0314140682237447, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {c7f3b298-1abd-4595-a5e3-33187f1557e3}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {0b4618c6-e776-4564-b994-9a6dd91113ef}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ Zone Exhaust Fans, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Decoupled; !- System Availability Manager Coupling Mode
+ {24a5088a-a149-4730-9cdf-cad3ab4cd0f3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Exhaust Fan Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {6bb0fe94-ece4-43bc-97ae-cef62ef0c306}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c7f3b298-1abd-4595-a5e3-33187f1557e3}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6bb0fe94-ece4-43bc-97ae-cef62ef0c306}, !- Handle
+ {a0b36690-bebc-4049-9e2d-c2ce1cf36a1c}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {24a5088a-a149-4730-9cdf-cad3ab4cd0f3}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c7f3b298-1abd-4595-a5e3-33187f1557e3}, !- Handle
+ {24a5088a-a149-4730-9cdf-cad3ab4cd0f3}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {10832fd6-3d16-4885-8221-75ba0dee94d9}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {8341933e-da0c-44d7-9e65-55a0e93915b2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Exhaust Fan Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {0b4618c6-e776-4564-b994-9a6dd91113ef}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {0b4618c6-e776-4564-b994-9a6dd91113ef}, !- Handle
+ {10832fd6-3d16-4885-8221-75ba0dee94d9}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {8341933e-da0c-44d7-9e65-55a0e93915b2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1ba9f450-570e-4a56-8b30-e7f85521712e}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {35e3fc80-0873-4fa3-9f4b-615dce89e850}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {b2b56427-7e13-42ef-a547-0e9c71ddac58}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {13178108-b9f9-4e88-95a0-732613880015}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {35e3fc80-0873-4fa3-9f4b-615dce89e850}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown BLDG_SWH_SCH Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 2, !- Hour 1
+ 45, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 2, !- Hour 2
+ 54, !- Minute 2
+ 0.00624999999999999, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 3, !- Hour 3
+ 4, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0125, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 3, !- Hour 4
+ 14, !- Minute 4
+ 0.01875, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 3, !- Hour 5
+ 24, !- Minute 5
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 3, !- Hour 6
+ 34, !- Minute 6
+ 0.03125, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 3, !- Hour 7
+ 44, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0375, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 3, !- Hour 8
+ 54, !- Minute 8
+ 0.04375, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 4, !- Hour 9
+ 4, !- Minute 9
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 4, !- Hour 10
+ 14, !- Minute 10
+ 0.05625, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 4, !- Hour 11
+ 24, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0625, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 4, !- Hour 12
+ 34, !- Minute 12
+ 0.06875, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 4, !- Hour 13
+ 45, !- Minute 13
+ 0.075, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 4, !- Hour 14
+ 55, !- Minute 14
+ 0.08125, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 5, !- Hour 15
+ 5, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0875, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 5, !- Hour 16
+ 15, !- Minute 16
+ 0.09375, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 5, !- Hour 17
+ 25, !- Minute 17
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 5, !- Hour 18
+ 35, !- Minute 18
+ 0.10625, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 5, !- Hour 19
+ 45, !- Minute 19
+ 0.1125, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 5, !- Hour 20
+ 55, !- Minute 20
+ 0.11875, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 6, !- Hour 21
+ 5, !- Minute 21
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 6, !- Hour 22
+ 15, !- Minute 22
+ 0.13125, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 6, !- Hour 23
+ 25, !- Minute 23
+ 0.1375, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 6, !- Hour 24
+ 35, !- Minute 24
+ 0.14375, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 6, !- Hour 25
+ 45, !- Minute 25
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 7, !- Hour 26
+ 45, !- Minute 26
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 7, !- Hour 27
+ 55, !- Minute 27
+ 0.170833333333333, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 8, !- Hour 28
+ 5, !- Minute 28
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 8, !- Hour 29
+ 15, !- Minute 29
+ 0.2125, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 8, !- Hour 30
+ 24, !- Minute 30
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 8, !- Hour 31
+ 34, !- Minute 31
+ 0.254166666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 8, !- Hour 32
+ 44, !- Minute 32
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 8, !- Hour 33
+ 54, !- Minute 33
+ 0.295833333333333, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 9, !- Hour 34
+ 4, !- Minute 34
+ 0.316666666666666, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 9, !- Hour 35
+ 14, !- Minute 35
+ 0.3375, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 9, !- Hour 36
+ 24, !- Minute 36
+ 0.358333333333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 9, !- Hour 37
+ 34, !- Minute 37
+ 0.379166666666666, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 9, !- Hour 38
+ 44, !- Minute 38
+ 0.399999999999999, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 9, !- Hour 39
+ 45, !- Minute 39
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 9, !- Hour 40
+ 54, !- Minute 40
+ 0.391666666666667, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 10, !- Hour 41
+ 4, !- Minute 41
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 10, !- Hour 42
+ 14, !- Minute 42
+ 0.375, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 10, !- Hour 43
+ 24, !- Minute 43
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 10, !- Hour 44
+ 34, !- Minute 44
+ 0.358333333333333, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 10, !- Hour 45
+ 44, !- Minute 45
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 10, !- Hour 46
+ 54, !- Minute 46
+ 0.341666666666667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 11, !- Hour 47
+ 4, !- Minute 47
+ 0.333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 11, !- Hour 48
+ 14, !- Minute 48
+ 0.325, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 11, !- Hour 49
+ 24, !- Minute 49
+ 0.316666666666667, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 11, !- Hour 50
+ 34, !- Minute 50
+ 0.308333333333334, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 11, !- Hour 51
+ 44, !- Minute 51
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 11, !- Hour 52
+ 45, !- Minute 52
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 13, !- Hour 53
+ 15, !- Minute 53
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 13, !- Hour 54
+ 24, !- Minute 54
+ 0.316666666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 13, !- Hour 55
+ 34, !- Minute 55
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 13, !- Hour 56
+ 44, !- Minute 56
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 13, !- Hour 57
+ 54, !- Minute 57
+ 0.366666666666666, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 14, !- Hour 58
+ 4, !- Minute 58
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 14, !- Hour 59
+ 14, !- Minute 59
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 14, !- Hour 60
+ 15, !- Minute 60
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 15, !- Hour 61
+ 15, !- Minute 61
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 15, !- Hour 62
+ 24, !- Minute 62
+ 0.416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 15, !- Hour 63
+ 34, !- Minute 63
+ 0.433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 15, !- Hour 64
+ 44, !- Minute 64
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 15, !- Hour 65
+ 54, !- Minute 65
+ 0.466666666666666, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 16, !- Hour 66
+ 4, !- Minute 66
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 16, !- Hour 67
+ 15, !- Minute 67
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 16, !- Hour 68
+ 25, !- Minute 68
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 16, !- Hour 69
+ 35, !- Minute 69
+ 0.466666666666666, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 16, !- Hour 70
+ 45, !- Minute 70
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 16, !- Hour 71
+ 55, !- Minute 71
+ 0.433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 17, !- Hour 72
+ 5, !- Minute 72
+ 0.416666666666666, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 17, !- Hour 73
+ 15, !- Minute 73
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 17, !- Hour 74
+ 25, !- Minute 74
+ 0.366666666666666, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 17, !- Hour 75
+ 35, !- Minute 75
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 17, !- Hour 76
+ 45, !- Minute 76
+ 0.299999999999999, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 17, !- Hour 77
+ 55, !- Minute 77
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 18, !- Hour 78
+ 5, !- Minute 78
+ 0.233333333333332, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 18, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 18, !- Hour 80
+ 25, !- Minute 80
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 18, !- Hour 81
+ 35, !- Minute 81
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 18, !- Hour 82
+ 45, !- Minute 82
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 18, !- Hour 83
+ 55, !- Minute 83
+ 0.233333333333334, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 19, !- Hour 84
+ 5, !- Minute 84
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 19, !- Hour 85
+ 15, !- Minute 85
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 19, !- Hour 86
+ 25, !- Minute 86
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 19, !- Hour 87
+ 35, !- Minute 87
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 19, !- Hour 88
+ 45, !- Minute 88
+ 0.124999999999999, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 19, !- Hour 89
+ 55, !- Minute 89
+ 0.0833333333333321, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 20, !- Hour 90
+ 5, !- Minute 90
+ 0.0416666666666652, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 20, !- Hour 91
+ 15, !- Minute 91
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 24, !- Hour 92
+ 0, !- Minute 92
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 92
+ {b2b56427-7e13-42ef-a547-0e9c71ddac58}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown BLDG_SWH_SCH Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 6, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 7, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 8, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 9, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 10, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 11, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 12, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 13, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 14, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 17, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 18, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 19, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 20, !- Hour 14
+ 0, !- Minute 14
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 21, !- Hour 15
+ 0, !- Minute 15
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 22, !- Hour 16
+ 0, !- Minute 16
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 23, !- Hour 17
+ 0, !- Minute 17
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 24, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.25; !- Value Until Time 18
+ {a246dc99-d937-4691-b589-6fb6a1ac938d}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 20, !- Name
+ {1ba9f450-570e-4a56-8b30-e7f85521712e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {d2181364-fcbc-4fd8-bfce-ce97f6e26f63}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {d2181364-fcbc-4fd8-bfce-ce97f6e26f63}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown BLDG_SWH_SCH SmrDsn|Wkdy Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 7, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 7, !- Hour 2
+ 40, !- Minute 2
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 7, !- Hour 3
+ 50, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0500000000000001, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 8, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.075, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 8, !- Hour 5
+ 9, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0999999999999999, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 8, !- Hour 6
+ 19, !- Minute 6
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 8, !- Hour 7
+ 29, !- Minute 7
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 8, !- Hour 8
+ 30, !- Minute 8
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 8, !- Hour 9
+ 39, !- Minute 9
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 8, !- Hour 10
+ 49, !- Minute 10
+ 0.299999999999999, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 8, !- Hour 11
+ 59, !- Minute 11
+ 0.374999999999999, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 9, !- Hour 12
+ 9, !- Minute 12
+ 0.449999999999999, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 9, !- Hour 13
+ 19, !- Minute 13
+ 0.524999999999999, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 9, !- Hour 14
+ 29, !- Minute 14
+ 0.599999999999998, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 9, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 9, !- Hour 16
+ 39, !- Minute 16
+ 0.591666666666667, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 9, !- Hour 17
+ 49, !- Minute 17
+ 0.583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 59, !- Minute 18
+ 0.575, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 10, !- Hour 19
+ 9, !- Minute 19
+ 0.566666666666667, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 10, !- Hour 20
+ 19, !- Minute 20
+ 0.558333333333334, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 10, !- Hour 21
+ 29, !- Minute 21
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 10, !- Hour 22
+ 30, !- Minute 22
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 10, !- Hour 23
+ 39, !- Minute 23
+ 0.533333333333333, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 10, !- Hour 24
+ 49, !- Minute 24
+ 0.516666666666667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 10, !- Hour 25
+ 59, !- Minute 25
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 11, !- Hour 26
+ 9, !- Minute 26
+ 0.483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 11, !- Hour 27
+ 19, !- Minute 27
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 11, !- Hour 28
+ 29, !- Minute 28
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 11, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 11, !- Hour 30
+ 39, !- Minute 30
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 11, !- Hour 31
+ 49, !- Minute 31
+ 0.316666666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 11, !- Hour 32
+ 59, !- Minute 32
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 12, !- Hour 33
+ 0, !- Minute 33
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 14, !- Hour 34
+ 0, !- Minute 34
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 14, !- Hour 35
+ 9, !- Minute 35
+ 0.316666666666667, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 14, !- Hour 36
+ 19, !- Minute 36
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 14, !- Hour 37
+ 29, !- Minute 37
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 14, !- Hour 38
+ 39, !- Minute 38
+ 0.366666666666666, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 14, !- Hour 39
+ 49, !- Minute 39
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 14, !- Hour 40
+ 59, !- Minute 40
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 15, !- Hour 41
+ 0, !- Minute 41
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 15, !- Hour 42
+ 9, !- Minute 42
+ 0.516666666666667, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 15, !- Hour 43
+ 19, !- Minute 43
+ 0.483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 15, !- Hour 44
+ 29, !- Minute 44
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 15, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 15, !- Hour 46
+ 39, !- Minute 46
+ 0.416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 15, !- Hour 47
+ 49, !- Minute 47
+ 0.383333333333334, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 15, !- Hour 48
+ 59, !- Minute 48
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 16, !- Hour 49
+ 9, !- Minute 49
+ 0.316666666666667, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 16, !- Hour 50
+ 19, !- Minute 50
+ 0.283333333333334, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 16, !- Hour 51
+ 30, !- Minute 51
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 16, !- Hour 52
+ 40, !- Minute 52
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 16, !- Hour 53
+ 50, !- Minute 53
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 17, !- Hour 54
+ 0, !- Minute 54
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 17, !- Hour 55
+ 10, !- Minute 55
+ 0.216666666666666, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 17, !- Hour 56
+ 20, !- Minute 56
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 17, !- Hour 57
+ 30, !- Minute 57
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 17, !- Hour 58
+ 40, !- Minute 58
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 17, !- Hour 59
+ 50, !- Minute 59
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 18, !- Hour 60
+ 0, !- Minute 60
+ 0.0999999999999993, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 18, !- Hour 61
+ 10, !- Minute 61
+ 0.0666666666666657, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 18, !- Hour 62
+ 20, !- Minute 62
+ 0.0333333333333321, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 18, !- Hour 63
+ 30, !- Minute 63
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 24, !- Hour 64
+ 0, !- Minute 64
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 64
+ {13178108-b9f9-4e88-95a0-732613880015}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown BLDG_SWH_SCH Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 6, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 9, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 10, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 11, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 13, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 14, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 16, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 17, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 18, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 20, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 21, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 22, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 23, !- Hour 14
+ 0, !- Minute 14
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 24, !- Hour 15
+ 0, !- Minute 15
+ 0.3; !- Value Until Time 15
+ {627361c3-8552-40d7-83b4-c21dce191f93}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 21, !- Name
+ {1ba9f450-570e-4a56-8b30-e7f85521712e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {660079cc-b359-4cf5-bf95-49b75c6e7dcc}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {660079cc-b359-4cf5-bf95-49b75c6e7dcc}, !- Handle
+ RestaurantSitDown BLDG_SWH_SCH WntrDsn|Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 3, !- Hour 2
+ 24, !- Minute 2
+ 0.00833333333333333, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 3, !- Hour 3
+ 34, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 3, !- Hour 4
+ 44, !- Minute 4
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 3, !- Hour 5
+ 54, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 4, !- Hour 6
+ 4, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 4, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 4, !- Hour 8
+ 25, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 4, !- Hour 9
+ 35, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 4, !- Hour 10
+ 45, !- Minute 10
+ 0.075, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 4, !- Hour 11
+ 55, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0833333333333334, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 5, !- Hour 12
+ 5, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0916666666666667, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 5, !- Hour 13
+ 15, !- Minute 13
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 5, !- Hour 14
+ 25, !- Minute 14
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 5, !- Hour 15
+ 35, !- Minute 15
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 5, !- Hour 16
+ 45, !- Minute 16
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 5, !- Hour 17
+ 55, !- Minute 17
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 6, !- Hour 18
+ 5, !- Minute 18
+ 0.141666666666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 6, !- Hour 19
+ 15, !- Minute 19
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 7, !- Hour 20
+ 15, !- Minute 20
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 7, !- Hour 21
+ 25, !- Minute 21
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 7, !- Hour 22
+ 35, !- Minute 22
+ 0.266666666666667, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 7, !- Hour 23
+ 45, !- Minute 23
+ 0.325, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 7, !- Hour 24
+ 55, !- Minute 24
+ 0.383333333333334, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 8, !- Hour 25
+ 5, !- Minute 25
+ 0.441666666666667, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 8, !- Hour 26
+ 15, !- Minute 26
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 9, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 9, !- Hour 28
+ 24, !- Minute 28
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 9, !- Hour 29
+ 34, !- Minute 29
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 9, !- Hour 30
+ 44, !- Minute 30
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 9, !- Hour 31
+ 54, !- Minute 31
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 10, !- Hour 32
+ 4, !- Minute 32
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 10, !- Hour 33
+ 14, !- Minute 33
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 10, !- Hour 34
+ 15, !- Minute 34
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 10, !- Hour 35
+ 24, !- Minute 35
+ 0.441666666666667, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 10, !- Hour 36
+ 34, !- Minute 36
+ 0.433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 10, !- Hour 37
+ 44, !- Minute 37
+ 0.425, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 10, !- Hour 38
+ 54, !- Minute 38
+ 0.416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 11, !- Hour 39
+ 4, !- Minute 39
+ 0.408333333333334, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 11, !- Hour 40
+ 14, !- Minute 40
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 11, !- Hour 41
+ 15, !- Minute 41
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 12, !- Hour 42
+ 15, !- Minute 42
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 12, !- Hour 43
+ 24, !- Minute 43
+ 0.391666666666667, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 12, !- Hour 44
+ 34, !- Minute 44
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 12, !- Hour 45
+ 44, !- Minute 45
+ 0.375, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 12, !- Hour 46
+ 54, !- Minute 46
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 13, !- Hour 47
+ 4, !- Minute 47
+ 0.358333333333333, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 13, !- Hour 48
+ 14, !- Minute 48
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 13, !- Hour 49
+ 15, !- Minute 49
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 13, !- Hour 50
+ 24, !- Minute 50
+ 0.358333333333333, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 13, !- Hour 51
+ 34, !- Minute 51
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 13, !- Hour 52
+ 44, !- Minute 52
+ 0.375, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 13, !- Hour 53
+ 54, !- Minute 53
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 14, !- Hour 54
+ 4, !- Minute 54
+ 0.391666666666666, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 14, !- Hour 55
+ 14, !- Minute 55
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 14, !- Hour 56
+ 15, !- Minute 56
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 14, !- Hour 57
+ 24, !- Minute 57
+ 0.416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 14, !- Hour 58
+ 34, !- Minute 58
+ 0.433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 14, !- Hour 59
+ 44, !- Minute 59
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 14, !- Hour 60
+ 54, !- Minute 60
+ 0.466666666666666, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 15, !- Hour 61
+ 4, !- Minute 61
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 15, !- Hour 62
+ 14, !- Minute 62
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 15, !- Hour 63
+ 15, !- Minute 63
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 15, !- Hour 64
+ 24, !- Minute 64
+ 0.508333333333333, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 15, !- Hour 65
+ 34, !- Minute 65
+ 0.516666666666667, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 15, !- Hour 66
+ 44, !- Minute 66
+ 0.525, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 15, !- Hour 67
+ 54, !- Minute 67
+ 0.533333333333333, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 16, !- Hour 68
+ 4, !- Minute 68
+ 0.541666666666667, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 16, !- Hour 69
+ 15, !- Minute 69
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 16, !- Hour 70
+ 25, !- Minute 70
+ 0.525, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 16, !- Hour 71
+ 35, !- Minute 71
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 16, !- Hour 72
+ 45, !- Minute 72
+ 0.474999999999999, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 16, !- Hour 73
+ 55, !- Minute 73
+ 0.449999999999999, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 17, !- Hour 74
+ 5, !- Minute 74
+ 0.424999999999999, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 17, !- Hour 75
+ 15, !- Minute 75
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 17, !- Hour 76
+ 25, !- Minute 76
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 17, !- Hour 77
+ 35, !- Minute 77
+ 0.366666666666666, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 17, !- Hour 78
+ 45, !- Minute 78
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 17, !- Hour 79
+ 55, !- Minute 79
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 18, !- Hour 80
+ 5, !- Minute 80
+ 0.316666666666666, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 18, !- Hour 81
+ 15, !- Minute 81
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 18, !- Hour 82
+ 25, !- Minute 82
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 18, !- Hour 83
+ 35, !- Minute 83
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 18, !- Hour 84
+ 45, !- Minute 84
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 18, !- Hour 85
+ 55, !- Minute 85
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 19, !- Hour 86
+ 5, !- Minute 86
+ 0.216666666666666, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 19, !- Hour 87
+ 15, !- Minute 87
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 19, !- Hour 88
+ 25, !- Minute 88
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 19, !- Hour 89
+ 35, !- Minute 89
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 19, !- Hour 90
+ 45, !- Minute 90
+ 0.0999999999999993, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 19, !- Hour 91
+ 55, !- Minute 91
+ 0.0666666666666657, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 20, !- Hour 92
+ 5, !- Minute 92
+ 0.0333333333333321, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 20, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 24, !- Hour 94
+ 0, !- Minute 94
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 94
+ {56537512-b8ee-48f2-9d28-fb0cbee12e1c}, !- Handle
+ Booster FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 WUC 0.22gpm at 180F, !- Name
+ {a5f1c992-4b08-4a65-b542-b3b705426242}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {ab6d8fcd-e38d-4fc3-8997-408604055818}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ None, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ Plant, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ {0c9e8ea9-059f-4cb6-9264-6c8a300e3c9e}; !- Water Use Equipment Name 1
+ {0c42f6ca-6578-4ce1-8414-a19b00f8cd26}, !- Handle
+ Booster FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Use Def 0.22gpm, !- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 1.37252322967163e-05, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {0b42ad77-7a9c-4399-8140-8244cff099ef}, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ {d7b028b8-0547-4fa8-ba63-6c2e74be7091}, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ {ee3621c9-550b-4d55-8d4d-556f8101daf4}; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ {d7b028b8-0547-4fa8-ba63-6c2e74be7091}, !- Handle
+ Fraction Sensible - 0.2, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {0f68ad1d-9fe4-438a-9801-6bbf5eb2ccb6}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {0f68ad1d-9fe4-438a-9801-6bbf5eb2ccb6}, !- Handle
+ Fraction Sensible - 0.2 Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.2; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {ee3621c9-550b-4d55-8d4d-556f8101daf4}, !- Handle
+ Fraction Latent - 0.05, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {6dd5e57c-093f-4df5-b0a0-86ffa79ec1ed}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {6dd5e57c-093f-4df5-b0a0-86ffa79ec1ed}, !- Handle
+ Fraction Latent - 0.05 Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.05; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0b42ad77-7a9c-4399-8140-8244cff099ef}, !- Handle
+ Mixed Water At Faucet Temp - 180F, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {8acfd359-9c06-4652-baae-4d7c9eb2ae19}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {8acfd359-9c06-4652-baae-4d7c9eb2ae19}, !- Handle
+ Mixed Water At Faucet Temp - 180F Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 82.2222222222223; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Handle
+ Temperature, !- Name
+ , !- Lower Limit Value
+ , !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous, !- Numeric Type
+ Temperature; !- Unit Type
+ {0c9e8ea9-059f-4cb6-9264-6c8a300e3c9e}, !- Handle
+ Booster FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Use 0.22gpm at 180F, !- Name
+ {0c42f6ca-6578-4ce1-8414-a19b00f8cd26}, !- Water Use Equipment Definition Name
+ , !- Space Name
+ {1ba9f450-570e-4a56-8b30-e7f85521712e}; !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {d53cc5ed-f2e2-4c3b-9d37-9166523b5652}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 WUC 0.15gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {cb01dabc-a02a-46fd-a271-0e6ab25e18db}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {9c7e70c9-f860-450f-8342-5dd6ef00e44f}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ None, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ Plant, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ {7fc3222c-feca-412c-8f28-83223ead74b9}; !- Water Use Equipment Name 1
+ {5f01adfe-aea5-4674-873b-d0f8d21511d1}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Use Def 0.15gpm, !- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 9.15015486447757e-06, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {d1936adf-a803-47b6-9b6b-9c450d61e936}, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ {d7b028b8-0547-4fa8-ba63-6c2e74be7091}, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ {ee3621c9-550b-4d55-8d4d-556f8101daf4}; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ {d1936adf-a803-47b6-9b6b-9c450d61e936}, !- Handle
+ Mixed Water At Faucet Temp - 140F, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {952d3a29-05e5-44f6-b469-b539649c8775}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {952d3a29-05e5-44f6-b469-b539649c8775}, !- Handle
+ Mixed Water At Faucet Temp - 140F Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 60.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7fc3222c-feca-412c-8f28-83223ead74b9}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Use 0.15gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {5f01adfe-aea5-4674-873b-d0f8d21511d1}, !- Water Use Equipment Definition Name
+ , !- Space Name
+ {1ba9f450-570e-4a56-8b30-e7f85521712e}; !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {37ff3294-fd9f-49b9-ba2b-54b991259bf7}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Fluid Type
+ 0, !- Glycol Concentration
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme
+ {1683920f-53fd-4010-9389-8a0763d22b02}, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 60, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 10, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ , !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ {12d2f06e-800c-4709-b4a2-2e320fc16fc4}, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ {2cd3c78c-2a97-432a-ac8d-185bec5506ac}, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ {4c77ba9d-97ae-4989-b96a-24135473dd7e}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ {e05aab6c-1fae-4b3e-873a-bece48e46e9f}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ , !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Optimal, !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {50fb8dd1-c593-4245-a7ff-1bb44677dc5a}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ , !- Plant Loop Demand Calculation Scheme
+ , !- Common Pipe Simulation
+ , !- Pressure Simulation Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load Schedule
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load Schedule
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Schedule
+ , !- Component Setpoint Operation Scheme Schedule
+ {b2bb2dba-2eb1-430b-93f6-7de2b1af034a}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {2c630a4b-6234-4b09-b3b0-87c308b440d5}, !- Demand Splitter Name
+ {828c9622-4860-4243-98a9-8836a346e23e}, !- Supply Mixer Name
+ {be9d0f75-cca6-4e22-9c58-654b52402751}; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {3650701a-af89-44dc-9a4f-4d37617abc1b}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {12d2f06e-800c-4709-b4a2-2e320fc16fc4}, !- Inlet Port
+ {95be7a8e-7f87-4bd2-859c-9858d365d445}; !- Outlet Port
+ {1683920f-53fd-4010-9389-8a0763d22b02}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {f42ef106-6aca-4378-a936-921a365543b2}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2cd3c78c-2a97-432a-ac8d-185bec5506ac}; !- Outlet Port
+ {42bb2c14-e3de-40c2-96f3-7a2aa4d7898a}, !- Handle
+ 40gal Electricity Water Heater - 14kBtu/hr Supply Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {a7edbdc0-d1ef-440d-88bd-493349322e52}, !- Inlet Port
+ {1a86032f-8871-4073-a1a9-80169700bb4b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {828c9622-4860-4243-98a9-8836a346e23e}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 1, !- Name
+ {9bb46834-0625-4b32-8682-b0f4c84ffb67}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {236b0652-6a6f-41c3-9ed9-4bd591e47cfa}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {13dd2c2b-472d-43db-9967-4932c8016185}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {be9d0f75-cca6-4e22-9c58-654b52402751}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 1, !- Name
+ {a507194f-b544-4d1d-a0f1-6d7066b66168}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {a7edbdc0-d1ef-440d-88bd-493349322e52}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {db563b44-41bf-4ac8-8320-84761d239003}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {12d2f06e-800c-4709-b4a2-2e320fc16fc4}, !- Handle
+ {37ff3294-fd9f-49b9-ba2b-54b991259bf7}, !- Source Object
+ 14, !- Outlet Port
+ {3650701a-af89-44dc-9a4f-4d37617abc1b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a7edbdc0-d1ef-440d-88bd-493349322e52}, !- Handle
+ {be9d0f75-cca6-4e22-9c58-654b52402751}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {42bb2c14-e3de-40c2-96f3-7a2aa4d7898a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2cd3c78c-2a97-432a-ac8d-185bec5506ac}, !- Handle
+ {1683920f-53fd-4010-9389-8a0763d22b02}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {37ff3294-fd9f-49b9-ba2b-54b991259bf7}, !- Target Object
+ 15; !- Inlet Port
+ {e6708b37-e776-4410-89bf-38125f9050ef}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {4c77ba9d-97ae-4989-b96a-24135473dd7e}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5058d864-7d85-4b77-b2d5-fb3c1177c161}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d9e8ad58-f6a6-4c0c-917c-53f70bc8a705}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {1a93af6c-2a4f-486c-8595-841c8c65a247}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e05aab6c-1fae-4b3e-873a-bece48e46e9f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {687a58e7-8bf3-4eba-96ce-f14a829a18b2}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 2 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {2fe5c0ec-4db7-4e5e-a31a-9418c8413b5c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {68c3fed7-fc98-477c-9ced-bebd889ab326}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b2bb2dba-2eb1-430b-93f6-7de2b1af034a}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 2, !- Name
+ {2cdf6fcf-a2d8-4a61-9496-be85352f8f09}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {e030db2b-0761-4c4a-809b-99a75c20c384}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {db87128a-1cf7-4bff-a99d-8e0de97351c2}, !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {fb1ed6f2-f8e8-4be5-b930-0261968ca023}; !- Inlet Branch Name 3
+ {2c630a4b-6234-4b09-b3b0-87c308b440d5}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 2, !- Name
+ {4a7ba7e2-9aa0-43ae-a5ae-401e8d4b3303}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {2fe5c0ec-4db7-4e5e-a31a-9418c8413b5c}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {44117cc6-0579-41cd-a0cc-79163c56c148}, !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {ce352691-376e-42b2-9217-e3d96b799524}; !- Outlet Branch Name 3
+ {4c77ba9d-97ae-4989-b96a-24135473dd7e}, !- Handle
+ {37ff3294-fd9f-49b9-ba2b-54b991259bf7}, !- Source Object
+ 17, !- Outlet Port
+ {e6708b37-e776-4410-89bf-38125f9050ef}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2fe5c0ec-4db7-4e5e-a31a-9418c8413b5c}, !- Handle
+ {2c630a4b-6234-4b09-b3b0-87c308b440d5}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {687a58e7-8bf3-4eba-96ce-f14a829a18b2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e05aab6c-1fae-4b3e-873a-bece48e46e9f}, !- Handle
+ {d9e8ad58-f6a6-4c0c-917c-53f70bc8a705}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {37ff3294-fd9f-49b9-ba2b-54b991259bf7}, !- Target Object
+ 18; !- Inlet Port
+ {30f17d2d-deae-452a-8c83-aed0d91360b2}, !- Handle
+ {37ff3294-fd9f-49b9-ba2b-54b991259bf7}, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Heating, !- Loop Type
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 5, !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ 1, !- Zone Timesteps in Averaging Window
+ None; !- Coincident Sizing Factor Mode
+ {50fb8dd1-c593-4245-a7ff-1bb44677dc5a}, !- Handle
+ Plant Loop 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList; !- Name
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Handle
+ Service Water Loop Temp - 140F, !- Name
+ {9ca3ca70-8799-49db-9744-022cf591f2d1}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {56bf144f-471f-4846-b4c4-5e73f7edc439}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {56bf144f-471f-4846-b4c4-5e73f7edc439}, !- Handle
+ Service Water Loop Temp - 140F Default, !- Name
+ {9ca3ca70-8799-49db-9744-022cf591f2d1}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 60.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {f1e0d8c9-f3f0-476b-b8a1-f419ce1f3d51}, !- Handle
+ Service hot water setpoint manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Schedule Name
+ {1683920f-53fd-4010-9389-8a0763d22b02}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {de150103-d417-490c-b87f-165f583974eb}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven, !- Name
+ {95be7a8e-7f87-4bd2-859c-9858d365d445}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {c806e48b-a951-4fe9-a78c-eb426c2c2ec1}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.001, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ , !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ , !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 3.2485, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ -4.7443, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 2.5294, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ , !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ , !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ , !- Pump Curve Name
+ , !- Impeller Diameter {m}
+ , !- VFD Control Type
+ , !- Pump RPM Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Maximum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Minimum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Maximum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Zone Name
+ 0.5, !- Skin Loss Radiative Fraction
+ PowerPerFlowPerPressure, !- Design Power Sizing Method
+ 348701.1, !- Design Electric Power per Unit Flow Rate {W/(m3/s)}
+ 1.282051282, !- Design Shaft Power per Unit Flow Rate per Unit Head {W-s/m3-Pa}
+ 0, !- Design Minimum Flow Rate Fraction
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {6deb5e5f-081a-433a-8453-074d0a6bdbb2}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {c806e48b-a951-4fe9-a78c-eb426c2c2ec1}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a507194f-b544-4d1d-a0f1-6d7066b66168}; !- Outlet Port
+ {95be7a8e-7f87-4bd2-859c-9858d365d445}, !- Handle
+ {3650701a-af89-44dc-9a4f-4d37617abc1b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {de150103-d417-490c-b87f-165f583974eb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c806e48b-a951-4fe9-a78c-eb426c2c2ec1}, !- Handle
+ {de150103-d417-490c-b87f-165f583974eb}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6deb5e5f-081a-433a-8453-074d0a6bdbb2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a507194f-b544-4d1d-a0f1-6d7066b66168}, !- Handle
+ {6deb5e5f-081a-433a-8453-074d0a6bdbb2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {be9d0f75-cca6-4e22-9c58-654b52402751}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {83f915a0-3367-48bf-932b-00bdd24e63b2}, !- Handle
+ 40gal Electricity Water Heater - 14kBtu/hr 1.0 Therm Eff 1.0 Therm Eff, !- Name
+ 0.151416471358794, !- Tank Volume {m3}
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ 2, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
+ Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
+ 4016.71782730988, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
+ Electricity, !- Heater Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
+ , !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ Schedule, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
+ {611cd705-3c40-4571-9d77-8f5118795ba1}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Thermal Zone Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
+ 1.20802284703933, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ 1.20802284703933, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ , !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ {1a86032f-8871-4073-a1a9-80169700bb4b}, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
+ {bc1ec2e1-f77c-41d7-a111-d8783afbfcd4}, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Use Side Effectiveness
+ , !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Source Side Effectiveness
+ autosize, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1.5, !- Indirect Water Heating Recovery Time {hr}
+ IndirectHeatPrimarySetpoint, !- Source Side Flow Control Mode
+ , !- Indirect Alternate Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {50e0f45c-faa0-4017-b840-f25f63663a2f}, !- Handle
+ {83f915a0-3367-48bf-932b-00bdd24e63b2}, !- WaterHeater Name
+ PeakDraw, !- Design Mode
+ 0.538503, !- Time Storage Can Meet Peak Draw {hr}
+ 0, !- Time for Tank Recovery {hr}
+ 1; !- Nominal Tank Volume for Autosizing Plant Connections {m3}
+ {611cd705-3c40-4571-9d77-8f5118795ba1}, !- Handle
+ Water Heater Ambient Temp Schedule - 70.0f, !- Name
+ {fd46940f-d6cd-45af-8565-fc55d8429d0c}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {88b447d8-fa3a-456c-a6b2-1e0846326739}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {88b447d8-fa3a-456c-a6b2-1e0846326739}, !- Handle
+ Water Heater Ambient Temp Schedule - 70.0f Default, !- Name
+ {fd46940f-d6cd-45af-8565-fc55d8429d0c}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 21.1111111111111; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {39f51b98-9905-4731-a96f-942e07578dde}, !- Handle
+ 40gal Electricity Water Heater - 14kBtu/hr Supply Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {bc1ec2e1-f77c-41d7-a111-d8783afbfcd4}, !- Inlet Port
+ {236b0652-6a6f-41c3-9ed9-4bd591e47cfa}; !- Outlet Port
+ {1a86032f-8871-4073-a1a9-80169700bb4b}, !- Handle
+ {42bb2c14-e3de-40c2-96f3-7a2aa4d7898a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {83f915a0-3367-48bf-932b-00bdd24e63b2}, !- Target Object
+ 31; !- Inlet Port
+ {bc1ec2e1-f77c-41d7-a111-d8783afbfcd4}, !- Handle
+ {83f915a0-3367-48bf-932b-00bdd24e63b2}, !- Source Object
+ 32, !- Outlet Port
+ {39f51b98-9905-4731-a96f-942e07578dde}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {236b0652-6a6f-41c3-9ed9-4bd591e47cfa}, !- Handle
+ {39f51b98-9905-4731-a96f-942e07578dde}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {828c9622-4860-4243-98a9-8836a346e23e}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {6dc7e124-9477-4adc-accf-ad4e51cc2b2a}, !- Handle
+ {83f915a0-3367-48bf-932b-00bdd24e63b2}; !- Object Name
+ {271a88bd-81f6-4a81-8ff0-b52089198e9b}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {d2470d57-1b74-4f43-97f2-a1866cda1682}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {d2470d57-1b74-4f43-97f2-a1866cda1682}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.3; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {01fa3364-40d7-4831-8d0f-1a62d37579f0}, !- Handle
+ Copper pipe 0.75in type L, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.001143, !- Thickness {m}
+ 386, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 8906.26563592184, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 385.1856, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {40b243ce-fbcd-41b0-8f18-271d30dbb7bd}, !- Handle
+ Uninsulated copper pipe 0.75in type L, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {01fa3364-40d7-4831-8d0f-1a62d37579f0}; !- Layer 1
+ {5a82c35c-fd12-4223-81fb-cbeff527668a}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 20.0ft, !- Name
+ {40b243ce-fbcd-41b0-8f18-271d30dbb7bd}, !- Construction
+ {5058d864-7d85-4b77-b2d5-fb3c1177c161}, !- Fluid Inlet Node
+ {a0cd347f-82c4-406c-88f5-d52bef5d487e}, !- Fluid Outlet Node
+ Schedule, !- Environment Type
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Zone
+ {215d9c72-69c7-4b50-9947-6e06b49119f4}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule
+ {271a88bd-81f6-4a81-8ff0-b52089198e9b}, !- Ambient Air Velocity Schedule
+ 0.019939, !- Pipe Inside Diameter {m}
+ 6.096; !- Pipe Length {m}
+ {13d439cf-a929-4b3e-88eb-2455cc5db7a1}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 20.0ft Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {a0cd347f-82c4-406c-88f5-d52bef5d487e}, !- Inlet Port
+ {4a7ba7e2-9aa0-43ae-a5ae-401e8d4b3303}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5058d864-7d85-4b77-b2d5-fb3c1177c161}, !- Handle
+ {e6708b37-e776-4410-89bf-38125f9050ef}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5a82c35c-fd12-4223-81fb-cbeff527668a}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {a0cd347f-82c4-406c-88f5-d52bef5d487e}, !- Handle
+ {5a82c35c-fd12-4223-81fb-cbeff527668a}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {13d439cf-a929-4b3e-88eb-2455cc5db7a1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4a7ba7e2-9aa0-43ae-a5ae-401e8d4b3303}, !- Handle
+ {13d439cf-a929-4b3e-88eb-2455cc5db7a1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2c630a4b-6234-4b09-b3b0-87c308b440d5}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {464a250f-5e7f-420c-9648-3e3eb84ba67c}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 1, !- Name
+ {0100785a-c2d6-4c67-bb99-d432865d037c}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {161a5dfd-b418-42de-8d9b-c2d5536e53c3}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {9245acab-69c9-4dc4-bb46-7e36ae920535}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 1 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {db563b44-41bf-4ac8-8320-84761d239003}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0100785a-c2d6-4c67-bb99-d432865d037c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {db563b44-41bf-4ac8-8320-84761d239003}, !- Handle
+ {be9d0f75-cca6-4e22-9c58-654b52402751}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {9245acab-69c9-4dc4-bb46-7e36ae920535}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c6fb16e3-8e59-49e8-b5f2-87a19fe29b59}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 1 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {161a5dfd-b418-42de-8d9b-c2d5536e53c3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {13dd2c2b-472d-43db-9967-4932c8016185}; !- Outlet Port
+ {0100785a-c2d6-4c67-bb99-d432865d037c}, !- Handle
+ {9245acab-69c9-4dc4-bb46-7e36ae920535}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {464a250f-5e7f-420c-9648-3e3eb84ba67c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {161a5dfd-b418-42de-8d9b-c2d5536e53c3}, !- Handle
+ {464a250f-5e7f-420c-9648-3e3eb84ba67c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c6fb16e3-8e59-49e8-b5f2-87a19fe29b59}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {13dd2c2b-472d-43db-9967-4932c8016185}, !- Handle
+ {c6fb16e3-8e59-49e8-b5f2-87a19fe29b59}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {828c9622-4860-4243-98a9-8836a346e23e}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {1055eb35-bb80-4cbb-bb54-b99ef89bb1e5}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 2, !- Name
+ {68c3fed7-fc98-477c-9ced-bebd889ab326}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {1440e469-31b8-4991-9859-9bfc01cb3839}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {c346adf4-4489-4ab6-be0c-6a31cb56863d}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 2 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {1440e469-31b8-4991-9859-9bfc01cb3839}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e030db2b-0761-4c4a-809b-99a75c20c384}; !- Outlet Port
+ {68c3fed7-fc98-477c-9ced-bebd889ab326}, !- Handle
+ {687a58e7-8bf3-4eba-96ce-f14a829a18b2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1055eb35-bb80-4cbb-bb54-b99ef89bb1e5}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1440e469-31b8-4991-9859-9bfc01cb3839}, !- Handle
+ {1055eb35-bb80-4cbb-bb54-b99ef89bb1e5}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c346adf4-4489-4ab6-be0c-6a31cb56863d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e030db2b-0761-4c4a-809b-99a75c20c384}, !- Handle
+ {c346adf4-4489-4ab6-be0c-6a31cb56863d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b2bb2dba-2eb1-430b-93f6-7de2b1af034a}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {376d1f3c-df89-450c-9dc7-68e5c6581263}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 3, !- Name
+ {a612159d-d9c0-4a60-9856-ef5f38b979d6}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {f42ef106-6aca-4378-a936-921a365543b2}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {1ad2af2d-1563-4d1f-8fe9-fe4a57a82254}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 3 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {9bb46834-0625-4b32-8682-b0f4c84ffb67}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a612159d-d9c0-4a60-9856-ef5f38b979d6}; !- Outlet Port
+ {9bb46834-0625-4b32-8682-b0f4c84ffb67}, !- Handle
+ {828c9622-4860-4243-98a9-8836a346e23e}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {1ad2af2d-1563-4d1f-8fe9-fe4a57a82254}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a612159d-d9c0-4a60-9856-ef5f38b979d6}, !- Handle
+ {1ad2af2d-1563-4d1f-8fe9-fe4a57a82254}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {376d1f3c-df89-450c-9dc7-68e5c6581263}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f42ef106-6aca-4378-a936-921a365543b2}, !- Handle
+ {376d1f3c-df89-450c-9dc7-68e5c6581263}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1683920f-53fd-4010-9389-8a0763d22b02}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {61eaa272-b70c-4893-b14f-b585a8f71350}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 4, !- Name
+ {9b61a751-b7f7-49ff-9d9d-6d1e6e61c405}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {1a93af6c-2a4f-486c-8595-841c8c65a247}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {5b1feaf5-b3ce-464b-8104-2c959976e632}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 4 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {2cdf6fcf-a2d8-4a61-9496-be85352f8f09}, !- Inlet Port
+ {9b61a751-b7f7-49ff-9d9d-6d1e6e61c405}; !- Outlet Port
+ {2cdf6fcf-a2d8-4a61-9496-be85352f8f09}, !- Handle
+ {b2bb2dba-2eb1-430b-93f6-7de2b1af034a}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {5b1feaf5-b3ce-464b-8104-2c959976e632}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9b61a751-b7f7-49ff-9d9d-6d1e6e61c405}, !- Handle
+ {5b1feaf5-b3ce-464b-8104-2c959976e632}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {61eaa272-b70c-4893-b14f-b585a8f71350}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1a93af6c-2a4f-486c-8595-841c8c65a247}, !- Handle
+ {61eaa272-b70c-4893-b14f-b585a8f71350}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d9e8ad58-f6a6-4c0c-917c-53f70bc8a705}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ab8a1310-7dc3-4e00-886a-8d7e9ced316e}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 WUC 0.15gpm at 140F Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {44117cc6-0579-41cd-a0cc-79163c56c148}, !- Inlet Port
+ {cb01dabc-a02a-46fd-a271-0e6ab25e18db}; !- Outlet Port
+ {44117cc6-0579-41cd-a0cc-79163c56c148}, !- Handle
+ {2c630a4b-6234-4b09-b3b0-87c308b440d5}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {ab8a1310-7dc3-4e00-886a-8d7e9ced316e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {bbd96cb2-e586-4da3-b671-f8017c356e6b}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 WUC 0.15gpm at 140F Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {9c7e70c9-f860-450f-8342-5dd6ef00e44f}, !- Inlet Port
+ {db87128a-1cf7-4bff-a99d-8e0de97351c2}; !- Outlet Port
+ {cb01dabc-a02a-46fd-a271-0e6ab25e18db}, !- Handle
+ {ab8a1310-7dc3-4e00-886a-8d7e9ced316e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d53cc5ed-f2e2-4c3b-9d37-9166523b5652}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9c7e70c9-f860-450f-8342-5dd6ef00e44f}, !- Handle
+ {d53cc5ed-f2e2-4c3b-9d37-9166523b5652}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bbd96cb2-e586-4da3-b671-f8017c356e6b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {db87128a-1cf7-4bff-a99d-8e0de97351c2}, !- Handle
+ {bbd96cb2-e586-4da3-b671-f8017c356e6b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b2bb2dba-2eb1-430b-93f6-7de2b1af034a}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {39f42606-a138-43cf-b1e2-9281441ae471}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Booster Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Fluid Type
+ 0, !- Glycol Concentration
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme
+ {17222d1d-a62c-4d19-8d31-d265d82878ac}, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ , !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ , !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ , !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ {652a2025-b353-4df5-be29-2cad03cdf247}, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ {d1e6c389-104f-44ad-8d41-8c8220fae595}, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ {d0aa3af8-6272-40bb-9eb7-5afcf61d2734}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ {5a3497ca-cdb0-4ca9-bef6-71abd12578e6}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ , !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Optimal, !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {bb344052-1a93-4555-804e-f285b793caef}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ , !- Plant Loop Demand Calculation Scheme
+ , !- Common Pipe Simulation
+ , !- Pressure Simulation Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load Schedule
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load Schedule
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Schedule
+ , !- Component Setpoint Operation Scheme Schedule
+ {7d7e16be-74ed-48ef-94db-f589cdf10507}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {35c6d543-262d-4e13-85fa-064c08c16a94}, !- Demand Splitter Name
+ {9de705c6-6710-49bd-84f1-96c3aaf8da74}, !- Supply Mixer Name
+ {d08569bd-d8ea-4e7f-a81b-b193c020a5e4}; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {99a48951-f3d2-4d26-9d38-138639057071}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Booster Loop Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {652a2025-b353-4df5-be29-2cad03cdf247}, !- Inlet Port
+ {8846c5c1-8bc3-4246-9e23-609e800a32c8}; !- Outlet Port
+ {17222d1d-a62c-4d19-8d31-d265d82878ac}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Booster Loop Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {cdc355f8-21d5-4c83-9d38-0c933b963f40}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d1e6c389-104f-44ad-8d41-8c8220fae595}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3a5a3cdd-bea3-4d3d-bdb6-a9dea3c0b7a5}, !- Handle
+ 6.0gal Electricity Booster Water Heater - 3kBtu/hr Supply Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {a331a037-7e2f-4ea4-a8d9-7566f28b4a38}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d6911aba-b2aa-40fb-8d70-130e51f6bcab}; !- Outlet Port
+ {9de705c6-6710-49bd-84f1-96c3aaf8da74}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 3, !- Name
+ {3a965f8e-49f5-418d-b330-d79477958bc3}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {6c04601d-c3bc-451c-9168-eff2544b3c6a}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {157e697c-3c2d-49a2-a3f6-21bd919812c0}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {d08569bd-d8ea-4e7f-a81b-b193c020a5e4}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 3, !- Name
+ {2f6857c2-f869-452f-9202-f489234512fa}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {a331a037-7e2f-4ea4-a8d9-7566f28b4a38}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {6ec4429a-8049-43b5-a0d1-3733e71ada64}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {652a2025-b353-4df5-be29-2cad03cdf247}, !- Handle
+ {39f42606-a138-43cf-b1e2-9281441ae471}, !- Source Object
+ 14, !- Outlet Port
+ {99a48951-f3d2-4d26-9d38-138639057071}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a331a037-7e2f-4ea4-a8d9-7566f28b4a38}, !- Handle
+ {d08569bd-d8ea-4e7f-a81b-b193c020a5e4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3a5a3cdd-bea3-4d3d-bdb6-a9dea3c0b7a5}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d1e6c389-104f-44ad-8d41-8c8220fae595}, !- Handle
+ {17222d1d-a62c-4d19-8d31-d265d82878ac}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {39f42606-a138-43cf-b1e2-9281441ae471}, !- Target Object
+ 15; !- Inlet Port
+ {a00a3c8d-20cf-4613-9bce-639199f834c4}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Booster Loop Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {d0aa3af8-6272-40bb-9eb7-5afcf61d2734}, !- Inlet Port
+ {f2ff94ae-22e2-45ed-8b37-f24e886a6b80}; !- Outlet Port
+ {4185e0fc-25b3-45e9-a1ae-8f612062da7a}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Booster Loop Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {06aa8231-d90a-48ad-b6a6-e7551b597cd2}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5a3497ca-cdb0-4ca9-bef6-71abd12578e6}; !- Outlet Port
+ {f57ab392-20a3-4028-a118-c3c00a22a5ba}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 6 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {b8db91eb-92a0-4fff-9b97-3a716b61da32}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a283af82-95ba-47c7-abb2-d27961c440b3}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7d7e16be-74ed-48ef-94db-f589cdf10507}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 4, !- Name
+ {0801462f-8418-4472-946c-ff5576012032}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {24dab759-6eca-443a-9b69-3dac3979ce0f}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {e91f0b56-263b-466f-bf0b-5e0925e3176e}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {35c6d543-262d-4e13-85fa-064c08c16a94}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 4, !- Name
+ {6980c324-098d-4a63-9fc7-be37eaf20656}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {b8db91eb-92a0-4fff-9b97-3a716b61da32}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {7990c7b3-a0ab-4fff-9bf5-c8d72b6e5a25}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {d0aa3af8-6272-40bb-9eb7-5afcf61d2734}, !- Handle
+ {39f42606-a138-43cf-b1e2-9281441ae471}, !- Source Object
+ 17, !- Outlet Port
+ {a00a3c8d-20cf-4613-9bce-639199f834c4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b8db91eb-92a0-4fff-9b97-3a716b61da32}, !- Handle
+ {35c6d543-262d-4e13-85fa-064c08c16a94}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f57ab392-20a3-4028-a118-c3c00a22a5ba}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5a3497ca-cdb0-4ca9-bef6-71abd12578e6}, !- Handle
+ {4185e0fc-25b3-45e9-a1ae-8f612062da7a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {39f42606-a138-43cf-b1e2-9281441ae471}, !- Target Object
+ 18; !- Inlet Port
+ {65709913-9203-4c3d-bf28-d0dfea16b1a9}, !- Handle
+ {39f42606-a138-43cf-b1e2-9281441ae471}, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Heating, !- Loop Type
+ 82.2222222222223, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 5, !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ 1, !- Zone Timesteps in Averaging Window
+ None; !- Coincident Sizing Factor Mode
+ {bb344052-1a93-4555-804e-f285b793caef}, !- Handle
+ Plant Loop 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 1; !- Name
+ {82561f81-383a-43a0-9899-70e265818e49}, !- Handle
+ Temperature Schedule Type Limits 2, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 100, !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous, !- Numeric Type
+ Temperature; !- Unit Type
+ {2d95e5dd-1d87-48b8-9c2a-b0eb771ae047}, !- Handle
+ Service Water Booster Temp - 180.00000000000006F, !- Name
+ {82561f81-383a-43a0-9899-70e265818e49}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f336d3ea-8fae-4b55-92dc-965feff70857}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {f336d3ea-8fae-4b55-92dc-965feff70857}, !- Handle
+ Service Water Booster Temp - 180.00000000000006F Default, !- Name
+ {82561f81-383a-43a0-9899-70e265818e49}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 82.2222222222223; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {9283c8e6-d889-416a-8708-2fd13d7bbb55}, !- Handle
+ Hot water booster setpoint manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ {2d95e5dd-1d87-48b8-9c2a-b0eb771ae047}, !- Schedule Name
+ {17222d1d-a62c-4d19-8d31-d265d82878ac}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {2868ad7b-97c4-4a06-997b-afad0d109acb}, !- Handle
+ Booster Water Loop Pump, !- Name
+ {0d3faf47-efe7-4580-ba8c-f3b40687ab6a}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {03e73943-7258-4624-adc5-0262f3a3ccfd}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ 0, !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 1, !- Motor Efficiency
+ , !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 3.2485, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ -4.7443, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 2.5294, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0, !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ , !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ , !- Pump Curve Name
+ , !- Impeller Diameter {m}
+ , !- VFD Control Type
+ , !- Pump RPM Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Maximum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Minimum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Maximum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Zone Name
+ 0.5, !- Skin Loss Radiative Fraction
+ PowerPerFlowPerPressure, !- Design Power Sizing Method
+ 348701.1, !- Design Electric Power per Unit Flow Rate {W/(m3/s)}
+ 1.282051282, !- Design Shaft Power per Unit Flow Rate per Unit Head {W-s/m3-Pa}
+ 0, !- Design Minimum Flow Rate Fraction
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {b4f82e51-8560-42e4-accf-b990ae5f4c83}, !- Handle
+ Booster Water Loop Pump Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {03e73943-7258-4624-adc5-0262f3a3ccfd}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2f6857c2-f869-452f-9202-f489234512fa}; !- Outlet Port
+ {03e73943-7258-4624-adc5-0262f3a3ccfd}, !- Handle
+ {2868ad7b-97c4-4a06-997b-afad0d109acb}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b4f82e51-8560-42e4-accf-b990ae5f4c83}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2f6857c2-f869-452f-9202-f489234512fa}, !- Handle
+ {b4f82e51-8560-42e4-accf-b990ae5f4c83}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d08569bd-d8ea-4e7f-a81b-b193c020a5e4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ecdaf8ee-3537-4335-8c71-d47182cd607a}, !- Handle
+ 6.0gal Electricity Booster Water Heater - 3kBtu/hr 1.0 Therm Eff 1.0 Therm Eff, !- Name
+ 0.0227124707038191, !- Tank Volume {m3}
+ {2d95e5dd-1d87-48b8-9c2a-b0eb771ae047}, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ 2, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 82.2222222222223, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
+ Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
+ 771.209822843495, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
+ Electricity, !- Heater Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
+ , !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ Schedule, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
+ {319ef925-2f4b-41db-9e42-b4b471c4a39d}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Thermal Zone Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
+ 1.05486284389925, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ 1.05486284389925, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ , !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ {d6911aba-b2aa-40fb-8d70-130e51f6bcab}, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
+ {2a4e9d71-50f6-4047-b7ba-07555a098ae5}, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Use Side Effectiveness
+ , !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Source Side Effectiveness
+ autosize, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1.5, !- Indirect Water Heating Recovery Time {hr}
+ IndirectHeatPrimarySetpoint, !- Source Side Flow Control Mode
+ , !- Indirect Alternate Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ Booster; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {fdbb1545-06ef-4eaf-8531-2e7c05f04814}, !- Handle
+ {ecdaf8ee-3537-4335-8c71-d47182cd607a}, !- WaterHeater Name
+ PeakDraw, !- Design Mode
+ 0.538503, !- Time Storage Can Meet Peak Draw {hr}
+ 0, !- Time for Tank Recovery {hr}
+ 1; !- Nominal Tank Volume for Autosizing Plant Connections {m3}
+ {319ef925-2f4b-41db-9e42-b4b471c4a39d}, !- Handle
+ Water Heater Ambient Temp Schedule - 70.0, !- Name
+ {82561f81-383a-43a0-9899-70e265818e49}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {7afd05ad-5ed7-47ab-94fb-7f0078a7e95a}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {7afd05ad-5ed7-47ab-94fb-7f0078a7e95a}, !- Handle
+ Water Heater Ambient Temp Schedule - 70.0 Default, !- Name
+ {82561f81-383a-43a0-9899-70e265818e49}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 21.1111111111111; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {b7685823-b089-46f8-afb7-b2fa92393117}, !- Handle
+ 6.0gal Electricity Booster Water Heater - 3kBtu/hr Supply Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {2a4e9d71-50f6-4047-b7ba-07555a098ae5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6c04601d-c3bc-451c-9168-eff2544b3c6a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d6911aba-b2aa-40fb-8d70-130e51f6bcab}, !- Handle
+ {3a5a3cdd-bea3-4d3d-bdb6-a9dea3c0b7a5}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ecdaf8ee-3537-4335-8c71-d47182cd607a}, !- Target Object
+ 31; !- Inlet Port
+ {2a4e9d71-50f6-4047-b7ba-07555a098ae5}, !- Handle
+ {ecdaf8ee-3537-4335-8c71-d47182cd607a}, !- Source Object
+ 32, !- Outlet Port
+ {b7685823-b089-46f8-afb7-b2fa92393117}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6c04601d-c3bc-451c-9168-eff2544b3c6a}, !- Handle
+ {b7685823-b089-46f8-afb7-b2fa92393117}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9de705c6-6710-49bd-84f1-96c3aaf8da74}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {b42975d8-6d94-4750-af03-ab9a310b965f}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 5, !- Name
+ {e8342883-b00a-4907-a6a5-0ec317f25578}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {afbb7fc7-6b12-4f57-a515-d7ee7355e814}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {0be94583-268f-4c92-b4be-d56f292c7683}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 5 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {6ec4429a-8049-43b5-a0d1-3733e71ada64}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e8342883-b00a-4907-a6a5-0ec317f25578}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6ec4429a-8049-43b5-a0d1-3733e71ada64}, !- Handle
+ {d08569bd-d8ea-4e7f-a81b-b193c020a5e4}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {0be94583-268f-4c92-b4be-d56f292c7683}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ebd4cfeb-6f5f-430a-a0c7-dccd5e2e05d0}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 5 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {afbb7fc7-6b12-4f57-a515-d7ee7355e814}, !- Inlet Port
+ {157e697c-3c2d-49a2-a3f6-21bd919812c0}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e8342883-b00a-4907-a6a5-0ec317f25578}, !- Handle
+ {0be94583-268f-4c92-b4be-d56f292c7683}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b42975d8-6d94-4750-af03-ab9a310b965f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {afbb7fc7-6b12-4f57-a515-d7ee7355e814}, !- Handle
+ {b42975d8-6d94-4750-af03-ab9a310b965f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ebd4cfeb-6f5f-430a-a0c7-dccd5e2e05d0}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {157e697c-3c2d-49a2-a3f6-21bd919812c0}, !- Handle
+ {ebd4cfeb-6f5f-430a-a0c7-dccd5e2e05d0}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9de705c6-6710-49bd-84f1-96c3aaf8da74}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {b67badbe-7760-452f-a77a-3b68da709a4e}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 6, !- Name
+ {a283af82-95ba-47c7-abb2-d27961c440b3}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {ef971e38-7e02-4b90-ac53-1d6304009ece}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {19e757e0-794c-41da-b938-5cae96de5472}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 6 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {ef971e38-7e02-4b90-ac53-1d6304009ece}, !- Inlet Port
+ {24dab759-6eca-443a-9b69-3dac3979ce0f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a283af82-95ba-47c7-abb2-d27961c440b3}, !- Handle
+ {f57ab392-20a3-4028-a118-c3c00a22a5ba}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b67badbe-7760-452f-a77a-3b68da709a4e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ef971e38-7e02-4b90-ac53-1d6304009ece}, !- Handle
+ {b67badbe-7760-452f-a77a-3b68da709a4e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {19e757e0-794c-41da-b938-5cae96de5472}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {24dab759-6eca-443a-9b69-3dac3979ce0f}, !- Handle
+ {19e757e0-794c-41da-b938-5cae96de5472}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7d7e16be-74ed-48ef-94db-f589cdf10507}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {9dfe1402-4d3e-4b59-9dd8-180f706f4c3c}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 7, !- Name
+ {2c7aa2e1-3e32-40b4-9ada-b4b9e8ccf926}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {cdc355f8-21d5-4c83-9d38-0c933b963f40}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {8d8387df-7c4c-4cd6-8726-d9204777e8e9}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 7 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {3a965f8e-49f5-418d-b330-d79477958bc3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2c7aa2e1-3e32-40b4-9ada-b4b9e8ccf926}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3a965f8e-49f5-418d-b330-d79477958bc3}, !- Handle
+ {9de705c6-6710-49bd-84f1-96c3aaf8da74}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {8d8387df-7c4c-4cd6-8726-d9204777e8e9}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2c7aa2e1-3e32-40b4-9ada-b4b9e8ccf926}, !- Handle
+ {8d8387df-7c4c-4cd6-8726-d9204777e8e9}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9dfe1402-4d3e-4b59-9dd8-180f706f4c3c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {cdc355f8-21d5-4c83-9d38-0c933b963f40}, !- Handle
+ {9dfe1402-4d3e-4b59-9dd8-180f706f4c3c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {17222d1d-a62c-4d19-8d31-d265d82878ac}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {072faf33-b13f-4cf0-a3e0-633e5b6c1c23}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 8, !- Name
+ {f2ff94ae-22e2-45ed-8b37-f24e886a6b80}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {a73045e4-7e35-491d-a0d6-13de11a215f9}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {00e1410a-7cc4-4f3c-8fd6-66181808b0e7}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 8 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {a73045e4-7e35-491d-a0d6-13de11a215f9}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6980c324-098d-4a63-9fc7-be37eaf20656}; !- Outlet Port
+ {f2ff94ae-22e2-45ed-8b37-f24e886a6b80}, !- Handle
+ {a00a3c8d-20cf-4613-9bce-639199f834c4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {072faf33-b13f-4cf0-a3e0-633e5b6c1c23}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a73045e4-7e35-491d-a0d6-13de11a215f9}, !- Handle
+ {072faf33-b13f-4cf0-a3e0-633e5b6c1c23}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {00e1410a-7cc4-4f3c-8fd6-66181808b0e7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6980c324-098d-4a63-9fc7-be37eaf20656}, !- Handle
+ {00e1410a-7cc4-4f3c-8fd6-66181808b0e7}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {35c6d543-262d-4e13-85fa-064c08c16a94}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2be4cb98-7c8d-40d1-a6da-1dfeb02b66fb}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 9, !- Name
+ {52c3185f-f1d2-4fd5-9166-6df9b02b8d90}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {06aa8231-d90a-48ad-b6a6-e7551b597cd2}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {3b41b8ad-293d-4e04-8062-ce175c021517}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 9 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {0801462f-8418-4472-946c-ff5576012032}, !- Inlet Port
+ {52c3185f-f1d2-4fd5-9166-6df9b02b8d90}; !- Outlet Port
+ {0801462f-8418-4472-946c-ff5576012032}, !- Handle
+ {7d7e16be-74ed-48ef-94db-f589cdf10507}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {3b41b8ad-293d-4e04-8062-ce175c021517}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {52c3185f-f1d2-4fd5-9166-6df9b02b8d90}, !- Handle
+ {3b41b8ad-293d-4e04-8062-ce175c021517}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2be4cb98-7c8d-40d1-a6da-1dfeb02b66fb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {06aa8231-d90a-48ad-b6a6-e7551b597cd2}, !- Handle
+ {2be4cb98-7c8d-40d1-a6da-1dfeb02b66fb}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4185e0fc-25b3-45e9-a1ae-8f612062da7a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {fcd7818b-483d-4389-9f8c-d3699fadd58e}, !- Handle
+ HX for Booster Water Heating, !- Name
+ , !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {83b161f2-7f10-4c46-ac82-6205db3d2a8e}, !- Loop Demand Side Inlet Node
+ {4f11e2cc-e000-482d-893c-9f3a97dc7f8b}, !- Loop Demand Side Outlet Node
+ autosize, !- Loop Demand Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {8846c5c1-8bc3-4246-9e23-609e800a32c8}, !- Loop Supply Side Inlet Node
+ {14f55429-285a-4518-a530-cb0334d57de8}, !- Loop Supply Side Outlet Node
+ autosize, !- Loop Supply Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Ideal, !- Heat Exchange Model Type
+ autosize, !- Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ UncontrolledOn, !- Control Type
+ , !- Heat Exchanger Setpoint Node Name
+ 0.01, !- Minimum Temperature Difference to Activate Heat Exchanger {deltaC}
+ LoopToLoop, !- Heat Transfer Metering End Use Type
+ , !- Component Override Loop Supply Side Inlet Node
+ , !- Component Override Loop Demand Side Inlet Node
+ Loop, !- Component Override Cooling Control Temperature Mode
+ 1, !- Sizing Factor
+ 0, !- Operation Minimum Temperature Limit {C}
+ 100; !- Operation Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
+ {d5a1ddce-cd87-44f1-b1f4-56f10c4d798d}, !- Handle
+ Booster Water Loop Pump Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {14f55429-285a-4518-a530-cb0334d57de8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0d3faf47-efe7-4580-ba8c-f3b40687ab6a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {8846c5c1-8bc3-4246-9e23-609e800a32c8}, !- Handle
+ {99a48951-f3d2-4d26-9d38-138639057071}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {fcd7818b-483d-4389-9f8c-d3699fadd58e}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {14f55429-285a-4518-a530-cb0334d57de8}, !- Handle
+ {fcd7818b-483d-4389-9f8c-d3699fadd58e}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {d5a1ddce-cd87-44f1-b1f4-56f10c4d798d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0d3faf47-efe7-4580-ba8c-f3b40687ab6a}, !- Handle
+ {d5a1ddce-cd87-44f1-b1f4-56f10c4d798d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2868ad7b-97c4-4a06-997b-afad0d109acb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d680044d-de72-4960-a72a-79572824bb7a}, !- Handle
+ HX for Booster Water Heating Demand Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {ce352691-376e-42b2-9217-e3d96b799524}, !- Inlet Port
+ {83b161f2-7f10-4c46-ac82-6205db3d2a8e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ce352691-376e-42b2-9217-e3d96b799524}, !- Handle
+ {2c630a4b-6234-4b09-b3b0-87c308b440d5}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {d680044d-de72-4960-a72a-79572824bb7a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {cf6a514a-7703-4ecf-b678-1c9525b89099}, !- Handle
+ Mains Water Makeup for SWH Booster Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {4f11e2cc-e000-482d-893c-9f3a97dc7f8b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {3eb1af23-679d-48a9-843e-678f982ed0db}; !- Outlet Port
+ {83b161f2-7f10-4c46-ac82-6205db3d2a8e}, !- Handle
+ {d680044d-de72-4960-a72a-79572824bb7a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {fcd7818b-483d-4389-9f8c-d3699fadd58e}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {4f11e2cc-e000-482d-893c-9f3a97dc7f8b}, !- Handle
+ {fcd7818b-483d-4389-9f8c-d3699fadd58e}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {cf6a514a-7703-4ecf-b678-1c9525b89099}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5d805cae-1487-4ad4-8ee9-9150928f2e18}, !- Handle
+ Mains Water Makeup for SWH Booster, !- Name
+ {3eb1af23-679d-48a9-843e-678f982ed0db}, !- Inlet Node
+ {2cd185ca-77e0-46b9-b37e-b72fc18493b9}, !- Outlet Node
+ autosize, !- Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Scheduled, !- Temperature Specification Type
+ 8, !- Source Temperature {C}
+ {95e344cf-561b-4690-b0cf-d60dad5a05c4}; !- Source Temperature Schedule Name {C}
+ {204b6aa7-f737-4336-bafd-b414c1a87525}, !- Handle
+ Mains Water Makeup for SWH Booster Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {2cd185ca-77e0-46b9-b37e-b72fc18493b9}, !- Inlet Port
+ {fb1ed6f2-f8e8-4be5-b930-0261968ca023}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3eb1af23-679d-48a9-843e-678f982ed0db}, !- Handle
+ {cf6a514a-7703-4ecf-b678-1c9525b89099}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5d805cae-1487-4ad4-8ee9-9150928f2e18}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2cd185ca-77e0-46b9-b37e-b72fc18493b9}, !- Handle
+ {5d805cae-1487-4ad4-8ee9-9150928f2e18}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {204b6aa7-f737-4336-bafd-b414c1a87525}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {fb1ed6f2-f8e8-4be5-b930-0261968ca023}, !- Handle
+ {204b6aa7-f737-4336-bafd-b414c1a87525}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b2bb2dba-2eb1-430b-93f6-7de2b1af034a}, !- Target Object
+ 5; !- Inlet Port
+ {e633c132-8767-4d0d-b15b-aba7ca914b86}, !- Handle
+ Mains_Water_Temp_Sen, !- Name
+ Environment, !- Output Variable or Output Meter Index Key Name
+ Site Mains Water Temperature; !- Output Variable or Output Meter Name
+ {95e344cf-561b-4690-b0cf-d60dad5a05c4}, !- Handle
+ Mains Water Temperature, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ 10.0000000000001; !- Value
+ {958d3c9b-c62d-4725-98d7-99f223ded2bf}, !- Handle
+ Mains_Water_Temp_Act, !- Name
+ {95e344cf-561b-4690-b0cf-d60dad5a05c4}, !- Actuated Component Name
+ Schedule:Constant, !- Actuated Component Type
+ Schedule Value, !- Actuated Component Control Type
+ ; !- Zone or Space Name
+ {2c4d1e20-4df2-4f12-992e-005aed6eaa67}, !- Handle
+ Mains_Water_Prg, !- Name
+ SET {958d3c9b-c62d-4725-98d7-99f223ded2bf} = {e633c132-8767-4d0d-b15b-aba7ca914b86}; !- Program Line 1
+ {b6935e29-ee28-48cf-b5bc-23f8c9e99bdd}, !- Handle
+ Mains_Water_Prg_Mgr, !- Name
+ BeginTimestepBeforePredictor, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
+ {2c4d1e20-4df2-4f12-992e-005aed6eaa67}; !- Program Name 1
+ {7dd35131-97d9-4644-9385-d90d7da81407}, !- Handle
+ Booster FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 WUC 0.22gpm at 180F Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {7990c7b3-a0ab-4fff-9bf5-c8d72b6e5a25}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a5f1c992-4b08-4a65-b542-b3b705426242}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7990c7b3-a0ab-4fff-9bf5-c8d72b6e5a25}, !- Handle
+ {35c6d543-262d-4e13-85fa-064c08c16a94}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {7dd35131-97d9-4644-9385-d90d7da81407}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8f9ef6b2-8a08-4423-bb89-fd60c7c31325}, !- Handle
+ Booster FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 WUC 0.22gpm at 180F Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {ab6d8fcd-e38d-4fc3-8997-408604055818}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e91f0b56-263b-466f-bf0b-5e0925e3176e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a5f1c992-4b08-4a65-b542-b3b705426242}, !- Handle
+ {7dd35131-97d9-4644-9385-d90d7da81407}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {56537512-b8ee-48f2-9d28-fb0cbee12e1c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ab6d8fcd-e38d-4fc3-8997-408604055818}, !- Handle
+ {56537512-b8ee-48f2-9d28-fb0cbee12e1c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8f9ef6b2-8a08-4423-bb89-fd60c7c31325}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e91f0b56-263b-466f-bf0b-5e0925e3176e}, !- Handle
+ {8f9ef6b2-8a08-4423-bb89-fd60c7c31325}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7d7e16be-74ed-48ef-94db-f589cdf10507}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {e3003d7f-32d7-48f3-95a1-2582b2d950d2}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type1_SWH_SCH, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {e8c62a61-03b5-44b9-b225-a0ec0c77715b}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {5d0c4ee3-fafe-4d39-b15c-0d3a838b1715}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8be5fb95-b443-42bc-8997-e743b20f578d}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e8c62a61-03b5-44b9-b225-a0ec0c77715b}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type1_SWH_SCH Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 6, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 6, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 6, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0500000000000001, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 6, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0666666666666668, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 7, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0833333333333335, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 7, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 7, !- Hour 8
+ 25, !- Minute 8
+ 0.135, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 7, !- Hour 9
+ 35, !- Minute 9
+ 0.17, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 7, !- Hour 10
+ 45, !- Minute 10
+ 0.205, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 7, !- Hour 11
+ 55, !- Minute 11
+ 0.24, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 8, !- Hour 12
+ 5, !- Minute 12
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 8, !- Hour 13
+ 15, !- Minute 13
+ 0.31, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 8, !- Hour 14
+ 24, !- Minute 14
+ 0.318333333333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 8, !- Hour 15
+ 34, !- Minute 15
+ 0.326666666666667, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 8, !- Hour 16
+ 44, !- Minute 16
+ 0.335, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 8, !- Hour 17
+ 54, !- Minute 17
+ 0.343333333333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 4, !- Minute 18
+ 0.351666666666666, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 9, !- Hour 19
+ 14, !- Minute 19
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 9, !- Hour 20
+ 15, !- Minute 20
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 10, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 10, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.356666666666667, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 10, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.353333333333333, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 10, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 10, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.346666666666667, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 11, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.343333333333333, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 11, !- Hour 27
+ 14, !- Minute 27
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 11, !- Hour 28
+ 15, !- Minute 28
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 11, !- Hour 29
+ 24, !- Minute 29
+ 0.341666666666667, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 11, !- Hour 30
+ 34, !- Minute 30
+ 0.343333333333333, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 11, !- Hour 31
+ 44, !- Minute 31
+ 0.345, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 11, !- Hour 32
+ 54, !- Minute 32
+ 0.346666666666667, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 12, !- Hour 33
+ 4, !- Minute 33
+ 0.348333333333333, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 12, !- Hour 34
+ 14, !- Minute 34
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 12, !- Hour 35
+ 15, !- Minute 35
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 12, !- Hour 36
+ 24, !- Minute 36
+ 0.353333333333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 12, !- Hour 37
+ 34, !- Minute 37
+ 0.356666666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 12, !- Hour 38
+ 44, !- Minute 38
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 12, !- Hour 39
+ 54, !- Minute 39
+ 0.363333333333333, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 13, !- Hour 40
+ 4, !- Minute 40
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 13, !- Hour 41
+ 14, !- Minute 41
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 13, !- Hour 42
+ 15, !- Minute 42
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 13, !- Hour 43
+ 24, !- Minute 43
+ 0.365, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 13, !- Hour 44
+ 34, !- Minute 44
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 13, !- Hour 45
+ 44, !- Minute 45
+ 0.355, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 13, !- Hour 46
+ 54, !- Minute 46
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 14, !- Hour 47
+ 4, !- Minute 47
+ 0.345, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 14, !- Hour 48
+ 14, !- Minute 48
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 14, !- Hour 49
+ 15, !- Minute 49
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 14, !- Hour 50
+ 24, !- Minute 50
+ 0.318333333333333, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 14, !- Hour 51
+ 34, !- Minute 51
+ 0.296666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 14, !- Hour 52
+ 44, !- Minute 52
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 14, !- Hour 53
+ 54, !- Minute 53
+ 0.253333333333334, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 4, !- Minute 54
+ 0.231666666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 15, !- Hour 55
+ 14, !- Minute 55
+ 0.21, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 15, !- Hour 56
+ 15, !- Minute 56
+ 0.21, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 15, !- Hour 57
+ 24, !- Minute 57
+ 0.201666666666667, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 15, !- Hour 58
+ 34, !- Minute 58
+ 0.193333333333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 15, !- Hour 59
+ 44, !- Minute 59
+ 0.185, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 15, !- Hour 60
+ 54, !- Minute 60
+ 0.176666666666667, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 16, !- Hour 61
+ 4, !- Minute 61
+ 0.168333333333333, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 16, !- Hour 62
+ 15, !- Minute 62
+ 0.16, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 17, !- Hour 63
+ 15, !- Minute 63
+ 0.16, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 17, !- Hour 64
+ 25, !- Minute 64
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 17, !- Hour 65
+ 35, !- Minute 65
+ 0.14, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 17, !- Hour 66
+ 45, !- Minute 66
+ 0.13, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 17, !- Hour 67
+ 55, !- Minute 67
+ 0.12, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 18, !- Hour 68
+ 5, !- Minute 68
+ 0.11, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 18, !- Hour 69
+ 15, !- Minute 69
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 18, !- Hour 70
+ 25, !- Minute 70
+ 0.0833333333333332, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 18, !- Hour 71
+ 35, !- Minute 71
+ 0.0666666666666664, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 18, !- Hour 72
+ 45, !- Minute 72
+ 0.0499999999999996, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 18, !- Hour 73
+ 55, !- Minute 73
+ 0.0333333333333329, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 19, !- Hour 74
+ 5, !- Minute 74
+ 0.0166666666666661, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 19, !- Hour 75
+ 15, !- Minute 75
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 24, !- Hour 76
+ 0, !- Minute 76
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 76
+ {5d0c4ee3-fafe-4d39-b15c-0d3a838b1715}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type1_SWH_SCH Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 7, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 9, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.04, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 10, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 11, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 12, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.32, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 13, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 14, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 15, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 16, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 17, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 18, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 19, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 20, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 21, !- Hour 14
+ 0, !- Minute 14
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 22, !- Hour 15
+ 0, !- Minute 15
+ 0.33, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 23, !- Hour 16
+ 0, !- Minute 16
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 24, !- Hour 17
+ 0, !- Minute 17
+ 0.13; !- Value Until Time 17
+ {076acbe1-d4f8-4240-814e-10919a3bb87e}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 22, !- Name
+ {e3003d7f-32d7-48f3-95a1-2582b2d950d2}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {8a5d156e-5c0c-4d41-9248-168737eb8d2d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {8a5d156e-5c0c-4d41-9248-168737eb8d2d}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type1_SWH_SCH SmrDsn|Mon|Tue|Wed|Thu Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 9, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0341666666666665, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 8, !- Hour 3
+ 19, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0683333333333331, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 8, !- Hour 4
+ 29, !- Minute 4
+ 0.1025, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 8, !- Hour 5
+ 39, !- Minute 5
+ 0.136666666666666, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 8, !- Hour 6
+ 49, !- Minute 6
+ 0.170833333333333, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 8, !- Hour 7
+ 59, !- Minute 7
+ 0.204999999999999, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 9, !- Hour 8
+ 9, !- Minute 8
+ 0.239166666666666, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 9, !- Hour 9
+ 19, !- Minute 9
+ 0.273333333333332, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 9, !- Hour 10
+ 29, !- Minute 10
+ 0.307499999999999, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 9, !- Hour 11
+ 39, !- Minute 11
+ 0.341666666666665, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 9, !- Hour 12
+ 49, !- Minute 12
+ 0.375833333333332, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 9, !- Hour 13
+ 59, !- Minute 13
+ 0.409999999999999, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 10, !- Hour 14
+ 0, !- Minute 14
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 10, !- Hour 15
+ 9, !- Minute 15
+ 0.286666666666667, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 10, !- Hour 16
+ 19, !- Minute 16
+ 0.163333333333334, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 10, !- Hour 17
+ 29, !- Minute 17
+ 0.0400000000000013, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 10, !- Hour 18
+ 30, !- Minute 18
+ 0.04, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 10, !- Hour 19
+ 39, !- Minute 19
+ 0.0583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 10, !- Hour 20
+ 49, !- Minute 20
+ 0.0766666666666665, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 10, !- Hour 21
+ 59, !- Minute 21
+ 0.0949999999999998, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 11, !- Hour 22
+ 9, !- Minute 22
+ 0.113333333333333, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 11, !- Hour 23
+ 19, !- Minute 23
+ 0.131666666666666, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 11, !- Hour 24
+ 29, !- Minute 24
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 11, !- Hour 25
+ 30, !- Minute 25
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 11, !- Hour 26
+ 39, !- Minute 26
+ 0.613333333333333, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 11, !- Hour 27
+ 49, !- Minute 27
+ 0.606666666666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 11, !- Hour 28
+ 59, !- Minute 28
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 12, !- Hour 29
+ 0, !- Minute 29
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 12, !- Hour 30
+ 9, !- Minute 30
+ 0.591666666666667, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 12, !- Hour 31
+ 19, !- Minute 31
+ 0.583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 12, !- Hour 32
+ 29, !- Minute 32
+ 0.575, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 12, !- Hour 33
+ 39, !- Minute 33
+ 0.566666666666667, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 12, !- Hour 34
+ 49, !- Minute 34
+ 0.558333333333334, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 12, !- Hour 35
+ 59, !- Minute 35
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 13, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 13, !- Hour 37
+ 9, !- Minute 37
+ 0.533333333333333, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 13, !- Hour 38
+ 19, !- Minute 38
+ 0.516666666666667, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 13, !- Hour 39
+ 29, !- Minute 39
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 13, !- Hour 40
+ 39, !- Minute 40
+ 0.483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 13, !- Hour 41
+ 49, !- Minute 41
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 13, !- Hour 42
+ 59, !- Minute 42
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 14, !- Hour 43
+ 0, !- Minute 43
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 14, !- Hour 44
+ 9, !- Minute 44
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 14, !- Hour 45
+ 19, !- Minute 45
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 14, !- Hour 46
+ 29, !- Minute 46
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 14, !- Hour 47
+ 39, !- Minute 47
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 14, !- Hour 48
+ 49, !- Minute 48
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 14, !- Hour 49
+ 59, !- Minute 49
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 15, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 15, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.296666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 15, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.263333333333334, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 15, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 15, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.213333333333333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 15, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.196666666666667, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 15, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.18, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 16, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.163333333333334, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 16, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.146666666666667, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 16, !- Hour 60
+ 30, !- Minute 60
+ 0.13, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 16, !- Hour 61
+ 40, !- Minute 61
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 16, !- Hour 62
+ 50, !- Minute 62
+ 0.0866666666666664, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 17, !- Hour 63
+ 0, !- Minute 63
+ 0.0649999999999995, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 17, !- Hour 64
+ 10, !- Minute 64
+ 0.0433333333333327, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 17, !- Hour 65
+ 20, !- Minute 65
+ 0.0216666666666659, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 17, !- Hour 66
+ 30, !- Minute 66
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 24, !- Hour 67
+ 0, !- Minute 67
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 67
+ {8be5fb95-b443-42bc-8997-e743b20f578d}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type1_SWH_SCH Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.13, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 9, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 10, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 11, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 12, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.32, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 13, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 14, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.65, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 15, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 16, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 17, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 18, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 19, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 20, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 21, !- Hour 14
+ 0, !- Minute 14
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 22, !- Hour 15
+ 0, !- Minute 15
+ 0.33, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 23, !- Hour 16
+ 0, !- Minute 16
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 24, !- Hour 17
+ 0, !- Minute 17
+ 0.13; !- Value Until Time 17
+ {402495ff-ca2b-4ccc-b8f5-9f75ddb6c9ee}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 23, !- Name
+ {e3003d7f-32d7-48f3-95a1-2582b2d950d2}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {4df89f80-318c-4410-8ea1-421b01336669}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {4df89f80-318c-4410-8ea1-421b01336669}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type1_SWH_SCH WntrDsn|Sat|Fri Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0.13, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 40, !- Minute 2
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 49, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0866666666666667, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 59, !- Minute 4
+ 0.065, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 1, !- Hour 5
+ 9, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 19, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 30, !- Minute 7
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 8, !- Hour 8
+ 30, !- Minute 8
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 8, !- Hour 9
+ 39, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0333333333333332, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 8, !- Hour 10
+ 49, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0666666666666664, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 8, !- Hour 11
+ 59, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0999999999999996, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 9, !- Hour 12
+ 9, !- Minute 12
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 9, !- Hour 13
+ 19, !- Minute 13
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 9, !- Hour 14
+ 29, !- Minute 14
+ 0.199999999999999, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 9, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 9, !- Hour 16
+ 39, !- Minute 16
+ 0.205, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 9, !- Hour 17
+ 49, !- Minute 17
+ 0.21, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 59, !- Minute 18
+ 0.215, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 10, !- Hour 19
+ 9, !- Minute 19
+ 0.22, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 10, !- Hour 20
+ 19, !- Minute 20
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 10, !- Hour 21
+ 29, !- Minute 21
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 10, !- Hour 22
+ 30, !- Minute 22
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 10, !- Hour 23
+ 39, !- Minute 23
+ 0.245, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 10, !- Hour 24
+ 49, !- Minute 24
+ 0.26, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 10, !- Hour 25
+ 59, !- Minute 25
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 11, !- Hour 26
+ 9, !- Minute 26
+ 0.29, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 11, !- Hour 27
+ 19, !- Minute 27
+ 0.305, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 11, !- Hour 28
+ 29, !- Minute 28
+ 0.32, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 11, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.32, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 11, !- Hour 30
+ 39, !- Minute 30
+ 0.335, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 11, !- Hour 31
+ 49, !- Minute 31
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 11, !- Hour 32
+ 59, !- Minute 32
+ 0.365, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 12, !- Hour 33
+ 9, !- Minute 33
+ 0.38, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 12, !- Hour 34
+ 19, !- Minute 34
+ 0.395, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 12, !- Hour 35
+ 29, !- Minute 35
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 12, !- Hour 36
+ 30, !- Minute 36
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 12, !- Hour 37
+ 39, !- Minute 37
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 12, !- Hour 38
+ 49, !- Minute 38
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 12, !- Hour 39
+ 59, !- Minute 39
+ 0.53, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 13, !- Hour 40
+ 9, !- Minute 40
+ 0.569999999999999, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 13, !- Hour 41
+ 19, !- Minute 41
+ 0.609999999999999, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 13, !- Hour 42
+ 29, !- Minute 42
+ 0.649999999999999, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 13, !- Hour 43
+ 30, !- Minute 43
+ 0.65, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 13, !- Hour 44
+ 39, !- Minute 44
+ 0.641666666666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 13, !- Hour 45
+ 49, !- Minute 45
+ 0.633333333333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 13, !- Hour 46
+ 59, !- Minute 46
+ 0.625, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 14, !- Hour 47
+ 9, !- Minute 47
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 14, !- Hour 48
+ 19, !- Minute 48
+ 0.608333333333333, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 14, !- Hour 49
+ 29, !- Minute 49
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 14, !- Hour 50
+ 30, !- Minute 50
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 14, !- Hour 51
+ 39, !- Minute 51
+ 0.591666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 14, !- Hour 52
+ 49, !- Minute 52
+ 0.583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 14, !- Hour 53
+ 59, !- Minute 53
+ 0.575, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 9, !- Minute 54
+ 0.566666666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 15, !- Hour 55
+ 19, !- Minute 55
+ 0.558333333333334, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 15, !- Hour 56
+ 29, !- Minute 56
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 15, !- Hour 57
+ 30, !- Minute 57
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 15, !- Hour 58
+ 39, !- Minute 58
+ 0.533333333333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 15, !- Hour 59
+ 49, !- Minute 59
+ 0.516666666666667, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 15, !- Hour 60
+ 59, !- Minute 60
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 16, !- Hour 61
+ 9, !- Minute 61
+ 0.483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 16, !- Hour 62
+ 19, !- Minute 62
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 16, !- Hour 63
+ 30, !- Minute 63
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 16, !- Hour 64
+ 40, !- Minute 64
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 16, !- Hour 65
+ 50, !- Minute 65
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 17, !- Hour 66
+ 0, !- Minute 66
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 17, !- Hour 67
+ 10, !- Minute 67
+ 0.483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 17, !- Hour 68
+ 20, !- Minute 68
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 17, !- Hour 69
+ 30, !- Minute 69
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 17, !- Hour 70
+ 40, !- Minute 70
+ 0.493333333333333, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 17, !- Hour 71
+ 50, !- Minute 71
+ 0.486666666666667, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 18, !- Hour 72
+ 0, !- Minute 72
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 18, !- Hour 73
+ 10, !- Minute 73
+ 0.473333333333333, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 18, !- Hour 74
+ 20, !- Minute 74
+ 0.466666666666666, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 18, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 18, !- Hour 76
+ 40, !- Minute 76
+ 0.461666666666667, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 18, !- Hour 77
+ 50, !- Minute 77
+ 0.463333333333333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 19, !- Hour 78
+ 0, !- Minute 78
+ 0.465, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 19, !- Hour 79
+ 10, !- Minute 79
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 19, !- Hour 80
+ 20, !- Minute 80
+ 0.468333333333333, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 19, !- Hour 81
+ 30, !- Minute 81
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 19, !- Hour 82
+ 40, !- Minute 82
+ 0.448333333333333, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 19, !- Hour 83
+ 50, !- Minute 83
+ 0.426666666666666, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 20, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.405, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 20, !- Hour 85
+ 10, !- Minute 85
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 20, !- Hour 86
+ 20, !- Minute 86
+ 0.361666666666666, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 20, !- Hour 87
+ 30, !- Minute 87
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 20, !- Hour 88
+ 40, !- Minute 88
+ 0.338333333333333, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 20, !- Hour 89
+ 50, !- Minute 89
+ 0.336666666666667, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 21, !- Hour 90
+ 0, !- Minute 90
+ 0.335, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 21, !- Hour 91
+ 10, !- Minute 91
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 21, !- Hour 92
+ 20, !- Minute 92
+ 0.331666666666667, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 21, !- Hour 93
+ 30, !- Minute 93
+ 0.33, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 21, !- Hour 94
+ 40, !- Minute 94
+ 0.313333333333333, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 21, !- Hour 95
+ 50, !- Minute 95
+ 0.296666666666666, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 22, !- Hour 96
+ 0, !- Minute 96
+ 0.28, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 22, !- Hour 97
+ 10, !- Minute 97
+ 0.263333333333333, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 22, !- Hour 98
+ 20, !- Minute 98
+ 0.246666666666666, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 22, !- Hour 99
+ 30, !- Minute 99
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 22, !- Hour 100
+ 40, !- Minute 100
+ 0.213333333333333, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 22, !- Hour 101
+ 50, !- Minute 101
+ 0.196666666666666, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 23, !- Hour 102
+ 0, !- Minute 102
+ 0.18, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 23, !- Hour 103
+ 10, !- Minute 103
+ 0.163333333333333, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 23, !- Hour 104
+ 20, !- Minute 104
+ 0.146666666666666, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 23, !- Hour 105
+ 30, !- Minute 105
+ 0.13, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 24, !- Hour 106
+ 0, !- Minute 106
+ 0.13; !- Value Until Time 106
+ {4c5ac8ea-6c0c-4f45-8e64-3dff3c279c3a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units WUC 0.09gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {c3cb7003-84ad-46c4-8857-04c39e981d13}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {b32c5f5f-9b80-4f1d-89b8-3c4a5c018ae0}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ None, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ Plant, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ {870662f3-1abb-44f1-b522-ca52e7cf7d09}; !- Water Use Equipment Name 1
+ {8c14ec26-ed5d-4228-b810-a4332d6abc0a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units Service Water Use Def 0.09gpm, !- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 5.67811767595478e-06, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {d1936adf-a803-47b6-9b6b-9c450d61e936}, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ {d7b028b8-0547-4fa8-ba63-6c2e74be7091}, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ {ee3621c9-550b-4d55-8d4d-556f8101daf4}; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ {870662f3-1abb-44f1-b522-ca52e7cf7d09}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units Service Water Use 0.09gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {8c14ec26-ed5d-4228-b810-a4332d6abc0a}, !- Water Use Equipment Definition Name
+ , !- Space Name
+ {e3003d7f-32d7-48f3-95a1-2582b2d950d2}; !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {9279a6d5-7e97-43a2-b9fe-eb71b7e1b8d1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Fluid Type
+ 0, !- Glycol Concentration
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme
+ {edac0bdc-c8c1-4b42-9901-88b4be888fd1}, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 60, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 10, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ , !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ {2186dde0-12b6-4e45-85ea-914d10cd79a0}, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ {715782c2-e97d-4d9b-9818-78830f768927}, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ {67d0f6ab-42ee-40ef-9485-c8a2462198ae}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ {dccefece-2528-4143-835c-0534f11b54ed}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ , !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Optimal, !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {53daca1f-6154-42b7-9c16-d8ad0b9e4a5f}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ , !- Plant Loop Demand Calculation Scheme
+ , !- Common Pipe Simulation
+ , !- Pressure Simulation Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load Schedule
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load Schedule
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Schedule
+ , !- Component Setpoint Operation Scheme Schedule
+ {5ac75280-76db-4009-98dd-13f14673d701}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {3070405b-c2b8-49b1-baf1-31ba81b9afd6}, !- Demand Splitter Name
+ {b3466375-d0c0-45ba-a7f3-d9152aa270e9}, !- Supply Mixer Name
+ {cba34695-e59b-4add-ba27-baabc0b4b05a}; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {61cba775-5754-4f95-b1cd-977cca969d3d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {2186dde0-12b6-4e45-85ea-914d10cd79a0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {890b3af8-cd45-42a9-b579-3140276b5a7a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {edac0bdc-c8c1-4b42-9901-88b4be888fd1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {fd059c25-57ff-41a4-a827-ca7e541ca8a9}, !- Inlet Port
+ {715782c2-e97d-4d9b-9818-78830f768927}; !- Outlet Port
+ {f117c2bb-a9d0-40be-9463-ed85a1bd79ac}, !- Handle
+ 3X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr Supply Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {a8cef0f4-f79a-437d-b83a-44ed1d2cca5b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {3ef9ccc5-7e53-4f48-8a30-d534bbf2d185}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b3466375-d0c0-45ba-a7f3-d9152aa270e9}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 5, !- Name
+ {d12d3808-ebbe-4c3e-9da0-7925c47a5253}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {06f32ed1-2c63-48bc-8def-3a4d79d9a912}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {c21f13f7-8217-4fae-8097-4e0f1c84f658}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {cba34695-e59b-4add-ba27-baabc0b4b05a}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 5, !- Name
+ {eed83b53-abb4-4ae9-8e9a-bcf3e2ba6fcd}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {a8cef0f4-f79a-437d-b83a-44ed1d2cca5b}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {55358540-7abf-4f5b-9545-797d691d44dc}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {2186dde0-12b6-4e45-85ea-914d10cd79a0}, !- Handle
+ {9279a6d5-7e97-43a2-b9fe-eb71b7e1b8d1}, !- Source Object
+ 14, !- Outlet Port
+ {61cba775-5754-4f95-b1cd-977cca969d3d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a8cef0f4-f79a-437d-b83a-44ed1d2cca5b}, !- Handle
+ {cba34695-e59b-4add-ba27-baabc0b4b05a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f117c2bb-a9d0-40be-9463-ed85a1bd79ac}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {715782c2-e97d-4d9b-9818-78830f768927}, !- Handle
+ {edac0bdc-c8c1-4b42-9901-88b4be888fd1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9279a6d5-7e97-43a2-b9fe-eb71b7e1b8d1}, !- Target Object
+ 15; !- Inlet Port
+ {9322f8ee-f4a7-4c3d-9c39-3494f9955bf2}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {67d0f6ab-42ee-40ef-9485-c8a2462198ae}, !- Inlet Port
+ {bd82131b-79dc-4c3f-8c78-7fbd6c353ff3}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7d36af3e-113c-4c5f-8bcf-5ed3d1b0381a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {4f43e608-1d3e-49ca-b8dc-f7e20ba4b144}, !- Inlet Port
+ {dccefece-2528-4143-835c-0534f11b54ed}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5f05798e-ae90-45c1-a80c-d47a19f17845}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 11 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {7d453266-d86e-4464-82df-b3bd18ba1af5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {12923ea1-b263-49c9-8e98-6fd853846c4c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5ac75280-76db-4009-98dd-13f14673d701}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 6, !- Name
+ {04a4aeff-5eaf-4516-bee6-14ef13e44e7b}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {5a48f686-8381-4a86-81de-4bfe78e238e0}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {74a8ec19-3350-4b60-adc0-78a049b2767e}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {3070405b-c2b8-49b1-baf1-31ba81b9afd6}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 6, !- Name
+ {cd40c4d8-ff14-46e3-9580-546390c8689d}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {7d453266-d86e-4464-82df-b3bd18ba1af5}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {26f7f5fb-2951-4340-8f65-90fe841a5d22}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {67d0f6ab-42ee-40ef-9485-c8a2462198ae}, !- Handle
+ {9279a6d5-7e97-43a2-b9fe-eb71b7e1b8d1}, !- Source Object
+ 17, !- Outlet Port
+ {9322f8ee-f4a7-4c3d-9c39-3494f9955bf2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7d453266-d86e-4464-82df-b3bd18ba1af5}, !- Handle
+ {3070405b-c2b8-49b1-baf1-31ba81b9afd6}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5f05798e-ae90-45c1-a80c-d47a19f17845}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {dccefece-2528-4143-835c-0534f11b54ed}, !- Handle
+ {7d36af3e-113c-4c5f-8bcf-5ed3d1b0381a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9279a6d5-7e97-43a2-b9fe-eb71b7e1b8d1}, !- Target Object
+ 18; !- Inlet Port
+ {55475733-816f-4a74-8f68-949df9b05634}, !- Handle
+ {9279a6d5-7e97-43a2-b9fe-eb71b7e1b8d1}, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Heating, !- Loop Type
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 5, !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ 1, !- Zone Timesteps in Averaging Window
+ None; !- Coincident Sizing Factor Mode
+ {53daca1f-6154-42b7-9c16-d8ad0b9e4a5f}, !- Handle
+ Plant Loop 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 2; !- Name
+ {2586bbb6-9e97-4584-a1b0-c1b910b7e54c}, !- Handle
+ Service hot water setpoint manager 1, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Schedule Name
+ {edac0bdc-c8c1-4b42-9901-88b4be888fd1}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {c6817b27-6bd6-4672-b870-1ae1e55d7a8c}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven, !- Name
+ {890b3af8-cd45-42a9-b579-3140276b5a7a}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {a8c3907a-d2fb-45bc-8197-7a9c732c407c}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.001, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ , !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ , !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 3.2485, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ -4.7443, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 2.5294, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ , !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ , !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ , !- Pump Curve Name
+ , !- Impeller Diameter {m}
+ , !- VFD Control Type
+ , !- Pump RPM Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Maximum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Minimum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Maximum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Zone Name
+ 0.5, !- Skin Loss Radiative Fraction
+ PowerPerFlowPerPressure, !- Design Power Sizing Method
+ 348701.1, !- Design Electric Power per Unit Flow Rate {W/(m3/s)}
+ 1.282051282, !- Design Shaft Power per Unit Flow Rate per Unit Head {W-s/m3-Pa}
+ 0, !- Design Minimum Flow Rate Fraction
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {bfd4bb5b-8e50-464e-a48f-43c0952ca267}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {a8c3907a-d2fb-45bc-8197-7a9c732c407c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {eed83b53-abb4-4ae9-8e9a-bcf3e2ba6fcd}; !- Outlet Port
+ {890b3af8-cd45-42a9-b579-3140276b5a7a}, !- Handle
+ {61cba775-5754-4f95-b1cd-977cca969d3d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c6817b27-6bd6-4672-b870-1ae1e55d7a8c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a8c3907a-d2fb-45bc-8197-7a9c732c407c}, !- Handle
+ {c6817b27-6bd6-4672-b870-1ae1e55d7a8c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bfd4bb5b-8e50-464e-a48f-43c0952ca267}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {eed83b53-abb4-4ae9-8e9a-bcf3e2ba6fcd}, !- Handle
+ {bfd4bb5b-8e50-464e-a48f-43c0952ca267}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cba34695-e59b-4add-ba27-baabc0b4b05a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d90882ae-b655-487f-bde4-0fa2194bfde9}, !- Handle
+ 3X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr 1.0 Therm Eff 1.0 Therm Eff, !- Name
+ 0.567811767595478, !- Tank Volume {m3}
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ 2, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
+ Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
+ 17584.2642103333, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
+ Electricity, !- Heater Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
+ , !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ Schedule, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
+ {611cd705-3c40-4571-9d77-8f5118795ba1}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Thermal Zone Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
+ 1.42105752892712, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ 1.42105752892712, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ , !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ {3ef9ccc5-7e53-4f48-8a30-d534bbf2d185}, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
+ {ee909720-9975-4c0c-b9ca-84679991a8c8}, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Use Side Effectiveness
+ , !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Source Side Effectiveness
+ autosize, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1.5, !- Indirect Water Heating Recovery Time {hr}
+ IndirectHeatPrimarySetpoint, !- Source Side Flow Control Mode
+ , !- Indirect Alternate Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {1e14bb6a-bf41-44cd-bb88-117c626d0553}, !- Handle
+ {d90882ae-b655-487f-bde4-0fa2194bfde9}, !- WaterHeater Name
+ PeakDraw, !- Design Mode
+ 0.538503, !- Time Storage Can Meet Peak Draw {hr}
+ 0, !- Time for Tank Recovery {hr}
+ 1; !- Nominal Tank Volume for Autosizing Plant Connections {m3}
+ {d6a25e25-0065-4de9-b28a-a1f9c5327643}, !- Handle
+ {d90882ae-b655-487f-bde4-0fa2194bfde9}, !- Object Name
+ component_quantity, !- Feature Name 1
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3; !- Feature Value 1
+ {37b5a251-ba64-4644-a9d9-fe0f23d0a0e7}, !- Handle
+ 3X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr Supply Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {ee909720-9975-4c0c-b9ca-84679991a8c8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {06f32ed1-2c63-48bc-8def-3a4d79d9a912}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3ef9ccc5-7e53-4f48-8a30-d534bbf2d185}, !- Handle
+ {f117c2bb-a9d0-40be-9463-ed85a1bd79ac}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d90882ae-b655-487f-bde4-0fa2194bfde9}, !- Target Object
+ 31; !- Inlet Port
+ {ee909720-9975-4c0c-b9ca-84679991a8c8}, !- Handle
+ {d90882ae-b655-487f-bde4-0fa2194bfde9}, !- Source Object
+ 32, !- Outlet Port
+ {37b5a251-ba64-4644-a9d9-fe0f23d0a0e7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {06f32ed1-2c63-48bc-8def-3a4d79d9a912}, !- Handle
+ {37b5a251-ba64-4644-a9d9-fe0f23d0a0e7}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b3466375-d0c0-45ba-a7f3-d9152aa270e9}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {533ed8b4-4d76-4bf8-a210-a530cb3e59d8}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {9ff51d78-c07e-4040-839e-5a02289dc33d}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {9ff51d78-c07e-4040-839e-5a02289dc33d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.3; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a472c223-277f-4375-9183-1040c6f6c730}, !- Handle
+ Copper pipe 0.75in type L 1, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.001143, !- Thickness {m}
+ 386, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 8906.26563592184, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 385.1856, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {283f9234-849c-4244-9d32-c4483c321bc8}, !- Handle
+ Uninsulated copper pipe 0.75in type L 1, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {a472c223-277f-4375-9183-1040c6f6c730}; !- Layer 1
+ {4d07b684-ea29-4038-85cd-22366f5b99f1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 60.0ft, !- Name
+ {283f9234-849c-4244-9d32-c4483c321bc8}, !- Construction
+ {bd82131b-79dc-4c3f-8c78-7fbd6c353ff3}, !- Fluid Inlet Node
+ {140bd78a-40cc-4428-ba92-70ad9e783cac}, !- Fluid Outlet Node
+ Schedule, !- Environment Type
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Zone
+ {215d9c72-69c7-4b50-9947-6e06b49119f4}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule
+ {533ed8b4-4d76-4bf8-a210-a530cb3e59d8}, !- Ambient Air Velocity Schedule
+ 0.019939, !- Pipe Inside Diameter {m}
+ 18.288; !- Pipe Length {m}
+ {e16c6164-0881-4a33-80b5-0172864410c3}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 60.0ft Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {140bd78a-40cc-4428-ba92-70ad9e783cac}, !- Inlet Port
+ {cd40c4d8-ff14-46e3-9580-546390c8689d}; !- Outlet Port
+ {bd82131b-79dc-4c3f-8c78-7fbd6c353ff3}, !- Handle
+ {9322f8ee-f4a7-4c3d-9c39-3494f9955bf2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4d07b684-ea29-4038-85cd-22366f5b99f1}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {140bd78a-40cc-4428-ba92-70ad9e783cac}, !- Handle
+ {4d07b684-ea29-4038-85cd-22366f5b99f1}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {e16c6164-0881-4a33-80b5-0172864410c3}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {cd40c4d8-ff14-46e3-9580-546390c8689d}, !- Handle
+ {e16c6164-0881-4a33-80b5-0172864410c3}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3070405b-c2b8-49b1-baf1-31ba81b9afd6}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e0f47d69-9d1c-4465-9dd0-e96715ce3301}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 10, !- Name
+ {541eb339-1eb5-4c9d-9058-62bfb4503198}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {80f73220-a600-432b-a984-caef9c74b0fd}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {930b0b76-726b-4c02-95f4-c18e55f51a1e}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 10 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {55358540-7abf-4f5b-9545-797d691d44dc}, !- Inlet Port
+ {541eb339-1eb5-4c9d-9058-62bfb4503198}; !- Outlet Port
+ {55358540-7abf-4f5b-9545-797d691d44dc}, !- Handle
+ {cba34695-e59b-4add-ba27-baabc0b4b05a}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {930b0b76-726b-4c02-95f4-c18e55f51a1e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f4b3597b-197c-487c-ac4e-ec31fabca496}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 10 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {80f73220-a600-432b-a984-caef9c74b0fd}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c21f13f7-8217-4fae-8097-4e0f1c84f658}; !- Outlet Port
+ {541eb339-1eb5-4c9d-9058-62bfb4503198}, !- Handle
+ {930b0b76-726b-4c02-95f4-c18e55f51a1e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {e0f47d69-9d1c-4465-9dd0-e96715ce3301}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {80f73220-a600-432b-a984-caef9c74b0fd}, !- Handle
+ {e0f47d69-9d1c-4465-9dd0-e96715ce3301}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f4b3597b-197c-487c-ac4e-ec31fabca496}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c21f13f7-8217-4fae-8097-4e0f1c84f658}, !- Handle
+ {f4b3597b-197c-487c-ac4e-ec31fabca496}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b3466375-d0c0-45ba-a7f3-d9152aa270e9}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {693a8488-45b5-48c9-94be-dfdd1d766bcb}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 11, !- Name
+ {12923ea1-b263-49c9-8e98-6fd853846c4c}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {51b4d349-a25d-4bc9-8b59-d252d8c358a3}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {81114f20-9189-4575-b61b-e3b4ceadb3c8}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 11 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {51b4d349-a25d-4bc9-8b59-d252d8c358a3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5a48f686-8381-4a86-81de-4bfe78e238e0}; !- Outlet Port
+ {12923ea1-b263-49c9-8e98-6fd853846c4c}, !- Handle
+ {5f05798e-ae90-45c1-a80c-d47a19f17845}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {693a8488-45b5-48c9-94be-dfdd1d766bcb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {51b4d349-a25d-4bc9-8b59-d252d8c358a3}, !- Handle
+ {693a8488-45b5-48c9-94be-dfdd1d766bcb}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {81114f20-9189-4575-b61b-e3b4ceadb3c8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5a48f686-8381-4a86-81de-4bfe78e238e0}, !- Handle
+ {81114f20-9189-4575-b61b-e3b4ceadb3c8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5ac75280-76db-4009-98dd-13f14673d701}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {d12166af-60b9-4de8-a726-103dceacd2e1}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 12, !- Name
+ {faf1d120-ef0c-41d3-a40c-2c89fd9101da}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {fd059c25-57ff-41a4-a827-ca7e541ca8a9}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {8c87583a-7bf0-4bbd-9f03-2423302968bf}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 12 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {d12d3808-ebbe-4c3e-9da0-7925c47a5253}, !- Inlet Port
+ {faf1d120-ef0c-41d3-a40c-2c89fd9101da}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d12d3808-ebbe-4c3e-9da0-7925c47a5253}, !- Handle
+ {b3466375-d0c0-45ba-a7f3-d9152aa270e9}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {8c87583a-7bf0-4bbd-9f03-2423302968bf}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {faf1d120-ef0c-41d3-a40c-2c89fd9101da}, !- Handle
+ {8c87583a-7bf0-4bbd-9f03-2423302968bf}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d12166af-60b9-4de8-a726-103dceacd2e1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {fd059c25-57ff-41a4-a827-ca7e541ca8a9}, !- Handle
+ {d12166af-60b9-4de8-a726-103dceacd2e1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {edac0bdc-c8c1-4b42-9901-88b4be888fd1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b9c16e76-658b-432d-abfc-c9aa9de7fbe1}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 13, !- Name
+ {c633678e-938b-428f-bcf4-54365e3eb906}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {4f43e608-1d3e-49ca-b8dc-f7e20ba4b144}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {5b3ef24d-2eb0-4b8e-b4c1-06f973ac38b0}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 13 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {04a4aeff-5eaf-4516-bee6-14ef13e44e7b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c633678e-938b-428f-bcf4-54365e3eb906}; !- Outlet Port
+ {04a4aeff-5eaf-4516-bee6-14ef13e44e7b}, !- Handle
+ {5ac75280-76db-4009-98dd-13f14673d701}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {5b3ef24d-2eb0-4b8e-b4c1-06f973ac38b0}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c633678e-938b-428f-bcf4-54365e3eb906}, !- Handle
+ {5b3ef24d-2eb0-4b8e-b4c1-06f973ac38b0}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b9c16e76-658b-432d-abfc-c9aa9de7fbe1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4f43e608-1d3e-49ca-b8dc-f7e20ba4b144}, !- Handle
+ {b9c16e76-658b-432d-abfc-c9aa9de7fbe1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7d36af3e-113c-4c5f-8bcf-5ed3d1b0381a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {08d50f63-6080-4b97-90bc-32a3f1fc4ace}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units WUC 0.09gpm at 140F Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {26f7f5fb-2951-4340-8f65-90fe841a5d22}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c3cb7003-84ad-46c4-8857-04c39e981d13}; !- Outlet Port
+ {26f7f5fb-2951-4340-8f65-90fe841a5d22}, !- Handle
+ {3070405b-c2b8-49b1-baf1-31ba81b9afd6}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {08d50f63-6080-4b97-90bc-32a3f1fc4ace}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9b29484b-c2b2-4e8b-8e30-ee527c58b5e3}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units WUC 0.09gpm at 140F Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {b32c5f5f-9b80-4f1d-89b8-3c4a5c018ae0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {74a8ec19-3350-4b60-adc0-78a049b2767e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {c3cb7003-84ad-46c4-8857-04c39e981d13}, !- Handle
+ {08d50f63-6080-4b97-90bc-32a3f1fc4ace}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4c5ac8ea-6c0c-4f45-8e64-3dff3c279c3a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b32c5f5f-9b80-4f1d-89b8-3c4a5c018ae0}, !- Handle
+ {4c5ac8ea-6c0c-4f45-8e64-3dff3c279c3a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9b29484b-c2b2-4e8b-8e30-ee527c58b5e3}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {74a8ec19-3350-4b60-adc0-78a049b2767e}, !- Handle
+ {9b29484b-c2b2-4e8b-8e30-ee527c58b5e3}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5ac75280-76db-4009-98dd-13f14673d701}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {fc389bb6-bf6b-4b53-999e-61d034cb4b0c}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type2_SWH_SCH, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {2f5c82b9-dc34-4ea3-b3ee-76617661c93c}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {7aa7f1e0-a964-454b-9821-0b2c5feffcc3}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e6556ccb-982d-4f25-920a-0683abcc802b}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {2f5c82b9-dc34-4ea3-b3ee-76617661c93c}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type2_SWH_SCH Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 7, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 7, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 7, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0966666666666668, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 7, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.145, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 7, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.193333333333334, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 8, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 8, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.29, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 8, !- Hour 8
+ 24, !- Minute 8
+ 0.296666666666667, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 8, !- Hour 9
+ 34, !- Minute 9
+ 0.303333333333333, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 8, !- Hour 10
+ 44, !- Minute 10
+ 0.31, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 8, !- Hour 11
+ 54, !- Minute 11
+ 0.316666666666667, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 9, !- Hour 12
+ 4, !- Minute 12
+ 0.323333333333333, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 9, !- Hour 13
+ 14, !- Minute 13
+ 0.33, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 9, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.33, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 9, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.341666666666667, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 9, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.353333333333333, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 9, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.365, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.376666666666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 10, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.388333333333333, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 10, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 10, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.4, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 10, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.393333333333333, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 10, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.386666666666667, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 10, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.38, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 10, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.373333333333333, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 11, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 11, !- Hour 27
+ 14, !- Minute 27
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 11, !- Hour 28
+ 15, !- Minute 28
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 11, !- Hour 29
+ 24, !- Minute 29
+ 0.361666666666667, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 11, !- Hour 30
+ 34, !- Minute 30
+ 0.363333333333333, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 11, !- Hour 31
+ 44, !- Minute 31
+ 0.365, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 11, !- Hour 32
+ 54, !- Minute 32
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 12, !- Hour 33
+ 4, !- Minute 33
+ 0.368333333333333, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 12, !- Hour 34
+ 14, !- Minute 34
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 12, !- Hour 35
+ 15, !- Minute 35
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 12, !- Hour 36
+ 24, !- Minute 36
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 12, !- Hour 37
+ 34, !- Minute 37
+ 0.363333333333333, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 12, !- Hour 38
+ 44, !- Minute 38
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 12, !- Hour 39
+ 54, !- Minute 39
+ 0.356666666666667, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 13, !- Hour 40
+ 4, !- Minute 40
+ 0.353333333333333, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 13, !- Hour 41
+ 14, !- Minute 41
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 13, !- Hour 42
+ 15, !- Minute 42
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 13, !- Hour 43
+ 24, !- Minute 43
+ 0.353333333333333, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 13, !- Hour 44
+ 34, !- Minute 44
+ 0.356666666666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 13, !- Hour 45
+ 44, !- Minute 45
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 13, !- Hour 46
+ 54, !- Minute 46
+ 0.363333333333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 14, !- Hour 47
+ 4, !- Minute 47
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 14, !- Hour 48
+ 14, !- Minute 48
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 14, !- Hour 49
+ 15, !- Minute 49
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 14, !- Hour 50
+ 24, !- Minute 50
+ 0.308333333333334, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 14, !- Hour 51
+ 34, !- Minute 51
+ 0.246666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 14, !- Hour 52
+ 44, !- Minute 52
+ 0.185000000000001, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 14, !- Hour 53
+ 54, !- Minute 53
+ 0.123333333333334, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 4, !- Minute 54
+ 0.0616666666666678, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 15, !- Hour 55
+ 14, !- Minute 55
+ 1.31450406115619e-15, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 15, !- Hour 56
+ 15, !- Minute 56
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 24, !- Hour 57
+ 0, !- Minute 57
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 57
+ {7aa7f1e0-a964-454b-9821-0b2c5feffcc3}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type2_SWH_SCH Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 9, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 10, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 11, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.32, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 12, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 13, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.57, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 14, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 15, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.61, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 16, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 17, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 18, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 19, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 20, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.42, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 21, !- Hour 14
+ 0, !- Minute 14
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 24, !- Hour 15
+ 0, !- Minute 15
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 15
+ {d3380626-1ce9-45d1-ba1a-ea6c06e4b8d3}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 24, !- Name
+ {fc389bb6-bf6b-4b53-999e-61d034cb4b0c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {182785ba-4997-4cda-8d3d-3da339cda9e3}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {182785ba-4997-4cda-8d3d-3da339cda9e3}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type2_SWH_SCH SmrDsn|Wkdy Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.414907407407408, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.414814814814815, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.414722222222222, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.41462962962963, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.414537037037037, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.414444444444445, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.414351851851852, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.414259259259259, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.414166666666667, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.414074074074074, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.413981481481482, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.413888888888889, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.413796296296296, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.413703703703704, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.413611111111111, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.413518518518518, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.413425925925926, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.413333333333333, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.413240740740741, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.413148148148148, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.413055555555556, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.412962962962963, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.41287037037037, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.412777777777778, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.412685185185185, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.412592592592592, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.4125, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.412407407407407, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.412314814814815, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.412222222222222, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.41212962962963, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.412037037037037, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.411944444444444, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.411851851851852, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.411759259259259, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.411666666666667, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.411574074074074, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.411481481481481, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.411388888888889, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.411296296296296, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.411203703703704, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.411111111111111, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.411018518518518, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.410925925925926, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.410833333333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.410740740740741, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.410648148148148, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.410555555555556, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 10, !- Minute 49
+ 0.410462962962963, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 20, !- Minute 50
+ 0.41037037037037, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 30, !- Minute 51
+ 0.410277777777778, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 40, !- Minute 52
+ 0.410185185185185, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 50, !- Minute 53
+ 0.410092592592593, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 9, !- Hour 54
+ 0, !- Minute 54
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 9, !- Hour 55
+ 9, !- Minute 55
+ 0.436666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 19, !- Minute 56
+ 0.463333333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 29, !- Minute 57
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 39, !- Minute 58
+ 0.516666666666666, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 49, !- Minute 59
+ 0.543333333333333, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 59, !- Minute 60
+ 0.569999999999999, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 10, !- Hour 61
+ 0, !- Minute 61
+ 0.57, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 10, !- Hour 62
+ 9, !- Minute 62
+ 0.578333333333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 19, !- Minute 63
+ 0.586666666666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 29, !- Minute 64
+ 0.595, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 39, !- Minute 65
+ 0.603333333333333, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 49, !- Minute 66
+ 0.611666666666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 59, !- Minute 67
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 11, !- Hour 68
+ 0, !- Minute 68
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 11, !- Hour 69
+ 9, !- Minute 69
+ 0.618333333333333, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 19, !- Minute 70
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 29, !- Minute 71
+ 0.615, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 39, !- Minute 72
+ 0.613333333333333, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 49, !- Minute 73
+ 0.611666666666667, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 59, !- Minute 74
+ 0.61, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 12, !- Hour 75
+ 0, !- Minute 75
+ 0.61, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 12, !- Hour 76
+ 9, !- Minute 76
+ 0.591666666666667, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 19, !- Minute 77
+ 0.573333333333333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 29, !- Minute 78
+ 0.555, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 39, !- Minute 79
+ 0.536666666666667, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 49, !- Minute 80
+ 0.518333333333334, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 59, !- Minute 81
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 13, !- Hour 82
+ 0, !- Minute 82
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 13, !- Hour 83
+ 9, !- Minute 83
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 19, !- Minute 84
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 29, !- Minute 85
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 39, !- Minute 86
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 49, !- Minute 87
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 59, !- Minute 88
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 14, !- Hour 89
+ 0, !- Minute 89
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 14, !- Hour 90
+ 9, !- Minute 90
+ 0.451666666666667, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 19, !- Minute 91
+ 0.453333333333333, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 29, !- Minute 92
+ 0.455, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 39, !- Minute 93
+ 0.456666666666667, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 49, !- Minute 94
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 59, !- Minute 95
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 15, !- Hour 96
+ 0, !- Minute 96
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 15, !- Hour 97
+ 9, !- Minute 97
+ 0.419907407407407, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 19, !- Minute 98
+ 0.419814814814815, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 29, !- Minute 99
+ 0.419722222222222, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 39, !- Minute 100
+ 0.41962962962963, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 49, !- Minute 101
+ 0.419537037037037, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 59, !- Minute 102
+ 0.419444444444444, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 16, !- Hour 103
+ 9, !- Minute 103
+ 0.419351851851852, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 16, !- Hour 104
+ 19, !- Minute 104
+ 0.419259259259259, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 30, !- Minute 105
+ 0.419166666666667, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 40, !- Minute 106
+ 0.419074074074074, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 50, !- Minute 107
+ 0.418981481481482, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 17, !- Hour 108
+ 0, !- Minute 108
+ 0.418888888888889, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 17, !- Hour 109
+ 10, !- Minute 109
+ 0.418796296296296, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 17, !- Hour 110
+ 20, !- Minute 110
+ 0.418703703703704, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 30, !- Minute 111
+ 0.418611111111111, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 40, !- Minute 112
+ 0.418518518518519, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 50, !- Minute 113
+ 0.418425925925926, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 18, !- Hour 114
+ 0, !- Minute 114
+ 0.418333333333334, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 18, !- Hour 115
+ 10, !- Minute 115
+ 0.418240740740741, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 18, !- Hour 116
+ 20, !- Minute 116
+ 0.418148148148148, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 30, !- Minute 117
+ 0.418055555555556, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 40, !- Minute 118
+ 0.417962962962963, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 50, !- Minute 119
+ 0.41787037037037, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 19, !- Hour 120
+ 0, !- Minute 120
+ 0.417777777777778, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 19, !- Hour 121
+ 10, !- Minute 121
+ 0.417685185185185, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 19, !- Hour 122
+ 20, !- Minute 122
+ 0.417592592592593, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 30, !- Minute 123
+ 0.4175, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 40, !- Minute 124
+ 0.417407407407408, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 50, !- Minute 125
+ 0.417314814814815, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 20, !- Hour 126
+ 0, !- Minute 126
+ 0.417222222222222, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 20, !- Hour 127
+ 10, !- Minute 127
+ 0.41712962962963, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 20, !- Hour 128
+ 20, !- Minute 128
+ 0.417037037037037, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 30, !- Minute 129
+ 0.416944444444445, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 40, !- Minute 130
+ 0.416851851851852, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 50, !- Minute 131
+ 0.416759259259259, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 21, !- Hour 132
+ 0, !- Minute 132
+ 0.416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 21, !- Hour 133
+ 10, !- Minute 133
+ 0.416574074074074, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 21, !- Hour 134
+ 20, !- Minute 134
+ 0.416481481481482, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 30, !- Minute 135
+ 0.416388888888889, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 40, !- Minute 136
+ 0.416296296296296, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 50, !- Minute 137
+ 0.416203703703704, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 22, !- Hour 138
+ 0, !- Minute 138
+ 0.416111111111111, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 22, !- Hour 139
+ 10, !- Minute 139
+ 0.416018518518519, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 22, !- Hour 140
+ 20, !- Minute 140
+ 0.415925925925926, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 30, !- Minute 141
+ 0.415833333333333, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 40, !- Minute 142
+ 0.415740740740741, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 50, !- Minute 143
+ 0.415648148148148, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 23, !- Hour 144
+ 0, !- Minute 144
+ 0.415555555555556, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 23, !- Hour 145
+ 10, !- Minute 145
+ 0.415462962962963, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 23, !- Hour 146
+ 20, !- Minute 146
+ 0.415370370370371, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 30, !- Minute 147
+ 0.415277777777778, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 40, !- Minute 148
+ 0.415185185185185, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 50, !- Minute 149
+ 0.415092592592593, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 24, !- Hour 150
+ 0, !- Minute 150
+ 0.415; !- Value Until Time 150
+ {e6556ccb-982d-4f25-920a-0683abcc802b}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type2_SWH_SCH Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 9, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 10, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.24, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 11, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.27, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 12, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.42, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 13, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.54, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 14, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 15, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 16, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 17, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 18, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 19, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 24, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 13
+ {eabafedd-34b1-4f5b-8c4f-e7ad8e880380}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 25, !- Name
+ {fc389bb6-bf6b-4b53-999e-61d034cb4b0c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {5e98a356-8b33-48cf-b63a-11338826fb39}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {5e98a356-8b33-48cf-b63a-11338826fb39}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type2_SWH_SCH WntrDsn|Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 6, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0333333333333334, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 6, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0666666666666668, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 6, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 6, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.133333333333334, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 7, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 7, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 7, !- Hour 8
+ 25, !- Minute 8
+ 0.236666666666667, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 7, !- Hour 9
+ 35, !- Minute 9
+ 0.273333333333333, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 7, !- Hour 10
+ 45, !- Minute 10
+ 0.31, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 7, !- Hour 11
+ 55, !- Minute 11
+ 0.346666666666667, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 8, !- Hour 12
+ 5, !- Minute 12
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 8, !- Hour 13
+ 15, !- Minute 13
+ 0.42, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 8, !- Hour 14
+ 24, !- Minute 14
+ 0.44, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 8, !- Hour 15
+ 34, !- Minute 15
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 8, !- Hour 16
+ 44, !- Minute 16
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 8, !- Hour 17
+ 54, !- Minute 17
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 4, !- Minute 18
+ 0.52, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 9, !- Hour 19
+ 14, !- Minute 19
+ 0.54, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 9, !- Hour 20
+ 15, !- Minute 20
+ 0.54, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 9, !- Hour 21
+ 24, !- Minute 21
+ 0.553333333333333, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 9, !- Hour 22
+ 34, !- Minute 22
+ 0.566666666666667, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 9, !- Hour 23
+ 44, !- Minute 23
+ 0.58, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 9, !- Hour 24
+ 54, !- Minute 24
+ 0.593333333333333, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 10, !- Hour 25
+ 4, !- Minute 25
+ 0.606666666666666, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 10, !- Hour 26
+ 14, !- Minute 26
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 10, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 10, !- Hour 28
+ 24, !- Minute 28
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 10, !- Hour 29
+ 34, !- Minute 29
+ 0.613333333333333, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 10, !- Hour 30
+ 44, !- Minute 30
+ 0.61, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 10, !- Hour 31
+ 54, !- Minute 31
+ 0.606666666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 11, !- Hour 32
+ 4, !- Minute 32
+ 0.603333333333333, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 11, !- Hour 33
+ 14, !- Minute 33
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 11, !- Hour 34
+ 15, !- Minute 34
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 11, !- Hour 35
+ 24, !- Minute 35
+ 0.583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 11, !- Hour 36
+ 34, !- Minute 36
+ 0.566666666666667, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 11, !- Hour 37
+ 44, !- Minute 37
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 11, !- Hour 38
+ 54, !- Minute 38
+ 0.533333333333334, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 12, !- Hour 39
+ 4, !- Minute 39
+ 0.516666666666667, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 12, !- Hour 40
+ 14, !- Minute 40
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 12, !- Hour 41
+ 15, !- Minute 41
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 12, !- Hour 42
+ 24, !- Minute 42
+ 0.496666666666667, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 12, !- Hour 43
+ 34, !- Minute 43
+ 0.493333333333333, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 12, !- Hour 44
+ 44, !- Minute 44
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 12, !- Hour 45
+ 54, !- Minute 45
+ 0.486666666666667, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 13, !- Hour 46
+ 4, !- Minute 46
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 13, !- Hour 47
+ 14, !- Minute 47
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 13, !- Hour 48
+ 15, !- Minute 48
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 13, !- Hour 49
+ 24, !- Minute 49
+ 0.478333333333333, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 13, !- Hour 50
+ 34, !- Minute 50
+ 0.476666666666667, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 13, !- Hour 51
+ 44, !- Minute 51
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 13, !- Hour 52
+ 54, !- Minute 52
+ 0.473333333333333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 14, !- Hour 53
+ 4, !- Minute 53
+ 0.471666666666667, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 14, !- Hour 54
+ 14, !- Minute 54
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 14, !- Hour 55
+ 15, !- Minute 55
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 14, !- Hour 56
+ 24, !- Minute 56
+ 0.448333333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 14, !- Hour 57
+ 34, !- Minute 57
+ 0.426666666666667, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 14, !- Hour 58
+ 44, !- Minute 58
+ 0.405, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 14, !- Hour 59
+ 54, !- Minute 59
+ 0.383333333333334, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 15, !- Hour 60
+ 4, !- Minute 60
+ 0.361666666666667, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 15, !- Hour 61
+ 14, !- Minute 61
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 15, !- Hour 62
+ 15, !- Minute 62
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 15, !- Hour 63
+ 24, !- Minute 63
+ 0.283333333333334, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 15, !- Hour 64
+ 34, !- Minute 64
+ 0.226666666666667, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 15, !- Hour 65
+ 44, !- Minute 65
+ 0.170000000000001, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 15, !- Hour 66
+ 54, !- Minute 66
+ 0.113333333333334, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 16, !- Hour 67
+ 4, !- Minute 67
+ 0.0566666666666671, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 16, !- Hour 68
+ 15, !- Minute 68
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 24, !- Hour 69
+ 0, !- Minute 69
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 69
+ {d89456bc-20b3-4b86-8f6b-5bbdd5813750}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units WUC 0.09gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {fdeab82a-23e9-4734-9855-3a50f8a4526c}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {eb39c5a8-2524-46dd-829a-99950fe0b2fc}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ None, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ Plant, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ {cace2b69-ba71-4499-8e98-7f8148953a4d}; !- Water Use Equipment Name 1
+ {c6f718ee-c519-449a-82c8-3fcd784507a9}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units Service Water Use Def 0.09gpm, !- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 5.67811767595478e-06, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {d1936adf-a803-47b6-9b6b-9c450d61e936}, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ {d7b028b8-0547-4fa8-ba63-6c2e74be7091}, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ {ee3621c9-550b-4d55-8d4d-556f8101daf4}; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ {cace2b69-ba71-4499-8e98-7f8148953a4d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units Service Water Use 0.09gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {c6f718ee-c519-449a-82c8-3fcd784507a9}, !- Water Use Equipment Definition Name
+ , !- Space Name
+ {fc389bb6-bf6b-4b53-999e-61d034cb4b0c}; !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {4d8b11b4-e7dd-4ef5-8cc2-39762a706415}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Fluid Type
+ 0, !- Glycol Concentration
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme
+ {79be9f8d-78e3-4523-b157-5fae462907af}, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 60, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 10, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ , !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ {2bbe2710-9222-46f9-9094-c3fe7ccbfb21}, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ {d765447b-09e6-4167-9f69-2bc5b3b369ba}, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ {79ea7396-3712-458d-8d1e-f6281d9bb23c}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ {f5c51de1-b8ab-45a6-beb9-ea8e9aa7942c}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ , !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Optimal, !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {a421e122-9ab4-42b2-9383-1e1ab7adc89f}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ , !- Plant Loop Demand Calculation Scheme
+ , !- Common Pipe Simulation
+ , !- Pressure Simulation Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load Schedule
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load Schedule
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Schedule
+ , !- Component Setpoint Operation Scheme Schedule
+ {ba18f217-0063-4bba-8b37-096f8d03e6ca}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {340a31b6-18ef-4d54-8bd3-89c6698ee161}, !- Demand Splitter Name
+ {8eff2e67-0d03-43bc-ad7b-1d18de466f40}, !- Supply Mixer Name
+ {5abb873d-30c4-4187-83b8-c2a8ea3e00d7}; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {1055a053-6f9d-4485-b7b7-a4293061215e}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {2bbe2710-9222-46f9-9094-c3fe7ccbfb21}, !- Inlet Port
+ {667d335e-e460-43a5-87c2-6dbfa46fe83e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {79be9f8d-78e3-4523-b157-5fae462907af}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {ed1c0530-7585-40f8-94cb-e95e2639dcb7}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d765447b-09e6-4167-9f69-2bc5b3b369ba}; !- Outlet Port
+ {9ea43b81-33d4-42cd-a5d6-24afe4a2d6f8}, !- Handle
+ 3X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr 1 Supply Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {632dd046-1c5e-4fa7-b54b-44a8e8fcd673}, !- Inlet Port
+ {651239e8-af7d-43d6-9ff4-83376bbf649e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {8eff2e67-0d03-43bc-ad7b-1d18de466f40}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 7, !- Name
+ {03c8aa7e-a8a0-4815-9e4c-139521324d3b}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {4f1e7813-d65c-4b8f-a1be-86f75550c691}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {62f45db4-3c3e-4ee0-9278-efeeeb84b5b6}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {5abb873d-30c4-4187-83b8-c2a8ea3e00d7}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 7, !- Name
+ {167a47af-1543-4d1c-afc1-ca5de38a0856}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {632dd046-1c5e-4fa7-b54b-44a8e8fcd673}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {ba9a390e-ec73-4afd-8877-0b34dbf759a8}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {2bbe2710-9222-46f9-9094-c3fe7ccbfb21}, !- Handle
+ {4d8b11b4-e7dd-4ef5-8cc2-39762a706415}, !- Source Object
+ 14, !- Outlet Port
+ {1055a053-6f9d-4485-b7b7-a4293061215e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {632dd046-1c5e-4fa7-b54b-44a8e8fcd673}, !- Handle
+ {5abb873d-30c4-4187-83b8-c2a8ea3e00d7}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9ea43b81-33d4-42cd-a5d6-24afe4a2d6f8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d765447b-09e6-4167-9f69-2bc5b3b369ba}, !- Handle
+ {79be9f8d-78e3-4523-b157-5fae462907af}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4d8b11b4-e7dd-4ef5-8cc2-39762a706415}, !- Target Object
+ 15; !- Inlet Port
+ {6e15c89c-f973-45cb-8df9-149084e1d683}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {79ea7396-3712-458d-8d1e-f6281d9bb23c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {b6576d47-0b3c-4533-9cc2-94af78342877}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d3394a16-f295-4868-933e-989fb75b79da}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {4a1d6699-72a5-4576-96aa-ae770feef3d3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {f5c51de1-b8ab-45a6-beb9-ea8e9aa7942c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3052d798-8bab-4141-a6d7-d7ce43a95c4b}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 15 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {6b2a12a9-e1e7-4203-a61d-e70eac03a5f3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {52b6c101-6db1-4d14-ac64-257cfc9820c0}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ba18f217-0063-4bba-8b37-096f8d03e6ca}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 8, !- Name
+ {649ee1d3-460b-4554-a5c3-6b9d42e3931c}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {9b634a9a-3eb2-47bd-980b-b177f5ea1324}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {0f9373ce-1447-4749-bd8f-3c842f75cea7}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {340a31b6-18ef-4d54-8bd3-89c6698ee161}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 8, !- Name
+ {33e0c03a-844c-4112-8442-49dee8552a1f}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {6b2a12a9-e1e7-4203-a61d-e70eac03a5f3}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {92a37bba-97f9-42da-a16f-f92c4a218bcc}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {79ea7396-3712-458d-8d1e-f6281d9bb23c}, !- Handle
+ {4d8b11b4-e7dd-4ef5-8cc2-39762a706415}, !- Source Object
+ 17, !- Outlet Port
+ {6e15c89c-f973-45cb-8df9-149084e1d683}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6b2a12a9-e1e7-4203-a61d-e70eac03a5f3}, !- Handle
+ {340a31b6-18ef-4d54-8bd3-89c6698ee161}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3052d798-8bab-4141-a6d7-d7ce43a95c4b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f5c51de1-b8ab-45a6-beb9-ea8e9aa7942c}, !- Handle
+ {d3394a16-f295-4868-933e-989fb75b79da}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4d8b11b4-e7dd-4ef5-8cc2-39762a706415}, !- Target Object
+ 18; !- Inlet Port
+ {9b9ff8af-9470-400e-9e6a-f06c2d32a522}, !- Handle
+ {4d8b11b4-e7dd-4ef5-8cc2-39762a706415}, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Heating, !- Loop Type
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 5, !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ 1, !- Zone Timesteps in Averaging Window
+ None; !- Coincident Sizing Factor Mode
+ {a421e122-9ab4-42b2-9383-1e1ab7adc89f}, !- Handle
+ Plant Loop 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 3; !- Name
+ {dcd46e28-c200-4be6-a6b2-43090d43a967}, !- Handle
+ Service hot water setpoint manager 2, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Schedule Name
+ {79be9f8d-78e3-4523-b157-5fae462907af}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {fc959ab5-8b98-4458-995d-8c3daf47ee3b}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven, !- Name
+ {667d335e-e460-43a5-87c2-6dbfa46fe83e}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {cc26fd45-58ca-44ac-a6a2-444b5a048c64}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.001, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ , !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ , !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 3.2485, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ -4.7443, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 2.5294, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ , !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ , !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ , !- Pump Curve Name
+ , !- Impeller Diameter {m}
+ , !- VFD Control Type
+ , !- Pump RPM Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Maximum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Minimum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Maximum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Zone Name
+ 0.5, !- Skin Loss Radiative Fraction
+ PowerPerFlowPerPressure, !- Design Power Sizing Method
+ 348701.1, !- Design Electric Power per Unit Flow Rate {W/(m3/s)}
+ 1.282051282, !- Design Shaft Power per Unit Flow Rate per Unit Head {W-s/m3-Pa}
+ 0, !- Design Minimum Flow Rate Fraction
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {6b8c9e20-63c0-4fae-8487-8909f913edc1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {cc26fd45-58ca-44ac-a6a2-444b5a048c64}, !- Inlet Port
+ {167a47af-1543-4d1c-afc1-ca5de38a0856}; !- Outlet Port
+ {667d335e-e460-43a5-87c2-6dbfa46fe83e}, !- Handle
+ {1055a053-6f9d-4485-b7b7-a4293061215e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {fc959ab5-8b98-4458-995d-8c3daf47ee3b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {cc26fd45-58ca-44ac-a6a2-444b5a048c64}, !- Handle
+ {fc959ab5-8b98-4458-995d-8c3daf47ee3b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6b8c9e20-63c0-4fae-8487-8909f913edc1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {167a47af-1543-4d1c-afc1-ca5de38a0856}, !- Handle
+ {6b8c9e20-63c0-4fae-8487-8909f913edc1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5abb873d-30c4-4187-83b8-c2a8ea3e00d7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a28b3b5b-f2da-414f-bded-93698c966d28}, !- Handle
+ 3X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr 1 1.0 Therm Eff 1.0 Therm Eff, !- Name
+ 0.567811767595478, !- Tank Volume {m3}
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ 2, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
+ Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
+ 17584.2642103333, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
+ Electricity, !- Heater Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
+ , !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ Schedule, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
+ {611cd705-3c40-4571-9d77-8f5118795ba1}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Thermal Zone Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
+ 1.42105752892712, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ 1.42105752892712, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ , !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ {651239e8-af7d-43d6-9ff4-83376bbf649e}, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
+ {6f5f8774-22c1-4db7-aa4c-df3b5b298d06}, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Use Side Effectiveness
+ , !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Source Side Effectiveness
+ autosize, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1.5, !- Indirect Water Heating Recovery Time {hr}
+ IndirectHeatPrimarySetpoint, !- Source Side Flow Control Mode
+ , !- Indirect Alternate Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {c414ddf4-68ba-4b80-a043-4427c9e19672}, !- Handle
+ {a28b3b5b-f2da-414f-bded-93698c966d28}, !- WaterHeater Name
+ PeakDraw, !- Design Mode
+ 0.538503, !- Time Storage Can Meet Peak Draw {hr}
+ 0, !- Time for Tank Recovery {hr}
+ 1; !- Nominal Tank Volume for Autosizing Plant Connections {m3}
+ {e43fc2ef-2ea4-48bd-b279-01bd36256827}, !- Handle
+ {a28b3b5b-f2da-414f-bded-93698c966d28}, !- Object Name
+ component_quantity, !- Feature Name 1
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3; !- Feature Value 1
+ {b66ccccb-9c4f-4591-8f53-31cf6c544f9a}, !- Handle
+ 3X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr 1 Supply Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {6f5f8774-22c1-4db7-aa4c-df3b5b298d06}, !- Inlet Port
+ {4f1e7813-d65c-4b8f-a1be-86f75550c691}; !- Outlet Port
+ {651239e8-af7d-43d6-9ff4-83376bbf649e}, !- Handle
+ {9ea43b81-33d4-42cd-a5d6-24afe4a2d6f8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a28b3b5b-f2da-414f-bded-93698c966d28}, !- Target Object
+ 31; !- Inlet Port
+ {6f5f8774-22c1-4db7-aa4c-df3b5b298d06}, !- Handle
+ {a28b3b5b-f2da-414f-bded-93698c966d28}, !- Source Object
+ 32, !- Outlet Port
+ {b66ccccb-9c4f-4591-8f53-31cf6c544f9a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4f1e7813-d65c-4b8f-a1be-86f75550c691}, !- Handle
+ {b66ccccb-9c4f-4591-8f53-31cf6c544f9a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8eff2e67-0d03-43bc-ad7b-1d18de466f40}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {97f75e07-b9f1-4547-8f61-671d9891a9a5}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {ceb62ea7-9a6f-4e6d-a5b0-2aab85c34213}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {ceb62ea7-9a6f-4e6d-a5b0-2aab85c34213}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.3; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {066af133-24b8-49cf-8698-aa530512d826}, !- Handle
+ Copper pipe 0.75in type L 2, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.001143, !- Thickness {m}
+ 386, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 8906.26563592184, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 385.1856, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {503ee04c-6dbc-4a48-a555-80f372c2edaf}, !- Handle
+ Uninsulated copper pipe 0.75in type L 2, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {066af133-24b8-49cf-8698-aa530512d826}; !- Layer 1
+ {a5689c6b-3eb1-44fa-a96e-3add0cbe81e7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 60.0ft, !- Name
+ {503ee04c-6dbc-4a48-a555-80f372c2edaf}, !- Construction
+ {b6576d47-0b3c-4533-9cc2-94af78342877}, !- Fluid Inlet Node
+ {eaee664b-7610-4682-b023-fbe2960ab59b}, !- Fluid Outlet Node
+ Schedule, !- Environment Type
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Zone
+ {215d9c72-69c7-4b50-9947-6e06b49119f4}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule
+ {97f75e07-b9f1-4547-8f61-671d9891a9a5}, !- Ambient Air Velocity Schedule
+ 0.019939, !- Pipe Inside Diameter {m}
+ 18.288; !- Pipe Length {m}
+ {55146ecb-4757-4eca-a557-c4bf742ec03d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 60.0ft Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {eaee664b-7610-4682-b023-fbe2960ab59b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {33e0c03a-844c-4112-8442-49dee8552a1f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b6576d47-0b3c-4533-9cc2-94af78342877}, !- Handle
+ {6e15c89c-f973-45cb-8df9-149084e1d683}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a5689c6b-3eb1-44fa-a96e-3add0cbe81e7}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {eaee664b-7610-4682-b023-fbe2960ab59b}, !- Handle
+ {a5689c6b-3eb1-44fa-a96e-3add0cbe81e7}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {55146ecb-4757-4eca-a557-c4bf742ec03d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {33e0c03a-844c-4112-8442-49dee8552a1f}, !- Handle
+ {55146ecb-4757-4eca-a557-c4bf742ec03d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {340a31b6-18ef-4d54-8bd3-89c6698ee161}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {89feca9f-c9b4-489a-9cb0-1de5e372c338}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 14, !- Name
+ {e76540f9-2770-42d0-9703-3563fe37f812}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {0ea93f8c-83b0-4ca4-8924-273b4f247628}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {5e7821c1-0a1c-493c-b7e0-4ae584e3d084}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 14 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {ba9a390e-ec73-4afd-8877-0b34dbf759a8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e76540f9-2770-42d0-9703-3563fe37f812}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ba9a390e-ec73-4afd-8877-0b34dbf759a8}, !- Handle
+ {5abb873d-30c4-4187-83b8-c2a8ea3e00d7}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {5e7821c1-0a1c-493c-b7e0-4ae584e3d084}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {19b41d72-a145-46db-89a8-a16fff34ce7c}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 14 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {0ea93f8c-83b0-4ca4-8924-273b4f247628}, !- Inlet Port
+ {62f45db4-3c3e-4ee0-9278-efeeeb84b5b6}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e76540f9-2770-42d0-9703-3563fe37f812}, !- Handle
+ {5e7821c1-0a1c-493c-b7e0-4ae584e3d084}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {89feca9f-c9b4-489a-9cb0-1de5e372c338}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0ea93f8c-83b0-4ca4-8924-273b4f247628}, !- Handle
+ {89feca9f-c9b4-489a-9cb0-1de5e372c338}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {19b41d72-a145-46db-89a8-a16fff34ce7c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {62f45db4-3c3e-4ee0-9278-efeeeb84b5b6}, !- Handle
+ {19b41d72-a145-46db-89a8-a16fff34ce7c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8eff2e67-0d03-43bc-ad7b-1d18de466f40}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {fc9ed877-6c09-4b3f-ae98-218891835593}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 15, !- Name
+ {52b6c101-6db1-4d14-ac64-257cfc9820c0}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {0c1d28d3-df8c-4747-a8ff-8df3871b5c66}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {e7cb7957-9782-4c06-9713-5bceee5b11c7}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 15 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {0c1d28d3-df8c-4747-a8ff-8df3871b5c66}, !- Inlet Port
+ {9b634a9a-3eb2-47bd-980b-b177f5ea1324}; !- Outlet Port
+ {52b6c101-6db1-4d14-ac64-257cfc9820c0}, !- Handle
+ {3052d798-8bab-4141-a6d7-d7ce43a95c4b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {fc9ed877-6c09-4b3f-ae98-218891835593}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0c1d28d3-df8c-4747-a8ff-8df3871b5c66}, !- Handle
+ {fc9ed877-6c09-4b3f-ae98-218891835593}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {e7cb7957-9782-4c06-9713-5bceee5b11c7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9b634a9a-3eb2-47bd-980b-b177f5ea1324}, !- Handle
+ {e7cb7957-9782-4c06-9713-5bceee5b11c7}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ba18f217-0063-4bba-8b37-096f8d03e6ca}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {35c95379-729e-4397-83f1-7367b613d912}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 16, !- Name
+ {645d1d4d-e3b7-458f-8e2a-5dcf785998d4}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {ed1c0530-7585-40f8-94cb-e95e2639dcb7}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {edf684af-b0a6-433e-8d06-fb482e824302}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 16 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {03c8aa7e-a8a0-4815-9e4c-139521324d3b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {645d1d4d-e3b7-458f-8e2a-5dcf785998d4}; !- Outlet Port
+ {03c8aa7e-a8a0-4815-9e4c-139521324d3b}, !- Handle
+ {8eff2e67-0d03-43bc-ad7b-1d18de466f40}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {edf684af-b0a6-433e-8d06-fb482e824302}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {645d1d4d-e3b7-458f-8e2a-5dcf785998d4}, !- Handle
+ {edf684af-b0a6-433e-8d06-fb482e824302}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {35c95379-729e-4397-83f1-7367b613d912}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ed1c0530-7585-40f8-94cb-e95e2639dcb7}, !- Handle
+ {35c95379-729e-4397-83f1-7367b613d912}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {79be9f8d-78e3-4523-b157-5fae462907af}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8ba62243-f706-4d98-9531-70d7d06080b0}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 17, !- Name
+ {137bac22-a702-40b4-8ea9-c9abfdb4df39}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {4a1d6699-72a5-4576-96aa-ae770feef3d3}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {20ce20c1-fd3f-432f-a2a4-512535bc0bf8}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 17 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {649ee1d3-460b-4554-a5c3-6b9d42e3931c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {137bac22-a702-40b4-8ea9-c9abfdb4df39}; !- Outlet Port
+ {649ee1d3-460b-4554-a5c3-6b9d42e3931c}, !- Handle
+ {ba18f217-0063-4bba-8b37-096f8d03e6ca}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {20ce20c1-fd3f-432f-a2a4-512535bc0bf8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {137bac22-a702-40b4-8ea9-c9abfdb4df39}, !- Handle
+ {20ce20c1-fd3f-432f-a2a4-512535bc0bf8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8ba62243-f706-4d98-9531-70d7d06080b0}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4a1d6699-72a5-4576-96aa-ae770feef3d3}, !- Handle
+ {8ba62243-f706-4d98-9531-70d7d06080b0}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d3394a16-f295-4868-933e-989fb75b79da}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {dd9ca4e7-79cb-4f2d-8df9-98fc5d212728}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units WUC 0.09gpm at 140F Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {92a37bba-97f9-42da-a16f-f92c4a218bcc}, !- Inlet Port
+ {fdeab82a-23e9-4734-9855-3a50f8a4526c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {92a37bba-97f9-42da-a16f-f92c4a218bcc}, !- Handle
+ {340a31b6-18ef-4d54-8bd3-89c6698ee161}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {dd9ca4e7-79cb-4f2d-8df9-98fc5d212728}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f2c43c07-d6dd-4e22-8dc3-3114a7673bae}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 3 units WUC 0.09gpm at 140F Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {eb39c5a8-2524-46dd-829a-99950fe0b2fc}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0f9373ce-1447-4749-bd8f-3c842f75cea7}; !- Outlet Port
+ {fdeab82a-23e9-4734-9855-3a50f8a4526c}, !- Handle
+ {dd9ca4e7-79cb-4f2d-8df9-98fc5d212728}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d89456bc-20b3-4b86-8f6b-5bbdd5813750}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {eb39c5a8-2524-46dd-829a-99950fe0b2fc}, !- Handle
+ {d89456bc-20b3-4b86-8f6b-5bbdd5813750}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f2c43c07-d6dd-4e22-8dc3-3114a7673bae}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0f9373ce-1447-4749-bd8f-3c842f75cea7}, !- Handle
+ {f2c43c07-d6dd-4e22-8dc3-3114a7673bae}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ba18f217-0063-4bba-8b37-096f8d03e6ca}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {00ad1497-62f1-4eb8-8cae-f6cf82ad14a6}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type3_SWH_SCH, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {1a3fbde9-c624-490a-97ff-d073880cf130}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {814efd94-38ce-4eff-abeb-0f89730605f1}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c0e367a3-8162-4dd8-9f72-888e8484c940}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {1a3fbde9-c624-490a-97ff-d073880cf130}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type3_SWH_SCH Default, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.150686274509805, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.153529411764707, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.156372549019609, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.159215686274511, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.162058823529413, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.164901960784315, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.167745098039217, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.170588235294119, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.173431372549021, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.176274509803923, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.179117647058825, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.181960784313727, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.184803921568629, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.18764705882353, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 25, !- Minute 15
+ 0.190490196078432, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 35, !- Minute 16
+ 0.193333333333334, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 45, !- Minute 17
+ 0.196176470588236, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 55, !- Minute 18
+ 0.199019607843138, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 5, !- Minute 19
+ 0.20186274509804, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 15, !- Minute 20
+ 0.204705882352942, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 25, !- Minute 21
+ 0.207549019607844, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 35, !- Minute 22
+ 0.210392156862746, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 45, !- Minute 23
+ 0.213235294117648, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 55, !- Minute 24
+ 0.21607843137255, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 5, !- Minute 25
+ 0.218921568627452, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 15, !- Minute 26
+ 0.221764705882354, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 25, !- Minute 27
+ 0.224607843137256, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 35, !- Minute 28
+ 0.227450980392158, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 45, !- Minute 29
+ 0.23029411764706, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 55, !- Minute 30
+ 0.233137254901962, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 5, !- Minute 31
+ 0.235980392156864, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 15, !- Minute 32
+ 0.238823529411766, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 25, !- Minute 33
+ 0.241666666666668, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 35, !- Minute 34
+ 0.24450980392157, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 45, !- Minute 35
+ 0.247352941176472, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 55, !- Minute 36
+ 0.250196078431374, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 5, !- Minute 37
+ 0.253039215686276, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 15, !- Minute 38
+ 0.255882352941178, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 25, !- Minute 39
+ 0.25872549019608, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 35, !- Minute 40
+ 0.261568627450982, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 45, !- Minute 41
+ 0.264411764705884, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 55, !- Minute 42
+ 0.267254901960786, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 5, !- Minute 43
+ 0.270098039215688, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 15, !- Minute 44
+ 0.27294117647059, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 25, !- Minute 45
+ 0.275784313725492, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 35, !- Minute 46
+ 0.278627450980394, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 45, !- Minute 47
+ 0.281470588235296, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 55, !- Minute 48
+ 0.284313725490198, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 5, !- Minute 49
+ 0.2871568627451, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 15, !- Minute 50
+ 0.29, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 24, !- Minute 51
+ 0.293333333333333, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 34, !- Minute 52
+ 0.296666666666667, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 44, !- Minute 53
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 54, !- Minute 54
+ 0.303333333333333, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 9, !- Hour 55
+ 4, !- Minute 55
+ 0.306666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 14, !- Minute 56
+ 0.31, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 15, !- Minute 57
+ 0.31, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 24, !- Minute 58
+ 0.318333333333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 34, !- Minute 59
+ 0.326666666666667, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 44, !- Minute 60
+ 0.335, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 54, !- Minute 61
+ 0.343333333333333, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 10, !- Hour 62
+ 4, !- Minute 62
+ 0.351666666666666, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 14, !- Minute 63
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 15, !- Minute 64
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 11, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 11, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.356666666666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 11, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.353333333333333, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 11, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 11, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.346666666666667, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 12, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.343333333333333, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 12, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 12, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 12, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.341666666666667, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 12, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.343333333333333, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 12, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.345, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 12, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.346666666666667, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 13, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.348333333333333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 13, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 13, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 13, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.353333333333333, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 13, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.356666666666667, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 13, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.36, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 13, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.363333333333333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 14, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.366666666666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 14, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 14, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.37, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 14, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.308333333333334, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 14, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.246666666666667, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 14, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.185000000000001, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 14, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.123333333333334, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 15, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.0616666666666678, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 15, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 1.31450406115619e-15, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 15, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 15, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.00284313725490195, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 15, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.0056862745098039, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 15, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.00852941176470585, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 15, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.0113725490196078, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 16, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.0142156862745098, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 16, !- Hour 99
+ 15, !- Minute 99
+ 0.0170588235294118, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 16, !- Hour 100
+ 25, !- Minute 100
+ 0.0199019607843137, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 16, !- Hour 101
+ 35, !- Minute 101
+ 0.0227450980392157, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 16, !- Hour 102
+ 45, !- Minute 102
+ 0.0255882352941177, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 16, !- Hour 103
+ 55, !- Minute 103
+ 0.0284313725490197, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 17, !- Hour 104
+ 5, !- Minute 104
+ 0.0312745098039217, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 17, !- Hour 105
+ 15, !- Minute 105
+ 0.0341176470588236, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 17, !- Hour 106
+ 25, !- Minute 106
+ 0.0369607843137256, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 17, !- Hour 107
+ 35, !- Minute 107
+ 0.0398039215686276, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 17, !- Hour 108
+ 45, !- Minute 108
+ 0.0426470588235296, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 17, !- Hour 109
+ 55, !- Minute 109
+ 0.0454901960784316, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 18, !- Hour 110
+ 5, !- Minute 110
+ 0.0483333333333336, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 18, !- Hour 111
+ 15, !- Minute 111
+ 0.0511764705882355, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 18, !- Hour 112
+ 25, !- Minute 112
+ 0.0540196078431375, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 18, !- Hour 113
+ 35, !- Minute 113
+ 0.0568627450980395, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 18, !- Hour 114
+ 45, !- Minute 114
+ 0.0597058823529415, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 18, !- Hour 115
+ 55, !- Minute 115
+ 0.0625490196078435, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 19, !- Hour 116
+ 5, !- Minute 116
+ 0.0653921568627454, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 19, !- Hour 117
+ 15, !- Minute 117
+ 0.0682352941176474, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 19, !- Hour 118
+ 25, !- Minute 118
+ 0.0710784313725494, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 19, !- Hour 119
+ 35, !- Minute 119
+ 0.0739215686274514, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 19, !- Hour 120
+ 45, !- Minute 120
+ 0.0767647058823533, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 19, !- Hour 121
+ 55, !- Minute 121
+ 0.0796078431372553, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 20, !- Hour 122
+ 5, !- Minute 122
+ 0.0824509803921573, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 20, !- Hour 123
+ 15, !- Minute 123
+ 0.0852941176470593, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 20, !- Hour 124
+ 25, !- Minute 124
+ 0.0881372549019613, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 20, !- Hour 125
+ 35, !- Minute 125
+ 0.0909803921568632, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 20, !- Hour 126
+ 45, !- Minute 126
+ 0.0938235294117652, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 20, !- Hour 127
+ 55, !- Minute 127
+ 0.0966666666666672, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 21, !- Hour 128
+ 5, !- Minute 128
+ 0.0995098039215692, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 21, !- Hour 129
+ 15, !- Minute 129
+ 0.102352941176471, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 21, !- Hour 130
+ 25, !- Minute 130
+ 0.105196078431373, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 21, !- Hour 131
+ 35, !- Minute 131
+ 0.108039215686275, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 21, !- Hour 132
+ 45, !- Minute 132
+ 0.110882352941177, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 21, !- Hour 133
+ 55, !- Minute 133
+ 0.113725490196079, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 22, !- Hour 134
+ 5, !- Minute 134
+ 0.116568627450981, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 22, !- Hour 135
+ 15, !- Minute 135
+ 0.119411764705883, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 22, !- Hour 136
+ 25, !- Minute 136
+ 0.122254901960785, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 22, !- Hour 137
+ 35, !- Minute 137
+ 0.125098039215687, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 22, !- Hour 138
+ 45, !- Minute 138
+ 0.127941176470589, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 22, !- Hour 139
+ 55, !- Minute 139
+ 0.130784313725491, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 23, !- Hour 140
+ 5, !- Minute 140
+ 0.133627450980393, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 23, !- Hour 141
+ 15, !- Minute 141
+ 0.136470588235295, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 23, !- Hour 142
+ 25, !- Minute 142
+ 0.139313725490197, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 23, !- Hour 143
+ 35, !- Minute 143
+ 0.142156862745099, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 23, !- Hour 144
+ 45, !- Minute 144
+ 0.145000000000001, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 23, !- Hour 145
+ 55, !- Minute 145
+ 0.147843137254903, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 24, !- Hour 146
+ 0, !- Minute 146
+ 0.150686274509805; !- Value Until Time 146
+ {814efd94-38ce-4eff-abeb-0f89730605f1}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type3_SWH_SCH Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 9, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 10, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 11, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 12, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 13, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.57, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 14, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 15, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.61, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 16, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 17, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 18, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 19, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 20, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.42, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 21, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 24, !- Hour 14
+ 0, !- Minute 14
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 14
+ {946073b9-ac8f-4cab-b2d7-0ed29b237646}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 26, !- Name
+ {00ad1497-62f1-4eb8-8cae-f6cf82ad14a6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {026b2dd3-eb46-4f70-8a61-f49f461d01fe}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {026b2dd3-eb46-4f70-8a61-f49f461d01fe}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type3_SWH_SCH SmrDsn|Wkdy Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.414907407407408, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.414814814814815, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.414722222222222, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.41462962962963, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.414537037037037, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.414444444444445, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.414351851851852, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.414259259259259, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.414166666666667, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.414074074074074, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.413981481481482, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.413888888888889, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.413796296296296, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.413703703703704, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.413611111111111, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.413518518518518, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.413425925925926, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.413333333333333, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.413240740740741, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.413148148148148, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.413055555555556, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.412962962962963, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.41287037037037, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.412777777777778, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.412685185185185, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.412592592592592, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.4125, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.412407407407407, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.412314814814815, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.412222222222222, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.41212962962963, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.412037037037037, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.411944444444444, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.411851851851852, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.411759259259259, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.411666666666667, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.411574074074074, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.411481481481481, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.411388888888889, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.411296296296296, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.411203703703704, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.411111111111111, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.411018518518518, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.410925925925926, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.410833333333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.410740740740741, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.410648148148148, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.410555555555556, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 10, !- Minute 49
+ 0.410462962962963, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 20, !- Minute 50
+ 0.41037037037037, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 30, !- Minute 51
+ 0.410277777777778, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 40, !- Minute 52
+ 0.410185185185185, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 50, !- Minute 53
+ 0.410092592592593, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 9, !- Hour 54
+ 0, !- Minute 54
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 9, !- Hour 55
+ 9, !- Minute 55
+ 0.436666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 19, !- Minute 56
+ 0.463333333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 29, !- Minute 57
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 39, !- Minute 58
+ 0.516666666666666, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 49, !- Minute 59
+ 0.543333333333333, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 59, !- Minute 60
+ 0.569999999999999, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 10, !- Hour 61
+ 0, !- Minute 61
+ 0.57, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 10, !- Hour 62
+ 9, !- Minute 62
+ 0.578333333333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 19, !- Minute 63
+ 0.586666666666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 29, !- Minute 64
+ 0.595, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 39, !- Minute 65
+ 0.603333333333333, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 49, !- Minute 66
+ 0.611666666666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 59, !- Minute 67
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 11, !- Hour 68
+ 0, !- Minute 68
+ 0.62, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 11, !- Hour 69
+ 9, !- Minute 69
+ 0.618333333333333, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 19, !- Minute 70
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 29, !- Minute 71
+ 0.615, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 39, !- Minute 72
+ 0.613333333333333, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 49, !- Minute 73
+ 0.611666666666667, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 59, !- Minute 74
+ 0.61, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 12, !- Hour 75
+ 0, !- Minute 75
+ 0.61, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 12, !- Hour 76
+ 9, !- Minute 76
+ 0.591666666666667, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 19, !- Minute 77
+ 0.573333333333333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 29, !- Minute 78
+ 0.555, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 39, !- Minute 79
+ 0.536666666666667, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 49, !- Minute 80
+ 0.518333333333334, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 59, !- Minute 81
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 13, !- Hour 82
+ 0, !- Minute 82
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 13, !- Hour 83
+ 9, !- Minute 83
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 19, !- Minute 84
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 29, !- Minute 85
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 39, !- Minute 86
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 49, !- Minute 87
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 59, !- Minute 88
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 14, !- Hour 89
+ 0, !- Minute 89
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 14, !- Hour 90
+ 9, !- Minute 90
+ 0.451666666666667, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 19, !- Minute 91
+ 0.453333333333333, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 29, !- Minute 92
+ 0.455, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 39, !- Minute 93
+ 0.456666666666667, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 49, !- Minute 94
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 59, !- Minute 95
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 15, !- Hour 96
+ 0, !- Minute 96
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 15, !- Hour 97
+ 9, !- Minute 97
+ 0.419907407407407, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 19, !- Minute 98
+ 0.419814814814815, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 29, !- Minute 99
+ 0.419722222222222, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 39, !- Minute 100
+ 0.41962962962963, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 49, !- Minute 101
+ 0.419537037037037, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 59, !- Minute 102
+ 0.419444444444444, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 16, !- Hour 103
+ 9, !- Minute 103
+ 0.419351851851852, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 16, !- Hour 104
+ 19, !- Minute 104
+ 0.419259259259259, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 30, !- Minute 105
+ 0.419166666666667, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 40, !- Minute 106
+ 0.419074074074074, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 50, !- Minute 107
+ 0.418981481481482, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 17, !- Hour 108
+ 0, !- Minute 108
+ 0.418888888888889, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 17, !- Hour 109
+ 10, !- Minute 109
+ 0.418796296296296, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 17, !- Hour 110
+ 20, !- Minute 110
+ 0.418703703703704, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 30, !- Minute 111
+ 0.418611111111111, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 40, !- Minute 112
+ 0.418518518518519, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 50, !- Minute 113
+ 0.418425925925926, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 18, !- Hour 114
+ 0, !- Minute 114
+ 0.418333333333334, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 18, !- Hour 115
+ 10, !- Minute 115
+ 0.418240740740741, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 18, !- Hour 116
+ 20, !- Minute 116
+ 0.418148148148148, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 30, !- Minute 117
+ 0.418055555555556, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 40, !- Minute 118
+ 0.417962962962963, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 50, !- Minute 119
+ 0.41787037037037, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 19, !- Hour 120
+ 0, !- Minute 120
+ 0.417777777777778, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 19, !- Hour 121
+ 10, !- Minute 121
+ 0.417685185185185, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 19, !- Hour 122
+ 20, !- Minute 122
+ 0.417592592592593, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 30, !- Minute 123
+ 0.4175, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 40, !- Minute 124
+ 0.417407407407408, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 50, !- Minute 125
+ 0.417314814814815, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 20, !- Hour 126
+ 0, !- Minute 126
+ 0.417222222222222, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 20, !- Hour 127
+ 10, !- Minute 127
+ 0.41712962962963, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 20, !- Hour 128
+ 20, !- Minute 128
+ 0.417037037037037, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 30, !- Minute 129
+ 0.416944444444445, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 40, !- Minute 130
+ 0.416851851851852, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 50, !- Minute 131
+ 0.416759259259259, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 21, !- Hour 132
+ 0, !- Minute 132
+ 0.416666666666667, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 21, !- Hour 133
+ 10, !- Minute 133
+ 0.416574074074074, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 21, !- Hour 134
+ 20, !- Minute 134
+ 0.416481481481482, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 30, !- Minute 135
+ 0.416388888888889, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 40, !- Minute 136
+ 0.416296296296296, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 50, !- Minute 137
+ 0.416203703703704, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 22, !- Hour 138
+ 0, !- Minute 138
+ 0.416111111111111, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 22, !- Hour 139
+ 10, !- Minute 139
+ 0.416018518518519, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 22, !- Hour 140
+ 20, !- Minute 140
+ 0.415925925925926, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 30, !- Minute 141
+ 0.415833333333333, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 40, !- Minute 142
+ 0.415740740740741, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 50, !- Minute 143
+ 0.415648148148148, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 23, !- Hour 144
+ 0, !- Minute 144
+ 0.415555555555556, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 23, !- Hour 145
+ 10, !- Minute 145
+ 0.415462962962963, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 23, !- Hour 146
+ 20, !- Minute 146
+ 0.415370370370371, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 30, !- Minute 147
+ 0.415277777777778, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 40, !- Minute 148
+ 0.415185185185185, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 50, !- Minute 149
+ 0.415092592592593, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 24, !- Hour 150
+ 0, !- Minute 150
+ 0.415; !- Value Until Time 150
+ {c0e367a3-8162-4dd8-9f72-888e8484c940}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type3_SWH_SCH Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 9, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 10, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 11, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0.27, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 12, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0.42, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 13, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 0.54, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 14, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.59, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 15, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 16, !- Hour 8
+ 0, !- Minute 8
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 17, !- Hour 9
+ 0, !- Minute 9
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 18, !- Hour 10
+ 0, !- Minute 10
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 19, !- Hour 11
+ 0, !- Minute 11
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 24, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 12
+ {52cb947e-af7b-4a70-bae2-9865880ce177}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 27, !- Name
+ {00ad1497-62f1-4eb8-8cae-f6cf82ad14a6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {5f947612-31b6-4030-b0ca-df7cf7293206}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {5f947612-31b6-4030-b0ca-df7cf7293206}, !- Handle
+ RetailStripmall Type3_SWH_SCH WntrDsn|Sat Day, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 7, !- Hour 1
+ 15, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 7, !- Hour 2
+ 25, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0700000000000001, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 7, !- Hour 3
+ 35, !- Minute 3
+ 0.14, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 7, !- Hour 4
+ 45, !- Minute 4
+ 0.21, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 7, !- Hour 5
+ 55, !- Minute 5
+ 0.28, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 8, !- Hour 6
+ 5, !- Minute 6
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 8, !- Hour 7
+ 15, !- Minute 7
+ 0.42, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 8, !- Hour 8
+ 24, !- Minute 8
+ 0.44, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 8, !- Hour 9
+ 34, !- Minute 9
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 8, !- Hour 10
+ 44, !- Minute 10
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 8, !- Hour 11
+ 54, !- Minute 11
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 9, !- Hour 12
+ 4, !- Minute 12
+ 0.52, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 9, !- Hour 13
+ 14, !- Minute 13
+ 0.54, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 9, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.54, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 9, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.548333333333333, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 9, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.556666666666667, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 9, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.565, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.573333333333333, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 10, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.581666666666667, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 10, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.59, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 10, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.59, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 10, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.591666666666667, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 10, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.593333333333333, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 10, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.595, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 10, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.596666666666667, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 11, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.598333333333333, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 11, !- Hour 27
+ 14, !- Minute 27
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 11, !- Hour 28
+ 15, !- Minute 28
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 11, !- Hour 29
+ 24, !- Minute 29
+ 0.581666666666667, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 11, !- Hour 30
+ 34, !- Minute 30
+ 0.563333333333333, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 11, !- Hour 31
+ 44, !- Minute 31
+ 0.545, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 11, !- Hour 32
+ 54, !- Minute 32
+ 0.526666666666667, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 12, !- Hour 33
+ 4, !- Minute 33
+ 0.508333333333334, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 12, !- Hour 34
+ 14, !- Minute 34
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 12, !- Hour 35
+ 15, !- Minute 35
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 12, !- Hour 36
+ 24, !- Minute 36
+ 0.488333333333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 12, !- Hour 37
+ 34, !- Minute 37
+ 0.486666666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 12, !- Hour 38
+ 44, !- Minute 38
+ 0.485, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 12, !- Hour 39
+ 54, !- Minute 39
+ 0.483333333333333, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 13, !- Hour 40
+ 4, !- Minute 40
+ 0.481666666666667, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 13, !- Hour 41
+ 14, !- Minute 41
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 13, !- Hour 42
+ 15, !- Minute 42
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 13, !- Hour 43
+ 24, !- Minute 43
+ 0.478333333333333, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 13, !- Hour 44
+ 34, !- Minute 44
+ 0.476666666666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 13, !- Hour 45
+ 44, !- Minute 45
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 13, !- Hour 46
+ 54, !- Minute 46
+ 0.473333333333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 14, !- Hour 47
+ 4, !- Minute 47
+ 0.471666666666667, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 14, !- Hour 48
+ 14, !- Minute 48
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 14, !- Hour 49
+ 15, !- Minute 49
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 14, !- Hour 50
+ 24, !- Minute 50
+ 0.468333333333333, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 14, !- Hour 51
+ 34, !- Minute 51
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 14, !- Hour 52
+ 44, !- Minute 52
+ 0.465, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 14, !- Hour 53
+ 54, !- Minute 53
+ 0.463333333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 4, !- Minute 54
+ 0.461666666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 15, !- Hour 55
+ 14, !- Minute 55
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 15, !- Hour 56
+ 15, !- Minute 56
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 15, !- Hour 57
+ 24, !- Minute 57
+ 0.383333333333334, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 15, !- Hour 58
+ 34, !- Minute 58
+ 0.306666666666667, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 15, !- Hour 59
+ 44, !- Minute 59
+ 0.230000000000001, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 15, !- Hour 60
+ 54, !- Minute 60
+ 0.153333333333334, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 16, !- Hour 61
+ 4, !- Minute 61
+ 0.0766666666666672, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 16, !- Hour 62
+ 15, !- Minute 62
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 24, !- Hour 63
+ 0, !- Minute 63
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 63
+ {edcb4054-3468-40fb-b887-8123287e306e}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 6 units WUC 0.18gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {92fdf5b7-4447-449e-b3de-3c5eec46bd04}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {2d26a91c-0bce-4563-891f-816f3bb7ecb0}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ None, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ Plant, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ {41961f39-049b-4430-a657-d5b6de13ec88}; !- Water Use Equipment Name 1
+ {0cb0ca2e-f5ee-44c6-8818-c1d01727707f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 6 units Service Water Use Def 0.18gpm, !- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 1.13562353519096e-05, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {d1936adf-a803-47b6-9b6b-9c450d61e936}, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ {d7b028b8-0547-4fa8-ba63-6c2e74be7091}, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ {ee3621c9-550b-4d55-8d4d-556f8101daf4}; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ {41961f39-049b-4430-a657-d5b6de13ec88}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 6 units Service Water Use 0.18gpm at 140F, !- Name
+ {0cb0ca2e-f5ee-44c6-8818-c1d01727707f}, !- Water Use Equipment Definition Name
+ , !- Space Name
+ {00ad1497-62f1-4eb8-8cae-f6cf82ad14a6}; !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ {1953a3ff-253f-40df-9a55-118131d4ccfb}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Fluid Type
+ 0, !- Glycol Concentration
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme
+ {18d955a0-1a82-46a8-a9fd-c0797c48f960}, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 60, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 10, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ , !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ {78ccb5b0-9114-426f-87da-f8979d7ec302}, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ {bce5ebd0-e1a3-4f8e-825b-1d7938c4158f}, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ {23fe8b6f-c5bd-48b5-b0b3-3acee76773b7}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ {878f2846-5047-4711-8cf3-63b8c2c5b202}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ , !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Optimal, !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ {92d3250a-ff87-4572-8ed7-701131e0a253}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ , !- Plant Loop Demand Calculation Scheme
+ , !- Common Pipe Simulation
+ , !- Pressure Simulation Type
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Heating Load Schedule
+ , !- Plant Equipment Operation Cooling Load Schedule
+ , !- Primary Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Schedule
+ , !- Component Setpoint Operation Scheme Schedule
+ {4db49aae-28ac-428e-a6ff-fa54aa93c7d2}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {cf5d7abc-7f47-448f-b79b-fa9fa9567129}, !- Demand Splitter Name
+ {cd6f9b67-b195-43e0-9c29-fbca7a81839c}, !- Supply Mixer Name
+ {478d5758-41f1-4765-b26a-5133114290bd}; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {82f65de3-093d-44ba-93e6-fe570fd4deb9}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {78ccb5b0-9114-426f-87da-f8979d7ec302}, !- Inlet Port
+ {8215a18a-ef1e-4156-8631-a15ddc1b2c29}; !- Outlet Port
+ {18d955a0-1a82-46a8-a9fd-c0797c48f960}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {8841e549-f782-4db3-8d21-cde8e16b77f6}, !- Inlet Port
+ {bce5ebd0-e1a3-4f8e-825b-1d7938c4158f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3c79c1a8-671e-4ab0-9461-845086665d5a}, !- Handle
+ 6X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr Supply Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {b3d80c69-1258-41f4-addf-1af5f97c773e}, !- Inlet Port
+ {594a4132-b80c-4ef1-902f-be09e28c7c86}; !- Outlet Port
+ {cd6f9b67-b195-43e0-9c29-fbca7a81839c}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 9, !- Name
+ {0b11809d-93f4-4e99-a6c8-2f8803a8d23a}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {ac6a4b4b-b282-4030-b9c0-77a314852d9a}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {d6b5b938-04b9-4ecf-8bb8-1928fe8a156c}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {478d5758-41f1-4765-b26a-5133114290bd}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 9, !- Name
+ {46238a8b-0f0f-4c76-9c2d-94c61779c220}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {b3d80c69-1258-41f4-addf-1af5f97c773e}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {db7fc2b6-5607-4dc1-86bf-859c6a81d2d3}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {78ccb5b0-9114-426f-87da-f8979d7ec302}, !- Handle
+ {1953a3ff-253f-40df-9a55-118131d4ccfb}, !- Source Object
+ 14, !- Outlet Port
+ {82f65de3-093d-44ba-93e6-fe570fd4deb9}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b3d80c69-1258-41f4-addf-1af5f97c773e}, !- Handle
+ {478d5758-41f1-4765-b26a-5133114290bd}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3c79c1a8-671e-4ab0-9461-845086665d5a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {bce5ebd0-e1a3-4f8e-825b-1d7938c4158f}, !- Handle
+ {18d955a0-1a82-46a8-a9fd-c0797c48f960}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1953a3ff-253f-40df-9a55-118131d4ccfb}, !- Target Object
+ 15; !- Inlet Port
+ {7a88568a-4d63-4d91-8023-75ec20523620}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {23fe8b6f-c5bd-48b5-b0b3-3acee76773b7}, !- Inlet Port
+ {45324234-dfba-4f92-9a9c-de7c7b15ffbe}; !- Outlet Port
+ {2c80c6a3-4239-47b7-9c0c-1c103765a8d1}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {8c2717d2-7614-467e-a43c-ebb820216a62}, !- Inlet Port
+ {878f2846-5047-4711-8cf3-63b8c2c5b202}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ad64cb7d-38ae-4fa2-869f-2e1a1008f684}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 19 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {e2f19d8d-0239-4f9d-9e9d-f401ea711a99}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ddedb52e-f1a7-4716-b591-e8a45f97e303}; !- Outlet Port
+ {4db49aae-28ac-428e-a6ff-fa54aa93c7d2}, !- Handle
+ Connector Mixer 10, !- Name
+ {7d54ce68-9175-49dd-b8c5-47dacdab0c81}, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ {791d4161-167d-4cd0-8e67-73a4afc575fa}, !- Inlet Branch Name 1
+ {36e1d665-2369-4d22-811e-89f4371d811d}; !- Inlet Branch Name 2
+ {cf5d7abc-7f47-448f-b79b-fa9fa9567129}, !- Handle
+ Connector Splitter 10, !- Name
+ {6d721ac3-0c3c-444a-bc98-9cd1473d3f48}, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ {e2f19d8d-0239-4f9d-9e9d-f401ea711a99}, !- Outlet Branch Name 1
+ {e23b4c2c-3ae5-4f0d-9f04-307487b72351}; !- Outlet Branch Name 2
+ {23fe8b6f-c5bd-48b5-b0b3-3acee76773b7}, !- Handle
+ {1953a3ff-253f-40df-9a55-118131d4ccfb}, !- Source Object
+ 17, !- Outlet Port
+ {7a88568a-4d63-4d91-8023-75ec20523620}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e2f19d8d-0239-4f9d-9e9d-f401ea711a99}, !- Handle
+ {cf5d7abc-7f47-448f-b79b-fa9fa9567129}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ad64cb7d-38ae-4fa2-869f-2e1a1008f684}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {878f2846-5047-4711-8cf3-63b8c2c5b202}, !- Handle
+ {2c80c6a3-4239-47b7-9c0c-1c103765a8d1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1953a3ff-253f-40df-9a55-118131d4ccfb}, !- Target Object
+ 18; !- Inlet Port
+ {07623911-e908-4975-bc0b-e10127d8b9f4}, !- Handle
+ {1953a3ff-253f-40df-9a55-118131d4ccfb}, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Heating, !- Loop Type
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 5, !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ 1, !- Zone Timesteps in Averaging Window
+ None; !- Coincident Sizing Factor Mode
+ {92d3250a-ff87-4572-8ed7-701131e0a253}, !- Handle
+ Plant Loop 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 4; !- Name
+ {9ca3ca70-8799-49db-9744-022cf591f2d1}, !- Handle
+ Temperature Schedule Type Limits 7, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 100, !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous, !- Numeric Type
+ Temperature; !- Unit Type
+ {4ddc2a40-ef92-45c7-a562-a15bd0230c6d}, !- Handle
+ Service hot water setpoint manager 3, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Schedule Name
+ {18d955a0-1a82-46a8-a9fd-c0797c48f960}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {f677c122-c395-4913-835c-ef78297be700}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven, !- Name
+ {8215a18a-ef1e-4156-8631-a15ddc1b2c29}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {8ef39a20-6caa-4579-b8f3-5e4b83109cf8}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.001, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ , !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ , !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 3.2485, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ -4.7443, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 2.5294, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ , !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ , !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ , !- Pump Curve Name
+ , !- Impeller Diameter {m}
+ , !- VFD Control Type
+ , !- Pump RPM Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Maximum Pressure Schedule {Pa}
+ , !- Minimum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Maximum RPM Schedule {rev/min}
+ , !- Zone Name
+ 0.5, !- Skin Loss Radiative Fraction
+ PowerPerFlowPerPressure, !- Design Power Sizing Method
+ 348701.1, !- Design Electric Power per Unit Flow Rate {W/(m3/s)}
+ 1.282051282, !- Design Shaft Power per Unit Flow Rate per Unit Head {W-s/m3-Pa}
+ 0, !- Design Minimum Flow Rate Fraction
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {affb65d8-4fd3-4479-a836-3769c0a6b4e7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Water Mains Pressure Driven Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {8ef39a20-6caa-4579-b8f3-5e4b83109cf8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {46238a8b-0f0f-4c76-9c2d-94c61779c220}; !- Outlet Port
+ {8215a18a-ef1e-4156-8631-a15ddc1b2c29}, !- Handle
+ {82f65de3-093d-44ba-93e6-fe570fd4deb9}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f677c122-c395-4913-835c-ef78297be700}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8ef39a20-6caa-4579-b8f3-5e4b83109cf8}, !- Handle
+ {f677c122-c395-4913-835c-ef78297be700}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {affb65d8-4fd3-4479-a836-3769c0a6b4e7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {46238a8b-0f0f-4c76-9c2d-94c61779c220}, !- Handle
+ {affb65d8-4fd3-4479-a836-3769c0a6b4e7}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {478d5758-41f1-4765-b26a-5133114290bd}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {fd46940f-d6cd-45af-8565-fc55d8429d0c}, !- Handle
+ Temperature Schedule Type Limits 8, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 100, !- Upper Limit Value
+ Continuous, !- Numeric Type
+ Temperature; !- Unit Type
+ {e6ae3306-572e-4d6c-804b-803fa7d2d517}, !- Handle
+ 6X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr 1.0 Therm Eff 1.0 Therm Eff, !- Name
+ 1.13562353519096, !- Tank Volume {m3}
+ {30a04e3c-0601-4b97-a4ff-c5f42ba72d4b}, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ 2, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 60.0000000000001, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
+ Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
+ 35168.5284206667, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
+ Electricity, !- Heater Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
+ , !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ Electricity, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ Schedule, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
+ {611cd705-3c40-4571-9d77-8f5118795ba1}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Thermal Zone Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
+ 1.42105752892712, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ 1.42105752892712, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Thermal Zone
+ , !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ {594a4132-b80c-4ef1-902f-be09e28c7c86}, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
+ {f8e624b2-ce55-45ff-804d-30a7941e5483}, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Use Side Effectiveness
+ , !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Source Side Effectiveness
+ autosize, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1.5, !- Indirect Water Heating Recovery Time {hr}
+ IndirectHeatPrimarySetpoint, !- Source Side Flow Control Mode
+ , !- Indirect Alternate Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {894eae68-cb00-4ebb-b5b7-e46256d81478}, !- Handle
+ {e6ae3306-572e-4d6c-804b-803fa7d2d517}, !- WaterHeater Name
+ PeakDraw, !- Design Mode
+ 0.538503, !- Time Storage Can Meet Peak Draw {hr}
+ 0, !- Time for Tank Recovery {hr}
+ 1; !- Nominal Tank Volume for Autosizing Plant Connections {m3}
+ {a7faa435-10d2-4446-881a-80a775736420}, !- Handle
+ {e6ae3306-572e-4d6c-804b-803fa7d2d517}, !- Object Name
+ component_quantity, !- Feature Name 1
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 6; !- Feature Value 1
+ {78ce14a5-19a0-423e-a2c6-1787515c0328}, !- Handle
+ 6X 50gal Electricity Water Heater - 20kBtu/hr Supply Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {f8e624b2-ce55-45ff-804d-30a7941e5483}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ac6a4b4b-b282-4030-b9c0-77a314852d9a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {594a4132-b80c-4ef1-902f-be09e28c7c86}, !- Handle
+ {3c79c1a8-671e-4ab0-9461-845086665d5a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {e6ae3306-572e-4d6c-804b-803fa7d2d517}, !- Target Object
+ 31; !- Inlet Port
+ {f8e624b2-ce55-45ff-804d-30a7941e5483}, !- Handle
+ {e6ae3306-572e-4d6c-804b-803fa7d2d517}, !- Source Object
+ 32, !- Outlet Port
+ {78ce14a5-19a0-423e-a2c6-1787515c0328}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ac6a4b4b-b282-4030-b9c0-77a314852d9a}, !- Handle
+ {78ce14a5-19a0-423e-a2c6-1787515c0328}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cd6f9b67-b195-43e0-9c29-fbca7a81839c}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {32984465-2fe0-4cbb-aab0-970446fde607}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {1cdd5f9f-b085-4d4e-82c5-5ec3e2a43911}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {1cdd5f9f-b085-4d4e-82c5-5ec3e2a43911}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Piping Air Velocity - 0.67mph Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0.3; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {9280be89-3612-47e7-bedd-b8766b32d7c1}, !- Handle
+ Copper pipe 0.75in type L 3, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.001143, !- Thickness {m}
+ 386, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 8906.26563592184, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 385.1856, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {06f2ccce-577d-48fb-b5a3-90c90c9e0afe}, !- Handle
+ Uninsulated copper pipe 0.75in type L 3, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {9280be89-3612-47e7-bedd-b8766b32d7c1}; !- Layer 1
+ {eb1e4a79-e514-48e0-8182-5de4fee1399b}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 120.0ft, !- Name
+ {06f2ccce-577d-48fb-b5a3-90c90c9e0afe}, !- Construction
+ {45324234-dfba-4f92-9a9c-de7c7b15ffbe}, !- Fluid Inlet Node
+ {79519b54-4b85-4b69-81ab-8d153569e2ce}, !- Fluid Outlet Node
+ Schedule, !- Environment Type
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Zone
+ {215d9c72-69c7-4b50-9947-6e06b49119f4}, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule
+ {32984465-2fe0-4cbb-aab0-970446fde607}, !- Ambient Air Velocity Schedule
+ 0.019939, !- Pipe Inside Diameter {m}
+ 36.576; !- Pipe Length {m}
+ {a10cfe6e-8d1f-4642-aa9e-d36e261cc233}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Service Water Loop Pipe 120.0ft Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {79519b54-4b85-4b69-81ab-8d153569e2ce}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6d721ac3-0c3c-444a-bc98-9cd1473d3f48}; !- Outlet Port
+ {45324234-dfba-4f92-9a9c-de7c7b15ffbe}, !- Handle
+ {7a88568a-4d63-4d91-8023-75ec20523620}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {eb1e4a79-e514-48e0-8182-5de4fee1399b}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {79519b54-4b85-4b69-81ab-8d153569e2ce}, !- Handle
+ {eb1e4a79-e514-48e0-8182-5de4fee1399b}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {a10cfe6e-8d1f-4642-aa9e-d36e261cc233}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6d721ac3-0c3c-444a-bc98-9cd1473d3f48}, !- Handle
+ {a10cfe6e-8d1f-4642-aa9e-d36e261cc233}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cf5d7abc-7f47-448f-b79b-fa9fa9567129}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f91e809f-bf0d-4c5a-a648-985a2bbf1f30}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 18, !- Name
+ {dfbb7c70-4d20-4557-9cb4-b8db6ad1d240}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {e9acd1e9-fe7e-4fa7-89d0-a53239415a08}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {3d4c1fa9-25c3-4b10-baa9-1b425381dea1}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 18 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {db7fc2b6-5607-4dc1-86bf-859c6a81d2d3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {dfbb7c70-4d20-4557-9cb4-b8db6ad1d240}; !- Outlet Port
+ {db7fc2b6-5607-4dc1-86bf-859c6a81d2d3}, !- Handle
+ {478d5758-41f1-4765-b26a-5133114290bd}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {3d4c1fa9-25c3-4b10-baa9-1b425381dea1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f971f288-df37-43c4-b16a-694f231b2a07}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 18 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {e9acd1e9-fe7e-4fa7-89d0-a53239415a08}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d6b5b938-04b9-4ecf-8bb8-1928fe8a156c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {dfbb7c70-4d20-4557-9cb4-b8db6ad1d240}, !- Handle
+ {3d4c1fa9-25c3-4b10-baa9-1b425381dea1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f91e809f-bf0d-4c5a-a648-985a2bbf1f30}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e9acd1e9-fe7e-4fa7-89d0-a53239415a08}, !- Handle
+ {f91e809f-bf0d-4c5a-a648-985a2bbf1f30}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f971f288-df37-43c4-b16a-694f231b2a07}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d6b5b938-04b9-4ecf-8bb8-1928fe8a156c}, !- Handle
+ {f971f288-df37-43c4-b16a-694f231b2a07}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cd6f9b67-b195-43e0-9c29-fbca7a81839c}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {a424e57b-d007-40e8-a9a6-9082fb340ef9}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 19, !- Name
+ {ddedb52e-f1a7-4716-b591-e8a45f97e303}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {6e2ad0c9-9b37-4e25-889f-310f231eb13b}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {a1c78746-b4d7-456e-b79a-7b8ee40f9eaf}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 19 Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {6e2ad0c9-9b37-4e25-889f-310f231eb13b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {791d4161-167d-4cd0-8e67-73a4afc575fa}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ddedb52e-f1a7-4716-b591-e8a45f97e303}, !- Handle
+ {ad64cb7d-38ae-4fa2-869f-2e1a1008f684}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a424e57b-d007-40e8-a9a6-9082fb340ef9}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6e2ad0c9-9b37-4e25-889f-310f231eb13b}, !- Handle
+ {a424e57b-d007-40e8-a9a6-9082fb340ef9}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a1c78746-b4d7-456e-b79a-7b8ee40f9eaf}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {791d4161-167d-4cd0-8e67-73a4afc575fa}, !- Handle
+ {a1c78746-b4d7-456e-b79a-7b8ee40f9eaf}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4db49aae-28ac-428e-a6ff-fa54aa93c7d2}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {483e9bd3-21c4-4e84-a3ce-6be1f955eb01}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 20, !- Name
+ {e77e3d50-abb9-4d88-a780-0eedad3f30d3}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {8841e549-f782-4db3-8d21-cde8e16b77f6}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {7fb6ce58-ffcd-4ed8-a3ec-a93db1fc62c8}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 20 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {0b11809d-93f4-4e99-a6c8-2f8803a8d23a}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e77e3d50-abb9-4d88-a780-0eedad3f30d3}; !- Outlet Port
+ {0b11809d-93f4-4e99-a6c8-2f8803a8d23a}, !- Handle
+ {cd6f9b67-b195-43e0-9c29-fbca7a81839c}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {7fb6ce58-ffcd-4ed8-a3ec-a93db1fc62c8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e77e3d50-abb9-4d88-a780-0eedad3f30d3}, !- Handle
+ {7fb6ce58-ffcd-4ed8-a3ec-a93db1fc62c8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {483e9bd3-21c4-4e84-a3ce-6be1f955eb01}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8841e549-f782-4db3-8d21-cde8e16b77f6}, !- Handle
+ {483e9bd3-21c4-4e84-a3ce-6be1f955eb01}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {18d955a0-1a82-46a8-a9fd-c0797c48f960}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {66327434-339f-421a-877a-f44c6e2c98ed}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 21, !- Name
+ {465ae46c-ef0b-4f12-9e42-ae98f8f59c1a}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {8c2717d2-7614-467e-a43c-ebb820216a62}; !- Outlet Node Name
+ {8ac478d8-5ab7-4397-9f0c-5c63f38695c2}, !- Handle
+ Pipe Adiabatic 21 Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {7d54ce68-9175-49dd-b8c5-47dacdab0c81}, !- Inlet Port
+ {465ae46c-ef0b-4f12-9e42-ae98f8f59c1a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7d54ce68-9175-49dd-b8c5-47dacdab0c81}, !- Handle
+ {4db49aae-28ac-428e-a6ff-fa54aa93c7d2}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {8ac478d8-5ab7-4397-9f0c-5c63f38695c2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {465ae46c-ef0b-4f12-9e42-ae98f8f59c1a}, !- Handle
+ {8ac478d8-5ab7-4397-9f0c-5c63f38695c2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {66327434-339f-421a-877a-f44c6e2c98ed}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8c2717d2-7614-467e-a43c-ebb820216a62}, !- Handle
+ {66327434-339f-421a-877a-f44c6e2c98ed}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2c80c6a3-4239-47b7-9c0c-1c103765a8d1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {274ba5b7-4d1d-420e-9aa1-896e7bc30101}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 6 units WUC 0.18gpm at 140F Inlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {e23b4c2c-3ae5-4f0d-9f04-307487b72351}, !- Inlet Port
+ {92fdf5b7-4447-449e-b3de-3c5eec46bd04}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e23b4c2c-3ae5-4f0d-9f04-307487b72351}, !- Handle
+ {cf5d7abc-7f47-448f-b79b-fa9fa9567129}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {274ba5b7-4d1d-420e-9aa1-896e7bc30101}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c55aacd3-a704-4857-be13-c87a752ae2b5}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 6 units WUC 0.18gpm at 140F Outlet Water Node, !- Name
+ {2d26a91c-0bce-4563-891f-816f3bb7ecb0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {36e1d665-2369-4d22-811e-89f4371d811d}; !- Outlet Port
+ {92fdf5b7-4447-449e-b3de-3c5eec46bd04}, !- Handle
+ {274ba5b7-4d1d-420e-9aa1-896e7bc30101}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {edcb4054-3468-40fb-b887-8123287e306e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2d26a91c-0bce-4563-891f-816f3bb7ecb0}, !- Handle
+ {edcb4054-3468-40fb-b887-8123287e306e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c55aacd3-a704-4857-be13-c87a752ae2b5}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {36e1d665-2369-4d22-811e-89f4371d811d}, !- Handle
+ {c55aacd3-a704-4857-be13-c87a752ae2b5}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4db49aae-28ac-428e-a6ff-fa54aa93c7d2}, !- Target Object
+ 4; !- Inlet Port
+ {215d9c72-69c7-4b50-9947-6e06b49119f4}, !- Handle
+ Temporary Pipe Indoor Ambient Temp 87.6F, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ 30.9; !- Value
+ {36ed731d-8cff-4531-ba8d-7859d5a7d78a}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat, !- Name
+ {73b7e66e-8a08-4890-8c66-6d275a68e501}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {c9a07688-4672-4888-b6d5-cc57e6810c1e}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {73b7e66e-8a08-4890-8c66-6d275a68e501}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {ab7fde9b-7daf-4ca3-b0d2-51931bbb5d8f}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {95b2cf8d-5077-4d85-adc4-973e32cafde3}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bb4752bd-5ae7-4565-baa8-8f349b1e09b7}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ab7fde9b-7daf-4ca3-b0d2-51931bbb5d8f}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 14.4444444444445, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {105b0a94-0ea7-44c6-8ec3-12b562b8fa25}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 21; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {c9a07688-4672-4888-b6d5-cc57e6810c1e}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {acd06a8c-a76e-4e7d-bdcf-5ef997053175}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {79b412fb-8eab-4667-958d-a97ac3d604da}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e9e39fd9-8a01-4cfd-9083-3e7c8158a8c2}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {acd06a8c-a76e-4e7d-bdcf-5ef997053175}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 27.2222222222223, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {9c6e3834-609f-4e80-9ccd-a9e42b68cf61}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 30; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {951b117a-36be-41dc-af99-5d068c4cab58}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 1, !- Name
+ {73b7e66e-8a08-4890-8c66-6d275a68e501}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {c9a07688-4672-4888-b6d5-cc57e6810c1e}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {f7e25f53-10db-4515-be7b-e2c518e355dd}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 2, !- Name
+ {73b7e66e-8a08-4890-8c66-6d275a68e501}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {c9a07688-4672-4888-b6d5-cc57e6810c1e}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {df1034b0-085f-4c52-83d5-1679728162fd}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat, !- Name
+ {6602a7f7-02f5-4001-83e7-73c058189799}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {238139d7-cc55-4c43-8f2d-c6a47c213be8}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {6602a7f7-02f5-4001-83e7-73c058189799}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp Kitchen, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {5b9b79ac-8d5b-4651-9726-78bb66d2c623}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {d980d54c-8900-45be-b07d-5c8ac5b6a966}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {728da160-7696-486e-b5fb-aa7a98f46ac7}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {5b9b79ac-8d5b-4651-9726-78bb66d2c623}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp Kitchen Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 14.4444444444445, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {611765a5-b409-4d88-a75a-5cffcb9c0378}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp Kitchen Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 19; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {238139d7-cc55-4c43-8f2d-c6a47c213be8}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp Kitchen, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {afe2fa04-c60c-43ce-8fd9-2b3b36a654c0}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {41bb721f-4f53-41e0-a6fc-015395357b30}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {b5976c5e-8998-4665-8da6-5c0d74ef38d0}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {afe2fa04-c60c-43ce-8fd9-2b3b36a654c0}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp Kitchen Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 27.2222222222223, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {25a756fd-4594-4b19-9d09-954eaaee7b67}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp Kitchen Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 30; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {88e38f52-6e2f-4c44-8e70-a6df9eb53750}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 1, !- Name
+ {6602a7f7-02f5-4001-83e7-73c058189799}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {238139d7-cc55-4c43-8f2d-c6a47c213be8}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {0c541433-2b63-406e-9271-eab7fe9da511}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 2, !- Name
+ {6602a7f7-02f5-4001-83e7-73c058189799}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {238139d7-cc55-4c43-8f2d-c6a47c213be8}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {e0cccec2-34cf-49c8-ba14-06cf46963807}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Handle
+ StripMall HtgSetp, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {88c95903-3456-4765-8327-d3e44f010af7}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {3fb1ef4c-dee7-4935-905c-8b1d04d0cb4e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {9b5f58d4-d13f-4659-a3a3-a377c33615a9}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {88c95903-3456-4765-8327-d3e44f010af7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall HtgSetp Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 14.4444444444445, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 20.0000000000001, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 14.4444444444445; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {c173f90c-5f1d-4d91-8a3f-d6f840f9e3cc}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 28, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {7cafadc5-615e-405a-a57c-f2d7dd04d9b0}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {7cafadc5-615e-405a-a57c-f2d7dd04d9b0}, !- Handle
+ StripMall HtgSetp Sat Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 4, !- Hour 1
+ 45, !- Minute 1
+ 14.4444444444445, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 45, !- Minute 2
+ 20.0000000000001, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 14.4444444444445; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {33a223e9-b962-4581-a9ec-aae9c26a65ec}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 29, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {dc47ded9-e4a3-4748-a3df-5ec1d8bcbc44}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {dc47ded9-e4a3-4748-a3df-5ec1d8bcbc44}, !- Handle
+ StripMall HtgSetp Sun Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 45, !- Minute 1
+ 14.4444444444445, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 45, !- Minute 2
+ 20.0000000000001, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 14.4444444444445; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7e09754d-e28f-4a20-afb4-e1b9cc955e51}, !- Handle
+ StripMall HtgSetp Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 21; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall ClgSetp, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {4b01d310-b53f-42ab-8ad4-d569a76c56ab}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {7c9b95e6-cd93-457b-b095-d05dcd6f76c4}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {84f4db05-cd42-4237-8b68-1cc6c01b90bc}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4b01d310-b53f-42ab-8ad4-d569a76c56ab}, !- Handle
+ StripMall ClgSetp Default, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 27.2222222222223, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 23.8888888888889, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 27.2222222222223; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4b69a7c5-de77-4baf-b3aa-980ff3748ae3}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 30, !- Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {feb0d9f0-2ef2-4177-952d-91cd32ed9faa}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {feb0d9f0-2ef2-4177-952d-91cd32ed9faa}, !- Handle
+ StripMall ClgSetp Sat Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 4, !- Hour 1
+ 45, !- Minute 1
+ 27.2222222222223, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 45, !- Minute 2
+ 23.8888888888889, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 27.2222222222223; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b62ec9bf-36a9-4107-be5c-76aa78e64af4}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 31, !- Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {e0239fd7-0041-4afb-bc60-48b22d3e0b03}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {e0239fd7-0041-4afb-bc60-48b22d3e0b03}, !- Handle
+ StripMall ClgSetp Sun Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 45, !- Minute 1
+ 27.2222222222223, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 45, !- Minute 2
+ 23.8888888888889, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 27.2222222222223; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {28b0824c-9570-44b0-9e95-4c13d2e4d255}, !- Handle
+ StripMall ClgSetp Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 30; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {fbfbfca9-5281-48fd-9dc1-880ea4d78427}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 1, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {21eb44ac-af4e-4410-acfb-0d3facdeb88f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 2, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {8bb37ac5-ed66-4f1e-9b55-8072fcdb3797}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {52b28c9c-8fe3-4fdd-be04-1cb9c8a2749b}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 1, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {440cb949-3d2f-4d8c-82f5-28d9b07ae5af}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 2, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {3db743b4-0ee2-4d27-a1a8-5cddff60a662}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {0694c4e2-d414-4202-9799-80f8665fb3b9}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 1, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {2eb9785d-00c9-4182-a74a-e6cc6b312f8b}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 2, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {20caf3c4-1d5e-47e8-b0ab-98a1a1d674a0}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 3, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {effcd8d4-1ac9-492d-8454-a0f25f02b385}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 4, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {45d042f2-0565-425e-a5e9-a185dbd42980}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Thermostat 5, !- Name
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ {1a6fe7fe-9161-4739-b4c4-b3a1bb7c743f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {efc2512c-546b-47d0-a9de-a3b617da3efc}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {d315c815-d432-4e4a-8b9c-7fa33ac89b68}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {e20ab018-ea15-4018-91e3-febdfec050c2}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {6e017c4b-f11d-4f0f-866b-5d2ad1ae2de4}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {5fc27a4f-39e8-4d32-a81e-526f343b8942}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {0c431887-bd04-46cb-9510-e6ad4d9b4161}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {bb4e4700-6e97-4ea0-aac9-e64a59f88517}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {8ec3d597-4444-453a-afe2-eca319a42ca3}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {8c8772bc-937e-40f5-966d-b392b421d75a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {e20ab018-ea15-4018-91e3-febdfec050c2}, !- Inlet Port
+ {17bb1016-7089-4c10-9c80-f13b504f8c07}; !- Outlet Port
+ {8efbb0e3-55e0-4d68-9cfe-c7ff44b2ddfd}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {04ec8d00-e462-4aaf-892b-e9d89a88ad1a}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0c431887-bd04-46cb-9510-e6ad4d9b4161}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e20ab018-ea15-4018-91e3-febdfec050c2}, !- Handle
+ {1a6fe7fe-9161-4739-b4c4-b3a1bb7c743f}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {8c8772bc-937e-40f5-966d-b392b421d75a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0c431887-bd04-46cb-9510-e6ad4d9b4161}, !- Handle
+ {8efbb0e3-55e0-4d68-9cfe-c7ff44b2ddfd}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1a6fe7fe-9161-4739-b4c4-b3a1bb7c743f}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {6a421c69-e2fb-4ffb-be76-d60a68e4b209}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {5fc27a4f-39e8-4d32-a81e-526f343b8942}, !- Inlet Port
+ {546014ed-0aac-42b4-9b83-7d7c311c0664}; !- Outlet Port
+ {52b2273e-7b59-4600-a7da-0e808d9f1715}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {a2538561-e7cb-4069-bb0a-673a92161e00}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6e017c4b-f11d-4f0f-866b-5d2ad1ae2de4}; !- Outlet Port
+ {85b85787-bb10-471d-a313-631e5bc2c521}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {e1de41b1-f0e3-47a9-9d2d-7615ce270ca0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {15f5a2b4-42c2-449c-b8a9-1729926cee6e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5fc27a4f-39e8-4d32-a81e-526f343b8942}, !- Handle
+ {1a6fe7fe-9161-4739-b4c4-b3a1bb7c743f}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {6a421c69-e2fb-4ffb-be76-d60a68e4b209}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6e017c4b-f11d-4f0f-866b-5d2ad1ae2de4}, !- Handle
+ {52b2273e-7b59-4600-a7da-0e808d9f1715}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1a6fe7fe-9161-4739-b4c4-b3a1bb7c743f}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {8ec3d597-4444-453a-afe2-eca319a42ca3}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 1, !- Name
+ {546014ed-0aac-42b4-9b83-7d7c311c0664}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {556a5ced-3e4d-4a3f-ad4a-208ec01ec6de}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {bb4e4700-6e97-4ea0-aac9-e64a59f88517}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 1, !- Name
+ {a2538561-e7cb-4069-bb0a-673a92161e00}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {c32ac2d3-9493-4640-9162-5926d2ccd292}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {546014ed-0aac-42b4-9b83-7d7c311c0664}, !- Handle
+ {6a421c69-e2fb-4ffb-be76-d60a68e4b209}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8ec3d597-4444-453a-afe2-eca319a42ca3}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a2538561-e7cb-4069-bb0a-673a92161e00}, !- Handle
+ {bb4e4700-6e97-4ea0-aac9-e64a59f88517}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {52b2273e-7b59-4600-a7da-0e808d9f1715}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4c5ce994-8812-4b99-9661-dba8baac5009}, !- Handle
+ {1a6fe7fe-9161-4739-b4c4-b3a1bb7c743f}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {d315c815-d432-4e4a-8b9c-7fa33ac89b68}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList, !- Name
+ {0d8037aa-5706-4bf2-850a-d7605ca445a2}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {ebfe827c-d2db-4deb-af8f-cee4d2223582}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {8efbb0e3-55e0-4d68-9cfe-c7ff44b2ddfd}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {1e8da2e2-da4f-41bc-a67e-4ad33cf20bab}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 71kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Handle
+ Always Off Discrete, !- Name
+ {a32d0387-2758-4570-b1f3-501d82aca925}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ 0; !- Value
+ {a32d0387-2758-4570-b1f3-501d82aca925}, !- Handle
+ OnOff 1, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1, !- Upper Limit Value
+ Discrete, !- Numeric Type
+ Availability; !- Unit Type
+ {b1f6e77a-cb95-446b-b3a2-17e88c26c2ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {125998dc-ed82-42a0-8d04-9318f1d7ddee}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 38kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {6b255f86-9b82-41f0-aeef-95b20782a5e0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {bc7297fb-523f-4020-84d1-26c7f3c73846}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {51e80040-5390-40b2-8dda-3f2ee5a42bed}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {bc7297fb-523f-4020-84d1-26c7f3c73846}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {51e80040-5390-40b2-8dda-3f2ee5a42bed}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {faca0738-5b41-4f79-ab77-ebad307510f9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {7fc6b954-7503-4f05-8b25-331327070b84}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {b532e666-71da-4301-b0a5-69f4ac78238e}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {04ec8d00-e462-4aaf-892b-e9d89a88ad1a}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {6b255f86-9b82-41f0-aeef-95b20782a5e0}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {9f8a4f43-cb14-467e-8199-41dfe525faf7}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {1e8da2e2-da4f-41bc-a67e-4ad33cf20bab}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {125998dc-ed82-42a0-8d04-9318f1d7ddee}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {b1f6e77a-cb95-446b-b3a2-17e88c26c2ab}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {04ec8d00-e462-4aaf-892b-e9d89a88ad1a}, !- Handle
+ {faca0738-5b41-4f79-ab77-ebad307510f9}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {8efbb0e3-55e0-4d68-9cfe-c7ff44b2ddfd}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8a18f3f7-4934-4a08-af76-0942d7caa529}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {68e9bf06-3e72-4705-a501-e907a0a581e9}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {6c533843-e915-4225-85b1-160117589c86}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {6c533843-e915-4225-85b1-160117589c86}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 1, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {4c987079-5f20-4040-a451-fbf7659251f0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {8a18f3f7-4934-4a08-af76-0942d7caa529}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {b1652456-358a-47d1-a19b-1d18d9ccb6ad}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {64e56f30-90c2-46e8-b516-5642fb90aa2e}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {a395ac30-5e12-4f5a-9890-845081aa9834}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {17bb1016-7089-4c10-9c80-f13b504f8c07}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {6eec97f9-55a0-4700-a288-3aaced6b3041}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {64e56f30-90c2-46e8-b516-5642fb90aa2e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {64e56f30-90c2-46e8-b516-5642fb90aa2e}, !- Handle
+ {6eec97f9-55a0-4700-a288-3aaced6b3041}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4c987079-5f20-4040-a451-fbf7659251f0}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {5d992432-d1f4-476e-b6f7-6685e934dc59}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {a395ac30-5e12-4f5a-9890-845081aa9834}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {a395ac30-5e12-4f5a-9890-845081aa9834}, !- Handle
+ {4c987079-5f20-4040-a451-fbf7659251f0}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {5d992432-d1f4-476e-b6f7-6685e934dc59}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {cbae8ccb-6b56-463a-912d-31d5e57956fc}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {b1652456-358a-47d1-a19b-1d18d9ccb6ad}, !- Inlet Port
+ {b532e666-71da-4301-b0a5-69f4ac78238e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {17bb1016-7089-4c10-9c80-f13b504f8c07}, !- Handle
+ {8c8772bc-937e-40f5-966d-b392b421d75a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4c987079-5f20-4040-a451-fbf7659251f0}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {b1652456-358a-47d1-a19b-1d18d9ccb6ad}, !- Handle
+ {4c987079-5f20-4040-a451-fbf7659251f0}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {cbae8ccb-6b56-463a-912d-31d5e57956fc}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b532e666-71da-4301-b0a5-69f4ac78238e}, !- Handle
+ {cbae8ccb-6b56-463a-912d-31d5e57956fc}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {faca0738-5b41-4f79-ab77-ebad307510f9}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {0d8037aa-5706-4bf2-850a-d7605ca445a2}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 1, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {e0688d2f-db8e-4585-8972-3186d16bbaab}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {29aaa411-1db0-4ed7-860c-857c13a8f907}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {650124c0-7431-4b4a-8908-7d0083459cf3}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {1acb7b42-69d5-4497-adac-d56fbfae5c9d}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {e0688d2f-db8e-4585-8972-3186d16bbaab}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 1 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {29aaa411-1db0-4ed7-860c-857c13a8f907}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 1 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {650124c0-7431-4b4a-8908-7d0083459cf3}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 1 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {1acb7b42-69d5-4497-adac-d56fbfae5c9d}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 1 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {18138f49-1a1b-4699-91cb-18e29ec7426d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {2a219363-5c92-432e-bd90-ede557d14d13}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {e1de41b1-f0e3-47a9-9d2d-7615ce270ca0}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {bdf42340-b767-4ade-8d74-0f8d86fc6b95}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {ee8afdfa-d5fe-470a-960f-7c6c079cab0d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c32ac2d3-9493-4640-9162-5926d2ccd292}; !- Outlet Port
+ {15f5a2b4-42c2-449c-b8a9-1729926cee6e}, !- Handle
+ {85b85787-bb10-471d-a313-631e5bc2c521}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4724cd21-1fdd-4e32-a70a-513b409b174d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ee8afdfa-d5fe-470a-960f-7c6c079cab0d}, !- Handle
+ {31f628d6-4dda-4988-a4ae-dd4bd2dcbbef}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {bdf42340-b767-4ade-8d74-0f8d86fc6b95}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c32ac2d3-9493-4640-9162-5926d2ccd292}, !- Handle
+ {bdf42340-b767-4ade-8d74-0f8d86fc6b95}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bb4e4700-6e97-4ea0-aac9-e64a59f88517}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {d7e3b71b-61b0-4261-b8ee-9ae3e0d2b572}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {556a5ced-3e4d-4a3f-ad4a-208ec01ec6de}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2a219363-5c92-432e-bd90-ede557d14d13}; !- Outlet Port
+ {556a5ced-3e4d-4a3f-ad4a-208ec01ec6de}, !- Handle
+ {8ec3d597-4444-453a-afe2-eca319a42ca3}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d7e3b71b-61b0-4261-b8ee-9ae3e0d2b572}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2a219363-5c92-432e-bd90-ede557d14d13}, !- Handle
+ {d7e3b71b-61b0-4261-b8ee-9ae3e0d2b572}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {18138f49-1a1b-4699-91cb-18e29ec7426d}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {e1de41b1-f0e3-47a9-9d2d-7615ce270ca0}, !- Handle
+ {18138f49-1a1b-4699-91cb-18e29ec7426d}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {85b85787-bb10-471d-a313-631e5bc2c521}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9e116fdc-fc6c-4ce0-8f3f-f3e0d711deb6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {9786fdec-54ba-427e-bf17-062ce816a4b5}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {f55d55b2-65ec-4e95-a5ae-f70507d4ae30}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {b33155ca-f0cb-4701-a3b7-9c2cc423fbab}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {82b5e138-22e1-4ddc-9195-ee049aa7ffae}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {7294ca61-760b-4a0c-a928-65cd4fedf9d0}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {d7e9bd7d-657c-4195-80c7-12fe661ddb9e}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {5148ea53-52ab-4e92-9a89-1c354c9ec0e6}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {b595b2e5-0d37-42c9-8185-c214da94464d}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {cabebcda-28ac-4a8c-a478-a004206a0a16}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {b33155ca-f0cb-4701-a3b7-9c2cc423fbab}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0db78768-9c49-4846-8d1a-4c63e7ed42d9}; !- Outlet Port
+ {36d54f6e-68b3-48af-ad53-18bc427e116b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {4b991e9e-a181-4cf1-be0c-e91f14bde115}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d7e9bd7d-657c-4195-80c7-12fe661ddb9e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b33155ca-f0cb-4701-a3b7-9c2cc423fbab}, !- Handle
+ {9e116fdc-fc6c-4ce0-8f3f-f3e0d711deb6}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {cabebcda-28ac-4a8c-a478-a004206a0a16}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d7e9bd7d-657c-4195-80c7-12fe661ddb9e}, !- Handle
+ {36d54f6e-68b3-48af-ad53-18bc427e116b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9e116fdc-fc6c-4ce0-8f3f-f3e0d711deb6}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {a73bd1a3-6aa5-4dda-bc61-b39648a3de71}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {7294ca61-760b-4a0c-a928-65cd4fedf9d0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {41d1f5ee-8577-4934-a5a3-366d5f704a42}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b6692f5c-47b9-4af8-90c3-955f2a077562}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {01100d07-aa3c-449b-809b-20d7cb632428}, !- Inlet Port
+ {82b5e138-22e1-4ddc-9195-ee049aa7ffae}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e1d5c0dd-6150-4b04-8dde-35eddc71cdc4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {05bfc9a4-36e9-4a3f-be09-3f6abd2e32b7}, !- Inlet Port
+ {dfb33b8a-aaad-49b1-b814-75f12f38ead7}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7294ca61-760b-4a0c-a928-65cd4fedf9d0}, !- Handle
+ {9e116fdc-fc6c-4ce0-8f3f-f3e0d711deb6}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {a73bd1a3-6aa5-4dda-bc61-b39648a3de71}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {82b5e138-22e1-4ddc-9195-ee049aa7ffae}, !- Handle
+ {b6692f5c-47b9-4af8-90c3-955f2a077562}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9e116fdc-fc6c-4ce0-8f3f-f3e0d711deb6}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {b595b2e5-0d37-42c9-8185-c214da94464d}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 2, !- Name
+ {41d1f5ee-8577-4934-a5a3-366d5f704a42}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {05584f0b-2b26-412c-a6bd-3a8ffcb8da85}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {5148ea53-52ab-4e92-9a89-1c354c9ec0e6}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 2, !- Name
+ {01100d07-aa3c-449b-809b-20d7cb632428}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {5f75f1b5-a06a-4347-8656-2992542c04ac}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {41d1f5ee-8577-4934-a5a3-366d5f704a42}, !- Handle
+ {a73bd1a3-6aa5-4dda-bc61-b39648a3de71}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b595b2e5-0d37-42c9-8185-c214da94464d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {01100d07-aa3c-449b-809b-20d7cb632428}, !- Handle
+ {5148ea53-52ab-4e92-9a89-1c354c9ec0e6}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {b6692f5c-47b9-4af8-90c3-955f2a077562}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7b49906f-69c9-4cde-a2bf-2eef096fb8fc}, !- Handle
+ {9e116fdc-fc6c-4ce0-8f3f-f3e0d711deb6}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {f55d55b2-65ec-4e95-a5ae-f70507d4ae30}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 1, !- Name
+ {9da29afb-a0e1-41fc-8bc4-7b9eda497645}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {322bc532-ad93-4ecb-8f9d-eb65251dc8c7}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {36d54f6e-68b3-48af-ad53-18bc427e116b}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {a4303186-34a0-4d33-bdd4-f5dd107fdad8}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 40kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {3c801108-d19d-4aef-b076-d3c9b4aabeda}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {10ea7431-46cc-4aac-9be4-5cc1279468f2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 21kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {3712a5e8-483e-4510-a1ef-a6f67b97096d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {de3e5187-ddb0-4ff0-bbd9-47b6cd94b85b}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {ac479870-70a6-4521-ba71-c8d91bb95693}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {de3e5187-ddb0-4ff0-bbd9-47b6cd94b85b}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 1, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {ac479870-70a6-4521-ba71-c8d91bb95693}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 1, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {00d545af-8473-4671-b6de-16de952420e2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {55010fa8-4d6a-46d4-bc00-4a4969c3a76c}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {5ad925b7-254f-46ec-b4f1-bbc21940f2c1}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {4b991e9e-a181-4cf1-be0c-e91f14bde115}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {3712a5e8-483e-4510-a1ef-a6f67b97096d}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {3e7bfd78-646e-49f8-b201-519c1027aa34}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {a4303186-34a0-4d33-bdd4-f5dd107fdad8}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {10ea7431-46cc-4aac-9be4-5cc1279468f2}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {3c801108-d19d-4aef-b076-d3c9b4aabeda}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {4b991e9e-a181-4cf1-be0c-e91f14bde115}, !- Handle
+ {00d545af-8473-4671-b6de-16de952420e2}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {36d54f6e-68b3-48af-ad53-18bc427e116b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {332f8826-8117-41b6-85de-27aa56b3b069}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {d8ca9854-6a81-4651-8f80-b948013f8dcc}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {31e0471d-eeaf-4d46-89e9-071c396dc758}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {31e0471d-eeaf-4d46-89e9-071c396dc758}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 2, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {d7411a2f-5de8-4cff-b483-90f1ed457e86}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {332f8826-8117-41b6-85de-27aa56b3b069}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {a458abc3-fe72-4d38-b152-58261ac19624}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {a30a2401-3145-4a05-8bf8-79b079d992cb}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {42e4bdc9-f496-4ae9-ab61-f9882387d75f}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {0db78768-9c49-4846-8d1a-4c63e7ed42d9}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {9ca5e401-1127-4bc1-b688-70dfb5a44fb6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {a30a2401-3145-4a05-8bf8-79b079d992cb}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a30a2401-3145-4a05-8bf8-79b079d992cb}, !- Handle
+ {9ca5e401-1127-4bc1-b688-70dfb5a44fb6}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d7411a2f-5de8-4cff-b483-90f1ed457e86}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {ff505e2f-a7af-4f57-a183-7ce573fd1df2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {42e4bdc9-f496-4ae9-ab61-f9882387d75f}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {42e4bdc9-f496-4ae9-ab61-f9882387d75f}, !- Handle
+ {d7411a2f-5de8-4cff-b483-90f1ed457e86}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {ff505e2f-a7af-4f57-a183-7ce573fd1df2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {eca62795-19a1-46ed-b57a-c7ceb6e963e6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {a458abc3-fe72-4d38-b152-58261ac19624}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5ad925b7-254f-46ec-b4f1-bbc21940f2c1}; !- Outlet Port
+ {0db78768-9c49-4846-8d1a-4c63e7ed42d9}, !- Handle
+ {cabebcda-28ac-4a8c-a478-a004206a0a16}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d7411a2f-5de8-4cff-b483-90f1ed457e86}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {a458abc3-fe72-4d38-b152-58261ac19624}, !- Handle
+ {d7411a2f-5de8-4cff-b483-90f1ed457e86}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {eca62795-19a1-46ed-b57a-c7ceb6e963e6}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5ad925b7-254f-46ec-b4f1-bbc21940f2c1}, !- Handle
+ {eca62795-19a1-46ed-b57a-c7ceb6e963e6}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {00d545af-8473-4671-b6de-16de952420e2}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {9da29afb-a0e1-41fc-8bc4-7b9eda497645}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 2, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {156adeb0-5393-4253-8d5c-69b48e44a577}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {29753882-68e1-47db-816c-4aba0b920398}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {65bddd37-5ffd-4a49-9f44-2522aaeaec42}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {0523f96b-453a-429f-b1c8-a1632400c1aa}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {156adeb0-5393-4253-8d5c-69b48e44a577}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 2 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {29753882-68e1-47db-816c-4aba0b920398}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 2 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {65bddd37-5ffd-4a49-9f44-2522aaeaec42}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 2 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {0523f96b-453a-429f-b1c8-a1632400c1aa}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 2 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {5ee9af5c-c8e2-4d10-9ad0-435383c33684}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {12bc401a-eb8d-4f94-ad31-f86a8a37f103}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {05bfc9a4-36e9-4a3f-be09-3f6abd2e32b7}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {d13d4293-bd4a-4da9-8ef3-6f37159e9446}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {d03278db-028b-483d-acb6-b42f28b75aa7}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5f75f1b5-a06a-4347-8656-2992542c04ac}; !- Outlet Port
+ {dfb33b8a-aaad-49b1-b814-75f12f38ead7}, !- Handle
+ {e1d5c0dd-6150-4b04-8dde-35eddc71cdc4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {352189d6-8403-4278-8a93-74af85615a8b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d03278db-028b-483d-acb6-b42f28b75aa7}, !- Handle
+ {069b81d9-2b2f-45c8-a0a5-2dc960b308c0}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {d13d4293-bd4a-4da9-8ef3-6f37159e9446}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5f75f1b5-a06a-4347-8656-2992542c04ac}, !- Handle
+ {d13d4293-bd4a-4da9-8ef3-6f37159e9446}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5148ea53-52ab-4e92-9a89-1c354c9ec0e6}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {0ae1977e-84ec-41e3-9e4f-b26f7938f8fd}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {05584f0b-2b26-412c-a6bd-3a8ffcb8da85}, !- Inlet Port
+ {12bc401a-eb8d-4f94-ad31-f86a8a37f103}; !- Outlet Port
+ {05584f0b-2b26-412c-a6bd-3a8ffcb8da85}, !- Handle
+ {b595b2e5-0d37-42c9-8185-c214da94464d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {0ae1977e-84ec-41e3-9e4f-b26f7938f8fd}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {12bc401a-eb8d-4f94-ad31-f86a8a37f103}, !- Handle
+ {0ae1977e-84ec-41e3-9e4f-b26f7938f8fd}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5ee9af5c-c8e2-4d10-9ad0-435383c33684}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {05bfc9a4-36e9-4a3f-be09-3f6abd2e32b7}, !- Handle
+ {5ee9af5c-c8e2-4d10-9ad0-435383c33684}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {e1d5c0dd-6150-4b04-8dde-35eddc71cdc4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {56413729-592b-4f31-94af-b71cd9a492db}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {481950ee-850d-47c9-b73a-64921b85ed02}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {24bf7040-1515-4d65-95f2-41a055f1f277}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {75ff31f2-fbb2-49db-a392-d5a5e514606d}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {873add44-fdb0-4a87-8909-5417cd93ee8c}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {5aa97e8b-30e9-4129-874d-b1af3617f2ad}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {28433140-5362-4ad7-bafb-6320ec51ec84}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {ff903636-459c-432d-8409-588ca9bfc725}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {ca2befc5-7fce-4981-a698-cb8e6147f517}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {fa5c0f5e-f941-428b-bdb4-cd324ad81972}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {75ff31f2-fbb2-49db-a392-d5a5e514606d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2b41061e-6703-4f3c-8f8d-6267a1b2b146}; !- Outlet Port
+ {18ba3677-1e70-4a21-b58d-0a61c4b54e8c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {4bd60b94-0aba-4045-beee-fa819da34cc4}, !- Inlet Port
+ {28433140-5362-4ad7-bafb-6320ec51ec84}; !- Outlet Port
+ {75ff31f2-fbb2-49db-a392-d5a5e514606d}, !- Handle
+ {56413729-592b-4f31-94af-b71cd9a492db}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {fa5c0f5e-f941-428b-bdb4-cd324ad81972}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {28433140-5362-4ad7-bafb-6320ec51ec84}, !- Handle
+ {18ba3677-1e70-4a21-b58d-0a61c4b54e8c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {56413729-592b-4f31-94af-b71cd9a492db}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {901fe844-7a97-4c17-b4b2-7d20488b1b11}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {5aa97e8b-30e9-4129-874d-b1af3617f2ad}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5b0be7fc-1d1b-4504-8b94-7da8706eabc0}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7d607846-0990-466c-88e2-30ec50446137}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {63f0211f-0db6-488e-8f36-0b0d2a36da28}, !- Inlet Port
+ {873add44-fdb0-4a87-8909-5417cd93ee8c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5a129321-fcc3-48da-aa4d-b934b0977845}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {bede6a0c-3e56-4261-be88-689092e01d35}, !- Inlet Port
+ {85ba3ac4-5f3d-4ead-ae44-8be89c71cdc1}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5aa97e8b-30e9-4129-874d-b1af3617f2ad}, !- Handle
+ {56413729-592b-4f31-94af-b71cd9a492db}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {901fe844-7a97-4c17-b4b2-7d20488b1b11}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {873add44-fdb0-4a87-8909-5417cd93ee8c}, !- Handle
+ {7d607846-0990-466c-88e2-30ec50446137}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {56413729-592b-4f31-94af-b71cd9a492db}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {ca2befc5-7fce-4981-a698-cb8e6147f517}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 3, !- Name
+ {5b0be7fc-1d1b-4504-8b94-7da8706eabc0}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {6a953857-ed66-4292-9eca-a651220017fd}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {ff903636-459c-432d-8409-588ca9bfc725}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 3, !- Name
+ {63f0211f-0db6-488e-8f36-0b0d2a36da28}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {55ad86e2-954c-45cc-bf33-1bfc2d90b2d5}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {5b0be7fc-1d1b-4504-8b94-7da8706eabc0}, !- Handle
+ {901fe844-7a97-4c17-b4b2-7d20488b1b11}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ca2befc5-7fce-4981-a698-cb8e6147f517}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {63f0211f-0db6-488e-8f36-0b0d2a36da28}, !- Handle
+ {ff903636-459c-432d-8409-588ca9bfc725}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {7d607846-0990-466c-88e2-30ec50446137}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a0104304-ce36-4a9f-a6a6-896f555a119f}, !- Handle
+ {56413729-592b-4f31-94af-b71cd9a492db}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {24bf7040-1515-4d65-95f2-41a055f1f277}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 2, !- Name
+ {ddd287dd-a320-4634-abf5-29d946fc51f8}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {c9c51287-7ca3-4df9-9261-fba7e67a03d8}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {18ba3677-1e70-4a21-b58d-0a61c4b54e8c}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {e56bc45d-493d-471b-9fc8-8d085555cf21}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 65kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {28b73a53-361e-44e7-95fb-21b0b9ca347b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {5b774f96-e344-4a7c-8273-963aed0d09f4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 34kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {dd6df965-17ef-4a8d-b6a7-487bbb0698d3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {f340e7ed-0a8a-4b46-9bf0-c221f5ae6487}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {8c6468a0-e784-4e78-8dc0-42b6c4ed7f4d}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {f340e7ed-0a8a-4b46-9bf0-c221f5ae6487}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 2, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {8c6468a0-e784-4e78-8dc0-42b6c4ed7f4d}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 2, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {bc3b77cd-3fd8-4942-8994-9c6da7e317ec}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {16a85a35-8dd1-441a-a85b-e6007ee645d6}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {8219726a-5fd2-479b-9f90-68904440a9ea}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {4bd60b94-0aba-4045-beee-fa819da34cc4}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {dd6df965-17ef-4a8d-b6a7-487bbb0698d3}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {efe65b0f-6482-483c-ab23-490f4393603d}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {e56bc45d-493d-471b-9fc8-8d085555cf21}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {5b774f96-e344-4a7c-8273-963aed0d09f4}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {28b73a53-361e-44e7-95fb-21b0b9ca347b}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {4bd60b94-0aba-4045-beee-fa819da34cc4}, !- Handle
+ {bc3b77cd-3fd8-4942-8994-9c6da7e317ec}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {18ba3677-1e70-4a21-b58d-0a61c4b54e8c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {10b8763d-9e72-41af-9b59-15c79c5863e6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {6b7d5475-b278-4586-94a1-0514e831facd}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {1c6a8d13-7dad-4116-b966-cd69226886b4}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {1c6a8d13-7dad-4116-b966-cd69226886b4}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 3, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {d5a899a9-1505-4e44-94d8-6857fd940acf}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {10b8763d-9e72-41af-9b59-15c79c5863e6}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {7dd86df0-c563-48a0-9c56-c25c7bba0c53}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {0df9960a-b1f0-4683-a6a7-471da8f644ce}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {c4ad7474-8a96-403e-9416-5bcbf563f669}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {2b41061e-6703-4f3c-8f8d-6267a1b2b146}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {f0e67c04-94a5-4d8a-93d2-8d8e8cf9b808}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {0df9960a-b1f0-4683-a6a7-471da8f644ce}; !- Outlet Port
+ {0df9960a-b1f0-4683-a6a7-471da8f644ce}, !- Handle
+ {f0e67c04-94a5-4d8a-93d2-8d8e8cf9b808}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d5a899a9-1505-4e44-94d8-6857fd940acf}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {50f5e208-68ec-45e4-b512-ed6e0d370fb7}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {c4ad7474-8a96-403e-9416-5bcbf563f669}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {c4ad7474-8a96-403e-9416-5bcbf563f669}, !- Handle
+ {d5a899a9-1505-4e44-94d8-6857fd940acf}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {50f5e208-68ec-45e4-b512-ed6e0d370fb7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {71ac12ec-ac51-4fe3-b524-0af2581e8b77}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {7dd86df0-c563-48a0-9c56-c25c7bba0c53}, !- Inlet Port
+ {8219726a-5fd2-479b-9f90-68904440a9ea}; !- Outlet Port
+ {2b41061e-6703-4f3c-8f8d-6267a1b2b146}, !- Handle
+ {fa5c0f5e-f941-428b-bdb4-cd324ad81972}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d5a899a9-1505-4e44-94d8-6857fd940acf}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {7dd86df0-c563-48a0-9c56-c25c7bba0c53}, !- Handle
+ {d5a899a9-1505-4e44-94d8-6857fd940acf}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {71ac12ec-ac51-4fe3-b524-0af2581e8b77}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {8219726a-5fd2-479b-9f90-68904440a9ea}, !- Handle
+ {71ac12ec-ac51-4fe3-b524-0af2581e8b77}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bc3b77cd-3fd8-4942-8994-9c6da7e317ec}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {ddd287dd-a320-4634-abf5-29d946fc51f8}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 3, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {3f089c28-3e14-4bd5-a4fc-3b705bb7cd7c}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {5cff2a9f-0bec-41f6-b19e-d5b5926a1694}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {d10c98ba-50a7-408e-893c-1ca5b451e349}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {d72d73e4-35db-446d-88a5-9d67e29f6a89}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {3f089c28-3e14-4bd5-a4fc-3b705bb7cd7c}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 3 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {5cff2a9f-0bec-41f6-b19e-d5b5926a1694}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 3 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {d10c98ba-50a7-408e-893c-1ca5b451e349}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 3 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {d72d73e4-35db-446d-88a5-9d67e29f6a89}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 3 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {573c7688-ce59-4bcc-bc44-889ed24c88e4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {50e51dd6-b08d-4391-b784-8b2a2ec9feb7}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {bede6a0c-3e56-4261-be88-689092e01d35}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {aa127318-afad-4d1c-b022-d25329a7fd22}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {977408ac-ebaf-4193-b23b-c651551101ec}, !- Inlet Port
+ {55ad86e2-954c-45cc-bf33-1bfc2d90b2d5}; !- Outlet Port
+ {85ba3ac4-5f3d-4ead-ae44-8be89c71cdc1}, !- Handle
+ {5a129321-fcc3-48da-aa4d-b934b0977845}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {86642d0b-9141-40db-9408-714d5b223116}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {977408ac-ebaf-4193-b23b-c651551101ec}, !- Handle
+ {60c36b5f-1d81-4e25-b18a-2833d08c61fc}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {aa127318-afad-4d1c-b022-d25329a7fd22}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {55ad86e2-954c-45cc-bf33-1bfc2d90b2d5}, !- Handle
+ {aa127318-afad-4d1c-b022-d25329a7fd22}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ff903636-459c-432d-8409-588ca9bfc725}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {b147b78b-0192-417e-b4d7-98e9e1880d3f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {6a953857-ed66-4292-9eca-a651220017fd}, !- Inlet Port
+ {50e51dd6-b08d-4391-b784-8b2a2ec9feb7}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6a953857-ed66-4292-9eca-a651220017fd}, !- Handle
+ {ca2befc5-7fce-4981-a698-cb8e6147f517}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b147b78b-0192-417e-b4d7-98e9e1880d3f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {50e51dd6-b08d-4391-b784-8b2a2ec9feb7}, !- Handle
+ {b147b78b-0192-417e-b4d7-98e9e1880d3f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {573c7688-ce59-4bcc-bc44-889ed24c88e4}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {bede6a0c-3e56-4261-be88-689092e01d35}, !- Handle
+ {573c7688-ce59-4bcc-bc44-889ed24c88e4}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {5a129321-fcc3-48da-aa4d-b934b0977845}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {332bbf0b-f017-40ab-a429-c2294f4c9a50}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {806297e6-822a-4528-b607-9038a004c8f9}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {3eda4fb5-fa35-40b3-949e-c0c7ee10cda1}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {ee8799ca-e696-423f-8b5b-7f70f5b5f79c}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {c8c3598a-3913-473c-af76-277b1e910aff}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {227235d6-265f-45c9-8931-d483b64dece8}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {7c324252-a72d-4405-9227-560eb35dee2a}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {a6e45b50-bfcc-4cd6-8fa0-eb393908ad08}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {6c66027c-d689-4e15-9114-7627a750d154}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {861a276d-e36c-4532-92d4-c4278534f717}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {ee8799ca-e696-423f-8b5b-7f70f5b5f79c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {db77fd73-0fd1-4c00-a7d2-ec9a383be0ab}; !- Outlet Port
+ {f1723196-2654-4ca5-b383-86115a16cd23}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {10cd7b5c-59ce-4bb1-a0ba-487277d63b34}, !- Inlet Port
+ {7c324252-a72d-4405-9227-560eb35dee2a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ee8799ca-e696-423f-8b5b-7f70f5b5f79c}, !- Handle
+ {332bbf0b-f017-40ab-a429-c2294f4c9a50}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {861a276d-e36c-4532-92d4-c4278534f717}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7c324252-a72d-4405-9227-560eb35dee2a}, !- Handle
+ {f1723196-2654-4ca5-b383-86115a16cd23}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {332bbf0b-f017-40ab-a429-c2294f4c9a50}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {731ab216-2eb5-4b57-a340-01fa002ac43a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {227235d6-265f-45c9-8931-d483b64dece8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {1e778ad6-f308-4de2-b2cc-37773c5bb234}; !- Outlet Port
+ {9665385c-32d4-489a-8020-94f789147b3d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {b7a5f063-55f2-4819-8738-27387ffe4654}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c8c3598a-3913-473c-af76-277b1e910aff}; !- Outlet Port
+ {f134df04-65a0-4da4-ba0d-2cff47bd3fc0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {4ded2ed4-7fd4-44e3-8c17-026b39f2f579}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2a86b8f5-f765-458b-90c7-9e37596d0fe1}; !- Outlet Port
+ {227235d6-265f-45c9-8931-d483b64dece8}, !- Handle
+ {332bbf0b-f017-40ab-a429-c2294f4c9a50}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {731ab216-2eb5-4b57-a340-01fa002ac43a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c8c3598a-3913-473c-af76-277b1e910aff}, !- Handle
+ {9665385c-32d4-489a-8020-94f789147b3d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {332bbf0b-f017-40ab-a429-c2294f4c9a50}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {6c66027c-d689-4e15-9114-7627a750d154}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 4, !- Name
+ {1e778ad6-f308-4de2-b2cc-37773c5bb234}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {7c9019c3-9749-4845-b7b8-3f9f14216a81}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {a6e45b50-bfcc-4cd6-8fa0-eb393908ad08}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 4, !- Name
+ {b7a5f063-55f2-4819-8738-27387ffe4654}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {b27c4007-edf7-400f-8626-462b013b86cb}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {1e778ad6-f308-4de2-b2cc-37773c5bb234}, !- Handle
+ {731ab216-2eb5-4b57-a340-01fa002ac43a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6c66027c-d689-4e15-9114-7627a750d154}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b7a5f063-55f2-4819-8738-27387ffe4654}, !- Handle
+ {a6e45b50-bfcc-4cd6-8fa0-eb393908ad08}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {9665385c-32d4-489a-8020-94f789147b3d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f9c414af-842a-4207-a067-951104b29753}, !- Handle
+ {332bbf0b-f017-40ab-a429-c2294f4c9a50}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {3eda4fb5-fa35-40b3-949e-c0c7ee10cda1}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 3, !- Name
+ {36c0e5e8-ff13-49de-9f9f-70fcd2042672}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {54ba80eb-9fb5-408f-a5dc-71e0a6207e7b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {f1723196-2654-4ca5-b383-86115a16cd23}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {f486d2b5-5e75-49d6-b444-c91aeebfb620}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 23kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {5ba801da-b489-4c2b-91d4-d02d2388d8e2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {ae99ca33-acb3-49cd-b265-f945d4041643}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 13kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {152fde31-8a12-4b52-8572-350ae86a63a0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {abca4520-9525-4a0e-8e79-68e7511f05ca}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {bf47826a-152c-4290-b37e-939e91f847c0}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {abca4520-9525-4a0e-8e79-68e7511f05ca}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 3, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {bf47826a-152c-4290-b37e-939e91f847c0}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 3, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {c6aec7ed-e9a0-4136-8647-f1de86978301}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {28e55f84-3eef-460c-ab5e-31abca6d914b}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {3bfe0a85-9e2d-4c75-b4a3-07074dab4c1a}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {10cd7b5c-59ce-4bb1-a0ba-487277d63b34}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {152fde31-8a12-4b52-8572-350ae86a63a0}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {a3c48107-05b1-4061-b455-f664c87aa4ae}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {f486d2b5-5e75-49d6-b444-c91aeebfb620}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {ae99ca33-acb3-49cd-b265-f945d4041643}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {5ba801da-b489-4c2b-91d4-d02d2388d8e2}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {10cd7b5c-59ce-4bb1-a0ba-487277d63b34}, !- Handle
+ {c6aec7ed-e9a0-4136-8647-f1de86978301}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {f1723196-2654-4ca5-b383-86115a16cd23}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {661f2547-ad74-49cb-bf01-14a0c778f37f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {23b1b2ab-8dd1-4886-b9bf-a13d163a3407}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {2b574bed-3cbb-4d91-a8aa-b41e6ac6fb31}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {2b574bed-3cbb-4d91-a8aa-b41e6ac6fb31}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 4, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {4ab0d1ae-ad8d-4e0e-b189-d341f32c4d2a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {661f2547-ad74-49cb-bf01-14a0c778f37f}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {61c32616-2437-4fbb-8c0f-c69c1cb676ef}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {dcdd64a9-ae4d-457d-83a8-3e6f1f0f317a}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {65accf67-e070-4b62-9502-d0f5f33583f5}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {db77fd73-0fd1-4c00-a7d2-ec9a383be0ab}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {60522dc9-a395-43a1-86f6-74879fe3d363}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {dcdd64a9-ae4d-457d-83a8-3e6f1f0f317a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {dcdd64a9-ae4d-457d-83a8-3e6f1f0f317a}, !- Handle
+ {60522dc9-a395-43a1-86f6-74879fe3d363}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4ab0d1ae-ad8d-4e0e-b189-d341f32c4d2a}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {2cfe2f22-b3ea-458e-9956-0083d48edb79}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {65accf67-e070-4b62-9502-d0f5f33583f5}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {65accf67-e070-4b62-9502-d0f5f33583f5}, !- Handle
+ {4ab0d1ae-ad8d-4e0e-b189-d341f32c4d2a}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {2cfe2f22-b3ea-458e-9956-0083d48edb79}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {62d40348-7510-40f9-9d52-038db2acd01f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {61c32616-2437-4fbb-8c0f-c69c1cb676ef}, !- Inlet Port
+ {3bfe0a85-9e2d-4c75-b4a3-07074dab4c1a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {db77fd73-0fd1-4c00-a7d2-ec9a383be0ab}, !- Handle
+ {861a276d-e36c-4532-92d4-c4278534f717}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4ab0d1ae-ad8d-4e0e-b189-d341f32c4d2a}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {61c32616-2437-4fbb-8c0f-c69c1cb676ef}, !- Handle
+ {4ab0d1ae-ad8d-4e0e-b189-d341f32c4d2a}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {62d40348-7510-40f9-9d52-038db2acd01f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3bfe0a85-9e2d-4c75-b4a3-07074dab4c1a}, !- Handle
+ {62d40348-7510-40f9-9d52-038db2acd01f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c6aec7ed-e9a0-4136-8647-f1de86978301}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {36c0e5e8-ff13-49de-9f9f-70fcd2042672}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 4, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {4ad7e01a-1509-46ff-95a0-49969a3dd419}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {a608a82f-9931-4a9f-b916-3ce0e9157451}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {372b868b-2b37-45d9-bd01-9d15a415687c}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {9957b314-61f1-49b6-bcf3-dc51ff67b254}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {4ad7e01a-1509-46ff-95a0-49969a3dd419}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 4 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {a608a82f-9931-4a9f-b916-3ce0e9157451}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 4 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {372b868b-2b37-45d9-bd01-9d15a415687c}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 4 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {9957b314-61f1-49b6-bcf3-dc51ff67b254}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 4 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {0fe99987-fb90-4ba9-bc6f-18737ab80df8}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {d9e7ec25-e314-4757-8da6-54303e6cde3a}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {4ded2ed4-7fd4-44e3-8c17-026b39f2f579}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {b1a46274-f66d-49b3-84fc-55b8e806d111}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {9688b7d3-47c2-4a6b-ae2b-b7427154705b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {b27c4007-edf7-400f-8626-462b013b86cb}; !- Outlet Port
+ {2a86b8f5-f765-458b-90c7-9e37596d0fe1}, !- Handle
+ {f134df04-65a0-4da4-ba0d-2cff47bd3fc0}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {95c435b0-c9cf-46a3-92a0-7c789508d78b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9688b7d3-47c2-4a6b-ae2b-b7427154705b}, !- Handle
+ {e1126908-a806-4e5e-adb8-d11fa6cab875}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {b1a46274-f66d-49b3-84fc-55b8e806d111}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b27c4007-edf7-400f-8626-462b013b86cb}, !- Handle
+ {b1a46274-f66d-49b3-84fc-55b8e806d111}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a6e45b50-bfcc-4cd6-8fa0-eb393908ad08}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {97472759-942c-4bad-b82a-3da8a8faf80f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {7c9019c3-9749-4845-b7b8-3f9f14216a81}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d9e7ec25-e314-4757-8da6-54303e6cde3a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7c9019c3-9749-4845-b7b8-3f9f14216a81}, !- Handle
+ {6c66027c-d689-4e15-9114-7627a750d154}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {97472759-942c-4bad-b82a-3da8a8faf80f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d9e7ec25-e314-4757-8da6-54303e6cde3a}, !- Handle
+ {97472759-942c-4bad-b82a-3da8a8faf80f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {0fe99987-fb90-4ba9-bc6f-18737ab80df8}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {4ded2ed4-7fd4-44e3-8c17-026b39f2f579}, !- Handle
+ {0fe99987-fb90-4ba9-bc6f-18737ab80df8}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {f134df04-65a0-4da4-ba0d-2cff47bd3fc0}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {21e933c9-19e1-4b8f-99fe-30a3e558c1a3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {6fefaeac-57cb-430d-93a8-1bf625aa2960}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {bea13203-9c87-4b12-8f65-524f73f7a3f0}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {ae74d2d5-797e-4cf0-85d5-d0ae6467cf83}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {ec350f89-d65a-44f9-b3be-5c64c6115c2b}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {3c1bb513-484c-496e-b220-a2e7e87cdfd9}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {7e38aead-a28a-485d-89aa-7c8021ab49bd}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {989bae74-1c30-4e66-8b78-f3db33d13c56}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {d88466b7-82b0-4251-b07e-510598e7b697}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {63b9320b-db1b-43c0-8c8d-b0f6938d7f4c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {ae74d2d5-797e-4cf0-85d5-d0ae6467cf83}, !- Inlet Port
+ {1dd52ee0-9dad-4580-90d9-a20ca03da00b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {80b99739-203b-4e0d-acdd-9ce5300baeae}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {d89f33ae-942e-4e3b-99d0-f367328f170b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {7e38aead-a28a-485d-89aa-7c8021ab49bd}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ae74d2d5-797e-4cf0-85d5-d0ae6467cf83}, !- Handle
+ {21e933c9-19e1-4b8f-99fe-30a3e558c1a3}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {63b9320b-db1b-43c0-8c8d-b0f6938d7f4c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7e38aead-a28a-485d-89aa-7c8021ab49bd}, !- Handle
+ {80b99739-203b-4e0d-acdd-9ce5300baeae}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {21e933c9-19e1-4b8f-99fe-30a3e558c1a3}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {97e7a7ba-71ff-46d8-8998-2e4a4073f6ca}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {3c1bb513-484c-496e-b220-a2e7e87cdfd9}, !- Inlet Port
+ {32f46734-72d7-4ac1-85c8-1e547cb60204}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d5d3f172-1c71-4717-8513-fae0d321d6fc}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {1d54533f-f4fb-401e-9aef-90fac69bf815}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ec350f89-d65a-44f9-b3be-5c64c6115c2b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {03b33c76-9836-42d7-9aea-fa2a39e0e436}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {84fd3b77-b4d3-4833-bf33-ba0f7b3fb72e}, !- Inlet Port
+ {16993b60-9017-44fd-aafa-48d3174a0aa8}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3c1bb513-484c-496e-b220-a2e7e87cdfd9}, !- Handle
+ {21e933c9-19e1-4b8f-99fe-30a3e558c1a3}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {97e7a7ba-71ff-46d8-8998-2e4a4073f6ca}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ec350f89-d65a-44f9-b3be-5c64c6115c2b}, !- Handle
+ {d5d3f172-1c71-4717-8513-fae0d321d6fc}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {21e933c9-19e1-4b8f-99fe-30a3e558c1a3}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {d88466b7-82b0-4251-b07e-510598e7b697}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 5, !- Name
+ {32f46734-72d7-4ac1-85c8-1e547cb60204}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {88437c0a-b371-4921-b547-de4e8834edd4}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {989bae74-1c30-4e66-8b78-f3db33d13c56}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 5, !- Name
+ {1d54533f-f4fb-401e-9aef-90fac69bf815}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {94af923d-30a6-4314-bb75-12f27932f412}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {32f46734-72d7-4ac1-85c8-1e547cb60204}, !- Handle
+ {97e7a7ba-71ff-46d8-8998-2e4a4073f6ca}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d88466b7-82b0-4251-b07e-510598e7b697}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1d54533f-f4fb-401e-9aef-90fac69bf815}, !- Handle
+ {989bae74-1c30-4e66-8b78-f3db33d13c56}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {d5d3f172-1c71-4717-8513-fae0d321d6fc}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c8ed55cc-a4ea-460c-9e8a-c8b5a5565f1c}, !- Handle
+ {21e933c9-19e1-4b8f-99fe-30a3e558c1a3}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {bea13203-9c87-4b12-8f65-524f73f7a3f0}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 4, !- Name
+ {c37e8553-325f-485f-b4de-977c28cbdfff}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {d0297f86-c8cb-4c53-84af-625ebbdf38e0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {80b99739-203b-4e0d-acdd-9ce5300baeae}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {442b7457-7d65-4ebf-95bc-c9ec02008aa2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 11kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {dc43426e-706c-4cb8-928e-c4be17558848}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {6d296c45-cee2-4b0a-8d57-9abb7d888df2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 6kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {c07bfc83-d626-4a53-ad9a-f7cf0f2920d5}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {47b4f154-86e9-4d58-a5e1-a3a092e68d24}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {36d45b52-ff8f-492c-a305-690d28021165}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {47b4f154-86e9-4d58-a5e1-a3a092e68d24}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 4, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {36d45b52-ff8f-492c-a305-690d28021165}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 4, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {41daad2b-2e18-4e56-acef-4e503fd755cf}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {98eb89af-1a8a-4926-a33a-97a040f2da7f}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {6de1203c-d341-4fc2-9b36-9b691ee2a59f}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {d89f33ae-942e-4e3b-99d0-f367328f170b}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {c07bfc83-d626-4a53-ad9a-f7cf0f2920d5}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {e6c00cd1-44ce-42ce-8e4a-2b7cfe36cdb9}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {442b7457-7d65-4ebf-95bc-c9ec02008aa2}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {6d296c45-cee2-4b0a-8d57-9abb7d888df2}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {dc43426e-706c-4cb8-928e-c4be17558848}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {d89f33ae-942e-4e3b-99d0-f367328f170b}, !- Handle
+ {41daad2b-2e18-4e56-acef-4e503fd755cf}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {80b99739-203b-4e0d-acdd-9ce5300baeae}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {56a0231d-8a96-48cf-9544-b92db9df139b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {4ee10900-a8d0-4881-a7ba-f32ef1a6ccb0}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {c0911062-6d74-44b6-936b-7484462a8a35}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {c0911062-6d74-44b6-936b-7484462a8a35}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 5, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {13444f8d-289d-4d20-ad69-2b969d75ff41}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {56a0231d-8a96-48cf-9544-b92db9df139b}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {53193a0b-9bb6-4c8f-8847-8229f2c2738b}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {a93786f0-7237-47ff-908d-a0ff0a4dec9b}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {1dec1ef3-0bfb-4583-bf38-23fd5efe5650}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {1dd52ee0-9dad-4580-90d9-a20ca03da00b}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {4458a863-2926-4fd6-a81c-b5ee1642707e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {a93786f0-7237-47ff-908d-a0ff0a4dec9b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a93786f0-7237-47ff-908d-a0ff0a4dec9b}, !- Handle
+ {4458a863-2926-4fd6-a81c-b5ee1642707e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {13444f8d-289d-4d20-ad69-2b969d75ff41}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {4a9eca4b-4bd0-469b-a1af-0b9232427a02}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {1dec1ef3-0bfb-4583-bf38-23fd5efe5650}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {1dec1ef3-0bfb-4583-bf38-23fd5efe5650}, !- Handle
+ {13444f8d-289d-4d20-ad69-2b969d75ff41}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {4a9eca4b-4bd0-469b-a1af-0b9232427a02}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9fd29f79-0572-4267-b4c6-c399bb43681d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {53193a0b-9bb6-4c8f-8847-8229f2c2738b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6de1203c-d341-4fc2-9b36-9b691ee2a59f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {1dd52ee0-9dad-4580-90d9-a20ca03da00b}, !- Handle
+ {63b9320b-db1b-43c0-8c8d-b0f6938d7f4c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {13444f8d-289d-4d20-ad69-2b969d75ff41}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {53193a0b-9bb6-4c8f-8847-8229f2c2738b}, !- Handle
+ {13444f8d-289d-4d20-ad69-2b969d75ff41}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {9fd29f79-0572-4267-b4c6-c399bb43681d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6de1203c-d341-4fc2-9b36-9b691ee2a59f}, !- Handle
+ {9fd29f79-0572-4267-b4c6-c399bb43681d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {41daad2b-2e18-4e56-acef-4e503fd755cf}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {c37e8553-325f-485f-b4de-977c28cbdfff}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 5, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {801cce20-4115-433f-97e0-91c05cb9d68f}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {d96aa4ab-29e1-4c3d-9a30-65708a99c74e}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {98345704-5a7a-4fb3-96df-0e2ae6b8c37b}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {b8f5912a-e8a6-43da-8c3b-9ba3907183ca}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {801cce20-4115-433f-97e0-91c05cb9d68f}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 5 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {d96aa4ab-29e1-4c3d-9a30-65708a99c74e}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 5 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {98345704-5a7a-4fb3-96df-0e2ae6b8c37b}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 5 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {b8f5912a-e8a6-43da-8c3b-9ba3907183ca}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 5 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {e760ae65-67ab-4b2e-b20f-96ff8638c19e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {622029bb-3683-4d55-a3d4-b8bfd72e41be}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {84fd3b77-b4d3-4833-bf33-ba0f7b3fb72e}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {bf0d7c35-56ec-4775-857d-93c21f48d129}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {42c72b02-9df5-4f10-9f05-3c83af50c498}, !- Inlet Port
+ {94af923d-30a6-4314-bb75-12f27932f412}; !- Outlet Port
+ {16993b60-9017-44fd-aafa-48d3174a0aa8}, !- Handle
+ {03b33c76-9836-42d7-9aea-fa2a39e0e436}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a27549f3-ae58-44de-a815-bb1cfb60af9e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {42c72b02-9df5-4f10-9f05-3c83af50c498}, !- Handle
+ {e384999e-a614-4f12-996f-b9d1d23e0a99}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {bf0d7c35-56ec-4775-857d-93c21f48d129}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {94af923d-30a6-4314-bb75-12f27932f412}, !- Handle
+ {bf0d7c35-56ec-4775-857d-93c21f48d129}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {989bae74-1c30-4e66-8b78-f3db33d13c56}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {8ff158a0-9bcb-428c-97e7-da6fc44ee0bb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {88437c0a-b371-4921-b547-de4e8834edd4}, !- Inlet Port
+ {622029bb-3683-4d55-a3d4-b8bfd72e41be}; !- Outlet Port
+ {88437c0a-b371-4921-b547-de4e8834edd4}, !- Handle
+ {d88466b7-82b0-4251-b07e-510598e7b697}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8ff158a0-9bcb-428c-97e7-da6fc44ee0bb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {622029bb-3683-4d55-a3d4-b8bfd72e41be}, !- Handle
+ {8ff158a0-9bcb-428c-97e7-da6fc44ee0bb}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {e760ae65-67ab-4b2e-b20f-96ff8638c19e}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {84fd3b77-b4d3-4833-bf33-ba0f7b3fb72e}, !- Handle
+ {e760ae65-67ab-4b2e-b20f-96ff8638c19e}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {03b33c76-9836-42d7-9aea-fa2a39e0e436}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {63457462-ec7d-4a13-860e-c134e03d6c6c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {ebb6928c-2f02-440c-859d-6989c971eec4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {d0c3efa4-0f58-41cf-af50-4da79525be73}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {c46cac4a-a2ec-41d0-98a4-762b5ddd6460}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {3929fbf7-018e-4b4d-98da-fb6033712c0b}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {b066a4e0-81ad-466e-9cf1-8be2cf1e7741}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {e3f87b43-cd64-4649-bf6a-60256015a9f4}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {f4417eff-0e83-4a4d-89d6-ca054e0c5c11}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {07d59fd4-3dbc-4bac-8aab-bfceab7c7de2}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {411003cc-3fde-4d5d-af42-a5719de2c795}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {c46cac4a-a2ec-41d0-98a4-762b5ddd6460}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a70e08c4-143c-4f00-950c-3220174cd260}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b134c6a5-8720-44aa-b0d9-dc8359242b59}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {5632ef19-731f-4cf6-8e92-bef5abff6b65}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e3f87b43-cd64-4649-bf6a-60256015a9f4}; !- Outlet Port
+ {c46cac4a-a2ec-41d0-98a4-762b5ddd6460}, !- Handle
+ {63457462-ec7d-4a13-860e-c134e03d6c6c}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {411003cc-3fde-4d5d-af42-a5719de2c795}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e3f87b43-cd64-4649-bf6a-60256015a9f4}, !- Handle
+ {b134c6a5-8720-44aa-b0d9-dc8359242b59}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {63457462-ec7d-4a13-860e-c134e03d6c6c}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {2111ec09-8c38-48f2-9c9d-3bff406e066c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {b066a4e0-81ad-466e-9cf1-8be2cf1e7741}, !- Inlet Port
+ {87a91e32-cd7e-462b-8eb3-d21a066029ae}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ee3dbce7-b1a1-40ea-970c-0647c14f9d95}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {159800c9-201f-4aaf-8bcf-d4b13a8b1e1a}, !- Inlet Port
+ {3929fbf7-018e-4b4d-98da-fb6033712c0b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {313f2203-7d86-4751-b4d7-bb761fe29ce6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {22922aab-b61e-43c0-8050-f11361e350da}, !- Inlet Port
+ {7fcb0968-a918-4b8c-8f0c-622d4e919098}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b066a4e0-81ad-466e-9cf1-8be2cf1e7741}, !- Handle
+ {63457462-ec7d-4a13-860e-c134e03d6c6c}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {2111ec09-8c38-48f2-9c9d-3bff406e066c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3929fbf7-018e-4b4d-98da-fb6033712c0b}, !- Handle
+ {ee3dbce7-b1a1-40ea-970c-0647c14f9d95}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {63457462-ec7d-4a13-860e-c134e03d6c6c}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {07d59fd4-3dbc-4bac-8aab-bfceab7c7de2}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 6, !- Name
+ {87a91e32-cd7e-462b-8eb3-d21a066029ae}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {d5c5566f-295f-4a50-8441-255f7c66adb0}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {f4417eff-0e83-4a4d-89d6-ca054e0c5c11}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 6, !- Name
+ {159800c9-201f-4aaf-8bcf-d4b13a8b1e1a}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {5abd6f37-c2a8-4c6a-88c7-4be1e8343fc6}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {87a91e32-cd7e-462b-8eb3-d21a066029ae}, !- Handle
+ {2111ec09-8c38-48f2-9c9d-3bff406e066c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {07d59fd4-3dbc-4bac-8aab-bfceab7c7de2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {159800c9-201f-4aaf-8bcf-d4b13a8b1e1a}, !- Handle
+ {f4417eff-0e83-4a4d-89d6-ca054e0c5c11}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {ee3dbce7-b1a1-40ea-970c-0647c14f9d95}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {aad3d769-d3e0-44f2-8351-903a1566b832}, !- Handle
+ {63457462-ec7d-4a13-860e-c134e03d6c6c}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {d0c3efa4-0f58-41cf-af50-4da79525be73}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 5, !- Name
+ {4e3024ca-f712-42e8-8313-4d7cd05aae76}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {ba8b75e4-768b-4966-b6f1-e2a202f59b1d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {b134c6a5-8720-44aa-b0d9-dc8359242b59}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {b489a143-1084-455c-ad90-c9f22d6de9d4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 17kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {07b3c3b2-9317-46d9-a592-e2a3519306cc}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {b92ee2d6-cc00-407a-a24f-895bbb5b74bf}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 10kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {0a47cfe4-6c26-48c7-a1aa-72e6f267cd6d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {fb4cecf0-8970-4fd3-9324-5ee3155b21ae}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {0612c9f1-d18d-4367-b987-258a3f7d7c04}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {fb4cecf0-8970-4fd3-9324-5ee3155b21ae}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 5, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {0612c9f1-d18d-4367-b987-258a3f7d7c04}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 5, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {cbae8270-e358-4149-a5d0-7164fef5a744}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {d35dc6f3-37ba-4b79-8b6d-853da9e84ebf}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {c14015bb-3b09-4355-b89b-5ed5c58e2994}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {5632ef19-731f-4cf6-8e92-bef5abff6b65}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {0a47cfe4-6c26-48c7-a1aa-72e6f267cd6d}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {6fc191ad-dd02-4031-b978-48630e3ff238}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {b489a143-1084-455c-ad90-c9f22d6de9d4}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {b92ee2d6-cc00-407a-a24f-895bbb5b74bf}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {07b3c3b2-9317-46d9-a592-e2a3519306cc}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {5632ef19-731f-4cf6-8e92-bef5abff6b65}, !- Handle
+ {cbae8270-e358-4149-a5d0-7164fef5a744}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {b134c6a5-8720-44aa-b0d9-dc8359242b59}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1c9fa9b1-9f5f-4571-95d0-e93a5e54f691}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {9400b40b-8c8f-459e-9a20-d29f9ebfe323}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {5456d94e-2fef-4764-8ac3-f4c44ff72f93}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {5456d94e-2fef-4764-8ac3-f4c44ff72f93}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 6, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {bc54b565-46d7-48f7-90f6-241b5a087511}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {1c9fa9b1-9f5f-4571-95d0-e93a5e54f691}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {704f4218-0ba4-4a1f-a267-5c9e31b23f15}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {c328adf7-5211-4c0e-8947-2dd1e477de51}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {0e532e03-5654-4ac8-9f12-d14992cab72f}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {a70e08c4-143c-4f00-950c-3220174cd260}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {ac2242f7-7b61-41f6-ad4e-ed3bf19b7253}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {c328adf7-5211-4c0e-8947-2dd1e477de51}; !- Outlet Port
+ {c328adf7-5211-4c0e-8947-2dd1e477de51}, !- Handle
+ {ac2242f7-7b61-41f6-ad4e-ed3bf19b7253}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bc54b565-46d7-48f7-90f6-241b5a087511}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {f489a3cc-1c97-4259-87c3-e7441d5a8000}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {0e532e03-5654-4ac8-9f12-d14992cab72f}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {0e532e03-5654-4ac8-9f12-d14992cab72f}, !- Handle
+ {bc54b565-46d7-48f7-90f6-241b5a087511}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {f489a3cc-1c97-4259-87c3-e7441d5a8000}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5003d06f-6fa5-4792-8269-dd88eb6b18e2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {704f4218-0ba4-4a1f-a267-5c9e31b23f15}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c14015bb-3b09-4355-b89b-5ed5c58e2994}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a70e08c4-143c-4f00-950c-3220174cd260}, !- Handle
+ {411003cc-3fde-4d5d-af42-a5719de2c795}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bc54b565-46d7-48f7-90f6-241b5a087511}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {704f4218-0ba4-4a1f-a267-5c9e31b23f15}, !- Handle
+ {bc54b565-46d7-48f7-90f6-241b5a087511}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {5003d06f-6fa5-4792-8269-dd88eb6b18e2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c14015bb-3b09-4355-b89b-5ed5c58e2994}, !- Handle
+ {5003d06f-6fa5-4792-8269-dd88eb6b18e2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cbae8270-e358-4149-a5d0-7164fef5a744}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {4e3024ca-f712-42e8-8313-4d7cd05aae76}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 6, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {7ac71637-5a3d-46e5-a479-c0c8bfea9400}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {1d2c6164-b42e-490c-878a-961c403edff5}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {e78fa0a7-c61f-4ae9-8cad-f7a23ee6ee77}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {97b1513b-770a-4b18-bd0f-8ea62f40016c}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {7ac71637-5a3d-46e5-a479-c0c8bfea9400}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 6 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {1d2c6164-b42e-490c-878a-961c403edff5}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 6 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {e78fa0a7-c61f-4ae9-8cad-f7a23ee6ee77}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 6 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {97b1513b-770a-4b18-bd0f-8ea62f40016c}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 6 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {30626048-78ad-4779-9a85-402f802f0dc8}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {ad2198d9-f1ac-47e4-ba4a-63f2909da3e6}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {22922aab-b61e-43c0-8050-f11361e350da}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {79a8ddf5-e243-47e3-aa21-0006550e6eb9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {a511821e-65ab-4fa8-bb0f-28157faa80e3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5abd6f37-c2a8-4c6a-88c7-4be1e8343fc6}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7fcb0968-a918-4b8c-8f0c-622d4e919098}, !- Handle
+ {313f2203-7d86-4751-b4d7-bb761fe29ce6}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6cad66cc-9bd1-426e-9d5c-5c45b31e2c7b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a511821e-65ab-4fa8-bb0f-28157faa80e3}, !- Handle
+ {a3db8872-05d1-47b1-a448-bc065ac8a12c}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {79a8ddf5-e243-47e3-aa21-0006550e6eb9}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5abd6f37-c2a8-4c6a-88c7-4be1e8343fc6}, !- Handle
+ {79a8ddf5-e243-47e3-aa21-0006550e6eb9}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f4417eff-0e83-4a4d-89d6-ca054e0c5c11}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {cf320f00-1e69-4ed3-9df3-d2f3584b1d50}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {d5c5566f-295f-4a50-8441-255f7c66adb0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ad2198d9-f1ac-47e4-ba4a-63f2909da3e6}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d5c5566f-295f-4a50-8441-255f7c66adb0}, !- Handle
+ {07d59fd4-3dbc-4bac-8aab-bfceab7c7de2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cf320f00-1e69-4ed3-9df3-d2f3584b1d50}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ad2198d9-f1ac-47e4-ba4a-63f2909da3e6}, !- Handle
+ {cf320f00-1e69-4ed3-9df3-d2f3584b1d50}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {30626048-78ad-4779-9a85-402f802f0dc8}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {22922aab-b61e-43c0-8050-f11361e350da}, !- Handle
+ {30626048-78ad-4779-9a85-402f802f0dc8}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {313f2203-7d86-4751-b4d7-bb761fe29ce6}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0d9a2b12-d6f6-4d86-a4bc-eae2a0f3a55c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {ce2dbb6a-5b96-4962-9910-30c5ff01b674}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {66b672a1-6b4f-4ae8-a01f-6a2e280263cb}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {992d60f1-a633-4766-b8c1-731e787b7ad2}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {96e2134c-b599-491d-858d-367c1eff5725}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {24bd189a-7cb7-4927-86b8-cc3e78440f53}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {0f907ced-f21d-4c1d-b843-0d2d6040267d}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {3953da5a-51ca-4043-a90d-672e065c9cba}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {3c0cd29f-2c24-4788-acde-22985a1cd983}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {b47d9cf5-f91b-43aa-9caa-7c26844830ea}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {992d60f1-a633-4766-b8c1-731e787b7ad2}, !- Inlet Port
+ {23784305-67b2-4dad-bebf-87959b7b2511}; !- Outlet Port
+ {78cfcf3b-727e-408e-94b1-5854aa42026d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {f3417ef7-f6de-42cb-a007-ce556b1e09fb}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0f907ced-f21d-4c1d-b843-0d2d6040267d}; !- Outlet Port
+ {992d60f1-a633-4766-b8c1-731e787b7ad2}, !- Handle
+ {0d9a2b12-d6f6-4d86-a4bc-eae2a0f3a55c}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {b47d9cf5-f91b-43aa-9caa-7c26844830ea}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0f907ced-f21d-4c1d-b843-0d2d6040267d}, !- Handle
+ {78cfcf3b-727e-408e-94b1-5854aa42026d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {0d9a2b12-d6f6-4d86-a4bc-eae2a0f3a55c}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {2f6f326f-2391-45e5-978b-668aa5e36b2e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {24bd189a-7cb7-4927-86b8-cc3e78440f53}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0dfd38bd-1c8d-4f7d-9c97-ab8aa7e1d15a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {818ec930-b45b-495d-b43d-a899175ea49f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {55084d88-a6d2-4b3d-96cd-a66fe96f513c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {96e2134c-b599-491d-858d-367c1eff5725}; !- Outlet Port
+ {33f665b8-3ec0-4023-82a5-6fc2c72e94de}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {d026322f-b173-4382-a37b-e5982dfcd4d5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {75dcf101-9715-4ba9-9aec-9966f1617201}; !- Outlet Port
+ {24bd189a-7cb7-4927-86b8-cc3e78440f53}, !- Handle
+ {0d9a2b12-d6f6-4d86-a4bc-eae2a0f3a55c}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {2f6f326f-2391-45e5-978b-668aa5e36b2e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {96e2134c-b599-491d-858d-367c1eff5725}, !- Handle
+ {818ec930-b45b-495d-b43d-a899175ea49f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {0d9a2b12-d6f6-4d86-a4bc-eae2a0f3a55c}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {3c0cd29f-2c24-4788-acde-22985a1cd983}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 7, !- Name
+ {0dfd38bd-1c8d-4f7d-9c97-ab8aa7e1d15a}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {127e147e-2588-403e-b8fa-f312f671a78d}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {3953da5a-51ca-4043-a90d-672e065c9cba}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 7, !- Name
+ {55084d88-a6d2-4b3d-96cd-a66fe96f513c}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {c6105de7-496b-4fe9-9505-c06d739be5cf}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {0dfd38bd-1c8d-4f7d-9c97-ab8aa7e1d15a}, !- Handle
+ {2f6f326f-2391-45e5-978b-668aa5e36b2e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3c0cd29f-2c24-4788-acde-22985a1cd983}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {55084d88-a6d2-4b3d-96cd-a66fe96f513c}, !- Handle
+ {3953da5a-51ca-4043-a90d-672e065c9cba}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {818ec930-b45b-495d-b43d-a899175ea49f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1666aae4-03ae-49a5-86c9-88c54fc24423}, !- Handle
+ {0d9a2b12-d6f6-4d86-a4bc-eae2a0f3a55c}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {66b672a1-6b4f-4ae8-a01f-6a2e280263cb}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 6, !- Name
+ {ee98d6bf-243d-4c88-a53e-75e26153d569}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {0e110ad7-2927-4353-b26f-e6f7ade2cd58}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {78cfcf3b-727e-408e-94b1-5854aa42026d}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {baebed30-c2cf-42ba-ac70-b1ff6e588f8b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 41kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {b8dd0e47-4ea8-42fc-88f0-4fbb8edf322e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {d25b1e4a-9ee9-4e1c-90be-da059ccfbaa1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 19kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {78db2761-e392-4a9b-a00e-0c8b2e1692fa}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {8dfb0a47-e6fd-494e-ad64-0b25abf97066}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {a8f15eca-8fb9-4fbf-8d5a-2cc5d3139eff}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {8dfb0a47-e6fd-494e-ad64-0b25abf97066}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 6, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {a8f15eca-8fb9-4fbf-8d5a-2cc5d3139eff}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 6, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {7f853711-9e8f-4400-b35b-232341e4b780}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {f25be6e5-8d78-4e97-b356-1c26245fed70}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {9ae15031-a868-40e9-a169-5826b32ca99c}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {f3417ef7-f6de-42cb-a007-ce556b1e09fb}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {78db2761-e392-4a9b-a00e-0c8b2e1692fa}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {d3ea0f00-303b-4b33-a986-ed21a8427064}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {baebed30-c2cf-42ba-ac70-b1ff6e588f8b}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {d25b1e4a-9ee9-4e1c-90be-da059ccfbaa1}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {b8dd0e47-4ea8-42fc-88f0-4fbb8edf322e}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {f3417ef7-f6de-42cb-a007-ce556b1e09fb}, !- Handle
+ {7f853711-9e8f-4400-b35b-232341e4b780}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {78cfcf3b-727e-408e-94b1-5854aa42026d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9771c9d9-3580-496c-8560-b15f5ee8fea1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {a7ca0245-65c8-4247-889e-03583a3c4923}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {26ab54dc-80ae-4c9e-bcae-ddbca3fa3b65}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {26ab54dc-80ae-4c9e-bcae-ddbca3fa3b65}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 7, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {5722df28-603d-41d4-af0f-118f72469bef}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {9771c9d9-3580-496c-8560-b15f5ee8fea1}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {2b3ce1dc-bb12-4d04-ae20-280c96499afd}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {3276fa04-1e04-490a-81a5-661f182e7af2}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {4819fb68-8319-4663-ada2-86b5ba4f1298}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {23784305-67b2-4dad-bebf-87959b7b2511}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {e2e40595-c71c-482d-b851-235863b79345}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {3276fa04-1e04-490a-81a5-661f182e7af2}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3276fa04-1e04-490a-81a5-661f182e7af2}, !- Handle
+ {e2e40595-c71c-482d-b851-235863b79345}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5722df28-603d-41d4-af0f-118f72469bef}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {a903fc15-1165-4b9f-a09e-bd7511649d43}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {4819fb68-8319-4663-ada2-86b5ba4f1298}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {4819fb68-8319-4663-ada2-86b5ba4f1298}, !- Handle
+ {5722df28-603d-41d4-af0f-118f72469bef}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {a903fc15-1165-4b9f-a09e-bd7511649d43}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {555c1299-3d87-432d-b6cf-b802c20cd436}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {2b3ce1dc-bb12-4d04-ae20-280c96499afd}, !- Inlet Port
+ {9ae15031-a868-40e9-a169-5826b32ca99c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {23784305-67b2-4dad-bebf-87959b7b2511}, !- Handle
+ {b47d9cf5-f91b-43aa-9caa-7c26844830ea}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5722df28-603d-41d4-af0f-118f72469bef}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {2b3ce1dc-bb12-4d04-ae20-280c96499afd}, !- Handle
+ {5722df28-603d-41d4-af0f-118f72469bef}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {555c1299-3d87-432d-b6cf-b802c20cd436}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9ae15031-a868-40e9-a169-5826b32ca99c}, !- Handle
+ {555c1299-3d87-432d-b6cf-b802c20cd436}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7f853711-9e8f-4400-b35b-232341e4b780}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {ee98d6bf-243d-4c88-a53e-75e26153d569}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 7, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {656f452e-25a5-4c36-8211-fcdea8f4f994}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {7abaf841-a6da-4b74-bd5d-b5d083605e93}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {ba9043d3-cdb8-44b1-86eb-6245576e5dec}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {d5e92ff6-a476-464b-8559-899ca91320ad}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {656f452e-25a5-4c36-8211-fcdea8f4f994}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 7 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {7abaf841-a6da-4b74-bd5d-b5d083605e93}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 7 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {ba9043d3-cdb8-44b1-86eb-6245576e5dec}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 7 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {d5e92ff6-a476-464b-8559-899ca91320ad}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 7 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {2e55abfe-3716-41a7-bb1c-dd85e9ca48de}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {dda24f0c-2a4b-4546-baca-22e26cd94e83}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {d026322f-b173-4382-a37b-e5982dfcd4d5}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {6c5fabcc-15a5-4a48-aae2-468758cd2ef4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {d848bd53-b852-46ef-823f-41f10e713bc4}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c6105de7-496b-4fe9-9505-c06d739be5cf}; !- Outlet Port
+ {75dcf101-9715-4ba9-9aec-9966f1617201}, !- Handle
+ {33f665b8-3ec0-4023-82a5-6fc2c72e94de}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {0174cb84-7f1b-45c6-b63d-b29559718b7b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d848bd53-b852-46ef-823f-41f10e713bc4}, !- Handle
+ {1e6f53ad-6a7a-448c-a030-045015d9ec6a}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {6c5fabcc-15a5-4a48-aae2-468758cd2ef4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c6105de7-496b-4fe9-9505-c06d739be5cf}, !- Handle
+ {6c5fabcc-15a5-4a48-aae2-468758cd2ef4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3953da5a-51ca-4043-a90d-672e065c9cba}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {df04c816-40bc-4598-b875-313b4bccee78}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {127e147e-2588-403e-b8fa-f312f671a78d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {dda24f0c-2a4b-4546-baca-22e26cd94e83}; !- Outlet Port
+ {127e147e-2588-403e-b8fa-f312f671a78d}, !- Handle
+ {3c0cd29f-2c24-4788-acde-22985a1cd983}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {df04c816-40bc-4598-b875-313b4bccee78}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {dda24f0c-2a4b-4546-baca-22e26cd94e83}, !- Handle
+ {df04c816-40bc-4598-b875-313b4bccee78}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2e55abfe-3716-41a7-bb1c-dd85e9ca48de}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {d026322f-b173-4382-a37b-e5982dfcd4d5}, !- Handle
+ {2e55abfe-3716-41a7-bb1c-dd85e9ca48de}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {33f665b8-3ec0-4023-82a5-6fc2c72e94de}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b43d5823-3e53-4f64-84ae-aa52a5b08a2b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {f3ae3429-a52b-4aac-9e95-8950528df0cc}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {1f484879-27d7-4975-9750-a08a9c9c94d6}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {947407b8-5807-4663-9a4e-af9d37cddea5}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {3bd2108c-77c6-4a30-b71a-49c9a352e998}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {b968bd44-ff1b-45da-b605-d57838ecfe71}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {cda5e835-941f-40b0-9be2-30ac7b03913b}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {a37d4259-221c-42a9-97fa-9e6e1dd88f3d}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {07d9a38d-6188-4ff5-a3cd-ec35392ea092}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {0fe61194-7aac-4ac0-bb1f-8c087ef26896}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {947407b8-5807-4663-9a4e-af9d37cddea5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {1287f4a9-8cd2-465d-9004-36ac14ec5a65}; !- Outlet Port
+ {61fef236-fd7a-4d26-8b75-cc0f91f3f856}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {4fb5bada-b952-4577-9b50-056de8d567ae}, !- Inlet Port
+ {cda5e835-941f-40b0-9be2-30ac7b03913b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {947407b8-5807-4663-9a4e-af9d37cddea5}, !- Handle
+ {b43d5823-3e53-4f64-84ae-aa52a5b08a2b}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {0fe61194-7aac-4ac0-bb1f-8c087ef26896}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {cda5e835-941f-40b0-9be2-30ac7b03913b}, !- Handle
+ {61fef236-fd7a-4d26-8b75-cc0f91f3f856}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b43d5823-3e53-4f64-84ae-aa52a5b08a2b}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {262b4dc7-0e98-4c6b-9fdb-ab30d9aff47b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {b968bd44-ff1b-45da-b605-d57838ecfe71}, !- Inlet Port
+ {3f2d85ee-3ec9-49f1-a523-6a6f11858d8c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {af351e4c-164a-429c-84af-817b1e4dfe15}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {27d63484-45f5-4c2e-91d2-87f71c467028}, !- Inlet Port
+ {3bd2108c-77c6-4a30-b71a-49c9a352e998}; !- Outlet Port
+ {16a6683a-74ba-42e6-9480-050032fca0ff}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {1140fd5e-3af6-40bd-a8c5-d10eea69b4d5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e4c666c7-dc8e-48e2-9001-5a7976c1d92e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b968bd44-ff1b-45da-b605-d57838ecfe71}, !- Handle
+ {b43d5823-3e53-4f64-84ae-aa52a5b08a2b}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {262b4dc7-0e98-4c6b-9fdb-ab30d9aff47b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3bd2108c-77c6-4a30-b71a-49c9a352e998}, !- Handle
+ {af351e4c-164a-429c-84af-817b1e4dfe15}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b43d5823-3e53-4f64-84ae-aa52a5b08a2b}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {07d9a38d-6188-4ff5-a3cd-ec35392ea092}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 8, !- Name
+ {3f2d85ee-3ec9-49f1-a523-6a6f11858d8c}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {e66ec339-72a4-4fac-956e-a14426d0d298}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {a37d4259-221c-42a9-97fa-9e6e1dd88f3d}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 8, !- Name
+ {27d63484-45f5-4c2e-91d2-87f71c467028}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {6824720f-b579-4d83-953a-3b77edd810bf}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {3f2d85ee-3ec9-49f1-a523-6a6f11858d8c}, !- Handle
+ {262b4dc7-0e98-4c6b-9fdb-ab30d9aff47b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {07d9a38d-6188-4ff5-a3cd-ec35392ea092}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {27d63484-45f5-4c2e-91d2-87f71c467028}, !- Handle
+ {a37d4259-221c-42a9-97fa-9e6e1dd88f3d}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {af351e4c-164a-429c-84af-817b1e4dfe15}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9a2404fe-8b8c-4ed1-b633-1c8479c24837}, !- Handle
+ {b43d5823-3e53-4f64-84ae-aa52a5b08a2b}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {1f484879-27d7-4975-9750-a08a9c9c94d6}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 7, !- Name
+ {c089ca7b-8077-414e-a6b6-b33ccb817d0b}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {710085e1-2f4f-411b-8465-258be5418b53}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {61fef236-fd7a-4d26-8b75-cc0f91f3f856}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {19407818-60b2-4618-8a2d-929c854838f0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 20kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {71d1d5b0-ecfc-4b2f-a625-d745e47985ed}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {060b2f06-7478-4e5d-a7a7-c52d0c9a720e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 9kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {fd2a860d-c12d-4a60-a271-aca20702c50e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {04c98313-1fbd-4cc0-8aaf-e9645065a475}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {ca11021f-d357-4440-99e5-567aee6fd9b7}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {04c98313-1fbd-4cc0-8aaf-e9645065a475}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 7, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {ca11021f-d357-4440-99e5-567aee6fd9b7}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 7, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {e41fc05f-a6cc-41ad-90e1-1b6a4f9458c0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {20858f7e-a656-49e4-a594-e38a09de478d}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {6a8de5e8-dc75-4f6a-9bbe-cc0e0f73315a}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {4fb5bada-b952-4577-9b50-056de8d567ae}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {fd2a860d-c12d-4a60-a271-aca20702c50e}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {23019a64-2d70-4921-894e-63284d85e471}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {19407818-60b2-4618-8a2d-929c854838f0}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {060b2f06-7478-4e5d-a7a7-c52d0c9a720e}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {71d1d5b0-ecfc-4b2f-a625-d745e47985ed}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {4fb5bada-b952-4577-9b50-056de8d567ae}, !- Handle
+ {e41fc05f-a6cc-41ad-90e1-1b6a4f9458c0}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {61fef236-fd7a-4d26-8b75-cc0f91f3f856}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {bcc64f94-ea98-4d7f-8be3-d70e961f7002}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {dcb73a8c-1422-4005-adb3-ecadbedf8e0e}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {c3adfabe-e681-4de6-a2be-99ceb1acc60a}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {c3adfabe-e681-4de6-a2be-99ceb1acc60a}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 8, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {cea56551-3043-4a7a-ab81-d58843f4728e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {bcc64f94-ea98-4d7f-8be3-d70e961f7002}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {371430fa-aa09-47c1-82bd-cbf0f0761a08}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {81990c49-f02d-4e74-9b23-90cd598e10e3}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {932e4224-98a9-49fe-8b27-d89feb834bd5}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {1287f4a9-8cd2-465d-9004-36ac14ec5a65}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {aeddafe3-c6a4-4269-ae72-b1143addc873}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {81990c49-f02d-4e74-9b23-90cd598e10e3}; !- Outlet Port
+ {81990c49-f02d-4e74-9b23-90cd598e10e3}, !- Handle
+ {aeddafe3-c6a4-4269-ae72-b1143addc873}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cea56551-3043-4a7a-ab81-d58843f4728e}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {156cbb17-2670-4de9-85b4-46411957c5cc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {932e4224-98a9-49fe-8b27-d89feb834bd5}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {932e4224-98a9-49fe-8b27-d89feb834bd5}, !- Handle
+ {cea56551-3043-4a7a-ab81-d58843f4728e}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {156cbb17-2670-4de9-85b4-46411957c5cc}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1d3fec55-8a01-4517-ab35-a9092edd0ce4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {371430fa-aa09-47c1-82bd-cbf0f0761a08}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6a8de5e8-dc75-4f6a-9bbe-cc0e0f73315a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {1287f4a9-8cd2-465d-9004-36ac14ec5a65}, !- Handle
+ {0fe61194-7aac-4ac0-bb1f-8c087ef26896}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {cea56551-3043-4a7a-ab81-d58843f4728e}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {371430fa-aa09-47c1-82bd-cbf0f0761a08}, !- Handle
+ {cea56551-3043-4a7a-ab81-d58843f4728e}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {1d3fec55-8a01-4517-ab35-a9092edd0ce4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6a8de5e8-dc75-4f6a-9bbe-cc0e0f73315a}, !- Handle
+ {1d3fec55-8a01-4517-ab35-a9092edd0ce4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {e41fc05f-a6cc-41ad-90e1-1b6a4f9458c0}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {c089ca7b-8077-414e-a6b6-b33ccb817d0b}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 8, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {fe15bcd3-5e2e-453e-bc2f-0c8fe6ff4e79}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {4e734024-046f-4e9f-89f0-b7079d2c49c5}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {521bcf87-522c-4281-9d8c-61dcff7d3771}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {7ea0a696-8679-466b-9f44-6736f51ae2b6}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {fe15bcd3-5e2e-453e-bc2f-0c8fe6ff4e79}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 8 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {4e734024-046f-4e9f-89f0-b7079d2c49c5}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 8 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {521bcf87-522c-4281-9d8c-61dcff7d3771}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 8 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {7ea0a696-8679-466b-9f44-6736f51ae2b6}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 8 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {5e7464d1-32c8-459f-8438-f44a679ab7ce}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {251fe0ba-5308-4242-adbe-dd7a91096595}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {1140fd5e-3af6-40bd-a8c5-d10eea69b4d5}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {012ee0c3-532a-4b3c-b9cd-e1dfd7f12032}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {044cd399-d606-4998-bb93-b8e6dd29597d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6824720f-b579-4d83-953a-3b77edd810bf}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e4c666c7-dc8e-48e2-9001-5a7976c1d92e}, !- Handle
+ {16a6683a-74ba-42e6-9480-050032fca0ff}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5c8bea84-bba3-487f-930a-96aaef6b41e7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {044cd399-d606-4998-bb93-b8e6dd29597d}, !- Handle
+ {7d973324-9ee0-444c-b222-5c41a33d9a6b}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {012ee0c3-532a-4b3c-b9cd-e1dfd7f12032}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6824720f-b579-4d83-953a-3b77edd810bf}, !- Handle
+ {012ee0c3-532a-4b3c-b9cd-e1dfd7f12032}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a37d4259-221c-42a9-97fa-9e6e1dd88f3d}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {523c212a-2cbf-4b78-bd0f-70cd467c1375}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {e66ec339-72a4-4fac-956e-a14426d0d298}, !- Inlet Port
+ {251fe0ba-5308-4242-adbe-dd7a91096595}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e66ec339-72a4-4fac-956e-a14426d0d298}, !- Handle
+ {07d9a38d-6188-4ff5-a3cd-ec35392ea092}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {523c212a-2cbf-4b78-bd0f-70cd467c1375}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {251fe0ba-5308-4242-adbe-dd7a91096595}, !- Handle
+ {523c212a-2cbf-4b78-bd0f-70cd467c1375}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5e7464d1-32c8-459f-8438-f44a679ab7ce}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {1140fd5e-3af6-40bd-a8c5-d10eea69b4d5}, !- Handle
+ {5e7464d1-32c8-459f-8438-f44a679ab7ce}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {16a6683a-74ba-42e6-9480-050032fca0ff}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1cd50a74-dc74-4f02-8baa-448467d8488e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {5f274b8b-d448-43e4-9c64-7b571d93f458}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {f9a0229c-be51-4ecf-8c06-a366c6f2d793}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {8b718fdc-45cd-4d43-b807-efee0f538e1b}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {966b59a1-0eb5-4267-a681-ce9b9ed63fdc}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {c9ce1b14-7b15-45d8-ab1c-b697505c5782}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {32016d48-88cf-48e2-b86f-d443598439d6}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {d6e78c0f-3892-46cb-bae1-e8b8217872d5}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {d2de4e02-3f77-4e45-ac46-cbb0f281d2e8}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {7ad65230-0ddc-4825-9f5c-cf250f3f53ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {8b718fdc-45cd-4d43-b807-efee0f538e1b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c9b82ecc-c1ce-4f28-9fc7-eada8989b76f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {85f216df-2113-4f69-b99d-2862e52e892b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {f24cbf51-daec-430e-99e5-e7f0f88af8fe}, !- Inlet Port
+ {32016d48-88cf-48e2-b86f-d443598439d6}; !- Outlet Port
+ {8b718fdc-45cd-4d43-b807-efee0f538e1b}, !- Handle
+ {1cd50a74-dc74-4f02-8baa-448467d8488e}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {7ad65230-0ddc-4825-9f5c-cf250f3f53ab}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {32016d48-88cf-48e2-b86f-d443598439d6}, !- Handle
+ {85f216df-2113-4f69-b99d-2862e52e892b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1cd50a74-dc74-4f02-8baa-448467d8488e}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {ddc4e706-a97a-46d3-87cb-0abb08f0f495}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {c9ce1b14-7b15-45d8-ab1c-b697505c5782}, !- Inlet Port
+ {9e069f82-e558-4eba-80d6-0715bbc19afa}; !- Outlet Port
+ {251ca9da-fa18-4ec1-9f67-59d5a8a72c78}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {c9974052-75bc-4052-a832-843ad1e315af}, !- Inlet Port
+ {966b59a1-0eb5-4267-a681-ce9b9ed63fdc}; !- Outlet Port
+ {34ccc80e-9824-469e-94b8-11371d724bc6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {b630069c-0981-4691-85d0-c209e30a9b9e}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c6bd7152-fc9f-4280-88f8-14411b36b8f0}; !- Outlet Port
+ {c9ce1b14-7b15-45d8-ab1c-b697505c5782}, !- Handle
+ {1cd50a74-dc74-4f02-8baa-448467d8488e}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {ddc4e706-a97a-46d3-87cb-0abb08f0f495}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {966b59a1-0eb5-4267-a681-ce9b9ed63fdc}, !- Handle
+ {251ca9da-fa18-4ec1-9f67-59d5a8a72c78}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1cd50a74-dc74-4f02-8baa-448467d8488e}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {d2de4e02-3f77-4e45-ac46-cbb0f281d2e8}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 9, !- Name
+ {9e069f82-e558-4eba-80d6-0715bbc19afa}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {ee94fc23-11a7-4e53-835a-558c59d7b80f}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {d6e78c0f-3892-46cb-bae1-e8b8217872d5}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 9, !- Name
+ {c9974052-75bc-4052-a832-843ad1e315af}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {5822195b-5f1f-4783-bf8f-950bc7984175}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {9e069f82-e558-4eba-80d6-0715bbc19afa}, !- Handle
+ {ddc4e706-a97a-46d3-87cb-0abb08f0f495}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d2de4e02-3f77-4e45-ac46-cbb0f281d2e8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c9974052-75bc-4052-a832-843ad1e315af}, !- Handle
+ {d6e78c0f-3892-46cb-bae1-e8b8217872d5}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {251ca9da-fa18-4ec1-9f67-59d5a8a72c78}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {95d93d5c-39fc-4da6-968f-de4d0c3bbdd7}, !- Handle
+ {1cd50a74-dc74-4f02-8baa-448467d8488e}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {f9a0229c-be51-4ecf-8c06-a366c6f2d793}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 8, !- Name
+ {fab33467-e1bc-4ba1-8a78-a3f945855316}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {00a11b2e-bb54-4583-a175-ff2b3c572a14}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {85f216df-2113-4f69-b99d-2862e52e892b}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {d322b286-45ba-4e6a-9050-d971dcfbe762}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 29kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {003d0202-d948-4744-9154-1adcc89e5de0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {c6f54516-30d3-487c-ba01-3a36863aedba}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 16kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {5104413c-8e27-4475-94c9-a1cca79def1c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {a717b89c-afb6-4ad7-8c7e-b1575f996665}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {7cfb0616-d68a-41b1-b250-ebfe30c72c7d}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {a717b89c-afb6-4ad7-8c7e-b1575f996665}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 8, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {7cfb0616-d68a-41b1-b250-ebfe30c72c7d}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 8, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {df098e66-2256-4d28-bd8f-d9fba66ac933}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {bcd668ae-f2d5-4649-89ef-6bd8e6b6e32b}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {be36d5c6-cf2a-48f3-b7cc-878b5626e535}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {f24cbf51-daec-430e-99e5-e7f0f88af8fe}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {5104413c-8e27-4475-94c9-a1cca79def1c}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {bbe971e6-77e6-4085-9eaa-4ad64e886dad}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {d322b286-45ba-4e6a-9050-d971dcfbe762}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {c6f54516-30d3-487c-ba01-3a36863aedba}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {003d0202-d948-4744-9154-1adcc89e5de0}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {f24cbf51-daec-430e-99e5-e7f0f88af8fe}, !- Handle
+ {df098e66-2256-4d28-bd8f-d9fba66ac933}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {85f216df-2113-4f69-b99d-2862e52e892b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {894c41e5-e87d-44fc-b02c-fd1d40146503}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {cb276644-8ce8-4bdb-9ee4-0a2bd9274a54}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {7edcb819-a6d7-404f-a8e7-a30d471e301a}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {7edcb819-a6d7-404f-a8e7-a30d471e301a}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 9, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {dbfdfede-9b92-49f2-914f-b8d2f43e3885}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {894c41e5-e87d-44fc-b02c-fd1d40146503}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {ee5ce3a8-4c50-4dc3-b942-2a6166a0a751}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {af267aaa-7c53-499e-b77c-98c92f586cf5}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {75b00e78-2a4c-46dc-bc41-cd4c60c5f112}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {c9b82ecc-c1ce-4f28-9fc7-eada8989b76f}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {1f7b86bd-df43-4f38-96e4-8962a1499a3d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {af267aaa-7c53-499e-b77c-98c92f586cf5}; !- Outlet Port
+ {af267aaa-7c53-499e-b77c-98c92f586cf5}, !- Handle
+ {1f7b86bd-df43-4f38-96e4-8962a1499a3d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {dbfdfede-9b92-49f2-914f-b8d2f43e3885}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {7fca8895-f0b5-464b-811f-35667991045b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {75b00e78-2a4c-46dc-bc41-cd4c60c5f112}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {75b00e78-2a4c-46dc-bc41-cd4c60c5f112}, !- Handle
+ {dbfdfede-9b92-49f2-914f-b8d2f43e3885}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {7fca8895-f0b5-464b-811f-35667991045b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {83c640fa-ce39-4538-aa4b-b82f7ed6c2d6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {ee5ce3a8-4c50-4dc3-b942-2a6166a0a751}, !- Inlet Port
+ {be36d5c6-cf2a-48f3-b7cc-878b5626e535}; !- Outlet Port
+ {c9b82ecc-c1ce-4f28-9fc7-eada8989b76f}, !- Handle
+ {7ad65230-0ddc-4825-9f5c-cf250f3f53ab}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {dbfdfede-9b92-49f2-914f-b8d2f43e3885}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {ee5ce3a8-4c50-4dc3-b942-2a6166a0a751}, !- Handle
+ {dbfdfede-9b92-49f2-914f-b8d2f43e3885}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {83c640fa-ce39-4538-aa4b-b82f7ed6c2d6}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {be36d5c6-cf2a-48f3-b7cc-878b5626e535}, !- Handle
+ {83c640fa-ce39-4538-aa4b-b82f7ed6c2d6}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {df098e66-2256-4d28-bd8f-d9fba66ac933}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {fab33467-e1bc-4ba1-8a78-a3f945855316}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 9, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {7352ad8c-fd72-4d22-9d58-c8a421ee1920}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {d2612775-af9d-44a1-ae66-7804c21107e5}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {6e39c40a-10e0-4db8-a3c5-0763387fff2f}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {40c5d597-81f1-4846-922f-d3edfae57096}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {7352ad8c-fd72-4d22-9d58-c8a421ee1920}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 9 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {d2612775-af9d-44a1-ae66-7804c21107e5}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 9 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {6e39c40a-10e0-4db8-a3c5-0763387fff2f}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 9 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {40c5d597-81f1-4846-922f-d3edfae57096}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 9 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {74c4af79-bd43-436e-b48f-a5f9d4a638f7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {5e9fb3f2-d8ac-43bd-8661-6eeee0b9265c}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {b630069c-0981-4691-85d0-c209e30a9b9e}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {84067c9f-8ae5-42b6-839f-ff2e1a2115d8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {2e102337-ed84-4d3c-a522-8330de402efa}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5822195b-5f1f-4783-bf8f-950bc7984175}; !- Outlet Port
+ {c6bd7152-fc9f-4280-88f8-14411b36b8f0}, !- Handle
+ {34ccc80e-9824-469e-94b8-11371d724bc6}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8d873cb8-9544-43e7-9aec-a8ac41340ca9}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2e102337-ed84-4d3c-a522-8330de402efa}, !- Handle
+ {32bb6a3f-22c3-47ea-ac92-bfaf1fe72e6b}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {84067c9f-8ae5-42b6-839f-ff2e1a2115d8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5822195b-5f1f-4783-bf8f-950bc7984175}, !- Handle
+ {84067c9f-8ae5-42b6-839f-ff2e1a2115d8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d6e78c0f-3892-46cb-bae1-e8b8217872d5}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {5b223628-a918-483d-a136-0ea6e13d5eb7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {ee94fc23-11a7-4e53-835a-558c59d7b80f}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5e9fb3f2-d8ac-43bd-8661-6eeee0b9265c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ee94fc23-11a7-4e53-835a-558c59d7b80f}, !- Handle
+ {d2de4e02-3f77-4e45-ac46-cbb0f281d2e8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5b223628-a918-483d-a136-0ea6e13d5eb7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5e9fb3f2-d8ac-43bd-8661-6eeee0b9265c}, !- Handle
+ {5b223628-a918-483d-a136-0ea6e13d5eb7}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {74c4af79-bd43-436e-b48f-a5f9d4a638f7}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {b630069c-0981-4691-85d0-c209e30a9b9e}, !- Handle
+ {74c4af79-bd43-436e-b48f-a5f9d4a638f7}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {34ccc80e-9824-469e-94b8-11371d724bc6}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d2af712d-ac24-4e30-a991-69a2f9d58e6f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {8ab51488-baec-48c0-9e3e-63cb42c9b537}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {48702577-70e5-435b-90f0-0e2622c0c588}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {63faafeb-cadb-494f-a022-81b5e3d37a4c}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {0a51db49-cbd0-4839-9d70-802bc6497c9e}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {b550d8cb-69d5-4025-90cc-a486581dffe8}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {0cec5827-b64d-4d78-96b8-dea9b5dff029}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {b939fa7e-916b-4f05-a259-4c3ba9d31d80}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {76f8dd3f-4e58-4866-9f99-d748f77e00f5}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {ac04eb46-0dd3-4e4d-bf76-0b70c7cfc4d1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {63faafeb-cadb-494f-a022-81b5e3d37a4c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {59001c4b-98d5-4991-a801-d9094a11dee7}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6394cbbd-e704-4757-aa68-275d7bb9d624}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {8571e230-07ed-4a78-9c36-936ffcd464d5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0cec5827-b64d-4d78-96b8-dea9b5dff029}; !- Outlet Port
+ {63faafeb-cadb-494f-a022-81b5e3d37a4c}, !- Handle
+ {d2af712d-ac24-4e30-a991-69a2f9d58e6f}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {ac04eb46-0dd3-4e4d-bf76-0b70c7cfc4d1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0cec5827-b64d-4d78-96b8-dea9b5dff029}, !- Handle
+ {6394cbbd-e704-4757-aa68-275d7bb9d624}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d2af712d-ac24-4e30-a991-69a2f9d58e6f}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {6a27e877-d0b3-4194-beac-110ac35fd2de}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {b550d8cb-69d5-4025-90cc-a486581dffe8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {40a3efc7-acb4-40db-8527-35ecf907dfaf}; !- Outlet Port
+ {40763322-878d-46a0-9749-a11b8d5be4da}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {a6cb0993-f642-4d5c-8d2f-21448ddc51b0}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0a51db49-cbd0-4839-9d70-802bc6497c9e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {167eaf18-edda-4b81-bbc0-a808eee2e78c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {43f2df47-c1d2-440d-91d8-d6fa5796901d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ca40d0d2-9429-46d5-8c75-67f0a0989829}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b550d8cb-69d5-4025-90cc-a486581dffe8}, !- Handle
+ {d2af712d-ac24-4e30-a991-69a2f9d58e6f}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {6a27e877-d0b3-4194-beac-110ac35fd2de}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0a51db49-cbd0-4839-9d70-802bc6497c9e}, !- Handle
+ {40763322-878d-46a0-9749-a11b8d5be4da}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d2af712d-ac24-4e30-a991-69a2f9d58e6f}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {76f8dd3f-4e58-4866-9f99-d748f77e00f5}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 10, !- Name
+ {40a3efc7-acb4-40db-8527-35ecf907dfaf}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {2c11c390-38a1-4e5e-bb08-7e9046310938}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {b939fa7e-916b-4f05-a259-4c3ba9d31d80}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 10, !- Name
+ {a6cb0993-f642-4d5c-8d2f-21448ddc51b0}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {bb57c234-892a-40be-ae14-f9fa5d2b8e36}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {40a3efc7-acb4-40db-8527-35ecf907dfaf}, !- Handle
+ {6a27e877-d0b3-4194-beac-110ac35fd2de}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {76f8dd3f-4e58-4866-9f99-d748f77e00f5}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a6cb0993-f642-4d5c-8d2f-21448ddc51b0}, !- Handle
+ {b939fa7e-916b-4f05-a259-4c3ba9d31d80}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {40763322-878d-46a0-9749-a11b8d5be4da}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e99ec57d-8709-4a0f-9e9d-46d7cd89dbde}, !- Handle
+ {d2af712d-ac24-4e30-a991-69a2f9d58e6f}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {48702577-70e5-435b-90f0-0e2622c0c588}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 9, !- Name
+ {6a3f28c6-d672-4751-96ef-176c309b83a5}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {85a2a953-b081-4eb5-a063-fb6e53c19e26}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {6394cbbd-e704-4757-aa68-275d7bb9d624}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {790f59ac-c3ad-49d0-9de6-8395b2f6a0e2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 37kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {cd072e65-3369-46c9-9210-dd16e6a28409}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {95fae3c4-aab3-4278-ac37-a539e22da464}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 17kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {893bf3e8-9398-4bc9-abeb-cab79d92a491}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {24976653-536a-4172-9039-0876734f82f3}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {63007c0f-50de-403c-adb8-ea01d2bf67c2}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {24976653-536a-4172-9039-0876734f82f3}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 9, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {63007c0f-50de-403c-adb8-ea01d2bf67c2}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 9, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {3d02684e-a942-4ed5-929b-df395380435b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {88cea8bc-f82c-4bde-b303-08c59b3641d1}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {72bfb0e1-a1a8-49ae-9cc5-2e9c224e828f}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {8571e230-07ed-4a78-9c36-936ffcd464d5}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {893bf3e8-9398-4bc9-abeb-cab79d92a491}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {1f824536-737a-4fc5-9249-b2442baf15b4}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {790f59ac-c3ad-49d0-9de6-8395b2f6a0e2}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {95fae3c4-aab3-4278-ac37-a539e22da464}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {cd072e65-3369-46c9-9210-dd16e6a28409}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {8571e230-07ed-4a78-9c36-936ffcd464d5}, !- Handle
+ {3d02684e-a942-4ed5-929b-df395380435b}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {6394cbbd-e704-4757-aa68-275d7bb9d624}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {95f58059-438c-4ea4-8c22-cf5220ec3335}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {69f8af16-6991-4055-9d14-2fdf53630e24}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {98f77473-ccbd-450c-933f-cde23321f759}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {98f77473-ccbd-450c-933f-cde23321f759}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 10, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {1878f64d-f06d-4142-aa62-f62a301a85bd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {95f58059-438c-4ea4-8c22-cf5220ec3335}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {33f04720-3154-4e00-ad21-e8d22c417582}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {11a72453-1fdc-44da-943c-f8a5d21c570a}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {2a0801ba-d9cd-4555-b22e-545b6660119a}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {59001c4b-98d5-4991-a801-d9094a11dee7}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {e122a70b-d684-45c4-9f18-b73247d3d093}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {11a72453-1fdc-44da-943c-f8a5d21c570a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {11a72453-1fdc-44da-943c-f8a5d21c570a}, !- Handle
+ {e122a70b-d684-45c4-9f18-b73247d3d093}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1878f64d-f06d-4142-aa62-f62a301a85bd}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {d6f5a01c-1068-477d-bed8-21c4eb1460b4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {2a0801ba-d9cd-4555-b22e-545b6660119a}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {2a0801ba-d9cd-4555-b22e-545b6660119a}, !- Handle
+ {1878f64d-f06d-4142-aa62-f62a301a85bd}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {d6f5a01c-1068-477d-bed8-21c4eb1460b4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0d2ac54d-111f-4b51-8436-95fd4c968b30}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {33f04720-3154-4e00-ad21-e8d22c417582}, !- Inlet Port
+ {72bfb0e1-a1a8-49ae-9cc5-2e9c224e828f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {59001c4b-98d5-4991-a801-d9094a11dee7}, !- Handle
+ {ac04eb46-0dd3-4e4d-bf76-0b70c7cfc4d1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1878f64d-f06d-4142-aa62-f62a301a85bd}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {33f04720-3154-4e00-ad21-e8d22c417582}, !- Handle
+ {1878f64d-f06d-4142-aa62-f62a301a85bd}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {0d2ac54d-111f-4b51-8436-95fd4c968b30}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {72bfb0e1-a1a8-49ae-9cc5-2e9c224e828f}, !- Handle
+ {0d2ac54d-111f-4b51-8436-95fd4c968b30}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3d02684e-a942-4ed5-929b-df395380435b}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {6a3f28c6-d672-4751-96ef-176c309b83a5}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 10, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {51284e80-dcf9-4be4-99d9-78f90654e8ab}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {8bf5c9c1-e8d3-4243-b07c-179e3518c715}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {a28aa58f-7012-4b4b-99d6-cc824bdc81dc}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {75e099ab-b3f5-45f9-9df7-f9a067558a0e}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {51284e80-dcf9-4be4-99d9-78f90654e8ab}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 10 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {8bf5c9c1-e8d3-4243-b07c-179e3518c715}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 10 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {a28aa58f-7012-4b4b-99d6-cc824bdc81dc}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 10 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {75e099ab-b3f5-45f9-9df7-f9a067558a0e}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 10 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {d42989b6-c9bb-456e-adab-87e1b9548f01}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {e1993282-1a71-4a77-b4ad-1f74851089e8}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {43f2df47-c1d2-440d-91d8-d6fa5796901d}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {e57b74f6-11dd-41ab-baa5-63f2ea3ba6d5}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {81a659f9-e9a0-4ee7-a620-b8058665eaa8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {bb57c234-892a-40be-ae14-f9fa5d2b8e36}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ca40d0d2-9429-46d5-8c75-67f0a0989829}, !- Handle
+ {167eaf18-edda-4b81-bbc0-a808eee2e78c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {21060eb4-3b62-43c6-9a06-0752a62b1efb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {81a659f9-e9a0-4ee7-a620-b8058665eaa8}, !- Handle
+ {a471771a-81dc-4492-b90e-53e7e60aa26a}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {e57b74f6-11dd-41ab-baa5-63f2ea3ba6d5}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {bb57c234-892a-40be-ae14-f9fa5d2b8e36}, !- Handle
+ {e57b74f6-11dd-41ab-baa5-63f2ea3ba6d5}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b939fa7e-916b-4f05-a259-4c3ba9d31d80}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {1eefd5a3-a4af-49d4-aa60-4e0f5b0fd16c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {2c11c390-38a1-4e5e-bb08-7e9046310938}, !- Inlet Port
+ {e1993282-1a71-4a77-b4ad-1f74851089e8}; !- Outlet Port
+ {2c11c390-38a1-4e5e-bb08-7e9046310938}, !- Handle
+ {76f8dd3f-4e58-4866-9f99-d748f77e00f5}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {1eefd5a3-a4af-49d4-aa60-4e0f5b0fd16c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {e1993282-1a71-4a77-b4ad-1f74851089e8}, !- Handle
+ {1eefd5a3-a4af-49d4-aa60-4e0f5b0fd16c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {d42989b6-c9bb-456e-adab-87e1b9548f01}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {43f2df47-c1d2-440d-91d8-d6fa5796901d}, !- Handle
+ {d42989b6-c9bb-456e-adab-87e1b9548f01}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {167eaf18-edda-4b81-bbc0-a808eee2e78c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7d20e498-2eea-4d17-b66f-a953b03ebef3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {e251c877-ecc6-402b-8dbb-3652f0d086f7}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {82268f22-579e-47a6-b235-a5dac1968dc4}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {5b9399fe-6020-4a29-ab97-0ebcb9d2565e}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {ced5d8b6-b5ee-4846-a7cb-7b17f282367f}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {79fee119-f395-4969-a6e6-3caa97428a14}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {29d8e8ff-5272-4f5e-bae2-78d1c6c0e797}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {bf81dce3-e44c-4211-9899-4447028deabd}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {eb0065cf-83d1-4e47-ae1d-d978278561e8}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {9d2e7d4c-b075-4eb2-85bb-0270f2430fa0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {5b9399fe-6020-4a29-ab97-0ebcb9d2565e}, !- Inlet Port
+ {828f885c-e9cb-49cd-bc8b-b3cb6ffe0115}; !- Outlet Port
+ {03891d58-488d-44f6-bd7c-c15eb964a7af}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {f1baeddb-2266-4435-bcaf-93ced8b47f97}, !- Inlet Port
+ {29d8e8ff-5272-4f5e-bae2-78d1c6c0e797}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5b9399fe-6020-4a29-ab97-0ebcb9d2565e}, !- Handle
+ {7d20e498-2eea-4d17-b66f-a953b03ebef3}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {9d2e7d4c-b075-4eb2-85bb-0270f2430fa0}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {29d8e8ff-5272-4f5e-bae2-78d1c6c0e797}, !- Handle
+ {03891d58-488d-44f6-bd7c-c15eb964a7af}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7d20e498-2eea-4d17-b66f-a953b03ebef3}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {fb8aa1e5-8785-41b5-9508-163586247dfc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {79fee119-f395-4969-a6e6-3caa97428a14}, !- Inlet Port
+ {027c0bc5-dda4-48a5-a20f-2bb082addc77}; !- Outlet Port
+ {333b15b4-fda2-4a53-b3b5-cb88eaa656cd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {85d64180-a331-4842-913b-f9e477cbca18}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ced5d8b6-b5ee-4846-a7cb-7b17f282367f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {582c47c7-62b4-4bc6-8ab7-613b43f96c2d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {22b1afae-c0f1-4914-85e6-ba3efbb9e440}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0334784a-d529-4e56-a08c-1c2dcfc7832b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {79fee119-f395-4969-a6e6-3caa97428a14}, !- Handle
+ {7d20e498-2eea-4d17-b66f-a953b03ebef3}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {fb8aa1e5-8785-41b5-9508-163586247dfc}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ced5d8b6-b5ee-4846-a7cb-7b17f282367f}, !- Handle
+ {333b15b4-fda2-4a53-b3b5-cb88eaa656cd}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7d20e498-2eea-4d17-b66f-a953b03ebef3}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {eb0065cf-83d1-4e47-ae1d-d978278561e8}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 11, !- Name
+ {027c0bc5-dda4-48a5-a20f-2bb082addc77}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {d18597dc-6db5-44c4-8595-82be44a432c7}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {bf81dce3-e44c-4211-9899-4447028deabd}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 11, !- Name
+ {85d64180-a331-4842-913b-f9e477cbca18}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {2142f7ad-d8a3-4ac4-8f59-51aed7ca2222}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {027c0bc5-dda4-48a5-a20f-2bb082addc77}, !- Handle
+ {fb8aa1e5-8785-41b5-9508-163586247dfc}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {eb0065cf-83d1-4e47-ae1d-d978278561e8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {85d64180-a331-4842-913b-f9e477cbca18}, !- Handle
+ {bf81dce3-e44c-4211-9899-4447028deabd}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {333b15b4-fda2-4a53-b3b5-cb88eaa656cd}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {08c99c7f-4ed1-4fd1-921a-97c5e9bbdc38}, !- Handle
+ {7d20e498-2eea-4d17-b66f-a953b03ebef3}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {82268f22-579e-47a6-b235-a5dac1968dc4}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 10, !- Name
+ {f271503b-bc88-4895-bb06-2f388aa117d9}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {248570a6-8d2b-4b5d-a838-b9b6c2541166}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {03891d58-488d-44f6-bd7c-c15eb964a7af}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {6c74ff2b-9b3e-4719-81b7-3dc063fd7889}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 16kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {0ded9ee0-b56c-4af6-b483-4a3cdde98052}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {b193b0b7-57b9-4a7e-8701-2457a5f5d60d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 8kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {fea8da40-d1ac-491c-9397-c9e8ef1868f4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {0949ea1f-65d5-4c18-87d7-4c4fa5a2c99f}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {d2b266e0-bff8-4e55-a1c0-9e0545b9d033}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {0949ea1f-65d5-4c18-87d7-4c4fa5a2c99f}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 10, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {d2b266e0-bff8-4e55-a1c0-9e0545b9d033}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 10, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {af10075b-543a-412c-8bf4-f8f29bb95549}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {ae99b85f-8927-45b5-839d-e9230bb699ab}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {344bc8aa-84fd-412f-a8b3-42444e08d491}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {f1baeddb-2266-4435-bcaf-93ced8b47f97}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {fea8da40-d1ac-491c-9397-c9e8ef1868f4}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {55085b2e-7c9a-41ca-927f-41e81d95421e}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {6c74ff2b-9b3e-4719-81b7-3dc063fd7889}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {b193b0b7-57b9-4a7e-8701-2457a5f5d60d}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {0ded9ee0-b56c-4af6-b483-4a3cdde98052}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {f1baeddb-2266-4435-bcaf-93ced8b47f97}, !- Handle
+ {af10075b-543a-412c-8bf4-f8f29bb95549}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {03891d58-488d-44f6-bd7c-c15eb964a7af}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0becba42-8c3a-43ec-8e2c-dfb60e468dc9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {df1b2e7d-dc41-454e-8be0-7ec915dee16f}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {49cb92cf-2d86-4408-b670-115fdf09b5bf}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {49cb92cf-2d86-4408-b670-115fdf09b5bf}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 11, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {64d9bc9c-d170-4d74-8b5d-40f136f54554}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {0becba42-8c3a-43ec-8e2c-dfb60e468dc9}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {cc5ad517-7ba4-45fd-8aa6-398daa7cbd5c}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {e2bfd927-b5d6-4f7d-ada7-d0bc7a3d8d06}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {725925f5-74a2-4bb9-9376-166cedd09032}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {828f885c-e9cb-49cd-bc8b-b3cb6ffe0115}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {3b6cebe3-99cc-48a5-a797-01ad7752aa8a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {e2bfd927-b5d6-4f7d-ada7-d0bc7a3d8d06}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e2bfd927-b5d6-4f7d-ada7-d0bc7a3d8d06}, !- Handle
+ {3b6cebe3-99cc-48a5-a797-01ad7752aa8a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {64d9bc9c-d170-4d74-8b5d-40f136f54554}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {dc0bb5c2-9a9d-4d65-a4f9-b3b57af7c21a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {725925f5-74a2-4bb9-9376-166cedd09032}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {725925f5-74a2-4bb9-9376-166cedd09032}, !- Handle
+ {64d9bc9c-d170-4d74-8b5d-40f136f54554}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {dc0bb5c2-9a9d-4d65-a4f9-b3b57af7c21a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6f21af31-5ad3-46bf-b0d5-1392f9508e4e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {cc5ad517-7ba4-45fd-8aa6-398daa7cbd5c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {344bc8aa-84fd-412f-a8b3-42444e08d491}; !- Outlet Port
+ {828f885c-e9cb-49cd-bc8b-b3cb6ffe0115}, !- Handle
+ {9d2e7d4c-b075-4eb2-85bb-0270f2430fa0}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {64d9bc9c-d170-4d74-8b5d-40f136f54554}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {cc5ad517-7ba4-45fd-8aa6-398daa7cbd5c}, !- Handle
+ {64d9bc9c-d170-4d74-8b5d-40f136f54554}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {6f21af31-5ad3-46bf-b0d5-1392f9508e4e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {344bc8aa-84fd-412f-a8b3-42444e08d491}, !- Handle
+ {6f21af31-5ad3-46bf-b0d5-1392f9508e4e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {af10075b-543a-412c-8bf4-f8f29bb95549}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {f271503b-bc88-4895-bb06-2f388aa117d9}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 11, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {51d3f782-cbcd-467a-8f42-342f0e96807d}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {d9b01b0e-b36d-47db-9a1f-8611d1bb37ec}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {12d5a6b7-c37b-4ade-8bca-9b7969fad5f5}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {b8680396-76cd-4e9d-b27c-27868bd2fc05}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {51d3f782-cbcd-467a-8f42-342f0e96807d}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 11 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {d9b01b0e-b36d-47db-9a1f-8611d1bb37ec}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 11 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {12d5a6b7-c37b-4ade-8bca-9b7969fad5f5}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 11 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {b8680396-76cd-4e9d-b27c-27868bd2fc05}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 11 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {9526173b-ee54-44b7-927c-440fa951840f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {5e92287c-e8ed-4c20-86b5-a267729e6be4}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {22b1afae-c0f1-4914-85e6-ba3efbb9e440}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {3c87a227-cf2e-4447-9056-dd0a118ed2ce}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {62b1602c-dd87-42e5-acec-2d2181f9a156}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2142f7ad-d8a3-4ac4-8f59-51aed7ca2222}; !- Outlet Port
+ {0334784a-d529-4e56-a08c-1c2dcfc7832b}, !- Handle
+ {582c47c7-62b4-4bc6-8ab7-613b43f96c2d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7175f493-41a8-4356-a180-e286aea6adde}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {62b1602c-dd87-42e5-acec-2d2181f9a156}, !- Handle
+ {a149e74d-47f1-407c-846f-d1aa203c80db}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {3c87a227-cf2e-4447-9056-dd0a118ed2ce}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2142f7ad-d8a3-4ac4-8f59-51aed7ca2222}, !- Handle
+ {3c87a227-cf2e-4447-9056-dd0a118ed2ce}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bf81dce3-e44c-4211-9899-4447028deabd}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {c72aef61-419f-4c4b-a7d9-113c8d5e0f52}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {d18597dc-6db5-44c4-8595-82be44a432c7}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5e92287c-e8ed-4c20-86b5-a267729e6be4}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d18597dc-6db5-44c4-8595-82be44a432c7}, !- Handle
+ {eb0065cf-83d1-4e47-ae1d-d978278561e8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c72aef61-419f-4c4b-a7d9-113c8d5e0f52}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5e92287c-e8ed-4c20-86b5-a267729e6be4}, !- Handle
+ {c72aef61-419f-4c4b-a7d9-113c8d5e0f52}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9526173b-ee54-44b7-927c-440fa951840f}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {22b1afae-c0f1-4914-85e6-ba3efbb9e440}, !- Handle
+ {9526173b-ee54-44b7-927c-440fa951840f}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {582c47c7-62b4-4bc6-8ab7-613b43f96c2d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4a31769d-65e3-44e2-a689-54c1394a47b0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {d25cf779-db40-4d03-a7ab-d2117c331897}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {ff5a01bf-3e83-4bd6-8846-ec78d6e9e902}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {ac8c4ad7-f876-4870-ae2a-cc45a391d956}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {bd521489-9782-4f69-b5d2-7eaff33d96c5}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {74dad021-49bc-438f-b76a-e5d269ef542d}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {dc63a1c1-be5c-4231-b1b8-e41758a24324}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {6c306ff8-8441-4741-ba56-328e1fcd2007}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {fc8a7806-5803-46d9-b652-5e6d61025637}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {89c1086f-4c86-4742-ac84-52287d0d1ca1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {ac8c4ad7-f876-4870-ae2a-cc45a391d956}, !- Inlet Port
+ {87e5d535-3e08-4da7-9932-9294f74ce65b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {220cc019-f2ac-4548-9950-deaccac2a8dd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {f7094d36-081e-4803-b149-7a3bbe253f98}, !- Inlet Port
+ {dc63a1c1-be5c-4231-b1b8-e41758a24324}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ac8c4ad7-f876-4870-ae2a-cc45a391d956}, !- Handle
+ {4a31769d-65e3-44e2-a689-54c1394a47b0}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {89c1086f-4c86-4742-ac84-52287d0d1ca1}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {dc63a1c1-be5c-4231-b1b8-e41758a24324}, !- Handle
+ {220cc019-f2ac-4548-9950-deaccac2a8dd}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4a31769d-65e3-44e2-a689-54c1394a47b0}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {841c90c7-1e3a-49c0-80e6-346aa268163b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {74dad021-49bc-438f-b76a-e5d269ef542d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {9dff6125-702d-4851-90f4-464b4ff190b4}; !- Outlet Port
+ {542c7ad9-e67f-4509-9a67-f579ac25fdf8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {ea58631d-7e6f-4aef-b54c-3e770f71a1c9}, !- Inlet Port
+ {bd521489-9782-4f69-b5d2-7eaff33d96c5}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6b1d0ac9-bb48-497d-b5e1-c1ccd88d97bb}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {f820ffb6-b131-477c-b47b-469b4b03abbe}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ddecd121-f77f-41d1-9ce6-4df8801cadb8}; !- Outlet Port
+ {74dad021-49bc-438f-b76a-e5d269ef542d}, !- Handle
+ {4a31769d-65e3-44e2-a689-54c1394a47b0}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {841c90c7-1e3a-49c0-80e6-346aa268163b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {bd521489-9782-4f69-b5d2-7eaff33d96c5}, !- Handle
+ {542c7ad9-e67f-4509-9a67-f579ac25fdf8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4a31769d-65e3-44e2-a689-54c1394a47b0}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {fc8a7806-5803-46d9-b652-5e6d61025637}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 12, !- Name
+ {9dff6125-702d-4851-90f4-464b4ff190b4}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {570dd331-ec8a-445d-a474-61b3256c87ab}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {6c306ff8-8441-4741-ba56-328e1fcd2007}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 12, !- Name
+ {ea58631d-7e6f-4aef-b54c-3e770f71a1c9}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {2f47e445-6293-4f57-a614-b86f57b1b2fa}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {9dff6125-702d-4851-90f4-464b4ff190b4}, !- Handle
+ {841c90c7-1e3a-49c0-80e6-346aa268163b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {fc8a7806-5803-46d9-b652-5e6d61025637}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ea58631d-7e6f-4aef-b54c-3e770f71a1c9}, !- Handle
+ {6c306ff8-8441-4741-ba56-328e1fcd2007}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {542c7ad9-e67f-4509-9a67-f579ac25fdf8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {47fa2d77-4ccb-4d75-b7d3-87a04a9f38d9}, !- Handle
+ {4a31769d-65e3-44e2-a689-54c1394a47b0}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {ff5a01bf-3e83-4bd6-8846-ec78d6e9e902}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 11, !- Name
+ {729399a1-c55d-40ea-84d9-f4a9e42449dd}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {2e336875-1c00-49f7-95b9-1798637c9638}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {220cc019-f2ac-4548-9950-deaccac2a8dd}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {7e38f9c7-962c-494e-8707-e9676a5abdb5}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 25kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {c6ce741a-e1e3-4317-96bd-8dc7714656cf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {49690a58-92f2-4ba7-9bd4-7c4c228a3f15}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 14kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {a0bd4396-a251-46ce-b59a-1bfbe0010a74}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {402cb1de-626a-4c75-a95c-e0a102895370}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {fdd64635-b149-47b9-97c3-5b79bed6c648}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {402cb1de-626a-4c75-a95c-e0a102895370}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 11, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {fdd64635-b149-47b9-97c3-5b79bed6c648}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 11, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {6fc51d62-393c-420d-bc81-f2291b98d3a7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {e6f7860f-11a4-491c-8ede-057cc6f6e488}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {c7d3caea-88ba-471e-b9f1-64516452ed40}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {f7094d36-081e-4803-b149-7a3bbe253f98}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {a0bd4396-a251-46ce-b59a-1bfbe0010a74}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {9128ba4f-8f4c-4247-a9d0-cb9397945fc9}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {7e38f9c7-962c-494e-8707-e9676a5abdb5}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {49690a58-92f2-4ba7-9bd4-7c4c228a3f15}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {c6ce741a-e1e3-4317-96bd-8dc7714656cf}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {f7094d36-081e-4803-b149-7a3bbe253f98}, !- Handle
+ {6fc51d62-393c-420d-bc81-f2291b98d3a7}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {220cc019-f2ac-4548-9950-deaccac2a8dd}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3a44a6fe-27b5-41c4-a287-a553b3a7d7c8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {c6614023-e18c-4eca-ad53-4c09cfdd781c}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {cf4b92bb-cec6-445f-9e8d-d003d679a884}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {cf4b92bb-cec6-445f-9e8d-d003d679a884}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 12, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {61ac0aee-fe61-4fc2-956b-a4f86f522579}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {3a44a6fe-27b5-41c4-a287-a553b3a7d7c8}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {33d82926-cde8-4fe0-b56d-706c04241807}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {c6729adc-74a9-4b92-bd13-f70b04bfe680}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {f10bb944-69c0-4eca-8fa0-687802ee4af9}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {87e5d535-3e08-4da7-9932-9294f74ce65b}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {be1c7ac1-2d2a-48e5-83c0-f5aec69303c3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {c6729adc-74a9-4b92-bd13-f70b04bfe680}; !- Outlet Port
+ {c6729adc-74a9-4b92-bd13-f70b04bfe680}, !- Handle
+ {be1c7ac1-2d2a-48e5-83c0-f5aec69303c3}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {61ac0aee-fe61-4fc2-956b-a4f86f522579}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {3bd11cab-65c6-446b-a26e-007d613d63da}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {f10bb944-69c0-4eca-8fa0-687802ee4af9}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {f10bb944-69c0-4eca-8fa0-687802ee4af9}, !- Handle
+ {61ac0aee-fe61-4fc2-956b-a4f86f522579}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {3bd11cab-65c6-446b-a26e-007d613d63da}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {852dd1d2-c290-4a92-8646-c416c5084f7d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {33d82926-cde8-4fe0-b56d-706c04241807}, !- Inlet Port
+ {c7d3caea-88ba-471e-b9f1-64516452ed40}; !- Outlet Port
+ {87e5d535-3e08-4da7-9932-9294f74ce65b}, !- Handle
+ {89c1086f-4c86-4742-ac84-52287d0d1ca1}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {61ac0aee-fe61-4fc2-956b-a4f86f522579}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {33d82926-cde8-4fe0-b56d-706c04241807}, !- Handle
+ {61ac0aee-fe61-4fc2-956b-a4f86f522579}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {852dd1d2-c290-4a92-8646-c416c5084f7d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c7d3caea-88ba-471e-b9f1-64516452ed40}, !- Handle
+ {852dd1d2-c290-4a92-8646-c416c5084f7d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6fc51d62-393c-420d-bc81-f2291b98d3a7}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {729399a1-c55d-40ea-84d9-f4a9e42449dd}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 12, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {8392f4fe-5a0e-4596-8287-640ffffb662e}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {08ec7be0-0f29-4063-a5ad-88073d65e59c}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {4a2b51e9-5ffd-4ae9-94c8-fe88baa0c00d}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {43d26e99-16f0-4397-bc85-9541c55aabdd}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {8392f4fe-5a0e-4596-8287-640ffffb662e}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 12 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {08ec7be0-0f29-4063-a5ad-88073d65e59c}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 12 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {4a2b51e9-5ffd-4ae9-94c8-fe88baa0c00d}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 12 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {43d26e99-16f0-4397-bc85-9541c55aabdd}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 12 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {adc7b30d-4c11-45cf-a79e-140a12050456}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {5d186e15-d1d7-42eb-ad82-0b777324f299}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {f820ffb6-b131-477c-b47b-469b4b03abbe}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {7bfba51f-eb92-483f-bb72-0df25f554238}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {c0c0b1f8-9821-4c3d-989c-6ce7379296d5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2f47e445-6293-4f57-a614-b86f57b1b2fa}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ddecd121-f77f-41d1-9ce6-4df8801cadb8}, !- Handle
+ {6b1d0ac9-bb48-497d-b5e1-c1ccd88d97bb}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5f0169aa-297a-42dc-9b95-db86d4edacae}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c0c0b1f8-9821-4c3d-989c-6ce7379296d5}, !- Handle
+ {b28525b8-4779-4d25-b141-be6056233b96}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {7bfba51f-eb92-483f-bb72-0df25f554238}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2f47e445-6293-4f57-a614-b86f57b1b2fa}, !- Handle
+ {7bfba51f-eb92-483f-bb72-0df25f554238}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6c306ff8-8441-4741-ba56-328e1fcd2007}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {c2290346-dae2-43bf-bf5e-4ab571166ce2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {570dd331-ec8a-445d-a474-61b3256c87ab}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5d186e15-d1d7-42eb-ad82-0b777324f299}; !- Outlet Port
+ {570dd331-ec8a-445d-a474-61b3256c87ab}, !- Handle
+ {fc8a7806-5803-46d9-b652-5e6d61025637}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c2290346-dae2-43bf-bf5e-4ab571166ce2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5d186e15-d1d7-42eb-ad82-0b777324f299}, !- Handle
+ {c2290346-dae2-43bf-bf5e-4ab571166ce2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {adc7b30d-4c11-45cf-a79e-140a12050456}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {f820ffb6-b131-477c-b47b-469b4b03abbe}, !- Handle
+ {adc7b30d-4c11-45cf-a79e-140a12050456}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {6b1d0ac9-bb48-497d-b5e1-c1ccd88d97bb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3eee70d1-e815-482c-9dc9-d6fc70f73ecf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {8d62968f-a006-43c0-9490-39c3b43e4b57}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {8a161ead-96a2-43cf-bd6d-9b7c5302fa41}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {e67698e8-cda9-490a-8e1a-0c7f8ff719a6}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {db8282a5-6a6f-493a-a320-2c1f33f3920f}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {34ffddd4-bd68-4ce8-822e-d902f5ff5983}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {50811c0c-d620-4840-9c77-887faa57f69a}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {065575ac-2c0f-4cc1-a86a-47497ce1e58d}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {60d888a1-e828-4842-b33d-9f15809ff59e}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {8d693179-62dc-4c8f-bc45-5c94e68815b2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {e67698e8-cda9-490a-8e1a-0c7f8ff719a6}, !- Inlet Port
+ {98d82343-3345-4fb2-adc5-d0ee847a8e2d}; !- Outlet Port
+ {4fb6ad2d-af8a-4438-ae80-dbd8a5554798}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {7e4fa250-6cc9-47cd-b075-6f3f1b2c0ec5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {50811c0c-d620-4840-9c77-887faa57f69a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e67698e8-cda9-490a-8e1a-0c7f8ff719a6}, !- Handle
+ {3eee70d1-e815-482c-9dc9-d6fc70f73ecf}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {8d693179-62dc-4c8f-bc45-5c94e68815b2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {50811c0c-d620-4840-9c77-887faa57f69a}, !- Handle
+ {4fb6ad2d-af8a-4438-ae80-dbd8a5554798}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3eee70d1-e815-482c-9dc9-d6fc70f73ecf}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {feae6891-7df8-4a48-8502-4b4912fe0342}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {34ffddd4-bd68-4ce8-822e-d902f5ff5983}, !- Inlet Port
+ {534da544-5fd4-414a-bb85-70505fb13736}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ddffc668-a49e-4e80-938c-001d86a1e96e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {25cea962-45a3-44b3-9f36-fd15bfd730d3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {db8282a5-6a6f-493a-a320-2c1f33f3920f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {cdde1c4d-c3b1-4a34-8c75-33740b43758c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {3d1a7bc9-ebd7-4b70-ba61-356b43cf9c4b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {92a7257a-f34f-48b5-866e-a4f50365f15c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {34ffddd4-bd68-4ce8-822e-d902f5ff5983}, !- Handle
+ {3eee70d1-e815-482c-9dc9-d6fc70f73ecf}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {feae6891-7df8-4a48-8502-4b4912fe0342}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {db8282a5-6a6f-493a-a320-2c1f33f3920f}, !- Handle
+ {ddffc668-a49e-4e80-938c-001d86a1e96e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {3eee70d1-e815-482c-9dc9-d6fc70f73ecf}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {60d888a1-e828-4842-b33d-9f15809ff59e}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 13, !- Name
+ {534da544-5fd4-414a-bb85-70505fb13736}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {6c34fcf8-ee22-4967-9142-c80d4917a83b}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {065575ac-2c0f-4cc1-a86a-47497ce1e58d}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 13, !- Name
+ {25cea962-45a3-44b3-9f36-fd15bfd730d3}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {0996f5f9-9a33-4948-bc94-37ddfaf70737}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {534da544-5fd4-414a-bb85-70505fb13736}, !- Handle
+ {feae6891-7df8-4a48-8502-4b4912fe0342}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {60d888a1-e828-4842-b33d-9f15809ff59e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {25cea962-45a3-44b3-9f36-fd15bfd730d3}, !- Handle
+ {065575ac-2c0f-4cc1-a86a-47497ce1e58d}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {ddffc668-a49e-4e80-938c-001d86a1e96e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6544cb0c-d9c2-4afd-b6a3-bf1930530a71}, !- Handle
+ {3eee70d1-e815-482c-9dc9-d6fc70f73ecf}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {8a161ead-96a2-43cf-bd6d-9b7c5302fa41}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 12, !- Name
+ {436b8a5c-3368-4830-ae4d-90ce277cb84e}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {95b5f165-2b74-4b96-9692-c139fc0be348}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {4fb6ad2d-af8a-4438-ae80-dbd8a5554798}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {2f843572-fe35-4c6b-9add-672a42a4b038}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 33kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {a9556be3-dc7b-4425-aa76-96ce96831731}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {d8aa820a-a2df-4e65-a23c-d6dc6e3f2247}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 16kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {d7d81cab-bcd2-433e-aa45-a050eafbd119}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {faeac1b9-1a8a-425f-a8c1-09e7f15e4518}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {8c138a71-9c25-4ea2-a903-0e4d37748007}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {faeac1b9-1a8a-425f-a8c1-09e7f15e4518}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 12, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {8c138a71-9c25-4ea2-a903-0e4d37748007}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 12, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {ed5af319-b622-47e4-9374-0917747f91ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {bc5e6b72-5e0f-405c-84bf-61cd1aeca596}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {5e4f6e89-1a42-4d28-84fb-cd1b09754e0a}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {7e4fa250-6cc9-47cd-b075-6f3f1b2c0ec5}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {d7d81cab-bcd2-433e-aa45-a050eafbd119}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {096ff072-9b18-44c7-ae03-ddc71371811f}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {2f843572-fe35-4c6b-9add-672a42a4b038}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {d8aa820a-a2df-4e65-a23c-d6dc6e3f2247}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {a9556be3-dc7b-4425-aa76-96ce96831731}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {7e4fa250-6cc9-47cd-b075-6f3f1b2c0ec5}, !- Handle
+ {ed5af319-b622-47e4-9374-0917747f91ab}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {4fb6ad2d-af8a-4438-ae80-dbd8a5554798}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9a4de8ea-4eaa-44fb-81bf-e7167fc6da8a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {426f1b45-5d90-40a7-9f82-d82292ca7bf0}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {f0bdb7a1-6e19-4342-9b91-2af04b25b177}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {f0bdb7a1-6e19-4342-9b91-2af04b25b177}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 13, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {40efe4e7-4561-4b5d-8c87-0de2dc4ed5a7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {9a4de8ea-4eaa-44fb-81bf-e7167fc6da8a}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {083fb7cb-c3af-4da8-98c8-cb6685b054aa}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {a99a213a-54bc-4abb-838c-58fd00f94628}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {bdc29eb2-b0f8-4b42-9c2b-59360ba013fb}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {98d82343-3345-4fb2-adc5-d0ee847a8e2d}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {f4aeea65-15d5-446d-b2ab-6c8fa15c038a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {a99a213a-54bc-4abb-838c-58fd00f94628}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a99a213a-54bc-4abb-838c-58fd00f94628}, !- Handle
+ {f4aeea65-15d5-446d-b2ab-6c8fa15c038a}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {40efe4e7-4561-4b5d-8c87-0de2dc4ed5a7}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {832a7259-65e4-4754-9094-47845881de9a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {bdc29eb2-b0f8-4b42-9c2b-59360ba013fb}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {bdc29eb2-b0f8-4b42-9c2b-59360ba013fb}, !- Handle
+ {40efe4e7-4561-4b5d-8c87-0de2dc4ed5a7}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {832a7259-65e4-4754-9094-47845881de9a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f33a6e8d-0d5d-4e42-90aa-edeb6e03f403}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {083fb7cb-c3af-4da8-98c8-cb6685b054aa}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5e4f6e89-1a42-4d28-84fb-cd1b09754e0a}; !- Outlet Port
+ {98d82343-3345-4fb2-adc5-d0ee847a8e2d}, !- Handle
+ {8d693179-62dc-4c8f-bc45-5c94e68815b2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {40efe4e7-4561-4b5d-8c87-0de2dc4ed5a7}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {083fb7cb-c3af-4da8-98c8-cb6685b054aa}, !- Handle
+ {40efe4e7-4561-4b5d-8c87-0de2dc4ed5a7}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {f33a6e8d-0d5d-4e42-90aa-edeb6e03f403}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5e4f6e89-1a42-4d28-84fb-cd1b09754e0a}, !- Handle
+ {f33a6e8d-0d5d-4e42-90aa-edeb6e03f403}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ed5af319-b622-47e4-9374-0917747f91ab}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {436b8a5c-3368-4830-ae4d-90ce277cb84e}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 13, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {6b1cabaa-dfba-4b38-a208-a61f10bcd210}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {8c17af62-05d6-444f-8e6b-f77d263c69b0}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {09ed3bc8-c455-4e9d-84b1-dda4c95721fd}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {70425a0f-e46e-40d8-9a57-81aac5866183}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {6b1cabaa-dfba-4b38-a208-a61f10bcd210}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 13 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {8c17af62-05d6-444f-8e6b-f77d263c69b0}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 13 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {09ed3bc8-c455-4e9d-84b1-dda4c95721fd}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 13 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {70425a0f-e46e-40d8-9a57-81aac5866183}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 13 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {4f66379c-32c3-4788-8493-ac375cb13f0d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {0afcf72f-e107-402b-b63e-e03e2c33b4a5}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {3d1a7bc9-ebd7-4b70-ba61-356b43cf9c4b}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {c96bc528-fc3e-4416-ab7d-971443fef476}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {4abf4bba-883b-49bb-bbee-21a520cb352b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0996f5f9-9a33-4948-bc94-37ddfaf70737}; !- Outlet Port
+ {92a7257a-f34f-48b5-866e-a4f50365f15c}, !- Handle
+ {cdde1c4d-c3b1-4a34-8c75-33740b43758c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {49f3a9db-6de0-49dc-ab0b-12a0069da793}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4abf4bba-883b-49bb-bbee-21a520cb352b}, !- Handle
+ {89ff46a5-408f-47b6-b113-f573fe775497}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {c96bc528-fc3e-4416-ab7d-971443fef476}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0996f5f9-9a33-4948-bc94-37ddfaf70737}, !- Handle
+ {c96bc528-fc3e-4416-ab7d-971443fef476}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {065575ac-2c0f-4cc1-a86a-47497ce1e58d}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {fc8ff962-ac98-4288-8bd1-49bfb55d746f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {6c34fcf8-ee22-4967-9142-c80d4917a83b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {0afcf72f-e107-402b-b63e-e03e2c33b4a5}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6c34fcf8-ee22-4967-9142-c80d4917a83b}, !- Handle
+ {60d888a1-e828-4842-b33d-9f15809ff59e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {fc8ff962-ac98-4288-8bd1-49bfb55d746f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0afcf72f-e107-402b-b63e-e03e2c33b4a5}, !- Handle
+ {fc8ff962-ac98-4288-8bd1-49bfb55d746f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4f66379c-32c3-4788-8493-ac375cb13f0d}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {3d1a7bc9-ebd7-4b70-ba61-356b43cf9c4b}, !- Handle
+ {4f66379c-32c3-4788-8493-ac375cb13f0d}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {cdde1c4d-c3b1-4a34-8c75-33740b43758c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a1ebc651-cefb-4f03-a3e1-49d2c99d94c2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {e89e8923-8080-4094-bb34-83e1989ebdc6}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {1137a78d-caf6-4806-b659-47d4d5558cc8}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {d52c9bc3-ef4f-4c7e-b096-63ce604796f8}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {92b0ba6b-7d49-431c-a8a7-4136b2a8d97c}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {8ae78521-6a57-494b-bf45-e3d8827022bc}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {41f4ac9c-e821-4077-ae6e-5795c0e48774}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {08ac9a0b-80c4-47b0-99e3-848f1e173c57}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {049aa543-dc53-4063-a910-8a295f6fc491}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {54f404a9-8d7a-408f-a610-fc97e6defb47}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {d52c9bc3-ef4f-4c7e-b096-63ce604796f8}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a4edee20-baf4-47f5-bc88-394fe9beaa18}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7f13c43c-0c38-4102-8777-7b196ee91834}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {80a72bc2-53be-4397-9d03-cbd6d9a8e927}, !- Inlet Port
+ {41f4ac9c-e821-4077-ae6e-5795c0e48774}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d52c9bc3-ef4f-4c7e-b096-63ce604796f8}, !- Handle
+ {a1ebc651-cefb-4f03-a3e1-49d2c99d94c2}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {54f404a9-8d7a-408f-a610-fc97e6defb47}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {41f4ac9c-e821-4077-ae6e-5795c0e48774}, !- Handle
+ {7f13c43c-0c38-4102-8777-7b196ee91834}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a1ebc651-cefb-4f03-a3e1-49d2c99d94c2}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {868ec0a4-02b3-40a9-9531-a7176db08b43}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {8ae78521-6a57-494b-bf45-e3d8827022bc}, !- Inlet Port
+ {f5873fcd-9c34-42cb-bd1c-cc17282b9da6}; !- Outlet Port
+ {e6dca4c9-7ae8-4e51-b319-7a42179d7e28}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {220adbbc-6f49-4eb8-9d61-8b494b96ab19}, !- Inlet Port
+ {92b0ba6b-7d49-431c-a8a7-4136b2a8d97c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6880a5c3-53c4-4010-ba41-a98350e0ecf2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {f05e1fdf-6bd6-45ce-a1db-48fafa87b8ca}, !- Inlet Port
+ {6060e183-b810-4232-a12e-e43f02a31cb4}; !- Outlet Port
+ {8ae78521-6a57-494b-bf45-e3d8827022bc}, !- Handle
+ {a1ebc651-cefb-4f03-a3e1-49d2c99d94c2}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {868ec0a4-02b3-40a9-9531-a7176db08b43}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {92b0ba6b-7d49-431c-a8a7-4136b2a8d97c}, !- Handle
+ {e6dca4c9-7ae8-4e51-b319-7a42179d7e28}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a1ebc651-cefb-4f03-a3e1-49d2c99d94c2}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {049aa543-dc53-4063-a910-8a295f6fc491}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 14, !- Name
+ {f5873fcd-9c34-42cb-bd1c-cc17282b9da6}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {b8448aac-2550-4c01-99ba-60bb37dd88c5}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {08ac9a0b-80c4-47b0-99e3-848f1e173c57}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 14, !- Name
+ {220adbbc-6f49-4eb8-9d61-8b494b96ab19}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {ac8b1471-d0bf-4358-ba44-aa7f02b4ce02}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {f5873fcd-9c34-42cb-bd1c-cc17282b9da6}, !- Handle
+ {868ec0a4-02b3-40a9-9531-a7176db08b43}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {049aa543-dc53-4063-a910-8a295f6fc491}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {220adbbc-6f49-4eb8-9d61-8b494b96ab19}, !- Handle
+ {08ac9a0b-80c4-47b0-99e3-848f1e173c57}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {e6dca4c9-7ae8-4e51-b319-7a42179d7e28}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {efd47581-a150-4a45-87d5-08e3bf8e2ccf}, !- Handle
+ {a1ebc651-cefb-4f03-a3e1-49d2c99d94c2}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {1137a78d-caf6-4806-b659-47d4d5558cc8}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 13, !- Name
+ {13328412-d0eb-4c78-a031-0de0a207e90a}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {0b9c4d9f-43ac-4a40-b6e9-53190a1798fa}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {7f13c43c-0c38-4102-8777-7b196ee91834}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {cf9369e3-d86c-4943-bea1-ec92c43e994c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 49kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {0b767353-7626-4fbd-846b-cc5735a672b2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {1acab817-eaf6-46bf-a690-9e5b0252e387}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 25kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {933bb27e-4fef-435c-8fa9-b87e3db76412}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {03cb1c9a-83b8-467f-ac6e-4f8fa258bc0e}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {ff74d909-fd10-416c-8862-6423e6e5f86f}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {03cb1c9a-83b8-467f-ac6e-4f8fa258bc0e}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 13, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {ff74d909-fd10-416c-8862-6423e6e5f86f}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 13, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {21774c84-6cf5-40f0-8bd2-7456883a46b6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {775057ea-727d-4b6e-b433-3ea2a848b5cd}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {ef9523b5-0420-4d25-85aa-8ae88b10c5da}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {80a72bc2-53be-4397-9d03-cbd6d9a8e927}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {933bb27e-4fef-435c-8fa9-b87e3db76412}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {6cbf3f48-d099-4a7c-a0a9-c08fa234cc7c}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {cf9369e3-d86c-4943-bea1-ec92c43e994c}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {1acab817-eaf6-46bf-a690-9e5b0252e387}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {0b767353-7626-4fbd-846b-cc5735a672b2}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {80a72bc2-53be-4397-9d03-cbd6d9a8e927}, !- Handle
+ {21774c84-6cf5-40f0-8bd2-7456883a46b6}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {7f13c43c-0c38-4102-8777-7b196ee91834}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {c0e306de-8271-4c19-ba99-e1e1fc963915}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {7ebdda3c-9289-45ec-b9bb-a542156a42c9}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {946cc65c-1feb-4db6-9f97-9b621cc3346b}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {946cc65c-1feb-4db6-9f97-9b621cc3346b}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 14, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {f83f912e-c164-4035-8363-f894ea48ea74}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {c0e306de-8271-4c19-ba99-e1e1fc963915}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {96566142-0d37-4b96-8c3c-e01477028f6d}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {9b763a91-ee5d-4798-bf53-6af5a6d8a491}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {326f1bae-e82f-4c05-9ccc-94874b31c889}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {a4edee20-baf4-47f5-bc88-394fe9beaa18}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {7a32604d-0cb4-4450-8512-3356867764b4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {9b763a91-ee5d-4798-bf53-6af5a6d8a491}; !- Outlet Port
+ {9b763a91-ee5d-4798-bf53-6af5a6d8a491}, !- Handle
+ {7a32604d-0cb4-4450-8512-3356867764b4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f83f912e-c164-4035-8363-f894ea48ea74}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {5d763101-0c55-467d-bf70-dfde71dc3e11}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {326f1bae-e82f-4c05-9ccc-94874b31c889}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {326f1bae-e82f-4c05-9ccc-94874b31c889}, !- Handle
+ {f83f912e-c164-4035-8363-f894ea48ea74}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {5d763101-0c55-467d-bf70-dfde71dc3e11}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {bbb95d43-0f22-4230-b2a7-056593d2f9f8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {96566142-0d37-4b96-8c3c-e01477028f6d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ef9523b5-0420-4d25-85aa-8ae88b10c5da}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a4edee20-baf4-47f5-bc88-394fe9beaa18}, !- Handle
+ {54f404a9-8d7a-408f-a610-fc97e6defb47}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {f83f912e-c164-4035-8363-f894ea48ea74}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {96566142-0d37-4b96-8c3c-e01477028f6d}, !- Handle
+ {f83f912e-c164-4035-8363-f894ea48ea74}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {bbb95d43-0f22-4230-b2a7-056593d2f9f8}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ef9523b5-0420-4d25-85aa-8ae88b10c5da}, !- Handle
+ {bbb95d43-0f22-4230-b2a7-056593d2f9f8}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {21774c84-6cf5-40f0-8bd2-7456883a46b6}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {13328412-d0eb-4c78-a031-0de0a207e90a}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 14, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {f918e88b-8c63-4b20-87bf-9a9da9543276}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {af0576c9-1e95-4ab4-8fde-e957e1f33d39}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {9d8c9c59-dc53-4871-807a-6c7237e372be}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {17aebfbb-3830-4ea1-98b1-af12cda78368}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {f918e88b-8c63-4b20-87bf-9a9da9543276}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 14 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {af0576c9-1e95-4ab4-8fde-e957e1f33d39}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 14 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {9d8c9c59-dc53-4871-807a-6c7237e372be}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 14 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {17aebfbb-3830-4ea1-98b1-af12cda78368}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 14 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {4c2b9631-6c80-46c2-959f-f296a7b6a3d9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {7aed743e-3422-46ea-a91f-0eed86906e7e}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {f05e1fdf-6bd6-45ce-a1db-48fafa87b8ca}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {99921621-dfbd-419b-b58f-1b8c62042f7d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {0cd8e8b3-0d1e-43bb-9e5f-6f3489a2ae6b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ac8b1471-d0bf-4358-ba44-aa7f02b4ce02}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6060e183-b810-4232-a12e-e43f02a31cb4}, !- Handle
+ {6880a5c3-53c4-4010-ba41-a98350e0ecf2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {7248e870-7a76-449d-a940-bbf13534bc60}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0cd8e8b3-0d1e-43bb-9e5f-6f3489a2ae6b}, !- Handle
+ {5d88cc27-e436-4ac5-a13a-6e17ab1a37cb}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {99921621-dfbd-419b-b58f-1b8c62042f7d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ac8b1471-d0bf-4358-ba44-aa7f02b4ce02}, !- Handle
+ {99921621-dfbd-419b-b58f-1b8c62042f7d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {08ac9a0b-80c4-47b0-99e3-848f1e173c57}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {c43a83b6-3c90-49f3-a0c0-c9a69ce06e59}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {b8448aac-2550-4c01-99ba-60bb37dd88c5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {7aed743e-3422-46ea-a91f-0eed86906e7e}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b8448aac-2550-4c01-99ba-60bb37dd88c5}, !- Handle
+ {049aa543-dc53-4063-a910-8a295f6fc491}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c43a83b6-3c90-49f3-a0c0-c9a69ce06e59}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {7aed743e-3422-46ea-a91f-0eed86906e7e}, !- Handle
+ {c43a83b6-3c90-49f3-a0c0-c9a69ce06e59}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {4c2b9631-6c80-46c2-959f-f296a7b6a3d9}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {f05e1fdf-6bd6-45ce-a1db-48fafa87b8ca}, !- Handle
+ {4c2b9631-6c80-46c2-959f-f296a7b6a3d9}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {6880a5c3-53c4-4010-ba41-a98350e0ecf2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {0bd549f4-fb0c-400f-add4-c8409653d40e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {afd261dc-673e-40ff-87f4-08aaa0a70af7}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {2a799ad8-078b-4132-951d-9ce5039b5583}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {dfef447b-e80c-480b-9245-09d150efe779}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {b319928e-463e-4818-a14c-f5f9fcf6f3a1}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {112f6050-2d92-4b78-b067-0b4f8e80d855}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {f8b2a1fc-1492-42a9-bb1c-f0e236f639ea}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {41a97eb2-7182-46e7-9648-d266e1eef027}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {2464475a-b2e6-4fae-a10a-8b9e8f75110c}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {d3845a8b-6127-4d65-8cef-702d8a2a68ae}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {dfef447b-e80c-480b-9245-09d150efe779}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d856b41d-fb09-477e-9ccf-59a48be2301d}; !- Outlet Port
+ {1ce36e64-e468-409a-9f78-21c0b4175792}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {2cbaafdd-bbe6-4db1-b868-6ae29d2318d7}, !- Inlet Port
+ {f8b2a1fc-1492-42a9-bb1c-f0e236f639ea}; !- Outlet Port
+ {dfef447b-e80c-480b-9245-09d150efe779}, !- Handle
+ {0bd549f4-fb0c-400f-add4-c8409653d40e}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {d3845a8b-6127-4d65-8cef-702d8a2a68ae}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f8b2a1fc-1492-42a9-bb1c-f0e236f639ea}, !- Handle
+ {1ce36e64-e468-409a-9f78-21c0b4175792}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {0bd549f4-fb0c-400f-add4-c8409653d40e}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {49f67c06-c0e8-4265-be19-7e097a6ed2e9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {112f6050-2d92-4b78-b067-0b4f8e80d855}, !- Inlet Port
+ {391c770a-9139-4617-9066-925cc0c7422b}; !- Outlet Port
+ {37e8455d-8e2b-4e56-af94-b7c3ab56a63e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {5a78c4e9-f200-42a2-b6fb-57c0e8c59404}, !- Inlet Port
+ {b319928e-463e-4818-a14c-f5f9fcf6f3a1}; !- Outlet Port
+ {6cd867cd-b86c-495f-9dcb-b2fc65372529}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {71e63036-3623-479b-b080-54af2bbb349a}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a22ded65-d031-4f4b-bec4-50e6ee50ad79}; !- Outlet Port
+ {112f6050-2d92-4b78-b067-0b4f8e80d855}, !- Handle
+ {0bd549f4-fb0c-400f-add4-c8409653d40e}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {49f67c06-c0e8-4265-be19-7e097a6ed2e9}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {b319928e-463e-4818-a14c-f5f9fcf6f3a1}, !- Handle
+ {37e8455d-8e2b-4e56-af94-b7c3ab56a63e}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {0bd549f4-fb0c-400f-add4-c8409653d40e}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {2464475a-b2e6-4fae-a10a-8b9e8f75110c}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 15, !- Name
+ {391c770a-9139-4617-9066-925cc0c7422b}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {b9f39464-1d64-4e80-8368-d895a616bccb}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {41a97eb2-7182-46e7-9648-d266e1eef027}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 15, !- Name
+ {5a78c4e9-f200-42a2-b6fb-57c0e8c59404}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {f07ba877-03a3-45b1-a834-3c038bcc9e40}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {391c770a-9139-4617-9066-925cc0c7422b}, !- Handle
+ {49f67c06-c0e8-4265-be19-7e097a6ed2e9}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2464475a-b2e6-4fae-a10a-8b9e8f75110c}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5a78c4e9-f200-42a2-b6fb-57c0e8c59404}, !- Handle
+ {41a97eb2-7182-46e7-9648-d266e1eef027}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {37e8455d-8e2b-4e56-af94-b7c3ab56a63e}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {11bead50-97c3-4b28-98ba-8ea8af5f27fe}, !- Handle
+ {0bd549f4-fb0c-400f-add4-c8409653d40e}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {2a799ad8-078b-4132-951d-9ce5039b5583}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 14, !- Name
+ {f3a22897-3f13-49f9-b66b-5d6408f33be8}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {54d7009b-f2fb-4190-a55d-19a68316acee}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {1ce36e64-e468-409a-9f78-21c0b4175792}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {b53d0d38-af6c-4f06-9856-5f0518bb0c42}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 14kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {1d34dbbc-69b5-475a-8819-a658386dc881}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {6f1d9359-9427-4057-b99c-f6bfde20d1e0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 7kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {7224e07a-e5e9-47b2-a65d-d8ff69eeb7ea}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {295bbd0f-b29c-4beb-93ff-5f8e28d7d422}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {f585dc32-fbc6-41cb-a16c-5944e6f4d5c3}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {295bbd0f-b29c-4beb-93ff-5f8e28d7d422}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 14, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {f585dc32-fbc6-41cb-a16c-5944e6f4d5c3}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 14, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {5918c96b-a523-43ae-9401-332bf90fd996}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {5329752a-c3ab-435e-9f25-73539ad1b93f}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {d9b16d45-9f08-4946-8a93-320ef70bce10}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {2cbaafdd-bbe6-4db1-b868-6ae29d2318d7}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7224e07a-e5e9-47b2-a65d-d8ff69eeb7ea}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {38e1856a-ad4f-41fe-b760-ba15b9a6d942}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {b53d0d38-af6c-4f06-9856-5f0518bb0c42}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {6f1d9359-9427-4057-b99c-f6bfde20d1e0}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {1d34dbbc-69b5-475a-8819-a658386dc881}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {2cbaafdd-bbe6-4db1-b868-6ae29d2318d7}, !- Handle
+ {5918c96b-a523-43ae-9401-332bf90fd996}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {1ce36e64-e468-409a-9f78-21c0b4175792}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {609fdaa4-378c-47cd-9df5-73bbeffb75c7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {32109059-a65e-4aca-9831-2ecfb958e9f4}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {610236b1-5b9b-4c7d-986b-c81139190d33}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {610236b1-5b9b-4c7d-986b-c81139190d33}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 15, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {c35c8a11-c78f-4dab-80dd-e4bc98fa58dd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {609fdaa4-378c-47cd-9df5-73bbeffb75c7}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {e57b2e9b-f294-4496-ae25-cfcdac79e4a4}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {ec6c6161-8b1f-46dd-913b-2045eef0d909}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {6f76a83f-6653-40cb-a4bf-82383d4984fb}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {d856b41d-fb09-477e-9ccf-59a48be2301d}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {ab0f07aa-593b-4ace-87a2-358b1113202d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {ec6c6161-8b1f-46dd-913b-2045eef0d909}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ec6c6161-8b1f-46dd-913b-2045eef0d909}, !- Handle
+ {ab0f07aa-593b-4ace-87a2-358b1113202d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c35c8a11-c78f-4dab-80dd-e4bc98fa58dd}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {95845f00-498e-46ae-927c-7c4f78cc452b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {6f76a83f-6653-40cb-a4bf-82383d4984fb}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {6f76a83f-6653-40cb-a4bf-82383d4984fb}, !- Handle
+ {c35c8a11-c78f-4dab-80dd-e4bc98fa58dd}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {95845f00-498e-46ae-927c-7c4f78cc452b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {97e0c749-7c19-48af-aea1-c7b5771ac01b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {e57b2e9b-f294-4496-ae25-cfcdac79e4a4}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d9b16d45-9f08-4946-8a93-320ef70bce10}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d856b41d-fb09-477e-9ccf-59a48be2301d}, !- Handle
+ {d3845a8b-6127-4d65-8cef-702d8a2a68ae}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {c35c8a11-c78f-4dab-80dd-e4bc98fa58dd}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {e57b2e9b-f294-4496-ae25-cfcdac79e4a4}, !- Handle
+ {c35c8a11-c78f-4dab-80dd-e4bc98fa58dd}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {97e0c749-7c19-48af-aea1-c7b5771ac01b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {d9b16d45-9f08-4946-8a93-320ef70bce10}, !- Handle
+ {97e0c749-7c19-48af-aea1-c7b5771ac01b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {5918c96b-a523-43ae-9401-332bf90fd996}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {f3a22897-3f13-49f9-b66b-5d6408f33be8}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 15, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {350f276b-8bd3-45d0-b062-e7850fb301f5}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {e3216108-1bc8-4f35-baac-d6c27b5550e8}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {8cb6d7d6-1d7c-4ace-920b-917c9d79313c}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {93b42589-46f3-49e5-9e8c-eef9bf6c6d16}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {350f276b-8bd3-45d0-b062-e7850fb301f5}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 15 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {e3216108-1bc8-4f35-baac-d6c27b5550e8}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 15 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {8cb6d7d6-1d7c-4ace-920b-917c9d79313c}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 15 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {93b42589-46f3-49e5-9e8c-eef9bf6c6d16}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 15 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {dcc0f1d5-c709-48cc-aa36-364f0de22d06}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {ec8b4cce-ced8-492a-8afb-4755cd60a546}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {71e63036-3623-479b-b080-54af2bbb349a}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {f056ee88-f4af-40d5-b2f3-d8f160b4ca75}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {48622e11-4b46-47f7-92ac-519ba1341d3c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {f07ba877-03a3-45b1-a834-3c038bcc9e40}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a22ded65-d031-4f4b-bec4-50e6ee50ad79}, !- Handle
+ {6cd867cd-b86c-495f-9dcb-b2fc65372529}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9fbac219-2c4b-489a-bf77-a8ceec47c4cf}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {48622e11-4b46-47f7-92ac-519ba1341d3c}, !- Handle
+ {2769d217-2018-4914-bb71-fad9c1ec31fb}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {f056ee88-f4af-40d5-b2f3-d8f160b4ca75}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {f07ba877-03a3-45b1-a834-3c038bcc9e40}, !- Handle
+ {f056ee88-f4af-40d5-b2f3-d8f160b4ca75}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {41a97eb2-7182-46e7-9648-d266e1eef027}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {083bb95d-7c3d-414e-8a49-41ecddabcfb7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {b9f39464-1d64-4e80-8368-d895a616bccb}, !- Inlet Port
+ {ec8b4cce-ced8-492a-8afb-4755cd60a546}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b9f39464-1d64-4e80-8368-d895a616bccb}, !- Handle
+ {2464475a-b2e6-4fae-a10a-8b9e8f75110c}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {083bb95d-7c3d-414e-8a49-41ecddabcfb7}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {ec8b4cce-ced8-492a-8afb-4755cd60a546}, !- Handle
+ {083bb95d-7c3d-414e-8a49-41ecddabcfb7}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {dcc0f1d5-c709-48cc-aa36-364f0de22d06}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {71e63036-3623-479b-b080-54af2bbb349a}, !- Handle
+ {dcc0f1d5-c709-48cc-aa36-364f0de22d06}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {6cd867cd-b86c-495f-9dcb-b2fc65372529}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {08e0288b-dacd-4a52-8f18-8049a47637f6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {d2c3b42a-e349-497f-afb4-66324dd47b02}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {16c8448b-13ca-4220-954f-610a2199ceef}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {f671d931-a2fc-495e-abc3-339cb23701bf}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {90c90b24-bf73-4667-b8a4-f0e80602dc4c}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {a72ae686-29d6-4ded-95e0-d5398337de30}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {1dae13f0-820d-4c2d-babc-821d142e9ee5}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {bbe38d45-754e-4edc-a0e0-a29bb354ec8c}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {2a950338-6a09-4626-be1f-a49814250517}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {d6b08117-b4b1-4131-a82d-091272bb14c9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {f671d931-a2fc-495e-abc3-339cb23701bf}, !- Inlet Port
+ {264cdb2a-b823-47c7-a548-af883e719887}; !- Outlet Port
+ {948d3e13-81fc-4aaa-a60f-c8ea75464596}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {bd9b6284-1c16-42f7-b28b-2d68f7ebad7d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {1dae13f0-820d-4c2d-babc-821d142e9ee5}; !- Outlet Port
+ {f671d931-a2fc-495e-abc3-339cb23701bf}, !- Handle
+ {08e0288b-dacd-4a52-8f18-8049a47637f6}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {d6b08117-b4b1-4131-a82d-091272bb14c9}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1dae13f0-820d-4c2d-babc-821d142e9ee5}, !- Handle
+ {948d3e13-81fc-4aaa-a60f-c8ea75464596}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {08e0288b-dacd-4a52-8f18-8049a47637f6}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {d2fdef2c-45da-42be-a5a0-d32f511d4026}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {a72ae686-29d6-4ded-95e0-d5398337de30}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a2bcb155-0e09-4fe3-8db3-9d202660ebf4}; !- Outlet Port
+ {21dd2bf5-71c6-4d12-b07c-786348610a4d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {35cea131-0655-41db-be88-2227337edf72}, !- Inlet Port
+ {90c90b24-bf73-4667-b8a4-f0e80602dc4c}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d04e1653-7450-4411-9aeb-09db5c99c99f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {62c0d5a8-0641-485a-afef-4bcd42b757d5}, !- Inlet Port
+ {55ff87cb-e255-478c-977b-6deffd0067c7}; !- Outlet Port
+ {a72ae686-29d6-4ded-95e0-d5398337de30}, !- Handle
+ {08e0288b-dacd-4a52-8f18-8049a47637f6}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {d2fdef2c-45da-42be-a5a0-d32f511d4026}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {90c90b24-bf73-4667-b8a4-f0e80602dc4c}, !- Handle
+ {21dd2bf5-71c6-4d12-b07c-786348610a4d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {08e0288b-dacd-4a52-8f18-8049a47637f6}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {2a950338-6a09-4626-be1f-a49814250517}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 16, !- Name
+ {a2bcb155-0e09-4fe3-8db3-9d202660ebf4}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {1a95b878-777d-43a6-a117-c0a2c5de3974}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {bbe38d45-754e-4edc-a0e0-a29bb354ec8c}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 16, !- Name
+ {35cea131-0655-41db-be88-2227337edf72}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {70d723d4-eb79-45cf-aa22-38fdaf3f0afb}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {a2bcb155-0e09-4fe3-8db3-9d202660ebf4}, !- Handle
+ {d2fdef2c-45da-42be-a5a0-d32f511d4026}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2a950338-6a09-4626-be1f-a49814250517}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {35cea131-0655-41db-be88-2227337edf72}, !- Handle
+ {bbe38d45-754e-4edc-a0e0-a29bb354ec8c}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {21dd2bf5-71c6-4d12-b07c-786348610a4d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {14b83eac-df83-4761-9844-1e07debe0f74}, !- Handle
+ {08e0288b-dacd-4a52-8f18-8049a47637f6}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {16c8448b-13ca-4220-954f-610a2199ceef}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 15, !- Name
+ {c1b98bcd-faee-417e-9a63-5c82324f6964}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {6013591b-6277-4519-a35a-e7286bb00c7c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {948d3e13-81fc-4aaa-a60f-c8ea75464596}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {d337feb9-726f-4570-8da4-80fb3ea477c3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 27kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {48ecd4d8-7287-464e-8bde-e4bb73d6ab0e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {9b50cdaf-de5b-4e99-b873-c3227d97ec34}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 14kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {2ff9c5f2-c020-4543-98d6-f4f10584c1f7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {2daef211-a64a-4d60-a33b-b91081c09cad}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {8e10a907-1570-4431-89e7-70c37e15984a}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {2daef211-a64a-4d60-a33b-b91081c09cad}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 15, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {8e10a907-1570-4431-89e7-70c37e15984a}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 15, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {9712b8ec-dc1c-43ad-9f34-6c329c73e614}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {b94aa8a6-ca4b-4c4c-af88-5a94f92cea15}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {3a9dee8a-32fa-4efe-8f7c-91a086bb4f45}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {bd9b6284-1c16-42f7-b28b-2d68f7ebad7d}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {2ff9c5f2-c020-4543-98d6-f4f10584c1f7}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {805f1b39-4835-43ea-b0af-fc7542f747e2}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {d337feb9-726f-4570-8da4-80fb3ea477c3}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {9b50cdaf-de5b-4e99-b873-c3227d97ec34}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {48ecd4d8-7287-464e-8bde-e4bb73d6ab0e}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {bd9b6284-1c16-42f7-b28b-2d68f7ebad7d}, !- Handle
+ {9712b8ec-dc1c-43ad-9f34-6c329c73e614}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {948d3e13-81fc-4aaa-a60f-c8ea75464596}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {36534ee1-89de-47b6-b128-07241896b880}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {c33eb2a9-a521-491a-a37a-a6482b0fd092}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {1d372560-439f-4aac-9c91-8ee518ae6d83}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {1d372560-439f-4aac-9c91-8ee518ae6d83}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 16, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {2d8f0977-ed7a-4390-bfc4-4e53f5c0980d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {36534ee1-89de-47b6-b128-07241896b880}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {b4be2f4b-d4ce-4c74-a626-87d12539a76b}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {d53aa575-aa2a-4f05-b3c7-cfe2888df667}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {1300b3f6-047d-42dd-813e-83c624cff432}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {264cdb2a-b823-47c7-a548-af883e719887}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {96158cc1-a192-4432-af62-f01e465d6de2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {d53aa575-aa2a-4f05-b3c7-cfe2888df667}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d53aa575-aa2a-4f05-b3c7-cfe2888df667}, !- Handle
+ {96158cc1-a192-4432-af62-f01e465d6de2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2d8f0977-ed7a-4390-bfc4-4e53f5c0980d}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {43da75ee-c1f9-4c6b-bf8b-3308aa235284}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {1300b3f6-047d-42dd-813e-83c624cff432}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {1300b3f6-047d-42dd-813e-83c624cff432}, !- Handle
+ {2d8f0977-ed7a-4390-bfc4-4e53f5c0980d}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {43da75ee-c1f9-4c6b-bf8b-3308aa235284}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a6ada980-6e9a-4342-86a5-32ca6ee3424b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {b4be2f4b-d4ce-4c74-a626-87d12539a76b}, !- Inlet Port
+ {3a9dee8a-32fa-4efe-8f7c-91a086bb4f45}; !- Outlet Port
+ {264cdb2a-b823-47c7-a548-af883e719887}, !- Handle
+ {d6b08117-b4b1-4131-a82d-091272bb14c9}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2d8f0977-ed7a-4390-bfc4-4e53f5c0980d}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {b4be2f4b-d4ce-4c74-a626-87d12539a76b}, !- Handle
+ {2d8f0977-ed7a-4390-bfc4-4e53f5c0980d}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {a6ada980-6e9a-4342-86a5-32ca6ee3424b}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3a9dee8a-32fa-4efe-8f7c-91a086bb4f45}, !- Handle
+ {a6ada980-6e9a-4342-86a5-32ca6ee3424b}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9712b8ec-dc1c-43ad-9f34-6c329c73e614}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {c1b98bcd-faee-417e-9a63-5c82324f6964}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 16, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {9b812581-350d-403f-bfd1-97226183ad3b}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {47168b5d-f57e-4315-b8e1-6eef3907eb0a}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {73545805-eef1-465d-8bd9-2cbd5e266b19}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {a30dda5c-abae-4193-aca6-fcd3f18cae07}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {9b812581-350d-403f-bfd1-97226183ad3b}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 16 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {47168b5d-f57e-4315-b8e1-6eef3907eb0a}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 16 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {73545805-eef1-465d-8bd9-2cbd5e266b19}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 16 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {a30dda5c-abae-4193-aca6-fcd3f18cae07}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 16 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {95b9eb0e-af41-48e9-80ee-d49dd5ee3a8c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {01b98736-576a-4789-8be8-306e080c31df}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {62c0d5a8-0641-485a-afef-4bcd42b757d5}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {92f59d6b-262a-4e8d-bd39-eb69dcf96f01}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {60160112-ae41-4129-8e3c-d1871596381c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {70d723d4-eb79-45cf-aa22-38fdaf3f0afb}; !- Outlet Port
+ {55ff87cb-e255-478c-977b-6deffd0067c7}, !- Handle
+ {d04e1653-7450-4411-9aeb-09db5c99c99f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {a8cb6b22-ed1e-4234-84ca-771349fe045a}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {60160112-ae41-4129-8e3c-d1871596381c}, !- Handle
+ {128c7b2d-eead-4f83-b112-a2ae58f68cdc}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {92f59d6b-262a-4e8d-bd39-eb69dcf96f01}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {70d723d4-eb79-45cf-aa22-38fdaf3f0afb}, !- Handle
+ {92f59d6b-262a-4e8d-bd39-eb69dcf96f01}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {bbe38d45-754e-4edc-a0e0-a29bb354ec8c}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {6cf8e0ab-8ad2-4243-bc44-d55eaecbe928}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {1a95b878-777d-43a6-a117-c0a2c5de3974}, !- Inlet Port
+ {01b98736-576a-4789-8be8-306e080c31df}; !- Outlet Port
+ {1a95b878-777d-43a6-a117-c0a2c5de3974}, !- Handle
+ {2a950338-6a09-4626-be1f-a49814250517}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6cf8e0ab-8ad2-4243-bc44-d55eaecbe928}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {01b98736-576a-4789-8be8-306e080c31df}, !- Handle
+ {6cf8e0ab-8ad2-4243-bc44-d55eaecbe928}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {95b9eb0e-af41-48e9-80ee-d49dd5ee3a8c}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {62c0d5a8-0641-485a-afef-4bcd42b757d5}, !- Handle
+ {95b9eb0e-af41-48e9-80ee-d49dd5ee3a8c}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {d04e1653-7450-4411-9aeb-09db5c99c99f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9af3a032-c141-44cc-8176-37c8f8744f19}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {3911cc06-fa3e-4616-9b5f-bff3879fd2a9}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {5c76158b-a9ea-4a96-ae8c-4d52b1242f88}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {340f116b-7f1f-46f3-903a-e34bead00a0c}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {a0e9eaba-4fc2-4af1-95b7-c05dda7a3a40}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {7dbb0c07-455b-4b28-bc1a-2a77e87f0f39}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {bdece730-43e2-4d18-b86b-c651fa3ad455}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {fd66c847-69bd-4250-885c-216de0c4ca9c}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {dd796ca7-e141-4b4d-b084-f46fb1595dc4}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {2416eabe-b538-4d19-b57e-881a66b01c18}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {340f116b-7f1f-46f3-903a-e34bead00a0c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {43290847-a527-42cb-90db-c117430d278f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {dd5eae83-5054-493e-8f2e-06ea9788f314}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {66150415-2859-44b2-ba56-914864f62a4c}, !- Inlet Port
+ {bdece730-43e2-4d18-b86b-c651fa3ad455}; !- Outlet Port
+ {340f116b-7f1f-46f3-903a-e34bead00a0c}, !- Handle
+ {9af3a032-c141-44cc-8176-37c8f8744f19}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {2416eabe-b538-4d19-b57e-881a66b01c18}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {bdece730-43e2-4d18-b86b-c651fa3ad455}, !- Handle
+ {dd5eae83-5054-493e-8f2e-06ea9788f314}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9af3a032-c141-44cc-8176-37c8f8744f19}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {3df77558-5e05-47ae-b0d7-01f942c6b390}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {7dbb0c07-455b-4b28-bc1a-2a77e87f0f39}, !- Inlet Port
+ {108cf699-f525-4f94-a18a-2dd29c3a62ee}; !- Outlet Port
+ {3fa24ee2-3062-48cd-8e88-e3cd52f75d2f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {50bf3bc0-5a8c-4da3-8257-69047588dcf6}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a0e9eaba-4fc2-4af1-95b7-c05dda7a3a40}; !- Outlet Port
+ {01b47aa6-5334-4f70-8e6a-99e5cd087139}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {bedb5786-c7a3-409b-b006-1a227d324bbf}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2e0ff7d6-4ab2-4369-85fc-6ffc68044dba}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7dbb0c07-455b-4b28-bc1a-2a77e87f0f39}, !- Handle
+ {9af3a032-c141-44cc-8176-37c8f8744f19}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {3df77558-5e05-47ae-b0d7-01f942c6b390}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a0e9eaba-4fc2-4af1-95b7-c05dda7a3a40}, !- Handle
+ {3fa24ee2-3062-48cd-8e88-e3cd52f75d2f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {9af3a032-c141-44cc-8176-37c8f8744f19}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {dd796ca7-e141-4b4d-b084-f46fb1595dc4}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 17, !- Name
+ {108cf699-f525-4f94-a18a-2dd29c3a62ee}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {ff3ebc8f-168a-4713-bc3f-845aeae12049}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {fd66c847-69bd-4250-885c-216de0c4ca9c}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 17, !- Name
+ {50bf3bc0-5a8c-4da3-8257-69047588dcf6}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {45020e1f-8a17-4879-8c74-d5b4cab0b216}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {108cf699-f525-4f94-a18a-2dd29c3a62ee}, !- Handle
+ {3df77558-5e05-47ae-b0d7-01f942c6b390}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {dd796ca7-e141-4b4d-b084-f46fb1595dc4}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {50bf3bc0-5a8c-4da3-8257-69047588dcf6}, !- Handle
+ {fd66c847-69bd-4250-885c-216de0c4ca9c}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {3fa24ee2-3062-48cd-8e88-e3cd52f75d2f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3048acf4-eedd-446c-9047-91858851992b}, !- Handle
+ {9af3a032-c141-44cc-8176-37c8f8744f19}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {5c76158b-a9ea-4a96-ae8c-4d52b1242f88}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 16, !- Name
+ {4eaaa42a-8a66-4c9a-9fb8-22b928174760}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {14c43499-0d58-47c6-9195-cc65925d5e6e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {dd5eae83-5054-493e-8f2e-06ea9788f314}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {9e9aeb54-046c-445c-a5ca-05e69e07afb1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 23kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {989047a4-02c4-4978-9bdd-4b5a25142c9a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {ecb4ce3b-f101-466a-811b-27532f8ab657}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 12kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {8c952cf1-b9c4-4f7f-ba79-ac2849b67a13}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {e8822247-8f79-4f27-8cbc-924ee0ceb8e5}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {aecba6ed-f02f-4553-8d2b-52bd647b2657}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {e8822247-8f79-4f27-8cbc-924ee0ceb8e5}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 16, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {aecba6ed-f02f-4553-8d2b-52bd647b2657}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 16, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {06b31e6f-c1c1-4fcf-804d-06690ff6d757}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {894522ae-8eae-43a6-a2c2-a4bf0419f857}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {fd299068-ea63-4b8a-9545-062f47a3de55}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {66150415-2859-44b2-ba56-914864f62a4c}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {8c952cf1-b9c4-4f7f-ba79-ac2849b67a13}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {b9580a0e-3049-47e7-9881-b51130639f07}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {9e9aeb54-046c-445c-a5ca-05e69e07afb1}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {ecb4ce3b-f101-466a-811b-27532f8ab657}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {989047a4-02c4-4978-9bdd-4b5a25142c9a}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {66150415-2859-44b2-ba56-914864f62a4c}, !- Handle
+ {06b31e6f-c1c1-4fcf-804d-06690ff6d757}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {dd5eae83-5054-493e-8f2e-06ea9788f314}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {9fc98396-67e0-4d6c-a1c1-1cbf92c82394}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {4b8733ce-6886-4d6b-96b2-4c529ca7d005}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {641b2dee-7d5e-4c62-aeee-25e9665becfe}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {641b2dee-7d5e-4c62-aeee-25e9665becfe}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 17, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {2c32b70c-508e-44d6-859a-96d9a7188780}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {9fc98396-67e0-4d6c-a1c1-1cbf92c82394}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {2c65fd44-6794-4554-befe-f36bfb18e0f9}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {04190bda-e63c-489e-8445-15b153365c27}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {bb60ac6a-3121-4f1e-93f6-87a6626c8ab1}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {43290847-a527-42cb-90db-c117430d278f}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {123fcd95-d62d-4645-860c-881914a86c20}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {04190bda-e63c-489e-8445-15b153365c27}; !- Outlet Port
+ {04190bda-e63c-489e-8445-15b153365c27}, !- Handle
+ {123fcd95-d62d-4645-860c-881914a86c20}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2c32b70c-508e-44d6-859a-96d9a7188780}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {759b4bd8-6f53-4379-a29d-8fd7fd5f8dfb}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {bb60ac6a-3121-4f1e-93f6-87a6626c8ab1}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {bb60ac6a-3121-4f1e-93f6-87a6626c8ab1}, !- Handle
+ {2c32b70c-508e-44d6-859a-96d9a7188780}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {759b4bd8-6f53-4379-a29d-8fd7fd5f8dfb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {6a6b474e-cca3-4f10-93f9-02a0603ae57d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {2c65fd44-6794-4554-befe-f36bfb18e0f9}, !- Inlet Port
+ {fd299068-ea63-4b8a-9545-062f47a3de55}; !- Outlet Port
+ {43290847-a527-42cb-90db-c117430d278f}, !- Handle
+ {2416eabe-b538-4d19-b57e-881a66b01c18}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {2c32b70c-508e-44d6-859a-96d9a7188780}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {2c65fd44-6794-4554-befe-f36bfb18e0f9}, !- Handle
+ {2c32b70c-508e-44d6-859a-96d9a7188780}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {6a6b474e-cca3-4f10-93f9-02a0603ae57d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {fd299068-ea63-4b8a-9545-062f47a3de55}, !- Handle
+ {6a6b474e-cca3-4f10-93f9-02a0603ae57d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {06b31e6f-c1c1-4fcf-804d-06690ff6d757}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {4eaaa42a-8a66-4c9a-9fb8-22b928174760}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 17, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {532f5216-1c4d-48b5-8b38-ebcee932f121}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {d63e4d4e-ce4d-49fa-b6c7-258fe22d0326}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {f8f08ee7-16f3-4d25-9eff-57736f410394}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {0c4622a5-547f-4153-a77f-5bcbde5a5170}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {532f5216-1c4d-48b5-8b38-ebcee932f121}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 17 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {d63e4d4e-ce4d-49fa-b6c7-258fe22d0326}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 17 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {f8f08ee7-16f3-4d25-9eff-57736f410394}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 17 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {0c4622a5-547f-4153-a77f-5bcbde5a5170}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 17 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {320ae3db-4e7c-4829-b3fa-67cd25ee903f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {2f2f6d4d-d517-4882-a616-6ff4b3f85494}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {bedb5786-c7a3-409b-b006-1a227d324bbf}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {e08930c8-1988-449b-ac1b-2d372f536145}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {87625c43-8ab2-4e89-89fe-6ecf8c1fda15}, !- Inlet Port
+ {45020e1f-8a17-4879-8c74-d5b4cab0b216}; !- Outlet Port
+ {2e0ff7d6-4ab2-4369-85fc-6ffc68044dba}, !- Handle
+ {01b47aa6-5334-4f70-8e6a-99e5cd087139}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {aecd964f-edfa-478c-b38c-0856f861d3aa}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {87625c43-8ab2-4e89-89fe-6ecf8c1fda15}, !- Handle
+ {36e890ca-3a50-4b0b-a18e-3d29107d1485}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {e08930c8-1988-449b-ac1b-2d372f536145}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {45020e1f-8a17-4879-8c74-d5b4cab0b216}, !- Handle
+ {e08930c8-1988-449b-ac1b-2d372f536145}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {fd66c847-69bd-4250-885c-216de0c4ca9c}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {b0e312f2-b62d-46f1-9309-8b28a06f45b0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {ff3ebc8f-168a-4713-bc3f-845aeae12049}, !- Inlet Port
+ {2f2f6d4d-d517-4882-a616-6ff4b3f85494}; !- Outlet Port
+ {ff3ebc8f-168a-4713-bc3f-845aeae12049}, !- Handle
+ {dd796ca7-e141-4b4d-b084-f46fb1595dc4}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {b0e312f2-b62d-46f1-9309-8b28a06f45b0}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {2f2f6d4d-d517-4882-a616-6ff4b3f85494}, !- Handle
+ {b0e312f2-b62d-46f1-9309-8b28a06f45b0}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {320ae3db-4e7c-4829-b3fa-67cd25ee903f}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {bedb5786-c7a3-409b-b006-1a227d324bbf}, !- Handle
+ {320ae3db-4e7c-4829-b3fa-67cd25ee903f}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {01b47aa6-5334-4f70-8e6a-99e5cd087139}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {000a82d0-574b-4d58-8c90-73abeae31ac1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC, !- Name
+ , !- Controller List Name
+ {be5d5658-12ca-42c4-8f5b-c05f5673264c}, !- Availability Schedule
+ {f0520b17-8db3-4fcf-aed9-200cc08e391e}, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ autosize, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Design Return Air Flow Fraction of Supply Air Flow
+ , !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ {dd088658-91e1-4917-9cf7-283bfcc4e34a}, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ {a15b79ee-c6da-4465-9755-fbd7a2d5070f}, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ {da561437-dae4-4725-8e20-c68d8f0f589d}, !- Demand Side Inlet Node A
+ {798acbe8-6923-4d37-b00c-6b85bf3c8178}, !- Supply Side Outlet Node A
+ , !- Demand Side Inlet Node B
+ , !- Supply Side Outlet Node B
+ , !- Return Air Bypass Flow Temperature Setpoint Schedule Name
+ {839a6d5a-73a8-4cf6-920c-105b61235e52}, !- Demand Mixer Name
+ {180cfedb-4a1c-4146-9ae2-8ca27f92923d}, !- Demand Splitter A Name
+ , !- Demand Splitter B Name
+ ; !- Supply Splitter Name
+ {f37c0632-9445-4259-bb0a-15278659f8da}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {dd088658-91e1-4917-9cf7-283bfcc4e34a}, !- Inlet Port
+ {d431bfc8-9c02-4a10-a3fe-0c4a4656ff47}; !- Outlet Port
+ {b166dac6-9f00-4030-9726-b4cba10b1363}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Supply Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {7eb8d5e9-87c4-46d7-985f-ce813db819e3}, !- Inlet Port
+ {798acbe8-6923-4d37-b00c-6b85bf3c8178}; !- Outlet Port
+ {dd088658-91e1-4917-9cf7-283bfcc4e34a}, !- Handle
+ {000a82d0-574b-4d58-8c90-73abeae31ac1}, !- Source Object
+ 9, !- Outlet Port
+ {f37c0632-9445-4259-bb0a-15278659f8da}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {798acbe8-6923-4d37-b00c-6b85bf3c8178}, !- Handle
+ {b166dac6-9f00-4030-9726-b4cba10b1363}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {000a82d0-574b-4d58-8c90-73abeae31ac1}, !- Target Object
+ 12; !- Inlet Port
+ {1d7864d3-9d65-448b-81b8-b3786ba23c75}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Inlet Node, !- Name
+ {da561437-dae4-4725-8e20-c68d8f0f589d}, !- Inlet Port
+ {7f9bb4e1-4e6e-4166-b28c-b29a1f7299dc}; !- Outlet Port
+ {492d929f-fd66-475a-b442-056b856a5a2f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Demand Outlet Node, !- Name
+ {397125a5-1e94-4f6b-90c1-6359ae0aaa60}, !- Inlet Port
+ {a15b79ee-c6da-4465-9755-fbd7a2d5070f}; !- Outlet Port
+ {22235305-de7a-4e46-b61e-3e3d0bf8bc92}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Outlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {bcf73131-008c-469a-8479-4c17ff0bff67}, !- Inlet Port
+ {9c90e36a-94bf-4c01-b865-d02f952005a1}; !- Outlet Port
+ {da561437-dae4-4725-8e20-c68d8f0f589d}, !- Handle
+ {000a82d0-574b-4d58-8c90-73abeae31ac1}, !- Source Object
+ 11, !- Outlet Port
+ {1d7864d3-9d65-448b-81b8-b3786ba23c75}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a15b79ee-c6da-4465-9755-fbd7a2d5070f}, !- Handle
+ {492d929f-fd66-475a-b442-056b856a5a2f}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {000a82d0-574b-4d58-8c90-73abeae31ac1}, !- Target Object
+ 10; !- Inlet Port
+ {180cfedb-4a1c-4146-9ae2-8ca27f92923d}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Splitter 18, !- Name
+ {7f9bb4e1-4e6e-4166-b28c-b29a1f7299dc}, !- Inlet Node Name
+ {5129a016-ce1f-42af-a69c-15ee37a76356}; !- Outlet Node Name 1
+ {839a6d5a-73a8-4cf6-920c-105b61235e52}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC Zone Mixer 18, !- Name
+ {397125a5-1e94-4f6b-90c1-6359ae0aaa60}, !- Outlet Node Name
+ {5452148e-4acd-4728-88f2-70286936a8ae}; !- Inlet Node Name 1
+ {7f9bb4e1-4e6e-4166-b28c-b29a1f7299dc}, !- Handle
+ {1d7864d3-9d65-448b-81b8-b3786ba23c75}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {180cfedb-4a1c-4146-9ae2-8ca27f92923d}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {397125a5-1e94-4f6b-90c1-6359ae0aaa60}, !- Handle
+ {839a6d5a-73a8-4cf6-920c-105b61235e52}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {492d929f-fd66-475a-b442-056b856a5a2f}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {675949f8-b744-48ab-93be-413dd2d7a084}, !- Handle
+ {000a82d0-574b-4d58-8c90-73abeae31ac1}, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ Autosize, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.22222222222229, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ Coincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ 0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-Air}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum, !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ 1, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.9475456e-05, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ 0.0099676501, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 1, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ 3.1588213e-05, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
+ CoolingDesignCapacity, !- Cooling Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Cooling Design Capacity {W}
+ 234.7, !- Cooling Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Cooling Design Capacity
+ HeatingDesignCapacity, !- Heating Design Capacity Method
+ autosize, !- Heating Design Capacity {W}
+ 157, !- Heating Design Capacity Per Floor Area {W/m2}
+ 1, !- Fraction of Autosized Heating Design Capacity
+ OnOff, !- Central Cooling Capacity Control Method
+ autosize; !- Occupant Diversity
+ {f0520b17-8db3-4fcf-aed9-200cc08e391e}, !- Handle
+ Air Loop HVAC 1 AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList 17, !- Name
+ {7ba6e162-a338-4113-84a0-41cd302df533}; !- Availability Manager Name 1
+ {297a2a69-695c-48a4-a89f-4b304b3cf742}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground Setpoint Manager SZ Reheat, !- Name
+ 12.7777777777778, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 50.0000000000001, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- Control Zone Name
+ {b166dac6-9f00-4030-9726-b4cba10b1363}; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ {40ea2c47-6c87-4de9-adf5-c142a759b77b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Gas Htg Coil 44kBtu/hr 0.8 Thermal Eff, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.8, !- Gas Burner Efficiency
+ AutoSize, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 0, !- On Cycle Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ , !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ 0; !- Off Cycle Parasitic Gas Load {W}
+ {063f66f0-16f4-4000-8612-9db3315e953d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC No Heat, !- Name
+ {b2815948-fc55-420c-8218-8fcaf4b8107d}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Efficiency
+ 0, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ ; !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7c4874ff-73c8-4f1b-8b40-065f22bdf68d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC 1spd DX AC Clg Coil 23kBtu/hr 9.7SEER, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ 3.14721852276057, !- Rated COP {W/W}
+ autosize, !- Rated Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 773.3, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2017 {W/(m3/s)}
+ 934.4, !- Rated Evaporator Fan Power Per Volume Flow Rate 2023 {W/(m3/s)}
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Total Cooling Capacity Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Energy Input Ratio Function of Flow Fraction Curve Name
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Part Load Fraction Correlation Curve Name
+ -25, !- Minimum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Compressor Operation {C}
+ 0, !- Nominal Time for Condensate Removal to Begin {s}
+ 0, !- Ratio of Initial Moisture Evaporation Rate and Steady State Latent Capacity {dimensionless}
+ 0, !- Maximum Cycling Rate {cycles/hr}
+ 0, !- Latent Capacity Time Constant {s}
+ , !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
+ AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 0.9, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Evaporative Condenser Pump Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0, !- Crankcase Heater Capacity {W}
+ , !- Crankcase Heater Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ 10, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Crankcase Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Condensate Collection Water Storage Tank Name
+ 0, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ 2; !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ {c35e0c8c-b38a-4d60-904d-c0578aef73c7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Fan, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.53625, !- Fan Total Efficiency
+ 622.722275, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.825, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ , !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {14ff753b-f666-425e-b697-c0ce1ce9441a}, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ {909dc0bf-d31b-4348-ad65-6c84cd6b3468}, !- Fan Efficiency Ratio Function of Speed Ratio Curve Name
+ ; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {14ff753b-f666-425e-b697-c0ce1ce9441a}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Power Curve 17, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 Constant
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1, !- Maximum Value of x
+ , !- Minimum Curve Output
+ , !- Maximum Curve Output
+ , !- Input Unit Type for X
+ ; !- Output Unit Type
+ {909dc0bf-d31b-4348-ad65-6c84cd6b3468}, !- Handle
+ Fan On Off Efficiency Curve 17, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {8111a5cc-5765-4cdf-8477-54badcc8217f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Unitary AC, !- Name
+ Load, !- Control Type
+ {61decdef-3bf6-4dda-b340-27ce04f5171c}, !- Controlling Zone or Thermostat Location
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {1200348b-75a8-479d-aa28-fe256a8282f9}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {7eb8d5e9-87c4-46d7-985f-ce813db819e3}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ {c35e0c8c-b38a-4d60-904d-c0578aef73c7}, !- Supply Fan Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Fan Placement
+ {1b79a47c-fdf7-4a27-bc0f-fb410f81457c}, !- Supply Air Fan Operating Mode Schedule Name
+ {40ea2c47-6c87-4de9-adf5-c142a759b77b}, !- Heating Coil Name
+ 1, !- DX Heating Coil Sizing Ratio
+ {7c4874ff-73c8-4f1b-8b40-065f22bdf68d}, !- Cooling Coil Name
+ No, !- Use DOAS DX Cooling Coil
+ 2, !- DOAS DX Cooling Coil Leaving Minimum Air Temperature {C}
+ SensibleOnlyLoadControl, !- Latent Load Control
+ {063f66f0-16f4-4000-8612-9db3315e953d}, !- Supplemental Heating Coil Name
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Cooling Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Cooling Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area During Cooling Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation {m3/s-W}
+ SupplyAirFlowRate, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method During Heating Operation
+ Autosize, !- Supply Air Flow Rate During Heating Operation {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area during Heating Operation {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation {m3/s-W}
+ None, !- Supply Air Flow Rate Method When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s}
+ , !- Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Fraction of Autosized Design Heating Supply Air Flow Rate When No Cooling or Heating is Required
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Cooling Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ , !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit of Capacity During Heating Operation When No Cooling or Heating is Required {m3/s-W}
+ Yes, !- No Load Supply Air Flow Rate Control Set To Low Speed
+ 80, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 21, !- Maximum Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature for Supplemental Heater Operation {C}
+ , !- Outdoor Dry-Bulb Temperature Sensor Node Name
+ 0, !- Ancilliary On-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ 0; !- Ancilliary Off-Cycle Electric Power {W}
+ {7eb8d5e9-87c4-46d7-985f-ce813db819e3}, !- Handle
+ {8111a5cc-5765-4cdf-8477-54badcc8217f}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {b166dac6-9f00-4030-9726-b4cba10b1363}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {77bb90ea-213a-49e9-a165-96c8e5f6bdd9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System Controller, !- Name
+ , !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Return Air Node Name
+ , !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ , !- Actuator Node Name
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ , !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ LockoutWithCompressor, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ {7343a176-abc7-4370-9e02-82d293ba1330}, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ {58be2b5a-065e-47e4-a471-9fe959cd7d29}, !- Controller Mechanical Ventilation
+ , !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
+ No, !- High Humidity Control
+ , !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
+ , !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
+ , !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
+ BypassWhenWithinEconomizerLimits, !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
+ InterlockedWithMechanicalCooling; !- Economizer Operation Staging
+ {58be2b5a-065e-47e4-a471-9fe959cd7d29}, !- Handle
+ Controller Mechanical Ventilation 18, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule
+ , !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
+ ; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ {37d51807-36e2-4a05-9538-ab979cd1c2a6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC OA System, !- Name
+ {77bb90ea-213a-49e9-a165-96c8e5f6bdd9}, !- Controller Name
+ , !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ , !- Availability Manager List Name
+ {94438977-3251-449a-9aa3-4dcf51a21c0a}, !- Mixed Air Node Name
+ {7f4a37e1-860a-41b4-9561-be0a950fe409}, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ {dc2a4a5c-4412-4010-ae1a-842514850653}, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ {d431bfc8-9c02-4a10-a3fe-0c4a4656ff47}; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ {87652e1e-69c1-4496-8cc6-1bfa5635e601}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Outdoor Air Node, !- Name
+ , !- Inlet Port
+ {7f4a37e1-860a-41b4-9561-be0a950fe409}; !- Outlet Port
+ {7f4a37e1-860a-41b4-9561-be0a950fe409}, !- Handle
+ {87652e1e-69c1-4496-8cc6-1bfa5635e601}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {37d51807-36e2-4a05-9538-ab979cd1c2a6}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {138b42b4-d4b7-427a-b796-6b5d9f2c0746}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Relief Air Node, !- Name
+ {dc2a4a5c-4412-4010-ae1a-842514850653}, !- Inlet Port
+ ; !- Outlet Port
+ {dc2a4a5c-4412-4010-ae1a-842514850653}, !- Handle
+ {37d51807-36e2-4a05-9538-ab979cd1c2a6}, !- Source Object
+ 7, !- Outlet Port
+ {138b42b4-d4b7-427a-b796-6b5d9f2c0746}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {159dcf81-e035-4ee8-a24c-6cecd106a001}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Mixed Air Node, !- Name
+ {94438977-3251-449a-9aa3-4dcf51a21c0a}, !- Inlet Port
+ {1200348b-75a8-479d-aa28-fe256a8282f9}; !- Outlet Port
+ {d431bfc8-9c02-4a10-a3fe-0c4a4656ff47}, !- Handle
+ {f37c0632-9445-4259-bb0a-15278659f8da}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {37d51807-36e2-4a05-9538-ab979cd1c2a6}, !- Target Object
+ 8; !- Inlet Port
+ {94438977-3251-449a-9aa3-4dcf51a21c0a}, !- Handle
+ {37d51807-36e2-4a05-9538-ab979cd1c2a6}, !- Source Object
+ 5, !- Outlet Port
+ {159dcf81-e035-4ee8-a24c-6cecd106a001}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {1200348b-75a8-479d-aa28-fe256a8282f9}, !- Handle
+ {159dcf81-e035-4ee8-a24c-6cecd106a001}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {8111a5cc-5765-4cdf-8477-54badcc8217f}, !- Target Object
+ 6; !- Inlet Port
+ {7ba6e162-a338-4113-84a0-41cd302df533}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 18, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Applicability Schedule
+ , !- Fan Schedule
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ , !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
+ 1800, !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ {7e9aa3ce-9ddd-4392-8b0d-876ad2bf3181}, !- Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {9b27e1fa-32ed-47fb-b326-317ab2237f32}, !- Cooling Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {0eeff2c3-080e-4d90-bd04-41e1077f1350}, !- Heating Control Zone or Zone List Name
+ {b4459d16-3084-4860-885f-120519bbf181}; !- Heating Zone Fans Only Zone or Zone List Name
+ {7e9aa3ce-9ddd-4392-8b0d-876ad2bf3181}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 18 Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {9b27e1fa-32ed-47fb-b326-317ab2237f32}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 18 Cooling Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {0eeff2c3-080e-4d90-bd04-41e1077f1350}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 18 Heating Control Zone List; !- Name
+ {b4459d16-3084-4860-885f-120519bbf181}, !- Handle
+ Availability Manager Night Cycle 18 Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List; !- Name
+ {6b9a73b9-7d9e-4cdb-8c48-e7fb26fb717e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser, !- Name
+ {956dfcef-8dc0-44bd-a1fa-cf317a9ab4a4}, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ {4fd6e7cb-c445-4a37-8ba4-b97219db2020}, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ {bcf73131-008c-469a-8479-4c17ff0bff67}, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ AutoSize; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ {dff4177c-d09a-4558-bc3b-6b25ba6c9fa2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground Return Air Node, !- Name
+ {a588c7f8-8447-4e69-aaa9-8a82a0f633c9}, !- Inlet Port
+ {5452148e-4acd-4728-88f2-70286936a8ae}; !- Outlet Port
+ {9c90e36a-94bf-4c01-b865-d02f952005a1}, !- Handle
+ {22235305-de7a-4e46-b61e-3e3d0bf8bc92}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {75e6766b-37a7-4bcc-b368-8d97faead6fb}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {a588c7f8-8447-4e69-aaa9-8a82a0f633c9}, !- Handle
+ {1729c341-3c97-4140-8007-b608220fbb3f}, !- Source Object
+ 2, !- Outlet Port
+ {dff4177c-d09a-4558-bc3b-6b25ba6c9fa2}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {5452148e-4acd-4728-88f2-70286936a8ae}, !- Handle
+ {dff4177c-d09a-4558-bc3b-6b25ba6c9fa2}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {839a6d5a-73a8-4cf6-920c-105b61235e52}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {ba6234cd-fe90-4f09-a7f9-1696c4730376}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Diffuser Inlet Air Node, !- Name
+ {5129a016-ce1f-42af-a69c-15ee37a76356}, !- Inlet Port
+ {4fd6e7cb-c445-4a37-8ba4-b97219db2020}; !- Outlet Port
+ {5129a016-ce1f-42af-a69c-15ee37a76356}, !- Handle
+ {180cfedb-4a1c-4146-9ae2-8ca27f92923d}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {ba6234cd-fe90-4f09-a7f9-1696c4730376}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {4fd6e7cb-c445-4a37-8ba4-b97219db2020}, !- Handle
+ {ba6234cd-fe90-4f09-a7f9-1696c4730376}, !- Source Object
+ 3, !- Outlet Port
+ {6b9a73b9-7d9e-4cdb-8c48-e7fb26fb717e}, !- Target Object
+ 3; !- Inlet Port
+ {bcf73131-008c-469a-8479-4c17ff0bff67}, !- Handle
+ {6b9a73b9-7d9e-4cdb-8c48-e7fb26fb717e}, !- Source Object
+ 4, !- Outlet Port
+ {22235305-de7a-4e46-b61e-3e3d0bf8bc92}, !- Target Object
+ 2; !- Inlet Port
+ {3c37c231-2b84-44bd-9f2c-dd59601316f6}, !- Handle
+ 2018, !- Calendar Year
+ , !- Day of Week for Start Day
+ ; !- Is Leap Year
+ {675b027a-b638-4fcc-ba90-593878ca9754}, !- Handle
+ Building Hours of Operation NonResidential, !- Name
+ {a32d0387-2758-4570-b1f3-501d82aca925}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {99ef95fd-1912-47a3-ab10-abb55a40139e}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {da38f599-b0cb-4cc7-9c7a-5f1f5ba95e21}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {6c443bd3-b093-4084-9d53-5328467b3fb4}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {99ef95fd-1912-47a3-ab10-abb55a40139e}, !- Handle
+ Building Hours of Operation NonResidential Default, !- Name
+ {a32d0387-2758-4570-b1f3-501d82aca925}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 9, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e6da578b-050e-4fa8-87cb-b758af241403}, !- Handle
+ {675b027a-b638-4fcc-ba90-593878ca9754}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 76.577759999999884, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 18, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:44:45 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:44:45 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {6c443bd3-b093-4084-9d53-5328467b3fb4}, !- Handle
+ Building Hours of Operation NonResidential Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {a32d0387-2758-4570-b1f3-501d82aca925}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {da38f599-b0cb-4cc7-9c7a-5f1f5ba95e21}, !- Handle
+ Building Hours of Operation NonResidential Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {a32d0387-2758-4570-b1f3-501d82aca925}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a256b7ba-504f-485c-89bc-d099ef6bf93b}, !- Handle
+ Building Hours of Operation NonResidential Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {675b027a-b638-4fcc-ba90-593878ca9754}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {41955e26-083f-40b7-a05a-d8e3227f8af8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {41955e26-083f-40b7-a05a-d8e3227f8af8}, !- Handle
+ Building Hours of Operation NonResidential Sunday, !- Name
+ {a32d0387-2758-4570-b1f3-501d82aca925}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 45, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 45, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {bc8a566f-6ebd-4d88-ba39-efe8ba006a88}, !- Handle
+ Building Default Schedule Set, !- Name
+ {675b027a-b638-4fcc-ba90-593878ca9754}, !- Hours of Operation Schedule Name
+ , !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ , !- People Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Lighting Schedule Name
+ , !- Electric Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Gas Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Hot Water Equipment Schedule Name
+ , !- Infiltration Schedule Name
+ , !- Steam Equipment Schedule Name
+ ; !- Other Equipment Schedule Name
+ {cbee13ac-fd93-42d1-ac3b-e3c7f5ce2bb8}, !- Handle
+ {3588025e-5e4f-4b70-b6d4-d16278a20818}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.256335596, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.76900719500000003; !- Feature Value 3
+ {70bb23c6-32b4-412c-9f89-77beebddc5cc}, !- Handle
+ {904aa4d8-94a3-4d82-b1e7-c69f05e50cb8}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.5 ~ 0.414387632 | 1.5 ~ 0.318808079 | 2.5 ~ 0.275269521 | 3.5 ~ 0.256335596 | 4.5 ~ 0.266641233 | 5.5 ~ 0.275669979 | 6.5 ~ 0.299871749 | 7.5 ~ 0.409390516 | 8.5 ~ 0.536672399 | 9.5 ~ 0.647512915 | 10.5 ~ 0.719942661 | 11.5 ~ 0.750282165 | 12.5 ~ 0.753736118 | 13.5 ~ 0.755018515 | 14.5 ~ 0.755439024 | 15.5 ~ 0.754244744 | 16.5 ~ 0.754591913 | 17.5 ~ 0.754148622 | 18.5 ~ 0.768718511 | 19.5 ~ 0.769007195 | 20.5 ~ 0.763818261 | 21.5 ~ 0.741738852 | 22.5 ~ 0.678887317 | 23.5 ~ 0.551611833, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {38751a34-4538-4921-9548-1ad05685be47}, !- Handle
+ {a7ca8507-3780-40a8-978b-707d8f39fd98}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.031635999999999997, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.63570599999999999; !- Feature Value 3
+ {94b77325-1cca-4dca-b828-484db50fb874}, !- Handle
+ {e0e14bd8-7f5d-4191-9f2c-b84420e52057}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.092285 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.043394 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.03346 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.058446 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.132513 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.160791 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.172426 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.227447 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.36526 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.490505 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.576626 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.619177 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.622858 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.610192 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.587065 | mid ~ 0.568525 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.550277 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.55004 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.538843 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.514044 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.475321 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.406465 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.244134 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.104648, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {d128ef3f-6e3a-45ce-90f4-6ab8bb75c1bd}, !- Handle
+ {8760e4d8-a7a3-4a18-a730-faa5a21a0af0}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.092637 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.04213 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.03428 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.06359 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.146296 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.169894 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.183272 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.254499 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.405902 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.502689 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.586251 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.628852 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.635706 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.621235 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.598011 | mid ~ 0.577341 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.574175 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.57047 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.563241 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.544794 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.511745 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.454526 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.374511 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.222021, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {7072a6cb-c1a2-4f76-a499-5576f838e7f1}, !- Handle
+ {bc6fc971-c2d0-4127-b687-c3cf395593f8}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.054188 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.037372 | hoo_end + 3.5 ~ 0.032852 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.070689 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.155617 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.179178 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.198418 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.26862 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.40367 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.496001 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.551598 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.61103 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.611674 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.587884 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.567806 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.559581 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.557142 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.582069 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.580131 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.560065 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.525069 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.468523 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.380344 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.22984, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {707adb03-640b-46e0-ba8c-a02629f4c076}, !- Handle
+ {11373212-f1a2-4ef8-80b5-56d57ae790ca}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.05113 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.036094 | hoo_end + 3.5 ~ 0.031636 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.068921 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.153839 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.176683 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.196174 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.26755 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.385492 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.46841 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.494935 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.522401 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.534863 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.528583 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.537839 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.534183 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.537422 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.547466 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.545909 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.524621 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.482984 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.414776 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.252882 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.107246, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {0f5ff119-50f8-45f4-9020-f8ee8537edd5}, !- Handle
+ {faeb2a55-3abd-486f-b1ac-24cd971a5cab}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.90000000000000002; !- Feature Value 3
+ {bc70eac8-fe06-40c3-abe9-137ff7b394d6}, !- Handle
+ {42989d96-89e3-4905-a49d-2872ce492be1}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.05 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.05 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_start + 1.0 ~ 0.5 | hoo_start + 3.0 ~ 0.2 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.2 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.3 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.3 | mid ~ 0.2 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.25 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.35 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.55 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.65 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.7 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.35 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.2, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {91eb69ac-5f8a-46ae-9d73-85cc9c06989e}, !- Handle
+ {1ce1daef-44d4-4d73-903f-8ec6e0bd9db7}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.05 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.05 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.4 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.2 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.45 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.35 | mid ~ 0.3 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.3 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.7 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.9 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.7 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.65 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.55 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.35, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {23e516d8-86ea-4ba4-995f-84df5d218283}, !- Handle
+ {f2849caa-3b1c-4f64-aba1-c15c33a63ee4}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.05 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.05 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.4 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.4 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.2 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.5 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.8 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.7 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.4 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.2 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.25 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.5 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.8 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.8 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.35 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.2, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a6247d9c-c0ce-42d3-b4a1-ff62cbe0c545}, !- Handle
+ {390bd946-c363-4d27-9ce9-6f305f73dbd7}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 120, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 120; !- Feature Value 3
+ {0c27c802-c610-43ce-a51c-94abf41ce158}, !- Handle
+ {e04a9a2f-2f00-4341-9dc3-f027ac542164}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 24.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {9fe9474e-68c7-47f4-baf2-15a4e3e1293e}, !- Handle
+ {1d76fafa-2c0d-421e-b663-58fe9b9398a3}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.048572679000000001, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.97136923900000005; !- Feature Value 3
+ {31bd2d79-b84a-4e02-a61a-e79634ff270f}, !- Handle
+ {8b4de02d-b04e-481b-9caa-d23e2624bad9}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.071869494 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.060672463 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.048572679 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.050154333 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.053648834 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.062126422 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.079656625 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.177786018 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.485278401 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.82687207 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.965989906 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.969540929 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.969868381 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.970221548 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.970278638 | mid ~ 0.970080272 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.969749009 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.967689972 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.935483871 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.791923167 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.595520757 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.413953078 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.207284375 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.111525742, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {26f9ddd2-90e4-48f6-b2bc-276c33a56ec8}, !- Handle
+ {e99a190a-1e29-4828-8977-96db3c244078}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.5 ~ 0.082657292 | 1.5 ~ 0.073751203 | 2.5 ~ 0.065994749 | 3.5 ~ 0.064161556 | 4.5 ~ 0.071281277 | 5.5 ~ 0.096195905 | 6.5 ~ 0.160338128 | 7.5 ~ 0.386516893 | 8.5 ~ 0.771260988 | 9.5 ~ 0.942007133 | 10.5 ~ 0.969987145 | 11.5 ~ 0.970707925 | 12.5 ~ 0.970853917 | 13.5 ~ 0.971092506 | 14.5 ~ 0.971336681 | 15.5 ~ 0.971340174 | 16.5 ~ 0.971369239 | 17.5 ~ 0.97121748 | 18.5 ~ 0.970880046 | 19.5 ~ 0.970284671 | 20.5 ~ 0.96706253 | 21.5 ~ 0.841233704 | 22.5 ~ 0.412025043 | 23.5 ~ 0.131769159, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {d55c7a7f-0cb6-4d50-a2b8-4cfa7de31c0e}, !- Handle
+ {8e1eb267-5711-4a5f-a8fb-a005ff9f5172}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.41710000000000003, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.79330000000000001; !- Feature Value 3
+ {d574ea83-62ea-48cf-b429-48771f016ad2}, !- Handle
+ {05cb6a30-ed29-42e3-8b09-f7da98ebe61b}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.5009 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.495 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.4842 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.4733 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.4657 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.4636 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.4709 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.4817 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.4949 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.5122 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.5224 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.5332 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.5534 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.5807 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.6146 | mid ~ 0.6557 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.6869 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.7052 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.709 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.6998 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.677 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.6416 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.5951 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.53988, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {030a40a1-0986-409c-86b4-90a15a101100}, !- Handle
+ {761bf199-a5cf-4acd-8ae1-76711bbc52e1}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.5316 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.4776 | hoo_end + 3.5 ~ 0.4481 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.4314 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.4191 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.4171 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.4192 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.4227 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.4322 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.4522 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.4968 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.558 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.6308 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.6995 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.75 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.7742 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.7825 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.7874 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.7933 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.7764 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.7467 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.7008 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.6423 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.58494, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {89ab7e36-5b5d-4110-b868-1913862bd8c3}, !- Handle
+ {39d47e04-b332-412e-bba1-5d04b8032ed6}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.80000000000000004; !- Feature Value 3
+ {8e58e6f5-fd11-417d-9664-90d0cb6aa7e7}, !- Handle
+ {18cc036d-4a86-4206-8fa7-0e04df5959ed}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_start + 4.0 ~ 0.2 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.4 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.4 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.2 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.1 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {694e088f-304b-4da1-9e4d-a90eff53018a}, !- Handle
+ {0d0fb385-ceea-4b6c-8122-4608c0376797}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.6 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.8 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.8 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.6 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.2 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {9a971808-7d29-45b6-b554-c72821093bbc}, !- Handle
+ {31753421-a74a-4264-ae7b-b23dde6c9ccb}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_start + 3.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.7 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.7 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.8 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.7 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.5 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.5 | hoo_end - 3.0 ~ 0.3 | hoo_end - 1.0 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {71c83342-7df5-4bb4-96fb-6c22e5df06ca}, !- Handle
+ {0bf4600b-78ab-4269-9ae0-febeb1cd7c5a}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 120, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 120; !- Feature Value 3
+ {1e2860f0-901e-4f82-ac3b-90622a1d1ee6}, !- Handle
+ {72c47d94-e808-42d3-8761-69e619a61109}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 24.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {52afbed6-f450-411b-912e-3d50de351678}, !- Handle
+ {24aa02a7-19f1-4b45-8e9b-f18168710a5b}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.02, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.29999999999999999; !- Feature Value 3
+ {3063d723-6b7b-4d38-ab2a-1b036224ca7e}, !- Handle
+ {93113023-cb91-41b0-9ef0-244393fb7562}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.02 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.02 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.05 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.25 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.25 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.2 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.15 | mid ~ 0.2 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.3 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.3 | hoo_end - 4.0 ~ 0.2 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.05, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a524073d-0d1f-4f35-aea1-b220c16850f1}, !- Handle
+ {a521526a-dadf-4a8f-ad4b-27154ad35e10}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.5 ~ 0.02 | 4.5 ~ 0.02 | 5.5 ~ 0.05 | 6.5 ~ 0.1 | 7.5 ~ 0.15 | 8.5 ~ 0.2 | 9.5 ~ 0.15 | 10.5 ~ 0.25 | 12.5 ~ 0.25 | 13.5 ~ 0.2 | 14.5 ~ 0.15 | 15.5 ~ 0.2 | 16.5 ~ 0.3 | 18.0 ~ 0.3 | 20.0 ~ 0.2 | 20.5 ~ 0.2 | 21.5 ~ 0.15 | 22.5 ~ 0.1 | 23.5 ~ 0.05, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f4466ac9-7d59-4d57-9c43-49bafbf02450}, !- Handle
+ {73b7e66e-8a08-4890-8c66-6d275a68e501}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 15.6, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 21; !- Feature Value 3
+ {3be226e5-f0b2-4ee6-b08a-7cc372d1c93f}, !- Handle
+ {ab7fde9b-7daf-4ca3-b0d2-51931bbb5d8f}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr | 5.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {0a37fdd6-ce98-4e81-817f-35c4b439532a}, !- Handle
+ {c9a07688-4672-4888-b6d5-cc57e6810c1e}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 24, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 30; !- Feature Value 3
+ {9ff07e4f-5684-490a-967e-09074aca653e}, !- Handle
+ {acd06a8c-a76e-4e7d-bdcf-5ef997053175}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | 5.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a8d7e14f-2aaf-465c-9f0f-a078bcb64060}, !- Handle
+ {6602a7f7-02f5-4001-83e7-73c058189799}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 15.6, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 19; !- Feature Value 3
+ {00ab8f93-883c-421f-a481-27f237b75565}, !- Handle
+ {5b9b79ac-8d5b-4651-9726-78bb66d2c623}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr | 5.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3d888131-753b-4d3b-8df8-ac31db202751}, !- Handle
+ {238139d7-cc55-4c43-8f2d-c6a47c213be8}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 26, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 30; !- Feature Value 3
+ {aa886808-4f96-4489-9e3b-21fbd3830220}, !- Handle
+ {afe2fa04-c60c-43ce-8fd9-2b3b36a654c0}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | 5.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {cfd3d94a-a7ef-4183-a7c5-0711c2d7185f}, !- Handle
+ {ac9fdddd-2f21-4a78-ae4b-e1fbc36fab58}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 15.6, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 21; !- Feature Value 3
+ {1c1659f2-6e50-4f06-ba32-e99a1b0876dc}, !- Handle
+ {dc47ded9-e4a3-4748-a3df-5ec1d8bcbc44}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 1.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | mid + 3.5 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {5c846a8b-97d9-4e90-bfb3-931705bb7652}, !- Handle
+ {7cafadc5-615e-405a-a57c-f2d7dd04d9b0}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start - 1.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | hoo_end - 2.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a32f176e-ea6c-48ce-8677-2e3f0ae10be7}, !- Handle
+ {88c95903-3456-4765-8327-d3e44f010af7}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start - 1.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | hoo_end - 2.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {e2d3531c-2c61-4f87-8f56-14a055b358cc}, !- Handle
+ {a259ed1a-0b39-4a48-abc7-2aed89cb5ad7}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 24, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 30; !- Feature Value 3
+ {092fec38-d373-4f28-a742-459da60951cc}, !- Handle
+ {e0239fd7-0041-4afb-bc60-48b22d3e0b03}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 1.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr | mid + 3.5 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {5c1d9064-3ede-44ab-b2fd-ce4e4b0dde9a}, !- Handle
+ {feb0d9f0-2ef2-4177-952d-91cd32ed9faa}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start - 1.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr | hoo_end - 2.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {8c4f6b57-32f5-49d8-b0ad-c727834e691e}, !- Handle
+ {4b01d310-b53f-42ab-8ad4-d569a76c56ab}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start - 1.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr | hoo_end - 2.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f8862b99-e624-4228-9897-0ad96d1fd0c0}, !- Handle
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 1; !- Feature Value 3
+ {aa0bd5d4-6060-4eaf-9ce9-2896102582bb}, !- Handle
+ {0242c3bb-09aa-4a88-97a7-7d62db46f590}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 5.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | 24.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {df13a70d-e621-4007-83c6-d8239718008d}, !- Handle
+ {3abc2433-db3c-499a-b4f8-445d6e7c6cc6}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start - 2.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | hoo_end ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {80401180-c88b-4e8f-b96c-c358e097a375}, !- Handle
+ {1ba9f450-570e-4a56-8b30-e7f85521712e}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.59999999999999998; !- Feature Value 3
+ {49b7eca8-839b-4956-9c81-a077322d58b4}, !- Handle
+ {660079cc-b359-4cf5-bf95-49b75c6e7dcc}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.45 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.45 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.4 | mid ~ 0.4 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.35 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.4 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.55 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.55 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.55 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.4 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.3, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {55dfb856-2247-47d7-b008-fc283197ca3d}, !- Handle
+ {d2181364-fcbc-4fd8-bfce-ce97f6e26f63}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.6 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.55 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.45 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.4 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.45 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.4 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.35 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.3 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.3 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.4 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.55 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.6 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.55 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.45 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.25, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a12ed608-3c73-43d9-817a-e2b2e20a62de}, !- Handle
+ {35e3fc80-0873-4fa3-9f4b-615dce89e850}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.25 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 3.0 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 1.0 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 2.0 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 4.0 ~ 0.5 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.4 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.3 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.3 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.4 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.5 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.5 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.4 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.5 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.4 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.2, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {8f64e9f0-c6de-4047-9ee9-9aadaf043e17}, !- Handle
+ {e3003d7f-32d7-48f3-95a1-2582b2d950d2}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.65000000000000002; !- Feature Value 3
+ {a4eee4bc-b6c1-4f7d-baa5-0a72e846dac4}, !- Handle
+ {4df89f80-318c-4410-8ea1-421b01336669}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.5 ~ 0.13 | 1.5 ~ 0.0 | 8.5 ~ 0.0 | 9.5 ~ 0.2 | 10.5 ~ 0.23 | 11.5 ~ 0.32 | 12.5 ~ 0.41 | 13.5 ~ 0.65 | 14.5 ~ 0.6 | 15.5 ~ 0.55 | 16.5 ~ 0.45 | 17.5 ~ 0.5 | 18.5 ~ 0.46 | 19.5 ~ 0.47 | 20.5 ~ 0.34 | 21.5 ~ 0.33 | 22.5 ~ 0.23 | 23.5 ~ 0.13, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {9b25dee9-9e5f-4705-839c-93dfb8e091bf}, !- Handle
+ {8a5d156e-5c0c-4d41-9248-168737eb8d2d}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start - 1.0 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 1.0 ~ 0.04 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.04 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.23 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.32 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.41 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.62 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.6 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.55 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.45 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.5 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.46 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.47 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.34 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.33 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.23 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.13, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {04cfbd8a-a8a1-41df-b345-20c5299da727}, !- Handle
+ {e8c62a61-03b5-44b9-b225-a0ec0c77715b}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.1 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.14 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.29 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.31 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.36 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.36 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.34 | mid ~ 0.35 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.37 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.34 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.25 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.27 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.21 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.16 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.16 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f58be82e-581f-4688-86db-0057781d318d}, !- Handle
+ {fc389bb6-bf6b-4b53-999e-61d034cb4b0c}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.62; !- Feature Value 3
+ {37c0e63e-5aa1-4c64-8f04-6174a6d5226d}, !- Handle
+ {5e98a356-8b33-48cf-b63a-11338826fb39}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.24 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.27 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.42 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.54 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.62 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.6 | mid ~ 0.5 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.48 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.47 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.34 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {d12bf8ae-8877-4681-b9eb-da9b47bbc74d}, !- Handle
+ {182785ba-4997-4cda-8d3d-3da339cda9e3}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.23 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.32 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.41 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.57 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.62 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.61 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.5 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.45 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.46 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.47 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.42 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.34 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {82f93341-152e-4c46-bce4-44b41fb8b291}, !- Handle
+ {2f5c82b9-dc34-4ea3-b3ee-76617661c93c}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.12 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.14 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.29 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.33 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.4 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.36 | mid ~ 0.37 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.35 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.37 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {201ca32a-25a7-4c77-9b38-ac572f1aa0c5}, !- Handle
+ {00ad1497-62f1-4eb8-8cae-f6cf82ad14a6}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.62; !- Feature Value 3
+ {97fbc464-75be-4157-b47f-4dff9d1a8789}, !- Handle
+ {5f947612-31b6-4030-b0ca-df7cf7293206}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.2 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.27 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.42 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.54 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.59 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.6 | mid ~ 0.49 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.48 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.47 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.46 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {87a04cf0-0495-4557-bac9-0a677d884fcf}, !- Handle
+ {026b2dd3-eb46-4f70-8a61-f49f461d01fe}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.15 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.25 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.41 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.57 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.62 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.61 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.5 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.45 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.46 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.47 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.42 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.34 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {1854cc38-3f4f-4f04-b492-d0917928bc7b}, !- Handle
+ {1a3fbde9-c624-490a-97ff-d073880cf130}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.0 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.12 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.29 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.31 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.36 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.36 | mid ~ 0.34 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.35 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.37 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.0, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {d009dd21-3883-408d-84e8-9c2b6cc80589}, !- Handle
+ autogen FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 0, !- Name
+ {3588025e-5e4f-4b70-b6d4-d16278a20818}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {ec4aa886-fea8-4306-99e0-545da22c6c50}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {ec4aa886-fea8-4306-99e0-545da22c6c50}, !- Handle
+ autogen FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 0_day_sch, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.444685210024325, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.420670981204136, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.396656752383948, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.379930335035208, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.363203917686469, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.346477500337729, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.329751082988989, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.313024665640249, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.296298248291509, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.288679002657767, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.281059757024024, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.273440511390282, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.265821265756539, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.258202020122796, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.250582774489054, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.250582774489054, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.247269338490878, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.243955902492703, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.240642466494527, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.237329030496351, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.234015594498176, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.2307021585, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.2307021585, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.232505644497749, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.234309130495498, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.236112616493247, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.237916102490997, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.239719588488745, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.241523074486494, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.243103104618376, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.244683134750257, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.246263164882139, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.24784319501402, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.249423225145902, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.251003255277783, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.255238563907006, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.25947387253623, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.263709181165453, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.267944489794676, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.2721797984239, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.276415107053124, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.295580886206342, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.314746665359562, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.333912444512781, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.353078223665999, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.372244002819219, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.391409781972438, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.413684105603053, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.435958429233666, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.458232752864281, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.480507076494896, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.50278140012551, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.525055723756125, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.525055723756125, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.544452808923134, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.563849894090143, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.583246979257152, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.602644064424161, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.62204114959117, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.64143823475818, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.64143823475818, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.65411343695398, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.666788639149781, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.679463841345581, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.692139043541381, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.704814245737182, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.717489447932982, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.717489447932982, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.722798859727969, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.728108271522956, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.733417683317943, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.738727095112929, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.744036506907916, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.749345918702903, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.749345918702903, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.749950360317951, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.750554801933, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.751159243548048, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.751763685163096, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.752368126778146, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.752972568393194, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.752972568393194, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.753196987808806, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.753421407224419, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.753645826640031, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.753870246055644, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.754094665471257, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.754319084886869, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.754319084886869, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.754392673942395, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.754466262997922, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.754539852053448, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.754613441108974, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.754687030164501, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.754760619220027, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.754760619220027, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.754551620275334, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.754342621330641, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.754133622385948, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.753924623441254, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.753715624496561, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.753506625551868, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.753506625551868, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.75356738011079, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.753628134669713, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.753688889228636, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.753749643787559, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.753810398346481, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.753871152905404, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.753793577000933, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.753716001096461, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.75363842519199, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.753560849287519, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.753483273383047, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.753405697478576, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.755955427378849, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.758505157279122, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.761054887179395, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.763604617079667, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.766154346979941, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.768704076880213, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.768754596566844, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.768805116253475, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.768855635940107, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.768906155626738, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.768956675313369, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.769007195, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.768099131790298, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.767191068580596, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.766283005370894, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.765374942161192, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.764466878951489, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.763558815741788, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.759694920189279, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.755831024636769, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.75196712908426, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.748103233531751, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.744239337979241, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.740375442426732, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.729376426712368, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.718377410998003, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.707378395283639, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.696379379569274, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.68538036385491, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.674381348140546, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.652108144334634, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.629834940528723, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.607561736722813, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.585288532916902, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.563015329110991, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.540742125305081, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.516727896484892, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.492713667664702, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.468699438844514; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {d15d3ce9-a9f5-403a-b456-049c0115d032}, !- Handle
+ {ec4aa886-fea8-4306-99e0-545da22c6c50}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.5 ~ 0.414387632 | 1.5 ~ 0.318808079 | 2.5 ~ 0.275269521 | 3.5 ~ 0.256335596 | 4.5 ~ 0.266641233 | 5.5 ~ 0.275669979 | 6.5 ~ 0.299871749 | 7.5 ~ 0.409390516 | 8.5 ~ 0.536672399 | 9.5 ~ 0.647512915 | 10.5 ~ 0.719942661 | 11.5 ~ 0.750282165 | 12.5 ~ 0.753736118 | 13.5 ~ 0.755018515 | 14.5 ~ 0.755439024 | 15.5 ~ 0.754244744 | 16.5 ~ 0.754591913 | 17.5 ~ 0.754148622 | 18.5 ~ 0.768718511 | 19.5 ~ 0.769007195 | 20.5 ~ 0.763818261 | 21.5 ~ 0.741738852 | 22.5 ~ 0.678887317 | 23.5 ~ 0.551611833, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {5c2d813b-2f2d-4bc0-adb1-d5c04cebb6b6}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant Activity 0, !- Name
+ {390bd946-c363-4d27-9ce9-6f305f73dbd7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {be0d98f3-fd35-4f58-89e9-0a8524d1c3d3}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {be0d98f3-fd35-4f58-89e9-0a8524d1c3d3}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant Activity 0_day_sch, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a0957620-86ab-4747-ad16-e92e3b70eab3}, !- Handle
+ {be0d98f3-fd35-4f58-89e9-0a8524d1c3d3}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 24.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {360ab69c-6f99-4e52-9e69-a1177b4ef95b}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp 0, !- Name
+ {c9a07688-4672-4888-b6d5-cc57e6810c1e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {58810df0-03a3-4426-9257-06d26aefc068}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {58810df0-03a3-4426-9257-06d26aefc068}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp 0_day_sch, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 27.2222222222223, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {2ba67d33-f23a-4431-8d25-36786fad071f}, !- Handle
+ {58810df0-03a3-4426-9257-06d26aefc068}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | 5.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {343c0e27-55b5-45a9-9d24-61f903e985cc}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp Kitchen 0, !- Name
+ {238139d7-cc55-4c43-8f2d-c6a47c213be8}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {b46fd90d-b931-42e3-8e23-0f0745c467c7}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {b46fd90d-b931-42e3-8e23-0f0745c467c7}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant ClgSetp Kitchen 0_day_sch, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 27.2222222222223, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d43bf65a-f082-4aa5-ab4f-77f430961fef}, !- Handle
+ {b46fd90d-b931-42e3-8e23-0f0745c467c7}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | 5.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3d64fdea-ebc2-4f56-ae5e-92bf160c78f0}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant Gas Equip 1, !- Name
+ {24aa02a7-19f1-4b45-8e9b-f18168710a5b}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {b5acdcc9-eb34-4bfd-91bc-6714ae01112b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 9, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 16, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 23, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 30, !- Specific Day 5
+ 2, !- Specific Month 6
+ 6, !- Specific Day 6
+ 2, !- Specific Month 7
+ 13, !- Specific Day 7
+ 2, !- Specific Month 8
+ 20, !- Specific Day 8
+ 2, !- Specific Month 9
+ 27, !- Specific Day 9
+ 3, !- Specific Month 10
+ 6, !- Specific Day 10
+ 3, !- Specific Month 11
+ 13, !- Specific Day 11
+ 3, !- Specific Month 12
+ 20, !- Specific Day 12
+ 3, !- Specific Month 13
+ 27, !- Specific Day 13
+ 4, !- Specific Month 14
+ 3, !- Specific Day 14
+ 4, !- Specific Month 15
+ 10, !- Specific Day 15
+ 4, !- Specific Month 16
+ 17, !- Specific Day 16
+ 4, !- Specific Month 17
+ 24, !- Specific Day 17
+ 5, !- Specific Month 18
+ 1, !- Specific Day 18
+ 5, !- Specific Month 19
+ 8, !- Specific Day 19
+ 5, !- Specific Month 20
+ 15, !- Specific Day 20
+ 5, !- Specific Month 21
+ 22, !- Specific Day 21
+ 5, !- Specific Month 22
+ 29, !- Specific Day 22
+ 6, !- Specific Month 23
+ 5, !- Specific Day 23
+ 6, !- Specific Month 24
+ 12, !- Specific Day 24
+ 6, !- Specific Month 25
+ 19, !- Specific Day 25
+ 6, !- Specific Month 26
+ 26, !- Specific Day 26
+ 7, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 7, !- Specific Month 28
+ 10, !- Specific Day 28
+ 7, !- Specific Month 29
+ 17, !- Specific Day 29
+ 7, !- Specific Month 30
+ 24, !- Specific Day 30
+ 7, !- Specific Month 31
+ 31, !- Specific Day 31
+ 8, !- Specific Month 32
+ 7, !- Specific Day 32
+ 8, !- Specific Month 33
+ 14, !- Specific Day 33
+ 8, !- Specific Month 34
+ 21, !- Specific Day 34
+ 8, !- Specific Month 35
+ 28, !- Specific Day 35
+ 9, !- Specific Month 36
+ 4, !- Specific Day 36
+ 9, !- Specific Month 37
+ 11, !- Specific Day 37
+ 9, !- Specific Month 38
+ 18, !- Specific Day 38
+ 9, !- Specific Month 39
+ 25, !- Specific Day 39
+ 10, !- Specific Month 40
+ 2, !- Specific Day 40
+ 10, !- Specific Month 41
+ 9, !- Specific Day 41
+ 10, !- Specific Month 42
+ 16, !- Specific Day 42
+ 10, !- Specific Month 43
+ 23, !- Specific Day 43
+ 10, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 11, !- Specific Month 45
+ 6, !- Specific Day 45
+ 11, !- Specific Month 46
+ 13, !- Specific Day 46
+ 11, !- Specific Month 47
+ 20, !- Specific Day 47
+ 11, !- Specific Month 48
+ 27, !- Specific Day 48
+ 12, !- Specific Month 49
+ 4, !- Specific Day 49
+ 12, !- Specific Month 50
+ 11, !- Specific Day 50
+ 12, !- Specific Month 51
+ 18, !- Specific Day 51
+ 12, !- Specific Month 52
+ 25; !- Specific Day 52
+ {b5acdcc9-eb34-4bfd-91bc-6714ae01112b}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant Gas Equip 1_day_sch, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0299999999999999, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0249999999999998, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.02, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 4, !- Hour 4
+ 30, !- Minute 4
+ 0.02, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 4, !- Hour 5
+ 40, !- Minute 5
+ 0.025, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 4, !- Hour 6
+ 50, !- Minute 6
+ 0.03, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 5, !- Hour 7
+ 0, !- Minute 7
+ 0.035, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 5, !- Hour 8
+ 10, !- Minute 8
+ 0.04, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 5, !- Hour 9
+ 20, !- Minute 9
+ 0.045, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 5, !- Hour 10
+ 30, !- Minute 10
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 5, !- Hour 11
+ 40, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0583333333333334, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 5, !- Hour 12
+ 50, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0666666666666667, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 6, !- Hour 13
+ 0, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0750000000000001, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 6, !- Hour 14
+ 10, !- Minute 14
+ 0.0833333333333334, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 6, !- Hour 15
+ 20, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0916666666666668, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 6, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 6, !- Hour 17
+ 40, !- Minute 17
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 6, !- Hour 18
+ 50, !- Minute 18
+ 0.116666666666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 7, !- Hour 19
+ 0, !- Minute 19
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 7, !- Hour 20
+ 10, !- Minute 20
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 7, !- Hour 21
+ 20, !- Minute 21
+ 0.141666666666667, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 7, !- Hour 22
+ 30, !- Minute 22
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 7, !- Hour 23
+ 40, !- Minute 23
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 7, !- Hour 24
+ 50, !- Minute 24
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 8, !- Hour 25
+ 0, !- Minute 25
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 8, !- Hour 26
+ 9, !- Minute 26
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 8, !- Hour 27
+ 19, !- Minute 27
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 8, !- Hour 28
+ 29, !- Minute 28
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 8, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 8, !- Hour 30
+ 39, !- Minute 30
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 8, !- Hour 31
+ 49, !- Minute 31
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 8, !- Hour 32
+ 59, !- Minute 32
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 9, !- Hour 33
+ 9, !- Minute 33
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 9, !- Hour 34
+ 19, !- Minute 34
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 9, !- Hour 35
+ 29, !- Minute 35
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 9, !- Hour 36
+ 30, !- Minute 36
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 9, !- Hour 37
+ 39, !- Minute 37
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 9, !- Hour 38
+ 49, !- Minute 38
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 9, !- Hour 39
+ 59, !- Minute 39
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 10, !- Hour 40
+ 9, !- Minute 40
+ 0.216666666666666, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 10, !- Hour 41
+ 19, !- Minute 41
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 10, !- Hour 42
+ 29, !- Minute 42
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 10, !- Hour 43
+ 30, !- Minute 43
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 12, !- Hour 44
+ 30, !- Minute 44
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 12, !- Hour 45
+ 39, !- Minute 45
+ 0.241666666666667, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 12, !- Hour 46
+ 49, !- Minute 46
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 12, !- Hour 47
+ 59, !- Minute 47
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 13, !- Hour 48
+ 9, !- Minute 48
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 13, !- Hour 49
+ 19, !- Minute 49
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 13, !- Hour 50
+ 29, !- Minute 50
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 13, !- Hour 51
+ 30, !- Minute 51
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 13, !- Hour 52
+ 39, !- Minute 52
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 13, !- Hour 53
+ 49, !- Minute 53
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 13, !- Hour 54
+ 59, !- Minute 54
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 14, !- Hour 55
+ 9, !- Minute 55
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 14, !- Hour 56
+ 19, !- Minute 56
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 14, !- Hour 57
+ 29, !- Minute 57
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 14, !- Hour 58
+ 30, !- Minute 58
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 14, !- Hour 59
+ 39, !- Minute 59
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 14, !- Hour 60
+ 49, !- Minute 60
+ 0.166666666666667, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 14, !- Hour 61
+ 59, !- Minute 61
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 15, !- Hour 62
+ 9, !- Minute 62
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 15, !- Hour 63
+ 19, !- Minute 63
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 15, !- Hour 64
+ 29, !- Minute 64
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 15, !- Hour 65
+ 30, !- Minute 65
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 15, !- Hour 66
+ 39, !- Minute 66
+ 0.216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 15, !- Hour 67
+ 49, !- Minute 67
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 15, !- Hour 68
+ 59, !- Minute 68
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 16, !- Hour 69
+ 9, !- Minute 69
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 16, !- Hour 70
+ 19, !- Minute 70
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 16, !- Hour 71
+ 30, !- Minute 71
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 18, !- Hour 72
+ 0, !- Minute 72
+ 0.3, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 18, !- Hour 73
+ 10, !- Minute 73
+ 0.291666666666667, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 18, !- Hour 74
+ 20, !- Minute 74
+ 0.283333333333333, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 18, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 18, !- Hour 76
+ 40, !- Minute 76
+ 0.266666666666666, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 18, !- Hour 77
+ 50, !- Minute 77
+ 0.258333333333333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 19, !- Hour 78
+ 0, !- Minute 78
+ 0.25, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 19, !- Hour 79
+ 10, !- Minute 79
+ 0.241666666666666, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 19, !- Hour 80
+ 20, !- Minute 80
+ 0.233333333333333, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 19, !- Hour 81
+ 30, !- Minute 81
+ 0.224999999999999, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 19, !- Hour 82
+ 40, !- Minute 82
+ 0.216666666666666, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 19, !- Hour 83
+ 50, !- Minute 83
+ 0.208333333333333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 20, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 20, !- Hour 85
+ 30, !- Minute 85
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 20, !- Hour 86
+ 40, !- Minute 86
+ 0.191666666666667, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 20, !- Hour 87
+ 50, !- Minute 87
+ 0.183333333333333, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 21, !- Hour 88
+ 0, !- Minute 88
+ 0.175, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 21, !- Hour 89
+ 10, !- Minute 89
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 21, !- Hour 90
+ 20, !- Minute 90
+ 0.158333333333333, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 21, !- Hour 91
+ 30, !- Minute 91
+ 0.15, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 21, !- Hour 92
+ 40, !- Minute 92
+ 0.141666666666667, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 21, !- Hour 93
+ 50, !- Minute 93
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 22, !- Hour 94
+ 0, !- Minute 94
+ 0.125, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 22, !- Hour 95
+ 10, !- Minute 95
+ 0.116666666666666, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 22, !- Hour 96
+ 20, !- Minute 96
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 22, !- Hour 97
+ 30, !- Minute 97
+ 0.1, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 22, !- Hour 98
+ 40, !- Minute 98
+ 0.0916666666666666, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 22, !- Hour 99
+ 50, !- Minute 99
+ 0.0833333333333332, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 23, !- Hour 100
+ 0, !- Minute 100
+ 0.0749999999999998, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 23, !- Hour 101
+ 10, !- Minute 101
+ 0.0666666666666664, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 23, !- Hour 102
+ 20, !- Minute 102
+ 0.058333333333333, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 23, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.05, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 23, !- Hour 104
+ 40, !- Minute 104
+ 0.045, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 23, !- Hour 105
+ 50, !- Minute 105
+ 0.0399999999999999, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 24, !- Hour 106
+ 0, !- Minute 106
+ 0.0349999999999999; !- Value Until Time 106
+ {349867e2-dbe3-49d7-bb4c-836b587dc607}, !- Handle
+ {b5acdcc9-eb34-4bfd-91bc-6714ae01112b}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.5 ~ 0.02 | 4.5 ~ 0.02 | 5.5 ~ 0.05 | 6.5 ~ 0.1 | 7.5 ~ 0.15 | 8.5 ~ 0.2 | 9.5 ~ 0.15 | 10.5 ~ 0.25 | 12.5 ~ 0.25 | 13.5 ~ 0.2 | 14.5 ~ 0.15 | 15.5 ~ 0.2 | 16.5 ~ 0.3 | 18.0 ~ 0.3 | 20.0 ~ 0.2 | 20.5 ~ 0.2 | 21.5 ~ 0.15 | 22.5 ~ 0.1 | 23.5 ~ 0.05, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {5932428a-e3b6-4fbd-b0fe-da1edb455e40}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp 0, !- Name
+ {73b7e66e-8a08-4890-8c66-6d275a68e501}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {7086c9e8-f206-43a3-9d6e-889db69f729a}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {7086c9e8-f206-43a3-9d6e-889db69f729a}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp 0_day_sch, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 14.4444444444445, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {521918e2-d074-400e-b875-58629bf44129}, !- Handle
+ {7086c9e8-f206-43a3-9d6e-889db69f729a}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr | 5.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {df9844be-0f3a-4cfe-a3f2-68424309b119}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp Kitchen 0, !- Name
+ {6602a7f7-02f5-4001-83e7-73c058189799}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {c6a1fcc8-8817-48a5-ae94-6bd0f0ae208d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {c6a1fcc8-8817-48a5-ae94-6bd0f0ae208d}, !- Handle
+ autogen FullServiceRestaurant HtgSetp Kitchen 0_day_sch, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 1, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 5, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 14.4444444444445, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e59fcf1b-8a90-472e-802f-d35677041ee7}, !- Handle
+ {c6a1fcc8-8817-48a5-ae94-6bd0f0ae208d}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr | 5.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {11e5e550-2325-4304-b9eb-31c5d2c0914b}, !- Handle
+ autogen Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 1, !- Name
+ {1d76fafa-2c0d-421e-b663-58fe9b9398a3}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {c3458e58-4709-4401-b3a0-d246a66cf967}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 9, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 16, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 23, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 30, !- Specific Day 5
+ 2, !- Specific Month 6
+ 6, !- Specific Day 6
+ 2, !- Specific Month 7
+ 13, !- Specific Day 7
+ 2, !- Specific Month 8
+ 20, !- Specific Day 8
+ 2, !- Specific Month 9
+ 27, !- Specific Day 9
+ 3, !- Specific Month 10
+ 6, !- Specific Day 10
+ 3, !- Specific Month 11
+ 13, !- Specific Day 11
+ 3, !- Specific Month 12
+ 20, !- Specific Day 12
+ 3, !- Specific Month 13
+ 27, !- Specific Day 13
+ 4, !- Specific Month 14
+ 3, !- Specific Day 14
+ 4, !- Specific Month 15
+ 10, !- Specific Day 15
+ 4, !- Specific Month 16
+ 17, !- Specific Day 16
+ 4, !- Specific Month 17
+ 24, !- Specific Day 17
+ 5, !- Specific Month 18
+ 1, !- Specific Day 18
+ 5, !- Specific Month 19
+ 8, !- Specific Day 19
+ 5, !- Specific Month 20
+ 15, !- Specific Day 20
+ 5, !- Specific Month 21
+ 22, !- Specific Day 21
+ 5, !- Specific Month 22
+ 29, !- Specific Day 22
+ 6, !- Specific Month 23
+ 5, !- Specific Day 23
+ 6, !- Specific Month 24
+ 12, !- Specific Day 24
+ 6, !- Specific Month 25
+ 19, !- Specific Day 25
+ 6, !- Specific Month 26
+ 26, !- Specific Day 26
+ 7, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 7, !- Specific Month 28
+ 10, !- Specific Day 28
+ 7, !- Specific Month 29
+ 17, !- Specific Day 29
+ 7, !- Specific Month 30
+ 24, !- Specific Day 30
+ 7, !- Specific Month 31
+ 31, !- Specific Day 31
+ 8, !- Specific Month 32
+ 7, !- Specific Day 32
+ 8, !- Specific Month 33
+ 14, !- Specific Day 33
+ 8, !- Specific Month 34
+ 21, !- Specific Day 34
+ 8, !- Specific Month 35
+ 28, !- Specific Day 35
+ 9, !- Specific Month 36
+ 4, !- Specific Day 36
+ 9, !- Specific Month 37
+ 11, !- Specific Day 37
+ 9, !- Specific Month 38
+ 18, !- Specific Day 38
+ 9, !- Specific Month 39
+ 25, !- Specific Day 39
+ 10, !- Specific Month 40
+ 2, !- Specific Day 40
+ 10, !- Specific Month 41
+ 9, !- Specific Day 41
+ 10, !- Specific Month 42
+ 16, !- Specific Day 42
+ 10, !- Specific Month 43
+ 23, !- Specific Day 43
+ 10, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 11, !- Specific Month 45
+ 6, !- Specific Day 45
+ 11, !- Specific Month 46
+ 13, !- Specific Day 46
+ 11, !- Specific Month 47
+ 20, !- Specific Day 47
+ 11, !- Specific Month 48
+ 27, !- Specific Day 48
+ 12, !- Specific Month 49
+ 4, !- Specific Day 49
+ 12, !- Specific Month 50
+ 11, !- Specific Day 50
+ 12, !- Specific Month 51
+ 18, !- Specific Day 51
+ 12, !- Specific Month 52
+ 25; !- Specific Day 52
+ {c3458e58-4709-4401-b3a0-d246a66cf967}, !- Handle
+ autogen Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 1_day_sch, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.317543349737995, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.311408402096397, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.305273454454799, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.304160925181448, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.303048395908098, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.301935866634747, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.300823337361396, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.299710808088045, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.298598278814695, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.29762935944589, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.296660440077085, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.29569152070828, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.294722601339476, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.293753681970671, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.292784762601866, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.292784762601866, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.292555764118222, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.292326765634577, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.292097767150933, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.291868768667289, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.291639770183644, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.2914107717, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.2914107717, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.292300151766895, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.293189531833789, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.294078911900684, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.294968291967579, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.295857672034474, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.296747052101368, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.299859333259197, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.302971614417026, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.306083895574854, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.309196176732683, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.312308457890511, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.31542073904834, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.323433246080921, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.331445753113502, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.339458260146083, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.347470767178665, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.355483274211246, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.363495781243827, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.391749540786632, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.420003300329438, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.448257059872244, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.47651081941505, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.504764578957855, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.533018338500661, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.581079734298114, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.629141130095569, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.677202525893023, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.725263921690477, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.773325317487931, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.821386713285384, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.821386713285385, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.84271595046506, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.864045187644736, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.885374424824411, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.906703662004086, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.928032899183761, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.949362136363436, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.949362136363436, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.952857338625473, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.956352540887511, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.959847743149548, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.963342945411585, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.966838147673623, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.97033334993566, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.97033334993566, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.970423388206067, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.970513426476473, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.97060346474688, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.970693503017286, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.970783541287693, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.970873579558099, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.970873579558099, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.970891816561308, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.970910053564518, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.970928290567727, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.970946527570936, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.970964764574145, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.970983001577355, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.970983001577355, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.97101280559647, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.971042609615586, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.971072413634701, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.971102217653816, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.971132021672932, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.971161825692047, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.971161825692047, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.971192327502137, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.971222829312227, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.971253331122316, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.971283832932406, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.971314334742495, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.971344836552586, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.971344836552586, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.971345272890551, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.971345709228516, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.971346145566481, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.971346581904446, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.971347018242411, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.971347454580377, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.971347454580377, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.971351085316981, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.971354716053584, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.971358346790188, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.971361977526792, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.971365608263396, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.971369239, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.97135028159569, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.97133132419138, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.97131236678707, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.971293409382759, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.97127445197845, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.97125549457414, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.971213343052543, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.971171191530947, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.97112904000935, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.971086888487754, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.971044736966157, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.971002585444561, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.970928212494086, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.970853839543611, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.970779466593136, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.970705093642661, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.970630720692187, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.970556347741712, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.9701538448939, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.969751342046089, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.969348839198277, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.968946336350465, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.968543833502654, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.968141330654842, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.95242306730082, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.936704803946797, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.920986540592775, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.905268277238752, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.88955001388473, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.873831750530708, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.820215937827939, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.76660012512517, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.7129843124224, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.659368499719631, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.605752687016862, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.552136874314095, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.51712791864581, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.482118962977525, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.44711000730924, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.412101051640955, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.377092095972669, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.342083140304386, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.335948192662788, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.329813245021191, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.323678297379593; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {afda11e9-f1b0-4e80-ae81-6933dd23a805}, !- Handle
+ {c3458e58-4709-4401-b3a0-d246a66cf967}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.5 ~ 0.082657292 | 1.5 ~ 0.073751203 | 2.5 ~ 0.065994749 | 3.5 ~ 0.064161556 | 4.5 ~ 0.071281277 | 5.5 ~ 0.096195905 | 6.5 ~ 0.160338128 | 7.5 ~ 0.386516893 | 8.5 ~ 0.771260988 | 9.5 ~ 0.942007133 | 10.5 ~ 0.969987145 | 11.5 ~ 0.970707925 | 12.5 ~ 0.970853917 | 13.5 ~ 0.971092506 | 14.5 ~ 0.971336681 | 15.5 ~ 0.971340174 | 16.5 ~ 0.971369239 | 17.5 ~ 0.97121748 | 18.5 ~ 0.970880046 | 19.5 ~ 0.970284671 | 20.5 ~ 0.96706253 | 21.5 ~ 0.841233704 | 22.5 ~ 0.412025043 | 23.5 ~ 0.131769159, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {43d864c1-ba5c-4288-bf43-fa76b102204a}, !- Handle
+ autogen Schedule Rule 19 1, !- Name
+ {e9ce80cb-a805-46cd-83b8-4c040e90c918}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {2e8f7b44-8ee8-47d0-a190-e31c81a78783}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 3, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 10, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 17, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 24, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 31, !- Specific Day 5
+ 2, !- Specific Month 6
+ 7, !- Specific Day 6
+ 2, !- Specific Month 7
+ 14, !- Specific Day 7
+ 2, !- Specific Month 8
+ 21, !- Specific Day 8
+ 2, !- Specific Month 9
+ 28, !- Specific Day 9
+ 3, !- Specific Month 10
+ 7, !- Specific Day 10
+ 3, !- Specific Month 11
+ 14, !- Specific Day 11
+ 3, !- Specific Month 12
+ 21, !- Specific Day 12
+ 3, !- Specific Month 13
+ 28, !- Specific Day 13
+ 4, !- Specific Month 14
+ 4, !- Specific Day 14
+ 4, !- Specific Month 15
+ 11, !- Specific Day 15
+ 4, !- Specific Month 16
+ 18, !- Specific Day 16
+ 4, !- Specific Month 17
+ 25, !- Specific Day 17
+ 5, !- Specific Month 18
+ 2, !- Specific Day 18
+ 5, !- Specific Month 19
+ 9, !- Specific Day 19
+ 5, !- Specific Month 20
+ 16, !- Specific Day 20
+ 5, !- Specific Month 21
+ 23, !- Specific Day 21
+ 5, !- Specific Month 22
+ 30, !- Specific Day 22
+ 6, !- Specific Month 23
+ 6, !- Specific Day 23
+ 6, !- Specific Month 24
+ 13, !- Specific Day 24
+ 6, !- Specific Month 25
+ 20, !- Specific Day 25
+ 6, !- Specific Month 26
+ 27, !- Specific Day 26
+ 7, !- Specific Month 27
+ 4, !- Specific Day 27
+ 7, !- Specific Month 28
+ 11, !- Specific Day 28
+ 7, !- Specific Month 29
+ 18, !- Specific Day 29
+ 7, !- Specific Month 30
+ 25, !- Specific Day 30
+ 8, !- Specific Month 31
+ 1, !- Specific Day 31
+ 8, !- Specific Month 32
+ 8, !- Specific Day 32
+ 8, !- Specific Month 33
+ 15, !- Specific Day 33
+ 8, !- Specific Month 34
+ 22, !- Specific Day 34
+ 8, !- Specific Month 35
+ 29, !- Specific Day 35
+ 9, !- Specific Month 36
+ 5, !- Specific Day 36
+ 9, !- Specific Month 37
+ 12, !- Specific Day 37
+ 9, !- Specific Month 38
+ 19, !- Specific Day 38
+ 9, !- Specific Month 39
+ 26, !- Specific Day 39
+ 10, !- Specific Month 40
+ 3, !- Specific Day 40
+ 10, !- Specific Month 41
+ 10, !- Specific Day 41
+ 10, !- Specific Month 42
+ 17, !- Specific Day 42
+ 10, !- Specific Month 43
+ 24, !- Specific Day 43
+ 10, !- Specific Month 44
+ 31, !- Specific Day 44
+ 11, !- Specific Month 45
+ 7, !- Specific Day 45
+ 11, !- Specific Month 46
+ 14, !- Specific Day 46
+ 11, !- Specific Month 47
+ 21, !- Specific Day 47
+ 11, !- Specific Month 48
+ 28, !- Specific Day 48
+ 12, !- Specific Month 49
+ 5, !- Specific Day 49
+ 12, !- Specific Month 50
+ 12, !- Specific Day 50
+ 12, !- Specific Month 51
+ 19, !- Specific Day 51
+ 12, !- Specific Month 52
+ 26; !- Specific Day 52
+ {2e8f7b44-8ee8-47d0-a190-e31c81a78783}, !- Handle
+ autogen Schedule Rule 19 1_day_sch, !- Name
+ {c058b167-8282-4bbb-966b-a5f56e32eb40}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 24, !- Hour 2
+ 0, !- Minute 2
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 2
+ {6a09ac15-a2d9-438e-96ea-9dc1537a995d}, !- Handle
+ {2e8f7b44-8ee8-47d0-a190-e31c81a78783}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 5.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_clg | 24.0 ~ val_clg ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3fd8db66-7fb3-4711-baf7-f9acccb840b7}, !- Handle
+ autogen Schedule Rule 23 2, !- Name
+ {e3003d7f-32d7-48f3-95a1-2582b2d950d2}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 2, !- Rule Order
+ {e1c51a0e-54b4-4a57-8cd0-7e1c2c787d5a}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 9, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 16, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 23, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 30, !- Specific Day 5
+ 2, !- Specific Month 6
+ 6, !- Specific Day 6
+ 2, !- Specific Month 7
+ 13, !- Specific Day 7
+ 2, !- Specific Month 8
+ 20, !- Specific Day 8
+ 2, !- Specific Month 9
+ 27, !- Specific Day 9
+ 3, !- Specific Month 10
+ 6, !- Specific Day 10
+ 3, !- Specific Month 11
+ 13, !- Specific Day 11
+ 3, !- Specific Month 12
+ 20, !- Specific Day 12
+ 3, !- Specific Month 13
+ 27, !- Specific Day 13
+ 4, !- Specific Month 14
+ 3, !- Specific Day 14
+ 4, !- Specific Month 15
+ 10, !- Specific Day 15
+ 4, !- Specific Month 16
+ 17, !- Specific Day 16
+ 4, !- Specific Month 17
+ 24, !- Specific Day 17
+ 5, !- Specific Month 18
+ 1, !- Specific Day 18
+ 5, !- Specific Month 19
+ 8, !- Specific Day 19
+ 5, !- Specific Month 20
+ 15, !- Specific Day 20
+ 5, !- Specific Month 21
+ 22, !- Specific Day 21
+ 5, !- Specific Month 22
+ 29, !- Specific Day 22
+ 6, !- Specific Month 23
+ 5, !- Specific Day 23
+ 6, !- Specific Month 24
+ 12, !- Specific Day 24
+ 6, !- Specific Month 25
+ 19, !- Specific Day 25
+ 6, !- Specific Month 26
+ 26, !- Specific Day 26
+ 7, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 7, !- Specific Month 28
+ 10, !- Specific Day 28
+ 7, !- Specific Month 29
+ 17, !- Specific Day 29
+ 7, !- Specific Month 30
+ 24, !- Specific Day 30
+ 7, !- Specific Month 31
+ 31, !- Specific Day 31
+ 8, !- Specific Month 32
+ 7, !- Specific Day 32
+ 8, !- Specific Month 33
+ 14, !- Specific Day 33
+ 8, !- Specific Month 34
+ 21, !- Specific Day 34
+ 8, !- Specific Month 35
+ 28, !- Specific Day 35
+ 9, !- Specific Month 36
+ 4, !- Specific Day 36
+ 9, !- Specific Month 37
+ 11, !- Specific Day 37
+ 9, !- Specific Month 38
+ 18, !- Specific Day 38
+ 9, !- Specific Month 39
+ 25, !- Specific Day 39
+ 10, !- Specific Month 40
+ 2, !- Specific Day 40
+ 10, !- Specific Month 41
+ 9, !- Specific Day 41
+ 10, !- Specific Month 42
+ 16, !- Specific Day 42
+ 10, !- Specific Month 43
+ 23, !- Specific Day 43
+ 10, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 11, !- Specific Month 45
+ 6, !- Specific Day 45
+ 11, !- Specific Month 46
+ 13, !- Specific Day 46
+ 11, !- Specific Month 47
+ 20, !- Specific Day 47
+ 11, !- Specific Month 48
+ 27, !- Specific Day 48
+ 12, !- Specific Month 49
+ 4, !- Specific Day 49
+ 12, !- Specific Month 50
+ 11, !- Specific Day 50
+ 12, !- Specific Month 51
+ 18, !- Specific Day 51
+ 12, !- Specific Month 52
+ 25; !- Specific Day 52
+ {e1c51a0e-54b4-4a57-8cd0-7e1c2c787d5a}, !- Handle
+ autogen Schedule Rule 23 2_day_sch, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0.13, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 40, !- Minute 2
+ 0.108333333333333, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 49, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0866666666666667, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 59, !- Minute 4
+ 0.065, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 1, !- Hour 5
+ 9, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0433333333333333, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 19, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0216666666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 30, !- Minute 7
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 8, !- Hour 8
+ 30, !- Minute 8
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 8, !- Hour 9
+ 39, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0333333333333332, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 8, !- Hour 10
+ 49, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0666666666666664, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 8, !- Hour 11
+ 59, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0999999999999996, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 9, !- Hour 12
+ 9, !- Minute 12
+ 0.133333333333333, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 9, !- Hour 13
+ 19, !- Minute 13
+ 0.166666666666666, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 9, !- Hour 14
+ 29, !- Minute 14
+ 0.199999999999999, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 9, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.2, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 9, !- Hour 16
+ 39, !- Minute 16
+ 0.205, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 9, !- Hour 17
+ 49, !- Minute 17
+ 0.21, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 9, !- Hour 18
+ 59, !- Minute 18
+ 0.215, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 10, !- Hour 19
+ 9, !- Minute 19
+ 0.22, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 10, !- Hour 20
+ 19, !- Minute 20
+ 0.225, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 10, !- Hour 21
+ 29, !- Minute 21
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 10, !- Hour 22
+ 30, !- Minute 22
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 10, !- Hour 23
+ 39, !- Minute 23
+ 0.245, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 10, !- Hour 24
+ 49, !- Minute 24
+ 0.26, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 10, !- Hour 25
+ 59, !- Minute 25
+ 0.275, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 11, !- Hour 26
+ 9, !- Minute 26
+ 0.29, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 11, !- Hour 27
+ 19, !- Minute 27
+ 0.305, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 11, !- Hour 28
+ 29, !- Minute 28
+ 0.32, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 11, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.32, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 11, !- Hour 30
+ 39, !- Minute 30
+ 0.335, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 11, !- Hour 31
+ 49, !- Minute 31
+ 0.35, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 11, !- Hour 32
+ 59, !- Minute 32
+ 0.365, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 12, !- Hour 33
+ 9, !- Minute 33
+ 0.38, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 12, !- Hour 34
+ 19, !- Minute 34
+ 0.395, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 12, !- Hour 35
+ 29, !- Minute 35
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 12, !- Hour 36
+ 30, !- Minute 36
+ 0.41, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 12, !- Hour 37
+ 39, !- Minute 37
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 12, !- Hour 38
+ 49, !- Minute 38
+ 0.49, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 12, !- Hour 39
+ 59, !- Minute 39
+ 0.53, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 13, !- Hour 40
+ 9, !- Minute 40
+ 0.569999999999999, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 13, !- Hour 41
+ 19, !- Minute 41
+ 0.609999999999999, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 13, !- Hour 42
+ 29, !- Minute 42
+ 0.649999999999999, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 13, !- Hour 43
+ 30, !- Minute 43
+ 0.65, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 13, !- Hour 44
+ 39, !- Minute 44
+ 0.641666666666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 13, !- Hour 45
+ 49, !- Minute 45
+ 0.633333333333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 13, !- Hour 46
+ 59, !- Minute 46
+ 0.625, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 14, !- Hour 47
+ 9, !- Minute 47
+ 0.616666666666667, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 14, !- Hour 48
+ 19, !- Minute 48
+ 0.608333333333333, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 14, !- Hour 49
+ 29, !- Minute 49
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 14, !- Hour 50
+ 30, !- Minute 50
+ 0.6, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 14, !- Hour 51
+ 39, !- Minute 51
+ 0.591666666666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 14, !- Hour 52
+ 49, !- Minute 52
+ 0.583333333333333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 14, !- Hour 53
+ 59, !- Minute 53
+ 0.575, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 15, !- Hour 54
+ 9, !- Minute 54
+ 0.566666666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 15, !- Hour 55
+ 19, !- Minute 55
+ 0.558333333333334, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 15, !- Hour 56
+ 29, !- Minute 56
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 15, !- Hour 57
+ 30, !- Minute 57
+ 0.55, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 15, !- Hour 58
+ 39, !- Minute 58
+ 0.533333333333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 15, !- Hour 59
+ 49, !- Minute 59
+ 0.516666666666667, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 15, !- Hour 60
+ 59, !- Minute 60
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 16, !- Hour 61
+ 9, !- Minute 61
+ 0.483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 16, !- Hour 62
+ 19, !- Minute 62
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 16, !- Hour 63
+ 30, !- Minute 63
+ 0.45, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 16, !- Hour 64
+ 40, !- Minute 64
+ 0.458333333333333, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 16, !- Hour 65
+ 50, !- Minute 65
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 17, !- Hour 66
+ 0, !- Minute 66
+ 0.475, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 17, !- Hour 67
+ 10, !- Minute 67
+ 0.483333333333334, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 17, !- Hour 68
+ 20, !- Minute 68
+ 0.491666666666667, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 17, !- Hour 69
+ 30, !- Minute 69
+ 0.5, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 17, !- Hour 70
+ 40, !- Minute 70
+ 0.493333333333333, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 17, !- Hour 71
+ 50, !- Minute 71
+ 0.486666666666667, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 18, !- Hour 72
+ 0, !- Minute 72
+ 0.48, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 18, !- Hour 73
+ 10, !- Minute 73
+ 0.473333333333333, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 18, !- Hour 74
+ 20, !- Minute 74
+ 0.466666666666666, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 18, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.46, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 18, !- Hour 76
+ 40, !- Minute 76
+ 0.461666666666667, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 18, !- Hour 77
+ 50, !- Minute 77
+ 0.463333333333333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 19, !- Hour 78
+ 0, !- Minute 78
+ 0.465, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 19, !- Hour 79
+ 10, !- Minute 79
+ 0.466666666666667, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 19, !- Hour 80
+ 20, !- Minute 80
+ 0.468333333333333, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 19, !- Hour 81
+ 30, !- Minute 81
+ 0.47, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 19, !- Hour 82
+ 40, !- Minute 82
+ 0.448333333333333, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 19, !- Hour 83
+ 50, !- Minute 83
+ 0.426666666666666, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 20, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.405, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 20, !- Hour 85
+ 10, !- Minute 85
+ 0.383333333333333, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 20, !- Hour 86
+ 20, !- Minute 86
+ 0.361666666666666, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 20, !- Hour 87
+ 30, !- Minute 87
+ 0.34, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 20, !- Hour 88
+ 40, !- Minute 88
+ 0.338333333333333, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 20, !- Hour 89
+ 50, !- Minute 89
+ 0.336666666666667, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 21, !- Hour 90
+ 0, !- Minute 90
+ 0.335, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 21, !- Hour 91
+ 10, !- Minute 91
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 21, !- Hour 92
+ 20, !- Minute 92
+ 0.331666666666667, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 21, !- Hour 93
+ 30, !- Minute 93
+ 0.33, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 21, !- Hour 94
+ 40, !- Minute 94
+ 0.313333333333333, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 21, !- Hour 95
+ 50, !- Minute 95
+ 0.296666666666666, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 22, !- Hour 96
+ 0, !- Minute 96
+ 0.28, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 22, !- Hour 97
+ 10, !- Minute 97
+ 0.263333333333333, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 22, !- Hour 98
+ 20, !- Minute 98
+ 0.246666666666666, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 22, !- Hour 99
+ 30, !- Minute 99
+ 0.23, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 22, !- Hour 100
+ 40, !- Minute 100
+ 0.213333333333333, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 22, !- Hour 101
+ 50, !- Minute 101
+ 0.196666666666666, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 23, !- Hour 102
+ 0, !- Minute 102
+ 0.18, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 23, !- Hour 103
+ 10, !- Minute 103
+ 0.163333333333333, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 23, !- Hour 104
+ 20, !- Minute 104
+ 0.146666666666666, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 23, !- Hour 105
+ 30, !- Minute 105
+ 0.13, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 24, !- Hour 106
+ 0, !- Minute 106
+ 0.13; !- Value Until Time 106
+ {488b0d9f-6f12-49d1-aded-ae7465d5953d}, !- Handle
+ {e1c51a0e-54b4-4a57-8cd0-7e1c2c787d5a}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.5 ~ 0.13 | 1.5 ~ 0.0 | 8.5 ~ 0.0 | 9.5 ~ 0.2 | 10.5 ~ 0.23 | 11.5 ~ 0.32 | 12.5 ~ 0.41 | 13.5 ~ 0.65 | 14.5 ~ 0.6 | 15.5 ~ 0.55 | 16.5 ~ 0.45 | 17.5 ~ 0.5 | 18.5 ~ 0.46 | 19.5 ~ 0.47 | 20.5 ~ 0.34 | 21.5 ~ 0.33 | 22.5 ~ 0.23 | 23.5 ~ 0.13, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {43920174-1dc1-4dab-b5d0-8da479c9932e}, !- Handle
+ autogen StripMall Activity 0, !- Name
+ {0bf4600b-78ab-4269-9ae0-febeb1cd7c5a}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {fe2a441e-1bfd-49e1-bafa-99eddcb90521}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {fe2a441e-1bfd-49e1-bafa-99eddcb90521}, !- Handle
+ autogen StripMall Activity 0_day_sch, !- Name
+ {dfdde7ac-600c-407a-8de8-d7c1f7ce67ca}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 120; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {e5d7dce7-05c8-4024-9c68-cc5f6fac2efc}, !- Handle
+ {fe2a441e-1bfd-49e1-bafa-99eddcb90521}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 24.0 ~ val_flr ~ val_flr, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {efc2512c-546b-47d0-a9de-a3b617da3efc}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {3035e7ff-7411-4c79-bccd-acbde274845f}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {51f1454a-43a7-4092-87ab-1eb6523d5945}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {6d29c1de-b278-4ff0-a7f2-a3e96fdf9b53}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {3035e7ff-7411-4c79-bccd-acbde274845f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d31ccfab-0ed7-4438-af4c-39f17ae7ea5d}, !- Handle
+ {efc2512c-546b-47d0-a9de-a3b617da3efc}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {6d29c1de-b278-4ff0-a7f2-a3e96fdf9b53}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {51f1454a-43a7-4092-87ab-1eb6523d5945}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {ffb14303-383d-4f85-b7c3-94b3157b2360}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {efc2512c-546b-47d0-a9de-a3b617da3efc}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {08493e59-8a6b-43ff-ac39-bde55709cf0f}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {08493e59-8a6b-43ff-ac39-bde55709cf0f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {99a0b2eb-1a71-4fbd-b63a-ece1f5f9999e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {efc2512c-546b-47d0-a9de-a3b617da3efc}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {e22a6def-63e3-4c3a-b5f4-955765586d93}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {e22a6def-63e3-4c3a-b5f4-955765586d93}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Handle
+ ControlMode, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1, !- Upper Limit Value
+ Discrete, !- Numeric Type
+ ControlMode; !- Unit Type
+ {9786fdec-54ba-427e-bf17-062ce816a4b5}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {0a2b9eec-cbd3-49e8-b3a3-39822353d2ee}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {a640498b-9a2b-487c-bd81-50e8aac1bac9}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c10021a4-d4fe-4803-9516-a572773d2d96}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {0a2b9eec-cbd3-49e8-b3a3-39822353d2ee}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b058521b-1f4c-4dbe-91d7-854ee5acbe32}, !- Handle
+ {9786fdec-54ba-427e-bf17-062ce816a4b5}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 9.8839721182938138, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {c10021a4-d4fe-4803-9516-a572773d2d96}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a640498b-9a2b-487c-bd81-50e8aac1bac9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {102cded4-eb7d-4130-b611-8578fa7df1cf}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {9786fdec-54ba-427e-bf17-062ce816a4b5}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {1ccb6a0b-6b5a-4355-9b8d-f590ad77df59}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {1ccb6a0b-6b5a-4355-9b8d-f590ad77df59}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {334d21ba-5692-44cc-8d0d-f4a3a685a383}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {9786fdec-54ba-427e-bf17-062ce816a4b5}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {037bc7eb-22a8-4942-9573-604c48ca697a}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {037bc7eb-22a8-4942-9573-604c48ca697a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {481950ee-850d-47c9-b73a-64921b85ed02}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {1b2dc42e-ad5e-449b-9e17-8963d050333e}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {a1395a63-677a-4510-a62e-29bd4af0f50b}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c145695a-c23e-42a8-b95c-d59ef6cce502}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {1b2dc42e-ad5e-449b-9e17-8963d050333e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {9004ed4c-6d3a-4d17-a4db-b4a6b4bc1685}, !- Handle
+ {481950ee-850d-47c9-b73a-64921b85ed02}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853038, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {c145695a-c23e-42a8-b95c-d59ef6cce502}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a1395a63-677a-4510-a62e-29bd4af0f50b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {3d57a318-a3c1-4bfc-8b65-905ec52da04b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {481950ee-850d-47c9-b73a-64921b85ed02}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {db6135d4-0032-44de-96c7-8b7ed2f06d1d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {db6135d4-0032-44de-96c7-8b7ed2f06d1d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {909427f7-e2d2-425e-b475-2cdc5d1a7e87}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {481950ee-850d-47c9-b73a-64921b85ed02}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {85ccc5ee-6944-4a88-b006-92e42b060aa6}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {85ccc5ee-6944-4a88-b006-92e42b060aa6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {806297e6-822a-4528-b607-9038a004c8f9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {ddd5dd18-cc2e-4b3f-bdce-580874d11898}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {6a6683ba-0f0f-4c0d-9279-121f07684dab}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e3495670-c159-42be-a307-7b6e7f62af0b}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ddd5dd18-cc2e-4b3f-bdce-580874d11898}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {50ceea67-4c08-4272-b881-c1f103deb710}, !- Handle
+ {806297e6-822a-4528-b607-9038a004c8f9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558041963, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {e3495670-c159-42be-a307-7b6e7f62af0b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {6a6683ba-0f0f-4c0d-9279-121f07684dab}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {1221f6ae-a8b2-44b6-b43c-01029001aeb4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {806297e6-822a-4528-b607-9038a004c8f9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {b1e57ae2-b6b0-4891-88c9-0386911ef8c5}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {b1e57ae2-b6b0-4891-88c9-0386911ef8c5}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {3c912da5-3606-4425-b3df-c99fab13f146}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {806297e6-822a-4528-b607-9038a004c8f9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {bb63159e-6c67-495e-993f-4447cc238bf3}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {bb63159e-6c67-495e-993f-4447cc238bf3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {6fefaeac-57cb-430d-93a8-1bf625aa2960}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {844e41b8-9152-4e8c-a89f-5ad1109e5166}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {55bd7268-bdf9-452e-b0ef-54d3878728f2}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {451ea7ae-437e-478f-aff0-0d324246cbff}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {844e41b8-9152-4e8c-a89f-5ad1109e5166}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {abb0ede0-3f49-4618-a57c-ed5428239df5}, !- Handle
+ {6fefaeac-57cb-430d-93a8-1bf625aa2960}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.27670512883915249, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {451ea7ae-437e-478f-aff0-0d324246cbff}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {55bd7268-bdf9-452e-b0ef-54d3878728f2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {88ec1cdf-377a-40e9-825c-a9d10b5cf8a7}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {6fefaeac-57cb-430d-93a8-1bf625aa2960}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {470b136f-5174-4f55-a05f-d161a9a19d16}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {470b136f-5174-4f55-a05f-d161a9a19d16}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {2b75daaa-c94b-4896-9022-90253c69a2ad}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {6fefaeac-57cb-430d-93a8-1bf625aa2960}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {b790982e-3058-47ae-8255-79426e8a566c}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {b790982e-3058-47ae-8255-79426e8a566c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {ebb6928c-2f02-440c-859d-6989c971eec4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {15a4726b-7b31-4e89-bde6-bc3ce2478be0}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {c97d69e0-69f9-4df1-9854-5e48b89100cb}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {d73265f3-ef2b-4569-a723-b3ba04f2f650}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {15a4726b-7b31-4e89-bde6-bc3ce2478be0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {5623842d-c112-4da5-94ad-de8ec050248e}, !- Handle
+ {ebb6928c-2f02-440c-859d-6989c971eec4}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558042041, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {d73265f3-ef2b-4569-a723-b3ba04f2f650}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {c97d69e0-69f9-4df1-9854-5e48b89100cb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {1adf7905-17f5-4cff-b1de-bbe261530384}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {ebb6928c-2f02-440c-859d-6989c971eec4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {3b19707d-81b2-42ab-a416-5b04dc1f260d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {3b19707d-81b2-42ab-a416-5b04dc1f260d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {92cdf0a8-9c78-4b97-9303-f4bbd93a4d24}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {ebb6928c-2f02-440c-859d-6989c971eec4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {f59d2cab-61c7-46b4-9335-cb5283b69665}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f59d2cab-61c7-46b4-9335-cb5283b69665}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {ce2dbb6a-5b96-4962-9910-30c5ff01b674}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {cadf69c4-7c40-494c-b1a4-d30e1c0bee3a}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {46ac9849-6278-49ce-b5ee-191784c73efa}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e8ab0ace-ff97-4f5f-9cae-6efbf2a7b489}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {cadf69c4-7c40-494c-b1a4-d30e1c0bee3a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {126725ec-f04e-4efe-8990-f5928d17e59b}, !- Handle
+ {ce2dbb6a-5b96-4962-9910-30c5ff01b674}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383503, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {e8ab0ace-ff97-4f5f-9cae-6efbf2a7b489}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {46ac9849-6278-49ce-b5ee-191784c73efa}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {59f24971-2afe-465e-94df-db9e8fe0118e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {ce2dbb6a-5b96-4962-9910-30c5ff01b674}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {d8e14b76-9387-4c7e-834b-71a80a4b3b38}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {d8e14b76-9387-4c7e-834b-71a80a4b3b38}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {dabe3f2b-4fa6-466f-aee2-83dafc822a10}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {ce2dbb6a-5b96-4962-9910-30c5ff01b674}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {4eb0bcb8-d88c-41da-b71a-145265d2e20e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {4eb0bcb8-d88c-41da-b71a-145265d2e20e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {f3ae3429-a52b-4aac-9e95-8950528df0cc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {bf56c2a3-aa8c-49ab-8209-e8e0ee6d0506}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {351cb7a8-01f2-46b8-8c85-4d3f5b8a442f}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {3c336506-a9a9-4966-bf0c-2eef84ce35c9}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bf56c2a3-aa8c-49ab-8209-e8e0ee6d0506}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {2f9310b2-d970-4f40-b3bf-0e85288c155b}, !- Handle
+ {f3ae3429-a52b-4aac-9e95-8950528df0cc}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.7750512297233185, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3c336506-a9a9-4966-bf0c-2eef84ce35c9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {351cb7a8-01f2-46b8-8c85-4d3f5b8a442f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {47b7b56f-c399-4b6b-b84a-678ab7c5b561}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {f3ae3429-a52b-4aac-9e95-8950528df0cc}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {f1bcc88d-e833-4224-a66e-ebebc9c19a29}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f1bcc88d-e833-4224-a66e-ebebc9c19a29}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {fc5ffeb5-9b41-4638-b6c0-efedc8e81136}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {f3ae3429-a52b-4aac-9e95-8950528df0cc}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {33b8166b-e2dd-455d-b22c-e4d3962aa5cb}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {33b8166b-e2dd-455d-b22c-e4d3962aa5cb}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {5f274b8b-d448-43e4-9c64-7b571d93f458}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {00681fb1-712b-437a-bd57-344e97b01c94}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {870b5716-04b1-478b-a8d5-e0a7825a83ca}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a1959ab9-e52c-4f4f-b5d9-aaade4c7bdfc}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {00681fb1-712b-437a-bd57-344e97b01c94}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {881d7d69-9f1d-4b19-ae0c-565581412df8}, !- Handle
+ {5f274b8b-d448-43e4-9c64-7b571d93f458}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383547, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a1959ab9-e52c-4f4f-b5d9-aaade4c7bdfc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {870b5716-04b1-478b-a8d5-e0a7825a83ca}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {3ed63af3-7b08-4eab-836b-27449befe81a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {5f274b8b-d448-43e4-9c64-7b571d93f458}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {adbf5382-6bef-4832-a4d0-19e156fbfeed}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {adbf5382-6bef-4832-a4d0-19e156fbfeed}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {f980eacd-e9b2-4789-8573-fcef9ea58f6a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {5f274b8b-d448-43e4-9c64-7b571d93f458}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {46607ef6-d1a9-464b-92c0-ac4f2534cbe6}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {46607ef6-d1a9-464b-92c0-ac4f2534cbe6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {8ab51488-baec-48c0-9e3e-63cb42c9b537}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {9a981b4a-de55-49e7-9428-694bd7129663}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {7392f50e-e307-4ae0-aabb-540dbf4e2a8e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bb292296-a710-42eb-93e6-fa707c472a88}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {9a981b4a-de55-49e7-9428-694bd7129663}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {6b6e73ce-d32c-40d1-a8a8-a62c5d1bc31d}, !- Handle
+ {8ab51488-baec-48c0-9e3e-63cb42c9b537}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.049974385138337, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {bb292296-a710-42eb-93e6-fa707c472a88}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7392f50e-e307-4ae0-aabb-540dbf4e2a8e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {6636783f-16da-43f9-9a1b-c1e397351bba}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {8ab51488-baec-48c0-9e3e-63cb42c9b537}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {5f953db8-4548-4b18-9f91-4f1d4178d00b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {5f953db8-4548-4b18-9f91-4f1d4178d00b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7e84c67d-8f91-45b9-9b84-df2a010dbd0c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {8ab51488-baec-48c0-9e3e-63cb42c9b537}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {43e190e4-ab7b-42ab-a7a8-9cba53ddfcd9}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {43e190e4-ab7b-42ab-a7a8-9cba53ddfcd9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e251c877-ecc6-402b-8dbb-3652f0d086f7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {ba334816-8be8-4d94-9f63-7527c341c758}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {5de28796-0c0a-4b6e-adf7-bde077375284}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f74ab3e8-864a-4666-b56c-b7d07682cf63}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ba334816-8be8-4d94-9f63-7527c341c758}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {552b6ef2-6228-4b23-b329-ac41c5ff00e4}, !- Handle
+ {e251c877-ecc6-402b-8dbb-3652f0d086f7}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.775051229723311, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f74ab3e8-864a-4666-b56c-b7d07682cf63}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {5de28796-0c0a-4b6e-adf7-bde077375284}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a7282e44-6f04-4213-b88f-412f1d3f7641}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {e251c877-ecc6-402b-8dbb-3652f0d086f7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {eaa2d269-e35a-4972-b851-2a417376b84d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {eaa2d269-e35a-4972-b851-2a417376b84d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {2e56d13d-4d75-4ffe-8141-ba23f72adf47}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {e251c877-ecc6-402b-8dbb-3652f0d086f7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {0e43abb2-73af-4f4c-be27-3d7b4755855e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {0e43abb2-73af-4f4c-be27-3d7b4755855e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d25cf779-db40-4d03-a7ab-d2117c331897}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {083a128c-4a97-4c3a-9ad3-05f71d40e116}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {88712a91-6b33-4bfe-8a5e-20299a371280}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ae9c672f-1a42-4230-9380-6d33ddda0a3c}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {083a128c-4a97-4c3a-9ad3-05f71d40e116}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {9d35abe8-0328-49dc-8f8d-c8cdff3a6c54}, !- Handle
+ {d25cf779-db40-4d03-a7ab-d2117c331897}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383423, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {ae9c672f-1a42-4230-9380-6d33ddda0a3c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {88712a91-6b33-4bfe-8a5e-20299a371280}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {fc7ee26f-c52b-4331-9685-bc5bf6d114f9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {d25cf779-db40-4d03-a7ab-d2117c331897}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {bbdd4a5e-3dff-4b51-a2c8-5ad2c34c9efd}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {bbdd4a5e-3dff-4b51-a2c8-5ad2c34c9efd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {605ed4a8-718f-430a-969c-59da32294fda}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {d25cf779-db40-4d03-a7ab-d2117c331897}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {9f43c749-f510-4613-af81-6e8c66c5cb5b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {9f43c749-f510-4613-af81-6e8c66c5cb5b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {8d62968f-a006-43c0-9490-39c3b43e4b57}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {09b7a44d-39d7-4b44-892c-dabfa36848a9}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {32eb28bb-b214-4215-9e5e-c5ce17115d3f}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8b4421a2-9d48-48fe-94f8-4a23e5bd807f}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {09b7a44d-39d7-4b44-892c-dabfa36848a9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {65cf5d25-2d39-46fd-870b-348f37c31ba1}, !- Handle
+ {8d62968f-a006-43c0-9490-39c3b43e4b57}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.7249487702766881, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {8b4421a2-9d48-48fe-94f8-4a23e5bd807f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {32eb28bb-b214-4215-9e5e-c5ce17115d3f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {4760a87f-c351-4b9f-8793-fb34388ec51a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {8d62968f-a006-43c0-9490-39c3b43e4b57}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {f6f5bd23-cc2e-425d-9211-a08f81efa54f}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f6f5bd23-cc2e-425d-9211-a08f81efa54f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {03b68fe8-e4cf-4309-982b-2e3003b279b4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {8d62968f-a006-43c0-9490-39c3b43e4b57}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {7bf22c85-58ad-4468-aa9c-068658abe4a4}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {7bf22c85-58ad-4468-aa9c-068658abe4a4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e89e8923-8080-4094-bb34-83e1989ebdc6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {2e08b0e8-b042-4ab9-87fb-fabfd7551a1a}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {39a7ac57-6917-4774-a780-6ab5c4499e5e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {822808e2-d182-4d38-aff2-a483031483aa}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {2e08b0e8-b042-4ab9-87fb-fabfd7551a1a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {3d315f39-a3d7-41d9-ae35-df0fba7b714b}, !- Handle
+ {e89e8923-8080-4094-bb34-83e1989ebdc6}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.374999999999996, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {822808e2-d182-4d38-aff2-a483031483aa}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {39a7ac57-6917-4774-a780-6ab5c4499e5e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {07277b0f-3258-4409-9602-5ff9b137c3cc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {e89e8923-8080-4094-bb34-83e1989ebdc6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {8a2f448b-6deb-4acb-a31d-eea5ed7ff132}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {8a2f448b-6deb-4acb-a31d-eea5ed7ff132}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {13db0e59-c6f7-45c8-8de6-e1f38b186ac1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {e89e8923-8080-4094-bb34-83e1989ebdc6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {9d08df40-d6e4-45c2-9ef2-b2b0428217ce}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {9d08df40-d6e4-45c2-9ef2-b2b0428217ce}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {afd261dc-673e-40ff-87f4-08aaa0a70af7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {3747e6e5-e3f7-4d95-a793-bf776e19f140}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {a29d3d7f-cac7-4fcb-9c7a-d7da386503ea}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {768eddf4-d23a-4646-9c74-6d39dd503db1}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {3747e6e5-e3f7-4d95-a793-bf776e19f140}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {51a6f19f-3cec-45b7-990f-474d73bd9680}, !- Handle
+ {afd261dc-673e-40ff-87f4-08aaa0a70af7}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.5858899304799481, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {768eddf4-d23a-4646-9c74-6d39dd503db1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a29d3d7f-cac7-4fcb-9c7a-d7da386503ea}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {350de85c-a12e-4015-b736-e4694cbbe0c1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {afd261dc-673e-40ff-87f4-08aaa0a70af7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {a18a5fda-e861-4bfe-8bbf-d3ddc4b37ff4}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {a18a5fda-e861-4bfe-8bbf-d3ddc4b37ff4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {039bc665-0f42-4a30-9fff-c2c22b7054fc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {afd261dc-673e-40ff-87f4-08aaa0a70af7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {4c93a548-75e9-4797-96a6-27463c7f336f}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {4c93a548-75e9-4797-96a6-27463c7f336f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d2c3b42a-e349-497f-afb4-66324dd47b02}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {dd3c7e91-450a-41f3-8409-a201cb4682eb}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {dbb2ed35-19e2-4898-b054-cba2de1370be}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {6c2a325f-b0cf-47d6-923e-c80e3236d575}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {dd3c7e91-450a-41f3-8409-a201cb4682eb}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {037f0965-c8ee-440a-a447-94289d680570}, !- Handle
+ {d2c3b42a-e349-497f-afb4-66324dd47b02}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.9642125289666796, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {6c2a325f-b0cf-47d6-923e-c80e3236d575}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {dbb2ed35-19e2-4898-b054-cba2de1370be}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0c346ece-1bcb-459d-aee7-bcbbff924d30}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {d2c3b42a-e349-497f-afb4-66324dd47b02}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {48599902-0da0-4822-88e2-6507c738dc41}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {48599902-0da0-4822-88e2-6507c738dc41}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {fdf8945a-db03-4c1c-ae60-56090cf1f61b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {d2c3b42a-e349-497f-afb4-66324dd47b02}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {01b24808-34da-4b64-9be1-4592cd4824e8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {01b24808-34da-4b64-9be1-4592cd4824e8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {3911cc06-fa3e-4616-9b5f-bff3879fd2a9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {bfd4201e-119a-487e-978f-8bb22c99f7bd}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {ec06a83e-2a94-43f4-b3a4-505aa6b98f57}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c41da2e5-7446-421c-9c2b-a5e56dda0d10}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bfd4201e-119a-487e-978f-8bb22c99f7bd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {acfe1cc5-4fb5-44cc-8263-42bf0263485e}, !- Handle
+ {3911cc06-fa3e-4616-9b5f-bff3879fd2a9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.724948770276693, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {c41da2e5-7446-421c-9c2b-a5e56dda0d10}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {ec06a83e-2a94-43f4-b3a4-505aa6b98f57}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {b6d88b5e-ecd0-4ffe-9c64-1e1e271104fd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {3911cc06-fa3e-4616-9b5f-bff3879fd2a9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {94a25aba-bd4f-48a7-8979-6aa260286632}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {94a25aba-bd4f-48a7-8979-6aa260286632}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e35cdb51-3fce-4e9f-8c3e-91cfc6a4d28f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {3911cc06-fa3e-4616-9b5f-bff3879fd2a9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {4aa762a1-7707-40b1-a3e7-9129fe33e1ee}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {4aa762a1-7707-40b1-a3e7-9129fe33e1ee}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {be5d5658-12ca-42c4-8f5b-c05f5673264c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {ee734ba2-256e-413f-81a2-fd8dec290cb5}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {58874055-512b-4d56-b4ff-623f10d765a2}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {14776058-d21a-43f5-94a8-f98907e1c393}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ee734ba2-256e-413f-81a2-fd8dec290cb5}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {e56582da-7924-487e-8736-73c2a1e704c1}, !- Handle
+ {be5d5658-12ca-42c4-8f5b-c05f5673264c}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.3750000000000013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {14776058-d21a-43f5-94a8-f98907e1c393}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {58874055-512b-4d56-b4ff-623f10d765a2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {e1b5c0d6-d1ac-46e5-82f4-bc9152290203}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule, !- Name
+ {be5d5658-12ca-42c4-8f5b-c05f5673264c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {10868d23-d6b1-49f6-907f-7676c22ffdd8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {10868d23-d6b1-49f6-907f-7676c22ffdd8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {1733bd74-1c57-48cf-b526-230ac54cfef4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule, !- Name
+ {be5d5658-12ca-42c4-8f5b-c05f5673264c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {548351e5-9aec-479f-bcbf-927291f0377d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {548351e5-9aec-479f-bcbf-927291f0377d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7bc4f54c-3b39-4e43-b671-079dc46a55d0}, !- Handle
+ DOE Ref DX Clg Coil Cool-Cap-fT, !- Name
+ 0.9712123, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ -0.015275502, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0.0014434524, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ -0.00039321, !- Coefficient4 y
+ -6.8364e-06, !- Coefficient5 y**2
+ -0.0002905956, !- Coefficient6 x*y
+ -100, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 100, !- Maximum Value of x
+ -100, !- Minimum Value of y
+ 100; !- Maximum Value of y
+ {1536ac56-d617-4e78-a0b4-7d1277befcee}, !- Handle
+ DOE Ref DX Clg Coil Cool-CAP-fFlow, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ -100, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 100; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {ae751974-90b0-41a4-bc05-91b797959ce1}, !- Handle
+ DOE Ref DX Clg Coil Cool-EIR-fT, !- Name
+ 0.28687133, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0.023902164, !- Coefficient2 x
+ -0.000810648, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0.013458546, !- Coefficient4 y
+ 0.0003389364, !- Coefficient5 y**2
+ -0.0004870044, !- Coefficient6 x*y
+ -100, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 100, !- Maximum Value of x
+ -100, !- Minimum Value of y
+ 100; !- Maximum Value of y
+ {6bb5ed25-94e8-4f42-be33-c0f53ae993f2}, !- Handle
+ DOE Ref DX Clg Coil Cool-EIR-fFlow, !- Name
+ 1, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0, !- Coefficient2 x
+ 0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Coefficient4 x**3
+ -100, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 100; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {e9952f9e-0c2a-4348-bcca-ae04c4efd295}, !- Handle
+ DOE Ref DX Clg Coil Cool-PLF-fPLR, !- Name
+ 0.90949556, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0.09864773, !- Coefficient2 x
+ -0.00819488, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 1; !- Maximum Value of x
+ {d61a0d5b-9854-4f63-b06f-231d07fd0b2f}, !- Handle
+ {ecdaf8ee-3537-4335-8c71-d47182cd607a}; !- Object Name
+ {b52ce857-8e45-4967-a67e-bce0cd2fdfa4}, !- Handle
+ Std Wood 6inch 1, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.15, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.12, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 540, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1210, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {df3c5476-ebba-490b-a125-456b09d66e50}, !- Handle
+ InteriorFurnishings 1, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {b52ce857-8e45-4967-a67e-bce0cd2fdfa4}; !- Layer 1
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Handle
+ Internal Mass Definition 2, !- Name
+ {df3c5476-ebba-490b-a125-456b09d66e50}, !- Construction Name
+ SurfaceArea/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Surface Area {m2}
+ 2, !- Surface Area per Space Floor Area {dimensionless}
+ ; !- Surface Area per Person {m2/person}
+ {748fc003-738f-4586-b353-0299079a1038}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {3bc5bab2-bef1-4663-a829-bd1b28af653c}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {1dd792bb-452c-4c84-8b71-e6be91a0c014}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {5761240a-cc94-4965-8ffb-1a8a4b072012}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {92454958-0db7-42bc-8fb8-312ebf1444bb}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {e4bc55b7-8b9b-4927-9dde-86107c8877e1}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {c43c0046-eec7-43ba-8848-f2885f26fed0}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {58532ee4-f7c1-47fe-a0e7-0b00cf46ac53}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {72435b75-037f-44ec-aaff-d83edec4019f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {93016e60-f367-4a16-bcce-7794c315dddd}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {1dba6393-8fa0-49be-9722-09405b0570d3}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {edb1bfab-f485-4fa2-8e73-2b56a0eae611}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {75d2c6a8-bc82-4bd7-8730-fa924f4528fb}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {d0162cb1-b239-4f97-ba92-b1a550eca74c}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {e7fe162b-8788-43b6-8738-48eb01ea8a47}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {339c1ef0-d0c4-47f2-870f-655b47febd84}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {8f87c86b-dbd9-403f-b2a7-606c297c763e}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {cbf46181-6ac9-4110-a3df-33b9be1c9cf3}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground Mass, !- Name
+ {3fc700cf-70b4-4125-b9cc-2766306e9775}, !- Internal Mass Definition Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ 1; !- Multiplier
+ {0d24b7e2-cfdd-454a-b47d-cc089e707c60}, !- Handle
+ 0.555555555555556, !- Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
+ 0.555555555555556; !- Tolerance for Time Cooling Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
+ {b65e83a5-1a05-4cac-9551-8635f7ad439e}, !- Handle
+ 2nd Sunday in March, !- Start Date
+ 1st Sunday in November; !- End Date
+ {a933c447-43fa-47c1-9dce-c04327fd7e7d}, !- Handle
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Object Name
+ prototype_space_type, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ dining_area_family_dining, !- Feature Value 1
+ prototype_lighting_space_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ dining_areas_family_dining; !- Feature Value 2
+ {c0638de7-cccf-4cc9-8e15-64bbafc604cf}, !- Handle
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Object Name
+ prototype_space_type, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ whole_building_retail, !- Feature Value 1
+ prototype_lighting_space_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ retail_sales_area; !- Feature Value 2
+ {3b3d61cf-bd5c-425d-a400-fdf40949a360}, !- Handle
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Object Name
+ prototype_space_type, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ whole_building_retail, !- Feature Value 1
+ prototype_lighting_space_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ retail_sales_area; !- Feature Value 2
+ {387d4ae1-8d94-47da-bf90-7a4a410bd264}, !- Handle
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Object Name
+ prototype_space_type, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ kitchen_with_dishwashing, !- Feature Value 1
+ prototype_lighting_space_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ food_preparation; !- Feature Value 2
+ {8061f15c-3e80-4e35-89c9-68a5f3678cb8}, !- Handle
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Object Name
+ prototype_space_type, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ whole_building_retail, !- Feature Value 1
+ prototype_lighting_space_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ retail_sales_area; !- Feature Value 2
+ {71e37a72-85fc-4679-8b05-d295f4ef8ebe}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 2.41972134263746, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.31, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {213bed22-1147-4a7e-ac34-784559a8bc30}, !- Handle
+ {71e37a72-85fc-4679-8b05-d295f4ef8ebe}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ T12, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ general; !- Feature Value 2
+ {c387e281-a43f-4b37-8784-5ed8a794ad27}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lighting, !- Name
+ {71e37a72-85fc-4679-8b05-d295f4ef8ebe}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {8c989be5-1705-4cbc-9d94-39c0a942de3d}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Task Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 4.44268148544687, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {7a902c7b-5135-4163-9b14-2d9b2c56b738}, !- Handle
+ {8c989be5-1705-4cbc-9d94-39c0a942de3d}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent A-Shape, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ task; !- Feature Value 2
+ {cc0572d1-adce-48d2-8833-236401f4e946}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Task Lighting, !- Name
+ {8c989be5-1705-4cbc-9d94-39c0a942de3d}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {66a882bb-2b24-4790-a1b6-6f9498146395}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 6.57465791517364, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {6f78e32a-1ee6-4010-9578-c48df48fa67a}, !- Handle
+ {66a882bb-2b24-4790-a1b6-6f9498146395}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent Decorative, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ wall_wash; !- Feature Value 2
+ {f26d7a21-f79b-4fa1-bb6c-b89924073c93}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lighting, !- Name
+ {66a882bb-2b24-4790-a1b6-6f9498146395}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {2a022aa4-4843-4ef5-945a-31cd07068ba9}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {b928f79e-1864-4854-a219-886f515f72f7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 9.60024442571408, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.31, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {35cb86ba-e744-45b2-9be5-e4ce6746e0d0}, !- Handle
+ {b928f79e-1864-4854-a219-886f515f72f7}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ T12, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ general; !- Feature Value 2
+ {856d60bb-7434-415b-92f4-dd9c55a04c74}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lighting, !- Name
+ {b928f79e-1864-4854-a219-886f515f72f7}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {cb2bfe09-434c-4c9d-af84-2fa7e0b747c8}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Supplemental Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 3.93528922588473, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {bb0ab326-01db-4b7a-a875-79c6f55561bf}, !- Handle
+ {cb2bfe09-434c-4c9d-af84-2fa7e0b747c8}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent Decorative, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ supplemental; !- Feature Value 2
+ {2feb33c3-1022-41b0-b30f-7a1511f981d5}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Supplemental Lighting, !- Name
+ {cb2bfe09-434c-4c9d-af84-2fa7e0b747c8}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {8c2eae47-d791-4263-bcb7-1f6e64df7f83}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 3.8884405446242, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {1612288c-a8bb-40c0-96f0-fee6d29be9ff}, !- Handle
+ {8c2eae47-d791-4263-bcb7-1f6e64df7f83}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent Decorative, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ wall_wash; !- Feature Value 2
+ {7aa37b95-d282-413b-a28f-3dc50cfa4dcb}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lighting, !- Name
+ {8c2eae47-d791-4263-bcb7-1f6e64df7f83}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {9bfafa84-2505-4ad1-b755-48e46d2dde08}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {7a6b087d-a6c0-4aa6-b124-872410989cdd}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 9.60024442571408, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.31, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {adf6d158-c237-4ee7-b38b-f127502d6222}, !- Handle
+ {7a6b087d-a6c0-4aa6-b124-872410989cdd}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ T12, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ general; !- Feature Value 2
+ {c81ab3e3-745c-46a5-b9b3-e47372a03f7a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lighting, !- Name
+ {7a6b087d-a6c0-4aa6-b124-872410989cdd}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {81d208ac-a0d2-4b86-a601-d4fd16651573}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Supplemental Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 3.93528922588473, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {dfa30a64-9325-469e-b136-95629c4c3b1d}, !- Handle
+ {81d208ac-a0d2-4b86-a601-d4fd16651573}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent Decorative, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ supplemental; !- Feature Value 2
+ {ea4b8fd7-d442-4f59-ba46-0c0e3ce6f591}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Supplemental Lighting, !- Name
+ {81d208ac-a0d2-4b86-a601-d4fd16651573}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {3728293b-4e10-4147-99c2-f031bc8fffb3}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 3.8884405446242, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {e5dc5aea-037a-4bda-aa92-98699fd6b34c}, !- Handle
+ {3728293b-4e10-4147-99c2-f031bc8fffb3}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent Decorative, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ wall_wash; !- Feature Value 2
+ {6b947ef7-2fd3-424b-81c9-8158637f4fa9}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lighting, !- Name
+ {3728293b-4e10-4147-99c2-f031bc8fffb3}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {69be7c68-3a9f-40b4-abb0-8a40f45b68d1}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {cc062970-da17-4f92-85b8-c15402485666}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 9.13395597761685, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.31, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {23bc09d7-b2e2-475d-9fed-dfe6451753e0}, !- Handle
+ {cc062970-da17-4f92-85b8-c15402485666}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ T12, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ general; !- Feature Value 2
+ {a9f33daa-bf7e-486e-99a3-96aac2767291}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lighting, !- Name
+ {cc062970-da17-4f92-85b8-c15402485666}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {c580bc0e-904b-4c7f-9abe-58fe019f7716}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Task Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 14.7650841392256, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {9547a154-2fae-4eed-b635-b50340caf21c}, !- Handle
+ {c580bc0e-904b-4c7f-9abe-58fe019f7716}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent A-Shape, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ task; !- Feature Value 2
+ {89872546-5909-4cfe-b637-db5a3f61d84a}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Task Lighting, !- Name
+ {c580bc0e-904b-4c7f-9abe-58fe019f7716}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {f0909c3e-1e7a-41f1-be28-2b68a5ee4a10}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 9.60024442571408, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.31, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {33b39552-9367-4de9-a977-05d6834bbfdc}, !- Handle
+ {f0909c3e-1e7a-41f1-be28-2b68a5ee4a10}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ T12, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ general; !- Feature Value 2
+ {ec819c20-b8da-443d-8d39-a5f224cdb567}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 General Lighting, !- Name
+ {f0909c3e-1e7a-41f1-be28-2b68a5ee4a10}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {119f04f7-b71f-4302-bc11-d0f2c5526a74}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Supplemental Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 3.93528922588473, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {be286ac9-9608-46bd-9bcb-2220f96d14bc}, !- Handle
+ {119f04f7-b71f-4302-bc11-d0f2c5526a74}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent Decorative, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ supplemental; !- Feature Value 2
+ {723316e0-a4ab-446b-b740-4ccd106c098a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Supplemental Lighting, !- Name
+ {119f04f7-b71f-4302-bc11-d0f2c5526a74}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {ca49071b-3f6f-4414-94c3-88d5158d7629}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lights Definition, !- Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 3.8884405446242, !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.125, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2, !- Fraction Visible
+ 0; !- Return Air Fraction
+ {0ddfc783-9c72-4517-8127-dfec34df2cf3}, !- Handle
+ {ca49071b-3f6f-4414-94c3-88d5158d7629}, !- Object Name
+ lighting_technology, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ Incandescent Decorative, !- Feature Value 1
+ lighting_system_type, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ wall_wash; !- Feature Value 2
+ {8589338f-dca5-492b-aeb7-ba3bb12f0cde}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 - ComStock DOE Ref 1980-2004 Wall Wash Lighting, !- Name
+ {ca49071b-3f6f-4414-94c3-88d5158d7629}, !- Lights Definition Name
+ {c9458988-d34a-4bd8-ad5a-7dd5a8dbf4dc}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Name
+ 1, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ , !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData BPR Adjusted, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {fc3c333a-bed7-4879-aec4-163c340539a8}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {f6cd0f35-5a63-49fb-8cd2-1217a0fdbf54}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {d2b5b1b3-b2ae-419a-83ee-311165e9d6fe}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {07d24cb5-801f-4bf4-8620-10469ce41af2}, !- Handle
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.256335596, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.76900719500000003; !- Feature Value 3
+ {fc3c333a-bed7-4879-aec4-163c340539a8}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Default 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.444685210024325, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.420670981204136, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.396656752383948, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.379930335035208, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.363203917686469, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.346477500337729, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.329751082988989, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.313024665640249, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.296298248291509, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.288679002657767, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.281059757024024, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.273440511390282, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.265821265756539, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.258202020122796, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.250582774489054, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.250582774489054, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.247269338490878, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.243955902492703, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.240642466494527, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.237329030496351, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.234015594498176, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.2307021585, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.2307021585, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.232505644497749, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.234309130495498, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.236112616493247, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.237916102490997, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.239719588488745, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.241523074486494, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.243103104618376, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.244683134750257, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.246263164882139, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.24784319501402, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.249423225145902, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.251003255277783, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.255238563907006, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.25947387253623, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.263709181165453, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.267944489794676, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.2721797984239, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.276415107053124, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.295580886206342, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.314746665359562, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.333912444512781, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.353078223665999, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.372244002819219, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.391409781972438, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.413684105603053, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.435958429233666, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.458232752864281, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.480507076494896, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.50278140012551, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.525055723756125, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.525055723756125, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.544452808923134, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.563849894090143, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.583246979257152, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.602644064424161, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.62204114959117, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.64143823475818, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.64143823475818, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.65411343695398, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.666788639149781, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.679463841345581, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.692139043541381, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.704814245737182, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.717489447932982, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.717489447932982, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.722798859727969, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.728108271522956, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.733417683317943, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.738727095112929, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.744036506907916, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.749345918702903, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.749345918702903, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.749950360317951, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.750554801933, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.751159243548048, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.751763685163096, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.752368126778146, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.752972568393194, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.752972568393194, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.753196987808806, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.753421407224419, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.753645826640031, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.753870246055644, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.754094665471257, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.754319084886869, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.754319084886869, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.754392673942395, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.754466262997922, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.754539852053448, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.754613441108974, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.754687030164501, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.754760619220027, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.754760619220027, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.754551620275334, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.754342621330641, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.754133622385948, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.753924623441254, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.753715624496561, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.753506625551868, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.753506625551868, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.75356738011079, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.753628134669713, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.753688889228636, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.753749643787559, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.753810398346481, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.753871152905404, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.753793577000933, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.753716001096461, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.75363842519199, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.753560849287519, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.753483273383047, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.753405697478576, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.755955427378849, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.758505157279122, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.761054887179395, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.763604617079667, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.766154346979941, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.768704076880213, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.768754596566844, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.768805116253475, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.768855635940107, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.768906155626738, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.768956675313369, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.769007195, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.768099131790298, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.767191068580596, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.766283005370894, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.765374942161192, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.764466878951489, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.763558815741788, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.759694920189279, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.755831024636769, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.75196712908426, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.748103233531751, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.744239337979241, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.740375442426732, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.729376426712368, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.718377410998003, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.707378395283639, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.696379379569274, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.68538036385491, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.674381348140546, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.652108144334634, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.629834940528723, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.607561736722813, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.585288532916902, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.563015329110991, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.540742125305081, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.516727896484892, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.492713667664702, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.468699438844514; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {26a22af8-031c-4e9b-9635-b84ae2f6864a}, !- Handle
+ {fc3c333a-bed7-4879-aec4-163c340539a8}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.5 ~ 0.414387632 | 1.5 ~ 0.318808079 | 2.5 ~ 0.275269521 | 3.5 ~ 0.256335596 | 4.5 ~ 0.266641233 | 5.5 ~ 0.275669979 | 6.5 ~ 0.299871749 | 7.5 ~ 0.409390516 | 8.5 ~ 0.536672399 | 9.5 ~ 0.647512915 | 10.5 ~ 0.719942661 | 11.5 ~ 0.750282165 | 12.5 ~ 0.753736118 | 13.5 ~ 0.755018515 | 14.5 ~ 0.755439024 | 15.5 ~ 0.754244744 | 16.5 ~ 0.754591913 | 17.5 ~ 0.754148622 | 18.5 ~ 0.768718511 | 19.5 ~ 0.769007195 | 20.5 ~ 0.763818261 | 21.5 ~ 0.741738852 | 22.5 ~ 0.678887317 | 23.5 ~ 0.551611833, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f6cd0f35-5a63-49fb-8cd2-1217a0fdbf54}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {d2b5b1b3-b2ae-419a-83ee-311165e9d6fe}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8d1df8bf-64f3-4b78-b4cb-947dfad8ff90}, !- Handle
+ autogen FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 0 1, !- Name
+ {d4ea425a-3517-4108-a297-a8779016de66}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {ec4aa886-fea8-4306-99e0-545da22c6c50}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 3, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 9, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 10, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 16, !- Specific Day 5
+ 1, !- Specific Month 6
+ 17, !- Specific Day 6
+ 1, !- Specific Month 7
+ 23, !- Specific Day 7
+ 1, !- Specific Month 8
+ 24, !- Specific Day 8
+ 1, !- Specific Month 9
+ 30, !- Specific Day 9
+ 1, !- Specific Month 10
+ 31, !- Specific Day 10
+ 2, !- Specific Month 11
+ 6, !- Specific Day 11
+ 2, !- Specific Month 12
+ 7, !- Specific Day 12
+ 2, !- Specific Month 13
+ 13, !- Specific Day 13
+ 2, !- Specific Month 14
+ 14, !- Specific Day 14
+ 2, !- Specific Month 15
+ 20, !- Specific Day 15
+ 2, !- Specific Month 16
+ 21, !- Specific Day 16
+ 2, !- Specific Month 17
+ 27, !- Specific Day 17
+ 2, !- Specific Month 18
+ 28, !- Specific Day 18
+ 3, !- Specific Month 19
+ 6, !- Specific Day 19
+ 3, !- Specific Month 20
+ 7, !- Specific Day 20
+ 3, !- Specific Month 21
+ 13, !- Specific Day 21
+ 3, !- Specific Month 22
+ 14, !- Specific Day 22
+ 3, !- Specific Month 23
+ 20, !- Specific Day 23
+ 3, !- Specific Month 24
+ 21, !- Specific Day 24
+ 3, !- Specific Month 25
+ 27, !- Specific Day 25
+ 3, !- Specific Month 26
+ 28, !- Specific Day 26
+ 4, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 4, !- Specific Month 28
+ 4, !- Specific Day 28
+ 4, !- Specific Month 29
+ 10, !- Specific Day 29
+ 4, !- Specific Month 30
+ 11, !- Specific Day 30
+ 4, !- Specific Month 31
+ 17, !- Specific Day 31
+ 4, !- Specific Month 32
+ 18, !- Specific Day 32
+ 4, !- Specific Month 33
+ 24, !- Specific Day 33
+ 4, !- Specific Month 34
+ 25, !- Specific Day 34
+ 5, !- Specific Month 35
+ 1, !- Specific Day 35
+ 5, !- Specific Month 36
+ 2, !- Specific Day 36
+ 5, !- Specific Month 37
+ 8, !- Specific Day 37
+ 5, !- Specific Month 38
+ 9, !- Specific Day 38
+ 5, !- Specific Month 39
+ 15, !- Specific Day 39
+ 5, !- Specific Month 40
+ 16, !- Specific Day 40
+ 5, !- Specific Month 41
+ 22, !- Specific Day 41
+ 5, !- Specific Month 42
+ 23, !- Specific Day 42
+ 5, !- Specific Month 43
+ 29, !- Specific Day 43
+ 5, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 6, !- Specific Month 45
+ 5, !- Specific Day 45
+ 6, !- Specific Month 46
+ 6, !- Specific Day 46
+ 6, !- Specific Month 47
+ 12, !- Specific Day 47
+ 6, !- Specific Month 48
+ 13, !- Specific Day 48
+ 6, !- Specific Month 49
+ 19, !- Specific Day 49
+ 6, !- Specific Month 50
+ 20, !- Specific Day 50
+ 6, !- Specific Month 51
+ 26, !- Specific Day 51
+ 6, !- Specific Month 52
+ 27, !- Specific Day 52
+ 7, !- Specific Month 53
+ 3, !- Specific Day 53
+ 7, !- Specific Month 54
+ 4, !- Specific Day 54
+ 7, !- Specific Month 55
+ 10, !- Specific Day 55
+ 7, !- Specific Month 56
+ 11, !- Specific Day 56
+ 7, !- Specific Month 57
+ 17, !- Specific Day 57
+ 7, !- Specific Month 58
+ 18, !- Specific Day 58
+ 7, !- Specific Month 59
+ 24, !- Specific Day 59
+ 7, !- Specific Month 60
+ 25, !- Specific Day 60
+ 7, !- Specific Month 61
+ 31, !- Specific Day 61
+ 8, !- Specific Month 62
+ 1, !- Specific Day 62
+ 8, !- Specific Month 63
+ 7, !- Specific Day 63
+ 8, !- Specific Month 64
+ 8, !- Specific Day 64
+ 8, !- Specific Month 65
+ 14, !- Specific Day 65
+ 8, !- Specific Month 66
+ 15, !- Specific Day 66
+ 8, !- Specific Month 67
+ 21, !- Specific Day 67
+ 8, !- Specific Month 68
+ 22, !- Specific Day 68
+ 8, !- Specific Month 69
+ 28, !- Specific Day 69
+ 8, !- Specific Month 70
+ 29, !- Specific Day 70
+ 9, !- Specific Month 71
+ 4, !- Specific Day 71
+ 9, !- Specific Month 72
+ 5, !- Specific Day 72
+ 9, !- Specific Month 73
+ 11, !- Specific Day 73
+ 9, !- Specific Month 74
+ 12, !- Specific Day 74
+ 9, !- Specific Month 75
+ 18, !- Specific Day 75
+ 9, !- Specific Month 76
+ 19, !- Specific Day 76
+ 9, !- Specific Month 77
+ 25, !- Specific Day 77
+ 9, !- Specific Month 78
+ 26, !- Specific Day 78
+ 10, !- Specific Month 79
+ 2, !- Specific Day 79
+ 10, !- Specific Month 80
+ 3, !- Specific Day 80
+ 10, !- Specific Month 81
+ 9, !- Specific Day 81
+ 10, !- Specific Month 82
+ 10, !- Specific Day 82
+ 10, !- Specific Month 83
+ 16, !- Specific Day 83
+ 10, !- Specific Month 84
+ 17, !- Specific Day 84
+ 10, !- Specific Month 85
+ 23, !- Specific Day 85
+ 10, !- Specific Month 86
+ 24, !- Specific Day 86
+ 10, !- Specific Month 87
+ 30, !- Specific Day 87
+ 10, !- Specific Month 88
+ 31, !- Specific Day 88
+ 11, !- Specific Month 89
+ 6, !- Specific Day 89
+ 11, !- Specific Month 90
+ 7, !- Specific Day 90
+ 11, !- Specific Month 91
+ 13, !- Specific Day 91
+ 11, !- Specific Month 92
+ 14, !- Specific Day 92
+ 11, !- Specific Month 93
+ 20, !- Specific Day 93
+ 11, !- Specific Month 94
+ 21, !- Specific Day 94
+ 11, !- Specific Month 95
+ 27, !- Specific Day 95
+ 11, !- Specific Month 96
+ 28, !- Specific Day 96
+ 12, !- Specific Month 97
+ 4, !- Specific Day 97
+ 12, !- Specific Month 98
+ 5, !- Specific Day 98
+ 12, !- Specific Month 99
+ 11, !- Specific Day 99
+ 12, !- Specific Month 100
+ 12, !- Specific Day 100
+ 12, !- Specific Month 101
+ 18, !- Specific Day 101
+ 12, !- Specific Month 102
+ 19, !- Specific Day 102
+ 12, !- Specific Month 103
+ 25, !- Specific Day 103
+ 12, !- Specific Month 104
+ 26; !- Specific Day 104
+ {5ec861db-1390-49e3-a314-dd8d5076a37a}, !- Handle
+ autogen FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 0_day_sch 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.460129032333333, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.437258332166666, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.414387632, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.3984577065, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.382527781, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.3665978555, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.35066793, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.3347380045, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.318808079, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.311551652666667, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.304295226333333, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.2970388, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.289782373666667, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.282525947333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.275269521, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.275269521, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.272113866833333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.268958212666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.2658025585, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.262646904333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.259491250166667, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.256335596, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.256335596, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.258053202166667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.259770808333333, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.2614884145, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.263206020666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.264923626833333, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.266641233, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.268146024, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.269650815, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.271155606, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.272660397, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.274165188, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.275669979, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.279703607333333, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.283737235666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.287770864, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.291804492333333, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.295838120666667, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.299871749, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.318124876833333, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.336378004666667, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.3546311325, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.372884260333333, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.391137388166667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.409390516, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.430604163166667, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.451817810333333, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.4730314575, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.494245104666667, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.515458751833333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.536672399, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.536672399, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.555145818333333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.573619237666666, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.592092657, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.610566076333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.629039495666666, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.647512915, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.647512915, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.659584539333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.671656163666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.683727788, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.695799412333333, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.707871036666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.719942661, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.719942661, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.724999245, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.730055829, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.735112413, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.740168997, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.745225581, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.750282165, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.750282165, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.750857823833333, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.751433482666667, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.7520091415, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.752584800333333, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.753160459166667, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.753736118, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.753736118, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.753949850833333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.754163583666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.7543773165, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.754591049333333, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.754804782166667, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.755018515, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.755018515, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.755088599833333, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.755158684666667, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.7552287695, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.755298854333333, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.755368939166667, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.755439024, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.755439024, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.755239977333333, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.755040930666667, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.754841884, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.754642837333333, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.754443790666667, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.754244744, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.754244744, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.7543026055, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.754360467, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.7544183285, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.75447619, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.7545340515, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.754591913, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.754518031166667, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.754444149333333, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.7543702675, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.754296385666667, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.754222503833333, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.754148622, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.756576936833333, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.759005251666667, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.7614335665, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.763861881333333, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.766290196166667, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.768718511, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.768766625, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.768814739, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.768862853, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.768910967, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.768959081, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.769007195, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.768142372666667, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.767277550333333, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.766412728, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.765547905666667, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.764683083333333, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.763818261, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.7601383595, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.756458458, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.7527785565, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.749098655, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.7454187535, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.741738852, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.731263596166667, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.720788340333333, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.7103130845, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.699837828666666, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.689362572833333, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.678887317, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.657674736333333, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.636462155666666, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.615249575, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.594036994333333, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.572824413666666, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.551611833, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.528741132833333, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.505870432666666, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.4829997325; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {aff8db5a-6600-4f6f-aaf0-6c27722ff98b}, !- Handle
+ {5ec861db-1390-49e3-a314-dd8d5076a37a}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.5 ~ 0.414387632 | 1.5 ~ 0.318808079 | 2.5 ~ 0.275269521 | 3.5 ~ 0.256335596 | 4.5 ~ 0.266641233 | 5.5 ~ 0.275669979 | 6.5 ~ 0.299871749 | 7.5 ~ 0.409390516 | 8.5 ~ 0.536672399 | 9.5 ~ 0.647512915 | 10.5 ~ 0.719942661 | 11.5 ~ 0.750282165 | 12.5 ~ 0.753736118 | 13.5 ~ 0.755018515 | 14.5 ~ 0.755439024 | 15.5 ~ 0.754244744 | 16.5 ~ 0.754591913 | 17.5 ~ 0.754148622 | 18.5 ~ 0.768718511 | 19.5 ~ 0.769007195 | 20.5 ~ 0.763818261 | 21.5 ~ 0.741738852 | 22.5 ~ 0.678887317 | 23.5 ~ 0.551611833, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData BPR Adjusted, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {81867b4d-20b9-4b3c-8901-df90e9dcda10}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {66c03c17-51c5-4e7e-8ac3-d9fb5037eee9}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {5c4864c2-7ae7-41c8-9323-8af0fbf8e2e8}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f514e4d7-36d3-4e4f-8c5f-d42242936706}, !- Handle
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.048572679000000001, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.97136923900000005; !- Feature Value 3
+ {81867b4d-20b9-4b3c-8901-df90e9dcda10}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Default 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.317543349737995, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.311408402096397, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.305273454454799, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.304160925181448, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.303048395908098, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.301935866634747, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.300823337361396, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.299710808088045, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.298598278814695, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.29762935944589, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.296660440077085, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.29569152070828, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.294722601339476, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.293753681970671, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.292784762601866, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.292784762601866, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.292555764118222, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.292326765634577, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.292097767150933, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.291868768667289, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.291639770183644, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.2914107717, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.2914107717, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.292300151766895, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.293189531833789, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.294078911900684, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.294968291967579, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.295857672034474, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.296747052101368, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.299859333259197, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.302971614417026, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.306083895574854, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.309196176732683, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.312308457890511, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.31542073904834, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.323433246080921, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.331445753113502, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.339458260146083, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.347470767178665, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.355483274211246, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.363495781243827, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.391749540786632, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.420003300329438, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.448257059872244, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.47651081941505, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.504764578957855, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.533018338500661, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.581079734298114, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.629141130095569, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.677202525893023, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.725263921690477, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.773325317487931, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.821386713285384, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.821386713285385, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.84271595046506, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.864045187644736, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.885374424824411, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.906703662004086, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.928032899183761, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.949362136363436, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.949362136363436, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.952857338625473, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.956352540887511, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.959847743149548, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.963342945411585, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.966838147673623, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.97033334993566, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.97033334993566, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.970423388206067, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.970513426476473, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.97060346474688, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.970693503017286, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.970783541287693, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.970873579558099, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.970873579558099, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.970891816561308, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.970910053564518, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.970928290567727, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.970946527570936, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.970964764574145, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.970983001577355, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.970983001577355, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.97101280559647, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.971042609615586, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.971072413634701, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.971102217653816, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.971132021672932, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.971161825692047, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.971161825692047, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.971192327502137, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.971222829312227, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.971253331122316, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.971283832932406, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.971314334742495, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.971344836552586, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.971344836552586, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.971345272890551, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.971345709228516, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.971346145566481, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.971346581904446, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.971347018242411, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.971347454580377, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.971347454580377, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.971351085316981, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.971354716053584, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.971358346790188, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.971361977526792, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.971365608263396, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.971369239, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.97135028159569, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.97133132419138, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.97131236678707, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.971293409382759, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.97127445197845, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.97125549457414, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.971213343052543, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.971171191530947, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.97112904000935, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.971086888487754, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.971044736966157, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.971002585444561, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.970928212494086, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.970853839543611, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.970779466593136, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.970705093642661, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.970630720692187, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.970556347741712, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.9701538448939, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.969751342046089, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.969348839198277, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.968946336350465, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.968543833502654, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.968141330654842, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.95242306730082, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.936704803946797, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.920986540592775, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.905268277238752, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.88955001388473, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.873831750530708, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.820215937827939, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.76660012512517, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.7129843124224, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.659368499719631, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.605752687016862, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.552136874314095, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.51712791864581, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.482118962977525, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.44711000730924, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.412101051640955, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.377092095972669, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.342083140304386, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.335948192662788, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.329813245021191, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.323678297379593; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {a9a3ab67-0671-4cc5-96aa-7c850986d6b6}, !- Handle
+ {81867b4d-20b9-4b3c-8901-df90e9dcda10}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.5 ~ 0.082657292 | 1.5 ~ 0.073751203 | 2.5 ~ 0.065994749 | 3.5 ~ 0.064161556 | 4.5 ~ 0.071281277 | 5.5 ~ 0.096195905 | 6.5 ~ 0.160338128 | 7.5 ~ 0.386516893 | 8.5 ~ 0.771260988 | 9.5 ~ 0.942007133 | 10.5 ~ 0.969987145 | 11.5 ~ 0.970707925 | 12.5 ~ 0.970853917 | 13.5 ~ 0.971092506 | 14.5 ~ 0.971336681 | 15.5 ~ 0.971340174 | 16.5 ~ 0.971369239 | 17.5 ~ 0.97121748 | 18.5 ~ 0.970880046 | 19.5 ~ 0.970284671 | 20.5 ~ 0.96706253 | 21.5 ~ 0.841233704 | 22.5 ~ 0.412025043 | 23.5 ~ 0.131769159, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {66c03c17-51c5-4e7e-8ac3-d9fb5037eee9}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {5c4864c2-7ae7-41c8-9323-8af0fbf8e2e8}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {d50b74d5-60cc-45db-ab76-0b82a60e9cc8}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 32, !- Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {8b4de02d-b04e-481b-9caa-d23e2624bad9}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {9f6a3dfb-c139-4c96-9df6-945acb1e6597}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData Sun Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0494689496, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0495216714, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0495743932, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.049627115, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0496798368, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0497325586, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0497852804, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0498380022, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.049890724, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0499434458, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0499961676, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0500488894, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0501016112, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.050154333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0507367498333333, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.0513191666666667, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.0519015835, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.0524840003333333, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.0530664171666667, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.053648834, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.053648834, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.0550617653333333, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.0564746966666667, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.057887628, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.0593005593333333, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.0607134906666667, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.062126422, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.0650481225, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.067969823, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.0708915235, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.073813224, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.0767349245, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.079656625, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.0960115238333334, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.112366422666667, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.1287213215, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.145076220333333, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.161431119166667, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.177786018, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.2290347485, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.280283479, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.3315322095, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.38278094, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.434029670500001, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.485278401, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.565988822333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.646699243666667, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.727409665, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.808120086333334, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.888830507666667, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.969540929, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.969595504333333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.969650079666667, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.969704655, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.969759230333333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.969813805666667, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.969868381, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.969868381, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.969927242166667, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.969986103333333, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.9700449645, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.970103825666667, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.970162686833333, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.970221548, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.970221548, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.970231063, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.970240578, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.970250093, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.970259608, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.970269123, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.970278638, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.970278638, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.970245577, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.970212516, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.970179455, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.970146394, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.970113333, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.970080272, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.970080272, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.9700250615, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.969969851, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.9699146405, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.96985943, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.9698042195, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.969749009, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.969749009, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.969405836166667, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.969062663333333, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.9687194905, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.968376317666667, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.968033144833333, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.967689972, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.967689972, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.9056617695, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.843633567, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.781605364500001, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.719577162000001, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.657548959500001, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.595520757000001, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.595520757, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.565259477166667, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.534998197333334, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.5047369175, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.474475637666667, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.444214357833333, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.413953078, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.379508294166666, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.345063510333333, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.310618726499999, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.276173942666666, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.241729158833332, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.207284375, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.191324602833333, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.175364830666666, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.1594050585, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.143445286333333, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.127485514166666, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.111525742, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.104916367333333, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.0983069926666666, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.0916976179999999, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.0850882433333331, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.0784788686666664, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.071869494, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.0700033221666667, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.0681371503333333, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.0662709785, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.0644048066666666, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.0625386348333333, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.060672463, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.0586558323333333, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.0566392016666666, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.054622571, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.0526059403333333, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.0505893096666666, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.048572679, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.0486254008, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.0486781226, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.0487308444, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.0487835662, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.048836288, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.0488890098, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.0489417316, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.0489944534, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.0490471752, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.049099897, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.0491526188, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.0492053406, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.0492580624, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.0493107842, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.049363506, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.0494162278, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.0494689496; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {7910c148-6edb-4b6b-ac6a-c64188845043}, !- Handle
+ {9f6a3dfb-c139-4c96-9df6-945acb1e6597}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.071869494 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.060672463 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.048572679 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.050154333 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.053648834 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.062126422 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.079656625 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.177786018 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.485278401 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.82687207 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.965989906 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.969540929 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.969868381 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.970221548 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.970278638 | mid ~ 0.970080272 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.969749009 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.967689972 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.935483871 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.791923167 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.595520757 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.413953078 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.207284375 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.111525742, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {91dc2668-b75c-4832-8a27-8dbf0c5d2cd6}, !- Handle
+ autogen Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 2, !- Name
+ {f8c10b08-e698-4196-81ce-c0ba7f08e39e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {c3458e58-4709-4401-b3a0-d246a66cf967}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ Yes, !- Apply Monday
+ Yes, !- Apply Tuesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Wednesday
+ Yes, !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ SpecificDates, !- Date Specification Type
+ , !- Start Month
+ , !- Start Day
+ , !- End Month
+ , !- End Day
+ 1, !- Specific Month 1
+ 2, !- Specific Day 1
+ 1, !- Specific Month 2
+ 9, !- Specific Day 2
+ 1, !- Specific Month 3
+ 16, !- Specific Day 3
+ 1, !- Specific Month 4
+ 23, !- Specific Day 4
+ 1, !- Specific Month 5
+ 30, !- Specific Day 5
+ 2, !- Specific Month 6
+ 6, !- Specific Day 6
+ 2, !- Specific Month 7
+ 13, !- Specific Day 7
+ 2, !- Specific Month 8
+ 20, !- Specific Day 8
+ 2, !- Specific Month 9
+ 27, !- Specific Day 9
+ 3, !- Specific Month 10
+ 6, !- Specific Day 10
+ 3, !- Specific Month 11
+ 13, !- Specific Day 11
+ 3, !- Specific Month 12
+ 20, !- Specific Day 12
+ 3, !- Specific Month 13
+ 27, !- Specific Day 13
+ 4, !- Specific Month 14
+ 3, !- Specific Day 14
+ 4, !- Specific Month 15
+ 10, !- Specific Day 15
+ 4, !- Specific Month 16
+ 17, !- Specific Day 16
+ 4, !- Specific Month 17
+ 24, !- Specific Day 17
+ 5, !- Specific Month 18
+ 1, !- Specific Day 18
+ 5, !- Specific Month 19
+ 8, !- Specific Day 19
+ 5, !- Specific Month 20
+ 15, !- Specific Day 20
+ 5, !- Specific Month 21
+ 22, !- Specific Day 21
+ 5, !- Specific Month 22
+ 29, !- Specific Day 22
+ 6, !- Specific Month 23
+ 5, !- Specific Day 23
+ 6, !- Specific Month 24
+ 12, !- Specific Day 24
+ 6, !- Specific Month 25
+ 19, !- Specific Day 25
+ 6, !- Specific Month 26
+ 26, !- Specific Day 26
+ 7, !- Specific Month 27
+ 3, !- Specific Day 27
+ 7, !- Specific Month 28
+ 10, !- Specific Day 28
+ 7, !- Specific Month 29
+ 17, !- Specific Day 29
+ 7, !- Specific Month 30
+ 24, !- Specific Day 30
+ 7, !- Specific Month 31
+ 31, !- Specific Day 31
+ 8, !- Specific Month 32
+ 7, !- Specific Day 32
+ 8, !- Specific Month 33
+ 14, !- Specific Day 33
+ 8, !- Specific Month 34
+ 21, !- Specific Day 34
+ 8, !- Specific Month 35
+ 28, !- Specific Day 35
+ 9, !- Specific Month 36
+ 4, !- Specific Day 36
+ 9, !- Specific Month 37
+ 11, !- Specific Day 37
+ 9, !- Specific Month 38
+ 18, !- Specific Day 38
+ 9, !- Specific Month 39
+ 25, !- Specific Day 39
+ 10, !- Specific Month 40
+ 2, !- Specific Day 40
+ 10, !- Specific Month 41
+ 9, !- Specific Day 41
+ 10, !- Specific Month 42
+ 16, !- Specific Day 42
+ 10, !- Specific Month 43
+ 23, !- Specific Day 43
+ 10, !- Specific Month 44
+ 30, !- Specific Day 44
+ 11, !- Specific Month 45
+ 6, !- Specific Day 45
+ 11, !- Specific Month 46
+ 13, !- Specific Day 46
+ 11, !- Specific Month 47
+ 20, !- Specific Day 47
+ 11, !- Specific Month 48
+ 27, !- Specific Day 48
+ 12, !- Specific Month 49
+ 4, !- Specific Day 49
+ 12, !- Specific Month 50
+ 11, !- Specific Day 50
+ 12, !- Specific Month 51
+ 18, !- Specific Day 51
+ 12, !- Specific Month 52
+ 25; !- Specific Day 52
+ {87391f49-d22f-4bd3-9049-62daa4db9af0}, !- Handle
+ autogen Mercantile_Retail BLDG_LIGHT_EndUseData 1_day_sch 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0990279143333331, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0908426031666664, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.082657292, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0811729438333333, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 49, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0796885956666667, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 59, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0782042475, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 9, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0767198993333333, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 19, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0752355511666667, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.073751203, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0724584606666667, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0711657183333333, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.069872976, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 9, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0685802336666667, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 19, !- Minute 14
+ 0.0672874913333333, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 29, !- Minute 15
+ 0.065994749, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 30, !- Minute 16
+ 0.065994749, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 39, !- Minute 17
+ 0.0656892168333333, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 49, !- Minute 18
+ 0.0653836846666667, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 2, !- Hour 19
+ 59, !- Minute 19
+ 0.0650781525, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 9, !- Minute 20
+ 0.0647726203333333, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 19, !- Minute 21
+ 0.0644670881666667, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 29, !- Minute 22
+ 0.064161556, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 30, !- Minute 23
+ 0.064161556, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 39, !- Minute 24
+ 0.0653481761666667, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 49, !- Minute 25
+ 0.0665347963333333, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 3, !- Hour 26
+ 59, !- Minute 26
+ 0.0677214165, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 9, !- Minute 27
+ 0.0689080366666667, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 19, !- Minute 28
+ 0.0700946568333333, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 30, !- Minute 29
+ 0.071281277, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 40, !- Minute 30
+ 0.075433715, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 50, !- Minute 31
+ 0.079586153, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 0, !- Minute 32
+ 0.083738591, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 10, !- Minute 33
+ 0.087891029, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 20, !- Minute 34
+ 0.092043467, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 30, !- Minute 35
+ 0.096195905, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 40, !- Minute 36
+ 0.1068862755, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 50, !- Minute 37
+ 0.117576646, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 0, !- Minute 38
+ 0.1282670165, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 10, !- Minute 39
+ 0.138957387, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 20, !- Minute 40
+ 0.1496477575, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 30, !- Minute 41
+ 0.160338128, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 40, !- Minute 42
+ 0.198034588833333, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 50, !- Minute 43
+ 0.235731049666667, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 0, !- Minute 44
+ 0.2734275105, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 10, !- Minute 45
+ 0.311123971333334, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 20, !- Minute 46
+ 0.348820432166667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 30, !- Minute 47
+ 0.386516893, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 40, !- Minute 48
+ 0.450640908833333, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 50, !- Minute 49
+ 0.514764924666667, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 0, !- Minute 50
+ 0.5788889405, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 9, !- Minute 51
+ 0.643012956333333, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 19, !- Minute 52
+ 0.707136972166666, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 29, !- Minute 53
+ 0.771260987999999, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 30, !- Minute 54
+ 0.771260988, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 39, !- Minute 55
+ 0.799718678833333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 8, !- Hour 56
+ 49, !- Minute 56
+ 0.828176369666667, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 8, !- Hour 57
+ 59, !- Minute 57
+ 0.8566340605, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 9, !- Minute 58
+ 0.885091751333333, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 19, !- Minute 59
+ 0.913549442166666, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 29, !- Minute 60
+ 0.942007132999999, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 30, !- Minute 61
+ 0.942007133, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 39, !- Minute 62
+ 0.946670468333333, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 9, !- Hour 63
+ 49, !- Minute 63
+ 0.951333803666667, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 9, !- Hour 64
+ 59, !- Minute 64
+ 0.955997139, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 9, !- Minute 65
+ 0.960660474333333, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 19, !- Minute 66
+ 0.965323809666667, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 29, !- Minute 67
+ 0.969987145, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 30, !- Minute 68
+ 0.969987145, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 39, !- Minute 69
+ 0.970107275, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 10, !- Hour 70
+ 49, !- Minute 70
+ 0.970227405, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 10, !- Hour 71
+ 59, !- Minute 71
+ 0.970347535, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 9, !- Minute 72
+ 0.970467665, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 19, !- Minute 73
+ 0.970587795, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 29, !- Minute 74
+ 0.970707925, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 30, !- Minute 75
+ 0.970707925, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 39, !- Minute 76
+ 0.970732257, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 11, !- Hour 77
+ 49, !- Minute 77
+ 0.970756589, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 11, !- Hour 78
+ 59, !- Minute 78
+ 0.970780921, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 9, !- Minute 79
+ 0.970805253, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 19, !- Minute 80
+ 0.970829585, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 29, !- Minute 81
+ 0.970853917, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 30, !- Minute 82
+ 0.970853917, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 39, !- Minute 83
+ 0.970893681833333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 12, !- Hour 84
+ 49, !- Minute 84
+ 0.970933446666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 12, !- Hour 85
+ 59, !- Minute 85
+ 0.9709732115, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 9, !- Minute 86
+ 0.971012976333333, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 19, !- Minute 87
+ 0.971052741166667, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 29, !- Minute 88
+ 0.971092506, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 30, !- Minute 89
+ 0.971092506, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 39, !- Minute 90
+ 0.971133201833333, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 13, !- Hour 91
+ 49, !- Minute 91
+ 0.971173897666667, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 13, !- Hour 92
+ 59, !- Minute 92
+ 0.9712145935, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 9, !- Minute 93
+ 0.971255289333333, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 19, !- Minute 94
+ 0.971295985166666, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 29, !- Minute 95
+ 0.971336681, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 30, !- Minute 96
+ 0.971336681, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 39, !- Minute 97
+ 0.971337263166667, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 14, !- Hour 98
+ 49, !- Minute 98
+ 0.971337845333333, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 14, !- Hour 99
+ 59, !- Minute 99
+ 0.9713384275, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 9, !- Minute 100
+ 0.971339009666667, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 19, !- Minute 101
+ 0.971339591833333, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 29, !- Minute 102
+ 0.971340174, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 30, !- Minute 103
+ 0.971340174, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 39, !- Minute 104
+ 0.971345018166667, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 49, !- Minute 105
+ 0.971349862333333, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 15, !- Hour 106
+ 59, !- Minute 106
+ 0.9713547065, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 9, !- Minute 107
+ 0.971359550666667, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 19, !- Minute 108
+ 0.971364394833333, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 30, !- Minute 109
+ 0.971369239, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 40, !- Minute 110
+ 0.971343945833333, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 16, !- Hour 111
+ 50, !- Minute 111
+ 0.971318652666667, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 0, !- Minute 112
+ 0.9712933595, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 10, !- Minute 113
+ 0.971268066333333, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 20, !- Minute 114
+ 0.971242773166667, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 30, !- Minute 115
+ 0.97121748, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 40, !- Minute 116
+ 0.971161241, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 17, !- Hour 117
+ 50, !- Minute 117
+ 0.971105002, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 0, !- Minute 118
+ 0.971048763, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 10, !- Minute 119
+ 0.970992524, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 20, !- Minute 120
+ 0.970936285, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 30, !- Minute 121
+ 0.970880046, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 40, !- Minute 122
+ 0.970780816833333, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 18, !- Hour 123
+ 50, !- Minute 123
+ 0.970681587666667, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 0, !- Minute 124
+ 0.9705823585, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 10, !- Minute 125
+ 0.970483129333333, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 20, !- Minute 126
+ 0.970383900166667, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 30, !- Minute 127
+ 0.970284671, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 40, !- Minute 128
+ 0.9697476475, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 19, !- Hour 129
+ 50, !- Minute 129
+ 0.969210624, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 0, !- Minute 130
+ 0.9686736005, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 10, !- Minute 131
+ 0.968136577, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 20, !- Minute 132
+ 0.9675995535, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 30, !- Minute 133
+ 0.96706253, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 40, !- Minute 134
+ 0.946091059, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 20, !- Hour 135
+ 50, !- Minute 135
+ 0.925119588, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 0, !- Minute 136
+ 0.904148117, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 10, !- Minute 137
+ 0.883176645999999, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 20, !- Minute 138
+ 0.862205174999999, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 30, !- Minute 139
+ 0.841233704, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 40, !- Minute 140
+ 0.769698927166666, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 21, !- Hour 141
+ 50, !- Minute 141
+ 0.698164150333332, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 0, !- Minute 142
+ 0.626629373499998, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 10, !- Minute 143
+ 0.555094596666664, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 20, !- Minute 144
+ 0.483559819833331, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 30, !- Minute 145
+ 0.412025043, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 40, !- Minute 146
+ 0.365315729, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 22, !- Hour 147
+ 50, !- Minute 147
+ 0.318606414999999, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 0, !- Minute 148
+ 0.271897100999999, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 10, !- Minute 149
+ 0.225187786999999, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 20, !- Minute 150
+ 0.178478472999998, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 30, !- Minute 151
+ 0.131769159, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 40, !- Minute 152
+ 0.123583847833333, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 23, !- Hour 153
+ 50, !- Minute 153
+ 0.115398536666667, !- Value Until Time 153
+ 24, !- Hour 154
+ 0, !- Minute 154
+ 0.1072132255; !- Value Until Time 154
+ {0ac2da7a-42dd-495b-98e0-e5862f79e5ae}, !- Handle
+ {87391f49-d22f-4bd3-9049-62daa4db9af0}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ autogen, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.5 ~ 0.082657292 | 1.5 ~ 0.073751203 | 2.5 ~ 0.065994749 | 3.5 ~ 0.064161556 | 4.5 ~ 0.071281277 | 5.5 ~ 0.096195905 | 6.5 ~ 0.160338128 | 7.5 ~ 0.386516893 | 8.5 ~ 0.771260988 | 9.5 ~ 0.942007133 | 10.5 ~ 0.969987145 | 11.5 ~ 0.970707925 | 12.5 ~ 0.970853917 | 13.5 ~ 0.971092506 | 14.5 ~ 0.971336681 | 15.5 ~ 0.971340174 | 16.5 ~ 0.971369239 | 17.5 ~ 0.97121748 | 18.5 ~ 0.970880046 | 19.5 ~ 0.970284671 | 20.5 ~ 0.96706253 | 21.5 ~ 0.841233704 | 22.5 ~ 0.412025043 | 23.5 ~ 0.131769159, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ ; !- Feature Value 4
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData BPR Adjusted, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {b65d2171-c6df-4a6b-9afa-f1d2b0f90564}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {b9784e1c-ea5e-42e6-98eb-2ae60b4bedfc}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {69cb8095-9bf1-42eb-9b2d-36916fcff3ae}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {79d450f8-3080-48c0-ab88-d12995282b2f}, !- Handle
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.031635999999999997, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.63570599999999999; !- Feature Value 3
+ {b65d2171-c6df-4a6b-9afa-f1d2b0f90564}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Default 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.521016039657574, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.521049016073916, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.521081992490258, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.5211149689066, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.521147945322942, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.521180921739284, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.521213898155626, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.521246874571968, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.52127985098831, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.521312827404652, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.521345803820994, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.521378780237336, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.521411756653678, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.52144473307002, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.521477709486362, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.521510685902704, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.521543662319046, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.521576638735388, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.52160961515173, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.521642591568071, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.521675567984414, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.521708544400755, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.521741520817097, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.521774497233439, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.521807473649781, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.521840450066123, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.521873426482465, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.521906402898807, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.521939379315149, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.521972355731491, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.522005332147833, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.522038308564175, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.522071284980517, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.522822335355447, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.523573385730376, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.524324436105306, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.525075486480236, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.525826536855165, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.526577587230095, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.526779629138347, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.526981671046598, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.527183712954849, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.527385754863101, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.527587796771352, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.527789838679604, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.527962225250858, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.528134611822112, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.528306998393366, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 9, !- Minute 49
+ 0.52847938496462, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 19, !- Minute 50
+ 0.528651771535874, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 29, !- Minute 51
+ 0.528824158107128, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 30, !- Minute 52
+ 0.528824158107128, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 39, !- Minute 53
+ 0.529455437359595, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 49, !- Minute 54
+ 0.530086716612062, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 59, !- Minute 55
+ 0.530717995864529, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 9, !- Minute 56
+ 0.531349275116996, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 19, !- Minute 57
+ 0.531980554369463, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 29, !- Minute 58
+ 0.53261183362193, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 30, !- Minute 59
+ 0.53261183362193, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 39, !- Minute 60
+ 0.533654962090805, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 49, !- Minute 61
+ 0.534698090559681, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 59, !- Minute 62
+ 0.535741219028556, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 9, !- Minute 63
+ 0.536784347497431, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 19, !- Minute 64
+ 0.537827475966307, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 29, !- Minute 65
+ 0.538870604435182, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 30, !- Minute 66
+ 0.538870604435182, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 39, !- Minute 67
+ 0.539603965972058, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 49, !- Minute 68
+ 0.540337327508934, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 59, !- Minute 69
+ 0.54107068904581, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 9, !- Minute 70
+ 0.541804050582686, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 19, !- Minute 71
+ 0.542537412119561, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 29, !- Minute 72
+ 0.543270773656437, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 30, !- Minute 73
+ 0.543270773656437, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 39, !- Minute 74
+ 0.546627672898112, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 49, !- Minute 75
+ 0.546791400783139, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 59, !- Minute 76
+ 0.546955128668166, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 0, !- Minute 77
+ 0.546955128668166, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 9, !- Minute 78
+ 0.546922793472203, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 19, !- Minute 79
+ 0.546890458276241, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 29, !- Minute 80
+ 0.546858123080278, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 39, !- Minute 81
+ 0.546825787884316, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 49, !- Minute 82
+ 0.546793452688353, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 59, !- Minute 83
+ 0.546761117492391, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.546761117492391, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 9, !- Minute 85
+ 0.546789764565619, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 19, !- Minute 86
+ 0.546818411638847, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 29, !- Minute 87
+ 0.546847058712076, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 39, !- Minute 88
+ 0.546875705785304, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 49, !- Minute 89
+ 0.546904352858532, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 59, !- Minute 90
+ 0.54693299993176, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 0, !- Minute 91
+ 0.54693299993176, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 9, !- Minute 92
+ 0.547021833276467, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 19, !- Minute 93
+ 0.547110666621174, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 29, !- Minute 94
+ 0.54719949996588, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 39, !- Minute 95
+ 0.547288333310587, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 49, !- Minute 96
+ 0.547377166655293, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 59, !- Minute 97
+ 0.547466, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 0, !- Minute 98
+ 0.547466, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 9, !- Minute 99
+ 0.537560887487997, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 19, !- Minute 100
+ 0.534697170740102, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 29, !- Minute 101
+ 0.531833453992207, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 30, !- Minute 102
+ 0.531833453992207, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 39, !- Minute 103
+ 0.530545388182799, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 49, !- Minute 104
+ 0.529257322373392, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 59, !- Minute 105
+ 0.527969256563984, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 9, !- Minute 106
+ 0.526681190754577, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 19, !- Minute 107
+ 0.525393124945169, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 30, !- Minute 108
+ 0.524105059135762, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 40, !- Minute 109
+ 0.523608745717646, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 50, !- Minute 110
+ 0.52311243229953, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 0, !- Minute 111
+ 0.522616118881414, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 10, !- Minute 112
+ 0.522119805463299, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 20, !- Minute 113
+ 0.521623492045183, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 30, !- Minute 114
+ 0.521127178627067, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 40, !- Minute 115
+ 0.520994193942578, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 50, !- Minute 116
+ 0.520861209258089, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 0, !- Minute 117
+ 0.5207282245736, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 10, !- Minute 118
+ 0.520595239889111, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 20, !- Minute 119
+ 0.520462255204622, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 30, !- Minute 120
+ 0.520329270520133, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 40, !- Minute 121
+ 0.52028984210011, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 50, !- Minute 122
+ 0.520250413680088, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 0, !- Minute 123
+ 0.520210985260066, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 10, !- Minute 124
+ 0.520171556840044, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 20, !- Minute 125
+ 0.520132128420022, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 30, !- Minute 126
+ 0.5200927, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 40, !- Minute 127
+ 0.520125676416342, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 50, !- Minute 128
+ 0.520158652832684, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 0, !- Minute 129
+ 0.520191629249026, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 10, !- Minute 130
+ 0.520224605665368, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 20, !- Minute 131
+ 0.52025758208171, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 30, !- Minute 132
+ 0.520290558498052, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 40, !- Minute 133
+ 0.520323534914394, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 50, !- Minute 134
+ 0.520356511330735, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 0, !- Minute 135
+ 0.520389487747077, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 10, !- Minute 136
+ 0.520422464163419, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 20, !- Minute 137
+ 0.520455440579761, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 30, !- Minute 138
+ 0.520488416996103, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 40, !- Minute 139
+ 0.520521393412445, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 50, !- Minute 140
+ 0.520554369828787, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 0, !- Minute 141
+ 0.520587346245129, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 10, !- Minute 142
+ 0.520620322661471, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 20, !- Minute 143
+ 0.520653299077813, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 30, !- Minute 144
+ 0.520686275494155, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 40, !- Minute 145
+ 0.520719251910497, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 50, !- Minute 146
+ 0.520752228326839, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 0, !- Minute 147
+ 0.520785204743181, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 10, !- Minute 148
+ 0.520818181159523, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 20, !- Minute 149
+ 0.520851157575865, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 30, !- Minute 150
+ 0.520884133992207, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 40, !- Minute 151
+ 0.520917110408549, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 50, !- Minute 152
+ 0.520950086824891, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.520983063241232; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {55ebb41c-17b1-4529-ad4d-c89522468e59}, !- Handle
+ {b65d2171-c6df-4a6b-9afa-f1d2b0f90564}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.05113 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.036094 | hoo_end + 3.5 ~ 0.031636 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.068921 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.153839 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.176683 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.196174 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.26755 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.385492 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.46841 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.494935 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.522401 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.534863 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.528583 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.537839 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.534183 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.537422 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.547466 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.545909 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.524621 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.482984 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.414776 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.252882 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.107246, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {b9784e1c-ea5e-42e6-98eb-2ae60b4bedfc}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {69cb8095-9bf1-42eb-9b2d-36916fcff3ae}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {9ca35b2b-ec8f-453a-bbb9-1026de188f68}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 33, !- Name
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {e0e14bd8-7f5d-4191-9f2c-b84420e52057}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {52e20ba5-6c04-47fe-8dae-eeac9f38f4f9}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Sun Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0476187333333334, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0484516000000001, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0492844666666668, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0501173333333335, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0509502000000001, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0517830666666668, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0526159333333335, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0534488000000001, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0542816666666668, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0551145333333335, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0559474000000002, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0567802666666668, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0576131333333335, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.058446, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0707905, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.083135, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.0954795, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.107824, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.1201685, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.132513, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.132513, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.137226, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.141939, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.146652, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.151365, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.156078, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.160791, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.162730166666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.164669333333333, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.1666085, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.168547666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.170486833333333, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.172426, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.181596166666667, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.190766333333333, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.1999365, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.209106666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.218276833333333, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.227447, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.250415833333333, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.273384666666667, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.2963535, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.319322333333334, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.342291166666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.36526, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.4075795, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.449899, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.4922185, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.534538, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.5768575, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.619177, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.6197905, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.620404, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.6210175, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.621631, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.6222445, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.622858, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.622858, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.620747, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.618636, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.616525, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.614414, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.612303, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.610192, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.610192, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.6063375, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.602483, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.5986285, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.594774, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.5909195, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.587065, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.587065, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.583975, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.580885, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.577795, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.574705, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.571615, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.568525, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.568525, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.565483666666667, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.562442333333333, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.559401, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.556359666666667, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.553318333333333, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.550277, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.550277, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.5502375, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.550198, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.5501585, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.550119, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.5500795, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.55004, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.55004, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.537586833333333, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.525133666666667, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.5126805, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.500227333333333, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.487774166666667, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.475321, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.475321, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.463845, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.452369, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.440893, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.429417, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.417941, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.406465, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.379409833333333, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.352354666666666, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.325299499999999, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.298244333333333, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.271189166666666, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.244134, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.220886333333333, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.197638666666666, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.174390999999999, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.151143333333333, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.127895666666666, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.104648, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.1025875, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.100527, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.0984665, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.096406, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.0943454999999999, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.092285, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.0841364999999999, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.0759879999999999, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.0678394999999998, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.0596909999999998, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.0515424999999997, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.043394, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.0417383333333333, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.0400826666666666, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.038427, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.0367713333333333, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.0351156666666666, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.03346, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.0342928666666667, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.0351257333333333, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.0359586, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.0367914666666667, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.0376243333333334, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.0384572, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.0392900666666667, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.0401229333333334, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.0409558, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.0417886666666667, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.0426215333333334, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.0434544000000001, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.0442872666666667, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.0451201333333334, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.0459530000000001, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.0467858666666668, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.0476187333333334; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {4ff6051f-e4b8-4712-b6ba-adeaa2779afb}, !- Handle
+ {52e20ba5-6c04-47fe-8dae-eeac9f38f4f9}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.092285 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.043394 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.03346 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.058446 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.132513 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.160791 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.172426 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.227447 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.36526 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.490505 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.576626 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.619177 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.622858 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.610192 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.587065 | mid ~ 0.568525 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.550277 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.55004 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.538843 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.514044 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.475321 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.406465 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.244134 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.104648, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f260d94f-6339-4079-9db5-e0bcee6b3c52}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 34, !- Name
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {8760e4d8-a7a3-4a18-a730-faa5a21a0af0}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {487220f9-fe5f-44cd-8a1f-43c9199c960f}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Sat Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0508890000000001, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0518660000000001, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0528430000000001, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0538200000000001, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0547970000000001, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0557740000000001, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0567510000000001, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0577280000000002, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0587050000000002, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0596820000000002, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0606590000000002, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0616360000000002, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0626130000000002, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.06359, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0773743333333333, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.0911586666666667, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.104943, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.118727333333333, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.132511666666667, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.146296, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.146296, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.150229, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.154162, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.158095, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.162028, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.165961, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.169894, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.172123666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.174353333333333, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.176583, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.178812666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.181042333333333, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.183272, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.195143166666667, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.207014333333333, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.2188855, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.230756666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.242627833333333, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.254499, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.279732833333333, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.304966666666667, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.3302005, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.355434333333333, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.380668166666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.405902, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.443060333333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.480218666666667, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.517377, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.554535333333334, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.591693666666667, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.628852, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.629994333333333, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.631136666666667, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.632279, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.633421333333333, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.634563666666667, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.635706, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.635706, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.633294166666667, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.630882333333333, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.6284705, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.626058666666667, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.623646833333333, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.621235, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.621235, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.617364333333333, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.613493666666667, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.609623, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.605752333333333, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.601881666666667, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.598011, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.598011, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.594566, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.591121, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.587676, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.584231, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.580786, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.577341, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.577341, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.576813333333333, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.576285666666667, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.575758, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.575230333333333, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.574702666666667, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.574175, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.574175, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.5735575, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.57294, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.5723225, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.571705, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.5710875, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.57047, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.57047, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.5606825, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.550895, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.5411075, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.53132, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.5215325, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.511745, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.511745, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.5022085, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.492672, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.4831355, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.473599, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.4640625, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.454526, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.441190166666667, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.427854333333333, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.4145185, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.401182666666666, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.387846833333333, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.374511, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.349096, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.323681, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.298265999999999, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.272850999999999, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.247435999999999, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.222021, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.200457, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.178893, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.157329, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.135764999999999, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.114200999999999, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.092637, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.0842191666666666, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.0758013333333332, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.0673834999999998, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.0589656666666664, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.050547833333333, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.04213, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.0408216666666667, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.0395133333333333, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.038205, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.0368966666666666, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.0355883333333333, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.03428, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.035257, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.036234, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.037211, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.038188, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.039165, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.040142, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.0411190000000001, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.0420960000000001, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.0430730000000001, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.0440500000000001, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.0450270000000001, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.0460040000000001, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.0469810000000001, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.0479580000000001, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.0489350000000001, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.0499120000000001, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.0508890000000001; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {1ef71290-cc79-46c5-b41f-e23712e2f2d1}, !- Handle
+ {487220f9-fe5f-44cd-8a1f-43c9199c960f}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.092637 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.04213 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.03428 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.06359 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.146296 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.169894 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.183272 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.254499 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.405902 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.502689 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.586251 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.628852 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.635706 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.621235 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.598011 | mid ~ 0.577341 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.574175 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.57047 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.563241 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.544794 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.511745 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.454526 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.374511 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.222021, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ maximum_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f499aad0-52d6-4514-9e29-8dc961e99658}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 35, !- Name
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 2, !- Rule Order
+ {bc6fc971-c2d0-4127-b687-c3cf395593f8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ Yes, !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {29b7fd47-6f48-424e-8d6c-210b503907ef}, !- Handle
+ FoodService_Restaurant BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Fri Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.0505092666666668, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.0511398833333335, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.0517705000000001, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.0524011166666668, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.0530317333333335, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.0536623500000002, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.0542929666666668, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.0549235833333335, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.0555542000000002, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.0561848166666668, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.0568154333333335, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.0574460500000002, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.0580766666666668, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.0587072833333335, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.0593379000000002, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.0599685166666669, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.0605991333333335, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.0612297500000002, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.0618603666666669, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.0624909833333335, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.0631216000000002, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.0637522166666669, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.0643828333333336, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.0650134500000002, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.0656440666666669, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.0662746833333336, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.0669053000000002, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.0675359166666669, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.0681665333333336, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.0687971500000003, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.0694277666666669, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.0700583833333336, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.070689, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.0848436666666667, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.0989983333333334, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.113153, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.127307666666667, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.141462333333333, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.155617, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.159543833333333, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.163470666666667, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.1673975, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.171324333333333, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.175251166666667, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.179178, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.182384666666667, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.185591333333333, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.188798, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 9, !- Minute 49
+ 0.192004666666667, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 19, !- Minute 50
+ 0.195211333333333, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 29, !- Minute 51
+ 0.198418, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 30, !- Minute 52
+ 0.198418, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 39, !- Minute 53
+ 0.210118333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 49, !- Minute 54
+ 0.221818666666667, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 59, !- Minute 55
+ 0.233519, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 9, !- Minute 56
+ 0.245219333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 19, !- Minute 57
+ 0.256919666666666, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 29, !- Minute 58
+ 0.26862, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 30, !- Minute 59
+ 0.26862, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 39, !- Minute 60
+ 0.291128333333333, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 49, !- Minute 61
+ 0.313636666666667, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 59, !- Minute 62
+ 0.336145, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 9, !- Minute 63
+ 0.358653333333333, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 19, !- Minute 64
+ 0.381161666666666, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 29, !- Minute 65
+ 0.403669999999999, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 30, !- Minute 66
+ 0.40367, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 39, !- Minute 67
+ 0.4190585, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 49, !- Minute 68
+ 0.434447, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 59, !- Minute 69
+ 0.4498355, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 9, !- Minute 70
+ 0.465224, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 19, !- Minute 71
+ 0.4806125, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 29, !- Minute 72
+ 0.496001, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 30, !- Minute 73
+ 0.496001, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 39, !- Minute 74
+ 0.581191333333333, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 49, !- Minute 75
+ 0.574498666666667, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 59, !- Minute 76
+ 0.567806, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 0, !- Minute 77
+ 0.567806, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 9, !- Minute 78
+ 0.566435166666667, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 19, !- Minute 79
+ 0.565064333333333, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 29, !- Minute 80
+ 0.5636935, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 39, !- Minute 81
+ 0.562322666666667, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 49, !- Minute 82
+ 0.560951833333333, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 59, !- Minute 83
+ 0.559581, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.559581, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 9, !- Minute 85
+ 0.5591745, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 19, !- Minute 86
+ 0.558768, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 29, !- Minute 87
+ 0.5583615, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 39, !- Minute 88
+ 0.557955, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 49, !- Minute 89
+ 0.5575485, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 59, !- Minute 90
+ 0.557142, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 0, !- Minute 91
+ 0.557142, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 9, !- Minute 92
+ 0.5612965, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 19, !- Minute 93
+ 0.565451, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 29, !- Minute 94
+ 0.5696055, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 39, !- Minute 95
+ 0.57376, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 49, !- Minute 96
+ 0.5779145, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 59, !- Minute 97
+ 0.582069, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 0, !- Minute 98
+ 0.582069, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 9, !- Minute 99
+ 0.43913, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 19, !- Minute 100
+ 0.409737, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 29, !- Minute 101
+ 0.380344, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 30, !- Minute 102
+ 0.380344, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 39, !- Minute 103
+ 0.35526, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 49, !- Minute 104
+ 0.330176, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 59, !- Minute 105
+ 0.305092, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 9, !- Minute 106
+ 0.280008, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 19, !- Minute 107
+ 0.254924, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 30, !- Minute 108
+ 0.22984, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 40, !- Minute 109
+ 0.200564666666666, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 50, !- Minute 110
+ 0.171289333333333, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 0, !- Minute 111
+ 0.142013999999999, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 10, !- Minute 112
+ 0.112738666666666, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 20, !- Minute 113
+ 0.0834633333333323, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 30, !- Minute 114
+ 0.054188, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 40, !- Minute 115
+ 0.0513853333333333, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 50, !- Minute 116
+ 0.0485826666666666, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 0, !- Minute 117
+ 0.0457799999999999, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 10, !- Minute 118
+ 0.0429773333333333, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 20, !- Minute 119
+ 0.0401746666666666, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 30, !- Minute 120
+ 0.037372, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 40, !- Minute 121
+ 0.0366186666666667, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 50, !- Minute 122
+ 0.0358653333333333, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 0, !- Minute 123
+ 0.035112, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 10, !- Minute 124
+ 0.0343586666666666, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 20, !- Minute 125
+ 0.0336053333333333, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 30, !- Minute 126
+ 0.032852, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 40, !- Minute 127
+ 0.0334826166666667, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 50, !- Minute 128
+ 0.0341132333333333, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 0, !- Minute 129
+ 0.03474385, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 10, !- Minute 130
+ 0.0353744666666667, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 20, !- Minute 131
+ 0.0360050833333334, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 30, !- Minute 132
+ 0.0366357, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 40, !- Minute 133
+ 0.0372663166666667, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 50, !- Minute 134
+ 0.0378969333333334, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 0, !- Minute 135
+ 0.03852755, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 10, !- Minute 136
+ 0.0391581666666667, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 20, !- Minute 137
+ 0.0397887833333334, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 30, !- Minute 138
+ 0.0404194000000001, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 40, !- Minute 139
+ 0.0410500166666667, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 50, !- Minute 140
+ 0.0416806333333334, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 0, !- Minute 141
+ 0.0423112500000001, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 10, !- Minute 142
+ 0.0429418666666667, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 20, !- Minute 143
+ 0.0435724833333334, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 30, !- Minute 144
+ 0.0442031000000001, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 40, !- Minute 145
+ 0.0448337166666668, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 50, !- Minute 146
+ 0.0454643333333334, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 0, !- Minute 147
+ 0.0460949500000001, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 10, !- Minute 148
+ 0.0467255666666668, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 20, !- Minute 149
+ 0.0473561833333334, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 30, !- Minute 150
+ 0.0479868000000001, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 40, !- Minute 151
+ 0.0486174166666668, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 50, !- Minute 152
+ 0.0492480333333335, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.0498786500000001; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {d5af01bb-487e-4d01-9de3-fc3cc93934db}, !- Handle
+ {29b7fd47-6f48-424e-8d6c-210b503907ef}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.054188 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.037372 | hoo_end + 3.5 ~ 0.032852 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.070689 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.155617 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.179178 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.198418 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.26862 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.40367 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.496001 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.551598 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.61103 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.611674 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.587884 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.567806 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.559581 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.557142 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.582069 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.580131 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.560065 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.525069 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.468523 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.380344 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.22984, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ medium_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {14bad05c-aa75-4a9d-bde5-a1d1522a0e72}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData BPR Adjusted, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {b4ec7ccb-59be-436a-922c-e8386ba334bd}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {d4fb9754-b8ec-4081-a02f-67537390ba9e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {594cc375-4de2-4d3d-8586-7229f8d4b83a}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {520d2e74-4a0b-4ef6-89fe-a7417df94849}, !- Handle
+ {14bad05c-aa75-4a9d-bde5-a1d1522a0e72}, !- Object Name
+ param_sch_ver, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.0.1, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_sch_floor, !- Feature Name 2
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 0.41710000000000003, !- Feature Value 2
+ param_sch_ceiling, !- Feature Name 3
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 0.79330000000000001; !- Feature Value 3
+ {b4ec7ccb-59be-436a-922c-e8386ba334bd}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Default 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 10, !- Minute 1
+ 0.750497314249707, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 20, !- Minute 2
+ 0.750467722072194, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 30, !- Minute 3
+ 0.75043812989468, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 40, !- Minute 4
+ 0.750408537717166, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 50, !- Minute 5
+ 0.750378945539652, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 1, !- Hour 6
+ 0, !- Minute 6
+ 0.750349353362139, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 10, !- Minute 7
+ 0.750319761184625, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 20, !- Minute 8
+ 0.750290169007111, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 30, !- Minute 9
+ 0.750260576829598, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 40, !- Minute 10
+ 0.750230984652084, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 50, !- Minute 11
+ 0.75020139247457, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 2, !- Hour 12
+ 0, !- Minute 12
+ 0.750171800297056, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 10, !- Minute 13
+ 0.750142208119543, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 20, !- Minute 14
+ 0.750112615942029, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 30, !- Minute 15
+ 0.750083023764515, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 40, !- Minute 16
+ 0.750053431587002, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 50, !- Minute 17
+ 0.750023839409488, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 3, !- Hour 18
+ 0, !- Minute 18
+ 0.749994247231974, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 10, !- Minute 19
+ 0.74996465505446, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 20, !- Minute 20
+ 0.749935062876947, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 30, !- Minute 21
+ 0.749905470699433, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 40, !- Minute 22
+ 0.749875878521919, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 50, !- Minute 23
+ 0.749846286344405, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 4, !- Hour 24
+ 0, !- Minute 24
+ 0.749816694166892, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 4, !- Hour 25
+ 10, !- Minute 25
+ 0.749787101989378, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 20, !- Minute 26
+ 0.749757509811864, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 30, !- Minute 27
+ 0.749727917634351, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 40, !- Minute 28
+ 0.749698325456837, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 50, !- Minute 29
+ 0.749668733279323, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 5, !- Hour 30
+ 0, !- Minute 30
+ 0.749639141101809, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 5, !- Hour 31
+ 10, !- Minute 31
+ 0.749609548924296, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 20, !- Minute 32
+ 0.749579956746782, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 30, !- Minute 33
+ 0.749550364569268, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 40, !- Minute 34
+ 0.74933241020794, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 50, !- Minute 35
+ 0.749114455846611, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 6, !- Hour 36
+ 0, !- Minute 36
+ 0.748896501485282, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 6, !- Hour 37
+ 10, !- Minute 37
+ 0.748678547123954, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 20, !- Minute 38
+ 0.748460592762625, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 30, !- Minute 39
+ 0.748242638401296, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 40, !- Minute 40
+ 0.748207198667747, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 50, !- Minute 41
+ 0.748171758934197, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 7, !- Hour 42
+ 0, !- Minute 42
+ 0.748136319200648, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 7, !- Hour 43
+ 10, !- Minute 43
+ 0.748100879467099, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 20, !- Minute 44
+ 0.748065439733549, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 30, !- Minute 45
+ 0.74803, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 40, !- Minute 46
+ 0.748067211720227, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 50, !- Minute 47
+ 0.748104423440454, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 8, !- Hour 48
+ 0, !- Minute 48
+ 0.74814163516068, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 8, !- Hour 49
+ 9, !- Minute 49
+ 0.748178846880907, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 19, !- Minute 50
+ 0.748216058601134, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 29, !- Minute 51
+ 0.748253270321361, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 30, !- Minute 52
+ 0.748253270321361, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 39, !- Minute 53
+ 0.748315289855072, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 49, !- Minute 54
+ 0.748377309388784, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 59, !- Minute 55
+ 0.748439328922495, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 9, !- Minute 56
+ 0.748501348456207, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 19, !- Minute 57
+ 0.748563367989918, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 29, !- Minute 58
+ 0.74862538752363, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 30, !- Minute 59
+ 0.74862538752363, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 39, !- Minute 60
+ 0.748793726257989, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 49, !- Minute 61
+ 0.748962064992349, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 59, !- Minute 62
+ 0.749130403726708, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 9, !- Minute 63
+ 0.749298742461068, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 19, !- Minute 64
+ 0.749467081195427, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 29, !- Minute 65
+ 0.749635419929787, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 30, !- Minute 66
+ 0.749635419929787, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 39, !- Minute 67
+ 0.74998981726528, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 49, !- Minute 68
+ 0.750344214600774, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 59, !- Minute 69
+ 0.750698611936268, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 9, !- Minute 70
+ 0.751053009271762, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 19, !- Minute 71
+ 0.751407406607255, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 29, !- Minute 72
+ 0.751761803942749, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 30, !- Minute 73
+ 0.751761803942749, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 39, !- Minute 74
+ 0.779844248807273, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 49, !- Minute 75
+ 0.781633955351517, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 59, !- Minute 76
+ 0.78342366189576, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 0, !- Minute 77
+ 0.78342366189576, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 9, !- Minute 78
+ 0.783852482671708, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 19, !- Minute 79
+ 0.784281303447655, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 29, !- Minute 80
+ 0.784710124223602, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 39, !- Minute 81
+ 0.78513894499955, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 49, !- Minute 82
+ 0.785567765775497, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 59, !- Minute 83
+ 0.785996586551445, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 0, !- Minute 84
+ 0.785996586551445, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 9, !- Minute 85
+ 0.786143661445675, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 19, !- Minute 86
+ 0.786290736339905, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 29, !- Minute 87
+ 0.786437811234134, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 39, !- Minute 88
+ 0.786584886128364, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 49, !- Minute 89
+ 0.786731961022594, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 59, !- Minute 90
+ 0.786879035916824, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 0, !- Minute 91
+ 0.786879035916824, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 9, !- Minute 92
+ 0.78696586326402, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 19, !- Minute 93
+ 0.787052690611216, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 29, !- Minute 94
+ 0.787139517958412, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 39, !- Minute 95
+ 0.787226345305608, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 49, !- Minute 96
+ 0.787313172652804, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 59, !- Minute 97
+ 0.7874, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 0, !- Minute 98
+ 0.7874, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 9, !- Minute 99
+ 0.776119532811234, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 19, !- Minute 100
+ 0.774046308398596, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 29, !- Minute 101
+ 0.771973083985957, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 30, !- Minute 102
+ 0.771973083985957, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 39, !- Minute 103
+ 0.770956672427761, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 49, !- Minute 104
+ 0.769940260869565, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 15, !- Hour 105
+ 59, !- Minute 105
+ 0.768923849311369, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 9, !- Minute 106
+ 0.767907437753173, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 19, !- Minute 107
+ 0.766891026194977, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 30, !- Minute 108
+ 0.765874614636781, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 40, !- Minute 109
+ 0.764929436943019, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 50, !- Minute 110
+ 0.763984259249257, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 0, !- Minute 111
+ 0.763039081555495, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 10, !- Minute 112
+ 0.762093903861734, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 20, !- Minute 113
+ 0.761148726167972, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 30, !- Minute 114
+ 0.76020354847421, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 40, !- Minute 115
+ 0.759246675668377, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 50, !- Minute 116
+ 0.758289802862544, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 0, !- Minute 117
+ 0.757332930056711, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 10, !- Minute 118
+ 0.756376057250878, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 20, !- Minute 119
+ 0.755419184445045, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 30, !- Minute 120
+ 0.754462311639212, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 40, !- Minute 121
+ 0.753939575569358, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 50, !- Minute 122
+ 0.753416839499505, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 0, !- Minute 123
+ 0.752894103429652, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 10, !- Minute 124
+ 0.752371367359798, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 20, !- Minute 125
+ 0.751848631289945, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 30, !- Minute 126
+ 0.751325895220092, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 40, !- Minute 127
+ 0.751296303042578, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 50, !- Minute 128
+ 0.751266710865064, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 0, !- Minute 129
+ 0.751237118687551, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 10, !- Minute 130
+ 0.751207526510037, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 20, !- Minute 131
+ 0.751177934332523, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 30, !- Minute 132
+ 0.751148342155009, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 40, !- Minute 133
+ 0.751118749977496, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 50, !- Minute 134
+ 0.751089157799982, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 0, !- Minute 135
+ 0.751059565622468, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 10, !- Minute 136
+ 0.751029973444955, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 20, !- Minute 137
+ 0.751000381267441, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 30, !- Minute 138
+ 0.750970789089927, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 40, !- Minute 139
+ 0.750941196912413, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 50, !- Minute 140
+ 0.7509116047349, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 0, !- Minute 141
+ 0.750882012557386, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 10, !- Minute 142
+ 0.750852420379872, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 20, !- Minute 143
+ 0.750822828202358, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 30, !- Minute 144
+ 0.750793236024845, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 40, !- Minute 145
+ 0.750763643847331, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 50, !- Minute 146
+ 0.750734051669817, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 0, !- Minute 147
+ 0.750704459492304, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 10, !- Minute 148
+ 0.75067486731479, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 20, !- Minute 149
+ 0.750645275137276, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 30, !- Minute 150
+ 0.750615682959762, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 40, !- Minute 151
+ 0.750586090782249, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 50, !- Minute 152
+ 0.750556498604735, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.750526906427221; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {6a542155-3a0f-42a4-bb0e-1011933d22d1}, !- Handle
+ {b4ec7ccb-59be-436a-922c-e8386ba334bd}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.5316 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.4776 | hoo_end + 3.5 ~ 0.4481 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.4314 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.4191 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.4171 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.4192 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.4227 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.4322 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.4522 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.4968 | mid - 3.5 ~ 0.558 | mid - 2.5 ~ 0.6308 | mid - 1.5 ~ 0.6995 | mid - 0.5 ~ 0.75 | mid + 0.5 ~ 0.7742 | mid + 1.5 ~ 0.7825 | mid + 2.5 ~ 0.7874 | mid + 3.5 ~ 0.7933 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.7764 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.7467 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.7008 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.6423 | hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.58494, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ typical_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {d4fb9754-b8ec-4081-a02f-67537390ba9e}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {594cc375-4de2-4d3d-8586-7229f8d4b83a}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {41b1edc7-1335-4e93-849a-5e5e29503da3}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Rule 36, !- Name
+ {14bad05c-aa75-4a9d-bde5-a1d1522a0e72}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {05cb6a30-ed29-42e3-8b09-f7da98ebe61b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {466c506f-f6bd-4d18-a49a-7e0bdc67e5e2}, !- Handle
+ Mercantile_Retail BLDG_EQUIP_EndUseData Wknd Day 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Average, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 0, !- Hour 1
+ 5, !- Minute 1
+ 0.478023333333333, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 0, !- Hour 2
+ 15, !- Minute 2
+ 0.47766, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 0, !- Hour 3
+ 25, !- Minute 3
+ 0.477296666666667, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 0, !- Hour 4
+ 35, !- Minute 4
+ 0.476933333333333, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 0, !- Hour 5
+ 45, !- Minute 5
+ 0.47657, !- Value Until Time 5
+ 0, !- Hour 6
+ 55, !- Minute 6
+ 0.476206666666667, !- Value Until Time 6
+ 1, !- Hour 7
+ 5, !- Minute 7
+ 0.475843333333333, !- Value Until Time 7
+ 1, !- Hour 8
+ 15, !- Minute 8
+ 0.47548, !- Value Until Time 8
+ 1, !- Hour 9
+ 25, !- Minute 9
+ 0.475116666666667, !- Value Until Time 9
+ 1, !- Hour 10
+ 35, !- Minute 10
+ 0.474753333333333, !- Value Until Time 10
+ 1, !- Hour 11
+ 45, !- Minute 11
+ 0.47439, !- Value Until Time 11
+ 1, !- Hour 12
+ 55, !- Minute 12
+ 0.474026666666667, !- Value Until Time 12
+ 2, !- Hour 13
+ 5, !- Minute 13
+ 0.473663333333333, !- Value Until Time 13
+ 2, !- Hour 14
+ 15, !- Minute 14
+ 0.4733, !- Value Until Time 14
+ 2, !- Hour 15
+ 24, !- Minute 15
+ 0.472033333333333, !- Value Until Time 15
+ 2, !- Hour 16
+ 34, !- Minute 16
+ 0.470766666666667, !- Value Until Time 16
+ 2, !- Hour 17
+ 44, !- Minute 17
+ 0.4695, !- Value Until Time 17
+ 2, !- Hour 18
+ 54, !- Minute 18
+ 0.468233333333333, !- Value Until Time 18
+ 3, !- Hour 19
+ 4, !- Minute 19
+ 0.466966666666667, !- Value Until Time 19
+ 3, !- Hour 20
+ 14, !- Minute 20
+ 0.4657, !- Value Until Time 20
+ 3, !- Hour 21
+ 15, !- Minute 21
+ 0.4657, !- Value Until Time 21
+ 3, !- Hour 22
+ 24, !- Minute 22
+ 0.46535, !- Value Until Time 22
+ 3, !- Hour 23
+ 34, !- Minute 23
+ 0.465, !- Value Until Time 23
+ 3, !- Hour 24
+ 44, !- Minute 24
+ 0.46465, !- Value Until Time 24
+ 3, !- Hour 25
+ 54, !- Minute 25
+ 0.4643, !- Value Until Time 25
+ 4, !- Hour 26
+ 4, !- Minute 26
+ 0.46395, !- Value Until Time 26
+ 4, !- Hour 27
+ 15, !- Minute 27
+ 0.4636, !- Value Until Time 27
+ 4, !- Hour 28
+ 25, !- Minute 28
+ 0.464816666666667, !- Value Until Time 28
+ 4, !- Hour 29
+ 35, !- Minute 29
+ 0.466033333333333, !- Value Until Time 29
+ 4, !- Hour 30
+ 45, !- Minute 30
+ 0.46725, !- Value Until Time 30
+ 4, !- Hour 31
+ 55, !- Minute 31
+ 0.468466666666667, !- Value Until Time 31
+ 5, !- Hour 32
+ 5, !- Minute 32
+ 0.469683333333333, !- Value Until Time 32
+ 5, !- Hour 33
+ 15, !- Minute 33
+ 0.4709, !- Value Until Time 33
+ 5, !- Hour 34
+ 25, !- Minute 34
+ 0.4727, !- Value Until Time 34
+ 5, !- Hour 35
+ 35, !- Minute 35
+ 0.4745, !- Value Until Time 35
+ 5, !- Hour 36
+ 45, !- Minute 36
+ 0.4763, !- Value Until Time 36
+ 5, !- Hour 37
+ 55, !- Minute 37
+ 0.4781, !- Value Until Time 37
+ 6, !- Hour 38
+ 5, !- Minute 38
+ 0.4799, !- Value Until Time 38
+ 6, !- Hour 39
+ 15, !- Minute 39
+ 0.4817, !- Value Until Time 39
+ 6, !- Hour 40
+ 25, !- Minute 40
+ 0.4839, !- Value Until Time 40
+ 6, !- Hour 41
+ 35, !- Minute 41
+ 0.4861, !- Value Until Time 41
+ 6, !- Hour 42
+ 45, !- Minute 42
+ 0.4883, !- Value Until Time 42
+ 6, !- Hour 43
+ 55, !- Minute 43
+ 0.4905, !- Value Until Time 43
+ 7, !- Hour 44
+ 5, !- Minute 44
+ 0.4927, !- Value Until Time 44
+ 7, !- Hour 45
+ 15, !- Minute 45
+ 0.4949, !- Value Until Time 45
+ 7, !- Hour 46
+ 25, !- Minute 46
+ 0.501283333333333, !- Value Until Time 46
+ 7, !- Hour 47
+ 35, !- Minute 47
+ 0.507666666666667, !- Value Until Time 47
+ 7, !- Hour 48
+ 45, !- Minute 48
+ 0.51405, !- Value Until Time 48
+ 7, !- Hour 49
+ 55, !- Minute 49
+ 0.520433333333333, !- Value Until Time 49
+ 8, !- Hour 50
+ 5, !- Minute 50
+ 0.526816666666667, !- Value Until Time 50
+ 8, !- Hour 51
+ 15, !- Minute 51
+ 0.5332, !- Value Until Time 51
+ 8, !- Hour 52
+ 24, !- Minute 52
+ 0.536566666666667, !- Value Until Time 52
+ 8, !- Hour 53
+ 34, !- Minute 53
+ 0.539933333333333, !- Value Until Time 53
+ 8, !- Hour 54
+ 44, !- Minute 54
+ 0.5433, !- Value Until Time 54
+ 8, !- Hour 55
+ 54, !- Minute 55
+ 0.546666666666667, !- Value Until Time 55
+ 9, !- Hour 56
+ 4, !- Minute 56
+ 0.550033333333333, !- Value Until Time 56
+ 9, !- Hour 57
+ 14, !- Minute 57
+ 0.5534, !- Value Until Time 57
+ 9, !- Hour 58
+ 15, !- Minute 58
+ 0.5534, !- Value Until Time 58
+ 9, !- Hour 59
+ 24, !- Minute 59
+ 0.55795, !- Value Until Time 59
+ 9, !- Hour 60
+ 34, !- Minute 60
+ 0.5625, !- Value Until Time 60
+ 9, !- Hour 61
+ 44, !- Minute 61
+ 0.56705, !- Value Until Time 61
+ 9, !- Hour 62
+ 54, !- Minute 62
+ 0.5716, !- Value Until Time 62
+ 10, !- Hour 63
+ 4, !- Minute 63
+ 0.57615, !- Value Until Time 63
+ 10, !- Hour 64
+ 14, !- Minute 64
+ 0.5807, !- Value Until Time 64
+ 10, !- Hour 65
+ 15, !- Minute 65
+ 0.5807, !- Value Until Time 65
+ 10, !- Hour 66
+ 24, !- Minute 66
+ 0.58635, !- Value Until Time 66
+ 10, !- Hour 67
+ 34, !- Minute 67
+ 0.592, !- Value Until Time 67
+ 10, !- Hour 68
+ 44, !- Minute 68
+ 0.59765, !- Value Until Time 68
+ 10, !- Hour 69
+ 54, !- Minute 69
+ 0.6033, !- Value Until Time 69
+ 11, !- Hour 70
+ 4, !- Minute 70
+ 0.60895, !- Value Until Time 70
+ 11, !- Hour 71
+ 14, !- Minute 71
+ 0.6146, !- Value Until Time 71
+ 11, !- Hour 72
+ 15, !- Minute 72
+ 0.6146, !- Value Until Time 72
+ 11, !- Hour 73
+ 24, !- Minute 73
+ 0.62145, !- Value Until Time 73
+ 11, !- Hour 74
+ 34, !- Minute 74
+ 0.6283, !- Value Until Time 74
+ 11, !- Hour 75
+ 44, !- Minute 75
+ 0.63515, !- Value Until Time 75
+ 11, !- Hour 76
+ 54, !- Minute 76
+ 0.642, !- Value Until Time 76
+ 12, !- Hour 77
+ 4, !- Minute 77
+ 0.64885, !- Value Until Time 77
+ 12, !- Hour 78
+ 14, !- Minute 78
+ 0.6557, !- Value Until Time 78
+ 12, !- Hour 79
+ 15, !- Minute 79
+ 0.6557, !- Value Until Time 79
+ 12, !- Hour 80
+ 24, !- Minute 80
+ 0.6609, !- Value Until Time 80
+ 12, !- Hour 81
+ 34, !- Minute 81
+ 0.6661, !- Value Until Time 81
+ 12, !- Hour 82
+ 44, !- Minute 82
+ 0.6713, !- Value Until Time 82
+ 12, !- Hour 83
+ 54, !- Minute 83
+ 0.6765, !- Value Until Time 83
+ 13, !- Hour 84
+ 4, !- Minute 84
+ 0.6817, !- Value Until Time 84
+ 13, !- Hour 85
+ 14, !- Minute 85
+ 0.6869, !- Value Until Time 85
+ 13, !- Hour 86
+ 15, !- Minute 86
+ 0.6869, !- Value Until Time 86
+ 13, !- Hour 87
+ 24, !- Minute 87
+ 0.68995, !- Value Until Time 87
+ 13, !- Hour 88
+ 34, !- Minute 88
+ 0.693, !- Value Until Time 88
+ 13, !- Hour 89
+ 44, !- Minute 89
+ 0.69605, !- Value Until Time 89
+ 13, !- Hour 90
+ 54, !- Minute 90
+ 0.6991, !- Value Until Time 90
+ 14, !- Hour 91
+ 4, !- Minute 91
+ 0.70215, !- Value Until Time 91
+ 14, !- Hour 92
+ 14, !- Minute 92
+ 0.7052, !- Value Until Time 92
+ 14, !- Hour 93
+ 15, !- Minute 93
+ 0.7052, !- Value Until Time 93
+ 14, !- Hour 94
+ 24, !- Minute 94
+ 0.7005, !- Value Until Time 94
+ 14, !- Hour 95
+ 34, !- Minute 95
+ 0.6958, !- Value Until Time 95
+ 14, !- Hour 96
+ 44, !- Minute 96
+ 0.6911, !- Value Until Time 96
+ 14, !- Hour 97
+ 54, !- Minute 97
+ 0.6864, !- Value Until Time 97
+ 15, !- Hour 98
+ 4, !- Minute 98
+ 0.6817, !- Value Until Time 98
+ 15, !- Hour 99
+ 14, !- Minute 99
+ 0.677, !- Value Until Time 99
+ 15, !- Hour 100
+ 15, !- Minute 100
+ 0.677, !- Value Until Time 100
+ 15, !- Hour 101
+ 24, !- Minute 101
+ 0.6711, !- Value Until Time 101
+ 15, !- Hour 102
+ 34, !- Minute 102
+ 0.6652, !- Value Until Time 102
+ 15, !- Hour 103
+ 44, !- Minute 103
+ 0.6593, !- Value Until Time 103
+ 15, !- Hour 104
+ 54, !- Minute 104
+ 0.6534, !- Value Until Time 104
+ 16, !- Hour 105
+ 4, !- Minute 105
+ 0.6475, !- Value Until Time 105
+ 16, !- Hour 106
+ 15, !- Minute 106
+ 0.6416, !- Value Until Time 106
+ 16, !- Hour 107
+ 25, !- Minute 107
+ 0.63385, !- Value Until Time 107
+ 16, !- Hour 108
+ 35, !- Minute 108
+ 0.6261, !- Value Until Time 108
+ 16, !- Hour 109
+ 45, !- Minute 109
+ 0.61835, !- Value Until Time 109
+ 16, !- Hour 110
+ 55, !- Minute 110
+ 0.6106, !- Value Until Time 110
+ 17, !- Hour 111
+ 5, !- Minute 111
+ 0.60285, !- Value Until Time 111
+ 17, !- Hour 112
+ 15, !- Minute 112
+ 0.5951, !- Value Until Time 112
+ 17, !- Hour 113
+ 25, !- Minute 113
+ 0.585896666666667, !- Value Until Time 113
+ 17, !- Hour 114
+ 35, !- Minute 114
+ 0.576693333333333, !- Value Until Time 114
+ 17, !- Hour 115
+ 45, !- Minute 115
+ 0.56749, !- Value Until Time 115
+ 17, !- Hour 116
+ 55, !- Minute 116
+ 0.558286666666666, !- Value Until Time 116
+ 18, !- Hour 117
+ 5, !- Minute 117
+ 0.549083333333333, !- Value Until Time 117
+ 18, !- Hour 118
+ 15, !- Minute 118
+ 0.53988, !- Value Until Time 118
+ 18, !- Hour 119
+ 25, !- Minute 119
+ 0.533383333333333, !- Value Until Time 119
+ 18, !- Hour 120
+ 35, !- Minute 120
+ 0.526886666666667, !- Value Until Time 120
+ 18, !- Hour 121
+ 45, !- Minute 121
+ 0.52039, !- Value Until Time 121
+ 18, !- Hour 122
+ 55, !- Minute 122
+ 0.513893333333333, !- Value Until Time 122
+ 19, !- Hour 123
+ 5, !- Minute 123
+ 0.507396666666666, !- Value Until Time 123
+ 19, !- Hour 124
+ 15, !- Minute 124
+ 0.5009, !- Value Until Time 124
+ 19, !- Hour 125
+ 25, !- Minute 125
+ 0.499916666666667, !- Value Until Time 125
+ 19, !- Hour 126
+ 35, !- Minute 126
+ 0.498933333333333, !- Value Until Time 126
+ 19, !- Hour 127
+ 45, !- Minute 127
+ 0.49795, !- Value Until Time 127
+ 19, !- Hour 128
+ 55, !- Minute 128
+ 0.496966666666667, !- Value Until Time 128
+ 20, !- Hour 129
+ 5, !- Minute 129
+ 0.495983333333333, !- Value Until Time 129
+ 20, !- Hour 130
+ 15, !- Minute 130
+ 0.495, !- Value Until Time 130
+ 20, !- Hour 131
+ 25, !- Minute 131
+ 0.4932, !- Value Until Time 131
+ 20, !- Hour 132
+ 35, !- Minute 132
+ 0.4914, !- Value Until Time 132
+ 20, !- Hour 133
+ 45, !- Minute 133
+ 0.4896, !- Value Until Time 133
+ 20, !- Hour 134
+ 55, !- Minute 134
+ 0.4878, !- Value Until Time 134
+ 21, !- Hour 135
+ 5, !- Minute 135
+ 0.486, !- Value Until Time 135
+ 21, !- Hour 136
+ 15, !- Minute 136
+ 0.4842, !- Value Until Time 136
+ 21, !- Hour 137
+ 25, !- Minute 137
+ 0.483836666666667, !- Value Until Time 137
+ 21, !- Hour 138
+ 35, !- Minute 138
+ 0.483473333333333, !- Value Until Time 138
+ 21, !- Hour 139
+ 45, !- Minute 139
+ 0.48311, !- Value Until Time 139
+ 21, !- Hour 140
+ 55, !- Minute 140
+ 0.482746666666667, !- Value Until Time 140
+ 22, !- Hour 141
+ 5, !- Minute 141
+ 0.482383333333333, !- Value Until Time 141
+ 22, !- Hour 142
+ 15, !- Minute 142
+ 0.48202, !- Value Until Time 142
+ 22, !- Hour 143
+ 25, !- Minute 143
+ 0.481656666666667, !- Value Until Time 143
+ 22, !- Hour 144
+ 35, !- Minute 144
+ 0.481293333333333, !- Value Until Time 144
+ 22, !- Hour 145
+ 45, !- Minute 145
+ 0.48093, !- Value Until Time 145
+ 22, !- Hour 146
+ 55, !- Minute 146
+ 0.480566666666667, !- Value Until Time 146
+ 23, !- Hour 147
+ 5, !- Minute 147
+ 0.480203333333333, !- Value Until Time 147
+ 23, !- Hour 148
+ 15, !- Minute 148
+ 0.47984, !- Value Until Time 148
+ 23, !- Hour 149
+ 25, !- Minute 149
+ 0.479476666666667, !- Value Until Time 149
+ 23, !- Hour 150
+ 35, !- Minute 150
+ 0.479113333333333, !- Value Until Time 150
+ 23, !- Hour 151
+ 45, !- Minute 151
+ 0.47875, !- Value Until Time 151
+ 23, !- Hour 152
+ 55, !- Minute 152
+ 0.478386666666667, !- Value Until Time 152
+ 24, !- Hour 153
+ 0, !- Minute 153
+ 0.478023333333333; !- Value Until Time 153
+ {ba3486e2-8549-47e0-be62-12b402a0e2db}, !- Handle
+ {466c506f-f6bd-4d18-a49a-7e0bdc67e5e2}, !- Object Name
+ param_day_profile, !- Feature Name 1
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ hoo_end + 0.5 ~ 0.5009 | hoo_end + 1.5 ~ 0.495 | hoo_end + 2.5 ~ 0.4842 | hoo_start - 3.5 ~ 0.4733 | hoo_start - 2.5 ~ 0.4657 | hoo_start - 1.5 ~ 0.4636 | hoo_start - 0.5 ~ 0.4709 | hoo_start + 0.5 ~ 0.4817 | hoo_start + 1.5 ~ 0.4949 | hoo_start + 2.5 ~ 0.5122 | hoo_start + 3.5 ~ 0.5224 | mid - 4.0 ~ 0.5332 | mid - 3.0 ~ 0.5534 | mid - 2.0 ~ 0.5807 | mid - 1.0 ~ 0.6146 | mid ~ 0.6557 | mid + 1.0 ~ 0.6869 | mid + 2.0 ~ 0.7052 | mid + 3.0 ~ 0.709 | mid + 4.0 ~ 0.6998 | hoo_end - 3.5 ~ 0.677 | hoo_end - 2.5 ~ 0.6416 | hoo_end - 1.5 ~ 0.5951 | hoo_end - 0.5 ~ 0.53988, !- Feature Value 1
+ param_day_secondary_logic, !- Feature Name 2
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ , !- Feature Value 2
+ param_day_secondary_logic_arg_val, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ , !- Feature Value 3
+ param_day_tag, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ minimal_operation; !- Feature Value 4
+ {6de37a13-3ecf-474b-8e94-4c7e7bec266e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {3cf354c9-7a9a-4070-809f-810e8773f55b}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {2cf7d6e8-f6df-4d0d-817b-1ad2f770d00e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {cf6c260f-d5eb-4dfa-a0e1-deecb476ae8f}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4ca31972-9351-4ad5-b309-496a04555295}, !- Handle
+ {6de37a13-3ecf-474b-8e94-4c7e7bec266e}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3cf354c9-7a9a-4070-809f-810e8773f55b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {2cf7d6e8-f6df-4d0d-817b-1ad2f770d00e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {cf6c260f-d5eb-4dfa-a0e1-deecb476ae8f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {18ec3eff-430a-426a-86b5-0b15d3754a4a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {6de37a13-3ecf-474b-8e94-4c7e7bec266e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {05d2abaa-e34b-416f-8111-88877c1c8b89}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {05d2abaa-e34b-416f-8111-88877c1c8b89}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {26a4acce-d3d4-47cb-afb6-ce3ea2aa7505}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {6de37a13-3ecf-474b-8e94-4c7e7bec266e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {91475482-53be-42af-bf87-7d2c3b85c888}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {91475482-53be-42af-bf87-7d2c3b85c888}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {68e9bf06-3e72-4705-a501-e907a0a581e9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {087ea4f8-c63c-49fa-9e19-90139c22bb06}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {0d1142c9-6fd2-46bc-9cbd-2177605515c3}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c2a40a1a-eec8-4533-a3e8-7cda0414a432}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c3a6a3af-73b2-4ad5-8c59-c39aeebf104c}, !- Handle
+ {68e9bf06-3e72-4705-a501-e907a0a581e9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {087ea4f8-c63c-49fa-9e19-90139c22bb06}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {0d1142c9-6fd2-46bc-9cbd-2177605515c3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {c2a40a1a-eec8-4533-a3e8-7cda0414a432}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {29798ce0-605f-44fc-a486-7a88b66b1119}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {68e9bf06-3e72-4705-a501-e907a0a581e9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {ce368029-c746-4ed9-b550-e8fee5448501}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {ce368029-c746-4ed9-b550-e8fee5448501}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {926ab322-91e5-4e9e-b643-33c8b97828f2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {68e9bf06-3e72-4705-a501-e907a0a581e9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {1cedd4e0-0aa2-45d2-a213-481f5a347386}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {1cedd4e0-0aa2-45d2-a213-481f5a347386}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {9f8a4f43-cb14-467e-8199-41dfe525faf7}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {6f395fc4-62df-4484-8d24-3d59653e09e4}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {77b762d8-1e6b-4ec1-9788-a729bd1ef8fe}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {eb6ce91c-3828-4953-8da3-ab297736b7a4}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {0a96b3f0-5e3b-456f-95da-6228329a13e3}, !- Handle
+ {9f8a4f43-cb14-467e-8199-41dfe525faf7}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:18 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {6f395fc4-62df-4484-8d24-3d59653e09e4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {77b762d8-1e6b-4ec1-9788-a729bd1ef8fe}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {eb6ce91c-3828-4953-8da3-ab297736b7a4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {513cc372-95ef-46ea-9371-8a9a4bcbd0f2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {9f8a4f43-cb14-467e-8199-41dfe525faf7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {f675ee54-8dc3-4811-8994-7b060021d566}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f675ee54-8dc3-4811-8994-7b060021d566}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {3d61c4a7-cea5-499e-86c4-c10b7db9f85e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {9f8a4f43-cb14-467e-8199-41dfe525faf7}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {6a4ade6e-558e-4354-b913-482dc6075502}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {6a4ade6e-558e-4354-b913-482dc6075502}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {c090d563-d126-453a-8b3c-244b8b5b36c6}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {e92f5d3b-d710-4226-89bb-35e935b2a8b3}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {b751a22d-4519-40e0-9817-32ba9a49e27e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {0932c2e7-77d6-4c92-8b1f-8bb329434fd4}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {d8291251-6b7d-45a5-a33b-ad7e4d0f6756}, !- Handle
+ {c090d563-d126-453a-8b3c-244b8b5b36c6}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 9.8839721182938138, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {e92f5d3b-d710-4226-89bb-35e935b2a8b3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b751a22d-4519-40e0-9817-32ba9a49e27e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0932c2e7-77d6-4c92-8b1f-8bb329434fd4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {67e22de9-fbcf-49ee-a9ca-e64a5203a674}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {c090d563-d126-453a-8b3c-244b8b5b36c6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {3fb9b05d-d88e-49fd-8cd7-8c2d9844ceca}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {3fb9b05d-d88e-49fd-8cd7-8c2d9844ceca}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {6041dbec-e673-4545-869b-9eb0e081cc15}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {c090d563-d126-453a-8b3c-244b8b5b36c6}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {18245a15-8f8f-461c-9067-3c27268f003c}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {18245a15-8f8f-461c-9067-3c27268f003c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d8ca9854-6a81-4651-8f80-b948013f8dcc}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {c6c1bb21-b88d-4c24-a933-2c2340374311}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {48a16a05-de96-4423-bb53-e6289e0684c3}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {16035eb6-2afb-4a48-81a2-706d89540c4d}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {400a21cb-6afd-48fe-96a6-1bd243899130}, !- Handle
+ {d8ca9854-6a81-4651-8f80-b948013f8dcc}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 9.8839721182938138, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {c6c1bb21-b88d-4c24-a933-2c2340374311}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {48a16a05-de96-4423-bb53-e6289e0684c3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {16035eb6-2afb-4a48-81a2-706d89540c4d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {cc5e9877-53fe-4a4d-8da5-c0579f3957eb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {d8ca9854-6a81-4651-8f80-b948013f8dcc}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {182bda1f-6986-4a48-8e55-badae68fc6da}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {182bda1f-6986-4a48-8e55-badae68fc6da}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d6e7c74d-31c6-4682-ae1e-233dd320fce0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {d8ca9854-6a81-4651-8f80-b948013f8dcc}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {9f0ee225-aa2e-4a52-b8ae-183936cd3841}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {9f0ee225-aa2e-4a52-b8ae-183936cd3841}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {3e7bfd78-646e-49f8-b201-519c1027aa34}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {9d24ac30-a440-4b4c-a8b4-4dd4cf4e3051}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {acd3a503-9365-48b0-a2fe-3548f51adafd}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {23434b3d-b7aa-44be-852e-9e157edb7879}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {576dd2af-a5e2-4c17-ac36-f4d7fe6dd8e6}, !- Handle
+ {3e7bfd78-646e-49f8-b201-519c1027aa34}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 9.8839721182938138, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {9d24ac30-a440-4b4c-a8b4-4dd4cf4e3051}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {acd3a503-9365-48b0-a2fe-3548f51adafd}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {23434b3d-b7aa-44be-852e-9e157edb7879}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {41ecbdb5-a4d7-48f0-b8ee-576a7a1b277c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {3e7bfd78-646e-49f8-b201-519c1027aa34}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {10a07c48-02e8-4183-85b7-5960a5615efb}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {10a07c48-02e8-4183-85b7-5960a5615efb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {3a76cdff-2f52-4a93-9596-e64a10db07bc}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {3e7bfd78-646e-49f8-b201-519c1027aa34}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {3c705c05-021f-4f79-a6dc-86091a28dd98}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {3c705c05-021f-4f79-a6dc-86091a28dd98}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {386e5a6b-83ad-407f-848b-84e40a8fd2a1}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {caac6054-ed58-4070-a2e1-88f679b49cee}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {eb745682-2fe5-4ce2-943e-c3c88bc57172}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f8e2638e-d67c-444c-96ea-125b303ad0eb}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {af49c1ea-b7f2-45e8-a6a8-175e10ed608f}, !- Handle
+ {386e5a6b-83ad-407f-848b-84e40a8fd2a1}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853038, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {caac6054-ed58-4070-a2e1-88f679b49cee}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {eb745682-2fe5-4ce2-943e-c3c88bc57172}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {f8e2638e-d67c-444c-96ea-125b303ad0eb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {64f74614-a774-47ab-9d0b-7c1af05cce04}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {386e5a6b-83ad-407f-848b-84e40a8fd2a1}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {a1fc9b6d-ab10-430e-8f13-5452b24a7fa3}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {a1fc9b6d-ab10-430e-8f13-5452b24a7fa3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4f59e0c7-bb54-40c3-a18b-fa4f69c30541}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {386e5a6b-83ad-407f-848b-84e40a8fd2a1}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {105c0e43-f2aa-424a-bec4-8bb22f4b4271}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {105c0e43-f2aa-424a-bec4-8bb22f4b4271}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {6b7d5475-b278-4586-94a1-0514e831facd}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f6093af9-859d-42b5-afb7-b719b521d230}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {f5f03336-af16-4e7c-92fc-397bbb6cf7f7}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bd71aaef-7ad4-4f80-bc30-1c239b5ff248}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {131ff892-0389-44b8-8e62-1f10ca799410}, !- Handle
+ {6b7d5475-b278-4586-94a1-0514e831facd}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853038, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f6093af9-859d-42b5-afb7-b719b521d230}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {f5f03336-af16-4e7c-92fc-397bbb6cf7f7}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {bd71aaef-7ad4-4f80-bc30-1c239b5ff248}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {f38d7ce3-4be5-4c99-b463-bf7fb6c3a3f2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {6b7d5475-b278-4586-94a1-0514e831facd}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {ee2f9769-50eb-4ee9-974d-610244266538}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {ee2f9769-50eb-4ee9-974d-610244266538}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {89a6c9f8-7765-41ef-94a3-a2ffa542ba18}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {6b7d5475-b278-4586-94a1-0514e831facd}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {24e27054-24db-4eee-9527-554639ffab50}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {24e27054-24db-4eee-9527-554639ffab50}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {efe65b0f-6482-483c-ab23-490f4393603d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {9c0a63e3-0f02-4258-9ebe-0ca3a79c1b7b}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {c4cfb25d-ddb3-45e9-9ed5-2d48c6a21e7a}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {982e9cef-57ce-434a-9e70-9872e9912039}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f91d0dd3-c3e8-4e62-ab26-91b038ec8ca4}, !- Handle
+ {efe65b0f-6482-483c-ab23-490f4393603d}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853038, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {9c0a63e3-0f02-4258-9ebe-0ca3a79c1b7b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {c4cfb25d-ddb3-45e9-9ed5-2d48c6a21e7a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {982e9cef-57ce-434a-9e70-9872e9912039}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {16a670b3-cfc8-4cae-ac92-19ffd8ddeb11}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {efe65b0f-6482-483c-ab23-490f4393603d}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {78cdf99c-7db5-426f-875f-7a48085a9583}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {78cdf99c-7db5-426f-875f-7a48085a9583}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {136aa46e-2a3c-44d0-895d-6e68213daf69}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {efe65b0f-6482-483c-ab23-490f4393603d}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {017e4747-74c3-44f7-aa0e-4209b6895848}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {017e4747-74c3-44f7-aa0e-4209b6895848}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {afdfe69e-7a48-4e83-a156-d35e67cdbef9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {aebd66b4-0333-4f7b-9f96-512b794d8a1f}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {4d58e3c8-787a-4666-b480-41070c35a3aa}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8d5e822e-e766-4450-add7-65d1164fbe84}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {5b3569b6-7103-471e-ba07-c4417eb311bb}, !- Handle
+ {afdfe69e-7a48-4e83-a156-d35e67cdbef9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558041963, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {aebd66b4-0333-4f7b-9f96-512b794d8a1f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4d58e3c8-787a-4666-b480-41070c35a3aa}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8d5e822e-e766-4450-add7-65d1164fbe84}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {929a18f9-6c42-4ea3-b7d3-f20bd9cbe1f3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {afdfe69e-7a48-4e83-a156-d35e67cdbef9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {f45f6bc2-64ba-450c-b322-4c3426906e89}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f45f6bc2-64ba-450c-b322-4c3426906e89}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {bf87f33f-2d96-42ec-bd50-be7eb787cd2a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {afdfe69e-7a48-4e83-a156-d35e67cdbef9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {a9f5a1be-ca6c-4b6b-a0b7-a2d90ceaec38}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {a9f5a1be-ca6c-4b6b-a0b7-a2d90ceaec38}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {23b1b2ab-8dd1-4886-b9bf-a13d163a3407}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {92938967-dbca-481d-82a4-c62090ebccb2}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {9df452c3-e5c0-446e-89db-cb53609b0e71}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {79de71d9-e139-4d6c-b0cc-6ae56587d47d}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f8b8e320-fb03-444c-ba59-5603db8a7e6a}, !- Handle
+ {23b1b2ab-8dd1-4886-b9bf-a13d163a3407}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558041963, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {92938967-dbca-481d-82a4-c62090ebccb2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {9df452c3-e5c0-446e-89db-cb53609b0e71}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {79de71d9-e139-4d6c-b0cc-6ae56587d47d}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {792aaccf-53e3-413a-abc5-6fbbe68b1ace}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {23b1b2ab-8dd1-4886-b9bf-a13d163a3407}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {8c9a7228-d123-400c-895f-984e98709afe}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {8c9a7228-d123-400c-895f-984e98709afe}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {90caed13-f8dc-427a-8480-57ed116dcd6a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {23b1b2ab-8dd1-4886-b9bf-a13d163a3407}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {47ec8f7d-bbd1-43c0-88c4-a0c2880d621b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {47ec8f7d-bbd1-43c0-88c4-a0c2880d621b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {a3c48107-05b1-4061-b455-f664c87aa4ae}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {35b6f63c-6946-4044-8ace-9f4a33235d3b}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {d01618a0-d4c4-4445-b26a-f61425f222ab}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a399c05b-807f-40d0-9839-bbe1040472b1}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {68155f15-04f7-4b82-a0c7-f570616b1da3}, !- Handle
+ {a3c48107-05b1-4061-b455-f664c87aa4ae}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558041963, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {35b6f63c-6946-4044-8ace-9f4a33235d3b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d01618a0-d4c4-4445-b26a-f61425f222ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a399c05b-807f-40d0-9839-bbe1040472b1}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {5b76ad6a-63b2-44f7-a76a-a8567148f06c}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {a3c48107-05b1-4061-b455-f664c87aa4ae}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {79c70f6a-2f55-4e51-a6ed-2aa06ea2ba8b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {79c70f6a-2f55-4e51-a6ed-2aa06ea2ba8b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {2b1ba9e0-c7e3-499e-95f3-8271bb5877d0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {a3c48107-05b1-4061-b455-f664c87aa4ae}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {fdb4201b-fcd2-46e3-aede-d685faae9259}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {fdb4201b-fcd2-46e3-aede-d685faae9259}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {c7cc76a0-734c-4fe6-8c7f-e7175c582ab0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {be09b248-9a9d-4ebb-ac47-9fc9806e4479}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {5b734a04-eeff-4f14-b5b7-c29816432cac}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {318b9c1c-8b5f-49c4-af3e-f465b538f743}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {9831f2b1-1566-4dbf-a258-dd487d6bd263}, !- Handle
+ {c7cc76a0-734c-4fe6-8c7f-e7175c582ab0}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.27670512883915249, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {be09b248-9a9d-4ebb-ac47-9fc9806e4479}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {5b734a04-eeff-4f14-b5b7-c29816432cac}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {318b9c1c-8b5f-49c4-af3e-f465b538f743}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {9a2f33d0-1bbc-4b16-8f63-a5cd2245c1eb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {c7cc76a0-734c-4fe6-8c7f-e7175c582ab0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {07641a5a-8afd-4ed9-b9dc-dc630acee8ee}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {07641a5a-8afd-4ed9-b9dc-dc630acee8ee}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b91059b5-b0f6-4814-97ae-e66c329a63f3}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {c7cc76a0-734c-4fe6-8c7f-e7175c582ab0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {a8ccb474-0868-4edd-9154-7e37c41d3b06}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {a8ccb474-0868-4edd-9154-7e37c41d3b06}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4ee10900-a8d0-4881-a7ba-f32ef1a6ccb0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {ec18fce6-3a77-4816-90ec-06f0abe1b2ca}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {5844f723-1461-4e73-a3c4-5ead4870c82e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {2373a93a-70f4-408a-b2ab-9300049654ed}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {535d294f-ef43-4ee7-ba3e-eb72992fa30d}, !- Handle
+ {4ee10900-a8d0-4881-a7ba-f32ef1a6ccb0}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.27670512883915249, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {ec18fce6-3a77-4816-90ec-06f0abe1b2ca}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {5844f723-1461-4e73-a3c4-5ead4870c82e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {2373a93a-70f4-408a-b2ab-9300049654ed}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {06a86fed-aca5-423d-8eaa-2ffa4bc8f5c9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {4ee10900-a8d0-4881-a7ba-f32ef1a6ccb0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {a83090a8-4c7d-4932-b7c3-5ff2d5ca73ee}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {a83090a8-4c7d-4932-b7c3-5ff2d5ca73ee}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {df76d748-a57a-42ad-bc7d-80ac614c8194}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {4ee10900-a8d0-4881-a7ba-f32ef1a6ccb0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {7df5f7bc-2931-466a-92ee-f561d9751cd9}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {7df5f7bc-2931-466a-92ee-f561d9751cd9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e6c00cd1-44ce-42ce-8e4a-2b7cfe36cdb9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {ed38b010-09c4-4f94-984d-3755cbad70e2}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {d9a733f0-d3b1-4df9-8634-76d2a9b825c8}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {740b3099-cd91-4280-90e2-6e2efe1dd0f4}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {3ecc4891-3d37-43df-ae5b-1766af0aa607}, !- Handle
+ {e6c00cd1-44ce-42ce-8e4a-2b7cfe36cdb9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.27670512883915249, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {ed38b010-09c4-4f94-984d-3755cbad70e2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d9a733f0-d3b1-4df9-8634-76d2a9b825c8}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {740b3099-cd91-4280-90e2-6e2efe1dd0f4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0aad88fc-733c-4662-921a-ccba5c9f2498}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {e6c00cd1-44ce-42ce-8e4a-2b7cfe36cdb9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {a85a962c-2079-421d-bb94-a4a21b844f96}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {a85a962c-2079-421d-bb94-a4a21b844f96}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {f042af73-f5f4-40a2-9611-939ddda9a202}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {e6c00cd1-44ce-42ce-8e4a-2b7cfe36cdb9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {d8e278ed-eea8-4fcc-9a43-55ff4f369f2e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {d8e278ed-eea8-4fcc-9a43-55ff4f369f2e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {52956cca-c8bc-47f2-bbe1-eedde5d07dd4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {a48e2618-7f9e-4818-9232-a37e5e1a8514}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {a768c22e-7391-4fb4-9018-5125069f1766}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {68886102-2097-48e7-915b-f4b480b55772}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c0fbc5de-ef9a-48f5-a668-f91e6224dfc5}, !- Handle
+ {52956cca-c8bc-47f2-bbe1-eedde5d07dd4}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558042041, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a48e2618-7f9e-4818-9232-a37e5e1a8514}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {a768c22e-7391-4fb4-9018-5125069f1766}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {68886102-2097-48e7-915b-f4b480b55772}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {c27c5114-9702-44cf-a163-4342906b21fd}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {52956cca-c8bc-47f2-bbe1-eedde5d07dd4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {cdc32e4f-e60b-42b7-9b23-077b3c9472fe}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {cdc32e4f-e60b-42b7-9b23-077b3c9472fe}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {20f86b15-5b13-49c8-b76a-a5aa1a53a6d9}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {52956cca-c8bc-47f2-bbe1-eedde5d07dd4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {b42f8d9f-9fe6-430d-9a54-87cffdc5dcd5}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {b42f8d9f-9fe6-430d-9a54-87cffdc5dcd5}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {9400b40b-8c8f-459e-9a20-d29f9ebfe323}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {390093ed-f6f1-4fea-baba-3205162695d0}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {dcc5113b-761c-4735-b37f-954d097565ed}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {401983f7-6fcc-4740-8c0b-e2c5cd8e1e13}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ae2842c9-1fb5-4f00-818d-90922ccfe1eb}, !- Handle
+ {9400b40b-8c8f-459e-9a20-d29f9ebfe323}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558042041, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {390093ed-f6f1-4fea-baba-3205162695d0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {dcc5113b-761c-4735-b37f-954d097565ed}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {401983f7-6fcc-4740-8c0b-e2c5cd8e1e13}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {4c807104-9bf0-4aa2-8c9a-fa7727478cd2}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {9400b40b-8c8f-459e-9a20-d29f9ebfe323}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {7f585fe4-277a-4d74-8ef8-7f4f5c60ca8e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {7f585fe4-277a-4d74-8ef8-7f4f5c60ca8e}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4f342134-4a0a-418e-8bf7-a78330f6d0eb}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {9400b40b-8c8f-459e-9a20-d29f9ebfe323}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {a14e960c-4411-474d-ba3c-881cc1dae8b7}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {a14e960c-4411-474d-ba3c-881cc1dae8b7}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {6fc191ad-dd02-4031-b978-48630e3ff238}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {5b544a53-63eb-4894-9444-10405686a2aa}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {ec289a10-f5f5-45af-875e-399070e03746}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a4ce4557-be98-4ba8-a3de-8639a4e36682}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {22471a33-14d8-4b8b-8f22-a8b8de77f426}, !- Handle
+ {6fc191ad-dd02-4031-b978-48630e3ff238}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 0.47544743558042041, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {5b544a53-63eb-4894-9444-10405686a2aa}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {ec289a10-f5f5-45af-875e-399070e03746}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a4ce4557-be98-4ba8-a3de-8639a4e36682}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {2f28cbe8-7977-40fa-b298-aff6a7a3332f}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {6fc191ad-dd02-4031-b978-48630e3ff238}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {11f570e3-d8c3-4d91-a776-50e03083dfc0}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {11f570e3-d8c3-4d91-a776-50e03083dfc0}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {f8c4f4a8-7b66-4710-8d96-37f403ff438b}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {6fc191ad-dd02-4031-b978-48630e3ff238}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {5a8adf2a-0cc6-4055-82cd-e4f434a7bd59}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {5a8adf2a-0cc6-4055-82cd-e4f434a7bd59}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {8831f726-8761-43e4-bdeb-6c4cada2f9c0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {0173d4c2-d25a-42c3-90df-df4c240d2b19}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {767c9c6b-48a3-44ec-ac57-53098d0c02cc}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {21c8d7e3-9b0d-4c5f-9b82-75243c1adbf4}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {5a2ecac8-f2ae-4082-8319-2d50f15e4105}, !- Handle
+ {8831f726-8761-43e4-bdeb-6c4cada2f9c0}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383503, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {0173d4c2-d25a-42c3-90df-df4c240d2b19}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {767c9c6b-48a3-44ec-ac57-53098d0c02cc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {21c8d7e3-9b0d-4c5f-9b82-75243c1adbf4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a742a8a0-8174-43c6-a829-ff8006520334}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {8831f726-8761-43e4-bdeb-6c4cada2f9c0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {ffb23766-cc29-4c54-90b4-76ce3b912926}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {ffb23766-cc29-4c54-90b4-76ce3b912926}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {0dcf9476-0409-4d84-bae6-84dffcccb2f9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {8831f726-8761-43e4-bdeb-6c4cada2f9c0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {3987ee91-e42a-4248-89f5-0362d09b193f}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {3987ee91-e42a-4248-89f5-0362d09b193f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {a7ca0245-65c8-4247-889e-03583a3c4923}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {08fa570a-b719-4a96-a39c-7626b3506c91}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {b12f25ed-7021-4b72-ab98-e0e5d7227999}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {fa568d15-213c-4964-9037-ce123892244f}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a18aea2e-97a1-463f-a1f0-ede6cdd4fbd0}, !- Handle
+ {a7ca0245-65c8-4247-889e-03583a3c4923}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383503, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {08fa570a-b719-4a96-a39c-7626b3506c91}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {b12f25ed-7021-4b72-ab98-e0e5d7227999}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {fa568d15-213c-4964-9037-ce123892244f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {bb1a0a1a-6a32-4fe7-bde4-fd043a1fb543}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {a7ca0245-65c8-4247-889e-03583a3c4923}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {5cec4197-8ef5-46a1-b5a9-4c5d3794ddd7}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {5cec4197-8ef5-46a1-b5a9-4c5d3794ddd7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {61b3562f-49d8-4aad-9796-a865752432ac}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {a7ca0245-65c8-4247-889e-03583a3c4923}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {f61df7a1-72f8-435a-b4df-17691dd11edf}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f61df7a1-72f8-435a-b4df-17691dd11edf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d3ea0f00-303b-4b33-a986-ed21a8427064}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {3b8ee9e7-ea26-4621-b7a3-ddecf6b25154}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {88ee43f4-8b50-44fb-bc54-fe09e1488ad2}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {af10b7b6-4973-49f0-bb9a-2b180c240925}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {6915ad83-fedc-43ff-b7aa-48987d5f5b5b}, !- Handle
+ {d3ea0f00-303b-4b33-a986-ed21a8427064}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383503, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3b8ee9e7-ea26-4621-b7a3-ddecf6b25154}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {88ee43f4-8b50-44fb-bc54-fe09e1488ad2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {af10b7b6-4973-49f0-bb9a-2b180c240925}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {1c34dfc1-e33d-4deb-8a10-b7230d56538a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {d3ea0f00-303b-4b33-a986-ed21a8427064}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {43f37150-282b-4667-8339-de0f11a034a8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {43f37150-282b-4667-8339-de0f11a034a8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4fece57e-056d-4f5a-9f17-05fa49e07d05}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {d3ea0f00-303b-4b33-a986-ed21a8427064}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {6a51843e-d69a-4684-a5b7-d587d7c1cad2}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {6a51843e-d69a-4684-a5b7-d587d7c1cad2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {0d4d4160-5e1b-4f93-95d1-887e1a83d57d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {00b80788-4ce8-4d82-a7ca-e16337f5eaf4}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {fe88c015-88ab-4f7c-ad6f-d5a6f86c25a9}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {6af69aec-9984-489a-97a6-8c8308e3b6a4}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {91481e0c-ca7d-431b-b22d-09ea1d82b4d1}, !- Handle
+ {0d4d4160-5e1b-4f93-95d1-887e1a83d57d}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.7750512297233185, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {00b80788-4ce8-4d82-a7ca-e16337f5eaf4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {fe88c015-88ab-4f7c-ad6f-d5a6f86c25a9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {6af69aec-9984-489a-97a6-8c8308e3b6a4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {5e0bcdc7-2047-4e88-a4f3-607d2b36b7ef}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {0d4d4160-5e1b-4f93-95d1-887e1a83d57d}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {00d26879-96d2-4a3e-b9f0-3e12eee61227}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {00d26879-96d2-4a3e-b9f0-3e12eee61227}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {5209946d-90b0-4251-860c-8371360d6717}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {0d4d4160-5e1b-4f93-95d1-887e1a83d57d}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {123d0805-8427-4ddf-bf5e-7a232fcc0ac5}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {123d0805-8427-4ddf-bf5e-7a232fcc0ac5}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {dcb73a8c-1422-4005-adb3-ecadbedf8e0e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {25bf411a-439d-4fcc-b113-d0f4fc99e87a}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {29fb7c27-452d-48e7-8302-1f6089850f0e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {db21c2c0-d734-48b1-ad6a-f0fb9045f863}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4af64738-82a8-43be-b1be-9415667bfb3c}, !- Handle
+ {dcb73a8c-1422-4005-adb3-ecadbedf8e0e}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.7750512297233185, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {25bf411a-439d-4fcc-b113-d0f4fc99e87a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {29fb7c27-452d-48e7-8302-1f6089850f0e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {db21c2c0-d734-48b1-ad6a-f0fb9045f863}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {285dc49f-e1e2-4d59-81de-75b92b20fc71}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {dcb73a8c-1422-4005-adb3-ecadbedf8e0e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {cae7a5c9-f921-4198-8a7c-04c12280d49a}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {cae7a5c9-f921-4198-8a7c-04c12280d49a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {a73a4008-9da8-48c1-aac3-07b056140db9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {dcb73a8c-1422-4005-adb3-ecadbedf8e0e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {58fd29e8-c3a5-483d-a141-ef5d00d7982b}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {58fd29e8-c3a5-483d-a141-ef5d00d7982b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {23019a64-2d70-4921-894e-63284d85e471}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f2feb72a-b7ec-454e-be06-704d00d05ee1}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {e85d7084-7456-4e0a-9459-acc318d52925}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {2f62b73a-31a2-4428-859b-22fe7da6dfa9}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {0ec33873-fdd4-4f36-a61c-91d9d32fbc0d}, !- Handle
+ {23019a64-2d70-4921-894e-63284d85e471}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.7750512297233185, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f2feb72a-b7ec-454e-be06-704d00d05ee1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {e85d7084-7456-4e0a-9459-acc318d52925}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {2f62b73a-31a2-4428-859b-22fe7da6dfa9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {59031355-be12-4c3a-9947-2ed3f393e559}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {23019a64-2d70-4921-894e-63284d85e471}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {28ee0eaa-d61a-45ab-8d30-f35986029cac}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {28ee0eaa-d61a-45ab-8d30-f35986029cac}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {2d400b4e-593c-42e4-8410-58e940e937a6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {23019a64-2d70-4921-894e-63284d85e471}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {44ecab3f-a020-4811-b4fb-2a733d09d268}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {44ecab3f-a020-4811-b4fb-2a733d09d268}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {822cb6e7-7cdd-4310-9d54-740c982316b4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {a55f84cf-28bc-450f-bd46-99dd324d4106}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {54194c88-69d9-4567-9fe4-bdf57f21bd83}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {159b2b2e-7029-4492-94f0-20683cd5d5f7}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {5dba1051-0ab1-488f-bade-66dbec6bb30b}, !- Handle
+ {822cb6e7-7cdd-4310-9d54-740c982316b4}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383547, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a55f84cf-28bc-450f-bd46-99dd324d4106}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {54194c88-69d9-4567-9fe4-bdf57f21bd83}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {159b2b2e-7029-4492-94f0-20683cd5d5f7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {5fb9485c-f634-44eb-b8c1-86afc82f2346}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {822cb6e7-7cdd-4310-9d54-740c982316b4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {8c20e3d4-c227-413d-8fe6-bdcf10b2fc2a}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {8c20e3d4-c227-413d-8fe6-bdcf10b2fc2a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {af661ce8-8231-48fc-afaf-39dd62b1ea08}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {822cb6e7-7cdd-4310-9d54-740c982316b4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {4dee7dc8-f26d-4afe-a369-2f73999e5e1f}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {4dee7dc8-f26d-4afe-a369-2f73999e5e1f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {cb276644-8ce8-4bdb-9ee4-0a2bd9274a54}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {60b491b4-aaee-4cf2-b0e8-db285a03fb84}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {4e7c1f1a-b5c2-40a4-b7e9-6b83c356bf56}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {04f4baba-4132-4307-8b19-8dcc04c6e86a}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {40242835-c4eb-42d1-bd57-41f7e19d3c5f}, !- Handle
+ {cb276644-8ce8-4bdb-9ee4-0a2bd9274a54}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383547, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {60b491b4-aaee-4cf2-b0e8-db285a03fb84}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {4e7c1f1a-b5c2-40a4-b7e9-6b83c356bf56}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {04f4baba-4132-4307-8b19-8dcc04c6e86a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a98bd1f0-eb46-4555-ab16-99dc4cfab55e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {cb276644-8ce8-4bdb-9ee4-0a2bd9274a54}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {293dc74d-9143-483f-9a84-02c548d485ec}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {293dc74d-9143-483f-9a84-02c548d485ec}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {552d3667-854d-41d3-b299-eda7f70ed4c9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {cb276644-8ce8-4bdb-9ee4-0a2bd9274a54}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {6468b1b2-4aea-4452-9ba0-d3f4fd59da7e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {6468b1b2-4aea-4452-9ba0-d3f4fd59da7e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {bbe971e6-77e6-4085-9eaa-4ad64e886dad}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {3ec3f905-7f44-41fa-94f0-df6c978b7ccd}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {e5d7b2e9-d655-44e2-b02e-6972ef11bb2d}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e0d4a57c-f907-459d-b6ab-e6b12e94f9fb}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {aa64eee0-8f71-4990-9c96-27e8ff64e324}, !- Handle
+ {bbe971e6-77e6-4085-9eaa-4ad64e886dad}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383547, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:20 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3ec3f905-7f44-41fa-94f0-df6c978b7ccd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {e5d7b2e9-d655-44e2-b02e-6972ef11bb2d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {e0d4a57c-f907-459d-b6ab-e6b12e94f9fb}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8e91216f-c39e-4507-bfdb-ccd98ebdeb22}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {bbe971e6-77e6-4085-9eaa-4ad64e886dad}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {085ec478-0699-456e-a215-2cb17e33aa2f}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {085ec478-0699-456e-a215-2cb17e33aa2f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4286f1ec-473e-49a7-adda-dccfdefafbdf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {bbe971e6-77e6-4085-9eaa-4ad64e886dad}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {1189324d-1238-4cb8-9721-89b236033e63}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {1189324d-1238-4cb8-9721-89b236033e63}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {2659647d-651b-4f28-af13-7067af0fa86f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {4adc9a93-4b43-4c9d-9138-f5034d4c1a7f}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {62d87d22-f0bd-4c69-aa36-b359aa4f4c23}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bb371fa9-3021-452b-972d-3e8e23f888f7}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {96ddeb96-fbe2-4aa4-9058-8bb9cfb1b417}, !- Handle
+ {2659647d-651b-4f28-af13-7067af0fa86f}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.049974385138337, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {4adc9a93-4b43-4c9d-9138-f5034d4c1a7f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {62d87d22-f0bd-4c69-aa36-b359aa4f4c23}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {bb371fa9-3021-452b-972d-3e8e23f888f7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {385337d9-6836-4b89-9aa4-da47bb3f399f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {2659647d-651b-4f28-af13-7067af0fa86f}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {4c1e481e-5baa-4821-a6b6-65b925856f67}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {4c1e481e-5baa-4821-a6b6-65b925856f67}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {cf127419-0443-4a98-b90a-7aa73b3fba69}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {2659647d-651b-4f28-af13-7067af0fa86f}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {e730e4fa-89f8-41aa-93d1-3affa89053fc}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {e730e4fa-89f8-41aa-93d1-3affa89053fc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {69f8af16-6991-4055-9d14-2fdf53630e24}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {a7c905d8-8ff0-46a8-ad3d-e381e6581914}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {97e89cd1-ef4e-4192-9598-21fbbcdce141}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {863d188b-3da5-416e-8fb7-7c5ddfca5e24}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {d1c180cc-5dcc-4a5c-be3f-428ddaa574ff}, !- Handle
+ {69f8af16-6991-4055-9d14-2fdf53630e24}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.049974385138337, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {a7c905d8-8ff0-46a8-ad3d-e381e6581914}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {97e89cd1-ef4e-4192-9598-21fbbcdce141}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {863d188b-3da5-416e-8fb7-7c5ddfca5e24}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {84e95649-cd5d-4e14-9e9a-d3fa527dace3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {69f8af16-6991-4055-9d14-2fdf53630e24}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {6eea45f8-c364-45da-ab9f-ffa1e02a24e8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {6eea45f8-c364-45da-ab9f-ffa1e02a24e8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {0f9f87e6-4db1-40ef-a3a9-5dbf9e10eac3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {69f8af16-6991-4055-9d14-2fdf53630e24}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {53ae317c-d801-48b8-9023-b7de80b6d4a8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {53ae317c-d801-48b8-9023-b7de80b6d4a8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {1f824536-737a-4fc5-9249-b2442baf15b4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {adf406e3-349e-4080-a032-537cff778d5d}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {f3c6562c-eafb-454f-9f0d-fc11a44764c2}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {66c81865-805c-4506-96a6-0d23e3ec46b9}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {47f73ca1-9689-4f22-a56d-15bd3b73de9c}, !- Handle
+ {1f824536-737a-4fc5-9249-b2442baf15b4}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.049974385138337, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {adf406e3-349e-4080-a032-537cff778d5d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {f3c6562c-eafb-454f-9f0d-fc11a44764c2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {66c81865-805c-4506-96a6-0d23e3ec46b9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {11067cff-c2ba-40d6-987b-3867934524a6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {1f824536-737a-4fc5-9249-b2442baf15b4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {f47cba83-5d8a-4bad-987d-46355642e0a8}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f47cba83-5d8a-4bad-987d-46355642e0a8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {6ee4ce6d-00ae-4efd-862a-8a0d3baa780d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {1f824536-737a-4fc5-9249-b2442baf15b4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {7bf9bc32-c647-4552-add5-684f1d85caa6}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {7bf9bc32-c647-4552-add5-684f1d85caa6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e4f3e318-8375-44a7-9c93-2842e04428f4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f32d3938-149c-40ab-946e-c8adb984882a}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {381cbbbf-d39b-4dba-84a7-014fee145428}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a3604a08-8c27-4215-9ed3-b64671776f43}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {96f4a32a-57c7-4e71-b92a-9aa54ed939c9}, !- Handle
+ {e4f3e318-8375-44a7-9c93-2842e04428f4}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.775051229723311, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f32d3938-149c-40ab-946e-c8adb984882a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {381cbbbf-d39b-4dba-84a7-014fee145428}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a3604a08-8c27-4215-9ed3-b64671776f43}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {d28a9ba6-d324-4bca-84e0-420fa4f1feb4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {e4f3e318-8375-44a7-9c93-2842e04428f4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {15e6e258-8d86-4331-aef7-d8ecabdf572e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {15e6e258-8d86-4331-aef7-d8ecabdf572e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {503e350f-7e40-470a-8582-170ded5815f3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {e4f3e318-8375-44a7-9c93-2842e04428f4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {db8c9386-0483-4e4a-bfbe-c3c2996d9055}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {db8c9386-0483-4e4a-bfbe-c3c2996d9055}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {df1b2e7d-dc41-454e-8be0-7ec915dee16f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {05f24e47-4d18-4ad3-a72a-4bd47093af19}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {389fd2e1-f09c-48dc-ba7c-8b0afa5ad904}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {0a9765da-105c-48ab-9438-392eda1e308e}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4ab1e685-0305-4ff7-befa-b127154f80ca}, !- Handle
+ {df1b2e7d-dc41-454e-8be0-7ec915dee16f}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.775051229723311, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {05f24e47-4d18-4ad3-a72a-4bd47093af19}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {389fd2e1-f09c-48dc-ba7c-8b0afa5ad904}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0a9765da-105c-48ab-9438-392eda1e308e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {623ab846-c31b-4850-a1a4-4db8ea9e039b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {df1b2e7d-dc41-454e-8be0-7ec915dee16f}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {4a551bb3-fcab-405f-83f5-1e02b637004d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {4a551bb3-fcab-405f-83f5-1e02b637004d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b7973cd1-a028-4fc4-a745-6f337afe3fcd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {df1b2e7d-dc41-454e-8be0-7ec915dee16f}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {466de9ad-4ccf-4805-bf6a-a4e2785c1487}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {466de9ad-4ccf-4805-bf6a-a4e2785c1487}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {55085b2e-7c9a-41ca-927f-41e81d95421e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {dd9f4f40-8308-4207-857f-b929009e19f1}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {096b9c74-2691-47fc-8934-90b5dcd93e68}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {af30d8b9-98e1-4c80-ada8-5b69efd3e4d5}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a86d81c1-0a3e-4fad-a66c-93d3ede15933}, !- Handle
+ {55085b2e-7c9a-41ca-927f-41e81d95421e}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.775051229723311, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {dd9f4f40-8308-4207-857f-b929009e19f1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {096b9c74-2691-47fc-8934-90b5dcd93e68}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {af30d8b9-98e1-4c80-ada8-5b69efd3e4d5}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {58c2b09b-3527-4846-afbf-7807e0839ed8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {55085b2e-7c9a-41ca-927f-41e81d95421e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {d6df8fba-9b0d-4c88-a71c-0a5f011a42a0}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {d6df8fba-9b0d-4c88-a71c-0a5f011a42a0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {d2dfe3ce-ef30-49f0-9d29-bf34e5f28e55}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {55085b2e-7c9a-41ca-927f-41e81d95421e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {9cd31bd5-e01e-4dda-a259-2ce6f1d703cf}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {9cd31bd5-e01e-4dda-a259-2ce6f1d703cf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {13d5a909-098b-4d88-bd23-5c33be0d9505}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {96e3a7e5-5dd9-4502-a77c-9563610851cd}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {0e67ff95-5042-47c2-94ae-c101a5887687}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8b00c92a-bf05-4e47-908d-8b2d295a0452}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8b5440bd-32aa-4532-9e62-da33c655da82}, !- Handle
+ {13d5a909-098b-4d88-bd23-5c33be0d9505}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383423, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {96e3a7e5-5dd9-4502-a77c-9563610851cd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {0e67ff95-5042-47c2-94ae-c101a5887687}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8b00c92a-bf05-4e47-908d-8b2d295a0452}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {c04b20cc-0c3e-4ba3-ba00-9e2e2ab767db}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {13d5a909-098b-4d88-bd23-5c33be0d9505}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {41e024f0-cb41-403d-854e-dfe68afb9d46}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {41e024f0-cb41-403d-854e-dfe68afb9d46}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {f58c30d4-40e9-437a-8bd2-c595f40c3e31}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {13d5a909-098b-4d88-bd23-5c33be0d9505}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {00b1681f-57db-4dd2-8883-31fc62b35cff}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {00b1681f-57db-4dd2-8883-31fc62b35cff}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {c6614023-e18c-4eca-ad53-4c09cfdd781c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {aba069d3-3a9f-4472-95a7-9c590501eaaa}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {ec57a013-5f9c-48b7-b804-b86f586e65d6}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e1db1832-156b-44cb-9175-dfafedb502ab}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f8295cea-5734-48d1-8836-c144c9a28ca7}, !- Handle
+ {c6614023-e18c-4eca-ad53-4c09cfdd781c}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383423, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {aba069d3-3a9f-4472-95a7-9c590501eaaa}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {ec57a013-5f9c-48b7-b804-b86f586e65d6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {e1db1832-156b-44cb-9175-dfafedb502ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {34857122-ab00-44f3-a4f2-3f34bf476130}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {c6614023-e18c-4eca-ad53-4c09cfdd781c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {ee376c94-4c3b-4e6e-bdd5-26bbde90364a}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {ee376c94-4c3b-4e6e-bdd5-26bbde90364a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {edf44976-f83b-48fc-8cb2-7e13081f3f68}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {c6614023-e18c-4eca-ad53-4c09cfdd781c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {10d6df71-baed-40f1-a992-51379b9695bb}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {10d6df71-baed-40f1-a992-51379b9695bb}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {9128ba4f-8f4c-4247-a9d0-cb9397945fc9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {10164dd7-899f-4dcd-8f93-31f4893d72d6}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {c27725d0-22d2-468f-b678-7d5dd7699663}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {089ae415-c893-4acf-a46a-df1a369fb974}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bb96b794-74a7-414b-9e61-4647a82c534e}, !- Handle
+ {9128ba4f-8f4c-4247-a9d0-cb9397945fc9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.0499743851383423, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {10164dd7-899f-4dcd-8f93-31f4893d72d6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {c27725d0-22d2-468f-b678-7d5dd7699663}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {089ae415-c893-4acf-a46a-df1a369fb974}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {10a6b60a-f3a5-40f0-bd51-62a05af740c0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {9128ba4f-8f4c-4247-a9d0-cb9397945fc9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {5ecb5002-fb96-4c96-81a4-c2f0a7027570}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {5ecb5002-fb96-4c96-81a4-c2f0a7027570}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7ef43323-7e4e-419d-a482-ffae4998fcc5}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {9128ba4f-8f4c-4247-a9d0-cb9397945fc9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {b5babbcf-7ad9-4466-ae02-549624c4dee4}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {b5babbcf-7ad9-4466-ae02-549624c4dee4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7ee38834-17db-49aa-b6c6-4469a594b5aa}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f3c658a9-5368-4787-a4a4-477ef69d90cb}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {54e64baf-8964-49d8-b219-7dbbd75409d3}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {bd4b02cf-b02f-4076-aa56-4d4e20fb0278}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {78589bec-516d-444c-bf5d-56cc320b5bea}, !- Handle
+ {7ee38834-17db-49aa-b6c6-4469a594b5aa}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.7249487702766881, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f3c658a9-5368-4787-a4a4-477ef69d90cb}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {54e64baf-8964-49d8-b219-7dbbd75409d3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {bd4b02cf-b02f-4076-aa56-4d4e20fb0278}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {1724d9c3-9a06-4fc5-878c-74038d3cf759}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {7ee38834-17db-49aa-b6c6-4469a594b5aa}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {f3a090bc-dd0f-4c45-ac2d-7529a3694f53}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f3a090bc-dd0f-4c45-ac2d-7529a3694f53}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {93849c51-d564-4810-949b-aef23c735c1e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {7ee38834-17db-49aa-b6c6-4469a594b5aa}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {967fc799-3e2b-47a5-a58e-440f88ac5dd2}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {967fc799-3e2b-47a5-a58e-440f88ac5dd2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {426f1b45-5d90-40a7-9f82-d82292ca7bf0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {e3bdfb68-1301-48fc-92d4-56d31ef53a7d}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {596f1719-be58-4b1c-b08c-79439c22197d}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {6e19bc26-2a78-4396-afe7-e937d0a7f066}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {1cdccc08-bd64-44be-9eab-054a53930460}, !- Handle
+ {426f1b45-5d90-40a7-9f82-d82292ca7bf0}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.7249487702766881, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {e3bdfb68-1301-48fc-92d4-56d31ef53a7d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {596f1719-be58-4b1c-b08c-79439c22197d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {6e19bc26-2a78-4396-afe7-e937d0a7f066}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {9792476f-b0b1-433c-9fbd-be98124f4ff4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {426f1b45-5d90-40a7-9f82-d82292ca7bf0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {19399a48-610f-4cea-abef-9ba5031c10be}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {19399a48-610f-4cea-abef-9ba5031c10be}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {57590468-2908-46a3-b187-aeaaee387591}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {426f1b45-5d90-40a7-9f82-d82292ca7bf0}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {c9f9b7dc-2e2a-4e51-9563-94c139dbd0dd}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {c9f9b7dc-2e2a-4e51-9563-94c139dbd0dd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {096ff072-9b18-44c7-ae03-ddc71371811f}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {f72a1b10-196e-47ed-90d5-aa410471e03c}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {2069dbc3-82f0-4e89-a3ff-c7ceb051a2f2}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ecbd419d-9214-4f76-9d45-d20da87896b6}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {37361078-fd44-43a8-aeaa-1237a445f66c}, !- Handle
+ {096ff072-9b18-44c7-ae03-ddc71371811f}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.7249487702766881, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:21 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {f72a1b10-196e-47ed-90d5-aa410471e03c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {2069dbc3-82f0-4e89-a3ff-c7ceb051a2f2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {ecbd419d-9214-4f76-9d45-d20da87896b6}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {ece1b56b-7341-4851-b167-d7e3c8a3239e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {096ff072-9b18-44c7-ae03-ddc71371811f}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {01cfe8bb-e4be-4c60-a1a7-054827c431b9}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {01cfe8bb-e4be-4c60-a1a7-054827c431b9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {bbbb29d8-8ce2-49c5-ab63-7fa3ff1fbd2e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {096ff072-9b18-44c7-ae03-ddc71371811f}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {14993151-0caf-4758-a2b7-1053e28ffc44}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {14993151-0caf-4758-a2b7-1053e28ffc44}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7d55e0fa-4b1a-4af2-ae6d-d22dd2c7c021}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {568a5396-3ec0-489a-b853-8aaacbe7b78a}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {fa008cd0-49c4-4201-90b7-466d127555b4}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ca8ca0c2-c6bd-4bed-bfd8-b83ca8be1a0a}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4fbfef48-dea5-4bd9-8532-bf889dc916f3}, !- Handle
+ {7d55e0fa-4b1a-4af2-ae6d-d22dd2c7c021}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.374999999999996, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {568a5396-3ec0-489a-b853-8aaacbe7b78a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {fa008cd0-49c4-4201-90b7-466d127555b4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {ca8ca0c2-c6bd-4bed-bfd8-b83ca8be1a0a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {f903e602-454b-455c-933c-140279744ac4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {7d55e0fa-4b1a-4af2-ae6d-d22dd2c7c021}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {b46e8d97-11bd-40fe-a539-cf01987719c0}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {b46e8d97-11bd-40fe-a539-cf01987719c0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {da0f2ccb-77c8-4ad1-995a-da4fa1a46809}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {7d55e0fa-4b1a-4af2-ae6d-d22dd2c7c021}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {de811412-602b-42e0-83e2-5ae3a23504c2}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {de811412-602b-42e0-83e2-5ae3a23504c2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7ebdda3c-9289-45ec-b9bb-a542156a42c9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {8dad3dba-10f6-487b-9020-e0e90dcb888b}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {defe5b5f-e4c9-47af-8d6f-5b6414682f51}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {0252f2c4-2943-48fd-9d0f-2d5fabe59aec}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {cf96bcf5-6c2f-4e0e-9d0b-d2972b5455a7}, !- Handle
+ {7ebdda3c-9289-45ec-b9bb-a542156a42c9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.374999999999996, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {8dad3dba-10f6-487b-9020-e0e90dcb888b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {defe5b5f-e4c9-47af-8d6f-5b6414682f51}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {0252f2c4-2943-48fd-9d0f-2d5fabe59aec}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {1a02e501-5102-4ae8-b71d-18f107207fa9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {7ebdda3c-9289-45ec-b9bb-a542156a42c9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {2b9e4c11-2a0d-4885-a018-4c8e6ee0cf5d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {2b9e4c11-2a0d-4885-a018-4c8e6ee0cf5d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {a211b2c1-2a1f-4286-833c-540ac9be46ef}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {7ebdda3c-9289-45ec-b9bb-a542156a42c9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {1d1d4845-fbf9-4d58-b934-00fb295d9a38}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {1d1d4845-fbf9-4d58-b934-00fb295d9a38}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {6cbf3f48-d099-4a7c-a0a9-c08fa234cc7c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {144465e5-0373-4168-a360-5e53e1842589}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {f797b880-aad0-4155-b26d-caf3880981d9}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {48b14e15-b62d-4246-94ee-14d17a38cdba}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {78446382-a0be-4ccd-b39d-ffbdee42e93e}, !- Handle
+ {6cbf3f48-d099-4a7c-a0a9-c08fa234cc7c}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.374999999999996, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {144465e5-0373-4168-a360-5e53e1842589}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {f797b880-aad0-4155-b26d-caf3880981d9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {48b14e15-b62d-4246-94ee-14d17a38cdba}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {4abdfdcf-cc35-4cbe-8698-c16e616c70ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {6cbf3f48-d099-4a7c-a0a9-c08fa234cc7c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {983e87aa-4d3c-450b-bd5f-cb8a601c054c}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {983e87aa-4d3c-450b-bd5f-cb8a601c054c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {8353dd3e-a51c-4d70-a543-32b15d4fb95b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {6cbf3f48-d099-4a7c-a0a9-c08fa234cc7c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {e17e7aea-c561-4b79-b451-ad0fd1e4bcd3}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {e17e7aea-c561-4b79-b451-ad0fd1e4bcd3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {efee7a51-7ee5-428b-9130-a9d27c7294c3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {552155a7-f2dd-4cf6-8edb-c6da5a2bae13}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {705ae549-b458-420f-b6c1-a86dd1abd287}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {af343df1-8b43-4d0a-a0a4-aad1acff97b0}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {d4d456d0-2f97-4874-951b-6d22cb1eaedb}, !- Handle
+ {efee7a51-7ee5-428b-9130-a9d27c7294c3}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.5858899304799481, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {552155a7-f2dd-4cf6-8edb-c6da5a2bae13}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {705ae549-b458-420f-b6c1-a86dd1abd287}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {af343df1-8b43-4d0a-a0a4-aad1acff97b0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {80916925-a21a-42f0-b27f-542f9806b37c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {efee7a51-7ee5-428b-9130-a9d27c7294c3}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {75f5e4e9-ee8f-42f9-8ff1-9692564ca6e1}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {75f5e4e9-ee8f-42f9-8ff1-9692564ca6e1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {06119459-f513-4bdb-adaa-e3c3c201d6c1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {efee7a51-7ee5-428b-9130-a9d27c7294c3}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {0cfc0f7c-f4c3-49f0-81f0-794841c32efd}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {0cfc0f7c-f4c3-49f0-81f0-794841c32efd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {32109059-a65e-4aca-9831-2ecfb958e9f4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {7699ec8d-c86c-4591-bf37-b9a83e21246b}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {1f474df0-3406-4ac3-8a1a-42fe566994bc}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8b9012e7-c39b-4aab-8bed-c0f2b8f561be}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8e47c8bd-0565-4b2d-87dc-afba191df146}, !- Handle
+ {32109059-a65e-4aca-9831-2ecfb958e9f4}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.5858899304799481, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {7699ec8d-c86c-4591-bf37-b9a83e21246b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {1f474df0-3406-4ac3-8a1a-42fe566994bc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8b9012e7-c39b-4aab-8bed-c0f2b8f561be}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7b8c9dc3-b6a4-49c2-9c7e-6dd35bdb939b}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {32109059-a65e-4aca-9831-2ecfb958e9f4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {86276bd8-a76b-417b-a92c-bf903fe9c960}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {86276bd8-a76b-417b-a92c-bf903fe9c960}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {a0ab1cb1-e1d6-47a9-997f-41bd8fb7de53}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {32109059-a65e-4aca-9831-2ecfb958e9f4}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {542908eb-e7c1-49cc-ad6e-4c850f465139}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {542908eb-e7c1-49cc-ad6e-4c850f465139}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {38e1856a-ad4f-41fe-b760-ba15b9a6d942}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {48b003db-92ca-4ae9-9293-e811daabcd7e}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {d7f8bc3b-f940-4b38-8ed7-767fa89c9fcc}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {df9808d4-ab5d-43f6-a9c0-39901a87bb5e}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {19fa95ed-65cd-4b65-a33e-1204bedd8695}, !- Handle
+ {38e1856a-ad4f-41fe-b760-ba15b9a6d942}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.5858899304799481, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {48b003db-92ca-4ae9-9293-e811daabcd7e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {d7f8bc3b-f940-4b38-8ed7-767fa89c9fcc}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {df9808d4-ab5d-43f6-a9c0-39901a87bb5e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {16bd5dc1-cf2e-47f9-a3a5-8a893126393a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {38e1856a-ad4f-41fe-b760-ba15b9a6d942}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {1ff290f8-0908-4eb3-9cef-d82a3938fbd0}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {1ff290f8-0908-4eb3-9cef-d82a3938fbd0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {af7cab3b-e3ae-4eee-9484-cee1a347a5a8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {38e1856a-ad4f-41fe-b760-ba15b9a6d942}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {8d7d8638-4b57-4eb0-b76d-fb665d7e59c5}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {8d7d8638-4b57-4eb0-b76d-fb665d7e59c5}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {da74b337-bbd5-4c8e-a78f-873a50c523cf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {c84dfaae-510b-4bd1-9e70-96aad8917ab3}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {9419939f-b676-449a-9764-cefbdce3d920}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {58080b4f-bcfd-486b-8f59-952111bdadb1}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {14a7d2d4-28cc-4d8d-9a7e-88b5f1faf133}, !- Handle
+ {da74b337-bbd5-4c8e-a78f-873a50c523cf}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.9642125289666796, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {c84dfaae-510b-4bd1-9e70-96aad8917ab3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {9419939f-b676-449a-9764-cefbdce3d920}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {58080b4f-bcfd-486b-8f59-952111bdadb1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {20bb33e0-633b-4b32-9f07-ecfba48d5996}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {da74b337-bbd5-4c8e-a78f-873a50c523cf}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {7160d479-37fa-430f-9305-c3ccdf810c81}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {7160d479-37fa-430f-9305-c3ccdf810c81}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {c58d0e28-45d2-4283-b4c3-3aaec1fc0747}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {da74b337-bbd5-4c8e-a78f-873a50c523cf}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {394162cb-cb73-442c-a970-c0391fd99675}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {394162cb-cb73-442c-a970-c0391fd99675}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {c33eb2a9-a521-491a-a37a-a6482b0fd092}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {246d933a-3b8c-4460-a82e-fe156d1510b1}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {b11e51e9-f8b8-47fd-bbbd-7b543e96540e}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {83a90b33-d797-4187-9d9d-84ea89c368d8}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {c1ca1d76-80ae-4121-ae38-b36551e8cf7a}, !- Handle
+ {c33eb2a9-a521-491a-a37a-a6482b0fd092}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.9642125289666796, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {246d933a-3b8c-4460-a82e-fe156d1510b1}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {b11e51e9-f8b8-47fd-bbbd-7b543e96540e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {83a90b33-d797-4187-9d9d-84ea89c368d8}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {40aef0e9-8fe0-4d15-8b81-5dfbb742bdf7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {c33eb2a9-a521-491a-a37a-a6482b0fd092}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {1d236082-4b0c-406e-98d1-ea76da468d58}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {1d236082-4b0c-406e-98d1-ea76da468d58}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e29345e1-18c0-43b7-aa2d-efe459b8cd50}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {c33eb2a9-a521-491a-a37a-a6482b0fd092}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {ce295e11-2602-47dc-8a4e-44c566cd888e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {ce295e11-2602-47dc-8a4e-44c566cd888e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {805f1b39-4835-43ea-b0af-fc7542f747e2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {95b34084-f80a-424c-9a04-55fad35c5d5e}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {7d4d601a-79e3-4649-9a56-cd9152286cdd}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8e502b73-d3fb-4192-b0b3-a740f46d4778}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {51b030af-4bbb-47ce-9921-e5219236110d}, !- Handle
+ {805f1b39-4835-43ea-b0af-fc7542f747e2}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 1.9642125289666796, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:22 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {95b34084-f80a-424c-9a04-55fad35c5d5e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {7d4d601a-79e3-4649-9a56-cd9152286cdd}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8e502b73-d3fb-4192-b0b3-a740f46d4778}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {5d69c7ea-04e7-4fd1-b894-63eceb54ea3a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {805f1b39-4835-43ea-b0af-fc7542f747e2}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {24ccaa83-47ae-4949-81be-0c56099b76b2}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {24ccaa83-47ae-4949-81be-0c56099b76b2}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {31f1e769-becf-4fbc-b534-a65976364de7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {805f1b39-4835-43ea-b0af-fc7542f747e2}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {2e73ca72-2f2c-4d13-ad55-a2ecdf970417}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {2e73ca72-2f2c-4d13-ad55-a2ecdf970417}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {bdb982c1-71ab-47d8-8b10-ad534bbc4059}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {3f8213e6-7fff-407d-bdd3-19873f510271}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {2ddc275a-8fcd-4853-904b-61e26673138a}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {e7a83d35-371a-4392-b666-908382671339}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {4c1d85fa-d75f-4ea5-a666-32d6cadd59d2}, !- Handle
+ {bdb982c1-71ab-47d8-8b10-ad534bbc4059}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.724948770276693, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {3f8213e6-7fff-407d-bdd3-19873f510271}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {2ddc275a-8fcd-4853-904b-61e26673138a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {e7a83d35-371a-4392-b666-908382671339}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {b57ef5ab-b874-4c78-a560-0fdbce508a46}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {bdb982c1-71ab-47d8-8b10-ad534bbc4059}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {b9d71204-08e2-41c3-b365-42d95853bf51}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {b9d71204-08e2-41c3-b365-42d95853bf51}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {0226fbe0-5c11-46c9-b3f6-a1a153a6334c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {bdb982c1-71ab-47d8-8b10-ad534bbc4059}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {cfcd3bfa-af0b-4323-b2b7-3642b37d6906}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {cfcd3bfa-af0b-4323-b2b7-3642b37d6906}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {4b8733ce-6886-4d6b-96b2-4c529ca7d005}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {91ae40dd-1b3f-4862-9f83-efd6c11c5f37}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {e3b88c0a-c0a9-4b82-944e-5596b2638b64}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {b1794f5b-e6bc-41fe-9b85-f3b82bfd588d}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ef7c1b76-378d-4ff0-8ba0-be8267fbcda3}, !- Handle
+ {4b8733ce-6886-4d6b-96b2-4c529ca7d005}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.724948770276693, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {91ae40dd-1b3f-4862-9f83-efd6c11c5f37}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {e3b88c0a-c0a9-4b82-944e-5596b2638b64}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {b1794f5b-e6bc-41fe-9b85-f3b82bfd588d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7a307e85-8a2d-4df8-8292-cfd6120ffc4a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {4b8733ce-6886-4d6b-96b2-4c529ca7d005}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {03133f17-6434-4b2b-8d1b-210ad0ba340a}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {03133f17-6434-4b2b-8d1b-210ad0ba340a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7f019e56-8554-476d-8867-0a7b3d104e04}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {4b8733ce-6886-4d6b-96b2-4c529ca7d005}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {b4ad48c3-885c-44bb-9800-5ff56b5a09cf}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {b4ad48c3-885c-44bb-9800-5ff56b5a09cf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b9580a0e-3049-47e7-9881-b51130639f07}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {aced0dc0-5087-4e40-8638-f8955a78bcc7}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {e5009ab8-90e5-4b73-a112-4b7af0459f8a}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {8fc9d6ea-5988-49ce-ae3c-b4cbb56e90ab}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {3f64d163-f787-4731-aad0-7de6faa15e0a}, !- Handle
+ {b9580a0e-3049-47e7-9881-b51130639f07}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 2.724948770276693, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {aced0dc0-5087-4e40-8638-f8955a78bcc7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {e5009ab8-90e5-4b73-a112-4b7af0459f8a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {8fc9d6ea-5988-49ce-ae3c-b4cbb56e90ab}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {98fd7f42-f538-4a42-a7d3-40b2532420e3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {b9580a0e-3049-47e7-9881-b51130639f07}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {f0ebdf9d-c42a-443e-977d-610d2597a066}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f0ebdf9d-c42a-443e-977d-610d2597a066}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {3b28e9dc-7327-439c-9edf-9659ea2a8067}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {b9580a0e-3049-47e7-9881-b51130639f07}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {138ee279-cf09-471d-ae35-601ebf24841d}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {138ee279-cf09-471d-ae35-601ebf24841d}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {6b1e5410-c9a9-4448-9ff5-de00c30e0c2e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {5cc0e9c6-f1a7-4f95-80f9-1f73bac9e78a}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {89c4b589-3d7e-4d6e-b564-f9bdaa6ae3f4}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {f2871f55-380f-41c4-9e1c-4b83547a3044}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {ba11af04-19fe-431f-8f9a-cf96bc7f5cd5}, !- Handle
+ {6b1e5410-c9a9-4448-9ff5-de00c30e0c2e}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.3750000000000013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {5cc0e9c6-f1a7-4f95-80f9-1f73bac9e78a}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {89c4b589-3d7e-4d6e-b564-f9bdaa6ae3f4}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {f2871f55-380f-41c4-9e1c-4b83547a3044}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {162adf96-35eb-4265-ac5d-1046f0c312d0}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {6b1e5410-c9a9-4448-9ff5-de00c30e0c2e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {2d569676-a9d8-4086-93a2-775a821e1c47}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {2d569676-a9d8-4086-93a2-775a821e1c47}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b6672ee0-aef5-45ff-a90a-fecefb9e4280}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 1, !- Name
+ {6b1e5410-c9a9-4448-9ff5-de00c30e0c2e}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {951bf95f-149d-433e-aba1-e7039813989e}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {951bf95f-149d-433e-aba1-e7039813989e}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 1, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {7343a176-abc7-4370-9e02-82d293ba1330}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_novent_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {41013001-5046-4652-9a81-660dba40fa79}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {42e7cf26-6722-4315-9afa-d24d9f92baaf}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {a8313fe1-6683-4ff2-8131-1c9654a48433}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {9cf4a9d6-d7f0-4fb5-8910-41f90c8a1141}, !- Handle
+ {7343a176-abc7-4370-9e02-82d293ba1330}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.3750000000000013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {41013001-5046-4652-9a81-660dba40fa79}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {42e7cf26-6722-4315-9afa-d24d9f92baaf}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a8313fe1-6683-4ff2-8131-1c9654a48433}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {c44901e1-1e0d-41fd-af23-7b6ef4f6e953}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {7343a176-abc7-4370-9e02-82d293ba1330}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {83363c28-37fa-45b7-8060-5d88b4efb230}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {83363c28-37fa-45b7-8060-5d88b4efb230}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {b8e7d146-096e-411e-a649-8fa5d9a113b7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 2, !- Name
+ {7343a176-abc7-4370-9e02-82d293ba1330}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {0c375072-7f36-43ca-9827-865d4b543958}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {0c375072-7f36-43ca-9827-865d4b543958}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 2, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {1b79a47c-fdf7-4a27-bc0f-fb410f81457c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC_night_fancycle_schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {da36c331-ccb8-4a39-8a7a-0f7fca291356}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {05cfbfbc-73b2-4ee1-89d8-b420824449be}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {68ae1a28-88ff-41af-9da5-944dca891768}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {b0148e30-fd32-47ca-a6bf-5acec7e05388}, !- Handle
+ {1b79a47c-fdf7-4a27-bc0f-fb410f81457c}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 3.3750000000000013, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:23 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {da36c331-ccb8-4a39-8a7a-0f7fca291356}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 3, !- Hour 1
+ 20, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 8, !- Hour 2
+ 39, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 14, !- Hour 3
+ 39, !- Minute 3
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 3
+ 15, !- Hour 4
+ 0, !- Minute 4
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 4
+ 24, !- Hour 5
+ 0, !- Minute 5
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 5
+ {05cfbfbc-73b2-4ee1-89d8-b420824449be}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {68ae1a28-88ff-41af-9da5-944dca891768}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {291b72f1-97aa-4a6d-81cb-e1dd34b8ed6c}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {1b79a47c-fdf7-4a27-bc0f-fb410f81457c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {6ab09026-e71f-4b75-90cd-57d205381bb9}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {6ab09026-e71f-4b75-90cd-57d205381bb9}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 34, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 14, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {60781d5e-6400-4a19-83b4-79213ff1e9e7}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 3, !- Name
+ {1b79a47c-fdf7-4a27-bc0f-fb410f81457c}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {9e97ee11-10a0-402d-80f5-5d734c0036d3}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {9e97ee11-10a0-402d-80f5-5d734c0036d3}, !- Handle
+ Zone StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 3, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 6, !- Hour 1
+ 35, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 15, !- Hour 2
+ 44, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC On Schedule, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {974f99de-743e-4d62-9553-4e68f99fc1c8}, !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {71c884b9-230e-40b0-854e-afcda79b26db}, !- Summer Design Day Schedule Name
+ {2b728162-c390-48d3-89d7-b36c35a297d4}; !- Winter Design Day Schedule Name
+ {7beb6a2a-b9dd-4797-94d2-f4d605225bf8}, !- Handle
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Object Name
+ max_occ_in_spaces, !- Feature Name 1
+ Double, !- Feature Data Type 1
+ 16.983093940853038, !- Feature Value 1
+ number_of_spaces_included, !- Feature Name 2
+ Integer, !- Feature Data Type 2
+ 1, !- Feature Value 2
+ date_parent_object_last_edited, !- Feature Name 3
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 3
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC, !- Feature Value 3
+ date_parent_object_created, !- Feature Name 4
+ String, !- Feature Data Type 4
+ 2023-06-26 18:47:19 UTC; !- Feature Value 4
+ {974f99de-743e-4d62-9553-4e68f99fc1c8}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Default 4, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {71c884b9-230e-40b0-854e-afcda79b26db}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Summer Design Day 4, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {2b728162-c390-48d3-89d7-b36c35a297d4}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Winter Design Day 4, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {98dadfa5-4e41-451f-8158-e5e3e338700a}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday Rule 4, !- Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {f65fc4c9-5644-45de-bd94-6306c8035144}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ , !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f65fc4c9-5644-45de-bd94-6306c8035144}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Sunday 4, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {8af6d089-11bc-4487-8034-91101d34d449}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday Rule 4, !- Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {f0f3284e-64c7-4f1b-9d9a-ffd1b952db32}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Apply Sunday
+ , !- Apply Monday
+ , !- Apply Tuesday
+ , !- Apply Wednesday
+ , !- Apply Thursday
+ , !- Apply Friday
+ Yes, !- Apply Saturday
+ DateRange, !- Date Specification Type
+ 1, !- Start Month
+ 1, !- Start Day
+ 12, !- End Month
+ 31; !- End Day
+ {f0f3284e-64c7-4f1b-9d9a-ffd1b952db32}, !- Handle
+ Zone FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground PSZ-AC Occ Sch Saturday 4, !- Name
+ {527647d6-cade-4909-b125-fcf7cf190d10}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 0; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ {c714086f-93f1-4873-b90a-74cd6f3bb034}; !- Default Day Schedule Name
+ {c714086f-93f1-4873-b90a-74cd6f3bb034}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule Default Day Schedule, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 8, !- Hour 1
+ 30, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 16, !- Hour 2
+ 50, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {ba24f355-f199-4764-978b-256e51f9516a}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule Schedule Day 0, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {bc031245-05b6-4c71-b77a-90c328da9941}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule Schedule Day 0 Rule, !- Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 1, !- Rule Order
+ {84481e6e-60c4-40ca-ac24-7b12cdd99600}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ Yes, !- Apply Sunday
+ No, !- Apply Monday
+ No, !- Apply Tuesday
+ No, !- Apply Wednesday
+ No, !- Apply Thursday
+ No, !- Apply Friday
+ No; !- Apply Saturday
+ {84481e6e-60c4-40ca-ac24-7b12cdd99600}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule Schedule Day 0 1, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 35, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {a8270961-ad5c-4d15-816a-bcd40b25002b}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule Schedule Day 1, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {eadd1c50-4b3d-4a73-aa58-f4057e956fd8}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule Schedule Day 1 Rule, !- Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Ruleset Name
+ 0, !- Rule Order
+ {520987b8-1673-4bac-9a14-92f73081edf3}, !- Day Schedule Name
+ No, !- Apply Sunday
+ No, !- Apply Monday
+ No, !- Apply Tuesday
+ No, !- Apply Wednesday
+ No, !- Apply Thursday
+ No, !- Apply Friday
+ Yes; !- Apply Saturday
+ {520987b8-1673-4bac-9a14-92f73081edf3}, !- Handle
+ Infiltration HVAC Off Schedule Schedule Day 2, !- Name
+ {31ef9d28-ee0f-426c-a6fb-b761ca22a10f}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 5, !- Hour 1
+ 25, !- Minute 1
+ 1, !- Value Until Time 1
+ 18, !- Hour 2
+ 55, !- Minute 2
+ 0, !- Value Until Time 2
+ 24, !- Hour 3
+ 0, !- Minute 3
+ 1; !- Value Until Time 3
+ {468e732d-e655-42ce-96b0-8c2d4d37fb5e}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {ae059ed5-83df-431e-a5f7-42f091433485}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining C - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {a7340658-f916-43fe-aa82-199d2212b9ac}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {7a44018f-c0d0-460c-8c82-029dca029e81}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining A - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {c1a6b14e-641b-4282-8970-17f552c78879}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {afaeae41-800c-41fe-9845-cc3076c4df71}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {80f13cd1-b904-4344-9f88-e6b4d2a9e1e7}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 C - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {d34be342-3d3b-48f0-b994-863a2113fa5f}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {ae4412e4-2ac1-4026-89e0-a00738b829b8}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {a6c918f9-9be2-4568-bccd-24a8ec667a2f}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 B - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {2297a018-39c0-4105-81ba-98ee4962aa4f}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {d263f817-b6a8-44db-968e-a8298e1251fa}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {ce16da16-f7ea-47ea-9608-394317b37a8a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A end_a - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {602d9804-6b0b-43ef-b78a-f481d2def08c}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {0531825e-d903-45f7-9ad3-bb4d85773d57}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Dining B - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {ba13457b-13b5-442c-a9d7-188536bccc7c}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {b8cb23c0-98bc-489d-840d-f1536f0c7e59}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 2 A - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {2bb1c173-c986-4c93-92d7-af267729cc83}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {58185662-7b71-4d82-9d56-ecebf967c46e}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {3b9dd8d9-2984-4963-a849-3e2daf5f66ba}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B end_a - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {ba4e6d4f-00fe-44b9-975e-8cc099f267d4}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {fd76fdc5-6348-4dc4-ae8f-f3d8805d9c99}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {09d0461a-1829-4f7f-9200-956434b26a85}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {72362013-2817-4995-a76a-54d721f4ecfe}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {bf17665a-a6b0-4288-a774-6920374acd18}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 A - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {91fade2a-2b8d-434b-8030-bbcb2cf0291d}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {595e5753-7380-4f18-9f1d-2fbf4381555d}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {7e903b01-9510-4270-8523-2fadea868043}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 A - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {5f6b2bd3-1c75-4553-b731-799aea6aea70}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {e4f4d872-a968-4b80-94d6-d30a0437d509}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {b986d728-f3fc-4aa5-8971-f3d7a0d964df}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 B - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {729a4ebb-0c9c-42ba-a835-ccb15c992812}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {e1af5614-13a9-42b6-8886-506585732f49}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {ddcc3186-57a2-45ab-83c3-9c70d2c58478}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 B - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {e78b97a9-5e8a-46aa-8240-8c95f68bce4b}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {f5f859b7-76d1-4e81-95f0-f43d0a7da2be}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {1bc925b2-802d-4a90-ac88-22719d9b7b0a}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 1 C - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {86333ff7-3fc8-4673-9316-0e4b32566160}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {aea72474-ad4c-481c-a147-a6896d4e8d03}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {2fbf230e-8db0-43f5-80f5-e14254b4306d}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen A - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {17e24fcd-32cf-4b1d-a591-f4a603b8a076}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {c0749ce4-192f-4c98-adff-fd82f1fcd631}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {154caf8e-9e61-439d-8b81-c132f4c48af5}, !- Handle
+ StripMall Strip mall - type 3 C end_a - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {7ac9d5fd-e177-41cf-80ea-0eb9eb08de06}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {d48e7453-be3a-4784-ab7d-61a2524467bf}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen B - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {057bb43b-2ccd-44c3-9fda-dbfc991260b0}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {60d90705-5fa6-439e-8592-55c17fac2713}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground HVAC On Infiltration, !- Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {e9d10482-a629-476f-a734-54c72a480ee9}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0.0037, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.005, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.046; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {34090519-015c-45bc-8b41-937001bc5056}, !- Handle
+ FullServiceRestaurant Kitchen C - Story Ground HVAC Off Infiltration, !- Name
+ {1ad46f05-cb04-4571-9609-250ca67de607}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {be88f6d7-9527-4d40-aaf8-206c36d5e31d}, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Space Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000619923259607389, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0097, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0596; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ {82303838-f382-44c8-b386-87ddb207fc57}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 1, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {79b412fb-8eab-4667-958d-a97ac3d604da}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 2, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {e9e39fd9-8a01-4cfd-9083-3e7c8158a8c2}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 3, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {4554c73c-b2fb-4a7b-801e-ce7c7cd1af96}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 4, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {95b2cf8d-5077-4d85-adc4-973e32cafde3}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 5, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {bb4752bd-5ae7-4565-baa8-8f349b1e09b7}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 6, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {389f3d3d-69e7-4e4b-bc53-6bdbc6da55f5}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 7, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7c9b95e6-cd93-457b-b095-d05dcd6f76c4}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 8, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {84f4db05-cd42-4237-8b68-1cc6c01b90bc}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 9, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {081f0116-5b3f-4661-b32d-46585c11c1e1}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 10, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {3fb1ef4c-dee7-4935-905c-8b1d04d0cb4e}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 11, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {9b5f58d4-d13f-4659-a3a3-a377c33615a9}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 12, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {106af98c-d2d0-4158-b978-fad6ffc10b86}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 13, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {41bb721f-4f53-41e0-a6fc-015395357b30}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 14, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {b5976c5e-8998-4665-8da6-5c0d74ef38d0}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 15, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 23.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {7957ebfb-3230-4852-8b72-e849bb390770}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 16, !- Name
+ , !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {d980d54c-8900-45be-b07d-5c8ac5b6a966}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 17, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {728da160-7696-486e-b5fb-aa7a98f46ac7}, !- Handle
+ Schedule Day 18, !- Name
+ {2efe2925-636f-4216-8bd6-4cbfdd6c08fd}, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ No, !- Interpolate to Timestep
+ 24, !- Hour 1
+ 0, !- Minute 1
+ 20.0000000000001; !- Value Until Time 1
+ {a9363140-da1c-4da5-b52e-f615a07b8cdf}, !- Handle
+ electric_griddle_equipment_definition_bldg_quantity=0.3, !- Name
+ EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ 3600, !- Design Level {W}
+ , !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.25, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.3, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2; !- Fraction Lost
+ {ecf1cee2-3766-4593-8316-8550a59d4f1d}, !- Handle
+ electric_griddle_equipment_bldg_quantity=0.3, !- Name
+ {a9363140-da1c-4da5-b52e-f615a07b8cdf}, !- Electric Equipment Definition Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Schedule Name
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {1806e975-3543-4c2a-b9de-0c3a6d6dfc24}, !- Handle
+ electric_fryer_equipment_definition_bldg_quantity=1.3, !- Name
+ EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ 28600, !- Design Level {W}
+ , !- Watts per Space Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.25, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.3, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2; !- Fraction Lost
+ {e7bf534e-e493-4122-9134-0ac971adf1a6}, !- Handle
+ electric_fryer_equipment_bldg_quantity=1.3, !- Name
+ {1806e975-3543-4c2a-b9de-0c3a6d6dfc24}, !- Electric Equipment Definition Name
+ {6f7df3df-1f6f-4ec8-867c-4930c9e38b47}, !- Space or SpaceType Name
+ {93503351-fb08-4c73-8da6-b5d451622cc6}, !- Schedule Name
+ 0.333333333333333, !- Multiplier
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ {f11233bf-d0fe-42be-88b9-94236cf9c89a}, !- Handle
+ Simple Glazing Double - No LowE - Clear - Aluminum, !- Name
+ 4.23598445247066, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
+ 0.646, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
+ 0.671; !- Visible Transmittance
+ {b7d1fe0c-35bb-4e16-9aa0-33e9deac539f}, !- Handle
+ Window U-0.75 SHGC 0.65, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {f11233bf-d0fe-42be-88b9-94236cf9c89a}; !- Layer 1
+ {d9d9a814-4ea2-48d4-8045-6e5d425a56c1}, !- Handle
+ {03d4be83-1974-42e7-a7aa-7e5fdef53562}; !- Object Name
+ {e220f673-4843-433a-a02d-7ffea513f6ff}, !- Handle
+ {6b5eeb7a-9447-448b-867f-b9d43584b49b}; !- Object Name
+ {90e877ce-d473-4a13-bf03-e91ded786b3a}, !- Handle
+ {3839dc0c-5c01-4d8c-a163-44dd30ff6e46}; !- Object Name
+ {d89ebfc3-3373-4812-ae61-52f6b90b3545}, !- Handle
+ {cf5ea72c-c35a-4f9b-93d5-56a50dc2a2a8}; !- Object Name
+ {28cfbbb4-eacd-4d22-a143-253da3b833a9}, !- Handle
+ {6fb5fa20-0b21-487e-b0cb-a102c4761101}; !- Object Name
+ {a8355ec4-5088-44bd-baf7-cfd47f405ccd}, !- Handle
+ {db46aba1-95e7-42dc-a954-28651cd10260}; !- Object Name
+ {b9f69db5-be32-4b44-9e37-56384b6ee50e}, !- Handle
+ {1ece70d6-f482-49ff-a9bc-f177530df52b}; !- Object Name
+ {ca1adca4-533a-49af-ba5d-727cc36f4c09}, !- Handle
+ {54718a5b-2fe4-4863-920d-ac80b9217ca3}; !- Object Name
+ {5508469d-5838-447d-95cd-c0a167ba40b5}, !- Handle
+ {534ea8be-2fe9-4def-9eda-63e98b9f7b2c}; !- Object Name
+ {69478dec-c4f9-47b5-9588-434c666518a8}, !- Handle
+ {68c53d04-c3ea-4b46-9429-363bb91e0d9a}; !- Object Name
+ {a5031a02-c7e1-41fc-884b-4707de32edd8}, !- Handle
+ {01921f47-1fdb-4cb1-9143-cdebeb7abcba}; !- Object Name
+ {a6ac992c-fe1d-41ef-82cd-0b2d2050a0d3}, !- Handle
+ {6dbb0024-70cf-4135-acf2-c4f0e1deed42}; !- Object Name
+ {93c3ede9-3ca9-4ea8-a173-3bd835d57982}, !- Handle
+ {c6edecf5-8784-40ef-9189-5159eb8677ae}; !- Object Name
+ {d6a03d03-caf7-422c-9dfa-5b7cdf40e2b2}, !- Handle
+ {ad280661-b20a-45ea-a230-09ed5914348c}; !- Object Name
+ {ee43aa0f-0a04-4a0e-8b19-46f6431fc181}, !- Handle
+ {73252aec-a051-4169-ba26-f28c65296a01}; !- Object Name
+ {ba38f420-2dcc-436f-b016-8a30a507d1ca}, !- Handle
+ {1cbe96c8-63f1-4516-acf4-b7bc0533c1b5}; !- Object Name
+ {dc7f0581-f0a0-4e64-9d3e-89c827f1f977}, !- Handle
+ {3ec09796-6f05-471d-9262-15f755b4d0de}; !- Object Name
+ {739005f8-05c5-4fbd-aa1c-e4961c5e58f1}, !- Handle
+ {adba70d1-f60b-42b9-ad5d-3e0518b15bbb}; !- Object Name
+ {bc5e4582-17bb-4fb0-80dc-da92048a608f}, !- Handle
+ {61eb78f0-8ed5-4fa0-a2fb-0bc68211a6fe}; !- Object Name
+ {6ee0c9ec-77b1-4842-a43f-bfb6c7e656f5}, !- Handle
+ {5beabb71-ebae-4796-9680-ce7aef229b33}; !- Object Name
+ {e19c313c-8e11-4623-8e3a-f9db857f1bd3}, !- Handle
+ {77b09d07-f30b-46ff-afb8-2306340ac9c5}; !- Object Name
+ {58b3d7da-68be-4267-8e71-23168835bf8e}, !- Handle
+ {9fe4a4b8-cf4b-4ae9-b548-6d3a64514dd0}; !- Object Name
+ {ea4b8b13-4438-44b4-9c6e-95d64422d583}, !- Handle
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+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {2964aea3-f9cf-4e15-981c-f2479f074ec3}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {f431b99d-b3a0-41ac-b03c-34024c12c675}, !- Handle
+ {baeec05f-ada5-484d-ac9d-b62f4457036d}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {2964aea3-f9cf-4e15-981c-f2479f074ec3}, !- Handle
+ Surface 106 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.632213503096511, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {05f253bd-e28a-4f3a-b2aa-e1dfe8083e2f}, !- Handle
+ Surface 108 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {e5d285d3-ada0-4c37-876a-02fc05f9a2ee}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {b54caf77-d7ca-4e2c-ad04-07971682f811}, !- Handle
+ {05f253bd-e28a-4f3a-b2aa-e1dfe8083e2f}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {e5d285d3-ada0-4c37-876a-02fc05f9a2ee}, !- Handle
+ Surface 108 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 1.99094020524523, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {a6bd4d4f-6512-43c3-a95d-537fc876837b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 12 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {151d74c2-4790-498c-be39-918a1c41150f}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {73c5de23-5f5c-487f-b22a-a5d21a9f6ebd}, !- Handle
+ {a6bd4d4f-6512-43c3-a95d-537fc876837b}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {151d74c2-4790-498c-be39-918a1c41150f}, !- Handle
+ Surface 12 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {c2a9878d-01f2-45fa-b951-0f20c3050f30}, !- Handle
+ Surface 14 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {b6671c6b-bab2-468b-aeba-d98edeacbacf}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {a3a93c44-c96c-4991-97d9-c6a61e608e34}, !- Handle
+ {c2a9878d-01f2-45fa-b951-0f20c3050f30}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {b6671c6b-bab2-468b-aeba-d98edeacbacf}, !- Handle
+ Surface 14 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.632213503096511, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {cee0c90a-acce-4a25-875c-5b34e6602dc0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 15 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {aacde48b-c695-447a-b253-8621679814e6}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {3b841ad5-0f87-4cba-9203-dc8ec5f1c907}, !- Handle
+ {cee0c90a-acce-4a25-875c-5b34e6602dc0}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {aacde48b-c695-447a-b253-8621679814e6}, !- Handle
+ Surface 15 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.632213503096511, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {a2bb4326-c213-4523-a883-91bbf1b7c8ad}, !- Handle
+ Surface 18 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {a48b3d08-85a5-43ba-ab9e-fe283d451c1a}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {9c7684be-3ee9-4af7-b1ca-807141e535ba}, !- Handle
+ {a2bb4326-c213-4523-a883-91bbf1b7c8ad}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {a48b3d08-85a5-43ba-ab9e-fe283d451c1a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 18 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 1.97742524064552, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {e4183b79-6e24-4c71-8f6a-ff56c9e24169}, !- Handle
+ Surface 2 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {1791bccd-04d2-43a1-ba3c-8c5a705aedba}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {1682d020-f646-43d0-a3cd-530aa2229a1d}, !- Handle
+ {e4183b79-6e24-4c71-8f6a-ff56c9e24169}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {1791bccd-04d2-43a1-ba3c-8c5a705aedba}, !- Handle
+ Surface 2 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.632213503096511, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {b72af9ff-e143-47d9-8ccb-95e795e5d330}, !- Handle
+ Surface 23 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {b3634bef-083e-4c42-9a9a-6c2f44d0618f}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {293989a0-6225-40f8-b35d-60325bd5c1ba}, !- Handle
+ {b72af9ff-e143-47d9-8ccb-95e795e5d330}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {b3634bef-083e-4c42-9a9a-6c2f44d0618f}, !- Handle
+ Surface 23 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.641636622853762, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {317afa74-eb92-4710-826c-c409a5c409ba}, !- Handle
+ Surface 24 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {88c7f46f-636b-4829-bb0c-d54b4cc60f8b}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {5f6fa0ac-f625-4bdc-94e2-3929c1b511c9}, !- Handle
+ {317afa74-eb92-4710-826c-c409a5c409ba}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {88c7f46f-636b-4829-bb0c-d54b4cc60f8b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 24 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {a090149d-acf6-46cf-8427-4f3a7efd4412}, !- Handle
+ Surface 33 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {2f05e1ce-e69a-46f6-b971-b86b52f54de3}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {21133f9a-1f2d-4f50-ab53-dd73b4266fc3}, !- Handle
+ {a090149d-acf6-46cf-8427-4f3a7efd4412}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {2f05e1ce-e69a-46f6-b971-b86b52f54de3}, !- Handle
+ Surface 33 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.641636622853762, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {ef0097c5-33e9-45d1-9da3-e43261f9ca32}, !- Handle
+ Surface 36 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {76fa354b-f873-4d56-83b6-baa0ed8b179a}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {0c9ad2ca-172f-41ed-8f4d-08f9d9067b08}, !- Handle
+ {ef0097c5-33e9-45d1-9da3-e43261f9ca32}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {76fa354b-f873-4d56-83b6-baa0ed8b179a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 36 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {bb93852e-93fe-4ba8-9355-37a21b476a90}, !- Handle
+ Surface 41 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {6b4e343a-502e-42f1-b2e8-507cac2a2d68}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {ce0e362c-800b-4e57-bfac-68f5d8317a09}, !- Handle
+ {bb93852e-93fe-4ba8-9355-37a21b476a90}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {6b4e343a-502e-42f1-b2e8-507cac2a2d68}, !- Handle
+ Surface 41 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.57775944826701, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {471c963d-a05e-455a-91aa-73a47feb23be}, !- Handle
+ Surface 42 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {7c78db33-f2b4-42a7-9589-8d7f21ff1638}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {319d9f7f-282c-46f4-b2c8-b6d17adc3df6}, !- Handle
+ {471c963d-a05e-455a-91aa-73a47feb23be}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {7c78db33-f2b4-42a7-9589-8d7f21ff1638}, !- Handle
+ Surface 42 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {334760c3-3f73-4f8b-9548-8dc0b15d1da0}, !- Handle
+ Surface 5 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {b68ff71b-8bfe-450b-b6ce-5b9d5614f075}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {235fc4f7-8caa-42f1-82fd-c9ceba5720d1}, !- Handle
+ {334760c3-3f73-4f8b-9548-8dc0b15d1da0}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {b68ff71b-8bfe-450b-b6ce-5b9d5614f075}, !- Handle
+ Surface 5 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.632213503096511, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {1f2c8316-46f2-460a-9060-5183b555b8ea}, !- Handle
+ Surface 51 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {29ecb58c-4384-4ff0-8b15-c8bf44008afb}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {4a7fc18c-ab02-433d-8c4a-c60645887c38}, !- Handle
+ {1f2c8316-46f2-460a-9060-5183b555b8ea}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {29ecb58c-4384-4ff0-8b15-c8bf44008afb}, !- Handle
+ Surface 51 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.57775944826701, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {97cd56c0-6cb7-49f1-965a-33507d49d476}, !- Handle
+ Surface 54 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {942b4ae7-b933-400b-b4f7-0d4524563f6a}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {2665bfcf-379a-4058-b6fc-e1b764340c5a}, !- Handle
+ {97cd56c0-6cb7-49f1-965a-33507d49d476}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {942b4ae7-b933-400b-b4f7-0d4524563f6a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 54 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {efdee11d-ac75-4c80-8f1b-cf2bc3c9b5e6}, !- Handle
+ Surface 59 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {cd0ea6d8-b99b-4454-8e58-dc97ac5410f1}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {4f2fa1a4-3bc7-4850-a18d-da3bf54e91cb}, !- Handle
+ {efdee11d-ac75-4c80-8f1b-cf2bc3c9b5e6}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {cd0ea6d8-b99b-4454-8e58-dc97ac5410f1}, !- Handle
+ Surface 59 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.649926300511968, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {1320c311-ee49-4de2-b450-98b9062aabef}, !- Handle
+ Surface 6 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {4d2bccaa-e21d-4640-839f-079f920ed0e5}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {94ea68de-1b7a-4fb6-86ab-c48887856494}, !- Handle
+ {1320c311-ee49-4de2-b450-98b9062aabef}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {4d2bccaa-e21d-4640-839f-079f920ed0e5}, !- Handle
+ Surface 6 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 1.97742524064552, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {7109508b-d5be-4aab-b0a7-003e83f1e4cc}, !- Handle
+ Surface 60 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {27ffcfd2-0d1a-4874-b2ac-5c03f1eeba1a}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {d48220c6-aaa3-4001-9423-c4f616a9b3eb}, !- Handle
+ {7109508b-d5be-4aab-b0a7-003e83f1e4cc}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {27ffcfd2-0d1a-4874-b2ac-5c03f1eeba1a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 60 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {91b93688-345c-4dbb-b5d6-b30a5d6fe605}, !- Handle
+ Surface 69 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {ff293938-f62b-4870-a745-8bd613f37970}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {a1f425e5-886d-4fdf-8eb3-64e87cd608a2}, !- Handle
+ {91b93688-345c-4dbb-b5d6-b30a5d6fe605}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {ff293938-f62b-4870-a745-8bd613f37970}, !- Handle
+ Surface 69 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.649926300511968, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {52c7975c-8bcf-461c-9e3e-91b741e879b9}, !- Handle
+ Surface 72 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {a9ca2ff8-e4f3-4cef-bf19-38ebc0ad8c02}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {fd8610d4-4ce4-4324-857e-564e9b1f55d2}, !- Handle
+ {52c7975c-8bcf-461c-9e3e-91b741e879b9}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {a9ca2ff8-e4f3-4cef-bf19-38ebc0ad8c02}, !- Handle
+ Surface 72 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {dc0c2eb0-5f55-40ea-bc08-28007a95ab75}, !- Handle
+ Surface 77 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {2bfb6305-433e-4bb1-a600-1c3c17135b7f}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {ee4d9fe1-e16a-4757-866c-b22fac49ea9e}, !- Handle
+ {dc0c2eb0-5f55-40ea-bc08-28007a95ab75}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {2bfb6305-433e-4bb1-a600-1c3c17135b7f}, !- Handle
+ Surface 77 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.649926300511967, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {19dcb386-91d5-4c0b-89dd-a3a22503a18a}, !- Handle
+ Surface 78 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {c6c0484f-143d-4023-be03-1d83969befd2}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {8370d830-8351-474c-9449-9b7b790356b2}, !- Handle
+ {19dcb386-91d5-4c0b-89dd-a3a22503a18a}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {c6c0484f-143d-4023-be03-1d83969befd2}, !- Handle
+ Surface 78 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {4f762538-d6de-4892-8d31-7192110cf176}, !- Handle
+ Surface 8 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {0b3e236f-2f1a-4dcd-af8b-58b8c7a25ab4}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {ae442e20-6580-4723-b666-76e2ce5ed7d9}, !- Handle
+ {4f762538-d6de-4892-8d31-7192110cf176}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {0b3e236f-2f1a-4dcd-af8b-58b8c7a25ab4}, !- Handle
+ Surface 8 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.613020078664306, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {a2b31097-fa8d-43c7-b677-db9025351bfc}, !- Handle
+ Surface 87 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {94f2f3fd-0c76-4385-abe6-319798aa5c3c}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {c4078517-2a90-4d30-af13-baa06054787d}, !- Handle
+ {a2b31097-fa8d-43c7-b677-db9025351bfc}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {94f2f3fd-0c76-4385-abe6-319798aa5c3c}, !- Handle
+ Surface 87 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.649926300511967, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {daf1733c-5283-4386-9e9d-2bdd44501fff}, !- Handle
+ Surface 90 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {6be73181-5577-40b0-9390-659813728976}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {d9a6f3be-cb7c-425e-a11a-fcfa0d556899}, !- Handle
+ {daf1733c-5283-4386-9e9d-2bdd44501fff}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {6be73181-5577-40b0-9390-659813728976}, !- Handle
+ Surface 90 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 2.10458204845711, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {5fc9af99-c746-40ad-90b3-11a3afeca94b}, !- Handle
+ Surface 94 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {883a178d-9514-4b5c-a046-205e9062ed04}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {f49377c2-ec4c-4ff1-8e40-c0f566f525c4}, !- Handle
+ {5fc9af99-c746-40ad-90b3-11a3afeca94b}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {883a178d-9514-4b5c-a046-205e9062ed04}, !- Handle
+ Surface 94 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.632213503096511, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {d8d06e6e-3330-4207-9b15-31e81c72464e}, !- Handle
+ Surface 95 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {d8097070-c948-4b11-9bb9-37987e15ccb5}, !- Layer 1
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}, !- Layer 2
+ {d40faecc-1e5e-41e6-9ba4-a36bcb99d2be}, !- Layer 3
+ {73d3f1ef-0e44-4442-b825-98bdfd298300}; !- Layer 4
+ {79180d48-9241-4b27-aea1-855c9b1e4259}, !- Handle
+ {d8d06e6e-3330-4207-9b15-31e81c72464e}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorWall, !- Intended Surface Type
+ SteelFramed; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {d40faecc-1e5e-41e6-9ba4-a36bcb99d2be}, !- Handle
+ Surface 95 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.641737527454139, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
+ {49e79de2-d680-42f8-a393-1f4f7a5fc0e8}, !- Handle
+ Surface 96 c tbd, !- Name
+ , !- Surface Rendering Name
+ {2e042cf4-824d-4256-b53b-8006f60045d1}, !- Layer 1
+ {a040615d-0eb5-480c-9981-bbb497468e12}, !- Layer 2
+ {a43c4091-ec1a-40ce-bc60-f62dbafade8c}; !- Layer 3
+ {24f8db05-aff4-4faf-8d0a-414c471f68e4}, !- Handle
+ {49e79de2-d680-42f8-a393-1f4f7a5fc0e8}, !- Construction Name
+ ExteriorRoof, !- Intended Surface Type
+ IEAD; !- Standards Construction Type
+ {a040615d-0eb5-480c-9981-bbb497468e12}, !- Handle
+ Surface 96 m tbd, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 1.99094020524523, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
diff --git a/sampling/README.md b/sampling/README.md
index 97acc675f..e4a5b3179 100644
--- a/sampling/README.md
+++ b/sampling/README.md
@@ -73,38 +73,35 @@ There are two steps to generating a sample to be run using ComStock:
1. Generate a `buildstock.csv` file with the main building characteristics.
2. Join geospatial columns to the `buildstock.csv`.
-### Generating a `buildstock.csv`
-There are two types of samples you can generate:
-1. National sample using `tsv_resampling.py`
- - From this directory, run the following command:
+### Generating a `buildstock.csv` for ComStock
+There are two steps for generating a ComStock sample file. First, the `tsv_sampling.py` file is used to generate a `buildstock.csv` file that reflects the TSVs used, and second the `join_geospatial.py` file is used to add relevant geographic columns to buildstock.csv generated by `tsv_sampling.py`.
- ```
- $ python tsv_resampling.py tsv_version sim_year n_samples n_buckets hvac_sizing
- ```
+#### Generating a sample of the TSVs using `tsv_sampling.py`
+National sample using `tsv_sampling.py` now relies on an input CSV file called the bucket definition file. Functionally, this file looks like a buildstock.csv file but only with the columns `Building`, `sampling_region`, `building_type`, `size_bin`, `heating_fuel`, and `hvac_system_type`. This file has one row for each sample, just like the `buildstock.csv` file, however this file is generated using the `comstock_allocation.py` file in the ComStockPostProcessing package. This file specifies what combinations of the previously listed attributes will be sampled (based on the combination of column values) and how often (the number of rows with a specific combination determines how many samples will be drawn.)
- - Where:
- - `tsv_version` is the version of tsv files to sample from (e.g., v99 TODO: Ry to change)
- - `sim_year` is the simulation year (2015-2019)
- - `n_samples` is the number of samples you wish to generate. A typical full national sample is 350,000 samples.
- - `n_buckets` is 1 (TODO: Ry to explain this)
- - `hvac_sizing` dictates whether the HVAC systems in the models are autosized or hardsized (use "autosize" or "hardsize" for this argument).
- - This will generate a buildstock.csv file and save it to `.\output-buildstocks\intermediate`.
- - The name of the file will include the date, tsv version, simulation year, your username, and number of samples. For example: `buildstock_20221020_v17_2018_alebar_500.csv`.
+Currently two bucket definition files are available. Both were generated for EUSS 2024 R2. They are a test file, named `euss24r2_sample_initialization_test.csv`, and a production file named `euss24r2_sample_initialization_test.csv`. The only difference betwen these two files is the number of building energy model samples per bucket, with test hving one per builidng energy model sample and productions runs 12 per combination of primary variables.
-2. County-level sample using `tsv_resampling_wrapper.py`
+To start the TSV generation process do the following:
- You also have the ability to sample individual counties for either more geographically granular sampling (i.e., for specific city-level or county-level projects), or upsampling counties that are under represented in the national sampling.
- - From this directory, run the following command:
+- From this directory, run the following command:
- ```
- $ python tsv_resampling_wrapper.py tsv_version sim_year county_spec_path buildstock_output_dir hvac_sizing
- ```
+$ python tsv_sampling.py tsv_version sim_year n_samples n_buckets hvac_sizing -p bucket_definition_file.csv
- - Where `tsv_version` is the version of the tsv files to sample from (e.g., v16), `sim_year` is the simulation year (2015-2019),`county_spec_path` is the path to the .csv file with the FIPS codes from the counties you wish to sample and the number of samples for each (see example file in `.\resources`), `buildstock_output_dir` is the directory where you want to save the buildstock.csv file(s) (must be an empty directory), and `hvac_sizing` dictates whether the HVAC systems in the models are autosized or hardsized (use "autosize" or "hardsize" for this argument).
- - This will generate individual buildstock.csv files for each county included in `county_spec_path`. These can be run in ComStock separately, or concatenated before being run together.
+- Where:
+ - `tsv_version` is the version of tsv files to sample from (e.g., v26)
+ - `sim_year` is the simulation year (2015-2019)
+ - `n_samples` is the number of samples you wish to generate. If using a bucket definition file, which is expected for allocation sampling, this number needs to match the number of samples in the bucket definition file.
+ - `n_buckets` is an speed optimization for the allocation sampling approach. If using the testing bucket definition file or not using a bucket allocation file set this value to 1. If using a production bucket definition file set this value to the number of samples per bucket, which is found by looking at the number of repeated values in the production bucket allocation file.
+ - `hvac_sizing` dictates whether the HVAC systems in the models are autosized or hardsized (use "autosize" or "hardsize" for this argument).
+ - `bucket_definition_file` is the CSV file that specifies which combination of primary attributes need to be sampled and how often they should be sampled.
+- This will generate a buildstock.csv file and save it to `.\output-buildstocks\intermediate`.
+- The name of the file will include the date, tsv version, simulation year, your username, and number of samples. For example: `buildstock_20221020_v17_2018_alebar_500.csv`.
-### Join geospatial columns
-For both types of sampling, you will need to join geospatial columns to the `buildstock.csv` file using `join_geospatial.py`.
+#### Joining geospatial columns onto the sample using `join_geospatial.py`
+After generating the `buildstock.csv` file, you will need to join geospatial columns using `join_geospatial.py`.
- From this directory, run the following command:
@@ -114,3 +111,13 @@ For both types of sampling, you will need to join geospatial columns to the `bui
- Where `name_of_buildstock.csv` is the file generated in the first step. Be sure to include the ".csv" file extension in the command.
- The script will read the file from the `output-buildstocks\intermediate` directory.
- This script will save a file to `output-buildstocks\final` with the same name as the original `buildstock.csv`.
+## Adding a new TSV file
+To add a new TSV file follow these steps:
+1. Unzip the latest vXX TSV file zip in the tsvs directory.
+2. Increment the folder name by one so it is unique.
+3. Add the new TSV file to the newly renamed folder.
+4. Compress the newly renamed folder with the new TSV to create a new version of TSV folder.
+5. Open the tsv_sampling.py file and go to the `TSV_ARRAYS` class variable
+6. Add the name of the new TSV file to the array of arrays following all dependencies in the TSV. i.e. if the TSV depends on `building_type` and `weekday_start_time` add the new TSV name as a string immediatly following `weekday_start_time`.
+7. Do a test run of the `tsv_sampling.py` script to ensure the TSV addition works as expected.
diff --git a/sampling/euss24r2_sample_initialization_full.csv b/sampling/euss24r2_sample_initialization_full.csv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e22c8b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sampling/euss24r2_sample_initialization_full.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,154009 @@
+0,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35,0,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47,0,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+50,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+56,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+58,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59,0,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+60,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+101,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+102,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+103,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+104,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+105,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+106,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+107,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+108,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+109,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+110,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+111,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+112,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+113,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+114,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+115,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+116,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+117,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+118,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+119,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+120,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+121,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+122,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+123,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+124,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+125,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+126,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+127,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+128,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+129,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+130,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+131,0,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+132,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+133,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+134,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+135,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+136,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+137,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+138,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+139,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+140,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+141,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+142,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+143,0,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+144,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+145,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+146,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+147,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+148,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+149,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+150,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+151,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+152,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+153,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+154,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+155,0,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+156,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+157,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+158,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+159,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+160,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+161,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+162,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+163,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+164,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+165,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+166,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+167,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+168,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+169,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+170,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+171,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+172,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+173,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+174,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+175,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+176,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+177,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+178,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+179,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+180,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+181,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+182,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+183,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+184,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+185,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+186,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+187,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+188,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+189,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+190,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+191,0,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+192,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+193,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+194,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+195,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+196,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+197,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+198,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+199,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+200,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+201,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+202,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+203,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+204,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+205,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+206,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+207,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+208,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+209,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+210,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+211,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+212,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+213,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+214,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+215,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+216,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+217,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+218,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+219,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+220,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+221,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+222,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+223,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+224,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+225,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+226,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+227,0,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+228,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+229,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+230,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+231,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+232,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+233,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+234,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+235,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+236,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+237,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+238,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+239,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+240,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+241,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+242,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+243,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+244,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+245,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+246,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+247,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+248,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+249,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+250,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+251,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+252,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+253,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+254,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+255,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+256,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+257,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+258,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+259,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+260,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+261,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+262,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+263,0,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+264,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+265,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+266,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+267,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+268,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+269,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+270,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+271,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+272,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+273,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+274,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+275,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+276,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+277,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+278,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+279,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+280,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+281,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+282,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+283,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+284,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+285,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+286,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+287,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+288,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+289,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+290,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+291,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+292,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+293,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+294,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+295,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+296,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+297,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+298,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+299,0,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+312,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+313,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+314,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+315,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+316,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+317,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+318,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+319,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+320,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+321,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+322,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+323,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+324,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+325,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+326,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+327,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+328,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+329,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+330,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+331,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+332,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+333,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+334,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+335,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+336,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+337,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+338,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+339,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+340,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+341,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+342,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+343,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+344,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+345,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+346,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+347,0,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+348,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+349,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+350,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+351,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+352,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+353,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+354,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+355,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+356,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+357,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+358,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+359,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+360,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+361,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+362,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+363,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+364,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+365,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+366,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+367,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+368,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+369,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+370,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+371,0,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+372,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+373,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+374,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+375,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+376,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+377,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+378,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+379,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+380,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+381,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+382,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+383,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+384,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+385,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+386,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+387,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+388,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+389,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+390,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+391,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+392,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+393,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+394,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+395,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+396,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+397,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+398,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+399,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+400,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+401,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+402,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+403,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+404,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+405,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+406,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+407,0,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+408,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+409,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+410,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+411,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+412,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+413,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+414,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+415,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+416,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+417,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+418,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+419,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+420,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+421,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+422,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+423,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+424,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+425,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+426,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+427,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+428,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+429,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+430,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+431,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+432,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+433,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+434,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+435,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+436,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+437,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+438,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+439,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+440,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+441,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+442,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+443,0,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+444,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+445,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+446,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+447,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+448,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+449,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+450,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+451,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+452,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+453,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+454,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+455,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+456,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+457,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+458,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+459,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+460,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+461,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+462,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+463,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+464,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+465,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+466,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+467,0,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+468,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+469,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+470,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+471,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+472,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+473,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+474,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+475,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+476,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+477,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+478,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+479,0,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+480,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+481,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+482,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+483,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+484,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+485,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+486,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+487,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+488,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+489,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+490,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+491,0,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+492,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+493,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+494,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+495,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+496,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+497,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+498,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+499,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+500,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+501,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+502,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+503,0,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+504,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+505,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+506,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+507,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+508,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+509,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+510,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+511,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+512,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+513,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+514,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+515,0,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+516,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+517,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+518,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+519,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+520,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+521,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+522,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+523,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+524,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+525,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+526,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+527,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+528,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+529,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+530,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+531,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+532,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+533,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+534,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+535,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+536,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+537,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+538,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+539,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+540,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+541,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+542,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+543,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+544,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+545,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+546,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+547,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+548,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+549,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+550,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+551,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+552,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+553,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+554,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+555,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+556,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+557,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+558,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+559,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+560,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+561,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+562,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+563,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+564,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+565,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+566,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+567,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+568,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+569,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+570,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+571,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+572,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+573,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+574,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+575,0,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+576,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+577,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+578,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+579,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+580,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+581,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+582,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+583,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+584,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+585,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+586,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+587,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+588,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+589,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+590,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+591,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+592,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+593,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+594,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+595,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+596,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+597,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+598,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+599,0,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+600,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+601,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+602,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+603,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+604,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+605,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+606,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+607,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+608,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+609,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+610,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+611,0,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+612,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+613,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+614,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+615,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+616,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+617,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+618,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+619,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+620,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+621,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+622,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+623,0,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+624,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+625,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+626,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+627,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+628,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+629,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+630,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+631,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+632,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+633,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+634,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+635,0,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+636,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+637,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+638,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+639,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+640,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+641,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+642,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+643,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+644,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+645,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+646,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+647,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+648,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+649,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+650,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+651,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+652,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+653,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+654,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+655,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+656,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+657,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+658,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+659,0,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+660,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+661,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+662,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+663,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+664,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+665,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+666,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+667,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+668,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+669,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+670,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+671,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+684,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+685,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+686,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+687,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+688,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+689,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+690,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+691,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+692,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+693,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+694,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+695,0,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+696,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+697,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+698,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+699,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+700,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+701,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+702,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+703,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+704,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+705,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+706,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+707,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+708,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+709,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+710,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+711,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+712,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+713,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+714,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+715,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+716,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+717,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+718,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+719,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+720,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+721,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+722,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+723,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+724,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+725,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+726,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+727,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+728,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+729,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+730,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+731,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+732,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+733,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+734,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+735,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+736,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+737,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+738,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+739,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+740,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+741,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+742,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+743,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+744,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+745,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+746,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+747,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+748,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+749,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+750,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+751,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+752,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+753,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+754,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+755,0,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+756,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+757,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+758,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+759,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+760,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+761,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+762,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+763,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+764,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+765,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+766,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+767,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+768,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+769,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+770,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+771,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+772,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+773,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+774,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+775,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+776,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+777,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+778,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+779,0,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+780,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+781,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+782,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+783,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+784,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+785,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+786,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+787,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+788,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+789,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+790,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+791,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+792,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+793,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+794,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+795,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+796,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+797,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+798,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+799,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+800,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+801,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+802,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+803,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+816,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+817,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+818,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+819,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+820,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+821,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+822,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+823,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+824,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+825,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+826,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+827,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+828,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+829,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+830,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+831,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+832,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+833,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+834,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+835,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+836,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+837,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+838,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+839,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+840,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+841,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+842,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+843,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+844,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+845,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+846,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+847,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+848,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+849,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+850,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+851,0,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+852,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+853,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+854,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+855,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+856,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+857,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+858,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+859,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+860,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+861,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+862,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+863,0,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+864,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+865,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+866,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+867,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+868,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+869,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+870,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+871,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+872,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+873,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+874,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+875,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+876,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+877,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+878,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+879,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+880,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+881,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+882,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+883,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+884,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+885,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+886,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+887,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+888,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+889,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+890,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+891,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+892,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+893,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+894,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+895,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+896,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+897,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+898,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+899,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+900,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+901,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+902,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+903,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+904,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+905,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+906,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+907,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+908,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+909,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+910,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+911,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+912,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+913,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+914,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+915,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+916,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+917,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+918,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+919,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+920,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+921,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+922,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+923,0,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+924,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+925,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+926,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+927,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+928,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+929,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+930,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+931,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+932,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+933,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+934,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+935,0,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+948,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+949,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+950,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+951,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+952,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+953,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+954,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+955,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+956,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+957,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+958,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+959,0,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+960,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+961,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+962,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+963,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+964,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+965,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+966,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+967,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+968,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+969,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+970,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+971,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+972,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+973,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+974,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+975,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+976,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+977,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+978,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+979,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+980,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+981,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+982,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+983,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+984,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+985,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+986,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+987,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+988,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+989,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+990,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+991,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+992,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+993,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+994,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+995,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+996,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+997,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+998,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+999,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1000,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1001,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1002,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1003,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1004,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1005,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1006,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1007,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+1008,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1009,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1010,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1011,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1012,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1013,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1014,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1015,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1016,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1017,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1018,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1019,0,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1020,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1021,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1022,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1023,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1024,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1025,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1026,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1027,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1028,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1029,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1030,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1031,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1032,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1033,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1034,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1035,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1036,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1037,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1038,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1039,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1040,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1041,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1042,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1043,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1044,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1045,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1046,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1047,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1048,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1049,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1050,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1051,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1052,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1053,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1054,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1055,0,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1056,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1057,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1058,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1059,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1060,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1061,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1062,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1063,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1064,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1065,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1066,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1067,0,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+1068,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1069,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1070,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1071,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1072,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1073,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1074,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1075,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1076,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1077,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1078,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1079,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1080,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1081,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1082,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1083,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1084,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1085,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1086,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1087,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1088,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1089,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1090,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1091,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1092,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1093,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1094,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1095,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1096,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1097,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1098,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1099,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1100,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1101,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1102,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1103,0,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+1104,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1105,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1106,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1107,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1108,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1109,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1110,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1111,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1112,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1113,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1114,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1115,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1116,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1117,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1118,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1119,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1120,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1121,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1122,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1123,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1124,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1125,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1126,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1127,0,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1128,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1129,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1130,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1131,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1132,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1133,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1134,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1135,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1136,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1137,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1138,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1139,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1140,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1141,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1142,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1143,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1144,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1145,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1146,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1147,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1148,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1149,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1150,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1151,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1152,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1153,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1154,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1155,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1156,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1157,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1158,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1159,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1160,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1161,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1162,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1163,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1164,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1165,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1166,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1167,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1168,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1169,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1170,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1171,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1172,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1173,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1174,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1175,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1176,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1177,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1178,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1179,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1180,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1181,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1182,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1183,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1184,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1185,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1186,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1187,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1188,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1189,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1190,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1191,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1192,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1193,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1194,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1195,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1196,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1197,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1198,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1199,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1200,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1201,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1202,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1203,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1204,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1205,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1206,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1207,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1208,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1209,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1210,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1211,0,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1212,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1213,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1214,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1215,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1216,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1217,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1218,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1219,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1220,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1221,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1222,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1223,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+1224,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1225,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1226,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1227,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1228,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1229,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1230,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1231,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1232,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1233,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1234,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1235,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1248,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1249,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1250,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1251,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1252,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1253,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1254,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1255,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1256,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1257,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1258,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1259,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1260,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1261,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1262,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1263,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1264,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1265,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1266,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1267,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1268,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1269,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1270,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1271,0,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1272,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1273,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1274,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1275,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1276,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1277,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1278,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1279,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1280,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1281,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1282,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1283,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1284,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1285,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1286,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1287,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1288,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1289,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1290,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1291,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1292,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1293,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1294,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1295,0,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1296,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1297,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1298,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1299,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1300,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1301,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1302,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1303,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1304,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1305,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1306,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1307,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+1308,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1309,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1310,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1311,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1312,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1313,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1314,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1315,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1316,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1317,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1318,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1319,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1320,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1321,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1322,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1323,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1324,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1325,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1326,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1327,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1328,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1329,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1330,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1331,0,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1332,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1333,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1334,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1335,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1336,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1337,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1338,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1339,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1340,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1341,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1342,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1343,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1344,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1345,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1346,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1347,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1348,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1349,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1350,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1351,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1352,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1353,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1354,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1355,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1356,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1357,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1358,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1359,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1360,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1361,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1362,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1363,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1364,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1365,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1366,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1367,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1368,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1369,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1370,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1371,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1372,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1373,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1374,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1375,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1376,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1377,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1378,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1379,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1380,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1381,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1382,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1383,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1384,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1385,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1386,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1387,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1388,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1389,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1390,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1391,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1392,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1393,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1394,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1395,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1396,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1397,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1398,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1399,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1400,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1401,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1402,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1403,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1404,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1405,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1406,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1407,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1408,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1409,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1410,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1411,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1412,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1413,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1414,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1415,0,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1416,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1417,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1418,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1419,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1420,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1421,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1422,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1423,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1424,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1425,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1426,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1427,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1440,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1441,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1442,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1443,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1444,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1445,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1446,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1447,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1448,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1449,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1450,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1451,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1452,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1453,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1454,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1455,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1456,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1457,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1458,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1459,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1460,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1461,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1462,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1463,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+1464,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1465,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1466,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1467,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1468,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1469,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1470,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1471,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1472,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1473,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1474,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1475,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1476,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1477,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1478,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1479,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1480,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1481,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1482,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1483,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1484,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1485,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1486,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1487,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1488,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1489,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1490,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1491,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1492,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1493,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1494,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1495,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1496,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1497,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1498,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1499,0,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1500,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1501,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1502,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1503,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1504,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1505,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1506,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1507,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1508,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1509,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1510,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1511,0,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1524,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1525,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1526,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1527,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1528,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1529,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1530,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1531,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1532,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1533,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1534,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1535,0,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1548,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1549,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1550,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1551,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1552,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1553,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1554,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1555,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1556,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1557,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1558,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1559,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1560,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1561,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1562,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1563,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1564,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1565,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1566,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1567,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1568,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1569,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1570,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1571,0,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1572,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1573,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1574,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1575,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1576,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1577,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1578,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1579,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1580,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1581,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1582,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1583,0,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1584,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1585,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1586,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1587,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1588,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1589,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1590,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1591,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1592,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1593,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1594,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1595,0,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1596,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1597,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1598,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1599,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1600,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1601,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1602,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1603,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1604,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1605,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1606,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1607,0,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1608,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1609,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1610,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1611,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1612,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1613,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1614,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1615,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1616,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1617,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1618,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1619,0,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+1620,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1621,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1622,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1623,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1624,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1625,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1626,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1627,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1628,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1629,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1630,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1631,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1632,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1633,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1634,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1635,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1636,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1637,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1638,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1639,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1640,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1641,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1642,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1643,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1644,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1645,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1646,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1647,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1648,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1649,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1650,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1651,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1652,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1653,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1654,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1655,0,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1656,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1657,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1658,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1659,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1660,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1661,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1662,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1663,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1664,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1665,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1666,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1667,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+1668,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1669,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1670,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1671,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1672,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1673,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1674,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1675,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1676,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1677,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1678,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1679,0,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1692,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1693,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1694,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1695,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1696,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1697,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1698,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1699,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1700,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1701,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1702,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1703,0,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1704,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1705,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1706,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1707,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1708,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1709,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1710,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1711,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1712,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1713,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1714,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1715,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+1716,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1717,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1718,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1719,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1720,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1721,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1722,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1723,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1724,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1725,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1726,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1727,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1728,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1729,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1730,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1731,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1732,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1733,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1734,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1735,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1736,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1737,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1738,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1739,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1740,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1741,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1742,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1743,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1744,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1745,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1746,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1747,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1748,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1749,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1750,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1751,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1752,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1753,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1754,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1755,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1756,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1757,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1758,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1759,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1760,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1761,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1762,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1763,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+1764,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1765,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1766,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1767,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1768,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1769,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1770,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1771,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1772,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1773,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1774,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1775,0,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1800,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1801,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1802,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1803,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1804,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1805,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1806,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1807,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1808,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1809,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1810,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1811,0,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1812,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1813,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1814,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1815,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1816,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1817,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1818,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1819,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1820,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1821,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1822,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1823,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+1824,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1825,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1826,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1827,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1828,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1829,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1830,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1831,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1832,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1833,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1834,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1835,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+1836,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1837,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1838,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1839,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1840,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1841,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1842,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1843,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1844,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1845,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1846,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1847,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1848,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1849,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1850,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1851,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1852,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1853,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1854,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1855,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1856,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1857,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1858,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1859,0,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+1860,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1861,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1862,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1863,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1864,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1865,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1866,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1867,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1868,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1869,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1870,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1871,0,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1884,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1885,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1886,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1887,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1888,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1889,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1890,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1891,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1892,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1893,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1894,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1895,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+1908,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1909,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1910,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1911,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1912,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1913,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1914,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1915,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1916,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1917,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1918,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1919,0,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1920,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1921,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1922,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1923,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1924,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1925,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1926,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1927,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1928,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1929,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1930,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1931,0,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1932,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1933,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1934,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1935,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1936,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1937,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1938,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1939,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1940,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1941,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1942,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1943,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+1956,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1957,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1958,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1959,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1960,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1961,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1962,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1963,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1964,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1965,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1966,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1967,0,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+1980,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1981,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1982,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1983,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1984,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1985,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1986,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1987,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1988,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1989,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1990,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1991,0,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+1992,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1993,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1994,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1995,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1996,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1997,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1998,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+1999,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2000,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2001,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2002,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2003,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2004,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2005,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2006,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2007,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2008,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2009,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2010,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2011,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2012,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2013,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2014,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2015,0,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2016,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2017,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2018,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2019,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2020,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2021,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2022,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2023,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2024,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2025,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2026,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2027,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2040,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2041,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2042,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2043,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2044,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2045,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2046,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2047,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2048,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2049,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2050,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2051,0,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2052,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2053,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2054,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2055,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2056,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2057,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2058,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2059,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2060,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2061,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2062,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2063,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2064,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2065,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2066,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2067,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2068,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2069,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2070,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2071,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2072,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2073,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2074,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2075,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2076,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2077,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2078,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2079,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2080,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2081,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2082,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2083,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2084,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2085,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2086,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2087,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2088,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2089,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2090,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2091,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2092,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2093,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2094,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2095,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2096,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2097,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2098,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2099,0,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2100,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2101,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2102,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2103,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2104,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2105,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2106,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2107,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2108,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2109,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2110,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2111,0,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2124,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2125,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2126,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2127,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2128,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2129,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2130,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2131,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2132,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2133,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2134,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2135,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2136,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2137,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2138,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2139,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2140,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2141,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2142,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2143,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2144,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2145,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2146,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2147,0,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2148,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2149,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2150,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2151,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2152,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2153,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2154,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2155,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2156,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2157,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2158,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2159,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2160,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2161,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2162,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2163,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2164,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2165,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2166,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2167,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2168,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2169,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2170,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2171,0,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2172,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2173,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2174,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2175,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2176,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2177,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2178,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2179,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2180,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2181,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2182,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2183,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2184,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2185,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2186,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2187,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2188,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2189,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2190,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2191,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2192,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2193,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2194,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2195,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2196,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2197,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2198,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2199,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2200,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2201,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2202,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2203,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2204,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2205,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2206,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2207,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2208,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2209,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2210,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2211,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2212,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2213,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2214,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2215,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2216,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2217,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2218,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2219,0,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2220,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2221,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2222,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2223,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2224,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2225,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2226,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2227,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2228,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2229,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2230,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2231,0,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2232,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2233,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2234,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2235,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2236,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2237,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2238,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2239,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2240,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2241,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2242,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2243,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2244,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2245,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2246,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2247,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2248,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2249,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2250,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2251,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2252,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2253,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2254,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2255,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2256,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2257,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2258,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2259,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2260,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2261,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2262,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2263,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2264,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2265,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2266,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2267,0,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2268,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2269,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2270,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2271,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2272,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2273,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2274,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2275,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2276,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2277,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2278,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2279,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2292,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2293,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2294,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2295,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2296,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2297,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2298,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2299,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2300,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2301,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2302,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2303,0,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2316,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2317,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2318,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2319,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2320,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2321,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2322,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2323,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2324,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2325,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2326,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2327,0,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+2328,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2329,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2330,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2331,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2332,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2333,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2334,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2335,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2336,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2337,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2338,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2339,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2340,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2341,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2342,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2343,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2344,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2345,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2346,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2347,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2348,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2349,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2350,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2351,0,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+2352,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2353,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2354,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2355,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2356,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2357,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2358,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2359,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2360,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2361,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2362,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2363,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2364,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2365,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2366,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2367,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2368,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2369,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2370,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2371,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2372,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2373,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2374,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2375,0,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2376,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2377,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2378,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2379,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2380,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2381,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2382,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2383,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2384,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2385,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2386,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2387,0,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2388,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2389,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2390,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2391,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2392,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2393,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2394,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2395,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2396,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2397,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2398,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2399,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2400,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2401,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2402,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2403,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2404,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2405,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2406,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2407,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2408,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2409,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2410,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2411,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2412,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2413,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2414,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2415,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2416,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2417,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2418,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2419,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2420,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2421,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2422,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2423,0,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2424,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2425,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2426,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2427,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2428,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2429,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2430,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2431,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2432,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2433,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2434,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2435,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2448,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2449,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2450,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2451,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2452,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2453,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2454,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2455,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2456,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2457,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2458,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2459,45,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2460,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2461,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2462,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2463,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2464,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2465,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2466,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2467,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2468,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2469,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2470,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2471,45,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2472,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2473,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2474,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2475,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2476,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2477,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2478,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2479,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2480,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2481,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2482,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2483,45,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2484,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2485,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2486,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2487,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2488,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2489,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2490,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2491,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2492,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2493,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2494,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2495,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2508,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2509,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2510,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2511,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2512,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2513,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2514,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2515,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2516,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2517,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2518,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2519,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2520,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2521,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2522,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2523,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2524,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2525,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2526,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2527,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2528,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2529,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2530,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2531,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2532,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2533,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2534,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2535,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2536,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2537,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2538,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2539,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2540,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2541,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2542,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2543,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2544,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2545,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2546,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2547,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2548,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2549,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2550,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2551,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2552,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2553,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2554,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2555,45,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2556,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2557,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2558,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2559,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2560,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2561,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2562,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2563,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2564,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2565,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2566,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2567,45,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2568,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2569,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2570,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2571,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2572,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2573,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2574,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2575,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2576,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2577,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2578,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2579,45,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+2580,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2581,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2582,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2583,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2584,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2585,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2586,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2587,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2588,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2589,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2590,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2591,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2592,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2593,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2594,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2595,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2596,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2597,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2598,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2599,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2600,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2601,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2602,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2603,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2604,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2605,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2606,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2607,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2608,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2609,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2610,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2611,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2612,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2613,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2614,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2615,45,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2616,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2617,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2618,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2619,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2620,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2621,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2622,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2623,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2624,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2625,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2626,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2627,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+2628,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2629,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2630,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2631,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2632,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2633,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2634,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2635,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2636,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2637,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2638,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2639,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+2640,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2641,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2642,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2643,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2644,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2645,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2646,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2647,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2648,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2649,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2650,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2651,45,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2652,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2653,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2654,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2655,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2656,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2657,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2658,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2659,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2660,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2661,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2662,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2663,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2664,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2665,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2666,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2667,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2668,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2669,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2670,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2671,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2672,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2673,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2674,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2675,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2676,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2677,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2678,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2679,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2680,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2681,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2682,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2683,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2684,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2685,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2686,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2687,45,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2688,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2689,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2690,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2691,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2692,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2693,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2694,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2695,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2696,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2697,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2698,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2699,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2700,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2701,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2702,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2703,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2704,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2705,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2706,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2707,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2708,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2709,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2710,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2711,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+2712,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2713,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2714,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2715,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2716,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2717,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2718,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2719,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2720,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2721,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2722,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2723,45,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2736,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2737,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2738,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2739,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2740,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2741,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2742,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2743,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2744,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2745,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2746,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2747,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2748,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2749,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2750,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2751,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2752,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2753,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2754,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2755,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2756,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2757,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2758,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2759,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2760,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2761,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2762,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2763,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2764,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2765,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2766,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2767,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2768,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2769,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2770,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2771,45,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+2772,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2773,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2774,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2775,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2776,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2777,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2778,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2779,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2780,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2781,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2782,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2783,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+2784,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2785,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2786,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2787,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2788,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2789,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2790,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2791,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2792,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2793,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2794,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2795,45,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+2796,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2797,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2798,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2799,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2800,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2801,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2802,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2803,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2804,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2805,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2806,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2807,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+2808,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2809,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2810,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2811,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2812,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2813,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2814,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2815,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2816,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2817,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2818,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2819,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2820,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2821,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2822,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2823,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2824,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2825,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2826,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2827,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2828,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2829,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2830,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2831,45,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+2832,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2833,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2834,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2835,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2836,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2837,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2838,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2839,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2840,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2841,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2842,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2843,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+2844,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2845,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2846,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2847,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2848,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2849,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2850,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2851,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2852,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2853,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2854,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2855,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+2856,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2857,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2858,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2859,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2860,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2861,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2862,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2863,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2864,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2865,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2866,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2867,45,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+2868,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2869,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2870,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2871,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2872,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2873,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2874,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2875,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2876,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2877,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2878,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2879,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+2880,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2881,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2882,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2883,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2884,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2885,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2886,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2887,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2888,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2889,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2890,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2891,45,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+2892,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2893,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2894,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2895,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2896,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2897,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2898,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2899,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2900,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2901,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2902,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2903,45,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+2904,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2905,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2906,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2907,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2908,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2909,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2910,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2911,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2912,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2913,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2914,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2915,45,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+2916,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2917,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2918,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2919,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2920,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2921,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2922,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2923,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2924,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2925,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2926,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2927,45,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+2928,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2929,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2930,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2931,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2932,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2933,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2934,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2935,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2936,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2937,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2938,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2939,45,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2940,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2941,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2942,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2943,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2944,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2945,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2946,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2947,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2948,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2949,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2950,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2951,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+2952,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2953,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2954,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2955,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2956,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2957,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2958,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2959,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2960,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2961,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2962,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2963,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+2964,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2965,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2966,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2967,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2968,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2969,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2970,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2971,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2972,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2973,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2974,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2975,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+2976,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2977,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2978,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2979,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2980,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2981,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2982,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2983,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2984,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2985,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2986,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2987,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2988,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2989,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2990,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2991,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2992,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2993,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2994,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2995,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2996,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2997,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2998,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+2999,45,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3000,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3001,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3002,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3003,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3004,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3005,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3006,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3007,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3008,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3009,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3010,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3011,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3012,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3013,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3014,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3015,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3016,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3017,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3018,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3019,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3020,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3021,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3022,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3023,45,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3024,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3025,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3026,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3027,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3028,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3029,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3030,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3031,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3032,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3033,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3034,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3035,45,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3036,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3037,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3038,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3039,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3040,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3041,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3042,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3043,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3044,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3045,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3046,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3047,45,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3048,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3049,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3050,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3051,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3052,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3053,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3054,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3055,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3056,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3057,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3058,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3059,45,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3060,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3061,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3062,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3063,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3064,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3065,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3066,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3067,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3068,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3069,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3070,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3071,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3072,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3073,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3074,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3075,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3076,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3077,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3078,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3079,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3080,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3081,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3082,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3083,45,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3084,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3085,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3086,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3087,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3088,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3089,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3090,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3091,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3092,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3093,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3094,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3095,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3108,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3109,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3110,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3111,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3112,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3113,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3114,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3115,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3116,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3117,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3118,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3119,45,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3120,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3121,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3122,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3123,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3124,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3125,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3126,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3127,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3128,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3129,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3130,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3131,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3132,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3133,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3134,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3135,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3136,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3137,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3138,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3139,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3140,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3141,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3142,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3143,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+3144,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3145,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3146,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3147,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3148,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3149,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3150,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3151,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3152,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3153,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3154,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3155,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3156,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3157,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3158,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3159,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3160,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3161,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3162,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3163,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3164,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3165,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3166,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3167,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3168,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3169,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3170,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3171,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3172,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3173,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3174,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3175,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3176,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3177,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3178,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3179,45,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3180,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3181,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3182,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3183,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3184,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3185,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3186,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3187,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3188,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3189,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3190,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3191,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+3192,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3193,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3194,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3195,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3196,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3197,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3198,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3199,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3200,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3201,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3202,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3203,45,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+3204,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3205,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3206,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3207,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3208,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3209,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3210,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3211,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3212,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3213,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3214,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3215,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3216,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3217,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3218,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3219,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3220,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3221,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3222,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3223,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3224,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3225,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3226,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3227,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3240,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3241,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3242,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3243,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3244,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3245,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3246,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3247,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3248,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3249,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3250,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3251,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3252,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3253,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3254,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3255,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3256,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3257,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3258,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3259,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3260,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3261,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3262,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3263,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3264,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3265,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3266,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3267,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3268,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3269,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3270,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3271,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3272,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3273,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3274,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3275,45,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3276,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3277,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3278,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3279,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3280,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3281,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3282,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3283,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3284,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3285,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3286,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3287,45,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3288,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3289,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3290,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3291,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3292,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3293,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3294,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3295,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3296,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3297,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3298,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3299,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3300,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3301,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3302,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3303,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3304,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3305,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3306,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3307,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3308,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3309,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3310,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3311,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3312,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3313,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3314,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3315,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3316,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3317,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3318,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3319,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3320,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3321,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3322,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3323,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3324,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3325,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3326,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3327,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3328,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3329,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3330,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3331,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3332,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3333,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3334,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3335,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3336,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3337,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3338,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3339,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3340,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3341,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3342,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3343,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3344,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3345,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3346,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3347,45,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3348,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3349,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3350,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3351,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3352,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3353,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3354,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3355,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3356,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3357,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3358,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3359,45,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3372,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3373,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3374,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3375,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3376,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3377,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3378,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3379,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3380,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3381,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3382,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3383,45,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3384,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3385,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3386,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3387,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3388,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3389,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3390,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3391,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3392,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3393,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3394,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3395,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3396,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3397,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3398,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3399,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3400,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3401,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3402,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3403,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3404,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3405,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3406,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3407,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3408,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3409,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3410,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3411,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3412,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3413,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3414,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3415,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3416,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3417,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3418,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3419,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3420,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3421,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3422,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3423,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3424,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3425,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3426,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3427,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3428,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3429,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3430,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3431,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+3432,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3433,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3434,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3435,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3436,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3437,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3438,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3439,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3440,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3441,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3442,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3443,45,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3444,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3445,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3446,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3447,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3448,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3449,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3450,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3451,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3452,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3453,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3454,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3455,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3456,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3457,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3458,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3459,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3460,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3461,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3462,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3463,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3464,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3465,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3466,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3467,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3468,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3469,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3470,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3471,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3472,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3473,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3474,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3475,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3476,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3477,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3478,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3479,45,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3480,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3481,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3482,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3483,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3484,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3485,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3486,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3487,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3488,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3489,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3490,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3491,45,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+3492,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3493,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3494,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3495,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3496,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3497,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3498,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3499,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3500,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3501,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3502,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3503,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3504,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3505,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3506,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3507,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3508,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3509,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3510,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3511,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3512,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3513,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3514,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3515,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3516,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3517,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3518,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3519,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3520,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3521,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3522,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3523,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3524,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3525,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3526,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3527,45,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+3528,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3529,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3530,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3531,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3532,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3533,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3534,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3535,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3536,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3537,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3538,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3539,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3540,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3541,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3542,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3543,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3544,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3545,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3546,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3547,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3548,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3549,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3550,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3551,45,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3552,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3553,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3554,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3555,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3556,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3557,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3558,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3559,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3560,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3561,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3562,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3563,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3564,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3565,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3566,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3567,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3568,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3569,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3570,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3571,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3572,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3573,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3574,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3575,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3576,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3577,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3578,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3579,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3580,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3581,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3582,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3583,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3584,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3585,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3586,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3587,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3588,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3589,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3590,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3591,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3592,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3593,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3594,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3595,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3596,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3597,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3598,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3599,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3600,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3601,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3602,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3603,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3604,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3605,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3606,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3607,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3608,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3609,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3610,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3611,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3612,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3613,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3614,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3615,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3616,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3617,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3618,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3619,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3620,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3621,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3622,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3623,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3624,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3625,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3626,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3627,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3628,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3629,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3630,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3631,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3632,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3633,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3634,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3635,45,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3636,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3637,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3638,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3639,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3640,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3641,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3642,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3643,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3644,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3645,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3646,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3647,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+3648,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3649,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3650,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3651,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3652,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3653,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3654,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3655,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3656,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3657,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3658,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3659,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3672,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3673,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3674,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3675,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3676,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3677,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3678,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3679,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3680,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3681,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3682,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3683,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3684,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3685,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3686,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3687,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3688,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3689,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3690,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3691,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3692,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3693,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3694,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3695,45,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3696,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3697,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3698,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3699,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3700,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3701,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3702,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3703,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3704,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3705,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3706,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3707,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3708,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3709,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3710,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3711,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3712,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3713,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3714,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3715,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3716,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3717,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3718,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3719,45,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3720,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3721,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3722,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3723,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3724,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3725,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3726,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3727,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3728,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3729,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3730,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3731,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+3732,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3733,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3734,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3735,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3736,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3737,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3738,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3739,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3740,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3741,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3742,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3743,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+3744,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3745,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3746,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3747,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3748,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3749,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3750,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3751,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3752,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3753,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3754,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3755,45,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+3756,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3757,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3758,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3759,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3760,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3761,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3762,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3763,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3764,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3765,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3766,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3767,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+3768,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3769,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3770,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3771,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3772,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3773,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3774,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3775,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3776,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3777,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3778,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3779,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+3780,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3781,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3782,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3783,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3784,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3785,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3786,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3787,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3788,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3789,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3790,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3791,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3792,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3793,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3794,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3795,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3796,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3797,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3798,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3799,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3800,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3801,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3802,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3803,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+3804,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3805,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3806,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3807,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3808,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3809,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3810,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3811,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3812,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3813,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3814,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3815,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+3816,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3817,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3818,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3819,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3820,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3821,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3822,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3823,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3824,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3825,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3826,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3827,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3828,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3829,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3830,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3831,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3832,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3833,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3834,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3835,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3836,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3837,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3838,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3839,45,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+3840,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3841,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3842,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3843,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3844,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3845,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3846,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3847,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3848,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3849,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3850,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3851,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3864,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3865,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3866,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3867,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3868,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3869,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3870,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3871,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3872,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3873,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3874,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3875,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3876,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3877,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3878,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3879,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3880,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3881,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3882,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3883,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3884,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3885,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3886,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3887,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+3888,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3889,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3890,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3891,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3892,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3893,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3894,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3895,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3896,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3897,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3898,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3899,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3900,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3901,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3902,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3903,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3904,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3905,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3906,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3907,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3908,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3909,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3910,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3911,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3912,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3913,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3914,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3915,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3916,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3917,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3918,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3919,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3920,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3921,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3922,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3923,45,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3924,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3925,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3926,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3927,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3928,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3929,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3930,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3931,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3932,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3933,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3934,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3935,45,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+3948,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3949,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3950,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3951,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3952,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3953,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3954,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3955,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3956,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3957,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3958,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3959,45,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+3972,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3973,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3974,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3975,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3976,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3977,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3978,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3979,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3980,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3981,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3982,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3983,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3984,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3985,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3986,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3987,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3988,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3989,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3990,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3991,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3992,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3993,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3994,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3995,45,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+3996,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3997,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3998,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+3999,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4000,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4001,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4002,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4003,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4004,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4005,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4006,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4007,45,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4008,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4009,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4010,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4011,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4012,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4013,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4014,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4015,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4016,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4017,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4018,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4019,45,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4020,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4021,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4022,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4023,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4024,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4025,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4026,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4027,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4028,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4029,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4030,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4031,45,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4032,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4033,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4034,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4035,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4036,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4037,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4038,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4039,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4040,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4041,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4042,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4043,45,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4044,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4045,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4046,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4047,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4048,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4049,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4050,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4051,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4052,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4053,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4054,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4055,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4056,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4057,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4058,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4059,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4060,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4061,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4062,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4063,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4064,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4065,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4066,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4067,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4068,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4069,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4070,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4071,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4072,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4073,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4074,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4075,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4076,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4077,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4078,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4079,45,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4080,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4081,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4082,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4083,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4084,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4085,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4086,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4087,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4088,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4089,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4090,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4091,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+4092,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4093,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4094,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4095,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4096,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4097,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4098,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4099,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4100,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4101,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4102,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4103,45,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4116,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4117,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4118,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4119,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4120,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4121,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4122,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4123,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4124,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4125,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4126,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4127,45,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4128,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4129,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4130,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4131,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4132,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4133,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4134,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4135,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4136,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4137,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4138,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4139,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+4140,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4141,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4142,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4143,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4144,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4145,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4146,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4147,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4148,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4149,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4150,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4151,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4152,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4153,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4154,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4155,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4156,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4157,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4158,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4159,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4160,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4161,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4162,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4163,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4164,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4165,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4166,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4167,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4168,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4169,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4170,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4171,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4172,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4173,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4174,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4175,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4176,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4177,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4178,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4179,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4180,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4181,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4182,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4183,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4184,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4185,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4186,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4187,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4188,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4189,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4190,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4191,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4192,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4193,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4194,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4195,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4196,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4197,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4198,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4199,45,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4224,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4225,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4226,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4227,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4228,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4229,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4230,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4231,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4232,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4233,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4234,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4235,45,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4236,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4237,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4238,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4239,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4240,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4241,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4242,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4243,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4244,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4245,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4246,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4247,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+4248,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4249,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4250,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4251,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4252,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4253,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4254,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4255,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4256,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4257,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4258,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4259,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4260,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4261,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4262,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4263,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4264,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4265,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4266,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4267,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4268,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4269,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4270,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4271,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4272,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4273,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4274,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4275,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4276,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4277,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4278,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4279,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4280,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4281,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4282,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4283,45,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+4284,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4285,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4286,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4287,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4288,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4289,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4290,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4291,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4292,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4293,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4294,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4295,45,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4308,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4309,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4310,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4311,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4312,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4313,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4314,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4315,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4316,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4317,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4318,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4319,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+4332,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4333,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4334,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4335,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4336,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4337,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4338,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4339,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4340,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4341,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4342,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4343,45,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4344,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4345,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4346,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4347,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4348,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4349,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4350,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4351,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4352,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4353,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4354,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4355,45,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4356,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4357,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4358,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4359,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4360,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4361,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4362,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4363,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4364,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4365,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4366,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4367,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4380,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4381,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4382,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4383,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4384,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4385,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4386,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4387,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4388,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4389,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4390,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4391,45,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4404,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4405,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4406,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4407,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4408,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4409,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4410,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4411,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4412,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4413,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4414,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4415,45,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4416,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4417,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4418,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4419,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4420,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4421,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4422,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4423,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4424,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4425,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4426,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4427,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4428,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4429,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4430,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4431,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4432,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4433,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4434,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4435,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4436,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4437,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4438,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4439,45,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4440,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4441,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4442,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4443,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4444,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4445,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4446,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4447,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4448,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4449,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4450,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4451,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4464,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4465,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4466,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4467,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4468,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4469,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4470,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4471,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4472,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4473,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4474,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4475,45,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4476,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4477,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4478,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4479,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4480,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4481,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4482,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4483,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4484,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4485,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4486,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4487,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4488,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4489,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4490,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4491,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4492,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4493,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4494,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4495,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4496,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4497,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4498,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4499,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4500,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4501,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4502,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4503,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4504,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4505,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4506,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4507,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4508,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4509,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4510,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4511,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4512,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4513,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4514,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4515,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4516,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4517,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4518,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4519,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4520,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4521,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4522,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4523,45,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4524,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4525,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4526,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4527,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4528,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4529,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4530,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4531,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4532,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4533,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4534,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4535,45,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4548,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4549,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4550,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4551,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4552,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4553,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4554,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4555,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4556,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4557,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4558,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4559,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4560,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4561,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4562,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4563,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4564,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4565,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4566,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4567,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4568,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4569,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4570,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4571,45,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4572,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4573,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4574,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4575,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4576,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4577,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4578,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4579,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4580,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4581,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4582,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4583,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4584,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4585,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4586,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4587,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4588,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4589,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4590,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4591,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4592,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4593,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4594,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4595,45,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4596,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4597,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4598,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4599,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4600,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4601,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4602,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4603,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4604,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4605,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4606,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4607,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4608,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4609,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4610,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4611,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4612,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4613,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4614,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4615,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4616,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4617,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4618,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4619,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+4620,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4621,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4622,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4623,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4624,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4625,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4626,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4627,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4628,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4629,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4630,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4631,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4632,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4633,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4634,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4635,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4636,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4637,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4638,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4639,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4640,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4641,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4642,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4643,45,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4644,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4645,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4646,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4647,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4648,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4649,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4650,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4651,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4652,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4653,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4654,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4655,45,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4656,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4657,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4658,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4659,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4660,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4661,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4662,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4663,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4664,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4665,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4666,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4667,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4668,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4669,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4670,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4671,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4672,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4673,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4674,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4675,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4676,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4677,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4678,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4679,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4680,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4681,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4682,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4683,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4684,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4685,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4686,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4687,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4688,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4689,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4690,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4691,45,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4692,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4693,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4694,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4695,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4696,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4697,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4698,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4699,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4700,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4701,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4702,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4703,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4716,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4717,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4718,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4719,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4720,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4721,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4722,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4723,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4724,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4725,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4726,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4727,45,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+4740,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4741,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4742,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4743,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4744,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4745,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4746,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4747,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4748,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4749,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4750,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4751,45,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+4752,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4753,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4754,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4755,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4756,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4757,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4758,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4759,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4760,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4761,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4762,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4763,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4764,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4765,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4766,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4767,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4768,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4769,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4770,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4771,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4772,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4773,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4774,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4775,45,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+4776,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4777,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4778,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4779,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4780,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4781,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4782,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4783,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4784,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4785,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4786,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4787,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4788,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4789,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4790,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4791,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4792,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4793,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4794,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4795,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4796,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4797,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4798,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4799,45,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4800,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4801,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4802,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4803,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4804,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4805,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4806,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4807,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4808,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4809,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4810,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4811,45,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4812,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4813,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4814,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4815,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4816,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4817,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4818,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4819,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4820,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4821,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4822,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4823,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4824,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4825,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4826,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4827,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4828,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4829,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4830,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4831,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4832,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4833,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4834,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4835,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4836,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4837,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4838,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4839,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4840,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4841,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4842,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4843,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4844,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4845,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4846,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4847,45,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4848,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4849,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4850,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4851,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4852,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4853,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4854,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4855,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4856,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4857,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4858,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4859,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4872,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4873,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4874,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4875,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4876,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4877,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4878,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4879,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4880,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4881,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4882,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4883,1,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4884,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4885,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4886,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4887,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4888,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4889,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4890,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4891,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4892,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4893,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4894,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4895,1,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4896,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4897,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4898,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4899,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4900,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4901,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4902,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4903,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4904,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4905,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4906,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4907,1,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+4908,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4909,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4910,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4911,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4912,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4913,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4914,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4915,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4916,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4917,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4918,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4919,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+4932,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4933,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4934,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4935,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4936,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4937,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4938,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4939,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4940,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4941,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4942,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4943,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+4944,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4945,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4946,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4947,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4948,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4949,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4950,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4951,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4952,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4953,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4954,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4955,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+4956,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4957,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4958,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4959,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4960,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4961,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4962,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4963,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4964,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4965,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4966,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4967,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4968,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4969,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4970,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4971,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4972,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4973,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4974,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4975,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4976,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4977,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4978,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4979,1,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+4980,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4981,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4982,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4983,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4984,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4985,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4986,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4987,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4988,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4989,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4990,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4991,1,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+4992,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+4993,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+4994,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+4995,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+4996,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+4997,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+4998,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+4999,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+5000,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+5001,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+5002,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+5003,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+5004,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5005,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5006,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5007,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5008,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5009,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5010,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5011,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5012,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5013,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5014,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5015,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5016,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5017,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5018,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5019,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5020,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5021,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5022,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5023,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5024,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5025,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5026,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5027,1,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5028,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5029,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5030,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5031,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5032,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5033,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5034,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5035,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5036,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5037,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5038,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5039,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5040,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5041,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5042,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5043,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5044,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5045,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5046,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5047,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5048,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5049,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5050,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5051,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5052,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5053,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5054,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5055,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5056,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5057,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5058,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5059,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5060,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5061,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5062,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5063,1,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5064,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5065,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5066,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5067,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5068,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5069,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5070,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5071,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5072,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5073,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5074,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5075,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5076,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5077,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5078,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5079,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5080,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5081,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5082,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5083,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5084,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5085,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5086,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5087,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5088,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5089,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5090,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5091,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5092,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5093,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5094,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5095,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5096,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5097,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5098,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5099,1,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5112,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5113,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5114,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5115,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5116,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5117,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5118,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5119,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5120,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5121,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5122,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5123,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5124,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5125,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5126,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5127,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5128,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5129,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5130,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5131,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5132,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5133,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5134,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5135,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5136,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5137,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5138,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5139,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5140,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5141,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5142,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5143,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5144,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5145,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5146,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5147,1,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+5148,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5149,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5150,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5151,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5152,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5153,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5154,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5155,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5156,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5157,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5158,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5159,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+5160,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5161,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5162,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5163,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5164,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5165,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5166,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5167,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5168,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5169,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5170,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5171,1,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+5172,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5173,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5174,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5175,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5176,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5177,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5178,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5179,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5180,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5181,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5182,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5183,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+5184,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5185,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5186,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5187,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5188,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5189,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5190,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5191,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5192,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5193,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5194,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5195,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5196,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5197,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5198,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5199,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5200,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5201,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5202,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5203,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5204,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5205,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5206,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5207,1,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+5208,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5209,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5210,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5211,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5212,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5213,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5214,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5215,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5216,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5217,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5218,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5219,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5220,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5221,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5222,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5223,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5224,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5225,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5226,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5227,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5228,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5229,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5230,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5231,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5232,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5233,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5234,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5235,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5236,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5237,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5238,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5239,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5240,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5241,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5242,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5243,1,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+5244,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5245,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5246,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5247,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5248,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5249,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5250,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5251,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5252,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5253,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5254,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5255,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+5256,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5257,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5258,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5259,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5260,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5261,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5262,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5263,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5264,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5265,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5266,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5267,1,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5268,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5269,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5270,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5271,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5272,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5273,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5274,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5275,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5276,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5277,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5278,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5279,1,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5280,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5281,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5282,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5283,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5284,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5285,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5286,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5287,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5288,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5289,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5290,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5291,1,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5292,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5293,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5294,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5295,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5296,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5297,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5298,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5299,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5300,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5301,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5302,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5303,1,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5304,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5305,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5306,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5307,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5308,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5309,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5310,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5311,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5312,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5313,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5314,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5315,1,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5316,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5317,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5318,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5319,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5320,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5321,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5322,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5323,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5324,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5325,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5326,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5327,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5328,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5329,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5330,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5331,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5332,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5333,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5334,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5335,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5336,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5337,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5338,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5339,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5340,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5341,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5342,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5343,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5344,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5345,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5346,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5347,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5348,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5349,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5350,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5351,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5352,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5353,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5354,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5355,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5356,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5357,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5358,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5359,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5360,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5361,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5362,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5363,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5364,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5365,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5366,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5367,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5368,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5369,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5370,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5371,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5372,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5373,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5374,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5375,1,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5376,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5377,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5378,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5379,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5380,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5381,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5382,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5383,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5384,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5385,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5386,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5387,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5388,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5389,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5390,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5391,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5392,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5393,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5394,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5395,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5396,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5397,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5398,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5399,1,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5400,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5401,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5402,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5403,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5404,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5405,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5406,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5407,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5408,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5409,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5410,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5411,1,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5412,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5413,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5414,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5415,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5416,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5417,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5418,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5419,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5420,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5421,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5422,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5423,1,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5424,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5425,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5426,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5427,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5428,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5429,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5430,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5431,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5432,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5433,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5434,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5435,1,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5436,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5437,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5438,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5439,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5440,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5441,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5442,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5443,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5444,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5445,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5446,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5447,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5448,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5449,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5450,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5451,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5452,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5453,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5454,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5455,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5456,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5457,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5458,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5459,1,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5460,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5461,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5462,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5463,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5464,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5465,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5466,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5467,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5468,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5469,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5470,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5471,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5484,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5485,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5486,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5487,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5488,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5489,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5490,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5491,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5492,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5493,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5494,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5495,1,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5496,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5497,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5498,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5499,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5500,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5501,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5502,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5503,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5504,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5505,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5506,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5507,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5508,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5509,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5510,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5511,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5512,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5513,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5514,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5515,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5516,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5517,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5518,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5519,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+5520,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5521,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5522,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5523,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5524,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5525,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5526,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5527,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5528,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5529,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5530,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5531,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5532,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5533,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5534,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5535,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5536,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5537,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5538,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5539,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5540,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5541,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5542,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5543,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5544,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5545,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5546,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5547,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5548,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5549,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5550,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5551,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5552,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5553,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5554,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5555,1,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5556,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5557,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5558,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5559,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5560,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5561,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5562,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5563,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5564,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5565,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5566,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5567,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+5568,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5569,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5570,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5571,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5572,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5573,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5574,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5575,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5576,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5577,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5578,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5579,1,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+5580,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5581,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5582,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5583,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5584,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5585,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5586,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5587,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5588,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5589,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5590,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5591,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5592,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5593,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5594,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5595,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5596,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5597,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5598,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5599,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5600,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5601,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5602,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5603,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5616,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5617,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5618,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5619,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5620,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5621,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5622,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5623,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5624,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5625,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5626,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5627,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5628,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5629,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5630,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5631,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5632,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5633,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5634,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5635,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5636,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5637,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5638,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5639,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5640,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5641,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5642,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5643,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5644,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5645,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5646,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5647,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5648,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5649,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5650,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5651,1,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5652,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5653,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5654,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5655,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5656,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5657,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5658,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5659,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5660,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5661,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5662,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5663,1,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5664,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5665,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5666,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5667,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5668,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5669,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5670,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5671,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5672,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5673,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5674,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5675,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5676,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5677,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5678,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5679,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5680,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5681,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5682,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5683,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5684,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5685,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5686,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5687,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5688,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5689,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5690,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5691,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5692,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5693,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5694,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5695,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5696,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5697,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5698,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5699,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5700,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5701,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5702,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5703,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5704,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5705,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5706,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5707,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5708,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5709,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5710,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5711,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5712,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5713,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5714,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5715,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5716,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5717,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5718,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5719,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5720,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5721,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5722,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5723,1,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5724,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5725,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5726,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5727,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5728,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5729,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5730,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5731,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5732,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5733,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5734,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5735,1,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5748,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5749,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5750,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5751,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5752,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5753,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5754,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5755,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5756,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5757,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5758,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5759,1,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5760,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5761,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5762,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5763,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5764,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5765,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5766,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5767,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5768,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5769,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5770,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5771,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+5772,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5773,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5774,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5775,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5776,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5777,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5778,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5779,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5780,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5781,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5782,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5783,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5784,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5785,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5786,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5787,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5788,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5789,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5790,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5791,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5792,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5793,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5794,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5795,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5796,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5797,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5798,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5799,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5800,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5801,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5802,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5803,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5804,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5805,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5806,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5807,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+5808,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5809,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5810,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5811,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5812,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5813,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5814,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5815,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5816,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5817,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5818,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5819,1,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5820,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5821,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5822,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5823,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5824,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5825,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5826,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5827,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5828,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5829,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5830,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5831,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5832,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5833,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5834,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5835,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5836,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5837,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5838,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5839,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5840,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5841,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5842,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5843,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+5844,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5845,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5846,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5847,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5848,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5849,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5850,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5851,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5852,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5853,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5854,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5855,1,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5856,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5857,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5858,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5859,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5860,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5861,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5862,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5863,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5864,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5865,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5866,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5867,1,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+5868,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5869,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5870,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5871,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5872,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5873,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5874,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5875,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5876,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5877,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5878,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5879,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+5880,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5881,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5882,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5883,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5884,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5885,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5886,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5887,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5888,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5889,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5890,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5891,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+5892,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5893,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5894,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5895,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5896,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5897,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5898,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5899,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5900,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5901,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5902,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5903,1,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+5904,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5905,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5906,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5907,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5908,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5909,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5910,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5911,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5912,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5913,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5914,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5915,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5916,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5917,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5918,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5919,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5920,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5921,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5922,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5923,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5924,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5925,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5926,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5927,1,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5928,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5929,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5930,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5931,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5932,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5933,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5934,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5935,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5936,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5937,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5938,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5939,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+5940,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5941,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5942,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5943,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5944,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5945,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5946,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5947,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5948,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5949,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5950,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5951,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+5952,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5953,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5954,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5955,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5956,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5957,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5958,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5959,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5960,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5961,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5962,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5963,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+5964,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5965,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5966,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5967,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5968,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5969,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5970,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5971,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5972,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5973,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5974,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5975,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+5976,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5977,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5978,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5979,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5980,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5981,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5982,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5983,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5984,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5985,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5986,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5987,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+5988,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5989,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5990,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5991,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5992,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5993,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5994,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5995,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5996,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5997,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5998,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+5999,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6000,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6001,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6002,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6003,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6004,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6005,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6006,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6007,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6008,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6009,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6010,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6011,1,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6012,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6013,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6014,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6015,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6016,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6017,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6018,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6019,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6020,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6021,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6022,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6023,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+6024,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6025,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6026,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6027,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6028,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6029,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6030,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6031,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6032,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6033,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6034,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6035,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6048,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6049,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6050,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6051,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6052,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6053,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6054,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6055,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6056,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6057,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6058,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6059,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6060,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6061,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6062,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6063,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6064,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6065,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6066,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6067,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6068,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6069,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6070,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6071,1,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6072,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6073,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6074,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6075,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6076,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6077,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6078,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6079,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6080,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6081,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6082,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6083,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6084,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6085,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6086,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6087,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6088,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6089,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6090,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6091,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6092,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6093,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6094,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6095,1,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6096,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6097,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6098,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6099,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6100,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6101,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6102,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6103,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6104,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6105,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6106,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6107,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+6108,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6109,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6110,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6111,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6112,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6113,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6114,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6115,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6116,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6117,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6118,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6119,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6120,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6121,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6122,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6123,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6124,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6125,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6126,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6127,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6128,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6129,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6130,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6131,1,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6132,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6133,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6134,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6135,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6136,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6137,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6138,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6139,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6140,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6141,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6142,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6143,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6144,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6145,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6146,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6147,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6148,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6149,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6150,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6151,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6152,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6153,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6154,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6155,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6156,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6157,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6158,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6159,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6160,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6161,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6162,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6163,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6164,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6165,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6166,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6167,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6168,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6169,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6170,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6171,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6172,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6173,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6174,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6175,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6176,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6177,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6178,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6179,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6180,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6181,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6182,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6183,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6184,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6185,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6186,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6187,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6188,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6189,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6190,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6191,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6192,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6193,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6194,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6195,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6196,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6197,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6198,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6199,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6200,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6201,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6202,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6203,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6204,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6205,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6206,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6207,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6208,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6209,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6210,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6211,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6212,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6213,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6214,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6215,1,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6216,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6217,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6218,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6219,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6220,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6221,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6222,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6223,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6224,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6225,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6226,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6227,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6240,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6241,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6242,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6243,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6244,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6245,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6246,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6247,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6248,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6249,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6250,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6251,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6252,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6253,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6254,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6255,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6256,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6257,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6258,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6259,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6260,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6261,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6262,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6263,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+6264,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6265,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6266,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6267,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6268,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6269,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6270,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6271,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6272,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6273,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6274,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6275,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6276,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6277,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6278,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6279,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6280,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6281,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6282,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6283,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6284,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6285,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6286,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6287,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6288,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6289,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6290,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6291,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6292,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6293,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6294,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6295,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6296,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6297,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6298,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6299,1,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6300,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6301,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6302,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6303,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6304,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6305,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6306,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6307,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6308,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6309,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6310,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6311,1,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6324,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6325,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6326,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6327,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6328,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6329,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6330,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6331,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6332,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6333,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6334,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6335,1,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6348,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6349,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6350,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6351,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6352,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6353,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6354,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6355,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6356,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6357,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6358,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6359,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6360,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6361,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6362,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6363,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6364,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6365,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6366,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6367,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6368,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6369,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6370,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6371,1,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6372,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6373,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6374,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6375,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6376,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6377,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6378,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6379,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6380,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6381,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6382,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6383,1,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6384,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6385,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6386,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6387,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6388,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6389,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6390,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6391,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6392,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6393,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6394,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6395,1,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6396,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6397,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6398,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6399,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6400,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6401,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6402,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6403,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6404,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6405,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6406,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6407,1,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6408,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6409,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6410,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6411,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6412,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6413,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6414,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6415,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6416,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6417,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6418,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6419,1,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6420,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6421,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6422,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6423,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6424,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6425,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6426,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6427,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6428,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6429,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6430,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6431,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6432,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6433,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6434,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6435,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6436,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6437,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6438,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6439,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6440,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6441,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6442,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6443,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6444,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6445,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6446,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6447,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6448,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6449,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6450,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6451,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6452,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6453,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6454,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6455,1,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6456,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6457,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6458,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6459,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6460,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6461,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6462,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6463,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6464,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6465,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6466,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6467,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+6468,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6469,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6470,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6471,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6472,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6473,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6474,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6475,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6476,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6477,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6478,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6479,1,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6492,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6493,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6494,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6495,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6496,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6497,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6498,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6499,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6500,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6501,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6502,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6503,1,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6504,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6505,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6506,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6507,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6508,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6509,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6510,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6511,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6512,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6513,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6514,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6515,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+6516,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6517,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6518,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6519,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6520,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6521,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6522,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6523,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6524,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6525,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6526,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6527,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6528,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6529,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6530,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6531,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6532,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6533,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6534,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6535,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6536,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6537,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6538,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6539,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6540,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6541,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6542,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6543,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6544,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6545,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6546,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6547,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6548,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6549,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6550,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6551,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6552,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6553,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6554,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6555,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6556,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6557,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6558,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6559,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6560,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6561,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6562,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6563,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6564,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6565,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6566,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6567,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6568,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6569,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6570,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6571,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6572,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6573,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6574,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6575,1,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6600,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6601,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6602,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6603,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6604,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6605,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6606,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6607,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6608,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6609,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6610,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6611,1,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6612,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6613,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6614,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6615,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6616,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6617,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6618,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6619,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6620,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6621,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6622,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6623,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+6624,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6625,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6626,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6627,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6628,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6629,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6630,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6631,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6632,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6633,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6634,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6635,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6636,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6637,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6638,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6639,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6640,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6641,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6642,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6643,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6644,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6645,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6646,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6647,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6648,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6649,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6650,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6651,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6652,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6653,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6654,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6655,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6656,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6657,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6658,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6659,1,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+6660,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6661,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6662,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6663,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6664,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6665,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6666,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6667,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6668,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6669,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6670,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6671,1,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6684,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6685,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6686,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6687,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6688,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6689,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6690,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6691,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6692,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6693,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6694,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6695,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+6708,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6709,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6710,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6711,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6712,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6713,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6714,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6715,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6716,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6717,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6718,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6719,1,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6720,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6721,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6722,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6723,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6724,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6725,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6726,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6727,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6728,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6729,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6730,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6731,1,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6732,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6733,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6734,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6735,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6736,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6737,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6738,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6739,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6740,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6741,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6742,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6743,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6756,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6757,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6758,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6759,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6760,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6761,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6762,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6763,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6764,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6765,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6766,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6767,1,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+6780,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6781,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6782,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6783,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6784,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6785,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6786,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6787,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6788,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6789,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6790,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6791,1,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6792,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6793,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6794,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6795,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6796,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6797,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6798,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6799,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6800,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6801,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6802,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6803,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6804,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6805,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6806,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6807,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6808,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6809,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6810,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6811,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6812,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6813,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6814,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6815,1,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6816,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6817,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6818,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6819,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6820,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6821,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6822,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6823,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6824,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6825,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6826,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6827,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6840,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6841,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6842,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6843,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6844,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6845,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6846,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6847,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6848,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6849,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6850,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6851,1,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+6852,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6853,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6854,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6855,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6856,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6857,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6858,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6859,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6860,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6861,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6862,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6863,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6864,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6865,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6866,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6867,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6868,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6869,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6870,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6871,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6872,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6873,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6874,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6875,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+6876,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6877,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6878,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6879,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6880,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6881,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6882,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6883,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6884,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6885,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6886,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6887,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6888,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6889,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6890,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6891,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6892,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6893,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6894,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6895,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6896,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6897,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6898,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6899,1,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6900,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6901,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6902,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6903,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6904,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6905,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6906,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6907,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6908,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6909,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6910,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6911,1,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6924,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6925,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6926,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6927,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6928,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6929,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6930,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6931,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6932,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6933,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6934,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6935,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6936,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6937,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6938,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6939,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6940,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6941,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6942,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6943,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6944,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6945,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6946,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6947,1,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+6948,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6949,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6950,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6951,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6952,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6953,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6954,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6955,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6956,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6957,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6958,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6959,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+6960,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6961,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6962,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6963,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6964,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6965,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6966,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6967,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6968,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6969,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6970,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6971,1,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6972,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6973,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6974,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6975,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6976,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6977,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6978,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6979,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6980,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6981,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6982,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6983,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+6984,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6985,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6986,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6987,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6988,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6989,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6990,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6991,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6992,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6993,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6994,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6995,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+6996,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6997,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6998,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+6999,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7000,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7001,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7002,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7003,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7004,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7005,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7006,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7007,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7008,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7009,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7010,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7011,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7012,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7013,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7014,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7015,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7016,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7017,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7018,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7019,1,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7020,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7021,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7022,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7023,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7024,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7025,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7026,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7027,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7028,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7029,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7030,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7031,1,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7032,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7033,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7034,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7035,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7036,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7037,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7038,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7039,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7040,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7041,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7042,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7043,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7044,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7045,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7046,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7047,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7048,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7049,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7050,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7051,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7052,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7053,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7054,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7055,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7056,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7057,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7058,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7059,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7060,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7061,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7062,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7063,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7064,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7065,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7066,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7067,1,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7068,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7069,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7070,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7071,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7072,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7073,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7074,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7075,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7076,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7077,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7078,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7079,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7092,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7093,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7094,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7095,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7096,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7097,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7098,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7099,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7100,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7101,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7102,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7103,1,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7116,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7117,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7118,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7119,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7120,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7121,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7122,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7123,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7124,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7125,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7126,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7127,1,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+7128,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7129,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7130,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7131,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7132,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7133,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7134,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7135,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7136,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7137,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7138,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7139,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7140,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7141,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7142,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7143,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7144,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7145,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7146,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7147,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7148,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7149,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7150,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7151,1,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+7152,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7153,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7154,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7155,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7156,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7157,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7158,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7159,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7160,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7161,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7162,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7163,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7164,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7165,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7166,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7167,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7168,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7169,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7170,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7171,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7172,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7173,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7174,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7175,1,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7176,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7177,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7178,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7179,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7180,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7181,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7182,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7183,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7184,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7185,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7186,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7187,1,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7188,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7189,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7190,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7191,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7192,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7193,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7194,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7195,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7196,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7197,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7198,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7199,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7200,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7201,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7202,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7203,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7204,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7205,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7206,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7207,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7208,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7209,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7210,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7211,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7212,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7213,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7214,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7215,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7216,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7217,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7218,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7219,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7220,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7221,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7222,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7223,1,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7224,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7225,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7226,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7227,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7228,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7229,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7230,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7231,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7232,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7233,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7234,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7235,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7248,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7249,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7250,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7251,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7252,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7253,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7254,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7255,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7256,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7257,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7258,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7259,11,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7260,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7261,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7262,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7263,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7264,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7265,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7266,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7267,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7268,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7269,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7270,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7271,11,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7272,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7273,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7274,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7275,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7276,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7277,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7278,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7279,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7280,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7281,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7282,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7283,11,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7284,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7285,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7286,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7287,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7288,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7289,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7290,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7291,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7292,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7293,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7294,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7295,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7308,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7309,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7310,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7311,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7312,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7313,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7314,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7315,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7316,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7317,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7318,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7319,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7320,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7321,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7322,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7323,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7324,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7325,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7326,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7327,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7328,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7329,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7330,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7331,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7332,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7333,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7334,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7335,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7336,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7337,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7338,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7339,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7340,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7341,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7342,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7343,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7344,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7345,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7346,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7347,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7348,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7349,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7350,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7351,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7352,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7353,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7354,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7355,11,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7356,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7357,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7358,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7359,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7360,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7361,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7362,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7363,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7364,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7365,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7366,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7367,11,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7368,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7369,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7370,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7371,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7372,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7373,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7374,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7375,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7376,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7377,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7378,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7379,11,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7380,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7381,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7382,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7383,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7384,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7385,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7386,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7387,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7388,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7389,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7390,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7391,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7392,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7393,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7394,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7395,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7396,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7397,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7398,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7399,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7400,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7401,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7402,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7403,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7404,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7405,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7406,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7407,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7408,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7409,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7410,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7411,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7412,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7413,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7414,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7415,11,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7416,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7417,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7418,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7419,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7420,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7421,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7422,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7423,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7424,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7425,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7426,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7427,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7428,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7429,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7430,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7431,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7432,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7433,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7434,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7435,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7436,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7437,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7438,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7439,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+7440,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7441,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7442,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7443,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7444,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7445,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7446,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7447,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7448,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7449,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7450,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7451,11,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+7464,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7465,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7466,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7467,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7468,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7469,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7470,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7471,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7472,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7473,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7474,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7475,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7476,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7477,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7478,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7479,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7480,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7481,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7482,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7483,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7484,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7485,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7486,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7487,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+7488,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7489,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7490,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7491,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7492,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7493,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7494,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7495,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7496,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7497,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7498,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7499,11,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+7500,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7501,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7502,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7503,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7504,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7505,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7506,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7507,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7508,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7509,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7510,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7511,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+7512,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7513,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7514,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7515,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7516,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7517,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7518,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7519,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7520,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7521,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7522,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7523,11,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7524,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7525,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7526,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7527,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7528,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7529,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7530,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7531,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7532,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7533,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7534,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7535,11,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7536,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7537,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7538,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7539,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7540,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7541,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7542,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7543,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7544,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7545,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7546,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7547,11,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7548,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7549,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7550,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7551,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7552,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7553,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7554,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7555,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7556,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7557,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7558,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7559,11,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7560,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7561,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7562,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7563,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7564,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7565,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7566,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7567,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7568,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7569,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7570,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7571,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7572,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7573,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7574,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7575,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7576,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7577,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7578,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7579,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7580,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7581,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7582,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7583,11,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7584,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7585,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7586,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7587,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7588,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7589,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7590,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7591,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7592,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7593,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7594,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7595,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7608,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7609,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7610,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7611,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7612,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7613,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7614,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7615,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7616,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7617,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7618,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7619,11,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7620,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7621,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7622,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7623,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7624,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7625,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7626,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7627,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7628,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7629,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7630,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7631,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+7632,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7633,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7634,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7635,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7636,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7637,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7638,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7639,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7640,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7641,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7642,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7643,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+7644,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7645,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7646,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7647,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7648,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7649,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7650,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7651,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7652,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7653,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7654,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7655,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7656,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7657,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7658,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7659,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7660,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7661,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7662,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7663,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7664,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7665,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7666,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7667,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7668,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7669,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7670,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7671,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7672,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7673,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7674,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7675,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7676,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7677,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7678,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7679,11,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7680,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7681,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7682,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7683,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7684,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7685,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7686,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7687,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7688,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7689,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7690,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7691,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+7692,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7693,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7694,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7695,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7696,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7697,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7698,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7699,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7700,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7701,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7702,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7703,11,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+7704,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7705,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7706,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7707,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7708,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7709,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7710,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7711,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7712,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7713,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7714,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7715,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+7716,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7717,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7718,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7719,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7720,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7721,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7722,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7723,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7724,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7725,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7726,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7727,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7740,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7741,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7742,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7743,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7744,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7745,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7746,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7747,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7748,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7749,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7750,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7751,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7752,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7753,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7754,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7755,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7756,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7757,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7758,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7759,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7760,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7761,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7762,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7763,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7764,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7765,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7766,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7767,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7768,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7769,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7770,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7771,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7772,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7773,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7774,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7775,11,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7776,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7777,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7778,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7779,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7780,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7781,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7782,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7783,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7784,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7785,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7786,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7787,11,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7788,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7789,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7790,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7791,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7792,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7793,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7794,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7795,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7796,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7797,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7798,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7799,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7800,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7801,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7802,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7803,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7804,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7805,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7806,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7807,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7808,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7809,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7810,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7811,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7812,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7813,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7814,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7815,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7816,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7817,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7818,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7819,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7820,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7821,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7822,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7823,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7824,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7825,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7826,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7827,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7828,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7829,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7830,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7831,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7832,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7833,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7834,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7835,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7836,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7837,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7838,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7839,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7840,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7841,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7842,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7843,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7844,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7845,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7846,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7847,11,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+7848,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7849,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7850,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7851,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7852,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7853,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7854,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7855,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7856,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7857,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7858,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7859,11,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7872,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7873,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7874,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7875,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7876,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7877,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7878,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7879,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7880,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7881,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7882,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7883,11,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7884,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7885,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7886,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7887,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7888,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7889,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7890,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7891,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7892,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7893,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7894,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7895,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7896,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7897,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7898,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7899,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7900,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7901,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7902,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7903,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7904,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7905,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7906,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7907,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+7908,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7909,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7910,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7911,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7912,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7913,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7914,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7915,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7916,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7917,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7918,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7919,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+7920,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7921,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7922,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7923,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7924,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7925,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7926,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7927,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7928,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7929,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7930,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7931,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+7932,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7933,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7934,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7935,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7936,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7937,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7938,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7939,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7940,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7941,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7942,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7943,11,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+7944,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7945,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7946,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7947,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7948,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7949,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7950,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7951,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7952,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7953,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7954,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7955,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+7956,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7957,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7958,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7959,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7960,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7961,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7962,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7963,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7964,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7965,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7966,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7967,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+7968,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7969,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7970,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7971,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7972,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7973,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7974,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7975,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7976,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7977,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7978,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7979,11,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+7980,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7981,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7982,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7983,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7984,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7985,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7986,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7987,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7988,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7989,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7990,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7991,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+7992,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7993,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7994,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7995,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7996,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7997,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7998,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+7999,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8000,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8001,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8002,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8003,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8016,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8017,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8018,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8019,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8020,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8021,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8022,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8023,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8024,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8025,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8026,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8027,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8028,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8029,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8030,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8031,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8032,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8033,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8034,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8035,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8036,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8037,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8038,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8039,11,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8040,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8041,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8042,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8043,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8044,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8045,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8046,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8047,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8048,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8049,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8050,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8051,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8052,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8053,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8054,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8055,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8056,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8057,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8058,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8059,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8060,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8061,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8062,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8063,11,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8064,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8065,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8066,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8067,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8068,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8069,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8070,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8071,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8072,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8073,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8074,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8075,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+8076,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8077,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8078,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8079,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8080,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8081,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8082,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8083,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8084,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8085,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8086,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8087,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8088,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8089,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8090,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8091,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8092,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8093,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8094,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8095,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8096,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8097,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8098,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8099,11,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8100,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8101,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8102,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8103,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8104,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8105,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8106,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8107,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8108,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8109,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8110,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8111,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8112,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8113,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8114,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8115,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8116,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8117,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8118,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8119,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8120,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8121,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8122,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8123,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8124,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8125,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8126,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8127,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8128,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8129,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8130,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8131,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8132,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8133,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8134,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8135,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8136,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8137,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8138,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8139,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8140,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8141,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8142,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8143,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8144,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8145,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8146,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8147,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8148,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8149,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8150,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8151,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8152,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8153,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8154,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8155,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8156,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8157,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8158,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8159,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8160,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8161,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8162,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8163,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8164,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8165,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8166,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8167,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8168,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8169,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8170,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8171,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8172,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8173,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8174,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8175,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8176,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8177,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8178,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8179,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8180,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8181,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8182,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8183,11,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8184,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8185,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8186,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8187,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8188,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8189,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8190,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8191,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8192,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8193,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8194,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8195,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8208,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8209,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8210,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8211,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8212,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8213,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8214,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8215,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8216,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8217,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8218,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8219,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8220,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8221,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8222,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8223,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8224,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8225,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8226,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8227,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8228,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8229,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8230,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8231,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+8232,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8233,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8234,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8235,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8236,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8237,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8238,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8239,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8240,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8241,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8242,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8243,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8244,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8245,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8246,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8247,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8248,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8249,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8250,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8251,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8252,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8253,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8254,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8255,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8256,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8257,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8258,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8259,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8260,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8261,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8262,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8263,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8264,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8265,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8266,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8267,11,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8268,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8269,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8270,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8271,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8272,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8273,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8274,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8275,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8276,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8277,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8278,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8279,11,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8292,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8293,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8294,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8295,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8296,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8297,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8298,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8299,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8300,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8301,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8302,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8303,11,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8316,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8317,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8318,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8319,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8320,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8321,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8322,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8323,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8324,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8325,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8326,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8327,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8328,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8329,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8330,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8331,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8332,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8333,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8334,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8335,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8336,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8337,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8338,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8339,11,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8340,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8341,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8342,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8343,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8344,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8345,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8346,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8347,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8348,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8349,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8350,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8351,11,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8352,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8353,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8354,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8355,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8356,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8357,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8358,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8359,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8360,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8361,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8362,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8363,11,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8364,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8365,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8366,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8367,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8368,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8369,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8370,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8371,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8372,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8373,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8374,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8375,11,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8376,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8377,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8378,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8379,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8380,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8381,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8382,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8383,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8384,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8385,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8386,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8387,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8388,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8389,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8390,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8391,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8392,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8393,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8394,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8395,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8396,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8397,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8398,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8399,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8400,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8401,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8402,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8403,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8404,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8405,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8406,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8407,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8408,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8409,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8410,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8411,11,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8412,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8413,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8414,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8415,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8416,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8417,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8418,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8419,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8420,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8421,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8422,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8423,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+8424,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8425,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8426,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8427,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8428,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8429,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8430,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8431,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8432,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8433,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8434,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8435,11,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8448,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8449,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8450,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8451,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8452,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8453,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8454,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8455,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8456,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8457,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8458,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8459,11,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8460,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8461,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8462,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8463,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8464,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8465,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8466,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8467,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8468,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8469,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8470,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8471,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+8472,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8473,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8474,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8475,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8476,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8477,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8478,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8479,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8480,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8481,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8482,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8483,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8484,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8485,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8486,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8487,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8488,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8489,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8490,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8491,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8492,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8493,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8494,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8495,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8496,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8497,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8498,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8499,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8500,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8501,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8502,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8503,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8504,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8505,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8506,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8507,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8508,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8509,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8510,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8511,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8512,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8513,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8514,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8515,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8516,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8517,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8518,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8519,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8520,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8521,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8522,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8523,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8524,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8525,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8526,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8527,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8528,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8529,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8530,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8531,11,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8556,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8557,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8558,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8559,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8560,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8561,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8562,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8563,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8564,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8565,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8566,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8567,11,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8568,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8569,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8570,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8571,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8572,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8573,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8574,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8575,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8576,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8577,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8578,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8579,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+8580,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8581,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8582,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8583,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8584,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8585,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8586,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8587,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8588,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8589,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8590,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8591,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8592,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8593,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8594,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8595,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8596,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8597,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8598,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8599,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8600,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8601,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8602,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8603,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8604,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8605,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8606,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8607,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8608,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8609,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8610,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8611,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8612,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8613,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8614,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8615,11,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+8616,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8617,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8618,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8619,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8620,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8621,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8622,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8623,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8624,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8625,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8626,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8627,11,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8640,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8641,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8642,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8643,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8644,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8645,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8646,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8647,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8648,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8649,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8650,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8651,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+8664,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8665,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8666,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8667,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8668,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8669,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8670,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8671,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8672,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8673,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8674,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8675,11,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8676,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8677,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8678,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8679,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8680,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8681,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8682,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8683,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8684,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8685,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8686,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8687,11,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8688,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8689,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8690,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8691,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8692,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8693,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8694,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8695,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8696,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8697,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8698,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8699,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8712,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8713,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8714,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8715,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8716,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8717,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8718,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8719,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8720,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8721,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8722,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8723,11,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+8736,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8737,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8738,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8739,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8740,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8741,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8742,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8743,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8744,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8745,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8746,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8747,11,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8748,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8749,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8750,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8751,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8752,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8753,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8754,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8755,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8756,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8757,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8758,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8759,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8760,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8761,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8762,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8763,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8764,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8765,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8766,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8767,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8768,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8769,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8770,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8771,11,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8772,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8773,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8774,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8775,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8776,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8777,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8778,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8779,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8780,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8781,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8782,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8783,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8784,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8785,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8786,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8787,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8788,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8789,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8790,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8791,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8792,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8793,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8794,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8795,11,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8796,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8797,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8798,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8799,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8800,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8801,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8802,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8803,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8804,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8805,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8806,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8807,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8808,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8809,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8810,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8811,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8812,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8813,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8814,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8815,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8816,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8817,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8818,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8819,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8820,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8821,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8822,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8823,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8824,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8825,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8826,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8827,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8828,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8829,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8830,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8831,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8832,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8833,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8834,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8835,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8836,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8837,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8838,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8839,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8840,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8841,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8842,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8843,11,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8844,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8845,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8846,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8847,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8848,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8849,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8850,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8851,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8852,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8853,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8854,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8855,11,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8868,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8869,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8870,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8871,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8872,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8873,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8874,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8875,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8876,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8877,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8878,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8879,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8880,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8881,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8882,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8883,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8884,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8885,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8886,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8887,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8888,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8889,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8890,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8891,11,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8892,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8893,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8894,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8895,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8896,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8897,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8898,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8899,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8900,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8901,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8902,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8903,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+8904,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8905,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8906,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8907,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8908,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8909,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8910,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8911,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8912,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8913,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8914,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8915,11,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8916,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8917,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8918,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8919,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8920,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8921,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8922,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8923,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8924,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8925,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8926,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8927,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8928,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8929,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8930,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8931,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8932,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8933,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8934,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8935,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8936,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8937,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8938,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8939,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+8940,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8941,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8942,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8943,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8944,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8945,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8946,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8947,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8948,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8949,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8950,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8951,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+8952,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8953,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8954,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8955,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8956,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8957,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8958,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8959,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8960,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8961,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8962,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8963,11,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+8964,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8965,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8966,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8967,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8968,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8969,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8970,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8971,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8972,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8973,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8974,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8975,11,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+8976,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8977,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8978,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8979,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8980,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8981,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8982,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8983,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8984,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8985,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8986,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8987,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+8988,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8989,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8990,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8991,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8992,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8993,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8994,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8995,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8996,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8997,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8998,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+8999,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9000,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9001,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9002,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9003,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9004,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9005,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9006,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9007,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9008,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9009,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9010,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9011,11,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9012,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9013,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9014,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9015,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9016,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9017,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9018,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9019,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9020,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9021,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9022,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9023,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9036,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9037,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9038,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9039,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9040,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9041,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9042,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9043,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9044,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9045,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9046,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9047,11,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9060,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9061,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9062,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9063,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9064,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9065,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9066,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9067,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9068,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9069,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9070,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9071,11,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+9072,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9073,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9074,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9075,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9076,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9077,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9078,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9079,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9080,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9081,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9082,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9083,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9084,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9085,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9086,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9087,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9088,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9089,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9090,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9091,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9092,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9093,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9094,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9095,11,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+9096,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9097,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9098,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9099,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9100,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9101,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9102,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9103,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9104,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9105,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9106,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9107,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9108,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9109,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9110,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9111,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9112,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9113,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9114,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9115,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9116,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9117,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9118,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9119,11,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9120,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9121,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9122,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9123,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9124,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9125,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9126,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9127,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9128,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9129,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9130,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9131,11,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9132,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9133,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9134,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9135,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9136,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9137,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9138,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9139,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9140,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9141,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9142,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9143,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9144,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9145,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9146,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9147,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9148,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9149,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9150,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9151,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9152,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9153,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9154,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9155,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9156,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9157,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9158,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9159,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9160,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9161,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9162,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9163,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9164,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9165,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9166,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9167,11,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9168,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9169,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9170,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9171,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9172,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9173,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9174,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9175,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9176,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9177,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9178,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9179,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9192,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9193,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9194,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9195,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9196,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9197,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9198,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9199,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9200,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9201,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9202,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9203,12,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9204,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9205,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9206,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9207,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9208,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9209,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9210,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9211,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9212,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9213,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9214,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9215,12,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9216,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9217,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9218,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9219,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9220,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9221,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9222,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9223,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9224,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9225,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9226,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9227,12,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9228,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9229,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9230,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9231,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9232,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9233,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9234,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9235,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9236,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9237,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9238,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9239,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9252,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9253,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9254,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9255,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9256,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9257,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9258,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9259,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9260,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9261,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9262,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9263,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9264,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9265,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9266,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9267,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9268,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9269,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9270,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9271,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9272,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9273,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9274,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9275,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9276,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9277,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9278,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9279,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9280,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9281,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9282,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9283,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9284,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9285,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9286,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9287,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9288,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9289,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9290,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9291,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9292,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9293,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9294,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9295,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9296,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9297,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9298,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9299,12,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9300,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9301,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9302,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9303,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9304,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9305,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9306,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9307,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9308,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9309,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9310,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9311,12,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9312,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9313,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9314,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9315,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9316,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9317,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9318,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9319,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9320,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9321,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9322,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9323,12,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9324,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9325,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9326,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9327,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9328,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9329,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9330,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9331,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9332,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9333,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9334,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9335,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9336,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9337,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9338,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9339,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9340,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9341,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9342,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9343,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9344,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9345,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9346,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9347,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9348,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9349,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9350,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9351,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9352,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9353,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9354,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9355,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9356,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9357,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9358,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9359,12,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9360,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9361,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9362,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9363,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9364,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9365,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9366,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9367,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9368,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9369,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9370,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9371,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+9372,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9373,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9374,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9375,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9376,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9377,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9378,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9379,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9380,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9381,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9382,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9383,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9384,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9385,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9386,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9387,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9388,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9389,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9390,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9391,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9392,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9393,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9394,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9395,12,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9396,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9397,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9398,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9399,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9400,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9401,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9402,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9403,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9404,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9405,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9406,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9407,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9408,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9409,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9410,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9411,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9412,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9413,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9414,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9415,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9416,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9417,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9418,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9419,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9420,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9421,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9422,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9423,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9424,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9425,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9426,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9427,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9428,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9429,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9430,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9431,12,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9432,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9433,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9434,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9435,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9436,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9437,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9438,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9439,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9440,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9441,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9442,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9443,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9444,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9445,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9446,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9447,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9448,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9449,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9450,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9451,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9452,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9453,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9454,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9455,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+9456,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9457,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9458,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9459,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9460,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9461,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9462,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9463,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9464,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9465,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9466,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9467,12,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9480,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9481,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9482,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9483,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9484,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9485,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9486,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9487,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9488,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9489,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9490,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9491,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9492,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9493,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9494,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9495,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9496,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9497,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9498,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9499,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9500,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9501,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9502,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9503,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9504,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9505,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9506,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9507,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9508,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9509,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9510,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9511,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9512,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9513,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9514,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9515,12,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+9516,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9517,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9518,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9519,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9520,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9521,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9522,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9523,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9524,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9525,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9526,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9527,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+9528,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9529,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9530,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9531,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9532,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9533,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9534,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9535,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9536,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9537,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9538,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9539,12,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+9540,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9541,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9542,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9543,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9544,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9545,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9546,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9547,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9548,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9549,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9550,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9551,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+9552,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9553,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9554,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9555,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9556,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9557,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9558,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9559,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9560,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9561,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9562,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9563,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9564,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9565,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9566,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9567,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9568,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9569,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9570,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9571,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9572,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9573,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9574,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9575,12,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+9576,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9577,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9578,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9579,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9580,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9581,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9582,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9583,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9584,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9585,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9586,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9587,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9588,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9589,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9590,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9591,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9592,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9593,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9594,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9595,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9596,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9597,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9598,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9599,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9600,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9601,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9602,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9603,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9604,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9605,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9606,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9607,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9608,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9609,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9610,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9611,12,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+9612,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9613,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9614,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9615,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9616,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9617,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9618,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9619,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9620,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9621,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9622,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9623,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+9624,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9625,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9626,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9627,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9628,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9629,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9630,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9631,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9632,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9633,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9634,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9635,12,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9636,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9637,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9638,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9639,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9640,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9641,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9642,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9643,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9644,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9645,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9646,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9647,12,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9648,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9649,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9650,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9651,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9652,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9653,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9654,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9655,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9656,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9657,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9658,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9659,12,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9660,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9661,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9662,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9663,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9664,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9665,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9666,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9667,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9668,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9669,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9670,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9671,12,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9672,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9673,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9674,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9675,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9676,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9677,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9678,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9679,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9680,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9681,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9682,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9683,12,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9684,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9685,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9686,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9687,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9688,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9689,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9690,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9691,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9692,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9693,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9694,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9695,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9696,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9697,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9698,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9699,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9700,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9701,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9702,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9703,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9704,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9705,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9706,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9707,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9708,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9709,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9710,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9711,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9712,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9713,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9714,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9715,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9716,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9717,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9718,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9719,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9720,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9721,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9722,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9723,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9724,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9725,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9726,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9727,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9728,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9729,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9730,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9731,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9732,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9733,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9734,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9735,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9736,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9737,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9738,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9739,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9740,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9741,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9742,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9743,12,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9744,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9745,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9746,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9747,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9748,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9749,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9750,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9751,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9752,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9753,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9754,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9755,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+9756,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9757,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9758,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9759,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9760,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9761,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9762,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9763,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9764,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9765,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9766,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9767,12,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9768,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9769,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9770,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9771,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9772,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9773,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9774,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9775,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9776,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9777,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9778,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9779,12,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9780,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9781,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9782,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9783,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9784,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9785,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9786,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9787,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9788,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9789,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9790,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9791,12,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9792,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9793,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9794,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9795,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9796,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9797,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9798,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9799,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9800,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9801,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9802,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9803,12,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+9804,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9805,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9806,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9807,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9808,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9809,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9810,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9811,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9812,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9813,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9814,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9815,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9816,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9817,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9818,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9819,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9820,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9821,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9822,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9823,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9824,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9825,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9826,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9827,12,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+9828,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9829,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9830,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9831,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9832,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9833,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9834,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9835,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9836,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9837,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9838,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9839,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9852,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9853,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9854,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9855,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9856,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9857,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9858,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9859,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9860,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9861,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9862,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9863,12,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9864,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9865,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9866,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9867,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9868,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9869,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9870,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9871,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9872,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9873,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9874,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9875,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+9876,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9877,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9878,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9879,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9880,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9881,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9882,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9883,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9884,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9885,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9886,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9887,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+9888,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9889,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9890,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9891,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9892,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9893,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9894,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9895,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9896,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9897,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9898,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9899,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+9900,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9901,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9902,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9903,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9904,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9905,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9906,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9907,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9908,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9909,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9910,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9911,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+9912,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9913,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9914,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9915,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9916,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9917,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9918,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9919,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9920,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9921,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9922,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9923,12,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+9924,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9925,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9926,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9927,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9928,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9929,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9930,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9931,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9932,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9933,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9934,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9935,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+9936,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9937,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9938,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9939,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9940,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9941,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9942,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9943,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9944,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9945,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9946,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9947,12,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+9948,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9949,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9950,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9951,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9952,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9953,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9954,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9955,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9956,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9957,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9958,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9959,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+9960,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9961,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9962,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9963,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9964,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9965,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9966,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9967,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9968,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9969,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9970,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9971,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+9984,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9985,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9986,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9987,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9988,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9989,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9990,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9991,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9992,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9993,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9994,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9995,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+9996,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9997,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9998,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+9999,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10000,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10001,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10002,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10003,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10004,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10005,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10006,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10007,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10008,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10009,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10010,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10011,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10012,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10013,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10014,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10015,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10016,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10017,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10018,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10019,12,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10020,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10021,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10022,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10023,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10024,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10025,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10026,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10027,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10028,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10029,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10030,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10031,12,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10032,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10033,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10034,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10035,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10036,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10037,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10038,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10039,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10040,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10041,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10042,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10043,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10044,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10045,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10046,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10047,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10048,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10049,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10050,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10051,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10052,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10053,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10054,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10055,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10056,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10057,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10058,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10059,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10060,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10061,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10062,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10063,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10064,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10065,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10066,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10067,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10068,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10069,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10070,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10071,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10072,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10073,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10074,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10075,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10076,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10077,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10078,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10079,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10080,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10081,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10082,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10083,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10084,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10085,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10086,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10087,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10088,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10089,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10090,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10091,12,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10092,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10093,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10094,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10095,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10096,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10097,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10098,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10099,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10100,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10101,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10102,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10103,12,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10116,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10117,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10118,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10119,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10120,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10121,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10122,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10123,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10124,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10125,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10126,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10127,12,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10128,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10129,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10130,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10131,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10132,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10133,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10134,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10135,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10136,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10137,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10138,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10139,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10140,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10141,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10142,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10143,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10144,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10145,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10146,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10147,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10148,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10149,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10150,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10151,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10152,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10153,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10154,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10155,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10156,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10157,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10158,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10159,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10160,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10161,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10162,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10163,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10164,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10165,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10166,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10167,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10168,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10169,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10170,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10171,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10172,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10173,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10174,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10175,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+10176,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10177,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10178,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10179,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10180,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10181,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10182,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10183,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10184,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10185,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10186,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10187,12,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10188,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10189,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10190,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10191,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10192,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10193,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10194,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10195,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10196,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10197,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10198,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10199,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10200,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10201,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10202,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10203,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10204,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10205,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10206,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10207,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10208,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10209,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10210,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10211,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10212,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10213,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10214,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10215,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10216,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10217,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10218,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10219,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10220,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10221,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10222,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10223,12,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10224,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10225,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10226,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10227,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10228,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10229,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10230,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10231,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10232,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10233,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10234,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10235,12,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+10236,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10237,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10238,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10239,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10240,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10241,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10242,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10243,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10244,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10245,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10246,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10247,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10248,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10249,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10250,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10251,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10252,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10253,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10254,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10255,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10256,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10257,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10258,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10259,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10260,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10261,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10262,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10263,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10264,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10265,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10266,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10267,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10268,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10269,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10270,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10271,12,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+10272,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10273,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10274,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10275,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10276,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10277,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10278,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10279,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10280,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10281,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10282,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10283,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10284,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10285,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10286,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10287,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10288,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10289,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10290,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10291,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10292,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10293,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10294,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10295,12,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10296,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10297,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10298,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10299,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10300,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10301,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10302,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10303,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10304,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10305,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10306,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10307,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10308,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10309,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10310,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10311,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10312,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10313,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10314,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10315,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10316,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10317,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10318,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10319,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10320,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10321,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10322,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10323,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10324,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10325,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10326,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10327,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10328,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10329,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10330,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10331,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10332,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10333,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10334,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10335,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10336,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10337,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10338,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10339,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10340,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10341,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10342,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10343,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10344,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10345,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10346,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10347,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10348,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10349,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10350,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10351,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10352,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10353,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10354,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10355,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10356,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10357,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10358,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10359,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10360,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10361,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10362,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10363,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10364,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10365,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10366,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10367,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10368,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10369,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10370,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10371,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10372,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10373,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10374,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10375,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10376,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10377,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10378,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10379,12,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10380,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10381,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10382,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10383,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10384,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10385,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10386,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10387,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10388,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10389,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10390,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10391,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+10392,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10393,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10394,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10395,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10396,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10397,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10398,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10399,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10400,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10401,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10402,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10403,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10416,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10417,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10418,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10419,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10420,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10421,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10422,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10423,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10424,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10425,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10426,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10427,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10428,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10429,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10430,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10431,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10432,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10433,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10434,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10435,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10436,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10437,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10438,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10439,12,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10440,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10441,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10442,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10443,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10444,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10445,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10446,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10447,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10448,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10449,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10450,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10451,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10452,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10453,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10454,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10455,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10456,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10457,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10458,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10459,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10460,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10461,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10462,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10463,12,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10464,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10465,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10466,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10467,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10468,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10469,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10470,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10471,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10472,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10473,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10474,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10475,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+10476,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10477,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10478,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10479,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10480,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10481,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10482,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10483,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10484,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10485,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10486,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10487,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10488,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10489,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10490,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10491,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10492,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10493,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10494,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10495,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10496,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10497,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10498,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10499,12,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10500,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10501,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10502,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10503,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10504,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10505,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10506,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10507,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10508,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10509,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10510,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10511,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10512,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10513,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10514,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10515,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10516,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10517,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10518,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10519,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10520,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10521,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10522,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10523,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10524,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10525,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10526,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10527,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10528,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10529,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10530,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10531,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10532,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10533,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10534,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10535,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10536,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10537,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10538,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10539,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10540,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10541,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10542,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10543,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10544,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10545,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10546,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10547,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10548,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10549,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10550,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10551,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10552,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10553,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10554,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10555,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10556,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10557,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10558,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10559,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10560,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10561,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10562,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10563,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10564,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10565,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10566,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10567,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10568,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10569,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10570,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10571,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10572,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10573,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10574,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10575,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10576,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10577,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10578,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10579,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10580,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10581,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10582,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10583,12,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10584,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10585,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10586,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10587,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10588,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10589,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10590,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10591,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10592,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10593,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10594,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10595,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10608,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10609,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10610,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10611,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10612,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10613,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10614,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10615,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10616,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10617,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10618,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10619,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10620,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10621,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10622,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10623,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10624,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10625,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10626,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10627,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10628,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10629,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10630,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10631,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+10632,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10633,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10634,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10635,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10636,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10637,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10638,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10639,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10640,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10641,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10642,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10643,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10644,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10645,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10646,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10647,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10648,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10649,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10650,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10651,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10652,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10653,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10654,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10655,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10656,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10657,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10658,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10659,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10660,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10661,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10662,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10663,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10664,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10665,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10666,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10667,12,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10668,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10669,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10670,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10671,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10672,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10673,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10674,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10675,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10676,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10677,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10678,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10679,12,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10692,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10693,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10694,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10695,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10696,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10697,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10698,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10699,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10700,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10701,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10702,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10703,12,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+10716,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10717,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10718,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10719,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10720,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10721,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10722,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10723,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10724,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10725,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10726,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10727,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10728,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10729,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10730,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10731,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10732,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10733,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10734,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10735,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10736,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10737,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10738,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10739,12,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10740,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10741,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10742,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10743,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10744,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10745,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10746,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10747,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10748,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10749,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10750,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10751,12,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10752,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10753,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10754,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10755,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10756,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10757,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10758,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10759,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10760,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10761,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10762,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10763,12,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+10764,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10765,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10766,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10767,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10768,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10769,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10770,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10771,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10772,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10773,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10774,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10775,12,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10776,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10777,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10778,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10779,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10780,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10781,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10782,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10783,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10784,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10785,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10786,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10787,12,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+10788,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10789,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10790,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10791,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10792,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10793,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10794,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10795,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10796,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10797,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10798,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10799,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10800,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10801,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10802,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10803,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10804,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10805,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10806,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10807,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10808,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10809,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10810,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10811,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10812,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10813,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10814,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10815,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10816,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10817,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10818,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10819,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10820,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10821,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10822,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10823,12,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10824,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10825,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10826,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10827,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10828,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10829,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10830,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10831,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10832,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10833,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10834,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10835,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+10836,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10837,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10838,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10839,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10840,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10841,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10842,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10843,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10844,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10845,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10846,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10847,12,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+10860,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10861,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10862,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10863,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10864,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10865,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10866,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10867,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10868,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10869,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10870,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10871,12,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10872,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10873,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10874,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10875,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10876,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10877,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10878,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10879,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10880,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10881,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10882,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10883,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+10884,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10885,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10886,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10887,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10888,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10889,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10890,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10891,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10892,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10893,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10894,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10895,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10896,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10897,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10898,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10899,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10900,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10901,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10902,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10903,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10904,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10905,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10906,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10907,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+10908,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10909,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10910,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10911,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10912,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10913,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10914,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10915,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10916,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10917,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10918,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10919,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+10920,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10921,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10922,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10923,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10924,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10925,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10926,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10927,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10928,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10929,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10930,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10931,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+10932,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10933,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10934,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10935,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10936,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10937,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10938,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10939,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10940,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10941,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10942,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10943,12,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10968,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10969,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10970,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10971,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10972,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10973,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10974,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10975,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10976,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10977,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10978,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10979,12,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+10980,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10981,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10982,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10983,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10984,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10985,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10986,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10987,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10988,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10989,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10990,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10991,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+10992,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10993,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10994,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10995,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10996,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10997,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10998,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+10999,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11000,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11001,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11002,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11003,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11004,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11005,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11006,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11007,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11008,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11009,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11010,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11011,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11012,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11013,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11014,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11015,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11016,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11017,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11018,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11019,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11020,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11021,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11022,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11023,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11024,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11025,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11026,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11027,12,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11028,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11029,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11030,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11031,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11032,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11033,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11034,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11035,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11036,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11037,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11038,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11039,12,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11052,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11053,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11054,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11055,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11056,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11057,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11058,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11059,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11060,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11061,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11062,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11063,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11076,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11077,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11078,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11079,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11080,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11081,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11082,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11083,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11084,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11085,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11086,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11087,12,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11088,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11089,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11090,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11091,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11092,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11093,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11094,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11095,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11096,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11097,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11098,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11099,12,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11100,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11101,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11102,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11103,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11104,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11105,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11106,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11107,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11108,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11109,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11110,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11111,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11124,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11125,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11126,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11127,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11128,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11129,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11130,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11131,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11132,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11133,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11134,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11135,12,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11148,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11149,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11150,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11151,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11152,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11153,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11154,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11155,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11156,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11157,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11158,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11159,12,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11160,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11161,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11162,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11163,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11164,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11165,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11166,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11167,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11168,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11169,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11170,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11171,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11172,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11173,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11174,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11175,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11176,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11177,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11178,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11179,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11180,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11181,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11182,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11183,12,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11184,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11185,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11186,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11187,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11188,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11189,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11190,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11191,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11192,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11193,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11194,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11195,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11208,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11209,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11210,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11211,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11212,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11213,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11214,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11215,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11216,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11217,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11218,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11219,12,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11220,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11221,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11222,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11223,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11224,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11225,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11226,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11227,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11228,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11229,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11230,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11231,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11232,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11233,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11234,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11235,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11236,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11237,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11238,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11239,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11240,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11241,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11242,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11243,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11244,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11245,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11246,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11247,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11248,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11249,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11250,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11251,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11252,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11253,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11254,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11255,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11256,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11257,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11258,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11259,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11260,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11261,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11262,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11263,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11264,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11265,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11266,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11267,12,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11268,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11269,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11270,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11271,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11272,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11273,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11274,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11275,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11276,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11277,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11278,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11279,12,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11292,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11293,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11294,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11295,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11296,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11297,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11298,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11299,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11300,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11301,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11302,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11303,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11304,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11305,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11306,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11307,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11308,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11309,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11310,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11311,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11312,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11313,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11314,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11315,12,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11316,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11317,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11318,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11319,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11320,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11321,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11322,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11323,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11324,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11325,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11326,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11327,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11328,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11329,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11330,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11331,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11332,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11333,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11334,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11335,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11336,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11337,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11338,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11339,12,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11340,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11341,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11342,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11343,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11344,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11345,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11346,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11347,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11348,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11349,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11350,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11351,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11352,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11353,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11354,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11355,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11356,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11357,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11358,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11359,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11360,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11361,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11362,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11363,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11364,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11365,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11366,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11367,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11368,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11369,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11370,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11371,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11372,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11373,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11374,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11375,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11376,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11377,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11378,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11379,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11380,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11381,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11382,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11383,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11384,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11385,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11386,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11387,12,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11388,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11389,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11390,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11391,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11392,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11393,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11394,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11395,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11396,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11397,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11398,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11399,12,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11400,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11401,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11402,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11403,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11404,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11405,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11406,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11407,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11408,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11409,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11410,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11411,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11412,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11413,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11414,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11415,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11416,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11417,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11418,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11419,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11420,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11421,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11422,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11423,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11424,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11425,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11426,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11427,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11428,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11429,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11430,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11431,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11432,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11433,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11434,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11435,12,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11436,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11437,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11438,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11439,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11440,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11441,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11442,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11443,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11444,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11445,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11446,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11447,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11460,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11461,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11462,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11463,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11464,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11465,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11466,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11467,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11468,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11469,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11470,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11471,12,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11484,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11485,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11486,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11487,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11488,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11489,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11490,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11491,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11492,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11493,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11494,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11495,12,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+11496,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11497,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11498,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11499,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11500,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11501,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11502,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11503,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11504,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11505,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11506,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11507,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11508,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11509,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11510,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11511,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11512,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11513,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11514,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11515,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11516,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11517,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11518,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11519,12,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+11520,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11521,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11522,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11523,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11524,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11525,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11526,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11527,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11528,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11529,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11530,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11531,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11532,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11533,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11534,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11535,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11536,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11537,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11538,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11539,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11540,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11541,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11542,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11543,12,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11544,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11545,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11546,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11547,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11548,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11549,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11550,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11551,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11552,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11553,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11554,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11555,12,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11556,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11557,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11558,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11559,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11560,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11561,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11562,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11563,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11564,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11565,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11566,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11567,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11568,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11569,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11570,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11571,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11572,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11573,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11574,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11575,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11576,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11577,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11578,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11579,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11580,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11581,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11582,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11583,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11584,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11585,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11586,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11587,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11588,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11589,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11590,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11591,12,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11592,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11593,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11594,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11595,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11596,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11597,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11598,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11599,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11600,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11601,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11602,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11603,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11616,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11617,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11618,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11619,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11620,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11621,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11622,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11623,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11624,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11625,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11626,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11627,35,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11628,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11629,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11630,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11631,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11632,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11633,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11634,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11635,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11636,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11637,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11638,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11639,35,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11640,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11641,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11642,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11643,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11644,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11645,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11646,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11647,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11648,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11649,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11650,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11651,35,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11652,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11653,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11654,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11655,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11656,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11657,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11658,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11659,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11660,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11661,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11662,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11663,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11676,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11677,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11678,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11679,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11680,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11681,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11682,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11683,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11684,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11685,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11686,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11687,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+11688,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11689,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11690,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11691,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11692,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11693,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11694,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11695,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11696,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11697,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11698,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11699,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+11700,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11701,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11702,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11703,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11704,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11705,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11706,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11707,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11708,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11709,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11710,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11711,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11712,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11713,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11714,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11715,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11716,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11717,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11718,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11719,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11720,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11721,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11722,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11723,35,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11724,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11725,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11726,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11727,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11728,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11729,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11730,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11731,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11732,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11733,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11734,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11735,35,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11736,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11737,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11738,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11739,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11740,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11741,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11742,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11743,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11744,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11745,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11746,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11747,35,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+11748,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11749,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11750,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11751,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11752,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11753,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11754,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11755,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11756,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11757,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11758,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11759,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+11760,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11761,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11762,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11763,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11764,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11765,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11766,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11767,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11768,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11769,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11770,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11771,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+11772,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11773,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11774,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11775,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11776,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11777,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11778,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11779,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11780,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11781,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11782,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11783,35,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11784,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11785,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11786,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11787,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11788,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11789,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11790,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11791,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11792,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11793,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11794,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11795,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+11796,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11797,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11798,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11799,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11800,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11801,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11802,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11803,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11804,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11805,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11806,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11807,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+11808,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11809,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11810,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11811,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11812,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11813,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11814,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11815,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11816,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11817,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11818,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11819,35,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+11820,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11821,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11822,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11823,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11824,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11825,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11826,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11827,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11828,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11829,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11830,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11831,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+11832,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11833,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11834,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11835,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11836,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11837,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11838,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11839,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11840,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11841,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11842,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11843,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11844,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11845,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11846,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11847,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11848,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11849,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11850,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11851,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11852,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11853,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11854,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11855,35,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+11856,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11857,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11858,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11859,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11860,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11861,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11862,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11863,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11864,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11865,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11866,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11867,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11868,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11869,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11870,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11871,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11872,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11873,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11874,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11875,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11876,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11877,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11878,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11879,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+11880,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11881,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11882,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11883,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11884,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11885,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11886,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11887,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11888,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11889,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11890,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11891,35,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11904,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11905,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11906,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11907,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11908,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11909,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11910,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11911,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11912,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11913,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11914,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11915,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+11916,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11917,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11918,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11919,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11920,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11921,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11922,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11923,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11924,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11925,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11926,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11927,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+11928,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11929,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11930,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11931,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11932,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11933,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11934,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11935,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11936,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11937,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11938,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11939,35,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+11940,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11941,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11942,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11943,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11944,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11945,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11946,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11947,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11948,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11949,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11950,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11951,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+11952,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11953,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11954,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11955,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11956,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11957,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11958,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11959,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11960,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11961,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11962,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11963,35,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+11964,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11965,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11966,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11967,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11968,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11969,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11970,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11971,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11972,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11973,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11974,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11975,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+11976,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11977,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11978,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11979,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11980,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11981,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11982,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11983,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11984,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11985,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11986,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11987,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+11988,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11989,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11990,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11991,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11992,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11993,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11994,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11995,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11996,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11997,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11998,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+11999,35,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12000,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12001,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12002,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12003,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12004,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12005,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12006,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12007,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12008,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12009,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12010,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12011,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12012,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12013,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12014,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12015,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12016,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12017,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12018,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12019,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12020,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12021,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12022,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12023,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12024,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12025,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12026,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12027,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12028,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12029,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12030,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12031,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12032,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12033,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12034,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12035,35,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+12036,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12037,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12038,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12039,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12040,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12041,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12042,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12043,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12044,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12045,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12046,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12047,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+12048,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12049,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12050,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12051,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12052,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12053,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12054,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12055,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12056,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12057,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12058,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12059,35,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12060,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12061,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12062,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12063,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12064,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12065,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12066,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12067,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12068,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12069,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12070,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12071,35,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12072,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12073,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12074,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12075,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12076,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12077,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12078,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12079,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12080,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12081,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12082,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12083,35,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12084,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12085,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12086,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12087,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12088,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12089,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12090,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12091,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12092,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12093,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12094,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12095,35,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12096,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12097,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12098,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12099,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12100,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12101,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12102,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12103,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12104,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12105,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12106,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12107,35,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12108,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12109,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12110,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12111,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12112,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12113,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12114,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12115,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12116,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12117,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12118,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12119,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12120,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12121,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12122,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12123,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12124,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12125,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12126,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12127,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12128,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12129,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12130,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12131,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12132,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12133,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12134,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12135,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12136,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12137,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12138,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12139,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12140,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12141,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12142,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12143,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12144,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12145,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12146,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12147,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12148,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12149,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12150,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12151,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12152,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12153,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12154,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12155,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12156,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12157,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12158,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12159,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12160,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12161,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12162,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12163,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12164,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12165,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12166,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12167,35,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12168,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12169,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12170,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12171,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12172,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12173,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12174,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12175,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12176,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12177,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12178,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12179,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12192,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12193,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12194,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12195,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12196,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12197,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12198,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12199,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12200,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12201,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12202,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12203,35,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12204,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12205,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12206,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12207,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12208,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12209,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12210,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12211,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12212,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12213,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12214,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12215,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12216,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12217,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12218,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12219,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12220,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12221,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12222,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12223,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12224,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12225,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12226,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12227,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+12228,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12229,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12230,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12231,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12232,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12233,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12234,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12235,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12236,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12237,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12238,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12239,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12240,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12241,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12242,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12243,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12244,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12245,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12246,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12247,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12248,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12249,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12250,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12251,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12252,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12253,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12254,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12255,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12256,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12257,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12258,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12259,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12260,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12261,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12262,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12263,35,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12264,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12265,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12266,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12267,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12268,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12269,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12270,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12271,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12272,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12273,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12274,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12275,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+12276,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12277,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12278,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12279,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12280,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12281,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12282,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12283,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12284,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12285,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12286,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12287,35,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+12288,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12289,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12290,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12291,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12292,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12293,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12294,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12295,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12296,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12297,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12298,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12299,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12300,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12301,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12302,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12303,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12304,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12305,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12306,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12307,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12308,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12309,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12310,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12311,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12324,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12325,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12326,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12327,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12328,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12329,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12330,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12331,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12332,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12333,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12334,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12335,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12336,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12337,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12338,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12339,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12340,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12341,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12342,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12343,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12344,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12345,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12346,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12347,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12348,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12349,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12350,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12351,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12352,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12353,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12354,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12355,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12356,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12357,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12358,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12359,35,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12360,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12361,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12362,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12363,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12364,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12365,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12366,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12367,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12368,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12369,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12370,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12371,35,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12372,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12373,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12374,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12375,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12376,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12377,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12378,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12379,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12380,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12381,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12382,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12383,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12384,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12385,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12386,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12387,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12388,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12389,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12390,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12391,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12392,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12393,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12394,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12395,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12396,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12397,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12398,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12399,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12400,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12401,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12402,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12403,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12404,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12405,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12406,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12407,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12408,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12409,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12410,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12411,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12412,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12413,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12414,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12415,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12416,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12417,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12418,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12419,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12420,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12421,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12422,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12423,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12424,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12425,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12426,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12427,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12428,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12429,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12430,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12431,35,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12432,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12433,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12434,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12435,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12436,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12437,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12438,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12439,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12440,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12441,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12442,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12443,35,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12456,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12457,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12458,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12459,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12460,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12461,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12462,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12463,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12464,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12465,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12466,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12467,35,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12468,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12469,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12470,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12471,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12472,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12473,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12474,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12475,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12476,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12477,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12478,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12479,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12480,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12481,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12482,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12483,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12484,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12485,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12486,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12487,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12488,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12489,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12490,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12491,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12492,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12493,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12494,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12495,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12496,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12497,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12498,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12499,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12500,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12501,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12502,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12503,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12504,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12505,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12506,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12507,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12508,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12509,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12510,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12511,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12512,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12513,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12514,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12515,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+12516,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12517,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12518,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12519,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12520,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12521,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12522,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12523,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12524,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12525,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12526,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12527,35,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12528,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12529,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12530,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12531,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12532,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12533,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12534,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12535,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12536,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12537,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12538,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12539,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12540,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12541,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12542,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12543,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12544,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12545,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12546,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12547,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12548,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12549,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12550,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12551,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12552,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12553,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12554,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12555,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12556,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12557,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12558,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12559,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12560,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12561,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12562,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12563,35,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12564,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12565,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12566,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12567,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12568,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12569,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12570,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12571,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12572,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12573,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12574,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12575,35,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+12576,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12577,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12578,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12579,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12580,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12581,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12582,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12583,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12584,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12585,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12586,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12587,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12588,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12589,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12590,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12591,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12592,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12593,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12594,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12595,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12596,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12597,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12598,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12599,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12600,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12601,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12602,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12603,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12604,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12605,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12606,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12607,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12608,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12609,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12610,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12611,35,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+12612,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12613,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12614,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12615,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12616,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12617,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12618,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12619,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12620,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12621,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12622,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12623,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12624,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12625,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12626,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12627,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12628,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12629,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12630,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12631,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12632,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12633,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12634,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12635,35,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12636,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12637,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12638,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12639,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12640,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12641,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12642,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12643,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12644,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12645,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12646,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12647,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12648,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12649,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12650,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12651,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12652,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12653,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12654,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12655,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12656,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12657,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12658,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12659,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12660,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12661,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12662,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12663,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12664,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12665,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12666,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12667,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12668,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12669,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12670,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12671,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12672,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12673,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12674,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12675,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12676,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12677,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12678,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12679,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12680,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12681,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12682,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12683,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12684,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12685,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12686,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12687,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12688,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12689,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12690,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12691,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12692,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12693,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12694,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12695,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12696,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12697,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12698,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12699,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12700,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12701,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12702,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12703,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12704,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12705,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12706,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12707,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12708,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12709,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12710,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12711,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12712,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12713,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12714,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12715,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12716,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12717,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12718,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12719,35,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12720,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12721,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12722,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12723,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12724,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12725,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12726,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12727,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12728,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12729,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12730,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12731,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+12732,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12733,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12734,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12735,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12736,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12737,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12738,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12739,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12740,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12741,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12742,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12743,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12756,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12757,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12758,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12759,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12760,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12761,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12762,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12763,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12764,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12765,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12766,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12767,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12768,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12769,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12770,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12771,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12772,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12773,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12774,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12775,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12776,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12777,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12778,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12779,35,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12780,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12781,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12782,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12783,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12784,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12785,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12786,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12787,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12788,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12789,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12790,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12791,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12792,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12793,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12794,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12795,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12796,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12797,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12798,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12799,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12800,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12801,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12802,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12803,35,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12804,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12805,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12806,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12807,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12808,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12809,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12810,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12811,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12812,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12813,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12814,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12815,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+12816,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12817,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12818,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12819,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12820,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12821,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12822,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12823,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12824,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12825,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12826,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12827,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+12828,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12829,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12830,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12831,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12832,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12833,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12834,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12835,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12836,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12837,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12838,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12839,35,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+12840,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12841,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12842,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12843,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12844,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12845,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12846,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12847,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12848,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12849,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12850,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12851,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+12852,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12853,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12854,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12855,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12856,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12857,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12858,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12859,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12860,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12861,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12862,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12863,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+12864,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12865,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12866,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12867,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12868,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12869,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12870,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12871,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12872,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12873,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12874,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12875,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12876,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12877,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12878,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12879,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12880,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12881,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12882,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12883,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12884,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12885,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12886,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12887,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+12888,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12889,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12890,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12891,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12892,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12893,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12894,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12895,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12896,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12897,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12898,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12899,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+12900,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12901,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12902,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12903,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12904,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12905,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12906,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12907,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12908,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12909,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12910,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12911,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12912,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12913,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12914,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12915,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12916,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12917,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12918,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12919,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12920,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12921,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12922,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12923,35,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+12924,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12925,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12926,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12927,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12928,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12929,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12930,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12931,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12932,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12933,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12934,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12935,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+12948,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12949,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12950,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12951,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12952,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12953,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12954,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12955,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12956,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12957,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12958,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12959,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+12960,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12961,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12962,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12963,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12964,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12965,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12966,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12967,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12968,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12969,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12970,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12971,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+12972,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12973,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12974,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12975,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12976,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12977,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12978,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12979,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12980,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12981,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12982,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12983,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12984,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12985,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12986,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12987,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12988,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12989,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12990,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12991,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12992,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12993,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12994,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12995,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+12996,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12997,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12998,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+12999,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13000,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13001,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13002,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13003,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13004,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13005,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13006,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13007,35,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13008,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13009,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13010,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13011,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13012,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13013,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13014,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13015,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13016,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13017,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13018,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13019,35,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13032,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13033,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13034,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13035,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13036,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13037,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13038,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13039,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13040,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13041,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13042,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13043,35,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13056,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13057,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13058,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13059,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13060,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13061,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13062,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13063,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13064,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13065,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13066,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13067,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13068,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13069,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13070,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13071,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13072,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13073,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13074,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13075,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13076,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13077,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13078,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13079,35,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13080,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13081,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13082,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13083,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13084,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13085,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13086,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13087,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13088,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13089,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13090,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13091,35,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13092,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13093,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13094,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13095,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13096,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13097,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13098,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13099,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13100,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13101,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13102,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13103,35,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13104,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13105,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13106,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13107,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13108,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13109,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13110,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13111,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13112,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13113,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13114,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13115,35,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13116,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13117,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13118,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13119,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13120,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13121,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13122,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13123,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13124,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13125,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13126,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13127,35,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13128,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13129,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13130,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13131,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13132,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13133,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13134,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13135,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13136,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13137,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13138,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13139,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13140,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13141,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13142,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13143,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13144,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13145,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13146,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13147,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13148,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13149,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13150,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13151,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13152,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13153,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13154,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13155,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13156,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13157,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13158,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13159,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13160,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13161,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13162,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13163,35,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13164,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13165,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13166,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13167,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13168,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13169,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13170,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13171,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13172,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13173,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13174,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13175,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+13176,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13177,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13178,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13179,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13180,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13181,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13182,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13183,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13184,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13185,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13186,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13187,35,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13200,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13201,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13202,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13203,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13204,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13205,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13206,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13207,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13208,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13209,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13210,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13211,35,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13212,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13213,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13214,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13215,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13216,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13217,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13218,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13219,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13220,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13221,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13222,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13223,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+13224,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13225,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13226,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13227,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13228,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13229,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13230,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13231,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13232,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13233,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13234,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13235,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13236,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13237,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13238,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13239,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13240,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13241,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13242,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13243,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13244,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13245,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13246,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13247,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13248,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13249,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13250,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13251,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13252,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13253,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13254,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13255,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13256,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13257,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13258,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13259,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13260,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13261,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13262,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13263,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13264,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13265,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13266,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13267,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13268,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13269,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13270,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13271,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13272,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13273,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13274,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13275,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13276,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13277,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13278,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13279,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13280,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13281,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13282,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13283,35,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13308,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13309,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13310,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13311,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13312,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13313,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13314,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13315,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13316,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13317,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13318,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13319,35,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13320,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13321,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13322,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13323,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13324,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13325,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13326,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13327,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13328,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13329,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13330,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13331,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+13332,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13333,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13334,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13335,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13336,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13337,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13338,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13339,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13340,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13341,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13342,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13343,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13344,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13345,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13346,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13347,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13348,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13349,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13350,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13351,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13352,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13353,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13354,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13355,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13356,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13357,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13358,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13359,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13360,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13361,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13362,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13363,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13364,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13365,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13366,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13367,35,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+13368,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13369,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13370,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13371,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13372,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13373,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13374,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13375,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13376,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13377,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13378,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13379,35,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13392,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13393,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13394,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13395,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13396,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13397,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13398,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13399,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13400,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13401,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13402,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13403,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+13416,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13417,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13418,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13419,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13420,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13421,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13422,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13423,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13424,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13425,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13426,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13427,35,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13428,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13429,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13430,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13431,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13432,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13433,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13434,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13435,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13436,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13437,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13438,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13439,35,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13440,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13441,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13442,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13443,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13444,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13445,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13446,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13447,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13448,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13449,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13450,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13451,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13464,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13465,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13466,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13467,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13468,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13469,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13470,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13471,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13472,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13473,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13474,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13475,35,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13488,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13489,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13490,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13491,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13492,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13493,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13494,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13495,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13496,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13497,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13498,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13499,35,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13500,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13501,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13502,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13503,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13504,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13505,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13506,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13507,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13508,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13509,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13510,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13511,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13512,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13513,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13514,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13515,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13516,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13517,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13518,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13519,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13520,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13521,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13522,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13523,35,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13524,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13525,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13526,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13527,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13528,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13529,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13530,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13531,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13532,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13533,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13534,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13535,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13548,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13549,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13550,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13551,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13552,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13553,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13554,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13555,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13556,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13557,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13558,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13559,35,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13560,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13561,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13562,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13563,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13564,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13565,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13566,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13567,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13568,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13569,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13570,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13571,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13572,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13573,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13574,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13575,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13576,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13577,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13578,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13579,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13580,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13581,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13582,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13583,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13584,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13585,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13586,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13587,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13588,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13589,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13590,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13591,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13592,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13593,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13594,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13595,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13596,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13597,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13598,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13599,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13600,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13601,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13602,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13603,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13604,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13605,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13606,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13607,35,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13608,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13609,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13610,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13611,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13612,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13613,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13614,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13615,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13616,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13617,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13618,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13619,35,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13632,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13633,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13634,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13635,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13636,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13637,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13638,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13639,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13640,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13641,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13642,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13643,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13644,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13645,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13646,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13647,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13648,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13649,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13650,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13651,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13652,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13653,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13654,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13655,35,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13656,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13657,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13658,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13659,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13660,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13661,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13662,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13663,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13664,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13665,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13666,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13667,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13668,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13669,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13670,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13671,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13672,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13673,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13674,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13675,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13676,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13677,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13678,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13679,35,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13680,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13681,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13682,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13683,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13684,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13685,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13686,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13687,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13688,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13689,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13690,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13691,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13692,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13693,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13694,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13695,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13696,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13697,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13698,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13699,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13700,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13701,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13702,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13703,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+13704,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13705,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13706,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13707,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13708,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13709,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13710,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13711,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13712,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13713,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13714,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13715,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13716,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13717,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13718,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13719,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13720,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13721,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13722,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13723,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13724,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13725,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13726,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13727,35,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13728,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13729,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13730,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13731,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13732,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13733,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13734,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13735,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13736,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13737,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13738,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13739,35,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13740,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13741,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13742,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13743,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13744,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13745,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13746,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13747,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13748,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13749,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13750,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13751,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13752,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13753,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13754,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13755,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13756,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13757,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13758,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13759,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13760,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13761,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13762,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13763,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13764,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13765,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13766,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13767,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13768,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13769,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13770,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13771,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13772,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13773,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13774,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13775,35,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13776,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13777,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13778,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13779,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13780,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13781,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13782,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13783,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13784,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13785,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13786,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13787,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13800,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13801,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13802,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13803,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13804,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13805,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13806,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13807,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13808,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13809,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13810,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13811,35,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+13824,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13825,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13826,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13827,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13828,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13829,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13830,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13831,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13832,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13833,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13834,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13835,35,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+13836,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13837,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13838,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13839,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13840,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13841,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13842,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13843,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13844,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13845,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13846,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13847,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13848,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13849,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13850,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13851,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13852,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13853,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13854,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13855,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13856,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13857,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13858,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13859,35,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+13860,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13861,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13862,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13863,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13864,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13865,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13866,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13867,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13868,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13869,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13870,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13871,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13872,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13873,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13874,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13875,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13876,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13877,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13878,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13879,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13880,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13881,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13882,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13883,35,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+13884,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13885,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13886,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13887,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13888,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13889,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13890,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13891,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13892,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13893,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13894,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13895,35,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13896,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13897,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13898,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13899,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13900,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13901,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13902,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13903,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13904,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13905,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13906,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13907,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13908,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13909,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13910,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13911,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13912,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13913,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13914,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13915,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13916,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13917,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13918,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13919,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+13920,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13921,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13922,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13923,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13924,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13925,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13926,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13927,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13928,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13929,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13930,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13931,35,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+13932,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13933,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13934,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13935,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13936,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13937,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13938,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13939,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13940,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13941,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13942,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13943,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13956,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13957,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13958,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13959,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13960,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13961,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13962,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13963,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13964,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13965,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13966,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13967,49,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13968,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13969,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13970,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13971,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13972,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13973,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13974,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13975,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13976,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13977,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13978,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13979,49,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+13980,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13981,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13982,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13983,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13984,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13985,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13986,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13987,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13988,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13989,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13990,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13991,49,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+13992,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13993,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13994,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13995,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13996,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13997,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13998,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+13999,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14000,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14001,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14002,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14003,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14016,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14017,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14018,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14019,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14020,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14021,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14022,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14023,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14024,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14025,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14026,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14027,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14028,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14029,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14030,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14031,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14032,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14033,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14034,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14035,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14036,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14037,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14038,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14039,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14040,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14041,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14042,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14043,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14044,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14045,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14046,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14047,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14048,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14049,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14050,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14051,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14052,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14053,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14054,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14055,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14056,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14057,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14058,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14059,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14060,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14061,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14062,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14063,49,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14064,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14065,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14066,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14067,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14068,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14069,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14070,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14071,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14072,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14073,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14074,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14075,49,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14076,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14077,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14078,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14079,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14080,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14081,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14082,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14083,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14084,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14085,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14086,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14087,49,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14088,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14089,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14090,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14091,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14092,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14093,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14094,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14095,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14096,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14097,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14098,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14099,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14100,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14101,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14102,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14103,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14104,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14105,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14106,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14107,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14108,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14109,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14110,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14111,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14112,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14113,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14114,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14115,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14116,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14117,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14118,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14119,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14120,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14121,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14122,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14123,49,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14124,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14125,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14126,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14127,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14128,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14129,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14130,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14131,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14132,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14133,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14134,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14135,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+14136,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14137,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14138,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14139,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14140,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14141,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14142,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14143,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14144,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14145,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14146,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14147,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+14148,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14149,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14150,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14151,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14152,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14153,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14154,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14155,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14156,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14157,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14158,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14159,49,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14160,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14161,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14162,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14163,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14164,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14165,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14166,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14167,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14168,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14169,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14170,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14171,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14172,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14173,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14174,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14175,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14176,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14177,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14178,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14179,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14180,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14181,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14182,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14183,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14184,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14185,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14186,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14187,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14188,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14189,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14190,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14191,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14192,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14193,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14194,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14195,49,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14196,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14197,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14198,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14199,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14200,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14201,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14202,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14203,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14204,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14205,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14206,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14207,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14208,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14209,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14210,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14211,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14212,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14213,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14214,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14215,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14216,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14217,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14218,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14219,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14220,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14221,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14222,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14223,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14224,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14225,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14226,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14227,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14228,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14229,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14230,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14231,49,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14244,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14245,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14246,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14247,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14248,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14249,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14250,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14251,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14252,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14253,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14254,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14255,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14256,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14257,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14258,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14259,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14260,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14261,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14262,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14263,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14264,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14265,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14266,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14267,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+14268,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14269,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14270,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14271,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14272,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14273,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14274,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14275,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14276,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14277,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14278,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14279,49,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+14280,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14281,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14282,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14283,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14284,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14285,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14286,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14287,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14288,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14289,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14290,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14291,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14304,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14305,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14306,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14307,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14308,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14309,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14310,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14311,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14312,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14313,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14314,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14315,49,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14316,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14317,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14318,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14319,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14320,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14321,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14322,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14323,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14324,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14325,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14326,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14327,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14328,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14329,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14330,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14331,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14332,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14333,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14334,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14335,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14336,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14337,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14338,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14339,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+14340,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14341,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14342,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14343,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14344,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14345,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14346,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14347,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14348,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14349,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14350,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14351,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14352,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14353,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14354,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14355,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14356,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14357,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14358,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14359,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14360,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14361,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14362,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14363,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14364,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14365,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14366,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14367,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14368,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14369,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14370,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14371,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14372,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14373,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14374,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14375,49,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14376,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14377,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14378,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14379,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14380,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14381,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14382,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14383,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14384,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14385,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14386,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14387,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+14388,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14389,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14390,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14391,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14392,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14393,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14394,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14395,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14396,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14397,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14398,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14399,49,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+14400,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14401,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14402,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14403,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14404,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14405,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14406,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14407,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14408,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14409,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14410,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14411,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14412,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14413,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14414,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14415,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14416,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14417,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14418,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14419,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14420,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14421,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14422,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14423,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14436,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14437,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14438,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14439,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14440,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14441,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14442,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14443,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14444,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14445,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14446,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14447,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14448,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14449,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14450,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14451,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14452,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14453,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14454,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14455,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14456,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14457,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14458,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14459,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14460,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14461,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14462,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14463,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14464,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14465,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14466,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14467,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14468,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14469,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14470,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14471,49,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14472,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14473,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14474,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14475,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14476,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14477,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14478,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14479,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14480,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14481,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14482,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14483,49,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14484,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14485,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14486,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14487,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14488,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14489,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14490,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14491,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14492,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14493,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14494,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14495,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14496,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14497,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14498,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14499,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14500,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14501,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14502,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14503,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14504,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14505,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14506,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14507,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14508,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14509,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14510,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14511,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14512,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14513,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14514,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14515,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14516,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14517,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14518,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14519,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14520,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14521,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14522,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14523,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14524,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14525,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14526,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14527,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14528,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14529,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14530,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14531,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14532,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14533,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14534,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14535,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14536,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14537,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14538,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14539,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14540,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14541,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14542,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14543,49,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14544,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14545,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14546,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14547,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14548,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14549,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14550,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14551,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14552,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14553,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14554,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14555,49,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14568,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14569,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14570,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14571,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14572,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14573,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14574,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14575,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14576,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14577,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14578,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14579,49,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14580,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14581,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14582,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14583,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14584,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14585,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14586,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14587,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14588,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14589,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14590,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14591,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14592,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14593,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14594,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14595,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14596,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14597,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14598,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14599,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14600,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14601,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14602,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14603,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14604,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14605,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14606,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14607,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14608,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14609,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14610,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14611,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14612,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14613,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14614,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14615,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14616,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14617,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14618,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14619,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14620,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14621,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14622,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14623,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14624,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14625,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14626,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14627,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+14628,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14629,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14630,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14631,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14632,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14633,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14634,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14635,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14636,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14637,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14638,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14639,49,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+14640,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14641,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14642,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14643,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14644,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14645,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14646,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14647,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14648,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14649,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14650,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14651,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14652,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14653,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14654,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14655,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14656,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14657,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14658,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14659,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14660,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14661,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14662,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14663,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14664,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14665,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14666,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14667,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14668,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14669,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14670,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14671,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14672,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14673,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14674,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14675,49,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14676,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14677,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14678,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14679,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14680,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14681,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14682,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14683,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14684,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14685,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14686,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14687,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+14688,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14689,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14690,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14691,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14692,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14693,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14694,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14695,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14696,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14697,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14698,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14699,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14712,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14713,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14714,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14715,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14716,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14717,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14718,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14719,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14720,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14721,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14722,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14723,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14724,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14725,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14726,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14727,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14728,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14729,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14730,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14731,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14732,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14733,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14734,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14735,49,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14736,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14737,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14738,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14739,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14740,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14741,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14742,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14743,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14744,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14745,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14746,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14747,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14748,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14749,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14750,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14751,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14752,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14753,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14754,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14755,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14756,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14757,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14758,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14759,49,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14760,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14761,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14762,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14763,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14764,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14765,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14766,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14767,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14768,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14769,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14770,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14771,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+14772,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14773,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14774,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14775,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14776,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14777,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14778,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14779,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14780,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14781,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14782,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14783,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+14784,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14785,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14786,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14787,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14788,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14789,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14790,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14791,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14792,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14793,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14794,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14795,49,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+14796,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14797,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14798,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14799,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14800,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14801,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14802,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14803,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14804,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14805,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14806,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14807,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+14808,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14809,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14810,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14811,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14812,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14813,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14814,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14815,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14816,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14817,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14818,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14819,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+14820,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14821,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14822,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14823,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14824,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14825,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14826,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14827,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14828,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14829,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14830,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14831,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14832,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14833,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14834,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14835,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14836,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14837,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14838,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14839,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14840,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14841,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14842,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14843,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+14844,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14845,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14846,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14847,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14848,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14849,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14850,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14851,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14852,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14853,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14854,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14855,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+14856,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14857,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14858,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14859,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14860,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14861,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14862,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14863,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14864,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14865,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14866,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14867,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14868,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14869,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14870,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14871,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14872,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14873,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14874,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14875,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14876,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14877,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14878,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14879,49,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+14880,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14881,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14882,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14883,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14884,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14885,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14886,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14887,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14888,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14889,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14890,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14891,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14904,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14905,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14906,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14907,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14908,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14909,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14910,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14911,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14912,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14913,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14914,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14915,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14916,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14917,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14918,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14919,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14920,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14921,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14922,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14923,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14924,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14925,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14926,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14927,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+14928,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14929,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14930,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14931,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14932,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14933,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14934,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14935,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14936,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14937,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14938,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14939,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14940,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14941,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14942,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14943,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14944,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14945,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14946,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14947,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14948,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14949,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14950,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14951,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+14952,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14953,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14954,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14955,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14956,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14957,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14958,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14959,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14960,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14961,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14962,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14963,49,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+14964,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14965,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14966,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14967,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14968,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14969,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14970,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14971,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14972,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14973,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14974,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14975,49,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+14988,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14989,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14990,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14991,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14992,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14993,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14994,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14995,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14996,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14997,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14998,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+14999,49,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15012,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15013,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15014,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15015,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15016,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15017,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15018,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15019,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15020,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15021,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15022,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15023,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15024,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15025,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15026,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15027,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15028,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15029,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15030,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15031,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15032,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15033,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15034,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15035,49,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15036,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15037,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15038,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15039,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15040,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15041,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15042,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15043,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15044,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15045,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15046,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15047,49,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15048,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15049,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15050,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15051,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15052,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15053,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15054,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15055,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15056,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15057,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15058,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15059,49,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15060,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15061,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15062,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15063,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15064,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15065,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15066,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15067,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15068,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15069,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15070,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15071,49,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15072,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15073,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15074,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15075,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15076,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15077,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15078,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15079,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15080,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15081,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15082,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15083,49,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15084,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15085,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15086,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15087,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15088,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15089,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15090,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15091,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15092,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15093,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15094,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15095,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15096,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15097,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15098,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15099,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15100,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15101,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15102,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15103,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15104,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15105,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15106,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15107,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15108,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15109,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15110,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15111,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15112,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15113,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15114,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15115,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15116,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15117,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15118,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15119,49,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15120,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15121,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15122,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15123,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15124,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15125,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15126,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15127,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15128,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15129,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15130,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15131,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+15132,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15133,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15134,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15135,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15136,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15137,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15138,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15139,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15140,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15141,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15142,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15143,49,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15156,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15157,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15158,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15159,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15160,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15161,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15162,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15163,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15164,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15165,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15166,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15167,49,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15168,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15169,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15170,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15171,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15172,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15173,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15174,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15175,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15176,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15177,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15178,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15179,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+15180,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15181,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15182,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15183,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15184,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15185,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15186,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15187,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15188,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15189,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15190,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15191,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+15192,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15193,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15194,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15195,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15196,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15197,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15198,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15199,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15200,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15201,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15202,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15203,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15204,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15205,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15206,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15207,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15208,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15209,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15210,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15211,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15212,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15213,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15214,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15215,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15216,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15217,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15218,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15219,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15220,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15221,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15222,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15223,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15224,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15225,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15226,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15227,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15228,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15229,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15230,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15231,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15232,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15233,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15234,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15235,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15236,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15237,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15238,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15239,49,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15264,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15265,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15266,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15267,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15268,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15269,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15270,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15271,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15272,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15273,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15274,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15275,49,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15276,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15277,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15278,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15279,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15280,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15281,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15282,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15283,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15284,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15285,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15286,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15287,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15288,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15289,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15290,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15291,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15292,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15293,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15294,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15295,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15296,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15297,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15298,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15299,49,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+15300,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15301,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15302,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15303,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15304,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15305,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15306,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15307,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15308,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15309,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15310,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15311,49,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15324,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15325,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15326,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15327,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15328,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15329,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15330,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15331,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15332,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15333,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15334,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15335,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+15348,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15349,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15350,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15351,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15352,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15353,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15354,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15355,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15356,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15357,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15358,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15359,49,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15360,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15361,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15362,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15363,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15364,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15365,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15366,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15367,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15368,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15369,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15370,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15371,49,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15372,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15373,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15374,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15375,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15376,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15377,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15378,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15379,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15380,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15381,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15382,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15383,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15396,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15397,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15398,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15399,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15400,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15401,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15402,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15403,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15404,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15405,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15406,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15407,49,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15420,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15421,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15422,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15423,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15424,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15425,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15426,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15427,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15428,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15429,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15430,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15431,49,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15432,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15433,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15434,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15435,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15436,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15437,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15438,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15439,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15440,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15441,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15442,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15443,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15444,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15445,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15446,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15447,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15448,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15449,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15450,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15451,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15452,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15453,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15454,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15455,49,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15456,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15457,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15458,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15459,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15460,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15461,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15462,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15463,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15464,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15465,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15466,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15467,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15480,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15481,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15482,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15483,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15484,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15485,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15486,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15487,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15488,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15489,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15490,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15491,49,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15492,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15493,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15494,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15495,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15496,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15497,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15498,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15499,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15500,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15501,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15502,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15503,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15504,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15505,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15506,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15507,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15508,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15509,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15510,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15511,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15512,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15513,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15514,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15515,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15516,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15517,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15518,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15519,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15520,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15521,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15522,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15523,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15524,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15525,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15526,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15527,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15528,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15529,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15530,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15531,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15532,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15533,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15534,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15535,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15536,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15537,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15538,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15539,49,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15540,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15541,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15542,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15543,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15544,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15545,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15546,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15547,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15548,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15549,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15550,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15551,49,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15564,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15565,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15566,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15567,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15568,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15569,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15570,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15571,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15572,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15573,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15574,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15575,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15576,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15577,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15578,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15579,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15580,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15581,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15582,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15583,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15584,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15585,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15586,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15587,49,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15588,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15589,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15590,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15591,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15592,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15593,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15594,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15595,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15596,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15597,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15598,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15599,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15600,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15601,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15602,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15603,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15604,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15605,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15606,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15607,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15608,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15609,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15610,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15611,49,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15612,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15613,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15614,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15615,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15616,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15617,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15618,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15619,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15620,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15621,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15622,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15623,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15624,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15625,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15626,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15627,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15628,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15629,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15630,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15631,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15632,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15633,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15634,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15635,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+15636,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15637,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15638,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15639,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15640,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15641,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15642,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15643,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15644,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15645,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15646,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15647,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15648,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15649,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15650,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15651,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15652,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15653,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15654,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15655,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15656,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15657,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15658,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15659,49,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15660,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15661,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15662,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15663,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15664,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15665,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15666,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15667,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15668,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15669,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15670,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15671,49,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15672,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15673,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15674,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15675,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15676,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15677,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15678,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15679,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15680,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15681,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15682,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15683,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15684,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15685,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15686,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15687,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15688,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15689,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15690,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15691,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15692,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15693,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15694,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15695,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15696,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15697,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15698,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15699,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15700,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15701,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15702,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15703,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15704,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15705,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15706,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15707,49,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15708,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15709,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15710,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15711,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15712,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15713,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15714,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15715,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15716,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15717,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15718,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15719,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15732,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15733,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15734,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15735,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15736,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15737,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15738,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15739,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15740,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15741,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15742,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15743,49,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+15756,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15757,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15758,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15759,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15760,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15761,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15762,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15763,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15764,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15765,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15766,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15767,49,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+15768,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15769,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15770,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15771,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15772,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15773,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15774,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15775,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15776,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15777,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15778,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15779,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15780,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15781,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15782,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15783,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15784,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15785,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15786,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15787,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15788,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15789,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15790,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15791,49,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+15792,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15793,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15794,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15795,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15796,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15797,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15798,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15799,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15800,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15801,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15802,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15803,49,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15804,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15805,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15806,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15807,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15808,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15809,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15810,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15811,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15812,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15813,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15814,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15815,49,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15816,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15817,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15818,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15819,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15820,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15821,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15822,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15823,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15824,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15825,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15826,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15827,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15828,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15829,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15830,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15831,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15832,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15833,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15834,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15835,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15836,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15837,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15838,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15839,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15840,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15841,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15842,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15843,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15844,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15845,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15846,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15847,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15848,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15849,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15850,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15851,49,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15852,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15853,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15854,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15855,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15856,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15857,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15858,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15859,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15860,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15861,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15862,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15863,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15876,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15877,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15878,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15879,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15880,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15881,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15882,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15883,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15884,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15885,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15886,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15887,2,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15888,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15889,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15890,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15891,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15892,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15893,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15894,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15895,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15896,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15897,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15898,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15899,2,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15900,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15901,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15902,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15903,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15904,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15905,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15906,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15907,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15908,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15909,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15910,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15911,2,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+15912,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15913,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15914,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15915,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15916,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15917,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15918,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15919,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15920,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15921,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15922,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15923,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15936,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15937,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15938,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15939,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15940,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15941,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15942,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15943,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15944,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15945,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15946,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15947,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+15948,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15949,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15950,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15951,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15952,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15953,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15954,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15955,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15956,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15957,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15958,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15959,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+15960,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15961,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15962,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15963,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15964,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15965,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15966,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15967,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15968,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15969,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15970,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15971,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15972,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15973,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15974,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15975,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15976,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15977,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15978,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15979,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15980,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15981,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15982,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15983,2,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+15984,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15985,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15986,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15987,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15988,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15989,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15990,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15991,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15992,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15993,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15994,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15995,2,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+15996,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15997,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15998,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+15999,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16000,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16001,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16002,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16003,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16004,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16005,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16006,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16007,2,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16008,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16009,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16010,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16011,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16012,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16013,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16014,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16015,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16016,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16017,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16018,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16019,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16020,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16021,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16022,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16023,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16024,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16025,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16026,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16027,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16028,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16029,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16030,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16031,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16032,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16033,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16034,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16035,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16036,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16037,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16038,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16039,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16040,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16041,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16042,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16043,2,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16044,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16045,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16046,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16047,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16048,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16049,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16050,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16051,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16052,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16053,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16054,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16055,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+16056,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16057,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16058,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16059,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16060,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16061,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16062,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16063,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16064,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16065,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16066,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16067,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16068,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16069,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16070,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16071,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16072,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16073,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16074,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16075,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16076,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16077,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16078,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16079,2,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16080,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16081,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16082,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16083,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16084,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16085,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16086,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16087,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16088,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16089,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16090,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16091,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16092,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16093,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16094,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16095,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16096,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16097,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16098,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16099,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16100,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16101,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16102,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16103,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16104,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16105,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16106,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16107,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16108,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16109,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16110,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16111,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16112,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16113,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16114,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16115,2,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16116,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16117,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16118,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16119,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16120,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16121,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16122,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16123,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16124,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16125,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16126,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16127,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16128,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16129,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16130,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16131,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16132,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16133,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16134,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16135,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16136,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16137,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16138,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16139,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16140,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16141,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16142,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16143,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16144,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16145,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16146,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16147,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16148,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16149,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16150,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16151,2,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16164,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16165,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16166,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16167,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16168,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16169,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16170,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16171,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16172,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16173,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16174,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16175,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16176,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16177,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16178,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16179,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16180,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16181,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16182,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16183,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16184,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16185,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16186,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16187,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16188,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16189,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16190,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16191,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16192,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16193,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16194,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16195,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16196,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16197,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16198,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16199,2,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+16200,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16201,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16202,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16203,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16204,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16205,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16206,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16207,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16208,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16209,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16210,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16211,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+16212,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16213,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16214,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16215,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16216,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16217,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16218,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16219,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16220,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16221,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16222,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16223,2,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+16224,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16225,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16226,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16227,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16228,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16229,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16230,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16231,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16232,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16233,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16234,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16235,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+16236,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16237,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16238,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16239,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16240,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16241,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16242,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16243,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16244,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16245,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16246,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16247,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16248,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16249,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16250,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16251,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16252,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16253,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16254,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16255,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16256,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16257,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16258,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16259,2,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+16260,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16261,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16262,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16263,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16264,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16265,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16266,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16267,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16268,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16269,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16270,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16271,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16272,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16273,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16274,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16275,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16276,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16277,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16278,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16279,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16280,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16281,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16282,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16283,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16284,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16285,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16286,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16287,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16288,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16289,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16290,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16291,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16292,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16293,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16294,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16295,2,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+16296,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16297,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16298,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16299,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16300,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16301,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16302,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16303,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16304,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16305,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16306,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16307,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+16308,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16309,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16310,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16311,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16312,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16313,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16314,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16315,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16316,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16317,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16318,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16319,2,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16320,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16321,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16322,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16323,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16324,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16325,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16326,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16327,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16328,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16329,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16330,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16331,2,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16332,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16333,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16334,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16335,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16336,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16337,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16338,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16339,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16340,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16341,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16342,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16343,2,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16344,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16345,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16346,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16347,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16348,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16349,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16350,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16351,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16352,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16353,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16354,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16355,2,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16356,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16357,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16358,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16359,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16360,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16361,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16362,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16363,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16364,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16365,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16366,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16367,2,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16368,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16369,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16370,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16371,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16372,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16373,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16374,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16375,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16376,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16377,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16378,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16379,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16380,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16381,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16382,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16383,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16384,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16385,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16386,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16387,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16388,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16389,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16390,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16391,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16392,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16393,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16394,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16395,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16396,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16397,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16398,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16399,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16400,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16401,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16402,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16403,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16404,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16405,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16406,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16407,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16408,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16409,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16410,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16411,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16412,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16413,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16414,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16415,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16416,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16417,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16418,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16419,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16420,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16421,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16422,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16423,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16424,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16425,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16426,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16427,2,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16428,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16429,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16430,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16431,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16432,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16433,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16434,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16435,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16436,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16437,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16438,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16439,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16440,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16441,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16442,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16443,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16444,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16445,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16446,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16447,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16448,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16449,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16450,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16451,2,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16452,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16453,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16454,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16455,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16456,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16457,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16458,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16459,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16460,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16461,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16462,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16463,2,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16464,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16465,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16466,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16467,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16468,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16469,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16470,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16471,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16472,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16473,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16474,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16475,2,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16476,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16477,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16478,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16479,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16480,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16481,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16482,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16483,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16484,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16485,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16486,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16487,2,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16488,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16489,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16490,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16491,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16492,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16493,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16494,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16495,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16496,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16497,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16498,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16499,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16500,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16501,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16502,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16503,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16504,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16505,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16506,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16507,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16508,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16509,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16510,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16511,2,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16512,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16513,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16514,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16515,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16516,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16517,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16518,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16519,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16520,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16521,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16522,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16523,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16536,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16537,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16538,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16539,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16540,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16541,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16542,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16543,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16544,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16545,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16546,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16547,2,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16548,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16549,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16550,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16551,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16552,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16553,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16554,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16555,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16556,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16557,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16558,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16559,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16560,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16561,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16562,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16563,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16564,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16565,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16566,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16567,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16568,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16569,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16570,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16571,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+16572,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16573,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16574,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16575,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16576,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16577,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16578,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16579,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16580,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16581,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16582,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16583,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16584,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16585,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16586,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16587,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16588,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16589,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16590,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16591,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16592,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16593,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16594,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16595,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16596,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16597,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16598,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16599,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16600,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16601,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16602,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16603,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16604,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16605,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16606,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16607,2,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16608,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16609,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16610,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16611,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16612,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16613,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16614,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16615,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16616,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16617,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16618,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16619,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+16620,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16621,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16622,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16623,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16624,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16625,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16626,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16627,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16628,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16629,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16630,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16631,2,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+16632,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16633,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16634,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16635,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16636,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16637,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16638,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16639,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16640,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16641,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16642,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16643,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16644,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16645,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16646,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16647,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16648,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16649,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16650,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16651,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16652,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16653,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16654,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16655,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16668,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16669,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16670,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16671,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16672,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16673,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16674,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16675,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16676,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16677,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16678,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16679,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16680,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16681,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16682,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16683,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16684,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16685,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16686,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16687,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16688,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16689,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16690,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16691,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16692,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16693,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16694,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16695,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16696,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16697,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16698,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16699,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16700,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16701,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16702,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16703,2,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16704,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16705,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16706,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16707,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16708,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16709,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16710,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16711,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16712,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16713,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16714,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16715,2,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16716,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16717,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16718,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16719,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16720,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16721,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16722,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16723,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16724,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16725,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16726,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16727,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16728,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16729,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16730,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16731,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16732,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16733,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16734,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16735,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16736,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16737,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16738,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16739,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16740,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16741,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16742,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16743,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16744,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16745,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16746,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16747,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16748,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16749,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16750,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16751,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16752,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16753,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16754,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16755,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16756,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16757,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16758,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16759,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16760,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16761,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16762,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16763,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16764,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16765,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16766,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16767,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16768,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16769,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16770,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16771,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16772,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16773,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16774,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16775,2,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16776,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16777,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16778,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16779,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16780,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16781,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16782,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16783,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16784,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16785,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16786,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16787,2,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16800,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16801,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16802,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16803,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16804,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16805,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16806,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16807,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16808,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16809,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16810,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16811,2,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16812,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16813,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16814,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16815,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16816,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16817,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16818,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16819,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16820,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16821,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16822,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16823,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+16824,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16825,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16826,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16827,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16828,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16829,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16830,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16831,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16832,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16833,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16834,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16835,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16836,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16837,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16838,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16839,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16840,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16841,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16842,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16843,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16844,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16845,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16846,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16847,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+16848,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16849,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16850,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16851,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16852,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16853,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16854,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16855,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16856,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16857,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16858,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16859,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+16860,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16861,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16862,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16863,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16864,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16865,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16866,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16867,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16868,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16869,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16870,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16871,2,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16872,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16873,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16874,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16875,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16876,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16877,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16878,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16879,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16880,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16881,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16882,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16883,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16884,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16885,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16886,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16887,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16888,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16889,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16890,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16891,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16892,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16893,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16894,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16895,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+16896,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16897,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16898,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16899,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16900,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16901,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16902,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16903,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16904,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16905,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16906,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16907,2,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+16908,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16909,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16910,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16911,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16912,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16913,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16914,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16915,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16916,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16917,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16918,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16919,2,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+16920,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16921,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16922,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16923,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16924,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16925,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16926,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16927,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16928,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16929,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16930,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16931,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+16932,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16933,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16934,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16935,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16936,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16937,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16938,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16939,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16940,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16941,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16942,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16943,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+16944,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16945,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16946,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16947,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16948,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16949,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16950,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16951,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16952,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16953,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16954,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16955,2,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+16956,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16957,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16958,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16959,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16960,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16961,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16962,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16963,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16964,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16965,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16966,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16967,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+16968,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16969,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16970,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16971,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16972,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16973,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16974,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16975,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16976,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16977,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16978,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16979,2,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+16980,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16981,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16982,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16983,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16984,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16985,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16986,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16987,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16988,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16989,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16990,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16991,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+16992,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16993,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16994,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16995,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16996,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16997,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16998,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+16999,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17000,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17001,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17002,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17003,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17004,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17005,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17006,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17007,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17008,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17009,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17010,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17011,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17012,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17013,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17014,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17015,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17016,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17017,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17018,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17019,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17020,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17021,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17022,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17023,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17024,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17025,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17026,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17027,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17028,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17029,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17030,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17031,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17032,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17033,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17034,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17035,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17036,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17037,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17038,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17039,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17040,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17041,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17042,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17043,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17044,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17045,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17046,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17047,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17048,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17049,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17050,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17051,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17052,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17053,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17054,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17055,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17056,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17057,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17058,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17059,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17060,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17061,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17062,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17063,2,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17064,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17065,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17066,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17067,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17068,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17069,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17070,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17071,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17072,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17073,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17074,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17075,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+17076,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17077,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17078,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17079,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17080,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17081,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17082,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17083,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17084,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17085,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17086,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17087,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17100,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17101,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17102,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17103,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17104,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17105,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17106,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17107,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17108,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17109,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17110,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17111,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17112,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17113,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17114,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17115,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17116,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17117,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17118,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17119,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17120,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17121,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17122,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17123,2,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17124,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17125,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17126,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17127,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17128,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17129,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17130,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17131,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17132,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17133,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17134,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17135,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17136,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17137,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17138,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17139,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17140,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17141,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17142,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17143,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17144,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17145,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17146,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17147,2,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17148,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17149,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17150,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17151,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17152,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17153,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17154,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17155,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17156,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17157,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17158,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17159,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+17160,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17161,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17162,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17163,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17164,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17165,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17166,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17167,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17168,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17169,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17170,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17171,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17172,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17173,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17174,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17175,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17176,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17177,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17178,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17179,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17180,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17181,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17182,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17183,2,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17184,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17185,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17186,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17187,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17188,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17189,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17190,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17191,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17192,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17193,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17194,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17195,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17196,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17197,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17198,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17199,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17200,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17201,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17202,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17203,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17204,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17205,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17206,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17207,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17208,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17209,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17210,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17211,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17212,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17213,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17214,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17215,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17216,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17217,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17218,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17219,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17220,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17221,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17222,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17223,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17224,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17225,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17226,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17227,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17228,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17229,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17230,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17231,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17232,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17233,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17234,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17235,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17236,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17237,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17238,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17239,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17240,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17241,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17242,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17243,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17244,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17245,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17246,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17247,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17248,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17249,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17250,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17251,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17252,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17253,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17254,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17255,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17256,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17257,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17258,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17259,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17260,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17261,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17262,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17263,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17264,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17265,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17266,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17267,2,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17268,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17269,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17270,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17271,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17272,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17273,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17274,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17275,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17276,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17277,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17278,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17279,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17292,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17293,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17294,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17295,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17296,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17297,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17298,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17299,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17300,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17301,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17302,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17303,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17304,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17305,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17306,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17307,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17308,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17309,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17310,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17311,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17312,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17313,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17314,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17315,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+17316,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17317,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17318,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17319,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17320,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17321,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17322,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17323,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17324,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17325,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17326,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17327,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17328,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17329,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17330,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17331,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17332,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17333,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17334,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17335,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17336,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17337,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17338,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17339,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17340,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17341,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17342,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17343,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17344,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17345,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17346,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17347,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17348,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17349,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17350,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17351,2,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17352,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17353,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17354,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17355,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17356,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17357,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17358,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17359,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17360,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17361,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17362,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17363,2,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17376,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17377,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17378,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17379,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17380,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17381,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17382,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17383,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17384,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17385,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17386,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17387,2,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17400,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17401,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17402,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17403,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17404,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17405,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17406,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17407,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17408,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17409,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17410,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17411,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17412,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17413,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17414,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17415,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17416,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17417,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17418,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17419,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17420,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17421,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17422,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17423,2,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17424,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17425,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17426,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17427,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17428,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17429,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17430,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17431,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17432,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17433,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17434,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17435,2,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17436,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17437,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17438,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17439,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17440,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17441,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17442,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17443,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17444,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17445,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17446,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17447,2,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17448,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17449,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17450,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17451,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17452,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17453,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17454,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17455,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17456,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17457,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17458,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17459,2,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17460,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17461,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17462,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17463,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17464,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17465,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17466,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17467,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17468,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17469,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17470,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17471,2,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17472,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17473,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17474,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17475,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17476,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17477,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17478,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17479,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17480,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17481,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17482,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17483,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17484,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17485,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17486,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17487,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17488,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17489,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17490,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17491,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17492,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17493,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17494,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17495,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17496,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17497,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17498,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17499,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17500,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17501,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17502,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17503,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17504,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17505,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17506,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17507,2,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17508,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17509,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17510,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17511,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17512,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17513,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17514,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17515,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17516,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17517,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17518,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17519,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+17520,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17521,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17522,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17523,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17524,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17525,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17526,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17527,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17528,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17529,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17530,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17531,2,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17544,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17545,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17546,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17547,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17548,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17549,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17550,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17551,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17552,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17553,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17554,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17555,2,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17556,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17557,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17558,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17559,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17560,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17561,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17562,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17563,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17564,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17565,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17566,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17567,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+17568,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17569,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17570,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17571,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17572,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17573,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17574,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17575,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17576,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17577,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17578,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17579,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17580,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17581,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17582,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17583,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17584,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17585,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17586,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17587,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17588,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17589,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17590,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17591,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17592,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17593,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17594,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17595,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17596,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17597,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17598,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17599,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17600,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17601,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17602,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17603,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17604,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17605,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17606,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17607,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17608,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17609,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17610,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17611,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17612,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17613,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17614,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17615,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17616,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17617,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17618,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17619,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17620,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17621,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17622,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17623,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17624,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17625,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17626,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17627,2,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17652,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17653,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17654,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17655,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17656,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17657,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17658,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17659,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17660,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17661,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17662,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17663,2,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17664,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17665,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17666,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17667,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17668,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17669,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17670,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17671,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17672,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17673,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17674,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17675,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+17676,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17677,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17678,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17679,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17680,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17681,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17682,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17683,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17684,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17685,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17686,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17687,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17688,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17689,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17690,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17691,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17692,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17693,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17694,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17695,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17696,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17697,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17698,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17699,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17700,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17701,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17702,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17703,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17704,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17705,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17706,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17707,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17708,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17709,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17710,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17711,2,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+17712,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17713,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17714,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17715,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17716,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17717,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17718,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17719,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17720,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17721,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17722,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17723,2,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17736,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17737,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17738,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17739,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17740,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17741,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17742,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17743,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17744,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17745,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17746,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17747,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+17760,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17761,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17762,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17763,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17764,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17765,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17766,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17767,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17768,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17769,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17770,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17771,2,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17772,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17773,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17774,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17775,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17776,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17777,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17778,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17779,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17780,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17781,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17782,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17783,2,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17784,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17785,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17786,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17787,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17788,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17789,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17790,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17791,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17792,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17793,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17794,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17795,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17808,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17809,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17810,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17811,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17812,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17813,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17814,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17815,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17816,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17817,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17818,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17819,2,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+17832,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17833,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17834,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17835,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17836,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17837,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17838,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17839,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17840,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17841,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17842,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17843,2,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17844,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17845,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17846,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17847,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17848,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17849,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17850,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17851,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17852,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17853,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17854,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17855,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17856,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17857,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17858,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17859,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17860,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17861,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17862,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17863,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17864,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17865,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17866,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17867,2,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17868,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17869,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17870,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17871,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17872,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17873,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17874,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17875,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17876,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17877,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17878,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17879,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17892,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17893,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17894,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17895,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17896,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17897,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17898,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17899,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17900,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17901,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17902,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17903,2,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+17904,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17905,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17906,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17907,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17908,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17909,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17910,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17911,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17912,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17913,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17914,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17915,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17916,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17917,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17918,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17919,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17920,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17921,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17922,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17923,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17924,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17925,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17926,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17927,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+17928,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17929,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17930,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17931,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17932,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17933,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17934,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17935,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17936,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17937,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17938,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17939,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+17940,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17941,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17942,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17943,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17944,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17945,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17946,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17947,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17948,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17949,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17950,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17951,2,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17952,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17953,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17954,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17955,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17956,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17957,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17958,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17959,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17960,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17961,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17962,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17963,2,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+17976,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17977,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17978,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17979,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17980,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17981,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17982,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17983,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17984,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17985,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17986,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17987,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+17988,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17989,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17990,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17991,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17992,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17993,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17994,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17995,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17996,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17997,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17998,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+17999,2,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18000,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18001,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18002,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18003,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18004,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18005,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18006,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18007,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18008,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18009,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18010,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18011,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18012,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18013,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18014,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18015,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18016,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18017,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18018,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18019,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18020,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18021,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18022,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18023,2,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18024,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18025,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18026,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18027,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18028,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18029,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18030,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18031,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18032,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18033,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18034,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18035,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18036,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18037,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18038,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18039,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18040,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18041,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18042,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18043,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18044,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18045,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18046,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18047,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18048,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18049,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18050,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18051,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18052,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18053,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18054,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18055,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18056,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18057,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18058,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18059,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18060,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18061,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18062,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18063,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18064,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18065,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18066,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18067,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18068,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18069,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18070,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18071,2,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18072,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18073,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18074,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18075,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18076,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18077,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18078,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18079,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18080,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18081,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18082,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18083,2,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18084,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18085,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18086,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18087,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18088,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18089,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18090,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18091,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18092,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18093,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18094,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18095,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18096,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18097,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18098,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18099,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18100,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18101,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18102,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18103,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18104,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18105,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18106,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18107,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18108,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18109,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18110,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18111,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18112,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18113,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18114,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18115,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18116,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18117,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18118,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18119,2,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18120,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18121,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18122,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18123,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18124,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18125,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18126,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18127,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18128,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18129,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18130,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18131,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18144,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18145,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18146,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18147,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18148,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18149,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18150,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18151,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18152,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18153,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18154,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18155,2,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18168,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18169,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18170,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18171,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18172,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18173,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18174,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18175,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18176,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18177,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18178,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18179,2,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+18180,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18181,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18182,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18183,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18184,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18185,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18186,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18187,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18188,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18189,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18190,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18191,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18192,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18193,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18194,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18195,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18196,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18197,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18198,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18199,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18200,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18201,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18202,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18203,2,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+18204,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18205,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18206,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18207,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18208,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18209,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18210,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18211,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18212,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18213,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18214,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18215,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18216,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18217,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18218,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18219,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18220,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18221,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18222,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18223,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18224,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18225,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18226,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18227,2,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18228,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18229,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18230,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18231,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18232,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18233,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18234,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18235,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18236,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18237,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18238,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18239,2,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18240,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18241,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18242,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18243,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18244,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18245,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18246,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18247,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18248,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18249,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18250,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18251,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18252,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18253,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18254,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18255,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18256,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18257,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18258,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18259,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18260,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18261,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18262,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18263,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18264,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18265,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18266,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18267,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18268,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18269,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18270,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18271,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18272,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18273,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18274,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18275,2,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18276,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18277,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18278,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18279,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18280,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18281,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18282,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18283,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18284,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18285,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18286,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18287,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18300,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18301,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18302,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18303,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18304,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18305,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18306,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18307,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18308,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18309,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18310,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18311,13,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18312,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18313,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18314,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18315,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18316,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18317,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18318,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18319,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18320,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18321,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18322,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18323,13,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18324,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18325,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18326,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18327,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18328,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18329,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18330,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18331,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18332,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18333,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18334,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18335,13,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18336,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18337,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18338,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18339,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18340,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18341,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18342,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18343,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18344,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18345,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18346,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18347,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18360,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18361,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18362,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18363,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18364,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18365,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18366,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18367,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18368,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18369,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18370,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18371,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18372,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18373,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18374,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18375,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18376,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18377,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18378,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18379,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18380,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18381,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18382,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18383,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18384,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18385,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18386,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18387,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18388,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18389,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18390,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18391,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18392,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18393,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18394,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18395,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18396,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18397,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18398,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18399,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18400,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18401,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18402,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18403,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18404,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18405,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18406,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18407,13,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18408,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18409,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18410,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18411,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18412,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18413,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18414,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18415,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18416,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18417,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18418,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18419,13,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18420,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18421,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18422,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18423,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18424,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18425,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18426,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18427,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18428,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18429,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18430,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18431,13,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18432,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18433,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18434,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18435,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18436,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18437,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18438,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18439,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18440,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18441,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18442,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18443,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18444,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18445,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18446,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18447,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18448,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18449,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18450,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18451,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18452,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18453,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18454,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18455,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18456,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18457,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18458,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18459,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18460,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18461,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18462,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18463,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18464,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18465,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18466,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18467,13,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18468,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18469,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18470,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18471,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18472,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18473,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18474,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18475,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18476,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18477,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18478,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18479,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+18480,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18481,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18482,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18483,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18484,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18485,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18486,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18487,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18488,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18489,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18490,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18491,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18492,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18493,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18494,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18495,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18496,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18497,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18498,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18499,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18500,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18501,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18502,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18503,13,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18504,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18505,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18506,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18507,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18508,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18509,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18510,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18511,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18512,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18513,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18514,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18515,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18516,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18517,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18518,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18519,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18520,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18521,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18522,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18523,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18524,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18525,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18526,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18527,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18528,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18529,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18530,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18531,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18532,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18533,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18534,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18535,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18536,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18537,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18538,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18539,13,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18540,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18541,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18542,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18543,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18544,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18545,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18546,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18547,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18548,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18549,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18550,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18551,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18552,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18553,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18554,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18555,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18556,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18557,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18558,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18559,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18560,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18561,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18562,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18563,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+18564,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18565,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18566,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18567,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18568,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18569,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18570,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18571,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18572,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18573,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18574,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18575,13,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18588,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18589,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18590,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18591,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18592,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18593,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18594,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18595,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18596,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18597,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18598,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18599,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18600,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18601,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18602,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18603,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18604,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18605,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18606,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18607,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18608,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18609,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18610,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18611,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18612,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18613,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18614,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18615,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18616,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18617,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18618,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18619,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18620,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18621,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18622,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18623,13,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+18624,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18625,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18626,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18627,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18628,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18629,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18630,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18631,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18632,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18633,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18634,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18635,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+18636,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18637,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18638,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18639,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18640,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18641,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18642,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18643,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18644,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18645,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18646,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18647,13,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+18648,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18649,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18650,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18651,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18652,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18653,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18654,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18655,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18656,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18657,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18658,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18659,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+18660,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18661,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18662,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18663,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18664,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18665,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18666,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18667,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18668,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18669,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18670,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18671,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18672,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18673,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18674,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18675,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18676,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18677,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18678,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18679,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18680,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18681,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18682,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18683,13,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+18684,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18685,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18686,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18687,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18688,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18689,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18690,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18691,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18692,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18693,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18694,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18695,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18696,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18697,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18698,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18699,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18700,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18701,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18702,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18703,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18704,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18705,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18706,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18707,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18708,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18709,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18710,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18711,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18712,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18713,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18714,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18715,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18716,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18717,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18718,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18719,13,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+18720,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18721,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18722,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18723,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18724,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18725,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18726,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18727,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18728,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18729,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18730,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18731,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+18732,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18733,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18734,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18735,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18736,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18737,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18738,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18739,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18740,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18741,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18742,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18743,13,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+18744,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18745,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18746,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18747,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18748,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18749,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18750,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18751,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18752,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18753,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18754,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18755,13,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18756,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18757,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18758,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18759,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18760,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18761,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18762,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18763,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18764,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18765,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18766,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18767,13,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18768,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18769,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18770,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18771,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18772,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18773,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18774,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18775,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18776,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18777,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18778,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18779,13,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18780,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18781,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18782,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18783,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18784,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18785,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18786,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18787,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18788,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18789,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18790,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18791,13,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18792,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18793,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18794,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18795,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18796,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18797,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18798,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18799,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18800,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18801,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18802,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18803,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18804,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18805,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18806,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18807,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18808,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18809,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18810,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18811,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18812,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18813,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18814,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18815,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+18816,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18817,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18818,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18819,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18820,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18821,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18822,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18823,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18824,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18825,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18826,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18827,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18828,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18829,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18830,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18831,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18832,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18833,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18834,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18835,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18836,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18837,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18838,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18839,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+18840,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18841,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18842,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18843,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18844,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18845,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18846,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18847,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18848,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18849,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18850,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18851,13,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+18852,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18853,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18854,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18855,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18856,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18857,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18858,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18859,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18860,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18861,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18862,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18863,13,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18864,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18865,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18866,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18867,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18868,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18869,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18870,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18871,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18872,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18873,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18874,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18875,13,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+18876,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18877,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18878,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18879,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18880,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18881,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18882,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18883,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18884,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18885,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18886,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18887,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18888,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18889,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18890,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18891,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18892,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18893,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18894,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18895,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18896,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18897,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18898,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18899,13,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+18900,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18901,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18902,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18903,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18904,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18905,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18906,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18907,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18908,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18909,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18910,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18911,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+18924,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18925,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18926,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18927,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18928,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18929,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18930,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18931,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18932,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18933,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18934,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18935,13,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+18936,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18937,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18938,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18939,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18940,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18941,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18942,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18943,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18944,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18945,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18946,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18947,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+18948,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18949,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18950,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18951,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18952,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18953,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18954,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18955,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18956,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18957,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18958,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18959,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+18960,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18961,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18962,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18963,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18964,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18965,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18966,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18967,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18968,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18969,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18970,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18971,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+18972,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18973,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18974,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18975,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18976,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18977,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18978,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18979,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18980,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18981,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18982,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18983,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+18984,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18985,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18986,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18987,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18988,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18989,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18990,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18991,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18992,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18993,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18994,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18995,13,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+18996,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+18997,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+18998,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+18999,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19000,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19001,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19002,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19003,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19004,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19005,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19006,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19007,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+19008,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19009,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19010,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19011,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19012,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19013,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19014,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19015,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19016,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19017,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19018,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19019,13,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+19020,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19021,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19022,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19023,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19024,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19025,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19026,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19027,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19028,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19029,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19030,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19031,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19032,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19033,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19034,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19035,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19036,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19037,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19038,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19039,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19040,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19041,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19042,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19043,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19056,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19057,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19058,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19059,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19060,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19061,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19062,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19063,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19064,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19065,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19066,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19067,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19068,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19069,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19070,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19071,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19072,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19073,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19074,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19075,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19076,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19077,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19078,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19079,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19080,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19081,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19082,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19083,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19084,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19085,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19086,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19087,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19088,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19089,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19090,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19091,13,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19092,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19093,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19094,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19095,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19096,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19097,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19098,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19099,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19100,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19101,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19102,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19103,13,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19104,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19105,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19106,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19107,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19108,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19109,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19110,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19111,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19112,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19113,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19114,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19115,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19116,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19117,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19118,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19119,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19120,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19121,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19122,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19123,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19124,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19125,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19126,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19127,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19128,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19129,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19130,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19131,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19132,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19133,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19134,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19135,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19136,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19137,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19138,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19139,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19140,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19141,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19142,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19143,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19144,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19145,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19146,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19147,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19148,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19149,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19150,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19151,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19152,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19153,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19154,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19155,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19156,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19157,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19158,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19159,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19160,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19161,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19162,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19163,13,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19164,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19165,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19166,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19167,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19168,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19169,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19170,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19171,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19172,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19173,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19174,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19175,13,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19188,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19189,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19190,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19191,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19192,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19193,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19194,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19195,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19196,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19197,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19198,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19199,13,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19200,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19201,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19202,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19203,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19204,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19205,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19206,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19207,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19208,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19209,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19210,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19211,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19212,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19213,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19214,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19215,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19216,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19217,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19218,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19219,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19220,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19221,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19222,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19223,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19224,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19225,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19226,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19227,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19228,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19229,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19230,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19231,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19232,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19233,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19234,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19235,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19236,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19237,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19238,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19239,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19240,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19241,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19242,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19243,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19244,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19245,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19246,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19247,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+19248,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19249,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19250,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19251,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19252,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19253,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19254,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19255,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19256,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19257,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19258,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19259,13,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19260,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19261,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19262,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19263,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19264,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19265,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19266,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19267,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19268,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19269,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19270,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19271,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19272,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19273,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19274,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19275,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19276,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19277,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19278,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19279,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19280,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19281,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19282,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19283,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19284,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19285,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19286,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19287,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19288,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19289,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19290,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19291,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19292,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19293,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19294,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19295,13,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19296,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19297,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19298,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19299,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19300,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19301,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19302,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19303,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19304,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19305,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19306,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19307,13,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+19308,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19309,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19310,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19311,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19312,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19313,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19314,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19315,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19316,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19317,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19318,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19319,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19320,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19321,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19322,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19323,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19324,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19325,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19326,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19327,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19328,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19329,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19330,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19331,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19332,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19333,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19334,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19335,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19336,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19337,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19338,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19339,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19340,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19341,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19342,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19343,13,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+19344,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19345,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19346,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19347,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19348,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19349,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19350,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19351,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19352,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19353,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19354,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19355,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19356,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19357,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19358,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19359,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19360,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19361,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19362,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19363,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19364,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19365,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19366,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19367,13,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19368,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19369,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19370,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19371,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19372,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19373,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19374,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19375,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19376,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19377,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19378,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19379,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19380,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19381,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19382,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19383,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19384,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19385,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19386,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19387,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19388,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19389,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19390,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19391,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19392,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19393,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19394,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19395,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19396,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19397,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19398,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19399,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19400,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19401,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19402,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19403,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19404,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19405,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19406,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19407,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19408,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19409,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19410,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19411,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19412,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19413,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19414,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19415,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19416,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19417,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19418,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19419,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19420,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19421,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19422,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19423,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19424,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19425,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19426,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19427,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19428,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19429,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19430,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19431,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19432,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19433,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19434,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19435,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19436,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19437,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19438,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19439,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19440,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19441,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19442,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19443,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19444,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19445,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19446,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19447,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19448,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19449,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19450,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19451,13,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19452,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19453,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19454,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19455,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19456,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19457,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19458,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19459,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19460,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19461,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19462,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19463,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+19464,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19465,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19466,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19467,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19468,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19469,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19470,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19471,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19472,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19473,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19474,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19475,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19488,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19489,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19490,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19491,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19492,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19493,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19494,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19495,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19496,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19497,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19498,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19499,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19500,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19501,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19502,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19503,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19504,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19505,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19506,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19507,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19508,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19509,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19510,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19511,13,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19512,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19513,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19514,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19515,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19516,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19517,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19518,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19519,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19520,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19521,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19522,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19523,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19524,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19525,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19526,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19527,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19528,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19529,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19530,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19531,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19532,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19533,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19534,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19535,13,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19536,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19537,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19538,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19539,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19540,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19541,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19542,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19543,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19544,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19545,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19546,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19547,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+19548,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19549,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19550,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19551,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19552,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19553,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19554,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19555,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19556,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19557,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19558,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19559,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19560,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19561,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19562,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19563,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19564,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19565,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19566,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19567,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19568,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19569,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19570,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19571,13,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19572,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19573,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19574,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19575,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19576,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19577,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19578,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19579,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19580,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19581,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19582,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19583,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19584,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19585,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19586,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19587,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19588,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19589,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19590,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19591,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19592,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19593,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19594,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19595,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19596,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19597,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19598,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19599,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19600,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19601,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19602,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19603,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19604,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19605,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19606,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19607,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19608,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19609,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19610,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19611,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19612,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19613,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19614,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19615,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19616,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19617,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19618,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19619,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19620,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19621,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19622,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19623,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19624,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19625,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19626,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19627,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19628,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19629,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19630,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19631,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19632,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19633,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19634,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19635,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19636,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19637,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19638,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19639,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19640,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19641,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19642,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19643,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19644,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19645,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19646,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19647,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19648,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19649,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19650,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19651,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19652,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19653,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19654,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19655,13,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+19656,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19657,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19658,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19659,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19660,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19661,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19662,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19663,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19664,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19665,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19666,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19667,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19680,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19681,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19682,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19683,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19684,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19685,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19686,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19687,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19688,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19689,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19690,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19691,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19692,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19693,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19694,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19695,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19696,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19697,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19698,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19699,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19700,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19701,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19702,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19703,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+19704,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19705,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19706,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19707,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19708,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19709,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19710,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19711,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19712,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19713,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19714,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19715,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19716,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19717,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19718,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19719,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19720,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19721,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19722,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19723,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19724,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19725,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19726,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19727,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19728,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19729,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19730,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19731,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19732,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19733,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19734,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19735,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19736,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19737,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19738,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19739,13,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19740,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19741,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19742,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19743,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19744,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19745,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19746,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19747,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19748,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19749,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19750,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19751,13,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19764,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19765,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19766,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19767,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19768,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19769,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19770,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19771,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19772,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19773,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19774,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19775,13,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+19788,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19789,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19790,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19791,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19792,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19793,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19794,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19795,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19796,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19797,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19798,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19799,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19800,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19801,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19802,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19803,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19804,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19805,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19806,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19807,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19808,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19809,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19810,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19811,13,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19812,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19813,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19814,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19815,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19816,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19817,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19818,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19819,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19820,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19821,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19822,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19823,13,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19824,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19825,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19826,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19827,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19828,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19829,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19830,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19831,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19832,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19833,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19834,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19835,13,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+19836,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19837,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19838,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19839,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19840,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19841,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19842,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19843,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19844,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19845,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19846,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19847,13,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19848,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19849,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19850,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19851,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19852,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19853,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19854,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19855,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19856,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19857,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19858,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19859,13,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+19860,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19861,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19862,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19863,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19864,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19865,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19866,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19867,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19868,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19869,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19870,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19871,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19872,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19873,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19874,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19875,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19876,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19877,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19878,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19879,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19880,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19881,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19882,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19883,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+19884,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19885,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19886,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19887,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19888,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19889,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19890,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19891,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19892,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19893,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19894,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19895,13,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19896,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19897,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19898,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19899,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19900,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19901,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19902,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19903,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19904,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19905,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19906,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19907,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+19908,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19909,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19910,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19911,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19912,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19913,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19914,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19915,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19916,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19917,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19918,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19919,13,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+19932,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19933,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19934,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19935,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19936,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19937,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19938,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19939,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19940,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19941,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19942,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19943,13,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19944,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19945,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19946,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19947,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19948,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19949,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19950,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19951,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19952,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19953,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19954,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19955,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+19956,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19957,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19958,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19959,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19960,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19961,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19962,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19963,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19964,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19965,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19966,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19967,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+19968,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19969,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19970,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19971,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19972,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19973,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19974,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19975,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19976,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19977,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19978,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19979,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+19980,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19981,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19982,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19983,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19984,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19985,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19986,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19987,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19988,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19989,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19990,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19991,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+19992,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19993,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19994,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19995,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19996,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19997,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19998,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+19999,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20000,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20001,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20002,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20003,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20004,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20005,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20006,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20007,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20008,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20009,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20010,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20011,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20012,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20013,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20014,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20015,13,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20040,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20041,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20042,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20043,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20044,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20045,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20046,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20047,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20048,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20049,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20050,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20051,13,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20052,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20053,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20054,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20055,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20056,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20057,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20058,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20059,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20060,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20061,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20062,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20063,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+20064,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20065,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20066,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20067,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20068,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20069,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20070,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20071,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20072,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20073,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20074,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20075,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20076,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20077,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20078,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20079,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20080,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20081,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20082,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20083,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20084,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20085,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20086,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20087,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20088,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20089,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20090,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20091,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20092,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20093,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20094,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20095,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20096,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20097,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20098,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20099,13,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20100,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20101,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20102,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20103,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20104,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20105,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20106,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20107,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20108,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20109,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20110,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20111,13,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20124,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20125,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20126,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20127,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20128,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20129,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20130,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20131,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20132,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20133,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20134,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20135,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20148,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20149,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20150,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20151,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20152,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20153,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20154,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20155,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20156,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20157,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20158,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20159,13,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20160,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20161,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20162,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20163,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20164,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20165,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20166,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20167,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20168,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20169,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20170,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20171,13,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20172,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20173,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20174,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20175,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20176,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20177,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20178,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20179,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20180,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20181,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20182,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20183,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20196,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20197,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20198,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20199,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20200,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20201,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20202,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20203,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20204,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20205,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20206,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20207,13,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20220,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20221,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20222,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20223,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20224,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20225,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20226,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20227,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20228,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20229,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20230,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20231,13,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20232,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20233,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20234,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20235,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20236,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20237,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20238,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20239,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20240,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20241,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20242,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20243,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20244,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20245,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20246,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20247,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20248,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20249,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20250,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20251,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20252,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20253,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20254,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20255,13,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20256,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20257,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20258,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20259,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20260,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20261,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20262,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20263,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20264,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20265,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20266,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20267,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20280,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20281,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20282,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20283,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20284,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20285,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20286,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20287,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20288,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20289,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20290,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20291,13,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20292,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20293,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20294,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20295,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20296,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20297,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20298,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20299,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20300,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20301,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20302,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20303,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20304,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20305,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20306,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20307,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20308,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20309,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20310,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20311,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20312,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20313,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20314,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20315,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20316,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20317,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20318,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20319,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20320,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20321,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20322,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20323,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20324,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20325,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20326,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20327,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20328,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20329,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20330,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20331,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20332,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20333,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20334,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20335,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20336,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20337,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20338,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20339,13,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20340,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20341,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20342,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20343,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20344,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20345,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20346,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20347,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20348,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20349,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20350,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20351,13,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20364,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20365,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20366,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20367,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20368,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20369,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20370,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20371,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20372,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20373,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20374,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20375,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20376,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20377,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20378,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20379,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20380,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20381,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20382,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20383,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20384,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20385,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20386,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20387,13,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20388,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20389,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20390,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20391,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20392,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20393,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20394,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20395,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20396,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20397,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20398,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20399,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20400,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20401,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20402,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20403,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20404,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20405,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20406,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20407,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20408,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20409,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20410,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20411,13,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20412,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20413,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20414,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20415,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20416,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20417,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20418,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20419,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20420,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20421,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20422,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20423,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20424,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20425,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20426,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20427,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20428,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20429,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20430,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20431,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20432,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20433,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20434,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20435,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20436,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20437,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20438,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20439,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20440,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20441,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20442,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20443,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20444,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20445,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20446,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20447,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20448,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20449,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20450,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20451,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20452,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20453,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20454,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20455,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20456,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20457,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20458,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20459,13,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20460,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20461,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20462,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20463,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20464,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20465,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20466,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20467,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20468,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20469,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20470,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20471,13,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20472,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20473,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20474,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20475,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20476,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20477,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20478,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20479,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20480,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20481,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20482,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20483,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20484,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20485,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20486,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20487,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20488,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20489,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20490,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20491,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20492,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20493,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20494,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20495,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20496,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20497,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20498,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20499,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20500,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20501,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20502,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20503,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20504,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20505,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20506,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20507,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20520,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20521,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20522,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20523,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20524,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20525,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20526,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20527,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20528,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20529,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20530,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20531,13,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20544,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20545,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20546,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20547,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20548,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20549,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20550,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20551,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20552,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20553,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20554,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20555,13,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+20556,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20557,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20558,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20559,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20560,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20561,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20562,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20563,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20564,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20565,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20566,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20567,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20568,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20569,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20570,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20571,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20572,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20573,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20574,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20575,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20576,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20577,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20578,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20579,13,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+20580,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20581,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20582,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20583,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20584,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20585,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20586,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20587,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20588,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20589,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20590,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20591,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20592,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20593,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20594,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20595,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20596,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20597,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20598,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20599,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20600,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20601,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20602,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20603,13,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20604,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20605,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20606,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20607,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20608,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20609,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20610,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20611,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20612,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20613,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20614,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20615,13,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20616,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20617,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20618,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20619,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20620,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20621,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20622,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20623,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20624,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20625,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20626,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20627,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20628,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20629,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20630,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20631,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20632,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20633,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20634,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20635,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20636,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20637,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20638,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20639,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20640,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20641,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20642,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20643,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20644,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20645,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20646,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20647,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20648,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20649,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20650,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20651,13,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20652,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20653,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20654,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20655,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20656,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20657,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20658,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20659,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20660,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20661,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20662,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20663,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20676,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20677,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20678,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20679,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20680,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20681,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20682,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20683,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20684,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20685,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20686,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20687,100,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20688,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20689,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20690,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20691,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20692,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20693,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20694,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20695,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20696,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20697,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20698,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20699,100,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20700,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20701,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20702,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20703,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20704,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20705,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20706,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20707,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20708,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20709,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20710,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20711,100,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20712,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20713,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20714,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20715,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20716,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20717,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20718,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20719,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20720,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20721,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20722,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20723,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20736,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20737,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20738,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20739,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20740,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20741,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20742,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20743,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20744,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20745,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20746,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20747,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+20748,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20749,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20750,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20751,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20752,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20753,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20754,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20755,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20756,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20757,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20758,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20759,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+20760,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20761,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20762,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20763,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20764,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20765,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20766,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20767,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20768,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20769,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20770,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20771,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20772,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20773,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20774,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20775,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20776,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20777,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20778,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20779,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20780,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20781,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20782,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20783,100,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20784,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20785,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20786,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20787,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20788,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20789,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20790,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20791,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20792,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20793,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20794,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20795,100,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20796,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20797,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20798,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20799,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20800,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20801,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20802,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20803,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20804,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20805,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20806,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20807,100,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+20808,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20809,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20810,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20811,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20812,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20813,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20814,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20815,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20816,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20817,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20818,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20819,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+20820,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20821,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20822,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20823,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20824,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20825,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20826,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20827,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20828,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20829,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20830,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20831,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+20832,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20833,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20834,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20835,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20836,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20837,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20838,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20839,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20840,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20841,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20842,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20843,100,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20844,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20845,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20846,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20847,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20848,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20849,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20850,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20851,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20852,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20853,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20854,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20855,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+20856,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20857,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20858,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20859,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20860,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20861,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20862,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20863,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20864,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20865,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20866,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20867,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+20868,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20869,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20870,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20871,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20872,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20873,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20874,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20875,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20876,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20877,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20878,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20879,100,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+20880,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20881,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20882,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20883,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20884,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20885,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20886,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20887,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20888,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20889,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20890,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20891,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+20892,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20893,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20894,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20895,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20896,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20897,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20898,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20899,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20900,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20901,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20902,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20903,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20904,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20905,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20906,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20907,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20908,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20909,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20910,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20911,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20912,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20913,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20914,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20915,100,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+20916,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20917,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20918,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20919,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20920,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20921,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20922,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20923,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20924,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20925,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20926,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20927,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20928,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20929,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20930,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20931,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20932,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20933,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20934,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20935,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20936,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20937,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20938,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20939,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+20940,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20941,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20942,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20943,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20944,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20945,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20946,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20947,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20948,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20949,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20950,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20951,100,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+20964,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20965,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20966,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20967,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20968,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20969,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20970,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20971,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20972,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20973,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20974,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20975,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+20976,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20977,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20978,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20979,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20980,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20981,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20982,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20983,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20984,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20985,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20986,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20987,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+20988,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20989,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20990,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20991,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20992,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20993,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20994,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20995,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20996,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20997,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20998,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+20999,100,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+21000,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21001,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21002,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21003,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21004,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21005,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21006,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21007,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21008,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21009,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21010,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21011,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+21012,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21013,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21014,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21015,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21016,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21017,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21018,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21019,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21020,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21021,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21022,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21023,100,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+21024,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21025,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21026,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21027,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21028,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21029,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21030,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21031,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21032,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21033,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21034,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21035,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+21036,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21037,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21038,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21039,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21040,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21041,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21042,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21043,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21044,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21045,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21046,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21047,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21048,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21049,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21050,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21051,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21052,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21053,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21054,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21055,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21056,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21057,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21058,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21059,100,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+21060,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21061,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21062,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21063,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21064,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21065,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21066,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21067,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21068,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21069,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21070,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21071,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21072,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21073,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21074,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21075,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21076,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21077,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21078,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21079,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21080,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21081,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21082,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21083,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21084,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21085,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21086,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21087,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21088,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21089,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21090,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21091,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21092,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21093,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21094,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21095,100,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+21096,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21097,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21098,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21099,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21100,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21101,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21102,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21103,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21104,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21105,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21106,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21107,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+21108,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21109,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21110,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21111,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21112,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21113,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21114,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21115,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21116,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21117,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21118,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21119,100,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21120,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21121,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21122,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21123,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21124,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21125,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21126,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21127,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21128,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21129,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21130,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21131,100,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21132,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21133,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21134,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21135,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21136,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21137,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21138,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21139,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21140,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21141,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21142,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21143,100,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21144,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21145,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21146,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21147,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21148,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21149,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21150,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21151,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21152,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21153,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21154,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21155,100,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21156,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21157,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21158,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21159,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21160,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21161,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21162,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21163,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21164,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21165,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21166,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21167,100,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21168,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21169,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21170,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21171,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21172,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21173,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21174,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21175,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21176,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21177,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21178,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21179,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21180,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21181,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21182,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21183,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21184,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21185,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21186,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21187,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21188,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21189,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21190,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21191,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21192,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21193,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21194,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21195,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21196,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21197,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21198,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21199,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21200,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21201,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21202,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21203,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21204,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21205,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21206,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21207,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21208,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21209,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21210,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21211,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21212,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21213,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21214,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21215,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21216,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21217,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21218,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21219,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21220,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21221,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21222,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21223,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21224,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21225,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21226,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21227,100,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21228,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21229,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21230,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21231,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21232,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21233,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21234,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21235,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21236,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21237,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21238,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21239,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21240,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21241,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21242,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21243,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21244,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21245,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21246,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21247,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21248,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21249,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21250,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21251,100,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21252,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21253,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21254,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21255,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21256,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21257,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21258,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21259,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21260,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21261,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21262,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21263,100,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21264,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21265,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21266,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21267,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21268,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21269,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21270,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21271,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21272,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21273,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21274,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21275,100,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21276,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21277,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21278,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21279,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21280,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21281,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21282,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21283,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21284,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21285,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21286,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21287,100,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21288,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21289,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21290,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21291,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21292,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21293,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21294,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21295,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21296,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21297,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21298,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21299,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21300,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21301,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21302,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21303,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21304,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21305,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21306,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21307,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21308,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21309,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21310,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21311,100,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21312,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21313,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21314,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21315,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21316,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21317,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21318,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21319,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21320,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21321,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21322,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21323,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21336,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21337,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21338,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21339,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21340,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21341,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21342,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21343,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21344,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21345,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21346,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21347,100,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21348,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21349,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21350,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21351,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21352,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21353,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21354,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21355,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21356,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21357,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21358,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21359,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21360,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21361,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21362,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21363,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21364,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21365,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21366,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21367,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21368,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21369,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21370,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21371,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+21372,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21373,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21374,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21375,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21376,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21377,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21378,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21379,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21380,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21381,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21382,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21383,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21384,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21385,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21386,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21387,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21388,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21389,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21390,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21391,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21392,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21393,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21394,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21395,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21396,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21397,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21398,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21399,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21400,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21401,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21402,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21403,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21404,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21405,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21406,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21407,100,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21408,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21409,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21410,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21411,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21412,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21413,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21414,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21415,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21416,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21417,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21418,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21419,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+21420,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21421,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21422,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21423,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21424,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21425,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21426,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21427,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21428,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21429,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21430,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21431,100,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+21432,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21433,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21434,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21435,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21436,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21437,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21438,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21439,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21440,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21441,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21442,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21443,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21444,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21445,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21446,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21447,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21448,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21449,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21450,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21451,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21452,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21453,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21454,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21455,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21468,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21469,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21470,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21471,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21472,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21473,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21474,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21475,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21476,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21477,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21478,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21479,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21480,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21481,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21482,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21483,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21484,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21485,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21486,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21487,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21488,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21489,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21490,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21491,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21492,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21493,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21494,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21495,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21496,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21497,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21498,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21499,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21500,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21501,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21502,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21503,100,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21504,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21505,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21506,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21507,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21508,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21509,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21510,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21511,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21512,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21513,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21514,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21515,100,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21516,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21517,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21518,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21519,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21520,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21521,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21522,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21523,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21524,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21525,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21526,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21527,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21528,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21529,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21530,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21531,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21532,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21533,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21534,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21535,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21536,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21537,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21538,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21539,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21540,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21541,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21542,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21543,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21544,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21545,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21546,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21547,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21548,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21549,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21550,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21551,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21552,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21553,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21554,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21555,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21556,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21557,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21558,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21559,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21560,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21561,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21562,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21563,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21564,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21565,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21566,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21567,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21568,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21569,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21570,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21571,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21572,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21573,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21574,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21575,100,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21576,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21577,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21578,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21579,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21580,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21581,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21582,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21583,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21584,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21585,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21586,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21587,100,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21600,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21601,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21602,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21603,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21604,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21605,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21606,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21607,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21608,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21609,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21610,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21611,100,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21612,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21613,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21614,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21615,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21616,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21617,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21618,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21619,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21620,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21621,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21622,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21623,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21624,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21625,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21626,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21627,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21628,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21629,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21630,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21631,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21632,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21633,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21634,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21635,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21636,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21637,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21638,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21639,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21640,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21641,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21642,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21643,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21644,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21645,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21646,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21647,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21648,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21649,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21650,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21651,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21652,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21653,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21654,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21655,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21656,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21657,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21658,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21659,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+21660,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21661,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21662,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21663,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21664,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21665,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21666,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21667,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21668,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21669,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21670,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21671,100,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21672,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21673,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21674,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21675,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21676,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21677,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21678,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21679,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21680,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21681,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21682,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21683,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21684,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21685,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21686,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21687,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21688,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21689,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21690,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21691,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21692,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21693,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21694,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21695,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21696,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21697,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21698,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21699,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21700,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21701,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21702,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21703,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21704,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21705,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21706,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21707,100,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21708,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21709,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21710,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21711,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21712,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21713,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21714,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21715,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21716,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21717,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21718,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21719,100,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+21720,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21721,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21722,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21723,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21724,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21725,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21726,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21727,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21728,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21729,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21730,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21731,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21732,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21733,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21734,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21735,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21736,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21737,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21738,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21739,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21740,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21741,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21742,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21743,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21744,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21745,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21746,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21747,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21748,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21749,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21750,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21751,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21752,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21753,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21754,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21755,100,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+21756,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21757,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21758,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21759,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21760,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21761,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21762,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21763,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21764,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21765,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21766,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21767,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21768,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21769,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21770,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21771,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21772,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21773,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21774,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21775,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21776,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21777,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21778,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21779,100,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21780,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21781,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21782,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21783,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21784,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21785,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21786,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21787,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21788,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21789,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21790,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21791,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21792,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21793,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21794,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21795,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21796,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21797,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21798,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21799,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21800,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21801,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21802,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21803,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21804,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21805,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21806,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21807,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21808,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21809,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21810,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21811,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21812,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21813,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21814,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21815,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21816,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21817,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21818,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21819,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21820,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21821,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21822,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21823,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21824,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21825,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21826,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21827,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21828,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21829,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21830,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21831,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21832,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21833,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21834,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21835,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21836,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21837,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21838,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21839,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21840,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21841,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21842,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21843,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21844,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21845,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21846,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21847,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21848,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21849,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21850,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21851,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21852,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21853,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21854,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21855,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21856,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21857,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21858,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21859,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21860,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21861,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21862,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21863,100,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+21864,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21865,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21866,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21867,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21868,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21869,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21870,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21871,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21872,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21873,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21874,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21875,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+21876,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21877,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21878,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21879,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21880,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21881,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21882,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21883,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21884,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21885,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21886,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21887,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+21900,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21901,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21902,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21903,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21904,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21905,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21906,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21907,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21908,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21909,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21910,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21911,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21912,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21913,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21914,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21915,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21916,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21917,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21918,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21919,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21920,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21921,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21922,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21923,100,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+21924,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21925,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21926,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21927,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21928,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21929,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21930,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21931,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21932,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21933,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21934,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21935,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+21936,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21937,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21938,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21939,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21940,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21941,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21942,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21943,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21944,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21945,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21946,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21947,100,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+21948,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21949,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21950,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21951,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21952,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21953,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21954,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21955,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21956,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21957,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21958,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21959,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+21960,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21961,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21962,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21963,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21964,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21965,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21966,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21967,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21968,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21969,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21970,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21971,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+21972,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21973,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21974,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21975,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21976,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21977,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21978,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21979,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21980,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21981,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21982,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21983,100,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+21984,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21985,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21986,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21987,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21988,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21989,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21990,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21991,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21992,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21993,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21994,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21995,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+21996,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21997,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21998,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+21999,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22000,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22001,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22002,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22003,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22004,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22005,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22006,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22007,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22008,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22009,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22010,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22011,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22012,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22013,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22014,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22015,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22016,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22017,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22018,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22019,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22020,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22021,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22022,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22023,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22024,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22025,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22026,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22027,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22028,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22029,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22030,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22031,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22032,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22033,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22034,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22035,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22036,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22037,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22038,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22039,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22040,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22041,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22042,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22043,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22044,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22045,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22046,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22047,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22048,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22049,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22050,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22051,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22052,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22053,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22054,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22055,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22056,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22057,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22058,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22059,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22060,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22061,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22062,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22063,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22064,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22065,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22066,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22067,100,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22068,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22069,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22070,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22071,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22072,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22073,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22074,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22075,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22076,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22077,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22078,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22079,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22092,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22093,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22094,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22095,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22096,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22097,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22098,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22099,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22100,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22101,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22102,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22103,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22104,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22105,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22106,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22107,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22108,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22109,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22110,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22111,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22112,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22113,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22114,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22115,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22116,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22117,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22118,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22119,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22120,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22121,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22122,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22123,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22124,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22125,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22126,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22127,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22128,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22129,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22130,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22131,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22132,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22133,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22134,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22135,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22136,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22137,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22138,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22139,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22140,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22141,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22142,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22143,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22144,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22145,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22146,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22147,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22148,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22149,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22150,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22151,100,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22152,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22153,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22154,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22155,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22156,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22157,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22158,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22159,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22160,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22161,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22162,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22163,100,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22176,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22177,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22178,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22179,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22180,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22181,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22182,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22183,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22184,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22185,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22186,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22187,100,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22200,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22201,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22202,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22203,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22204,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22205,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22206,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22207,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22208,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22209,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22210,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22211,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22212,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22213,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22214,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22215,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22216,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22217,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22218,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22219,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22220,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22221,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22222,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22223,100,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22224,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22225,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22226,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22227,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22228,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22229,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22230,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22231,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22232,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22233,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22234,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22235,100,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22236,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22237,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22238,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22239,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22240,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22241,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22242,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22243,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22244,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22245,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22246,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22247,100,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22248,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22249,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22250,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22251,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22252,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22253,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22254,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22255,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22256,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22257,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22258,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22259,100,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22260,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22261,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22262,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22263,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22264,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22265,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22266,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22267,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22268,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22269,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22270,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22271,100,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22272,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22273,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22274,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22275,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22276,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22277,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22278,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22279,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22280,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22281,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22282,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22283,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22284,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22285,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22286,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22287,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22288,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22289,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22290,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22291,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22292,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22293,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22294,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22295,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22296,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22297,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22298,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22299,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22300,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22301,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22302,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22303,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22304,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22305,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22306,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22307,100,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22308,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22309,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22310,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22311,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22312,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22313,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22314,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22315,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22316,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22317,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22318,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22319,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+22320,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22321,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22322,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22323,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22324,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22325,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22326,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22327,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22328,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22329,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22330,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22331,100,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22344,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22345,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22346,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22347,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22348,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22349,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22350,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22351,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22352,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22353,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22354,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22355,100,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22356,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22357,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22358,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22359,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22360,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22361,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22362,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22363,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22364,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22365,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22366,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22367,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+22368,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22369,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22370,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22371,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22372,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22373,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22374,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22375,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22376,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22377,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22378,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22379,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22380,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22381,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22382,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22383,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22384,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22385,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22386,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22387,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22388,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22389,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22390,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22391,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22392,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22393,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22394,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22395,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22396,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22397,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22398,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22399,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22400,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22401,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22402,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22403,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22404,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22405,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22406,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22407,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22408,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22409,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22410,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22411,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22412,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22413,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22414,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22415,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22416,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22417,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22418,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22419,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22420,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22421,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22422,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22423,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22424,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22425,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22426,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22427,100,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22452,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22453,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22454,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22455,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22456,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22457,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22458,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22459,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22460,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22461,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22462,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22463,100,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22464,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22465,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22466,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22467,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22468,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22469,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22470,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22471,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22472,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22473,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22474,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22475,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+22476,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22477,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22478,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22479,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22480,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22481,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22482,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22483,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22484,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22485,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22486,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22487,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22488,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22489,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22490,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22491,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22492,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22493,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22494,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22495,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22496,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22497,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22498,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22499,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22500,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22501,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22502,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22503,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22504,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22505,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22506,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22507,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22508,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22509,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22510,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22511,100,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+22512,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22513,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22514,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22515,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22516,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22517,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22518,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22519,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22520,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22521,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22522,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22523,100,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22536,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22537,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22538,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22539,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22540,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22541,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22542,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22543,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22544,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22545,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22546,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22547,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+22560,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22561,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22562,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22563,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22564,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22565,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22566,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22567,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22568,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22569,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22570,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22571,100,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22572,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22573,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22574,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22575,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22576,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22577,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22578,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22579,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22580,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22581,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22582,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22583,100,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22584,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22585,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22586,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22587,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22588,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22589,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22590,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22591,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22592,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22593,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22594,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22595,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22608,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22609,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22610,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22611,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22612,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22613,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22614,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22615,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22616,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22617,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22618,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22619,100,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22632,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22633,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22634,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22635,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22636,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22637,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22638,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22639,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22640,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22641,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22642,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22643,100,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22644,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22645,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22646,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22647,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22648,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22649,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22650,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22651,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22652,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22653,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22654,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22655,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22656,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22657,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22658,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22659,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22660,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22661,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22662,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22663,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22664,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22665,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22666,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22667,100,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22668,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22669,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22670,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22671,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22672,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22673,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22674,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22675,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22676,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22677,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22678,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22679,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22692,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22693,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22694,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22695,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22696,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22697,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22698,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22699,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22700,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22701,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22702,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22703,100,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22704,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22705,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22706,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22707,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22708,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22709,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22710,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22711,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22712,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22713,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22714,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22715,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22716,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22717,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22718,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22719,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22720,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22721,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22722,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22723,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22724,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22725,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22726,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22727,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22728,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22729,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22730,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22731,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22732,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22733,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22734,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22735,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22736,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22737,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22738,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22739,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22740,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22741,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22742,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22743,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22744,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22745,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22746,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22747,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22748,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22749,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22750,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22751,100,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22752,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22753,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22754,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22755,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22756,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22757,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22758,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22759,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22760,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22761,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22762,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22763,100,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22776,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22777,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22778,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22779,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22780,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22781,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22782,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22783,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22784,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22785,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22786,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22787,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22788,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22789,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22790,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22791,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22792,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22793,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22794,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22795,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22796,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22797,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22798,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22799,100,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22800,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22801,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22802,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22803,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22804,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22805,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22806,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22807,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22808,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22809,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22810,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22811,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22812,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22813,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22814,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22815,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22816,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22817,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22818,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22819,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22820,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22821,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22822,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22823,100,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22824,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22825,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22826,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22827,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22828,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22829,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22830,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22831,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22832,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22833,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22834,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22835,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22836,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22837,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22838,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22839,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22840,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22841,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22842,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22843,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22844,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22845,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22846,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22847,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+22848,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22849,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22850,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22851,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22852,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22853,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22854,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22855,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22856,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22857,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22858,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22859,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22860,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22861,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22862,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22863,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22864,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22865,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22866,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22867,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22868,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22869,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22870,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22871,100,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22872,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22873,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22874,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22875,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22876,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22877,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22878,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22879,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22880,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22881,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22882,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22883,100,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+22884,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22885,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22886,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22887,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22888,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22889,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22890,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22891,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22892,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22893,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22894,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22895,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22896,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22897,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22898,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22899,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22900,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22901,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22902,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22903,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22904,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22905,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22906,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22907,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+22908,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22909,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22910,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22911,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22912,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22913,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22914,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22915,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22916,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22917,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22918,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22919,100,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+22920,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22921,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22922,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22923,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22924,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22925,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22926,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22927,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22928,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22929,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22930,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22931,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+22944,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22945,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22946,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22947,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22948,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22949,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22950,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22951,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22952,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22953,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22954,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22955,100,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+22968,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22969,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22970,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22971,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22972,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22973,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22974,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22975,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22976,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22977,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22978,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22979,100,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+22980,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22981,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22982,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22983,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22984,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22985,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22986,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22987,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22988,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22989,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22990,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22991,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+22992,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22993,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22994,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22995,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22996,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22997,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22998,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+22999,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+23000,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+23001,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+23002,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+23003,100,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+23004,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23005,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23006,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23007,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23008,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23009,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23010,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23011,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23012,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23013,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23014,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23015,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23016,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23017,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23018,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23019,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23020,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23021,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23022,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23023,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23024,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23025,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23026,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23027,100,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23028,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23029,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23030,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23031,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23032,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23033,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23034,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23035,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23036,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23037,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23038,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23039,100,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23040,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23041,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23042,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23043,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23044,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23045,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23046,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23047,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23048,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23049,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23050,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23051,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23052,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23053,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23054,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23055,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23056,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23057,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23058,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23059,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23060,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23061,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23062,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23063,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23064,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23065,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23066,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23067,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23068,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23069,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23070,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23071,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23072,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23073,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23074,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23075,100,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23076,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23077,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23078,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23079,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23080,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23081,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23082,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23083,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23084,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23085,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23086,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23087,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23100,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23101,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23102,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23103,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23104,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23105,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23106,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23107,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23108,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23109,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23110,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23111,101,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23112,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23113,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23114,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23115,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23116,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23117,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23118,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23119,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23120,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23121,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23122,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23123,101,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23124,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23125,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23126,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23127,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23128,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23129,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23130,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23131,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23132,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23133,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23134,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23135,101,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23136,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23137,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23138,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23139,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23140,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23141,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23142,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23143,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23144,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23145,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23146,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23147,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23160,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23161,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23162,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23163,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23164,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23165,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23166,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23167,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23168,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23169,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23170,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23171,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23172,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23173,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23174,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23175,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23176,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23177,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23178,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23179,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23180,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23181,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23182,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23183,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23184,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23185,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23186,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23187,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23188,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23189,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23190,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23191,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23192,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23193,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23194,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23195,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23196,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23197,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23198,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23199,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23200,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23201,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23202,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23203,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23204,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23205,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23206,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23207,101,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23208,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23209,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23210,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23211,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23212,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23213,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23214,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23215,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23216,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23217,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23218,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23219,101,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23220,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23221,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23222,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23223,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23224,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23225,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23226,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23227,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23228,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23229,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23230,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23231,101,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23232,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23233,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23234,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23235,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23236,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23237,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23238,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23239,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23240,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23241,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23242,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23243,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23244,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23245,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23246,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23247,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23248,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23249,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23250,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23251,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23252,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23253,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23254,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23255,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23256,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23257,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23258,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23259,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23260,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23261,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23262,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23263,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23264,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23265,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23266,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23267,101,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23268,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23269,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23270,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23271,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23272,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23273,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23274,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23275,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23276,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23277,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23278,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23279,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+23280,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23281,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23282,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23283,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23284,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23285,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23286,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23287,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23288,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23289,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23290,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23291,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23292,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23293,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23294,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23295,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23296,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23297,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23298,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23299,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23300,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23301,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23302,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23303,101,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23304,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23305,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23306,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23307,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23308,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23309,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23310,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23311,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23312,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23313,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23314,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23315,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23316,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23317,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23318,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23319,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23320,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23321,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23322,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23323,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23324,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23325,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23326,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23327,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23328,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23329,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23330,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23331,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23332,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23333,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23334,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23335,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23336,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23337,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23338,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23339,101,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23340,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23341,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23342,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23343,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23344,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23345,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23346,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23347,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23348,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23349,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23350,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23351,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23352,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23353,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23354,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23355,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23356,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23357,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23358,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23359,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23360,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23361,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23362,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23363,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+23364,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23365,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23366,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23367,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23368,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23369,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23370,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23371,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23372,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23373,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23374,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23375,101,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23388,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23389,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23390,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23391,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23392,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23393,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23394,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23395,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23396,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23397,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23398,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23399,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23400,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23401,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23402,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23403,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23404,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23405,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23406,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23407,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23408,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23409,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23410,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23411,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23412,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23413,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23414,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23415,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23416,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23417,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23418,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23419,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23420,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23421,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23422,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23423,101,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+23424,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23425,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23426,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23427,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23428,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23429,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23430,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23431,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23432,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23433,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23434,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23435,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+23436,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23437,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23438,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23439,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23440,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23441,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23442,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23443,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23444,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23445,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23446,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23447,101,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+23448,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23449,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23450,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23451,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23452,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23453,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23454,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23455,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23456,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23457,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23458,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23459,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+23460,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23461,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23462,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23463,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23464,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23465,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23466,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23467,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23468,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23469,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23470,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23471,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23472,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23473,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23474,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23475,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23476,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23477,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23478,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23479,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23480,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23481,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23482,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23483,101,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+23484,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23485,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23486,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23487,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23488,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23489,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23490,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23491,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23492,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23493,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23494,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23495,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23496,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23497,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23498,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23499,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23500,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23501,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23502,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23503,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23504,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23505,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23506,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23507,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23508,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23509,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23510,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23511,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23512,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23513,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23514,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23515,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23516,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23517,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23518,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23519,101,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+23520,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23521,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23522,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23523,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23524,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23525,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23526,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23527,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23528,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23529,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23530,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23531,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+23532,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23533,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23534,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23535,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23536,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23537,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23538,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23539,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23540,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23541,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23542,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23543,101,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23544,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23545,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23546,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23547,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23548,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23549,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23550,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23551,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23552,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23553,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23554,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23555,101,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23556,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23557,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23558,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23559,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23560,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23561,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23562,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23563,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23564,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23565,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23566,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23567,101,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23568,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23569,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23570,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23571,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23572,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23573,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23574,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23575,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23576,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23577,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23578,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23579,101,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23580,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23581,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23582,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23583,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23584,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23585,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23586,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23587,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23588,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23589,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23590,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23591,101,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23592,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23593,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23594,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23595,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23596,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23597,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23598,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23599,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23600,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23601,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23602,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23603,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23604,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23605,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23606,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23607,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23608,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23609,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23610,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23611,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23612,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23613,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23614,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23615,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23616,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23617,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23618,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23619,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23620,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23621,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23622,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23623,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23624,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23625,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23626,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23627,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23628,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23629,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23630,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23631,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23632,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23633,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23634,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23635,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23636,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23637,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23638,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23639,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23640,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23641,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23642,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23643,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23644,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23645,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23646,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23647,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23648,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23649,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23650,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23651,101,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23652,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23653,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23654,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23655,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23656,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23657,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23658,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23659,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23660,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23661,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23662,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23663,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+23664,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23665,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23666,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23667,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23668,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23669,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23670,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23671,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23672,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23673,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23674,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23675,101,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23676,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23677,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23678,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23679,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23680,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23681,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23682,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23683,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23684,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23685,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23686,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23687,101,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23688,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23689,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23690,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23691,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23692,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23693,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23694,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23695,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23696,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23697,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23698,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23699,101,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23700,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23701,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23702,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23703,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23704,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23705,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23706,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23707,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23708,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23709,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23710,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23711,101,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23712,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23713,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23714,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23715,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23716,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23717,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23718,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23719,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23720,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23721,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23722,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23723,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23724,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23725,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23726,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23727,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23728,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23729,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23730,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23731,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23732,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23733,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23734,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23735,101,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23736,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23737,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23738,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23739,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23740,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23741,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23742,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23743,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23744,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23745,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23746,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23747,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23760,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23761,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23762,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23763,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23764,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23765,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23766,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23767,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23768,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23769,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23770,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23771,101,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23772,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23773,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23774,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23775,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23776,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23777,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23778,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23779,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23780,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23781,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23782,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23783,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+23784,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23785,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23786,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23787,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23788,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23789,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23790,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23791,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23792,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23793,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23794,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23795,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+23796,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23797,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23798,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23799,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23800,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23801,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23802,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23803,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23804,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23805,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23806,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23807,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23808,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23809,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23810,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23811,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23812,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23813,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23814,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23815,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23816,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23817,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23818,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23819,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23820,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23821,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23822,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23823,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23824,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23825,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23826,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23827,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23828,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23829,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23830,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23831,101,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23832,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23833,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23834,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23835,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23836,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23837,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23838,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23839,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23840,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23841,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23842,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23843,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+23844,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23845,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23846,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23847,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23848,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23849,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23850,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23851,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23852,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23853,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23854,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23855,101,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+23856,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23857,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23858,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23859,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23860,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23861,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23862,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23863,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23864,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23865,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23866,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23867,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+23868,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23869,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23870,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23871,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23872,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23873,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23874,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23875,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23876,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23877,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23878,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23879,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+23892,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23893,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23894,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23895,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23896,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23897,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23898,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23899,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23900,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23901,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23902,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23903,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+23904,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23905,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23906,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23907,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23908,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23909,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23910,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23911,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23912,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23913,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23914,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23915,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23916,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23917,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23918,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23919,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23920,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23921,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23922,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23923,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23924,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23925,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23926,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23927,101,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+23928,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23929,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23930,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23931,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23932,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23933,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23934,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23935,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23936,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23937,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23938,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23939,101,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+23940,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23941,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23942,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23943,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23944,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23945,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23946,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23947,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23948,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23949,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23950,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23951,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+23952,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23953,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23954,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23955,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23956,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23957,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23958,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23959,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23960,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23961,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23962,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23963,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+23964,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23965,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23966,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23967,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23968,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23969,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23970,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23971,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23972,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23973,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23974,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23975,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+23976,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23977,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23978,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23979,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23980,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23981,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23982,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23983,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23984,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23985,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23986,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23987,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23988,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23989,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23990,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23991,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23992,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23993,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23994,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23995,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23996,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23997,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23998,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+23999,101,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24000,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24001,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24002,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24003,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24004,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24005,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24006,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24007,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24008,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24009,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24010,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24011,101,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24024,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24025,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24026,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24027,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24028,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24029,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24030,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24031,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24032,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24033,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24034,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24035,101,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24036,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24037,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24038,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24039,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24040,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24041,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24042,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24043,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24044,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24045,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24046,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24047,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24048,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24049,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24050,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24051,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24052,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24053,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24054,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24055,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24056,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24057,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24058,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24059,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24060,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24061,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24062,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24063,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24064,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24065,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24066,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24067,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24068,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24069,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24070,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24071,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24072,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24073,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24074,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24075,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24076,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24077,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24078,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24079,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24080,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24081,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24082,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24083,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+24084,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24085,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24086,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24087,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24088,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24089,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24090,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24091,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24092,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24093,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24094,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24095,101,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24096,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24097,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24098,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24099,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24100,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24101,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24102,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24103,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24104,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24105,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24106,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24107,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24108,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24109,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24110,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24111,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24112,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24113,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24114,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24115,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24116,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24117,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24118,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24119,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24120,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24121,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24122,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24123,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24124,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24125,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24126,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24127,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24128,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24129,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24130,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24131,101,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24132,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24133,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24134,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24135,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24136,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24137,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24138,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24139,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24140,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24141,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24142,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24143,101,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+24144,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24145,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24146,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24147,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24148,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24149,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24150,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24151,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24152,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24153,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24154,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24155,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24156,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24157,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24158,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24159,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24160,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24161,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24162,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24163,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24164,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24165,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24166,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24167,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24168,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24169,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24170,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24171,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24172,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24173,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24174,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24175,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24176,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24177,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24178,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24179,101,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+24180,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24181,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24182,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24183,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24184,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24185,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24186,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24187,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24188,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24189,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24190,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24191,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24192,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24193,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24194,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24195,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24196,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24197,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24198,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24199,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24200,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24201,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24202,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24203,101,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24204,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24205,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24206,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24207,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24208,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24209,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24210,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24211,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24212,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24213,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24214,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24215,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24216,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24217,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24218,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24219,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24220,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24221,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24222,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24223,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24224,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24225,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24226,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24227,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24228,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24229,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24230,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24231,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24232,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24233,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24234,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24235,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24236,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24237,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24238,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24239,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24240,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24241,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24242,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24243,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24244,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24245,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24246,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24247,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24248,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24249,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24250,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24251,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24252,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24253,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24254,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24255,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24256,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24257,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24258,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24259,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24260,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24261,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24262,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24263,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24264,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24265,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24266,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24267,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24268,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24269,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24270,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24271,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24272,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24273,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24274,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24275,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24276,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24277,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24278,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24279,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24280,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24281,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24282,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24283,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24284,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24285,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24286,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24287,101,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24288,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24289,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24290,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24291,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24292,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24293,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24294,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24295,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24296,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24297,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24298,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24299,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+24300,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24301,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24302,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24303,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24304,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24305,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24306,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24307,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24308,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24309,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24310,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24311,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24324,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24325,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24326,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24327,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24328,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24329,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24330,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24331,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24332,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24333,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24334,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24335,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24336,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24337,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24338,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24339,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24340,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24341,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24342,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24343,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24344,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24345,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24346,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24347,101,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24348,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24349,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24350,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24351,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24352,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24353,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24354,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24355,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24356,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24357,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24358,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24359,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24360,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24361,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24362,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24363,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24364,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24365,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24366,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24367,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24368,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24369,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24370,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24371,101,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24372,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24373,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24374,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24375,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24376,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24377,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24378,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24379,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24380,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24381,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24382,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24383,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+24384,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24385,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24386,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24387,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24388,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24389,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24390,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24391,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24392,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24393,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24394,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24395,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24396,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24397,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24398,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24399,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24400,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24401,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24402,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24403,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24404,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24405,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24406,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24407,101,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24408,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24409,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24410,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24411,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24412,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24413,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24414,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24415,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24416,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24417,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24418,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24419,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24420,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24421,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24422,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24423,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24424,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24425,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24426,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24427,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24428,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24429,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24430,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24431,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24432,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24433,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24434,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24435,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24436,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24437,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24438,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24439,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24440,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24441,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24442,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24443,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24444,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24445,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24446,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24447,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24448,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24449,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24450,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24451,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24452,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24453,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24454,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24455,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24456,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24457,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24458,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24459,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24460,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24461,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24462,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24463,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24464,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24465,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24466,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24467,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24468,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24469,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24470,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24471,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24472,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24473,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24474,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24475,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24476,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24477,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24478,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24479,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24480,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24481,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24482,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24483,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24484,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24485,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24486,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24487,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24488,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24489,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24490,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24491,101,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24492,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24493,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24494,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24495,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24496,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24497,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24498,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24499,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24500,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24501,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24502,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24503,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24516,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24517,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24518,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24519,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24520,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24521,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24522,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24523,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24524,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24525,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24526,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24527,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24528,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24529,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24530,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24531,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24532,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24533,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24534,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24535,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24536,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24537,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24538,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24539,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+24540,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24541,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24542,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24543,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24544,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24545,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24546,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24547,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24548,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24549,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24550,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24551,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24552,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24553,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24554,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24555,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24556,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24557,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24558,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24559,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24560,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24561,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24562,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24563,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24564,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24565,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24566,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24567,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24568,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24569,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24570,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24571,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24572,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24573,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24574,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24575,101,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24576,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24577,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24578,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24579,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24580,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24581,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24582,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24583,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24584,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24585,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24586,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24587,101,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24600,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24601,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24602,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24603,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24604,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24605,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24606,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24607,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24608,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24609,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24610,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24611,101,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24624,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24625,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24626,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24627,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24628,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24629,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24630,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24631,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24632,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24633,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24634,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24635,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24636,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24637,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24638,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24639,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24640,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24641,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24642,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24643,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24644,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24645,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24646,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24647,101,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24648,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24649,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24650,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24651,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24652,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24653,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24654,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24655,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24656,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24657,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24658,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24659,101,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24660,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24661,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24662,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24663,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24664,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24665,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24666,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24667,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24668,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24669,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24670,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24671,101,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24672,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24673,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24674,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24675,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24676,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24677,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24678,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24679,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24680,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24681,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24682,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24683,101,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24684,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24685,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24686,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24687,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24688,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24689,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24690,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24691,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24692,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24693,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24694,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24695,101,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+24696,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24697,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24698,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24699,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24700,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24701,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24702,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24703,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24704,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24705,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24706,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24707,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24708,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24709,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24710,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24711,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24712,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24713,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24714,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24715,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24716,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24717,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24718,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24719,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24720,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24721,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24722,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24723,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24724,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24725,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24726,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24727,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24728,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24729,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24730,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24731,101,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24732,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24733,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24734,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24735,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24736,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24737,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24738,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24739,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24740,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24741,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24742,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24743,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+24744,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24745,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24746,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24747,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24748,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24749,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24750,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24751,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24752,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24753,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24754,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24755,101,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+24768,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24769,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24770,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24771,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24772,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24773,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24774,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24775,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24776,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24777,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24778,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24779,101,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24780,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24781,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24782,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24783,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24784,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24785,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24786,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24787,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24788,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24789,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24790,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24791,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+24792,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24793,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24794,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24795,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24796,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24797,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24798,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24799,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24800,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24801,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24802,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24803,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24804,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24805,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24806,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24807,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24808,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24809,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24810,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24811,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24812,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24813,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24814,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24815,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+24816,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24817,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24818,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24819,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24820,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24821,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24822,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24823,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24824,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24825,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24826,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24827,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24828,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24829,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24830,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24831,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24832,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24833,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24834,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24835,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24836,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24837,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24838,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24839,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+24840,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24841,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24842,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24843,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24844,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24845,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24846,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24847,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24848,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24849,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24850,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24851,101,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24876,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24877,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24878,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24879,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24880,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24881,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24882,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24883,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24884,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24885,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24886,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24887,101,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24888,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24889,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24890,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24891,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24892,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24893,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24894,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24895,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24896,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24897,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24898,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24899,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+24900,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24901,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24902,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24903,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24904,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24905,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24906,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24907,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24908,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24909,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24910,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24911,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+24912,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24913,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24914,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24915,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24916,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24917,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24918,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24919,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24920,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24921,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24922,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24923,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24924,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24925,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24926,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24927,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24928,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24929,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24930,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24931,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24932,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24933,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24934,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24935,101,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+24936,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24937,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24938,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24939,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24940,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24941,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24942,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24943,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24944,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24945,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24946,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24947,101,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+24960,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24961,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24962,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24963,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24964,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24965,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24966,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24967,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24968,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24969,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24970,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24971,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+24984,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24985,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24986,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24987,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24988,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24989,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24990,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24991,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24992,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24993,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24994,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24995,101,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24996,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24997,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24998,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+24999,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25000,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25001,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25002,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25003,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25004,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25005,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25006,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25007,101,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25008,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25009,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25010,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25011,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25012,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25013,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25014,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25015,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25016,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25017,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25018,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25019,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25032,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25033,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25034,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25035,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25036,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25037,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25038,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25039,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25040,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25041,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25042,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25043,101,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25056,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25057,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25058,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25059,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25060,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25061,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25062,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25063,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25064,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25065,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25066,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25067,101,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25068,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25069,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25070,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25071,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25072,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25073,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25074,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25075,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25076,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25077,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25078,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25079,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25080,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25081,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25082,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25083,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25084,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25085,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25086,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25087,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25088,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25089,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25090,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25091,101,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25092,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25093,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25094,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25095,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25096,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25097,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25098,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25099,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25100,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25101,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25102,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25103,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25116,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25117,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25118,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25119,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25120,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25121,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25122,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25123,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25124,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25125,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25126,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25127,101,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25128,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25129,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25130,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25131,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25132,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25133,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25134,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25135,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25136,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25137,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25138,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25139,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25140,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25141,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25142,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25143,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25144,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25145,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25146,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25147,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25148,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25149,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25150,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25151,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25152,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25153,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25154,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25155,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25156,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25157,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25158,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25159,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25160,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25161,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25162,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25163,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25164,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25165,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25166,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25167,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25168,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25169,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25170,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25171,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25172,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25173,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25174,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25175,101,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25176,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25177,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25178,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25179,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25180,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25181,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25182,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25183,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25184,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25185,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25186,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25187,101,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25200,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25201,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25202,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25203,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25204,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25205,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25206,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25207,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25208,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25209,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25210,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25211,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25212,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25213,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25214,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25215,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25216,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25217,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25218,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25219,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25220,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25221,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25222,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25223,101,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25224,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25225,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25226,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25227,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25228,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25229,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25230,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25231,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25232,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25233,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25234,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25235,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25236,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25237,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25238,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25239,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25240,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25241,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25242,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25243,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25244,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25245,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25246,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25247,101,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25248,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25249,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25250,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25251,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25252,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25253,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25254,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25255,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25256,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25257,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25258,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25259,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25260,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25261,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25262,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25263,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25264,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25265,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25266,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25267,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25268,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25269,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25270,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25271,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25272,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25273,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25274,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25275,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25276,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25277,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25278,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25279,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25280,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25281,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25282,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25283,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25284,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25285,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25286,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25287,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25288,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25289,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25290,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25291,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25292,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25293,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25294,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25295,101,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25296,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25297,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25298,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25299,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25300,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25301,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25302,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25303,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25304,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25305,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25306,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25307,101,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25308,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25309,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25310,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25311,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25312,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25313,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25314,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25315,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25316,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25317,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25318,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25319,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25320,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25321,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25322,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25323,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25324,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25325,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25326,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25327,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25328,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25329,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25330,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25331,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25332,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25333,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25334,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25335,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25336,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25337,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25338,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25339,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25340,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25341,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25342,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25343,101,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25344,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25345,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25346,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25347,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25348,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25349,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25350,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25351,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25352,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25353,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25354,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25355,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25368,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25369,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25370,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25371,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25372,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25373,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25374,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25375,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25376,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25377,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25378,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25379,101,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25392,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25393,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25394,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25395,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25396,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25397,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25398,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25399,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25400,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25401,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25402,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25403,101,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+25404,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25405,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25406,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25407,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25408,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25409,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25410,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25411,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25412,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25413,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25414,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25415,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25416,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25417,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25418,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25419,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25420,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25421,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25422,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25423,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25424,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25425,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25426,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25427,101,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+25428,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25429,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25430,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25431,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25432,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25433,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25434,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25435,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25436,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25437,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25438,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25439,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25440,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25441,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25442,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25443,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25444,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25445,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25446,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25447,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25448,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25449,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25450,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25451,101,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25452,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25453,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25454,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25455,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25456,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25457,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25458,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25459,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25460,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25461,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25462,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25463,101,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25464,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25465,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25466,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25467,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25468,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25469,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25470,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25471,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25472,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25473,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25474,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25475,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25476,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25477,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25478,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25479,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25480,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25481,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25482,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25483,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25484,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25485,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25486,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25487,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25488,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25489,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25490,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25491,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25492,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25493,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25494,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25495,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25496,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25497,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25498,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25499,101,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25500,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25501,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25502,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25503,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25504,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25505,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25506,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25507,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25508,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25509,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25510,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25511,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25524,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25525,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25526,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25527,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25528,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25529,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25530,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25531,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25532,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25533,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25534,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25535,102,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25536,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25537,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25538,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25539,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25540,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25541,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25542,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25543,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25544,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25545,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25546,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25547,102,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25548,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25549,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25550,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25551,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25552,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25553,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25554,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25555,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25556,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25557,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25558,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25559,102,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25560,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25561,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25562,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25563,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25564,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25565,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25566,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25567,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25568,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25569,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25570,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25571,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25584,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25585,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25586,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25587,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25588,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25589,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25590,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25591,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25592,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25593,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25594,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25595,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25596,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25597,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25598,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25599,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25600,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25601,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25602,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25603,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25604,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25605,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25606,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25607,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+25608,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25609,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25610,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25611,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25612,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25613,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25614,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25615,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25616,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25617,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25618,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25619,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25620,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25621,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25622,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25623,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25624,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25625,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25626,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25627,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25628,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25629,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25630,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25631,102,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25632,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25633,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25634,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25635,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25636,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25637,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25638,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25639,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25640,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25641,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25642,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25643,102,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25644,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25645,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25646,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25647,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25648,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25649,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25650,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25651,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25652,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25653,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25654,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25655,102,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+25656,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25657,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25658,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25659,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25660,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25661,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25662,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25663,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25664,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25665,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25666,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25667,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+25668,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25669,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25670,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25671,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25672,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25673,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25674,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25675,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25676,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25677,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25678,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25679,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+25680,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25681,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25682,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25683,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25684,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25685,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25686,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25687,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25688,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25689,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25690,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25691,102,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25692,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25693,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25694,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25695,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25696,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25697,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25698,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25699,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25700,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25701,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25702,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25703,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+25704,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25705,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25706,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25707,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25708,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25709,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25710,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25711,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25712,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25713,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25714,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25715,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+25716,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25717,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25718,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25719,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25720,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25721,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25722,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25723,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25724,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25725,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25726,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25727,102,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25728,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25729,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25730,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25731,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25732,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25733,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25734,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25735,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25736,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25737,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25738,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25739,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25740,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25741,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25742,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25743,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25744,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25745,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25746,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25747,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25748,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25749,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25750,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25751,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25752,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25753,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25754,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25755,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25756,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25757,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25758,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25759,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25760,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25761,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25762,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25763,102,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+25764,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25765,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25766,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25767,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25768,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25769,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25770,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25771,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25772,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25773,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25774,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25775,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25776,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25777,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25778,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25779,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25780,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25781,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25782,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25783,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25784,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25785,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25786,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25787,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+25788,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25789,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25790,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25791,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25792,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25793,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25794,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25795,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25796,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25797,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25798,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25799,102,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25812,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25813,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25814,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25815,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25816,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25817,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25818,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25819,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25820,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25821,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25822,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25823,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25824,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25825,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25826,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25827,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25828,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25829,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25830,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25831,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25832,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25833,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25834,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25835,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25836,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25837,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25838,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25839,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25840,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25841,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25842,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25843,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25844,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25845,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25846,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25847,102,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+25848,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25849,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25850,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25851,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25852,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25853,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25854,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25855,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25856,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25857,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25858,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25859,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+25860,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25861,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25862,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25863,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25864,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25865,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25866,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25867,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25868,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25869,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25870,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25871,102,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+25872,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25873,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25874,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25875,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25876,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25877,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25878,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25879,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25880,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25881,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25882,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25883,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+25884,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25885,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25886,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25887,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25888,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25889,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25890,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25891,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25892,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25893,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25894,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25895,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25896,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25897,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25898,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25899,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25900,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25901,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25902,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25903,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25904,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25905,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25906,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25907,102,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+25908,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25909,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25910,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25911,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25912,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25913,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25914,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25915,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25916,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25917,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25918,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25919,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+25920,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25921,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25922,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25923,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25924,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25925,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25926,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25927,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25928,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25929,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25930,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25931,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+25932,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25933,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25934,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25935,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25936,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25937,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25938,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25939,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25940,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25941,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25942,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25943,102,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+25944,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25945,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25946,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25947,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25948,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25949,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25950,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25951,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25952,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25953,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25954,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25955,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+25956,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25957,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25958,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25959,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25960,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25961,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25962,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25963,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25964,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25965,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25966,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25967,102,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+25968,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25969,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25970,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25971,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25972,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25973,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25974,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25975,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25976,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25977,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25978,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25979,102,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+25980,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25981,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25982,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25983,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25984,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25985,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25986,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25987,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25988,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25989,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25990,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25991,102,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+25992,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+25993,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+25994,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+25995,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+25996,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+25997,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+25998,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+25999,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26000,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26001,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26002,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26003,102,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26004,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26005,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26006,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26007,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26008,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26009,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26010,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26011,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26012,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26013,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26014,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26015,102,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26016,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26017,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26018,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26019,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26020,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26021,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26022,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26023,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26024,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26025,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26026,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26027,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26028,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26029,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26030,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26031,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26032,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26033,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26034,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26035,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26036,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26037,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26038,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26039,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26040,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26041,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26042,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26043,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26044,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26045,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26046,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26047,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26048,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26049,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26050,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26051,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26052,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26053,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26054,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26055,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26056,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26057,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26058,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26059,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26060,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26061,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26062,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26063,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26064,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26065,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26066,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26067,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26068,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26069,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26070,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26071,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26072,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26073,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26074,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26075,102,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26076,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26077,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26078,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26079,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26080,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26081,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26082,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26083,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26084,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26085,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26086,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26087,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26088,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26089,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26090,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26091,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26092,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26093,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26094,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26095,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26096,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26097,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26098,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26099,102,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26100,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26101,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26102,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26103,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26104,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26105,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26106,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26107,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26108,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26109,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26110,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26111,102,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26112,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26113,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26114,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26115,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26116,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26117,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26118,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26119,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26120,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26121,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26122,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26123,102,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26124,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26125,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26126,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26127,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26128,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26129,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26130,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26131,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26132,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26133,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26134,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26135,102,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26136,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26137,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26138,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26139,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26140,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26141,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26142,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26143,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26144,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26145,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26146,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26147,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26148,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26149,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26150,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26151,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26152,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26153,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26154,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26155,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26156,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26157,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26158,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26159,102,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26160,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26161,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26162,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26163,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26164,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26165,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26166,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26167,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26168,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26169,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26170,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26171,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26184,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26185,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26186,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26187,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26188,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26189,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26190,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26191,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26192,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26193,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26194,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26195,102,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26196,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26197,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26198,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26199,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26200,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26201,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26202,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26203,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26204,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26205,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26206,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26207,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26208,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26209,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26210,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26211,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26212,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26213,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26214,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26215,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26216,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26217,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26218,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26219,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+26220,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26221,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26222,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26223,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26224,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26225,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26226,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26227,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26228,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26229,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26230,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26231,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26232,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26233,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26234,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26235,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26236,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26237,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26238,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26239,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26240,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26241,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26242,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26243,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26244,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26245,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26246,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26247,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26248,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26249,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26250,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26251,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26252,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26253,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26254,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26255,102,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26256,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26257,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26258,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26259,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26260,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26261,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26262,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26263,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26264,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26265,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26266,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26267,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+26268,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26269,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26270,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26271,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26272,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26273,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26274,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26275,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26276,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26277,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26278,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26279,102,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+26280,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26281,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26282,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26283,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26284,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26285,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26286,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26287,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26288,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26289,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26290,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26291,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26292,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26293,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26294,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26295,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26296,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26297,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26298,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26299,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26300,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26301,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26302,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26303,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26316,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26317,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26318,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26319,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26320,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26321,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26322,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26323,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26324,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26325,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26326,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26327,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26328,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26329,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26330,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26331,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26332,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26333,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26334,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26335,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26336,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26337,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26338,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26339,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26340,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26341,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26342,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26343,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26344,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26345,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26346,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26347,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26348,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26349,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26350,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26351,102,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26352,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26353,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26354,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26355,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26356,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26357,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26358,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26359,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26360,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26361,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26362,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26363,102,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26364,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26365,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26366,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26367,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26368,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26369,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26370,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26371,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26372,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26373,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26374,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26375,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26376,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26377,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26378,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26379,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26380,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26381,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26382,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26383,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26384,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26385,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26386,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26387,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26388,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26389,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26390,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26391,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26392,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26393,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26394,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26395,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26396,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26397,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26398,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26399,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26400,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26401,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26402,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26403,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26404,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26405,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26406,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26407,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26408,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26409,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26410,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26411,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26412,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26413,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26414,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26415,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26416,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26417,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26418,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26419,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26420,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26421,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26422,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26423,102,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26424,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26425,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26426,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26427,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26428,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26429,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26430,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26431,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26432,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26433,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26434,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26435,102,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26448,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26449,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26450,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26451,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26452,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26453,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26454,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26455,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26456,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26457,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26458,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26459,102,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26460,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26461,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26462,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26463,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26464,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26465,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26466,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26467,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26468,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26469,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26470,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26471,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26472,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26473,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26474,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26475,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26476,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26477,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26478,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26479,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26480,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26481,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26482,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26483,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26484,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26485,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26486,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26487,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26488,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26489,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26490,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26491,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26492,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26493,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26494,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26495,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26496,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26497,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26498,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26499,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26500,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26501,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26502,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26503,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26504,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26505,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26506,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26507,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+26508,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26509,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26510,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26511,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26512,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26513,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26514,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26515,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26516,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26517,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26518,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26519,102,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26520,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26521,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26522,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26523,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26524,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26525,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26526,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26527,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26528,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26529,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26530,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26531,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26532,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26533,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26534,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26535,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26536,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26537,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26538,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26539,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26540,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26541,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26542,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26543,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26544,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26545,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26546,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26547,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26548,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26549,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26550,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26551,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26552,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26553,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26554,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26555,102,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26556,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26557,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26558,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26559,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26560,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26561,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26562,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26563,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26564,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26565,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26566,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26567,102,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+26568,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26569,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26570,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26571,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26572,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26573,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26574,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26575,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26576,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26577,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26578,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26579,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26580,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26581,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26582,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26583,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26584,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26585,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26586,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26587,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26588,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26589,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26590,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26591,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26592,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26593,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26594,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26595,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26596,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26597,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26598,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26599,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26600,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26601,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26602,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26603,102,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+26604,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26605,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26606,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26607,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26608,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26609,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26610,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26611,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26612,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26613,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26614,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26615,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26616,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26617,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26618,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26619,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26620,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26621,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26622,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26623,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26624,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26625,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26626,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26627,102,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26628,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26629,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26630,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26631,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26632,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26633,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26634,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26635,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26636,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26637,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26638,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26639,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26640,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26641,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26642,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26643,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26644,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26645,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26646,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26647,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26648,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26649,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26650,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26651,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26652,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26653,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26654,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26655,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26656,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26657,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26658,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26659,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26660,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26661,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26662,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26663,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26664,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26665,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26666,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26667,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26668,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26669,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26670,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26671,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26672,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26673,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26674,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26675,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26676,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26677,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26678,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26679,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26680,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26681,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26682,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26683,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26684,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26685,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26686,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26687,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26688,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26689,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26690,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26691,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26692,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26693,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26694,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26695,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26696,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26697,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26698,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26699,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26700,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26701,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26702,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26703,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26704,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26705,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26706,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26707,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26708,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26709,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26710,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26711,102,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26712,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26713,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26714,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26715,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26716,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26717,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26718,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26719,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26720,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26721,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26722,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26723,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+26724,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26725,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26726,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26727,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26728,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26729,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26730,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26731,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26732,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26733,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26734,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26735,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26748,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26749,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26750,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26751,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26752,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26753,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26754,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26755,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26756,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26757,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26758,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26759,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26760,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26761,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26762,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26763,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26764,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26765,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26766,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26767,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26768,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26769,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26770,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26771,102,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26772,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26773,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26774,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26775,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26776,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26777,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26778,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26779,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26780,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26781,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26782,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26783,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26784,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26785,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26786,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26787,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26788,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26789,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26790,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26791,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26792,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26793,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26794,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26795,102,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26796,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26797,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26798,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26799,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26800,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26801,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26802,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26803,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26804,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26805,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26806,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26807,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+26808,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26809,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26810,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26811,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26812,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26813,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26814,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26815,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26816,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26817,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26818,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26819,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+26820,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26821,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26822,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26823,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26824,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26825,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26826,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26827,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26828,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26829,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26830,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26831,102,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+26832,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26833,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26834,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26835,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26836,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26837,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26838,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26839,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26840,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26841,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26842,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26843,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+26844,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26845,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26846,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26847,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26848,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26849,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26850,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26851,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26852,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26853,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26854,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26855,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+26856,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26857,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26858,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26859,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26860,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26861,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26862,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26863,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26864,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26865,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26866,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26867,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26868,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26869,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26870,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26871,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26872,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26873,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26874,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26875,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26876,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26877,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26878,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26879,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+26880,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26881,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26882,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26883,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26884,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26885,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26886,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26887,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26888,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26889,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26890,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26891,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+26892,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26893,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26894,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26895,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26896,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26897,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26898,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26899,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26900,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26901,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26902,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26903,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26904,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26905,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26906,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26907,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26908,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26909,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26910,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26911,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26912,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26913,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26914,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26915,102,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+26916,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26917,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26918,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26919,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26920,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26921,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26922,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26923,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26924,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26925,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26926,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26927,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+26940,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26941,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26942,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26943,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26944,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26945,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26946,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26947,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26948,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26949,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26950,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26951,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+26952,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26953,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26954,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26955,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26956,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26957,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26958,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26959,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26960,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26961,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26962,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26963,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+26964,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26965,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26966,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26967,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26968,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26969,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26970,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26971,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26972,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26973,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26974,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26975,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26976,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26977,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26978,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26979,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26980,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26981,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26982,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26983,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26984,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26985,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26986,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26987,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+26988,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26989,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26990,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26991,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26992,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26993,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26994,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26995,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26996,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26997,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26998,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+26999,102,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27000,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27001,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27002,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27003,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27004,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27005,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27006,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27007,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27008,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27009,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27010,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27011,102,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27024,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27025,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27026,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27027,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27028,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27029,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27030,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27031,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27032,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27033,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27034,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27035,102,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27048,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27049,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27050,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27051,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27052,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27053,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27054,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27055,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27056,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27057,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27058,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27059,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27060,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27061,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27062,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27063,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27064,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27065,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27066,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27067,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27068,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27069,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27070,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27071,102,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27072,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27073,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27074,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27075,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27076,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27077,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27078,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27079,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27080,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27081,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27082,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27083,102,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27084,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27085,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27086,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27087,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27088,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27089,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27090,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27091,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27092,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27093,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27094,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27095,102,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27096,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27097,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27098,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27099,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27100,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27101,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27102,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27103,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27104,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27105,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27106,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27107,102,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27108,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27109,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27110,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27111,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27112,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27113,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27114,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27115,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27116,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27117,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27118,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27119,102,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27120,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27121,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27122,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27123,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27124,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27125,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27126,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27127,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27128,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27129,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27130,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27131,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27132,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27133,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27134,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27135,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27136,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27137,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27138,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27139,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27140,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27141,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27142,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27143,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27144,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27145,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27146,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27147,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27148,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27149,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27150,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27151,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27152,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27153,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27154,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27155,102,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27156,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27157,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27158,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27159,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27160,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27161,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27162,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27163,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27164,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27165,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27166,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27167,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+27168,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27169,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27170,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27171,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27172,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27173,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27174,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27175,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27176,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27177,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27178,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27179,102,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27192,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27193,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27194,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27195,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27196,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27197,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27198,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27199,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27200,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27201,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27202,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27203,102,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27204,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27205,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27206,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27207,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27208,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27209,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27210,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27211,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27212,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27213,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27214,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27215,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+27216,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27217,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27218,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27219,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27220,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27221,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27222,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27223,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27224,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27225,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27226,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27227,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27228,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27229,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27230,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27231,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27232,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27233,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27234,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27235,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27236,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27237,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27238,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27239,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27240,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27241,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27242,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27243,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27244,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27245,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27246,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27247,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27248,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27249,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27250,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27251,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27252,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27253,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27254,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27255,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27256,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27257,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27258,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27259,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27260,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27261,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27262,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27263,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27264,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27265,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27266,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27267,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27268,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27269,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27270,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27271,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27272,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27273,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27274,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27275,102,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27300,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27301,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27302,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27303,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27304,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27305,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27306,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27307,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27308,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27309,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27310,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27311,102,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27312,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27313,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27314,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27315,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27316,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27317,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27318,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27319,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27320,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27321,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27322,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27323,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+27324,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27325,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27326,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27327,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27328,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27329,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27330,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27331,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27332,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27333,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27334,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27335,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27336,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27337,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27338,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27339,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27340,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27341,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27342,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27343,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27344,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27345,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27346,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27347,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27348,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27349,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27350,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27351,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27352,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27353,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27354,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27355,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27356,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27357,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27358,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27359,102,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+27360,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27361,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27362,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27363,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27364,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27365,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27366,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27367,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27368,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27369,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27370,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27371,102,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27384,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27385,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27386,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27387,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27388,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27389,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27390,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27391,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27392,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27393,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27394,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27395,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+27408,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27409,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27410,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27411,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27412,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27413,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27414,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27415,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27416,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27417,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27418,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27419,102,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27420,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27421,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27422,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27423,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27424,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27425,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27426,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27427,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27428,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27429,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27430,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27431,102,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27432,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27433,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27434,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27435,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27436,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27437,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27438,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27439,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27440,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27441,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27442,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27443,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27456,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27457,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27458,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27459,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27460,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27461,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27462,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27463,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27464,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27465,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27466,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27467,102,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27480,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27481,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27482,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27483,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27484,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27485,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27486,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27487,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27488,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27489,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27490,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27491,102,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27492,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27493,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27494,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27495,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27496,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27497,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27498,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27499,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27500,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27501,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27502,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27503,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27504,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27505,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27506,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27507,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27508,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27509,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27510,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27511,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27512,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27513,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27514,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27515,102,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27516,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27517,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27518,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27519,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27520,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27521,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27522,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27523,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27524,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27525,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27526,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27527,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27540,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27541,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27542,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27543,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27544,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27545,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27546,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27547,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27548,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27549,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27550,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27551,102,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27552,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27553,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27554,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27555,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27556,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27557,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27558,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27559,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27560,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27561,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27562,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27563,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27564,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27565,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27566,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27567,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27568,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27569,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27570,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27571,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27572,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27573,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27574,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27575,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27576,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27577,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27578,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27579,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27580,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27581,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27582,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27583,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27584,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27585,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27586,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27587,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27588,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27589,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27590,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27591,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27592,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27593,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27594,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27595,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27596,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27597,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27598,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27599,102,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27600,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27601,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27602,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27603,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27604,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27605,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27606,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27607,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27608,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27609,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27610,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27611,102,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27624,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27625,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27626,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27627,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27628,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27629,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27630,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27631,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27632,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27633,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27634,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27635,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27636,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27637,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27638,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27639,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27640,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27641,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27642,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27643,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27644,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27645,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27646,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27647,102,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27648,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27649,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27650,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27651,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27652,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27653,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27654,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27655,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27656,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27657,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27658,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27659,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27660,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27661,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27662,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27663,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27664,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27665,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27666,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27667,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27668,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27669,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27670,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27671,102,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27672,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27673,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27674,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27675,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27676,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27677,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27678,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27679,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27680,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27681,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27682,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27683,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27684,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27685,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27686,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27687,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27688,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27689,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27690,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27691,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27692,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27693,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27694,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27695,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+27696,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27697,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27698,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27699,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27700,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27701,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27702,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27703,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27704,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27705,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27706,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27707,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27708,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27709,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27710,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27711,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27712,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27713,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27714,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27715,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27716,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27717,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27718,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27719,102,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27720,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27721,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27722,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27723,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27724,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27725,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27726,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27727,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27728,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27729,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27730,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27731,102,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27732,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27733,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27734,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27735,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27736,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27737,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27738,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27739,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27740,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27741,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27742,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27743,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27744,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27745,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27746,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27747,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27748,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27749,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27750,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27751,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27752,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27753,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27754,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27755,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27756,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27757,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27758,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27759,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27760,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27761,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27762,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27763,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27764,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27765,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27766,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27767,102,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27768,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27769,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27770,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27771,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27772,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27773,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27774,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27775,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27776,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27777,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27778,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27779,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27792,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27793,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27794,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27795,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27796,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27797,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27798,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27799,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27800,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27801,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27802,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27803,102,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+27816,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27817,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27818,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27819,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27820,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27821,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27822,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27823,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27824,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27825,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27826,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27827,102,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+27828,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27829,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27830,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27831,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27832,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27833,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27834,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27835,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27836,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27837,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27838,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27839,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27840,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27841,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27842,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27843,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27844,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27845,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27846,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27847,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27848,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27849,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27850,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27851,102,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+27852,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27853,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27854,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27855,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27856,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27857,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27858,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27859,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27860,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27861,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27862,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27863,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27864,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27865,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27866,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27867,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27868,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27869,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27870,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27871,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27872,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27873,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27874,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27875,102,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+27876,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27877,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27878,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27879,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27880,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27881,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27882,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27883,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27884,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27885,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27886,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27887,102,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27888,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27889,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27890,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27891,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27892,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27893,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27894,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27895,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27896,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27897,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27898,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27899,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27900,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27901,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27902,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27903,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27904,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27905,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27906,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27907,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27908,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27909,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27910,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27911,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+27912,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27913,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27914,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27915,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27916,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27917,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27918,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27919,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27920,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27921,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27922,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27923,102,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+27924,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27925,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27926,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27927,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27928,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27929,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27930,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27931,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27932,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27933,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27934,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27935,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27948,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27949,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27950,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27951,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27952,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27953,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27954,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27955,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27956,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27957,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27958,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27959,103,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27960,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27961,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27962,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27963,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27964,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27965,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27966,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27967,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27968,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27969,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27970,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27971,103,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+27972,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27973,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27974,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27975,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27976,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27977,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27978,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27979,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27980,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27981,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27982,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27983,103,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+27984,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27985,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27986,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27987,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27988,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27989,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27990,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27991,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27992,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27993,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27994,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+27995,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28008,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28009,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28010,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28011,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28012,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28013,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28014,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28015,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28016,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28017,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28018,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28019,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28020,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28021,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28022,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28023,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28024,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28025,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28026,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28027,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28028,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28029,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28030,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28031,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28032,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28033,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28034,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28035,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28036,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28037,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28038,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28039,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28040,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28041,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28042,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28043,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28044,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28045,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28046,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28047,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28048,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28049,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28050,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28051,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28052,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28053,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28054,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28055,103,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28056,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28057,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28058,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28059,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28060,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28061,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28062,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28063,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28064,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28065,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28066,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28067,103,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28068,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28069,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28070,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28071,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28072,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28073,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28074,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28075,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28076,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28077,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28078,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28079,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+28080,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28081,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28082,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28083,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28084,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28085,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28086,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28087,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28088,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28089,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28090,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28091,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28092,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28093,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28094,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28095,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28096,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28097,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28098,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28099,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28100,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28101,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28102,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28103,103,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28104,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28105,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28106,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28107,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28108,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28109,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28110,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28111,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28112,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28113,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28114,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28115,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28116,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28117,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28118,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28119,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28120,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28121,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28122,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28123,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28124,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28125,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28126,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28127,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28128,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28129,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28130,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28131,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28132,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28133,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28134,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28135,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28136,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28137,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28138,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28139,103,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28140,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28141,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28142,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28143,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28144,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28145,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28146,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28147,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28148,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28149,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28150,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28151,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28152,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28153,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28154,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28155,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28156,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28157,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28158,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28159,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28160,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28161,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28162,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28163,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28164,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28165,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28166,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28167,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28168,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28169,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28170,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28171,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28172,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28173,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28174,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28175,103,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28188,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28189,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28190,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28191,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28192,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28193,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28194,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28195,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28196,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28197,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28198,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28199,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28200,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28201,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28202,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28203,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28204,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28205,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28206,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28207,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28208,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28209,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28210,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28211,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28212,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28213,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28214,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28215,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28216,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28217,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28218,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28219,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28220,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28221,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28222,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28223,103,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+28224,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28225,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28226,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28227,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28228,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28229,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28230,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28231,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28232,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28233,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28234,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28235,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+28236,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28237,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28238,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28239,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28240,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28241,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28242,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28243,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28244,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28245,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28246,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28247,103,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+28248,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28249,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28250,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28251,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28252,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28253,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28254,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28255,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28256,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28257,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28258,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28259,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+28260,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28261,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28262,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28263,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28264,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28265,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28266,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28267,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28268,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28269,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28270,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28271,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28272,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28273,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28274,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28275,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28276,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28277,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28278,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28279,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28280,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28281,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28282,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28283,103,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+28284,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28285,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28286,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28287,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28288,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28289,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28290,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28291,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28292,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28293,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28294,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28295,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28296,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28297,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28298,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28299,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28300,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28301,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28302,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28303,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28304,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28305,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28306,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28307,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28308,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28309,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28310,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28311,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28312,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28313,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28314,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28315,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28316,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28317,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28318,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28319,103,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+28320,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28321,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28322,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28323,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28324,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28325,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28326,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28327,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28328,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28329,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28330,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28331,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+28332,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28333,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28334,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28335,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28336,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28337,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28338,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28339,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28340,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28341,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28342,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28343,103,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28344,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28345,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28346,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28347,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28348,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28349,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28350,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28351,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28352,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28353,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28354,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28355,103,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28356,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28357,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28358,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28359,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28360,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28361,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28362,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28363,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28364,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28365,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28366,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28367,103,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28368,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28369,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28370,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28371,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28372,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28373,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28374,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28375,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28376,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28377,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28378,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28379,103,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28380,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28381,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28382,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28383,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28384,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28385,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28386,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28387,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28388,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28389,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28390,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28391,103,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28392,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28393,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28394,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28395,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28396,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28397,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28398,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28399,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28400,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28401,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28402,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28403,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28404,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28405,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28406,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28407,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28408,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28409,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28410,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28411,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28412,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28413,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28414,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28415,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28416,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28417,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28418,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28419,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28420,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28421,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28422,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28423,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28424,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28425,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28426,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28427,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28428,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28429,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28430,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28431,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28432,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28433,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28434,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28435,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28436,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28437,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28438,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28439,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28440,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28441,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28442,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28443,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28444,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28445,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28446,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28447,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28448,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28449,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28450,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28451,103,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28452,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28453,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28454,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28455,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28456,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28457,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28458,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28459,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28460,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28461,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28462,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28463,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28464,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28465,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28466,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28467,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28468,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28469,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28470,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28471,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28472,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28473,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28474,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28475,103,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28476,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28477,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28478,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28479,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28480,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28481,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28482,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28483,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28484,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28485,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28486,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28487,103,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28488,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28489,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28490,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28491,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28492,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28493,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28494,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28495,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28496,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28497,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28498,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28499,103,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28500,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28501,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28502,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28503,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28504,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28505,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28506,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28507,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28508,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28509,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28510,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28511,103,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28512,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28513,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28514,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28515,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28516,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28517,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28518,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28519,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28520,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28521,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28522,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28523,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28524,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28525,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28526,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28527,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28528,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28529,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28530,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28531,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28532,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28533,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28534,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28535,103,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28536,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28537,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28538,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28539,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28540,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28541,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28542,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28543,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28544,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28545,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28546,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28547,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28560,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28561,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28562,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28563,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28564,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28565,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28566,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28567,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28568,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28569,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28570,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28571,103,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28572,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28573,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28574,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28575,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28576,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28577,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28578,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28579,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28580,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28581,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28582,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28583,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+28584,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28585,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28586,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28587,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28588,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28589,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28590,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28591,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28592,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28593,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28594,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28595,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+28596,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28597,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28598,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28599,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28600,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28601,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28602,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28603,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28604,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28605,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28606,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28607,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28608,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28609,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28610,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28611,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28612,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28613,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28614,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28615,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28616,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28617,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28618,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28619,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28620,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28621,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28622,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28623,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28624,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28625,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28626,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28627,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28628,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28629,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28630,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28631,103,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28632,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28633,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28634,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28635,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28636,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28637,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28638,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28639,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28640,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28641,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28642,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28643,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+28644,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28645,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28646,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28647,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28648,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28649,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28650,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28651,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28652,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28653,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28654,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28655,103,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+28656,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28657,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28658,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28659,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28660,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28661,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28662,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28663,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28664,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28665,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28666,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28667,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+28668,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28669,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28670,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28671,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28672,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28673,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28674,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28675,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28676,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28677,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28678,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28679,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28692,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28693,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28694,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28695,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28696,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28697,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28698,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28699,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28700,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28701,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28702,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28703,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28704,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28705,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28706,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28707,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28708,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28709,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28710,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28711,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28712,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28713,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28714,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28715,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28716,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28717,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28718,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28719,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28720,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28721,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28722,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28723,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28724,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28725,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28726,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28727,103,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28728,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28729,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28730,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28731,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28732,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28733,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28734,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28735,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28736,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28737,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28738,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28739,103,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28740,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28741,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28742,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28743,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28744,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28745,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28746,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28747,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28748,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28749,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28750,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28751,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28752,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28753,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28754,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28755,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28756,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28757,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28758,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28759,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28760,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28761,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28762,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28763,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28764,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28765,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28766,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28767,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28768,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28769,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28770,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28771,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28772,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28773,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28774,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28775,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28776,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28777,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28778,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28779,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28780,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28781,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28782,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28783,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28784,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28785,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28786,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28787,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28788,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28789,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28790,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28791,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28792,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28793,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28794,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28795,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28796,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28797,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28798,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28799,103,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28800,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28801,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28802,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28803,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28804,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28805,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28806,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28807,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28808,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28809,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28810,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28811,103,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28824,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28825,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28826,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28827,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28828,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28829,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28830,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28831,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28832,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28833,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28834,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28835,103,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28836,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28837,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28838,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28839,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28840,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28841,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28842,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28843,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28844,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28845,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28846,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28847,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+28848,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28849,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28850,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28851,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28852,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28853,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28854,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28855,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28856,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28857,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28858,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28859,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28860,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28861,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28862,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28863,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28864,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28865,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28866,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28867,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28868,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28869,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28870,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28871,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+28872,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28873,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28874,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28875,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28876,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28877,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28878,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28879,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28880,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28881,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28882,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28883,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+28884,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28885,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28886,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28887,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28888,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28889,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28890,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28891,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28892,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28893,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28894,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28895,103,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28896,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28897,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28898,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28899,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28900,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28901,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28902,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28903,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28904,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28905,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28906,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28907,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28908,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28909,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28910,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28911,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28912,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28913,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28914,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28915,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28916,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28917,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28918,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28919,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+28920,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28921,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28922,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28923,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28924,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28925,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28926,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28927,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28928,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28929,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28930,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28931,103,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+28932,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28933,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28934,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28935,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28936,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28937,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28938,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28939,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28940,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28941,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28942,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28943,103,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+28944,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28945,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28946,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28947,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28948,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28949,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28950,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28951,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28952,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28953,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28954,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28955,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+28956,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28957,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28958,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28959,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28960,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28961,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28962,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28963,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28964,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28965,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28966,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28967,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+28968,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28969,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28970,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28971,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28972,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28973,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28974,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28975,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28976,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28977,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28978,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28979,103,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+28980,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28981,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28982,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28983,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28984,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28985,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28986,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28987,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28988,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28989,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28990,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28991,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+28992,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28993,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28994,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28995,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28996,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28997,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28998,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+28999,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29000,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29001,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29002,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29003,103,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29004,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29005,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29006,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29007,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29008,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29009,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29010,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29011,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29012,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29013,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29014,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29015,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29016,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29017,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29018,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29019,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29020,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29021,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29022,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29023,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29024,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29025,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29026,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29027,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29028,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29029,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29030,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29031,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29032,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29033,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29034,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29035,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29036,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29037,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29038,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29039,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29040,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29041,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29042,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29043,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29044,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29045,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29046,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29047,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29048,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29049,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29050,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29051,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29052,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29053,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29054,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29055,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29056,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29057,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29058,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29059,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29060,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29061,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29062,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29063,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29064,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29065,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29066,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29067,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29068,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29069,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29070,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29071,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29072,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29073,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29074,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29075,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29076,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29077,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29078,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29079,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29080,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29081,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29082,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29083,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29084,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29085,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29086,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29087,103,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29088,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29089,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29090,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29091,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29092,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29093,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29094,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29095,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29096,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29097,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29098,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29099,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+29100,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29101,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29102,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29103,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29104,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29105,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29106,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29107,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29108,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29109,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29110,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29111,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29124,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29125,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29126,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29127,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29128,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29129,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29130,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29131,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29132,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29133,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29134,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29135,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29136,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29137,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29138,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29139,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29140,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29141,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29142,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29143,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29144,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29145,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29146,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29147,103,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29148,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29149,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29150,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29151,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29152,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29153,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29154,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29155,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29156,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29157,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29158,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29159,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29160,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29161,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29162,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29163,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29164,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29165,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29166,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29167,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29168,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29169,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29170,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29171,103,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29172,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29173,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29174,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29175,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29176,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29177,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29178,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29179,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29180,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29181,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29182,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29183,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+29184,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29185,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29186,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29187,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29188,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29189,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29190,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29191,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29192,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29193,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29194,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29195,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29196,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29197,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29198,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29199,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29200,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29201,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29202,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29203,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29204,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29205,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29206,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29207,103,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29208,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29209,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29210,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29211,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29212,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29213,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29214,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29215,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29216,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29217,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29218,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29219,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29220,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29221,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29222,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29223,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29224,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29225,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29226,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29227,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29228,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29229,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29230,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29231,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29232,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29233,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29234,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29235,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29236,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29237,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29238,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29239,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29240,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29241,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29242,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29243,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29244,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29245,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29246,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29247,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29248,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29249,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29250,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29251,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29252,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29253,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29254,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29255,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29256,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29257,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29258,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29259,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29260,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29261,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29262,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29263,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29264,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29265,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29266,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29267,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29268,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29269,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29270,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29271,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29272,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29273,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29274,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29275,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29276,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29277,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29278,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29279,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29280,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29281,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29282,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29283,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29284,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29285,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29286,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29287,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29288,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29289,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29290,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29291,103,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29292,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29293,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29294,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29295,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29296,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29297,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29298,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29299,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29300,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29301,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29302,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29303,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29316,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29317,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29318,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29319,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29320,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29321,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29322,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29323,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29324,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29325,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29326,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29327,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29328,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29329,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29330,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29331,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29332,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29333,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29334,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29335,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29336,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29337,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29338,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29339,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+29340,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29341,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29342,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29343,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29344,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29345,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29346,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29347,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29348,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29349,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29350,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29351,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29352,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29353,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29354,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29355,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29356,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29357,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29358,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29359,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29360,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29361,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29362,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29363,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29364,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29365,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29366,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29367,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29368,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29369,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29370,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29371,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29372,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29373,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29374,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29375,103,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29376,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29377,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29378,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29379,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29380,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29381,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29382,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29383,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29384,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29385,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29386,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29387,103,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29400,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29401,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29402,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29403,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29404,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29405,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29406,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29407,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29408,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29409,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29410,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29411,103,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29424,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29425,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29426,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29427,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29428,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29429,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29430,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29431,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29432,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29433,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29434,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29435,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29436,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29437,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29438,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29439,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29440,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29441,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29442,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29443,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29444,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29445,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29446,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29447,103,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29448,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29449,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29450,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29451,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29452,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29453,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29454,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29455,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29456,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29457,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29458,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29459,103,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29460,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29461,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29462,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29463,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29464,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29465,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29466,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29467,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29468,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29469,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29470,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29471,103,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29472,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29473,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29474,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29475,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29476,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29477,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29478,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29479,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29480,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29481,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29482,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29483,103,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29484,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29485,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29486,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29487,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29488,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29489,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29490,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29491,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29492,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29493,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29494,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29495,103,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29496,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29497,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29498,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29499,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29500,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29501,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29502,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29503,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29504,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29505,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29506,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29507,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29508,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29509,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29510,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29511,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29512,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29513,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29514,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29515,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29516,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29517,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29518,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29519,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29520,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29521,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29522,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29523,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29524,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29525,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29526,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29527,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29528,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29529,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29530,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29531,103,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29532,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29533,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29534,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29535,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29536,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29537,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29538,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29539,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29540,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29541,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29542,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29543,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+29544,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29545,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29546,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29547,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29548,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29549,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29550,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29551,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29552,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29553,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29554,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29555,103,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29568,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29569,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29570,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29571,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29572,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29573,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29574,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29575,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29576,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29577,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29578,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29579,103,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29580,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29581,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29582,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29583,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29584,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29585,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29586,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29587,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29588,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29589,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29590,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29591,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+29592,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29593,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29594,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29595,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29596,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29597,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29598,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29599,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29600,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29601,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29602,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29603,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29604,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29605,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29606,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29607,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29608,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29609,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29610,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29611,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29612,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29613,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29614,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29615,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29616,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29617,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29618,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29619,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29620,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29621,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29622,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29623,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29624,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29625,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29626,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29627,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29628,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29629,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29630,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29631,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29632,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29633,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29634,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29635,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29636,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29637,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29638,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29639,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29640,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29641,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29642,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29643,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29644,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29645,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29646,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29647,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29648,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29649,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29650,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29651,103,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29676,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29677,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29678,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29679,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29680,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29681,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29682,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29683,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29684,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29685,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29686,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29687,103,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29688,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29689,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29690,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29691,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29692,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29693,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29694,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29695,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29696,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29697,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29698,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29699,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+29700,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29701,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29702,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29703,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29704,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29705,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29706,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29707,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29708,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29709,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29710,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29711,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29712,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29713,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29714,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29715,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29716,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29717,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29718,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29719,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29720,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29721,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29722,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29723,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29724,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29725,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29726,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29727,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29728,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29729,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29730,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29731,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29732,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29733,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29734,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29735,103,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+29736,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29737,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29738,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29739,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29740,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29741,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29742,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29743,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29744,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29745,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29746,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29747,103,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29760,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29761,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29762,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29763,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29764,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29765,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29766,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29767,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29768,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29769,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29770,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29771,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+29784,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29785,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29786,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29787,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29788,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29789,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29790,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29791,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29792,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29793,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29794,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29795,103,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29796,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29797,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29798,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29799,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29800,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29801,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29802,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29803,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29804,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29805,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29806,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29807,103,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29808,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29809,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29810,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29811,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29812,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29813,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29814,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29815,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29816,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29817,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29818,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29819,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29832,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29833,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29834,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29835,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29836,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29837,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29838,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29839,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29840,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29841,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29842,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29843,103,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+29856,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29857,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29858,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29859,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29860,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29861,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29862,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29863,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29864,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29865,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29866,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29867,103,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29868,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29869,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29870,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29871,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29872,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29873,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29874,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29875,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29876,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29877,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29878,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29879,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29880,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29881,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29882,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29883,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29884,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29885,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29886,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29887,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29888,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29889,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29890,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29891,103,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29892,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29893,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29894,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29895,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29896,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29897,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29898,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29899,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29900,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29901,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29902,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29903,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29916,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29917,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29918,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29919,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29920,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29921,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29922,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29923,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29924,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29925,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29926,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29927,103,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+29928,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29929,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29930,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29931,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29932,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29933,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29934,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29935,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29936,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29937,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29938,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29939,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+29940,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29941,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29942,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29943,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29944,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29945,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29946,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29947,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29948,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29949,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29950,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29951,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+29952,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29953,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29954,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29955,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29956,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29957,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29958,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29959,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29960,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29961,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29962,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29963,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+29964,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29965,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29966,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29967,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29968,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29969,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29970,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29971,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29972,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29973,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29974,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29975,103,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+29976,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29977,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29978,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29979,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29980,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29981,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29982,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29983,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29984,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29985,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29986,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+29987,103,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30000,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30001,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30002,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30003,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30004,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30005,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30006,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30007,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30008,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30009,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30010,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30011,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30012,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30013,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30014,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30015,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30016,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30017,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30018,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30019,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30020,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30021,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30022,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30023,103,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30024,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30025,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30026,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30027,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30028,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30029,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30030,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30031,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30032,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30033,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30034,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30035,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30036,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30037,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30038,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30039,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30040,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30041,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30042,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30043,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30044,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30045,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30046,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30047,103,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30048,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30049,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30050,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30051,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30052,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30053,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30054,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30055,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30056,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30057,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30058,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30059,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30060,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30061,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30062,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30063,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30064,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30065,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30066,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30067,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30068,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30069,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30070,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30071,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30072,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30073,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30074,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30075,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30076,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30077,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30078,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30079,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30080,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30081,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30082,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30083,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30084,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30085,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30086,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30087,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30088,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30089,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30090,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30091,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30092,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30093,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30094,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30095,103,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30096,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30097,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30098,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30099,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30100,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30101,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30102,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30103,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30104,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30105,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30106,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30107,103,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30108,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30109,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30110,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30111,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30112,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30113,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30114,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30115,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30116,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30117,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30118,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30119,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30120,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30121,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30122,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30123,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30124,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30125,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30126,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30127,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30128,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30129,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30130,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30131,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30132,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30133,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30134,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30135,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30136,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30137,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30138,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30139,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30140,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30141,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30142,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30143,103,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30144,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30145,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30146,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30147,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30148,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30149,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30150,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30151,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30152,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30153,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30154,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30155,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30168,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30169,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30170,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30171,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30172,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30173,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30174,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30175,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30176,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30177,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30178,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30179,103,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30192,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30193,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30194,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30195,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30196,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30197,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30198,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30199,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30200,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30201,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30202,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30203,103,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+30204,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30205,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30206,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30207,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30208,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30209,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30210,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30211,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30212,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30213,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30214,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30215,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30216,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30217,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30218,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30219,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30220,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30221,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30222,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30223,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30224,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30225,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30226,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30227,103,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+30228,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30229,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30230,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30231,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30232,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30233,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30234,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30235,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30236,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30237,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30238,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30239,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30240,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30241,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30242,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30243,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30244,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30245,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30246,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30247,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30248,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30249,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30250,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30251,103,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30252,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30253,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30254,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30255,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30256,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30257,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30258,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30259,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30260,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30261,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30262,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30263,103,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30264,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30265,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30266,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30267,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30268,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30269,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30270,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30271,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30272,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30273,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30274,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30275,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30276,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30277,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30278,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30279,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30280,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30281,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30282,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30283,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30284,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30285,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30286,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30287,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30288,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30289,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30290,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30291,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30292,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30293,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30294,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30295,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30296,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30297,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30298,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30299,103,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30300,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30301,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30302,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30303,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30304,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30305,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30306,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30307,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30308,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30309,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30310,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30311,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30324,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30325,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30326,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30327,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30328,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30329,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30330,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30331,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30332,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30333,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30334,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30335,104,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30336,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30337,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30338,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30339,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30340,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30341,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30342,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30343,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30344,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30345,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30346,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30347,104,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30348,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30349,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30350,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30351,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30352,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30353,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30354,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30355,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30356,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30357,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30358,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30359,104,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30360,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30361,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30362,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30363,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30364,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30365,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30366,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30367,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30368,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30369,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30370,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30371,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30384,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30385,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30386,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30387,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30388,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30389,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30390,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30391,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30392,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30393,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30394,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30395,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30396,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30397,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30398,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30399,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30400,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30401,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30402,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30403,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30404,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30405,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30406,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30407,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30408,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30409,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30410,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30411,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30412,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30413,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30414,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30415,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30416,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30417,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30418,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30419,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30420,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30421,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30422,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30423,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30424,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30425,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30426,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30427,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30428,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30429,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30430,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30431,104,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30432,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30433,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30434,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30435,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30436,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30437,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30438,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30439,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30440,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30441,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30442,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30443,104,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30444,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30445,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30446,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30447,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30448,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30449,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30450,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30451,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30452,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30453,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30454,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30455,104,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30456,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30457,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30458,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30459,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30460,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30461,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30462,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30463,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30464,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30465,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30466,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30467,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30468,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30469,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30470,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30471,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30472,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30473,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30474,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30475,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30476,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30477,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30478,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30479,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30480,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30481,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30482,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30483,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30484,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30485,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30486,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30487,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30488,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30489,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30490,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30491,104,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30492,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30493,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30494,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30495,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30496,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30497,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30498,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30499,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30500,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30501,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30502,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30503,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+30504,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30505,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30506,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30507,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30508,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30509,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30510,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30511,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30512,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30513,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30514,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30515,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30516,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30517,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30518,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30519,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30520,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30521,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30522,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30523,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30524,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30525,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30526,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30527,104,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30528,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30529,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30530,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30531,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30532,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30533,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30534,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30535,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30536,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30537,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30538,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30539,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30540,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30541,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30542,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30543,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30544,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30545,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30546,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30547,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30548,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30549,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30550,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30551,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30552,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30553,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30554,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30555,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30556,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30557,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30558,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30559,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30560,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30561,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30562,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30563,104,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30564,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30565,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30566,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30567,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30568,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30569,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30570,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30571,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30572,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30573,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30574,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30575,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30576,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30577,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30578,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30579,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30580,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30581,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30582,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30583,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30584,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30585,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30586,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30587,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+30588,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30589,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30590,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30591,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30592,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30593,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30594,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30595,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30596,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30597,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30598,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30599,104,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30612,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30613,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30614,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30615,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30616,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30617,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30618,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30619,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30620,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30621,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30622,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30623,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30624,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30625,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30626,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30627,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30628,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30629,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30630,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30631,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30632,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30633,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30634,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30635,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30636,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30637,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30638,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30639,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30640,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30641,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30642,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30643,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30644,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30645,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30646,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30647,104,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+30648,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30649,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30650,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30651,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30652,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30653,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30654,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30655,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30656,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30657,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30658,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30659,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+30660,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30661,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30662,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30663,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30664,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30665,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30666,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30667,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30668,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30669,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30670,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30671,104,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+30672,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30673,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30674,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30675,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30676,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30677,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30678,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30679,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30680,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30681,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30682,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30683,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+30684,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30685,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30686,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30687,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30688,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30689,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30690,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30691,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30692,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30693,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30694,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30695,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30696,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30697,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30698,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30699,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30700,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30701,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30702,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30703,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30704,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30705,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30706,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30707,104,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+30708,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30709,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30710,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30711,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30712,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30713,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30714,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30715,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30716,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30717,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30718,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30719,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30720,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30721,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30722,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30723,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30724,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30725,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30726,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30727,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30728,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30729,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30730,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30731,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+30732,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30733,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30734,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30735,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30736,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30737,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30738,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30739,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30740,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30741,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30742,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30743,104,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+30744,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30745,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30746,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30747,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30748,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30749,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30750,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30751,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30752,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30753,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30754,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30755,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+30756,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30757,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30758,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30759,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30760,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30761,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30762,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30763,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30764,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30765,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30766,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30767,104,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30768,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30769,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30770,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30771,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30772,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30773,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30774,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30775,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30776,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30777,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30778,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30779,104,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30780,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30781,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30782,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30783,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30784,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30785,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30786,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30787,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30788,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30789,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30790,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30791,104,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30792,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30793,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30794,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30795,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30796,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30797,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30798,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30799,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30800,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30801,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30802,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30803,104,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30804,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30805,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30806,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30807,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30808,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30809,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30810,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30811,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30812,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30813,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30814,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30815,104,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30816,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30817,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30818,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30819,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30820,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30821,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30822,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30823,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30824,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30825,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30826,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30827,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+30828,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30829,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30830,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30831,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30832,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30833,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30834,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30835,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30836,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30837,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30838,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30839,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+30840,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30841,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30842,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30843,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30844,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30845,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30846,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30847,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30848,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30849,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30850,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30851,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+30852,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30853,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30854,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30855,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30856,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30857,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30858,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30859,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30860,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30861,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30862,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30863,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30864,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30865,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30866,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30867,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30868,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30869,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30870,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30871,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30872,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30873,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30874,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30875,104,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30876,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30877,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30878,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30879,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30880,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30881,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30882,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30883,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30884,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30885,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30886,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30887,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+30888,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30889,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30890,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30891,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30892,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30893,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30894,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30895,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30896,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30897,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30898,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30899,104,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+30900,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30901,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30902,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30903,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30904,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30905,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30906,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30907,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30908,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30909,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30910,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30911,104,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+30912,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30913,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30914,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30915,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30916,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30917,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30918,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30919,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30920,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30921,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30922,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30923,104,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30924,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30925,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30926,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30927,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30928,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30929,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30930,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30931,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30932,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30933,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30934,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30935,104,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+30936,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30937,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30938,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30939,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30940,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30941,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30942,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30943,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30944,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30945,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30946,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30947,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30948,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30949,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30950,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30951,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30952,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30953,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30954,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30955,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30956,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30957,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30958,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30959,104,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+30960,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30961,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30962,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30963,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30964,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30965,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30966,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30967,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30968,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30969,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30970,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30971,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+30984,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30985,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30986,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30987,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30988,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30989,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30990,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30991,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30992,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30993,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30994,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30995,104,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+30996,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30997,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30998,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+30999,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31000,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31001,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31002,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31003,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31004,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31005,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31006,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31007,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31008,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31009,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31010,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31011,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31012,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31013,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31014,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31015,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31016,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31017,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31018,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31019,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+31020,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31021,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31022,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31023,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31024,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31025,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31026,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31027,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31028,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31029,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31030,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31031,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31032,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31033,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31034,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31035,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31036,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31037,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31038,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31039,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31040,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31041,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31042,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31043,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31044,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31045,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31046,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31047,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31048,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31049,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31050,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31051,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31052,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31053,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31054,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31055,104,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31056,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31057,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31058,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31059,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31060,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31061,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31062,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31063,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31064,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31065,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31066,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31067,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+31068,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31069,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31070,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31071,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31072,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31073,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31074,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31075,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31076,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31077,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31078,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31079,104,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+31080,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31081,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31082,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31083,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31084,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31085,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31086,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31087,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31088,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31089,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31090,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31091,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31092,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31093,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31094,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31095,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31096,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31097,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31098,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31099,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31100,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31101,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31102,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31103,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31116,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31117,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31118,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31119,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31120,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31121,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31122,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31123,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31124,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31125,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31126,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31127,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31128,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31129,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31130,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31131,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31132,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31133,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31134,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31135,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31136,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31137,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31138,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31139,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31140,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31141,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31142,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31143,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31144,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31145,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31146,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31147,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31148,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31149,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31150,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31151,104,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31152,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31153,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31154,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31155,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31156,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31157,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31158,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31159,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31160,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31161,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31162,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31163,104,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31164,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31165,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31166,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31167,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31168,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31169,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31170,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31171,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31172,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31173,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31174,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31175,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31176,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31177,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31178,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31179,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31180,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31181,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31182,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31183,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31184,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31185,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31186,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31187,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31188,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31189,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31190,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31191,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31192,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31193,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31194,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31195,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31196,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31197,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31198,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31199,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31200,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31201,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31202,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31203,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31204,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31205,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31206,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31207,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31208,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31209,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31210,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31211,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31212,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31213,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31214,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31215,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31216,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31217,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31218,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31219,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31220,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31221,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31222,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31223,104,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31224,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31225,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31226,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31227,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31228,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31229,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31230,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31231,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31232,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31233,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31234,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31235,104,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31248,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31249,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31250,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31251,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31252,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31253,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31254,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31255,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31256,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31257,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31258,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31259,104,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31260,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31261,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31262,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31263,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31264,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31265,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31266,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31267,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31268,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31269,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31270,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31271,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31272,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31273,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31274,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31275,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31276,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31277,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31278,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31279,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31280,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31281,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31282,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31283,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31284,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31285,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31286,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31287,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31288,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31289,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31290,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31291,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31292,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31293,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31294,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31295,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31296,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31297,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31298,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31299,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31300,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31301,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31302,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31303,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31304,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31305,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31306,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31307,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+31308,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31309,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31310,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31311,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31312,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31313,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31314,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31315,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31316,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31317,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31318,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31319,104,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31320,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31321,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31322,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31323,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31324,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31325,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31326,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31327,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31328,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31329,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31330,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31331,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31332,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31333,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31334,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31335,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31336,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31337,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31338,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31339,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31340,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31341,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31342,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31343,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31344,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31345,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31346,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31347,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31348,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31349,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31350,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31351,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31352,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31353,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31354,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31355,104,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31356,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31357,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31358,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31359,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31360,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31361,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31362,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31363,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31364,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31365,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31366,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31367,104,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+31368,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31369,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31370,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31371,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31372,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31373,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31374,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31375,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31376,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31377,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31378,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31379,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31380,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31381,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31382,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31383,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31384,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31385,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31386,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31387,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31388,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31389,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31390,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31391,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31392,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31393,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31394,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31395,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31396,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31397,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31398,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31399,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31400,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31401,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31402,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31403,104,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+31404,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31405,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31406,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31407,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31408,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31409,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31410,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31411,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31412,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31413,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31414,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31415,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31416,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31417,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31418,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31419,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31420,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31421,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31422,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31423,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31424,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31425,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31426,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31427,104,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31428,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31429,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31430,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31431,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31432,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31433,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31434,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31435,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31436,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31437,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31438,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31439,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31440,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31441,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31442,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31443,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31444,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31445,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31446,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31447,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31448,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31449,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31450,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31451,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31452,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31453,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31454,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31455,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31456,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31457,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31458,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31459,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31460,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31461,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31462,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31463,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31464,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31465,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31466,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31467,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31468,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31469,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31470,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31471,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31472,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31473,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31474,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31475,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31476,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31477,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31478,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31479,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31480,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31481,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31482,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31483,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31484,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31485,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31486,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31487,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31488,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31489,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31490,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31491,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31492,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31493,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31494,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31495,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31496,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31497,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31498,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31499,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31500,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31501,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31502,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31503,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31504,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31505,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31506,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31507,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31508,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31509,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31510,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31511,104,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31512,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31513,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31514,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31515,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31516,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31517,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31518,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31519,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31520,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31521,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31522,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31523,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+31524,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31525,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31526,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31527,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31528,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31529,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31530,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31531,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31532,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31533,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31534,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31535,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31548,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31549,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31550,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31551,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31552,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31553,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31554,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31555,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31556,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31557,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31558,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31559,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31560,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31561,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31562,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31563,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31564,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31565,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31566,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31567,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31568,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31569,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31570,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31571,104,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31572,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31573,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31574,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31575,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31576,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31577,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31578,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31579,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31580,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31581,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31582,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31583,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31584,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31585,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31586,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31587,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31588,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31589,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31590,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31591,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31592,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31593,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31594,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31595,104,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31596,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31597,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31598,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31599,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31600,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31601,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31602,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31603,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31604,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31605,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31606,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31607,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+31608,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31609,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31610,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31611,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31612,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31613,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31614,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31615,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31616,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31617,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31618,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31619,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31620,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31621,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31622,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31623,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31624,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31625,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31626,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31627,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31628,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31629,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31630,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31631,104,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31632,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31633,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31634,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31635,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31636,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31637,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31638,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31639,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31640,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31641,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31642,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31643,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+31644,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31645,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31646,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31647,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31648,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31649,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31650,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31651,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31652,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31653,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31654,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31655,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31656,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31657,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31658,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31659,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31660,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31661,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31662,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31663,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31664,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31665,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31666,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31667,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31668,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31669,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31670,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31671,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31672,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31673,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31674,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31675,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31676,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31677,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31678,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31679,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31680,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31681,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31682,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31683,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31684,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31685,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31686,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31687,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31688,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31689,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31690,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31691,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31692,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31693,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31694,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31695,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31696,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31697,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31698,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31699,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31700,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31701,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31702,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31703,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31704,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31705,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31706,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31707,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31708,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31709,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31710,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31711,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31712,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31713,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31714,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31715,104,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+31716,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31717,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31718,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31719,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31720,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31721,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31722,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31723,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31724,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31725,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31726,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31727,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31740,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31741,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31742,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31743,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31744,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31745,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31746,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31747,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31748,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31749,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31750,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31751,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31752,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31753,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31754,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31755,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31756,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31757,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31758,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31759,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31760,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31761,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31762,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31763,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+31764,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31765,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31766,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31767,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31768,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31769,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31770,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31771,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31772,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31773,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31774,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31775,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31776,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31777,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31778,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31779,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31780,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31781,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31782,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31783,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31784,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31785,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31786,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31787,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31788,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31789,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31790,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31791,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31792,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31793,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31794,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31795,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31796,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31797,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31798,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31799,104,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31800,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31801,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31802,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31803,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31804,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31805,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31806,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31807,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31808,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31809,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31810,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31811,104,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31824,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31825,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31826,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31827,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31828,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31829,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31830,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31831,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31832,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31833,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31834,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31835,104,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+31848,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31849,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31850,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31851,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31852,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31853,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31854,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31855,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31856,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31857,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31858,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31859,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31860,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31861,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31862,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31863,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31864,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31865,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31866,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31867,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31868,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31869,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31870,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31871,104,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31872,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31873,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31874,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31875,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31876,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31877,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31878,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31879,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31880,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31881,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31882,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31883,104,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31884,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31885,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31886,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31887,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31888,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31889,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31890,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31891,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31892,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31893,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31894,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31895,104,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+31896,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31897,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31898,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31899,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31900,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31901,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31902,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31903,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31904,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31905,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31906,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31907,104,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31908,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31909,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31910,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31911,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31912,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31913,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31914,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31915,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31916,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31917,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31918,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31919,104,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+31920,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31921,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31922,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31923,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31924,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31925,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31926,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31927,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31928,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31929,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31930,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31931,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+31932,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31933,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31934,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31935,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31936,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31937,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31938,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31939,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31940,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31941,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31942,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31943,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+31944,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31945,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31946,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31947,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31948,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31949,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31950,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31951,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31952,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31953,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31954,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31955,104,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+31956,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31957,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31958,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31959,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31960,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31961,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31962,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31963,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31964,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31965,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31966,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31967,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+31968,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31969,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31970,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31971,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31972,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31973,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31974,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31975,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31976,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31977,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31978,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31979,104,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+31992,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31993,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31994,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31995,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31996,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31997,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31998,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+31999,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32000,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32001,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32002,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32003,104,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32004,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32005,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32006,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32007,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32008,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32009,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32010,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32011,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32012,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32013,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32014,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32015,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32016,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32017,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32018,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32019,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32020,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32021,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32022,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32023,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32024,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32025,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32026,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32027,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32028,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32029,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32030,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32031,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32032,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32033,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32034,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32035,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32036,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32037,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32038,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32039,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32040,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32041,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32042,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32043,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32044,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32045,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32046,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32047,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32048,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32049,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32050,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32051,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32052,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32053,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32054,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32055,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32056,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32057,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32058,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32059,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32060,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32061,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32062,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32063,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32064,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32065,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32066,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32067,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32068,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32069,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32070,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32071,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32072,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32073,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32074,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32075,104,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32100,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32101,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32102,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32103,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32104,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32105,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32106,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32107,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32108,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32109,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32110,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32111,104,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32112,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32113,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32114,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32115,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32116,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32117,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32118,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32119,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32120,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32121,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32122,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32123,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+32124,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32125,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32126,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32127,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32128,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32129,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32130,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32131,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32132,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32133,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32134,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32135,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32136,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32137,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32138,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32139,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32140,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32141,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32142,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32143,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32144,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32145,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32146,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32147,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32148,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32149,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32150,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32151,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32152,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32153,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32154,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32155,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32156,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32157,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32158,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32159,104,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32160,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32161,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32162,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32163,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32164,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32165,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32166,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32167,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32168,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32169,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32170,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32171,104,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32184,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32185,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32186,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32187,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32188,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32189,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32190,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32191,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32192,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32193,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32194,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32195,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+32208,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32209,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32210,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32211,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32212,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32213,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32214,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32215,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32216,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32217,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32218,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32219,104,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32220,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32221,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32222,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32223,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32224,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32225,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32226,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32227,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32228,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32229,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32230,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32231,104,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32232,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32233,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32234,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32235,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32236,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32237,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32238,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32239,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32240,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32241,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32242,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32243,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32256,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32257,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32258,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32259,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32260,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32261,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32262,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32263,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32264,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32265,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32266,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32267,104,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32280,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32281,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32282,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32283,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32284,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32285,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32286,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32287,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32288,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32289,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32290,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32291,104,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32292,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32293,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32294,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32295,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32296,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32297,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32298,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32299,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32300,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32301,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32302,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32303,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32304,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32305,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32306,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32307,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32308,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32309,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32310,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32311,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32312,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32313,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32314,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32315,104,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32316,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32317,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32318,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32319,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32320,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32321,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32322,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32323,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32324,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32325,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32326,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32327,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32340,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32341,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32342,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32343,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32344,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32345,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32346,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32347,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32348,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32349,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32350,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32351,104,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32352,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32353,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32354,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32355,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32356,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32357,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32358,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32359,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32360,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32361,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32362,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32363,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32364,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32365,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32366,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32367,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32368,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32369,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32370,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32371,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32372,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32373,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32374,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32375,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32376,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32377,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32378,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32379,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32380,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32381,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32382,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32383,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32384,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32385,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32386,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32387,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32388,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32389,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32390,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32391,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32392,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32393,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32394,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32395,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32396,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32397,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32398,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32399,104,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32400,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32401,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32402,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32403,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32404,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32405,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32406,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32407,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32408,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32409,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32410,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32411,104,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32424,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32425,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32426,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32427,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32428,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32429,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32430,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32431,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32432,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32433,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32434,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32435,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32436,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32437,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32438,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32439,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32440,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32441,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32442,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32443,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32444,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32445,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32446,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32447,104,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32448,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32449,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32450,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32451,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32452,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32453,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32454,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32455,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32456,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32457,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32458,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32459,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32460,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32461,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32462,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32463,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32464,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32465,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32466,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32467,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32468,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32469,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32470,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32471,104,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32472,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32473,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32474,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32475,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32476,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32477,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32478,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32479,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32480,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32481,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32482,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32483,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32484,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32485,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32486,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32487,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32488,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32489,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32490,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32491,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32492,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32493,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32494,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32495,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+32496,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32497,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32498,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32499,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32500,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32501,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32502,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32503,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32504,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32505,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32506,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32507,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32508,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32509,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32510,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32511,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32512,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32513,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32514,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32515,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32516,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32517,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32518,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32519,104,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32520,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32521,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32522,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32523,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32524,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32525,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32526,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32527,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32528,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32529,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32530,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32531,104,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32532,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32533,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32534,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32535,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32536,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32537,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32538,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32539,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32540,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32541,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32542,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32543,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32544,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32545,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32546,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32547,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32548,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32549,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32550,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32551,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32552,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32553,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32554,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32555,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32556,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32557,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32558,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32559,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32560,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32561,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32562,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32563,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32564,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32565,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32566,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32567,104,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32568,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32569,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32570,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32571,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32572,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32573,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32574,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32575,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32576,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32577,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32578,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32579,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32592,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32593,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32594,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32595,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32596,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32597,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32598,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32599,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32600,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32601,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32602,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32603,104,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32616,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32617,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32618,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32619,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32620,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32621,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32622,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32623,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32624,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32625,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32626,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32627,104,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+32628,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32629,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32630,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32631,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32632,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32633,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32634,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32635,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32636,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32637,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32638,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32639,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32640,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32641,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32642,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32643,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32644,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32645,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32646,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32647,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32648,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32649,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32650,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32651,104,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+32652,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32653,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32654,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32655,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32656,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32657,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32658,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32659,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32660,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32661,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32662,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32663,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32664,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32665,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32666,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32667,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32668,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32669,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32670,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32671,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32672,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32673,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32674,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32675,104,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32676,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32677,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32678,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32679,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32680,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32681,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32682,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32683,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32684,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32685,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32686,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32687,104,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32688,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32689,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32690,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32691,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32692,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32693,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32694,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32695,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32696,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32697,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32698,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32699,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32700,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32701,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32702,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32703,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32704,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32705,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32706,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32707,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32708,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32709,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32710,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32711,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32712,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32713,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32714,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32715,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32716,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32717,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32718,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32719,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32720,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32721,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32722,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32723,104,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32724,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32725,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32726,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32727,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32728,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32729,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32730,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32731,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32732,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32733,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32734,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32735,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32748,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32749,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32750,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32751,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32752,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32753,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32754,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32755,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32756,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32757,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32758,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32759,105,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32760,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32761,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32762,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32763,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32764,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32765,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32766,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32767,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32768,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32769,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32770,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32771,105,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32772,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32773,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32774,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32775,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32776,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32777,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32778,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32779,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32780,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32781,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32782,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32783,105,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32784,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32785,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32786,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32787,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32788,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32789,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32790,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32791,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32792,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32793,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32794,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32795,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+32808,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32809,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32810,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32811,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32812,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32813,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32814,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32815,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32816,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32817,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32818,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32819,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+32820,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32821,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32822,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32823,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32824,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32825,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32826,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32827,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32828,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32829,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32830,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32831,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+32832,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32833,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32834,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32835,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32836,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32837,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32838,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32839,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32840,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32841,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32842,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32843,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32844,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32845,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32846,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32847,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32848,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32849,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32850,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32851,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32852,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32853,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32854,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32855,105,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+32856,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32857,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32858,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32859,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32860,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32861,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32862,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32863,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32864,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32865,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32866,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32867,105,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+32868,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32869,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32870,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32871,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32872,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32873,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32874,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32875,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32876,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32877,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32878,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32879,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+32880,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32881,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32882,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32883,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32884,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32885,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32886,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32887,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32888,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32889,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32890,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32891,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+32892,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32893,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32894,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32895,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32896,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32897,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32898,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32899,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32900,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32901,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32902,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32903,105,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+32904,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32905,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32906,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32907,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32908,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32909,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32910,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32911,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32912,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32913,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32914,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32915,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+32916,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32917,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32918,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32919,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32920,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32921,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32922,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32923,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32924,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32925,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32926,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32927,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32928,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32929,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32930,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32931,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32932,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32933,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32934,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32935,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32936,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32937,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32938,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32939,105,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+32940,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32941,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32942,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32943,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32944,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32945,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32946,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32947,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32948,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32949,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32950,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32951,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32952,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32953,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32954,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32955,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32956,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32957,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32958,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32959,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32960,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32961,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32962,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32963,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+32964,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32965,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32966,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32967,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32968,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32969,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32970,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32971,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32972,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32973,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32974,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32975,105,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+32988,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32989,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32990,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32991,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32992,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32993,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32994,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32995,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32996,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32997,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32998,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+32999,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33000,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33001,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33002,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33003,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33004,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33005,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33006,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33007,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33008,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33009,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33010,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33011,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33012,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33013,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33014,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33015,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33016,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33017,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33018,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33019,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33020,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33021,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33022,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33023,105,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+33024,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33025,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33026,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33027,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33028,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33029,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33030,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33031,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33032,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33033,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33034,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33035,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+33036,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33037,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33038,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33039,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33040,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33041,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33042,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33043,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33044,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33045,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33046,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33047,105,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+33048,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33049,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33050,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33051,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33052,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33053,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33054,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33055,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33056,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33057,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33058,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33059,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+33060,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33061,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33062,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33063,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33064,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33065,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33066,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33067,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33068,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33069,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33070,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33071,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33072,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33073,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33074,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33075,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33076,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33077,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33078,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33079,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33080,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33081,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33082,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33083,105,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+33084,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33085,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33086,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33087,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33088,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33089,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33090,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33091,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33092,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33093,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33094,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33095,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33096,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33097,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33098,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33099,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33100,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33101,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33102,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33103,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33104,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33105,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33106,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33107,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33108,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33109,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33110,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33111,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33112,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33113,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33114,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33115,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33116,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33117,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33118,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33119,105,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+33120,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33121,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33122,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33123,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33124,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33125,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33126,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33127,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33128,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33129,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33130,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33131,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+33132,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33133,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33134,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33135,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33136,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33137,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33138,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33139,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33140,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33141,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33142,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33143,105,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33144,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33145,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33146,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33147,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33148,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33149,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33150,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33151,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33152,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33153,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33154,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33155,105,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33156,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33157,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33158,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33159,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33160,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33161,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33162,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33163,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33164,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33165,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33166,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33167,105,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33168,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33169,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33170,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33171,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33172,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33173,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33174,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33175,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33176,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33177,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33178,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33179,105,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33180,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33181,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33182,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33183,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33184,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33185,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33186,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33187,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33188,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33189,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33190,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33191,105,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33192,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33193,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33194,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33195,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33196,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33197,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33198,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33199,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33200,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33201,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33202,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33203,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33204,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33205,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33206,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33207,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33208,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33209,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33210,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33211,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33212,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33213,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33214,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33215,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33216,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33217,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33218,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33219,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33220,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33221,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33222,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33223,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33224,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33225,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33226,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33227,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33228,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33229,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33230,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33231,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33232,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33233,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33234,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33235,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33236,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33237,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33238,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33239,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33240,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33241,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33242,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33243,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33244,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33245,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33246,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33247,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33248,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33249,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33250,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33251,105,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33252,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33253,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33254,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33255,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33256,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33257,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33258,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33259,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33260,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33261,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33262,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33263,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33264,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33265,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33266,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33267,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33268,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33269,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33270,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33271,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33272,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33273,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33274,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33275,105,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33276,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33277,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33278,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33279,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33280,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33281,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33282,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33283,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33284,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33285,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33286,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33287,105,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33288,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33289,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33290,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33291,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33292,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33293,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33294,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33295,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33296,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33297,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33298,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33299,105,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33300,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33301,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33302,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33303,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33304,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33305,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33306,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33307,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33308,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33309,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33310,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33311,105,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33312,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33313,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33314,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33315,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33316,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33317,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33318,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33319,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33320,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33321,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33322,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33323,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33324,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33325,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33326,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33327,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33328,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33329,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33330,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33331,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33332,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33333,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33334,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33335,105,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33336,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33337,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33338,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33339,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33340,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33341,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33342,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33343,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33344,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33345,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33346,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33347,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33360,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33361,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33362,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33363,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33364,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33365,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33366,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33367,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33368,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33369,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33370,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33371,105,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33372,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33373,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33374,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33375,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33376,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33377,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33378,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33379,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33380,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33381,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33382,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33383,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33384,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33385,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33386,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33387,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33388,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33389,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33390,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33391,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33392,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33393,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33394,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33395,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+33396,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33397,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33398,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33399,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33400,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33401,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33402,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33403,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33404,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33405,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33406,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33407,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33408,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33409,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33410,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33411,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33412,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33413,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33414,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33415,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33416,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33417,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33418,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33419,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33420,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33421,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33422,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33423,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33424,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33425,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33426,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33427,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33428,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33429,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33430,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33431,105,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33432,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33433,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33434,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33435,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33436,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33437,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33438,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33439,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33440,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33441,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33442,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33443,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+33444,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33445,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33446,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33447,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33448,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33449,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33450,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33451,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33452,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33453,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33454,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33455,105,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+33456,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33457,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33458,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33459,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33460,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33461,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33462,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33463,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33464,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33465,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33466,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33467,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33468,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33469,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33470,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33471,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33472,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33473,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33474,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33475,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33476,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33477,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33478,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33479,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33492,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33493,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33494,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33495,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33496,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33497,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33498,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33499,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33500,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33501,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33502,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33503,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33504,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33505,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33506,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33507,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33508,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33509,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33510,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33511,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33512,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33513,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33514,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33515,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33516,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33517,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33518,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33519,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33520,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33521,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33522,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33523,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33524,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33525,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33526,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33527,105,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33528,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33529,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33530,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33531,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33532,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33533,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33534,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33535,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33536,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33537,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33538,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33539,105,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33540,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33541,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33542,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33543,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33544,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33545,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33546,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33547,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33548,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33549,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33550,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33551,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33552,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33553,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33554,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33555,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33556,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33557,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33558,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33559,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33560,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33561,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33562,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33563,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33564,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33565,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33566,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33567,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33568,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33569,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33570,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33571,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33572,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33573,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33574,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33575,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33576,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33577,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33578,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33579,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33580,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33581,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33582,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33583,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33584,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33585,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33586,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33587,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33588,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33589,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33590,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33591,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33592,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33593,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33594,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33595,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33596,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33597,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33598,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33599,105,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33600,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33601,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33602,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33603,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33604,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33605,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33606,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33607,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33608,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33609,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33610,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33611,105,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33624,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33625,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33626,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33627,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33628,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33629,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33630,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33631,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33632,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33633,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33634,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33635,105,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33636,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33637,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33638,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33639,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33640,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33641,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33642,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33643,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33644,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33645,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33646,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33647,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33648,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33649,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33650,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33651,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33652,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33653,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33654,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33655,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33656,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33657,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33658,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33659,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33660,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33661,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33662,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33663,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33664,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33665,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33666,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33667,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33668,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33669,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33670,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33671,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33672,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33673,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33674,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33675,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33676,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33677,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33678,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33679,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33680,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33681,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33682,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33683,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+33684,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33685,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33686,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33687,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33688,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33689,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33690,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33691,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33692,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33693,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33694,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33695,105,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33696,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33697,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33698,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33699,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33700,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33701,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33702,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33703,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33704,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33705,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33706,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33707,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33708,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33709,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33710,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33711,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33712,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33713,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33714,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33715,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33716,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33717,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33718,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33719,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33720,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33721,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33722,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33723,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33724,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33725,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33726,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33727,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33728,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33729,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33730,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33731,105,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33732,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33733,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33734,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33735,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33736,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33737,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33738,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33739,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33740,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33741,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33742,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33743,105,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+33744,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33745,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33746,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33747,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33748,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33749,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33750,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33751,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33752,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33753,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33754,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33755,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33756,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33757,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33758,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33759,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33760,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33761,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33762,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33763,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33764,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33765,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33766,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33767,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33768,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33769,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33770,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33771,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33772,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33773,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33774,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33775,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33776,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33777,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33778,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33779,105,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+33780,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33781,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33782,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33783,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33784,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33785,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33786,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33787,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33788,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33789,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33790,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33791,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33792,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33793,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33794,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33795,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33796,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33797,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33798,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33799,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33800,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33801,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33802,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33803,105,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33804,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33805,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33806,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33807,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33808,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33809,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33810,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33811,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33812,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33813,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33814,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33815,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+33816,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33817,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33818,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33819,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33820,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33821,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33822,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33823,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33824,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33825,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33826,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33827,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33828,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33829,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33830,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33831,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33832,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33833,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33834,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33835,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33836,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33837,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33838,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33839,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+33840,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33841,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33842,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33843,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33844,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33845,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33846,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33847,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33848,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33849,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33850,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33851,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33852,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33853,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33854,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33855,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33856,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33857,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33858,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33859,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33860,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33861,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33862,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33863,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33864,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33865,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33866,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33867,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33868,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33869,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33870,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33871,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33872,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33873,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33874,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33875,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33876,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33877,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33878,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33879,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33880,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33881,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33882,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33883,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33884,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33885,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33886,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33887,105,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+33888,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33889,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33890,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33891,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33892,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33893,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33894,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33895,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33896,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33897,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33898,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33899,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+33900,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33901,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33902,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33903,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33904,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33905,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33906,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33907,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33908,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33909,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33910,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33911,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+33924,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33925,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33926,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33927,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33928,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33929,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33930,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33931,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33932,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33933,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33934,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33935,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33936,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33937,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33938,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33939,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33940,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33941,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33942,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33943,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33944,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33945,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33946,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33947,105,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+33948,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33949,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33950,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33951,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33952,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33953,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33954,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33955,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33956,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33957,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33958,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33959,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+33960,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33961,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33962,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33963,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33964,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33965,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33966,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33967,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33968,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33969,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33970,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33971,105,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+33972,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33973,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33974,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33975,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33976,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33977,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33978,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33979,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33980,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33981,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33982,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33983,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+33984,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33985,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33986,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33987,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33988,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33989,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33990,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33991,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33992,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33993,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33994,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33995,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+33996,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33997,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33998,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+33999,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34000,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34001,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34002,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34003,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34004,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34005,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34006,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34007,105,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34008,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34009,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34010,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34011,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34012,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34013,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34014,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34015,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34016,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34017,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34018,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34019,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34020,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34021,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34022,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34023,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34024,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34025,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34026,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34027,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34028,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34029,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34030,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34031,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34032,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34033,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34034,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34035,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34036,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34037,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34038,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34039,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34040,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34041,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34042,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34043,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34044,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34045,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34046,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34047,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34048,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34049,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34050,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34051,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34052,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34053,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34054,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34055,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34056,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34057,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34058,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34059,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34060,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34061,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34062,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34063,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34064,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34065,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34066,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34067,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34068,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34069,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34070,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34071,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34072,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34073,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34074,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34075,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34076,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34077,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34078,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34079,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34080,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34081,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34082,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34083,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34084,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34085,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34086,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34087,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34088,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34089,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34090,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34091,105,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34092,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34093,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34094,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34095,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34096,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34097,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34098,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34099,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34100,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34101,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34102,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34103,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34116,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34117,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34118,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34119,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34120,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34121,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34122,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34123,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34124,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34125,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34126,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34127,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34128,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34129,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34130,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34131,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34132,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34133,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34134,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34135,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34136,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34137,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34138,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34139,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34140,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34141,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34142,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34143,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34144,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34145,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34146,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34147,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34148,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34149,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34150,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34151,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34152,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34153,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34154,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34155,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34156,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34157,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34158,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34159,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34160,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34161,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34162,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34163,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34164,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34165,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34166,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34167,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34168,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34169,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34170,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34171,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34172,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34173,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34174,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34175,105,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34176,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34177,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34178,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34179,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34180,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34181,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34182,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34183,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34184,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34185,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34186,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34187,105,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34200,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34201,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34202,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34203,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34204,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34205,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34206,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34207,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34208,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34209,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34210,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34211,105,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34224,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34225,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34226,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34227,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34228,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34229,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34230,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34231,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34232,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34233,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34234,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34235,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34236,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34237,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34238,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34239,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34240,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34241,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34242,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34243,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34244,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34245,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34246,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34247,105,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34248,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34249,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34250,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34251,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34252,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34253,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34254,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34255,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34256,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34257,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34258,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34259,105,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34260,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34261,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34262,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34263,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34264,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34265,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34266,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34267,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34268,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34269,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34270,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34271,105,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34272,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34273,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34274,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34275,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34276,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34277,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34278,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34279,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34280,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34281,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34282,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34283,105,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34284,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34285,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34286,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34287,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34288,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34289,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34290,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34291,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34292,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34293,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34294,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34295,105,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34296,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34297,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34298,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34299,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34300,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34301,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34302,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34303,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34304,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34305,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34306,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34307,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34308,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34309,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34310,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34311,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34312,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34313,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34314,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34315,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34316,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34317,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34318,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34319,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34320,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34321,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34322,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34323,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34324,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34325,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34326,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34327,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34328,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34329,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34330,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34331,105,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34332,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34333,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34334,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34335,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34336,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34337,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34338,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34339,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34340,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34341,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34342,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34343,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+34344,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34345,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34346,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34347,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34348,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34349,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34350,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34351,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34352,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34353,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34354,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34355,105,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34368,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34369,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34370,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34371,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34372,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34373,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34374,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34375,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34376,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34377,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34378,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34379,105,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34380,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34381,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34382,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34383,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34384,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34385,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34386,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34387,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34388,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34389,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34390,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34391,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+34392,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34393,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34394,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34395,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34396,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34397,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34398,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34399,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34400,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34401,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34402,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34403,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34404,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34405,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34406,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34407,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34408,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34409,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34410,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34411,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34412,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34413,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34414,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34415,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34416,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34417,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34418,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34419,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34420,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34421,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34422,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34423,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34424,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34425,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34426,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34427,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34428,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34429,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34430,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34431,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34432,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34433,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34434,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34435,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34436,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34437,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34438,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34439,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34440,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34441,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34442,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34443,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34444,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34445,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34446,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34447,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34448,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34449,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34450,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34451,105,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34476,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34477,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34478,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34479,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34480,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34481,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34482,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34483,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34484,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34485,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34486,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34487,105,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34488,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34489,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34490,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34491,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34492,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34493,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34494,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34495,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34496,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34497,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34498,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34499,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+34500,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34501,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34502,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34503,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34504,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34505,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34506,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34507,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34508,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34509,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34510,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34511,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34512,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34513,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34514,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34515,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34516,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34517,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34518,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34519,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34520,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34521,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34522,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34523,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34524,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34525,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34526,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34527,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34528,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34529,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34530,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34531,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34532,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34533,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34534,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34535,105,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+34536,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34537,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34538,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34539,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34540,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34541,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34542,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34543,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34544,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34545,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34546,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34547,105,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34560,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34561,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34562,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34563,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34564,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34565,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34566,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34567,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34568,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34569,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34570,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34571,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+34584,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34585,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34586,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34587,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34588,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34589,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34590,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34591,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34592,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34593,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34594,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34595,105,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34596,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34597,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34598,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34599,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34600,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34601,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34602,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34603,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34604,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34605,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34606,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34607,105,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34608,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34609,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34610,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34611,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34612,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34613,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34614,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34615,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34616,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34617,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34618,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34619,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34632,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34633,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34634,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34635,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34636,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34637,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34638,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34639,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34640,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34641,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34642,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34643,105,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34656,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34657,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34658,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34659,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34660,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34661,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34662,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34663,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34664,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34665,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34666,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34667,105,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34668,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34669,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34670,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34671,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34672,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34673,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34674,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34675,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34676,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34677,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34678,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34679,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34680,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34681,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34682,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34683,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34684,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34685,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34686,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34687,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34688,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34689,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34690,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34691,105,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34692,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34693,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34694,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34695,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34696,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34697,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34698,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34699,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34700,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34701,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34702,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34703,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34716,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34717,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34718,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34719,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34720,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34721,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34722,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34723,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34724,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34725,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34726,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34727,105,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34728,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34729,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34730,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34731,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34732,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34733,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34734,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34735,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34736,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34737,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34738,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34739,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34740,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34741,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34742,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34743,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34744,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34745,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34746,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34747,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34748,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34749,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34750,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34751,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34752,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34753,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34754,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34755,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34756,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34757,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34758,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34759,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34760,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34761,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34762,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34763,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34764,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34765,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34766,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34767,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34768,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34769,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34770,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34771,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34772,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34773,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34774,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34775,105,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34776,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34777,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34778,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34779,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34780,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34781,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34782,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34783,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34784,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34785,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34786,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34787,105,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34800,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34801,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34802,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34803,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34804,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34805,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34806,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34807,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34808,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34809,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34810,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34811,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34812,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34813,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34814,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34815,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34816,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34817,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34818,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34819,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34820,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34821,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34822,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34823,105,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34824,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34825,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34826,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34827,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34828,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34829,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34830,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34831,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34832,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34833,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34834,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34835,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34836,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34837,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34838,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34839,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34840,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34841,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34842,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34843,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34844,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34845,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34846,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34847,105,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34848,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34849,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34850,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34851,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34852,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34853,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34854,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34855,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34856,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34857,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34858,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34859,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34860,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34861,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34862,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34863,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34864,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34865,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34866,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34867,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34868,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34869,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34870,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34871,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+34872,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34873,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34874,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34875,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34876,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34877,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34878,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34879,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34880,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34881,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34882,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34883,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34884,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34885,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34886,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34887,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34888,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34889,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34890,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34891,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34892,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34893,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34894,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34895,105,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+34896,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34897,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34898,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34899,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34900,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34901,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34902,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34903,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34904,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34905,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34906,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34907,105,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+34908,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34909,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34910,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34911,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34912,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34913,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34914,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34915,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34916,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34917,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34918,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34919,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+34920,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34921,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34922,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34923,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34924,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34925,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34926,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34927,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34928,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34929,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34930,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34931,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+34932,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34933,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34934,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34935,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34936,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34937,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34938,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34939,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34940,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34941,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34942,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34943,105,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+34944,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34945,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34946,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34947,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34948,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34949,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34950,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34951,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34952,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34953,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34954,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34955,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+34968,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34969,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34970,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34971,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34972,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34973,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34974,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34975,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34976,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34977,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34978,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34979,105,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+34992,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34993,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34994,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34995,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34996,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34997,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34998,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+34999,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+35000,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+35001,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+35002,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+35003,105,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+35004,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35005,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35006,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35007,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35008,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35009,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35010,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35011,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35012,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35013,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35014,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35015,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35016,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35017,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35018,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35019,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35020,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35021,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35022,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35023,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35024,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35025,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35026,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35027,105,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+35028,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35029,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35030,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35031,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35032,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35033,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35034,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35035,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35036,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35037,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35038,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35039,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35040,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35041,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35042,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35043,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35044,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35045,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35046,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35047,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35048,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35049,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35050,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35051,105,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35052,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35053,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35054,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35055,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35056,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35057,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35058,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35059,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35060,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35061,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35062,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35063,105,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35064,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35065,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35066,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35067,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35068,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35069,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35070,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35071,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35072,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35073,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35074,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35075,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35076,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35077,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35078,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35079,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35080,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35081,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35082,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35083,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35084,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35085,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35086,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35087,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35088,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35089,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35090,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35091,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35092,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35093,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35094,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35095,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35096,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35097,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35098,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35099,105,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35100,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35101,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35102,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35103,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35104,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35105,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35106,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35107,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35108,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35109,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35110,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35111,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35124,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35125,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35126,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35127,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35128,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35129,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35130,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35131,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35132,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35133,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35134,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35135,106,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35136,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35137,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35138,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35139,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35140,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35141,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35142,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35143,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35144,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35145,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35146,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35147,106,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35148,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35149,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35150,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35151,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35152,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35153,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35154,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35155,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35156,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35157,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35158,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35159,106,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35160,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35161,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35162,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35163,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35164,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35165,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35166,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35167,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35168,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35169,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35170,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35171,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35184,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35185,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35186,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35187,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35188,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35189,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35190,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35191,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35192,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35193,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35194,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35195,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35196,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35197,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35198,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35199,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35200,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35201,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35202,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35203,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35204,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35205,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35206,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35207,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35208,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35209,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35210,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35211,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35212,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35213,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35214,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35215,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35216,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35217,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35218,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35219,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35220,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35221,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35222,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35223,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35224,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35225,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35226,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35227,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35228,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35229,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35230,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35231,106,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35232,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35233,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35234,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35235,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35236,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35237,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35238,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35239,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35240,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35241,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35242,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35243,106,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35244,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35245,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35246,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35247,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35248,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35249,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35250,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35251,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35252,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35253,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35254,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35255,106,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35256,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35257,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35258,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35259,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35260,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35261,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35262,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35263,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35264,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35265,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35266,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35267,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35268,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35269,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35270,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35271,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35272,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35273,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35274,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35275,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35276,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35277,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35278,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35279,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35280,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35281,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35282,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35283,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35284,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35285,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35286,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35287,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35288,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35289,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35290,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35291,106,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35292,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35293,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35294,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35295,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35296,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35297,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35298,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35299,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35300,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35301,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35302,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35303,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+35304,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35305,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35306,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35307,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35308,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35309,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35310,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35311,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35312,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35313,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35314,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35315,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35316,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35317,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35318,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35319,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35320,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35321,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35322,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35323,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35324,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35325,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35326,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35327,106,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35328,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35329,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35330,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35331,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35332,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35333,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35334,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35335,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35336,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35337,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35338,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35339,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35340,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35341,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35342,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35343,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35344,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35345,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35346,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35347,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35348,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35349,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35350,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35351,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35352,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35353,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35354,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35355,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35356,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35357,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35358,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35359,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35360,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35361,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35362,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35363,106,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35364,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35365,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35366,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35367,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35368,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35369,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35370,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35371,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35372,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35373,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35374,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35375,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35376,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35377,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35378,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35379,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35380,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35381,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35382,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35383,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35384,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35385,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35386,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35387,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+35388,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35389,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35390,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35391,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35392,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35393,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35394,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35395,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35396,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35397,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35398,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35399,106,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35412,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35413,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35414,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35415,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35416,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35417,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35418,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35419,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35420,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35421,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35422,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35423,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35424,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35425,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35426,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35427,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35428,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35429,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35430,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35431,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35432,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35433,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35434,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35435,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35436,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35437,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35438,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35439,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35440,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35441,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35442,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35443,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35444,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35445,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35446,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35447,106,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+35448,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35449,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35450,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35451,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35452,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35453,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35454,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35455,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35456,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35457,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35458,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35459,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+35460,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35461,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35462,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35463,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35464,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35465,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35466,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35467,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35468,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35469,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35470,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35471,106,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+35472,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35473,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35474,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35475,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35476,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35477,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35478,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35479,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35480,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35481,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35482,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35483,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+35484,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35485,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35486,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35487,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35488,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35489,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35490,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35491,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35492,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35493,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35494,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35495,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35496,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35497,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35498,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35499,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35500,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35501,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35502,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35503,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35504,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35505,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35506,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35507,106,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+35508,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35509,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35510,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35511,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35512,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35513,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35514,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35515,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35516,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35517,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35518,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35519,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35520,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35521,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35522,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35523,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35524,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35525,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35526,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35527,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35528,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35529,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35530,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35531,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35532,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35533,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35534,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35535,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35536,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35537,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35538,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35539,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35540,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35541,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35542,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35543,106,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+35544,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35545,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35546,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35547,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35548,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35549,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35550,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35551,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35552,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35553,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35554,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35555,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+35556,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35557,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35558,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35559,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35560,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35561,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35562,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35563,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35564,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35565,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35566,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35567,106,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35568,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35569,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35570,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35571,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35572,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35573,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35574,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35575,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35576,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35577,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35578,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35579,106,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35580,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35581,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35582,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35583,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35584,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35585,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35586,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35587,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35588,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35589,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35590,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35591,106,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35592,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35593,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35594,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35595,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35596,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35597,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35598,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35599,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35600,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35601,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35602,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35603,106,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35604,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35605,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35606,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35607,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35608,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35609,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35610,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35611,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35612,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35613,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35614,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35615,106,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35616,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35617,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35618,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35619,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35620,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35621,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35622,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35623,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35624,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35625,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35626,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35627,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35628,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35629,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35630,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35631,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35632,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35633,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35634,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35635,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35636,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35637,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35638,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35639,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35640,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35641,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35642,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35643,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35644,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35645,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35646,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35647,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35648,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35649,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35650,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35651,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35652,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35653,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35654,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35655,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35656,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35657,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35658,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35659,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35660,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35661,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35662,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35663,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35664,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35665,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35666,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35667,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35668,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35669,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35670,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35671,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35672,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35673,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35674,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35675,106,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35676,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35677,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35678,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35679,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35680,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35681,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35682,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35683,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35684,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35685,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35686,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35687,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+35688,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35689,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35690,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35691,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35692,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35693,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35694,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35695,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35696,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35697,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35698,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35699,106,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35700,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35701,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35702,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35703,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35704,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35705,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35706,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35707,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35708,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35709,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35710,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35711,106,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35712,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35713,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35714,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35715,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35716,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35717,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35718,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35719,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35720,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35721,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35722,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35723,106,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35724,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35725,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35726,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35727,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35728,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35729,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35730,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35731,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35732,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35733,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35734,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35735,106,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35736,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35737,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35738,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35739,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35740,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35741,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35742,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35743,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35744,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35745,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35746,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35747,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35748,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35749,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35750,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35751,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35752,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35753,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35754,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35755,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35756,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35757,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35758,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35759,106,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+35760,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35761,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35762,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35763,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35764,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35765,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35766,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35767,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35768,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35769,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35770,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35771,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35784,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35785,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35786,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35787,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35788,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35789,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35790,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35791,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35792,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35793,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35794,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35795,106,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35796,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35797,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35798,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35799,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35800,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35801,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35802,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35803,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35804,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35805,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35806,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35807,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+35808,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35809,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35810,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35811,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35812,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35813,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35814,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35815,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35816,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35817,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35818,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35819,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+35820,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35821,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35822,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35823,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35824,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35825,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35826,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35827,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35828,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35829,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35830,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35831,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35832,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35833,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35834,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35835,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35836,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35837,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35838,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35839,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35840,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35841,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35842,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35843,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35844,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35845,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35846,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35847,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35848,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35849,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35850,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35851,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35852,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35853,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35854,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35855,106,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35856,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35857,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35858,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35859,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35860,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35861,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35862,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35863,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35864,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35865,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35866,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35867,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+35868,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35869,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35870,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35871,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35872,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35873,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35874,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35875,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35876,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35877,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35878,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35879,106,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+35880,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35881,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35882,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35883,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35884,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35885,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35886,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35887,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35888,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35889,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35890,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35891,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+35892,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35893,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35894,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35895,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35896,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35897,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35898,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35899,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35900,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35901,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35902,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35903,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+35916,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35917,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35918,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35919,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35920,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35921,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35922,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35923,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35924,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35925,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35926,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35927,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+35928,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35929,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35930,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35931,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35932,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35933,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35934,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35935,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35936,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35937,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35938,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35939,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35940,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35941,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35942,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35943,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35944,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35945,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35946,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35947,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35948,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35949,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35950,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35951,106,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+35952,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35953,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35954,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35955,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35956,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35957,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35958,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35959,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35960,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35961,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35962,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35963,106,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+35964,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35965,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35966,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35967,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35968,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35969,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35970,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35971,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35972,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35973,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35974,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35975,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+35976,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35977,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35978,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35979,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35980,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35981,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35982,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35983,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35984,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35985,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35986,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35987,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+35988,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35989,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35990,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35991,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35992,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35993,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35994,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35995,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35996,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35997,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35998,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+35999,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36000,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36001,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36002,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36003,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36004,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36005,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36006,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36007,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36008,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36009,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36010,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36011,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36012,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36013,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36014,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36015,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36016,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36017,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36018,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36019,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36020,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36021,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36022,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36023,106,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36024,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36025,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36026,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36027,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36028,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36029,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36030,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36031,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36032,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36033,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36034,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36035,106,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36048,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36049,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36050,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36051,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36052,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36053,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36054,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36055,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36056,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36057,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36058,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36059,106,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36060,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36061,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36062,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36063,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36064,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36065,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36066,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36067,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36068,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36069,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36070,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36071,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36072,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36073,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36074,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36075,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36076,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36077,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36078,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36079,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36080,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36081,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36082,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36083,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36084,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36085,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36086,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36087,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36088,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36089,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36090,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36091,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36092,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36093,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36094,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36095,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36096,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36097,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36098,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36099,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36100,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36101,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36102,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36103,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36104,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36105,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36106,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36107,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+36108,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36109,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36110,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36111,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36112,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36113,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36114,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36115,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36116,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36117,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36118,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36119,106,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36120,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36121,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36122,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36123,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36124,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36125,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36126,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36127,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36128,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36129,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36130,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36131,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36132,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36133,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36134,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36135,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36136,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36137,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36138,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36139,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36140,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36141,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36142,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36143,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36144,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36145,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36146,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36147,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36148,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36149,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36150,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36151,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36152,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36153,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36154,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36155,106,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36156,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36157,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36158,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36159,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36160,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36161,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36162,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36163,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36164,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36165,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36166,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36167,106,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+36168,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36169,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36170,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36171,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36172,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36173,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36174,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36175,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36176,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36177,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36178,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36179,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36180,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36181,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36182,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36183,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36184,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36185,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36186,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36187,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36188,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36189,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36190,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36191,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36192,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36193,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36194,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36195,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36196,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36197,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36198,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36199,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36200,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36201,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36202,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36203,106,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+36204,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36205,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36206,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36207,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36208,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36209,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36210,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36211,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36212,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36213,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36214,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36215,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36216,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36217,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36218,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36219,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36220,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36221,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36222,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36223,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36224,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36225,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36226,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36227,106,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36228,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36229,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36230,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36231,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36232,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36233,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36234,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36235,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36236,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36237,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36238,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36239,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36240,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36241,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36242,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36243,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36244,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36245,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36246,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36247,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36248,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36249,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36250,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36251,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36252,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36253,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36254,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36255,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36256,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36257,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36258,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36259,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36260,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36261,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36262,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36263,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36264,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36265,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36266,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36267,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36268,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36269,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36270,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36271,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36272,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36273,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36274,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36275,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36276,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36277,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36278,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36279,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36280,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36281,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36282,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36283,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36284,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36285,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36286,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36287,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36288,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36289,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36290,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36291,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36292,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36293,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36294,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36295,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36296,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36297,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36298,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36299,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36300,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36301,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36302,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36303,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36304,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36305,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36306,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36307,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36308,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36309,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36310,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36311,106,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36312,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36313,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36314,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36315,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36316,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36317,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36318,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36319,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36320,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36321,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36322,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36323,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+36324,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36325,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36326,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36327,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36328,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36329,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36330,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36331,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36332,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36333,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36334,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36335,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36348,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36349,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36350,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36351,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36352,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36353,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36354,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36355,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36356,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36357,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36358,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36359,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36360,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36361,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36362,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36363,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36364,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36365,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36366,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36367,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36368,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36369,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36370,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36371,106,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36372,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36373,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36374,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36375,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36376,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36377,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36378,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36379,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36380,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36381,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36382,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36383,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36384,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36385,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36386,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36387,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36388,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36389,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36390,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36391,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36392,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36393,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36394,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36395,106,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36396,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36397,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36398,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36399,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36400,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36401,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36402,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36403,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36404,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36405,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36406,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36407,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+36408,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36409,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36410,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36411,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36412,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36413,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36414,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36415,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36416,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36417,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36418,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36419,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36420,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36421,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36422,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36423,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36424,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36425,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36426,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36427,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36428,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36429,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36430,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36431,106,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36432,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36433,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36434,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36435,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36436,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36437,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36438,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36439,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36440,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36441,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36442,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36443,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36444,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36445,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36446,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36447,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36448,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36449,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36450,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36451,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36452,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36453,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36454,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36455,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36456,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36457,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36458,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36459,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36460,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36461,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36462,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36463,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36464,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36465,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36466,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36467,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36468,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36469,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36470,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36471,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36472,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36473,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36474,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36475,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36476,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36477,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36478,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36479,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36480,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36481,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36482,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36483,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36484,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36485,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36486,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36487,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36488,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36489,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36490,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36491,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36492,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36493,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36494,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36495,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36496,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36497,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36498,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36499,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36500,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36501,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36502,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36503,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36504,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36505,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36506,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36507,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36508,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36509,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36510,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36511,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36512,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36513,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36514,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36515,106,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36516,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36517,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36518,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36519,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36520,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36521,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36522,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36523,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36524,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36525,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36526,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36527,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36540,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36541,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36542,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36543,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36544,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36545,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36546,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36547,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36548,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36549,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36550,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36551,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36552,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36553,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36554,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36555,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36556,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36557,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36558,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36559,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36560,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36561,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36562,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36563,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+36564,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36565,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36566,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36567,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36568,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36569,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36570,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36571,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36572,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36573,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36574,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36575,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36576,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36577,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36578,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36579,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36580,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36581,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36582,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36583,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36584,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36585,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36586,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36587,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36588,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36589,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36590,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36591,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36592,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36593,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36594,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36595,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36596,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36597,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36598,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36599,106,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36600,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36601,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36602,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36603,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36604,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36605,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36606,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36607,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36608,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36609,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36610,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36611,106,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36624,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36625,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36626,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36627,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36628,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36629,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36630,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36631,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36632,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36633,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36634,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36635,106,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36648,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36649,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36650,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36651,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36652,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36653,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36654,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36655,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36656,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36657,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36658,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36659,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36660,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36661,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36662,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36663,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36664,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36665,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36666,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36667,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36668,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36669,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36670,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36671,106,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36672,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36673,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36674,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36675,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36676,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36677,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36678,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36679,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36680,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36681,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36682,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36683,106,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36684,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36685,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36686,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36687,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36688,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36689,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36690,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36691,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36692,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36693,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36694,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36695,106,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+36696,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36697,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36698,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36699,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36700,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36701,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36702,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36703,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36704,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36705,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36706,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36707,106,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36708,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36709,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36710,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36711,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36712,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36713,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36714,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36715,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36716,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36717,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36718,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36719,106,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+36720,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36721,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36722,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36723,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36724,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36725,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36726,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36727,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36728,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36729,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36730,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36731,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36732,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36733,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36734,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36735,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36736,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36737,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36738,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36739,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36740,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36741,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36742,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36743,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36744,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36745,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36746,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36747,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36748,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36749,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36750,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36751,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36752,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36753,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36754,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36755,106,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36756,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36757,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36758,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36759,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36760,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36761,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36762,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36763,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36764,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36765,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36766,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36767,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+36768,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36769,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36770,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36771,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36772,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36773,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36774,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36775,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36776,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36777,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36778,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36779,106,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+36792,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36793,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36794,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36795,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36796,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36797,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36798,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36799,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36800,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36801,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36802,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36803,106,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36804,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36805,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36806,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36807,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36808,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36809,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36810,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36811,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36812,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36813,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36814,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36815,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+36816,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36817,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36818,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36819,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36820,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36821,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36822,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36823,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36824,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36825,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36826,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36827,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36828,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36829,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36830,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36831,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36832,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36833,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36834,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36835,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36836,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36837,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36838,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36839,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+36840,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36841,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36842,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36843,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36844,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36845,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36846,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36847,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36848,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36849,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36850,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36851,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36852,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36853,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36854,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36855,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36856,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36857,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36858,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36859,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36860,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36861,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36862,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36863,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+36864,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36865,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36866,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36867,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36868,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36869,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36870,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36871,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36872,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36873,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36874,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36875,106,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36900,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36901,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36902,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36903,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36904,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36905,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36906,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36907,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36908,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36909,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36910,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36911,106,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36912,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36913,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36914,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36915,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36916,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36917,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36918,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36919,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36920,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36921,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36922,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36923,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+36924,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36925,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36926,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36927,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36928,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36929,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36930,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36931,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36932,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36933,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36934,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36935,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+36936,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36937,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36938,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36939,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36940,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36941,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36942,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36943,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36944,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36945,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36946,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36947,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36948,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36949,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36950,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36951,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36952,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36953,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36954,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36955,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36956,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36957,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36958,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36959,106,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+36960,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36961,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36962,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36963,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36964,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36965,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36966,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36967,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36968,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36969,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36970,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36971,106,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+36984,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36985,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36986,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36987,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36988,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36989,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36990,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36991,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36992,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36993,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36994,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+36995,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37008,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37009,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37010,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37011,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37012,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37013,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37014,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37015,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37016,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37017,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37018,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37019,106,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37020,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37021,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37022,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37023,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37024,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37025,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37026,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37027,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37028,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37029,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37030,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37031,106,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37032,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37033,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37034,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37035,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37036,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37037,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37038,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37039,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37040,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37041,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37042,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37043,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37056,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37057,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37058,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37059,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37060,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37061,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37062,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37063,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37064,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37065,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37066,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37067,106,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37080,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37081,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37082,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37083,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37084,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37085,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37086,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37087,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37088,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37089,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37090,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37091,106,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37092,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37093,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37094,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37095,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37096,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37097,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37098,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37099,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37100,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37101,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37102,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37103,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37104,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37105,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37106,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37107,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37108,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37109,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37110,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37111,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37112,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37113,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37114,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37115,106,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37116,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37117,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37118,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37119,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37120,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37121,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37122,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37123,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37124,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37125,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37126,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37127,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37140,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37141,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37142,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37143,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37144,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37145,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37146,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37147,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37148,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37149,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37150,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37151,106,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37152,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37153,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37154,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37155,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37156,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37157,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37158,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37159,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37160,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37161,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37162,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37163,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37164,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37165,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37166,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37167,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37168,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37169,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37170,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37171,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37172,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37173,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37174,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37175,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37176,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37177,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37178,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37179,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37180,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37181,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37182,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37183,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37184,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37185,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37186,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37187,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37188,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37189,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37190,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37191,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37192,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37193,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37194,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37195,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37196,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37197,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37198,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37199,106,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37200,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37201,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37202,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37203,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37204,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37205,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37206,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37207,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37208,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37209,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37210,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37211,106,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37224,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37225,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37226,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37227,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37228,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37229,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37230,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37231,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37232,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37233,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37234,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37235,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37236,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37237,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37238,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37239,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37240,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37241,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37242,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37243,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37244,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37245,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37246,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37247,106,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37248,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37249,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37250,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37251,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37252,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37253,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37254,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37255,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37256,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37257,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37258,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37259,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37260,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37261,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37262,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37263,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37264,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37265,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37266,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37267,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37268,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37269,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37270,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37271,106,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37272,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37273,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37274,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37275,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37276,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37277,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37278,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37279,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37280,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37281,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37282,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37283,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37284,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37285,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37286,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37287,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37288,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37289,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37290,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37291,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37292,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37293,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37294,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37295,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37296,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37297,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37298,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37299,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37300,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37301,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37302,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37303,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37304,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37305,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37306,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37307,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37308,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37309,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37310,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37311,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37312,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37313,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37314,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37315,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37316,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37317,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37318,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37319,106,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37320,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37321,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37322,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37323,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37324,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37325,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37326,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37327,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37328,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37329,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37330,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37331,106,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37332,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37333,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37334,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37335,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37336,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37337,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37338,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37339,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37340,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37341,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37342,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37343,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37344,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37345,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37346,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37347,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37348,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37349,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37350,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37351,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37352,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37353,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37354,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37355,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37356,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37357,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37358,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37359,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37360,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37361,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37362,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37363,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37364,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37365,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37366,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37367,106,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37368,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37369,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37370,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37371,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37372,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37373,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37374,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37375,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37376,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37377,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37378,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37379,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37392,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37393,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37394,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37395,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37396,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37397,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37398,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37399,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37400,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37401,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37402,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37403,106,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37416,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37417,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37418,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37419,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37420,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37421,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37422,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37423,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37424,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37425,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37426,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37427,106,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+37428,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37429,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37430,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37431,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37432,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37433,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37434,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37435,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37436,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37437,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37438,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37439,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37440,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37441,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37442,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37443,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37444,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37445,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37446,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37447,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37448,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37449,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37450,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37451,106,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+37452,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37453,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37454,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37455,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37456,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37457,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37458,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37459,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37460,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37461,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37462,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37463,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37464,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37465,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37466,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37467,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37468,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37469,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37470,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37471,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37472,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37473,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37474,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37475,106,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37476,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37477,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37478,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37479,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37480,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37481,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37482,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37483,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37484,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37485,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37486,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37487,106,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37488,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37489,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37490,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37491,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37492,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37493,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37494,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37495,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37496,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37497,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37498,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37499,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37500,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37501,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37502,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37503,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37504,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37505,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37506,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37507,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37508,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37509,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37510,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37511,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37512,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37513,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37514,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37515,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37516,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37517,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37518,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37519,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37520,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37521,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37522,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37523,106,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37524,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37525,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37526,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37527,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37528,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37529,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37530,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37531,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37532,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37533,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37534,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37535,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37548,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37549,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37550,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37551,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37552,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37553,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37554,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37555,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37556,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37557,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37558,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37559,107,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37560,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37561,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37562,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37563,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37564,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37565,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37566,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37567,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37568,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37569,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37570,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37571,107,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37572,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37573,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37574,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37575,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37576,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37577,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37578,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37579,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37580,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37581,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37582,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37583,107,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37584,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37585,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37586,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37587,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37588,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37589,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37590,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37591,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37592,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37593,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37594,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37595,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37608,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37609,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37610,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37611,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37612,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37613,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37614,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37615,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37616,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37617,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37618,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37619,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+37620,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37621,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37622,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37623,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37624,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37625,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37626,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37627,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37628,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37629,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37630,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37631,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+37632,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37633,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37634,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37635,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37636,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37637,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37638,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37639,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37640,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37641,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37642,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37643,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37644,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37645,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37646,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37647,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37648,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37649,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37650,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37651,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37652,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37653,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37654,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37655,107,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37656,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37657,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37658,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37659,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37660,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37661,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37662,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37663,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37664,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37665,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37666,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37667,107,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37668,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37669,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37670,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37671,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37672,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37673,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37674,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37675,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37676,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37677,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37678,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37679,107,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+37680,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37681,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37682,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37683,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37684,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37685,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37686,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37687,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37688,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37689,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37690,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37691,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+37692,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37693,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37694,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37695,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37696,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37697,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37698,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37699,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37700,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37701,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37702,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37703,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+37704,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37705,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37706,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37707,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37708,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37709,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37710,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37711,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37712,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37713,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37714,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37715,107,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37716,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37717,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37718,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37719,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37720,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37721,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37722,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37723,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37724,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37725,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37726,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37727,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+37728,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37729,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37730,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37731,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37732,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37733,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37734,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37735,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37736,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37737,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37738,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37739,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+37740,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37741,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37742,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37743,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37744,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37745,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37746,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37747,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37748,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37749,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37750,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37751,107,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37752,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37753,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37754,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37755,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37756,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37757,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37758,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37759,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37760,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37761,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37762,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37763,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37764,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37765,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37766,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37767,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37768,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37769,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37770,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37771,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37772,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37773,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37774,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37775,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37776,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37777,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37778,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37779,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37780,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37781,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37782,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37783,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37784,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37785,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37786,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37787,107,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+37788,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37789,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37790,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37791,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37792,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37793,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37794,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37795,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37796,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37797,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37798,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37799,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37800,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37801,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37802,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37803,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37804,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37805,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37806,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37807,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37808,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37809,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37810,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37811,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+37812,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37813,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37814,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37815,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37816,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37817,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37818,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37819,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37820,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37821,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37822,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37823,107,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37836,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37837,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37838,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37839,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37840,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37841,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37842,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37843,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37844,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37845,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37846,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37847,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37848,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37849,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37850,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37851,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37852,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37853,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37854,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37855,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37856,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37857,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37858,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37859,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37860,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37861,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37862,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37863,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37864,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37865,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37866,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37867,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37868,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37869,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37870,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37871,107,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+37872,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37873,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37874,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37875,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37876,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37877,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37878,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37879,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37880,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37881,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37882,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37883,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+37884,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37885,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37886,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37887,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37888,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37889,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37890,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37891,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37892,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37893,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37894,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37895,107,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+37896,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37897,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37898,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37899,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37900,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37901,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37902,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37903,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37904,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37905,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37906,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37907,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+37908,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37909,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37910,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37911,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37912,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37913,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37914,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37915,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37916,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37917,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37918,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37919,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37920,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37921,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37922,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37923,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37924,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37925,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37926,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37927,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37928,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37929,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37930,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37931,107,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+37932,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37933,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37934,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37935,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37936,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37937,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37938,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37939,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37940,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37941,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37942,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37943,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+37944,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37945,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37946,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37947,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37948,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37949,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37950,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37951,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37952,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37953,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37954,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37955,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+37956,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37957,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37958,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37959,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37960,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37961,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37962,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37963,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37964,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37965,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37966,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37967,107,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+37968,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37969,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37970,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37971,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37972,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37973,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37974,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37975,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37976,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37977,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37978,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37979,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+37980,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37981,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37982,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37983,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37984,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37985,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37986,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37987,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37988,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37989,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37990,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37991,107,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+37992,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37993,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37994,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37995,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37996,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37997,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37998,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+37999,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38000,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38001,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38002,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38003,107,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38004,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38005,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38006,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38007,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38008,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38009,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38010,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38011,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38012,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38013,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38014,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38015,107,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38016,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38017,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38018,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38019,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38020,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38021,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38022,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38023,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38024,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38025,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38026,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38027,107,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38028,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38029,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38030,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38031,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38032,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38033,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38034,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38035,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38036,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38037,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38038,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38039,107,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38040,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38041,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38042,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38043,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38044,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38045,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38046,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38047,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38048,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38049,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38050,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38051,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38052,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38053,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38054,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38055,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38056,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38057,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38058,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38059,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38060,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38061,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38062,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38063,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38064,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38065,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38066,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38067,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38068,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38069,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38070,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38071,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38072,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38073,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38074,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38075,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38076,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38077,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38078,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38079,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38080,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38081,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38082,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38083,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38084,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38085,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38086,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38087,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38088,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38089,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38090,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38091,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38092,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38093,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38094,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38095,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38096,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38097,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38098,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38099,107,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38100,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38101,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38102,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38103,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38104,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38105,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38106,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38107,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38108,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38109,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38110,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38111,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38112,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38113,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38114,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38115,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38116,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38117,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38118,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38119,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38120,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38121,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38122,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38123,107,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38124,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38125,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38126,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38127,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38128,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38129,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38130,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38131,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38132,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38133,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38134,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38135,107,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38136,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38137,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38138,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38139,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38140,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38141,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38142,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38143,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38144,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38145,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38146,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38147,107,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38148,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38149,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38150,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38151,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38152,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38153,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38154,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38155,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38156,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38157,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38158,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38159,107,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38160,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38161,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38162,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38163,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38164,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38165,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38166,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38167,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38168,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38169,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38170,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38171,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38172,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38173,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38174,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38175,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38176,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38177,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38178,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38179,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38180,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38181,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38182,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38183,107,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38184,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38185,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38186,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38187,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38188,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38189,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38190,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38191,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38192,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38193,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38194,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38195,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38208,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38209,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38210,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38211,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38212,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38213,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38214,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38215,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38216,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38217,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38218,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38219,107,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38220,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38221,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38222,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38223,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38224,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38225,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38226,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38227,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38228,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38229,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38230,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38231,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38232,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38233,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38234,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38235,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38236,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38237,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38238,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38239,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38240,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38241,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38242,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38243,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+38244,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38245,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38246,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38247,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38248,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38249,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38250,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38251,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38252,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38253,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38254,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38255,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38256,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38257,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38258,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38259,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38260,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38261,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38262,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38263,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38264,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38265,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38266,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38267,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38268,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38269,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38270,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38271,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38272,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38273,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38274,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38275,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38276,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38277,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38278,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38279,107,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38280,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38281,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38282,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38283,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38284,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38285,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38286,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38287,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38288,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38289,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38290,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38291,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+38292,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38293,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38294,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38295,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38296,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38297,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38298,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38299,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38300,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38301,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38302,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38303,107,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+38304,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38305,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38306,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38307,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38308,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38309,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38310,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38311,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38312,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38313,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38314,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38315,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38316,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38317,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38318,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38319,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38320,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38321,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38322,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38323,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38324,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38325,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38326,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38327,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38340,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38341,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38342,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38343,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38344,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38345,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38346,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38347,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38348,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38349,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38350,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38351,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38352,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38353,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38354,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38355,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38356,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38357,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38358,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38359,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38360,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38361,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38362,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38363,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38364,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38365,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38366,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38367,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38368,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38369,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38370,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38371,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38372,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38373,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38374,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38375,107,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38376,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38377,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38378,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38379,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38380,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38381,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38382,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38383,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38384,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38385,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38386,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38387,107,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38388,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38389,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38390,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38391,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38392,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38393,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38394,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38395,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38396,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38397,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38398,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38399,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38400,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38401,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38402,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38403,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38404,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38405,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38406,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38407,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38408,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38409,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38410,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38411,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38412,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38413,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38414,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38415,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38416,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38417,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38418,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38419,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38420,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38421,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38422,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38423,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38424,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38425,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38426,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38427,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38428,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38429,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38430,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38431,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38432,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38433,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38434,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38435,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38436,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38437,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38438,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38439,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38440,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38441,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38442,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38443,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38444,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38445,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38446,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38447,107,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38448,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38449,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38450,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38451,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38452,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38453,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38454,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38455,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38456,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38457,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38458,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38459,107,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38472,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38473,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38474,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38475,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38476,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38477,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38478,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38479,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38480,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38481,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38482,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38483,107,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38484,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38485,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38486,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38487,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38488,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38489,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38490,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38491,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38492,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38493,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38494,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38495,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38496,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38497,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38498,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38499,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38500,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38501,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38502,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38503,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38504,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38505,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38506,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38507,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38508,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38509,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38510,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38511,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38512,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38513,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38514,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38515,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38516,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38517,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38518,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38519,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38520,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38521,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38522,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38523,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38524,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38525,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38526,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38527,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38528,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38529,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38530,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38531,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+38532,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38533,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38534,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38535,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38536,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38537,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38538,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38539,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38540,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38541,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38542,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38543,107,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38544,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38545,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38546,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38547,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38548,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38549,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38550,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38551,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38552,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38553,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38554,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38555,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38556,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38557,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38558,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38559,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38560,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38561,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38562,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38563,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38564,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38565,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38566,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38567,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38568,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38569,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38570,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38571,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38572,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38573,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38574,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38575,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38576,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38577,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38578,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38579,107,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38580,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38581,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38582,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38583,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38584,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38585,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38586,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38587,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38588,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38589,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38590,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38591,107,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+38592,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38593,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38594,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38595,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38596,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38597,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38598,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38599,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38600,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38601,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38602,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38603,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38604,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38605,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38606,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38607,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38608,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38609,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38610,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38611,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38612,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38613,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38614,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38615,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38616,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38617,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38618,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38619,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38620,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38621,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38622,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38623,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38624,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38625,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38626,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38627,107,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+38628,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38629,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38630,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38631,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38632,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38633,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38634,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38635,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38636,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38637,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38638,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38639,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38640,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38641,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38642,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38643,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38644,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38645,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38646,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38647,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38648,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38649,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38650,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38651,107,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38652,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38653,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38654,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38655,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38656,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38657,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38658,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38659,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38660,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38661,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38662,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38663,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38664,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38665,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38666,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38667,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38668,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38669,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38670,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38671,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38672,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38673,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38674,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38675,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38676,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38677,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38678,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38679,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38680,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38681,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38682,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38683,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38684,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38685,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38686,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38687,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38688,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38689,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38690,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38691,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38692,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38693,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38694,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38695,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38696,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38697,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38698,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38699,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38700,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38701,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38702,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38703,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38704,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38705,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38706,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38707,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38708,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38709,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38710,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38711,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38712,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38713,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38714,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38715,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38716,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38717,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38718,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38719,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38720,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38721,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38722,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38723,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38724,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38725,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38726,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38727,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38728,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38729,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38730,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38731,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38732,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38733,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38734,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38735,107,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38736,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38737,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38738,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38739,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38740,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38741,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38742,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38743,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38744,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38745,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38746,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38747,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+38748,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38749,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38750,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38751,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38752,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38753,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38754,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38755,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38756,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38757,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38758,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38759,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38772,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38773,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38774,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38775,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38776,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38777,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38778,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38779,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38780,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38781,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38782,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38783,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38784,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38785,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38786,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38787,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38788,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38789,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38790,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38791,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38792,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38793,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38794,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38795,107,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38796,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38797,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38798,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38799,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38800,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38801,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38802,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38803,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38804,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38805,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38806,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38807,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38808,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38809,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38810,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38811,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38812,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38813,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38814,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38815,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38816,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38817,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38818,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38819,107,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38820,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38821,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38822,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38823,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38824,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38825,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38826,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38827,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38828,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38829,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38830,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38831,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+38832,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38833,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38834,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38835,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38836,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38837,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38838,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38839,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38840,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38841,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38842,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38843,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+38844,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38845,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38846,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38847,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38848,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38849,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38850,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38851,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38852,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38853,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38854,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38855,107,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+38856,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38857,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38858,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38859,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38860,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38861,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38862,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38863,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38864,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38865,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38866,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38867,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+38868,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38869,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38870,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38871,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38872,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38873,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38874,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38875,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38876,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38877,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38878,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38879,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+38880,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38881,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38882,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38883,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38884,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38885,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38886,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38887,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38888,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38889,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38890,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38891,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38892,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38893,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38894,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38895,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38896,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38897,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38898,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38899,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38900,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38901,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38902,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38903,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+38904,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38905,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38906,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38907,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38908,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38909,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38910,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38911,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38912,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38913,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38914,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38915,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+38916,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38917,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38918,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38919,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38920,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38921,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38922,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38923,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38924,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38925,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38926,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38927,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38928,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38929,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38930,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38931,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38932,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38933,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38934,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38935,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38936,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38937,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38938,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38939,107,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+38940,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38941,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38942,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38943,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38944,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38945,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38946,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38947,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38948,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38949,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38950,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38951,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+38964,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38965,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38966,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38967,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38968,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38969,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38970,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38971,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38972,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38973,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38974,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38975,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+38976,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38977,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38978,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38979,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38980,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38981,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38982,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38983,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38984,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38985,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38986,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38987,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+38988,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38989,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38990,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38991,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38992,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38993,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38994,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38995,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38996,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38997,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38998,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+38999,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39000,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39001,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39002,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39003,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39004,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39005,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39006,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39007,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39008,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39009,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39010,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39011,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39012,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39013,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39014,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39015,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39016,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39017,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39018,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39019,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39020,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39021,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39022,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39023,107,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39024,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39025,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39026,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39027,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39028,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39029,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39030,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39031,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39032,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39033,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39034,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39035,107,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39048,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39049,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39050,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39051,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39052,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39053,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39054,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39055,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39056,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39057,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39058,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39059,107,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39072,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39073,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39074,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39075,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39076,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39077,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39078,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39079,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39080,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39081,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39082,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39083,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39084,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39085,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39086,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39087,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39088,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39089,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39090,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39091,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39092,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39093,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39094,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39095,107,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39096,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39097,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39098,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39099,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39100,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39101,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39102,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39103,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39104,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39105,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39106,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39107,107,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39108,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39109,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39110,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39111,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39112,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39113,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39114,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39115,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39116,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39117,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39118,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39119,107,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39120,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39121,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39122,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39123,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39124,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39125,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39126,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39127,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39128,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39129,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39130,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39131,107,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39132,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39133,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39134,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39135,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39136,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39137,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39138,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39139,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39140,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39141,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39142,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39143,107,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39144,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39145,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39146,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39147,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39148,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39149,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39150,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39151,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39152,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39153,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39154,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39155,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39156,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39157,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39158,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39159,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39160,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39161,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39162,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39163,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39164,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39165,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39166,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39167,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39168,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39169,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39170,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39171,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39172,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39173,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39174,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39175,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39176,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39177,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39178,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39179,107,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39180,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39181,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39182,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39183,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39184,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39185,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39186,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39187,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39188,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39189,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39190,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39191,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+39192,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39193,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39194,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39195,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39196,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39197,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39198,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39199,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39200,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39201,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39202,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39203,107,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39216,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39217,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39218,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39219,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39220,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39221,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39222,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39223,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39224,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39225,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39226,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39227,107,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39228,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39229,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39230,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39231,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39232,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39233,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39234,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39235,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39236,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39237,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39238,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39239,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+39240,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39241,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39242,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39243,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39244,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39245,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39246,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39247,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39248,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39249,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39250,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39251,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39252,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39253,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39254,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39255,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39256,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39257,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39258,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39259,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39260,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39261,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39262,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39263,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39264,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39265,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39266,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39267,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39268,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39269,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39270,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39271,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39272,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39273,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39274,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39275,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39276,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39277,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39278,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39279,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39280,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39281,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39282,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39283,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39284,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39285,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39286,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39287,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39288,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39289,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39290,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39291,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39292,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39293,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39294,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39295,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39296,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39297,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39298,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39299,107,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39324,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39325,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39326,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39327,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39328,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39329,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39330,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39331,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39332,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39333,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39334,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39335,107,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39336,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39337,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39338,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39339,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39340,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39341,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39342,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39343,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39344,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39345,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39346,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39347,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+39348,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39349,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39350,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39351,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39352,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39353,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39354,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39355,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39356,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39357,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39358,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39359,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39360,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39361,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39362,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39363,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39364,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39365,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39366,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39367,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39368,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39369,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39370,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39371,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39372,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39373,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39374,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39375,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39376,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39377,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39378,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39379,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39380,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39381,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39382,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39383,107,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+39384,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39385,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39386,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39387,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39388,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39389,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39390,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39391,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39392,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39393,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39394,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39395,107,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39408,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39409,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39410,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39411,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39412,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39413,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39414,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39415,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39416,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39417,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39418,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39419,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+39432,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39433,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39434,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39435,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39436,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39437,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39438,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39439,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39440,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39441,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39442,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39443,107,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39444,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39445,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39446,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39447,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39448,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39449,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39450,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39451,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39452,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39453,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39454,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39455,107,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39456,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39457,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39458,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39459,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39460,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39461,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39462,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39463,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39464,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39465,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39466,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39467,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39480,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39481,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39482,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39483,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39484,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39485,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39486,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39487,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39488,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39489,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39490,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39491,107,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39504,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39505,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39506,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39507,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39508,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39509,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39510,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39511,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39512,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39513,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39514,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39515,107,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39516,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39517,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39518,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39519,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39520,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39521,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39522,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39523,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39524,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39525,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39526,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39527,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39528,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39529,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39530,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39531,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39532,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39533,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39534,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39535,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39536,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39537,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39538,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39539,107,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39540,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39541,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39542,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39543,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39544,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39545,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39546,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39547,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39548,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39549,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39550,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39551,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39564,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39565,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39566,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39567,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39568,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39569,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39570,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39571,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39572,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39573,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39574,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39575,107,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39576,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39577,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39578,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39579,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39580,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39581,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39582,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39583,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39584,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39585,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39586,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39587,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39588,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39589,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39590,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39591,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39592,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39593,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39594,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39595,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39596,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39597,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39598,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39599,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39600,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39601,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39602,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39603,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39604,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39605,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39606,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39607,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39608,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39609,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39610,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39611,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39612,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39613,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39614,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39615,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39616,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39617,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39618,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39619,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39620,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39621,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39622,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39623,107,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39624,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39625,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39626,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39627,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39628,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39629,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39630,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39631,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39632,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39633,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39634,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39635,107,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39648,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39649,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39650,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39651,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39652,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39653,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39654,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39655,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39656,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39657,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39658,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39659,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39660,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39661,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39662,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39663,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39664,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39665,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39666,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39667,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39668,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39669,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39670,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39671,107,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39672,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39673,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39674,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39675,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39676,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39677,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39678,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39679,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39680,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39681,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39682,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39683,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39684,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39685,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39686,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39687,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39688,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39689,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39690,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39691,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39692,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39693,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39694,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39695,107,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39696,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39697,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39698,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39699,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39700,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39701,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39702,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39703,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39704,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39705,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39706,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39707,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39708,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39709,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39710,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39711,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39712,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39713,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39714,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39715,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39716,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39717,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39718,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39719,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+39720,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39721,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39722,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39723,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39724,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39725,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39726,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39727,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39728,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39729,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39730,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39731,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39732,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39733,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39734,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39735,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39736,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39737,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39738,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39739,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39740,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39741,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39742,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39743,107,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39744,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39745,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39746,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39747,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39748,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39749,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39750,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39751,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39752,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39753,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39754,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39755,107,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39756,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39757,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39758,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39759,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39760,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39761,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39762,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39763,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39764,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39765,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39766,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39767,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39768,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39769,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39770,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39771,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39772,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39773,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39774,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39775,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39776,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39777,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39778,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39779,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39780,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39781,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39782,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39783,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39784,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39785,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39786,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39787,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39788,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39789,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39790,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39791,107,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39792,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39793,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39794,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39795,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39796,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39797,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39798,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39799,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39800,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39801,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39802,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39803,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39816,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39817,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39818,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39819,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39820,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39821,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39822,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39823,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39824,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39825,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39826,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39827,107,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+39840,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39841,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39842,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39843,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39844,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39845,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39846,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39847,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39848,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39849,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39850,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39851,107,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+39852,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39853,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39854,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39855,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39856,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39857,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39858,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39859,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39860,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39861,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39862,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39863,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39864,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39865,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39866,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39867,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39868,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39869,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39870,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39871,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39872,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39873,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39874,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39875,107,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+39876,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39877,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39878,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39879,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39880,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39881,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39882,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39883,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39884,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39885,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39886,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39887,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39888,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39889,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39890,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39891,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39892,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39893,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39894,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39895,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39896,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39897,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39898,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39899,107,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+39900,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39901,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39902,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39903,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39904,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39905,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39906,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39907,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39908,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39909,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39910,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39911,107,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39912,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39913,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39914,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39915,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39916,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39917,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39918,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39919,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39920,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39921,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39922,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39923,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39924,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39925,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39926,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39927,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39928,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39929,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39930,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39931,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39932,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39933,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39934,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39935,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+39936,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39937,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39938,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39939,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39940,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39941,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39942,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39943,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39944,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39945,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39946,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39947,107,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+39948,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39949,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39950,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39951,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39952,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39953,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39954,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39955,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39956,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39957,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39958,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39959,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+39972,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39973,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39974,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39975,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39976,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39977,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39978,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39979,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39980,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39981,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39982,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39983,108,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39984,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39985,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39986,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39987,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39988,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39989,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39990,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39991,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39992,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39993,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39994,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39995,108,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+39996,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+39997,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+39998,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+39999,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40000,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40001,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40002,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40003,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40004,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40005,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40006,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40007,108,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40008,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40009,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40010,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40011,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40012,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40013,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40014,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40015,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40016,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40017,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40018,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40019,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40032,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40033,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40034,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40035,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40036,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40037,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40038,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40039,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40040,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40041,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40042,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40043,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40044,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40045,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40046,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40047,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40048,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40049,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40050,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40051,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40052,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40053,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40054,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40055,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40056,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40057,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40058,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40059,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40060,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40061,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40062,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40063,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40064,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40065,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40066,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40067,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40068,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40069,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40070,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40071,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40072,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40073,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40074,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40075,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40076,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40077,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40078,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40079,108,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40080,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40081,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40082,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40083,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40084,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40085,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40086,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40087,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40088,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40089,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40090,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40091,108,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40092,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40093,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40094,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40095,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40096,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40097,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40098,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40099,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40100,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40101,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40102,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40103,108,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40104,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40105,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40106,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40107,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40108,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40109,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40110,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40111,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40112,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40113,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40114,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40115,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40116,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40117,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40118,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40119,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40120,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40121,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40122,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40123,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40124,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40125,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40126,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40127,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40128,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40129,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40130,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40131,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40132,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40133,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40134,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40135,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40136,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40137,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40138,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40139,108,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40140,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40141,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40142,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40143,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40144,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40145,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40146,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40147,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40148,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40149,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40150,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40151,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+40152,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40153,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40154,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40155,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40156,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40157,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40158,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40159,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40160,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40161,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40162,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40163,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40164,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40165,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40166,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40167,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40168,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40169,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40170,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40171,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40172,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40173,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40174,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40175,108,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40176,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40177,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40178,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40179,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40180,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40181,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40182,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40183,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40184,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40185,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40186,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40187,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40188,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40189,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40190,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40191,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40192,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40193,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40194,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40195,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40196,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40197,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40198,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40199,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40200,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40201,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40202,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40203,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40204,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40205,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40206,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40207,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40208,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40209,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40210,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40211,108,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40212,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40213,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40214,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40215,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40216,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40217,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40218,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40219,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40220,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40221,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40222,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40223,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40224,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40225,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40226,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40227,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40228,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40229,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40230,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40231,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40232,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40233,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40234,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40235,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+40236,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40237,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40238,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40239,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40240,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40241,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40242,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40243,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40244,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40245,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40246,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40247,108,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40260,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40261,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40262,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40263,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40264,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40265,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40266,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40267,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40268,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40269,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40270,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40271,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40272,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40273,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40274,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40275,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40276,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40277,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40278,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40279,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40280,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40281,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40282,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40283,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40284,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40285,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40286,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40287,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40288,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40289,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40290,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40291,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40292,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40293,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40294,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40295,108,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+40296,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40297,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40298,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40299,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40300,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40301,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40302,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40303,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40304,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40305,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40306,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40307,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+40308,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40309,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40310,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40311,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40312,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40313,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40314,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40315,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40316,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40317,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40318,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40319,108,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+40320,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40321,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40322,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40323,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40324,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40325,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40326,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40327,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40328,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40329,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40330,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40331,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+40332,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40333,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40334,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40335,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40336,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40337,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40338,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40339,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40340,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40341,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40342,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40343,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40344,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40345,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40346,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40347,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40348,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40349,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40350,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40351,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40352,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40353,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40354,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40355,108,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+40356,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40357,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40358,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40359,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40360,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40361,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40362,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40363,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40364,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40365,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40366,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40367,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40368,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40369,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40370,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40371,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40372,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40373,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40374,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40375,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40376,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40377,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40378,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40379,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40380,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40381,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40382,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40383,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40384,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40385,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40386,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40387,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40388,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40389,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40390,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40391,108,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+40392,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40393,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40394,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40395,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40396,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40397,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40398,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40399,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40400,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40401,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40402,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40403,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+40404,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40405,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40406,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40407,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40408,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40409,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40410,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40411,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40412,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40413,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40414,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40415,108,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40416,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40417,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40418,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40419,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40420,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40421,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40422,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40423,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40424,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40425,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40426,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40427,108,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40428,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40429,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40430,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40431,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40432,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40433,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40434,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40435,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40436,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40437,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40438,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40439,108,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40440,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40441,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40442,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40443,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40444,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40445,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40446,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40447,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40448,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40449,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40450,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40451,108,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40452,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40453,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40454,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40455,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40456,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40457,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40458,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40459,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40460,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40461,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40462,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40463,108,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40464,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40465,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40466,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40467,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40468,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40469,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40470,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40471,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40472,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40473,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40474,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40475,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40476,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40477,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40478,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40479,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40480,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40481,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40482,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40483,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40484,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40485,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40486,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40487,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40488,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40489,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40490,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40491,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40492,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40493,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40494,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40495,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40496,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40497,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40498,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40499,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40500,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40501,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40502,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40503,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40504,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40505,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40506,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40507,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40508,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40509,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40510,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40511,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40512,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40513,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40514,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40515,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40516,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40517,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40518,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40519,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40520,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40521,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40522,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40523,108,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40524,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40525,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40526,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40527,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40528,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40529,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40530,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40531,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40532,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40533,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40534,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40535,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+40536,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40537,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40538,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40539,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40540,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40541,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40542,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40543,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40544,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40545,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40546,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40547,108,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40548,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40549,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40550,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40551,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40552,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40553,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40554,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40555,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40556,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40557,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40558,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40559,108,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40560,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40561,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40562,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40563,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40564,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40565,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40566,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40567,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40568,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40569,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40570,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40571,108,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40572,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40573,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40574,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40575,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40576,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40577,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40578,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40579,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40580,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40581,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40582,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40583,108,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40584,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40585,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40586,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40587,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40588,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40589,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40590,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40591,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40592,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40593,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40594,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40595,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40596,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40597,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40598,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40599,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40600,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40601,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40602,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40603,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40604,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40605,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40606,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40607,108,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40608,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40609,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40610,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40611,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40612,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40613,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40614,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40615,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40616,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40617,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40618,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40619,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40632,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40633,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40634,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40635,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40636,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40637,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40638,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40639,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40640,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40641,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40642,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40643,108,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40644,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40645,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40646,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40647,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40648,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40649,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40650,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40651,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40652,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40653,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40654,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40655,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+40656,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40657,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40658,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40659,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40660,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40661,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40662,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40663,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40664,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40665,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40666,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40667,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+40668,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40669,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40670,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40671,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40672,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40673,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40674,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40675,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40676,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40677,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40678,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40679,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40680,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40681,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40682,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40683,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40684,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40685,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40686,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40687,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40688,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40689,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40690,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40691,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40692,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40693,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40694,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40695,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40696,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40697,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40698,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40699,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40700,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40701,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40702,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40703,108,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40704,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40705,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40706,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40707,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40708,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40709,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40710,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40711,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40712,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40713,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40714,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40715,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+40716,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40717,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40718,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40719,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40720,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40721,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40722,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40723,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40724,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40725,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40726,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40727,108,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+40728,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40729,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40730,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40731,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40732,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40733,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40734,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40735,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40736,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40737,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40738,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40739,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+40740,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40741,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40742,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40743,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40744,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40745,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40746,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40747,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40748,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40749,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40750,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40751,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40764,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40765,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40766,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40767,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40768,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40769,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40770,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40771,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40772,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40773,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40774,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40775,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40776,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40777,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40778,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40779,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40780,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40781,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40782,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40783,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40784,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40785,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40786,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40787,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40788,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40789,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40790,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40791,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40792,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40793,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40794,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40795,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40796,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40797,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40798,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40799,108,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40800,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40801,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40802,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40803,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40804,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40805,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40806,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40807,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40808,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40809,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40810,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40811,108,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40812,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40813,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40814,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40815,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40816,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40817,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40818,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40819,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40820,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40821,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40822,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40823,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40824,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40825,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40826,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40827,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40828,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40829,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40830,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40831,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40832,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40833,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40834,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40835,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40836,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40837,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40838,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40839,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40840,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40841,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40842,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40843,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40844,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40845,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40846,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40847,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40848,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40849,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40850,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40851,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40852,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40853,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40854,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40855,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40856,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40857,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40858,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40859,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40860,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40861,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40862,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40863,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40864,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40865,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40866,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40867,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40868,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40869,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40870,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40871,108,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+40872,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40873,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40874,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40875,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40876,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40877,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40878,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40879,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40880,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40881,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40882,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40883,108,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40896,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40897,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40898,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40899,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40900,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40901,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40902,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40903,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40904,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40905,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40906,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40907,108,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40908,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40909,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40910,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40911,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40912,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40913,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40914,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40915,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40916,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40917,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40918,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40919,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+40920,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40921,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40922,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40923,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40924,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40925,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40926,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40927,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40928,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40929,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40930,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40931,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+40932,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40933,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40934,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40935,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40936,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40937,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40938,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40939,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40940,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40941,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40942,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40943,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+40944,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40945,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40946,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40947,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40948,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40949,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40950,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40951,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40952,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40953,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40954,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40955,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+40956,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40957,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40958,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40959,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40960,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40961,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40962,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40963,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40964,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40965,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40966,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40967,108,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+40968,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40969,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40970,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40971,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40972,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40973,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40974,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40975,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40976,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40977,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40978,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40979,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+40980,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40981,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40982,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40983,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40984,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40985,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40986,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40987,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40988,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40989,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40990,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40991,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+40992,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40993,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40994,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40995,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40996,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40997,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40998,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+40999,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41000,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41001,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41002,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41003,108,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41004,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41005,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41006,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41007,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41008,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41009,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41010,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41011,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41012,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41013,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41014,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41015,108,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+41016,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41017,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41018,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41019,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41020,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41021,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41022,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41023,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41024,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41025,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41026,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41027,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41028,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41029,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41030,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41031,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41032,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41033,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41034,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41035,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41036,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41037,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41038,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41039,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41040,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41041,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41042,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41043,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41044,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41045,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41046,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41047,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41048,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41049,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41050,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41051,108,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+41052,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41053,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41054,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41055,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41056,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41057,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41058,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41059,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41060,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41061,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41062,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41063,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41064,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41065,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41066,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41067,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41068,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41069,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41070,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41071,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41072,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41073,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41074,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41075,108,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41076,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41077,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41078,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41079,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41080,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41081,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41082,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41083,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41084,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41085,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41086,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41087,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41088,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41089,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41090,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41091,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41092,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41093,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41094,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41095,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41096,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41097,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41098,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41099,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41100,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41101,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41102,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41103,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41104,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41105,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41106,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41107,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41108,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41109,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41110,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41111,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41112,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41113,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41114,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41115,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41116,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41117,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41118,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41119,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41120,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41121,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41122,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41123,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41124,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41125,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41126,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41127,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41128,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41129,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41130,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41131,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41132,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41133,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41134,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41135,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41136,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41137,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41138,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41139,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41140,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41141,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41142,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41143,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41144,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41145,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41146,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41147,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41148,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41149,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41150,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41151,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41152,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41153,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41154,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41155,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41156,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41157,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41158,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41159,108,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41160,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41161,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41162,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41163,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41164,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41165,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41166,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41167,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41168,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41169,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41170,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41171,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+41172,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41173,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41174,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41175,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41176,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41177,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41178,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41179,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41180,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41181,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41182,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41183,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41196,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41197,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41198,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41199,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41200,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41201,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41202,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41203,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41204,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41205,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41206,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41207,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41208,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41209,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41210,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41211,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41212,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41213,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41214,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41215,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41216,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41217,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41218,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41219,108,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41220,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41221,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41222,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41223,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41224,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41225,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41226,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41227,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41228,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41229,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41230,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41231,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41232,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41233,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41234,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41235,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41236,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41237,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41238,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41239,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41240,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41241,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41242,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41243,108,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41244,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41245,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41246,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41247,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41248,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41249,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41250,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41251,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41252,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41253,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41254,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41255,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+41256,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41257,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41258,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41259,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41260,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41261,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41262,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41263,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41264,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41265,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41266,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41267,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41268,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41269,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41270,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41271,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41272,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41273,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41274,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41275,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41276,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41277,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41278,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41279,108,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41280,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41281,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41282,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41283,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41284,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41285,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41286,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41287,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41288,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41289,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41290,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41291,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41292,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41293,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41294,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41295,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41296,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41297,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41298,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41299,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41300,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41301,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41302,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41303,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41304,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41305,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41306,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41307,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41308,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41309,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41310,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41311,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41312,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41313,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41314,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41315,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41316,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41317,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41318,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41319,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41320,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41321,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41322,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41323,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41324,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41325,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41326,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41327,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41328,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41329,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41330,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41331,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41332,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41333,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41334,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41335,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41336,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41337,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41338,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41339,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41340,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41341,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41342,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41343,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41344,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41345,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41346,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41347,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41348,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41349,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41350,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41351,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41352,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41353,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41354,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41355,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41356,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41357,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41358,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41359,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41360,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41361,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41362,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41363,108,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41364,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41365,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41366,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41367,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41368,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41369,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41370,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41371,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41372,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41373,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41374,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41375,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41388,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41389,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41390,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41391,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41392,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41393,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41394,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41395,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41396,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41397,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41398,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41399,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41400,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41401,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41402,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41403,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41404,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41405,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41406,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41407,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41408,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41409,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41410,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41411,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+41412,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41413,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41414,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41415,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41416,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41417,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41418,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41419,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41420,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41421,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41422,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41423,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41424,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41425,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41426,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41427,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41428,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41429,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41430,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41431,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41432,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41433,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41434,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41435,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41436,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41437,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41438,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41439,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41440,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41441,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41442,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41443,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41444,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41445,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41446,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41447,108,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41448,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41449,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41450,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41451,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41452,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41453,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41454,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41455,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41456,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41457,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41458,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41459,108,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41472,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41473,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41474,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41475,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41476,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41477,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41478,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41479,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41480,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41481,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41482,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41483,108,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41496,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41497,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41498,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41499,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41500,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41501,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41502,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41503,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41504,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41505,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41506,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41507,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41508,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41509,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41510,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41511,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41512,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41513,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41514,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41515,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41516,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41517,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41518,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41519,108,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41520,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41521,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41522,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41523,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41524,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41525,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41526,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41527,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41528,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41529,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41530,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41531,108,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41532,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41533,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41534,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41535,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41536,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41537,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41538,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41539,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41540,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41541,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41542,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41543,108,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41544,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41545,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41546,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41547,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41548,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41549,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41550,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41551,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41552,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41553,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41554,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41555,108,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41556,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41557,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41558,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41559,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41560,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41561,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41562,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41563,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41564,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41565,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41566,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41567,108,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41568,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41569,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41570,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41571,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41572,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41573,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41574,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41575,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41576,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41577,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41578,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41579,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41580,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41581,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41582,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41583,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41584,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41585,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41586,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41587,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41588,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41589,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41590,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41591,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41592,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41593,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41594,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41595,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41596,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41597,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41598,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41599,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41600,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41601,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41602,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41603,108,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41604,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41605,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41606,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41607,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41608,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41609,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41610,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41611,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41612,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41613,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41614,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41615,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+41616,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41617,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41618,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41619,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41620,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41621,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41622,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41623,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41624,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41625,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41626,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41627,108,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41640,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41641,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41642,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41643,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41644,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41645,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41646,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41647,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41648,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41649,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41650,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41651,108,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41652,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41653,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41654,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41655,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41656,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41657,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41658,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41659,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41660,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41661,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41662,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41663,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+41664,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41665,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41666,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41667,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41668,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41669,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41670,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41671,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41672,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41673,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41674,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41675,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41676,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41677,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41678,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41679,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41680,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41681,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41682,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41683,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41684,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41685,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41686,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41687,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41688,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41689,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41690,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41691,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41692,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41693,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41694,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41695,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41696,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41697,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41698,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41699,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41700,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41701,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41702,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41703,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41704,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41705,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41706,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41707,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41708,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41709,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41710,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41711,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+41712,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41713,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41714,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41715,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41716,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41717,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41718,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41719,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41720,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41721,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41722,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41723,108,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41748,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41749,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41750,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41751,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41752,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41753,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41754,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41755,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41756,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41757,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41758,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41759,108,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41760,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41761,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41762,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41763,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41764,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41765,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41766,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41767,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41768,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41769,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41770,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41771,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+41772,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41773,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41774,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41775,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41776,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41777,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41778,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41779,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41780,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41781,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41782,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41783,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+41784,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41785,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41786,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41787,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41788,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41789,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41790,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41791,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41792,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41793,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41794,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41795,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41796,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41797,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41798,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41799,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41800,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41801,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41802,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41803,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41804,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41805,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41806,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41807,108,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+41808,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41809,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41810,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41811,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41812,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41813,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41814,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41815,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41816,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41817,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41818,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41819,108,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41832,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41833,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41834,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41835,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41836,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41837,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41838,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41839,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41840,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41841,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41842,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41843,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+41856,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41857,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41858,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41859,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41860,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41861,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41862,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41863,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41864,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41865,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41866,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41867,108,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41868,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41869,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41870,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41871,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41872,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41873,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41874,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41875,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41876,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41877,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41878,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41879,108,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41880,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41881,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41882,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41883,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41884,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41885,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41886,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41887,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41888,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41889,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41890,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41891,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41904,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41905,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41906,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41907,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41908,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41909,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41910,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41911,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41912,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41913,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41914,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41915,108,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+41928,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41929,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41930,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41931,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41932,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41933,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41934,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41935,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41936,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41937,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41938,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41939,108,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41940,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41941,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41942,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41943,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41944,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41945,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41946,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41947,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41948,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41949,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41950,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41951,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+41952,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41953,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41954,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41955,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41956,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41957,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41958,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41959,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41960,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41961,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41962,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41963,108,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+41964,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41965,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41966,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41967,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41968,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41969,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41970,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41971,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41972,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41973,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41974,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41975,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+41988,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41989,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41990,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41991,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41992,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41993,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41994,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41995,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41996,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41997,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41998,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+41999,108,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42000,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42001,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42002,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42003,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42004,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42005,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42006,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42007,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42008,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42009,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42010,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42011,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42012,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42013,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42014,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42015,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42016,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42017,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42018,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42019,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42020,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42021,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42022,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42023,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42024,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42025,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42026,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42027,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42028,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42029,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42030,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42031,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42032,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42033,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42034,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42035,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42036,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42037,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42038,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42039,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42040,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42041,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42042,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42043,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42044,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42045,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42046,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42047,108,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42048,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42049,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42050,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42051,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42052,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42053,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42054,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42055,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42056,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42057,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42058,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42059,108,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42072,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42073,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42074,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42075,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42076,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42077,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42078,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42079,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42080,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42081,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42082,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42083,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42084,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42085,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42086,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42087,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42088,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42089,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42090,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42091,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42092,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42093,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42094,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42095,108,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42096,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42097,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42098,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42099,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42100,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42101,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42102,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42103,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42104,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42105,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42106,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42107,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42108,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42109,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42110,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42111,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42112,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42113,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42114,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42115,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42116,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42117,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42118,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42119,108,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42120,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42121,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42122,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42123,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42124,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42125,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42126,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42127,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42128,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42129,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42130,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42131,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42132,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42133,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42134,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42135,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42136,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42137,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42138,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42139,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42140,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42141,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42142,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42143,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42144,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42145,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42146,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42147,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42148,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42149,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42150,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42151,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42152,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42153,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42154,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42155,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42156,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42157,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42158,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42159,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42160,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42161,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42162,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42163,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42164,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42165,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42166,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42167,108,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42168,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42169,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42170,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42171,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42172,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42173,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42174,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42175,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42176,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42177,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42178,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42179,108,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42180,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42181,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42182,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42183,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42184,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42185,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42186,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42187,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42188,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42189,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42190,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42191,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42192,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42193,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42194,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42195,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42196,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42197,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42198,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42199,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42200,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42201,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42202,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42203,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42204,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42205,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42206,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42207,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42208,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42209,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42210,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42211,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42212,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42213,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42214,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42215,108,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42216,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42217,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42218,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42219,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42220,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42221,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42222,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42223,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42224,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42225,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42226,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42227,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42240,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42241,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42242,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42243,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42244,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42245,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42246,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42247,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42248,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42249,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42250,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42251,108,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42264,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42265,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42266,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42267,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42268,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42269,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42270,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42271,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42272,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42273,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42274,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42275,108,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+42276,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42277,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42278,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42279,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42280,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42281,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42282,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42283,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42284,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42285,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42286,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42287,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42288,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42289,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42290,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42291,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42292,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42293,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42294,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42295,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42296,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42297,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42298,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42299,108,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+42300,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42301,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42302,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42303,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42304,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42305,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42306,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42307,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42308,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42309,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42310,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42311,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42312,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42313,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42314,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42315,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42316,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42317,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42318,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42319,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42320,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42321,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42322,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42323,108,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42324,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42325,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42326,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42327,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42328,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42329,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42330,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42331,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42332,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42333,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42334,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42335,108,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42336,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42337,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42338,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42339,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42340,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42341,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42342,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42343,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42344,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42345,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42346,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42347,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42348,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42349,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42350,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42351,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42352,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42353,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42354,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42355,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42356,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42357,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42358,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42359,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42360,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42361,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42362,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42363,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42364,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42365,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42366,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42367,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42368,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42369,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42370,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42371,108,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42372,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42373,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42374,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42375,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42376,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42377,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42378,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42379,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42380,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42381,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42382,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42383,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42396,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42397,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42398,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42399,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42400,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42401,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42402,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42403,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42404,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42405,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42406,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42407,109,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42408,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42409,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42410,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42411,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42412,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42413,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42414,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42415,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42416,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42417,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42418,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42419,109,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42420,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42421,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42422,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42423,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42424,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42425,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42426,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42427,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42428,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42429,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42430,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42431,109,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42432,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42433,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42434,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42435,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42436,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42437,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42438,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42439,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42440,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42441,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42442,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42443,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42456,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42457,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42458,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42459,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42460,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42461,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42462,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42463,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42464,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42465,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42466,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42467,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42468,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42469,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42470,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42471,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42472,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42473,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42474,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42475,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42476,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42477,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42478,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42479,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42480,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42481,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42482,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42483,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42484,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42485,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42486,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42487,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42488,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42489,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42490,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42491,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42492,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42493,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42494,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42495,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42496,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42497,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42498,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42499,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42500,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42501,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42502,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42503,109,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42504,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42505,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42506,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42507,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42508,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42509,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42510,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42511,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42512,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42513,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42514,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42515,109,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42516,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42517,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42518,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42519,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42520,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42521,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42522,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42523,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42524,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42525,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42526,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42527,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+42528,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42529,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42530,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42531,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42532,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42533,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42534,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42535,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42536,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42537,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42538,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42539,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+42540,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42541,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42542,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42543,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42544,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42545,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42546,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42547,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42548,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42549,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42550,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42551,109,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42552,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42553,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42554,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42555,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42556,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42557,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42558,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42559,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42560,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42561,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42562,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42563,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42564,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42565,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42566,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42567,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42568,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42569,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42570,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42571,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42572,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42573,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42574,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42575,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42576,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42577,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42578,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42579,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42580,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42581,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42582,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42583,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42584,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42585,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42586,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42587,109,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42588,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42589,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42590,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42591,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42592,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42593,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42594,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42595,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42596,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42597,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42598,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42599,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42600,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42601,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42602,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42603,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42604,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42605,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42606,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42607,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42608,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42609,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42610,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42611,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+42612,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42613,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42614,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42615,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42616,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42617,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42618,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42619,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42620,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42621,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42622,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42623,109,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42636,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42637,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42638,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42639,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42640,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42641,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42642,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42643,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42644,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42645,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42646,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42647,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42648,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42649,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42650,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42651,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42652,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42653,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42654,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42655,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42656,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42657,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42658,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42659,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42660,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42661,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42662,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42663,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42664,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42665,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42666,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42667,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42668,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42669,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42670,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42671,109,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+42672,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42673,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42674,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42675,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42676,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42677,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42678,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42679,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42680,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42681,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42682,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42683,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+42684,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42685,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42686,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42687,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42688,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42689,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42690,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42691,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42692,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42693,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42694,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42695,109,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+42696,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42697,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42698,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42699,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42700,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42701,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42702,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42703,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42704,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42705,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42706,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42707,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+42708,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42709,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42710,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42711,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42712,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42713,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42714,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42715,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42716,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42717,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42718,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42719,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42720,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42721,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42722,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42723,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42724,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42725,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42726,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42727,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42728,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42729,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42730,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42731,109,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+42732,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42733,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42734,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42735,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42736,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42737,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42738,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42739,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42740,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42741,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42742,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42743,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42744,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42745,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42746,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42747,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42748,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42749,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42750,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42751,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42752,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42753,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42754,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42755,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42756,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42757,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42758,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42759,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42760,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42761,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42762,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42763,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42764,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42765,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42766,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42767,109,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+42768,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42769,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42770,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42771,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42772,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42773,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42774,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42775,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42776,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42777,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42778,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42779,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+42780,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42781,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42782,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42783,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42784,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42785,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42786,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42787,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42788,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42789,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42790,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42791,109,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+42792,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42793,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42794,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42795,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42796,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42797,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42798,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42799,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42800,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42801,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42802,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42803,109,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+42804,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42805,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42806,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42807,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42808,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42809,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42810,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42811,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42812,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42813,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42814,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42815,109,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42816,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42817,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42818,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42819,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42820,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42821,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42822,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42823,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42824,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42825,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42826,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42827,109,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+42828,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42829,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42830,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42831,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42832,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42833,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42834,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42835,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42836,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42837,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42838,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42839,109,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42840,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42841,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42842,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42843,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42844,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42845,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42846,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42847,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42848,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42849,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42850,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42851,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42852,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42853,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42854,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42855,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42856,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42857,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42858,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42859,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42860,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42861,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42862,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42863,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42864,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42865,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42866,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42867,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42868,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42869,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42870,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42871,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42872,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42873,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42874,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42875,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+42876,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42877,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42878,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42879,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42880,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42881,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42882,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42883,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42884,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42885,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42886,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42887,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42888,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42889,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42890,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42891,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42892,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42893,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42894,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42895,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42896,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42897,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42898,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42899,109,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+42900,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42901,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42902,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42903,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42904,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42905,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42906,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42907,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42908,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42909,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42910,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42911,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+42924,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42925,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42926,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42927,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42928,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42929,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42930,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42931,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42932,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42933,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42934,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42935,109,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+42936,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42937,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42938,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42939,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42940,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42941,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42942,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42943,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42944,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42945,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42946,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42947,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+42948,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42949,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42950,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42951,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42952,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42953,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42954,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42955,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42956,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42957,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42958,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42959,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+42960,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42961,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42962,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42963,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42964,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42965,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42966,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42967,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42968,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42969,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42970,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42971,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+42972,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42973,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42974,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42975,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42976,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42977,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42978,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42979,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42980,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42981,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42982,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42983,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+42984,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42985,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42986,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42987,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42988,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42989,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42990,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42991,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42992,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42993,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42994,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42995,109,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+42996,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+42997,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+42998,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+42999,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43000,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43001,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43002,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43003,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43004,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43005,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43006,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43007,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+43008,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43009,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43010,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43011,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43012,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43013,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43014,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43015,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43016,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43017,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43018,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43019,109,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+43020,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43021,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43022,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43023,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43024,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43025,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43026,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43027,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43028,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43029,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43030,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43031,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43032,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43033,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43034,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43035,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43036,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43037,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43038,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43039,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43040,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43041,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43042,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43043,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43056,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43057,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43058,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43059,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43060,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43061,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43062,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43063,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43064,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43065,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43066,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43067,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43068,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43069,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43070,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43071,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43072,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43073,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43074,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43075,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43076,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43077,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43078,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43079,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43080,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43081,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43082,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43083,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43084,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43085,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43086,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43087,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43088,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43089,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43090,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43091,109,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43092,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43093,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43094,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43095,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43096,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43097,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43098,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43099,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43100,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43101,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43102,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43103,109,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43104,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43105,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43106,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43107,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43108,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43109,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43110,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43111,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43112,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43113,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43114,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43115,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43116,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43117,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43118,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43119,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43120,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43121,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43122,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43123,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43124,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43125,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43126,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43127,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43128,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43129,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43130,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43131,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43132,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43133,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43134,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43135,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43136,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43137,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43138,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43139,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43140,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43141,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43142,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43143,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43144,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43145,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43146,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43147,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43148,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43149,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43150,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43151,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43152,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43153,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43154,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43155,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43156,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43157,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43158,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43159,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43160,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43161,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43162,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43163,109,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43164,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43165,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43166,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43167,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43168,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43169,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43170,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43171,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43172,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43173,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43174,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43175,109,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43188,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43189,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43190,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43191,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43192,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43193,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43194,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43195,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43196,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43197,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43198,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43199,109,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43200,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43201,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43202,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43203,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43204,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43205,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43206,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43207,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43208,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43209,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43210,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43211,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43212,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43213,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43214,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43215,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43216,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43217,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43218,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43219,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43220,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43221,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43222,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43223,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43224,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43225,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43226,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43227,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43228,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43229,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43230,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43231,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43232,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43233,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43234,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43235,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43236,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43237,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43238,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43239,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43240,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43241,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43242,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43243,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43244,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43245,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43246,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43247,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+43248,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43249,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43250,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43251,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43252,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43253,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43254,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43255,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43256,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43257,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43258,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43259,109,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43260,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43261,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43262,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43263,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43264,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43265,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43266,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43267,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43268,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43269,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43270,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43271,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43272,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43273,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43274,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43275,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43276,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43277,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43278,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43279,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43280,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43281,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43282,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43283,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43284,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43285,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43286,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43287,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43288,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43289,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43290,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43291,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43292,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43293,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43294,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43295,109,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43296,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43297,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43298,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43299,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43300,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43301,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43302,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43303,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43304,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43305,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43306,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43307,109,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+43308,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43309,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43310,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43311,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43312,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43313,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43314,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43315,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43316,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43317,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43318,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43319,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43320,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43321,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43322,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43323,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43324,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43325,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43326,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43327,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43328,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43329,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43330,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43331,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43332,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43333,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43334,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43335,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43336,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43337,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43338,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43339,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43340,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43341,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43342,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43343,109,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+43344,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43345,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43346,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43347,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43348,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43349,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43350,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43351,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43352,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43353,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43354,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43355,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43356,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43357,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43358,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43359,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43360,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43361,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43362,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43363,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43364,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43365,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43366,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43367,109,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43368,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43369,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43370,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43371,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43372,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43373,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43374,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43375,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43376,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43377,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43378,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43379,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43380,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43381,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43382,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43383,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43384,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43385,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43386,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43387,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43388,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43389,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43390,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43391,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43392,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43393,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43394,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43395,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43396,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43397,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43398,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43399,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43400,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43401,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43402,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43403,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43404,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43405,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43406,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43407,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43408,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43409,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43410,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43411,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43412,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43413,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43414,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43415,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43416,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43417,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43418,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43419,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43420,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43421,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43422,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43423,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43424,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43425,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43426,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43427,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43428,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43429,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43430,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43431,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43432,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43433,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43434,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43435,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43436,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43437,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43438,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43439,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43440,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43441,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43442,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43443,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43444,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43445,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43446,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43447,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43448,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43449,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43450,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43451,109,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43452,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43453,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43454,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43455,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43456,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43457,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43458,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43459,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43460,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43461,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43462,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43463,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+43464,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43465,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43466,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43467,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43468,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43469,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43470,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43471,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43472,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43473,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43474,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43475,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43488,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43489,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43490,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43491,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43492,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43493,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43494,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43495,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43496,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43497,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43498,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43499,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43500,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43501,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43502,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43503,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43504,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43505,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43506,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43507,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43508,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43509,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43510,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43511,109,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43512,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43513,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43514,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43515,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43516,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43517,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43518,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43519,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43520,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43521,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43522,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43523,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43524,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43525,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43526,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43527,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43528,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43529,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43530,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43531,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43532,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43533,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43534,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43535,109,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43536,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43537,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43538,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43539,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43540,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43541,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43542,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43543,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43544,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43545,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43546,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43547,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+43548,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43549,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43550,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43551,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43552,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43553,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43554,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43555,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43556,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43557,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43558,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43559,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43560,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43561,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43562,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43563,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43564,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43565,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43566,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43567,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43568,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43569,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43570,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43571,109,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43572,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43573,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43574,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43575,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43576,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43577,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43578,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43579,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43580,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43581,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43582,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43583,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43584,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43585,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43586,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43587,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43588,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43589,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43590,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43591,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43592,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43593,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43594,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43595,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43596,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43597,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43598,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43599,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43600,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43601,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43602,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43603,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43604,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43605,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43606,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43607,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43608,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43609,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43610,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43611,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43612,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43613,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43614,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43615,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43616,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43617,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43618,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43619,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43620,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43621,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43622,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43623,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43624,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43625,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43626,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43627,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43628,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43629,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43630,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43631,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43632,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43633,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43634,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43635,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43636,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43637,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43638,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43639,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43640,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43641,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43642,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43643,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43644,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43645,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43646,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43647,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43648,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43649,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43650,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43651,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43652,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43653,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43654,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43655,109,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+43656,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43657,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43658,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43659,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43660,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43661,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43662,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43663,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43664,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43665,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43666,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43667,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43680,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43681,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43682,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43683,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43684,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43685,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43686,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43687,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43688,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43689,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43690,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43691,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43692,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43693,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43694,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43695,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43696,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43697,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43698,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43699,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43700,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43701,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43702,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43703,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+43704,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43705,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43706,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43707,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43708,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43709,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43710,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43711,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43712,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43713,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43714,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43715,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43716,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43717,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43718,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43719,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43720,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43721,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43722,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43723,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43724,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43725,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43726,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43727,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43728,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43729,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43730,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43731,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43732,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43733,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43734,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43735,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43736,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43737,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43738,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43739,109,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43740,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43741,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43742,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43743,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43744,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43745,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43746,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43747,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43748,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43749,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43750,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43751,109,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43764,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43765,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43766,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43767,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43768,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43769,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43770,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43771,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43772,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43773,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43774,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43775,109,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+43788,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43789,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43790,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43791,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43792,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43793,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43794,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43795,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43796,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43797,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43798,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43799,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43800,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43801,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43802,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43803,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43804,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43805,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43806,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43807,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43808,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43809,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43810,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43811,109,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43812,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43813,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43814,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43815,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43816,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43817,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43818,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43819,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43820,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43821,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43822,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43823,109,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43824,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43825,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43826,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43827,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43828,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43829,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43830,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43831,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43832,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43833,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43834,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43835,109,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+43836,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43837,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43838,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43839,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43840,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43841,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43842,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43843,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43844,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43845,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43846,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43847,109,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43848,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43849,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43850,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43851,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43852,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43853,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43854,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43855,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43856,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43857,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43858,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43859,109,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+43860,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43861,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43862,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43863,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43864,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43865,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43866,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43867,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43868,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43869,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43870,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43871,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43872,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43873,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43874,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43875,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43876,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43877,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43878,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43879,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43880,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43881,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43882,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43883,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+43884,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43885,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43886,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43887,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43888,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43889,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43890,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43891,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43892,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43893,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43894,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43895,109,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43896,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43897,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43898,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43899,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43900,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43901,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43902,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43903,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43904,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43905,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43906,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43907,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+43908,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43909,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43910,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43911,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43912,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43913,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43914,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43915,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43916,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43917,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43918,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43919,109,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+43932,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43933,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43934,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43935,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43936,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43937,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43938,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43939,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43940,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43941,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43942,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43943,109,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43944,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43945,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43946,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43947,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43948,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43949,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43950,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43951,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43952,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43953,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43954,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43955,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+43956,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43957,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43958,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43959,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43960,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43961,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43962,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43963,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43964,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43965,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43966,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43967,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+43968,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43969,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43970,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43971,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43972,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43973,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43974,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43975,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43976,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43977,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43978,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43979,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+43980,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43981,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43982,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43983,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43984,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43985,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43986,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43987,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43988,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43989,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43990,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43991,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+43992,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43993,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43994,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43995,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43996,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43997,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43998,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+43999,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44000,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44001,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44002,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44003,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44004,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44005,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44006,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44007,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44008,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44009,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44010,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44011,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44012,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44013,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44014,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44015,109,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44040,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44041,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44042,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44043,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44044,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44045,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44046,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44047,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44048,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44049,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44050,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44051,109,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44052,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44053,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44054,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44055,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44056,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44057,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44058,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44059,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44060,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44061,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44062,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44063,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44064,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44065,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44066,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44067,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44068,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44069,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44070,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44071,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44072,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44073,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44074,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44075,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44076,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44077,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44078,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44079,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44080,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44081,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44082,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44083,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44084,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44085,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44086,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44087,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44088,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44089,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44090,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44091,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44092,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44093,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44094,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44095,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44096,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44097,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44098,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44099,109,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+44100,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44101,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44102,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44103,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44104,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44105,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44106,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44107,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44108,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44109,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44110,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44111,109,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44124,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44125,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44126,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44127,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44128,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44129,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44130,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44131,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44132,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44133,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44134,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44135,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44148,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44149,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44150,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44151,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44152,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44153,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44154,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44155,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44156,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44157,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44158,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44159,109,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44160,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44161,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44162,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44163,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44164,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44165,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44166,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44167,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44168,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44169,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44170,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44171,109,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44172,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44173,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44174,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44175,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44176,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44177,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44178,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44179,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44180,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44181,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44182,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44183,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44196,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44197,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44198,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44199,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44200,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44201,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44202,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44203,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44204,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44205,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44206,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44207,109,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44220,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44221,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44222,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44223,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44224,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44225,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44226,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44227,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44228,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44229,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44230,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44231,109,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44232,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44233,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44234,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44235,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44236,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44237,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44238,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44239,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44240,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44241,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44242,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44243,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44244,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44245,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44246,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44247,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44248,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44249,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44250,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44251,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44252,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44253,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44254,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44255,109,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44256,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44257,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44258,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44259,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44260,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44261,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44262,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44263,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44264,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44265,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44266,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44267,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44280,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44281,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44282,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44283,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44284,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44285,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44286,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44287,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44288,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44289,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44290,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44291,109,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44292,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44293,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44294,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44295,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44296,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44297,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44298,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44299,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44300,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44301,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44302,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44303,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44304,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44305,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44306,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44307,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44308,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44309,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44310,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44311,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44312,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44313,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44314,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44315,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44316,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44317,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44318,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44319,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44320,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44321,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44322,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44323,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44324,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44325,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44326,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44327,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44328,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44329,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44330,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44331,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44332,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44333,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44334,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44335,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44336,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44337,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44338,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44339,109,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44340,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44341,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44342,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44343,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44344,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44345,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44346,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44347,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44348,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44349,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44350,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44351,109,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44364,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44365,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44366,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44367,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44368,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44369,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44370,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44371,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44372,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44373,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44374,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44375,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44376,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44377,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44378,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44379,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44380,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44381,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44382,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44383,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44384,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44385,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44386,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44387,109,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44388,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44389,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44390,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44391,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44392,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44393,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44394,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44395,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44396,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44397,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44398,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44399,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44400,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44401,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44402,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44403,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44404,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44405,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44406,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44407,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44408,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44409,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44410,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44411,109,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44412,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44413,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44414,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44415,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44416,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44417,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44418,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44419,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44420,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44421,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44422,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44423,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44424,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44425,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44426,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44427,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44428,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44429,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44430,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44431,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44432,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44433,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44434,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44435,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44436,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44437,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44438,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44439,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44440,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44441,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44442,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44443,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44444,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44445,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44446,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44447,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44448,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44449,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44450,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44451,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44452,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44453,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44454,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44455,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44456,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44457,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44458,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44459,109,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44460,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44461,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44462,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44463,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44464,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44465,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44466,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44467,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44468,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44469,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44470,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44471,109,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44472,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44473,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44474,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44475,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44476,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44477,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44478,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44479,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44480,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44481,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44482,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44483,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44484,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44485,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44486,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44487,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44488,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44489,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44490,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44491,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44492,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44493,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44494,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44495,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44496,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44497,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44498,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44499,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44500,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44501,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44502,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44503,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44504,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44505,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44506,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44507,109,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44508,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44509,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44510,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44511,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44512,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44513,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44514,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44515,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44516,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44517,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44518,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44519,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44532,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44533,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44534,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44535,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44536,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44537,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44538,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44539,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44540,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44541,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44542,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44543,109,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44556,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44557,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44558,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44559,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44560,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44561,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44562,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44563,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44564,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44565,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44566,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44567,109,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+44568,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44569,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44570,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44571,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44572,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44573,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44574,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44575,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44576,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44577,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44578,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44579,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44580,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44581,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44582,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44583,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44584,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44585,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44586,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44587,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44588,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44589,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44590,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44591,109,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+44592,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44593,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44594,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44595,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44596,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44597,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44598,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44599,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44600,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44601,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44602,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44603,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44604,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44605,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44606,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44607,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44608,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44609,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44610,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44611,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44612,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44613,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44614,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44615,109,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44616,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44617,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44618,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44619,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44620,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44621,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44622,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44623,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44624,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44625,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44626,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44627,109,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44628,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44629,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44630,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44631,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44632,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44633,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44634,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44635,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44636,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44637,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44638,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44639,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44640,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44641,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44642,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44643,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44644,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44645,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44646,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44647,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44648,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44649,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44650,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44651,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44652,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44653,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44654,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44655,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44656,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44657,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44658,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44659,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44660,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44661,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44662,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44663,109,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44664,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44665,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44666,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44667,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44668,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44669,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44670,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44671,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44672,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44673,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44674,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44675,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44688,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44689,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44690,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44691,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44692,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44693,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44694,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44695,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44696,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44697,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44698,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44699,110,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44700,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44701,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44702,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44703,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44704,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44705,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44706,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44707,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44708,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44709,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44710,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44711,110,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44712,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44713,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44714,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44715,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44716,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44717,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44718,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44719,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44720,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44721,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44722,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44723,110,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+44724,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44725,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44726,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44727,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44728,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44729,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44730,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44731,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44732,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44733,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44734,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44735,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44748,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44749,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44750,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44751,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44752,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44753,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44754,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44755,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44756,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44757,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44758,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44759,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44760,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44761,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44762,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44763,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44764,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44765,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44766,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44767,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44768,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44769,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44770,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44771,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+44772,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44773,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44774,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44775,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44776,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44777,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44778,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44779,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44780,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44781,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44782,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44783,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44784,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44785,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44786,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44787,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44788,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44789,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44790,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44791,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44792,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44793,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44794,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44795,110,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44796,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44797,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44798,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44799,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44800,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44801,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44802,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44803,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44804,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44805,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44806,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44807,110,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44808,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44809,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44810,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44811,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44812,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44813,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44814,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44815,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44816,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44817,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44818,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44819,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44820,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44821,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44822,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44823,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44824,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44825,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44826,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44827,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44828,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44829,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44830,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44831,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+44832,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44833,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44834,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44835,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44836,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44837,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44838,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44839,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44840,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44841,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44842,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44843,110,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+44856,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44857,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44858,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44859,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44860,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44861,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44862,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44863,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44864,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44865,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44866,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44867,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+44868,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44869,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44870,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44871,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44872,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44873,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44874,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44875,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44876,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44877,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44878,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44879,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+44880,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44881,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44882,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44883,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44884,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44885,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44886,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44887,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44888,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44889,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44890,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44891,110,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+44892,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44893,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44894,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44895,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44896,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44897,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44898,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44899,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44900,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44901,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44902,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44903,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+44916,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44917,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44918,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44919,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44920,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44921,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44922,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44923,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44924,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44925,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44926,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44927,110,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+44928,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44929,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44930,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44931,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44932,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44933,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44934,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44935,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44936,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44937,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44938,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44939,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+44940,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44941,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44942,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44943,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44944,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44945,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44946,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44947,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44948,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44949,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44950,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44951,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+44952,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44953,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44954,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44955,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44956,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44957,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44958,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44959,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44960,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44961,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44962,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44963,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+44964,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44965,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44966,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44967,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44968,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44969,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44970,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44971,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44972,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44973,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44974,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44975,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+44976,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44977,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44978,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44979,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44980,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44981,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44982,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44983,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44984,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44985,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44986,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44987,110,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+44988,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44989,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44990,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44991,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44992,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44993,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44994,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44995,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44996,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44997,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44998,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+44999,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+45000,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45001,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45002,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45003,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45004,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45005,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45006,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45007,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45008,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45009,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45010,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45011,110,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+45012,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45013,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45014,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45015,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45016,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45017,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45018,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45019,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45020,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45021,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45022,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45023,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45024,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45025,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45026,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45027,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45028,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45029,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45030,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45031,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45032,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45033,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45034,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45035,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45048,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45049,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45050,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45051,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45052,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45053,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45054,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45055,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45056,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45057,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45058,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45059,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45060,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45061,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45062,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45063,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45064,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45065,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45066,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45067,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45068,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45069,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45070,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45071,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45072,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45073,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45074,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45075,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45076,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45077,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45078,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45079,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45080,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45081,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45082,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45083,110,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45084,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45085,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45086,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45087,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45088,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45089,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45090,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45091,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45092,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45093,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45094,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45095,110,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45096,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45097,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45098,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45099,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45100,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45101,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45102,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45103,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45104,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45105,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45106,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45107,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45108,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45109,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45110,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45111,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45112,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45113,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45114,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45115,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45116,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45117,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45118,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45119,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45120,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45121,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45122,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45123,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45124,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45125,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45126,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45127,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45128,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45129,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45130,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45131,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45132,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45133,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45134,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45135,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45136,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45137,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45138,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45139,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45140,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45141,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45142,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45143,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45144,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45145,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45146,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45147,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45148,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45149,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45150,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45151,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45152,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45153,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45154,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45155,110,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45156,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45157,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45158,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45159,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45160,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45161,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45162,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45163,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45164,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45165,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45166,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45167,110,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45180,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45181,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45182,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45183,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45184,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45185,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45186,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45187,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45188,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45189,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45190,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45191,110,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45192,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45193,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45194,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45195,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45196,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45197,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45198,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45199,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45200,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45201,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45202,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45203,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45204,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45205,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45206,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45207,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45208,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45209,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45210,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45211,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45212,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45213,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45214,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45215,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45216,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45217,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45218,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45219,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45220,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45221,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45222,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45223,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45224,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45225,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45226,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45227,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45228,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45229,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45230,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45231,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45232,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45233,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45234,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45235,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45236,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45237,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45238,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45239,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+45240,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45241,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45242,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45243,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45244,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45245,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45246,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45247,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45248,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45249,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45250,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45251,110,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45252,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45253,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45254,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45255,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45256,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45257,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45258,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45259,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45260,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45261,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45262,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45263,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45264,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45265,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45266,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45267,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45268,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45269,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45270,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45271,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45272,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45273,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45274,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45275,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45276,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45277,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45278,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45279,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45280,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45281,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45282,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45283,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45284,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45285,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45286,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45287,110,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45288,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45289,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45290,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45291,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45292,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45293,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45294,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45295,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45296,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45297,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45298,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45299,110,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+45300,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45301,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45302,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45303,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45304,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45305,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45306,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45307,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45308,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45309,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45310,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45311,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45312,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45313,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45314,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45315,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45316,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45317,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45318,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45319,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45320,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45321,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45322,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45323,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45324,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45325,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45326,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45327,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45328,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45329,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45330,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45331,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45332,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45333,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45334,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45335,110,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+45336,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45337,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45338,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45339,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45340,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45341,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45342,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45343,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45344,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45345,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45346,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45347,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45348,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45349,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45350,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45351,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45352,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45353,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45354,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45355,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45356,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45357,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45358,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45359,110,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45360,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45361,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45362,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45363,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45364,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45365,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45366,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45367,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45368,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45369,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45370,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45371,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45372,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45373,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45374,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45375,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45376,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45377,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45378,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45379,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45380,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45381,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45382,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45383,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+45384,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45385,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45386,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45387,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45388,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45389,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45390,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45391,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45392,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45393,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45394,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45395,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45396,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45397,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45398,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45399,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45400,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45401,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45402,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45403,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45404,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45405,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45406,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45407,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45408,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45409,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45410,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45411,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45412,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45413,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45414,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45415,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45416,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45417,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45418,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45419,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45420,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45421,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45422,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45423,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45424,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45425,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45426,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45427,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45428,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45429,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45430,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45431,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45432,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45433,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45434,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45435,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45436,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45437,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45438,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45439,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45440,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45441,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45442,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45443,110,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45444,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45445,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45446,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45447,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45448,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45449,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45450,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45451,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45452,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45453,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45454,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45455,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45468,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45469,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45470,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45471,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45472,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45473,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45474,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45475,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45476,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45477,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45478,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45479,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45480,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45481,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45482,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45483,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45484,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45485,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45486,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45487,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45488,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45489,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45490,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45491,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+45492,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45493,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45494,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45495,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45496,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45497,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45498,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45499,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45500,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45501,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45502,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45503,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45504,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45505,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45506,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45507,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45508,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45509,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45510,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45511,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45512,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45513,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45514,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45515,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45516,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45517,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45518,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45519,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45520,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45521,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45522,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45523,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45524,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45525,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45526,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45527,110,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45528,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45529,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45530,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45531,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45532,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45533,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45534,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45535,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45536,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45537,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45538,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45539,110,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45552,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45553,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45554,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45555,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45556,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45557,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45558,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45559,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45560,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45561,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45562,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45563,110,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45576,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45577,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45578,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45579,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45580,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45581,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45582,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45583,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45584,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45585,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45586,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45587,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45588,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45589,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45590,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45591,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45592,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45593,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45594,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45595,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45596,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45597,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45598,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45599,110,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45600,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45601,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45602,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45603,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45604,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45605,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45606,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45607,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45608,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45609,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45610,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45611,110,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45612,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45613,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45614,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45615,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45616,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45617,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45618,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45619,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45620,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45621,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45622,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45623,110,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45624,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45625,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45626,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45627,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45628,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45629,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45630,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45631,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45632,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45633,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45634,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45635,110,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45636,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45637,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45638,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45639,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45640,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45641,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45642,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45643,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45644,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45645,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45646,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45647,110,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45648,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45649,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45650,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45651,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45652,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45653,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45654,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45655,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45656,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45657,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45658,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45659,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45660,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45661,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45662,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45663,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45664,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45665,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45666,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45667,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45668,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45669,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45670,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45671,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+45672,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45673,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45674,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45675,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45676,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45677,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45678,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45679,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45680,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45681,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45682,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45683,110,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45684,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45685,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45686,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45687,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45688,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45689,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45690,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45691,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45692,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45693,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45694,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45695,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+45696,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45697,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45698,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45699,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45700,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45701,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45702,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45703,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45704,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45705,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45706,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45707,110,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45720,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45721,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45722,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45723,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45724,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45725,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45726,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45727,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45728,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45729,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45730,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45731,110,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45732,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45733,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45734,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45735,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45736,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45737,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45738,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45739,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45740,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45741,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45742,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45743,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+45744,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45745,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45746,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45747,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45748,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45749,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45750,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45751,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45752,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45753,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45754,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45755,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+45756,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45757,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45758,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45759,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45760,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45761,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45762,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45763,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45764,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45765,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45766,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45767,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45768,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45769,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45770,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45771,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45772,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45773,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45774,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45775,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45776,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45777,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45778,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45779,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45780,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45781,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45782,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45783,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45784,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45785,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45786,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45787,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45788,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45789,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45790,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45791,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+45792,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45793,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45794,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45795,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45796,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45797,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45798,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45799,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45800,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45801,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45802,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45803,110,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+45804,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45805,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45806,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45807,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45808,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45809,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45810,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45811,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45812,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45813,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45814,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45815,110,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45828,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45829,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45830,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45831,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45832,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45833,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45834,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45835,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45836,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45837,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45838,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45839,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+45852,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45853,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45854,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45855,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45856,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45857,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45858,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45859,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45860,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45861,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45862,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45863,110,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45864,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45865,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45866,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45867,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45868,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45869,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45870,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45871,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45872,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45873,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45874,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45875,110,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45876,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45877,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45878,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45879,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45880,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45881,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45882,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45883,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45884,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45885,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45886,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45887,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45900,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45901,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45902,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45903,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45904,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45905,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45906,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45907,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45908,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45909,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45910,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45911,110,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+45924,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45925,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45926,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45927,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45928,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45929,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45930,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45931,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45932,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45933,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45934,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45935,110,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45936,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45937,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45938,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45939,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45940,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45941,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45942,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45943,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45944,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45945,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45946,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45947,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45948,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45949,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45950,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45951,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45952,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45953,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45954,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45955,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45956,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45957,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45958,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45959,110,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+45960,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45961,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45962,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45963,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45964,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45965,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45966,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45967,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45968,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45969,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45970,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45971,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+45984,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45985,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45986,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45987,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45988,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45989,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45990,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45991,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45992,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45993,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45994,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45995,110,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+45996,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45997,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45998,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+45999,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46000,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46001,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46002,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46003,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46004,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46005,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46006,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46007,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46008,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46009,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46010,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46011,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46012,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46013,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46014,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46015,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46016,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46017,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46018,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46019,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46020,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46021,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46022,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46023,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46024,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46025,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46026,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46027,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46028,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46029,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46030,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46031,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46032,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46033,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46034,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46035,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46036,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46037,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46038,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46039,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46040,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46041,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46042,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46043,110,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46044,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46045,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46046,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46047,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46048,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46049,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46050,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46051,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46052,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46053,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46054,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46055,110,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46068,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46069,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46070,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46071,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46072,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46073,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46074,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46075,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46076,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46077,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46078,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46079,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46080,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46081,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46082,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46083,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46084,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46085,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46086,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46087,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46088,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46089,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46090,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46091,110,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46092,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46093,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46094,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46095,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46096,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46097,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46098,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46099,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46100,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46101,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46102,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46103,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46104,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46105,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46106,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46107,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46108,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46109,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46110,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46111,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46112,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46113,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46114,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46115,110,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46116,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46117,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46118,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46119,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46120,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46121,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46122,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46123,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46124,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46125,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46126,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46127,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46128,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46129,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46130,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46131,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46132,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46133,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46134,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46135,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46136,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46137,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46138,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46139,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46140,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46141,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46142,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46143,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46144,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46145,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46146,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46147,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46148,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46149,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46150,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46151,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46152,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46153,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46154,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46155,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46156,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46157,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46158,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46159,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46160,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46161,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46162,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46163,110,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46164,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46165,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46166,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46167,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46168,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46169,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46170,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46171,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46172,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46173,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46174,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46175,110,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46176,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46177,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46178,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46179,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46180,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46181,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46182,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46183,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46184,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46185,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46186,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46187,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46188,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46189,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46190,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46191,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46192,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46193,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46194,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46195,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46196,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46197,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46198,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46199,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46200,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46201,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46202,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46203,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46204,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46205,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46206,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46207,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46208,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46209,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46210,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46211,110,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46212,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46213,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46214,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46215,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46216,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46217,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46218,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46219,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46220,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46221,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46222,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46223,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46236,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46237,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46238,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46239,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46240,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46241,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46242,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46243,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46244,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46245,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46246,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46247,110,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46260,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46261,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46262,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46263,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46264,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46265,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46266,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46267,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46268,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46269,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46270,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46271,110,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+46272,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46273,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46274,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46275,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46276,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46277,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46278,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46279,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46280,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46281,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46282,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46283,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46284,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46285,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46286,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46287,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46288,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46289,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46290,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46291,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46292,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46293,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46294,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46295,110,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+46296,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46297,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46298,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46299,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46300,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46301,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46302,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46303,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46304,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46305,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46306,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46307,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46308,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46309,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46310,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46311,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46312,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46313,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46314,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46315,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46316,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46317,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46318,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46319,110,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46320,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46321,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46322,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46323,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46324,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46325,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46326,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46327,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46328,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46329,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46330,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46331,110,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46332,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46333,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46334,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46335,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46336,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46337,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46338,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46339,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46340,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46341,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46342,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46343,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46344,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46345,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46346,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46347,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46348,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46349,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46350,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46351,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46352,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46353,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46354,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46355,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46356,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46357,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46358,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46359,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46360,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46361,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46362,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46363,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46364,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46365,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46366,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46367,110,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46368,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46369,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46370,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46371,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46372,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46373,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46374,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46375,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46376,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46377,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46378,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46379,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46392,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46393,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46394,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46395,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46396,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46397,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46398,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46399,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46400,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46401,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46402,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46403,3,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46404,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46405,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46406,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46407,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46408,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46409,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46410,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46411,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46412,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46413,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46414,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46415,3,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46416,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46417,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46418,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46419,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46420,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46421,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46422,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46423,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46424,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46425,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46426,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46427,3,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46428,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46429,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46430,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46431,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46432,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46433,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46434,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46435,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46436,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46437,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46438,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46439,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46452,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46453,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46454,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46455,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46456,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46457,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46458,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46459,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46460,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46461,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46462,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46463,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46464,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46465,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46466,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46467,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46468,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46469,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46470,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46471,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46472,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46473,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46474,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46475,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46476,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46477,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46478,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46479,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46480,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46481,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46482,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46483,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46484,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46485,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46486,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46487,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46488,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46489,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46490,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46491,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46492,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46493,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46494,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46495,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46496,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46497,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46498,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46499,3,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46500,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46501,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46502,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46503,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46504,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46505,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46506,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46507,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46508,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46509,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46510,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46511,3,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46512,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46513,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46514,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46515,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46516,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46517,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46518,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46519,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46520,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46521,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46522,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46523,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+46524,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46525,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46526,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46527,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46528,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46529,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46530,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46531,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46532,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46533,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46534,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46535,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+46536,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46537,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46538,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46539,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46540,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46541,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46542,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46543,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46544,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46545,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46546,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46547,3,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46548,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46549,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46550,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46551,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46552,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46553,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46554,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46555,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46556,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46557,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46558,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46559,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46560,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46561,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46562,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46563,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46564,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46565,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46566,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46567,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46568,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46569,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46570,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46571,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46572,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46573,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46574,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46575,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46576,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46577,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46578,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46579,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46580,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46581,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46582,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46583,3,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46584,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46585,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46586,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46587,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46588,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46589,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46590,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46591,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46592,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46593,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46594,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46595,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46596,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46597,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46598,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46599,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46600,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46601,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46602,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46603,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46604,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46605,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46606,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46607,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+46608,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46609,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46610,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46611,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46612,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46613,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46614,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46615,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46616,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46617,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46618,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46619,3,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46632,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46633,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46634,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46635,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46636,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46637,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46638,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46639,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46640,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46641,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46642,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46643,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46644,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46645,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46646,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46647,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46648,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46649,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46650,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46651,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46652,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46653,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46654,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46655,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46656,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46657,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46658,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46659,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46660,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46661,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46662,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46663,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46664,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46665,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46666,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46667,3,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+46668,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46669,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46670,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46671,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46672,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46673,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46674,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46675,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46676,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46677,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46678,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46679,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+46680,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46681,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46682,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46683,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46684,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46685,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46686,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46687,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46688,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46689,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46690,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46691,3,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+46692,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46693,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46694,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46695,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46696,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46697,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46698,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46699,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46700,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46701,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46702,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46703,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+46704,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46705,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46706,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46707,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46708,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46709,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46710,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46711,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46712,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46713,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46714,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46715,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46716,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46717,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46718,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46719,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46720,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46721,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46722,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46723,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46724,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46725,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46726,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46727,3,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+46728,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46729,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46730,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46731,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46732,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46733,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46734,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46735,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46736,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46737,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46738,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46739,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46740,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46741,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46742,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46743,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46744,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46745,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46746,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46747,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46748,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46749,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46750,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46751,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46752,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46753,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46754,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46755,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46756,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46757,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46758,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46759,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46760,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46761,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46762,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46763,3,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+46764,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46765,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46766,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46767,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46768,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46769,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46770,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46771,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46772,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46773,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46774,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46775,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+46776,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46777,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46778,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46779,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46780,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46781,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46782,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46783,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46784,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46785,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46786,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46787,3,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+46788,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46789,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46790,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46791,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46792,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46793,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46794,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46795,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46796,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46797,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46798,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46799,3,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+46800,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46801,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46802,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46803,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46804,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46805,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46806,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46807,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46808,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46809,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46810,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46811,3,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46812,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46813,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46814,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46815,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46816,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46817,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46818,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46819,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46820,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46821,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46822,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46823,3,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+46824,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46825,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46826,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46827,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46828,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46829,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46830,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46831,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46832,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46833,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46834,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46835,3,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46836,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46837,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46838,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46839,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46840,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46841,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46842,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46843,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46844,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46845,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46846,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46847,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46848,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46849,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46850,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46851,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46852,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46853,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46854,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46855,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46856,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46857,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46858,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46859,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46860,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46861,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46862,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46863,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46864,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46865,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46866,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46867,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46868,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46869,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46870,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46871,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+46872,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46873,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46874,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46875,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46876,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46877,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46878,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46879,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46880,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46881,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46882,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46883,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46884,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46885,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46886,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46887,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46888,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46889,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46890,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46891,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46892,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46893,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46894,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46895,3,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+46896,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46897,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46898,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46899,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46900,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46901,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46902,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46903,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46904,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46905,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46906,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46907,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+46920,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46921,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46922,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46923,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46924,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46925,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46926,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46927,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46928,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46929,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46930,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46931,3,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+46932,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46933,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46934,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46935,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46936,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46937,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46938,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46939,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46940,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46941,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46942,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46943,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+46944,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46945,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46946,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46947,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46948,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46949,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46950,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46951,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46952,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46953,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46954,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46955,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+46956,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46957,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46958,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46959,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46960,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46961,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46962,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46963,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46964,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46965,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46966,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46967,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+46968,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46969,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46970,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46971,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46972,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46973,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46974,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46975,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46976,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46977,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46978,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46979,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+46980,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46981,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46982,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46983,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46984,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46985,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46986,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46987,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46988,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46989,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46990,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46991,3,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+46992,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+46993,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+46994,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+46995,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+46996,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+46997,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+46998,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+46999,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+47000,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+47001,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+47002,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+47003,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+47004,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47005,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47006,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47007,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47008,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47009,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47010,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47011,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47012,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47013,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47014,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47015,3,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+47016,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47017,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47018,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47019,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47020,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47021,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47022,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47023,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47024,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47025,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47026,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47027,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47028,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47029,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47030,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47031,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47032,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47033,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47034,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47035,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47036,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47037,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47038,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47039,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47052,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47053,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47054,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47055,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47056,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47057,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47058,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47059,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47060,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47061,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47062,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47063,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47064,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47065,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47066,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47067,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47068,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47069,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47070,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47071,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47072,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47073,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47074,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47075,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47076,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47077,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47078,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47079,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47080,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47081,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47082,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47083,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47084,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47085,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47086,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47087,3,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47088,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47089,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47090,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47091,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47092,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47093,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47094,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47095,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47096,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47097,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47098,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47099,3,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47100,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47101,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47102,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47103,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47104,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47105,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47106,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47107,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47108,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47109,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47110,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47111,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47112,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47113,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47114,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47115,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47116,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47117,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47118,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47119,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47120,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47121,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47122,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47123,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47124,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47125,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47126,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47127,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47128,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47129,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47130,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47131,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47132,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47133,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47134,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47135,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47136,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47137,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47138,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47139,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47140,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47141,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47142,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47143,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47144,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47145,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47146,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47147,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47148,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47149,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47150,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47151,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47152,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47153,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47154,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47155,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47156,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47157,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47158,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47159,3,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47160,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47161,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47162,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47163,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47164,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47165,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47166,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47167,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47168,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47169,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47170,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47171,3,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47184,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47185,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47186,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47187,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47188,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47189,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47190,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47191,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47192,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47193,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47194,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47195,3,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47196,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47197,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47198,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47199,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47200,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47201,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47202,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47203,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47204,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47205,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47206,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47207,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47208,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47209,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47210,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47211,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47212,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47213,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47214,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47215,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47216,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47217,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47218,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47219,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47220,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47221,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47222,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47223,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47224,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47225,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47226,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47227,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47228,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47229,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47230,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47231,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47232,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47233,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47234,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47235,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47236,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47237,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47238,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47239,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47240,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47241,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47242,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47243,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+47244,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47245,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47246,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47247,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47248,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47249,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47250,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47251,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47252,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47253,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47254,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47255,3,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47256,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47257,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47258,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47259,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47260,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47261,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47262,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47263,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47264,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47265,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47266,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47267,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47268,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47269,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47270,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47271,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47272,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47273,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47274,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47275,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47276,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47277,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47278,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47279,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47280,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47281,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47282,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47283,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47284,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47285,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47286,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47287,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47288,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47289,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47290,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47291,3,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47292,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47293,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47294,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47295,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47296,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47297,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47298,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47299,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47300,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47301,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47302,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47303,3,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+47304,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47305,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47306,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47307,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47308,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47309,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47310,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47311,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47312,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47313,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47314,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47315,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47316,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47317,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47318,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47319,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47320,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47321,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47322,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47323,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47324,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47325,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47326,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47327,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47328,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47329,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47330,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47331,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47332,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47333,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47334,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47335,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47336,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47337,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47338,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47339,3,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+47340,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47341,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47342,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47343,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47344,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47345,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47346,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47347,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47348,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47349,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47350,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47351,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47352,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47353,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47354,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47355,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47356,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47357,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47358,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47359,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47360,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47361,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47362,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47363,3,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47364,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47365,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47366,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47367,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47368,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47369,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47370,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47371,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47372,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47373,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47374,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47375,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47376,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47377,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47378,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47379,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47380,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47381,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47382,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47383,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47384,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47385,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47386,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47387,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47388,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47389,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47390,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47391,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47392,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47393,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47394,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47395,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47396,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47397,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47398,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47399,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47400,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47401,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47402,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47403,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47404,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47405,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47406,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47407,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47408,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47409,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47410,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47411,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47412,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47413,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47414,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47415,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47416,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47417,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47418,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47419,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47420,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47421,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47422,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47423,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47424,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47425,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47426,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47427,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47428,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47429,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47430,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47431,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47432,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47433,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47434,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47435,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47436,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47437,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47438,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47439,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47440,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47441,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47442,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47443,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47444,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47445,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47446,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47447,3,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47448,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47449,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47450,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47451,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47452,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47453,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47454,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47455,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47456,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47457,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47458,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47459,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+47460,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47461,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47462,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47463,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47464,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47465,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47466,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47467,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47468,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47469,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47470,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47471,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47484,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47485,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47486,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47487,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47488,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47489,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47490,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47491,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47492,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47493,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47494,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47495,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47496,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47497,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47498,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47499,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47500,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47501,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47502,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47503,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47504,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47505,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47506,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47507,3,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47508,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47509,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47510,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47511,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47512,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47513,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47514,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47515,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47516,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47517,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47518,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47519,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47520,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47521,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47522,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47523,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47524,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47525,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47526,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47527,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47528,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47529,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47530,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47531,3,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47532,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47533,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47534,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47535,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47536,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47537,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47538,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47539,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47540,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47541,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47542,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47543,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+47544,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47545,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47546,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47547,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47548,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47549,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47550,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47551,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47552,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47553,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47554,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47555,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47556,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47557,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47558,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47559,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47560,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47561,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47562,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47563,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47564,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47565,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47566,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47567,3,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47568,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47569,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47570,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47571,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47572,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47573,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47574,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47575,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47576,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47577,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47578,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47579,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47580,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47581,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47582,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47583,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47584,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47585,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47586,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47587,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47588,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47589,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47590,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47591,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47592,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47593,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47594,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47595,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47596,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47597,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47598,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47599,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47600,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47601,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47602,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47603,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47604,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47605,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47606,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47607,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47608,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47609,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47610,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47611,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47612,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47613,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47614,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47615,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47616,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47617,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47618,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47619,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47620,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47621,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47622,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47623,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47624,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47625,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47626,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47627,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47628,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47629,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47630,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47631,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47632,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47633,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47634,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47635,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47636,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47637,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47638,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47639,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47640,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47641,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47642,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47643,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47644,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47645,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47646,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47647,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47648,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47649,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47650,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47651,3,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+47652,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47653,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47654,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47655,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47656,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47657,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47658,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47659,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47660,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47661,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47662,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47663,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47676,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47677,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47678,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47679,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47680,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47681,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47682,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47683,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47684,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47685,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47686,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47687,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47688,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47689,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47690,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47691,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47692,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47693,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47694,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47695,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47696,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47697,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47698,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47699,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+47700,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47701,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47702,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47703,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47704,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47705,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47706,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47707,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47708,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47709,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47710,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47711,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47712,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47713,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47714,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47715,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47716,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47717,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47718,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47719,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47720,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47721,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47722,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47723,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47724,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47725,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47726,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47727,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47728,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47729,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47730,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47731,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47732,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47733,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47734,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47735,3,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47736,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47737,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47738,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47739,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47740,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47741,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47742,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47743,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47744,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47745,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47746,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47747,3,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47760,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47761,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47762,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47763,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47764,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47765,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47766,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47767,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47768,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47769,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47770,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47771,3,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+47784,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47785,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47786,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47787,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47788,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47789,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47790,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47791,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47792,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47793,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47794,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47795,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47796,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47797,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47798,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47799,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47800,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47801,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47802,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47803,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47804,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47805,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47806,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47807,3,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47808,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47809,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47810,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47811,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47812,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47813,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47814,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47815,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47816,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47817,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47818,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47819,3,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47820,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47821,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47822,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47823,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47824,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47825,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47826,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47827,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47828,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47829,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47830,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47831,3,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+47832,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47833,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47834,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47835,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47836,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47837,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47838,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47839,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47840,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47841,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47842,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47843,3,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47844,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47845,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47846,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47847,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47848,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47849,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47850,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47851,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47852,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47853,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47854,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47855,3,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+47856,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47857,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47858,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47859,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47860,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47861,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47862,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47863,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47864,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47865,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47866,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47867,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47868,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47869,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47870,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47871,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47872,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47873,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47874,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47875,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47876,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47877,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47878,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47879,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+47880,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47881,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47882,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47883,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47884,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47885,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47886,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47887,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47888,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47889,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47890,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47891,3,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47892,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47893,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47894,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47895,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47896,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47897,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47898,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47899,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47900,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47901,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47902,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47903,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+47904,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47905,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47906,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47907,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47908,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47909,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47910,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47911,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47912,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47913,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47914,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47915,3,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+47928,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47929,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47930,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47931,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47932,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47933,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47934,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47935,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47936,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47937,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47938,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47939,3,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47940,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47941,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47942,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47943,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47944,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47945,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47946,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47947,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47948,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47949,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47950,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47951,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+47952,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47953,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47954,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47955,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47956,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47957,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47958,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47959,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47960,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47961,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47962,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47963,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+47964,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47965,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47966,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47967,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47968,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47969,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47970,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47971,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47972,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47973,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47974,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47975,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+47976,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47977,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47978,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47979,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47980,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47981,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47982,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47983,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47984,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47985,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47986,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47987,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+47988,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47989,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47990,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47991,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47992,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47993,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47994,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47995,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47996,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47997,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47998,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+47999,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48000,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48001,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48002,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48003,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48004,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48005,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48006,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48007,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48008,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48009,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48010,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48011,3,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48036,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48037,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48038,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48039,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48040,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48041,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48042,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48043,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48044,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48045,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48046,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48047,3,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48048,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48049,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48050,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48051,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48052,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48053,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48054,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48055,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48056,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48057,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48058,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48059,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+48060,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48061,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48062,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48063,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48064,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48065,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48066,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48067,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48068,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48069,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48070,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48071,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48072,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48073,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48074,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48075,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48076,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48077,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48078,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48079,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48080,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48081,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48082,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48083,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48084,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48085,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48086,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48087,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48088,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48089,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48090,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48091,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48092,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48093,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48094,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48095,3,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48096,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48097,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48098,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48099,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48100,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48101,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48102,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48103,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48104,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48105,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48106,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48107,3,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48120,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48121,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48122,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48123,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48124,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48125,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48126,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48127,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48128,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48129,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48130,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48131,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48144,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48145,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48146,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48147,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48148,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48149,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48150,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48151,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48152,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48153,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48154,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48155,3,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48156,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48157,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48158,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48159,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48160,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48161,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48162,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48163,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48164,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48165,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48166,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48167,3,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48168,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48169,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48170,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48171,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48172,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48173,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48174,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48175,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48176,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48177,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48178,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48179,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48192,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48193,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48194,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48195,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48196,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48197,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48198,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48199,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48200,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48201,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48202,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48203,3,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48216,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48217,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48218,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48219,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48220,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48221,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48222,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48223,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48224,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48225,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48226,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48227,3,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48228,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48229,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48230,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48231,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48232,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48233,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48234,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48235,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48236,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48237,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48238,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48239,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48240,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48241,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48242,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48243,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48244,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48245,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48246,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48247,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48248,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48249,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48250,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48251,3,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48252,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48253,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48254,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48255,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48256,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48257,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48258,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48259,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48260,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48261,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48262,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48263,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48276,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48277,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48278,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48279,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48280,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48281,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48282,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48283,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48284,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48285,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48286,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48287,3,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48288,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48289,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48290,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48291,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48292,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48293,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48294,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48295,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48296,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48297,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48298,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48299,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48300,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48301,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48302,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48303,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48304,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48305,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48306,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48307,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48308,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48309,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48310,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48311,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48312,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48313,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48314,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48315,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48316,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48317,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48318,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48319,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48320,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48321,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48322,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48323,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48324,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48325,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48326,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48327,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48328,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48329,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48330,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48331,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48332,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48333,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48334,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48335,3,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48336,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48337,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48338,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48339,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48340,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48341,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48342,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48343,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48344,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48345,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48346,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48347,3,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48360,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48361,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48362,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48363,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48364,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48365,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48366,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48367,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48368,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48369,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48370,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48371,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48372,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48373,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48374,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48375,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48376,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48377,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48378,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48379,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48380,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48381,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48382,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48383,3,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48384,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48385,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48386,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48387,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48388,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48389,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48390,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48391,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48392,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48393,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48394,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48395,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48396,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48397,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48398,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48399,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48400,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48401,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48402,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48403,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48404,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48405,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48406,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48407,3,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48408,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48409,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48410,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48411,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48412,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48413,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48414,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48415,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48416,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48417,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48418,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48419,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48420,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48421,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48422,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48423,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48424,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48425,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48426,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48427,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48428,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48429,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48430,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48431,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48432,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48433,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48434,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48435,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48436,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48437,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48438,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48439,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48440,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48441,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48442,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48443,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48444,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48445,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48446,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48447,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48448,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48449,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48450,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48451,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48452,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48453,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48454,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48455,3,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48456,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48457,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48458,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48459,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48460,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48461,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48462,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48463,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48464,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48465,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48466,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48467,3,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48468,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48469,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48470,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48471,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48472,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48473,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48474,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48475,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48476,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48477,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48478,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48479,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48480,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48481,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48482,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48483,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48484,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48485,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48486,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48487,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48488,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48489,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48490,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48491,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48492,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48493,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48494,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48495,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48496,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48497,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48498,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48499,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48500,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48501,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48502,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48503,3,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48504,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48505,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48506,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48507,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48508,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48509,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48510,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48511,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48512,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48513,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48514,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48515,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48528,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48529,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48530,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48531,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48532,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48533,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48534,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48535,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48536,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48537,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48538,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48539,3,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48552,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48553,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48554,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48555,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48556,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48557,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48558,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48559,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48560,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48561,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48562,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48563,3,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+48564,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48565,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48566,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48567,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48568,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48569,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48570,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48571,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48572,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48573,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48574,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48575,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48576,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48577,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48578,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48579,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48580,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48581,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48582,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48583,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48584,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48585,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48586,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48587,3,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+48588,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48589,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48590,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48591,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48592,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48593,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48594,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48595,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48596,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48597,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48598,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48599,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48600,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48601,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48602,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48603,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48604,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48605,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48606,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48607,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48608,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48609,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48610,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48611,3,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48612,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48613,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48614,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48615,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48616,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48617,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48618,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48619,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48620,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48621,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48622,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48623,3,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48624,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48625,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48626,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48627,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48628,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48629,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48630,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48631,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48632,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48633,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48634,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48635,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48636,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48637,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48638,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48639,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48640,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48641,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48642,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48643,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48644,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48645,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48646,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48647,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48648,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48649,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48650,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48651,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48652,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48653,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48654,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48655,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48656,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48657,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48658,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48659,3,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48660,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48661,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48662,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48663,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48664,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48665,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48666,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48667,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48668,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48669,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48670,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48671,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48684,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48685,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48686,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48687,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48688,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48689,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48690,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48691,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48692,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48693,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48694,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48695,4,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48696,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48697,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48698,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48699,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48700,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48701,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48702,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48703,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48704,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48705,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48706,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48707,4,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48708,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48709,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48710,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48711,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48712,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48713,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48714,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48715,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48716,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48717,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48718,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48719,4,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48720,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48721,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48722,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48723,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48724,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48725,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48726,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48727,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48728,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48729,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48730,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48731,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+48744,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48745,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48746,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48747,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48748,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48749,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48750,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48751,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48752,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48753,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48754,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48755,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+48756,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48757,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48758,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48759,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48760,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48761,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48762,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48763,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48764,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48765,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48766,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48767,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+48768,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48769,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48770,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48771,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48772,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48773,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48774,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48775,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48776,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48777,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48778,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48779,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48780,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48781,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48782,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48783,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48784,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48785,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48786,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48787,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48788,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48789,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48790,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48791,4,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+48792,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48793,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48794,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48795,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48796,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48797,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48798,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48799,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48800,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48801,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48802,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48803,4,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+48804,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48805,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48806,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48807,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48808,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48809,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48810,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48811,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48812,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48813,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48814,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48815,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+48816,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48817,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48818,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48819,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48820,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48821,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48822,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48823,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48824,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48825,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48826,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48827,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+48828,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48829,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48830,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48831,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48832,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48833,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48834,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48835,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48836,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48837,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48838,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48839,4,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+48840,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48841,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48842,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48843,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48844,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48845,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48846,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48847,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48848,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48849,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48850,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48851,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+48852,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48853,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48854,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48855,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48856,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48857,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48858,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48859,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48860,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48861,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48862,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48863,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48864,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48865,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48866,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48867,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48868,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48869,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48870,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48871,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48872,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48873,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48874,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48875,4,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+48876,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48877,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48878,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48879,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48880,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48881,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48882,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48883,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48884,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48885,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48886,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48887,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48888,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48889,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48890,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48891,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48892,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48893,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48894,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48895,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48896,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48897,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48898,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48899,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+48900,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48901,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48902,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48903,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48904,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48905,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48906,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48907,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48908,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48909,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48910,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48911,4,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+48924,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48925,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48926,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48927,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48928,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48929,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48930,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48931,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48932,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48933,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48934,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48935,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+48936,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48937,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48938,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48939,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48940,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48941,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48942,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48943,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48944,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48945,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48946,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48947,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+48948,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48949,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48950,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48951,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48952,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48953,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48954,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48955,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48956,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48957,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48958,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48959,4,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+48960,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48961,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48962,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48963,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48964,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48965,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48966,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48967,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48968,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48969,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48970,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48971,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+48972,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48973,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48974,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48975,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48976,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48977,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48978,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48979,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48980,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48981,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48982,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48983,4,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+48984,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48985,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48986,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48987,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48988,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48989,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48990,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48991,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48992,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48993,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48994,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48995,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+48996,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+48997,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+48998,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+48999,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49000,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49001,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49002,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49003,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49004,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49005,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49006,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49007,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49008,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49009,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49010,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49011,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49012,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49013,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49014,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49015,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49016,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49017,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49018,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49019,4,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+49020,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49021,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49022,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49023,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49024,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49025,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49026,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49027,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49028,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49029,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49030,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49031,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49032,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49033,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49034,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49035,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49036,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49037,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49038,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49039,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49040,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49041,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49042,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49043,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49044,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49045,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49046,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49047,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49048,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49049,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49050,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49051,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49052,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49053,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49054,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49055,4,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+49056,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49057,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49058,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49059,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49060,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49061,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49062,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49063,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49064,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49065,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49066,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49067,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+49068,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49069,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49070,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49071,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49072,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49073,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49074,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49075,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49076,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49077,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49078,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49079,4,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49080,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49081,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49082,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49083,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49084,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49085,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49086,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49087,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49088,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49089,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49090,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49091,4,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49092,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49093,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49094,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49095,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49096,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49097,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49098,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49099,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49100,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49101,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49102,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49103,4,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49104,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49105,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49106,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49107,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49108,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49109,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49110,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49111,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49112,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49113,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49114,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49115,4,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49116,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49117,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49118,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49119,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49120,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49121,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49122,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49123,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49124,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49125,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49126,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49127,4,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49128,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49129,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49130,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49131,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49132,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49133,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49134,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49135,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49136,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49137,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49138,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49139,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49140,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49141,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49142,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49143,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49144,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49145,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49146,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49147,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49148,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49149,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49150,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49151,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49152,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49153,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49154,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49155,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49156,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49157,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49158,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49159,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49160,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49161,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49162,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49163,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49164,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49165,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49166,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49167,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49168,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49169,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49170,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49171,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49172,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49173,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49174,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49175,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49176,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49177,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49178,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49179,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49180,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49181,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49182,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49183,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49184,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49185,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49186,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49187,4,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49188,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49189,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49190,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49191,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49192,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49193,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49194,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49195,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49196,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49197,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49198,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49199,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49200,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49201,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49202,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49203,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49204,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49205,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49206,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49207,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49208,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49209,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49210,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49211,4,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49212,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49213,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49214,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49215,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49216,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49217,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49218,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49219,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49220,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49221,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49222,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49223,4,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49224,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49225,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49226,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49227,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49228,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49229,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49230,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49231,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49232,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49233,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49234,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49235,4,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49236,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49237,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49238,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49239,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49240,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49241,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49242,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49243,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49244,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49245,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49246,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49247,4,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49248,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49249,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49250,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49251,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49252,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49253,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49254,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49255,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49256,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49257,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49258,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49259,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49260,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49261,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49262,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49263,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49264,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49265,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49266,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49267,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49268,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49269,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49270,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49271,4,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49272,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49273,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49274,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49275,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49276,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49277,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49278,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49279,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49280,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49281,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49282,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49283,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49296,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49297,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49298,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49299,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49300,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49301,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49302,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49303,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49304,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49305,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49306,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49307,4,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49308,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49309,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49310,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49311,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49312,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49313,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49314,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49315,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49316,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49317,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49318,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49319,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49320,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49321,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49322,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49323,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49324,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49325,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49326,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49327,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49328,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49329,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49330,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49331,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+49332,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49333,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49334,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49335,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49336,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49337,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49338,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49339,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49340,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49341,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49342,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49343,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49344,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49345,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49346,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49347,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49348,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49349,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49350,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49351,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49352,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49353,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49354,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49355,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49356,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49357,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49358,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49359,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49360,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49361,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49362,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49363,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49364,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49365,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49366,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49367,4,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49368,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49369,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49370,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49371,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49372,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49373,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49374,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49375,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49376,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49377,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49378,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49379,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+49380,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49381,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49382,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49383,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49384,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49385,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49386,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49387,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49388,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49389,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49390,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49391,4,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+49392,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49393,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49394,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49395,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49396,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49397,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49398,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49399,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49400,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49401,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49402,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49403,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49404,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49405,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49406,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49407,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49408,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49409,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49410,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49411,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49412,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49413,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49414,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49415,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49428,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49429,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49430,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49431,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49432,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49433,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49434,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49435,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49436,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49437,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49438,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49439,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49440,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49441,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49442,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49443,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49444,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49445,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49446,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49447,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49448,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49449,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49450,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49451,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49452,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49453,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49454,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49455,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49456,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49457,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49458,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49459,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49460,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49461,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49462,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49463,4,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49464,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49465,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49466,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49467,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49468,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49469,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49470,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49471,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49472,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49473,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49474,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49475,4,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49476,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49477,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49478,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49479,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49480,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49481,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49482,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49483,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49484,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49485,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49486,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49487,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49488,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49489,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49490,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49491,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49492,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49493,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49494,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49495,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49496,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49497,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49498,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49499,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49500,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49501,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49502,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49503,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49504,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49505,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49506,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49507,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49508,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49509,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49510,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49511,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49512,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49513,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49514,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49515,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49516,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49517,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49518,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49519,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49520,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49521,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49522,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49523,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49524,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49525,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49526,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49527,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49528,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49529,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49530,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49531,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49532,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49533,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49534,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49535,4,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49536,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49537,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49538,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49539,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49540,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49541,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49542,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49543,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49544,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49545,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49546,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49547,4,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49560,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49561,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49562,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49563,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49564,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49565,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49566,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49567,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49568,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49569,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49570,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49571,4,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49572,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49573,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49574,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49575,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49576,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49577,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49578,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49579,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49580,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49581,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49582,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49583,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49584,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49585,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49586,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49587,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49588,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49589,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49590,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49591,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49592,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49593,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49594,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49595,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49596,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49597,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49598,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49599,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49600,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49601,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49602,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49603,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49604,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49605,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49606,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49607,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49608,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49609,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49610,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49611,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49612,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49613,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49614,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49615,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49616,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49617,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49618,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49619,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+49620,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49621,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49622,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49623,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49624,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49625,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49626,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49627,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49628,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49629,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49630,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49631,4,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49632,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49633,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49634,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49635,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49636,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49637,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49638,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49639,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49640,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49641,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49642,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49643,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49644,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49645,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49646,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49647,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49648,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49649,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49650,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49651,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49652,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49653,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49654,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49655,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49656,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49657,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49658,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49659,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49660,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49661,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49662,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49663,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49664,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49665,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49666,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49667,4,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49668,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49669,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49670,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49671,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49672,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49673,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49674,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49675,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49676,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49677,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49678,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49679,4,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+49680,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49681,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49682,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49683,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49684,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49685,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49686,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49687,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49688,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49689,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49690,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49691,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49692,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49693,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49694,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49695,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49696,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49697,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49698,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49699,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49700,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49701,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49702,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49703,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49704,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49705,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49706,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49707,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49708,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49709,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49710,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49711,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49712,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49713,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49714,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49715,4,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+49716,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49717,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49718,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49719,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49720,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49721,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49722,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49723,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49724,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49725,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49726,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49727,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49728,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49729,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49730,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49731,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49732,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49733,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49734,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49735,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49736,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49737,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49738,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49739,4,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49740,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49741,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49742,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49743,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49744,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49745,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49746,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49747,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49748,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49749,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49750,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49751,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49752,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49753,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49754,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49755,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49756,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49757,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49758,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49759,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49760,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49761,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49762,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49763,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49764,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49765,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49766,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49767,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49768,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49769,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49770,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49771,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49772,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49773,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49774,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49775,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49776,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49777,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49778,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49779,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49780,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49781,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49782,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49783,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49784,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49785,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49786,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49787,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49788,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49789,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49790,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49791,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49792,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49793,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49794,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49795,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49796,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49797,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49798,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49799,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49800,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49801,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49802,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49803,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49804,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49805,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49806,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49807,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49808,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49809,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49810,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49811,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49812,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49813,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49814,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49815,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49816,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49817,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49818,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49819,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49820,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49821,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49822,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49823,4,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+49824,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49825,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49826,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49827,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49828,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49829,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49830,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49831,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49832,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49833,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49834,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49835,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+49836,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49837,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49838,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49839,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49840,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49841,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49842,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49843,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49844,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49845,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49846,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49847,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+49860,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49861,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49862,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49863,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49864,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49865,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49866,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49867,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49868,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49869,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49870,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49871,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49872,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49873,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49874,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49875,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49876,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49877,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49878,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49879,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49880,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49881,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49882,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49883,4,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49884,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49885,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49886,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49887,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49888,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49889,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49890,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49891,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49892,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49893,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49894,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49895,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49896,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49897,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49898,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49899,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49900,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49901,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49902,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49903,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49904,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49905,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49906,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49907,4,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49908,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49909,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49910,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49911,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49912,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49913,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49914,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49915,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49916,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49917,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49918,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49919,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+49920,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49921,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49922,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49923,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49924,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49925,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49926,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49927,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49928,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49929,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49930,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49931,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+49932,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49933,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49934,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49935,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49936,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49937,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49938,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49939,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49940,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49941,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49942,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49943,4,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+49944,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49945,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49946,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49947,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49948,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49949,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49950,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49951,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49952,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49953,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49954,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49955,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+49956,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49957,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49958,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49959,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49960,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49961,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49962,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49963,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49964,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49965,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49966,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49967,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+49968,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49969,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49970,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49971,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49972,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49973,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49974,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49975,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49976,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49977,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49978,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49979,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+49980,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49981,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49982,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49983,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49984,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49985,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49986,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49987,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49988,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49989,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49990,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49991,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+49992,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49993,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49994,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49995,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49996,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49997,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49998,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+49999,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50000,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50001,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50002,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50003,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50004,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50005,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50006,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50007,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50008,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50009,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50010,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50011,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50012,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50013,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50014,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50015,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50016,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50017,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50018,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50019,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50020,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50021,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50022,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50023,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50024,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50025,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50026,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50027,4,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50028,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50029,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50030,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50031,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50032,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50033,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50034,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50035,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50036,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50037,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50038,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50039,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50052,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50053,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50054,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50055,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50056,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50057,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50058,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50059,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50060,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50061,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50062,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50063,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50064,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50065,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50066,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50067,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50068,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50069,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50070,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50071,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50072,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50073,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50074,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50075,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50076,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50077,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50078,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50079,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50080,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50081,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50082,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50083,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50084,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50085,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50086,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50087,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50088,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50089,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50090,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50091,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50092,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50093,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50094,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50095,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50096,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50097,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50098,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50099,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50100,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50101,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50102,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50103,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50104,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50105,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50106,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50107,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50108,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50109,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50110,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50111,4,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50112,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50113,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50114,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50115,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50116,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50117,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50118,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50119,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50120,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50121,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50122,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50123,4,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50136,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50137,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50138,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50139,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50140,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50141,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50142,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50143,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50144,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50145,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50146,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50147,4,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50160,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50161,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50162,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50163,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50164,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50165,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50166,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50167,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50168,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50169,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50170,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50171,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50172,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50173,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50174,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50175,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50176,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50177,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50178,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50179,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50180,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50181,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50182,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50183,4,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50184,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50185,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50186,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50187,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50188,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50189,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50190,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50191,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50192,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50193,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50194,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50195,4,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50196,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50197,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50198,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50199,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50200,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50201,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50202,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50203,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50204,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50205,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50206,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50207,4,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50208,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50209,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50210,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50211,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50212,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50213,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50214,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50215,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50216,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50217,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50218,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50219,4,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50220,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50221,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50222,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50223,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50224,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50225,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50226,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50227,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50228,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50229,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50230,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50231,4,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50232,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50233,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50234,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50235,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50236,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50237,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50238,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50239,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50240,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50241,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50242,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50243,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50244,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50245,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50246,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50247,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50248,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50249,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50250,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50251,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50252,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50253,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50254,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50255,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50256,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50257,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50258,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50259,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50260,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50261,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50262,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50263,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50264,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50265,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50266,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50267,4,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50268,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50269,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50270,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50271,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50272,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50273,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50274,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50275,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50276,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50277,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50278,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50279,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+50280,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50281,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50282,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50283,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50284,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50285,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50286,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50287,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50288,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50289,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50290,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50291,4,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50304,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50305,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50306,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50307,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50308,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50309,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50310,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50311,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50312,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50313,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50314,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50315,4,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50316,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50317,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50318,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50319,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50320,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50321,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50322,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50323,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50324,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50325,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50326,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50327,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+50328,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50329,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50330,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50331,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50332,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50333,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50334,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50335,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50336,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50337,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50338,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50339,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50340,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50341,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50342,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50343,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50344,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50345,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50346,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50347,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50348,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50349,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50350,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50351,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50352,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50353,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50354,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50355,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50356,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50357,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50358,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50359,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50360,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50361,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50362,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50363,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50364,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50365,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50366,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50367,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50368,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50369,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50370,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50371,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50372,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50373,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50374,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50375,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50376,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50377,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50378,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50379,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50380,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50381,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50382,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50383,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50384,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50385,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50386,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50387,4,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50412,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50413,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50414,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50415,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50416,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50417,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50418,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50419,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50420,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50421,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50422,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50423,4,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50424,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50425,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50426,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50427,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50428,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50429,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50430,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50431,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50432,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50433,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50434,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50435,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+50436,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50437,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50438,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50439,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50440,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50441,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50442,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50443,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50444,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50445,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50446,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50447,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50448,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50449,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50450,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50451,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50452,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50453,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50454,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50455,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50456,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50457,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50458,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50459,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50460,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50461,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50462,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50463,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50464,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50465,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50466,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50467,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50468,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50469,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50470,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50471,4,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+50472,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50473,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50474,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50475,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50476,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50477,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50478,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50479,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50480,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50481,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50482,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50483,4,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50496,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50497,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50498,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50499,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50500,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50501,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50502,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50503,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50504,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50505,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50506,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50507,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+50520,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50521,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50522,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50523,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50524,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50525,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50526,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50527,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50528,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50529,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50530,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50531,4,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50532,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50533,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50534,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50535,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50536,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50537,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50538,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50539,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50540,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50541,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50542,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50543,4,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50544,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50545,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50546,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50547,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50548,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50549,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50550,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50551,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50552,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50553,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50554,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50555,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50568,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50569,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50570,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50571,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50572,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50573,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50574,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50575,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50576,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50577,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50578,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50579,4,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50592,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50593,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50594,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50595,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50596,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50597,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50598,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50599,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50600,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50601,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50602,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50603,4,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50604,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50605,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50606,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50607,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50608,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50609,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50610,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50611,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50612,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50613,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50614,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50615,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50616,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50617,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50618,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50619,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50620,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50621,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50622,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50623,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50624,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50625,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50626,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50627,4,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50628,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50629,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50630,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50631,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50632,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50633,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50634,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50635,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50636,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50637,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50638,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50639,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50652,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50653,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50654,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50655,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50656,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50657,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50658,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50659,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50660,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50661,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50662,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50663,4,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50664,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50665,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50666,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50667,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50668,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50669,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50670,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50671,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50672,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50673,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50674,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50675,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50676,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50677,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50678,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50679,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50680,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50681,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50682,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50683,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50684,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50685,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50686,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50687,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50688,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50689,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50690,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50691,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50692,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50693,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50694,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50695,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50696,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50697,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50698,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50699,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50700,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50701,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50702,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50703,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50704,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50705,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50706,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50707,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50708,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50709,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50710,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50711,4,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50712,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50713,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50714,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50715,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50716,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50717,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50718,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50719,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50720,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50721,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50722,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50723,4,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50736,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50737,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50738,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50739,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50740,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50741,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50742,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50743,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50744,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50745,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50746,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50747,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50748,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50749,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50750,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50751,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50752,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50753,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50754,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50755,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50756,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50757,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50758,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50759,4,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50760,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50761,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50762,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50763,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50764,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50765,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50766,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50767,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50768,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50769,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50770,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50771,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50772,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50773,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50774,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50775,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50776,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50777,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50778,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50779,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50780,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50781,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50782,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50783,4,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50784,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50785,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50786,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50787,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50788,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50789,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50790,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50791,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50792,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50793,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50794,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50795,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50796,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50797,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50798,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50799,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50800,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50801,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50802,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50803,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50804,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50805,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50806,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50807,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+50808,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50809,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50810,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50811,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50812,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50813,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50814,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50815,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50816,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50817,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50818,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50819,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50820,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50821,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50822,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50823,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50824,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50825,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50826,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50827,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50828,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50829,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50830,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50831,4,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50832,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50833,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50834,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50835,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50836,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50837,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50838,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50839,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50840,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50841,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50842,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50843,4,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50844,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50845,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50846,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50847,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50848,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50849,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50850,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50851,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50852,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50853,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50854,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50855,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50856,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50857,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50858,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50859,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50860,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50861,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50862,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50863,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50864,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50865,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50866,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50867,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+50868,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50869,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50870,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50871,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50872,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50873,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50874,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50875,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50876,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50877,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50878,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50879,4,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+50880,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50881,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50882,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50883,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50884,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50885,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50886,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50887,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50888,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50889,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50890,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50891,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50904,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50905,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50906,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50907,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50908,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50909,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50910,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50911,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50912,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50913,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50914,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50915,4,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+50928,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50929,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50930,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50931,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50932,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50933,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50934,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50935,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50936,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50937,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50938,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50939,4,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+50940,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50941,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50942,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50943,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50944,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50945,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50946,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50947,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50948,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50949,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50950,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50951,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50952,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50953,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50954,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50955,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50956,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50957,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50958,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50959,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50960,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50961,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50962,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50963,4,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+50964,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50965,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50966,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50967,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50968,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50969,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50970,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50971,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50972,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50973,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50974,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50975,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+50976,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50977,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50978,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50979,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50980,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50981,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50982,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50983,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50984,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50985,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50986,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50987,4,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+50988,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50989,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50990,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50991,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50992,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50993,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50994,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50995,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50996,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50997,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50998,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+50999,4,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51000,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51001,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51002,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51003,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51004,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51005,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51006,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51007,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51008,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51009,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51010,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51011,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51012,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51013,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51014,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51015,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51016,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51017,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51018,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51019,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51020,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51021,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51022,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51023,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51024,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51025,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51026,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51027,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51028,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51029,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51030,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51031,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51032,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51033,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51034,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51035,4,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51036,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51037,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51038,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51039,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51040,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51041,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51042,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51043,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51044,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51045,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51046,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51047,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51060,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51061,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51062,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51063,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51064,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51065,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51066,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51067,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51068,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51069,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51070,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51071,31,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51072,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51073,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51074,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51075,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51076,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51077,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51078,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51079,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51080,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51081,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51082,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51083,31,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51084,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51085,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51086,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51087,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51088,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51089,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51090,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51091,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51092,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51093,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51094,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51095,31,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51096,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51097,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51098,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51099,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51100,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51101,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51102,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51103,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51104,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51105,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51106,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51107,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51108,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51109,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51110,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51111,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51112,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51113,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51114,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51115,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51116,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51117,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51118,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51119,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51120,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51121,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51122,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51123,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51124,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51125,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51126,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51127,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51128,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51129,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51130,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51131,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51132,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51133,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51134,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51135,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51136,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51137,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51138,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51139,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51140,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51141,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51142,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51143,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51144,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51145,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51146,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51147,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51148,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51149,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51150,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51151,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51152,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51153,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51154,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51155,31,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51156,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51157,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51158,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51159,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51160,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51161,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51162,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51163,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51164,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51165,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51166,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51167,31,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51168,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51169,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51170,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51171,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51172,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51173,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51174,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51175,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51176,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51177,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51178,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51179,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51180,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51181,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51182,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51183,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51184,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51185,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51186,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51187,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51188,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51189,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51190,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51191,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51192,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51193,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51194,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51195,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51196,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51197,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51198,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51199,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51200,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51201,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51202,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51203,31,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51216,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51217,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51218,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51219,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51220,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51221,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51222,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51223,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51224,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51225,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51226,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51227,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51228,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51229,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51230,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51231,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51232,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51233,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51234,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51235,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51236,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51237,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51238,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51239,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51240,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51241,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51242,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51243,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51244,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51245,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51246,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51247,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51248,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51249,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51250,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51251,31,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+51252,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51253,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51254,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51255,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51256,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51257,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51258,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51259,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51260,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51261,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51262,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51263,31,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51264,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51265,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51266,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51267,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51268,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51269,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51270,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51271,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51272,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51273,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51274,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51275,31,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51276,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51277,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51278,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51279,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51280,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51281,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51282,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51283,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51284,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51285,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51286,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51287,31,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+51288,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51289,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51290,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51291,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51292,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51293,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51294,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51295,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51296,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51297,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51298,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51299,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51300,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51301,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51302,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51303,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51304,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51305,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51306,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51307,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51308,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51309,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51310,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51311,31,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51312,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51313,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51314,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51315,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51316,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51317,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51318,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51319,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51320,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51321,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51322,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51323,31,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51324,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51325,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51326,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51327,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51328,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51329,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51330,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51331,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51332,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51333,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51334,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51335,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51336,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51337,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51338,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51339,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51340,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51341,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51342,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51343,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51344,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51345,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51346,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51347,31,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51348,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51349,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51350,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51351,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51352,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51353,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51354,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51355,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51356,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51357,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51358,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51359,31,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51372,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51373,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51374,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51375,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51376,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51377,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51378,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51379,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51380,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51381,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51382,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51383,31,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51384,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51385,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51386,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51387,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51388,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51389,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51390,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51391,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51392,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51393,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51394,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51395,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51396,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51397,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51398,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51399,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51400,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51401,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51402,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51403,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51404,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51405,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51406,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51407,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51408,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51409,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51410,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51411,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51412,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51413,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51414,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51415,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51416,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51417,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51418,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51419,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51420,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51421,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51422,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51423,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51424,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51425,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51426,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51427,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51428,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51429,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51430,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51431,31,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+51432,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51433,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51434,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51435,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51436,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51437,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51438,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51439,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51440,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51441,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51442,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51443,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51444,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51445,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51446,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51447,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51448,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51449,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51450,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51451,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51452,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51453,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51454,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51455,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51456,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51457,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51458,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51459,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51460,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51461,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51462,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51463,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51464,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51465,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51466,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51467,31,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51468,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51469,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51470,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51471,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51472,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51473,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51474,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51475,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51476,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51477,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51478,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51479,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+51480,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51481,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51482,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51483,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51484,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51485,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51486,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51487,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51488,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51489,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51490,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51491,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51504,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51505,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51506,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51507,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51508,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51509,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51510,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51511,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51512,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51513,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51514,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51515,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51516,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51517,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51518,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51519,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51520,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51521,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51522,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51523,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51524,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51525,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51526,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51527,31,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51528,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51529,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51530,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51531,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51532,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51533,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51534,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51535,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51536,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51537,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51538,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51539,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51540,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51541,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51542,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51543,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51544,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51545,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51546,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51547,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51548,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51549,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51550,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51551,31,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+51552,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51553,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51554,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51555,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51556,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51557,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51558,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51559,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51560,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51561,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51562,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51563,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+51564,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51565,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51566,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51567,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51568,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51569,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51570,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51571,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51572,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51573,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51574,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51575,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51576,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51577,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51578,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51579,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51580,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51581,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51582,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51583,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51584,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51585,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51586,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51587,31,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+51588,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51589,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51590,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51591,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51592,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51593,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51594,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51595,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51596,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51597,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51598,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51599,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51600,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51601,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51602,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51603,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51604,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51605,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51606,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51607,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51608,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51609,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51610,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51611,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51612,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51613,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51614,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51615,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51616,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51617,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51618,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51619,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51620,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51621,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51622,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51623,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51624,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51625,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51626,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51627,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51628,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51629,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51630,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51631,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51632,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51633,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51634,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51635,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51636,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51637,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51638,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51639,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51640,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51641,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51642,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51643,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51644,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51645,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51646,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51647,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51648,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51649,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51650,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51651,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51652,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51653,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51654,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51655,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51656,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51657,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51658,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51659,31,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51660,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51661,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51662,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51663,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51664,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51665,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51666,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51667,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51668,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51669,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51670,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51671,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51684,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51685,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51686,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51687,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51688,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51689,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51690,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51691,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51692,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51693,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51694,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51695,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+51696,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51697,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51698,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51699,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51700,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51701,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51702,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51703,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51704,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51705,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51706,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51707,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51708,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51709,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51710,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51711,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51712,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51713,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51714,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51715,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51716,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51717,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51718,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51719,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51720,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51721,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51722,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51723,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51724,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51725,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51726,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51727,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51728,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51729,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51730,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51731,31,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51732,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51733,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51734,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51735,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51736,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51737,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51738,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51739,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51740,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51741,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51742,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51743,31,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51756,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51757,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51758,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51759,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51760,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51761,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51762,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51763,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51764,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51765,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51766,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51767,31,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51768,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51769,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51770,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51771,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51772,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51773,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51774,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51775,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51776,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51777,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51778,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51779,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51780,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51781,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51782,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51783,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51784,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51785,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51786,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51787,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51788,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51789,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51790,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51791,31,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51792,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51793,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51794,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51795,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51796,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51797,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51798,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51799,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51800,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51801,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51802,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51803,31,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51804,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51805,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51806,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51807,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51808,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51809,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51810,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51811,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51812,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51813,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51814,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51815,31,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+51816,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51817,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51818,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51819,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51820,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51821,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51822,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51823,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51824,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51825,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51826,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51827,31,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51828,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51829,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51830,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51831,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51832,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51833,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51834,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51835,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51836,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51837,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51838,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51839,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51840,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51841,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51842,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51843,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51844,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51845,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51846,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51847,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51848,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51849,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51850,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51851,31,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51852,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51853,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51854,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51855,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51856,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51857,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51858,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51859,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51860,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51861,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51862,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51863,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+51864,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51865,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51866,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51867,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51868,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51869,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51870,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51871,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51872,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51873,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51874,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51875,31,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+51888,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51889,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51890,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51891,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51892,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51893,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51894,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51895,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51896,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51897,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51898,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51899,31,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51900,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51901,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51902,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51903,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51904,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51905,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51906,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51907,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51908,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51909,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51910,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51911,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+51912,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51913,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51914,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51915,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51916,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51917,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51918,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51919,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51920,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51921,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51922,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51923,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+51924,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51925,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51926,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51927,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51928,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51929,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51930,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51931,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51932,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51933,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51934,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51935,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+51936,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51937,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51938,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51939,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51940,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51941,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51942,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51943,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51944,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51945,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51946,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51947,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51948,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51949,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51950,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51951,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51952,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51953,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51954,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51955,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51956,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51957,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51958,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51959,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+51960,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51961,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51962,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51963,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51964,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51965,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51966,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51967,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51968,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51969,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51970,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51971,31,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+51972,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51973,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51974,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51975,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51976,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51977,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51978,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51979,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51980,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51981,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51982,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51983,31,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+51996,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51997,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51998,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+51999,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52000,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52001,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52002,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52003,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52004,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52005,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52006,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52007,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52020,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52021,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52022,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52023,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52024,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52025,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52026,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52027,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52028,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52029,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52030,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52031,31,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52032,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52033,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52034,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52035,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52036,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52037,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52038,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52039,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52040,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52041,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52042,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52043,31,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52044,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52045,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52046,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52047,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52048,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52049,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52050,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52051,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52052,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52053,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52054,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52055,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52068,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52069,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52070,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52071,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52072,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52073,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52074,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52075,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52076,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52077,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52078,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52079,31,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52080,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52081,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52082,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52083,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52084,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52085,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52086,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52087,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52088,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52089,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52090,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52091,31,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52092,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52093,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52094,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52095,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52096,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52097,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52098,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52099,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52100,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52101,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52102,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52103,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52104,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52105,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52106,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52107,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52108,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52109,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52110,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52111,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52112,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52113,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52114,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52115,31,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52116,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52117,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52118,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52119,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52120,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52121,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52122,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52123,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52124,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52125,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52126,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52127,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52140,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52141,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52142,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52143,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52144,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52145,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52146,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52147,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52148,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52149,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52150,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52151,31,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52152,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52153,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52154,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52155,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52156,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52157,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52158,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52159,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52160,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52161,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52162,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52163,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52164,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52165,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52166,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52167,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52168,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52169,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52170,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52171,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52172,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52173,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52174,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52175,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52176,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52177,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52178,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52179,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52180,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52181,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52182,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52183,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52184,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52185,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52186,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52187,31,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52188,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52189,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52190,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52191,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52192,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52193,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52194,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52195,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52196,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52197,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52198,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52199,31,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52212,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52213,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52214,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52215,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52216,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52217,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52218,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52219,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52220,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52221,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52222,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52223,31,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52224,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52225,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52226,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52227,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52228,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52229,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52230,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52231,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52232,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52233,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52234,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52235,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52236,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52237,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52238,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52239,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52240,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52241,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52242,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52243,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52244,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52245,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52246,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52247,31,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52248,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52249,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52250,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52251,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52252,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52253,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52254,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52255,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52256,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52257,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52258,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52259,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52260,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52261,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52262,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52263,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52264,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52265,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52266,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52267,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52268,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52269,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52270,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52271,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52272,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52273,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52274,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52275,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52276,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52277,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52278,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52279,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52280,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52281,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52282,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52283,31,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+52284,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52285,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52286,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52287,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52288,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52289,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52290,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52291,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52292,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52293,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52294,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52295,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52296,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52297,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52298,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52299,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52300,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52301,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52302,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52303,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52304,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52305,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52306,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52307,31,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52308,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52309,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52310,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52311,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52312,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52313,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52314,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52315,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52316,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52317,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52318,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52319,31,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52320,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52321,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52322,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52323,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52324,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52325,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52326,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52327,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52328,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52329,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52330,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52331,31,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52332,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52333,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52334,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52335,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52336,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52337,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52338,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52339,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52340,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52341,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52342,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52343,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52344,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52345,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52346,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52347,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52348,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52349,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52350,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52351,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52352,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52353,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52354,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52355,31,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52356,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52357,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52358,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52359,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52360,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52361,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52362,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52363,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52364,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52365,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52366,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52367,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52380,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52381,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52382,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52383,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52384,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52385,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52386,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52387,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52388,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52389,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52390,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52391,10,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52392,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52393,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52394,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52395,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52396,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52397,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52398,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52399,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52400,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52401,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52402,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52403,10,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52404,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52405,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52406,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52407,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52408,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52409,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52410,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52411,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52412,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52413,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52414,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52415,10,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52416,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52417,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52418,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52419,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52420,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52421,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52422,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52423,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52424,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52425,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52426,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52427,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52440,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52441,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52442,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52443,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52444,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52445,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52446,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52447,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52448,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52449,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52450,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52451,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52452,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52453,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52454,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52455,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52456,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52457,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52458,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52459,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52460,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52461,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52462,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52463,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52464,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52465,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52466,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52467,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52468,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52469,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52470,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52471,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52472,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52473,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52474,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52475,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52476,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52477,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52478,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52479,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52480,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52481,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52482,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52483,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52484,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52485,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52486,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52487,10,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52488,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52489,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52490,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52491,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52492,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52493,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52494,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52495,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52496,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52497,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52498,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52499,10,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52500,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52501,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52502,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52503,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52504,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52505,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52506,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52507,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52508,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52509,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52510,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52511,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+52512,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52513,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52514,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52515,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52516,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52517,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52518,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52519,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52520,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52521,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52522,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52523,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52524,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52525,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52526,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52527,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52528,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52529,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52530,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52531,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52532,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52533,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52534,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52535,10,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52536,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52537,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52538,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52539,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52540,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52541,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52542,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52543,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52544,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52545,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52546,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52547,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52548,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52549,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52550,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52551,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52552,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52553,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52554,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52555,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52556,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52557,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52558,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52559,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52560,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52561,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52562,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52563,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52564,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52565,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52566,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52567,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52568,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52569,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52570,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52571,10,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52572,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52573,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52574,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52575,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52576,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52577,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52578,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52579,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52580,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52581,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52582,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52583,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52584,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52585,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52586,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52587,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52588,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52589,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52590,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52591,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52592,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52593,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52594,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52595,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+52596,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52597,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52598,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52599,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52600,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52601,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52602,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52603,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52604,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52605,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52606,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52607,10,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52620,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52621,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52622,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52623,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52624,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52625,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52626,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52627,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52628,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52629,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52630,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52631,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52632,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52633,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52634,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52635,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52636,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52637,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52638,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52639,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52640,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52641,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52642,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52643,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52644,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52645,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52646,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52647,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52648,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52649,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52650,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52651,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52652,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52653,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52654,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52655,10,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+52656,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52657,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52658,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52659,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52660,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52661,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52662,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52663,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52664,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52665,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52666,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52667,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+52668,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52669,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52670,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52671,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52672,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52673,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52674,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52675,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52676,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52677,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52678,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52679,10,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+52680,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52681,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52682,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52683,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52684,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52685,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52686,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52687,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52688,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52689,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52690,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52691,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+52692,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52693,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52694,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52695,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52696,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52697,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52698,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52699,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52700,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52701,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52702,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52703,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52704,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52705,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52706,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52707,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52708,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52709,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52710,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52711,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52712,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52713,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52714,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52715,10,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+52716,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52717,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52718,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52719,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52720,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52721,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52722,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52723,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52724,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52725,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52726,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52727,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+52728,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52729,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52730,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52731,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52732,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52733,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52734,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52735,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52736,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52737,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52738,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52739,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+52740,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52741,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52742,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52743,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52744,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52745,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52746,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52747,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52748,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52749,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52750,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52751,10,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+52752,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52753,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52754,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52755,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52756,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52757,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52758,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52759,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52760,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52761,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52762,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52763,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+52764,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52765,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52766,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52767,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52768,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52769,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52770,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52771,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52772,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52773,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52774,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52775,10,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52776,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52777,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52778,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52779,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52780,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52781,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52782,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52783,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52784,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52785,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52786,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52787,10,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52788,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52789,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52790,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52791,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52792,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52793,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52794,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52795,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52796,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52797,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52798,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52799,10,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52800,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52801,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52802,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52803,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52804,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52805,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52806,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52807,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52808,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52809,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52810,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52811,10,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52812,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52813,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52814,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52815,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52816,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52817,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52818,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52819,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52820,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52821,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52822,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52823,10,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52824,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52825,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52826,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52827,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52828,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52829,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52830,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52831,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52832,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52833,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52834,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52835,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+52836,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52837,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52838,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52839,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52840,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52841,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52842,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52843,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52844,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52845,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52846,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52847,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+52848,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52849,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52850,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52851,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52852,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52853,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52854,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52855,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52856,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52857,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52858,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52859,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+52860,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52861,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52862,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52863,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52864,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52865,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52866,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52867,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52868,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52869,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52870,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52871,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52872,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52873,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52874,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52875,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52876,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52877,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52878,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52879,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52880,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52881,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52882,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52883,10,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52884,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52885,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52886,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52887,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52888,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52889,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52890,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52891,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52892,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52893,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52894,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52895,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+52896,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52897,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52898,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52899,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52900,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52901,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52902,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52903,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52904,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52905,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52906,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52907,10,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+52908,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52909,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52910,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52911,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52912,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52913,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52914,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52915,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52916,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52917,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52918,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52919,10,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+52920,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52921,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52922,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52923,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52924,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52925,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52926,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52927,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52928,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52929,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52930,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52931,10,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52932,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52933,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52934,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52935,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52936,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52937,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52938,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52939,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52940,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52941,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52942,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52943,10,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+52944,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52945,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52946,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52947,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52948,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52949,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52950,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52951,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52952,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52953,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52954,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52955,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52956,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52957,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52958,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52959,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52960,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52961,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52962,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52963,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52964,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52965,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52966,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52967,10,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+52968,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52969,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52970,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52971,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52972,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52973,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52974,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52975,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52976,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52977,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52978,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52979,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+52992,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52993,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52994,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52995,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52996,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52997,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52998,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+52999,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53000,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53001,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53002,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53003,10,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53004,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53005,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53006,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53007,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53008,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53009,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53010,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53011,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53012,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53013,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53014,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53015,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53016,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53017,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53018,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53019,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53020,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53021,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53022,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53023,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53024,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53025,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53026,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53027,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+53028,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53029,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53030,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53031,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53032,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53033,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53034,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53035,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53036,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53037,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53038,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53039,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53040,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53041,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53042,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53043,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53044,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53045,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53046,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53047,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53048,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53049,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53050,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53051,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53052,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53053,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53054,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53055,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53056,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53057,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53058,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53059,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53060,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53061,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53062,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53063,10,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53064,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53065,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53066,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53067,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53068,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53069,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53070,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53071,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53072,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53073,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53074,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53075,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+53076,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53077,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53078,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53079,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53080,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53081,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53082,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53083,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53084,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53085,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53086,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53087,10,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+53088,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53089,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53090,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53091,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53092,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53093,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53094,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53095,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53096,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53097,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53098,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53099,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53100,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53101,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53102,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53103,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53104,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53105,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53106,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53107,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53108,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53109,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53110,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53111,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53124,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53125,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53126,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53127,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53128,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53129,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53130,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53131,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53132,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53133,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53134,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53135,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53136,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53137,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53138,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53139,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53140,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53141,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53142,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53143,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53144,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53145,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53146,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53147,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53148,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53149,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53150,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53151,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53152,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53153,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53154,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53155,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53156,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53157,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53158,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53159,10,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53160,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53161,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53162,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53163,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53164,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53165,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53166,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53167,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53168,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53169,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53170,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53171,10,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53172,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53173,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53174,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53175,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53176,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53177,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53178,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53179,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53180,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53181,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53182,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53183,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53184,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53185,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53186,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53187,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53188,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53189,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53190,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53191,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53192,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53193,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53194,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53195,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53196,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53197,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53198,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53199,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53200,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53201,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53202,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53203,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53204,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53205,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53206,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53207,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53208,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53209,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53210,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53211,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53212,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53213,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53214,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53215,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53216,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53217,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53218,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53219,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53220,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53221,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53222,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53223,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53224,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53225,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53226,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53227,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53228,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53229,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53230,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53231,10,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53232,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53233,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53234,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53235,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53236,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53237,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53238,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53239,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53240,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53241,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53242,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53243,10,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53256,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53257,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53258,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53259,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53260,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53261,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53262,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53263,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53264,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53265,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53266,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53267,10,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53268,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53269,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53270,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53271,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53272,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53273,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53274,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53275,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53276,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53277,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53278,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53279,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53280,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53281,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53282,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53283,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53284,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53285,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53286,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53287,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53288,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53289,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53290,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53291,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53292,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53293,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53294,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53295,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53296,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53297,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53298,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53299,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53300,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53301,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53302,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53303,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53304,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53305,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53306,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53307,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53308,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53309,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53310,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53311,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53312,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53313,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53314,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53315,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+53316,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53317,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53318,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53319,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53320,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53321,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53322,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53323,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53324,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53325,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53326,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53327,10,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53328,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53329,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53330,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53331,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53332,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53333,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53334,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53335,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53336,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53337,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53338,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53339,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53340,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53341,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53342,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53343,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53344,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53345,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53346,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53347,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53348,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53349,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53350,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53351,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53352,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53353,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53354,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53355,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53356,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53357,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53358,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53359,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53360,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53361,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53362,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53363,10,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53364,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53365,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53366,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53367,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53368,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53369,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53370,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53371,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53372,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53373,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53374,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53375,10,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+53376,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53377,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53378,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53379,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53380,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53381,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53382,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53383,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53384,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53385,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53386,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53387,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53388,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53389,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53390,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53391,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53392,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53393,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53394,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53395,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53396,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53397,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53398,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53399,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53400,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53401,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53402,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53403,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53404,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53405,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53406,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53407,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53408,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53409,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53410,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53411,10,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+53412,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53413,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53414,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53415,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53416,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53417,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53418,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53419,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53420,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53421,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53422,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53423,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53424,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53425,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53426,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53427,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53428,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53429,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53430,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53431,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53432,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53433,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53434,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53435,10,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53436,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53437,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53438,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53439,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53440,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53441,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53442,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53443,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53444,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53445,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53446,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53447,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53448,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53449,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53450,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53451,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53452,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53453,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53454,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53455,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53456,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53457,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53458,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53459,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53460,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53461,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53462,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53463,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53464,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53465,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53466,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53467,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53468,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53469,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53470,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53471,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53472,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53473,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53474,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53475,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53476,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53477,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53478,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53479,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53480,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53481,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53482,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53483,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53484,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53485,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53486,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53487,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53488,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53489,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53490,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53491,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53492,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53493,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53494,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53495,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53496,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53497,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53498,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53499,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53500,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53501,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53502,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53503,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53504,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53505,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53506,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53507,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53508,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53509,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53510,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53511,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53512,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53513,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53514,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53515,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53516,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53517,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53518,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53519,10,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53520,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53521,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53522,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53523,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53524,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53525,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53526,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53527,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53528,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53529,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53530,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53531,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+53532,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53533,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53534,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53535,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53536,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53537,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53538,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53539,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53540,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53541,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53542,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53543,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53556,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53557,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53558,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53559,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53560,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53561,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53562,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53563,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53564,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53565,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53566,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53567,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53568,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53569,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53570,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53571,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53572,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53573,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53574,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53575,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53576,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53577,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53578,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53579,10,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53580,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53581,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53582,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53583,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53584,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53585,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53586,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53587,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53588,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53589,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53590,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53591,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53592,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53593,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53594,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53595,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53596,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53597,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53598,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53599,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53600,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53601,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53602,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53603,10,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53604,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53605,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53606,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53607,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53608,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53609,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53610,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53611,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53612,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53613,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53614,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53615,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+53616,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53617,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53618,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53619,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53620,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53621,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53622,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53623,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53624,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53625,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53626,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53627,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53628,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53629,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53630,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53631,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53632,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53633,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53634,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53635,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53636,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53637,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53638,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53639,10,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53640,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53641,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53642,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53643,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53644,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53645,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53646,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53647,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53648,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53649,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53650,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53651,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+53652,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53653,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53654,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53655,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53656,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53657,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53658,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53659,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53660,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53661,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53662,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53663,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+53664,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53665,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53666,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53667,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53668,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53669,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53670,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53671,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53672,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53673,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53674,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53675,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53676,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53677,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53678,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53679,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53680,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53681,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53682,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53683,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53684,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53685,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53686,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53687,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53688,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53689,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53690,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53691,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53692,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53693,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53694,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53695,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53696,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53697,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53698,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53699,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53700,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53701,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53702,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53703,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53704,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53705,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53706,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53707,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53708,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53709,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53710,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53711,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53712,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53713,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53714,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53715,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53716,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53717,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53718,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53719,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53720,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53721,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53722,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53723,10,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+53724,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53725,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53726,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53727,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53728,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53729,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53730,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53731,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53732,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53733,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53734,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53735,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53748,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53749,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53750,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53751,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53752,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53753,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53754,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53755,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53756,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53757,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53758,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53759,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53760,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53761,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53762,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53763,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53764,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53765,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53766,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53767,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53768,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53769,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53770,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53771,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+53772,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53773,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53774,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53775,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53776,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53777,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53778,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53779,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53780,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53781,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53782,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53783,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53784,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53785,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53786,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53787,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53788,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53789,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53790,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53791,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53792,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53793,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53794,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53795,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53796,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53797,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53798,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53799,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53800,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53801,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53802,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53803,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53804,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53805,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53806,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53807,10,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53808,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53809,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53810,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53811,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53812,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53813,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53814,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53815,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53816,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53817,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53818,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53819,10,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53832,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53833,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53834,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53835,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53836,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53837,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53838,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53839,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53840,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53841,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53842,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53843,10,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+53856,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53857,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53858,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53859,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53860,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53861,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53862,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53863,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53864,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53865,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53866,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53867,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53868,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53869,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53870,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53871,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53872,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53873,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53874,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53875,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53876,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53877,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53878,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53879,10,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53880,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53881,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53882,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53883,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53884,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53885,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53886,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53887,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53888,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53889,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53890,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53891,10,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53892,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53893,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53894,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53895,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53896,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53897,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53898,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53899,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53900,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53901,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53902,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53903,10,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+53904,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53905,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53906,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53907,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53908,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53909,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53910,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53911,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53912,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53913,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53914,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53915,10,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53916,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53917,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53918,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53919,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53920,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53921,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53922,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53923,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53924,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53925,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53926,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53927,10,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+53928,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53929,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53930,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53931,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53932,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53933,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53934,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53935,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53936,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53937,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53938,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53939,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+53940,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53941,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53942,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53943,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53944,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53945,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53946,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53947,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53948,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53949,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53950,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53951,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+53952,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53953,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53954,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53955,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53956,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53957,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53958,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53959,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53960,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53961,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53962,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53963,10,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+53964,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53965,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53966,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53967,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53968,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53969,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53970,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53971,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53972,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53973,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53974,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53975,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+53976,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53977,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53978,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53979,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53980,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53981,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53982,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53983,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53984,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53985,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53986,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+53987,10,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54000,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54001,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54002,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54003,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54004,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54005,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54006,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54007,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54008,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54009,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54010,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54011,10,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54012,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54013,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54014,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54015,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54016,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54017,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54018,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54019,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54020,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54021,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54022,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54023,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+54024,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54025,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54026,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54027,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54028,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54029,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54030,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54031,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54032,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54033,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54034,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54035,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54036,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54037,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54038,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54039,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54040,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54041,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54042,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54043,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54044,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54045,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54046,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54047,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54048,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54049,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54050,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54051,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54052,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54053,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54054,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54055,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54056,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54057,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54058,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54059,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54060,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54061,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54062,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54063,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54064,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54065,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54066,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54067,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54068,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54069,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54070,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54071,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54072,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54073,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54074,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54075,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54076,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54077,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54078,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54079,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54080,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54081,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54082,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54083,10,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54108,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54109,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54110,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54111,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54112,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54113,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54114,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54115,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54116,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54117,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54118,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54119,10,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54120,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54121,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54122,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54123,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54124,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54125,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54126,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54127,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54128,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54129,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54130,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54131,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+54132,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54133,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54134,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54135,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54136,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54137,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54138,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54139,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54140,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54141,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54142,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54143,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54144,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54145,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54146,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54147,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54148,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54149,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54150,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54151,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54152,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54153,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54154,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54155,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54156,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54157,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54158,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54159,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54160,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54161,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54162,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54163,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54164,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54165,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54166,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54167,10,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+54168,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54169,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54170,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54171,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54172,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54173,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54174,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54175,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54176,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54177,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54178,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54179,10,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54192,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54193,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54194,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54195,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54196,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54197,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54198,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54199,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54200,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54201,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54202,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54203,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54216,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54217,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54218,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54219,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54220,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54221,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54222,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54223,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54224,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54225,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54226,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54227,10,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54228,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54229,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54230,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54231,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54232,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54233,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54234,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54235,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54236,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54237,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54238,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54239,10,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54240,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54241,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54242,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54243,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54244,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54245,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54246,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54247,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54248,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54249,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54250,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54251,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54264,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54265,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54266,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54267,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54268,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54269,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54270,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54271,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54272,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54273,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54274,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54275,10,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54288,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54289,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54290,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54291,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54292,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54293,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54294,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54295,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54296,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54297,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54298,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54299,10,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54300,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54301,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54302,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54303,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54304,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54305,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54306,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54307,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54308,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54309,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54310,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54311,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54312,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54313,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54314,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54315,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54316,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54317,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54318,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54319,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54320,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54321,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54322,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54323,10,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54324,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54325,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54326,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54327,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54328,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54329,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54330,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54331,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54332,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54333,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54334,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54335,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54348,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54349,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54350,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54351,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54352,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54353,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54354,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54355,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54356,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54357,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54358,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54359,10,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54360,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54361,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54362,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54363,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54364,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54365,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54366,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54367,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54368,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54369,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54370,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54371,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54372,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54373,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54374,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54375,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54376,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54377,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54378,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54379,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54380,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54381,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54382,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54383,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54384,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54385,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54386,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54387,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54388,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54389,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54390,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54391,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54392,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54393,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54394,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54395,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54396,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54397,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54398,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54399,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54400,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54401,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54402,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54403,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54404,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54405,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54406,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54407,10,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54408,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54409,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54410,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54411,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54412,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54413,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54414,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54415,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54416,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54417,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54418,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54419,10,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54432,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54433,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54434,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54435,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54436,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54437,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54438,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54439,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54440,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54441,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54442,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54443,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54444,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54445,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54446,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54447,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54448,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54449,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54450,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54451,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54452,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54453,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54454,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54455,10,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54456,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54457,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54458,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54459,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54460,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54461,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54462,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54463,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54464,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54465,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54466,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54467,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54468,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54469,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54470,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54471,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54472,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54473,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54474,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54475,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54476,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54477,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54478,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54479,10,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54480,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54481,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54482,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54483,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54484,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54485,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54486,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54487,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54488,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54489,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54490,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54491,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54492,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54493,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54494,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54495,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54496,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54497,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54498,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54499,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54500,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54501,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54502,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54503,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54504,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54505,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54506,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54507,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54508,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54509,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54510,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54511,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54512,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54513,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54514,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54515,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54516,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54517,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54518,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54519,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54520,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54521,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54522,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54523,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54524,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54525,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54526,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54527,10,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54528,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54529,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54530,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54531,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54532,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54533,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54534,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54535,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54536,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54537,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54538,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54539,10,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54540,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54541,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54542,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54543,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54544,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54545,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54546,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54547,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54548,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54549,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54550,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54551,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54552,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54553,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54554,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54555,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54556,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54557,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54558,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54559,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54560,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54561,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54562,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54563,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54564,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54565,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54566,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54567,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54568,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54569,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54570,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54571,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54572,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54573,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54574,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54575,10,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54576,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54577,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54578,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54579,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54580,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54581,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54582,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54583,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54584,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54585,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54586,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54587,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54600,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54601,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54602,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54603,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54604,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54605,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54606,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54607,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54608,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54609,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54610,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54611,10,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54624,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54625,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54626,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54627,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54628,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54629,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54630,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54631,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54632,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54633,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54634,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54635,10,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+54636,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54637,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54638,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54639,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54640,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54641,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54642,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54643,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54644,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54645,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54646,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54647,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54648,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54649,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54650,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54651,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54652,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54653,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54654,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54655,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54656,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54657,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54658,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54659,10,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+54660,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54661,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54662,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54663,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54664,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54665,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54666,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54667,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54668,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54669,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54670,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54671,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54672,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54673,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54674,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54675,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54676,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54677,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54678,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54679,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54680,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54681,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54682,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54683,10,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54684,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54685,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54686,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54687,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54688,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54689,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54690,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54691,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54692,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54693,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54694,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54695,10,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54696,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54697,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54698,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54699,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54700,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54701,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54702,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54703,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54704,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54705,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54706,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54707,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54708,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54709,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54710,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54711,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54712,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54713,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54714,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54715,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54716,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54717,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54718,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54719,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54720,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54721,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54722,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54723,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54724,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54725,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54726,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54727,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54728,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54729,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54730,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54731,10,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54732,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54733,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54734,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54735,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54736,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54737,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54738,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54739,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54740,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54741,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54742,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54743,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54756,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54757,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54758,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54759,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54760,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54761,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54762,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54763,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54764,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54765,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54766,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54767,46,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54768,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54769,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54770,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54771,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54772,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54773,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54774,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54775,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54776,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54777,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54778,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54779,46,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54780,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54781,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54782,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54783,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54784,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54785,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54786,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54787,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54788,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54789,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54790,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54791,46,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+54792,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54793,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54794,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54795,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54796,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54797,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54798,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54799,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54800,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54801,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54802,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54803,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+54816,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54817,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54818,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54819,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54820,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54821,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54822,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54823,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54824,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54825,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54826,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54827,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+54828,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54829,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54830,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54831,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54832,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54833,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54834,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54835,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54836,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54837,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54838,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54839,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+54840,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54841,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54842,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54843,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54844,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54845,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54846,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54847,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54848,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54849,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54850,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54851,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54852,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54853,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54854,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54855,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54856,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54857,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54858,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54859,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54860,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54861,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54862,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54863,46,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+54864,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54865,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54866,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54867,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54868,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54869,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54870,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54871,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54872,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54873,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54874,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54875,46,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+54876,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54877,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54878,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54879,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54880,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54881,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54882,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54883,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54884,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54885,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54886,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54887,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54888,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54889,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54890,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54891,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54892,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54893,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54894,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54895,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54896,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54897,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54898,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54899,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+54900,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54901,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54902,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54903,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54904,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54905,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54906,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54907,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54908,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54909,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54910,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54911,46,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+54924,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54925,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54926,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54927,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54928,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54929,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54930,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54931,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54932,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54933,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54934,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54935,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+54936,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54937,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54938,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54939,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54940,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54941,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54942,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54943,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54944,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54945,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54946,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54947,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+54948,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54949,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54950,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54951,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54952,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54953,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54954,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54955,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54956,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54957,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54958,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54959,46,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+54960,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54961,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54962,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54963,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54964,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54965,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54966,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54967,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54968,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54969,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54970,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54971,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+54972,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54973,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54974,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54975,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54976,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54977,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54978,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54979,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54980,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54981,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54982,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54983,46,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+54984,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54985,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54986,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54987,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54988,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54989,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54990,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54991,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54992,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54993,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54994,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54995,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+54996,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+54997,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+54998,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+54999,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55000,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55001,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55002,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55003,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55004,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55005,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55006,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55007,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55008,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55009,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55010,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55011,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55012,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55013,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55014,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55015,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55016,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55017,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55018,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55019,46,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+55020,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55021,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55022,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55023,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55024,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55025,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55026,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55027,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55028,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55029,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55030,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55031,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55032,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55033,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55034,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55035,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55036,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55037,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55038,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55039,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55040,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55041,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55042,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55043,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55044,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55045,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55046,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55047,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55048,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55049,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55050,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55051,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55052,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55053,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55054,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55055,46,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+55056,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55057,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55058,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55059,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55060,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55061,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55062,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55063,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55064,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55065,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55066,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55067,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+55068,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55069,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55070,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55071,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55072,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55073,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55074,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55075,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55076,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55077,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55078,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55079,46,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55080,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55081,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55082,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55083,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55084,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55085,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55086,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55087,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55088,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55089,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55090,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55091,46,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55092,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55093,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55094,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55095,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55096,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55097,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55098,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55099,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55100,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55101,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55102,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55103,46,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55104,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55105,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55106,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55107,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55108,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55109,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55110,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55111,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55112,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55113,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55114,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55115,46,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55116,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55117,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55118,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55119,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55120,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55121,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55122,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55123,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55124,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55125,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55126,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55127,46,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55128,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55129,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55130,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55131,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55132,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55133,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55134,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55135,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55136,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55137,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55138,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55139,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55140,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55141,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55142,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55143,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55144,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55145,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55146,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55147,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55148,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55149,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55150,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55151,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55152,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55153,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55154,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55155,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55156,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55157,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55158,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55159,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55160,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55161,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55162,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55163,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55164,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55165,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55166,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55167,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55168,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55169,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55170,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55171,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55172,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55173,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55174,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55175,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55176,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55177,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55178,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55179,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55180,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55181,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55182,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55183,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55184,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55185,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55186,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55187,46,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55188,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55189,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55190,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55191,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55192,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55193,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55194,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55195,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55196,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55197,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55198,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55199,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55200,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55201,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55202,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55203,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55204,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55205,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55206,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55207,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55208,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55209,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55210,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55211,46,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55212,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55213,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55214,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55215,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55216,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55217,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55218,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55219,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55220,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55221,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55222,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55223,46,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55224,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55225,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55226,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55227,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55228,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55229,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55230,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55231,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55232,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55233,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55234,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55235,46,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55236,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55237,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55238,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55239,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55240,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55241,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55242,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55243,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55244,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55245,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55246,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55247,46,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55248,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55249,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55250,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55251,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55252,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55253,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55254,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55255,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55256,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55257,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55258,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55259,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55260,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55261,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55262,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55263,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55264,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55265,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55266,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55267,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55268,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55269,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55270,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55271,46,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55272,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55273,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55274,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55275,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55276,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55277,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55278,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55279,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55280,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55281,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55282,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55283,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55296,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55297,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55298,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55299,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55300,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55301,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55302,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55303,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55304,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55305,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55306,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55307,46,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55308,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55309,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55310,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55311,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55312,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55313,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55314,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55315,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55316,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55317,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55318,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55319,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55320,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55321,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55322,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55323,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55324,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55325,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55326,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55327,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55328,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55329,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55330,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55331,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+55332,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55333,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55334,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55335,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55336,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55337,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55338,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55339,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55340,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55341,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55342,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55343,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55344,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55345,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55346,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55347,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55348,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55349,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55350,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55351,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55352,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55353,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55354,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55355,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55356,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55357,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55358,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55359,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55360,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55361,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55362,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55363,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55364,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55365,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55366,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55367,46,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55368,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55369,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55370,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55371,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55372,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55373,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55374,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55375,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55376,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55377,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55378,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55379,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+55380,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55381,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55382,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55383,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55384,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55385,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55386,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55387,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55388,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55389,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55390,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55391,46,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+55392,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55393,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55394,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55395,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55396,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55397,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55398,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55399,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55400,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55401,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55402,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55403,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55404,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55405,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55406,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55407,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55408,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55409,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55410,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55411,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55412,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55413,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55414,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55415,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55428,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55429,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55430,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55431,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55432,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55433,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55434,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55435,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55436,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55437,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55438,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55439,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55440,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55441,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55442,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55443,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55444,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55445,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55446,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55447,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55448,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55449,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55450,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55451,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55452,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55453,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55454,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55455,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55456,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55457,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55458,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55459,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55460,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55461,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55462,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55463,46,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55464,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55465,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55466,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55467,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55468,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55469,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55470,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55471,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55472,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55473,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55474,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55475,46,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55476,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55477,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55478,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55479,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55480,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55481,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55482,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55483,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55484,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55485,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55486,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55487,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55488,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55489,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55490,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55491,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55492,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55493,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55494,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55495,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55496,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55497,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55498,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55499,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55500,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55501,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55502,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55503,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55504,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55505,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55506,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55507,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55508,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55509,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55510,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55511,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55512,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55513,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55514,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55515,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55516,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55517,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55518,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55519,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55520,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55521,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55522,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55523,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55524,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55525,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55526,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55527,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55528,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55529,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55530,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55531,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55532,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55533,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55534,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55535,46,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55536,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55537,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55538,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55539,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55540,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55541,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55542,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55543,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55544,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55545,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55546,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55547,46,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55560,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55561,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55562,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55563,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55564,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55565,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55566,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55567,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55568,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55569,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55570,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55571,46,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55572,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55573,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55574,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55575,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55576,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55577,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55578,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55579,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55580,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55581,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55582,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55583,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55584,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55585,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55586,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55587,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55588,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55589,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55590,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55591,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55592,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55593,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55594,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55595,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55596,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55597,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55598,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55599,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55600,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55601,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55602,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55603,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55604,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55605,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55606,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55607,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55608,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55609,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55610,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55611,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55612,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55613,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55614,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55615,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55616,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55617,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55618,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55619,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+55620,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55621,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55622,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55623,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55624,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55625,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55626,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55627,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55628,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55629,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55630,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55631,46,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55632,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55633,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55634,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55635,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55636,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55637,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55638,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55639,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55640,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55641,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55642,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55643,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55644,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55645,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55646,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55647,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55648,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55649,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55650,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55651,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55652,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55653,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55654,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55655,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55656,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55657,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55658,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55659,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55660,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55661,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55662,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55663,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55664,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55665,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55666,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55667,46,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55668,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55669,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55670,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55671,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55672,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55673,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55674,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55675,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55676,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55677,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55678,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55679,46,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+55680,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55681,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55682,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55683,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55684,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55685,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55686,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55687,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55688,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55689,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55690,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55691,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55692,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55693,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55694,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55695,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55696,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55697,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55698,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55699,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55700,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55701,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55702,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55703,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55704,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55705,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55706,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55707,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55708,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55709,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55710,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55711,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55712,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55713,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55714,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55715,46,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+55716,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55717,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55718,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55719,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55720,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55721,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55722,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55723,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55724,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55725,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55726,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55727,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55728,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55729,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55730,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55731,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55732,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55733,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55734,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55735,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55736,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55737,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55738,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55739,46,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55740,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55741,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55742,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55743,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55744,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55745,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55746,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55747,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55748,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55749,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55750,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55751,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55752,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55753,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55754,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55755,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55756,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55757,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55758,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55759,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55760,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55761,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55762,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55763,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55764,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55765,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55766,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55767,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55768,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55769,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55770,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55771,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55772,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55773,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55774,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55775,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55776,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55777,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55778,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55779,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55780,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55781,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55782,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55783,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55784,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55785,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55786,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55787,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55788,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55789,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55790,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55791,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55792,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55793,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55794,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55795,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55796,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55797,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55798,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55799,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55800,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55801,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55802,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55803,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55804,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55805,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55806,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55807,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55808,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55809,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55810,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55811,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55812,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55813,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55814,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55815,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55816,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55817,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55818,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55819,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55820,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55821,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55822,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55823,46,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+55824,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55825,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55826,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55827,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55828,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55829,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55830,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55831,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55832,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55833,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55834,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55835,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+55836,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55837,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55838,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55839,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55840,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55841,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55842,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55843,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55844,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55845,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55846,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55847,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+55860,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55861,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55862,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55863,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55864,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55865,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55866,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55867,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55868,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55869,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55870,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55871,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55872,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55873,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55874,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55875,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55876,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55877,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55878,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55879,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55880,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55881,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55882,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55883,46,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55884,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55885,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55886,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55887,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55888,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55889,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55890,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55891,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55892,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55893,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55894,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55895,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55896,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55897,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55898,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55899,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55900,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55901,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55902,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55903,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55904,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55905,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55906,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55907,46,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55908,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55909,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55910,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55911,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55912,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55913,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55914,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55915,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55916,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55917,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55918,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55919,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+55920,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55921,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55922,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55923,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55924,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55925,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55926,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55927,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55928,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55929,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55930,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55931,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+55932,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55933,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55934,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55935,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55936,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55937,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55938,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55939,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55940,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55941,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55942,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55943,46,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+55944,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55945,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55946,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55947,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55948,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55949,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55950,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55951,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55952,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55953,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55954,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55955,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+55956,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55957,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55958,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55959,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55960,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55961,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55962,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55963,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55964,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55965,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55966,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55967,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+55968,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55969,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55970,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55971,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55972,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55973,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55974,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55975,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55976,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55977,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55978,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55979,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+55980,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55981,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55982,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55983,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55984,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55985,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55986,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55987,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55988,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55989,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55990,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55991,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+55992,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55993,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55994,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55995,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55996,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55997,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55998,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+55999,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56000,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56001,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56002,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56003,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56004,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56005,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56006,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56007,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56008,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56009,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56010,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56011,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56012,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56013,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56014,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56015,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56016,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56017,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56018,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56019,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56020,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56021,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56022,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56023,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56024,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56025,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56026,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56027,46,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56028,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56029,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56030,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56031,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56032,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56033,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56034,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56035,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56036,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56037,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56038,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56039,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56052,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56053,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56054,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56055,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56056,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56057,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56058,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56059,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56060,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56061,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56062,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56063,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56064,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56065,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56066,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56067,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56068,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56069,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56070,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56071,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56072,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56073,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56074,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56075,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56076,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56077,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56078,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56079,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56080,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56081,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56082,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56083,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56084,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56085,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56086,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56087,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56088,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56089,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56090,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56091,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56092,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56093,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56094,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56095,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56096,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56097,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56098,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56099,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56100,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56101,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56102,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56103,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56104,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56105,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56106,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56107,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56108,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56109,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56110,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56111,46,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56112,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56113,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56114,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56115,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56116,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56117,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56118,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56119,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56120,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56121,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56122,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56123,46,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56136,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56137,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56138,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56139,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56140,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56141,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56142,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56143,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56144,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56145,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56146,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56147,46,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56160,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56161,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56162,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56163,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56164,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56165,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56166,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56167,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56168,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56169,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56170,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56171,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56172,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56173,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56174,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56175,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56176,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56177,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56178,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56179,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56180,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56181,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56182,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56183,46,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56184,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56185,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56186,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56187,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56188,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56189,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56190,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56191,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56192,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56193,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56194,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56195,46,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56196,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56197,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56198,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56199,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56200,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56201,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56202,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56203,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56204,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56205,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56206,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56207,46,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56208,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56209,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56210,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56211,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56212,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56213,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56214,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56215,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56216,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56217,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56218,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56219,46,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56220,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56221,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56222,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56223,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56224,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56225,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56226,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56227,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56228,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56229,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56230,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56231,46,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56232,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56233,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56234,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56235,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56236,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56237,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56238,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56239,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56240,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56241,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56242,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56243,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56244,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56245,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56246,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56247,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56248,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56249,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56250,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56251,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56252,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56253,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56254,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56255,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56256,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56257,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56258,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56259,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56260,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56261,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56262,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56263,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56264,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56265,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56266,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56267,46,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56268,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56269,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56270,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56271,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56272,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56273,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56274,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56275,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56276,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56277,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56278,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56279,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+56280,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56281,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56282,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56283,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56284,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56285,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56286,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56287,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56288,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56289,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56290,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56291,46,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56304,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56305,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56306,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56307,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56308,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56309,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56310,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56311,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56312,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56313,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56314,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56315,46,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56316,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56317,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56318,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56319,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56320,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56321,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56322,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56323,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56324,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56325,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56326,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56327,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+56328,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56329,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56330,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56331,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56332,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56333,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56334,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56335,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56336,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56337,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56338,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56339,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56340,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56341,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56342,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56343,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56344,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56345,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56346,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56347,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56348,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56349,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56350,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56351,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56352,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56353,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56354,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56355,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56356,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56357,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56358,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56359,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56360,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56361,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56362,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56363,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56364,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56365,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56366,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56367,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56368,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56369,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56370,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56371,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56372,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56373,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56374,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56375,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56376,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56377,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56378,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56379,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56380,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56381,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56382,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56383,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56384,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56385,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56386,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56387,46,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56412,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56413,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56414,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56415,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56416,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56417,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56418,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56419,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56420,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56421,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56422,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56423,46,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56424,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56425,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56426,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56427,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56428,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56429,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56430,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56431,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56432,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56433,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56434,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56435,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+56436,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56437,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56438,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56439,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56440,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56441,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56442,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56443,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56444,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56445,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56446,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56447,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56448,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56449,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56450,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56451,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56452,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56453,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56454,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56455,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56456,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56457,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56458,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56459,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56460,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56461,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56462,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56463,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56464,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56465,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56466,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56467,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56468,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56469,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56470,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56471,46,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+56472,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56473,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56474,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56475,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56476,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56477,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56478,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56479,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56480,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56481,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56482,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56483,46,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56496,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56497,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56498,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56499,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56500,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56501,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56502,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56503,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56504,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56505,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56506,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56507,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+56520,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56521,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56522,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56523,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56524,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56525,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56526,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56527,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56528,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56529,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56530,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56531,46,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56532,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56533,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56534,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56535,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56536,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56537,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56538,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56539,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56540,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56541,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56542,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56543,46,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56544,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56545,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56546,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56547,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56548,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56549,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56550,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56551,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56552,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56553,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56554,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56555,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56568,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56569,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56570,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56571,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56572,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56573,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56574,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56575,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56576,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56577,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56578,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56579,46,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56592,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56593,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56594,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56595,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56596,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56597,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56598,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56599,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56600,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56601,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56602,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56603,46,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56604,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56605,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56606,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56607,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56608,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56609,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56610,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56611,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56612,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56613,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56614,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56615,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56616,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56617,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56618,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56619,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56620,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56621,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56622,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56623,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56624,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56625,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56626,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56627,46,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56628,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56629,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56630,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56631,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56632,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56633,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56634,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56635,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56636,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56637,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56638,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56639,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56652,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56653,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56654,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56655,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56656,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56657,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56658,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56659,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56660,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56661,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56662,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56663,46,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56664,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56665,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56666,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56667,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56668,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56669,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56670,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56671,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56672,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56673,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56674,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56675,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56676,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56677,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56678,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56679,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56680,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56681,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56682,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56683,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56684,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56685,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56686,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56687,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56688,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56689,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56690,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56691,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56692,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56693,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56694,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56695,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56696,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56697,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56698,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56699,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56700,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56701,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56702,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56703,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56704,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56705,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56706,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56707,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56708,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56709,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56710,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56711,46,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56712,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56713,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56714,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56715,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56716,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56717,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56718,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56719,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56720,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56721,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56722,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56723,46,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56736,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56737,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56738,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56739,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56740,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56741,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56742,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56743,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56744,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56745,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56746,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56747,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56748,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56749,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56750,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56751,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56752,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56753,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56754,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56755,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56756,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56757,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56758,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56759,46,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56760,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56761,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56762,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56763,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56764,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56765,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56766,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56767,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56768,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56769,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56770,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56771,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56772,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56773,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56774,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56775,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56776,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56777,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56778,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56779,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56780,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56781,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56782,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56783,46,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56784,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56785,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56786,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56787,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56788,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56789,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56790,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56791,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56792,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56793,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56794,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56795,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56796,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56797,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56798,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56799,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56800,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56801,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56802,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56803,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56804,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56805,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56806,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56807,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+56808,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56809,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56810,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56811,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56812,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56813,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56814,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56815,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56816,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56817,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56818,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56819,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56820,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56821,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56822,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56823,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56824,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56825,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56826,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56827,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56828,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56829,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56830,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56831,46,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56832,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56833,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56834,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56835,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56836,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56837,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56838,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56839,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56840,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56841,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56842,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56843,46,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56844,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56845,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56846,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56847,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56848,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56849,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56850,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56851,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56852,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56853,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56854,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56855,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56856,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56857,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56858,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56859,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56860,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56861,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56862,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56863,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56864,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56865,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56866,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56867,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+56868,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56869,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56870,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56871,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56872,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56873,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56874,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56875,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56876,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56877,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56878,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56879,46,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+56880,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56881,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56882,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56883,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56884,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56885,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56886,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56887,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56888,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56889,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56890,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56891,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56904,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56905,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56906,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56907,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56908,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56909,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56910,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56911,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56912,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56913,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56914,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56915,46,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+56928,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56929,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56930,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56931,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56932,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56933,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56934,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56935,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56936,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56937,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56938,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56939,46,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+56940,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56941,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56942,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56943,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56944,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56945,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56946,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56947,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56948,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56949,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56950,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56951,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56952,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56953,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56954,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56955,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56956,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56957,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56958,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56959,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56960,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56961,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56962,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56963,46,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+56964,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56965,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56966,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56967,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56968,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56969,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56970,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56971,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56972,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56973,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56974,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56975,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+56976,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56977,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56978,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56979,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56980,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56981,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56982,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56983,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56984,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56985,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56986,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56987,46,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+56988,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56989,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56990,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56991,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56992,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56993,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56994,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56995,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56996,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56997,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56998,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+56999,46,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57000,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57001,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57002,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57003,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57004,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57005,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57006,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57007,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57008,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57009,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57010,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57011,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57012,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57013,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57014,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57015,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57016,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57017,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57018,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57019,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57020,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57021,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57022,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57023,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57024,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57025,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57026,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57027,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57028,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57029,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57030,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57031,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57032,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57033,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57034,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57035,46,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57036,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57037,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57038,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57039,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57040,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57041,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57042,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57043,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57044,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57045,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57046,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57047,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57060,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57061,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57062,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57063,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57064,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57065,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57066,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57067,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57068,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57069,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57070,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57071,9,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57072,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57073,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57074,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57075,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57076,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57077,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57078,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57079,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57080,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57081,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57082,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57083,9,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57084,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57085,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57086,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57087,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57088,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57089,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57090,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57091,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57092,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57093,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57094,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57095,9,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57096,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57097,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57098,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57099,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57100,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57101,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57102,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57103,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57104,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57105,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57106,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57107,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57120,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57121,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57122,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57123,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57124,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57125,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57126,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57127,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57128,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57129,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57130,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57131,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57132,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57133,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57134,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57135,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57136,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57137,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57138,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57139,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57140,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57141,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57142,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57143,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57144,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57145,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57146,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57147,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57148,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57149,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57150,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57151,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57152,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57153,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57154,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57155,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57156,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57157,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57158,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57159,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57160,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57161,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57162,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57163,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57164,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57165,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57166,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57167,9,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57168,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57169,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57170,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57171,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57172,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57173,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57174,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57175,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57176,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57177,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57178,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57179,9,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57180,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57181,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57182,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57183,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57184,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57185,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57186,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57187,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57188,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57189,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57190,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57191,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+57192,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57193,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57194,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57195,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57196,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57197,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57198,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57199,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57200,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57201,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57202,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57203,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57204,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57205,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57206,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57207,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57208,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57209,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57210,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57211,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57212,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57213,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57214,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57215,9,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57216,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57217,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57218,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57219,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57220,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57221,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57222,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57223,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57224,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57225,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57226,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57227,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57228,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57229,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57230,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57231,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57232,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57233,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57234,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57235,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57236,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57237,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57238,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57239,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57240,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57241,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57242,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57243,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57244,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57245,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57246,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57247,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57248,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57249,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57250,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57251,9,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57252,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57253,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57254,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57255,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57256,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57257,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57258,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57259,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57260,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57261,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57262,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57263,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57264,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57265,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57266,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57267,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57268,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57269,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57270,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57271,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57272,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57273,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57274,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57275,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+57276,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57277,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57278,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57279,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57280,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57281,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57282,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57283,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57284,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57285,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57286,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57287,9,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57300,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57301,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57302,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57303,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57304,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57305,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57306,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57307,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57308,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57309,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57310,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57311,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57312,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57313,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57314,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57315,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57316,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57317,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57318,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57319,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57320,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57321,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57322,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57323,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57324,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57325,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57326,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57327,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57328,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57329,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57330,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57331,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57332,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57333,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57334,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57335,9,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+57336,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57337,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57338,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57339,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57340,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57341,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57342,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57343,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57344,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57345,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57346,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57347,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+57348,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57349,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57350,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57351,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57352,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57353,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57354,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57355,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57356,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57357,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57358,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57359,9,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+57360,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57361,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57362,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57363,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57364,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57365,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57366,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57367,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57368,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57369,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57370,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57371,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+57372,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57373,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57374,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57375,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57376,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57377,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57378,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57379,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57380,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57381,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57382,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57383,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57384,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57385,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57386,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57387,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57388,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57389,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57390,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57391,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57392,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57393,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57394,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57395,9,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+57396,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57397,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57398,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57399,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57400,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57401,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57402,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57403,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57404,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57405,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57406,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57407,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57408,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57409,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57410,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57411,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57412,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57413,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57414,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57415,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57416,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57417,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57418,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57419,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57420,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57421,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57422,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57423,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57424,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57425,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57426,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57427,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57428,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57429,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57430,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57431,9,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+57432,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57433,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57434,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57435,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57436,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57437,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57438,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57439,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57440,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57441,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57442,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57443,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+57444,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57445,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57446,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57447,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57448,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57449,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57450,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57451,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57452,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57453,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57454,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57455,9,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57456,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57457,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57458,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57459,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57460,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57461,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57462,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57463,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57464,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57465,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57466,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57467,9,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57468,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57469,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57470,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57471,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57472,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57473,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57474,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57475,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57476,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57477,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57478,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57479,9,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57480,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57481,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57482,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57483,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57484,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57485,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57486,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57487,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57488,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57489,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57490,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57491,9,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57492,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57493,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57494,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57495,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57496,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57497,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57498,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57499,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57500,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57501,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57502,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57503,9,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57504,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57505,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57506,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57507,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57508,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57509,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57510,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57511,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57512,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57513,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57514,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57515,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57516,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57517,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57518,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57519,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57520,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57521,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57522,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57523,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57524,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57525,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57526,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57527,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57528,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57529,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57530,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57531,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57532,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57533,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57534,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57535,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57536,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57537,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57538,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57539,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57540,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57541,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57542,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57543,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57544,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57545,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57546,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57547,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57548,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57549,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57550,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57551,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57552,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57553,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57554,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57555,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57556,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57557,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57558,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57559,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57560,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57561,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57562,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57563,9,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57564,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57565,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57566,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57567,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57568,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57569,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57570,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57571,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57572,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57573,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57574,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57575,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+57576,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57577,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57578,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57579,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57580,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57581,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57582,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57583,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57584,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57585,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57586,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57587,9,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57588,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57589,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57590,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57591,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57592,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57593,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57594,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57595,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57596,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57597,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57598,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57599,9,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57600,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57601,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57602,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57603,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57604,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57605,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57606,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57607,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57608,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57609,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57610,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57611,9,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57612,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57613,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57614,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57615,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57616,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57617,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57618,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57619,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57620,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57621,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57622,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57623,9,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57624,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57625,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57626,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57627,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57628,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57629,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57630,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57631,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57632,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57633,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57634,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57635,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57636,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57637,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57638,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57639,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57640,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57641,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57642,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57643,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57644,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57645,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57646,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57647,9,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57648,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57649,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57650,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57651,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57652,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57653,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57654,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57655,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57656,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57657,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57658,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57659,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57672,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57673,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57674,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57675,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57676,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57677,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57678,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57679,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57680,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57681,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57682,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57683,9,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57684,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57685,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57686,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57687,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57688,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57689,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57690,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57691,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57692,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57693,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57694,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57695,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+57696,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57697,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57698,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57699,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57700,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57701,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57702,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57703,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57704,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57705,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57706,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57707,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+57708,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57709,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57710,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57711,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57712,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57713,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57714,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57715,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57716,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57717,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57718,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57719,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57720,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57721,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57722,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57723,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57724,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57725,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57726,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57727,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57728,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57729,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57730,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57731,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57732,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57733,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57734,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57735,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57736,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57737,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57738,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57739,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57740,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57741,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57742,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57743,9,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57744,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57745,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57746,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57747,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57748,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57749,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57750,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57751,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57752,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57753,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57754,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57755,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+57756,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57757,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57758,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57759,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57760,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57761,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57762,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57763,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57764,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57765,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57766,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57767,9,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+57768,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57769,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57770,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57771,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57772,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57773,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57774,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57775,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57776,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57777,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57778,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57779,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+57780,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57781,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57782,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57783,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57784,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57785,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57786,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57787,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57788,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57789,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57790,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57791,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57804,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57805,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57806,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57807,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57808,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57809,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57810,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57811,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57812,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57813,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57814,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57815,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57816,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57817,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57818,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57819,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57820,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57821,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57822,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57823,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57824,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57825,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57826,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57827,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57828,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57829,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57830,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57831,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57832,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57833,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57834,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57835,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57836,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57837,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57838,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57839,9,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57840,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57841,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57842,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57843,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57844,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57845,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57846,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57847,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57848,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57849,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57850,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57851,9,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+57852,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57853,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57854,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57855,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57856,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57857,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57858,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57859,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57860,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57861,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57862,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57863,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57864,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57865,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57866,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57867,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57868,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57869,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57870,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57871,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57872,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57873,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57874,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57875,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+57876,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57877,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57878,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57879,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57880,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57881,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57882,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57883,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57884,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57885,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57886,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57887,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57888,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57889,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57890,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57891,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57892,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57893,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57894,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57895,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57896,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57897,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57898,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57899,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57900,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57901,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57902,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57903,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57904,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57905,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57906,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57907,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57908,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57909,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57910,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57911,9,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+57912,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57913,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57914,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57915,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57916,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57917,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57918,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57919,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57920,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57921,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57922,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57923,9,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57936,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57937,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57938,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57939,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57940,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57941,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57942,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57943,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57944,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57945,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57946,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57947,9,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+57948,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57949,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57950,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57951,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57952,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57953,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57954,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57955,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57956,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57957,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57958,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57959,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+57960,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57961,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57962,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57963,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57964,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57965,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57966,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57967,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57968,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57969,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57970,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57971,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+57972,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57973,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57974,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57975,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57976,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57977,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57978,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57979,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57980,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57981,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57982,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57983,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+57984,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57985,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57986,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57987,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57988,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57989,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57990,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57991,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57992,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57993,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57994,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57995,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+57996,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57997,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57998,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+57999,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58000,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58001,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58002,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58003,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58004,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58005,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58006,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58007,9,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58008,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58009,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58010,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58011,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58012,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58013,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58014,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58015,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58016,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58017,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58018,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58019,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58020,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58021,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58022,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58023,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58024,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58025,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58026,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58027,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58028,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58029,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58030,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58031,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58032,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58033,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58034,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58035,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58036,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58037,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58038,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58039,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58040,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58041,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58042,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58043,9,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58044,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58045,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58046,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58047,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58048,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58049,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58050,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58051,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58052,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58053,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58054,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58055,9,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+58056,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58057,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58058,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58059,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58060,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58061,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58062,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58063,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58064,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58065,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58066,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58067,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58068,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58069,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58070,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58071,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58072,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58073,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58074,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58075,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58076,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58077,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58078,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58079,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58080,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58081,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58082,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58083,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58084,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58085,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58086,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58087,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58088,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58089,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58090,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58091,9,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+58092,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58093,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58094,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58095,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58096,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58097,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58098,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58099,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58100,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58101,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58102,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58103,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58104,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58105,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58106,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58107,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58108,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58109,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58110,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58111,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58112,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58113,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58114,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58115,9,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58116,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58117,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58118,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58119,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58120,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58121,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58122,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58123,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58124,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58125,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58126,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58127,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58128,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58129,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58130,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58131,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58132,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58133,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58134,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58135,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58136,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58137,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58138,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58139,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+58140,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58141,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58142,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58143,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58144,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58145,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58146,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58147,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58148,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58149,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58150,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58151,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58152,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58153,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58154,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58155,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58156,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58157,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58158,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58159,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58160,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58161,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58162,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58163,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58164,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58165,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58166,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58167,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58168,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58169,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58170,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58171,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58172,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58173,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58174,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58175,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58176,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58177,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58178,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58179,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58180,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58181,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58182,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58183,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58184,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58185,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58186,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58187,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58188,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58189,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58190,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58191,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58192,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58193,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58194,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58195,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58196,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58197,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58198,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58199,9,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58200,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58201,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58202,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58203,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58204,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58205,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58206,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58207,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58208,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58209,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58210,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58211,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+58212,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58213,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58214,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58215,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58216,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58217,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58218,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58219,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58220,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58221,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58222,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58223,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58236,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58237,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58238,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58239,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58240,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58241,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58242,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58243,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58244,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58245,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58246,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58247,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58248,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58249,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58250,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58251,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58252,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58253,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58254,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58255,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58256,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58257,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58258,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58259,9,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58260,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58261,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58262,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58263,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58264,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58265,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58266,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58267,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58268,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58269,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58270,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58271,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58272,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58273,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58274,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58275,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58276,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58277,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58278,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58279,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58280,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58281,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58282,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58283,9,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58284,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58285,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58286,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58287,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58288,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58289,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58290,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58291,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58292,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58293,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58294,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58295,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58296,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58297,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58298,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58299,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58300,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58301,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58302,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58303,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58304,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58305,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58306,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58307,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58308,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58309,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58310,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58311,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58312,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58313,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58314,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58315,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58316,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58317,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58318,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58319,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58320,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58321,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58322,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58323,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58324,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58325,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58326,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58327,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58328,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58329,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58330,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58331,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58332,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58333,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58334,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58335,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58336,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58337,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58338,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58339,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58340,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58341,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58342,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58343,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58344,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58345,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58346,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58347,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58348,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58349,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58350,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58351,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58352,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58353,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58354,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58355,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58356,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58357,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58358,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58359,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58360,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58361,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58362,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58363,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58364,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58365,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58366,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58367,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58368,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58369,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58370,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58371,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58372,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58373,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58374,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58375,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58376,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58377,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58378,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58379,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58380,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58381,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58382,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58383,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58384,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58385,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58386,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58387,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58388,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58389,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58390,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58391,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58404,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58405,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58406,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58407,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58408,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58409,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58410,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58411,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58412,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58413,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58414,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58415,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+58416,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58417,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58418,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58419,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58420,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58421,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58422,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58423,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58424,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58425,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58426,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58427,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58428,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58429,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58430,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58431,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58432,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58433,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58434,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58435,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58436,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58437,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58438,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58439,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58440,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58441,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58442,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58443,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58444,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58445,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58446,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58447,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58448,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58449,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58450,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58451,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58452,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58453,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58454,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58455,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58456,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58457,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58458,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58459,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58460,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58461,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58462,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58463,9,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58476,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58477,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58478,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58479,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58480,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58481,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58482,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58483,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58484,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58485,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58486,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58487,9,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58500,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58501,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58502,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58503,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58504,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58505,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58506,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58507,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58508,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58509,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58510,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58511,9,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58512,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58513,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58514,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58515,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58516,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58517,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58518,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58519,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58520,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58521,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58522,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58523,9,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58524,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58525,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58526,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58527,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58528,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58529,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58530,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58531,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58532,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58533,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58534,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58535,9,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58536,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58537,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58538,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58539,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58540,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58541,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58542,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58543,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58544,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58545,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58546,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58547,9,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58548,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58549,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58550,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58551,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58552,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58553,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58554,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58555,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58556,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58557,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58558,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58559,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58560,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58561,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58562,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58563,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58564,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58565,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58566,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58567,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58568,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58569,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58570,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58571,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58572,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58573,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58574,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58575,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58576,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58577,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58578,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58579,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58580,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58581,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58582,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58583,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+58584,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58585,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58586,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58587,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58588,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58589,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58590,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58591,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58592,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58593,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58594,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58595,9,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58608,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58609,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58610,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58611,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58612,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58613,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58614,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58615,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58616,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58617,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58618,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58619,9,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58620,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58621,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58622,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58623,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58624,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58625,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58626,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58627,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58628,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58629,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58630,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58631,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+58632,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58633,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58634,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58635,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58636,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58637,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58638,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58639,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58640,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58641,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58642,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58643,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58644,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58645,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58646,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58647,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58648,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58649,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58650,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58651,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58652,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58653,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58654,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58655,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58656,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58657,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58658,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58659,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58660,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58661,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58662,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58663,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58664,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58665,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58666,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58667,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58668,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58669,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58670,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58671,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58672,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58673,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58674,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58675,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58676,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58677,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58678,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58679,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58680,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58681,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58682,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58683,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58684,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58685,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58686,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58687,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58688,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58689,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58690,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58691,9,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58704,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58705,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58706,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58707,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58708,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58709,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58710,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58711,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58712,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58713,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58714,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58715,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+58716,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58717,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58718,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58719,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58720,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58721,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58722,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58723,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58724,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58725,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58726,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58727,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+58728,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58729,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58730,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58731,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58732,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58733,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58734,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58735,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58736,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58737,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58738,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58739,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58740,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58741,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58742,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58743,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58744,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58745,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58746,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58747,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58748,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58749,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58750,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58751,9,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+58752,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58753,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58754,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58755,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58756,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58757,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58758,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58759,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58760,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58761,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58762,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58763,9,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58776,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58777,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58778,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58779,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58780,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58781,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58782,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58783,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58784,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58785,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58786,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58787,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+58800,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58801,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58802,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58803,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58804,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58805,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58806,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58807,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58808,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58809,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58810,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58811,9,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58812,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58813,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58814,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58815,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58816,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58817,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58818,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58819,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58820,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58821,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58822,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58823,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58836,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58837,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58838,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58839,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58840,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58841,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58842,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58843,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58844,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58845,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58846,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58847,9,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+58860,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58861,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58862,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58863,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58864,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58865,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58866,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58867,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58868,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58869,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58870,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58871,9,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58872,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58873,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58874,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58875,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58876,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58877,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58878,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58879,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58880,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58881,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58882,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58883,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58884,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58885,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58886,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58887,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58888,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58889,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58890,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58891,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58892,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58893,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58894,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58895,9,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58896,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58897,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58898,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58899,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58900,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58901,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58902,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58903,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58904,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58905,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58906,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58907,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58920,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58921,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58922,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58923,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58924,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58925,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58926,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58927,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58928,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58929,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58930,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58931,9,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+58932,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58933,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58934,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58935,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58936,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58937,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58938,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58939,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58940,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58941,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58942,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58943,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58944,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58945,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58946,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58947,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58948,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58949,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58950,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58951,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58952,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58953,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58954,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58955,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+58956,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58957,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58958,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58959,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58960,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58961,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58962,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58963,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58964,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58965,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58966,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58967,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+58968,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58969,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58970,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58971,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58972,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58973,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58974,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58975,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58976,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58977,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58978,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58979,9,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+58992,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58993,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58994,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58995,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58996,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58997,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58998,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+58999,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59000,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59001,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59002,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59003,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59004,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59005,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59006,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59007,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59008,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59009,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59010,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59011,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59012,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59013,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59014,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59015,9,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59016,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59017,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59018,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59019,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59020,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59021,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59022,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59023,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59024,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59025,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59026,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59027,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59028,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59029,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59030,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59031,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59032,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59033,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59034,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59035,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59036,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59037,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59038,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59039,9,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59040,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59041,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59042,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59043,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59044,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59045,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59046,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59047,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59048,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59049,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59050,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59051,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59052,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59053,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59054,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59055,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59056,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59057,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59058,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59059,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59060,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59061,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59062,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59063,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59064,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59065,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59066,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59067,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59068,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59069,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59070,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59071,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59072,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59073,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59074,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59075,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59076,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59077,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59078,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59079,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59080,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59081,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59082,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59083,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59084,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59085,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59086,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59087,9,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59088,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59089,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59090,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59091,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59092,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59093,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59094,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59095,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59096,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59097,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59098,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59099,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59100,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59101,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59102,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59103,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59104,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59105,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59106,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59107,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59108,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59109,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59110,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59111,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59124,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59125,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59126,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59127,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59128,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59129,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59130,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59131,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59132,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59133,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59134,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59135,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59148,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59149,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59150,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59151,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59152,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59153,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59154,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59155,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59156,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59157,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59158,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59159,9,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+59160,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59161,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59162,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59163,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59164,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59165,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59166,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59167,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59168,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59169,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59170,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59171,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+59172,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59173,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59174,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59175,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59176,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59177,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59178,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59179,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59180,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59181,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59182,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59183,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59184,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59185,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59186,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59187,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59188,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59189,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59190,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59191,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59192,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59193,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59194,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59195,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59196,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59197,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59198,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59199,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59200,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59201,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59202,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59203,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59204,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59205,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59206,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59207,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59208,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59209,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59210,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59211,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59212,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59213,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59214,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59215,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59216,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59217,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59218,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59219,9,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59220,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59221,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59222,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59223,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59224,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59225,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59226,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59227,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59228,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59229,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59230,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59231,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59244,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59245,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59246,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59247,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59248,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59249,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59250,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59251,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59252,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59253,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59254,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59255,5,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59256,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59257,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59258,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59259,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59260,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59261,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59262,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59263,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59264,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59265,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59266,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59267,5,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59268,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59269,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59270,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59271,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59272,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59273,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59274,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59275,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59276,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59277,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59278,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59279,5,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59280,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59281,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59282,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59283,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59284,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59285,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59286,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59287,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59288,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59289,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59290,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59291,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59304,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59305,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59306,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59307,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59308,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59309,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59310,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59311,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59312,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59313,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59314,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59315,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59316,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59317,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59318,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59319,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59320,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59321,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59322,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59323,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59324,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59325,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59326,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59327,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59328,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59329,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59330,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59331,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59332,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59333,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59334,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59335,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59336,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59337,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59338,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59339,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59340,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59341,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59342,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59343,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59344,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59345,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59346,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59347,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59348,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59349,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59350,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59351,5,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59352,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59353,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59354,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59355,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59356,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59357,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59358,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59359,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59360,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59361,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59362,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59363,5,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59364,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59365,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59366,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59367,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59368,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59369,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59370,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59371,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59372,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59373,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59374,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59375,5,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59376,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59377,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59378,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59379,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59380,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59381,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59382,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59383,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59384,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59385,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59386,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59387,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59388,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59389,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59390,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59391,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59392,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59393,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59394,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59395,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59396,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59397,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59398,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59399,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59400,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59401,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59402,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59403,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59404,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59405,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59406,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59407,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59408,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59409,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59410,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59411,5,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59412,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59413,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59414,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59415,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59416,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59417,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59418,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59419,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59420,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59421,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59422,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59423,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+59424,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59425,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59426,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59427,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59428,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59429,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59430,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59431,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59432,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59433,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59434,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59435,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59436,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59437,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59438,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59439,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59440,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59441,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59442,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59443,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59444,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59445,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59446,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59447,5,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59448,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59449,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59450,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59451,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59452,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59453,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59454,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59455,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59456,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59457,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59458,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59459,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59460,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59461,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59462,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59463,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59464,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59465,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59466,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59467,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59468,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59469,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59470,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59471,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59472,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59473,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59474,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59475,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59476,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59477,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59478,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59479,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59480,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59481,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59482,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59483,5,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59484,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59485,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59486,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59487,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59488,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59489,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59490,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59491,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59492,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59493,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59494,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59495,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59496,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59497,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59498,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59499,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59500,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59501,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59502,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59503,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59504,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59505,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59506,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59507,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+59508,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59509,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59510,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59511,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59512,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59513,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59514,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59515,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59516,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59517,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59518,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59519,5,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59532,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59533,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59534,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59535,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59536,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59537,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59538,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59539,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59540,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59541,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59542,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59543,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59544,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59545,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59546,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59547,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59548,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59549,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59550,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59551,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59552,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59553,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59554,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59555,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59556,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59557,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59558,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59559,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59560,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59561,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59562,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59563,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59564,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59565,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59566,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59567,5,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+59568,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59569,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59570,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59571,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59572,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59573,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59574,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59575,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59576,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59577,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59578,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59579,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+59580,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59581,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59582,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59583,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59584,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59585,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59586,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59587,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59588,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59589,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59590,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59591,5,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+59592,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59593,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59594,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59595,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59596,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59597,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59598,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59599,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59600,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59601,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59602,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59603,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+59604,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59605,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59606,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59607,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59608,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59609,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59610,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59611,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59612,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59613,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59614,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59615,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59616,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59617,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59618,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59619,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59620,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59621,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59622,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59623,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59624,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59625,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59626,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59627,5,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+59628,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59629,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59630,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59631,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59632,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59633,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59634,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59635,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59636,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59637,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59638,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59639,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59640,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59641,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59642,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59643,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59644,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59645,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59646,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59647,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59648,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59649,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59650,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59651,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59652,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59653,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59654,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59655,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59656,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59657,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59658,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59659,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59660,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59661,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59662,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59663,5,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+59664,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59665,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59666,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59667,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59668,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59669,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59670,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59671,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59672,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59673,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59674,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59675,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+59676,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59677,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59678,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59679,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59680,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59681,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59682,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59683,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59684,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59685,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59686,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59687,5,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59688,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59689,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59690,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59691,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59692,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59693,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59694,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59695,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59696,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59697,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59698,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59699,5,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59700,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59701,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59702,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59703,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59704,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59705,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59706,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59707,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59708,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59709,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59710,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59711,5,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59712,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59713,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59714,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59715,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59716,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59717,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59718,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59719,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59720,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59721,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59722,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59723,5,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59724,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59725,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59726,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59727,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59728,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59729,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59730,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59731,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59732,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59733,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59734,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59735,5,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59736,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59737,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59738,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59739,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59740,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59741,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59742,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59743,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59744,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59745,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59746,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59747,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59748,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59749,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59750,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59751,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59752,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59753,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59754,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59755,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59756,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59757,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59758,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59759,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59760,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59761,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59762,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59763,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59764,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59765,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59766,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59767,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59768,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59769,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59770,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59771,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+59772,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59773,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59774,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59775,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59776,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59777,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59778,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59779,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59780,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59781,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59782,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59783,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59784,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59785,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59786,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59787,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59788,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59789,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59790,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59791,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59792,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59793,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59794,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59795,5,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59796,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59797,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59798,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59799,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59800,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59801,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59802,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59803,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59804,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59805,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59806,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59807,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+59808,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59809,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59810,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59811,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59812,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59813,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59814,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59815,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59816,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59817,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59818,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59819,5,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59820,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59821,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59822,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59823,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59824,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59825,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59826,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59827,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59828,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59829,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59830,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59831,5,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+59832,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59833,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59834,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59835,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59836,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59837,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59838,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59839,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59840,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59841,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59842,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59843,5,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59844,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59845,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59846,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59847,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59848,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59849,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59850,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59851,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59852,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59853,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59854,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59855,5,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+59856,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59857,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59858,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59859,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59860,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59861,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59862,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59863,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59864,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59865,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59866,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59867,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59868,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59869,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59870,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59871,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59872,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59873,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59874,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59875,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59876,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59877,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59878,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59879,5,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+59880,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59881,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59882,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59883,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59884,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59885,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59886,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59887,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59888,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59889,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59890,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59891,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+59904,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59905,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59906,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59907,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59908,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59909,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59910,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59911,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59912,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59913,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59914,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59915,5,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+59916,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59917,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59918,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59919,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59920,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59921,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59922,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59923,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59924,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59925,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59926,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59927,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+59928,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59929,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59930,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59931,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59932,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59933,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59934,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59935,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59936,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59937,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59938,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59939,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+59940,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59941,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59942,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59943,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59944,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59945,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59946,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59947,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59948,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59949,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59950,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59951,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+59952,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59953,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59954,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59955,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59956,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59957,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59958,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59959,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59960,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59961,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59962,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59963,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+59964,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59965,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59966,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59967,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59968,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59969,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59970,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59971,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59972,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59973,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59974,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59975,5,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+59976,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59977,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59978,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59979,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59980,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59981,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59982,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59983,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59984,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59985,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59986,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59987,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+59988,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59989,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59990,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59991,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59992,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59993,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59994,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59995,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59996,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59997,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59998,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+59999,5,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+60000,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60001,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60002,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60003,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60004,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60005,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60006,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60007,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60008,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60009,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60010,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60011,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60012,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60013,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60014,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60015,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60016,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60017,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60018,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60019,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60020,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60021,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60022,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60023,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60036,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60037,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60038,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60039,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60040,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60041,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60042,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60043,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60044,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60045,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60046,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60047,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60048,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60049,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60050,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60051,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60052,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60053,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60054,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60055,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60056,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60057,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60058,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60059,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60060,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60061,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60062,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60063,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60064,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60065,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60066,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60067,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60068,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60069,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60070,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60071,5,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60072,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60073,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60074,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60075,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60076,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60077,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60078,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60079,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60080,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60081,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60082,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60083,5,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60084,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60085,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60086,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60087,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60088,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60089,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60090,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60091,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60092,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60093,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60094,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60095,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60096,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60097,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60098,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60099,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60100,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60101,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60102,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60103,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60104,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60105,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60106,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60107,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60108,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60109,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60110,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60111,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60112,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60113,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60114,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60115,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60116,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60117,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60118,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60119,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60120,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60121,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60122,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60123,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60124,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60125,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60126,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60127,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60128,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60129,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60130,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60131,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60132,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60133,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60134,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60135,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60136,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60137,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60138,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60139,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60140,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60141,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60142,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60143,5,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60144,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60145,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60146,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60147,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60148,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60149,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60150,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60151,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60152,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60153,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60154,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60155,5,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60168,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60169,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60170,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60171,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60172,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60173,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60174,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60175,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60176,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60177,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60178,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60179,5,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60180,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60181,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60182,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60183,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60184,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60185,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60186,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60187,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60188,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60189,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60190,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60191,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60192,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60193,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60194,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60195,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60196,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60197,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60198,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60199,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60200,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60201,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60202,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60203,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60204,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60205,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60206,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60207,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60208,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60209,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60210,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60211,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60212,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60213,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60214,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60215,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60216,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60217,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60218,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60219,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60220,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60221,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60222,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60223,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60224,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60225,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60226,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60227,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+60228,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60229,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60230,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60231,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60232,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60233,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60234,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60235,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60236,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60237,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60238,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60239,5,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60240,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60241,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60242,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60243,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60244,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60245,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60246,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60247,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60248,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60249,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60250,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60251,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60252,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60253,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60254,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60255,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60256,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60257,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60258,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60259,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60260,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60261,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60262,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60263,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60264,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60265,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60266,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60267,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60268,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60269,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60270,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60271,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60272,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60273,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60274,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60275,5,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60276,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60277,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60278,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60279,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60280,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60281,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60282,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60283,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60284,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60285,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60286,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60287,5,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+60288,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60289,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60290,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60291,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60292,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60293,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60294,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60295,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60296,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60297,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60298,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60299,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60300,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60301,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60302,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60303,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60304,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60305,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60306,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60307,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60308,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60309,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60310,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60311,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60312,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60313,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60314,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60315,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60316,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60317,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60318,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60319,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60320,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60321,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60322,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60323,5,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+60324,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60325,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60326,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60327,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60328,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60329,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60330,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60331,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60332,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60333,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60334,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60335,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60336,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60337,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60338,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60339,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60340,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60341,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60342,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60343,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60344,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60345,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60346,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60347,5,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60348,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60349,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60350,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60351,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60352,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60353,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60354,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60355,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60356,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60357,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60358,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60359,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60360,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60361,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60362,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60363,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60364,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60365,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60366,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60367,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60368,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60369,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60370,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60371,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60372,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60373,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60374,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60375,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60376,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60377,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60378,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60379,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60380,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60381,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60382,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60383,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60384,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60385,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60386,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60387,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60388,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60389,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60390,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60391,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60392,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60393,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60394,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60395,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60396,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60397,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60398,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60399,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60400,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60401,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60402,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60403,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60404,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60405,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60406,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60407,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60408,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60409,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60410,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60411,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60412,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60413,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60414,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60415,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60416,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60417,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60418,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60419,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60420,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60421,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60422,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60423,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60424,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60425,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60426,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60427,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60428,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60429,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60430,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60431,5,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60432,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60433,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60434,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60435,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60436,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60437,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60438,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60439,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60440,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60441,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60442,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60443,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+60444,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60445,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60446,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60447,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60448,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60449,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60450,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60451,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60452,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60453,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60454,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60455,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60468,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60469,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60470,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60471,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60472,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60473,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60474,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60475,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60476,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60477,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60478,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60479,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60480,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60481,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60482,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60483,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60484,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60485,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60486,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60487,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60488,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60489,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60490,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60491,5,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60492,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60493,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60494,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60495,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60496,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60497,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60498,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60499,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60500,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60501,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60502,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60503,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60504,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60505,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60506,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60507,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60508,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60509,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60510,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60511,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60512,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60513,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60514,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60515,5,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60516,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60517,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60518,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60519,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60520,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60521,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60522,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60523,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60524,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60525,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60526,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60527,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+60528,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60529,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60530,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60531,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60532,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60533,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60534,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60535,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60536,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60537,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60538,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60539,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60540,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60541,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60542,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60543,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60544,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60545,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60546,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60547,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60548,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60549,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60550,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60551,5,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60552,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60553,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60554,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60555,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60556,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60557,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60558,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60559,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60560,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60561,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60562,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60563,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60564,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60565,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60566,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60567,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60568,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60569,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60570,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60571,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60572,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60573,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60574,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60575,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60576,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60577,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60578,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60579,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60580,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60581,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60582,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60583,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60584,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60585,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60586,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60587,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60588,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60589,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60590,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60591,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60592,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60593,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60594,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60595,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60596,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60597,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60598,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60599,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60600,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60601,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60602,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60603,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60604,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60605,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60606,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60607,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60608,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60609,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60610,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60611,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60612,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60613,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60614,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60615,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60616,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60617,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60618,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60619,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60620,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60621,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60622,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60623,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60624,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60625,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60626,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60627,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60628,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60629,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60630,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60631,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60632,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60633,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60634,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60635,5,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60636,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60637,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60638,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60639,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60640,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60641,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60642,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60643,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60644,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60645,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60646,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60647,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60660,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60661,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60662,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60663,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60664,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60665,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60666,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60667,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60668,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60669,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60670,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60671,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60672,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60673,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60674,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60675,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60676,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60677,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60678,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60679,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60680,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60681,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60682,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60683,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+60684,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60685,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60686,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60687,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60688,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60689,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60690,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60691,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60692,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60693,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60694,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60695,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60696,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60697,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60698,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60699,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60700,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60701,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60702,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60703,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60704,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60705,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60706,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60707,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60708,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60709,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60710,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60711,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60712,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60713,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60714,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60715,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60716,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60717,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60718,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60719,5,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60720,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60721,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60722,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60723,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60724,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60725,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60726,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60727,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60728,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60729,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60730,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60731,5,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60744,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60745,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60746,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60747,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60748,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60749,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60750,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60751,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60752,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60753,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60754,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60755,5,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+60768,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60769,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60770,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60771,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60772,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60773,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60774,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60775,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60776,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60777,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60778,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60779,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60780,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60781,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60782,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60783,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60784,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60785,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60786,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60787,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60788,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60789,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60790,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60791,5,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60792,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60793,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60794,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60795,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60796,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60797,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60798,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60799,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60800,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60801,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60802,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60803,5,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60804,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60805,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60806,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60807,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60808,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60809,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60810,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60811,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60812,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60813,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60814,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60815,5,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+60816,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60817,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60818,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60819,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60820,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60821,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60822,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60823,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60824,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60825,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60826,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60827,5,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60828,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60829,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60830,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60831,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60832,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60833,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60834,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60835,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60836,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60837,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60838,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60839,5,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+60840,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60841,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60842,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60843,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60844,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60845,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60846,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60847,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60848,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60849,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60850,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60851,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60852,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60853,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60854,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60855,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60856,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60857,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60858,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60859,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60860,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60861,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60862,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60863,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+60864,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60865,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60866,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60867,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60868,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60869,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60870,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60871,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60872,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60873,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60874,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60875,5,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60876,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60877,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60878,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60879,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60880,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60881,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60882,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60883,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60884,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60885,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60886,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60887,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+60888,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60889,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60890,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60891,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60892,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60893,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60894,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60895,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60896,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60897,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60898,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60899,5,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+60912,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60913,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60914,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60915,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60916,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60917,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60918,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60919,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60920,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60921,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60922,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60923,5,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60924,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60925,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60926,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60927,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60928,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60929,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60930,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60931,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60932,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60933,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60934,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60935,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+60936,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60937,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60938,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60939,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60940,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60941,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60942,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60943,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60944,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60945,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60946,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60947,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+60948,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60949,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60950,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60951,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60952,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60953,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60954,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60955,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60956,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60957,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60958,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60959,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+60960,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60961,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60962,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60963,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60964,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60965,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60966,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60967,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60968,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60969,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60970,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60971,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+60972,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60973,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60974,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60975,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60976,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60977,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60978,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60979,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60980,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60981,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60982,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60983,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+60984,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60985,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60986,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60987,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60988,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60989,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60990,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60991,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60992,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60993,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60994,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+60995,5,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61020,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61021,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61022,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61023,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61024,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61025,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61026,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61027,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61028,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61029,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61030,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61031,5,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61032,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61033,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61034,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61035,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61036,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61037,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61038,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61039,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61040,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61041,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61042,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61043,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+61044,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61045,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61046,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61047,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61048,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61049,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61050,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61051,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61052,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61053,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61054,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61055,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61056,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61057,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61058,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61059,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61060,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61061,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61062,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61063,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61064,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61065,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61066,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61067,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61068,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61069,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61070,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61071,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61072,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61073,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61074,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61075,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61076,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61077,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61078,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61079,5,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61080,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61081,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61082,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61083,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61084,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61085,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61086,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61087,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61088,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61089,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61090,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61091,5,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61104,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61105,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61106,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61107,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61108,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61109,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61110,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61111,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61112,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61113,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61114,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61115,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61128,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61129,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61130,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61131,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61132,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61133,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61134,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61135,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61136,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61137,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61138,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61139,5,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61140,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61141,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61142,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61143,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61144,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61145,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61146,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61147,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61148,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61149,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61150,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61151,5,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61152,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61153,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61154,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61155,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61156,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61157,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61158,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61159,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61160,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61161,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61162,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61163,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61176,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61177,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61178,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61179,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61180,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61181,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61182,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61183,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61184,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61185,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61186,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61187,5,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61200,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61201,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61202,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61203,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61204,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61205,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61206,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61207,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61208,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61209,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61210,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61211,5,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61212,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61213,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61214,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61215,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61216,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61217,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61218,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61219,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61220,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61221,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61222,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61223,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61224,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61225,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61226,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61227,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61228,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61229,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61230,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61231,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61232,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61233,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61234,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61235,5,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61236,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61237,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61238,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61239,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61240,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61241,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61242,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61243,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61244,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61245,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61246,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61247,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61260,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61261,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61262,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61263,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61264,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61265,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61266,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61267,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61268,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61269,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61270,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61271,5,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61272,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61273,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61274,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61275,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61276,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61277,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61278,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61279,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61280,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61281,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61282,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61283,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61284,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61285,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61286,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61287,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61288,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61289,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61290,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61291,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61292,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61293,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61294,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61295,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61296,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61297,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61298,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61299,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61300,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61301,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61302,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61303,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61304,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61305,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61306,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61307,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61308,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61309,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61310,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61311,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61312,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61313,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61314,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61315,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61316,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61317,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61318,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61319,5,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61320,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61321,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61322,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61323,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61324,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61325,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61326,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61327,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61328,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61329,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61330,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61331,5,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61344,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61345,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61346,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61347,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61348,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61349,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61350,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61351,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61352,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61353,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61354,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61355,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61356,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61357,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61358,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61359,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61360,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61361,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61362,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61363,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61364,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61365,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61366,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61367,5,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61368,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61369,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61370,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61371,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61372,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61373,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61374,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61375,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61376,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61377,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61378,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61379,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61380,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61381,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61382,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61383,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61384,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61385,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61386,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61387,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61388,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61389,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61390,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61391,5,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61392,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61393,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61394,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61395,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61396,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61397,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61398,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61399,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61400,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61401,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61402,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61403,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61404,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61405,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61406,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61407,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61408,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61409,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61410,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61411,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61412,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61413,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61414,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61415,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61416,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61417,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61418,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61419,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61420,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61421,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61422,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61423,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61424,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61425,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61426,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61427,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61428,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61429,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61430,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61431,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61432,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61433,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61434,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61435,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61436,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61437,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61438,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61439,5,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61440,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61441,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61442,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61443,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61444,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61445,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61446,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61447,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61448,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61449,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61450,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61451,5,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61452,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61453,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61454,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61455,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61456,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61457,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61458,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61459,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61460,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61461,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61462,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61463,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61464,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61465,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61466,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61467,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61468,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61469,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61470,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61471,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61472,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61473,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61474,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61475,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61476,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61477,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61478,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61479,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61480,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61481,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61482,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61483,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61484,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61485,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61486,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61487,5,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61488,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61489,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61490,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61491,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61492,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61493,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61494,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61495,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61496,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61497,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61498,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61499,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61512,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61513,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61514,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61515,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61516,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61517,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61518,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61519,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61520,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61521,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61522,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61523,5,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61536,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61537,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61538,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61539,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61540,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61541,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61542,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61543,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61544,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61545,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61546,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61547,5,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+61548,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61549,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61550,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61551,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61552,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61553,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61554,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61555,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61556,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61557,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61558,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61559,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61560,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61561,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61562,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61563,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61564,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61565,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61566,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61567,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61568,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61569,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61570,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61571,5,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+61572,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61573,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61574,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61575,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61576,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61577,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61578,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61579,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61580,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61581,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61582,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61583,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61584,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61585,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61586,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61587,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61588,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61589,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61590,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61591,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61592,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61593,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61594,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61595,5,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61596,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61597,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61598,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61599,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61600,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61601,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61602,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61603,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61604,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61605,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61606,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61607,5,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61608,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61609,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61610,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61611,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61612,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61613,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61614,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61615,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61616,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61617,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61618,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61619,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61620,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61621,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61622,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61623,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61624,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61625,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61626,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61627,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61628,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61629,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61630,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61631,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61632,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61633,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61634,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61635,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61636,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61637,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61638,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61639,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61640,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61641,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61642,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61643,5,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61644,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61645,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61646,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61647,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61648,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61649,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61650,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61651,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61652,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61653,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61654,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61655,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61668,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61669,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61670,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61671,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61672,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61673,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61674,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61675,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61676,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61677,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61678,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61679,6,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61680,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61681,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61682,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61683,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61684,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61685,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61686,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61687,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61688,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61689,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61690,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61691,6,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61692,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61693,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61694,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61695,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61696,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61697,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61698,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61699,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61700,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61701,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61702,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61703,6,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61704,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61705,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61706,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61707,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61708,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61709,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61710,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61711,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61712,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61713,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61714,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61715,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+61728,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61729,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61730,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61731,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61732,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61733,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61734,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61735,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61736,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61737,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61738,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61739,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+61740,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61741,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61742,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61743,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61744,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61745,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61746,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61747,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61748,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61749,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61750,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61751,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+61752,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61753,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61754,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61755,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61756,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61757,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61758,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61759,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61760,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61761,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61762,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61763,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61764,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61765,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61766,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61767,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61768,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61769,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61770,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61771,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61772,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61773,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61774,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61775,6,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+61776,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61777,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61778,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61779,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61780,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61781,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61782,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61783,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61784,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61785,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61786,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61787,6,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+61788,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61789,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61790,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61791,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61792,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61793,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61794,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61795,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61796,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61797,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61798,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61799,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+61800,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61801,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61802,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61803,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61804,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61805,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61806,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61807,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61808,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61809,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61810,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61811,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+61812,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61813,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61814,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61815,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61816,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61817,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61818,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61819,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61820,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61821,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61822,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61823,6,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+61824,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61825,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61826,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61827,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61828,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61829,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61830,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61831,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61832,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61833,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61834,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61835,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+61836,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61837,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61838,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61839,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61840,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61841,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61842,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61843,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61844,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61845,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61846,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61847,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61848,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61849,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61850,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61851,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61852,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61853,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61854,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61855,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61856,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61857,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61858,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61859,6,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+61860,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61861,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61862,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61863,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61864,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61865,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61866,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61867,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61868,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61869,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61870,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61871,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61872,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61873,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61874,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61875,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61876,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61877,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61878,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61879,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61880,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61881,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61882,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61883,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+61884,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61885,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61886,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61887,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61888,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61889,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61890,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61891,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61892,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61893,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61894,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61895,6,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61908,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61909,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61910,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61911,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61912,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61913,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61914,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61915,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61916,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61917,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61918,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61919,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+61920,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61921,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61922,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61923,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61924,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61925,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61926,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61927,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61928,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61929,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61930,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61931,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+61932,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61933,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61934,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61935,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61936,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61937,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61938,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61939,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61940,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61941,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61942,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61943,6,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+61944,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61945,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61946,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61947,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61948,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61949,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61950,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61951,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61952,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61953,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61954,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61955,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+61956,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61957,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61958,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61959,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61960,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61961,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61962,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61963,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61964,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61965,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61966,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61967,6,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+61968,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61969,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61970,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61971,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61972,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61973,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61974,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61975,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61976,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61977,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61978,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61979,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+61980,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61981,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61982,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61983,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61984,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61985,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61986,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61987,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61988,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61989,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61990,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61991,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+61992,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61993,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61994,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61995,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61996,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61997,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61998,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+61999,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+62000,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+62001,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+62002,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+62003,6,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+62004,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62005,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62006,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62007,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62008,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62009,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62010,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62011,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62012,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62013,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62014,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62015,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62016,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62017,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62018,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62019,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62020,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62021,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62022,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62023,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62024,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62025,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62026,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62027,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62028,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62029,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62030,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62031,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62032,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62033,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62034,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62035,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62036,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62037,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62038,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62039,6,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+62040,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62041,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62042,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62043,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62044,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62045,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62046,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62047,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62048,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62049,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62050,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62051,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+62052,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62053,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62054,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62055,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62056,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62057,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62058,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62059,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62060,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62061,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62062,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62063,6,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62064,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62065,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62066,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62067,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62068,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62069,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62070,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62071,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62072,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62073,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62074,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62075,6,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62076,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62077,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62078,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62079,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62080,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62081,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62082,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62083,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62084,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62085,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62086,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62087,6,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62088,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62089,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62090,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62091,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62092,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62093,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62094,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62095,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62096,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62097,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62098,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62099,6,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62100,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62101,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62102,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62103,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62104,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62105,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62106,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62107,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62108,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62109,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62110,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62111,6,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62112,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62113,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62114,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62115,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62116,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62117,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62118,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62119,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62120,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62121,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62122,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62123,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62124,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62125,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62126,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62127,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62128,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62129,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62130,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62131,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62132,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62133,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62134,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62135,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62136,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62137,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62138,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62139,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62140,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62141,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62142,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62143,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62144,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62145,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62146,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62147,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62148,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62149,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62150,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62151,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62152,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62153,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62154,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62155,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62156,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62157,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62158,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62159,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62160,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62161,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62162,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62163,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62164,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62165,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62166,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62167,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62168,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62169,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62170,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62171,6,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62172,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62173,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62174,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62175,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62176,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62177,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62178,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62179,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62180,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62181,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62182,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62183,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62184,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62185,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62186,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62187,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62188,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62189,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62190,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62191,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62192,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62193,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62194,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62195,6,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62196,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62197,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62198,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62199,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62200,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62201,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62202,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62203,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62204,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62205,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62206,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62207,6,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62208,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62209,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62210,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62211,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62212,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62213,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62214,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62215,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62216,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62217,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62218,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62219,6,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62220,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62221,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62222,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62223,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62224,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62225,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62226,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62227,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62228,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62229,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62230,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62231,6,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62232,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62233,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62234,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62235,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62236,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62237,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62238,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62239,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62240,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62241,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62242,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62243,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62244,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62245,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62246,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62247,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62248,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62249,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62250,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62251,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62252,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62253,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62254,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62255,6,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62256,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62257,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62258,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62259,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62260,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62261,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62262,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62263,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62264,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62265,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62266,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62267,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62280,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62281,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62282,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62283,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62284,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62285,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62286,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62287,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62288,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62289,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62290,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62291,6,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62292,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62293,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62294,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62295,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62296,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62297,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62298,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62299,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62300,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62301,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62302,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62303,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62304,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62305,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62306,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62307,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62308,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62309,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62310,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62311,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62312,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62313,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62314,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62315,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+62316,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62317,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62318,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62319,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62320,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62321,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62322,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62323,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62324,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62325,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62326,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62327,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62328,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62329,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62330,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62331,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62332,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62333,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62334,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62335,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62336,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62337,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62338,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62339,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62340,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62341,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62342,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62343,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62344,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62345,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62346,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62347,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62348,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62349,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62350,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62351,6,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62352,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62353,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62354,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62355,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62356,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62357,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62358,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62359,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62360,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62361,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62362,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62363,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+62364,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62365,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62366,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62367,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62368,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62369,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62370,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62371,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62372,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62373,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62374,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62375,6,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+62376,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62377,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62378,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62379,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62380,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62381,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62382,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62383,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62384,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62385,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62386,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62387,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62388,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62389,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62390,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62391,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62392,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62393,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62394,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62395,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62396,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62397,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62398,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62399,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62412,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62413,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62414,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62415,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62416,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62417,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62418,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62419,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62420,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62421,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62422,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62423,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62424,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62425,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62426,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62427,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62428,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62429,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62430,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62431,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62432,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62433,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62434,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62435,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62436,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62437,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62438,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62439,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62440,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62441,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62442,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62443,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62444,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62445,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62446,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62447,6,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62448,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62449,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62450,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62451,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62452,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62453,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62454,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62455,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62456,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62457,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62458,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62459,6,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62460,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62461,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62462,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62463,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62464,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62465,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62466,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62467,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62468,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62469,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62470,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62471,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62472,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62473,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62474,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62475,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62476,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62477,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62478,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62479,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62480,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62481,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62482,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62483,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62484,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62485,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62486,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62487,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62488,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62489,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62490,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62491,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62492,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62493,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62494,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62495,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62496,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62497,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62498,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62499,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62500,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62501,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62502,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62503,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62504,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62505,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62506,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62507,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62508,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62509,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62510,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62511,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62512,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62513,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62514,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62515,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62516,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62517,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62518,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62519,6,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62520,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62521,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62522,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62523,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62524,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62525,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62526,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62527,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62528,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62529,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62530,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62531,6,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62544,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62545,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62546,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62547,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62548,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62549,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62550,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62551,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62552,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62553,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62554,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62555,6,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62556,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62557,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62558,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62559,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62560,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62561,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62562,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62563,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62564,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62565,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62566,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62567,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62568,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62569,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62570,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62571,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62572,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62573,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62574,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62575,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62576,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62577,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62578,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62579,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62580,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62581,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62582,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62583,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62584,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62585,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62586,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62587,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62588,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62589,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62590,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62591,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62592,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62593,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62594,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62595,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62596,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62597,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62598,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62599,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62600,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62601,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62602,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62603,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+62604,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62605,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62606,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62607,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62608,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62609,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62610,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62611,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62612,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62613,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62614,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62615,6,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62616,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62617,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62618,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62619,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62620,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62621,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62622,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62623,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62624,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62625,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62626,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62627,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62628,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62629,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62630,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62631,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62632,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62633,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62634,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62635,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62636,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62637,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62638,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62639,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62640,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62641,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62642,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62643,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62644,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62645,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62646,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62647,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62648,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62649,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62650,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62651,6,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62652,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62653,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62654,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62655,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62656,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62657,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62658,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62659,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62660,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62661,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62662,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62663,6,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+62664,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62665,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62666,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62667,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62668,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62669,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62670,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62671,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62672,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62673,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62674,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62675,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62676,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62677,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62678,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62679,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62680,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62681,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62682,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62683,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62684,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62685,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62686,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62687,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62688,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62689,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62690,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62691,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62692,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62693,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62694,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62695,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62696,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62697,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62698,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62699,6,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+62700,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62701,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62702,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62703,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62704,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62705,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62706,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62707,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62708,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62709,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62710,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62711,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62712,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62713,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62714,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62715,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62716,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62717,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62718,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62719,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62720,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62721,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62722,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62723,6,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62724,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62725,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62726,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62727,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62728,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62729,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62730,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62731,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62732,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62733,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62734,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62735,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62736,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62737,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62738,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62739,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62740,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62741,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62742,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62743,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62744,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62745,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62746,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62747,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62748,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62749,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62750,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62751,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62752,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62753,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62754,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62755,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62756,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62757,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62758,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62759,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62760,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62761,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62762,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62763,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62764,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62765,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62766,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62767,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62768,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62769,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62770,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62771,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62772,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62773,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62774,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62775,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62776,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62777,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62778,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62779,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62780,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62781,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62782,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62783,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62784,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62785,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62786,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62787,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62788,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62789,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62790,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62791,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62792,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62793,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62794,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62795,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62796,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62797,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62798,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62799,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62800,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62801,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62802,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62803,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62804,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62805,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62806,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62807,6,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62808,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62809,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62810,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62811,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62812,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62813,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62814,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62815,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62816,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62817,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62818,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62819,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+62820,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62821,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62822,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62823,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62824,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62825,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62826,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62827,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62828,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62829,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62830,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62831,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+62844,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62845,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62846,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62847,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62848,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62849,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62850,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62851,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62852,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62853,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62854,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62855,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62856,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62857,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62858,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62859,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62860,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62861,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62862,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62863,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62864,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62865,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62866,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62867,6,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62868,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62869,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62870,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62871,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62872,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62873,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62874,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62875,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62876,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62877,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62878,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62879,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62880,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62881,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62882,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62883,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62884,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62885,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62886,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62887,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62888,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62889,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62890,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62891,6,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62892,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62893,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62894,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62895,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62896,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62897,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62898,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62899,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62900,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62901,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62902,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62903,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+62904,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62905,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62906,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62907,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62908,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62909,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62910,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62911,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62912,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62913,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62914,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62915,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+62916,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62917,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62918,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62919,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62920,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62921,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62922,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62923,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62924,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62925,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62926,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62927,6,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+62928,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62929,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62930,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62931,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62932,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62933,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62934,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62935,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62936,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62937,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62938,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62939,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+62940,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62941,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62942,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62943,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62944,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62945,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62946,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62947,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62948,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62949,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62950,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62951,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+62952,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62953,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62954,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62955,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62956,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62957,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62958,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62959,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62960,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62961,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62962,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62963,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+62964,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62965,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62966,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62967,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62968,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62969,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62970,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62971,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62972,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62973,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62974,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62975,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+62976,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62977,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62978,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62979,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62980,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62981,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62982,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62983,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62984,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62985,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62986,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62987,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+62988,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62989,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62990,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62991,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62992,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62993,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62994,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62995,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62996,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62997,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62998,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+62999,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63000,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63001,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63002,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63003,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63004,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63005,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63006,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63007,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63008,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63009,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63010,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63011,6,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63012,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63013,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63014,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63015,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63016,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63017,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63018,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63019,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63020,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63021,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63022,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63023,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63036,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63037,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63038,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63039,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63040,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63041,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63042,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63043,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63044,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63045,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63046,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63047,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63048,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63049,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63050,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63051,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63052,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63053,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63054,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63055,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63056,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63057,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63058,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63059,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63060,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63061,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63062,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63063,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63064,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63065,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63066,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63067,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63068,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63069,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63070,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63071,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63072,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63073,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63074,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63075,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63076,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63077,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63078,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63079,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63080,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63081,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63082,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63083,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63084,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63085,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63086,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63087,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63088,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63089,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63090,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63091,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63092,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63093,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63094,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63095,6,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63096,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63097,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63098,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63099,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63100,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63101,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63102,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63103,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63104,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63105,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63106,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63107,6,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63120,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63121,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63122,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63123,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63124,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63125,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63126,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63127,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63128,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63129,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63130,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63131,6,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63144,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63145,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63146,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63147,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63148,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63149,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63150,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63151,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63152,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63153,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63154,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63155,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63156,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63157,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63158,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63159,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63160,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63161,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63162,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63163,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63164,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63165,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63166,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63167,6,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63168,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63169,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63170,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63171,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63172,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63173,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63174,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63175,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63176,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63177,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63178,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63179,6,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63180,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63181,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63182,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63183,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63184,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63185,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63186,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63187,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63188,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63189,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63190,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63191,6,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63192,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63193,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63194,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63195,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63196,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63197,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63198,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63199,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63200,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63201,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63202,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63203,6,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63204,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63205,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63206,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63207,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63208,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63209,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63210,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63211,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63212,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63213,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63214,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63215,6,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63216,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63217,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63218,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63219,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63220,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63221,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63222,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63223,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63224,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63225,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63226,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63227,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63228,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63229,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63230,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63231,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63232,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63233,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63234,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63235,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63236,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63237,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63238,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63239,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63240,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63241,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63242,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63243,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63244,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63245,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63246,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63247,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63248,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63249,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63250,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63251,6,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63252,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63253,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63254,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63255,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63256,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63257,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63258,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63259,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63260,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63261,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63262,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63263,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+63264,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63265,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63266,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63267,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63268,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63269,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63270,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63271,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63272,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63273,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63274,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63275,6,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63288,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63289,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63290,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63291,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63292,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63293,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63294,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63295,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63296,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63297,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63298,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63299,6,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63300,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63301,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63302,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63303,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63304,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63305,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63306,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63307,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63308,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63309,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63310,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63311,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+63312,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63313,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63314,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63315,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63316,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63317,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63318,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63319,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63320,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63321,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63322,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63323,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63324,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63325,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63326,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63327,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63328,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63329,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63330,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63331,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63332,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63333,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63334,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63335,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63336,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63337,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63338,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63339,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63340,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63341,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63342,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63343,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63344,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63345,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63346,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63347,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63348,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63349,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63350,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63351,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63352,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63353,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63354,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63355,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63356,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63357,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63358,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63359,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63360,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63361,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63362,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63363,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63364,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63365,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63366,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63367,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63368,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63369,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63370,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63371,6,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63396,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63397,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63398,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63399,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63400,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63401,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63402,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63403,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63404,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63405,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63406,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63407,6,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63408,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63409,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63410,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63411,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63412,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63413,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63414,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63415,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63416,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63417,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63418,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63419,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+63420,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63421,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63422,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63423,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63424,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63425,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63426,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63427,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63428,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63429,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63430,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63431,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63432,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63433,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63434,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63435,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63436,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63437,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63438,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63439,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63440,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63441,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63442,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63443,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63444,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63445,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63446,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63447,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63448,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63449,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63450,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63451,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63452,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63453,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63454,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63455,6,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+63456,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63457,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63458,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63459,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63460,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63461,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63462,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63463,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63464,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63465,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63466,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63467,6,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63480,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63481,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63482,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63483,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63484,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63485,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63486,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63487,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63488,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63489,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63490,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63491,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+63504,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63505,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63506,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63507,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63508,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63509,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63510,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63511,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63512,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63513,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63514,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63515,6,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63516,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63517,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63518,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63519,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63520,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63521,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63522,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63523,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63524,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63525,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63526,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63527,6,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63528,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63529,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63530,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63531,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63532,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63533,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63534,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63535,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63536,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63537,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63538,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63539,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63552,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63553,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63554,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63555,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63556,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63557,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63558,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63559,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63560,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63561,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63562,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63563,6,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63576,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63577,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63578,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63579,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63580,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63581,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63582,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63583,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63584,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63585,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63586,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63587,6,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63588,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63589,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63590,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63591,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63592,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63593,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63594,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63595,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63596,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63597,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63598,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63599,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63600,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63601,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63602,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63603,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63604,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63605,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63606,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63607,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63608,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63609,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63610,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63611,6,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63612,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63613,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63614,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63615,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63616,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63617,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63618,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63619,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63620,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63621,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63622,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63623,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63636,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63637,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63638,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63639,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63640,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63641,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63642,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63643,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63644,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63645,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63646,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63647,6,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63648,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63649,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63650,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63651,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63652,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63653,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63654,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63655,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63656,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63657,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63658,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63659,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63660,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63661,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63662,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63663,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63664,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63665,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63666,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63667,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63668,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63669,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63670,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63671,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63672,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63673,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63674,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63675,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63676,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63677,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63678,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63679,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63680,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63681,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63682,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63683,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63684,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63685,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63686,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63687,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63688,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63689,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63690,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63691,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63692,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63693,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63694,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63695,6,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63696,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63697,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63698,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63699,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63700,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63701,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63702,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63703,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63704,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63705,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63706,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63707,6,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63720,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63721,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63722,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63723,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63724,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63725,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63726,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63727,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63728,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63729,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63730,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63731,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63732,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63733,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63734,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63735,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63736,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63737,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63738,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63739,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63740,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63741,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63742,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63743,6,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63744,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63745,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63746,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63747,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63748,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63749,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63750,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63751,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63752,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63753,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63754,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63755,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63756,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63757,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63758,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63759,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63760,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63761,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63762,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63763,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63764,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63765,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63766,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63767,6,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63768,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63769,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63770,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63771,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63772,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63773,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63774,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63775,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63776,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63777,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63778,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63779,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63780,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63781,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63782,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63783,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63784,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63785,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63786,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63787,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63788,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63789,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63790,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63791,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+63792,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63793,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63794,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63795,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63796,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63797,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63798,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63799,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63800,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63801,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63802,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63803,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63804,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63805,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63806,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63807,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63808,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63809,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63810,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63811,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63812,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63813,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63814,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63815,6,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63816,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63817,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63818,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63819,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63820,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63821,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63822,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63823,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63824,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63825,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63826,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63827,6,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63828,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63829,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63830,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63831,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63832,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63833,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63834,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63835,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63836,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63837,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63838,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63839,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63840,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63841,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63842,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63843,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63844,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63845,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63846,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63847,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63848,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63849,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63850,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63851,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63852,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63853,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63854,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63855,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63856,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63857,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63858,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63859,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63860,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63861,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63862,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63863,6,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+63864,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63865,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63866,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63867,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63868,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63869,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63870,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63871,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63872,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63873,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63874,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63875,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63888,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63889,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63890,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63891,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63892,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63893,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63894,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63895,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63896,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63897,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63898,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63899,6,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+63912,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63913,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63914,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63915,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63916,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63917,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63918,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63919,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63920,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63921,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63922,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63923,6,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+63924,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63925,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63926,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63927,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63928,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63929,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63930,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63931,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63932,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63933,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63934,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63935,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63936,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63937,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63938,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63939,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63940,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63941,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63942,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63943,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63944,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63945,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63946,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63947,6,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+63948,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63949,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63950,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63951,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63952,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63953,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63954,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63955,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63956,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63957,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63958,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63959,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+63960,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63961,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63962,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63963,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63964,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63965,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63966,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63967,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63968,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63969,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63970,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63971,6,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+63972,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63973,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63974,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63975,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63976,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63977,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63978,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63979,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63980,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63981,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63982,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63983,6,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63984,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63985,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63986,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63987,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63988,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63989,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63990,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63991,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63992,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63993,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63994,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63995,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+63996,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63997,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63998,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+63999,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64000,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64001,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64002,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64003,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64004,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64005,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64006,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64007,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64008,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64009,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64010,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64011,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64012,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64013,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64014,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64015,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64016,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64017,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64018,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64019,6,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64020,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64021,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64022,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64023,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64024,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64025,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64026,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64027,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64028,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64029,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64030,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64031,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64044,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64045,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64046,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64047,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64048,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64049,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64050,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64051,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64052,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64053,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64054,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64055,7,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64056,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64057,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64058,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64059,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64060,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64061,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64062,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64063,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64064,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64065,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64066,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64067,7,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64068,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64069,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64070,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64071,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64072,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64073,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64074,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64075,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64076,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64077,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64078,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64079,7,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64080,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64081,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64082,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64083,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64084,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64085,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64086,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64087,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64088,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64089,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64090,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64091,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64104,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64105,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64106,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64107,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64108,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64109,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64110,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64111,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64112,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64113,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64114,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64115,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64116,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64117,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64118,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64119,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64120,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64121,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64122,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64123,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64124,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64125,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64126,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64127,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64128,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64129,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64130,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64131,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64132,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64133,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64134,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64135,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64136,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64137,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64138,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64139,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64140,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64141,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64142,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64143,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64144,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64145,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64146,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64147,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64148,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64149,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64150,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64151,7,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64152,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64153,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64154,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64155,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64156,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64157,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64158,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64159,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64160,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64161,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64162,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64163,7,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64164,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64165,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64166,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64167,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64168,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64169,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64170,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64171,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64172,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64173,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64174,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64175,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+64176,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64177,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64178,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64179,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64180,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64181,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64182,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64183,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64184,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64185,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64186,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64187,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64188,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64189,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64190,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64191,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64192,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64193,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64194,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64195,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64196,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64197,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64198,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64199,7,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64200,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64201,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64202,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64203,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64204,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64205,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64206,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64207,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64208,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64209,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64210,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64211,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64212,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64213,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64214,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64215,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64216,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64217,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64218,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64219,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64220,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64221,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64222,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64223,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64224,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64225,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64226,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64227,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64228,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64229,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64230,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64231,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64232,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64233,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64234,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64235,7,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64236,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64237,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64238,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64239,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64240,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64241,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64242,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64243,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64244,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64245,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64246,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64247,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64248,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64249,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64250,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64251,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64252,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64253,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64254,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64255,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64256,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64257,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64258,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64259,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64260,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64261,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64262,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64263,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64264,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64265,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64266,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64267,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64268,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64269,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64270,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64271,7,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64284,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64285,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64286,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64287,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64288,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64289,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64290,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64291,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64292,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64293,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64294,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64295,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64296,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64297,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64298,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64299,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64300,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64301,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64302,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64303,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64304,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64305,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64306,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64307,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64308,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64309,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64310,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64311,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64312,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64313,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64314,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64315,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64316,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64317,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64318,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64319,7,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+64320,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64321,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64322,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64323,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64324,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64325,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64326,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64327,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64328,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64329,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64330,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64331,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+64332,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64333,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64334,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64335,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64336,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64337,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64338,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64339,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64340,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64341,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64342,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64343,7,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+64344,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64345,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64346,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64347,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64348,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64349,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64350,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64351,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64352,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64353,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64354,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64355,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+64356,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64357,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64358,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64359,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64360,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64361,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64362,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64363,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64364,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64365,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64366,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64367,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64368,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64369,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64370,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64371,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64372,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64373,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64374,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64375,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64376,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64377,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64378,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64379,7,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+64380,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64381,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64382,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64383,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64384,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64385,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64386,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64387,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64388,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64389,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64390,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64391,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64392,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64393,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64394,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64395,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64396,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64397,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64398,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64399,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64400,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64401,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64402,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64403,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64404,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64405,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64406,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64407,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64408,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64409,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64410,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64411,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64412,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64413,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64414,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64415,7,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+64416,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64417,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64418,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64419,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64420,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64421,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64422,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64423,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64424,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64425,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64426,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64427,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+64428,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64429,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64430,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64431,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64432,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64433,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64434,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64435,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64436,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64437,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64438,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64439,7,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64440,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64441,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64442,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64443,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64444,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64445,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64446,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64447,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64448,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64449,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64450,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64451,7,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64452,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64453,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64454,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64455,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64456,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64457,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64458,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64459,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64460,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64461,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64462,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64463,7,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64464,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64465,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64466,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64467,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64468,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64469,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64470,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64471,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64472,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64473,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64474,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64475,7,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64476,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64477,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64478,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64479,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64480,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64481,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64482,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64483,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64484,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64485,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64486,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64487,7,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64488,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64489,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64490,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64491,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64492,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64493,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64494,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64495,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64496,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64497,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64498,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64499,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64500,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64501,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64502,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64503,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64504,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64505,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64506,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64507,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64508,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64509,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64510,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64511,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64512,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64513,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64514,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64515,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64516,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64517,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64518,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64519,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64520,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64521,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64522,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64523,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64524,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64525,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64526,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64527,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64528,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64529,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64530,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64531,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64532,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64533,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64534,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64535,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64536,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64537,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64538,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64539,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64540,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64541,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64542,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64543,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64544,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64545,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64546,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64547,7,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64548,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64549,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64550,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64551,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64552,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64553,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64554,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64555,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64556,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64557,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64558,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64559,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64572,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64573,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64574,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64575,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64576,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64577,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64578,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64579,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64580,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64581,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64582,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64583,7,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64584,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64585,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64586,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64587,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64588,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64589,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64590,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64591,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64592,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64593,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64594,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64595,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+64596,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64597,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64598,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64599,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64600,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64601,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64602,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64603,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64604,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64605,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64606,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64607,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+64608,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64609,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64610,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64611,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64612,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64613,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64614,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64615,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64616,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64617,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64618,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64619,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64620,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64621,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64622,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64623,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64624,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64625,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64626,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64627,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64628,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64629,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64630,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64631,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64632,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64633,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64634,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64635,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64636,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64637,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64638,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64639,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64640,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64641,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64642,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64643,7,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64644,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64645,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64646,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64647,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64648,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64649,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64650,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64651,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64652,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64653,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64654,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64655,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+64656,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64657,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64658,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64659,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64660,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64661,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64662,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64663,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64664,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64665,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64666,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64667,7,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+64668,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64669,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64670,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64671,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64672,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64673,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64674,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64675,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64676,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64677,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64678,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64679,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+64680,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64681,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64682,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64683,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64684,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64685,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64686,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64687,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64688,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64689,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64690,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64691,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64704,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64705,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64706,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64707,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64708,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64709,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64710,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64711,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64712,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64713,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64714,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64715,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64716,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64717,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64718,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64719,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64720,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64721,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64722,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64723,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64724,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64725,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64726,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64727,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64728,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64729,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64730,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64731,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64732,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64733,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64734,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64735,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64736,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64737,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64738,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64739,7,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64740,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64741,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64742,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64743,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64744,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64745,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64746,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64747,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64748,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64749,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64750,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64751,7,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64752,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64753,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64754,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64755,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64756,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64757,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64758,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64759,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64760,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64761,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64762,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64763,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64764,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64765,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64766,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64767,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64768,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64769,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64770,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64771,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64772,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64773,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64774,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64775,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64776,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64777,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64778,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64779,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64780,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64781,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64782,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64783,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64784,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64785,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64786,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64787,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64788,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64789,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64790,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64791,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64792,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64793,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64794,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64795,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64796,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64797,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64798,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64799,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64800,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64801,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64802,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64803,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64804,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64805,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64806,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64807,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64808,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64809,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64810,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64811,7,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+64812,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64813,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64814,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64815,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64816,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64817,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64818,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64819,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64820,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64821,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64822,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64823,7,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64836,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64837,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64838,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64839,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64840,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64841,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64842,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64843,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64844,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64845,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64846,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64847,7,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64848,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64849,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64850,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64851,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64852,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64853,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64854,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64855,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64856,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64857,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64858,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64859,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+64860,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64861,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64862,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64863,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64864,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64865,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64866,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64867,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64868,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64869,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64870,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64871,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64872,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64873,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64874,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64875,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64876,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64877,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64878,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64879,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64880,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64881,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64882,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64883,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+64884,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64885,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64886,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64887,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64888,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64889,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64890,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64891,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64892,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64893,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64894,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64895,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+64896,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64897,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64898,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64899,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64900,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64901,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64902,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64903,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64904,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64905,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64906,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64907,7,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64908,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64909,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64910,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64911,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64912,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64913,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64914,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64915,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64916,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64917,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64918,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64919,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64920,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64921,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64922,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64923,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64924,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64925,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64926,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64927,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64928,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64929,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64930,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64931,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+64932,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64933,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64934,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64935,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64936,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64937,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64938,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64939,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64940,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64941,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64942,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64943,7,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+64944,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64945,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64946,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64947,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64948,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64949,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64950,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64951,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64952,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64953,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64954,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64955,7,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+64956,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64957,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64958,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64959,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64960,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64961,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64962,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64963,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64964,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64965,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64966,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64967,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+64968,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64969,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64970,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64971,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64972,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64973,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64974,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64975,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64976,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64977,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64978,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64979,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+64980,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64981,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64982,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64983,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64984,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64985,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64986,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64987,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64988,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64989,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64990,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64991,7,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+64992,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64993,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64994,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64995,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64996,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64997,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64998,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+64999,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65000,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65001,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65002,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65003,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65004,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65005,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65006,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65007,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65008,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65009,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65010,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65011,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65012,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65013,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65014,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65015,7,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65016,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65017,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65018,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65019,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65020,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65021,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65022,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65023,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65024,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65025,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65026,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65027,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65028,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65029,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65030,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65031,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65032,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65033,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65034,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65035,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65036,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65037,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65038,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65039,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65040,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65041,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65042,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65043,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65044,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65045,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65046,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65047,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65048,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65049,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65050,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65051,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65052,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65053,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65054,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65055,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65056,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65057,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65058,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65059,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65060,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65061,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65062,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65063,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65064,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65065,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65066,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65067,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65068,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65069,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65070,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65071,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65072,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65073,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65074,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65075,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65076,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65077,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65078,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65079,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65080,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65081,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65082,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65083,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65084,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65085,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65086,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65087,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65088,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65089,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65090,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65091,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65092,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65093,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65094,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65095,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65096,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65097,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65098,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65099,7,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65100,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65101,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65102,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65103,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65104,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65105,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65106,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65107,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65108,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65109,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65110,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65111,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+65112,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65113,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65114,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65115,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65116,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65117,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65118,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65119,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65120,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65121,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65122,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65123,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65136,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65137,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65138,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65139,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65140,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65141,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65142,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65143,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65144,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65145,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65146,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65147,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65148,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65149,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65150,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65151,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65152,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65153,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65154,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65155,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65156,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65157,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65158,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65159,7,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65160,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65161,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65162,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65163,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65164,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65165,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65166,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65167,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65168,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65169,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65170,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65171,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65172,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65173,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65174,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65175,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65176,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65177,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65178,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65179,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65180,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65181,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65182,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65183,7,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65184,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65185,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65186,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65187,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65188,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65189,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65190,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65191,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65192,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65193,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65194,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65195,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+65196,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65197,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65198,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65199,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65200,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65201,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65202,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65203,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65204,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65205,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65206,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65207,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65208,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65209,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65210,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65211,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65212,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65213,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65214,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65215,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65216,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65217,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65218,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65219,7,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65220,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65221,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65222,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65223,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65224,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65225,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65226,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65227,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65228,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65229,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65230,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65231,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65232,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65233,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65234,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65235,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65236,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65237,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65238,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65239,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65240,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65241,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65242,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65243,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65244,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65245,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65246,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65247,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65248,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65249,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65250,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65251,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65252,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65253,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65254,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65255,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65256,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65257,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65258,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65259,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65260,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65261,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65262,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65263,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65264,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65265,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65266,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65267,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65268,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65269,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65270,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65271,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65272,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65273,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65274,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65275,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65276,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65277,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65278,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65279,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65280,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65281,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65282,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65283,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65284,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65285,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65286,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65287,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65288,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65289,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65290,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65291,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65292,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65293,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65294,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65295,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65296,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65297,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65298,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65299,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65300,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65301,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65302,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65303,7,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65304,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65305,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65306,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65307,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65308,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65309,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65310,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65311,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65312,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65313,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65314,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65315,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65328,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65329,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65330,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65331,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65332,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65333,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65334,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65335,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65336,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65337,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65338,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65339,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65340,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65341,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65342,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65343,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65344,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65345,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65346,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65347,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65348,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65349,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65350,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65351,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+65352,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65353,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65354,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65355,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65356,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65357,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65358,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65359,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65360,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65361,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65362,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65363,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65364,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65365,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65366,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65367,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65368,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65369,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65370,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65371,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65372,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65373,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65374,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65375,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65376,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65377,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65378,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65379,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65380,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65381,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65382,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65383,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65384,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65385,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65386,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65387,7,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65388,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65389,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65390,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65391,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65392,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65393,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65394,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65395,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65396,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65397,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65398,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65399,7,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65412,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65413,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65414,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65415,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65416,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65417,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65418,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65419,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65420,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65421,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65422,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65423,7,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65436,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65437,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65438,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65439,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65440,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65441,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65442,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65443,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65444,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65445,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65446,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65447,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65448,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65449,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65450,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65451,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65452,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65453,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65454,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65455,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65456,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65457,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65458,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65459,7,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65460,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65461,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65462,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65463,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65464,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65465,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65466,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65467,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65468,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65469,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65470,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65471,7,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65472,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65473,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65474,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65475,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65476,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65477,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65478,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65479,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65480,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65481,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65482,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65483,7,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65484,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65485,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65486,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65487,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65488,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65489,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65490,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65491,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65492,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65493,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65494,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65495,7,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65496,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65497,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65498,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65499,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65500,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65501,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65502,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65503,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65504,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65505,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65506,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65507,7,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65508,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65509,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65510,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65511,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65512,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65513,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65514,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65515,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65516,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65517,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65518,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65519,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65520,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65521,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65522,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65523,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65524,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65525,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65526,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65527,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65528,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65529,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65530,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65531,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65532,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65533,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65534,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65535,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65536,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65537,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65538,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65539,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65540,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65541,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65542,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65543,7,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65544,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65545,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65546,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65547,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65548,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65549,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65550,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65551,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65552,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65553,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65554,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65555,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+65556,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65557,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65558,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65559,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65560,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65561,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65562,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65563,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65564,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65565,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65566,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65567,7,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65580,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65581,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65582,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65583,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65584,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65585,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65586,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65587,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65588,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65589,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65590,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65591,7,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65592,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65593,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65594,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65595,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65596,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65597,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65598,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65599,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65600,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65601,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65602,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65603,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+65604,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65605,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65606,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65607,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65608,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65609,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65610,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65611,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65612,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65613,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65614,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65615,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65616,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65617,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65618,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65619,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65620,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65621,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65622,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65623,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65624,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65625,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65626,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65627,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65628,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65629,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65630,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65631,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65632,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65633,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65634,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65635,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65636,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65637,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65638,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65639,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65640,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65641,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65642,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65643,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65644,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65645,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65646,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65647,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65648,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65649,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65650,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65651,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65652,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65653,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65654,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65655,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65656,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65657,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65658,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65659,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65660,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65661,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65662,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65663,7,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65688,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65689,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65690,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65691,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65692,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65693,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65694,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65695,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65696,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65697,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65698,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65699,7,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65700,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65701,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65702,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65703,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65704,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65705,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65706,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65707,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65708,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65709,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65710,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65711,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+65712,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65713,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65714,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65715,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65716,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65717,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65718,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65719,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65720,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65721,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65722,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65723,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65724,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65725,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65726,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65727,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65728,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65729,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65730,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65731,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65732,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65733,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65734,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65735,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65736,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65737,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65738,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65739,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65740,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65741,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65742,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65743,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65744,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65745,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65746,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65747,7,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+65748,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65749,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65750,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65751,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65752,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65753,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65754,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65755,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65756,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65757,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65758,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65759,7,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65772,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65773,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65774,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65775,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65776,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65777,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65778,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65779,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65780,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65781,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65782,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65783,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+65796,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65797,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65798,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65799,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65800,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65801,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65802,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65803,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65804,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65805,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65806,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65807,7,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65808,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65809,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65810,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65811,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65812,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65813,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65814,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65815,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65816,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65817,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65818,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65819,7,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65820,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65821,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65822,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65823,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65824,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65825,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65826,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65827,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65828,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65829,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65830,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65831,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65844,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65845,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65846,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65847,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65848,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65849,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65850,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65851,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65852,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65853,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65854,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65855,7,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+65868,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65869,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65870,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65871,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65872,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65873,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65874,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65875,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65876,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65877,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65878,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65879,7,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65880,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65881,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65882,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65883,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65884,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65885,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65886,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65887,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65888,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65889,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65890,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65891,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65892,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65893,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65894,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65895,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65896,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65897,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65898,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65899,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65900,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65901,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65902,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65903,7,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65904,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65905,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65906,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65907,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65908,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65909,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65910,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65911,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65912,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65913,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65914,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65915,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65928,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65929,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65930,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65931,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65932,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65933,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65934,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65935,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65936,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65937,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65938,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65939,7,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+65940,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65941,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65942,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65943,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65944,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65945,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65946,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65947,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65948,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65949,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65950,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65951,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+65952,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65953,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65954,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65955,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65956,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65957,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65958,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65959,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65960,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65961,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65962,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65963,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+65964,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65965,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65966,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65967,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65968,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65969,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65970,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65971,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65972,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65973,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65974,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65975,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+65976,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65977,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65978,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65979,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65980,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65981,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65982,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65983,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65984,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65985,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65986,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65987,7,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+65988,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65989,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65990,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65991,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65992,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65993,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65994,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65995,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65996,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65997,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65998,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+65999,7,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66012,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66013,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66014,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66015,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66016,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66017,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66018,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66019,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66020,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66021,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66022,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66023,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66024,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66025,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66026,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66027,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66028,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66029,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66030,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66031,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66032,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66033,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66034,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66035,7,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66036,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66037,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66038,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66039,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66040,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66041,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66042,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66043,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66044,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66045,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66046,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66047,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66048,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66049,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66050,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66051,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66052,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66053,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66054,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66055,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66056,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66057,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66058,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66059,7,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66060,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66061,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66062,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66063,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66064,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66065,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66066,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66067,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66068,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66069,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66070,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66071,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66072,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66073,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66074,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66075,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66076,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66077,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66078,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66079,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66080,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66081,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66082,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66083,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66084,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66085,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66086,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66087,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66088,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66089,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66090,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66091,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66092,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66093,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66094,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66095,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66096,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66097,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66098,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66099,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66100,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66101,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66102,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66103,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66104,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66105,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66106,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66107,7,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66108,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66109,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66110,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66111,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66112,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66113,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66114,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66115,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66116,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66117,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66118,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66119,7,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66120,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66121,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66122,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66123,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66124,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66125,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66126,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66127,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66128,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66129,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66130,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66131,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66132,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66133,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66134,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66135,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66136,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66137,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66138,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66139,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66140,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66141,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66142,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66143,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66144,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66145,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66146,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66147,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66148,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66149,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66150,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66151,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66152,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66153,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66154,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66155,7,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66156,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66157,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66158,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66159,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66160,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66161,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66162,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66163,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66164,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66165,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66166,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66167,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66180,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66181,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66182,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66183,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66184,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66185,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66186,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66187,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66188,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66189,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66190,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66191,7,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66204,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66205,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66206,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66207,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66208,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66209,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66210,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66211,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66212,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66213,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66214,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66215,7,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+66216,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66217,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66218,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66219,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66220,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66221,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66222,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66223,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66224,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66225,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66226,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66227,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66228,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66229,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66230,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66231,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66232,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66233,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66234,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66235,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66236,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66237,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66238,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66239,7,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+66240,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66241,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66242,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66243,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66244,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66245,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66246,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66247,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66248,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66249,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66250,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66251,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66252,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66253,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66254,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66255,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66256,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66257,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66258,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66259,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66260,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66261,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66262,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66263,7,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66264,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66265,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66266,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66267,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66268,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66269,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66270,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66271,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66272,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66273,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66274,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66275,7,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66276,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66277,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66278,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66279,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66280,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66281,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66282,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66283,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66284,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66285,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66286,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66287,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66288,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66289,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66290,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66291,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66292,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66293,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66294,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66295,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66296,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66297,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66298,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66299,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66300,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66301,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66302,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66303,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66304,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66305,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66306,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66307,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66308,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66309,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66310,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66311,7,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66312,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66313,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66314,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66315,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66316,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66317,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66318,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66319,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66320,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66321,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66322,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66323,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66336,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66337,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66338,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66339,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66340,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66341,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66342,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66343,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66344,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66345,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66346,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66347,8,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66348,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66349,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66350,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66351,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66352,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66353,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66354,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66355,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66356,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66357,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66358,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66359,8,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66360,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66361,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66362,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66363,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66364,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66365,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66366,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66367,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66368,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66369,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66370,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66371,8,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66372,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66373,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66374,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66375,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66376,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66377,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66378,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66379,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66380,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66381,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66382,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66383,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66396,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66397,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66398,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66399,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66400,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66401,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66402,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66403,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66404,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66405,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66406,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66407,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66408,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66409,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66410,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66411,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66412,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66413,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66414,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66415,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66416,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66417,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66418,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66419,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66420,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66421,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66422,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66423,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66424,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66425,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66426,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66427,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66428,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66429,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66430,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66431,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66432,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66433,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66434,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66435,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66436,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66437,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66438,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66439,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66440,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66441,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66442,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66443,8,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66444,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66445,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66446,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66447,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66448,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66449,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66450,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66451,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66452,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66453,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66454,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66455,8,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66456,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66457,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66458,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66459,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66460,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66461,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66462,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66463,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66464,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66465,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66466,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66467,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+66468,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66469,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66470,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66471,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66472,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66473,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66474,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66475,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66476,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66477,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66478,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66479,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66480,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66481,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66482,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66483,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66484,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66485,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66486,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66487,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66488,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66489,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66490,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66491,8,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66492,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66493,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66494,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66495,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66496,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66497,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66498,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66499,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66500,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66501,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66502,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66503,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66504,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66505,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66506,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66507,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66508,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66509,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66510,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66511,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66512,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66513,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66514,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66515,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66516,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66517,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66518,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66519,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66520,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66521,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66522,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66523,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66524,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66525,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66526,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66527,8,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66528,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66529,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66530,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66531,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66532,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66533,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66534,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66535,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66536,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66537,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66538,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66539,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66540,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66541,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66542,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66543,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66544,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66545,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66546,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66547,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66548,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66549,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66550,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66551,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+66552,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66553,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66554,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66555,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66556,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66557,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66558,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66559,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66560,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66561,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66562,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66563,8,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66576,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66577,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66578,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66579,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66580,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66581,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66582,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66583,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66584,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66585,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66586,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66587,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66588,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66589,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66590,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66591,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66592,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66593,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66594,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66595,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66596,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66597,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66598,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66599,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66600,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66601,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66602,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66603,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66604,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66605,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66606,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66607,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66608,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66609,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66610,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66611,8,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+66612,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66613,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66614,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66615,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66616,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66617,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66618,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66619,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66620,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66621,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66622,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66623,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+66624,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66625,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66626,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66627,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66628,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66629,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66630,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66631,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66632,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66633,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66634,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66635,8,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+66636,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66637,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66638,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66639,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66640,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66641,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66642,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66643,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66644,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66645,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66646,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66647,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+66648,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66649,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66650,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66651,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66652,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66653,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66654,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66655,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66656,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66657,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66658,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66659,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66660,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66661,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66662,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66663,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66664,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66665,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66666,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66667,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66668,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66669,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66670,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66671,8,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+66672,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66673,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66674,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66675,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66676,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66677,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66678,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66679,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66680,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66681,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66682,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66683,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66684,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66685,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66686,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66687,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66688,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66689,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66690,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66691,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66692,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66693,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66694,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66695,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66696,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66697,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66698,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66699,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66700,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66701,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66702,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66703,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66704,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66705,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66706,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66707,8,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+66708,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66709,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66710,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66711,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66712,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66713,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66714,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66715,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66716,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66717,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66718,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66719,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+66720,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66721,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66722,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66723,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66724,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66725,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66726,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66727,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66728,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66729,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66730,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66731,8,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66732,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66733,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66734,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66735,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66736,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66737,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66738,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66739,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66740,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66741,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66742,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66743,8,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66744,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66745,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66746,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66747,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66748,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66749,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66750,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66751,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66752,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66753,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66754,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66755,8,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66756,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66757,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66758,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66759,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66760,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66761,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66762,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66763,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66764,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66765,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66766,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66767,8,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66768,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66769,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66770,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66771,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66772,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66773,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66774,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66775,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66776,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66777,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66778,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66779,8,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66780,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66781,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66782,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66783,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66784,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66785,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66786,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66787,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66788,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66789,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66790,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66791,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66792,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66793,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66794,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66795,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66796,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66797,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66798,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66799,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66800,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66801,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66802,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66803,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+66804,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66805,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66806,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66807,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66808,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66809,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66810,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66811,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66812,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66813,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66814,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66815,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+66816,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66817,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66818,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66819,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66820,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66821,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66822,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66823,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66824,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66825,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66826,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66827,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66828,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66829,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66830,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66831,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66832,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66833,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66834,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66835,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66836,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66837,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66838,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66839,8,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66840,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66841,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66842,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66843,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66844,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66845,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66846,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66847,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66848,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66849,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66850,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66851,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+66852,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66853,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66854,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66855,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66856,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66857,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66858,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66859,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66860,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66861,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66862,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66863,8,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+66864,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66865,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66866,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66867,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66868,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66869,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66870,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66871,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66872,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66873,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66874,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66875,8,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+66876,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66877,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66878,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66879,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66880,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66881,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66882,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66883,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66884,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66885,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66886,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66887,8,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66888,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66889,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66890,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66891,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66892,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66893,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66894,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66895,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66896,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66897,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66898,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66899,8,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+66900,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66901,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66902,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66903,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66904,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66905,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66906,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66907,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66908,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66909,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66910,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66911,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66912,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66913,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66914,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66915,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66916,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66917,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66918,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66919,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66920,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66921,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66922,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66923,8,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+66924,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66925,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66926,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66927,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66928,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66929,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66930,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66931,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66932,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66933,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66934,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66935,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+66948,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66949,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66950,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66951,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66952,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66953,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66954,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66955,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66956,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66957,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66958,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66959,8,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+66960,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66961,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66962,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66963,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66964,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66965,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66966,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66967,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66968,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66969,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66970,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66971,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+66972,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66973,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66974,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66975,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66976,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66977,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66978,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66979,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66980,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66981,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66982,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66983,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+66984,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66985,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66986,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66987,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66988,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66989,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66990,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66991,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66992,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66993,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66994,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66995,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+66996,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66997,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66998,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+66999,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67000,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67001,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67002,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67003,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67004,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67005,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67006,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67007,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67008,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67009,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67010,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67011,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67012,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67013,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67014,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67015,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67016,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67017,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67018,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67019,8,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67020,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67021,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67022,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67023,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67024,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67025,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67026,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67027,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67028,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67029,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67030,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67031,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+67032,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67033,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67034,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67035,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67036,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67037,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67038,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67039,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67040,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67041,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67042,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67043,8,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+67044,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67045,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67046,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67047,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67048,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67049,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67050,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67051,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67052,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67053,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67054,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67055,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67056,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67057,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67058,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67059,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67060,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67061,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67062,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67063,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67064,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67065,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67066,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67067,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67080,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67081,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67082,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67083,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67084,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67085,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67086,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67087,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67088,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67089,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67090,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67091,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67092,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67093,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67094,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67095,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67096,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67097,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67098,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67099,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67100,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67101,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67102,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67103,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67104,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67105,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67106,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67107,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67108,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67109,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67110,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67111,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67112,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67113,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67114,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67115,8,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67116,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67117,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67118,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67119,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67120,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67121,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67122,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67123,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67124,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67125,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67126,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67127,8,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67128,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67129,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67130,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67131,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67132,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67133,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67134,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67135,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67136,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67137,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67138,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67139,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67140,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67141,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67142,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67143,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67144,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67145,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67146,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67147,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67148,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67149,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67150,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67151,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67152,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67153,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67154,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67155,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67156,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67157,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67158,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67159,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67160,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67161,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67162,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67163,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67164,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67165,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67166,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67167,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67168,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67169,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67170,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67171,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67172,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67173,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67174,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67175,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67176,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67177,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67178,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67179,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67180,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67181,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67182,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67183,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67184,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67185,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67186,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67187,8,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67188,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67189,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67190,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67191,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67192,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67193,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67194,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67195,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67196,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67197,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67198,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67199,8,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67212,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67213,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67214,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67215,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67216,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67217,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67218,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67219,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67220,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67221,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67222,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67223,8,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67224,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67225,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67226,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67227,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67228,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67229,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67230,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67231,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67232,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67233,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67234,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67235,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67236,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67237,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67238,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67239,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67240,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67241,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67242,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67243,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67244,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67245,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67246,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67247,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67248,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67249,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67250,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67251,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67252,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67253,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67254,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67255,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67256,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67257,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67258,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67259,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67260,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67261,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67262,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67263,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67264,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67265,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67266,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67267,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67268,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67269,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67270,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67271,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+67272,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67273,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67274,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67275,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67276,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67277,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67278,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67279,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67280,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67281,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67282,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67283,8,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67284,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67285,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67286,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67287,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67288,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67289,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67290,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67291,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67292,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67293,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67294,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67295,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67296,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67297,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67298,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67299,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67300,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67301,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67302,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67303,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67304,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67305,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67306,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67307,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67308,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67309,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67310,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67311,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67312,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67313,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67314,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67315,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67316,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67317,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67318,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67319,8,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67320,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67321,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67322,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67323,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67324,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67325,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67326,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67327,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67328,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67329,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67330,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67331,8,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+67332,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67333,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67334,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67335,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67336,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67337,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67338,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67339,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67340,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67341,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67342,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67343,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67344,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67345,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67346,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67347,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67348,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67349,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67350,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67351,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67352,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67353,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67354,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67355,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67356,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67357,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67358,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67359,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67360,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67361,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67362,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67363,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67364,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67365,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67366,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67367,8,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+67368,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67369,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67370,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67371,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67372,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67373,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67374,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67375,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67376,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67377,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67378,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67379,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67380,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67381,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67382,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67383,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67384,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67385,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67386,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67387,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67388,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67389,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67390,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67391,8,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67392,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67393,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67394,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67395,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67396,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67397,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67398,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67399,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67400,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67401,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67402,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67403,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67404,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67405,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67406,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67407,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67408,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67409,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67410,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67411,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67412,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67413,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67414,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67415,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67416,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67417,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67418,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67419,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67420,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67421,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67422,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67423,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67424,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67425,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67426,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67427,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67428,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67429,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67430,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67431,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67432,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67433,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67434,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67435,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67436,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67437,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67438,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67439,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67440,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67441,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67442,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67443,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67444,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67445,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67446,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67447,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67448,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67449,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67450,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67451,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67452,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67453,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67454,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67455,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67456,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67457,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67458,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67459,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67460,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67461,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67462,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67463,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67464,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67465,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67466,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67467,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67468,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67469,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67470,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67471,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67472,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67473,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67474,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67475,8,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67476,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67477,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67478,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67479,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67480,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67481,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67482,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67483,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67484,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67485,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67486,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67487,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+67488,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67489,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67490,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67491,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67492,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67493,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67494,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67495,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67496,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67497,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67498,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67499,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67512,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67513,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67514,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67515,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67516,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67517,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67518,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67519,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67520,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67521,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67522,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67523,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67524,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67525,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67526,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67527,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67528,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67529,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67530,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67531,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67532,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67533,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67534,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67535,8,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67536,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67537,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67538,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67539,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67540,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67541,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67542,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67543,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67544,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67545,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67546,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67547,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67548,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67549,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67550,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67551,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67552,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67553,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67554,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67555,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67556,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67557,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67558,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67559,8,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67560,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67561,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67562,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67563,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67564,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67565,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67566,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67567,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67568,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67569,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67570,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67571,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+67572,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67573,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67574,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67575,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67576,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67577,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67578,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67579,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67580,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67581,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67582,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67583,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67584,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67585,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67586,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67587,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67588,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67589,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67590,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67591,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67592,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67593,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67594,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67595,8,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67596,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67597,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67598,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67599,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67600,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67601,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67602,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67603,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67604,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67605,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67606,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67607,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67608,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67609,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67610,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67611,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67612,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67613,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67614,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67615,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67616,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67617,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67618,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67619,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67620,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67621,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67622,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67623,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67624,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67625,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67626,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67627,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67628,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67629,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67630,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67631,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67632,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67633,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67634,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67635,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67636,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67637,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67638,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67639,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67640,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67641,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67642,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67643,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67644,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67645,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67646,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67647,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67648,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67649,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67650,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67651,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67652,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67653,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67654,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67655,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67656,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67657,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67658,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67659,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67660,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67661,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67662,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67663,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67664,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67665,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67666,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67667,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67668,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67669,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67670,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67671,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67672,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67673,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67674,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67675,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67676,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67677,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67678,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67679,8,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+67680,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67681,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67682,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67683,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67684,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67685,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67686,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67687,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67688,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67689,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67690,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67691,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67704,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67705,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67706,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67707,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67708,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67709,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67710,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67711,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67712,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67713,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67714,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67715,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67716,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67717,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67718,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67719,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67720,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67721,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67722,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67723,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67724,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67725,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67726,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67727,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+67728,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67729,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67730,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67731,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67732,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67733,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67734,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67735,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67736,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67737,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67738,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67739,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67740,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67741,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67742,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67743,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67744,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67745,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67746,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67747,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67748,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67749,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67750,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67751,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67752,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67753,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67754,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67755,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67756,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67757,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67758,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67759,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67760,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67761,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67762,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67763,8,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67764,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67765,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67766,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67767,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67768,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67769,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67770,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67771,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67772,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67773,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67774,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67775,8,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67788,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67789,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67790,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67791,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67792,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67793,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67794,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67795,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67796,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67797,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67798,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67799,8,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+67812,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67813,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67814,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67815,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67816,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67817,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67818,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67819,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67820,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67821,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67822,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67823,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67824,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67825,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67826,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67827,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67828,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67829,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67830,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67831,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67832,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67833,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67834,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67835,8,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67836,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67837,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67838,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67839,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67840,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67841,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67842,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67843,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67844,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67845,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67846,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67847,8,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67848,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67849,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67850,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67851,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67852,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67853,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67854,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67855,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67856,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67857,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67858,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67859,8,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+67860,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67861,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67862,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67863,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67864,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67865,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67866,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67867,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67868,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67869,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67870,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67871,8,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67872,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67873,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67874,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67875,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67876,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67877,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67878,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67879,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67880,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67881,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67882,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67883,8,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+67884,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67885,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67886,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67887,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67888,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67889,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67890,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67891,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67892,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67893,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67894,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67895,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67896,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67897,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67898,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67899,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67900,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67901,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67902,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67903,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67904,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67905,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67906,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67907,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+67908,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67909,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67910,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67911,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67912,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67913,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67914,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67915,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67916,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67917,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67918,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67919,8,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+67920,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67921,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67922,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67923,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67924,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67925,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67926,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67927,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67928,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67929,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67930,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67931,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+67932,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67933,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67934,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67935,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67936,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67937,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67938,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67939,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67940,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67941,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67942,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67943,8,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+67956,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67957,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67958,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67959,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67960,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67961,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67962,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67963,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67964,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67965,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67966,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67967,8,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67968,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67969,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67970,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67971,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67972,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67973,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67974,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67975,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67976,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67977,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67978,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67979,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+67980,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67981,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67982,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67983,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67984,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67985,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67986,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67987,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67988,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67989,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67990,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67991,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+67992,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67993,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67994,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67995,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67996,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67997,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67998,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+67999,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68000,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68001,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68002,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68003,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68004,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68005,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68006,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68007,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68008,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68009,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68010,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68011,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68012,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68013,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68014,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68015,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68016,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68017,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68018,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68019,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68020,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68021,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68022,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68023,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68024,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68025,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68026,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68027,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68028,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68029,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68030,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68031,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68032,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68033,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68034,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68035,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68036,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68037,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68038,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68039,8,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68064,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68065,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68066,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68067,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68068,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68069,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68070,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68071,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68072,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68073,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68074,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68075,8,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68076,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68077,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68078,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68079,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68080,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68081,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68082,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68083,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68084,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68085,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68086,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68087,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+68088,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68089,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68090,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68091,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68092,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68093,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68094,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68095,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68096,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68097,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68098,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68099,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68100,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68101,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68102,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68103,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68104,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68105,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68106,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68107,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68108,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68109,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68110,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68111,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68112,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68113,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68114,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68115,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68116,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68117,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68118,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68119,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68120,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68121,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68122,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68123,8,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68124,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68125,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68126,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68127,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68128,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68129,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68130,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68131,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68132,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68133,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68134,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68135,8,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68148,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68149,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68150,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68151,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68152,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68153,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68154,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68155,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68156,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68157,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68158,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68159,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+68172,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68173,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68174,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68175,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68176,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68177,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68178,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68179,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68180,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68181,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68182,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68183,8,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68184,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68185,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68186,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68187,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68188,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68189,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68190,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68191,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68192,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68193,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68194,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68195,8,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68196,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68197,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68198,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68199,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68200,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68201,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68202,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68203,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68204,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68205,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68206,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68207,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68220,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68221,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68222,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68223,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68224,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68225,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68226,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68227,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68228,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68229,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68230,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68231,8,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68244,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68245,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68246,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68247,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68248,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68249,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68250,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68251,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68252,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68253,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68254,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68255,8,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68256,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68257,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68258,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68259,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68260,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68261,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68262,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68263,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68264,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68265,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68266,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68267,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68268,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68269,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68270,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68271,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68272,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68273,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68274,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68275,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68276,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68277,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68278,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68279,8,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68280,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68281,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68282,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68283,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68284,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68285,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68286,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68287,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68288,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68289,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68290,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68291,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68304,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68305,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68306,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68307,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68308,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68309,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68310,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68311,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68312,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68313,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68314,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68315,8,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68316,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68317,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68318,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68319,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68320,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68321,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68322,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68323,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68324,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68325,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68326,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68327,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68328,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68329,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68330,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68331,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68332,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68333,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68334,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68335,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68336,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68337,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68338,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68339,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68340,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68341,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68342,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68343,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68344,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68345,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68346,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68347,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68348,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68349,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68350,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68351,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68352,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68353,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68354,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68355,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68356,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68357,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68358,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68359,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68360,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68361,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68362,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68363,8,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68364,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68365,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68366,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68367,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68368,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68369,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68370,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68371,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68372,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68373,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68374,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68375,8,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68388,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68389,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68390,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68391,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68392,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68393,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68394,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68395,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68396,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68397,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68398,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68399,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68400,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68401,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68402,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68403,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68404,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68405,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68406,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68407,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68408,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68409,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68410,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68411,8,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68412,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68413,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68414,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68415,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68416,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68417,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68418,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68419,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68420,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68421,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68422,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68423,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68424,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68425,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68426,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68427,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68428,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68429,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68430,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68431,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68432,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68433,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68434,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68435,8,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68436,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68437,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68438,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68439,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68440,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68441,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68442,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68443,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68444,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68445,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68446,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68447,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68448,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68449,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68450,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68451,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68452,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68453,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68454,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68455,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68456,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68457,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68458,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68459,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+68460,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68461,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68462,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68463,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68464,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68465,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68466,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68467,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68468,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68469,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68470,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68471,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68472,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68473,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68474,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68475,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68476,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68477,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68478,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68479,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68480,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68481,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68482,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68483,8,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68484,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68485,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68486,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68487,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68488,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68489,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68490,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68491,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68492,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68493,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68494,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68495,8,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68496,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68497,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68498,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68499,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68500,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68501,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68502,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68503,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68504,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68505,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68506,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68507,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68508,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68509,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68510,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68511,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68512,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68513,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68514,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68515,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68516,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68517,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68518,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68519,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68520,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68521,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68522,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68523,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68524,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68525,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68526,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68527,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68528,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68529,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68530,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68531,8,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68532,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68533,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68534,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68535,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68536,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68537,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68538,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68539,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68540,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68541,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68542,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68543,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68556,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68557,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68558,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68559,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68560,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68561,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68562,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68563,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68564,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68565,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68566,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68567,8,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68580,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68581,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68582,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68583,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68584,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68585,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68586,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68587,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68588,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68589,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68590,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68591,8,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+68592,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68593,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68594,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68595,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68596,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68597,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68598,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68599,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68600,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68601,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68602,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68603,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68604,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68605,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68606,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68607,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68608,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68609,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68610,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68611,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68612,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68613,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68614,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68615,8,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68616,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68617,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68618,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68619,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68620,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68621,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68622,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68623,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68624,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68625,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68626,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68627,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68628,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68629,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68630,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68631,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68632,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68633,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68634,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68635,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68636,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68637,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68638,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68639,8,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68640,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68641,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68642,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68643,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68644,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68645,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68646,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68647,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68648,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68649,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68650,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68651,8,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68652,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68653,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68654,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68655,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68656,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68657,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68658,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68659,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68660,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68661,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68662,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68663,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68664,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68665,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68666,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68667,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68668,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68669,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68670,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68671,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68672,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68673,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68674,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68675,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68676,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68677,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68678,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68679,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68680,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68681,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68682,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68683,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68684,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68685,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68686,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68687,8,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68688,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68689,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68690,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68691,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68692,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68693,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68694,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68695,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68696,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68697,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68698,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68699,9,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+68700,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68701,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68702,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68703,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68704,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68705,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68706,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68707,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68708,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68709,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68710,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68711,9,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68712,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68713,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68714,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68715,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68716,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68717,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68718,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68719,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68720,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68721,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68722,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68723,9,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+68724,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68725,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68726,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68727,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68728,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68729,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68730,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68731,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68732,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68733,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68734,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68735,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68736,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68737,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68738,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68739,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68740,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68741,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68742,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68743,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68744,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68745,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68746,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68747,9,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68748,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68749,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68750,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68751,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68752,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68753,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68754,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68755,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68756,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68757,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68758,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68759,9,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68772,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68773,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68774,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68775,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68776,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68777,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68778,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68779,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68780,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68781,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68782,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68783,9,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+68784,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68785,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68786,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68787,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68788,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68789,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68790,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68791,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68792,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68793,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68794,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68795,9,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+68796,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68797,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68798,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68799,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68800,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68801,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68802,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68803,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68804,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68805,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68806,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68807,9,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68808,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68809,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68810,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68811,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68812,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68813,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68814,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68815,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68816,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68817,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68818,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68819,9,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68820,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68821,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68822,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68823,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68824,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68825,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68826,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68827,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68828,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68829,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68830,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68831,9,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+68832,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68833,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68834,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68835,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68836,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68837,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68838,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68839,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68840,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68841,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68842,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68843,9,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68844,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68845,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68846,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68847,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68848,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68849,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68850,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68851,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68852,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68853,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68854,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68855,9,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68856,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68857,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68858,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68859,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68860,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68861,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68862,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68863,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68864,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68865,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68866,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68867,9,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68868,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68869,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68870,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68871,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68872,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68873,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68874,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68875,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68876,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68877,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68878,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68879,9,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68880,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68881,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68882,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68883,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68884,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68885,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68886,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68887,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68888,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68889,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68890,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68891,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68904,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68905,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68906,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68907,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68908,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68909,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68910,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68911,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68912,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68913,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68914,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68915,14,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68916,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68917,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68918,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68919,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68920,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68921,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68922,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68923,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68924,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68925,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68926,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68927,14,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68928,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68929,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68930,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68931,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68932,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68933,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68934,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68935,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68936,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68937,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68938,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68939,14,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+68940,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68941,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68942,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68943,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68944,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68945,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68946,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68947,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68948,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68949,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68950,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68951,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+68964,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68965,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68966,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68967,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68968,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68969,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68970,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68971,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68972,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68973,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68974,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68975,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+68976,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68977,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68978,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68979,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68980,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68981,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68982,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68983,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68984,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68985,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68986,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68987,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+68988,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68989,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68990,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68991,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68992,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68993,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68994,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68995,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68996,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68997,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68998,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+68999,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69000,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69001,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69002,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69003,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69004,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69005,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69006,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69007,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69008,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69009,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69010,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69011,14,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69012,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69013,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69014,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69015,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69016,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69017,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69018,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69019,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69020,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69021,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69022,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69023,14,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69024,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69025,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69026,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69027,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69028,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69029,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69030,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69031,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69032,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69033,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69034,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69035,14,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69036,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69037,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69038,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69039,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69040,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69041,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69042,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69043,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69044,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69045,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69046,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69047,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69048,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69049,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69050,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69051,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69052,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69053,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69054,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69055,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69056,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69057,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69058,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69059,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69060,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69061,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69062,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69063,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69064,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69065,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69066,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69067,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69068,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69069,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69070,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69071,14,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69072,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69073,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69074,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69075,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69076,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69077,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69078,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69079,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69080,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69081,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69082,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69083,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+69084,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69085,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69086,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69087,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69088,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69089,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69090,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69091,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69092,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69093,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69094,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69095,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69096,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69097,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69098,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69099,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69100,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69101,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69102,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69103,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69104,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69105,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69106,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69107,14,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69108,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69109,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69110,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69111,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69112,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69113,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69114,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69115,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69116,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69117,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69118,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69119,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69120,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69121,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69122,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69123,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69124,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69125,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69126,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69127,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69128,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69129,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69130,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69131,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69132,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69133,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69134,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69135,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69136,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69137,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69138,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69139,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69140,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69141,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69142,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69143,14,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69144,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69145,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69146,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69147,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69148,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69149,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69150,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69151,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69152,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69153,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69154,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69155,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69156,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69157,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69158,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69159,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69160,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69161,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69162,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69163,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69164,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69165,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69166,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69167,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69168,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69169,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69170,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69171,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69172,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69173,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69174,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69175,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69176,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69177,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69178,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69179,14,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69192,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69193,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69194,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69195,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69196,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69197,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69198,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69199,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69200,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69201,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69202,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69203,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69204,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69205,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69206,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69207,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69208,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69209,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69210,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69211,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69212,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69213,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69214,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69215,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69216,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69217,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69218,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69219,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69220,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69221,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69222,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69223,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69224,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69225,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69226,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69227,14,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+69228,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69229,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69230,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69231,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69232,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69233,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69234,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69235,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69236,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69237,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69238,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69239,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+69240,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69241,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69242,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69243,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69244,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69245,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69246,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69247,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69248,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69249,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69250,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69251,14,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+69252,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69253,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69254,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69255,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69256,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69257,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69258,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69259,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69260,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69261,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69262,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69263,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+69264,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69265,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69266,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69267,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69268,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69269,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69270,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69271,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69272,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69273,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69274,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69275,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69276,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69277,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69278,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69279,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69280,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69281,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69282,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69283,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69284,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69285,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69286,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69287,14,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+69288,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69289,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69290,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69291,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69292,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69293,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69294,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69295,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69296,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69297,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69298,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69299,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69300,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69301,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69302,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69303,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69304,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69305,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69306,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69307,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69308,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69309,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69310,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69311,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69312,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69313,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69314,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69315,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69316,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69317,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69318,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69319,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69320,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69321,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69322,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69323,14,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+69324,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69325,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69326,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69327,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69328,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69329,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69330,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69331,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69332,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69333,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69334,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69335,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+69336,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69337,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69338,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69339,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69340,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69341,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69342,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69343,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69344,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69345,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69346,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69347,14,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69348,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69349,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69350,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69351,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69352,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69353,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69354,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69355,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69356,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69357,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69358,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69359,14,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69360,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69361,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69362,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69363,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69364,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69365,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69366,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69367,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69368,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69369,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69370,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69371,14,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69372,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69373,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69374,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69375,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69376,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69377,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69378,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69379,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69380,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69381,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69382,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69383,14,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69384,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69385,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69386,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69387,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69388,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69389,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69390,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69391,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69392,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69393,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69394,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69395,14,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69396,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69397,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69398,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69399,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69400,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69401,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69402,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69403,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69404,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69405,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69406,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69407,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69408,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69409,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69410,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69411,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69412,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69413,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69414,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69415,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69416,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69417,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69418,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69419,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69420,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69421,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69422,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69423,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69424,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69425,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69426,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69427,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69428,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69429,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69430,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69431,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69432,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69433,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69434,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69435,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69436,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69437,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69438,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69439,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69440,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69441,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69442,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69443,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69444,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69445,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69446,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69447,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69448,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69449,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69450,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69451,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69452,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69453,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69454,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69455,14,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69456,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69457,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69458,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69459,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69460,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69461,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69462,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69463,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69464,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69465,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69466,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69467,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69468,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69469,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69470,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69471,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69472,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69473,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69474,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69475,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69476,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69477,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69478,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69479,14,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69480,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69481,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69482,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69483,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69484,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69485,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69486,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69487,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69488,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69489,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69490,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69491,14,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69492,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69493,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69494,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69495,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69496,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69497,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69498,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69499,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69500,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69501,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69502,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69503,14,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69504,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69505,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69506,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69507,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69508,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69509,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69510,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69511,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69512,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69513,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69514,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69515,14,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69516,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69517,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69518,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69519,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69520,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69521,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69522,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69523,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69524,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69525,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69526,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69527,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69528,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69529,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69530,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69531,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69532,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69533,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69534,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69535,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69536,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69537,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69538,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69539,14,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69540,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69541,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69542,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69543,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69544,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69545,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69546,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69547,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69548,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69549,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69550,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69551,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69564,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69565,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69566,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69567,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69568,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69569,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69570,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69571,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69572,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69573,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69574,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69575,14,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69576,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69577,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69578,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69579,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69580,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69581,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69582,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69583,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69584,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69585,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69586,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69587,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+69588,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69589,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69590,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69591,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69592,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69593,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69594,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69595,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69596,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69597,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69598,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69599,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+69600,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69601,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69602,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69603,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69604,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69605,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69606,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69607,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69608,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69609,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69610,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69611,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69612,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69613,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69614,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69615,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69616,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69617,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69618,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69619,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69620,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69621,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69622,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69623,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69624,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69625,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69626,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69627,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69628,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69629,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69630,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69631,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69632,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69633,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69634,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69635,14,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69636,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69637,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69638,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69639,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69640,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69641,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69642,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69643,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69644,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69645,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69646,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69647,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+69648,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69649,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69650,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69651,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69652,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69653,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69654,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69655,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69656,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69657,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69658,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69659,14,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+69660,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69661,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69662,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69663,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69664,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69665,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69666,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69667,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69668,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69669,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69670,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69671,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+69672,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69673,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69674,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69675,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69676,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69677,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69678,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69679,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69680,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69681,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69682,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69683,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69696,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69697,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69698,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69699,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69700,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69701,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69702,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69703,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69704,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69705,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69706,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69707,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69708,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69709,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69710,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69711,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69712,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69713,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69714,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69715,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69716,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69717,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69718,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69719,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69720,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69721,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69722,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69723,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69724,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69725,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69726,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69727,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69728,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69729,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69730,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69731,14,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69732,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69733,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69734,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69735,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69736,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69737,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69738,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69739,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69740,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69741,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69742,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69743,14,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69744,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69745,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69746,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69747,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69748,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69749,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69750,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69751,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69752,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69753,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69754,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69755,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69756,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69757,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69758,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69759,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69760,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69761,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69762,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69763,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69764,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69765,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69766,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69767,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69768,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69769,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69770,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69771,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69772,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69773,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69774,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69775,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69776,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69777,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69778,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69779,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69780,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69781,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69782,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69783,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69784,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69785,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69786,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69787,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69788,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69789,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69790,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69791,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69792,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69793,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69794,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69795,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69796,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69797,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69798,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69799,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69800,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69801,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69802,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69803,14,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69804,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69805,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69806,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69807,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69808,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69809,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69810,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69811,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69812,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69813,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69814,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69815,14,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69828,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69829,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69830,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69831,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69832,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69833,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69834,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69835,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69836,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69837,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69838,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69839,14,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69840,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69841,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69842,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69843,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69844,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69845,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69846,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69847,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69848,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69849,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69850,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69851,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+69852,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69853,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69854,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69855,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69856,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69857,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69858,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69859,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69860,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69861,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69862,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69863,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69864,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69865,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69866,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69867,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69868,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69869,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69870,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69871,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69872,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69873,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69874,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69875,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+69876,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69877,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69878,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69879,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69880,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69881,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69882,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69883,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69884,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69885,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69886,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69887,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+69888,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69889,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69890,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69891,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69892,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69893,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69894,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69895,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69896,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69897,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69898,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69899,14,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69900,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69901,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69902,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69903,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69904,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69905,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69906,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69907,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69908,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69909,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69910,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69911,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69912,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69913,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69914,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69915,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69916,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69917,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69918,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69919,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69920,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69921,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69922,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69923,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+69924,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69925,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69926,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69927,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69928,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69929,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69930,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69931,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69932,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69933,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69934,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69935,14,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+69936,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69937,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69938,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69939,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69940,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69941,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69942,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69943,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69944,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69945,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69946,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69947,14,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+69948,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69949,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69950,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69951,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69952,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69953,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69954,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69955,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69956,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69957,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69958,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69959,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+69960,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69961,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69962,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69963,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69964,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69965,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69966,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69967,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69968,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69969,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69970,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69971,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+69972,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69973,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69974,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69975,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69976,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69977,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69978,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69979,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69980,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69981,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69982,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69983,14,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+69984,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69985,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69986,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69987,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69988,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69989,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69990,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69991,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69992,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69993,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69994,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69995,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+69996,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69997,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69998,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+69999,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70000,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70001,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70002,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70003,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70004,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70005,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70006,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70007,14,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70008,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70009,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70010,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70011,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70012,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70013,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70014,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70015,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70016,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70017,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70018,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70019,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70020,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70021,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70022,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70023,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70024,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70025,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70026,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70027,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70028,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70029,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70030,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70031,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70032,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70033,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70034,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70035,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70036,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70037,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70038,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70039,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70040,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70041,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70042,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70043,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70044,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70045,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70046,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70047,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70048,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70049,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70050,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70051,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70052,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70053,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70054,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70055,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70056,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70057,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70058,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70059,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70060,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70061,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70062,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70063,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70064,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70065,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70066,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70067,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70068,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70069,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70070,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70071,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70072,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70073,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70074,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70075,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70076,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70077,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70078,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70079,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70080,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70081,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70082,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70083,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70084,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70085,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70086,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70087,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70088,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70089,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70090,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70091,14,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70092,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70093,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70094,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70095,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70096,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70097,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70098,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70099,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70100,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70101,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70102,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70103,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+70104,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70105,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70106,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70107,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70108,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70109,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70110,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70111,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70112,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70113,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70114,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70115,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70128,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70129,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70130,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70131,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70132,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70133,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70134,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70135,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70136,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70137,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70138,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70139,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70140,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70141,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70142,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70143,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70144,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70145,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70146,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70147,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70148,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70149,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70150,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70151,14,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70152,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70153,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70154,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70155,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70156,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70157,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70158,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70159,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70160,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70161,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70162,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70163,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70164,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70165,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70166,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70167,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70168,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70169,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70170,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70171,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70172,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70173,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70174,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70175,14,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70176,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70177,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70178,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70179,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70180,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70181,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70182,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70183,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70184,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70185,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70186,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70187,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+70188,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70189,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70190,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70191,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70192,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70193,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70194,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70195,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70196,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70197,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70198,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70199,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70200,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70201,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70202,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70203,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70204,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70205,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70206,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70207,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70208,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70209,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70210,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70211,14,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70212,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70213,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70214,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70215,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70216,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70217,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70218,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70219,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70220,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70221,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70222,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70223,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70224,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70225,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70226,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70227,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70228,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70229,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70230,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70231,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70232,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70233,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70234,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70235,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70236,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70237,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70238,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70239,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70240,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70241,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70242,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70243,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70244,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70245,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70246,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70247,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70248,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70249,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70250,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70251,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70252,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70253,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70254,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70255,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70256,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70257,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70258,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70259,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70260,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70261,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70262,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70263,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70264,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70265,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70266,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70267,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70268,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70269,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70270,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70271,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70272,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70273,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70274,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70275,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70276,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70277,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70278,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70279,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70280,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70281,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70282,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70283,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70284,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70285,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70286,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70287,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70288,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70289,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70290,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70291,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70292,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70293,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70294,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70295,14,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70296,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70297,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70298,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70299,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70300,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70301,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70302,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70303,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70304,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70305,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70306,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70307,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70320,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70321,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70322,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70323,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70324,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70325,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70326,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70327,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70328,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70329,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70330,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70331,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70332,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70333,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70334,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70335,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70336,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70337,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70338,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70339,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70340,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70341,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70342,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70343,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+70344,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70345,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70346,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70347,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70348,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70349,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70350,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70351,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70352,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70353,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70354,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70355,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70356,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70357,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70358,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70359,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70360,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70361,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70362,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70363,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70364,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70365,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70366,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70367,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70368,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70369,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70370,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70371,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70372,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70373,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70374,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70375,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70376,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70377,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70378,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70379,14,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70380,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70381,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70382,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70383,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70384,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70385,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70386,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70387,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70388,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70389,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70390,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70391,14,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70404,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70405,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70406,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70407,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70408,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70409,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70410,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70411,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70412,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70413,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70414,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70415,14,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70428,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70429,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70430,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70431,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70432,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70433,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70434,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70435,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70436,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70437,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70438,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70439,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70440,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70441,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70442,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70443,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70444,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70445,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70446,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70447,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70448,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70449,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70450,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70451,14,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70452,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70453,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70454,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70455,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70456,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70457,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70458,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70459,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70460,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70461,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70462,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70463,14,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70464,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70465,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70466,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70467,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70468,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70469,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70470,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70471,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70472,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70473,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70474,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70475,14,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70476,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70477,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70478,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70479,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70480,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70481,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70482,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70483,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70484,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70485,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70486,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70487,14,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70488,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70489,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70490,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70491,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70492,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70493,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70494,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70495,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70496,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70497,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70498,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70499,14,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70500,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70501,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70502,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70503,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70504,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70505,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70506,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70507,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70508,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70509,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70510,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70511,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70512,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70513,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70514,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70515,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70516,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70517,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70518,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70519,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70520,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70521,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70522,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70523,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70524,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70525,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70526,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70527,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70528,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70529,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70530,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70531,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70532,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70533,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70534,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70535,14,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70536,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70537,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70538,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70539,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70540,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70541,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70542,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70543,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70544,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70545,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70546,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70547,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+70548,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70549,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70550,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70551,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70552,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70553,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70554,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70555,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70556,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70557,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70558,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70559,14,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70572,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70573,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70574,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70575,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70576,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70577,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70578,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70579,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70580,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70581,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70582,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70583,14,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70584,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70585,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70586,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70587,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70588,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70589,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70590,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70591,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70592,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70593,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70594,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70595,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+70596,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70597,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70598,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70599,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70600,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70601,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70602,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70603,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70604,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70605,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70606,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70607,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70608,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70609,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70610,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70611,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70612,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70613,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70614,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70615,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70616,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70617,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70618,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70619,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70620,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70621,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70622,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70623,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70624,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70625,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70626,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70627,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70628,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70629,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70630,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70631,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70632,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70633,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70634,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70635,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70636,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70637,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70638,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70639,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70640,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70641,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70642,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70643,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70644,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70645,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70646,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70647,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70648,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70649,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70650,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70651,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70652,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70653,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70654,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70655,14,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70680,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70681,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70682,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70683,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70684,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70685,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70686,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70687,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70688,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70689,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70690,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70691,14,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70692,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70693,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70694,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70695,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70696,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70697,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70698,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70699,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70700,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70701,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70702,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70703,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+70704,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70705,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70706,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70707,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70708,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70709,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70710,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70711,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70712,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70713,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70714,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70715,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70716,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70717,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70718,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70719,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70720,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70721,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70722,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70723,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70724,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70725,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70726,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70727,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70728,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70729,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70730,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70731,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70732,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70733,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70734,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70735,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70736,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70737,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70738,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70739,14,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+70740,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70741,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70742,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70743,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70744,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70745,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70746,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70747,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70748,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70749,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70750,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70751,14,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70764,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70765,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70766,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70767,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70768,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70769,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70770,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70771,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70772,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70773,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70774,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70775,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+70788,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70789,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70790,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70791,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70792,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70793,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70794,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70795,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70796,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70797,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70798,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70799,14,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70800,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70801,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70802,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70803,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70804,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70805,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70806,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70807,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70808,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70809,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70810,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70811,14,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70812,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70813,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70814,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70815,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70816,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70817,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70818,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70819,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70820,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70821,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70822,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70823,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70836,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70837,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70838,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70839,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70840,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70841,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70842,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70843,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70844,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70845,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70846,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70847,14,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+70860,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70861,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70862,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70863,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70864,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70865,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70866,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70867,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70868,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70869,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70870,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70871,14,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70872,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70873,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70874,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70875,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70876,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70877,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70878,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70879,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70880,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70881,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70882,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70883,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70884,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70885,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70886,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70887,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70888,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70889,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70890,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70891,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70892,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70893,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70894,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70895,14,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70896,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70897,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70898,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70899,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70900,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70901,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70902,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70903,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70904,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70905,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70906,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70907,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70920,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70921,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70922,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70923,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70924,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70925,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70926,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70927,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70928,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70929,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70930,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70931,14,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+70932,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70933,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70934,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70935,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70936,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70937,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70938,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70939,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70940,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70941,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70942,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70943,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+70944,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70945,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70946,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70947,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70948,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70949,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70950,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70951,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70952,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70953,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70954,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70955,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+70956,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70957,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70958,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70959,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70960,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70961,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70962,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70963,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70964,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70965,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70966,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70967,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+70968,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70969,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70970,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70971,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70972,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70973,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70974,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70975,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70976,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70977,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70978,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70979,14,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+70980,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70981,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70982,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70983,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70984,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70985,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70986,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70987,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70988,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70989,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70990,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+70991,14,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71004,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71005,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71006,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71007,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71008,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71009,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71010,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71011,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71012,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71013,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71014,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71015,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71016,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71017,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71018,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71019,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71020,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71021,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71022,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71023,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71024,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71025,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71026,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71027,14,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71028,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71029,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71030,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71031,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71032,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71033,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71034,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71035,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71036,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71037,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71038,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71039,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71040,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71041,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71042,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71043,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71044,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71045,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71046,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71047,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71048,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71049,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71050,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71051,14,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71052,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71053,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71054,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71055,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71056,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71057,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71058,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71059,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71060,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71061,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71062,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71063,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71064,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71065,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71066,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71067,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71068,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71069,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71070,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71071,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71072,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71073,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71074,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71075,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71076,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71077,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71078,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71079,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71080,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71081,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71082,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71083,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71084,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71085,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71086,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71087,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71088,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71089,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71090,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71091,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71092,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71093,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71094,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71095,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71096,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71097,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71098,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71099,14,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71100,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71101,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71102,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71103,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71104,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71105,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71106,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71107,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71108,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71109,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71110,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71111,14,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71112,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71113,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71114,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71115,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71116,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71117,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71118,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71119,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71120,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71121,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71122,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71123,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71124,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71125,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71126,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71127,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71128,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71129,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71130,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71131,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71132,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71133,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71134,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71135,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71136,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71137,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71138,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71139,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71140,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71141,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71142,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71143,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71144,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71145,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71146,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71147,14,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71148,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71149,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71150,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71151,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71152,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71153,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71154,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71155,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71156,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71157,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71158,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71159,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71172,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71173,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71174,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71175,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71176,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71177,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71178,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71179,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71180,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71181,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71182,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71183,14,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71196,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71197,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71198,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71199,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71200,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71201,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71202,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71203,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71204,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71205,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71206,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71207,14,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+71208,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71209,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71210,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71211,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71212,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71213,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71214,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71215,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71216,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71217,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71218,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71219,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71220,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71221,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71222,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71223,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71224,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71225,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71226,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71227,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71228,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71229,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71230,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71231,14,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+71232,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71233,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71234,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71235,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71236,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71237,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71238,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71239,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71240,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71241,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71242,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71243,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71244,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71245,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71246,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71247,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71248,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71249,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71250,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71251,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71252,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71253,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71254,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71255,14,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71256,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71257,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71258,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71259,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71260,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71261,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71262,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71263,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71264,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71265,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71266,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71267,14,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71268,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71269,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71270,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71271,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71272,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71273,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71274,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71275,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71276,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71277,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71278,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71279,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71280,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71281,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71282,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71283,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71284,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71285,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71286,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71287,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71288,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71289,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71290,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71291,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71292,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71293,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71294,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71295,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71296,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71297,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71298,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71299,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71300,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71301,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71302,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71303,14,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71304,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71305,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71306,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71307,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71308,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71309,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71310,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71311,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71312,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71313,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71314,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71315,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71328,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71329,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71330,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71331,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71332,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71333,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71334,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71335,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71336,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71337,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71338,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71339,15,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71340,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71341,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71342,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71343,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71344,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71345,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71346,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71347,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71348,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71349,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71350,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71351,15,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71352,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71353,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71354,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71355,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71356,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71357,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71358,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71359,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71360,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71361,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71362,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71363,15,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71364,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71365,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71366,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71367,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71368,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71369,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71370,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71371,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71372,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71373,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71374,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71375,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71388,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71389,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71390,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71391,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71392,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71393,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71394,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71395,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71396,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71397,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71398,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71399,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71400,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71401,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71402,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71403,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71404,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71405,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71406,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71407,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71408,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71409,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71410,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71411,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71412,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71413,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71414,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71415,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71416,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71417,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71418,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71419,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71420,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71421,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71422,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71423,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71424,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71425,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71426,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71427,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71428,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71429,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71430,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71431,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71432,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71433,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71434,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71435,15,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71436,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71437,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71438,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71439,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71440,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71441,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71442,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71443,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71444,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71445,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71446,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71447,15,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71448,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71449,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71450,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71451,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71452,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71453,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71454,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71455,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71456,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71457,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71458,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71459,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+71460,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71461,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71462,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71463,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71464,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71465,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71466,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71467,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71468,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71469,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71470,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71471,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71472,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71473,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71474,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71475,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71476,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71477,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71478,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71479,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71480,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71481,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71482,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71483,15,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71484,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71485,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71486,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71487,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71488,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71489,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71490,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71491,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71492,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71493,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71494,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71495,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71496,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71497,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71498,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71499,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71500,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71501,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71502,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71503,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71504,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71505,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71506,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71507,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71508,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71509,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71510,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71511,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71512,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71513,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71514,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71515,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71516,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71517,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71518,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71519,15,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71520,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71521,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71522,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71523,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71524,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71525,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71526,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71527,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71528,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71529,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71530,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71531,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71532,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71533,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71534,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71535,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71536,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71537,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71538,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71539,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71540,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71541,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71542,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71543,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+71544,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71545,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71546,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71547,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71548,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71549,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71550,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71551,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71552,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71553,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71554,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71555,15,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71568,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71569,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71570,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71571,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71572,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71573,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71574,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71575,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71576,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71577,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71578,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71579,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71580,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71581,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71582,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71583,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71584,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71585,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71586,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71587,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71588,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71589,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71590,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71591,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71592,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71593,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71594,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71595,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71596,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71597,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71598,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71599,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71600,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71601,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71602,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71603,15,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+71604,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71605,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71606,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71607,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71608,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71609,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71610,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71611,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71612,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71613,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71614,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71615,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+71616,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71617,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71618,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71619,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71620,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71621,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71622,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71623,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71624,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71625,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71626,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71627,15,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+71628,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71629,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71630,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71631,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71632,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71633,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71634,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71635,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71636,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71637,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71638,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71639,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+71640,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71641,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71642,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71643,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71644,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71645,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71646,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71647,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71648,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71649,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71650,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71651,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71652,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71653,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71654,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71655,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71656,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71657,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71658,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71659,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71660,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71661,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71662,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71663,15,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+71664,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71665,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71666,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71667,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71668,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71669,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71670,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71671,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71672,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71673,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71674,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71675,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71676,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71677,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71678,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71679,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71680,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71681,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71682,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71683,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71684,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71685,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71686,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71687,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71688,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71689,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71690,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71691,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71692,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71693,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71694,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71695,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71696,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71697,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71698,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71699,15,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+71700,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71701,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71702,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71703,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71704,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71705,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71706,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71707,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71708,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71709,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71710,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71711,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+71712,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71713,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71714,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71715,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71716,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71717,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71718,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71719,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71720,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71721,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71722,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71723,15,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71724,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71725,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71726,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71727,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71728,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71729,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71730,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71731,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71732,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71733,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71734,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71735,15,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71736,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71737,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71738,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71739,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71740,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71741,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71742,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71743,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71744,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71745,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71746,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71747,15,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71748,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71749,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71750,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71751,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71752,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71753,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71754,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71755,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71756,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71757,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71758,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71759,15,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71760,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71761,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71762,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71763,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71764,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71765,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71766,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71767,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71768,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71769,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71770,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71771,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71772,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71773,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71774,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71775,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71776,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71777,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71778,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71779,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71780,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71781,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71782,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71783,15,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+71784,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71785,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71786,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71787,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71788,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71789,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71790,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71791,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71792,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71793,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71794,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71795,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71808,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71809,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71810,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71811,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71812,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71813,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71814,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71815,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71816,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71817,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71818,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71819,15,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71820,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71821,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71822,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71823,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71824,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71825,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71826,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71827,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71828,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71829,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71830,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71831,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+71832,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71833,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71834,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71835,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71836,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71837,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71838,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71839,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71840,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71841,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71842,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71843,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+71844,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71845,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71846,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71847,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71848,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71849,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71850,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71851,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71852,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71853,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71854,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71855,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71856,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71857,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71858,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71859,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71860,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71861,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71862,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71863,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71864,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71865,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71866,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71867,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71868,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71869,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71870,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71871,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71872,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71873,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71874,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71875,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71876,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71877,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71878,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71879,15,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+71880,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71881,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71882,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71883,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71884,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71885,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71886,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71887,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71888,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71889,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71890,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71891,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+71892,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71893,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71894,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71895,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71896,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71897,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71898,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71899,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71900,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71901,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71902,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71903,15,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+71904,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71905,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71906,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71907,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71908,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71909,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71910,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71911,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71912,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71913,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71914,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71915,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+71916,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71917,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71918,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71919,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71920,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71921,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71922,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71923,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71924,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71925,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71926,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71927,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+71940,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71941,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71942,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71943,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71944,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71945,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71946,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71947,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71948,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71949,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71950,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71951,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+71952,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71953,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71954,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71955,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71956,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71957,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71958,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71959,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71960,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71961,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71962,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71963,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+71964,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71965,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71966,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71967,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71968,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71969,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71970,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71971,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71972,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71973,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71974,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71975,15,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+71976,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71977,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71978,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71979,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71980,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71981,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71982,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71983,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71984,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71985,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71986,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71987,15,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+71988,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71989,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71990,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71991,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71992,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71993,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71994,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71995,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71996,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71997,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71998,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+71999,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72000,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72001,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72002,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72003,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72004,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72005,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72006,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72007,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72008,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72009,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72010,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72011,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72012,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72013,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72014,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72015,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72016,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72017,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72018,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72019,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72020,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72021,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72022,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72023,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72024,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72025,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72026,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72027,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72028,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72029,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72030,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72031,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72032,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72033,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72034,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72035,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72036,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72037,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72038,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72039,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72040,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72041,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72042,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72043,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72044,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72045,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72046,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72047,15,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72048,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72049,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72050,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72051,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72052,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72053,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72054,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72055,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72056,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72057,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72058,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72059,15,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72072,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72073,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72074,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72075,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72076,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72077,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72078,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72079,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72080,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72081,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72082,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72083,15,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72084,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72085,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72086,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72087,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72088,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72089,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72090,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72091,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72092,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72093,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72094,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72095,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72096,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72097,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72098,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72099,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72100,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72101,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72102,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72103,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72104,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72105,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72106,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72107,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72108,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72109,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72110,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72111,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72112,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72113,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72114,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72115,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72116,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72117,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72118,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72119,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72120,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72121,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72122,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72123,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72124,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72125,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72126,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72127,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72128,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72129,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72130,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72131,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+72132,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72133,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72134,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72135,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72136,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72137,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72138,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72139,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72140,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72141,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72142,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72143,15,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72144,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72145,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72146,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72147,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72148,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72149,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72150,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72151,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72152,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72153,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72154,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72155,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72156,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72157,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72158,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72159,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72160,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72161,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72162,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72163,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72164,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72165,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72166,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72167,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72168,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72169,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72170,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72171,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72172,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72173,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72174,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72175,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72176,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72177,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72178,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72179,15,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72180,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72181,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72182,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72183,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72184,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72185,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72186,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72187,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72188,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72189,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72190,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72191,15,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+72192,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72193,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72194,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72195,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72196,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72197,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72198,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72199,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72200,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72201,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72202,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72203,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72204,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72205,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72206,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72207,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72208,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72209,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72210,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72211,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72212,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72213,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72214,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72215,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72216,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72217,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72218,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72219,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72220,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72221,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72222,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72223,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72224,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72225,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72226,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72227,15,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+72228,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72229,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72230,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72231,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72232,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72233,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72234,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72235,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72236,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72237,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72238,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72239,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72240,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72241,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72242,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72243,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72244,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72245,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72246,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72247,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72248,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72249,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72250,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72251,15,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72252,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72253,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72254,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72255,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72256,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72257,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72258,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72259,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72260,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72261,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72262,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72263,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72264,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72265,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72266,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72267,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72268,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72269,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72270,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72271,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72272,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72273,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72274,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72275,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72276,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72277,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72278,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72279,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72280,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72281,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72282,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72283,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72284,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72285,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72286,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72287,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72288,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72289,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72290,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72291,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72292,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72293,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72294,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72295,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72296,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72297,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72298,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72299,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72300,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72301,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72302,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72303,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72304,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72305,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72306,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72307,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72308,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72309,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72310,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72311,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72312,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72313,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72314,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72315,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72316,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72317,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72318,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72319,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72320,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72321,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72322,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72323,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72324,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72325,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72326,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72327,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72328,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72329,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72330,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72331,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72332,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72333,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72334,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72335,15,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72336,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72337,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72338,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72339,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72340,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72341,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72342,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72343,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72344,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72345,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72346,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72347,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+72348,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72349,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72350,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72351,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72352,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72353,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72354,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72355,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72356,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72357,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72358,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72359,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72372,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72373,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72374,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72375,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72376,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72377,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72378,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72379,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72380,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72381,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72382,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72383,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72384,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72385,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72386,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72387,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72388,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72389,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72390,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72391,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72392,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72393,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72394,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72395,15,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72396,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72397,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72398,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72399,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72400,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72401,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72402,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72403,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72404,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72405,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72406,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72407,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72408,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72409,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72410,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72411,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72412,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72413,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72414,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72415,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72416,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72417,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72418,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72419,15,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72420,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72421,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72422,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72423,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72424,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72425,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72426,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72427,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72428,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72429,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72430,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72431,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+72432,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72433,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72434,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72435,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72436,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72437,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72438,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72439,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72440,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72441,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72442,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72443,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72444,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72445,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72446,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72447,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72448,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72449,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72450,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72451,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72452,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72453,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72454,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72455,15,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72456,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72457,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72458,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72459,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72460,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72461,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72462,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72463,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72464,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72465,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72466,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72467,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72468,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72469,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72470,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72471,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72472,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72473,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72474,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72475,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72476,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72477,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72478,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72479,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72480,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72481,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72482,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72483,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72484,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72485,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72486,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72487,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72488,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72489,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72490,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72491,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72492,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72493,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72494,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72495,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72496,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72497,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72498,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72499,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72500,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72501,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72502,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72503,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72504,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72505,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72506,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72507,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72508,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72509,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72510,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72511,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72512,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72513,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72514,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72515,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72516,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72517,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72518,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72519,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72520,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72521,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72522,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72523,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72524,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72525,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72526,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72527,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72528,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72529,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72530,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72531,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72532,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72533,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72534,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72535,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72536,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72537,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72538,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72539,15,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72540,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72541,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72542,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72543,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72544,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72545,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72546,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72547,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72548,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72549,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72550,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72551,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72564,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72565,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72566,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72567,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72568,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72569,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72570,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72571,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72572,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72573,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72574,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72575,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72576,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72577,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72578,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72579,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72580,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72581,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72582,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72583,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72584,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72585,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72586,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72587,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+72588,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72589,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72590,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72591,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72592,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72593,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72594,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72595,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72596,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72597,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72598,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72599,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72600,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72601,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72602,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72603,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72604,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72605,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72606,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72607,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72608,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72609,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72610,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72611,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72612,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72613,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72614,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72615,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72616,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72617,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72618,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72619,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72620,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72621,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72622,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72623,15,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72624,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72625,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72626,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72627,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72628,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72629,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72630,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72631,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72632,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72633,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72634,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72635,15,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72648,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72649,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72650,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72651,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72652,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72653,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72654,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72655,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72656,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72657,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72658,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72659,15,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72672,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72673,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72674,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72675,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72676,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72677,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72678,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72679,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72680,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72681,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72682,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72683,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72684,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72685,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72686,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72687,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72688,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72689,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72690,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72691,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72692,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72693,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72694,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72695,15,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72696,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72697,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72698,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72699,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72700,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72701,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72702,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72703,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72704,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72705,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72706,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72707,15,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72708,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72709,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72710,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72711,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72712,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72713,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72714,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72715,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72716,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72717,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72718,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72719,15,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+72720,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72721,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72722,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72723,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72724,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72725,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72726,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72727,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72728,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72729,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72730,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72731,15,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72732,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72733,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72734,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72735,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72736,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72737,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72738,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72739,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72740,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72741,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72742,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72743,15,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+72744,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72745,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72746,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72747,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72748,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72749,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72750,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72751,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72752,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72753,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72754,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72755,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72756,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72757,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72758,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72759,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72760,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72761,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72762,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72763,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72764,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72765,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72766,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72767,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72768,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72769,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72770,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72771,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72772,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72773,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72774,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72775,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72776,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72777,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72778,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72779,15,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72780,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72781,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72782,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72783,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72784,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72785,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72786,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72787,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72788,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72789,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72790,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72791,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+72792,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72793,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72794,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72795,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72796,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72797,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72798,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72799,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72800,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72801,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72802,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72803,15,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+72816,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72817,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72818,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72819,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72820,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72821,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72822,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72823,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72824,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72825,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72826,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72827,15,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72828,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72829,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72830,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72831,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72832,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72833,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72834,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72835,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72836,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72837,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72838,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72839,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+72840,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72841,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72842,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72843,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72844,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72845,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72846,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72847,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72848,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72849,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72850,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72851,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72852,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72853,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72854,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72855,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72856,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72857,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72858,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72859,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72860,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72861,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72862,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72863,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+72864,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72865,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72866,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72867,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72868,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72869,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72870,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72871,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72872,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72873,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72874,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72875,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+72876,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72877,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72878,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72879,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72880,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72881,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72882,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72883,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72884,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72885,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72886,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72887,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+72888,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72889,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72890,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72891,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72892,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72893,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72894,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72895,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72896,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72897,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72898,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72899,15,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72924,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72925,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72926,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72927,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72928,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72929,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72930,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72931,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72932,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72933,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72934,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72935,15,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72936,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72937,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72938,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72939,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72940,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72941,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72942,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72943,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72944,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72945,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72946,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72947,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+72948,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72949,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72950,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72951,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72952,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72953,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72954,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72955,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72956,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72957,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72958,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72959,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+72960,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72961,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72962,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72963,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72964,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72965,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72966,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72967,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72968,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72969,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72970,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72971,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72972,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72973,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72974,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72975,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72976,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72977,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72978,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72979,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72980,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72981,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72982,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72983,15,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+72984,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72985,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72986,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72987,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72988,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72989,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72990,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72991,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72992,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72993,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72994,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+72995,15,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73008,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73009,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73010,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73011,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73012,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73013,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73014,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73015,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73016,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73017,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73018,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73019,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73032,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73033,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73034,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73035,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73036,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73037,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73038,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73039,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73040,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73041,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73042,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73043,15,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73044,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73045,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73046,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73047,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73048,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73049,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73050,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73051,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73052,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73053,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73054,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73055,15,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73056,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73057,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73058,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73059,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73060,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73061,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73062,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73063,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73064,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73065,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73066,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73067,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73080,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73081,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73082,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73083,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73084,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73085,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73086,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73087,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73088,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73089,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73090,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73091,15,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73104,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73105,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73106,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73107,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73108,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73109,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73110,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73111,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73112,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73113,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73114,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73115,15,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73116,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73117,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73118,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73119,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73120,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73121,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73122,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73123,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73124,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73125,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73126,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73127,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73128,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73129,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73130,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73131,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73132,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73133,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73134,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73135,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73136,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73137,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73138,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73139,15,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73140,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73141,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73142,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73143,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73144,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73145,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73146,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73147,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73148,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73149,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73150,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73151,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73164,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73165,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73166,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73167,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73168,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73169,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73170,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73171,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73172,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73173,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73174,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73175,15,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73176,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73177,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73178,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73179,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73180,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73181,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73182,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73183,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73184,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73185,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73186,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73187,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73188,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73189,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73190,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73191,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73192,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73193,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73194,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73195,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73196,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73197,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73198,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73199,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73200,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73201,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73202,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73203,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73204,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73205,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73206,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73207,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73208,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73209,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73210,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73211,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73212,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73213,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73214,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73215,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73216,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73217,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73218,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73219,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73220,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73221,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73222,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73223,15,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73224,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73225,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73226,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73227,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73228,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73229,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73230,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73231,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73232,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73233,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73234,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73235,15,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73248,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73249,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73250,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73251,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73252,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73253,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73254,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73255,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73256,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73257,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73258,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73259,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73260,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73261,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73262,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73263,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73264,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73265,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73266,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73267,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73268,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73269,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73270,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73271,15,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73272,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73273,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73274,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73275,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73276,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73277,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73278,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73279,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73280,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73281,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73282,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73283,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73284,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73285,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73286,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73287,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73288,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73289,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73290,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73291,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73292,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73293,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73294,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73295,15,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73296,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73297,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73298,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73299,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73300,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73301,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73302,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73303,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73304,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73305,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73306,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73307,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73308,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73309,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73310,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73311,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73312,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73313,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73314,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73315,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73316,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73317,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73318,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73319,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73320,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73321,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73322,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73323,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73324,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73325,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73326,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73327,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73328,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73329,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73330,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73331,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73332,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73333,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73334,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73335,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73336,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73337,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73338,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73339,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73340,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73341,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73342,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73343,15,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73344,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73345,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73346,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73347,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73348,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73349,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73350,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73351,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73352,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73353,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73354,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73355,15,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73356,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73357,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73358,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73359,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73360,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73361,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73362,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73363,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73364,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73365,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73366,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73367,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73368,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73369,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73370,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73371,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73372,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73373,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73374,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73375,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73376,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73377,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73378,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73379,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73380,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73381,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73382,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73383,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73384,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73385,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73386,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73387,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73388,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73389,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73390,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73391,15,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73392,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73393,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73394,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73395,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73396,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73397,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73398,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73399,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73400,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73401,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73402,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73403,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73416,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73417,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73418,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73419,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73420,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73421,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73422,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73423,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73424,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73425,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73426,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73427,15,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73440,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73441,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73442,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73443,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73444,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73445,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73446,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73447,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73448,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73449,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73450,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73451,15,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+73452,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73453,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73454,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73455,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73456,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73457,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73458,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73459,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73460,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73461,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73462,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73463,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73464,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73465,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73466,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73467,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73468,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73469,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73470,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73471,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73472,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73473,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73474,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73475,15,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+73476,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73477,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73478,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73479,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73480,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73481,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73482,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73483,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73484,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73485,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73486,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73487,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73488,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73489,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73490,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73491,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73492,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73493,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73494,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73495,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73496,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73497,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73498,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73499,15,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73500,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73501,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73502,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73503,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73504,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73505,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73506,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73507,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73508,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73509,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73510,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73511,15,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73512,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73513,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73514,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73515,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73516,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73517,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73518,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73519,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73520,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73521,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73522,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73523,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73524,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73525,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73526,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73527,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73528,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73529,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73530,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73531,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73532,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73533,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73534,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73535,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73536,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73537,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73538,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73539,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73540,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73541,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73542,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73543,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73544,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73545,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73546,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73547,15,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73548,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73549,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73550,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73551,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73552,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73553,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73554,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73555,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73556,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73557,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73558,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73559,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73572,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73573,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73574,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73575,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73576,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73577,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73578,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73579,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73580,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73581,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73582,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73583,16,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73584,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73585,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73586,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73587,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73588,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73589,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73590,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73591,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73592,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73593,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73594,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73595,16,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73596,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73597,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73598,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73599,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73600,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73601,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73602,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73603,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73604,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73605,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73606,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73607,16,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73608,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73609,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73610,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73611,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73612,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73613,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73614,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73615,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73616,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73617,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73618,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73619,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+73632,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73633,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73634,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73635,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73636,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73637,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73638,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73639,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73640,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73641,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73642,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73643,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73644,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73645,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73646,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73647,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73648,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73649,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73650,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73651,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73652,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73653,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73654,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73655,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73656,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73657,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73658,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73659,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73660,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73661,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73662,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73663,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73664,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73665,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73666,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73667,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73668,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73669,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73670,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73671,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73672,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73673,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73674,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73675,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73676,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73677,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73678,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73679,16,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73680,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73681,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73682,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73683,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73684,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73685,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73686,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73687,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73688,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73689,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73690,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73691,16,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73692,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73693,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73694,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73695,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73696,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73697,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73698,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73699,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73700,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73701,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73702,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73703,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73704,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73705,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73706,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73707,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73708,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73709,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73710,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73711,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73712,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73713,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73714,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73715,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+73716,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73717,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73718,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73719,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73720,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73721,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73722,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73723,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73724,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73725,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73726,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73727,16,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73740,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73741,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73742,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73743,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73744,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73745,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73746,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73747,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73748,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73749,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73750,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73751,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73752,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73753,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73754,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73755,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73756,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73757,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73758,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73759,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73760,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73761,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73762,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73763,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73764,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73765,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73766,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73767,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73768,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73769,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73770,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73771,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73772,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73773,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73774,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73775,16,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+73776,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73777,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73778,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73779,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73780,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73781,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73782,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73783,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73784,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73785,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73786,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73787,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+73788,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73789,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73790,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73791,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73792,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73793,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73794,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73795,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73796,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73797,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73798,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73799,16,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+73800,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73801,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73802,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73803,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73804,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73805,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73806,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73807,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73808,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73809,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73810,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73811,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+73812,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73813,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73814,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73815,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73816,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73817,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73818,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73819,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73820,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73821,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73822,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73823,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73824,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73825,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73826,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73827,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73828,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73829,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73830,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73831,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73832,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73833,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73834,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73835,16,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+73836,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73837,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73838,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73839,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73840,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73841,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73842,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73843,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73844,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73845,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73846,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73847,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+73848,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73849,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73850,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73851,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73852,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73853,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73854,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73855,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73856,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73857,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73858,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73859,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+73860,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73861,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73862,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73863,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73864,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73865,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73866,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73867,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73868,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73869,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73870,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73871,16,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+73872,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73873,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73874,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73875,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73876,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73877,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73878,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73879,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73880,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73881,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73882,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73883,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+73884,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73885,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73886,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73887,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73888,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73889,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73890,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73891,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73892,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73893,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73894,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73895,16,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+73896,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73897,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73898,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73899,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73900,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73901,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73902,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73903,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73904,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73905,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73906,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73907,16,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+73908,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73909,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73910,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73911,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73912,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73913,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73914,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73915,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73916,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73917,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73918,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73919,16,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+73920,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73921,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73922,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73923,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73924,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73925,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73926,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73927,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73928,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73929,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73930,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73931,16,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+73932,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73933,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73934,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73935,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73936,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73937,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73938,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73939,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73940,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73941,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73942,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73943,16,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73944,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73945,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73946,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73947,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73948,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73949,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73950,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73951,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73952,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73953,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73954,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73955,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+73956,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73957,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73958,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73959,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73960,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73961,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73962,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73963,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73964,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73965,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73966,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73967,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+73968,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73969,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73970,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73971,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73972,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73973,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73974,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73975,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73976,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73977,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73978,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73979,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+73980,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73981,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73982,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73983,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73984,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73985,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73986,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73987,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73988,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73989,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73990,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73991,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73992,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73993,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73994,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73995,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73996,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73997,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73998,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+73999,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74000,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74001,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74002,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74003,16,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74004,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74005,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74006,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74007,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74008,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74009,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74010,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74011,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74012,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74013,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74014,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74015,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74016,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74017,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74018,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74019,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74020,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74021,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74022,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74023,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74024,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74025,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74026,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74027,16,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74028,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74029,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74030,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74031,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74032,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74033,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74034,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74035,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74036,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74037,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74038,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74039,16,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74040,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74041,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74042,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74043,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74044,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74045,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74046,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74047,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74048,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74049,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74050,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74051,16,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74052,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74053,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74054,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74055,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74056,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74057,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74058,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74059,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74060,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74061,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74062,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74063,16,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74064,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74065,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74066,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74067,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74068,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74069,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74070,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74071,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74072,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74073,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74074,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74075,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74076,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74077,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74078,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74079,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74080,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74081,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74082,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74083,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74084,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74085,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74086,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74087,16,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74088,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74089,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74090,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74091,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74092,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74093,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74094,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74095,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74096,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74097,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74098,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74099,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74112,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74113,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74114,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74115,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74116,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74117,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74118,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74119,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74120,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74121,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74122,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74123,16,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74124,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74125,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74126,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74127,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74128,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74129,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74130,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74131,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74132,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74133,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74134,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74135,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74136,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74137,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74138,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74139,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74140,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74141,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74142,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74143,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74144,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74145,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74146,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74147,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+74148,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74149,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74150,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74151,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74152,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74153,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74154,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74155,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74156,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74157,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74158,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74159,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74160,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74161,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74162,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74163,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74164,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74165,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74166,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74167,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74168,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74169,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74170,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74171,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74172,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74173,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74174,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74175,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74176,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74177,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74178,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74179,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74180,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74181,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74182,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74183,16,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74184,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74185,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74186,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74187,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74188,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74189,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74190,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74191,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74192,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74193,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74194,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74195,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+74196,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74197,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74198,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74199,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74200,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74201,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74202,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74203,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74204,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74205,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74206,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74207,16,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+74208,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74209,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74210,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74211,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74212,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74213,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74214,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74215,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74216,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74217,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74218,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74219,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74220,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74221,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74222,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74223,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74224,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74225,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74226,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74227,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74228,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74229,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74230,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74231,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74244,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74245,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74246,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74247,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74248,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74249,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74250,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74251,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74252,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74253,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74254,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74255,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74256,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74257,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74258,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74259,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74260,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74261,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74262,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74263,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74264,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74265,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74266,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74267,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74268,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74269,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74270,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74271,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74272,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74273,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74274,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74275,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74276,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74277,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74278,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74279,16,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74280,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74281,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74282,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74283,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74284,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74285,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74286,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74287,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74288,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74289,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74290,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74291,16,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74292,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74293,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74294,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74295,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74296,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74297,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74298,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74299,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74300,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74301,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74302,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74303,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74304,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74305,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74306,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74307,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74308,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74309,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74310,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74311,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74312,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74313,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74314,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74315,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74316,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74317,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74318,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74319,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74320,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74321,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74322,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74323,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74324,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74325,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74326,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74327,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74328,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74329,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74330,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74331,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74332,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74333,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74334,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74335,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74336,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74337,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74338,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74339,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74340,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74341,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74342,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74343,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74344,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74345,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74346,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74347,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74348,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74349,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74350,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74351,16,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74352,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74353,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74354,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74355,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74356,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74357,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74358,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74359,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74360,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74361,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74362,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74363,16,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74376,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74377,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74378,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74379,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74380,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74381,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74382,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74383,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74384,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74385,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74386,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74387,16,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74388,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74389,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74390,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74391,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74392,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74393,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74394,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74395,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74396,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74397,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74398,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74399,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74400,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74401,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74402,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74403,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74404,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74405,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74406,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74407,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74408,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74409,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74410,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74411,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74412,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74413,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74414,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74415,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74416,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74417,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74418,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74419,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74420,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74421,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74422,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74423,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74424,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74425,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74426,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74427,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74428,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74429,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74430,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74431,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74432,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74433,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74434,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74435,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+74436,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74437,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74438,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74439,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74440,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74441,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74442,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74443,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74444,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74445,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74446,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74447,16,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74448,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74449,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74450,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74451,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74452,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74453,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74454,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74455,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74456,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74457,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74458,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74459,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74460,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74461,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74462,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74463,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74464,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74465,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74466,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74467,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74468,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74469,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74470,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74471,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74472,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74473,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74474,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74475,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74476,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74477,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74478,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74479,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74480,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74481,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74482,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74483,16,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74484,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74485,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74486,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74487,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74488,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74489,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74490,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74491,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74492,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74493,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74494,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74495,16,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+74496,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74497,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74498,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74499,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74500,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74501,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74502,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74503,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74504,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74505,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74506,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74507,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74508,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74509,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74510,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74511,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74512,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74513,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74514,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74515,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74516,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74517,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74518,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74519,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74520,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74521,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74522,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74523,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74524,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74525,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74526,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74527,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74528,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74529,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74530,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74531,16,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+74532,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74533,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74534,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74535,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74536,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74537,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74538,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74539,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74540,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74541,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74542,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74543,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74544,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74545,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74546,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74547,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74548,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74549,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74550,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74551,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74552,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74553,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74554,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74555,16,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74556,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74557,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74558,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74559,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74560,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74561,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74562,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74563,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74564,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74565,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74566,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74567,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74568,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74569,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74570,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74571,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74572,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74573,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74574,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74575,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74576,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74577,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74578,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74579,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74580,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74581,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74582,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74583,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74584,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74585,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74586,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74587,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74588,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74589,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74590,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74591,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74592,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74593,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74594,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74595,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74596,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74597,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74598,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74599,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74600,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74601,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74602,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74603,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74604,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74605,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74606,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74607,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74608,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74609,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74610,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74611,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74612,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74613,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74614,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74615,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74616,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74617,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74618,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74619,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74620,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74621,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74622,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74623,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74624,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74625,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74626,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74627,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74628,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74629,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74630,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74631,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74632,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74633,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74634,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74635,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74636,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74637,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74638,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74639,16,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74640,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74641,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74642,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74643,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74644,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74645,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74646,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74647,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74648,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74649,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74650,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74651,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+74652,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74653,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74654,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74655,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74656,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74657,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74658,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74659,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74660,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74661,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74662,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74663,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74676,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74677,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74678,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74679,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74680,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74681,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74682,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74683,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74684,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74685,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74686,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74687,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74688,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74689,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74690,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74691,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74692,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74693,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74694,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74695,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74696,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74697,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74698,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74699,16,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74700,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74701,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74702,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74703,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74704,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74705,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74706,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74707,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74708,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74709,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74710,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74711,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74712,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74713,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74714,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74715,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74716,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74717,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74718,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74719,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74720,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74721,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74722,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74723,16,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74724,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74725,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74726,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74727,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74728,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74729,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74730,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74731,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74732,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74733,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74734,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74735,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+74736,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74737,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74738,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74739,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74740,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74741,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74742,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74743,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74744,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74745,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74746,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74747,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+74748,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74749,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74750,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74751,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74752,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74753,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74754,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74755,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74756,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74757,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74758,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74759,16,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+74760,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74761,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74762,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74763,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74764,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74765,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74766,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74767,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74768,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74769,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74770,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74771,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+74772,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74773,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74774,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74775,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74776,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74777,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74778,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74779,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74780,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74781,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74782,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74783,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+74784,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74785,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74786,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74787,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74788,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74789,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74790,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74791,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74792,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74793,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74794,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74795,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74796,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74797,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74798,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74799,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74800,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74801,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74802,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74803,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74804,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74805,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74806,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74807,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+74808,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74809,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74810,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74811,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74812,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74813,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74814,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74815,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74816,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74817,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74818,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74819,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+74820,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74821,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74822,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74823,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74824,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74825,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74826,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74827,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74828,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74829,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74830,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74831,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74832,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74833,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74834,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74835,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74836,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74837,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74838,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74839,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74840,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74841,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74842,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74843,16,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+74844,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74845,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74846,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74847,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74848,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74849,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74850,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74851,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74852,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74853,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74854,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74855,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74868,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74869,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74870,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74871,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74872,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74873,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74874,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74875,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74876,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74877,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74878,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74879,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74880,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74881,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74882,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74883,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74884,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74885,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74886,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74887,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74888,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74889,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74890,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74891,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+74892,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74893,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74894,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74895,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74896,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74897,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74898,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74899,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74900,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74901,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74902,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74903,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74904,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74905,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74906,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74907,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74908,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74909,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74910,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74911,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74912,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74913,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74914,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74915,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74916,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74917,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74918,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74919,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74920,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74921,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74922,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74923,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74924,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74925,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74926,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74927,16,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74928,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74929,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74930,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74931,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74932,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74933,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74934,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74935,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74936,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74937,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74938,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74939,16,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+74952,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74953,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74954,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74955,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74956,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74957,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74958,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74959,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74960,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74961,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74962,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74963,16,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+74976,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74977,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74978,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74979,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74980,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74981,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74982,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74983,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74984,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74985,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74986,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74987,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+74988,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74989,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74990,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74991,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74992,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74993,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74994,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74995,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74996,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74997,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74998,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+74999,16,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75000,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75001,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75002,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75003,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75004,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75005,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75006,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75007,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75008,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75009,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75010,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75011,16,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75012,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75013,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75014,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75015,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75016,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75017,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75018,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75019,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75020,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75021,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75022,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75023,16,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75024,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75025,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75026,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75027,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75028,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75029,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75030,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75031,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75032,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75033,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75034,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75035,16,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75036,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75037,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75038,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75039,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75040,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75041,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75042,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75043,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75044,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75045,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75046,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75047,16,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75048,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75049,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75050,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75051,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75052,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75053,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75054,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75055,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75056,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75057,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75058,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75059,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75060,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75061,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75062,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75063,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75064,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75065,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75066,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75067,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75068,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75069,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75070,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75071,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75072,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75073,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75074,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75075,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75076,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75077,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75078,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75079,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75080,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75081,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75082,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75083,16,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75084,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75085,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75086,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75087,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75088,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75089,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75090,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75091,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75092,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75093,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75094,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75095,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+75096,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75097,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75098,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75099,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75100,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75101,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75102,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75103,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75104,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75105,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75106,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75107,16,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75120,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75121,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75122,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75123,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75124,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75125,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75126,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75127,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75128,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75129,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75130,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75131,16,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75132,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75133,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75134,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75135,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75136,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75137,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75138,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75139,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75140,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75141,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75142,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75143,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+75144,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75145,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75146,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75147,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75148,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75149,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75150,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75151,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75152,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75153,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75154,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75155,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75156,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75157,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75158,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75159,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75160,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75161,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75162,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75163,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75164,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75165,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75166,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75167,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75168,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75169,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75170,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75171,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75172,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75173,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75174,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75175,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75176,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75177,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75178,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75179,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75180,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75181,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75182,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75183,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75184,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75185,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75186,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75187,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75188,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75189,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75190,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75191,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75192,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75193,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75194,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75195,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75196,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75197,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75198,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75199,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75200,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75201,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75202,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75203,16,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75228,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75229,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75230,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75231,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75232,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75233,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75234,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75235,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75236,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75237,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75238,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75239,16,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75240,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75241,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75242,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75243,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75244,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75245,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75246,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75247,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75248,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75249,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75250,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75251,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+75252,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75253,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75254,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75255,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75256,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75257,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75258,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75259,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75260,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75261,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75262,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75263,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75264,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75265,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75266,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75267,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75268,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75269,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75270,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75271,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75272,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75273,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75274,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75275,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75276,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75277,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75278,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75279,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75280,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75281,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75282,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75283,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75284,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75285,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75286,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75287,16,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+75288,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75289,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75290,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75291,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75292,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75293,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75294,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75295,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75296,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75297,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75298,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75299,16,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75312,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75313,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75314,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75315,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75316,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75317,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75318,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75319,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75320,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75321,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75322,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75323,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+75336,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75337,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75338,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75339,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75340,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75341,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75342,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75343,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75344,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75345,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75346,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75347,16,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75348,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75349,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75350,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75351,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75352,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75353,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75354,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75355,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75356,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75357,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75358,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75359,16,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75360,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75361,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75362,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75363,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75364,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75365,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75366,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75367,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75368,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75369,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75370,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75371,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75384,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75385,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75386,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75387,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75388,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75389,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75390,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75391,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75392,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75393,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75394,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75395,16,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75408,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75409,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75410,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75411,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75412,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75413,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75414,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75415,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75416,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75417,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75418,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75419,16,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75420,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75421,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75422,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75423,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75424,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75425,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75426,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75427,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75428,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75429,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75430,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75431,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75432,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75433,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75434,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75435,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75436,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75437,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75438,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75439,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75440,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75441,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75442,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75443,16,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75444,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75445,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75446,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75447,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75448,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75449,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75450,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75451,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75452,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75453,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75454,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75455,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75468,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75469,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75470,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75471,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75472,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75473,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75474,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75475,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75476,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75477,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75478,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75479,16,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75480,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75481,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75482,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75483,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75484,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75485,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75486,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75487,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75488,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75489,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75490,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75491,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75492,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75493,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75494,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75495,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75496,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75497,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75498,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75499,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75500,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75501,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75502,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75503,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75504,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75505,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75506,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75507,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75508,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75509,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75510,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75511,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75512,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75513,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75514,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75515,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75516,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75517,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75518,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75519,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75520,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75521,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75522,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75523,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75524,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75525,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75526,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75527,16,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75528,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75529,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75530,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75531,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75532,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75533,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75534,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75535,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75536,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75537,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75538,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75539,16,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75552,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75553,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75554,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75555,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75556,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75557,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75558,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75559,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75560,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75561,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75562,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75563,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75564,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75565,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75566,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75567,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75568,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75569,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75570,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75571,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75572,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75573,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75574,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75575,16,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75576,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75577,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75578,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75579,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75580,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75581,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75582,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75583,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75584,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75585,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75586,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75587,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75588,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75589,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75590,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75591,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75592,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75593,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75594,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75595,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75596,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75597,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75598,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75599,16,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75600,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75601,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75602,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75603,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75604,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75605,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75606,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75607,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75608,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75609,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75610,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75611,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75612,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75613,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75614,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75615,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75616,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75617,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75618,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75619,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75620,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75621,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75622,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75623,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+75624,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75625,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75626,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75627,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75628,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75629,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75630,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75631,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75632,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75633,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75634,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75635,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75636,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75637,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75638,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75639,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75640,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75641,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75642,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75643,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75644,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75645,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75646,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75647,16,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75648,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75649,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75650,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75651,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75652,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75653,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75654,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75655,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75656,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75657,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75658,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75659,16,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75660,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75661,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75662,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75663,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75664,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75665,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75666,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75667,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75668,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75669,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75670,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75671,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75672,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75673,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75674,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75675,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75676,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75677,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75678,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75679,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75680,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75681,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75682,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75683,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75684,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75685,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75686,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75687,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75688,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75689,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75690,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75691,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75692,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75693,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75694,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75695,16,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75696,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75697,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75698,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75699,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75700,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75701,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75702,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75703,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75704,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75705,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75706,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75707,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75720,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75721,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75722,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75723,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75724,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75725,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75726,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75727,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75728,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75729,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75730,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75731,16,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+75744,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75745,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75746,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75747,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75748,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75749,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75750,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75751,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75752,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75753,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75754,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75755,16,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+75756,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75757,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75758,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75759,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75760,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75761,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75762,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75763,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75764,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75765,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75766,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75767,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75768,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75769,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75770,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75771,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75772,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75773,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75774,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75775,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75776,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75777,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75778,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75779,16,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+75780,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75781,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75782,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75783,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75784,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75785,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75786,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75787,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75788,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75789,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75790,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75791,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75792,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75793,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75794,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75795,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75796,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75797,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75798,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75799,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75800,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75801,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75802,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75803,16,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75804,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75805,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75806,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75807,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75808,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75809,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75810,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75811,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75812,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75813,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75814,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75815,16,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75816,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75817,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75818,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75819,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75820,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75821,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75822,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75823,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75824,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75825,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75826,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75827,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75828,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75829,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75830,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75831,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75832,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75833,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75834,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75835,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75836,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75837,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75838,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75839,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75840,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75841,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75842,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75843,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75844,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75845,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75846,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75847,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75848,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75849,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75850,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75851,16,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75852,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75853,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75854,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75855,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75856,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75857,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75858,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75859,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75860,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75861,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75862,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75863,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75876,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75877,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75878,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75879,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75880,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75881,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75882,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75883,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75884,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75885,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75886,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75887,17,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75888,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75889,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75890,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75891,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75892,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75893,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75894,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75895,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75896,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75897,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75898,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75899,17,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75900,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75901,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75902,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75903,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75904,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75905,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75906,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75907,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75908,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75909,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75910,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75911,17,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+75912,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75913,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75914,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75915,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75916,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75917,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75918,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75919,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75920,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75921,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75922,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75923,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+75936,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75937,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75938,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75939,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75940,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75941,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75942,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75943,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75944,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75945,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75946,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75947,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+75948,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75949,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75950,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75951,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75952,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75953,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75954,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75955,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75956,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75957,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75958,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75959,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+75960,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75961,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75962,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75963,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75964,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75965,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75966,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75967,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75968,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75969,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75970,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75971,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75972,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75973,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75974,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75975,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75976,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75977,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75978,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75979,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75980,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75981,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75982,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75983,17,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+75984,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75985,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75986,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75987,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75988,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75989,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75990,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75991,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75992,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75993,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75994,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75995,17,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+75996,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+75997,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+75998,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+75999,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76000,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76001,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76002,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76003,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76004,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76005,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76006,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76007,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76008,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76009,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76010,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76011,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76012,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76013,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76014,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76015,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76016,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76017,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76018,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76019,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76020,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76021,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76022,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76023,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76024,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76025,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76026,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76027,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76028,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76029,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76030,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76031,17,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76044,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76045,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76046,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76047,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76048,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76049,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76050,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76051,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76052,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76053,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76054,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76055,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76056,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76057,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76058,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76059,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76060,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76061,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76062,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76063,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76064,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76065,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76066,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76067,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76068,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76069,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76070,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76071,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76072,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76073,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76074,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76075,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76076,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76077,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76078,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76079,17,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+76080,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76081,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76082,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76083,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76084,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76085,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76086,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76087,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76088,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76089,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76090,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76091,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+76092,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76093,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76094,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76095,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76096,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76097,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76098,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76099,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76100,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76101,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76102,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76103,17,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+76104,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76105,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76106,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76107,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76108,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76109,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76110,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76111,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76112,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76113,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76114,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76115,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+76116,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76117,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76118,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76119,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76120,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76121,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76122,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76123,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76124,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76125,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76126,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76127,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76128,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76129,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76130,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76131,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76132,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76133,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76134,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76135,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76136,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76137,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76138,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76139,17,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+76140,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76141,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76142,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76143,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76144,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76145,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76146,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76147,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76148,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76149,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76150,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76151,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76152,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76153,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76154,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76155,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76156,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76157,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76158,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76159,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76160,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76161,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76162,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76163,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+76164,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76165,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76166,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76167,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76168,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76169,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76170,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76171,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76172,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76173,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76174,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76175,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+76176,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76177,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76178,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76179,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76180,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76181,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76182,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76183,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76184,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76185,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76186,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76187,17,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76188,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76189,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76190,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76191,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76192,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76193,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76194,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76195,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76196,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76197,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76198,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76199,17,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76200,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76201,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76202,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76203,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76204,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76205,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76206,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76207,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76208,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76209,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76210,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76211,17,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76212,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76213,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76214,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76215,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76216,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76217,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76218,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76219,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76220,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76221,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76222,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76223,17,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76224,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76225,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76226,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76227,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76228,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76229,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76230,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76231,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76232,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76233,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76234,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76235,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76236,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76237,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76238,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76239,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76240,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76241,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76242,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76243,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76244,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76245,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76246,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76247,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76248,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76249,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76250,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76251,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76252,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76253,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76254,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76255,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76256,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76257,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76258,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76259,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76260,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76261,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76262,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76263,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76264,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76265,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76266,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76267,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76268,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76269,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76270,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76271,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76272,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76273,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76274,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76275,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76276,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76277,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76278,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76279,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76280,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76281,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76282,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76283,17,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76284,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76285,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76286,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76287,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76288,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76289,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76290,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76291,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76292,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76293,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76294,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76295,17,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76296,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76297,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76298,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76299,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76300,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76301,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76302,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76303,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76304,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76305,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76306,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76307,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76308,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76309,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76310,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76311,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76312,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76313,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76314,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76315,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76316,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76317,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76318,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76319,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76332,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76333,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76334,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76335,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76336,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76337,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76338,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76339,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76340,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76341,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76342,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76343,17,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76344,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76345,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76346,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76347,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76348,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76349,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76350,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76351,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76352,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76353,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76354,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76355,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76356,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76357,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76358,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76359,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76360,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76361,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76362,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76363,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76364,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76365,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76366,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76367,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+76368,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76369,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76370,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76371,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76372,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76373,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76374,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76375,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76376,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76377,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76378,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76379,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76380,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76381,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76382,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76383,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76384,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76385,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76386,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76387,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76388,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76389,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76390,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76391,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76392,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76393,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76394,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76395,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76396,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76397,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76398,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76399,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76400,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76401,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76402,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76403,17,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76404,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76405,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76406,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76407,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76408,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76409,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76410,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76411,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76412,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76413,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76414,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76415,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+76416,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76417,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76418,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76419,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76420,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76421,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76422,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76423,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76424,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76425,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76426,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76427,17,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+76428,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76429,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76430,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76431,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76432,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76433,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76434,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76435,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76436,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76437,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76438,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76439,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76440,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76441,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76442,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76443,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76444,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76445,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76446,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76447,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76448,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76449,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76450,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76451,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76464,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76465,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76466,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76467,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76468,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76469,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76470,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76471,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76472,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76473,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76474,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76475,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76476,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76477,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76478,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76479,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76480,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76481,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76482,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76483,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76484,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76485,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76486,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76487,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76488,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76489,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76490,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76491,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76492,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76493,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76494,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76495,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76496,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76497,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76498,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76499,17,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76500,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76501,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76502,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76503,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76504,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76505,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76506,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76507,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76508,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76509,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76510,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76511,17,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76512,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76513,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76514,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76515,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76516,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76517,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76518,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76519,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76520,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76521,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76522,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76523,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76524,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76525,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76526,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76527,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76528,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76529,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76530,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76531,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76532,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76533,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76534,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76535,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76536,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76537,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76538,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76539,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76540,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76541,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76542,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76543,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76544,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76545,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76546,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76547,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76548,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76549,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76550,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76551,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76552,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76553,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76554,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76555,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76556,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76557,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76558,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76559,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76560,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76561,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76562,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76563,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76564,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76565,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76566,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76567,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76568,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76569,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76570,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76571,17,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76572,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76573,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76574,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76575,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76576,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76577,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76578,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76579,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76580,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76581,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76582,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76583,17,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76596,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76597,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76598,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76599,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76600,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76601,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76602,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76603,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76604,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76605,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76606,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76607,17,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76608,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76609,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76610,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76611,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76612,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76613,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76614,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76615,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76616,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76617,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76618,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76619,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76620,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76621,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76622,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76623,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76624,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76625,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76626,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76627,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76628,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76629,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76630,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76631,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76632,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76633,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76634,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76635,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76636,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76637,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76638,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76639,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76640,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76641,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76642,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76643,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76644,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76645,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76646,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76647,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76648,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76649,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76650,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76651,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76652,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76653,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76654,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76655,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+76656,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76657,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76658,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76659,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76660,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76661,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76662,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76663,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76664,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76665,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76666,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76667,17,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76668,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76669,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76670,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76671,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76672,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76673,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76674,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76675,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76676,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76677,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76678,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76679,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76680,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76681,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76682,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76683,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76684,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76685,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76686,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76687,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76688,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76689,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76690,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76691,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76692,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76693,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76694,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76695,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76696,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76697,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76698,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76699,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76700,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76701,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76702,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76703,17,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76704,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76705,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76706,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76707,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76708,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76709,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76710,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76711,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76712,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76713,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76714,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76715,17,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+76716,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76717,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76718,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76719,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76720,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76721,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76722,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76723,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76724,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76725,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76726,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76727,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76728,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76729,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76730,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76731,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76732,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76733,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76734,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76735,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76736,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76737,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76738,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76739,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76740,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76741,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76742,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76743,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76744,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76745,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76746,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76747,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76748,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76749,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76750,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76751,17,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+76752,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76753,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76754,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76755,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76756,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76757,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76758,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76759,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76760,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76761,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76762,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76763,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76764,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76765,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76766,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76767,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76768,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76769,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76770,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76771,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76772,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76773,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76774,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76775,17,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76776,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76777,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76778,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76779,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76780,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76781,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76782,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76783,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76784,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76785,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76786,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76787,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76788,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76789,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76790,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76791,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76792,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76793,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76794,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76795,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76796,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76797,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76798,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76799,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76800,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76801,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76802,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76803,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76804,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76805,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76806,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76807,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76808,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76809,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76810,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76811,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76812,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76813,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76814,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76815,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76816,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76817,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76818,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76819,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76820,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76821,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76822,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76823,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76824,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76825,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76826,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76827,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76828,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76829,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76830,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76831,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76832,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76833,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76834,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76835,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76836,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76837,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76838,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76839,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76840,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76841,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76842,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76843,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76844,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76845,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76846,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76847,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+76848,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76849,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76850,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76851,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76852,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76853,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76854,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76855,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76856,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76857,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76858,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76859,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+76860,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76861,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76862,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76863,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76864,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76865,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76866,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76867,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76868,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76869,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76870,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76871,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+76884,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76885,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76886,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76887,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76888,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76889,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76890,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76891,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76892,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76893,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76894,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76895,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76896,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76897,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76898,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76899,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76900,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76901,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76902,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76903,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76904,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76905,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76906,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76907,17,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+76908,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76909,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76910,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76911,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76912,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76913,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76914,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76915,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76916,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76917,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76918,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76919,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76920,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76921,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76922,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76923,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76924,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76925,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76926,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76927,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76928,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76929,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76930,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76931,17,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+76932,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76933,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76934,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76935,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76936,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76937,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76938,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76939,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76940,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76941,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76942,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76943,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+76944,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76945,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76946,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76947,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76948,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76949,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76950,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76951,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76952,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76953,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76954,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76955,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+76956,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76957,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76958,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76959,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76960,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76961,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76962,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76963,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76964,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76965,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76966,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76967,17,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+76968,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76969,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76970,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76971,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76972,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76973,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76974,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76975,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76976,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76977,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76978,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76979,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+76980,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76981,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76982,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76983,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76984,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76985,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76986,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76987,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76988,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76989,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76990,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76991,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+76992,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76993,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76994,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76995,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76996,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76997,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76998,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+76999,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77000,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77001,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77002,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77003,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77004,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77005,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77006,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77007,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77008,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77009,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77010,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77011,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77012,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77013,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77014,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77015,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77016,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77017,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77018,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77019,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77020,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77021,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77022,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77023,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77024,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77025,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77026,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77027,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77028,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77029,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77030,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77031,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77032,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77033,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77034,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77035,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77036,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77037,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77038,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77039,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77040,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77041,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77042,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77043,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77044,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77045,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77046,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77047,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77048,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77049,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77050,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77051,17,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77052,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77053,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77054,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77055,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77056,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77057,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77058,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77059,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77060,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77061,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77062,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77063,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77076,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77077,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77078,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77079,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77080,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77081,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77082,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77083,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77084,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77085,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77086,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77087,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77088,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77089,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77090,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77091,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77092,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77093,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77094,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77095,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77096,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77097,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77098,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77099,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77100,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77101,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77102,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77103,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77104,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77105,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77106,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77107,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77108,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77109,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77110,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77111,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77112,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77113,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77114,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77115,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77116,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77117,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77118,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77119,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77120,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77121,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77122,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77123,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77124,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77125,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77126,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77127,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77128,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77129,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77130,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77131,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77132,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77133,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77134,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77135,17,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77136,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77137,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77138,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77139,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77140,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77141,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77142,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77143,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77144,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77145,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77146,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77147,17,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77160,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77161,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77162,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77163,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77164,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77165,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77166,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77167,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77168,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77169,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77170,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77171,17,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77184,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77185,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77186,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77187,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77188,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77189,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77190,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77191,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77192,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77193,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77194,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77195,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77196,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77197,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77198,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77199,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77200,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77201,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77202,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77203,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77204,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77205,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77206,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77207,17,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77208,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77209,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77210,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77211,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77212,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77213,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77214,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77215,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77216,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77217,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77218,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77219,17,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77220,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77221,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77222,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77223,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77224,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77225,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77226,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77227,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77228,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77229,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77230,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77231,17,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77232,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77233,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77234,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77235,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77236,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77237,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77238,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77239,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77240,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77241,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77242,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77243,17,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77244,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77245,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77246,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77247,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77248,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77249,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77250,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77251,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77252,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77253,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77254,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77255,17,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77256,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77257,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77258,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77259,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77260,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77261,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77262,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77263,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77264,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77265,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77266,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77267,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77268,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77269,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77270,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77271,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77272,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77273,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77274,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77275,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77276,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77277,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77278,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77279,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77280,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77281,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77282,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77283,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77284,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77285,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77286,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77287,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77288,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77289,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77290,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77291,17,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77292,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77293,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77294,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77295,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77296,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77297,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77298,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77299,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77300,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77301,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77302,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77303,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+77304,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77305,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77306,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77307,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77308,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77309,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77310,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77311,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77312,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77313,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77314,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77315,17,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77328,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77329,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77330,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77331,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77332,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77333,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77334,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77335,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77336,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77337,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77338,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77339,17,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77340,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77341,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77342,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77343,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77344,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77345,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77346,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77347,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77348,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77349,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77350,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77351,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+77352,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77353,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77354,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77355,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77356,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77357,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77358,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77359,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77360,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77361,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77362,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77363,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77364,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77365,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77366,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77367,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77368,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77369,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77370,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77371,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77372,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77373,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77374,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77375,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77376,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77377,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77378,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77379,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77380,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77381,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77382,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77383,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77384,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77385,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77386,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77387,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77388,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77389,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77390,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77391,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77392,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77393,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77394,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77395,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77396,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77397,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77398,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77399,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77400,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77401,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77402,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77403,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77404,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77405,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77406,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77407,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77408,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77409,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77410,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77411,17,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77436,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77437,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77438,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77439,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77440,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77441,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77442,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77443,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77444,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77445,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77446,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77447,17,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77448,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77449,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77450,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77451,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77452,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77453,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77454,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77455,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77456,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77457,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77458,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77459,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+77460,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77461,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77462,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77463,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77464,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77465,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77466,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77467,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77468,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77469,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77470,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77471,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77472,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77473,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77474,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77475,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77476,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77477,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77478,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77479,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77480,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77481,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77482,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77483,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77484,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77485,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77486,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77487,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77488,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77489,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77490,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77491,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77492,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77493,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77494,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77495,17,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+77496,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77497,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77498,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77499,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77500,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77501,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77502,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77503,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77504,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77505,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77506,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77507,17,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77520,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77521,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77522,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77523,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77524,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77525,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77526,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77527,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77528,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77529,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77530,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77531,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+77544,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77545,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77546,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77547,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77548,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77549,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77550,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77551,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77552,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77553,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77554,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77555,17,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77556,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77557,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77558,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77559,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77560,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77561,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77562,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77563,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77564,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77565,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77566,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77567,17,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77568,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77569,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77570,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77571,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77572,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77573,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77574,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77575,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77576,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77577,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77578,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77579,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77592,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77593,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77594,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77595,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77596,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77597,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77598,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77599,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77600,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77601,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77602,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77603,17,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77616,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77617,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77618,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77619,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77620,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77621,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77622,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77623,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77624,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77625,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77626,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77627,17,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77628,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77629,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77630,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77631,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77632,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77633,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77634,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77635,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77636,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77637,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77638,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77639,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77640,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77641,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77642,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77643,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77644,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77645,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77646,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77647,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77648,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77649,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77650,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77651,17,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77652,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77653,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77654,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77655,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77656,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77657,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77658,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77659,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77660,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77661,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77662,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77663,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77676,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77677,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77678,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77679,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77680,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77681,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77682,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77683,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77684,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77685,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77686,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77687,17,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77688,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77689,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77690,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77691,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77692,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77693,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77694,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77695,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77696,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77697,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77698,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77699,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77700,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77701,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77702,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77703,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77704,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77705,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77706,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77707,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77708,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77709,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77710,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77711,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77712,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77713,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77714,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77715,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77716,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77717,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77718,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77719,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77720,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77721,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77722,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77723,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77724,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77725,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77726,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77727,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77728,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77729,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77730,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77731,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77732,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77733,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77734,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77735,17,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77736,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77737,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77738,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77739,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77740,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77741,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77742,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77743,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77744,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77745,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77746,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77747,17,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77760,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77761,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77762,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77763,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77764,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77765,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77766,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77767,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77768,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77769,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77770,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77771,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77772,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77773,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77774,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77775,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77776,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77777,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77778,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77779,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77780,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77781,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77782,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77783,17,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77784,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77785,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77786,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77787,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77788,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77789,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77790,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77791,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77792,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77793,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77794,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77795,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77796,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77797,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77798,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77799,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77800,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77801,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77802,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77803,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77804,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77805,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77806,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77807,17,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77808,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77809,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77810,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77811,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77812,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77813,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77814,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77815,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77816,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77817,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77818,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77819,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77820,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77821,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77822,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77823,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77824,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77825,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77826,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77827,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77828,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77829,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77830,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77831,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+77832,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77833,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77834,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77835,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77836,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77837,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77838,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77839,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77840,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77841,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77842,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77843,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77844,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77845,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77846,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77847,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77848,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77849,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77850,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77851,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77852,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77853,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77854,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77855,17,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77856,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77857,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77858,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77859,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77860,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77861,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77862,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77863,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77864,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77865,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77866,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77867,17,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+77868,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77869,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77870,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77871,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77872,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77873,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77874,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77875,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77876,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77877,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77878,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77879,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77880,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77881,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77882,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77883,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77884,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77885,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77886,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77887,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77888,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77889,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77890,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77891,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+77892,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77893,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77894,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77895,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77896,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77897,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77898,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77899,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77900,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77901,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77902,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77903,17,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+77904,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77905,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77906,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77907,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77908,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77909,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77910,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77911,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77912,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77913,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77914,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77915,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77928,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77929,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77930,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77931,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77932,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77933,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77934,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77935,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77936,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77937,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77938,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77939,17,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+77952,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77953,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77954,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77955,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77956,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77957,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77958,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77959,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77960,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77961,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77962,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77963,17,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+77964,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77965,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77966,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77967,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77968,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77969,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77970,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77971,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77972,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77973,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77974,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77975,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+77976,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77977,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77978,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77979,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77980,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77981,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77982,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77983,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77984,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77985,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77986,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77987,17,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+77988,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77989,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77990,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77991,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77992,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77993,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77994,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77995,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77996,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77997,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77998,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+77999,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78000,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78001,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78002,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78003,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78004,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78005,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78006,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78007,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78008,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78009,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78010,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78011,17,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78012,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78013,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78014,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78015,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78016,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78017,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78018,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78019,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78020,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78021,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78022,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78023,17,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78024,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78025,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78026,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78027,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78028,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78029,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78030,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78031,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78032,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78033,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78034,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78035,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78036,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78037,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78038,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78039,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78040,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78041,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78042,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78043,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78044,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78045,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78046,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78047,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78048,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78049,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78050,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78051,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78052,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78053,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78054,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78055,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78056,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78057,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78058,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78059,17,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78060,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78061,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78062,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78063,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78064,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78065,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78066,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78067,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78068,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78069,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78070,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78071,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78084,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78085,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78086,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78087,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78088,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78089,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78090,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78091,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78092,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78093,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78094,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78095,18,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78096,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78097,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78098,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78099,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78100,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78101,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78102,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78103,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78104,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78105,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78106,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78107,18,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78108,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78109,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78110,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78111,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78112,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78113,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78114,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78115,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78116,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78117,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78118,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78119,18,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78120,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78121,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78122,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78123,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78124,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78125,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78126,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78127,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78128,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78129,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78130,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78131,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78144,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78145,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78146,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78147,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78148,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78149,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78150,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78151,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78152,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78153,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78154,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78155,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78156,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78157,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78158,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78159,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78160,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78161,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78162,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78163,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78164,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78165,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78166,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78167,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78168,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78169,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78170,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78171,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78172,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78173,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78174,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78175,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78176,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78177,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78178,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78179,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78180,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78181,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78182,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78183,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78184,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78185,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78186,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78187,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78188,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78189,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78190,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78191,18,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78192,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78193,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78194,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78195,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78196,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78197,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78198,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78199,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78200,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78201,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78202,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78203,18,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78204,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78205,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78206,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78207,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78208,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78209,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78210,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78211,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78212,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78213,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78214,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78215,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+78216,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78217,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78218,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78219,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78220,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78221,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78222,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78223,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78224,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78225,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78226,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78227,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78228,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78229,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78230,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78231,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78232,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78233,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78234,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78235,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78236,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78237,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78238,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78239,18,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78240,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78241,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78242,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78243,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78244,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78245,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78246,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78247,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78248,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78249,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78250,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78251,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78252,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78253,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78254,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78255,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78256,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78257,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78258,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78259,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78260,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78261,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78262,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78263,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78264,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78265,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78266,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78267,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78268,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78269,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78270,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78271,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78272,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78273,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78274,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78275,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78276,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78277,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78278,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78279,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78280,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78281,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78282,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78283,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78284,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78285,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78286,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78287,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+78288,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78289,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78290,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78291,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78292,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78293,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78294,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78295,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78296,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78297,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78298,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78299,18,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78312,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78313,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78314,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78315,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78316,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78317,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78318,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78319,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78320,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78321,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78322,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78323,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78324,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78325,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78326,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78327,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78328,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78329,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78330,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78331,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78332,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78333,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78334,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78335,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78336,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78337,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78338,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78339,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78340,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78341,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78342,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78343,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78344,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78345,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78346,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78347,18,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+78348,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78349,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78350,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78351,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78352,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78353,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78354,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78355,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78356,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78357,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78358,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78359,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+78360,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78361,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78362,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78363,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78364,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78365,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78366,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78367,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78368,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78369,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78370,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78371,18,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+78372,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78373,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78374,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78375,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78376,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78377,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78378,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78379,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78380,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78381,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78382,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78383,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+78384,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78385,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78386,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78387,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78388,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78389,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78390,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78391,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78392,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78393,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78394,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78395,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78396,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78397,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78398,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78399,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78400,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78401,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78402,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78403,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78404,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78405,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78406,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78407,18,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+78408,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78409,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78410,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78411,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78412,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78413,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78414,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78415,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78416,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78417,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78418,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78419,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78420,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78421,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78422,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78423,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78424,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78425,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78426,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78427,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78428,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78429,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78430,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78431,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78432,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78433,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78434,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78435,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78436,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78437,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78438,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78439,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78440,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78441,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78442,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78443,18,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+78444,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78445,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78446,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78447,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78448,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78449,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78450,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78451,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78452,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78453,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78454,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78455,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+78456,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78457,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78458,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78459,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78460,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78461,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78462,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78463,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78464,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78465,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78466,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78467,18,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78468,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78469,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78470,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78471,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78472,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78473,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78474,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78475,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78476,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78477,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78478,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78479,18,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78480,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78481,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78482,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78483,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78484,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78485,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78486,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78487,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78488,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78489,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78490,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78491,18,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78492,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78493,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78494,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78495,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78496,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78497,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78498,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78499,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78500,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78501,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78502,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78503,18,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78504,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78505,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78506,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78507,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78508,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78509,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78510,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78511,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78512,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78513,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78514,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78515,18,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78516,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78517,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78518,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78519,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78520,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78521,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78522,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78523,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78524,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78525,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78526,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78527,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78528,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78529,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78530,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78531,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78532,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78533,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78534,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78535,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78536,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78537,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78538,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78539,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78540,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78541,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78542,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78543,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78544,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78545,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78546,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78547,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78548,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78549,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78550,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78551,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78552,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78553,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78554,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78555,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78556,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78557,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78558,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78559,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78560,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78561,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78562,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78563,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78564,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78565,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78566,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78567,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78568,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78569,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78570,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78571,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78572,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78573,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78574,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78575,18,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78576,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78577,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78578,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78579,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78580,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78581,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78582,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78583,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78584,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78585,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78586,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78587,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+78588,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78589,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78590,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78591,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78592,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78593,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78594,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78595,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78596,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78597,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78598,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78599,18,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78600,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78601,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78602,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78603,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78604,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78605,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78606,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78607,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78608,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78609,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78610,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78611,18,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78612,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78613,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78614,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78615,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78616,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78617,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78618,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78619,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78620,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78621,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78622,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78623,18,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78624,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78625,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78626,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78627,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78628,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78629,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78630,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78631,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78632,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78633,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78634,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78635,18,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78636,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78637,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78638,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78639,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78640,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78641,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78642,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78643,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78644,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78645,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78646,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78647,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78648,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78649,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78650,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78651,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78652,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78653,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78654,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78655,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78656,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78657,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78658,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78659,18,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78660,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78661,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78662,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78663,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78664,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78665,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78666,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78667,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78668,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78669,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78670,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78671,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78684,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78685,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78686,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78687,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78688,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78689,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78690,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78691,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78692,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78693,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78694,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78695,18,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78696,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78697,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78698,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78699,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78700,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78701,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78702,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78703,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78704,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78705,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78706,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78707,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+78708,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78709,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78710,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78711,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78712,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78713,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78714,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78715,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78716,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78717,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78718,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78719,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+78720,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78721,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78722,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78723,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78724,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78725,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78726,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78727,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78728,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78729,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78730,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78731,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78732,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78733,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78734,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78735,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78736,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78737,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78738,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78739,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78740,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78741,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78742,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78743,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78744,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78745,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78746,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78747,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78748,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78749,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78750,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78751,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78752,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78753,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78754,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78755,18,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78756,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78757,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78758,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78759,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78760,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78761,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78762,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78763,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78764,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78765,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78766,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78767,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+78768,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78769,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78770,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78771,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78772,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78773,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78774,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78775,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78776,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78777,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78778,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78779,18,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+78780,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78781,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78782,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78783,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78784,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78785,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78786,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78787,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78788,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78789,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78790,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78791,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+78792,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78793,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78794,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78795,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78796,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78797,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78798,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78799,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78800,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78801,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78802,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78803,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78816,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78817,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78818,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78819,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78820,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78821,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78822,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78823,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78824,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78825,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78826,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78827,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78828,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78829,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78830,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78831,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78832,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78833,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78834,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78835,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78836,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78837,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78838,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78839,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78840,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78841,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78842,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78843,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78844,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78845,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78846,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78847,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78848,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78849,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78850,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78851,18,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+78852,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78853,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78854,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78855,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78856,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78857,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78858,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78859,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78860,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78861,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78862,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78863,18,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+78864,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78865,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78866,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78867,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78868,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78869,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78870,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78871,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78872,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78873,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78874,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78875,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78876,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78877,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78878,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78879,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78880,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78881,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78882,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78883,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78884,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78885,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78886,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78887,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+78888,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78889,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78890,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78891,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78892,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78893,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78894,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78895,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78896,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78897,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78898,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78899,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78900,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78901,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78902,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78903,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78904,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78905,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78906,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78907,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78908,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78909,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78910,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78911,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78912,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78913,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78914,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78915,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78916,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78917,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78918,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78919,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78920,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78921,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78922,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78923,18,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+78924,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78925,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78926,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78927,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78928,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78929,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78930,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78931,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78932,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78933,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78934,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78935,18,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78948,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78949,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78950,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78951,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78952,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78953,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78954,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78955,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78956,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78957,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78958,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78959,18,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+78960,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78961,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78962,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78963,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78964,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78965,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78966,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78967,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78968,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78969,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78970,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78971,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+78972,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78973,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78974,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78975,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78976,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78977,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78978,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78979,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78980,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78981,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78982,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78983,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+78984,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78985,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78986,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78987,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78988,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78989,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78990,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78991,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78992,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78993,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78994,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78995,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+78996,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+78997,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+78998,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+78999,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79000,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79001,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79002,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79003,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79004,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79005,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79006,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79007,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+79008,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79009,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79010,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79011,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79012,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79013,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79014,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79015,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79016,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79017,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79018,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79019,18,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79020,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79021,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79022,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79023,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79024,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79025,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79026,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79027,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79028,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79029,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79030,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79031,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79032,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79033,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79034,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79035,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79036,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79037,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79038,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79039,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79040,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79041,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79042,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79043,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79044,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79045,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79046,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79047,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79048,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79049,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79050,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79051,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79052,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79053,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79054,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79055,18,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79056,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79057,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79058,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79059,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79060,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79061,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79062,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79063,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79064,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79065,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79066,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79067,18,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+79068,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79069,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79070,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79071,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79072,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79073,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79074,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79075,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79076,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79077,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79078,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79079,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79080,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79081,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79082,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79083,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79084,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79085,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79086,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79087,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79088,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79089,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79090,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79091,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79092,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79093,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79094,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79095,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79096,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79097,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79098,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79099,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79100,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79101,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79102,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79103,18,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+79104,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79105,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79106,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79107,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79108,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79109,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79110,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79111,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79112,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79113,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79114,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79115,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79116,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79117,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79118,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79119,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79120,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79121,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79122,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79123,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79124,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79125,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79126,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79127,18,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79128,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79129,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79130,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79131,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79132,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79133,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79134,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79135,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79136,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79137,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79138,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79139,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79140,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79141,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79142,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79143,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79144,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79145,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79146,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79147,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79148,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79149,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79150,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79151,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79152,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79153,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79154,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79155,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79156,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79157,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79158,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79159,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79160,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79161,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79162,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79163,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79164,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79165,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79166,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79167,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79168,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79169,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79170,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79171,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79172,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79173,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79174,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79175,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79176,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79177,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79178,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79179,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79180,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79181,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79182,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79183,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79184,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79185,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79186,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79187,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79188,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79189,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79190,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79191,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79192,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79193,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79194,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79195,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79196,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79197,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79198,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79199,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79200,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79201,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79202,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79203,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79204,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79205,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79206,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79207,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79208,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79209,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79210,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79211,18,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79212,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79213,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79214,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79215,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79216,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79217,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79218,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79219,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79220,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79221,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79222,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79223,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+79224,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79225,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79226,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79227,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79228,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79229,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79230,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79231,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79232,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79233,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79234,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79235,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79248,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79249,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79250,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79251,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79252,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79253,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79254,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79255,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79256,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79257,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79258,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79259,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79260,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79261,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79262,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79263,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79264,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79265,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79266,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79267,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79268,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79269,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79270,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79271,18,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79272,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79273,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79274,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79275,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79276,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79277,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79278,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79279,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79280,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79281,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79282,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79283,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79284,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79285,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79286,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79287,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79288,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79289,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79290,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79291,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79292,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79293,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79294,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79295,18,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79296,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79297,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79298,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79299,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79300,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79301,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79302,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79303,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79304,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79305,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79306,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79307,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+79308,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79309,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79310,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79311,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79312,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79313,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79314,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79315,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79316,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79317,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79318,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79319,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79320,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79321,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79322,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79323,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79324,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79325,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79326,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79327,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79328,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79329,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79330,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79331,18,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79332,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79333,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79334,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79335,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79336,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79337,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79338,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79339,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79340,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79341,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79342,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79343,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79344,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79345,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79346,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79347,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79348,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79349,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79350,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79351,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79352,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79353,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79354,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79355,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79356,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79357,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79358,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79359,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79360,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79361,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79362,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79363,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79364,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79365,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79366,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79367,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79368,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79369,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79370,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79371,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79372,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79373,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79374,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79375,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79376,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79377,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79378,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79379,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79380,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79381,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79382,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79383,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79384,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79385,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79386,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79387,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79388,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79389,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79390,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79391,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79392,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79393,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79394,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79395,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79396,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79397,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79398,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79399,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79400,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79401,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79402,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79403,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79404,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79405,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79406,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79407,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79408,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79409,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79410,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79411,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79412,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79413,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79414,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79415,18,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79416,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79417,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79418,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79419,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79420,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79421,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79422,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79423,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79424,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79425,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79426,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79427,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79440,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79441,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79442,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79443,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79444,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79445,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79446,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79447,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79448,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79449,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79450,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79451,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79452,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79453,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79454,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79455,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79456,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79457,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79458,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79459,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79460,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79461,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79462,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79463,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+79464,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79465,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79466,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79467,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79468,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79469,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79470,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79471,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79472,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79473,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79474,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79475,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79476,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79477,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79478,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79479,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79480,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79481,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79482,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79483,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79484,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79485,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79486,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79487,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79488,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79489,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79490,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79491,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79492,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79493,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79494,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79495,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79496,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79497,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79498,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79499,18,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79500,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79501,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79502,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79503,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79504,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79505,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79506,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79507,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79508,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79509,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79510,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79511,18,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79524,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79525,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79526,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79527,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79528,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79529,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79530,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79531,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79532,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79533,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79534,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79535,18,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79548,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79549,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79550,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79551,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79552,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79553,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79554,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79555,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79556,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79557,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79558,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79559,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79560,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79561,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79562,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79563,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79564,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79565,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79566,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79567,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79568,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79569,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79570,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79571,18,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79572,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79573,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79574,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79575,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79576,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79577,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79578,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79579,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79580,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79581,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79582,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79583,18,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79584,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79585,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79586,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79587,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79588,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79589,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79590,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79591,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79592,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79593,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79594,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79595,18,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79596,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79597,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79598,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79599,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79600,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79601,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79602,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79603,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79604,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79605,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79606,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79607,18,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79608,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79609,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79610,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79611,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79612,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79613,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79614,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79615,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79616,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79617,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79618,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79619,18,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+79620,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79621,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79622,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79623,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79624,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79625,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79626,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79627,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79628,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79629,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79630,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79631,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79632,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79633,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79634,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79635,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79636,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79637,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79638,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79639,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79640,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79641,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79642,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79643,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79644,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79645,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79646,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79647,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79648,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79649,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79650,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79651,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79652,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79653,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79654,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79655,18,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79656,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79657,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79658,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79659,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79660,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79661,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79662,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79663,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79664,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79665,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79666,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79667,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+79668,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79669,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79670,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79671,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79672,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79673,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79674,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79675,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79676,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79677,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79678,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79679,18,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79692,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79693,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79694,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79695,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79696,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79697,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79698,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79699,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79700,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79701,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79702,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79703,18,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79704,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79705,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79706,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79707,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79708,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79709,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79710,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79711,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79712,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79713,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79714,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79715,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+79716,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79717,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79718,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79719,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79720,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79721,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79722,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79723,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79724,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79725,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79726,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79727,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79728,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79729,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79730,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79731,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79732,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79733,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79734,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79735,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79736,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79737,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79738,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79739,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79740,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79741,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79742,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79743,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79744,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79745,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79746,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79747,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79748,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79749,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79750,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79751,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79752,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79753,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79754,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79755,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79756,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79757,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79758,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79759,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79760,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79761,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79762,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79763,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+79764,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79765,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79766,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79767,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79768,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79769,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79770,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79771,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79772,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79773,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79774,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79775,18,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79800,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79801,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79802,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79803,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79804,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79805,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79806,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79807,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79808,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79809,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79810,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79811,18,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79812,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79813,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79814,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79815,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79816,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79817,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79818,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79819,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79820,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79821,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79822,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79823,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+79824,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79825,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79826,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79827,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79828,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79829,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79830,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79831,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79832,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79833,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79834,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79835,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+79836,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79837,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79838,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79839,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79840,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79841,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79842,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79843,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79844,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79845,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79846,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79847,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79848,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79849,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79850,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79851,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79852,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79853,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79854,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79855,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79856,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79857,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79858,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79859,18,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+79860,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79861,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79862,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79863,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79864,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79865,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79866,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79867,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79868,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79869,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79870,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79871,18,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79884,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79885,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79886,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79887,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79888,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79889,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79890,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79891,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79892,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79893,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79894,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79895,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+79908,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79909,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79910,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79911,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79912,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79913,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79914,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79915,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79916,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79917,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79918,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79919,18,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79920,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79921,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79922,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79923,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79924,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79925,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79926,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79927,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79928,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79929,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79930,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79931,18,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79932,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79933,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79934,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79935,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79936,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79937,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79938,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79939,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79940,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79941,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79942,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79943,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+79956,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79957,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79958,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79959,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79960,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79961,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79962,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79963,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79964,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79965,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79966,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79967,18,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+79980,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79981,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79982,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79983,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79984,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79985,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79986,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79987,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79988,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79989,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79990,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79991,18,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+79992,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79993,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79994,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79995,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79996,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79997,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79998,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+79999,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80000,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80001,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80002,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80003,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80004,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80005,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80006,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80007,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80008,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80009,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80010,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80011,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80012,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80013,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80014,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80015,18,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80016,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80017,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80018,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80019,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80020,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80021,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80022,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80023,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80024,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80025,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80026,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80027,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80040,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80041,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80042,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80043,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80044,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80045,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80046,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80047,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80048,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80049,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80050,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80051,18,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80052,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80053,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80054,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80055,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80056,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80057,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80058,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80059,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80060,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80061,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80062,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80063,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80064,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80065,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80066,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80067,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80068,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80069,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80070,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80071,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80072,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80073,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80074,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80075,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80076,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80077,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80078,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80079,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80080,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80081,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80082,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80083,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80084,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80085,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80086,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80087,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80088,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80089,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80090,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80091,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80092,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80093,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80094,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80095,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80096,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80097,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80098,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80099,18,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80100,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80101,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80102,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80103,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80104,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80105,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80106,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80107,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80108,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80109,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80110,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80111,18,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80124,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80125,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80126,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80127,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80128,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80129,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80130,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80131,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80132,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80133,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80134,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80135,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80136,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80137,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80138,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80139,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80140,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80141,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80142,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80143,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80144,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80145,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80146,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80147,18,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80148,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80149,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80150,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80151,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80152,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80153,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80154,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80155,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80156,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80157,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80158,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80159,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80160,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80161,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80162,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80163,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80164,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80165,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80166,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80167,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80168,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80169,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80170,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80171,18,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80172,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80173,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80174,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80175,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80176,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80177,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80178,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80179,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80180,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80181,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80182,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80183,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80184,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80185,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80186,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80187,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80188,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80189,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80190,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80191,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80192,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80193,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80194,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80195,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80196,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80197,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80198,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80199,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80200,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80201,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80202,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80203,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80204,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80205,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80206,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80207,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80208,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80209,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80210,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80211,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80212,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80213,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80214,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80215,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80216,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80217,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80218,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80219,18,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80220,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80221,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80222,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80223,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80224,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80225,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80226,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80227,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80228,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80229,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80230,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80231,18,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80232,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80233,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80234,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80235,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80236,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80237,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80238,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80239,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80240,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80241,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80242,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80243,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80244,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80245,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80246,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80247,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80248,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80249,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80250,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80251,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80252,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80253,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80254,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80255,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80256,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80257,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80258,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80259,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80260,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80261,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80262,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80263,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80264,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80265,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80266,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80267,18,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80268,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80269,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80270,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80271,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80272,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80273,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80274,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80275,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80276,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80277,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80278,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80279,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80292,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80293,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80294,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80295,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80296,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80297,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80298,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80299,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80300,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80301,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80302,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80303,18,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80316,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80317,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80318,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80319,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80320,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80321,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80322,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80323,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80324,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80325,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80326,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80327,18,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+80328,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80329,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80330,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80331,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80332,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80333,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80334,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80335,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80336,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80337,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80338,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80339,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80340,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80341,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80342,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80343,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80344,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80345,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80346,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80347,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80348,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80349,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80350,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80351,18,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+80352,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80353,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80354,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80355,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80356,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80357,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80358,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80359,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80360,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80361,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80362,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80363,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80364,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80365,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80366,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80367,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80368,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80369,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80370,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80371,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80372,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80373,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80374,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80375,18,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80376,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80377,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80378,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80379,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80380,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80381,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80382,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80383,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80384,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80385,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80386,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80387,18,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80388,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80389,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80390,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80391,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80392,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80393,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80394,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80395,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80396,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80397,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80398,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80399,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80400,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80401,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80402,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80403,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80404,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80405,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80406,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80407,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80408,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80409,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80410,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80411,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80412,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80413,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80414,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80415,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80416,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80417,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80418,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80419,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80420,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80421,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80422,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80423,18,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80424,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80425,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80426,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80427,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80428,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80429,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80430,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80431,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80432,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80433,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80434,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80435,17,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80436,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80437,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80438,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80439,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80440,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80441,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80442,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80443,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80444,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80445,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80446,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80447,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80448,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80449,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80450,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80451,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80452,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80453,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80454,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80455,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80456,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80457,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80458,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80459,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80460,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80461,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80462,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80463,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80464,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80465,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80466,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80467,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80468,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80469,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80470,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80471,17,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80472,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80473,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80474,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80475,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80476,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80477,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80478,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80479,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80480,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80481,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80482,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80483,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80484,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80485,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80486,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80487,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80488,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80489,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80490,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80491,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80492,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80493,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80494,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80495,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80496,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80497,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80498,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80499,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80500,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80501,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80502,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80503,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80504,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80505,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80506,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80507,17,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80508,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80509,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80510,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80511,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80512,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80513,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80514,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80515,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80516,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80517,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80518,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80519,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80520,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80521,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80522,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80523,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80524,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80525,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80526,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80527,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80528,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80529,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80530,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80531,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80532,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80533,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80534,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80535,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80536,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80537,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80538,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80539,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80540,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80541,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80542,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80543,17,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80544,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80545,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80546,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80547,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80548,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80549,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80550,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80551,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80552,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80553,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80554,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80555,17,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80556,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80557,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80558,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80559,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80560,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80561,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80562,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80563,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80564,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80565,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80566,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80567,17,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80568,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80569,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80570,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80571,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80572,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80573,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80574,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80575,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80576,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80577,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80578,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80579,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80580,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80581,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80582,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80583,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80584,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80585,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80586,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80587,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80588,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80589,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80590,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80591,17,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80592,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80593,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80594,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80595,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80596,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80597,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80598,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80599,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80600,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80601,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80602,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80603,17,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80604,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80605,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80606,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80607,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80608,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80609,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80610,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80611,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80612,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80613,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80614,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80615,17,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+80616,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80617,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80618,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80619,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80620,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80621,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80622,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80623,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80624,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80625,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80626,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80627,17,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80628,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80629,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80630,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80631,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80632,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80633,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80634,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80635,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80636,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80637,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80638,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80639,17,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80640,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80641,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80642,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80643,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80644,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80645,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80646,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80647,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80648,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80649,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80650,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80651,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80664,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80665,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80666,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80667,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80668,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80669,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80670,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80671,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80672,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80673,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80674,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80675,19,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80676,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80677,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80678,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80679,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80680,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80681,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80682,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80683,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80684,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80685,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80686,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80687,19,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80688,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80689,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80690,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80691,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80692,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80693,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80694,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80695,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80696,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80697,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80698,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80699,19,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80700,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80701,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80702,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80703,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80704,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80705,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80706,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80707,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80708,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80709,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80710,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80711,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80724,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80725,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80726,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80727,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80728,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80729,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80730,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80731,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80732,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80733,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80734,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80735,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+80736,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80737,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80738,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80739,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80740,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80741,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80742,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80743,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80744,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80745,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80746,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80747,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+80748,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80749,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80750,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80751,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80752,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80753,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80754,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80755,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80756,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80757,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80758,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80759,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80760,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80761,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80762,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80763,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80764,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80765,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80766,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80767,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80768,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80769,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80770,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80771,19,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80772,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80773,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80774,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80775,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80776,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80777,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80778,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80779,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80780,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80781,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80782,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80783,19,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80784,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80785,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80786,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80787,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80788,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80789,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80790,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80791,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80792,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80793,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80794,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80795,19,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+80796,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80797,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80798,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80799,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80800,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80801,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80802,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80803,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80804,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80805,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80806,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80807,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+80808,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80809,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80810,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80811,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80812,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80813,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80814,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80815,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80816,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80817,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80818,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80819,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+80820,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80821,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80822,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80823,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80824,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80825,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80826,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80827,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80828,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80829,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80830,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80831,19,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80832,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80833,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80834,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80835,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80836,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80837,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80838,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80839,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80840,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80841,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80842,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80843,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+80844,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80845,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80846,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80847,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80848,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80849,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80850,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80851,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80852,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80853,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80854,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80855,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+80856,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80857,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80858,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80859,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80860,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80861,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80862,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80863,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80864,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80865,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80866,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80867,19,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+80868,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80869,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80870,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80871,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80872,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80873,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80874,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80875,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80876,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80877,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80878,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80879,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+80880,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80881,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80882,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80883,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80884,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80885,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80886,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80887,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80888,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80889,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80890,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80891,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80892,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80893,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80894,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80895,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80896,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80897,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80898,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80899,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80900,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80901,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80902,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80903,19,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+80904,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80905,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80906,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80907,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80908,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80909,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80910,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80911,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80912,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80913,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80914,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80915,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80916,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80917,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80918,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80919,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80920,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80921,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80922,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80923,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80924,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80925,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80926,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80927,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+80928,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80929,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80930,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80931,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80932,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80933,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80934,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80935,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80936,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80937,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80938,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80939,19,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+80952,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80953,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80954,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80955,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80956,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80957,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80958,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80959,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80960,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80961,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80962,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80963,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+80964,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80965,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80966,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80967,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80968,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80969,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80970,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80971,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80972,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80973,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80974,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80975,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+80976,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80977,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80978,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80979,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80980,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80981,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80982,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80983,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80984,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80985,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80986,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80987,19,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+80988,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80989,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80990,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80991,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80992,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80993,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80994,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80995,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80996,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80997,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80998,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+80999,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+81000,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81001,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81002,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81003,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81004,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81005,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81006,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81007,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81008,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81009,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81010,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81011,19,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+81012,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81013,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81014,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81015,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81016,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81017,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81018,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81019,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81020,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81021,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81022,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81023,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+81024,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81025,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81026,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81027,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81028,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81029,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81030,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81031,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81032,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81033,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81034,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81035,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81036,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81037,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81038,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81039,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81040,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81041,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81042,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81043,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81044,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81045,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81046,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81047,19,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+81048,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81049,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81050,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81051,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81052,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81053,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81054,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81055,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81056,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81057,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81058,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81059,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81060,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81061,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81062,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81063,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81064,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81065,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81066,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81067,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81068,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81069,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81070,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81071,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81072,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81073,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81074,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81075,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81076,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81077,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81078,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81079,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81080,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81081,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81082,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81083,19,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+81084,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81085,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81086,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81087,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81088,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81089,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81090,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81091,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81092,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81093,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81094,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81095,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+81096,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81097,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81098,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81099,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81100,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81101,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81102,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81103,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81104,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81105,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81106,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81107,19,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81108,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81109,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81110,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81111,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81112,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81113,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81114,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81115,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81116,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81117,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81118,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81119,19,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81120,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81121,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81122,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81123,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81124,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81125,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81126,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81127,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81128,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81129,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81130,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81131,19,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81132,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81133,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81134,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81135,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81136,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81137,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81138,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81139,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81140,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81141,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81142,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81143,19,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81144,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81145,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81146,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81147,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81148,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81149,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81150,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81151,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81152,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81153,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81154,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81155,19,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81156,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81157,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81158,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81159,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81160,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81161,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81162,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81163,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81164,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81165,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81166,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81167,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81168,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81169,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81170,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81171,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81172,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81173,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81174,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81175,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81176,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81177,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81178,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81179,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81180,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81181,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81182,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81183,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81184,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81185,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81186,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81187,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81188,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81189,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81190,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81191,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81192,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81193,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81194,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81195,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81196,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81197,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81198,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81199,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81200,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81201,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81202,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81203,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81204,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81205,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81206,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81207,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81208,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81209,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81210,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81211,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81212,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81213,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81214,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81215,19,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81216,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81217,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81218,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81219,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81220,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81221,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81222,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81223,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81224,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81225,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81226,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81227,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81228,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81229,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81230,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81231,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81232,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81233,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81234,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81235,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81236,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81237,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81238,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81239,19,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81240,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81241,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81242,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81243,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81244,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81245,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81246,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81247,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81248,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81249,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81250,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81251,19,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81252,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81253,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81254,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81255,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81256,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81257,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81258,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81259,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81260,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81261,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81262,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81263,19,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81264,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81265,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81266,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81267,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81268,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81269,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81270,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81271,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81272,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81273,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81274,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81275,19,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81276,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81277,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81278,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81279,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81280,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81281,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81282,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81283,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81284,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81285,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81286,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81287,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81288,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81289,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81290,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81291,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81292,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81293,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81294,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81295,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81296,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81297,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81298,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81299,19,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81300,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81301,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81302,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81303,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81304,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81305,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81306,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81307,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81308,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81309,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81310,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81311,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81324,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81325,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81326,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81327,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81328,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81329,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81330,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81331,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81332,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81333,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81334,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81335,19,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81336,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81337,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81338,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81339,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81340,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81341,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81342,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81343,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81344,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81345,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81346,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81347,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81348,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81349,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81350,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81351,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81352,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81353,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81354,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81355,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81356,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81357,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81358,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81359,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+81360,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81361,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81362,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81363,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81364,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81365,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81366,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81367,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81368,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81369,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81370,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81371,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81372,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81373,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81374,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81375,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81376,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81377,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81378,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81379,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81380,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81381,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81382,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81383,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81384,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81385,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81386,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81387,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81388,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81389,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81390,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81391,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81392,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81393,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81394,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81395,19,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81396,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81397,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81398,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81399,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81400,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81401,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81402,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81403,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81404,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81405,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81406,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81407,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+81408,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81409,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81410,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81411,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81412,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81413,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81414,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81415,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81416,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81417,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81418,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81419,19,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+81420,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81421,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81422,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81423,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81424,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81425,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81426,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81427,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81428,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81429,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81430,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81431,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81432,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81433,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81434,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81435,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81436,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81437,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81438,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81439,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81440,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81441,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81442,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81443,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81456,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81457,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81458,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81459,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81460,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81461,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81462,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81463,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81464,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81465,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81466,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81467,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81468,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81469,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81470,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81471,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81472,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81473,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81474,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81475,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81476,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81477,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81478,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81479,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81480,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81481,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81482,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81483,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81484,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81485,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81486,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81487,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81488,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81489,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81490,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81491,19,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81492,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81493,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81494,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81495,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81496,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81497,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81498,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81499,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81500,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81501,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81502,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81503,19,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81504,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81505,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81506,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81507,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81508,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81509,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81510,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81511,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81512,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81513,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81514,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81515,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81516,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81517,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81518,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81519,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81520,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81521,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81522,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81523,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81524,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81525,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81526,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81527,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81528,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81529,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81530,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81531,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81532,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81533,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81534,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81535,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81536,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81537,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81538,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81539,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81540,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81541,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81542,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81543,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81544,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81545,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81546,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81547,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81548,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81549,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81550,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81551,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81552,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81553,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81554,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81555,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81556,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81557,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81558,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81559,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81560,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81561,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81562,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81563,19,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81564,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81565,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81566,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81567,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81568,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81569,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81570,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81571,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81572,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81573,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81574,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81575,19,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81588,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81589,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81590,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81591,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81592,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81593,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81594,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81595,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81596,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81597,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81598,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81599,19,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81600,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81601,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81602,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81603,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81604,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81605,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81606,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81607,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81608,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81609,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81610,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81611,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81612,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81613,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81614,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81615,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81616,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81617,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81618,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81619,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81620,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81621,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81622,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81623,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81624,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81625,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81626,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81627,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81628,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81629,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81630,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81631,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81632,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81633,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81634,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81635,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81636,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81637,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81638,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81639,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81640,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81641,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81642,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81643,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81644,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81645,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81646,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81647,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+81648,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81649,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81650,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81651,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81652,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81653,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81654,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81655,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81656,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81657,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81658,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81659,19,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81660,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81661,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81662,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81663,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81664,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81665,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81666,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81667,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81668,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81669,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81670,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81671,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81672,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81673,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81674,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81675,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81676,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81677,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81678,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81679,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81680,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81681,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81682,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81683,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81684,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81685,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81686,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81687,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81688,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81689,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81690,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81691,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81692,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81693,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81694,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81695,19,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81696,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81697,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81698,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81699,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81700,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81701,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81702,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81703,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81704,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81705,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81706,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81707,19,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+81708,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81709,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81710,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81711,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81712,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81713,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81714,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81715,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81716,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81717,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81718,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81719,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81720,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81721,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81722,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81723,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81724,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81725,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81726,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81727,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81728,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81729,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81730,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81731,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81732,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81733,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81734,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81735,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81736,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81737,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81738,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81739,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81740,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81741,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81742,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81743,19,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+81744,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81745,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81746,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81747,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81748,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81749,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81750,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81751,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81752,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81753,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81754,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81755,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81756,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81757,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81758,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81759,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81760,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81761,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81762,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81763,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81764,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81765,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81766,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81767,19,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81768,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81769,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81770,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81771,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81772,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81773,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81774,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81775,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81776,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81777,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81778,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81779,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81780,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81781,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81782,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81783,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81784,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81785,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81786,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81787,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81788,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81789,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81790,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81791,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81792,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81793,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81794,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81795,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81796,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81797,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81798,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81799,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81800,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81801,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81802,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81803,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81804,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81805,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81806,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81807,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81808,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81809,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81810,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81811,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81812,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81813,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81814,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81815,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81816,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81817,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81818,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81819,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81820,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81821,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81822,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81823,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81824,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81825,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81826,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81827,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81828,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81829,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81830,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81831,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81832,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81833,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81834,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81835,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81836,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81837,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81838,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81839,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81840,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81841,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81842,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81843,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81844,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81845,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81846,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81847,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81848,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81849,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81850,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81851,19,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+81852,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81853,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81854,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81855,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81856,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81857,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81858,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81859,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81860,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81861,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81862,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81863,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+81864,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81865,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81866,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81867,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81868,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81869,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81870,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81871,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81872,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81873,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81874,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81875,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+81888,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81889,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81890,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81891,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81892,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81893,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81894,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81895,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81896,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81897,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81898,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81899,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81900,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81901,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81902,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81903,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81904,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81905,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81906,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81907,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81908,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81909,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81910,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81911,19,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+81912,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81913,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81914,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81915,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81916,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81917,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81918,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81919,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81920,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81921,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81922,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81923,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81924,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81925,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81926,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81927,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81928,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81929,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81930,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81931,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81932,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81933,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81934,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81935,19,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+81936,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81937,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81938,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81939,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81940,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81941,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81942,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81943,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81944,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81945,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81946,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81947,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+81948,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81949,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81950,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81951,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81952,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81953,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81954,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81955,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81956,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81957,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81958,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81959,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+81960,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81961,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81962,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81963,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81964,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81965,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81966,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81967,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81968,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81969,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81970,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81971,19,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+81972,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81973,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81974,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81975,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81976,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81977,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81978,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81979,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81980,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81981,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81982,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81983,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+81984,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81985,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81986,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81987,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81988,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81989,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81990,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81991,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81992,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81993,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81994,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81995,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+81996,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81997,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81998,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+81999,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82000,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82001,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82002,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82003,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82004,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82005,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82006,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82007,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82008,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82009,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82010,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82011,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82012,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82013,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82014,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82015,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82016,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82017,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82018,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82019,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82020,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82021,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82022,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82023,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82024,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82025,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82026,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82027,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82028,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82029,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82030,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82031,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82032,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82033,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82034,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82035,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82036,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82037,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82038,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82039,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82040,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82041,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82042,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82043,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82044,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82045,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82046,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82047,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82048,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82049,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82050,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82051,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82052,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82053,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82054,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82055,19,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82056,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82057,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82058,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82059,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82060,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82061,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82062,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82063,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82064,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82065,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82066,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82067,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82080,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82081,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82082,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82083,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82084,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82085,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82086,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82087,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82088,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82089,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82090,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82091,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82092,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82093,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82094,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82095,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82096,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82097,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82098,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82099,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82100,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82101,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82102,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82103,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82104,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82105,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82106,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82107,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82108,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82109,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82110,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82111,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82112,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82113,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82114,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82115,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82116,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82117,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82118,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82119,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82120,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82121,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82122,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82123,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82124,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82125,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82126,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82127,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82128,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82129,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82130,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82131,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82132,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82133,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82134,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82135,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82136,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82137,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82138,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82139,19,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82140,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82141,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82142,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82143,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82144,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82145,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82146,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82147,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82148,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82149,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82150,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82151,19,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82164,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82165,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82166,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82167,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82168,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82169,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82170,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82171,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82172,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82173,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82174,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82175,19,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82188,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82189,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82190,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82191,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82192,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82193,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82194,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82195,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82196,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82197,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82198,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82199,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82200,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82201,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82202,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82203,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82204,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82205,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82206,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82207,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82208,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82209,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82210,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82211,19,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82212,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82213,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82214,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82215,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82216,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82217,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82218,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82219,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82220,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82221,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82222,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82223,19,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82224,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82225,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82226,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82227,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82228,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82229,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82230,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82231,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82232,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82233,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82234,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82235,19,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82236,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82237,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82238,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82239,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82240,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82241,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82242,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82243,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82244,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82245,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82246,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82247,19,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82248,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82249,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82250,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82251,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82252,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82253,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82254,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82255,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82256,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82257,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82258,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82259,19,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82260,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82261,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82262,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82263,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82264,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82265,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82266,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82267,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82268,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82269,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82270,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82271,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82272,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82273,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82274,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82275,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82276,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82277,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82278,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82279,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82280,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82281,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82282,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82283,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82284,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82285,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82286,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82287,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82288,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82289,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82290,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82291,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82292,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82293,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82294,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82295,19,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82296,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82297,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82298,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82299,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82300,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82301,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82302,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82303,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82304,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82305,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82306,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82307,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+82308,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82309,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82310,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82311,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82312,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82313,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82314,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82315,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82316,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82317,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82318,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82319,19,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82332,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82333,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82334,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82335,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82336,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82337,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82338,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82339,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82340,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82341,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82342,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82343,19,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82344,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82345,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82346,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82347,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82348,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82349,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82350,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82351,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82352,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82353,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82354,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82355,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+82356,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82357,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82358,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82359,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82360,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82361,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82362,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82363,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82364,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82365,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82366,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82367,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82368,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82369,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82370,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82371,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82372,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82373,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82374,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82375,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82376,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82377,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82378,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82379,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82380,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82381,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82382,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82383,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82384,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82385,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82386,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82387,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82388,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82389,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82390,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82391,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82392,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82393,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82394,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82395,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82396,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82397,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82398,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82399,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82400,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82401,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82402,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82403,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82404,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82405,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82406,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82407,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82408,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82409,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82410,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82411,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82412,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82413,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82414,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82415,19,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82440,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82441,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82442,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82443,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82444,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82445,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82446,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82447,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82448,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82449,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82450,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82451,19,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82452,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82453,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82454,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82455,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82456,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82457,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82458,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82459,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82460,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82461,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82462,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82463,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+82464,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82465,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82466,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82467,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82468,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82469,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82470,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82471,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82472,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82473,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82474,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82475,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82476,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82477,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82478,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82479,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82480,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82481,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82482,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82483,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82484,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82485,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82486,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82487,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82488,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82489,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82490,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82491,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82492,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82493,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82494,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82495,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82496,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82497,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82498,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82499,19,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+82500,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82501,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82502,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82503,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82504,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82505,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82506,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82507,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82508,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82509,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82510,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82511,19,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82524,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82525,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82526,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82527,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82528,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82529,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82530,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82531,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82532,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82533,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82534,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82535,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+82548,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82549,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82550,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82551,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82552,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82553,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82554,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82555,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82556,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82557,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82558,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82559,19,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82560,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82561,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82562,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82563,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82564,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82565,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82566,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82567,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82568,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82569,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82570,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82571,19,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82572,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82573,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82574,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82575,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82576,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82577,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82578,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82579,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82580,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82581,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82582,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82583,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82596,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82597,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82598,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82599,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82600,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82601,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82602,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82603,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82604,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82605,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82606,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82607,19,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82620,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82621,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82622,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82623,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82624,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82625,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82626,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82627,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82628,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82629,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82630,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82631,19,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82632,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82633,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82634,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82635,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82636,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82637,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82638,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82639,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82640,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82641,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82642,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82643,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82644,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82645,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82646,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82647,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82648,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82649,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82650,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82651,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82652,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82653,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82654,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82655,19,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82656,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82657,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82658,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82659,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82660,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82661,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82662,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82663,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82664,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82665,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82666,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82667,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82680,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82681,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82682,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82683,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82684,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82685,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82686,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82687,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82688,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82689,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82690,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82691,19,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82692,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82693,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82694,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82695,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82696,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82697,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82698,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82699,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82700,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82701,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82702,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82703,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82704,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82705,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82706,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82707,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82708,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82709,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82710,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82711,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82712,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82713,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82714,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82715,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82716,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82717,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82718,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82719,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82720,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82721,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82722,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82723,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82724,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82725,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82726,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82727,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82728,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82729,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82730,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82731,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82732,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82733,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82734,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82735,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82736,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82737,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82738,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82739,19,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82740,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82741,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82742,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82743,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82744,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82745,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82746,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82747,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82748,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82749,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82750,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82751,19,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82764,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82765,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82766,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82767,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82768,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82769,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82770,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82771,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82772,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82773,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82774,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82775,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82776,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82777,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82778,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82779,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82780,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82781,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82782,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82783,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82784,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82785,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82786,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82787,19,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82788,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82789,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82790,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82791,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82792,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82793,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82794,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82795,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82796,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82797,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82798,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82799,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82800,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82801,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82802,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82803,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82804,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82805,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82806,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82807,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82808,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82809,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82810,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82811,19,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82812,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82813,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82814,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82815,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82816,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82817,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82818,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82819,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82820,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82821,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82822,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82823,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82824,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82825,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82826,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82827,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82828,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82829,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82830,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82831,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82832,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82833,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82834,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82835,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+82836,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82837,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82838,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82839,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82840,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82841,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82842,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82843,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82844,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82845,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82846,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82847,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82848,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82849,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82850,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82851,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82852,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82853,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82854,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82855,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82856,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82857,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82858,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82859,19,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82860,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82861,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82862,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82863,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82864,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82865,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82866,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82867,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82868,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82869,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82870,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82871,19,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+82872,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82873,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82874,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82875,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82876,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82877,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82878,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82879,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82880,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82881,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82882,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82883,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82884,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82885,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82886,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82887,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82888,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82889,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82890,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82891,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82892,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82893,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82894,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82895,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+82896,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82897,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82898,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82899,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82900,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82901,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82902,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82903,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82904,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82905,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82906,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82907,19,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+82908,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82909,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82910,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82911,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82912,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82913,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82914,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82915,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82916,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82917,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82918,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82919,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82932,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82933,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82934,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82935,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82936,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82937,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82938,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82939,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82940,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82941,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82942,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82943,19,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+82956,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82957,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82958,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82959,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82960,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82961,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82962,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82963,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82964,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82965,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82966,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82967,19,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+82968,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82969,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82970,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82971,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82972,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82973,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82974,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82975,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82976,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82977,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82978,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82979,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+82980,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82981,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82982,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82983,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82984,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82985,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82986,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82987,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82988,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82989,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82990,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82991,19,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+82992,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82993,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82994,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82995,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82996,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82997,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82998,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+82999,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83000,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83001,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83002,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83003,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83004,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83005,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83006,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83007,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83008,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83009,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83010,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83011,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83012,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83013,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83014,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83015,19,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83016,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83017,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83018,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83019,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83020,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83021,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83022,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83023,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83024,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83025,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83026,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83027,19,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83028,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83029,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83030,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83031,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83032,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83033,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83034,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83035,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83036,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83037,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83038,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83039,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83040,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83041,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83042,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83043,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83044,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83045,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83046,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83047,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83048,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83049,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83050,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83051,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83052,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83053,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83054,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83055,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83056,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83057,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83058,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83059,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83060,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83061,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83062,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83063,19,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83064,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83065,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83066,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83067,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83068,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83069,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83070,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83071,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83072,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83073,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83074,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83075,18,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83076,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83077,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83078,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83079,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83080,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83081,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83082,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83083,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83084,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83085,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83086,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83087,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83088,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83089,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83090,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83091,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83092,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83093,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83094,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83095,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83096,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83097,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83098,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83099,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83100,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83101,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83102,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83103,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83104,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83105,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83106,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83107,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83108,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83109,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83110,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83111,18,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83112,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83113,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83114,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83115,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83116,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83117,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83118,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83119,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83120,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83121,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83122,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83123,18,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83124,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83125,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83126,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83127,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83128,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83129,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83130,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83131,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83132,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83133,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83134,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83135,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83148,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83149,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83150,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83151,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83152,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83153,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83154,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83155,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83156,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83157,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83158,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83159,20,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83160,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83161,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83162,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83163,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83164,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83165,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83166,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83167,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83168,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83169,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83170,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83171,20,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83172,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83173,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83174,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83175,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83176,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83177,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83178,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83179,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83180,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83181,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83182,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83183,20,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83184,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83185,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83186,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83187,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83188,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83189,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83190,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83191,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83192,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83193,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83194,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83195,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83208,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83209,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83210,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83211,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83212,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83213,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83214,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83215,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83216,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83217,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83218,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83219,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83220,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83221,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83222,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83223,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83224,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83225,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83226,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83227,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83228,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83229,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83230,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83231,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83232,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83233,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83234,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83235,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83236,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83237,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83238,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83239,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83240,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83241,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83242,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83243,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83244,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83245,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83246,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83247,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83248,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83249,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83250,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83251,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83252,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83253,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83254,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83255,20,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83256,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83257,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83258,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83259,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83260,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83261,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83262,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83263,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83264,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83265,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83266,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83267,20,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83268,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83269,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83270,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83271,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83272,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83273,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83274,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83275,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83276,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83277,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83278,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83279,20,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83280,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83281,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83282,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83283,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83284,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83285,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83286,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83287,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83288,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83289,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83290,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83291,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83292,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83293,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83294,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83295,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83296,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83297,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83298,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83299,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83300,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83301,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83302,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83303,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83304,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83305,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83306,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83307,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83308,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83309,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83310,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83311,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83312,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83313,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83314,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83315,20,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83316,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83317,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83318,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83319,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83320,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83321,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83322,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83323,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83324,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83325,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83326,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83327,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+83328,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83329,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83330,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83331,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83332,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83333,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83334,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83335,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83336,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83337,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83338,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83339,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83340,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83341,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83342,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83343,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83344,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83345,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83346,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83347,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83348,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83349,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83350,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83351,20,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83352,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83353,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83354,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83355,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83356,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83357,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83358,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83359,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83360,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83361,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83362,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83363,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83364,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83365,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83366,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83367,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83368,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83369,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83370,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83371,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83372,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83373,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83374,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83375,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83376,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83377,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83378,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83379,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83380,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83381,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83382,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83383,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83384,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83385,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83386,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83387,20,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83388,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83389,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83390,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83391,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83392,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83393,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83394,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83395,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83396,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83397,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83398,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83399,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83400,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83401,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83402,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83403,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83404,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83405,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83406,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83407,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83408,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83409,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83410,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83411,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+83412,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83413,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83414,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83415,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83416,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83417,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83418,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83419,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83420,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83421,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83422,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83423,20,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83436,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83437,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83438,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83439,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83440,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83441,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83442,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83443,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83444,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83445,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83446,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83447,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83448,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83449,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83450,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83451,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83452,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83453,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83454,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83455,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83456,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83457,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83458,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83459,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+83460,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83461,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83462,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83463,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83464,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83465,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83466,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83467,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83468,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83469,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83470,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83471,20,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+83472,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83473,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83474,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83475,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83476,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83477,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83478,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83479,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83480,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83481,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83482,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83483,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+83484,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83485,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83486,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83487,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83488,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83489,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83490,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83491,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83492,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83493,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83494,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83495,20,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+83496,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83497,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83498,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83499,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83500,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83501,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83502,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83503,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83504,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83505,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83506,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83507,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+83508,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83509,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83510,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83511,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83512,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83513,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83514,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83515,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83516,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83517,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83518,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83519,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83520,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83521,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83522,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83523,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83524,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83525,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83526,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83527,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83528,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83529,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83530,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83531,20,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+83532,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83533,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83534,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83535,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83536,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83537,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83538,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83539,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83540,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83541,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83542,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83543,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83544,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83545,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83546,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83547,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83548,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83549,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83550,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83551,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83552,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83553,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83554,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83555,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83556,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83557,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83558,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83559,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83560,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83561,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83562,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83563,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83564,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83565,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83566,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83567,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+83568,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83569,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83570,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83571,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83572,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83573,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83574,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83575,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83576,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83577,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83578,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83579,20,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83580,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83581,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83582,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83583,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83584,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83585,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83586,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83587,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83588,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83589,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83590,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83591,20,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83592,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83593,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83594,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83595,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83596,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83597,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83598,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83599,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83600,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83601,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83602,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83603,20,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83604,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83605,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83606,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83607,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83608,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83609,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83610,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83611,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83612,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83613,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83614,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83615,20,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83616,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83617,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83618,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83619,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83620,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83621,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83622,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83623,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83624,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83625,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83626,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83627,20,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83628,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83629,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83630,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83631,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83632,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83633,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83634,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83635,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83636,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83637,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83638,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83639,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83640,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83641,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83642,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83643,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83644,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83645,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83646,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83647,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83648,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83649,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83650,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83651,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83652,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83653,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83654,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83655,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83656,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83657,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83658,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83659,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83660,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83661,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83662,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83663,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83664,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83665,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83666,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83667,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83668,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83669,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83670,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83671,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83672,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83673,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83674,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83675,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83676,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83677,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83678,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83679,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83680,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83681,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83682,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83683,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83684,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83685,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83686,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83687,20,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83688,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83689,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83690,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83691,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83692,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83693,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83694,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83695,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83696,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83697,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83698,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83699,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+83700,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83701,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83702,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83703,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83704,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83705,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83706,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83707,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83708,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83709,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83710,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83711,20,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83712,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83713,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83714,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83715,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83716,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83717,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83718,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83719,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83720,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83721,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83722,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83723,20,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83724,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83725,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83726,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83727,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83728,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83729,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83730,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83731,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83732,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83733,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83734,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83735,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83736,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83737,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83738,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83739,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83740,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83741,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83742,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83743,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83744,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83745,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83746,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83747,20,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83748,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83749,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83750,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83751,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83752,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83753,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83754,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83755,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83756,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83757,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83758,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83759,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83772,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83773,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83774,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83775,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83776,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83777,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83778,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83779,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83780,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83781,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83782,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83783,20,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83784,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83785,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83786,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83787,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83788,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83789,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83790,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83791,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83792,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83793,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83794,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83795,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+83796,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83797,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83798,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83799,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83800,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83801,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83802,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83803,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83804,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83805,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83806,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83807,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+83808,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83809,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83810,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83811,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83812,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83813,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83814,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83815,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83816,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83817,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83818,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83819,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83820,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83821,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83822,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83823,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83824,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83825,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83826,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83827,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83828,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83829,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83830,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83831,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83832,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83833,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83834,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83835,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83836,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83837,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83838,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83839,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83840,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83841,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83842,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83843,20,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83844,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83845,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83846,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83847,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83848,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83849,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83850,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83851,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83852,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83853,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83854,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83855,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+83856,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83857,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83858,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83859,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83860,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83861,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83862,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83863,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83864,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83865,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83866,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83867,20,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+83868,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83869,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83870,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83871,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83872,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83873,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83874,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83875,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83876,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83877,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83878,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83879,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+83880,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83881,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83882,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83883,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83884,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83885,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83886,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83887,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83888,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83889,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83890,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83891,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+83904,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83905,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83906,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83907,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83908,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83909,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83910,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83911,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83912,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83913,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83914,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83915,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+83916,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83917,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83918,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83919,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83920,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83921,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83922,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83923,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83924,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83925,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83926,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83927,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83928,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83929,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83930,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83931,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83932,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83933,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83934,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83935,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83936,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83937,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83938,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83939,20,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+83940,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83941,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83942,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83943,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83944,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83945,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83946,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83947,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83948,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83949,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83950,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83951,20,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+83952,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83953,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83954,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83955,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83956,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83957,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83958,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83959,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83960,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83961,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83962,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83963,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+83964,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83965,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83966,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83967,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83968,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83969,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83970,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83971,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83972,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83973,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83974,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83975,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+83976,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83977,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83978,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83979,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83980,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83981,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83982,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83983,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83984,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83985,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83986,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83987,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+83988,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83989,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83990,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83991,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83992,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83993,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83994,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83995,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83996,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83997,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83998,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+83999,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84000,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84001,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84002,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84003,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84004,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84005,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84006,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84007,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84008,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84009,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84010,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84011,20,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84012,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84013,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84014,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84015,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84016,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84017,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84018,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84019,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84020,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84021,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84022,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84023,20,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84036,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84037,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84038,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84039,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84040,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84041,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84042,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84043,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84044,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84045,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84046,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84047,20,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84048,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84049,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84050,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84051,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84052,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84053,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84054,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84055,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84056,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84057,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84058,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84059,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84060,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84061,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84062,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84063,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84064,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84065,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84066,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84067,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84068,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84069,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84070,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84071,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84072,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84073,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84074,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84075,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84076,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84077,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84078,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84079,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84080,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84081,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84082,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84083,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84084,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84085,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84086,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84087,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84088,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84089,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84090,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84091,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84092,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84093,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84094,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84095,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+84096,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84097,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84098,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84099,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84100,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84101,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84102,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84103,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84104,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84105,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84106,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84107,20,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84108,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84109,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84110,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84111,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84112,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84113,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84114,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84115,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84116,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84117,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84118,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84119,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84120,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84121,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84122,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84123,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84124,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84125,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84126,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84127,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84128,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84129,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84130,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84131,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84132,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84133,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84134,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84135,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84136,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84137,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84138,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84139,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84140,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84141,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84142,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84143,20,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84144,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84145,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84146,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84147,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84148,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84149,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84150,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84151,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84152,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84153,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84154,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84155,20,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+84156,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84157,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84158,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84159,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84160,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84161,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84162,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84163,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84164,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84165,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84166,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84167,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84168,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84169,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84170,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84171,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84172,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84173,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84174,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84175,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84176,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84177,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84178,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84179,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+84180,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84181,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84182,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84183,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84184,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84185,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84186,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84187,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84188,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84189,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84190,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84191,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84192,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84193,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84194,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84195,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84196,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84197,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84198,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84199,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84200,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84201,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84202,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84203,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84204,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84205,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84206,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84207,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84208,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84209,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84210,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84211,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84212,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84213,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84214,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84215,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84216,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84217,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84218,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84219,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84220,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84221,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84222,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84223,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84224,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84225,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84226,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84227,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84228,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84229,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84230,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84231,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84232,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84233,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84234,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84235,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84236,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84237,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84238,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84239,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84240,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84241,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84242,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84243,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84244,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84245,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84246,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84247,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84248,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84249,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84250,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84251,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84252,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84253,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84254,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84255,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84256,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84257,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84258,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84259,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84260,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84261,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84262,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84263,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+84264,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84265,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84266,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84267,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84268,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84269,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84270,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84271,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84272,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84273,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84274,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84275,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84288,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84289,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84290,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84291,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84292,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84293,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84294,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84295,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84296,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84297,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84298,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84299,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84300,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84301,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84302,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84303,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84304,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84305,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84306,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84307,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84308,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84309,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84310,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84311,20,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84312,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84313,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84314,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84315,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84316,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84317,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84318,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84319,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84320,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84321,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84322,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84323,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84324,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84325,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84326,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84327,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84328,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84329,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84330,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84331,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84332,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84333,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84334,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84335,20,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84336,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84337,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84338,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84339,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84340,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84341,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84342,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84343,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84344,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84345,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84346,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84347,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+84348,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84349,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84350,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84351,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84352,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84353,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84354,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84355,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84356,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84357,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84358,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84359,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84360,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84361,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84362,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84363,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84364,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84365,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84366,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84367,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84368,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84369,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84370,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84371,20,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84372,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84373,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84374,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84375,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84376,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84377,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84378,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84379,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84380,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84381,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84382,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84383,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84384,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84385,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84386,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84387,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84388,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84389,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84390,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84391,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84392,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84393,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84394,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84395,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84396,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84397,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84398,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84399,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84400,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84401,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84402,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84403,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84404,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84405,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84406,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84407,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84408,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84409,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84410,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84411,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84412,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84413,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84414,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84415,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84416,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84417,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84418,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84419,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84420,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84421,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84422,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84423,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84424,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84425,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84426,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84427,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84428,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84429,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84430,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84431,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84432,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84433,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84434,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84435,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84436,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84437,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84438,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84439,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84440,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84441,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84442,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84443,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84444,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84445,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84446,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84447,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84448,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84449,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84450,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84451,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84452,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84453,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84454,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84455,20,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84456,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84457,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84458,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84459,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84460,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84461,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84462,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84463,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84464,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84465,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84466,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84467,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84480,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84481,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84482,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84483,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84484,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84485,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84486,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84487,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84488,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84489,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84490,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84491,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84492,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84493,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84494,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84495,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84496,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84497,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84498,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84499,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84500,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84501,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84502,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84503,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+84504,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84505,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84506,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84507,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84508,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84509,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84510,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84511,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84512,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84513,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84514,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84515,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84516,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84517,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84518,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84519,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84520,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84521,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84522,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84523,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84524,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84525,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84526,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84527,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84528,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84529,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84530,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84531,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84532,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84533,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84534,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84535,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84536,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84537,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84538,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84539,20,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84540,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84541,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84542,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84543,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84544,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84545,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84546,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84547,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84548,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84549,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84550,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84551,20,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84564,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84565,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84566,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84567,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84568,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84569,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84570,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84571,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84572,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84573,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84574,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84575,20,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84588,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84589,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84590,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84591,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84592,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84593,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84594,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84595,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84596,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84597,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84598,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84599,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84600,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84601,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84602,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84603,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84604,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84605,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84606,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84607,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84608,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84609,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84610,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84611,20,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84612,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84613,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84614,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84615,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84616,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84617,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84618,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84619,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84620,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84621,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84622,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84623,20,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84624,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84625,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84626,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84627,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84628,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84629,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84630,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84631,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84632,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84633,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84634,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84635,20,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84636,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84637,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84638,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84639,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84640,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84641,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84642,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84643,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84644,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84645,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84646,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84647,20,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84648,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84649,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84650,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84651,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84652,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84653,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84654,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84655,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84656,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84657,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84658,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84659,20,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+84660,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84661,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84662,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84663,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84664,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84665,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84666,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84667,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84668,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84669,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84670,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84671,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84672,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84673,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84674,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84675,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84676,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84677,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84678,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84679,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84680,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84681,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84682,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84683,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84684,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84685,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84686,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84687,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84688,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84689,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84690,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84691,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84692,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84693,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84694,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84695,20,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84696,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84697,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84698,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84699,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84700,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84701,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84702,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84703,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84704,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84705,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84706,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84707,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+84708,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84709,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84710,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84711,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84712,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84713,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84714,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84715,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84716,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84717,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84718,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84719,20,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84732,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84733,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84734,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84735,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84736,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84737,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84738,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84739,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84740,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84741,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84742,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84743,20,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84744,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84745,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84746,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84747,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84748,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84749,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84750,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84751,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84752,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84753,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84754,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84755,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+84756,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84757,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84758,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84759,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84760,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84761,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84762,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84763,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84764,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84765,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84766,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84767,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84768,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84769,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84770,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84771,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84772,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84773,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84774,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84775,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84776,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84777,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84778,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84779,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+84780,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84781,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84782,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84783,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84784,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84785,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84786,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84787,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84788,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84789,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84790,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84791,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84792,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84793,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84794,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84795,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84796,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84797,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84798,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84799,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84800,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84801,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84802,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84803,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+84804,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84805,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84806,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84807,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84808,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84809,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84810,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84811,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84812,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84813,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84814,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84815,20,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84840,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84841,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84842,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84843,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84844,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84845,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84846,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84847,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84848,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84849,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84850,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84851,20,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84852,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84853,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84854,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84855,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84856,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84857,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84858,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84859,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84860,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84861,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84862,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84863,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+84864,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84865,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84866,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84867,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84868,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84869,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84870,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84871,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84872,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84873,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84874,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84875,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+84876,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84877,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84878,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84879,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84880,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84881,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84882,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84883,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84884,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84885,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84886,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84887,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84888,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84889,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84890,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84891,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84892,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84893,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84894,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84895,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84896,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84897,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84898,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84899,20,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+84900,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84901,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84902,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84903,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84904,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84905,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84906,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84907,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84908,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84909,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84910,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84911,20,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84924,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84925,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84926,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84927,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84928,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84929,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84930,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84931,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84932,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84933,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84934,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84935,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+84948,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84949,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84950,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84951,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84952,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84953,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84954,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84955,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84956,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84957,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84958,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84959,20,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84960,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84961,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84962,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84963,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84964,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84965,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84966,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84967,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84968,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84969,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84970,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84971,20,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+84972,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84973,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84974,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84975,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84976,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84977,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84978,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84979,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84980,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84981,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84982,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84983,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+84996,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84997,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84998,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+84999,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85000,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85001,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85002,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85003,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85004,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85005,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85006,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85007,20,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85020,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85021,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85022,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85023,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85024,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85025,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85026,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85027,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85028,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85029,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85030,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85031,20,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85032,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85033,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85034,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85035,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85036,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85037,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85038,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85039,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85040,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85041,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85042,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85043,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85044,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85045,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85046,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85047,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85048,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85049,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85050,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85051,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85052,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85053,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85054,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85055,20,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85056,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85057,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85058,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85059,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85060,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85061,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85062,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85063,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85064,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85065,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85066,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85067,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85080,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85081,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85082,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85083,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85084,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85085,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85086,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85087,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85088,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85089,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85090,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85091,20,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85092,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85093,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85094,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85095,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85096,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85097,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85098,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85099,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85100,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85101,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85102,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85103,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85104,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85105,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85106,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85107,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85108,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85109,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85110,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85111,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85112,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85113,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85114,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85115,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85116,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85117,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85118,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85119,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85120,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85121,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85122,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85123,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85124,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85125,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85126,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85127,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85128,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85129,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85130,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85131,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85132,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85133,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85134,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85135,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85136,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85137,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85138,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85139,20,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85140,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85141,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85142,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85143,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85144,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85145,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85146,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85147,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85148,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85149,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85150,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85151,20,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85164,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85165,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85166,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85167,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85168,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85169,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85170,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85171,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85172,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85173,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85174,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85175,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85176,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85177,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85178,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85179,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85180,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85181,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85182,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85183,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85184,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85185,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85186,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85187,20,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85188,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85189,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85190,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85191,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85192,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85193,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85194,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85195,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85196,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85197,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85198,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85199,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85200,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85201,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85202,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85203,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85204,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85205,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85206,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85207,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85208,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85209,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85210,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85211,20,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85212,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85213,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85214,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85215,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85216,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85217,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85218,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85219,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85220,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85221,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85222,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85223,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85224,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85225,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85226,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85227,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85228,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85229,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85230,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85231,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85232,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85233,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85234,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85235,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85236,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85237,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85238,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85239,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85240,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85241,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85242,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85243,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85244,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85245,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85246,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85247,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85248,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85249,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85250,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85251,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85252,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85253,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85254,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85255,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85256,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85257,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85258,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85259,20,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85260,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85261,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85262,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85263,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85264,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85265,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85266,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85267,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85268,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85269,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85270,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85271,20,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85272,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85273,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85274,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85275,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85276,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85277,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85278,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85279,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85280,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85281,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85282,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85283,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85284,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85285,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85286,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85287,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85288,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85289,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85290,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85291,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85292,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85293,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85294,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85295,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85296,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85297,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85298,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85299,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85300,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85301,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85302,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85303,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85304,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85305,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85306,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85307,20,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85308,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85309,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85310,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85311,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85312,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85313,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85314,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85315,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85316,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85317,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85318,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85319,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85332,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85333,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85334,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85335,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85336,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85337,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85338,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85339,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85340,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85341,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85342,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85343,20,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85356,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85357,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85358,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85359,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85360,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85361,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85362,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85363,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85364,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85365,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85366,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85367,20,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+85368,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85369,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85370,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85371,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85372,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85373,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85374,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85375,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85376,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85377,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85378,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85379,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85380,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85381,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85382,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85383,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85384,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85385,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85386,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85387,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85388,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85389,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85390,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85391,20,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+85392,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85393,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85394,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85395,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85396,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85397,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85398,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85399,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85400,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85401,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85402,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85403,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85404,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85405,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85406,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85407,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85408,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85409,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85410,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85411,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85412,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85413,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85414,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85415,20,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85416,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85417,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85418,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85419,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85420,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85421,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85422,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85423,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85424,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85425,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85426,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85427,20,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85428,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85429,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85430,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85431,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85432,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85433,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85434,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85435,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85436,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85437,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85438,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85439,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85440,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85441,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85442,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85443,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85444,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85445,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85446,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85447,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85448,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85449,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85450,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85451,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85452,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85453,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85454,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85455,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85456,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85457,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85458,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85459,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85460,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85461,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85462,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85463,20,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85464,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85465,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85466,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85467,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85468,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85469,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85470,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85471,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85472,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85473,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85474,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85475,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85476,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85477,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85478,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85479,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85480,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85481,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85482,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85483,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85484,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85485,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85486,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85487,13,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85488,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85489,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85490,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85491,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85492,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85493,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85494,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85495,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85496,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85497,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85498,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85499,13,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85500,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85501,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85502,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85503,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85504,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85505,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85506,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85507,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85508,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85509,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85510,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85511,13,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85512,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85513,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85514,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85515,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85516,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85517,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85518,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85519,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85520,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85521,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85522,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85523,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85536,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85537,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85538,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85539,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85540,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85541,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85542,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85543,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85544,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85545,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85546,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85547,21,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85548,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85549,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85550,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85551,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85552,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85553,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85554,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85555,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85556,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85557,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85558,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85559,21,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85560,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85561,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85562,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85563,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85564,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85565,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85566,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85567,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85568,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85569,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85570,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85571,21,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85572,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85573,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85574,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85575,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85576,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85577,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85578,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85579,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85580,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85581,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85582,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85583,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85596,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85597,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85598,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85599,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85600,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85601,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85602,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85603,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85604,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85605,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85606,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85607,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85608,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85609,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85610,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85611,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85612,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85613,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85614,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85615,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85616,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85617,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85618,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85619,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85620,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85621,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85622,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85623,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85624,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85625,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85626,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85627,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85628,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85629,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85630,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85631,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85632,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85633,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85634,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85635,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85636,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85637,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85638,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85639,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85640,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85641,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85642,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85643,21,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85644,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85645,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85646,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85647,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85648,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85649,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85650,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85651,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85652,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85653,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85654,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85655,21,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85656,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85657,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85658,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85659,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85660,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85661,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85662,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85663,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85664,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85665,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85666,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85667,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+85668,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85669,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85670,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85671,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85672,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85673,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85674,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85675,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85676,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85677,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85678,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85679,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+85680,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85681,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85682,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85683,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85684,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85685,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85686,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85687,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85688,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85689,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85690,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85691,21,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85692,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85693,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85694,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85695,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85696,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85697,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85698,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85699,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85700,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85701,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85702,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85703,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85704,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85705,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85706,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85707,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85708,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85709,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85710,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85711,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85712,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85713,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85714,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85715,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85716,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85717,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85718,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85719,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85720,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85721,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85722,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85723,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85724,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85725,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85726,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85727,21,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85728,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85729,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85730,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85731,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85732,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85733,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85734,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85735,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85736,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85737,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85738,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85739,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85740,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85741,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85742,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85743,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85744,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85745,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85746,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85747,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85748,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85749,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85750,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85751,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+85752,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85753,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85754,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85755,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85756,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85757,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85758,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85759,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85760,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85761,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85762,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85763,21,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+85776,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85777,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85778,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85779,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85780,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85781,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85782,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85783,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85784,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85785,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85786,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85787,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85788,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85789,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85790,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85791,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85792,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85793,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85794,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85795,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85796,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85797,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85798,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85799,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+85800,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85801,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85802,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85803,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85804,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85805,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85806,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85807,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85808,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85809,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85810,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85811,21,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+85812,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85813,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85814,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85815,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85816,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85817,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85818,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85819,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85820,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85821,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85822,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85823,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+85824,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85825,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85826,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85827,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85828,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85829,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85830,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85831,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85832,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85833,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85834,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85835,21,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+85836,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85837,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85838,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85839,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85840,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85841,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85842,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85843,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85844,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85845,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85846,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85847,21,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+85848,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85849,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85850,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85851,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85852,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85853,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85854,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85855,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85856,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85857,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85858,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85859,21,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85860,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85861,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85862,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85863,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85864,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85865,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85866,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85867,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85868,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85869,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85870,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85871,21,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+85872,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85873,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85874,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85875,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85876,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85877,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85878,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85879,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85880,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85881,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85882,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85883,21,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85884,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85885,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85886,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85887,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85888,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85889,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85890,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85891,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85892,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85893,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85894,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85895,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+85896,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85897,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85898,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85899,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85900,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85901,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85902,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85903,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85904,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85905,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85906,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85907,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+85908,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85909,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85910,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85911,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85912,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85913,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85914,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85915,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85916,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85917,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85918,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85919,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+85920,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85921,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85922,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85923,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85924,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85925,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85926,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85927,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85928,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85929,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85930,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85931,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85932,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85933,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85934,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85935,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85936,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85937,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85938,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85939,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85940,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85941,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85942,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85943,21,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+85944,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85945,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85946,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85947,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85948,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85949,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85950,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85951,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85952,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85953,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85954,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85955,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+85968,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85969,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85970,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85971,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85972,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85973,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85974,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85975,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85976,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85977,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85978,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85979,21,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+85980,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85981,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85982,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85983,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85984,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85985,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85986,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85987,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85988,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85989,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85990,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85991,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+85992,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+85993,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+85994,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+85995,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+85996,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+85997,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+85998,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+85999,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+86000,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+86001,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+86002,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+86003,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+86004,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86005,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86006,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86007,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86008,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86009,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86010,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86011,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86012,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86013,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86014,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86015,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86016,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86017,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86018,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86019,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86020,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86021,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86022,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86023,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86024,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86025,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86026,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86027,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86028,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86029,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86030,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86031,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86032,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86033,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86034,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86035,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86036,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86037,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86038,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86039,21,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86040,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86041,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86042,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86043,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86044,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86045,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86046,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86047,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86048,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86049,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86050,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86051,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+86052,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86053,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86054,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86055,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86056,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86057,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86058,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86059,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86060,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86061,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86062,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86063,21,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+86064,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86065,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86066,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86067,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86068,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86069,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86070,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86071,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86072,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86073,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86074,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86075,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86076,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86077,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86078,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86079,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86080,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86081,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86082,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86083,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86084,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86085,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86086,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86087,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86100,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86101,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86102,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86103,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86104,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86105,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86106,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86107,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86108,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86109,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86110,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86111,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86112,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86113,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86114,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86115,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86116,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86117,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86118,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86119,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86120,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86121,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86122,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86123,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86124,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86125,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86126,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86127,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86128,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86129,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86130,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86131,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86132,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86133,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86134,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86135,21,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86136,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86137,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86138,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86139,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86140,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86141,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86142,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86143,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86144,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86145,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86146,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86147,21,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86148,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86149,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86150,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86151,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86152,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86153,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86154,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86155,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86156,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86157,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86158,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86159,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86160,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86161,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86162,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86163,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86164,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86165,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86166,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86167,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86168,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86169,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86170,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86171,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86172,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86173,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86174,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86175,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86176,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86177,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86178,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86179,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86180,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86181,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86182,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86183,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86184,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86185,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86186,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86187,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86188,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86189,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86190,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86191,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86192,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86193,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86194,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86195,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86196,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86197,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86198,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86199,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86200,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86201,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86202,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86203,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86204,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86205,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86206,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86207,21,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86208,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86209,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86210,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86211,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86212,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86213,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86214,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86215,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86216,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86217,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86218,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86219,21,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86232,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86233,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86234,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86235,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86236,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86237,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86238,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86239,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86240,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86241,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86242,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86243,21,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86244,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86245,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86246,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86247,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86248,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86249,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86250,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86251,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86252,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86253,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86254,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86255,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86256,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86257,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86258,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86259,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86260,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86261,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86262,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86263,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86264,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86265,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86266,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86267,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86268,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86269,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86270,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86271,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86272,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86273,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86274,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86275,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86276,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86277,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86278,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86279,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86280,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86281,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86282,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86283,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86284,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86285,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86286,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86287,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86288,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86289,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86290,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86291,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+86292,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86293,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86294,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86295,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86296,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86297,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86298,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86299,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86300,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86301,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86302,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86303,21,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+86304,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86305,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86306,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86307,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86308,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86309,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86310,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86311,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86312,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86313,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86314,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86315,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86316,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86317,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86318,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86319,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86320,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86321,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86322,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86323,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86324,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86325,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86326,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86327,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86328,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86329,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86330,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86331,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86332,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86333,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86334,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86335,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86336,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86337,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86338,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86339,21,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86340,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86341,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86342,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86343,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86344,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86345,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86346,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86347,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86348,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86349,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86350,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86351,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+86352,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86353,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86354,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86355,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86356,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86357,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86358,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86359,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86360,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86361,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86362,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86363,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86376,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86377,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86378,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86379,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86380,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86381,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86382,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86383,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86384,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86385,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86386,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86387,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86388,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86389,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86390,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86391,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86392,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86393,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86394,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86395,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86396,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86397,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86398,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86399,21,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86400,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86401,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86402,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86403,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86404,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86405,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86406,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86407,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86408,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86409,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86410,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86411,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86412,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86413,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86414,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86415,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86416,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86417,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86418,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86419,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86420,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86421,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86422,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86423,21,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86424,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86425,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86426,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86427,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86428,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86429,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86430,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86431,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86432,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86433,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86434,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86435,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+86436,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86437,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86438,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86439,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86440,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86441,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86442,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86443,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86444,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86445,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86446,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86447,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86448,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86449,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86450,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86451,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86452,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86453,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86454,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86455,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86456,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86457,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86458,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86459,21,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86460,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86461,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86462,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86463,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86464,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86465,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86466,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86467,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86468,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86469,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86470,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86471,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86472,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86473,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86474,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86475,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86476,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86477,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86478,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86479,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86480,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86481,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86482,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86483,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86484,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86485,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86486,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86487,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86488,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86489,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86490,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86491,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86492,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86493,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86494,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86495,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86496,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86497,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86498,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86499,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86500,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86501,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86502,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86503,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86504,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86505,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86506,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86507,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86508,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86509,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86510,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86511,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86512,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86513,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86514,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86515,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86516,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86517,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86518,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86519,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86520,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86521,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86522,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86523,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86524,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86525,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86526,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86527,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86528,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86529,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86530,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86531,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86532,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86533,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86534,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86535,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86536,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86537,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86538,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86539,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86540,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86541,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86542,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86543,21,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86544,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86545,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86546,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86547,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86548,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86549,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86550,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86551,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86552,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86553,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86554,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86555,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86568,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86569,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86570,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86571,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86572,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86573,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86574,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86575,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86576,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86577,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86578,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86579,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86580,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86581,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86582,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86583,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86584,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86585,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86586,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86587,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86588,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86589,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86590,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86591,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+86592,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86593,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86594,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86595,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86596,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86597,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86598,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86599,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86600,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86601,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86602,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86603,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86604,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86605,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86606,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86607,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86608,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86609,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86610,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86611,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86612,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86613,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86614,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86615,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86616,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86617,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86618,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86619,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86620,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86621,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86622,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86623,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86624,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86625,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86626,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86627,21,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86628,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86629,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86630,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86631,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86632,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86633,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86634,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86635,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86636,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86637,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86638,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86639,21,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86652,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86653,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86654,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86655,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86656,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86657,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86658,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86659,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86660,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86661,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86662,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86663,21,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86676,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86677,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86678,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86679,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86680,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86681,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86682,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86683,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86684,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86685,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86686,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86687,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86688,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86689,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86690,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86691,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86692,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86693,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86694,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86695,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86696,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86697,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86698,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86699,21,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86700,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86701,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86702,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86703,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86704,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86705,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86706,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86707,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86708,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86709,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86710,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86711,21,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86712,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86713,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86714,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86715,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86716,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86717,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86718,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86719,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86720,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86721,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86722,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86723,21,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+86724,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86725,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86726,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86727,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86728,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86729,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86730,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86731,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86732,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86733,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86734,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86735,21,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86736,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86737,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86738,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86739,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86740,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86741,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86742,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86743,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86744,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86745,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86746,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86747,21,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+86748,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86749,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86750,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86751,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86752,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86753,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86754,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86755,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86756,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86757,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86758,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86759,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86760,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86761,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86762,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86763,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86764,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86765,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86766,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86767,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86768,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86769,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86770,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86771,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86772,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86773,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86774,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86775,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86776,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86777,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86778,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86779,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86780,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86781,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86782,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86783,21,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86784,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86785,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86786,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86787,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86788,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86789,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86790,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86791,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86792,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86793,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86794,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86795,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+86796,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86797,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86798,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86799,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86800,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86801,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86802,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86803,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86804,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86805,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86806,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86807,21,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+86820,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86821,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86822,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86823,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86824,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86825,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86826,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86827,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86828,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86829,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86830,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86831,21,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86832,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86833,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86834,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86835,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86836,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86837,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86838,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86839,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86840,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86841,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86842,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86843,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+86844,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86845,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86846,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86847,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86848,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86849,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86850,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86851,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86852,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86853,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86854,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86855,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86856,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86857,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86858,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86859,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86860,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86861,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86862,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86863,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86864,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86865,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86866,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86867,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+86868,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86869,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86870,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86871,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86872,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86873,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86874,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86875,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86876,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86877,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86878,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86879,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+86880,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86881,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86882,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86883,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86884,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86885,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86886,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86887,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86888,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86889,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86890,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86891,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+86892,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86893,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86894,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86895,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86896,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86897,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86898,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86899,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86900,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86901,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86902,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86903,21,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86928,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86929,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86930,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86931,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86932,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86933,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86934,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86935,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86936,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86937,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86938,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86939,21,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86940,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86941,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86942,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86943,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86944,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86945,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86946,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86947,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86948,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86949,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86950,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86951,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+86952,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86953,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86954,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86955,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86956,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86957,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86958,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86959,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86960,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86961,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86962,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86963,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+86964,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86965,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86966,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86967,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86968,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86969,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86970,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86971,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86972,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86973,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86974,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86975,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86976,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86977,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86978,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86979,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86980,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86981,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86982,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86983,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86984,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86985,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86986,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86987,21,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+86988,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86989,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86990,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86991,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86992,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86993,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86994,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86995,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86996,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86997,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86998,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+86999,21,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87012,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87013,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87014,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87015,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87016,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87017,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87018,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87019,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87020,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87021,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87022,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87023,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87036,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87037,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87038,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87039,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87040,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87041,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87042,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87043,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87044,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87045,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87046,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87047,21,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87048,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87049,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87050,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87051,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87052,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87053,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87054,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87055,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87056,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87057,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87058,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87059,21,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87060,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87061,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87062,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87063,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87064,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87065,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87066,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87067,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87068,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87069,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87070,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87071,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87084,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87085,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87086,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87087,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87088,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87089,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87090,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87091,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87092,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87093,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87094,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87095,21,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87108,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87109,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87110,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87111,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87112,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87113,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87114,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87115,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87116,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87117,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87118,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87119,21,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87120,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87121,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87122,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87123,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87124,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87125,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87126,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87127,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87128,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87129,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87130,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87131,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87132,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87133,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87134,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87135,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87136,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87137,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87138,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87139,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87140,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87141,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87142,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87143,21,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87144,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87145,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87146,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87147,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87148,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87149,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87150,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87151,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87152,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87153,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87154,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87155,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87168,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87169,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87170,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87171,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87172,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87173,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87174,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87175,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87176,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87177,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87178,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87179,21,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87180,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87181,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87182,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87183,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87184,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87185,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87186,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87187,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87188,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87189,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87190,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87191,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87192,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87193,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87194,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87195,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87196,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87197,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87198,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87199,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87200,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87201,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87202,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87203,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87204,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87205,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87206,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87207,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87208,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87209,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87210,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87211,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87212,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87213,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87214,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87215,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87216,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87217,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87218,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87219,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87220,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87221,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87222,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87223,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87224,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87225,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87226,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87227,21,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87228,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87229,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87230,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87231,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87232,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87233,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87234,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87235,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87236,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87237,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87238,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87239,21,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87252,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87253,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87254,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87255,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87256,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87257,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87258,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87259,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87260,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87261,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87262,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87263,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87264,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87265,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87266,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87267,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87268,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87269,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87270,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87271,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87272,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87273,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87274,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87275,21,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87276,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87277,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87278,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87279,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87280,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87281,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87282,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87283,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87284,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87285,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87286,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87287,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87288,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87289,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87290,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87291,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87292,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87293,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87294,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87295,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87296,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87297,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87298,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87299,21,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87300,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87301,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87302,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87303,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87304,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87305,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87306,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87307,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87308,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87309,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87310,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87311,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87312,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87313,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87314,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87315,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87316,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87317,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87318,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87319,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87320,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87321,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87322,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87323,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87324,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87325,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87326,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87327,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87328,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87329,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87330,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87331,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87332,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87333,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87334,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87335,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87336,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87337,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87338,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87339,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87340,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87341,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87342,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87343,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87344,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87345,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87346,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87347,21,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87348,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87349,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87350,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87351,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87352,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87353,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87354,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87355,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87356,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87357,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87358,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87359,21,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87360,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87361,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87362,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87363,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87364,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87365,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87366,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87367,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87368,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87369,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87370,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87371,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87372,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87373,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87374,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87375,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87376,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87377,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87378,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87379,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87380,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87381,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87382,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87383,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87384,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87385,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87386,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87387,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87388,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87389,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87390,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87391,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87392,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87393,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87394,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87395,21,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87396,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87397,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87398,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87399,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87400,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87401,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87402,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87403,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87404,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87405,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87406,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87407,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87420,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87421,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87422,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87423,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87424,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87425,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87426,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87427,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87428,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87429,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87430,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87431,21,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87444,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87445,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87446,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87447,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87448,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87449,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87450,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87451,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87452,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87453,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87454,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87455,21,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+87456,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87457,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87458,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87459,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87460,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87461,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87462,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87463,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87464,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87465,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87466,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87467,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87468,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87469,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87470,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87471,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87472,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87473,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87474,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87475,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87476,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87477,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87478,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87479,21,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+87480,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87481,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87482,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87483,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87484,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87485,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87486,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87487,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87488,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87489,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87490,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87491,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87504,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87505,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87506,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87507,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87508,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87509,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87510,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87511,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87512,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87513,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87514,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87515,22,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87516,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87517,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87518,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87519,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87520,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87521,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87522,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87523,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87524,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87525,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87526,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87527,22,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87528,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87529,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87530,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87531,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87532,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87533,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87534,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87535,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87536,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87537,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87538,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87539,22,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87540,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87541,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87542,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87543,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87544,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87545,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87546,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87547,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87548,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87549,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87550,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87551,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+87564,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87565,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87566,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87567,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87568,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87569,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87570,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87571,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87572,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87573,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87574,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87575,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87576,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87577,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87578,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87579,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87580,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87581,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87582,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87583,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87584,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87585,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87586,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87587,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87588,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87589,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87590,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87591,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87592,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87593,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87594,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87595,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87596,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87597,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87598,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87599,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87600,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87601,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87602,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87603,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87604,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87605,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87606,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87607,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87608,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87609,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87610,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87611,22,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87612,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87613,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87614,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87615,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87616,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87617,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87618,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87619,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87620,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87621,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87622,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87623,22,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87624,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87625,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87626,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87627,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87628,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87629,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87630,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87631,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87632,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87633,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87634,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87635,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87636,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87637,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87638,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87639,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87640,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87641,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87642,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87643,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87644,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87645,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87646,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87647,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+87648,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87649,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87650,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87651,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87652,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87653,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87654,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87655,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87656,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87657,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87658,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87659,22,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87672,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87673,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87674,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87675,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87676,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87677,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87678,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87679,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87680,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87681,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87682,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87683,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87684,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87685,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87686,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87687,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87688,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87689,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87690,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87691,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87692,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87693,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87694,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87695,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87696,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87697,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87698,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87699,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87700,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87701,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87702,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87703,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87704,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87705,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87706,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87707,22,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+87708,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87709,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87710,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87711,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87712,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87713,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87714,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87715,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87716,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87717,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87718,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87719,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+87720,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87721,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87722,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87723,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87724,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87725,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87726,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87727,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87728,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87729,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87730,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87731,22,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+87732,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87733,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87734,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87735,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87736,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87737,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87738,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87739,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87740,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87741,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87742,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87743,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+87744,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87745,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87746,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87747,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87748,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87749,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87750,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87751,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87752,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87753,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87754,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87755,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87756,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87757,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87758,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87759,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87760,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87761,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87762,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87763,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87764,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87765,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87766,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87767,22,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+87768,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87769,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87770,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87771,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87772,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87773,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87774,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87775,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87776,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87777,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87778,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87779,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+87780,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87781,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87782,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87783,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87784,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87785,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87786,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87787,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87788,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87789,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87790,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87791,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+87792,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87793,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87794,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87795,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87796,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87797,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87798,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87799,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87800,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87801,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87802,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87803,22,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+87804,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87805,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87806,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87807,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87808,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87809,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87810,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87811,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87812,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87813,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87814,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87815,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+87816,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87817,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87818,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87819,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87820,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87821,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87822,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87823,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87824,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87825,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87826,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87827,22,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87828,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87829,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87830,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87831,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87832,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87833,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87834,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87835,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87836,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87837,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87838,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87839,22,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87840,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87841,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87842,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87843,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87844,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87845,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87846,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87847,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87848,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87849,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87850,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87851,22,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87852,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87853,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87854,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87855,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87856,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87857,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87858,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87859,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87860,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87861,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87862,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87863,22,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87864,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87865,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87866,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87867,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87868,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87869,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87870,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87871,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87872,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87873,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87874,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87875,22,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87876,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87877,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87878,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87879,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87880,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87881,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87882,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87883,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87884,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87885,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87886,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87887,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+87888,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87889,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87890,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87891,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87892,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87893,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87894,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87895,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87896,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87897,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87898,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87899,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+87900,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87901,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87902,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87903,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87904,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87905,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87906,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87907,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87908,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87909,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87910,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87911,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+87912,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87913,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87914,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87915,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87916,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87917,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87918,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87919,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87920,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87921,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87922,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87923,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87924,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87925,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87926,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87927,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87928,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87929,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87930,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87931,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87932,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87933,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87934,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87935,22,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87936,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87937,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87938,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87939,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87940,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87941,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87942,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87943,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87944,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87945,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87946,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87947,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+87948,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87949,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87950,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87951,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87952,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87953,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87954,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87955,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87956,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87957,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87958,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87959,22,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+87960,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87961,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87962,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87963,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87964,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87965,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87966,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87967,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87968,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87969,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87970,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87971,22,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+87972,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87973,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87974,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87975,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87976,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87977,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87978,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87979,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87980,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87981,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87982,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87983,22,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+87984,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87985,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87986,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87987,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87988,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87989,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87990,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87991,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87992,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87993,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87994,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87995,22,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+87996,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87997,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87998,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+87999,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88000,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88001,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88002,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88003,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88004,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88005,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88006,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88007,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88008,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88009,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88010,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88011,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88012,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88013,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88014,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88015,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88016,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88017,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88018,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88019,22,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88020,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88021,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88022,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88023,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88024,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88025,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88026,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88027,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88028,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88029,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88030,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88031,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88044,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88045,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88046,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88047,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88048,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88049,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88050,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88051,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88052,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88053,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88054,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88055,22,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88056,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88057,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88058,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88059,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88060,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88061,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88062,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88063,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88064,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88065,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88066,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88067,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88068,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88069,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88070,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88071,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88072,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88073,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88074,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88075,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88076,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88077,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88078,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88079,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+88080,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88081,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88082,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88083,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88084,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88085,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88086,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88087,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88088,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88089,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88090,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88091,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88092,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88093,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88094,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88095,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88096,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88097,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88098,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88099,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88100,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88101,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88102,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88103,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88104,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88105,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88106,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88107,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88108,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88109,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88110,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88111,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88112,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88113,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88114,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88115,22,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88116,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88117,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88118,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88119,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88120,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88121,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88122,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88123,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88124,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88125,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88126,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88127,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+88128,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88129,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88130,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88131,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88132,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88133,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88134,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88135,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88136,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88137,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88138,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88139,22,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+88140,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88141,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88142,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88143,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88144,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88145,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88146,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88147,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88148,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88149,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88150,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88151,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88152,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88153,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88154,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88155,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88156,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88157,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88158,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88159,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88160,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88161,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88162,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88163,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88176,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88177,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88178,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88179,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88180,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88181,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88182,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88183,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88184,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88185,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88186,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88187,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88188,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88189,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88190,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88191,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88192,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88193,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88194,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88195,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88196,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88197,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88198,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88199,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88200,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88201,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88202,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88203,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88204,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88205,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88206,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88207,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88208,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88209,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88210,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88211,22,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88212,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88213,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88214,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88215,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88216,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88217,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88218,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88219,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88220,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88221,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88222,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88223,22,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88224,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88225,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88226,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88227,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88228,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88229,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88230,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88231,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88232,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88233,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88234,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88235,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88236,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88237,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88238,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88239,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88240,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88241,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88242,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88243,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88244,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88245,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88246,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88247,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88248,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88249,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88250,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88251,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88252,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88253,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88254,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88255,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88256,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88257,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88258,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88259,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88260,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88261,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88262,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88263,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88264,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88265,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88266,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88267,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88268,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88269,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88270,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88271,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88272,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88273,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88274,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88275,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88276,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88277,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88278,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88279,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88280,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88281,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88282,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88283,22,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88284,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88285,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88286,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88287,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88288,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88289,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88290,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88291,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88292,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88293,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88294,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88295,22,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88308,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88309,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88310,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88311,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88312,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88313,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88314,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88315,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88316,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88317,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88318,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88319,22,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88320,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88321,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88322,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88323,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88324,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88325,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88326,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88327,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88328,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88329,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88330,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88331,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88332,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88333,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88334,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88335,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88336,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88337,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88338,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88339,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88340,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88341,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88342,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88343,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88344,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88345,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88346,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88347,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88348,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88349,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88350,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88351,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88352,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88353,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88354,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88355,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88356,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88357,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88358,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88359,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88360,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88361,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88362,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88363,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88364,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88365,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88366,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88367,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+88368,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88369,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88370,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88371,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88372,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88373,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88374,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88375,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88376,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88377,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88378,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88379,22,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88380,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88381,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88382,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88383,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88384,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88385,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88386,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88387,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88388,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88389,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88390,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88391,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88392,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88393,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88394,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88395,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88396,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88397,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88398,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88399,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88400,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88401,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88402,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88403,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88404,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88405,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88406,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88407,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88408,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88409,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88410,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88411,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88412,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88413,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88414,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88415,22,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88416,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88417,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88418,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88419,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88420,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88421,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88422,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88423,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88424,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88425,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88426,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88427,22,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+88428,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88429,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88430,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88431,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88432,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88433,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88434,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88435,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88436,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88437,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88438,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88439,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88440,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88441,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88442,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88443,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88444,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88445,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88446,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88447,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88448,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88449,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88450,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88451,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88452,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88453,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88454,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88455,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88456,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88457,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88458,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88459,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88460,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88461,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88462,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88463,22,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+88464,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88465,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88466,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88467,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88468,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88469,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88470,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88471,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88472,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88473,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88474,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88475,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88476,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88477,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88478,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88479,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88480,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88481,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88482,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88483,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88484,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88485,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88486,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88487,22,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88488,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88489,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88490,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88491,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88492,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88493,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88494,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88495,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88496,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88497,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88498,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88499,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88500,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88501,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88502,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88503,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88504,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88505,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88506,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88507,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88508,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88509,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88510,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88511,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88512,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88513,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88514,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88515,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88516,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88517,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88518,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88519,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88520,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88521,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88522,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88523,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88524,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88525,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88526,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88527,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88528,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88529,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88530,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88531,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88532,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88533,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88534,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88535,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88536,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88537,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88538,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88539,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88540,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88541,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88542,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88543,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88544,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88545,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88546,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88547,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88548,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88549,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88550,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88551,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88552,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88553,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88554,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88555,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88556,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88557,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88558,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88559,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88560,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88561,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88562,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88563,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88564,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88565,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88566,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88567,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88568,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88569,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88570,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88571,22,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88572,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88573,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88574,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88575,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88576,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88577,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88578,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88579,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88580,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88581,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88582,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88583,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+88584,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88585,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88586,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88587,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88588,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88589,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88590,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88591,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88592,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88593,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88594,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88595,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88608,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88609,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88610,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88611,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88612,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88613,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88614,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88615,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88616,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88617,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88618,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88619,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88620,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88621,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88622,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88623,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88624,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88625,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88626,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88627,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88628,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88629,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88630,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88631,22,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88632,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88633,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88634,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88635,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88636,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88637,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88638,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88639,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88640,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88641,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88642,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88643,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88644,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88645,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88646,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88647,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88648,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88649,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88650,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88651,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88652,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88653,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88654,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88655,22,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88656,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88657,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88658,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88659,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88660,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88661,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88662,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88663,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88664,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88665,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88666,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88667,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+88668,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88669,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88670,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88671,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88672,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88673,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88674,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88675,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88676,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88677,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88678,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88679,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+88680,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88681,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88682,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88683,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88684,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88685,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88686,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88687,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88688,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88689,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88690,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88691,22,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88692,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88693,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88694,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88695,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88696,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88697,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88698,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88699,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88700,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88701,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88702,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88703,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+88704,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88705,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88706,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88707,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88708,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88709,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88710,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88711,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88712,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88713,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88714,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88715,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+88716,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88717,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88718,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88719,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88720,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88721,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88722,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88723,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88724,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88725,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88726,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88727,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88728,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88729,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88730,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88731,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88732,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88733,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88734,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88735,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88736,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88737,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88738,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88739,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88740,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88741,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88742,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88743,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88744,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88745,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88746,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88747,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88748,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88749,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88750,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88751,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+88752,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88753,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88754,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88755,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88756,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88757,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88758,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88759,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88760,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88761,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88762,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88763,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88764,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88765,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88766,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88767,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88768,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88769,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88770,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88771,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88772,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88773,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88774,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88775,22,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+88776,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88777,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88778,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88779,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88780,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88781,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88782,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88783,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88784,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88785,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88786,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88787,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88800,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88801,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88802,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88803,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88804,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88805,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88806,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88807,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88808,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88809,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88810,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88811,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88812,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88813,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88814,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88815,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88816,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88817,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88818,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88819,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88820,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88821,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88822,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88823,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+88824,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88825,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88826,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88827,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88828,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88829,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88830,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88831,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88832,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88833,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88834,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88835,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88836,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88837,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88838,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88839,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88840,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88841,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88842,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88843,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88844,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88845,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88846,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88847,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88848,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88849,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88850,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88851,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88852,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88853,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88854,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88855,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88856,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88857,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88858,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88859,22,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88860,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88861,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88862,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88863,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88864,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88865,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88866,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88867,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88868,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88869,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88870,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88871,22,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88884,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88885,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88886,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88887,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88888,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88889,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88890,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88891,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88892,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88893,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88894,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88895,22,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+88908,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88909,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88910,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88911,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88912,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88913,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88914,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88915,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88916,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88917,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88918,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88919,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88920,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88921,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88922,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88923,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88924,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88925,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88926,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88927,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88928,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88929,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88930,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88931,22,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88932,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88933,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88934,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88935,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88936,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88937,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88938,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88939,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88940,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88941,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88942,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88943,22,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88944,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88945,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88946,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88947,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88948,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88949,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88950,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88951,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88952,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88953,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88954,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88955,22,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+88956,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88957,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88958,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88959,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88960,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88961,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88962,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88963,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88964,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88965,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88966,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88967,22,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+88968,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88969,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88970,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88971,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88972,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88973,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88974,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88975,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88976,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88977,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88978,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88979,22,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+88980,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88981,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88982,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88983,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88984,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88985,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88986,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88987,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88988,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88989,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88990,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88991,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+88992,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88993,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88994,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88995,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88996,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88997,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88998,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+88999,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89000,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89001,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89002,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89003,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89004,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89005,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89006,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89007,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89008,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89009,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89010,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89011,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89012,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89013,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89014,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89015,22,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89016,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89017,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89018,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89019,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89020,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89021,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89022,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89023,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89024,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89025,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89026,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89027,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+89028,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89029,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89030,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89031,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89032,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89033,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89034,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89035,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89036,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89037,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89038,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89039,22,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89052,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89053,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89054,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89055,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89056,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89057,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89058,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89059,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89060,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89061,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89062,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89063,22,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89064,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89065,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89066,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89067,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89068,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89069,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89070,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89071,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89072,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89073,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89074,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89075,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+89076,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89077,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89078,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89079,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89080,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89081,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89082,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89083,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89084,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89085,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89086,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89087,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89088,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89089,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89090,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89091,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89092,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89093,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89094,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89095,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89096,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89097,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89098,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89099,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89100,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89101,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89102,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89103,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89104,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89105,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89106,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89107,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89108,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89109,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89110,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89111,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89112,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89113,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89114,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89115,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89116,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89117,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89118,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89119,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89120,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89121,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89122,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89123,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89124,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89125,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89126,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89127,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89128,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89129,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89130,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89131,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89132,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89133,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89134,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89135,22,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89160,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89161,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89162,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89163,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89164,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89165,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89166,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89167,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89168,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89169,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89170,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89171,22,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89172,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89173,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89174,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89175,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89176,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89177,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89178,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89179,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89180,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89181,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89182,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89183,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+89184,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89185,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89186,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89187,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89188,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89189,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89190,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89191,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89192,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89193,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89194,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89195,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89196,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89197,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89198,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89199,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89200,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89201,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89202,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89203,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89204,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89205,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89206,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89207,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89208,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89209,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89210,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89211,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89212,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89213,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89214,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89215,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89216,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89217,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89218,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89219,22,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89220,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89221,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89222,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89223,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89224,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89225,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89226,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89227,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89228,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89229,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89230,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89231,22,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89244,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89245,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89246,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89247,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89248,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89249,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89250,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89251,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89252,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89253,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89254,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89255,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+89268,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89269,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89270,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89271,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89272,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89273,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89274,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89275,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89276,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89277,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89278,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89279,22,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89280,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89281,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89282,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89283,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89284,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89285,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89286,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89287,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89288,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89289,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89290,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89291,22,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89292,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89293,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89294,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89295,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89296,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89297,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89298,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89299,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89300,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89301,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89302,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89303,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89316,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89317,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89318,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89319,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89320,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89321,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89322,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89323,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89324,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89325,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89326,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89327,22,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89340,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89341,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89342,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89343,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89344,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89345,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89346,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89347,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89348,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89349,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89350,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89351,22,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89352,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89353,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89354,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89355,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89356,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89357,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89358,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89359,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89360,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89361,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89362,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89363,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89364,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89365,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89366,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89367,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89368,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89369,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89370,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89371,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89372,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89373,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89374,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89375,22,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89376,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89377,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89378,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89379,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89380,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89381,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89382,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89383,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89384,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89385,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89386,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89387,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89400,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89401,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89402,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89403,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89404,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89405,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89406,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89407,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89408,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89409,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89410,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89411,22,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89412,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89413,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89414,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89415,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89416,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89417,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89418,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89419,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89420,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89421,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89422,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89423,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89424,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89425,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89426,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89427,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89428,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89429,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89430,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89431,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89432,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89433,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89434,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89435,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89436,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89437,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89438,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89439,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89440,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89441,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89442,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89443,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89444,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89445,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89446,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89447,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89448,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89449,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89450,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89451,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89452,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89453,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89454,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89455,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89456,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89457,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89458,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89459,22,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89460,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89461,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89462,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89463,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89464,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89465,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89466,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89467,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89468,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89469,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89470,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89471,22,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89484,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89485,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89486,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89487,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89488,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89489,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89490,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89491,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89492,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89493,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89494,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89495,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89496,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89497,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89498,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89499,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89500,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89501,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89502,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89503,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89504,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89505,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89506,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89507,22,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89508,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89509,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89510,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89511,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89512,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89513,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89514,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89515,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89516,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89517,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89518,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89519,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89520,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89521,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89522,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89523,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89524,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89525,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89526,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89527,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89528,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89529,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89530,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89531,22,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89532,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89533,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89534,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89535,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89536,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89537,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89538,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89539,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89540,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89541,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89542,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89543,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89544,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89545,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89546,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89547,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89548,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89549,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89550,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89551,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89552,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89553,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89554,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89555,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+89556,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89557,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89558,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89559,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89560,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89561,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89562,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89563,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89564,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89565,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89566,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89567,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89568,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89569,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89570,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89571,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89572,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89573,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89574,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89575,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89576,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89577,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89578,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89579,22,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89580,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89581,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89582,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89583,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89584,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89585,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89586,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89587,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89588,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89589,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89590,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89591,22,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89592,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89593,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89594,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89595,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89596,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89597,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89598,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89599,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89600,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89601,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89602,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89603,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89604,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89605,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89606,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89607,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89608,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89609,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89610,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89611,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89612,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89613,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89614,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89615,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89616,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89617,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89618,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89619,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89620,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89621,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89622,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89623,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89624,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89625,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89626,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89627,22,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89628,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89629,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89630,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89631,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89632,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89633,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89634,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89635,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89636,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89637,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89638,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89639,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89652,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89653,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89654,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89655,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89656,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89657,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89658,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89659,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89660,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89661,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89662,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89663,22,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+89676,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89677,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89678,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89679,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89680,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89681,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89682,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89683,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89684,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89685,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89686,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89687,22,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+89688,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89689,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89690,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89691,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89692,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89693,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89694,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89695,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89696,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89697,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89698,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89699,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89700,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89701,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89702,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89703,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89704,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89705,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89706,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89707,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89708,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89709,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89710,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89711,22,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+89712,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89713,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89714,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89715,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89716,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89717,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89718,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89719,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89720,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89721,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89722,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89723,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89724,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89725,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89726,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89727,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89728,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89729,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89730,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89731,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89732,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89733,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89734,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89735,22,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89736,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89737,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89738,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89739,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89740,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89741,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89742,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89743,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89744,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89745,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89746,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89747,22,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89748,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89749,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89750,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89751,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89752,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89753,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89754,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89755,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89756,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89757,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89758,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89759,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89760,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89761,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89762,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89763,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89764,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89765,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89766,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89767,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89768,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89769,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89770,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89771,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89772,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89773,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89774,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89775,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89776,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89777,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89778,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89779,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89780,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89781,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89782,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89783,22,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89784,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89785,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89786,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89787,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89788,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89789,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89790,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89791,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89792,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89793,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89794,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89795,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89808,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89809,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89810,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89811,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89812,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89813,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89814,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89815,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89816,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89817,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89818,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89819,24,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89820,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89821,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89822,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89823,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89824,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89825,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89826,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89827,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89828,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89829,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89830,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89831,24,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89832,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89833,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89834,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89835,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89836,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89837,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89838,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89839,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89840,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89841,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89842,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89843,24,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+89844,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89845,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89846,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89847,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89848,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89849,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89850,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89851,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89852,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89853,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89854,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89855,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89868,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89869,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89870,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89871,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89872,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89873,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89874,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89875,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89876,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89877,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89878,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89879,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+89880,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89881,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89882,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89883,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89884,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89885,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89886,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89887,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89888,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89889,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89890,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89891,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+89892,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89893,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89894,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89895,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89896,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89897,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89898,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89899,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89900,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89901,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89902,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89903,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89904,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89905,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89906,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89907,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89908,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89909,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89910,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89911,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89912,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89913,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89914,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89915,24,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89916,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89917,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89918,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89919,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89920,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89921,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89922,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89923,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89924,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89925,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89926,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89927,24,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89928,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89929,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89930,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89931,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89932,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89933,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89934,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89935,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89936,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89937,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89938,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89939,24,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+89940,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89941,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89942,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89943,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89944,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89945,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89946,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89947,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89948,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89949,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89950,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89951,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+89952,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89953,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89954,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89955,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89956,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89957,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89958,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89959,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89960,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89961,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89962,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89963,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+89964,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89965,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89966,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89967,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89968,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89969,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89970,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89971,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89972,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89973,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89974,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89975,24,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+89976,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89977,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89978,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89979,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89980,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89981,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89982,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89983,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89984,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89985,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89986,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89987,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+89988,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89989,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89990,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89991,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89992,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89993,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89994,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89995,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89996,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89997,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89998,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+89999,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90000,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90001,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90002,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90003,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90004,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90005,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90006,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90007,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90008,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90009,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90010,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90011,24,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90012,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90013,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90014,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90015,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90016,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90017,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90018,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90019,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90020,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90021,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90022,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90023,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90024,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90025,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90026,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90027,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90028,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90029,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90030,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90031,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90032,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90033,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90034,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90035,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90036,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90037,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90038,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90039,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90040,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90041,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90042,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90043,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90044,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90045,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90046,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90047,24,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90048,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90049,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90050,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90051,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90052,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90053,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90054,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90055,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90056,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90057,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90058,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90059,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90060,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90061,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90062,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90063,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90064,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90065,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90066,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90067,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90068,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90069,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90070,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90071,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90072,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90073,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90074,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90075,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90076,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90077,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90078,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90079,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90080,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90081,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90082,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90083,24,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90096,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90097,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90098,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90099,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90100,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90101,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90102,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90103,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90104,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90105,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90106,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90107,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90108,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90109,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90110,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90111,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90112,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90113,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90114,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90115,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90116,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90117,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90118,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90119,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90120,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90121,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90122,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90123,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90124,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90125,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90126,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90127,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90128,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90129,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90130,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90131,24,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+90132,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90133,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90134,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90135,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90136,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90137,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90138,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90139,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90140,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90141,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90142,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90143,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+90144,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90145,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90146,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90147,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90148,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90149,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90150,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90151,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90152,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90153,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90154,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90155,24,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+90156,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90157,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90158,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90159,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90160,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90161,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90162,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90163,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90164,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90165,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90166,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90167,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+90168,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90169,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90170,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90171,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90172,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90173,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90174,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90175,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90176,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90177,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90178,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90179,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90180,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90181,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90182,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90183,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90184,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90185,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90186,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90187,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90188,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90189,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90190,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90191,24,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+90192,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90193,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90194,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90195,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90196,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90197,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90198,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90199,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90200,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90201,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90202,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90203,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90204,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90205,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90206,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90207,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90208,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90209,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90210,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90211,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90212,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90213,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90214,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90215,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90216,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90217,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90218,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90219,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90220,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90221,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90222,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90223,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90224,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90225,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90226,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90227,24,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+90228,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90229,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90230,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90231,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90232,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90233,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90234,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90235,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90236,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90237,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90238,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90239,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+90240,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90241,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90242,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90243,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90244,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90245,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90246,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90247,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90248,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90249,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90250,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90251,24,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90252,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90253,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90254,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90255,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90256,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90257,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90258,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90259,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90260,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90261,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90262,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90263,24,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90264,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90265,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90266,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90267,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90268,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90269,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90270,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90271,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90272,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90273,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90274,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90275,24,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90276,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90277,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90278,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90279,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90280,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90281,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90282,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90283,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90284,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90285,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90286,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90287,24,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90288,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90289,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90290,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90291,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90292,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90293,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90294,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90295,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90296,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90297,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90298,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90299,24,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90300,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90301,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90302,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90303,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90304,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90305,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90306,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90307,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90308,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90309,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90310,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90311,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90312,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90313,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90314,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90315,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90316,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90317,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90318,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90319,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90320,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90321,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90322,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90323,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90324,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90325,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90326,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90327,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90328,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90329,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90330,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90331,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90332,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90333,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90334,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90335,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90336,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90337,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90338,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90339,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90340,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90341,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90342,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90343,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90344,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90345,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90346,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90347,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90348,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90349,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90350,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90351,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90352,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90353,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90354,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90355,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90356,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90357,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90358,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90359,24,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90360,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90361,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90362,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90363,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90364,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90365,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90366,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90367,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90368,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90369,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90370,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90371,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90372,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90373,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90374,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90375,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90376,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90377,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90378,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90379,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90380,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90381,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90382,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90383,24,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90384,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90385,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90386,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90387,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90388,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90389,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90390,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90391,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90392,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90393,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90394,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90395,24,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90396,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90397,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90398,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90399,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90400,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90401,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90402,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90403,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90404,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90405,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90406,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90407,24,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90408,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90409,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90410,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90411,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90412,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90413,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90414,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90415,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90416,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90417,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90418,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90419,24,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90420,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90421,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90422,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90423,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90424,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90425,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90426,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90427,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90428,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90429,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90430,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90431,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90432,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90433,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90434,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90435,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90436,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90437,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90438,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90439,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90440,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90441,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90442,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90443,24,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90444,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90445,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90446,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90447,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90448,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90449,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90450,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90451,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90452,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90453,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90454,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90455,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90468,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90469,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90470,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90471,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90472,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90473,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90474,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90475,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90476,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90477,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90478,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90479,24,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90480,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90481,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90482,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90483,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90484,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90485,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90486,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90487,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90488,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90489,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90490,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90491,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90492,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90493,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90494,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90495,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90496,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90497,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90498,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90499,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90500,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90501,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90502,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90503,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+90504,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90505,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90506,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90507,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90508,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90509,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90510,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90511,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90512,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90513,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90514,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90515,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90516,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90517,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90518,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90519,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90520,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90521,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90522,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90523,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90524,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90525,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90526,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90527,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90528,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90529,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90530,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90531,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90532,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90533,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90534,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90535,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90536,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90537,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90538,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90539,24,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90540,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90541,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90542,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90543,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90544,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90545,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90546,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90547,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90548,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90549,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90550,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90551,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+90552,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90553,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90554,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90555,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90556,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90557,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90558,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90559,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90560,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90561,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90562,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90563,24,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+90564,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90565,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90566,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90567,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90568,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90569,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90570,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90571,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90572,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90573,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90574,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90575,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90576,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90577,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90578,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90579,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90580,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90581,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90582,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90583,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90584,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90585,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90586,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90587,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90600,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90601,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90602,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90603,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90604,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90605,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90606,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90607,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90608,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90609,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90610,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90611,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90612,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90613,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90614,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90615,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90616,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90617,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90618,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90619,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90620,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90621,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90622,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90623,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90624,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90625,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90626,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90627,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90628,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90629,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90630,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90631,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90632,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90633,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90634,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90635,24,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90636,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90637,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90638,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90639,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90640,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90641,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90642,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90643,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90644,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90645,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90646,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90647,24,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90648,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90649,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90650,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90651,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90652,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90653,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90654,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90655,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90656,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90657,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90658,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90659,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90660,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90661,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90662,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90663,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90664,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90665,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90666,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90667,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90668,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90669,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90670,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90671,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90672,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90673,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90674,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90675,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90676,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90677,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90678,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90679,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90680,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90681,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90682,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90683,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90684,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90685,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90686,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90687,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90688,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90689,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90690,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90691,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90692,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90693,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90694,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90695,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90696,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90697,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90698,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90699,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90700,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90701,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90702,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90703,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90704,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90705,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90706,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90707,24,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90708,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90709,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90710,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90711,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90712,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90713,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90714,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90715,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90716,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90717,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90718,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90719,24,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90732,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90733,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90734,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90735,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90736,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90737,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90738,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90739,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90740,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90741,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90742,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90743,24,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90744,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90745,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90746,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90747,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90748,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90749,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90750,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90751,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90752,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90753,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90754,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90755,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90756,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90757,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90758,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90759,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90760,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90761,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90762,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90763,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90764,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90765,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90766,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90767,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90768,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90769,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90770,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90771,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90772,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90773,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90774,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90775,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90776,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90777,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90778,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90779,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90780,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90781,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90782,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90783,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90784,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90785,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90786,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90787,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90788,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90789,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90790,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90791,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+90792,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90793,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90794,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90795,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90796,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90797,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90798,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90799,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90800,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90801,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90802,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90803,24,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90804,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90805,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90806,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90807,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90808,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90809,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90810,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90811,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90812,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90813,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90814,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90815,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90816,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90817,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90818,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90819,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90820,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90821,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90822,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90823,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90824,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90825,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90826,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90827,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+90828,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90829,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90830,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90831,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90832,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90833,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90834,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90835,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90836,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90837,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90838,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90839,24,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90840,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90841,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90842,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90843,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90844,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90845,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90846,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90847,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90848,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90849,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90850,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90851,24,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+90852,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90853,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90854,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90855,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90856,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90857,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90858,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90859,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90860,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90861,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90862,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90863,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+90864,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90865,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90866,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90867,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90868,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90869,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90870,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90871,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90872,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90873,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90874,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90875,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90876,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90877,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90878,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90879,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90880,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90881,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90882,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90883,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90884,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90885,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90886,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90887,24,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+90888,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90889,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90890,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90891,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90892,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90893,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90894,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90895,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90896,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90897,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90898,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90899,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+90900,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90901,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90902,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90903,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90904,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90905,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90906,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90907,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90908,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90909,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90910,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90911,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+90912,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90913,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90914,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90915,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90916,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90917,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90918,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90919,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90920,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90921,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90922,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90923,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+90924,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90925,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90926,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90927,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90928,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90929,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90930,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90931,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90932,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90933,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90934,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90935,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+90936,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90937,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90938,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90939,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90940,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90941,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90942,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90943,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90944,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90945,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90946,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90947,24,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+90948,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90949,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90950,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90951,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90952,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90953,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90954,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90955,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90956,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90957,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90958,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90959,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+90960,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90961,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90962,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90963,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90964,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90965,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90966,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90967,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90968,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90969,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90970,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90971,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+90984,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90985,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90986,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90987,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90988,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90989,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90990,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90991,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90992,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90993,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90994,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90995,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+90996,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90997,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90998,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+90999,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91000,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91001,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91002,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91003,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91004,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91005,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91006,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91007,24,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91008,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91009,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91010,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91011,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91012,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91013,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91014,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91015,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91016,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91017,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91018,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91019,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91020,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91021,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91022,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91023,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91024,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91025,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91026,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91027,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91028,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91029,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91030,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91031,24,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91032,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91033,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91034,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91035,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91036,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91037,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91038,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91039,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91040,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91041,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91042,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91043,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+91044,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91045,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91046,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91047,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91048,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91049,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91050,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91051,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91052,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91053,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91054,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91055,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91056,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91057,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91058,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91059,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91060,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91061,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91062,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91063,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91064,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91065,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91066,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91067,24,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91068,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91069,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91070,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91071,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91072,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91073,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91074,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91075,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91076,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91077,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91078,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91079,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91080,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91081,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91082,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91083,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91084,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91085,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91086,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91087,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91088,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91089,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91090,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91091,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91092,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91093,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91094,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91095,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91096,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91097,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91098,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91099,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91100,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91101,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91102,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91103,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91104,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91105,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91106,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91107,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91108,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91109,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91110,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91111,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91112,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91113,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91114,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91115,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91116,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91117,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91118,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91119,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91120,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91121,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91122,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91123,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91124,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91125,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91126,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91127,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91128,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91129,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91130,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91131,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91132,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91133,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91134,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91135,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91136,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91137,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91138,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91139,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91140,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91141,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91142,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91143,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91144,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91145,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91146,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91147,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91148,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91149,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91150,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91151,24,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91152,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91153,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91154,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91155,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91156,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91157,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91158,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91159,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91160,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91161,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91162,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91163,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91176,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91177,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91178,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91179,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91180,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91181,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91182,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91183,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91184,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91185,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91186,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91187,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91188,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91189,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91190,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91191,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91192,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91193,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91194,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91195,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91196,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91197,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91198,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91199,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+91200,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91201,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91202,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91203,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91204,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91205,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91206,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91207,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91208,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91209,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91210,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91211,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91212,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91213,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91214,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91215,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91216,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91217,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91218,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91219,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91220,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91221,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91222,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91223,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91224,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91225,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91226,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91227,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91228,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91229,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91230,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91231,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91232,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91233,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91234,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91235,24,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91236,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91237,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91238,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91239,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91240,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91241,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91242,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91243,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91244,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91245,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91246,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91247,24,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91260,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91261,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91262,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91263,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91264,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91265,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91266,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91267,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91268,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91269,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91270,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91271,24,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91284,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91285,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91286,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91287,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91288,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91289,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91290,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91291,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91292,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91293,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91294,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91295,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91296,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91297,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91298,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91299,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91300,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91301,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91302,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91303,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91304,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91305,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91306,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91307,24,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91308,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91309,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91310,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91311,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91312,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91313,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91314,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91315,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91316,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91317,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91318,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91319,24,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91320,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91321,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91322,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91323,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91324,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91325,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91326,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91327,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91328,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91329,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91330,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91331,24,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91332,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91333,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91334,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91335,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91336,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91337,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91338,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91339,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91340,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91341,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91342,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91343,24,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91344,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91345,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91346,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91347,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91348,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91349,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91350,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91351,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91352,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91353,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91354,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91355,24,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91356,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91357,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91358,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91359,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91360,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91361,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91362,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91363,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91364,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91365,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91366,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91367,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91368,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91369,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91370,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91371,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91372,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91373,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91374,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91375,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91376,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91377,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91378,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91379,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91380,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91381,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91382,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91383,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91384,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91385,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91386,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91387,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91388,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91389,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91390,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91391,24,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91392,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91393,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91394,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91395,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91396,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91397,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91398,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91399,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91400,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91401,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91402,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91403,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+91404,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91405,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91406,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91407,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91408,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91409,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91410,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91411,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91412,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91413,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91414,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91415,24,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91428,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91429,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91430,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91431,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91432,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91433,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91434,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91435,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91436,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91437,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91438,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91439,24,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91440,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91441,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91442,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91443,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91444,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91445,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91446,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91447,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91448,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91449,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91450,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91451,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+91452,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91453,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91454,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91455,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91456,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91457,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91458,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91459,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91460,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91461,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91462,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91463,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91464,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91465,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91466,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91467,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91468,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91469,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91470,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91471,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91472,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91473,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91474,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91475,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91476,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91477,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91478,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91479,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91480,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91481,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91482,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91483,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91484,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91485,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91486,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91487,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91488,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91489,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91490,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91491,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91492,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91493,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91494,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91495,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91496,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91497,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91498,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91499,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91500,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91501,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91502,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91503,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91504,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91505,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91506,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91507,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91508,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91509,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91510,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91511,24,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91536,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91537,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91538,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91539,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91540,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91541,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91542,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91543,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91544,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91545,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91546,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91547,24,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91548,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91549,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91550,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91551,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91552,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91553,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91554,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91555,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91556,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91557,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91558,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91559,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+91560,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91561,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91562,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91563,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91564,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91565,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91566,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91567,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91568,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91569,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91570,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91571,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91572,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91573,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91574,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91575,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91576,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91577,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91578,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91579,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91580,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91581,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91582,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91583,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91584,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91585,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91586,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91587,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91588,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91589,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91590,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91591,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91592,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91593,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91594,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91595,24,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+91596,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91597,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91598,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91599,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91600,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91601,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91602,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91603,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91604,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91605,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91606,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91607,24,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91620,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91621,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91622,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91623,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91624,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91625,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91626,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91627,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91628,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91629,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91630,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91631,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+91644,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91645,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91646,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91647,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91648,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91649,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91650,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91651,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91652,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91653,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91654,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91655,24,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91656,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91657,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91658,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91659,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91660,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91661,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91662,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91663,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91664,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91665,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91666,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91667,24,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91668,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91669,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91670,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91671,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91672,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91673,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91674,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91675,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91676,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91677,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91678,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91679,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91692,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91693,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91694,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91695,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91696,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91697,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91698,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91699,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91700,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91701,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91702,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91703,24,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+91716,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91717,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91718,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91719,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91720,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91721,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91722,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91723,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91724,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91725,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91726,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91727,24,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91728,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91729,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91730,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91731,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91732,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91733,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91734,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91735,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91736,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91737,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91738,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91739,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91740,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91741,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91742,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91743,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91744,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91745,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91746,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91747,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91748,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91749,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91750,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91751,24,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91752,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91753,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91754,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91755,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91756,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91757,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91758,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91759,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91760,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91761,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91762,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91763,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91776,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91777,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91778,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91779,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91780,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91781,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91782,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91783,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91784,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91785,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91786,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91787,24,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91788,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91789,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91790,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91791,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91792,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91793,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91794,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91795,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91796,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91797,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91798,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91799,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91800,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91801,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91802,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91803,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91804,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91805,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91806,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91807,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91808,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91809,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91810,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91811,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91812,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91813,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91814,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91815,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91816,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91817,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91818,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91819,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91820,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91821,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91822,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91823,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91824,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91825,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91826,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91827,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91828,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91829,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91830,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91831,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91832,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91833,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91834,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91835,24,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91836,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91837,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91838,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91839,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91840,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91841,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91842,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91843,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91844,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91845,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91846,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91847,24,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91860,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91861,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91862,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91863,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91864,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91865,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91866,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91867,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91868,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91869,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91870,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91871,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91872,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91873,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91874,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91875,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91876,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91877,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91878,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91879,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91880,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91881,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91882,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91883,24,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91884,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91885,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91886,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91887,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91888,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91889,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91890,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91891,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91892,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91893,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91894,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91895,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+91896,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91897,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91898,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91899,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91900,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91901,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91902,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91903,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91904,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91905,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91906,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91907,24,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91908,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91909,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91910,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91911,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91912,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91913,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91914,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91915,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91916,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91917,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91918,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91919,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91920,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91921,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91922,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91923,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91924,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91925,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91926,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91927,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91928,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91929,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91930,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91931,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+91932,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91933,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91934,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91935,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91936,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91937,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91938,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91939,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91940,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91941,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91942,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91943,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91944,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91945,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91946,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91947,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91948,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91949,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91950,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91951,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91952,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91953,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91954,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91955,24,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+91956,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91957,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91958,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91959,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91960,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91961,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91962,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91963,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91964,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91965,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91966,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91967,24,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+91968,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91969,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91970,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91971,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91972,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91973,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91974,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91975,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91976,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91977,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91978,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91979,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+91980,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91981,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91982,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91983,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91984,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91985,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91986,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91987,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91988,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91989,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91990,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91991,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+91992,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91993,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91994,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91995,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91996,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91997,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91998,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+91999,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92000,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92001,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92002,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92003,24,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92004,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92005,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92006,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92007,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92008,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92009,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92010,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92011,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92012,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92013,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92014,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92015,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92028,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92029,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92030,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92031,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92032,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92033,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92034,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92035,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92036,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92037,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92038,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92039,24,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92052,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92053,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92054,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92055,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92056,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92057,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92058,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92059,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92060,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92061,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92062,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92063,24,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+92064,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92065,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92066,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92067,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92068,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92069,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92070,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92071,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92072,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92073,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92074,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92075,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92076,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92077,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92078,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92079,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92080,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92081,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92082,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92083,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92084,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92085,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92086,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92087,24,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+92088,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92089,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92090,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92091,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92092,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92093,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92094,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92095,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92096,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92097,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92098,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92099,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92100,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92101,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92102,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92103,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92104,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92105,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92106,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92107,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92108,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92109,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92110,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92111,24,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92112,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92113,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92114,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92115,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92116,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92117,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92118,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92119,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92120,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92121,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92122,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92123,24,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92124,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92125,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92126,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92127,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92128,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92129,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92130,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92131,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92132,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92133,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92134,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92135,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92136,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92137,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92138,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92139,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92140,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92141,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92142,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92143,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92144,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92145,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92146,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92147,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92148,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92149,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92150,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92151,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92152,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92153,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92154,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92155,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92156,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92157,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92158,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92159,24,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92160,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92161,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92162,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92163,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92164,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92165,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92166,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92167,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92168,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92169,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92170,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92171,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92184,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92185,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92186,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92187,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92188,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92189,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92190,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92191,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92192,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92193,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92194,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92195,25,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92196,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92197,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92198,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92199,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92200,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92201,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92202,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92203,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92204,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92205,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92206,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92207,25,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92208,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92209,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92210,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92211,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92212,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92213,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92214,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92215,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92216,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92217,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92218,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92219,25,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92220,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92221,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92222,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92223,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92224,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92225,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92226,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92227,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92228,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92229,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92230,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92231,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92244,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92245,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92246,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92247,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92248,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92249,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92250,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92251,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92252,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92253,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92254,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92255,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92256,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92257,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92258,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92259,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92260,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92261,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92262,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92263,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92264,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92265,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92266,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92267,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92268,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92269,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92270,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92271,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92272,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92273,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92274,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92275,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92276,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92277,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92278,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92279,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92280,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92281,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92282,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92283,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92284,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92285,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92286,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92287,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92288,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92289,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92290,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92291,25,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92292,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92293,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92294,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92295,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92296,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92297,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92298,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92299,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92300,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92301,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92302,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92303,25,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92304,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92305,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92306,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92307,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92308,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92309,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92310,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92311,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92312,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92313,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92314,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92315,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+92316,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92317,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92318,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92319,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92320,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92321,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92322,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92323,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92324,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92325,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92326,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92327,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92328,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92329,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92330,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92331,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92332,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92333,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92334,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92335,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92336,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92337,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92338,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92339,25,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92340,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92341,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92342,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92343,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92344,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92345,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92346,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92347,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92348,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92349,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92350,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92351,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92352,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92353,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92354,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92355,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92356,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92357,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92358,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92359,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92360,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92361,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92362,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92363,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92364,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92365,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92366,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92367,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92368,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92369,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92370,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92371,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92372,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92373,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92374,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92375,25,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92376,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92377,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92378,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92379,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92380,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92381,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92382,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92383,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92384,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92385,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92386,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92387,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92388,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92389,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92390,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92391,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92392,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92393,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92394,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92395,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92396,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92397,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92398,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92399,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+92400,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92401,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92402,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92403,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92404,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92405,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92406,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92407,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92408,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92409,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92410,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92411,25,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92424,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92425,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92426,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92427,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92428,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92429,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92430,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92431,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92432,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92433,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92434,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92435,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92436,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92437,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92438,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92439,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92440,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92441,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92442,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92443,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92444,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92445,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92446,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92447,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92448,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92449,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92450,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92451,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92452,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92453,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92454,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92455,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92456,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92457,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92458,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92459,25,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+92460,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92461,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92462,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92463,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92464,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92465,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92466,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92467,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92468,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92469,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92470,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92471,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+92472,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92473,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92474,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92475,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92476,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92477,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92478,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92479,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92480,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92481,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92482,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92483,25,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+92484,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92485,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92486,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92487,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92488,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92489,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92490,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92491,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92492,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92493,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92494,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92495,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+92496,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92497,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92498,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92499,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92500,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92501,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92502,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92503,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92504,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92505,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92506,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92507,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92508,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92509,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92510,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92511,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92512,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92513,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92514,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92515,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92516,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92517,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92518,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92519,25,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+92520,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92521,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92522,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92523,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92524,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92525,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92526,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92527,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92528,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92529,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92530,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92531,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92532,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92533,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92534,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92535,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92536,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92537,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92538,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92539,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92540,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92541,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92542,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92543,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92544,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92545,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92546,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92547,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92548,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92549,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92550,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92551,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92552,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92553,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92554,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92555,25,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+92556,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92557,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92558,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92559,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92560,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92561,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92562,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92563,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92564,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92565,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92566,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92567,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+92568,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92569,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92570,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92571,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92572,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92573,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92574,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92575,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92576,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92577,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92578,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92579,25,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92580,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92581,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92582,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92583,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92584,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92585,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92586,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92587,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92588,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92589,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92590,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92591,25,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92592,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92593,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92594,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92595,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92596,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92597,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92598,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92599,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92600,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92601,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92602,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92603,25,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92604,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92605,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92606,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92607,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92608,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92609,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92610,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92611,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92612,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92613,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92614,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92615,25,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92616,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92617,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92618,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92619,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92620,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92621,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92622,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92623,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92624,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92625,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92626,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92627,25,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92628,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92629,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92630,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92631,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92632,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92633,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92634,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92635,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92636,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92637,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92638,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92639,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92640,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92641,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92642,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92643,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92644,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92645,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92646,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92647,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92648,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92649,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92650,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92651,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92652,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92653,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92654,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92655,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92656,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92657,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92658,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92659,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92660,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92661,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92662,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92663,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92664,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92665,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92666,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92667,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92668,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92669,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92670,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92671,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92672,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92673,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92674,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92675,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92676,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92677,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92678,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92679,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92680,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92681,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92682,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92683,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92684,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92685,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92686,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92687,25,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92688,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92689,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92690,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92691,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92692,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92693,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92694,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92695,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92696,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92697,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92698,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92699,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+92700,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92701,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92702,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92703,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92704,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92705,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92706,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92707,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92708,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92709,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92710,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92711,25,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92712,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92713,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92714,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92715,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92716,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92717,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92718,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92719,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92720,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92721,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92722,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92723,25,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92724,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92725,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92726,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92727,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92728,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92729,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92730,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92731,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92732,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92733,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92734,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92735,25,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92736,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92737,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92738,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92739,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92740,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92741,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92742,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92743,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92744,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92745,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92746,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92747,25,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92748,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92749,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92750,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92751,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92752,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92753,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92754,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92755,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92756,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92757,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92758,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92759,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92760,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92761,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92762,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92763,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92764,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92765,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92766,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92767,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92768,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92769,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92770,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92771,25,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+92772,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92773,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92774,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92775,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92776,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92777,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92778,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92779,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92780,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92781,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92782,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92783,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92796,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92797,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92798,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92799,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92800,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92801,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92802,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92803,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92804,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92805,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92806,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92807,25,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92808,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92809,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92810,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92811,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92812,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92813,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92814,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92815,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92816,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92817,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92818,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92819,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+92820,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92821,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92822,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92823,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92824,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92825,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92826,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92827,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92828,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92829,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92830,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92831,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+92832,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92833,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92834,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92835,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92836,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92837,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92838,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92839,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92840,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92841,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92842,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92843,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92844,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92845,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92846,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92847,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92848,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92849,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92850,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92851,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92852,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92853,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92854,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92855,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92856,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92857,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92858,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92859,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92860,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92861,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92862,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92863,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92864,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92865,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92866,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92867,25,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92868,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92869,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92870,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92871,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92872,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92873,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92874,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92875,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92876,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92877,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92878,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92879,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+92880,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92881,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92882,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92883,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92884,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92885,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92886,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92887,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92888,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92889,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92890,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92891,25,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+92892,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92893,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92894,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92895,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92896,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92897,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92898,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92899,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92900,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92901,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92902,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92903,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+92904,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92905,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92906,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92907,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92908,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92909,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92910,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92911,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92912,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92913,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92914,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92915,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+92928,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92929,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92930,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92931,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92932,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92933,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92934,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92935,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92936,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92937,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92938,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92939,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+92940,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92941,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92942,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92943,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92944,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92945,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92946,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92947,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92948,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92949,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92950,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92951,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+92952,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92953,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92954,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92955,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92956,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92957,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92958,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92959,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92960,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92961,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92962,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92963,25,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+92964,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92965,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92966,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92967,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92968,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92969,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92970,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92971,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92972,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92973,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92974,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92975,25,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+92976,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92977,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92978,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92979,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92980,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92981,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92982,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92983,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92984,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92985,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92986,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92987,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+92988,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92989,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92990,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92991,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92992,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92993,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92994,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92995,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92996,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92997,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92998,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+92999,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93000,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93001,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93002,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93003,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93004,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93005,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93006,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93007,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93008,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93009,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93010,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93011,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93012,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93013,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93014,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93015,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93016,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93017,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93018,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93019,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93020,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93021,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93022,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93023,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93024,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93025,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93026,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93027,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93028,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93029,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93030,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93031,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93032,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93033,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93034,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93035,25,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93036,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93037,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93038,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93039,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93040,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93041,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93042,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93043,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93044,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93045,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93046,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93047,25,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93060,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93061,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93062,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93063,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93064,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93065,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93066,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93067,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93068,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93069,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93070,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93071,25,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93072,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93073,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93074,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93075,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93076,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93077,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93078,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93079,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93080,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93081,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93082,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93083,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93084,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93085,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93086,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93087,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93088,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93089,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93090,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93091,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93092,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93093,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93094,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93095,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93096,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93097,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93098,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93099,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93100,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93101,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93102,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93103,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93104,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93105,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93106,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93107,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93108,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93109,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93110,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93111,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93112,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93113,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93114,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93115,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93116,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93117,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93118,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93119,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+93120,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93121,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93122,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93123,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93124,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93125,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93126,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93127,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93128,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93129,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93130,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93131,25,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93132,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93133,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93134,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93135,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93136,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93137,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93138,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93139,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93140,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93141,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93142,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93143,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93144,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93145,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93146,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93147,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93148,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93149,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93150,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93151,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93152,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93153,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93154,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93155,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93156,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93157,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93158,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93159,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93160,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93161,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93162,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93163,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93164,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93165,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93166,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93167,25,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93168,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93169,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93170,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93171,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93172,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93173,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93174,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93175,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93176,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93177,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93178,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93179,25,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+93180,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93181,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93182,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93183,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93184,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93185,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93186,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93187,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93188,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93189,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93190,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93191,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93192,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93193,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93194,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93195,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93196,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93197,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93198,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93199,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93200,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93201,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93202,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93203,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93204,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93205,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93206,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93207,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93208,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93209,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93210,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93211,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93212,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93213,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93214,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93215,25,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+93216,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93217,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93218,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93219,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93220,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93221,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93222,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93223,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93224,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93225,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93226,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93227,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93228,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93229,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93230,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93231,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93232,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93233,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93234,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93235,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93236,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93237,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93238,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93239,25,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93240,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93241,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93242,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93243,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93244,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93245,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93246,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93247,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93248,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93249,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93250,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93251,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93252,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93253,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93254,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93255,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93256,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93257,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93258,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93259,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93260,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93261,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93262,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93263,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93264,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93265,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93266,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93267,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93268,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93269,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93270,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93271,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93272,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93273,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93274,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93275,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93276,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93277,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93278,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93279,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93280,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93281,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93282,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93283,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93284,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93285,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93286,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93287,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93288,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93289,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93290,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93291,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93292,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93293,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93294,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93295,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93296,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93297,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93298,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93299,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93300,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93301,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93302,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93303,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93304,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93305,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93306,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93307,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93308,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93309,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93310,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93311,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93312,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93313,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93314,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93315,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93316,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93317,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93318,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93319,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93320,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93321,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93322,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93323,25,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93324,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93325,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93326,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93327,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93328,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93329,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93330,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93331,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93332,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93333,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93334,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93335,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+93336,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93337,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93338,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93339,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93340,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93341,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93342,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93343,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93344,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93345,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93346,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93347,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93360,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93361,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93362,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93363,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93364,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93365,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93366,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93367,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93368,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93369,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93370,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93371,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93372,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93373,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93374,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93375,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93376,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93377,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93378,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93379,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93380,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93381,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93382,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93383,25,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93384,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93385,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93386,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93387,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93388,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93389,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93390,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93391,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93392,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93393,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93394,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93395,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93396,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93397,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93398,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93399,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93400,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93401,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93402,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93403,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93404,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93405,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93406,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93407,25,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93408,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93409,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93410,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93411,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93412,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93413,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93414,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93415,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93416,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93417,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93418,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93419,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+93420,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93421,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93422,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93423,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93424,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93425,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93426,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93427,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93428,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93429,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93430,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93431,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93432,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93433,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93434,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93435,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93436,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93437,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93438,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93439,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93440,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93441,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93442,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93443,25,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93444,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93445,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93446,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93447,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93448,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93449,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93450,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93451,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93452,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93453,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93454,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93455,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93456,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93457,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93458,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93459,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93460,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93461,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93462,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93463,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93464,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93465,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93466,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93467,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93468,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93469,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93470,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93471,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93472,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93473,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93474,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93475,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93476,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93477,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93478,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93479,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93480,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93481,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93482,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93483,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93484,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93485,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93486,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93487,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93488,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93489,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93490,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93491,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93492,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93493,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93494,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93495,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93496,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93497,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93498,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93499,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93500,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93501,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93502,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93503,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93504,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93505,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93506,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93507,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93508,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93509,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93510,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93511,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93512,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93513,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93514,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93515,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93516,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93517,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93518,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93519,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93520,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93521,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93522,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93523,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93524,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93525,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93526,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93527,25,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93528,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93529,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93530,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93531,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93532,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93533,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93534,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93535,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93536,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93537,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93538,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93539,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93552,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93553,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93554,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93555,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93556,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93557,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93558,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93559,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93560,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93561,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93562,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93563,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93564,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93565,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93566,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93567,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93568,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93569,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93570,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93571,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93572,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93573,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93574,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93575,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+93576,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93577,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93578,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93579,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93580,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93581,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93582,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93583,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93584,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93585,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93586,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93587,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93588,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93589,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93590,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93591,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93592,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93593,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93594,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93595,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93596,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93597,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93598,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93599,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93600,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93601,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93602,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93603,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93604,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93605,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93606,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93607,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93608,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93609,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93610,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93611,25,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93612,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93613,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93614,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93615,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93616,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93617,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93618,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93619,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93620,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93621,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93622,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93623,25,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93636,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93637,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93638,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93639,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93640,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93641,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93642,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93643,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93644,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93645,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93646,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93647,25,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93660,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93661,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93662,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93663,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93664,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93665,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93666,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93667,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93668,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93669,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93670,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93671,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93672,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93673,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93674,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93675,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93676,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93677,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93678,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93679,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93680,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93681,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93682,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93683,25,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93684,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93685,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93686,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93687,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93688,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93689,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93690,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93691,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93692,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93693,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93694,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93695,25,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93696,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93697,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93698,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93699,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93700,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93701,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93702,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93703,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93704,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93705,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93706,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93707,25,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+93708,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93709,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93710,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93711,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93712,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93713,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93714,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93715,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93716,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93717,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93718,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93719,25,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93720,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93721,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93722,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93723,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93724,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93725,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93726,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93727,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93728,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93729,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93730,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93731,25,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+93732,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93733,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93734,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93735,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93736,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93737,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93738,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93739,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93740,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93741,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93742,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93743,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93744,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93745,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93746,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93747,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93748,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93749,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93750,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93751,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93752,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93753,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93754,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93755,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93756,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93757,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93758,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93759,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93760,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93761,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93762,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93763,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93764,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93765,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93766,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93767,25,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93768,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93769,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93770,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93771,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93772,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93773,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93774,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93775,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93776,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93777,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93778,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93779,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+93780,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93781,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93782,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93783,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93784,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93785,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93786,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93787,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93788,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93789,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93790,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93791,25,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+93804,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93805,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93806,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93807,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93808,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93809,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93810,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93811,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93812,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93813,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93814,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93815,25,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93816,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93817,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93818,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93819,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93820,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93821,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93822,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93823,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93824,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93825,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93826,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93827,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+93828,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93829,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93830,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93831,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93832,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93833,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93834,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93835,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93836,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93837,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93838,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93839,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93840,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93841,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93842,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93843,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93844,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93845,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93846,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93847,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93848,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93849,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93850,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93851,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+93852,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93853,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93854,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93855,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93856,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93857,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93858,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93859,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93860,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93861,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93862,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93863,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93864,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93865,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93866,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93867,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93868,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93869,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93870,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93871,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93872,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93873,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93874,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93875,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+93876,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93877,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93878,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93879,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93880,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93881,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93882,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93883,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93884,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93885,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93886,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93887,25,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93912,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93913,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93914,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93915,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93916,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93917,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93918,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93919,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93920,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93921,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93922,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93923,25,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93924,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93925,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93926,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93927,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93928,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93929,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93930,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93931,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93932,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93933,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93934,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93935,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+93936,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93937,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93938,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93939,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93940,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93941,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93942,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93943,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93944,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93945,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93946,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93947,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+93948,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93949,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93950,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93951,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93952,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93953,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93954,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93955,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93956,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93957,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93958,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93959,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93960,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93961,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93962,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93963,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93964,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93965,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93966,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93967,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93968,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93969,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93970,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93971,25,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+93972,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93973,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93974,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93975,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93976,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93977,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93978,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93979,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93980,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93981,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93982,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93983,25,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+93996,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93997,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93998,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+93999,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94000,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94001,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94002,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94003,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94004,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94005,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94006,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94007,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94020,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94021,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94022,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94023,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94024,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94025,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94026,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94027,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94028,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94029,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94030,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94031,25,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94032,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94033,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94034,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94035,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94036,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94037,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94038,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94039,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94040,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94041,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94042,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94043,25,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94044,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94045,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94046,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94047,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94048,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94049,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94050,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94051,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94052,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94053,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94054,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94055,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94068,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94069,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94070,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94071,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94072,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94073,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94074,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94075,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94076,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94077,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94078,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94079,25,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94092,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94093,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94094,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94095,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94096,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94097,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94098,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94099,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94100,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94101,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94102,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94103,25,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94104,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94105,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94106,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94107,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94108,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94109,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94110,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94111,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94112,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94113,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94114,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94115,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94116,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94117,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94118,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94119,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94120,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94121,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94122,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94123,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94124,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94125,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94126,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94127,25,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94128,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94129,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94130,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94131,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94132,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94133,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94134,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94135,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94136,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94137,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94138,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94139,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94152,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94153,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94154,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94155,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94156,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94157,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94158,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94159,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94160,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94161,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94162,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94163,25,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94164,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94165,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94166,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94167,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94168,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94169,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94170,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94171,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94172,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94173,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94174,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94175,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94176,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94177,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94178,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94179,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94180,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94181,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94182,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94183,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94184,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94185,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94186,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94187,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94188,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94189,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94190,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94191,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94192,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94193,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94194,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94195,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94196,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94197,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94198,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94199,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94200,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94201,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94202,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94203,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94204,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94205,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94206,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94207,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94208,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94209,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94210,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94211,25,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94212,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94213,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94214,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94215,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94216,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94217,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94218,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94219,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94220,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94221,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94222,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94223,25,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94236,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94237,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94238,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94239,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94240,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94241,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94242,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94243,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94244,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94245,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94246,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94247,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94248,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94249,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94250,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94251,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94252,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94253,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94254,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94255,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94256,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94257,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94258,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94259,25,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94260,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94261,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94262,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94263,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94264,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94265,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94266,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94267,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94268,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94269,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94270,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94271,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94272,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94273,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94274,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94275,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94276,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94277,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94278,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94279,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94280,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94281,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94282,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94283,25,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94284,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94285,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94286,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94287,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94288,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94289,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94290,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94291,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94292,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94293,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94294,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94295,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94296,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94297,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94298,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94299,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94300,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94301,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94302,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94303,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94304,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94305,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94306,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94307,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94308,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94309,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94310,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94311,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94312,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94313,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94314,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94315,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94316,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94317,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94318,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94319,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94320,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94321,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94322,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94323,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94324,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94325,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94326,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94327,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94328,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94329,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94330,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94331,25,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94332,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94333,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94334,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94335,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94336,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94337,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94338,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94339,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94340,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94341,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94342,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94343,25,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94344,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94345,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94346,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94347,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94348,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94349,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94350,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94351,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94352,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94353,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94354,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94355,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94356,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94357,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94358,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94359,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94360,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94361,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94362,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94363,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94364,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94365,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94366,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94367,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94368,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94369,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94370,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94371,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94372,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94373,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94374,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94375,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94376,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94377,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94378,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94379,25,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94380,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94381,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94382,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94383,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94384,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94385,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94386,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94387,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94388,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94389,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94390,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94391,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94404,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94405,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94406,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94407,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94408,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94409,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94410,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94411,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94412,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94413,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94414,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94415,25,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94428,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94429,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94430,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94431,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94432,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94433,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94434,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94435,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94436,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94437,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94438,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94439,25,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+94440,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94441,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94442,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94443,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94444,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94445,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94446,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94447,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94448,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94449,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94450,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94451,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94452,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94453,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94454,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94455,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94456,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94457,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94458,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94459,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94460,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94461,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94462,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94463,25,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+94464,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94465,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94466,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94467,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94468,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94469,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94470,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94471,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94472,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94473,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94474,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94475,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94476,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94477,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94478,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94479,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94480,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94481,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94482,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94483,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94484,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94485,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94486,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94487,25,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94488,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94489,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94490,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94491,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94492,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94493,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94494,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94495,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94496,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94497,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94498,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94499,25,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94500,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94501,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94502,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94503,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94504,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94505,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94506,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94507,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94508,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94509,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94510,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94511,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94512,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94513,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94514,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94515,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94516,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94517,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94518,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94519,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94520,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94521,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94522,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94523,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94524,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94525,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94526,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94527,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94528,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94529,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94530,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94531,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94532,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94533,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94534,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94535,25,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94536,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94537,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94538,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94539,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94540,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94541,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94542,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94543,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94544,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94545,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94546,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94547,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94560,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94561,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94562,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94563,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94564,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94565,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94566,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94567,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94568,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94569,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94570,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94571,23,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94572,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94573,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94574,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94575,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94576,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94577,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94578,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94579,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94580,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94581,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94582,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94583,23,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94584,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94585,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94586,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94587,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94588,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94589,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94590,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94591,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94592,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94593,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94594,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94595,23,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+94596,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94597,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94598,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94599,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94600,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94601,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94602,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94603,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94604,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94605,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94606,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94607,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94620,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94621,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94622,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94623,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94624,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94625,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94626,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94627,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94628,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94629,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94630,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94631,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+94632,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94633,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94634,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94635,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94636,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94637,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94638,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94639,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94640,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94641,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94642,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94643,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94644,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94645,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94646,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94647,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94648,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94649,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94650,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94651,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94652,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94653,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94654,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94655,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94656,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94657,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94658,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94659,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94660,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94661,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94662,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94663,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94664,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94665,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94666,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94667,23,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94668,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94669,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94670,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94671,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94672,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94673,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94674,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94675,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94676,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94677,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94678,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94679,23,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94680,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94681,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94682,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94683,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94684,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94685,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94686,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94687,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94688,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94689,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94690,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94691,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94692,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94693,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94694,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94695,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94696,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94697,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94698,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94699,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94700,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94701,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94702,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94703,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94716,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94717,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94718,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94719,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94720,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94721,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94722,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94723,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94724,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94725,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94726,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94727,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94728,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94729,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94730,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94731,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94732,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94733,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94734,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94735,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94736,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94737,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94738,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94739,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94740,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94741,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94742,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94743,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94744,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94745,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94746,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94747,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94748,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94749,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94750,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94751,23,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+94752,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94753,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94754,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94755,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94756,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94757,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94758,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94759,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94760,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94761,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94762,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94763,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+94764,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94765,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94766,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94767,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94768,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94769,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94770,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94771,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94772,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94773,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94774,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94775,23,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+94776,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94777,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94778,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94779,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94780,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94781,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94782,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94783,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94784,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94785,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94786,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94787,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+94788,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94789,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94790,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94791,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94792,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94793,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94794,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94795,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94796,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94797,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94798,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94799,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94800,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94801,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94802,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94803,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94804,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94805,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94806,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94807,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94808,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94809,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94810,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94811,23,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+94812,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94813,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94814,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94815,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94816,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94817,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94818,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94819,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94820,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94821,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94822,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94823,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+94824,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94825,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94826,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94827,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94828,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94829,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94830,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94831,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94832,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94833,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94834,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94835,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94836,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94837,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94838,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94839,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94840,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94841,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94842,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94843,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94844,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94845,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94846,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94847,23,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+94848,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94849,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94850,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94851,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94852,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94853,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94854,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94855,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94856,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94857,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94858,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94859,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94860,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94861,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94862,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94863,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94864,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94865,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94866,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94867,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94868,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94869,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94870,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94871,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+94872,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94873,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94874,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94875,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94876,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94877,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94878,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94879,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94880,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94881,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94882,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94883,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94884,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94885,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94886,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94887,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94888,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94889,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94890,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94891,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94892,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94893,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94894,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94895,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94896,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94897,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94898,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94899,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94900,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94901,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94902,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94903,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94904,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94905,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94906,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94907,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94908,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94909,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94910,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94911,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94912,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94913,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94914,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94915,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94916,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94917,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94918,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94919,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+94920,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94921,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94922,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94923,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94924,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94925,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94926,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94927,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94928,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94929,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94930,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94931,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+94932,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94933,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94934,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94935,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94936,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94937,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94938,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94939,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94940,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94941,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94942,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94943,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+94956,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94957,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94958,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94959,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94960,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94961,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94962,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94963,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94964,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94965,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94966,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94967,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+94968,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94969,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94970,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94971,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94972,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94973,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94974,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94975,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94976,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94977,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94978,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94979,23,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+94980,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94981,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94982,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94983,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94984,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94985,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94986,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94987,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94988,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94989,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94990,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94991,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+94992,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94993,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94994,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94995,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94996,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94997,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94998,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+94999,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95000,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95001,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95002,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95003,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95004,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95005,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95006,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95007,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95008,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95009,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95010,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95011,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95012,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95013,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95014,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95015,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95016,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95017,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95018,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95019,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95020,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95021,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95022,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95023,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95024,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95025,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95026,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95027,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95028,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95029,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95030,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95031,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95032,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95033,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95034,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95035,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95036,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95037,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95038,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95039,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+95040,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95041,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95042,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95043,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95044,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95045,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95046,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95047,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95048,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95049,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95050,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95051,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95064,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95065,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95066,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95067,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95068,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95069,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95070,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95071,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95072,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95073,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95074,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95075,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95076,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95077,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95078,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95079,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95080,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95081,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95082,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95083,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95084,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95085,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95086,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95087,23,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95088,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95089,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95090,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95091,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95092,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95093,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95094,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95095,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95096,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95097,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95098,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95099,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95100,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95101,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95102,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95103,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95104,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95105,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95106,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95107,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95108,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95109,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95110,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95111,23,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95112,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95113,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95114,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95115,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95116,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95117,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95118,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95119,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95120,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95121,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95122,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95123,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+95124,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95125,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95126,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95127,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95128,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95129,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95130,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95131,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95132,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95133,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95134,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95135,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95136,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95137,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95138,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95139,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95140,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95141,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95142,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95143,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95144,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95145,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95146,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95147,23,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95148,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95149,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95150,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95151,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95152,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95153,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95154,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95155,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95156,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95157,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95158,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95159,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95160,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95161,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95162,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95163,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95164,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95165,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95166,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95167,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95168,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95169,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95170,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95171,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95172,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95173,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95174,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95175,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95176,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95177,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95178,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95179,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95180,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95181,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95182,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95183,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95184,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95185,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95186,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95187,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95188,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95189,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95190,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95191,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95192,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95193,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95194,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95195,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95196,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95197,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95198,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95199,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95200,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95201,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95202,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95203,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95204,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95205,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95206,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95207,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95208,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95209,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95210,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95211,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95212,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95213,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95214,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95215,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95216,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95217,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95218,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95219,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95220,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95221,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95222,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95223,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95224,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95225,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95226,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95227,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95228,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95229,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95230,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95231,23,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95232,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95233,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95234,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95235,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95236,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95237,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95238,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95239,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95240,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95241,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95242,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95243,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95256,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95257,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95258,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95259,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95260,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95261,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95262,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95263,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95264,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95265,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95266,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95267,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95268,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95269,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95270,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95271,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95272,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95273,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95274,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95275,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95276,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95277,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95278,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95279,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+95280,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95281,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95282,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95283,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95284,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95285,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95286,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95287,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95288,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95289,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95290,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95291,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95292,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95293,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95294,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95295,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95296,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95297,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95298,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95299,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95300,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95301,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95302,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95303,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95304,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95305,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95306,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95307,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95308,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95309,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95310,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95311,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95312,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95313,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95314,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95315,23,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95316,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95317,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95318,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95319,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95320,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95321,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95322,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95323,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95324,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95325,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95326,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95327,23,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95340,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95341,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95342,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95343,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95344,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95345,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95346,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95347,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95348,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95349,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95350,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95351,23,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95364,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95365,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95366,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95367,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95368,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95369,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95370,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95371,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95372,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95373,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95374,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95375,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95376,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95377,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95378,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95379,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95380,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95381,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95382,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95383,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95384,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95385,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95386,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95387,23,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95388,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95389,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95390,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95391,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95392,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95393,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95394,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95395,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95396,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95397,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95398,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95399,23,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95400,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95401,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95402,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95403,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95404,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95405,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95406,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95407,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95408,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95409,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95410,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95411,23,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95412,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95413,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95414,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95415,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95416,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95417,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95418,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95419,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95420,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95421,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95422,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95423,23,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95424,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95425,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95426,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95427,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95428,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95429,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95430,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95431,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95432,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95433,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95434,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95435,23,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95436,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95437,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95438,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95439,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95440,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95441,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95442,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95443,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95444,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95445,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95446,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95447,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95448,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95449,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95450,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95451,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95452,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95453,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95454,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95455,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95456,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95457,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95458,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95459,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95460,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95461,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95462,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95463,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95464,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95465,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95466,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95467,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95468,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95469,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95470,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95471,23,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95472,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95473,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95474,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95475,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95476,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95477,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95478,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95479,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95480,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95481,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95482,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95483,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+95484,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95485,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95486,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95487,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95488,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95489,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95490,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95491,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95492,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95493,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95494,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95495,23,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95508,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95509,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95510,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95511,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95512,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95513,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95514,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95515,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95516,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95517,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95518,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95519,23,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95520,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95521,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95522,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95523,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95524,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95525,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95526,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95527,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95528,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95529,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95530,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95531,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+95532,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95533,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95534,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95535,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95536,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95537,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95538,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95539,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95540,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95541,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95542,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95543,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95544,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95545,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95546,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95547,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95548,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95549,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95550,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95551,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95552,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95553,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95554,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95555,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95556,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95557,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95558,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95559,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95560,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95561,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95562,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95563,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95564,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95565,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95566,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95567,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95568,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95569,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95570,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95571,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95572,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95573,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95574,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95575,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95576,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95577,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95578,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95579,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95580,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95581,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95582,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95583,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95584,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95585,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95586,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95587,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95588,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95589,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95590,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95591,23,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95616,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95617,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95618,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95619,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95620,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95621,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95622,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95623,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95624,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95625,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95626,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95627,23,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95628,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95629,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95630,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95631,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95632,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95633,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95634,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95635,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95636,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95637,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95638,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95639,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+95640,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95641,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95642,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95643,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95644,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95645,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95646,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95647,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95648,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95649,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95650,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95651,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+95652,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95653,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95654,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95655,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95656,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95657,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95658,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95659,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95660,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95661,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95662,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95663,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95664,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95665,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95666,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95667,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95668,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95669,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95670,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95671,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95672,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95673,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95674,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95675,23,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+95676,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95677,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95678,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95679,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95680,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95681,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95682,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95683,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95684,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95685,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95686,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95687,23,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95700,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95701,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95702,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95703,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95704,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95705,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95706,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95707,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95708,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95709,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95710,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95711,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+95724,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95725,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95726,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95727,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95728,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95729,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95730,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95731,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95732,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95733,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95734,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95735,23,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95736,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95737,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95738,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95739,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95740,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95741,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95742,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95743,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95744,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95745,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95746,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95747,23,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95748,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95749,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95750,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95751,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95752,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95753,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95754,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95755,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95756,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95757,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95758,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95759,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95772,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95773,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95774,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95775,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95776,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95777,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95778,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95779,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95780,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95781,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95782,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95783,23,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+95796,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95797,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95798,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95799,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95800,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95801,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95802,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95803,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95804,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95805,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95806,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95807,23,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95808,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95809,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95810,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95811,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95812,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95813,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95814,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95815,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95816,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95817,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95818,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95819,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95820,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95821,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95822,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95823,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95824,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95825,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95826,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95827,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95828,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95829,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95830,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95831,23,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95832,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95833,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95834,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95835,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95836,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95837,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95838,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95839,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95840,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95841,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95842,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95843,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95844,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95845,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95846,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95847,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95848,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95849,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95850,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95851,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95852,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95853,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95854,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95855,23,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+95856,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95857,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95858,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95859,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95860,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95861,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95862,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95863,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95864,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95865,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95866,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95867,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95868,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95869,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95870,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95871,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95872,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95873,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95874,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95875,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95876,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95877,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95878,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95879,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95880,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95881,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95882,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95883,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95884,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95885,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95886,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95887,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95888,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95889,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95890,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95891,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95892,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95893,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95894,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95895,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95896,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95897,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95898,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95899,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95900,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95901,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95902,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95903,23,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95916,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95917,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95918,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95919,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95920,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95921,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95922,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95923,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95924,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95925,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95926,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95927,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95928,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95929,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95930,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95931,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95932,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95933,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95934,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95935,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95936,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95937,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95938,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95939,23,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+95940,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95941,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95942,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95943,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95944,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95945,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95946,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95947,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95948,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95949,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95950,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95951,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+95952,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95953,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95954,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95955,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95956,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95957,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95958,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95959,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95960,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95961,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95962,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95963,23,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95964,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95965,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95966,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95967,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95968,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95969,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95970,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95971,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95972,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95973,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95974,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95975,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+95976,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95977,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95978,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95979,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95980,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95981,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95982,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95983,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95984,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95985,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95986,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95987,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+95988,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95989,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95990,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95991,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95992,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95993,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95994,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95995,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95996,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95997,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95998,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+95999,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96000,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96001,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96002,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96003,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96004,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96005,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96006,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96007,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96008,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96009,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96010,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96011,23,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96012,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96013,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96014,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96015,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96016,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96017,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96018,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96019,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96020,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96021,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96022,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96023,23,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96024,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96025,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96026,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96027,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96028,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96029,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96030,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96031,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96032,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96033,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96034,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96035,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96036,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96037,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96038,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96039,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96040,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96041,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96042,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96043,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96044,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96045,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96046,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96047,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96048,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96049,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96050,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96051,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96052,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96053,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96054,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96055,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96056,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96057,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96058,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96059,23,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96060,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96061,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96062,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96063,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96064,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96065,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96066,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96067,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96068,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96069,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96070,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96071,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96084,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96085,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96086,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96087,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96088,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96089,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96090,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96091,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96092,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96093,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96094,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96095,23,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96108,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96109,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96110,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96111,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96112,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96113,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96114,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96115,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96116,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96117,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96118,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96119,23,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+96120,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96121,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96122,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96123,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96124,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96125,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96126,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96127,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96128,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96129,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96130,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96131,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96132,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96133,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96134,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96135,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96136,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96137,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96138,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96139,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96140,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96141,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96142,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96143,23,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+96144,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96145,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96146,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96147,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96148,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96149,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96150,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96151,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96152,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96153,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96154,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96155,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96168,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96169,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96170,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96171,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96172,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96173,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96174,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96175,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96176,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96177,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96178,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96179,26,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96180,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96181,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96182,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96183,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96184,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96185,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96186,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96187,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96188,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96189,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96190,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96191,26,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96192,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96193,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96194,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96195,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96196,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96197,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96198,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96199,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96200,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96201,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96202,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96203,26,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96204,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96205,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96206,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96207,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96208,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96209,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96210,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96211,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96212,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96213,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96214,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96215,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96228,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96229,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96230,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96231,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96232,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96233,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96234,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96235,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96236,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96237,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96238,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96239,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96240,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96241,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96242,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96243,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96244,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96245,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96246,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96247,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96248,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96249,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96250,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96251,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96252,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96253,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96254,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96255,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96256,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96257,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96258,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96259,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96260,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96261,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96262,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96263,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96264,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96265,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96266,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96267,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96268,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96269,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96270,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96271,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96272,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96273,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96274,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96275,26,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96276,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96277,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96278,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96279,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96280,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96281,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96282,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96283,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96284,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96285,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96286,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96287,26,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96288,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96289,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96290,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96291,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96292,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96293,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96294,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96295,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96296,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96297,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96298,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96299,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96300,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96301,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96302,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96303,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96304,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96305,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96306,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96307,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96308,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96309,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96310,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96311,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96312,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96313,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96314,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96315,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96316,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96317,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96318,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96319,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96320,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96321,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96322,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96323,26,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96336,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96337,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96338,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96339,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96340,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96341,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96342,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96343,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96344,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96345,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96346,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96347,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96348,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96349,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96350,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96351,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96352,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96353,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96354,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96355,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96356,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96357,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96358,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96359,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+96360,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96361,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96362,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96363,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96364,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96365,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96366,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96367,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96368,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96369,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96370,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96371,26,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+96372,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96373,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96374,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96375,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96376,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96377,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96378,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96379,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96380,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96381,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96382,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96383,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+96384,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96385,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96386,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96387,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96388,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96389,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96390,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96391,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96392,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96393,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96394,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96395,26,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+96396,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96397,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96398,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96399,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96400,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96401,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96402,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96403,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96404,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96405,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96406,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96407,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+96408,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96409,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96410,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96411,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96412,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96413,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96414,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96415,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96416,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96417,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96418,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96419,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96420,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96421,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96422,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96423,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96424,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96425,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96426,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96427,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96428,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96429,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96430,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96431,26,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+96432,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96433,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96434,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96435,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96436,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96437,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96438,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96439,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96440,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96441,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96442,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96443,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96444,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96445,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96446,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96447,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96448,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96449,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96450,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96451,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96452,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96453,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96454,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96455,26,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96456,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96457,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96458,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96459,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96460,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96461,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96462,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96463,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96464,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96465,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96466,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96467,26,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96468,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96469,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96470,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96471,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96472,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96473,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96474,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96475,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96476,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96477,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96478,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96479,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96480,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96481,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96482,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96483,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96484,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96485,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96486,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96487,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96488,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96489,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96490,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96491,26,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96492,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96493,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96494,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96495,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96496,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96497,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96498,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96499,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96500,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96501,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96502,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96503,26,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96504,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96505,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96506,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96507,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96508,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96509,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96510,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96511,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96512,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96513,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96514,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96515,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96528,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96529,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96530,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96531,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96532,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96533,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96534,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96535,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96536,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96537,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96538,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96539,26,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96540,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96541,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96542,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96543,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96544,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96545,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96546,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96547,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96548,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96549,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96550,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96551,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96552,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96553,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96554,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96555,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96556,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96557,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96558,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96559,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96560,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96561,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96562,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96563,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+96564,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96565,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96566,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96567,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96568,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96569,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96570,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96571,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96572,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96573,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96574,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96575,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96576,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96577,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96578,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96579,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96580,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96581,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96582,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96583,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96584,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96585,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96586,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96587,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96588,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96589,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96590,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96591,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96592,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96593,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96594,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96595,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96596,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96597,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96598,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96599,26,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96600,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96601,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96602,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96603,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96604,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96605,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96606,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96607,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96608,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96609,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96610,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96611,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+96612,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96613,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96614,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96615,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96616,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96617,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96618,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96619,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96620,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96621,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96622,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96623,26,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+96624,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96625,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96626,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96627,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96628,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96629,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96630,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96631,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96632,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96633,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96634,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96635,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96636,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96637,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96638,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96639,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96640,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96641,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96642,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96643,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96644,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96645,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96646,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96647,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96660,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96661,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96662,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96663,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96664,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96665,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96666,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96667,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96668,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96669,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96670,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96671,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96672,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96673,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96674,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96675,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96676,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96677,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96678,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96679,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96680,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96681,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96682,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96683,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96684,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96685,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96686,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96687,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96688,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96689,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96690,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96691,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96692,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96693,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96694,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96695,26,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96696,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96697,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96698,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96699,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96700,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96701,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96702,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96703,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96704,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96705,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96706,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96707,26,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96708,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96709,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96710,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96711,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96712,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96713,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96714,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96715,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96716,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96717,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96718,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96719,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96720,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96721,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96722,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96723,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96724,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96725,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96726,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96727,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96728,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96729,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96730,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96731,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96732,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96733,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96734,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96735,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96736,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96737,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96738,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96739,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96740,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96741,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96742,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96743,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96744,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96745,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96746,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96747,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96748,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96749,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96750,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96751,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96752,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96753,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96754,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96755,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96756,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96757,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96758,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96759,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96760,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96761,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96762,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96763,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96764,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96765,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96766,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96767,26,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+96768,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96769,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96770,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96771,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96772,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96773,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96774,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96775,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96776,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96777,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96778,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96779,26,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96792,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96793,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96794,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96795,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96796,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96797,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96798,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96799,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96800,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96801,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96802,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96803,26,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96804,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96805,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96806,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96807,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96808,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96809,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96810,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96811,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96812,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96813,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96814,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96815,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+96816,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96817,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96818,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96819,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96820,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96821,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96822,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96823,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96824,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96825,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96826,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96827,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96828,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96829,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96830,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96831,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96832,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96833,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96834,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96835,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96836,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96837,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96838,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96839,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+96840,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96841,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96842,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96843,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96844,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96845,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96846,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96847,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96848,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96849,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96850,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96851,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+96852,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96853,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96854,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96855,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96856,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96857,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96858,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96859,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96860,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96861,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96862,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96863,26,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96864,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96865,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96866,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96867,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96868,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96869,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96870,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96871,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96872,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96873,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96874,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96875,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96876,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96877,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96878,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96879,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96880,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96881,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96882,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96883,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96884,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96885,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96886,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96887,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+96888,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96889,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96890,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96891,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96892,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96893,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96894,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96895,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96896,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96897,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96898,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96899,26,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96900,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96901,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96902,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96903,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96904,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96905,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96906,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96907,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96908,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96909,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96910,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96911,26,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+96912,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96913,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96914,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96915,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96916,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96917,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96918,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96919,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96920,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96921,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96922,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96923,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+96924,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96925,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96926,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96927,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96928,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96929,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96930,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96931,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96932,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96933,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96934,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96935,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+96936,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96937,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96938,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96939,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96940,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96941,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96942,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96943,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96944,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96945,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96946,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96947,26,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+96948,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96949,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96950,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96951,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96952,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96953,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96954,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96955,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96956,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96957,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96958,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96959,26,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96960,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96961,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96962,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96963,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96964,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96965,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96966,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96967,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96968,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96969,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96970,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96971,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+96972,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96973,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96974,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96975,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96976,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96977,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96978,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96979,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96980,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96981,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96982,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96983,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+96984,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96985,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96986,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96987,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96988,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96989,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96990,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96991,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96992,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96993,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96994,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96995,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+96996,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96997,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96998,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+96999,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97000,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97001,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97002,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97003,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97004,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97005,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97006,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97007,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97008,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97009,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97010,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97011,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97012,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97013,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97014,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97015,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97016,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97017,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97018,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97019,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97020,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97021,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97022,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97023,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97024,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97025,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97026,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97027,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97028,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97029,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97030,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97031,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97032,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97033,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97034,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97035,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97036,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97037,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97038,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97039,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97040,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97041,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97042,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97043,26,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97044,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97045,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97046,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97047,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97048,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97049,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97050,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97051,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97052,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97053,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97054,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97055,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with baseboard electric
+97056,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97057,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97058,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97059,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97060,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97061,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97062,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97063,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97064,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97065,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97066,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97067,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97080,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97081,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97082,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97083,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97084,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97085,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97086,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97087,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97088,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97089,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97090,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97091,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97092,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97093,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97094,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97095,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97096,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97097,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97098,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97099,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97100,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97101,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97102,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97103,26,primary_school,0,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97104,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97105,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97106,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97107,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97108,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97109,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97110,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97111,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97112,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97113,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97114,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97115,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97116,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97117,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97118,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97119,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97120,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97121,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97122,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97123,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97124,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97125,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97126,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97127,26,primary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97128,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97129,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97130,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97131,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97132,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97133,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97134,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97135,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97136,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97137,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97138,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97139,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+97140,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97141,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97142,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97143,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97144,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97145,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97146,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97147,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97148,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97149,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97150,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97151,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97152,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97153,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97154,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97155,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97156,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97157,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97158,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97159,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97160,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97161,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97162,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97163,26,primary_school,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97164,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97165,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97166,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97167,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97168,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97169,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97170,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97171,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97172,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97173,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97174,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97175,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97176,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97177,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97178,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97179,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97180,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97181,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97182,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97183,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97184,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97185,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97186,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97187,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97188,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97189,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97190,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97191,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97192,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97193,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97194,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97195,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97196,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97197,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97198,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97199,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97200,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97201,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97202,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97203,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97204,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97205,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97206,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97207,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97208,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97209,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97210,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97211,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97212,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97213,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97214,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97215,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97216,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97217,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97218,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97219,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97220,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97221,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97222,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97223,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97224,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97225,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97226,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97227,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97228,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97229,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97230,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97231,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97232,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97233,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97234,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97235,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97236,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97237,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97238,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97239,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97240,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97241,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97242,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97243,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97244,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97245,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97246,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97247,26,primary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97248,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97249,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97250,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97251,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97252,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97253,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97254,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97255,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97256,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97257,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97258,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97259,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97272,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97273,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97274,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97275,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97276,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97277,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97278,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97279,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97280,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97281,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97282,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97283,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97284,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97285,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97286,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97287,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97288,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97289,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97290,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97291,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97292,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97293,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97294,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97295,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+97296,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97297,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97298,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97299,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97300,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97301,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97302,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97303,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97304,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97305,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97306,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97307,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97308,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97309,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97310,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97311,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97312,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97313,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97314,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97315,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97316,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97317,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97318,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97319,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97320,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97321,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97322,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97323,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97324,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97325,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97326,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97327,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97328,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97329,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97330,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97331,26,quick_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97332,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97333,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97334,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97335,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97336,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97337,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97338,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97339,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97340,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97341,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97342,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97343,26,retail,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97356,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97357,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97358,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97359,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97360,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97361,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97362,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97363,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97364,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97365,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97366,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97367,26,retail,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97380,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97381,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97382,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97383,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97384,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97385,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97386,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97387,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97388,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97389,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97390,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97391,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97392,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97393,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97394,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97395,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97396,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97397,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97398,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97399,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97400,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97401,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97402,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97403,26,retail,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97404,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97405,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97406,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97407,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97408,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97409,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97410,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97411,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97412,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97413,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97414,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97415,26,retail,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97416,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97417,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97418,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97419,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97420,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97421,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97422,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97423,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97424,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97425,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97426,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97427,26,retail,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97428,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97429,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97430,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97431,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97432,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97433,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97434,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97435,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97436,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97437,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97438,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97439,26,retail,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97440,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97441,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97442,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97443,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97444,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97445,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97446,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97447,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97448,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97449,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97450,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97451,26,retail,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97452,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97453,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97454,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97455,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97456,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97457,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97458,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97459,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97460,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97461,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97462,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97463,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97464,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97465,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97466,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97467,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97468,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97469,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97470,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97471,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97472,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97473,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97474,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97475,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97476,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97477,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97478,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97479,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97480,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97481,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97482,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97483,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97484,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97485,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97486,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97487,26,retail,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97488,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97489,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97490,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97491,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97492,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97493,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97494,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97495,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97496,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97497,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97498,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97499,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+97500,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97501,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97502,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97503,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97504,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97505,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97506,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97507,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97508,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97509,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97510,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97511,26,secondary_school,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97524,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97525,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97526,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97527,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97528,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97529,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97530,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97531,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97532,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97533,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97534,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97535,26,secondary_school,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97536,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97537,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97538,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97539,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97540,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97541,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97542,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97543,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97544,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97545,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97546,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97547,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+97548,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97549,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97550,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97551,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97552,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97553,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97554,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97555,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97556,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97557,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97558,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97559,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97560,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97561,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97562,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97563,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97564,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97565,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97566,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97567,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97568,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97569,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97570,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97571,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97572,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97573,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97574,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97575,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97576,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97577,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97578,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97579,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97580,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97581,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97582,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97583,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97584,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97585,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97586,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97587,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97588,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97589,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97590,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97591,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97592,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97593,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97594,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97595,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97596,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97597,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97598,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97599,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97600,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97601,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97602,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97603,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97604,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97605,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97606,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97607,26,secondary_school,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97632,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97633,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97634,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97635,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97636,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97637,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97638,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97639,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97640,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97641,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97642,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97643,26,secondary_school,1,FuelOil,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97644,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97645,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97646,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97647,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97648,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97649,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97650,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97651,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97652,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97653,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97654,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97655,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+97656,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97657,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97658,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97659,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97660,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97661,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97662,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97663,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97664,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97665,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97666,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97667,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97668,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97669,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97670,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97671,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97672,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97673,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97674,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97675,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97676,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97677,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97678,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97679,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97680,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97681,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97682,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97683,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97684,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97685,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97686,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97687,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97688,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97689,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97690,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97691,26,secondary_school,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+97692,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97693,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97694,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97695,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97696,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97697,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97698,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97699,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97700,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97701,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97702,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97703,26,small_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97716,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97717,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97718,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97719,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97720,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97721,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97722,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97723,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97724,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97725,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97726,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97727,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+97740,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97741,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97742,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97743,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97744,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97745,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97746,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97747,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97748,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97749,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97750,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97751,26,small_hotel,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97752,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97753,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97754,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97755,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97756,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97757,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97758,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97759,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97760,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97761,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97762,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97763,26,small_hotel,0,Propane,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97764,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97765,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97766,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97767,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97768,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97769,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97770,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97771,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97772,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97773,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97774,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97775,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97788,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97789,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97790,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97791,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97792,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97793,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97794,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97795,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97796,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97797,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97798,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97799,26,small_office,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+97812,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97813,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97814,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97815,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97816,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97817,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97818,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97819,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97820,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97821,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97822,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97823,26,small_office,0,FuelOil,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97824,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97825,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97826,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97827,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97828,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97829,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97830,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97831,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97832,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97833,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97834,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97835,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97836,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97837,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97838,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97839,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97840,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97841,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97842,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97843,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97844,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97845,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97846,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97847,26,small_office,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97848,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97849,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97850,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97851,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97852,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97853,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97854,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97855,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97856,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97857,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97858,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97859,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97872,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97873,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97874,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97875,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97876,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97877,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97878,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97879,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97880,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97881,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97882,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97883,26,small_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+97884,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97885,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97886,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97887,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97888,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97889,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97890,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97891,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97892,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97893,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97894,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97895,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97896,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97897,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97898,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97899,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97900,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97901,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97902,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97903,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97904,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97905,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97906,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97907,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+97908,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97909,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97910,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97911,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97912,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97913,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97914,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97915,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97916,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97917,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97918,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97919,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97920,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97921,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97922,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97923,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97924,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97925,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97926,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97927,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97928,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97929,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97930,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97931,26,small_office,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97932,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97933,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97934,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97935,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97936,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97937,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97938,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97939,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97940,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97941,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97942,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97943,26,strip_mall,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97956,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97957,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97958,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97959,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97960,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97961,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97962,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97963,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97964,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97965,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97966,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97967,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+97968,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97969,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97970,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97971,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97972,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97973,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97974,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97975,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97976,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97977,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97978,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97979,26,strip_mall,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+97980,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97981,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97982,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97983,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97984,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97985,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97986,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97987,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97988,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97989,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97990,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97991,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+97992,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97993,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97994,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97995,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97996,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97997,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97998,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+97999,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98000,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98001,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98002,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98003,26,strip_mall,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98004,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98005,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98006,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98007,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98008,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98009,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98010,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98011,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98012,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98013,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98014,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98015,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98016,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98017,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98018,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98019,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98020,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98021,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98022,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98023,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98024,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98025,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98026,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98027,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+98028,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98029,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98030,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98031,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98032,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98033,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98034,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98035,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98036,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98037,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98038,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98039,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98040,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98041,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98042,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98043,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98044,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98045,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98046,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98047,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98048,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98049,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98050,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98051,26,strip_mall,1,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98052,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98053,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98054,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98055,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98056,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98057,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98058,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98059,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98060,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98061,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98062,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98063,26,strip_mall,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98064,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98065,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98066,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98067,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98068,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98069,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98070,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98071,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98072,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98073,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98074,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98075,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98076,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98077,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98078,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98079,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98080,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98081,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98082,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98083,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98084,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98085,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98086,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98087,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98088,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98089,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98090,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98091,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98092,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98093,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98094,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98095,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98096,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98097,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98098,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98099,26,strip_mall,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98100,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98101,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98102,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98103,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98104,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98105,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98106,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98107,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98108,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98109,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98110,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98111,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98124,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98125,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98126,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98127,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98128,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98129,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98130,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98131,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98132,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98133,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98134,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98135,26,warehouse,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+98148,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98149,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98150,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98151,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98152,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98153,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98154,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98155,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98156,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98157,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98158,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98159,26,warehouse,0,FuelOil,Residential forced air furnace
+98160,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98161,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98162,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98163,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98164,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98165,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98166,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98167,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98168,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98169,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98170,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98171,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98172,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98173,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98174,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98175,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98176,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98177,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98178,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98179,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98180,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98181,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98182,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98183,26,warehouse,0,NaturalGas,Residential AC with residential forced air furnace
+98184,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98185,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98186,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98187,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98188,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98189,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98190,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98191,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98192,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98193,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98194,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98195,26,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98196,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98197,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98198,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98199,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98200,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98201,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98202,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98203,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98204,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98205,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98206,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98207,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98208,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98209,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98210,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98211,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98212,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98213,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98214,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98215,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98216,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98217,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98218,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98219,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98220,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98221,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98222,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98223,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98224,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98225,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98226,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98227,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98228,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98229,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98230,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98231,26,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98232,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98233,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98234,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98235,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98236,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98237,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98238,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98239,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98240,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98241,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98242,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98243,20,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+98244,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98245,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98246,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98247,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98248,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98249,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98250,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98251,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98252,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98253,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98254,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98255,20,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98256,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98257,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98258,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98259,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98260,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98261,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98262,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98263,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98264,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98265,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98266,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98267,20,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98268,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98269,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98270,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98271,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98272,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98273,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98274,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98275,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98276,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98277,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98278,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98279,20,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98280,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98281,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98282,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98283,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98284,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98285,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98286,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98287,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98288,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98289,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98290,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98291,20,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98292,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98293,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98294,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98295,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98296,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98297,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98298,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98299,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98300,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98301,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98302,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98303,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98304,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98305,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98306,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98307,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98308,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98309,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98310,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98311,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98312,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98313,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98314,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98315,20,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98316,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98317,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98318,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98319,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98320,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98321,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98322,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98323,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98324,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98325,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98326,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98327,23,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98328,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98329,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98330,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98331,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98332,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98333,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98334,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98335,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98336,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98337,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98338,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98339,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98340,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98341,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98342,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98343,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98344,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98345,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98346,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98347,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98348,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98349,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98350,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98351,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98352,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98353,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98354,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98355,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98356,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98357,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98358,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98359,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98360,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98361,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98362,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98363,23,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98364,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98365,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98366,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98367,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98368,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98369,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98370,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98371,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98372,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98373,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98374,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98375,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+98376,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98377,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98378,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98379,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98380,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98381,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98382,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98383,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98384,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98385,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98386,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98387,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98388,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98389,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98390,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98391,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98392,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98393,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98394,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98395,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98396,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98397,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98398,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98399,23,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98400,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98401,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98402,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98403,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98404,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98405,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98406,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98407,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98408,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98409,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98410,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98411,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98412,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98413,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98414,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98415,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98416,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98417,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98418,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98419,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98420,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98421,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98422,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98423,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98424,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98425,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98426,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98427,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98428,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98429,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98430,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98431,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98432,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98433,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98434,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98435,23,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98436,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98437,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98438,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98439,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98440,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98441,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98442,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98443,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98444,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98445,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98446,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98447,23,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98448,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98449,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98450,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98451,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98452,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98453,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98454,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98455,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98456,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98457,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98458,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98459,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+98460,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98461,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98462,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98463,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98464,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98465,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98466,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98467,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98468,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98469,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98470,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98471,23,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98472,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98473,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98474,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98475,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98476,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98477,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98478,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98479,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98480,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98481,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98482,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98483,23,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98484,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98485,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98486,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98487,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98488,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98489,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98490,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98491,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98492,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98493,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98494,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98495,23,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98496,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98497,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98498,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98499,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98500,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98501,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98502,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98503,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98504,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98505,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98506,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98507,23,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98508,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98509,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98510,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98511,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98512,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98513,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98514,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98515,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98516,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98517,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98518,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98519,23,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98520,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98521,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98522,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98523,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98524,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98525,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98526,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98527,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98528,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98529,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98530,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98531,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98532,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98533,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98534,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98535,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98536,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98537,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98538,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98539,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98540,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98541,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98542,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98543,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98544,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98545,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98546,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98547,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98548,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98549,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98550,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98551,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98552,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98553,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98554,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98555,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98556,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98557,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98558,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98559,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98560,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98561,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98562,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98563,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98564,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98565,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98566,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98567,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98568,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98569,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98570,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98571,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98572,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98573,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98574,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98575,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98576,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98577,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98578,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98579,23,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98580,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98581,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98582,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98583,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98584,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98585,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98586,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98587,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98588,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98589,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98590,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98591,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98592,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98593,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98594,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98595,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98596,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98597,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98598,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98599,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98600,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98601,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98602,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98603,23,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98604,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98605,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98606,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98607,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98608,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98609,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98610,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98611,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98612,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98613,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98614,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98615,23,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98616,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98617,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98618,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98619,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98620,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98621,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98622,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98623,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98624,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98625,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98626,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98627,23,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98628,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98629,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98630,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98631,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98632,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98633,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98634,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98635,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98636,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98637,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98638,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98639,23,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98640,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98641,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98642,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98643,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98644,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98645,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98646,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98647,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98648,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98649,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98650,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98651,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98652,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98653,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98654,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98655,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98656,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98657,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98658,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98659,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98660,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98661,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98662,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98663,23,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98676,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98677,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98678,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98679,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98680,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98681,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98682,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98683,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98684,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98685,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98686,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98687,23,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98688,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98689,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98690,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98691,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98692,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98693,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98694,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98695,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98696,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98697,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98698,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98699,23,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98700,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98701,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98702,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98703,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98704,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98705,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98706,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98707,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98708,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98709,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98710,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98711,23,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+98712,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98713,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98714,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98715,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98716,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98717,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98718,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98719,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98720,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98721,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98722,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98723,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98724,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98725,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98726,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98727,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98728,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98729,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98730,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98731,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98732,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98733,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98734,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98735,23,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98736,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98737,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98738,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98739,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98740,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98741,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98742,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98743,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98744,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98745,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98746,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98747,23,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98748,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98749,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98750,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98751,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98752,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98753,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98754,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98755,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98756,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98757,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98758,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98759,23,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98772,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98773,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98774,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98775,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98776,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98777,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98778,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98779,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98780,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98781,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98782,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98783,23,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98784,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98785,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98786,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98787,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98788,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98789,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98790,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98791,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98792,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98793,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98794,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98795,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+98796,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98797,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98798,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98799,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98800,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98801,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98802,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98803,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98804,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98805,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98806,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98807,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98808,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98809,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98810,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98811,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98812,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98813,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98814,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98815,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98816,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98817,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98818,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98819,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+98820,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98821,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98822,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98823,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98824,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98825,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98826,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98827,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98828,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98829,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98830,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98831,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+98832,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98833,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98834,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98835,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98836,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98837,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98838,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98839,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98840,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98841,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98842,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98843,23,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98844,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98845,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98846,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98847,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98848,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98849,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98850,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98851,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98852,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98853,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98854,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98855,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98856,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98857,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98858,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98859,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98860,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98861,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98862,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98863,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98864,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98865,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98866,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98867,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+98868,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98869,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98870,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98871,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98872,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98873,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98874,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98875,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98876,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98877,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98878,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98879,23,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98880,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98881,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98882,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98883,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98884,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98885,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98886,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98887,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98888,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98889,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98890,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98891,23,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+98892,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98893,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98894,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98895,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98896,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98897,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98898,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98899,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98900,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98901,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98902,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98903,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+98904,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98905,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98906,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98907,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98908,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98909,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98910,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98911,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98912,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98913,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98914,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98915,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+98916,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98917,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98918,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98919,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98920,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98921,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98922,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98923,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98924,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98925,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98926,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98927,23,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+98928,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98929,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98930,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98931,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98932,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98933,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98934,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98935,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98936,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98937,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98938,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98939,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98940,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98941,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98942,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98943,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98944,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98945,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98946,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98947,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98948,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98949,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98950,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98951,23,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+98952,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98953,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98954,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98955,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98956,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98957,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98958,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98959,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98960,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98961,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98962,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98963,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+98964,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98965,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98966,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98967,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98968,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98969,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98970,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98971,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98972,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98973,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98974,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98975,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+98976,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98977,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98978,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98979,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98980,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98981,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98982,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98983,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98984,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98985,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98986,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98987,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+98988,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98989,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98990,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98991,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98992,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98993,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98994,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98995,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98996,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98997,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98998,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+98999,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99000,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99001,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99002,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99003,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99004,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99005,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99006,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99007,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99008,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99009,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99010,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99011,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99012,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99013,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99014,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99015,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99016,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99017,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99018,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99019,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99020,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99021,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99022,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99023,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99024,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99025,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99026,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99027,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99028,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99029,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99030,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99031,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99032,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99033,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99034,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99035,23,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99048,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99049,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99050,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99051,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99052,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99053,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99054,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99055,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99056,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99057,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99058,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99059,23,small_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99060,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99061,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99062,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99063,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99064,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99065,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99066,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99067,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99068,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99069,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99070,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99071,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99072,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99073,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99074,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99075,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99076,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99077,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99078,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99079,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99080,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99081,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99082,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99083,23,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99084,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99085,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99086,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99087,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99088,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99089,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99090,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99091,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99092,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99093,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99094,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99095,23,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99096,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99097,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99098,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99099,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99100,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99101,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99102,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99103,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99104,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99105,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99106,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99107,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99108,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99109,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99110,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99111,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99112,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99113,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99114,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99115,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99116,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99117,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99118,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99119,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99120,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99121,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99122,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99123,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99124,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99125,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99126,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99127,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99128,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99129,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99130,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99131,23,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99132,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99133,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99134,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99135,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99136,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99137,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99138,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99139,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99140,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99141,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99142,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99143,21,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99144,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99145,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99146,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99147,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99148,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99149,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99150,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99151,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99152,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99153,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99154,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99155,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99156,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99157,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99158,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99159,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99160,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99161,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99162,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99163,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99164,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99165,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99166,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99167,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99168,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99169,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99170,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99171,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99172,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99173,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99174,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99175,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99176,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99177,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99178,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99179,21,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99180,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99181,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99182,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99183,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99184,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99185,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99186,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99187,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99188,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99189,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99190,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99191,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99192,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99193,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99194,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99195,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99196,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99197,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99198,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99199,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99200,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99201,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99202,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99203,21,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99204,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99205,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99206,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99207,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99208,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99209,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99210,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99211,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99212,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99213,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99214,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99215,21,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99216,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99217,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99218,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99219,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99220,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99221,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99222,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99223,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99224,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99225,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99226,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99227,21,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99228,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99229,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99230,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99231,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99232,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99233,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99234,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99235,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99236,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99237,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99238,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99239,21,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99240,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99241,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99242,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99243,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99244,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99245,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99246,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99247,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99248,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99249,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99250,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99251,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99252,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99253,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99254,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99255,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99256,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99257,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99258,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99259,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99260,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99261,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99262,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99263,21,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99264,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99265,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99266,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99267,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99268,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99269,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99270,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99271,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99272,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99273,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99274,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99275,21,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99276,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99277,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99278,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99279,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99280,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99281,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99282,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99283,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99284,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99285,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99286,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99287,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99288,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99289,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99290,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99291,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99292,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99293,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99294,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99295,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99296,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99297,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99298,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99299,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99300,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99301,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99302,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99303,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99304,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99305,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99306,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99307,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99308,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99309,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99310,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99311,21,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99312,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99313,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99314,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99315,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99316,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99317,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99318,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99319,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99320,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99321,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99322,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99323,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99324,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99325,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99326,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99327,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99328,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99329,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99330,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99331,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99332,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99333,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99334,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99335,21,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99336,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99337,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99338,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99339,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99340,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99341,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99342,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99343,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99344,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99345,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99346,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99347,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99348,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99349,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99350,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99351,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99352,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99353,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99354,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99355,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99356,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99357,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99358,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99359,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99360,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99361,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99362,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99363,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99364,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99365,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99366,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99367,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99368,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99369,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99370,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99371,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+99372,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99373,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99374,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99375,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99376,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99377,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99378,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99379,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99380,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99381,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99382,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99383,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99384,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99385,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99386,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99387,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99388,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99389,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99390,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99391,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99392,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99393,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99394,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99395,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99396,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99397,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99398,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99399,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99400,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99401,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99402,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99403,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99404,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99405,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99406,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99407,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99408,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99409,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99410,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99411,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99412,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99413,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99414,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99415,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99416,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99417,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99418,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99419,21,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99420,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99421,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99422,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99423,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99424,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99425,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99426,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99427,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99428,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99429,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99430,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99431,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99432,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99433,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99434,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99435,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99436,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99437,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99438,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99439,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99440,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99441,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99442,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99443,21,warehouse,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99444,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99445,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99446,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99447,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99448,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99449,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99450,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99451,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99452,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99453,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99454,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99455,21,warehouse,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99456,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99457,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99458,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99459,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99460,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99461,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99462,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99463,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99464,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99465,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99466,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99467,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99468,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99469,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99470,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99471,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99472,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99473,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99474,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99475,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99476,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99477,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99478,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99479,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99480,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99481,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99482,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99483,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99484,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99485,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99486,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99487,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99488,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99489,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99490,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99491,21,warehouse,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99492,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99493,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99494,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99495,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99496,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99497,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99498,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99499,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99500,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99501,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99502,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99503,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+99504,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99505,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99506,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99507,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99508,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99509,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99510,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99511,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99512,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99513,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99514,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99515,15,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99516,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99517,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99518,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99519,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99520,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99521,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99522,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99523,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99524,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99525,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99526,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99527,15,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99528,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99529,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99530,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99531,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99532,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99533,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99534,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99535,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99536,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99537,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99538,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99539,15,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99540,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99541,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99542,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99543,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99544,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99545,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99546,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99547,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99548,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99549,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99550,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99551,15,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+99552,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99553,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99554,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99555,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99556,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99557,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99558,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99559,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99560,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99561,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99562,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99563,15,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99564,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99565,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99566,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99567,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99568,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99569,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99570,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99571,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99572,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99573,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99574,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99575,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99576,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99577,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99578,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99579,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99580,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99581,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99582,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99583,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99584,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99585,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99586,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99587,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99588,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99589,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99590,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99591,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99592,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99593,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99594,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99595,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99596,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99597,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99598,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99599,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99600,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99601,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99602,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99603,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99604,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99605,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99606,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99607,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99608,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99609,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99610,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99611,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99612,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99613,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99614,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99615,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99616,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99617,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99618,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99619,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99620,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99621,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99622,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99623,15,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99624,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99625,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99626,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99627,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99628,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99629,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99630,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99631,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99632,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99633,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99634,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99635,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99648,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99649,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99650,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99651,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99652,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99653,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99654,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99655,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99656,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99657,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99658,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99659,27,full_service_restaurant,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99660,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99661,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99662,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99663,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99664,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99665,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99666,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99667,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99668,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99669,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99670,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99671,27,full_service_restaurant,0,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99672,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99673,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99674,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99675,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99676,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99677,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99678,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99679,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99680,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99681,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99682,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99683,27,full_service_restaurant,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99684,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99685,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99686,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99687,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99688,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99689,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99690,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99691,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99692,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99693,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99694,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99695,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99708,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99709,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99710,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99711,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99712,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99713,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99714,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99715,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99716,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99717,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99718,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99719,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+99720,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99721,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99722,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99723,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99724,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99725,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99726,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99727,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99728,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99729,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99730,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99731,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+99732,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99733,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99734,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99735,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99736,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99737,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99738,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99739,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99740,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99741,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99742,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99743,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99744,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99745,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99746,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99747,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99748,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99749,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99750,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99751,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99752,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99753,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99754,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99755,27,full_service_restaurant,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99756,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99757,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99758,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99759,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99760,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99761,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99762,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99763,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99764,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99765,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99766,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99767,27,full_service_restaurant,1,Propane,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99768,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99769,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99770,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99771,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99772,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99773,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99774,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99775,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99776,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99777,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99778,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99779,27,hospital,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+99780,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99781,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99782,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99783,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99784,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99785,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99786,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99787,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99788,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99789,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99790,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99791,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+99792,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99793,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99794,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99795,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99796,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99797,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99798,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99799,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99800,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99801,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99802,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99803,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+99804,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99805,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99806,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99807,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99808,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99809,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99810,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99811,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99812,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99813,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99814,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99815,27,hospital,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99816,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99817,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99818,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99819,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99820,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99821,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99822,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99823,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99824,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99825,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99826,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99827,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV air-cooled chiller with district hot water reheat
+99828,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99829,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99830,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99831,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99832,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99833,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99834,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99835,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99836,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99837,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99838,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99839,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+99840,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99841,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99842,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99843,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99844,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99845,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99846,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99847,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99848,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99849,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99850,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99851,27,hospital,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+99852,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99853,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99854,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99855,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99856,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99857,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99858,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99859,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99860,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99861,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99862,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99863,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+99864,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99865,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99866,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99867,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99868,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99869,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99870,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99871,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99872,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99873,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99874,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99875,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99876,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99877,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99878,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99879,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99880,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99881,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99882,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99883,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99884,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99885,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99886,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99887,27,hospital,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+99888,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99889,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99890,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99891,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99892,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99893,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99894,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99895,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99896,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99897,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99898,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99899,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99900,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99901,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99902,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99903,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99904,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99905,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99906,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99907,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99908,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99909,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99910,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99911,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+99912,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99913,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99914,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99915,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99916,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99917,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99918,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99919,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99920,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99921,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99922,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99923,27,large_hotel,0,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+99936,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99937,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99938,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99939,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99940,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99941,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99942,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99943,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99944,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99945,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99946,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99947,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+99948,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99949,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99950,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99951,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99952,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99953,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99954,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99955,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99956,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99957,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99958,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99959,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+99960,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99961,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99962,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99963,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99964,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99965,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99966,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99967,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99968,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99969,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99970,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99971,27,large_hotel,0,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas coil
+99972,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99973,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99974,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99975,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99976,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99977,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99978,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99979,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99980,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99981,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99982,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99983,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil chiller with district hot water
+99984,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99985,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99986,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99987,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99988,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99989,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99990,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99991,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99992,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99993,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99994,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99995,27,large_hotel,1,DistrictHeating,DOAS with fan coil district chilled water with district hot water
+99996,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+99997,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+99998,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+99999,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100000,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100001,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100002,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100003,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100004,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100005,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100006,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100007,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with baseboard electric
+100008,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100009,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100010,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100011,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100012,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100013,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100014,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100015,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100016,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100017,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100018,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100019,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100020,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100021,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100022,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100023,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100024,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100025,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100026,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100027,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100028,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100029,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100030,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100031,27,large_hotel,1,Electricity,PTAC with electric coil
+100032,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100033,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100034,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100035,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100036,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100037,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100038,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100039,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100040,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100041,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100042,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100043,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100044,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100045,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100046,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100047,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100048,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100049,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100050,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100051,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100052,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100053,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100054,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100055,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100056,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100057,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100058,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100059,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100060,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100061,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100062,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100063,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100064,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100065,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100066,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100067,27,large_hotel,1,NaturalGas,PTAC with gas boiler
+100068,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100069,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100070,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100071,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100072,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100073,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100074,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100075,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100076,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100077,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100078,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100079,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,PVAV with district hot water reheat
+100080,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100081,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100082,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100083,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100084,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100085,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100086,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100087,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100088,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100089,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100090,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100091,27,large_office,0,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100092,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100093,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100094,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100095,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100096,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100097,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100098,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100099,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100100,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100101,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100102,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100103,27,large_office,0,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100104,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100105,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100106,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100107,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100108,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100109,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100110,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100111,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100112,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100113,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100114,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100115,27,large_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100116,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100117,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100118,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100119,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100120,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100121,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100122,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100123,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100124,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100125,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100126,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100127,27,large_office,0,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100128,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100129,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100130,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100131,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100132,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100133,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100134,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100135,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100136,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100137,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100138,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100139,27,large_office,0,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100140,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100141,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100142,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100143,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100144,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100145,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100146,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100147,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100148,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100149,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100150,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100151,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100152,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100153,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100154,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100155,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100156,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100157,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100158,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100159,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100160,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100161,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100162,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100163,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100164,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100165,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100166,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100167,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100168,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100169,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100170,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100171,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100172,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100173,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100174,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100175,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100176,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100177,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100178,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100179,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100180,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100181,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100182,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100183,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100184,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100185,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100186,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100187,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100188,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100189,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100190,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100191,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100192,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100193,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100194,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100195,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100196,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100197,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100198,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100199,27,large_office,0,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100200,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100201,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100202,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100203,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100204,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100205,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100206,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100207,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100208,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100209,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100210,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100211,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100212,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100213,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100214,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100215,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100216,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100217,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100218,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100219,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100220,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100221,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100222,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100223,27,large_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100224,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100225,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100226,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100227,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100228,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100229,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100230,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100231,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100232,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100233,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100234,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100235,27,large_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100236,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100237,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100238,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100239,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100240,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100241,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100242,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100243,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100244,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100245,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100246,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100247,27,large_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100248,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100249,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100250,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100251,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100252,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100253,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100254,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100255,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100256,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100257,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100258,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100259,27,large_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100260,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100261,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100262,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100263,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100264,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100265,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100266,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100267,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100268,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100269,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100270,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100271,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100272,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100273,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100274,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100275,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100276,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100277,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100278,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100279,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100280,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100281,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100282,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100283,27,large_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100284,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100285,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100286,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100287,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100288,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100289,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100290,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100291,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100292,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100293,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100294,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100295,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100308,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100309,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100310,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100311,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100312,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100313,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100314,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100315,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100316,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100317,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100318,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100319,27,medium_office,0,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100320,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100321,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100322,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100323,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100324,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100325,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100326,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100327,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100328,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100329,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100330,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100331,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100332,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100333,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100334,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100335,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100336,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100337,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100338,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100339,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100340,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100341,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100342,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100343,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil chiller with boiler
+100344,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100345,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100346,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100347,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100348,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100349,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100350,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100351,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100352,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100353,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100354,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100355,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100356,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100357,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100358,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100359,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100360,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100361,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100362,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100363,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100364,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100365,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100366,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100367,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100368,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100369,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100370,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100371,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100372,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100373,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100374,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100375,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100376,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100377,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100378,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100379,27,medium_office,0,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100380,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100381,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100382,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100383,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100384,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100385,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100386,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100387,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100388,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100389,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100390,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100391,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,PSZ-AC with district hot water
+100392,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100393,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100394,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100395,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100396,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100397,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100398,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100399,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100400,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100401,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100402,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100403,27,medium_office,1,DistrictHeating,VAV district chilled water with district hot water reheat
+100404,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100405,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100406,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100407,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100408,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100409,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100410,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100411,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100412,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100413,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100414,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100415,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100416,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100417,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100418,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100419,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100420,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100421,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100422,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100423,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100424,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100425,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100426,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100427,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100440,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100441,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100442,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100443,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100444,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100445,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100446,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100447,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100448,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100449,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100450,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100451,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100452,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100453,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100454,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100455,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100456,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100457,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100458,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100459,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100460,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100461,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100462,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100463,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100464,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100465,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100466,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100467,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100468,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100469,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100470,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100471,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100472,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100473,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100474,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100475,27,medium_office,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100476,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100477,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100478,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100479,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100480,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100481,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100482,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100483,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100484,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100485,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100486,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100487,27,medium_office,1,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100488,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100489,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100490,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100491,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100492,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100493,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100494,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100495,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100496,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100497,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100498,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100499,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100500,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100501,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100502,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100503,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100504,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100505,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100506,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100507,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100508,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100509,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100510,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100511,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100512,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100513,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100514,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100515,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100516,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100517,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100518,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100519,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100520,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100521,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100522,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100523,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100524,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100525,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100526,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100527,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100528,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100529,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100530,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100531,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100532,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100533,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100534,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100535,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100536,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100537,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100538,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100539,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100540,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100541,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100542,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100543,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100544,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100545,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100546,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100547,27,medium_office,1,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100548,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100549,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100550,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100551,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100552,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100553,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100554,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100555,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100556,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100557,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100558,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100559,27,outpatient,0,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100572,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100573,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100574,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100575,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100576,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100577,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100578,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100579,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100580,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100581,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100582,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100583,27,outpatient,0,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100584,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100585,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100586,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100587,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100588,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100589,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100590,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100591,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100592,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100593,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100594,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100595,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PSZ-AC with electric coil
+100596,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100597,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100598,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100599,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100600,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100601,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100602,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100603,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100604,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100605,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100606,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100607,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100608,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100609,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100610,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100611,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100612,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100613,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100614,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100615,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100616,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100617,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100618,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100619,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100620,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100621,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100622,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100623,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100624,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100625,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100626,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100627,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100628,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100629,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100630,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100631,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV air-cooled chiller with PFP boxes
+100632,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100633,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100634,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100635,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100636,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100637,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100638,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100639,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100640,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100641,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100642,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100643,27,outpatient,1,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100644,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100645,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100646,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100647,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100648,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100649,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100650,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100651,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100652,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100653,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100654,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100655,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100656,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100657,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100658,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100659,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100660,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100661,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100662,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100663,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100664,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100665,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100666,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100667,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas coil
+100668,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100669,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100670,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100671,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100672,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100673,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100674,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100675,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100676,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100677,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100678,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100679,27,outpatient,1,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100680,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100681,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100682,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100683,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100684,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100685,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100686,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100687,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100688,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100689,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100690,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100691,27,outpatient,2,DistrictHeating,VAV chiller with district hot water reheat
+100692,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100693,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100694,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100695,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100696,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100697,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100698,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100699,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100700,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100701,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100702,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100703,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,DOAS with water source heat pumps with ground source heat pump
+100704,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100705,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100706,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100707,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100708,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100709,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100710,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100711,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100712,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100713,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100714,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100715,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,PVAV with PFP boxes
+100716,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100717,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100718,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100719,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100720,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100721,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100722,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100723,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100724,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100725,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100726,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100727,27,outpatient,2,Electricity,VAV chiller with PFP boxes
+100728,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100729,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100730,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100731,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100732,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100733,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100734,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100735,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100736,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100737,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100738,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100739,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100740,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100741,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100742,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100743,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100744,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100745,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100746,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100747,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100748,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100749,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100750,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100751,27,outpatient,2,FuelOil,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100752,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100753,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100754,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100755,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100756,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100757,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100758,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100759,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100760,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100761,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100762,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100763,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with fan coil air-cooled chiller with boiler
+100764,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100765,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100766,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100767,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100768,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100769,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100770,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100771,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100772,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100773,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100774,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100775,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,DOAS with water source heat pumps cooling tower with boiler
+100776,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100777,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100778,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100779,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100780,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100781,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100782,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100783,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100784,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100785,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100786,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100787,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PSZ-AC with gas boiler
+100788,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100789,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100790,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100791,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100792,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100793,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100794,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100795,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100796,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100797,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100798,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100799,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas boiler reheat
+100800,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100801,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100802,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100803,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100804,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100805,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100806,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100807,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100808,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100809,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100810,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100811,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,PVAV with gas heat with electric reheat
+100812,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100813,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100814,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100815,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100816,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100817,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100818,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100819,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100820,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100821,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100822,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100823,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV air-cooled chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100824,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100825,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100826,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100827,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100828,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100829,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat
+100830,27,outpatient,2,NaturalGas,VAV chiller with gas boiler reheat