From 99d83f69e8de6fbb7d03194646a9121cb874ca61 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: =?UTF-8?q?Pawe=C5=82=20Nowosielski?= Date: Tue, 21 May 2024 13:27:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] removing Integration - work in progress --- adapters/sn2core/sn2core_test.go | 136 +- clients/feeder/feeder_test.go | 219 +- ...de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5.json | 6934 ++- ...1ce9eec631653597e68645e13780061b2136c.json | 1423 +- ...477f05e39cb4900fd5ea0156d1721dbb6c59b.json | 1078 +- .../integration/state_update/283428.json | 65 +- .../integration/state_update/283746.json | 60 +- ...caafb7005d5f41c9ab260276d5bdc49726279.json | 121 +- ...9c0e2a9e50d95858aa41463f46386dca489fd.json | 52 +- ...81a880746649b9aee7e0d842bf3f52378f9f8.json | 40 +- ...238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292.json | 2129 + ...7cf0dafc8c188f80c3450615944a469428f7f.json | 188 +- ...0a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json | 5057 +++ ...7e8231c3e0959f0a1d37222204f2f7712010e.json | 7282 ++-- ...238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292.json | 9161 ++++ ...0a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json | 28558 +++++++++++++ .../testdata/mainnet/public_key/pk.json | 1 + .../testdata/mainnet/signature/19199.json | 12 +- .../state_update_with_block/19199.json | 34859 ++++++++++++++++ .../mainnet/state_update_with_block/7320.json | 12393 ++++++ .../state_update_with_block/latest.json | 368 + ...50c17e868a28f46cdef28f88521067f21e943.json | 1016 + ...08bd1a347a2a8a7d58bef1276db4f06fdf2f6.json | 188 + ...49cf14a1dcb9431673896290c9543e051240e.json | 59 + ...4b5a6530f5ee1dc1bfd3cc83cb3f519d6530a.json | 464 + .../testdata/sepolia/state_update/18.json | 82 + .../testdata/sepolia/state_update/6500.json | 54 + .../testdata/sepolia/state_update/7.json | 83 + ...5f2a025ae4ebeb35ba4ac88572abd23c5623f.json | 39 + ...5217954985792f12b9181cf938ec341046491.json | 36 + ...540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164.json | 41 + core/class_test.go | 30 +- docs/docs/ | 2 +- .../version-0.11.0/ | 2 +- .../version-0.6.0/ | 2 +- .../version-0.6.1/ | 2 +- .../version-0.6.2/ | 2 +- .../version-0.6.3/ | 2 +- .../version-0.7.0/ | 2 +- .../version-0.8.0/ | 2 +- .../version-0.9.1/ | 2 +- .../version-0.9.2/ | 2 +- .../version-0.9.3/ | 2 +- p2p/p2p_test.go | 8 +- p2p/starknet/starknet_test.go | 909 - starknetdata/feeder/feeder_test.go | 16 +- sync/sync_test.go | 6 +- vm/vm_test.go | 6 +- 48 files changed, 108293 insertions(+), 4902 deletions(-) create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/class/0x1338d85d3e579f6944ba06c005238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/compiled_class/0x1338d85d3e579f6944ba06c005238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/compiled_class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/public_key/pk.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/state_update_with_block/19199.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/state_update_with_block/7320.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/state_update_with_block/latest.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/traces/0x47c3637b57c2b079b93c61539950c17e868a28f46cdef28f88521067f21e943.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/traces/0x4e1f77f39545afe866ac151ac908bd1a347a2a8a7d58bef1276db4f06fdf2f6.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/transaction/0x34e02ab97e273f9a4a9b616fe549cf14a1dcb9431673896290c9543e051240e.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/class/0x16342ade8a7cc8296920731bc34b5a6530f5ee1dc1bfd3cc83cb3f519d6530a.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/state_update/18.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/state_update/6500.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/state_update/7.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x138c9f01c27c56ceff5c9adb05f2a025ae4ebeb35ba4ac88572abd23c5623f.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x1dde7d379485cceb9ec0a5aacc5217954985792f12b9181cf938ec341046491.json create mode 100644 clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164.json delete mode 100644 p2p/starknet/starknet_test.go diff --git a/adapters/sn2core/sn2core_test.go b/adapters/sn2core/sn2core_test.go index c9d7b618aa..ba313d4c46 100644 --- a/adapters/sn2core/sn2core_test.go +++ b/adapters/sn2core/sn2core_test.go @@ -38,30 +38,31 @@ func TestAdaptBlock(t *testing.T) { gasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x27ad16775"), }, { - number: 304740, - protocolVersion: "0.12.1", - network: utils.Integration, + number: 4850, + protocolVersion: "0.12.3", + network: utils.Sepolia, sig: &starknet.Signature{ Signature: []*felt.Felt{utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x44"), utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x37")}, }, - gasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3bb2acbc"), + gasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x80197ea0"), + gasPriceSTRK: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), }, { - number: 319132, - network: utils.Integration, - protocolVersion: "0.13.0", + number: 56377, + network: utils.Sepolia, + protocolVersion: "0.13.1", sig: &starknet.Signature{ Signature: []*felt.Felt{ utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x71a9b2cd8a8a6a4ca284dcddcdefc6c4fd20b92c1b201bd9836e4ce376fad16"), utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6bef4745194c9447fdc8dd3aec4fc738ab0a560b0d2c7bf62fbf58aef3abfc5"), }, }, - gasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3b9aca08"), - gasPriceSTRK: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2540be400"), + gasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4a817c800"), + gasPriceSTRK: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1d1a94a20000"), }, { - number: 330363, - network: utils.Integration, + number: 16350, + network: utils.SepoliaIntegration, protocolVersion: "0.13.1", sig: &starknet.Signature{ Signature: []*felt.Felt{ @@ -69,10 +70,10 @@ func TestAdaptBlock(t *testing.T) { utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x343e605de3957e664746ba8ef82f2b0f9d53cda3d75dcb078290b8edd010165"), }, }, - gasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3b9aca0a"), - gasPriceSTRK: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2b6fdb70"), - l1DAGasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5265a14ef"), - l1DAGasPriceFRI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3c0c00c87"), + gasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3b9aca10"), + gasPriceSTRK: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x17882b6aa74"), + l1DAGasPriceWEI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x716a8f6dd"), + l1DAGasPriceFRI: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2cc6d7f596e1"), }, } @@ -184,30 +185,30 @@ func TestStateUpdate(t *testing.T) { } t.Run("v0.11.0 state update", func(t *testing.T) { - integClient := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + integClient := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) t.Run("declared Cairo0 classes", func(t *testing.T) { - feederUpdate, err := integClient.StateUpdate(ctx, "283746") + feederUpdate, err := integClient.StateUpdate(ctx, "18") require.NoError(t, err) update, err := sn2core.AdaptStateUpdate(feederUpdate) require.NoError(t, err) - assert.NotEmpty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredV0Classes) - assert.Empty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredV1Classes) + assert.Empty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredV0Classes) + assert.NotEmpty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredV1Classes) assert.Empty(t, update.StateDiff.ReplacedClasses) }) t.Run("declared Cairo1 classes", func(t *testing.T) { - feederUpdate, err := integClient.StateUpdate(ctx, "283364") + feederUpdate, err := integClient.StateUpdate(ctx, "7") require.NoError(t, err) update, err := sn2core.AdaptStateUpdate(feederUpdate) require.NoError(t, err) - assert.Empty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredV0Classes) + assert.NotEmpty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredV0Classes) assert.NotEmpty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredV1Classes) assert.Empty(t, update.StateDiff.ReplacedClasses) }) t.Run("replaced classes", func(t *testing.T) { - feederUpdate, err := integClient.StateUpdate(ctx, "283428") + feederUpdate, err := integClient.StateUpdate(ctx, "6500") require.NoError(t, err) update, err := sn2core.AdaptStateUpdate(feederUpdate) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -263,13 +264,12 @@ func TestClassV0(t *testing.T) { } func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) { - clientGoerli := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Goerli) clientMainnet := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) ctx := context.Background() t.Run("invoke transaction", func(t *testing.T) { - hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x7e3a229febf47c6edfd96582d9476dd91a58a5ba3df4553ae448a14a2f132d9") - response, err := clientGoerli.Transaction(ctx, hash) + hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6c40890743aa220b10e5ee68cef694c5c23cc2defd0dbdf5546e687f9982ab1") + response, err := clientMainnet.Transaction(ctx, hash) require.NoError(t, err) responseTx := response.Transaction @@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) { }) t.Run("deploy transaction", func(t *testing.T) { - hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x15b51c2f4880b1e7492d30ada7254fc59c09adde636f37eb08cdadbd9dabebb") - response, err := clientGoerli.Transaction(ctx, hash) + hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6d3e06989ee2245139cd677f59b4da7f360a27b2b614a4eb088fdf5862d23ee") + response, err := clientMainnet.Transaction(ctx, hash) require.NoError(t, err) responseTx := response.Transaction @@ -333,8 +333,8 @@ func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) { }) t.Run("declare transaction", func(t *testing.T) { - hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6eab8252abfc9bbfd72c8d592dde4018d07ce467c5ce922519d7142fcab203f") - response, err := clientGoerli.Transaction(ctx, hash) + hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x222f8902d1eeea76fa2642a90e2411bfd71cffb299b3a299029e1937fab3fe4") + response, err := clientMainnet.Transaction(ctx, hash) require.NoError(t, err) responseTx := response.Transaction @@ -375,25 +375,25 @@ func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) { } func TestTransactionV3(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) ctx := context.Background() tests := map[string]core.Transaction{ - // "invoke": &core.InvokeTransaction{ - TransactionHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x49728601e0bb2f48ce506b0cbd9c0e2a9e50d95858aa41463f46386dca489fd"), + TransactionHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164"), Version: new(core.TransactionVersion).SetUint64(3), TransactionSignature: []*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x71a9b2cd8a8a6a4ca284dcddcdefc6c4fd20b92c1b201bd9836e4ce376fad16"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6bef4745194c9447fdc8dd3aec4fc738ab0a560b0d2c7bf62fbf58aef3abfc5"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x01"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4235b7a9cad6024cbb3296325e23b2a03d34a95c3ee3d5c10e2b6076c257d77"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x439de4b0c238f624c14c2619aa9d190c6c1d17f6556af09f1697cfe74f192fc"), }, - Nonce: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0xe97"), + Nonce: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x8"), NonceDAMode: core.DAModeL1, FeeDAMode: core.DAModeL1, ResourceBounds: map[core.Resource]core.ResourceBounds{ core.ResourceL1Gas: { - MaxAmount: utils.HexToUint64(t, "0x186a0"), - MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5af3107a4000"), + MaxAmount: utils.HexToUint64(t, "0xa0"), + MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0xe91444530acc"), }, core.ResourceL2Gas: { MaxAmount: 0, @@ -402,41 +402,29 @@ func TestTransactionV3(t *testing.T) { }, Tip: 0, PaymasterData: []*felt.Felt{}, - SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3f6f3bc663aedc5285d6013cc3ffcbc4341d86ab488b8b68d297f8258793c41"), + SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6247aaebf5d2ff56c35cce1585bf255963d94dd413a95020606d523c8c7f696"), CallData: []*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x450703c32370cf7ffff540b9352e7ee4ad583af143a361155f2b485c0c39684"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x27c3334165536f239cfd400ed956eabff55fc60de4fb56728b6a4f6b87db01c"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4c312760dfd17a954cdd09e76aa9f149f806d88ec3e402ffaf5c4926f568a42"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5df99ae77df976b4f0e5cf28c7dcfe09bd6e81aab787b19ac0c08e03d928cf"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x450703c32370cf7ffff540b9352e7ee4ad583af143a361155f2b485c0c39684"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5df99ae77df976b4f0e5cf28c7dcfe09bd6e81aab787b19ac0c08e03d928cf"), utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x7fe4fd616c7fece1244b3616bb516562e230be8c9f29668b46ce0369d5ca829"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x287acddb27a2f9ba7f2612d72788dc96a5b30e401fc1e8072250940e024a587"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x19c92fa87f4d5e3be25c3dd6a284f30282a07e87cd782f5fd387b82c8142017"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3059098e39fbb607bc96a8075eb4d17197c3a6c797c166470997571e6fa5b17"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), }, AccountDeploymentData: []*felt.Felt{}, }, - // "declare": &core.DeclareTransaction{ - TransactionHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x41d1f5206ef58a443e7d3d1ca073171ec25fa75313394318fc83a074a6631c3"), + TransactionHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1dde7d379485cceb9ec0a5aacc5217954985792f12b9181cf938ec341046491"), Version: new(core.TransactionVersion).SetUint64(3), TransactionSignature: []*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x29a49dff154fede73dd7b5ca5a0beadf40b4b069f3a850cd8428e54dc809ccc"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x429d142a17223b4f2acde0f5ecb9ad453e188b245003c86fab5c109bad58fc3"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5be36745b03aaeb76712c68869f944f7c711f9e734763b8d0b4e5b834408ea4"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x66c9dba8bb26ada30cf3a393a6c26bfd3a40538f19b3b4bfb57c7507962ae79"), }, - Nonce: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1"), + Nonce: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3"), NonceDAMode: core.DAModeL1, FeeDAMode: core.DAModeL1, ResourceBounds: map[core.Resource]core.ResourceBounds{ core.ResourceL1Gas: { - MaxAmount: utils.HexToUint64(t, "0x186a0"), - MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2540be400"), + MaxAmount: utils.HexToUint64(t, "0x1f40"), + MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5af3107a4000"), }, core.ResourceL2Gas: { MaxAmount: 0, @@ -445,21 +433,21 @@ func TestTransactionV3(t *testing.T) { }, Tip: 0, PaymasterData: []*felt.Felt{}, - SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2fab82e4aef1d8664874e1f194951856d48463c3e6bf9a8c68e234a629a6f50"), - ClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5ae9d09292a50ed48c5930904c880dab56e85b825022a7d689cfc9e65e01ee7"), - CompiledClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1add56d64bebf8140f3b8a38bdf102b7874437f0c861ab4ca7526ec33b4d0f8"), + SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6aac79bb6c90e1e41c33cd20c67c0281c4a95f01b4e15ad0c3b53fcc6010cf8"), + ClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2404dffbfe2910bd921f5935e628c01e457629fc779420a03b7e5e507212f36"), + CompiledClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5047109bf7eb550c5e6b0c37714f6e0db4bb8b5b227869e0797ecfc39240aa7"), AccountDeploymentData: []*felt.Felt{}, }, - // "deploy account": &core.DeployAccountTransaction{ DeployTransaction: core.DeployTransaction{ - TransactionHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x29fd7881f14380842414cdfdd8d6c0b1f2174f8916edcfeb1ede1eb26ac3ef0"), + TransactionHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x138c9f01c27c56ceff5c9adb05f2a025ae4ebeb35ba4ac88572abd23c5623f"), Version: new(core.TransactionVersion).SetUint64(3), - ContractAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2fab82e4aef1d8664874e1f194951856d48463c3e6bf9a8c68e234a629a6f50"), - ContractAddressSalt: new(felt.Felt), - ClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2338634f11772ea342365abd5be9d9dc8a6f44f159ad782fdebd3db5d969738"), + ContractAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x7ac1f9f2dde09f938e7ace23009160bf4b2f48a69363983abc1f6d51cb39e37"), + ContractAddressSalt: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x202674c5f7f0ee6ea3248496afccc6e27f77fd5634628d07c5710f8a4fbf1a2"), + ClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x29927c8af6bccf3f6fda035981e765a7bdbf18a2dc0d630494f8758aa908e2b"), ConstructorCallData: []*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5cd65f3d7daea6c63939d659b8473ea0c5cd81576035a4d34e52fb06840196c"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x202674c5f7f0ee6ea3248496afccc6e27f77fd5634628d07c5710f8a4fbf1a2"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), }, }, Nonce: new(felt.Felt), @@ -467,8 +455,8 @@ func TestTransactionV3(t *testing.T) { FeeDAMode: core.DAModeL1, ResourceBounds: map[core.Resource]core.ResourceBounds{ core.ResourceL1Gas: { - MaxAmount: utils.HexToUint64(t, "0x186a0"), - MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5af3107a4000"), + MaxAmount: utils.HexToUint64(t, "0x1b52"), + MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x15416c61bfea"), }, core.ResourceL2Gas: { MaxAmount: 0, @@ -476,8 +464,8 @@ func TestTransactionV3(t *testing.T) { }, }, TransactionSignature: []*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6d756e754793d828c6c1a89c13f7ec70dbd8837dfeea5028a673b80e0d6b4ec"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4daebba599f860daee8f6e100601d98873052e1c61530c630cc4375c6bd48e3"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x79ec88c0f655e07f49a66bc6d4d9e696cf578addf6a0538f81dc3b47ca66c64"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x78d3f2549f6f5b8533730a0f4f76c4277bc1b358f805d7cf66414289ce0a46d"), }, Tip: 0, PaymasterData: []*felt.Felt{}, @@ -496,9 +484,9 @@ func TestTransactionV3(t *testing.T) { } func TestClassV1(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) - classHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5") + classHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2") feederClass, err := client.ClassDefinition(context.Background(), classHash) require.NoError(t, err) diff --git a/clients/feeder/feeder_test.go b/clients/feeder/feeder_test.go index 82d7a8c972..c8027c34dc 100644 --- a/clients/feeder/feeder_test.go +++ b/clients/feeder/feeder_test.go @@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ func TestDeclareTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { assert.Equal(t, "0x6c0189aaa56bfcb2a3e97198d04bd7a9750a4354b88f4e5edf57cf4d966ddda", (*declareTx.Signature)[1].String()) }) - t.Run("v0.3", func(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) - txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x41d1f5206ef58a443e7d3d1ca073171ec25fa75313394318fc83a074a6631c3") + t.Run("v0.1", func(t *testing.T) { + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) + txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1b4d9f09276629d496af1af8ff00173c11ff146affacb1b5c858d7aa89001ae") status, err := client.Transaction(context.Background(), txnHash) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -99,25 +99,26 @@ func TestInvokeTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { }) t.Run("v0.3", func(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) - txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x49728601e0bb2f48ce506b0cbd9c0e2a9e50d95858aa41463f46386dca489fd") + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) + txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164") status, err := client.Transaction(context.Background(), txnHash) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, &starknet.Transaction{ - Hash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x49728601e0bb2f48ce506b0cbd9c0e2a9e50d95858aa41463f46386dca489fd"), + Hash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164"), Version: new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(3), Signature: &[]*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x71a9b2cd8a8a6a4ca284dcddcdefc6c4fd20b92c1b201bd9836e4ce376fad16"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6bef4745194c9447fdc8dd3aec4fc738ab0a560b0d2c7bf62fbf58aef3abfc5"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4235b7a9cad6024cbb3296325e23b2a03d34a95c3ee3d5c10e2b6076c257d77"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x439de4b0c238f624c14c2619aa9d190c6c1d17f6556af09f1697cfe74f192fc"), }, - Nonce: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0xe97"), + Nonce: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x8"), NonceDAMode: utils.Ptr(starknet.DAModeL1), FeeDAMode: utils.Ptr(starknet.DAModeL1), ResourceBounds: &map[starknet.Resource]starknet.ResourceBounds{ starknet.ResourceL1Gas: { - MaxAmount: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x186a0"), - MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5af3107a4000"), + MaxAmount: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0xa0"), + MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0xe91444530acc"), }, starknet.ResourceL2Gas: { MaxAmount: new(felt.Felt), @@ -126,23 +127,12 @@ func TestInvokeTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { }, Tip: new(felt.Felt), PaymasterData: &[]*felt.Felt{}, - SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3f6f3bc663aedc5285d6013cc3ffcbc4341d86ab488b8b68d297f8258793c41"), + SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6247aaebf5d2ff56c35cce1585bf255963d94dd413a95020606d523c8c7f696"), CallData: &[]*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x450703c32370cf7ffff540b9352e7ee4ad583af143a361155f2b485c0c39684"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x27c3334165536f239cfd400ed956eabff55fc60de4fb56728b6a4f6b87db01c"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4c312760dfd17a954cdd09e76aa9f149f806d88ec3e402ffaf5c4926f568a42"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5df99ae77df976b4f0e5cf28c7dcfe09bd6e81aab787b19ac0c08e03d928cf"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x450703c32370cf7ffff540b9352e7ee4ad583af143a361155f2b485c0c39684"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5df99ae77df976b4f0e5cf28c7dcfe09bd6e81aab787b19ac0c08e03d928cf"), utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x7fe4fd616c7fece1244b3616bb516562e230be8c9f29668b46ce0369d5ca829"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x287acddb27a2f9ba7f2612d72788dc96a5b30e401fc1e8072250940e024a587"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x19c92fa87f4d5e3be25c3dd6a284f30282a07e87cd782f5fd387b82c8142017"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3059098e39fbb607bc96a8075eb4d17197c3a6c797c166470997571e6fa5b17"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), }, AccountDeploymentData: &[]*felt.Felt{}, Type: starknet.TxnInvoke, @@ -152,24 +142,26 @@ func TestInvokeTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { //nolint:dupl func TestDeployTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) + t.Run("pre-v0.3", func(t *testing.T) { + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) - txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6d3e06989ee2245139cd677f59b4da7f360a27b2b614a4eb088fdf5862d23ee") - status, err := client.Transaction(context.Background(), txnHash) - require.NoError(t, err) + txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6d3e06989ee2245139cd677f59b4da7f360a27b2b614a4eb088fdf5862d23ee") + status, err := client.Transaction(context.Background(), txnHash) + require.NoError(t, err) - deployTx := status.Transaction - assert.Equal(t, "0x6d3e06989ee2245139cd677f59b4da7f360a27b2b614a4eb088fdf5862d23ee", deployTx.Hash.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x0", deployTx.Version.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x7cc55b21de4b7d6d7389df3b27de950924ac976d263ac8d71022d0b18155fc", deployTx.ContractAddress.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x614b9e0c3cb7a8f4ed73b673eba239c41a172859bf129c4b269c4b8057e21d8", deployTx.ContractAddressSalt.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x3131fa018d520a037686ce3efddeab8f28895662f019ca3ca18a626650f7d1e", deployTx.ClassHash.String()) - assert.Equal(t, 4, len(*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)) - assert.Equal(t, "0x69577e6756a99b584b5d1ce8e60650ae33b6e2b13541783458268f07da6b38a", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[0].String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x2dd76e7ad84dbed81c314ffe5e7a7cacfb8f4836f01af4e913f275f89a3de1a", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[1].String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x1", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[2].String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x614b9e0c3cb7a8f4ed73b673eba239c41a172859bf129c4b269c4b8057e21d8", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[3].String()) - assert.Equal(t, starknet.TxnDeploy, deployTx.Type) + deployTx := status.Transaction + assert.Equal(t, "0x6d3e06989ee2245139cd677f59b4da7f360a27b2b614a4eb088fdf5862d23ee", deployTx.Hash.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x0", deployTx.Version.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x7cc55b21de4b7d6d7389df3b27de950924ac976d263ac8d71022d0b18155fc", deployTx.ContractAddress.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x614b9e0c3cb7a8f4ed73b673eba239c41a172859bf129c4b269c4b8057e21d8", deployTx.ContractAddressSalt.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x3131fa018d520a037686ce3efddeab8f28895662f019ca3ca18a626650f7d1e", deployTx.ClassHash.String()) + assert.Equal(t, 4, len(*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)) + assert.Equal(t, "0x69577e6756a99b584b5d1ce8e60650ae33b6e2b13541783458268f07da6b38a", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[0].String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x2dd76e7ad84dbed81c314ffe5e7a7cacfb8f4836f01af4e913f275f89a3de1a", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[1].String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x1", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[2].String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x614b9e0c3cb7a8f4ed73b673eba239c41a172859bf129c4b269c4b8057e21d8", (*deployTx.ConstructorCallData)[3].String()) + assert.Equal(t, starknet.TxnDeploy, deployTx.Type) + }) } func TestDeployAccountTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { @@ -202,26 +194,26 @@ func TestDeployAccountTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { }) t.Run("v0.3", func(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) - txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x29fd7881f14380842414cdfdd8d6c0b1f2174f8916edcfeb1ede1eb26ac3ef0") + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) + txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x138c9f01c27c56ceff5c9adb05f2a025ae4ebeb35ba4ac88572abd23c5623f") status, err := client.Transaction(context.Background(), txnHash) require.NoError(t, err) require.Equal(t, &starknet.Transaction{ - Hash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x29fd7881f14380842414cdfdd8d6c0b1f2174f8916edcfeb1ede1eb26ac3ef0"), + Hash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x138c9f01c27c56ceff5c9adb05f2a025ae4ebeb35ba4ac88572abd23c5623f"), Version: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3"), - ClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2338634f11772ea342365abd5be9d9dc8a6f44f159ad782fdebd3db5d969738"), + ClassHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x29927c8af6bccf3f6fda035981e765a7bdbf18a2dc0d630494f8758aa908e2b"), Signature: &[]*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6d756e754793d828c6c1a89c13f7ec70dbd8837dfeea5028a673b80e0d6b4ec"), - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4daebba599f860daee8f6e100601d98873052e1c61530c630cc4375c6bd48e3"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x79ec88c0f655e07f49a66bc6d4d9e696cf578addf6a0538f81dc3b47ca66c64"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x78d3f2549f6f5b8533730a0f4f76c4277bc1b358f805d7cf66414289ce0a46d"), }, Nonce: new(felt.Felt), NonceDAMode: utils.Ptr(starknet.DAModeL1), FeeDAMode: utils.Ptr(starknet.DAModeL1), ResourceBounds: &map[starknet.Resource]starknet.ResourceBounds{ starknet.ResourceL1Gas: { - MaxAmount: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x186a0"), - MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5af3107a4000"), + MaxAmount: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1b52"), + MaxPricePerUnit: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x15416c61bfea"), }, starknet.ResourceL2Gas: { MaxAmount: new(felt.Felt), @@ -230,10 +222,11 @@ func TestDeployAccountTransactionUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { }, Tip: new(felt.Felt), PaymasterData: &[]*felt.Felt{}, - SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2fab82e4aef1d8664874e1f194951856d48463c3e6bf9a8c68e234a629a6f50"), - ContractAddressSalt: new(felt.Felt), + SenderAddress: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x7ac1f9f2dde09f938e7ace23009160bf4b2f48a69363983abc1f6d51cb39e37"), + ContractAddressSalt: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x202674c5f7f0ee6ea3248496afccc6e27f77fd5634628d07c5710f8a4fbf1a2"), ConstructorCallData: &[]*felt.Felt{ - utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5cd65f3d7daea6c63939d659b8473ea0c5cd81576035a4d34e52fb06840196c"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x202674c5f7f0ee6ea3248496afccc6e27f77fd5634628d07c5710f8a4fbf1a2"), + utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), }, Type: starknet.TxnDeployAccount, }, status.Transaction) @@ -299,39 +292,39 @@ func TestBlockWithSequencerAddressUnmarshal(t *testing.T) { assert.Equal(t, "0x5dcd266a80b8a5f29f04d779c6b166b80150c24f2180a75e82427242dab20a9", block.SequencerAddress.String()) } -func TestBlockHeaderV013Unmarshal(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) - block, err := client.Block(context.Background(), "319132") +func TestBlockHeaderV0123Unmarshal(t *testing.T) { + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) + block, err := client.Block(context.Background(), "4850") require.NoError(t, err) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x50e864db6b81ce69fbeb70e6a7284ee2febbb9a2e707415de7adab83525e9cd"), block.Hash) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x39dfc381180356734085e2d70b640e153c241c7f65936cacbdff9fad84bbc0c"), block.ParentHash) - require.Equal(t, uint64(319132), block.Number) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2a6b9a8b60e1de80dc50e6b704b415a38e8fd03d82244cec92cbff0821a8975"), block.StateRoot) - require.Equal(t, "ACCEPTED_ON_L2", block.Status) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3b9aca08"), block.GasPriceETH()) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2540be400"), block.GasPriceSTRK()) - require.Equal(t, uint64(1700075354), block.Timestamp) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x410dfca0f99545e62aef946e228329ce3a906f6785f5e6f97389f30ad1c1088"), block.Hash) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x61d60ea141cd3677a36da9ac7bdc5b4535b76bf9c5e6dd0bddfb04036b460c6"), block.ParentHash) + require.Equal(t, uint64(4850), block.Number) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x42f9257e7075f9cffffcfbda7dd7b318ee3474436b6a7d17ad152c45e8738ce"), block.StateRoot) + require.Equal(t, "ACCEPTED_ON_L1", block.Status) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x80197ea0"), block.GasPriceETH()) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x0"), block.GasPriceSTRK()) + require.Equal(t, uint64(1702188621), block.Timestamp) require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1176a1bd84444c89232ec27754698e5d2e7e1a7f1539f12027f28b23ec9f3d8"), block.SequencerAddress) - require.Equal(t, "0.13.0", block.Version) + require.Equal(t, "0.12.3", block.Version) } func TestBlockHeaderV0131Unmarshal(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) - block, err := client.Block(context.Background(), "330363") + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) + block, err := client.Block(context.Background(), "56377") require.NoError(t, err) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x8ab8117e952f95efd96de0bc66dc6f13fe68dfda14b95fe1972759dee283a8"), block.Hash) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x13367121d0b7e34a9b10c8a5a1c269811cd9afc3ce680c88888f1a22d2f017a"), block.TransactionCommitment) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1090dd2ab2aa22bd5fc5a59d3b1394d54461bb2a80156c4b2c2622d2c474ca2"), block.EventCommitment) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3b9aca0a"), block.GasPriceETH()) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2b6fdb70"), block.GasPriceSTRK()) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5265a14ef"), block.L1DataGasPrice.PriceInWei) - require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x3c0c00c87"), block.L1DataGasPrice.PriceInFri) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x609e8ffabfdca05b5a2e7c1bd99fc95a757e7b4ef9186aeb1f301f3741458ce"), block.Hash) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x5e3ae2b28d867474a618d81f120e193a6e1e01e4cd1c95139706ce0bca35a88"), block.TransactionCommitment) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x505188f7acc80cd76b56832b86dd94638de937aecb5fa408f51abc5ec8fad8e"), block.EventCommitment) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4a817c800"), block.GasPriceETH()) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1d1a94a20000"), block.GasPriceSTRK()) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x6b85dda55"), block.L1DataGasPrice.PriceInWei) + require.Equal(t, utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2dfb78bf913d"), block.L1DataGasPrice.PriceInFri) require.Equal(t, starknet.Blob, block.L1DAMode) require.Equal(t, "0.13.1", block.Version) require.Equal(t, uint64(0), block.Receipts[0].ExecutionResources.DataAvailability.L1Gas) - require.Equal(t, uint64(128), block.Receipts[0].ExecutionResources.DataAvailability.L1DataGas) + require.Equal(t, uint64(0x380), block.Receipts[0].ExecutionResources.DataAvailability.L1DataGas) } func TestClassV0Unmarshal(t *testing.T) { @@ -353,25 +346,25 @@ func TestClassV0Unmarshal(t *testing.T) { } func TestClassV1Unmarshal(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) - hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4e70b19333ae94bd958625f7b61ce9eec631653597e68645e13780061b2136c") + hash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x16342ade8a7cc8296920731bc34b5a6530f5ee1dc1bfd3cc83cb3f519d6530a") class, err := client.ClassDefinition(context.Background(), hash) require.NoError(t, err) assert.NotNil(t, class.V1) assert.Nil(t, class.V0) - assert.Equal(t, 6626, len(class.V1.Program)) - assert.Equal(t, 704, len(class.V1.Abi)) + assert.Equal(t, 440, len(class.V1.Program)) + assert.Equal(t, 686, len(class.V1.Abi)) assert.Equal(t, "0.1.0", class.V1.Version) assert.Equal(t, 0, len(class.V1.EntryPoints.Constructor)) assert.Equal(t, 0, len(class.V1.EntryPoints.L1Handler)) selectors := []string{ - "0x22ff5f21f0b81b113e63f7db6da94fedef11b2119b4088b89664fb9a3cb658", - "0x1fc3f77ebc090777f567969ad9823cf6334ab888acb385ca72668ec5adbde80", - "0x3d778356014c91effae9863ee4a8c2663d8fa2e9f0c4145c1e01f5435ced0be", + "0x10b7e63d3ca05c9baffd985d3e1c3858d4dbf0759f066be0eaddc5d71c2cab5", + "0x3370263ab53343580e77063a719a5865004caff7f367ec136a6cdd34b6786ca", + "0x3147e009aa1d3b7827f0cf9ce80b10dd02b119d549eb0a2627600662354eba", } assert.Equal(t, len(selectors), len(class.V1.EntryPoints.External)) @@ -422,22 +415,22 @@ func TestStateUpdate(t *testing.T) { }) t.Run("v0.11.0 state update", func(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) t.Run("declared Cairo0 classes", func(t *testing.T) { - update, err := client.StateUpdate(context.Background(), "283746") + update, err := client.StateUpdate(context.Background(), "7") require.NoError(t, err) assert.NotEmpty(t, update.StateDiff.OldDeclaredContracts) }) t.Run("declared Cairo1 classes", func(t *testing.T) { - update, err := client.StateUpdate(context.Background(), "283364") + update, err := client.StateUpdate(context.Background(), "7") require.NoError(t, err) assert.NotEmpty(t, update.StateDiff.DeclaredClasses) }) t.Run("replaced classes", func(t *testing.T) { - update, err := client.StateUpdate(context.Background(), "283428") + update, err := client.StateUpdate(context.Background(), "6500") require.NoError(t, err) assert.NotEmpty(t, update.StateDiff.ReplacedClasses) }) @@ -551,48 +544,48 @@ func TestBackoffFailure(t *testing.T) { } func TestCompiledClassDefinition(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) - classHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5") + classHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1338d85d3e579f6944ba06c005238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292") class, err := client.CompiledClassDefinition(context.Background(), classHash) require.NoError(t, err) - assert.Equal(t, "1.0.0", class.CompilerVersion) + assert.Equal(t, "1.1.0", class.CompilerVersion) assert.Equal(t, "0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", class.Prime) - assert.Equal(t, 3900, len(class.Bytecode)) - assert.Equal(t, 10, len(class.EntryPoints.External)) + assert.Equal(t, 4809, len(class.Bytecode)) + assert.Equal(t, 13, len(class.EntryPoints.External)) assert.Equal(t, 1, len(class.EntryPoints.External[9].Builtins)) assert.Equal(t, "range_check", class.EntryPoints.External[9].Builtins[0]) - assert.Equal(t, "0x3604cea1cdb094a73a31144f14a3e5861613c008e1e879939ebc4827d10cd50", class.EntryPoints.External[9].Selector.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x2913ee03e5e3308c41e308bd391ea4faac9b9cb5062c76a6b3ab4f65397e106", class.EntryPoints.External[9].Selector.String()) } func TestTransactionStatusRevertError(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) - txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x19abec18bbacec23c2eee160c70190a48e4b41dd5ff98ad8f247f9393559998") + txnHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x34e02ab97e273f9a4a9b616fe549cf14a1dcb9431673896290c9543e051240e") status, err := client.Transaction(context.Background(), txnHash) require.NoError(t, err) require.NotEmpty(t, status.RevertError) } func TestPublicKey(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) actualPublicKey, err := client.PublicKey(context.Background()) assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.Equal(t, "0x507b38d81561baa02f718dae46c371ba9f72fc5f0e9535ca94559dfb776115b", actualPublicKey.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x593f20d1558136cb71c25e28993f33e5d69843cf2e6bde5c3c1edff0dead93b", actualPublicKey.String()) } func TestSignature(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) t.Run("Test normal case", func(t *testing.T) { - actualSignature, err := client.Signature(context.Background(), strconv.Itoa(214584)) + actualSignature, err := client.Signature(context.Background(), strconv.Itoa(19199)) assert.NoError(t, err) assert.Equal(t, 2, len(actualSignature.Signature)) - assert.Equal(t, "0x351c1b3fdd944ec8a787085b386ae9adddc5e4e839525b0cdfa8fac7419fe16", actualSignature.Signature[0].String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x63507ca773169dd5cf5c27036c69b7676b9c1c60538d1d91811e7cd7a5c0b64", actualSignature.Signature[1].String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x5decb56a6651b829e01d8700235e7d99880bac258fd97fac4e30a3e5f1993f0", actualSignature.SignatureInput.BlockHash.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x4253056094397f30399b01aa6a9eb44e59f8298545c26f5f746d86940b6cab8", actualSignature.SignatureInput.StateDiffCommitment.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0xba322e5df3fbebb28f61395a8e8103d224a8dc60a17668d90a806fc12ce04b", actualSignature.Signature[0].String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x521f3894198aa13e668682279e58cb525ed4c0d80a58ec1ad1c11b8ea2701b8", actualSignature.Signature[1].String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x41811b69473f26503e0375806ee97d05951ccc7840e3d2bbe14ffb2522e5be1", actualSignature.SignatureInput.BlockHash.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x5b063f2921d0a3eb38e77d71d9dba14972f27f787df8056e06dca2242b6de1d", actualSignature.SignatureInput.StateDiffCommitment.String()) }) t.Run("Test on unexisting block", func(t *testing.T) { actualSignature, err := client.Signature(context.Background(), strconv.Itoa(10000000000)) @@ -607,16 +600,16 @@ func TestSignature(t *testing.T) { } func TestStateUpdateWithBlock(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) t.Run("Test normal case", func(t *testing.T) { actualStateUpdate, err := client.StateUpdateWithBlock(context.Background(), strconv.Itoa(0)) assert.NoError(t, err) - assert.Equal(t, "0x3ae41b0f023e53151b0c8ab8b9caafb7005d5f41c9ab260276d5bdc49726279", actualStateUpdate.Block.Hash.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x47c3637b57c2b079b93c61539950c17e868a28f46cdef28f88521067f21e943", actualStateUpdate.Block.Hash.String()) assert.Equal(t, "0x0", actualStateUpdate.Block.ParentHash.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x1f386a54db7796872829c9168cdc567980daad382daa4df3b71641a2551e833", actualStateUpdate.Block.StateRoot.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x3ae41b0f023e53151b0c8ab8b9caafb7005d5f41c9ab260276d5bdc49726279", actualStateUpdate.StateUpdate.BlockHash.String()) - assert.Equal(t, "0x1f386a54db7796872829c9168cdc567980daad382daa4df3b71641a2551e833", actualStateUpdate.StateUpdate.NewRoot.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x21870ba80540e7831fb21c591ee93481f5ae1bb71ff85a86ddd465be4eddee6", actualStateUpdate.Block.StateRoot.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x47c3637b57c2b079b93c61539950c17e868a28f46cdef28f88521067f21e943", actualStateUpdate.StateUpdate.BlockHash.String()) + assert.Equal(t, "0x21870ba80540e7831fb21c591ee93481f5ae1bb71ff85a86ddd465be4eddee6", actualStateUpdate.StateUpdate.NewRoot.String()) assert.Equal(t, "0x0", actualStateUpdate.StateUpdate.OldRoot.String()) assert.Empty(t, actualStateUpdate.StateUpdate.StateDiff.Nonces) assert.Empty(t, actualStateUpdate.StateUpdate.StateDiff.DeclaredClasses) @@ -634,24 +627,24 @@ func TestStateUpdateWithBlock(t *testing.T) { } func TestBlockTrace(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) t.Run("old block", func(t *testing.T) { - trace, err := client.BlockTrace(context.Background(), "0x3ae41b0f023e53151b0c8ab8b9caafb7005d5f41c9ab260276d5bdc49726279") + trace, err := client.BlockTrace(context.Background(), "0x4e1f77f39545afe866ac151ac908bd1a347a2a8a7d58bef1276db4f06fdf2f6") require.NoError(t, err) - require.Len(t, trace.Traces, 4) + require.Len(t, trace.Traces, 6) }) t.Run("newer block", func(t *testing.T) { - trace, err := client.BlockTrace(context.Background(), "0xe3828bd9154ab385e2cbb95b3b650365fb3c6a4321660d98ce8b0a9194f9a3") + trace, err := client.BlockTrace(context.Background(), "0x47c3637b57c2b079b93c61539950c17e868a28f46cdef28f88521067f21e943") require.NoError(t, err) - require.Len(t, trace.Traces, 2) + require.Len(t, trace.Traces, 18) }) } func TestEventListener(t *testing.T) { isCalled := false - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration).WithListener(&feeder.SelectiveListener{ + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet).WithListener(&feeder.SelectiveListener{ OnResponseCb: func(urlPath string, status int, _ time.Duration) { isCalled = true require.Equal(t, 200, status) diff --git a/clients/feeder/testdata/integration/compiled_class/0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5.json b/clients/feeder/testdata/integration/compiled_class/0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5.json index 01863c2719..68ea4ca197 100644 --- a/clients/feeder/testdata/integration/compiled_class/0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5.json +++ b/clients/feeder/testdata/integration/compiled_class/0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5.json @@ -1 +1,6933 @@ -{"compiler_version": "1.0.0", "hints": [[2, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x280"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [60, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x7210"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 4}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [83, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [111, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [129, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [143, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [157, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [171, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [185, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [202, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x0"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [246, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x3b6a"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 2}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [267, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [290, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [308, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [322, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [336, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [353, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x0"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [404, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x3912"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 3}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [426, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [444, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [462, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [476, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [490, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [504, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [521, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x4d80"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [635, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x9966"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 12}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [666, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [684, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [702, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [716, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [730, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [744, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [758, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [772, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [786, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [800, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [814, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [828, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [842, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [856, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [870, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [887, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x1630"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [947, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x3584"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 5}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [971, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [989, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1007, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1021, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1043, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1065, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1082, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x7da"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1138, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x33f4"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 4}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1161, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1179, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1197, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1211, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1233, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1247, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1264, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x113a"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1327, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x564a"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 5}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1351, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1369, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1387, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1401, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1415, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1437, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1451, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1468, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x1978"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1531, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x34bc"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 5}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1555, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1573, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1591, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1605, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1627, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1641, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1655, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1672, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x1978"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1735, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x34bc"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 5}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1759, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1777, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1795, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1809, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1831, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1845, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1859, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1876, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x0"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1927, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0xb54"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 3}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1947, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1970, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [1988, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2002, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2016, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2030, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2047, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x280"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2105, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x64"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": 4}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2122, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2133, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2151, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2165, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2179, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2193, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2207, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2314, [{"TestLessThan": {"lhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -3}}, "rhs": {"Immediate": "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00"}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 5}}}]], [2318, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x110000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]], [2329, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]], [2355, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -4}}}}]], [2396, [{"TestLessThan": {"lhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -4}}, "rhs": {"Immediate": "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00"}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 5}}}]], [2400, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x110000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]], [2411, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]], [2438, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -5}}}}]], [2908, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [2969, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -7}}}}]], [3019, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}}}]], [3094, [{"TestLessThan": {"lhs": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}, "rhs": {"Immediate": "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}}]], [3098, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 3}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x110000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]], [3108, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3155, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -7}}}}]], [3200, [{"TestLessThan": {"lhs": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}, "rhs": {"Immediate": "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}}]], [3204, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 3}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x110000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]], [3214, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3261, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -7}}}}]], [3338, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -3}}}}]], [3388, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -4}}}}]], [3460, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -3}}}}]], [3513, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3523, [{"TestLessThan": {"lhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -3}}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3543, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3556, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x12a2"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -8}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3637, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3659, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3664, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3697, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -6}}}}]], [3812, [{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Immediate": "0x10ae"}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -7}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [3886, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]]], "pythonic_hints": [[2, ["memory[ap + 0] = 640 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [60, ["memory[ap + 0] = 29200 <= memory[fp + 4]"]], [83, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [111, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [129, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [143, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [157, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [171, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [185, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [202, ["memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [246, ["memory[ap + 0] = 15210 <= memory[fp + 2]"]], [267, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [290, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [308, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [322, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [336, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [353, ["memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [404, ["memory[ap + 0] = 14610 <= memory[fp + 3]"]], [426, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [444, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [462, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [476, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [490, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [504, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [521, ["memory[ap + 0] = 19840 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [635, ["memory[ap + 0] = 39270 <= memory[fp + 12]"]], [666, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [684, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [702, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [716, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [730, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [744, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [758, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [772, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [786, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [800, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [814, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [828, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [842, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [856, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [870, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [887, ["memory[ap + 0] = 5680 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [947, ["memory[ap + 0] = 13700 <= memory[fp + 5]"]], [971, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [989, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1007, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1021, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1043, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1065, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1082, ["memory[ap + 0] = 2010 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [1138, ["memory[ap + 0] = 13300 <= memory[fp + 4]"]], [1161, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1179, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1197, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1211, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1233, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1247, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1264, ["memory[ap + 0] = 4410 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [1327, ["memory[ap + 0] = 22090 <= memory[fp + 5]"]], [1351, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1369, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1387, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1401, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1415, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1437, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1451, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1468, ["memory[ap + 0] = 6520 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [1531, ["memory[ap + 0] = 13500 <= memory[fp + 5]"]], [1555, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1573, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1591, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1605, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1627, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1641, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1655, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1672, ["memory[ap + 0] = 6520 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [1735, ["memory[ap + 0] = 13500 <= memory[fp + 5]"]], [1759, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1777, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1795, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1809, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1831, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1845, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1859, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1876, ["memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [1927, ["memory[ap + 0] = 2900 <= memory[fp + 3]"]], [1947, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1970, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [1988, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2002, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2016, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2030, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2047, ["memory[ap + 0] = 640 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [2105, ["memory[ap + 0] = 100 <= memory[fp + 4]"]], [2122, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2133, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2151, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2165, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2179, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2193, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2207, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2314, ["memory[ap + 5] = memory[fp + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992"]], [2318, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]], [2329, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]], [2355, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])"]], [2396, ["memory[ap + 5] = memory[fp + -4] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992"]], [2400, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]], [2411, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]], [2438, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])"]], [2908, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [2969, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])"]], [3019, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])"]], [3094, ["memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248"]], [3098, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]], [3108, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n"]], [3155, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])"]], [3200, ["memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248"]], [3204, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]], [3214, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n"]], [3261, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])"]], [3338, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])"]], [3388, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])"]], [3460, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])"]], [3513, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [3523, ["memory[ap + 0] = memory[fp + -3] < memory[ap + -1]"]], [3543, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [3556, ["memory[ap + 0] = 4770 <= memory[fp + -8]"]], [3637, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [3659, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [3664, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [3697, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])"]], [3812, ["memory[ap + 0] = 4270 <= memory[fp + -7]"]], [3886, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]]], "prime": "0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", "bytecode": ["0x40780017fff7fff", "0x5", "0xa0680017fff8000", "0x7", "0x482680017ffa8000", "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd80", "0x400280007ff97fff", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0xb2", "0x4825800180007ffa", "0x280", "0x400280007ff97fff", "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x8a0", "0x482680017ff98000", "0x1", "0x40137fed7fff8004", "0x40137fff7fff8003", "0x20680017fff7ffd", "0x97", "0x48127ffb7fff8000", "0x48127ffb7fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x896", "0x40137fed7fff8002", "0x20680017fff7ffe", "0x82", "0x48127ffc7fff8000", "0x48127ffc7fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x88f", "0x40137fee7fff8001", "0x20680017fff7ffe", "0x6d", "0x48307ffc80007ffd", "0x40137ffe7fff8000", "0x4824800180007fff", "0x0", "0x20680017fff7fff", "0x4", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0x6", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x0", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0x4", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48307ffe80007fff", "0x20680017fff7fff", "0x49", "0x1104800180018000", "0xf05", "0x482480017fff8000", "0xf04", "0x480080007fff8000", "0xa0680017fff8000", "0x9", "0x4825800180008004", "0x7210", "0x482480017fff8000", "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", "0x4002800080037fff", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0x2c", "0x4825800180008004", "0x7210", "0x4002800080037fff", "0x48127fff7fff8000", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x480a80027fff8000", "0x480a80017fff8000", "0x480a80007fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x890", "0x4826800180038000", "0x1", "0x20680017fff7ffc", "0x16", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x48127fff7fff8000", "0x48127ffe7fff8000", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x8ab", "0x48127ffe7fff8000", "0x48127ffe7fff8000", "0x48127ff47fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x8a6", "0x48127ff07fff8000", "0x48127fea7fff8000", "0x48127fea7fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x0", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x48127fff7fff8000", "0x48127ff97fff8000", "0x48127ff97fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48127ff97fff8000", "0x48127ff97fff8000", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x4f7574206f6620676173", "0x400080007ffe7fff", "0x4826800180038000", "0x1", "0x480a80047fff8000", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x482480017ff98000", "0x1", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x889", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", "0x400080007ffe7fff", "0x480a80037fff8000", "0x480a80047fff8000", "0x48127ffb7fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x482480017ff98000", "0x1", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", "0x400080007ffe7fff", "0x480a80037fff8000", "0x480a80047fff8000", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x482480017ff98000", "0x1", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", "0x400080007ffe7fff", "0x480a80037fff8000", "0x480a80047fff8000", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x482480017ff98000", "0x1", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", "0x400080007ffe7fff", "0x480a80037fff8000", "0x480a80047fff8000", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x482480017ff98000", "0x1", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x4f7574206f6620676173", "0x400080007ffe7fff", "0x482680017ff98000", "0x1", "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48127ffa7fff8000", "0x482480017ff98000", "0x1", "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x3", "0xa0680017fff8000", "0x7", "0x482680017ffa8000", "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", "0x400280007ff97fff", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0x81", "0x4825800180007ffa", "0x0", "0x400280007ff97fff", "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x7d8", "0x482680017ff98000", "0x1", "0x40137fed7fff8002", "0x40137fff7fff8001", "0x20680017fff7ffd", "0x66", "0x48307ffb80007ffc", "0x40137ffd7fff8000", "0x4824800180007fff", "0x0", "0x20680017fff7fff", "0x4", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0x6", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x0", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0x4", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x480680017fff8000", "0x1", "0x48307ffe80007fff", "0x20680017fff7fff", "0x42", "0x1104800180018000", "0xe4b", "0x482480017fff8000", "0xe4a", "0x480080007fff8000", "0xa0680017fff8000", "0x9", "0x4825800180008002", "0x3b6a", "0x482480017fff8000", "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", "0x4002800080017fff", "0x10780017fff7fff", "0x25", "0x4825800180008002", "0x3b6a", "0x4002800080017fff", "0x4826800180018000", "0x1", "0x48127ffe7fff8000", "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", "0x480a80007fff8000", "0x1104800180018000", "0x803", "0x20680017fff7ffd", "0x11", "0x40780017fff7fff", "0x1", "0x48127fff7fff8000", "0x48127ffe7fff8000", 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+ "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -7 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3338, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -3 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3388, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -4 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3460, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -3 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3513, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3523, + [ + { + "TestLessThan": { + "lhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -3 + } + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3543, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3556, + [ + { + "TestLessThanOrEqual": { + "lhs": { + "Immediate": "0x12a2" + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -8 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3637, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3659, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3664, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3697, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -6 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3812, + [ + { + "TestLessThanOrEqual": { + "lhs": { + "Immediate": "0x10ae" + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -7 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3886, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ] + ], + "pythonic_hints": [ + [ + 2, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 640 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 60, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 29200 <= memory[fp + 4]" + ] + ], + [ + 83, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 111, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 129, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 143, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 157, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 171, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 185, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 202, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 246, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 15210 <= memory[fp + 2]" + ] + ], + [ + 267, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 290, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 308, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 322, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 336, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 353, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 404, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 14610 <= memory[fp + 3]" + ] + ], + [ + 426, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 444, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 462, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 476, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 490, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 504, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 521, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 19840 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 635, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 39270 <= memory[fp + 12]" + ] + ], + [ + 666, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 684, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 702, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 716, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 730, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 744, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 758, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 772, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 786, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 800, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 814, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 828, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 842, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 856, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 870, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 887, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 5680 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 947, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 13700 <= memory[fp + 5]" + ] + ], + [ + 971, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 989, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1007, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1021, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1043, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1065, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1082, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 2010 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1138, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 13300 <= memory[fp + 4]" + ] + ], + [ + 1161, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1179, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1197, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1211, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1233, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1247, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1264, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 4410 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1327, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 22090 <= memory[fp + 5]" + ] + ], + [ + 1351, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1369, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1387, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1401, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1415, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1437, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1451, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1468, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 6520 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1531, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 13500 <= memory[fp + 5]" + ] + ], + [ + 1555, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1573, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1591, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1605, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1627, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1641, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1655, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1672, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 6520 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1735, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 13500 <= memory[fp + 5]" + ] + ], + [ + 1759, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1777, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1795, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1809, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1831, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1845, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1859, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1876, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1927, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 2900 <= memory[fp + 3]" + ] + ], + [ + 1947, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1970, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1988, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2002, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2016, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2030, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2047, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 640 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2105, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 100 <= memory[fp + 4]" + ] + ], + [ + 2122, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2133, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2151, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2165, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2179, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2193, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2207, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2314, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[fp + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 2318, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2329, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2355, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 2396, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[fp + -4] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 2400, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2411, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2438, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 2908, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2969, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 3019, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 3094, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 3098, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3108, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3155, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 3200, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 3204, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3214, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3261, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 3338, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])" + ] + ], + [ + 3388, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 3460, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])" + ] + ], + [ + 3513, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3523, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[fp + -3] < memory[ap + -1]" + ] + ], + [ + 3543, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3556, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 4770 <= memory[fp + -8]" + ] + ], + [ + 3637, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3659, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3664, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3697, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 3812, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 4270 <= memory[fp + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 3886, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ] + ], + "prime": "0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", + "bytecode": [ + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd80", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb2", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x280", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x8a0", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x40137fed7fff8004", + "0x40137fff7fff8003", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x97", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x896", + "0x40137fed7fff8002", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x82", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x88f", + "0x40137fee7fff8001", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x6d", + "0x48307ffc80007ffd", + "0x40137ffe7fff8000", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x49", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xf05", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0xf04", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x9", + "0x4825800180008004", + "0x7210", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x4002800080037fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x2c", + "0x4825800180008004", + "0x7210", + "0x4002800080037fff", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a80027fff8000", + "0x480a80017fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x890", + "0x4826800180038000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x16", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x8ab", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x8a6", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x4826800180038000", + "0x1", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x889", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x3", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x81", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x0", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7d8", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x40137fed7fff8002", + "0x40137fff7fff8001", + 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+ "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffff826", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa0", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x7da", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x468", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x87", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x40137ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x6e5", + "0x40137ff87fff8003", + "0x40137ff97fff8004", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + 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"0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeec6", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb6", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x113a", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3b2", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x9d", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x40137ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x62f", + "0x40137ff87fff8004", + "0x40137ff97fff8005", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x8a", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x7a", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x39d", + "0x40137fed7fff8002", + 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"0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x4826800180028000", + "0x1", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x146", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80027fff8000", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + 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"0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a80037fff8000", + "0x480a80047fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + 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"0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480080007ffc8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x8", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x421", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x19", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x482480017ffd8000", + "0x1", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x44a", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x482480017fe38000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x18", + "0x48127fe37fff8000", + "0x48127fe37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fe37fff8000", + "0x48127fe37fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x400380007ffc7ffd", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0xa0680017fff8005", + "0xe", + "0x4825800180057ffd", + "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ffa7ffc", + "0x480280017ffa7ffc", + "0x482480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeefffffffffffffeff", + "0x400280027ffa7ffc", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8005", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ffa7ffd", + "0x482480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf0000000000000000000000000000100", + "0x480280017ffa7ffd", + "0x400280027ffa7ff9", + "0x402480017ffd7ff9", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x4", + "0x402780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x482480017ffe8000", + "0x0", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x3", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f7261676552656164", + "0x400280007ffc7fff", + "0x400380017ffc7ffb", + "0x400280027ffc7ffc", + "0x400280037ffc7ffd", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x480280047ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280047ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x480280077ffc8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x41e", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0xa0680017fff8005", + "0xe", + "0x4825800180057ffc", + "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ff97ffc", + "0x480280017ff97ffc", + "0x482480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeefffffffffffffeff", + "0x400280027ff97ffc", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8005", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ff97ffd", + "0x482480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf0000000000000000000000000000100", + "0x480280017ff97ffd", + "0x400280027ff97ff9", + "0x402480017ffd7ff9", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x4", + "0x402780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x482480017ffe8000", + "0x0", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x3", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f726167655772697465", + "0x400280007ffb7fff", + "0x400380017ffb7ffa", + "0x400280027ffb7ffc", + "0x400280037ffb7ffd", + "0x400380047ffb7ffd", + "0x480280067ffb8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280057ffb8000", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280057ffb8000", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffb8000", + "0x480280087ffb8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3d7", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff17fff8000", + "0x480a7ff27fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3cd", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x177", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x48287ff380007fff", + "0x480080047ffc8000", + "0x480080017ffb8000", + "0x480080027ffa8000", + "0x480080037ff98000", + "0x480080027ff98000", + "0x480080017ff88000", + "0x20680017fff7ff9", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3e1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x156", + "0x48287ff480007ff5", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3d2", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x13d", + "0x48287ff580007fe9", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3c3", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x124", + "0x480080007fdb8000", + "0x48287ff680007fff", + "0x480080077fd98000", + "0x480080017fd88000", + "0x480080027fd78000", + "0x480080037fd68000", + "0x480080047fd58000", + "0x480080057fd48000", + "0x480080067fd38000", + "0x20680017fff7ff8", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3ac", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x103", + "0x48287ff780007ff0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x39d", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xea", + "0x48287ff880007fe6", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x38e", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xd1", + "0x48307fdc80007fdd", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x37b", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb4", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fcf7fff8000", + "0x48127fcf7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x389", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa1", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x48307fff80007fc2", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x362", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x87", + "0x48287ff980007fb8", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x353", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x6e", + "0x48287ffa80007fa7", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x344", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x55", + "0x48287ffb80007f76", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x335", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x3c", + "0x48287ffc80007f6c", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x326", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x23", + "0x48287ffd80007f5e", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x317", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x16", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fe47fff8000", + "0x48127fe47fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x21", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fd97fff8000", + "0x48127fd97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2c", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fce7fff8000", + "0x48127fce7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x37", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fc37fff8000", + "0x48127fc37fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x43", + "0x48127fb97fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fb77fff8000", + "0x48127fb77fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x52", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fa87fff8000", + "0x48127fa87fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x5e", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f9c7fff8000", + "0x48127f9c7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x69", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f917fff8000", + "0x48127f917fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x74", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f867fff8000", + "0x48127f867fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x87", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f737fff8000", + "0x48127f737fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x92", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f687fff8000", + "0x48127f687fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x9d", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f5d7fff8000", + "0x48127f5d7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xb0", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x48127f4a7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x48297ffc80007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x40137ffe7fff8000", + "0x40137fff7fff8001", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480080007ffc8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x26", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x480a80017fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x27f", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0xc", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x480a80017fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x456d69744576656e74", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ff8", + "0x400280027ff97ffb", + "0x400280037ff97ffc", + "0x400280047ff97ffd", + "0x400280057ff97ffe", + "0x480280077ff98000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x1c4", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53656e644d657373616765546f4c31", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x400380017ffa7ff9", + "0x400380027ffa7ffb", + "0x400280037ffa7ffd", + "0x400280047ffa7ffe", + "0x480280067ffa8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffa8000", + "0x480280087ffa8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x192", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff77fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x24f", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc9d", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x2b", + "0xa0680017fff8004", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180047ffe", + "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8002", + "0x480280007ffb7ffc", + "0x480280017ffb7ffc", + "0x402480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeeffffffffffffffff", + "0x400280027ffb7ffd", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x14", + "0x484480017fff8001", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307fff80007ffd", + "0x480280007ffb7ffd", + "0x480280017ffb7ffd", + "0x402480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400280027ffb7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x43616c6c436f6e7472616374", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ff8", + "0x400380027ff97ffa", + "0x400380037ff97ffb", + "0x400280047ff97ffd", + "0x400280057ff97ffe", + "0x480280077ff98000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x23e", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc33", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x2b", + "0xa0680017fff8004", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180047ffe", + "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8002", + "0x480280007ffb7ffc", + "0x480280017ffb7ffc", + "0x402480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeeffffffffffffffff", + "0x400280027ffb7ffd", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x14", + "0x484480017fff8001", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307fff80007ffd", + "0x480280007ffb7ffd", + "0x480280017ffb7ffd", + "0x402480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400280027ffb7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4c69627261727943616c6c", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ff8", + "0x400380027ff97ffa", + "0x400380037ff97ffb", + "0x400280047ff97ffd", + "0x400280057ff97ffe", + "0x480280077ff98000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x1d4", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48297ffd80007ffc", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x7820213d2079", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xbc", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x73756363657373", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1275130f95dda36bcbb6e9d28796c1d7e10b6e9fd5ed083e0ede4b12f613528", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f7261676552656164", + "0x400280007ffd7fff", + "0x400380017ffd7ffc", + "0x400280027ffd7ffd", + "0x400280037ffd7ffe", + "0x480280057ffd8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280067ffd8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280067ffd8000", + "0x480280077ffd8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x47", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1275130f95dda36bcbb6e9d28796c1d7e10b6e9fd5ed083e0ede4b12f613528", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f726167655772697465", + "0x400280007ffc7fff", + "0x400380017ffc7ffb", + "0x400280027ffc7ffd", + "0x400280037ffc7ffe", + "0x400380047ffc7ffd", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffc8000", + "0x480280087ffc8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x21", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x20780017fff7ffb", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x20780017fff7ffb", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x476574457865637574696f6e496e666f", + "0x400280007ffd7fff", + "0x400380017ffd7ffc", + "0x480280037ffd8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x480280027ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x5", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280027ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x480280057ffd8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x118", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + 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{"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "321": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "340": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = 100 <= memory[fp + 1]", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "357": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "374": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "386": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "401": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "428": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "466": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "485": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = 24110 <= memory[fp + 1]", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "502": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "534": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "714": [{"code": 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"syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}], "992": [{"code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", "flow_tracking_data": {"ap_tracking": {"group": 0, "offset": 0}, "reference_ids": {}}, "accessible_scopes": []}]}}} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "entry_points_by_type": { + "EXTERNAL": [ + { + "selector": "0x22ff5f21f0b81b113e63f7db6da94fedef11b2119b4088b89664fb9a3cb658", + "builtins": [ + "range_check" + ], + "offset": "0x0" + }, + { + "selector": "0x1fc3f77ebc090777f567969ad9823cf6334ab888acb385ca72668ec5adbde80", + "builtins": [ + "range_check" + ], + "offset": "0x108" + }, + { + "selector": "0x3d778356014c91effae9863ee4a8c2663d8fa2e9f0c4145c1e01f5435ced0be", + "builtins": [ + "range_check" + ], + "offset": "0x180" + } + ], + "L1_HANDLER": [], + "CONSTRUCTOR": [] + }, + "program": { + "prime": "0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", 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[] + } + ], + "534": [ + { + "code": "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()", + "flow_tracking_data": { + "ap_tracking": { + "group": 0, + "offset": 0 + }, + "reference_ids": {} + }, + "accessible_scopes": [] + } + ], + "714": [ + { + "code": "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])", + "flow_tracking_data": { + "ap_tracking": { + "group": 0, + "offset": 0 + }, + "reference_ids": {} + }, + "accessible_scopes": [] + } + ], + "769": [ + { + "code": "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])", + "flow_tracking_data": { + "ap_tracking": { + "group": 0, + "offset": 0 + }, + "reference_ids": {} + }, + "accessible_scopes": [] + } + ], + "812": [ + { + "code": "memory[ap + 0] = memory[fp + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456", + "flow_tracking_data": { + "ap_tracking": { + "group": 0, + "offset": 0 + }, + "reference_ids": {} + }, + "accessible_scopes": [] + } + ], + "814": [ + { + "code": "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[fp + -3], 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[{"TestLessThanOrEqual": {"lhs": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}, "rhs": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -25}}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [225, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [250, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [266, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [281, [{"AllocSegment": {"dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 0}}}]], [410, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -5}}}}]], [468, [{"SystemCall": {"system": {"Deref": {"register": "FP", "offset": -4}}}}]], [516, [{"TestLessThan": {"lhs": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}, "rhs": {"Immediate": "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00"}, "dst": {"register": "AP", "offset": 5}}}]], [520, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x110000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]], [531, [{"LinearSplit": {"value": {"Deref": {"register": "AP", "offset": 4}}, "scalar": {"Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000"}, "max_x": {"Immediate": "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe"}, "x": {"register": "AP", "offset": -2}, "y": {"register": "AP", "offset": -1}}}]]], "pythonic_hints": [[0, ["memory[ap + 0] = 14250 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [31, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [54, ["memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -40]"]], [75, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [95, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [111, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [126, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [141, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [157, ["memory[ap + 0] = 12850 <= memory[fp + -6]"]], [182, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [205, ["memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -25]"]], [225, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [250, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [266, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [281, ["memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()"]], [410, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])"]], [468, ["syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])"]], [516, ["memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992"]], [520, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]], [531, ["\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n"]]], "compiler_version": "2.4.0"} \ No newline at end of file +{ + "entry_points_by_type": { + "EXTERNAL": [ + { + "selector": "0x17c00f03de8b5bd58d2016b59d251c13056b989171c5852949903bc043bc27", + "offset": 157, + "builtins": [ + "pedersen", + "range_check" + ] + }, + { + "selector": "0x1d7377b4b2053672e38039a02d909f73c4e538c9fddbb7e97aadf700cb9a01a", + "offset": 0, + "builtins": [ + "pedersen", + "range_check" + ] + } + ], + "L1_HANDLER": [], + "CONSTRUCTOR": [] + }, + "prime": "0x800000000000011000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001", + "bytecode": [ + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc856", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x88", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x37aa", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x11d", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x6e", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x115", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x59", + "0x48307ffc80007ffd", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127fda7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x214", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x213", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x8", + "0x48307ffe80007fd7", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080007fe57fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x23", + "0x48307ffe80007fd7", + "0x400080007fe67fff", + "0x482480017fe68000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x106", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xd", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x482480017fe28000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fd17fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4661696c656420746f20646573657269616c697a6520706172616d202332", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127fdc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4661696c656420746f20646573657269616c697a6520706172616d202331", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffcdce", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x77", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + 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"0x48307ffe80007fe6", + "0x400080007ff57fff", + "0x482480017ff58000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x8e", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x12", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xa1", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127ff17fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x482480017ff18000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fe07fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + 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"0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x8", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480080007ffa8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x39", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xd", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x57", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x400380007ffd7ffb", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x70", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f726167655772697465", + "0x400280007ffb7fff", + "0x400380017ffb7ff9", + "0x400280027ffb7ffe", + "0x400280037ffb7ffd", + "0x400380047ffb7ffd", + "0x480280067ffb8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280057ffb8000", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280057ffb8000", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffb8000", + "0x480280087ffb8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x78", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xd", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x35", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f7261676552656164", + "0x400280007ffc7fff", + "0x400380017ffc7ffa", + "0x400280027ffc7ffe", + "0x400280037ffc7ffd", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x480280047ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280047ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x480280077ffc8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x4d", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + 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+ "y": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + ] + ] + ], + "pythonic_hints": [ + [ + 0, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 14250 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 31, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 54, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -40]" + ] + ], + [ + 75, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 95, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 111, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 126, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 141, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 157, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 12850 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 182, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 205, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -25]" + ] + ], + [ + 225, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 250, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 266, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 281, + 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"starkware.starknet.common.syscalls.GET_BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_SELECTOR": { - "value": 2.4294903732626647e+40, + "value": 24294903732626645868215235778792757751152, "type": "const" }, "starkware.starknet.common.syscalls.GET_CALLER_ADDRESS_SELECTOR": { - "value": 9.490196778139308e+37, + "value": 94901967781393078444254803017658102643, "type": "const" }, "starkware.starknet.common.syscalls.GET_CONTRACT_ADDRESS_SELECTOR": { - "value": 6.219495360805491e+42, + "value": 6219495360805491471215297013070624192820083, "type": "const" }, "starkware.starknet.common.syscalls.GET_SEQUENCER_ADDRESS_SELECTOR": { - "value": 1.5921908335819916e+45, + "value": 1592190833581991703053805829594610833820054387, "type": "const" }, "starkware.starknet.common.syscalls.GET_TX_INFO_SELECTOR": { - "value": 1.3170293902041122e+21, + "value": 1317029390204112103023, "type": "const" }, "starkware.starknet.common.syscalls.GET_TX_SIGNATURE_SELECTOR": { - "value": 1.44808912865234e+33, + "value": 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2.582801750287405e+28, + "value": 25828017502874050592466629733, "type": "const" }, "starkware.starknet.common.syscalls.SendMessageToL1SysCall": { @@ -5554,24 +5554,6 @@ } } ], - "3": [ - { - "accessible_scopes": [ - "starkware.cairo.common.math", - "starkware.cairo.common.math.assert_not_zero" - ], - "code": "from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer\nassert_integer(ids.value)\nassert ids.value % PRIME != 0, f'assert_not_zero failed: {ids.value} = 0.'", - "flow_tracking_data": { - "ap_tracking": { - "offset": 0, - "group": 1 - }, - "reference_ids": { - "starkware.cairo.common.math.assert_not_zero.value": 0 - } - } - } - ], "15": [ { "accessible_scopes": [ @@ -5596,6 +5578,63 @@ } } ], + "181": [ + { + "accessible_scopes": [ + "__main__", + "__main__", + "__wrappers__", + "__wrappers__.constructor" + ], + "code": "memory[ap] = segments.add()", + "flow_tracking_data": { + "ap_tracking": { + "offset": 0, + "group": 16 + }, + "reference_ids": { + 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"offset": 50, + "group": 20 + }, + "reference_ids": { + "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.pedersen_ptr": 163, + "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.range_check_ptr": 164, + "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.ret_value": 165, + "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.syscall_ptr": 162 + } + } + } + ], "27": [ { "accessible_scopes": [ @@ -5620,6 +5659,24 @@ } } ], + "3": [ + { + "accessible_scopes": [ + "starkware.cairo.common.math", + "starkware.cairo.common.math.assert_not_zero" + ], + "code": "from starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer\nassert_integer(ids.value)\nassert ids.value % PRIME != 0, f'assert_not_zero failed: {ids.value} = 0.'", + "flow_tracking_data": { + "ap_tracking": { + "offset": 0, + "group": 1 + }, + "reference_ids": { + "starkware.cairo.common.math.assert_not_zero.value": 0 + } + } + } + ], "36": [ { "accessible_scopes": [ @@ -5684,63 +5741,6 @@ } } } - ], - "181": [ - { - "accessible_scopes": [ - "__main__", - "__main__", - "__wrappers__", - "__wrappers__.constructor" - ], - 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"__wrappers__", - "__wrappers__.__l1_default__" - ], - "code": "memory[ap] = segments.add()", - "flow_tracking_data": { - "ap_tracking": { - "offset": 50, - "group": 20 - }, - "reference_ids": { - "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.pedersen_ptr": 163, - "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.range_check_ptr": 164, - "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.ret_value": 165, - "__wrappers__.__l1_default__.syscall_ptr": 162 - } - } - } ] }, "data": [ diff --git a/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json b/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..095c5cb0b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json @@ -0,0 +1,5057 @@ +{ + "contract_class_version": "0.1.0", + "sierra_program": [ + "0x1", + "0x5", + "0x0", + "0x2", + "0x6", + "0x3", + "0x4e0", + "0x320", + 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"0xc76", + "0xc71", + "0xc17", + "0xc60", + "0xc55", + "0xc36", + "0xc3b", + "0xc44", + "0xc48", + "0xc7b", + "0xc91", + "0xd42", + "0xcbc", + "0xcc1", + "0xd30", + "0xd2c", + "0xcd9", + "0xd1d", + "0xd15", + "0xd34", + "0xe0d", + "0xd5d", + "0xd62", + "0xd97", + "0xd92", + "0xd70", + "0xd75", + "0xd88", + "0xd82", + "0xd9f", + "0xd8c", + "0xd9a", + "0xdfc", + "0xdb4", + "0xded", + "0xde5", + "0xf53", + "0xe2a", + "0xe2f", + "0xf41", + "0xf3d", + "0xe3c", + "0xe41", + "0xf2a", + "0xf25", + "0xe4c", + "0xe51", + "0xe86", + "0xe81", + "0xe5f", + "0xe64", + "0xe77", + "0xe71", + "0xe8e", + "0xe7b", + "0xe89", + "0xf12", + "0xf06", + "0xef2", + "0xeb0", + "0xedf", + "0xed7", + "0xf2f", + "0xf45", + "0x1072", + "0xf70", + "0xf75", + "0x1060", + "0x105c", + "0xf82", + "0xf87", + "0x1049", + "0x1044", + "0xf92", + "0xf97", + "0xfcc", + "0xfc7", + "0xfa5", + "0xfaa", + "0xfbd", + "0xfb7", + "0xfd4", + "0xfc1", + "0xfcf", + "0x1031", + "0xfeb", + "0x101f", + "0x1017", + "0x104e", + "0x1064", + "0x114d", + "0x108f", + "0x1094", + "0x113b", + "0x1137", + "0x109f", + "0x10a4", + "0x1125", + "0x10af", + "0x10b4", + "0x10c8", + "0x1114", + "0x1102", + "0x10f9", + "0x110b", + "0x113f", + "0x1218", + "0x1168", + "0x116d", + "0x11a2", + "0x119d", + "0x117b", + "0x1180", + "0x1193", + "0x118d", + "0x11aa", + "0x1197", + "0x11a5", + "0x1207", + "0x11bf", + "0x11f8", + "0x11f0", + "0x12ed", + "0x1235", + "0x123a", + "0x12db", + "0x12d7", + "0x1247", + "0x124c", + "0x12c4", + "0x12bf", + "0x1265", + "0x12ae", + "0x12a3", + "0x1284", + "0x1289", + "0x1292", + "0x1296", + "0x12c9", + "0x12df", + "0x13a2", + "0x130a", + "0x130f", + "0x1391", + "0x1324", + "0x1382", + "0x133b", + "0x135f", + "0x1378", + "0x1353", + "0x1358", + "0x1367", + "0x136b", + "0x140a", + "0x13c6", + "0x13fd", + "0x13f0", + "0x13e6", + "0x13f5", + "0x14b4", + "0x1426", + "0x142b", + "0x14a3", + "0x149f", + "0x1442", + "0x1491", + "0x1458", + "0x1489", + "0x1480", + "0x1478", + "0x14a7", + "0x151b", + "0x14d7", + "0x150e", + "0x1502", + "0x14fc", + "0x1508", + "0x15c5", + "0x1537", + "0x153c", + "0x15b4", + "0x15b0", + "0x1553", + "0x15a2", + "0x1569", + "0x159a", + "0x1591", + "0x1589", + "0x15b8", + "0x162c", + "0x15e8", + "0x161f", + "0x1613", + "0x160d", + "0x1619", + "0x16dc", + "0x1650", + "0x16ce", + "0x16bd", + "0x16b5", + "0x16ab", + "0x16a2", + "0x16c5", + "0x16f2", + "0x16f7", + "0x1749", + "0x1740", + "0x1733", + "0x1724", + "0x1718", + "0xae", + "0xaf", + "0xb0", + "0xb1", + "0xb2", + "0xb3", + "0xb4", + "0xb5", + "0xb6", + "0xb7", + "0xb8", + "0x17cf", + "0xb9", + "0xba", + "0x17b9", + "0xbb", + "0xbc", + "0x17ac", + "0xbd", + "0x1789", + "0x17c6", + "0xbf", + "0x17a2", + "0xc0", + "0xc1", + "0xc2", + "0xc3", + "0xc4", + "0xc5", + "0x1847", + "0x183c", + "0x17ff", + "0x1804", + "0x1817", + "0xc7", + "0xc8", + "0xc9", + "0xca", + "0x1832", + "0xcb", + "0xcc", + "0x184d", + "0x1869", + "0xcd", + "0xce", + "0xcf", + "0xd0", + "0xd1", + "0x18be", + "0x18a8", + "0xd2", + "0xd3", + "0x18a1", + "0x1894", + "0xd4", + "0xd5", + "0xd6", + "0x18b5", + "0x18c5", + "0xd7", + "0x190c", + "0x1902", + "0x18f8", + "0xd8", + "0xda", + "0xdb", + "0x1911", + "0xdc", + "0x19a4", + "0xdd", + "0x1996", + "0x1948", + "0xde", + "0xdf", + "0xe0", + "0xe1", + "0x198a", + "0x1981", + "0x1974", + "0xe2", + "0xe3", + "0xe4", + "0x1a12", + "0x1a04", + "0x19e4", + "0x1a1e", + "0x19fa", + "0x1aa7", + "0x1a99", + "0x1a4d", + "0x1a88", + "0x1a8c", + "0x1a68", + "0x1a6d", + "0x1a82", + "0xe5", + "0xe6", + "0x1acb", + "0xe7", + "0xe8", + "0xe9", + "0xea", + "0x1b0b", + "0xeb", + "0xec", + "0xee", + "0xef", + "0x1b02", + "0x1b94", + "0x1b89", + "0x1b39", + "0x1b3e", + "0x1b51", + "0xf0", + "0x1b7f", + "0x1b71", + "0x1b9a", + "0x1c00", + "0x1bf2", + "0x1bd2", + "0x1c0c", + "0x1be8", + "0x1c73", + "0x1c69", + "0x1c5f", + "0x1c41", + "0xf1", + "0xf2", + "0xf3", + "0x1c51", + "0xf4", + "0xf5", + "0xf6", + "0x1c78", + "0x1cd6", + "0x1cca", + "0x1cbe", + "0xf7", + "0xf8", + "0xf9", + "0x1cb6", + 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"0x400080007fe37fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x21", + "0x4824800180007fd4", + "0x0", + "0x400080007fe47fff", + "0x482480017fe48000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127fe07fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x92c", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017fe18000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fcf7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x8b2", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe47fff8000", + "0x48127fd27fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127fdb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffff5790", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x14b", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0xa870", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x819", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x132", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x811", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x11e", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x80b", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x10a", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x805", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0xf6", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7ff", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0xe2", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7f9", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0xce", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7f3", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0xba", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7ed", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0xa6", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7e7", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x92", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7e1", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x7e", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7db", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x6a", + "0x48307ffc80007ffd", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x47", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x1074", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x1073", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x9", + "0x4824800180007f44", + "0x0", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080007f537fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x2a", + "0x4824800180007f44", + "0x0", + "0x400080007f547fff", + "0x482480017f548000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127f507fff8000", + "0x48127f607fff8000", + "0x48127f6f7fff8000", + "0x48127f7e7fff8000", + "0x48127f8d7fff8000", + "0x48127f9c7fff8000", + "0x48127fab7fff8000", + "0x48127fba7fff8000", + "0x48127fc97fff8000", + "0x48127fd87fff8000", + "0x48127fe77fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x8a0", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017f518000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f3f7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7d1", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127f547fff8000", + "0x48127f427fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127f5d7fff8000", + "0x48127f4b7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127f6d7fff8000", + "0x48127f5b7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127f7d7fff8000", + "0x48127f6b7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127f8d7fff8000", + "0x48127f7b7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127f9d7fff8000", + "0x48127f8b7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fad7fff8000", + "0x48127f9b7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fbd7fff8000", + "0x48127fab7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fcd7fff8000", + "0x48127fbb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fdd7fff8000", + "0x48127fcb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127fdb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffb6a4", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa9", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x495c", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x978", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x95", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x85", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x40137ffa7fff8000", + "0x40137ffb7fff8001", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x96c", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x73", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x63", + "0x48307ffb80007ffc", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x40", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xf40", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0xf3f", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x9", + "0x4824800180007fef", + "0x0", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080007fec7fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x23", + "0x4824800180007fef", + "0x0", + "0x400080007fed7fff", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x480a80017fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x986", + "0x482480017fd08000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0xc", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017fea8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x6a4", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + 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"0x482480017fff8000", + "0xe84", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x9", + "0x4824800180007fef", + "0x0", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080007fec7fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x22", + "0x4824800180007fef", + "0x0", + "0x400080007fed7fff", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x901", + "0x482480017fd38000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0xc", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017fea8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x5ea", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9c00", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb1", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x6400", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x547", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x98", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x40137ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7ff", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x87", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x77", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x534", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x63", + "0x48307ffc80007ffd", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x40", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xdcd", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0xdcc", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x9", + "0x4824800180007fdf", + "0x0", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080007fdc7fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x23", + "0x4824800180007fdf", + "0x0", + "0x400080007fdd7fff", + "0x482480017fdd8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x48127fdf7fff8000", + "0x48127fdf7fff8000", + "0x48127fee7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x878", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017fda8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fda7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x531", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fdd7fff8000", + "0x48127fdd7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe67fff8000", + "0x48127fe67fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f2073686f727420666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffb604", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb2", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x49fc", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x80d", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x99", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x478", + "0x40137fef7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x84", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127fce7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x40137ffb7fff8001", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x731", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x73", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x63", + "0x48307ffb80007ffc", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + 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"0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffb604", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb2", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x49fc", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x7af", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x99", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x3b0", + "0x40137fef7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x84", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127fce7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x40137ffb7fff8001", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x669", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x73", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x63", + "0x48307ffb80007ffc", + 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+ "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x91", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x0", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2f2", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x78", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2ea", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x64", + "0x48307ffc80007ffd", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + 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"0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017fe18000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fcf7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2e6", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe47fff8000", + "0x48127fd27fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + 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"0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffaab0", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xc7", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x5550", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x5cb", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0xae", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x1cc", + "0x40137fef7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x99", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127fce7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + 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"0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff27fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48297ffc80007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x9", + "0x480080007ffd8000", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + 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"0x480080007fff8000", + "0x48287ff380007fff", + "0x480080047ffc8000", + "0x480080017ffb8000", + "0x480080027ffa8000", + "0x480080037ff98000", + "0x480080027ff98000", + "0x480080017ff88000", + "0x20680017fff7ff9", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x194", + "0x48287ff480007ffc", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x176", + "0x48287ff580007ff7", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x158", + "0x480080007ff08000", + "0x48287ff680007fff", + "0x480080077fee8000", + "0x480080017fed8000", + "0x480080027fec8000", + "0x480080037feb8000", + "0x480080047fea8000", + "0x480080057fe98000", + "0x480080067fe88000", + "0x20680017fff7ff8", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x132", + "0x48287ff780007ff7", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x114", + "0x48287ff880007ff4", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xf6", + "0x48307ff180007ff2", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd4", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x4ac", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc1", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x48307fff80007fde", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xa2", + "0x48287ff980007fdb", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x84", + "0x48287ffa80007fd1", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x66", + "0x48287ffb80007fbc", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x48", + "0x48287ffc80007fb9", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x2a", + "0x48287ffd80007fb2", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x10", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x14", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1b", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fdf7fff8000", + "0x48127fdf7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x28", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2d", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x31", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x35", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x41", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x45", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x49", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x554e4558504543544544204552524f52", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x57", + "0x480a7ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x48127fa37fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48297ffc80007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x27", + "0x480080007ffd8000", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x366", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0xc", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x456d69744576656e74", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ff8", + "0x400280027ff97ffb", + "0x400280037ff97ffc", + "0x400280047ff97ffd", + "0x400280057ff97ffe", + "0x480280077ff98000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2c2", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53656e644d657373616765546f4c31", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x400380017ffa7ff9", + "0x400380027ffa7ffb", + "0x400280037ffa7ffd", + "0x400280047ffa7ffe", + "0x480280067ffa8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffa8000", + "0x480280087ffa8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x290", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff77fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x33d", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc70", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x2b", + "0xa0680017fff8004", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180047ffe", + "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8002", + "0x480280007ffb7ffc", + "0x480280017ffb7ffc", + "0x402480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeeffffffffffffffff", + "0x400280027ffb7ffd", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x14", + "0x484480017fff8001", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307fff80007ffd", + "0x480280007ffb7ffd", + "0x480280017ffb7ffd", + "0x402480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400280027ffb7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x43616c6c436f6e7472616374", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ff8", + "0x400380027ff97ffa", + "0x400380037ff97ffb", + "0x400280047ff97ffd", + "0x400280057ff97ffe", + "0x480280077ff98000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x32b", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc06", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x2b", + "0xa0680017fff8004", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180047ffe", + "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8002", + "0x480280007ffb7ffc", + "0x480280017ffb7ffc", + "0x402480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeeffffffffffffffff", + "0x400280027ffb7ffd", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x14", + "0x484480017fff8001", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307fff80007ffd", + "0x480280007ffb7ffd", + "0x480280017ffb7ffd", + "0x402480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400280027ffb7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4c69627261727943616c6c", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ff8", + "0x400380027ff97ffa", + "0x400380037ff97ffb", + "0x400280047ff97ffd", + "0x400280057ff97ffe", + "0x480280077ff98000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280067ff98000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280087ff98000", + "0x480280097ff98000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2c1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48297ffd80007ffc", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x73756363657373", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x7820213d2079", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x482480017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x48027ffd7ffc8000", + "0x48027ffe7ffc8000", + "0x48027fff7ffc8000", + "0x400280007ffc7ffd", + "0x482480017ffe8000", + "0x1", + "0x400280017ffc7fff", + "0x400280027ffc7ffe", + "0x484480017ffd8000", + "0x3", + "0x48307fff7ffb8000", + "0x480280007ffc8000", + "0x480280017ffc8000", + "0x480280027ffc8000", + "0x400280037ffc7ffd", + "0x482480017ffe8000", + "0x1", + "0x400280047ffc7fff", + "0x400280057ffc7ffe", + "0x484480017ffd8000", + "0x3", + "0x48307fff7ffb8000", + "0x480080007ff98000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x64", + "0x400080027ffd7fff", + "0x480080007ffc8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0xc8", + "0x400080027ffd7fff", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x400080037ff97fff", + "0x480080047ff98000", + "0x402580017ff88001", + "0x6", + "0x40027fff80017fff", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x400080037ffa7fff", + "0x480080047ffa8000", + "0x400080057ff97fff", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x6", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff68000", + "0x6", + "0x40317ffb7ff98000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x25e", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a80017fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x258", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48297ffc80007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x15", + "0x480080007ffd8000", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48307ffb80007ffc", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4465706c6f79", + "0x400280007ff87fff", + "0x400380017ff87ff7", + "0x400380027ff87ff9", + "0x400380037ff87ffa", + "0x400280047ff87ffd", + "0x400280057ff87ffe", + "0x400380067ff87ffd", + "0x480280087ff88000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x480280077ff88000", + "0x482680017ff88000", + "0xc", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280097ff88000", + "0x4802800a7ff88000", + "0x4802800b7ff88000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x480280077ff88000", + "0x482680017ff88000", + "0xb", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280097ff88000", + "0x4802800a7ff88000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2bb", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x5265706c616365436c617373", + "0x400280007ffc7fff", + "0x400380017ffc7ffb", + "0x400380027ffc7ffd", + "0x480280047ffc8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280037ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x5", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280037ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xa2", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x7075626c69635f6b6579", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x284", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xd", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2b4", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1275130f95dda36bcbb6e9d28796c1d7e10b6e9fd5ed083e0ede4b12f613528", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f7261676552656164", + "0x400280007ffd7fff", + "0x400380017ffd7ffc", + "0x400280027ffd7ffd", + "0x400280037ffd7ffe", + "0x480280057ffd8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280067ffd8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280067ffd8000", + "0x480280077ffd8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x47", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1275130f95dda36bcbb6e9d28796c1d7e10b6e9fd5ed083e0ede4b12f613528", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f726167655772697465", + "0x400280007ffc7fff", + "0x400380017ffc7ffb", + "0x400280027ffc7ffd", + "0x400280037ffc7ffe", + "0x400380047ffc7ffd", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffc8000", + "0x480280087ffc8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x21", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x20780017fff7ffb", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x20780017fff7ffb", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x476574457865637574696f6e496e666f", + "0x400280007ffd7fff", + "0x400380017ffd7ffc", + "0x480280037ffd8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xc", + "0x480280027ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x5", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280027ffd8000", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280047ffd8000", + "0x480280057ffd8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x209", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48297ffb80007ffc", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x6", + "0x48317ffe80007ffd", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x10", + "0x482680017ffd8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307fff80007ffd", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x482a7ffd7ffb8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e646578206f7574206f6620626f756e6473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x482480017ffb8000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x265", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x264", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x9", + "0x4825800180007ff8", + "0x1310", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400280007ff77fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4c", + "0x4825800180007ff8", + "0x1310", + "0x400280007ff77fff", + "0x482680017ff78000", + "0x1", + "0x20780017fff7ffd", + "0xd", + "0x48127fff7fff8000", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff995", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x27", + "0x400280007ffc7fff", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x4825800180007ffd", + "0x1", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffd1", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0xc", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff78000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x482480017ff78000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x15bd0500dc9d7e69ab9577f73a8d753e8761bed10f25ba0f124254dc4edb8b4", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffe7fff8000", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff98c", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x40137ff07fff8000", + "0x402580017ff08001", + "0x1", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x15e", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x39", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x480a80017fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x456d69744576656e74", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x400280017ffa7ff7", + "0x400280027ffa7ffb", + "0x400280037ffa7ffc", + "0x400280047ffa7ffd", + "0x400280057ffa7ffe", + "0x480280077ffa8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xd", + "0x480280067ffa8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280067ffa8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xa", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280087ffa8000", + "0x480280097ffa8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefe", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xc", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x20780017fff7ffb", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + 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+ "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x480280057ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffc8000", + "0x480280087ffc8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffde7", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x20780017fff7ffb", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + 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"b": { + "Immediate": "0x3" + } + } + }, + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3777, + [ + { + "Felt252DictEntryInit": { + "dict_ptr": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -2 + } + }, + "key": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3780, + [ + { + "Felt252DictEntryUpdate": { + "dict_ptr": { + "BinOp": { + "op": "Add", + "a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -3 + }, + "b": { + "Immediate": "0x3" + } + } + }, + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3783, + [ + { + "Felt252DictEntryInit": { + "dict_ptr": { + "BinOp": { + "op": "Add", + "a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -7 + }, + "b": { + "Immediate": "0x3" + } + } + }, + "key": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3787, + [ + { + "Felt252DictEntryUpdate": { + "dict_ptr": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 1 + } + }, + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3790, + [ + { + "Felt252DictEntryInit": { + "dict_ptr": { + "BinOp": { + "op": "Add", + "a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -6 + }, + "b": { + "Immediate": "0x3" + } + } + }, + "key": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3792, + [ + { + "Felt252DictEntryUpdate": { + "dict_ptr": { + "BinOp": { + "op": "Add", + "a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -7 + }, + "b": { + "Immediate": "0x6" + } + } + }, + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3875, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -8 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 3922, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -4 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4001, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -3 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4051, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -4 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4123, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -3 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4163, + [ + { + "TestLessThan": { + "lhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -3 + } + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4183, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4201, + [ + { + "TestLessThanOrEqual": { + "lhs": { + "Immediate": "0x1310" + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -8 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4284, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4306, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4311, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4343, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -6 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4414, + [ + { + "GetSegmentArenaIndex": { + "dict_end_ptr": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -3 + } + }, + "dict_index": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4455, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 3 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4463, + [ + { + "InitSquashData": { + "dict_accesses": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -4 + } + }, + "ptr_diff": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 0 + } + }, + "n_accesses": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + }, + "big_keys": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 2 + }, + "first_key": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 1 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4482, + [ + { + "GetCurrentAccessIndex": { + "range_check_ptr": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -9 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4495, + [ + { + "ShouldSkipSquashLoop": { + "should_skip_loop": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -4 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4497, + [ + { + "GetCurrentAccessDelta": { + "index_delta_minus1": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4508, + [ + { + "ShouldContinueSquashLoop": { + "should_continue": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -4 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4522, + [ + { + "GetNextDictKey": { + "next_key": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4541, + [ + { + "AssertLeFindSmallArcs": { + "range_check_ptr": { + "BinOp": { + "op": "Add", + "a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -4 + }, + "b": { + "Immediate": "0x1" + } + } + }, + "a": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -6 + } + }, + "b": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4553, + [ + { + "AssertLeIsFirstArcExcluded": { + "skip_exclude_a_flag": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4565, + [ + { + "AssertLeIsSecondArcExcluded": { + "skip_exclude_b_minus_a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4622, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -4 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4719, + [ + { + "TestLessThanOrEqual": { + "lhs": { + "Immediate": "0x11da" + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -7 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 4795, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ] + ], + "pythonic_hints": [ + [ + 0, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 28370 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 53, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -59]" + ] + ], + [ + 76, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 104, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 122, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 136, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 150, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 164, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 178, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 193, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 10360 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 234, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -27]" + ] + ], + [ + 255, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 278, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 296, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 310, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 324, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 339, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 11770 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 386, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -43]" + ] + ], + [ + 408, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 426, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 444, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 458, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 472, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 486, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 501, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 43120 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 602, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -187]" + ] + ], + [ + 633, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 651, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 669, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 683, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 697, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 711, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 725, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 739, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 753, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 767, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 781, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 795, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 809, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 823, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 837, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 854, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 18780 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 910, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -16]" + ] + ], + [ + 934, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 952, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 970, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 984, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1006, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1028, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1045, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 14520 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1097, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -16]" + ] + ], + [ + 1120, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1138, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1156, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1170, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1192, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1206, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1223, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 25600 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1281, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -32]" + ] + ], + [ + 1305, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1323, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1341, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1355, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1369, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1391, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1405, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1422, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 18940 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1481, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -16]" + ] + ], + [ + 1505, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1523, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1541, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1555, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1577, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1591, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1605, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1622, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 18940 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1681, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -16]" + ] + ], + [ + 1705, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1723, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1741, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1755, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1777, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1791, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1805, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1820, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1867, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -43]" + ] + ], + [ + 1887, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1910, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1928, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1942, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1956, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1970, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1985, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 34140 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2020, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -11]" + ] + ], + [ + 2038, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2054, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2073, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2088, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2106, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 21840 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2171, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -35]" + ] + ], + [ + 2196, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2214, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2232, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2246, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2260, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2282, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2296, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2310, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2325, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 9960 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2366, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -42]" + ] + ], + [ + 2387, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2405, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2423, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2437, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2451, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2466, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 7440 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2501, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[ap + -11]" + ] + ], + [ + 2521, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2539, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2557, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2571, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2670, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[fp + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 2674, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2685, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2711, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 2752, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[fp + -4] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 2756, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2767, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2794, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 3067, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3083, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3099, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3115, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3131, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3147, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3173, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3189, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3205, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3221, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3237, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3253, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3269, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3317, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3378, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 3428, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 3503, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 3507, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3517, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3564, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 3609, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 3613, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3623, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3670, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 3732, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3745, + [ + "\nif '__dict_manager' not in globals():\n from starkware.cairo.common.dict import DictManager\n __dict_manager = DictManager()\n\nif '__segment_index_to_arena_index' not in globals():\n # A map from the relocatable value segment index to the index in the\n # arena.\n __segment_index_to_arena_index = {}\n\n# memory[fp + -4] is the address of the next SegmentArenaBuiltin.\n# memory[memory[fp + -4] - 2] is the number of allocated segments.\nindex = memory[memory[fp + -4] - 2]\n\nsegment_start = __dict_manager.new_default_dict(\n segments, 0, temp_segment=index > 0\n)\n\n# Update '__segment_index_to_arena_index'.\n__segment_index_to_arena_index[segment_start.segment_index] = index\n\n# Update 'SegmentInfo::start'.\n# memory[memory[fp + -4] - 3] is the address of the segment arena infos\n# segment. index * 3 is added to get the address of the new SegmentInfo.\nmemory[memory[memory[fp + -4] - 3] + index * 3] = segment_start\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3756, + [ + "\nif '__dict_manager' not in globals():\n from starkware.cairo.common.dict import DictManager\n __dict_manager = DictManager()\n\nif '__segment_index_to_arena_index' not in globals():\n # A map from the relocatable value segment index to the index in the\n # arena.\n __segment_index_to_arena_index = {}\n\n# memory[fp + -4] + 3 is the address of the next SegmentArenaBuiltin.\n# memory[memory[fp + -4] + 3 - 2] is the number of allocated segments.\nindex = memory[memory[fp + -4] + 3 - 2]\n\nsegment_start = __dict_manager.new_default_dict(\n segments, 0, temp_segment=index > 0\n)\n\n# Update '__segment_index_to_arena_index'.\n__segment_index_to_arena_index[segment_start.segment_index] = index\n\n# Update 'SegmentInfo::start'.\n# memory[memory[fp + -4] + 3 - 3] is the address of the segment arena infos\n# segment. index * 3 is added to get the address of the new SegmentInfo.\nmemory[memory[memory[fp + -4] + 3 - 3] + index * 3] = segment_start\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3770, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[ap + -2])\ndict_tracker.current_ptr += 3\nmemory[memory[ap + -2] + 1] =[memory[ap + -1]]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3773, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[ap + -3] + 3)\[memory[memory[ap + -3] + 3 - 3]] = memory[ap + -1]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3777, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[ap + -2])\ndict_tracker.current_ptr += 3\nmemory[memory[ap + -2] + 1] =[memory[ap + -1]]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3780, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[ap + -3] + 3)\[memory[memory[ap + -3] + 3 - 3]] = memory[ap + -1]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3783, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[ap + -7] + 3)\ndict_tracker.current_ptr += 3\nmemory[memory[ap + -7] + 3 + 1] =[memory[ap + -1]]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3787, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[fp + 1])\[memory[memory[fp + 1] - 3]] = memory[ap + -1]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3790, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[ap + -6] + 3)\ndict_tracker.current_ptr += 3\nmemory[memory[ap + -6] + 3 + 1] =[memory[ap + -1]]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3792, + [ + "\ndict_tracker = __dict_manager.get_tracker(memory[ap + -7] + 6)\[memory[memory[ap + -7] + 6 - 3]] = memory[ap + -1]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3875, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -8])" + ] + ], + [ + 3922, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 4001, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])" + ] + ], + [ + 4051, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 4123, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])" + ] + ], + [ + 4163, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[fp + -3] < memory[ap + -1]" + ] + ], + [ + 4183, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4201, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 4880 <= memory[fp + -8]" + ] + ], + [ + 4284, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4306, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4311, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4343, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 4414, + [ + "\nmemory[fp + 0] = __segment_index_to_arena_index[\n memory[fp + -3].segment_index\n]\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4455, + [ + "memory[fp + 3] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4463, + [ + "\ndict_access_size = 3\naddress = memory[fp + -4]\nassert memory[fp + 0] % dict_access_size == 0, 'Accesses array size must be divisible by DictAccess.SIZE'\nn_accesses = memory[ap + -1]\nif '__squash_dict_max_size' in globals():\n assert n_accesses <= __squash_dict_max_size, f'squash_dict() can only be used with n_accesses<={__squash_dict_max_size}. ' f'Got: n_accesses={n_accesses}.'\n# A map from key to the list of indices accessing it.\naccess_indices = {}\nfor i in range(n_accesses):\n key = memory[address + dict_access_size * i]\n access_indices.setdefault(key, []).append(i)\n# Descending list of keys.\nkeys = sorted(access_indices.keys(), reverse=True)\n# Are the keys used bigger than range_check bound.\nmemory[fp + 2] = 1 if keys[0] >= range_check_builtin.bound else 0\nmemory[fp + 1] = key = keys.pop()\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4482, + [ + "\ncurrent_access_indices = sorted(access_indices[key])[::-1]\ncurrent_access_index = current_access_indices.pop()\nmemory[memory[fp + -9]] = current_access_index\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4495, + [ + "memory[ap + -4] = 0 if current_access_indices else 1" + ] + ], + [ + 4497, + [ + "\nnew_access_index = current_access_indices.pop()\nmemory[ap + 0] = new_access_index - current_access_index - 1\ncurrent_access_index = new_access_index\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4508, + [ + "memory[ap + -4] = 1 if current_access_indices else 0" + ] + ], + [ + 4522, + [ + "assert len(keys) > 0, 'No keys left but remaining_accesses > 0.'\nmemory[fp + 0] = key = keys.pop()\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4541, + [ + "\nimport itertools\n\nfrom starkware.cairo.common.math_utils import assert_integer\nassert_integer(memory[fp + -6])\nassert_integer(memory[fp + 0])\na = memory[fp + -6] % PRIME\nb = memory[fp + 0] % PRIME\nassert a <= b, f'a = {a} is not less than or equal to b = {b}.'\n\n# Find an arc less than PRIME / 3, and another less than PRIME / 2.\nlengths_and_indices = [(a, 0), (b - a, 1), (PRIME - 1 - b, 2)]\nlengths_and_indices.sort()\nassert lengths_and_indices[0][0] <= PRIME // 3 and lengths_and_indices[1][0] <= PRIME // 2\nexcluded = lengths_and_indices[2][1]\n\nmemory[memory[ap + -4] + 1 + 1], memory[memory[ap + -4] + 1 + 0] = (\n divmod(lengths_and_indices[0][0], 3544607988759775765608368578435044694))\nmemory[memory[ap + -4] + 1 + 3], memory[memory[ap + -4] + 1 + 2] = (\n divmod(lengths_and_indices[1][0], 5316911983139663648412552867652567041))\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4553, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 1 if excluded != 0 else 0" + ] + ], + [ + 4565, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 1 if excluded != 1 else 0" + ] + ], + [ + 4622, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 4719, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 4570 <= memory[fp + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 4795, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ] + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/compiled_class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json b/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/compiled_class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6d08434b5c --- /dev/null +++ b/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/compiled_class/0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2.json @@ -0,0 +1,28558 @@ +{ + "entry_points_by_type": { + "EXTERNAL": [ + { + "selector": 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"0x482480017ff58000", + "0x3", + "0x48307ff680007ff7", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482480017ff58000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff27fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x6c", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x16", + "0x480080007ff88003", + "0x480080017ff78003", + "0x4844800180017ffe", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x483080017ffd7ffb", + "0x482480017fff7ffd", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffff7ffffffffffffef0000000000000001", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x6", + "0x402480017fff7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x402480017ffe7ffd", + "0xf7ffffffffffffef0000000000000000", + "0x400080027ff37ffd", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x51", + "0x402780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x400080007ff87ffe", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ff980007ffa", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x2a", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x16", + "0x480080007ff88003", + "0x480080017ff78003", + "0x4844800180017ffe", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x483080017ffd7ffb", + "0x482480017fff7ffd", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffff7ffffffffffffef0000000000000001", + "0x20680017fff7ffc", + "0x6", + "0x402480017fff7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x402480017ffe7ffd", + "0xf7ffffffffffffef0000000000000000", + "0x400080027ff37ffd", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x11", + "0x402780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x400080007ff87ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0x482480017ff38000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127fed7fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x24", + "0x482480017ff38000", + "0x3", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x7", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x13", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x482480017feb8000", + "0x3", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xf", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa2", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x1d43", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x92", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x81", + "0x48307ffb80007ffc", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482480017ffa8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480080007ff78000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x5d", + "0x48307ffc80007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127faa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x313a", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x3139", + "0x480080007fff8000", + 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"0x48127fee7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4f7574206f6620676173", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x7", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffeb60", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x185", + "0x4825800180007ffa", + "0x14a0", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x48297ffc80007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x1", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280007ffc8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x159", + "0xa0680017fff8004", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180047ffe", + "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8002", + "0x480080007ff67ffc", + "0x480080017ff57ffc", + "0x402480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeeffffffffffffffff", + "0x400080027ff47ffd", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x147", + "0x484480017fff8001", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307fff80007ffd", + "0x480080007ff77ffd", + "0x480080017ff67ffd", + "0x402480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080027ff57ffe", + "0x482480017ff58000", + "0x3", + "0x48307ff680007ff7", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482480017ff58000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127ff27fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + 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+ "0x3", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x7", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x13", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x482480017feb8000", + "0x3", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xf", + "0x48127feb7fff8000", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa2", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x1ba9", + "0x20680017fff7ffa", + "0x92", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x81", + "0x48307ffb80007ffc", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x482480017ffa8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480080007ff78000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x5d", + "0x48307ffc80007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e70757420746f6f206c6f6e6720666f7220617267756d656e7473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127faa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x2fa0", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x2f9f", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x484480017fff8000", + "0xa", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x364ac", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x8", + "0x48307ffe80007fa6", + "0x482480017fff8000", + "0x100000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080007fe97fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x27", + 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"0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127fa77fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4661696c656420746f20646573657269616c697a6520706172616d202333", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x48127fca7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x482480017ff48000", + "0x3", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4661696c656420746f20646573657269616c697a6520706172616d202332", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ffc7fff8000", + "0x48127fe37fff8000", + 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"0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127fe27fff8000", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f726555313238202d206e6f6e2075313238", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017ff28000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x482480017ffa8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x1a", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff27fff8000", + "0x480080047fed8000", + "0x482480017fec8000", + "0x8", + "0x480080067feb8000", + "0x480080077fea8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x21", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x9", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f726555313238202d206e6f6e2075313238", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017fe98000", + "0x3", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x48127fec7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x482480017ffa8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x14", + "0x48127fe97fff8000", + "0x480280047ffc8000", + "0x482680017ffc8000", + "0x8", + "0x480280067ffc8000", + "0x480280077ffc8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127fe17fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x19eba13c2ffadbed69e7a3ff4399447db5f0f1deff605072b123c3d33e5e300", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x400380017ffa7ffc", + "0x480280027ffa8000", + "0x400280037ffa7fff", + "0x400380047ffa7ffd", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0xa0680017fff8005", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180057ffe", + "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ff87ffc", + "0x480280017ff87ffc", + "0x482480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeefffffffffffffeff", + "0x400280027ff87ffc", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x48127ffe7fff8005", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ff87ffd", + "0x482480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf0000000000000000000000000000100", + "0x480280017ff87ffd", + "0x400280027ff87ff9", + "0x402480017ffd7ff9", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x4", + "0x402780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x6", + "0x482680017ff88000", + "0x3", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f7261676552656164", + "0x400280007ffb7fff", + "0x400380017ffb7ff9", + "0x400280027ffb7ffc", + "0x400280037ffb7ffb", + "0x480280057ffb8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4b", + "0x480280067ffb8000", + "0x480280047ffb8000", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x7", + "0xa0680017fff8004", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180047ffc", + "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8002", + "0x480080007ff67ffc", + "0x480080017ff57ffc", + "0x402480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeeffffffffffffffff", + "0x400080027ff47ffd", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x2b", + "0x484480017fff8001", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307fff80007ffb", + "0x480080007ff77ffd", + "0x480080017ff67ffd", + "0x402480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080027ff57ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x5", + "0x482480017ff08000", + "0x3", + "0x20680017fff7ff2", + "0x11", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4552433732313a20696e76616c696420746f6b656e204944", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x48127ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127ff07fff8000", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x48127fef7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4e6f6e20436f6e747261637441646472657373", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017ff28000", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ff57fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x482480017ffa8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x48127ff27fff8000", + "0x480280047ffb8000", + "0x482680017ffb8000", + "0x8", + "0x480280067ffb8000", + "0x480280077ffb8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127fea7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x476574457865637574696f6e496e666f", + "0x400280007ff77fff", + "0x400380017ff77ff5", + "0x480280037ff78000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x71", + "0x480280047ff78000", + "0x480a7ff47fff8000", + "0x480280027ff78000", + "0x480a7ff67fff8000", + "0x482680017ff78000", + "0x5", + "0x480080027ffb8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x9cb", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x5b", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4552433732313a20756e617574686f72697a65642063616c6c6572", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xa52", + "0x40137ffb7fff8000", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x34", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x86e", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x1e", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4552433732313a2073616665207472616e73666572206661696c6564", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480a80007fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff47fff8000", + "0x480280027ff78000", + "0x480a7ff67fff8000", + "0x482680017ff78000", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280047ff78000", + "0x480280057ff78000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x476574457865637574696f6e496e666f", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ff7", + "0x480280037ff98000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x4c", + "0x480280047ff98000", + "0x480a7ff67fff8000", + "0x480280027ff98000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x5", + "0x480080027ffb8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x94b", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x35", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x12", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x108", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4552433732313a20756e617574686f72697a65642063616c6c6572", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x36", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x9d1", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xf", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x15", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x10a", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127ef07fff8000", + "0x48127ef07fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1aa", + "0x480a7ff67fff8000", + "0x480280027ff98000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x6", + "0x480280047ff98000", + "0x480280057ff98000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480a7ff77fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x800000000000010fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe88", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x91", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x476574457865637574696f6e496e666f", + "0x400080007ffb7fff", + "0x400080017ffb7ff9", + "0x480080037ffb8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x7e", + "0x480080047ffa8000", + "0x480080027fff8000", + "0x48307fff80007ffb", + "0x480080027ff78000", + "0x482480017ff68000", + "0x5", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xa", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x15", + "0x48127fdd7fff8000", + "0x48127fe87fff8000", + "0x48127fdd7fff8000", + "0x48127fe77fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x5c", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x350efce99c55a2fbf8c09cde498fd24d686f21a900621778cd59ed10f4ae843", + "0x400080007ff37fff", + "0x400080017ff37ff7", + "0x480080027ff38000", + "0x400080037ff27fff", + "0x400080047ff27ffa", + "0x480080057ff28000", + "0xa0680017fff8005", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180057ffe", + 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"0x480080067ff08000", + "0x480080047fef8000", + "0x482480017fee8000", + "0x7", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x4", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48307ffe80007fff", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x13", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6b", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4552433732313a20756e617574686f72697a65642063616c6c6572", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127f8a7fff8000", + "0x48127f8d7fff8000", + "0x48127f877fff8000", + "0x48127f8c7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff77fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ff47fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xcce", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x73", + "0x48127f8a7fff8000", + "0x480080047f7c8000", + "0x48127f877fff8000", + "0x482480017f7a8000", + "0x8", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480080067f788000", + "0x480080077f778000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x87", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x480080027f728000", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x482480017f708000", + "0x6", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480080047f6e8000", + "0x480080057f6d8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x89", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x48127f707fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48297ffc80007ffb", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x13", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x33", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4552433732313a2073656c6620617070726f76616c", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff77fff8000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x480a7ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x482480017ff88000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x350efce99c55a2fbf8c09cde498fd24d686f21a900621778cd59ed10f4ae843", + "0x400280007ff97fff", + "0x400380017ff97ffb", + "0x480280027ff98000", + "0x400280037ff97fff", + "0x400380047ff97ffc", + "0x480280057ff98000", + "0xa0680017fff8005", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180057ffe", + "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ff77ffc", + "0x480280017ff77ffc", + "0x482480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeefffffffffffffeff", + "0x400280027ff77ffc", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x48127ffe7fff8005", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ff77ffd", + "0x482480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf0000000000000000000000000000100", + "0x480280017ff77ffd", + "0x400280027ff77ff9", + "0x402480017ffd7ff9", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x4", + "0x402780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x6", + "0x482680017ff78000", + "0x3", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f726167655772697465", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x400380017ffa7ff8", + "0x400280027ffa7ffc", + "0x400280037ffa7ffb", + "0x400380047ffa7ffd", + "0x480280067ffa8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x26", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x7", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x5", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xce0", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xd", + "0x48127fd77fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127fd47fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127fd77fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127fd47fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x26", + "0x48127fd77fff8000", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0x48127fd47fff8000", + "0x482680017ffa8000", + "0x9", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x480280077ffa8000", + "0x480280087ffa8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x19eba13c2ffadbed69e7a3ff4399447db5f0f1deff605072b123c3d33e5e300", + "0x400280007ffa7fff", + "0x400380017ffa7ffc", + "0x480280027ffa8000", + "0x400280037ffa7fff", + "0x400380047ffa7ffd", + "0x480280057ffa8000", + "0xa0680017fff8005", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180057ffe", + "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480280007ff87ffc", + "0x480280017ff87ffc", + "0x482480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeefffffffffffffeff", + "0x400280027ff87ffc", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + 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"0x480680017fff8000", + "0x2618225f6ac4a00b9635ed0e036ea1db17cf353e7ad948e882dbbca50565fbd", + "0x400080007fef7fff", + "0x400180017fef7ffc", + "0x480080027fef8000", + "0x400080037fee7fff", + "0x400180047fee7ffd", + "0x480080057fee8000", + "0xa0680017fff8005", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180057ffe", + "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480080007ff57ffc", + "0x480080017ff47ffc", + "0x482480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeefffffffffffffeff", + "0x400080027ff27ffc", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x11", + "0x48127ffe7fff8005", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8003", + "0x480080007ff57ffd", + "0x482480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf0000000000000000000000000000100", + "0x480080017ff37ffd", + "0x400080027ff27ff9", + "0x402480017ffd7ff9", + "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x4", + "0x402780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x482480017fe58000", + "0x6", + "0x482480017ff08000", + "0x3", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f7261676552656164", + "0x400080007fe87fff", + "0x400080017fe87fe7", + "0x400080027fe87ffc", + "0x400080037fe87ffb", + "0x480080057fe88000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x39", + "0x480080067fe78000", + "0x480080047fe68000", + "0x482480017fe58000", + "0x7", + "0xa0680017fff8004", + "0xe", + "0x4824800180047ffc", + "0x800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x484480017ffe8000", + "0x110000000000000000", + "0x48307ffe7fff8002", + "0x480080007ff67ffc", + "0x480080017ff57ffc", + "0x402480017ffb7ffd", + "0xffffffffffffffeeffffffffffffffff", + "0x400080027ff47ffd", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x17", + "0x484480017fff8001", + "0x8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x48307fff80007ffb", + "0x480080007ff77ffd", + "0x480080017ff67ffd", + "0x402480017ffc7ffe", + "0xf8000000000000000000000000000000", + "0x400080027ff57ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", 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+ "0x108", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x4552433732313a20756e617574686f72697a65642063616c6c6572", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x36", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x480a7ffa7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0x74b", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0xf", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x6", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x48127ff37fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x15", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x10a", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127eef7fff8000", + "0x48127ef07fff8000", + "0x48127ef07fff8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0xb", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1aa", + "0x480a7ff67fff8000", + "0x480280027ff98000", + "0x480a7ff87fff8000", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x6", + "0x480280047ff98000", + "0x480280057ff98000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x48127ff97fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x2bd557f4ba80dfabefabe45e9b2dd35db1b9a78e96c72bc2b69b655ce47a930", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x53746f7261676552656164", + "0x400280007ffd7fff", + "0x400380017ffd7ffc", + "0x400280027ffd7ffd", + "0x400280037ffd7ffe", + "0x480280057ffd8000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0x74", + "0x480280067ffd8000", + 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"0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x43616c6c657220697320746865207a65726f2061646472657373", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48307ff180007ffd", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x2", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x43616c6c6572206973206e6f7420746865206f776e6572", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x7", + 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"0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0xf", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e646578206f7574206f6620626f756e6473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482680017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x48127fe77fff8000", + "0x48127fe77fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x400180007fff7ff8", + "0x400180017fff7ff9", + "0x400180027fff7ffa", + "0x400180037fff7ffb", + "0x48297ffc80007ffd", + "0x400080047ffe7fff", + "0x480a7ff47fff8000", + "0x480a7ff57fff8000", + "0x480a7ffc7fff8000", + "0x480a7ffd7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x5", + "0x1104800180018000", + "0xca", + "0x20680017fff7ffd", + "0x86", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x38c7ee9f0855dfe219aea022b141d9b2ec0f6b68395d221c3f331c7ca4fb608", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x43616c6c436f6e7472616374", + "0x400280007ff67fff", + "0x400280017ff67ffa", + "0x400380027ff67ff7", + "0x400280037ff67ffe", + "0x400280047ff67ffc", + "0x400280057ff67ffd", + "0x480280077ff68000", + "0x20680017fff7fff", + "0xa", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x480280067ff68000", + "0x482680017ff68000", + "0xa", + "0x480280087ff68000", + "0x480280097ff68000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x31", + "0x480280087ff68000", + "0x480280097ff68000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x0", + "0x480280067ff68000", + "0x482680017ff68000", + "0xa", + "0x480280087ff68000", + "0x480280097ff68000", + "0x48307ff980007ffa", + "0xa0680017fff8000", + "0x6", + "0x48307ffe80007ff9", + "0x400080007fee7fff", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x52", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x48307fff80007ffd", + "0x400080007fed7fff", + "0x48307ff77ff58000", + "0x480080007fff8000", + "0x4824800180007fff", + "0x454e545259504f494e545f4e4f545f464f554e44", + "0x482480017fea8000", + "0x1", + "0x20680017fff7ffe", + "0x38", + "0x480680017fff8000", + 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"0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x480080067ff28000", + "0x482480017ff18000", + "0xa", + "0x480080087ff08000", + "0x480080097fef8000", + "0x10780017fff7fff", + "0x8", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x3", + "0x48127ff17fff8000", + "0x48127ff17fff8000", + "0x48127ff17fff8000", + "0x48127ff17fff8000", + "0x48127ff87fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x40780017fff7fff", + "0x1", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x496e646578206f7574206f6620626f756e6473", + "0x400080007ffe7fff", + "0x482480017fec8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x48127ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x482480017ff98000", + "0x1", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x48127ffb7fff8000", + "0x480a7ff67fff8000", + "0x480680017fff8000", + "0x1", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x48127ffa7fff8000", + "0x208b7fff7fff7ffe", + 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"0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00" + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 5 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11792, + [ + { + "LinearSplit": { + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 4 + } + }, + "scalar": { + "Immediate": "0x110000000000000000" + }, + "max_x": { + "Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" + }, + "x": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -2 + }, + "y": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11803, + [ + { + "LinearSplit": { + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 4 + } + }, + "scalar": { + "Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000" + }, + "max_x": { + "Immediate": "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe" + }, + "x": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -2 + }, + "y": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11830, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -34 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11845, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "BinOp": { + "op": "Add", + "a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -39 + }, + "b": { + "Immediate": "0x7" + } + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11856, + [ + { + "TestLessThan": { + "lhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + }, + "rhs": { + "Immediate": "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00" + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 5 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11860, + [ + { + "LinearSplit": { + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 4 + } + }, + "scalar": { + "Immediate": "0x110000000000000000" + }, + "max_x": { + "Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" + }, + "x": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -2 + }, + "y": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11871, + [ + { + "LinearSplit": { + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 4 + } + }, + "scalar": { + "Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000" + }, + "max_x": { + "Immediate": "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe" + }, + "x": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -2 + }, + "y": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11899, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "BinOp": { + "op": "Add", + "a": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -55 + }, + "b": { + "Immediate": "0xe" + } + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11976, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 11993, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12019, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12077, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12094, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12120, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12165, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12206, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12229, + [ + { + "TestLessThan": { + "lhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + }, + "rhs": { + "Immediate": "0x7ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff00" + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 5 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12233, + [ + { + "LinearSplit": { + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 4 + } + }, + "scalar": { + "Immediate": "0x110000000000000000" + }, + "max_x": { + "Immediate": "0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" + }, + "x": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -2 + }, + "y": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12244, + [ + { + "LinearSplit": { + "value": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 4 + } + }, + "scalar": { + "Immediate": "0x8000000000000000000000000000000" + }, + "max_x": { + "Immediate": "0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe" + }, + "x": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -2 + }, + "y": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12271, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -19 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12332, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12334, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12388, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -9 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12409, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12425, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -5 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12448, + [ + { + "TestLessThan": { + "lhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -6 + } + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12476, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -13 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12512, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12551, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12566, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12595, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -10 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12616, + [ + { + "TestLessThan": { + "lhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -6 + } + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -1 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12644, + [ + { + "SystemCall": { + "system": { + "Deref": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": -13 + } + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12667, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12702, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12783, + [ + { + "TestLessThanOrEqual": { + "lhs": { + "Immediate": "0x8de" + }, + "rhs": { + "Deref": { + "register": "FP", + "offset": -7 + } + }, + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ], + [ + 12835, + [ + { + "AllocSegment": { + "dst": { + "register": "AP", + "offset": 0 + } + } + } + ] + ] + ], + "pythonic_hints": [ + [ + 0, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 5280 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 33, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 37, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 47, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 79, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 81, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 126, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 128, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 232, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 257, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -89]" + ] + ], + [ + 282, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 302, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 318, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 333, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 357, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 379, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 394, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 410, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 5280 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 443, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 447, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 457, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 489, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 491, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 536, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 538, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 642, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 667, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -89]" + ] + ], + [ + 692, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 712, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 728, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 743, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 767, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 789, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 804, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 820, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 858, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 881, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -14]" + ] + ], + [ + 910, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 914, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 925, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 951, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 973, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1004, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1020, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1035, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1051, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1068, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1087, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 3440 <= memory[ap + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 1111, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 1114, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1137, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1152, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1167, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1184, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1203, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 3440 <= memory[ap + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 1227, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 1230, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1253, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1268, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1283, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1317, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 1319, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 1364, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 1366, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 1440, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1465, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -36]" + ] + ], + [ + 1486, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1508, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1524, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1539, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1555, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1589, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 1591, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 1636, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 1638, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 1712, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1737, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -36]" + ] + ], + [ + 1758, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1780, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1796, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1811, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1827, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 1860, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 1864, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 1874, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 1889, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1912, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -20]" + ] + ], + [ + 1932, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1955, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1978, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 1993, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2009, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2043, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 2045, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 2090, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 2092, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 2166, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2191, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -36]" + ] + ], + [ + 2212, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2234, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2250, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2265, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2281, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 6290 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2314, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 2318, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2328, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2359, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 2363, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2373, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2405, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 2407, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 2452, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 2454, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 2537, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2562, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -95]" + ] + ], + [ + 2587, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2607, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2623, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2647, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2669, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2691, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2706, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2722, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 1040 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 2755, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 2759, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2769, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2800, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 2804, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2814, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 2846, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 2848, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 2893, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 2895, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 2969, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 2994, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -58]" + ] + ], + [ + 3017, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3037, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3053, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3075, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3097, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3112, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3128, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 3161, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 3165, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3175, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3207, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 3209, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 3254, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 3256, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 3330, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3355, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -47]" + ] + ], + [ + 3377, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3397, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3413, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3435, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3450, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3466, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 3499, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 3503, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3513, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 3558, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3583, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -28]" + ] + ], + [ + 3599, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 3617, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3652, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3668, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3690, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3705, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3721, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 3755, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 3757, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 3802, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 3804, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 3878, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3903, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -36]" + ] + ], + [ + 3924, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3946, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3962, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3977, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 3993, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 4026, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 4030, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4040, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4071, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 4075, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4085, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4100, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4125, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -32]" + ] + ], + [ + 4143, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 4147, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4158, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4184, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 4199, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4233, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4256, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4278, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4293, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4309, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 4342, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 4346, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4356, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4371, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4394, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -20]" + ] + ], + [ + 4414, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4437, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4460, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4475, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4491, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 4525, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 4527, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 4572, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 4574, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 4648, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4673, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -36]" + ] + ], + [ + 4694, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4716, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4732, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4747, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 4763, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 6290 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 4796, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 4800, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4810, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4841, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 4845, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4855, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 4887, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 4889, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 4934, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 4936, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 5019, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5044, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -95]" + ] + ], + [ + 5069, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5089, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5105, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5129, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5151, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5173, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5188, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5204, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 1040 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 5237, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 5241, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 5251, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 5282, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 5286, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 5296, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 5328, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 5330, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 5375, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 5377, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 5451, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5476, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -58]" + ] + ], + [ + 5499, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5519, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5535, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5557, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5579, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5594, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5610, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 5643, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 5647, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 5657, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 5702, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5727, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -28]" + ] + ], + [ + 5743, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 5761, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5796, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5812, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5834, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5849, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 5865, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 5899, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 5901, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 5946, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 5948, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -2], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 6022, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6047, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -36]" + ] + ], + [ + 6068, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6090, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6106, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6121, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6137, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 6170, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 6174, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6184, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6215, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 6219, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6229, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6244, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6269, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -32]" + ] + ], + [ + 6287, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 6291, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6302, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6328, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 6343, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6377, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6400, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6422, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6437, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6453, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 6491, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6514, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -14]" + ] + ], + [ + 6543, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 6547, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6558, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6584, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 6606, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6637, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6653, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6668, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6684, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 6701, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6720, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 5450 <= memory[ap + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 6744, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 6751, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 6755, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6765, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6773, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6786, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6814, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6829, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6844, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 6877, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 6881, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6891, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 6906, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6925, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 59770 <= memory[ap + -18]" + ] + ], + [ + 6941, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6969, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 6999, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7021, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7035, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7050, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 7067, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7086, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 57760 <= memory[ap + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 7115, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7145, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7160, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7175, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 7208, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 7212, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 7222, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -2], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 7237, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7256, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 59770 <= memory[ap + -18]" + ] + ], + [ + 7272, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7300, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7330, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7352, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7366, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7381, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 7398, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7417, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 57760 <= memory[ap + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 7446, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7476, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7491, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7506, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 0 <= memory[fp + -6]" + ] + ], + [ + 7523, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7548, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -10]" + ] + ], + [ + 7575, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 7588, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7608, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7659, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7675, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7713, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = (memory[ap + -1] + 0) % PRIME < 4294967296" + ] + ], + [ + 7717, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -1], 10633823966279327296825105735305134080)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + 0] = x\nmemory[ap + 1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 7739, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -2]" + ] + ], + [ + 7753, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 4294967296" + ] + ], + [ + 7763, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[ap + -2]" + ] + ], + [ + 7786, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7807, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7828, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7913, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 7995, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 7999, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8010, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8036, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 8043, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 8047, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8057, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8082, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8105, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 8109, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8120, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8146, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -24])" + ] + ], + [ + 8172, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8207, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8227, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 8231, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8242, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8268, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 8275, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 8277, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 8310, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 8317, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 8319, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 8352, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8378, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8424, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 8428, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8439, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8465, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 8472, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 8476, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8486, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8500, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8527, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8564, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -9])" + ] + ], + [ + 8582, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8625, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8692, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 8712, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8801, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 8828, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 8832, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8843, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8869, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -15])" + ] + ], + [ + 8891, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8956, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 8979, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 8983, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 8994, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9021, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 9080, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 9084, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9095, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9121, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 9128, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 9132, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9142, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9167, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9190, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 9194, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9205, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9231, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -24])" + ] + ], + [ + 9238, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 9242, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9252, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9273, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9303, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9338, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -7])" + ] + ], + [ + 9358, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9443, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -3])" + ] + ], + [ + 9450, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 9454, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9464, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9478, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -8])" + ] + ], + [ + 9490, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9519, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9546, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9586, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -4])" + ] + ], + [ + 9593, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 9597, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9607, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9628, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -10])" + ] + ], + [ + 9679, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 9720, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 9735, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5] + 7)" + ] + ], + [ + 9745, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 9749, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9760, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9790, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5] + 14)" + ] + ], + [ + 9800, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 9804, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9815, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 9845, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5] + 21)" + ] + ], + [ + 9918, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -1] <= memory[fp + -11]" + ] + ], + [ + 9974, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10001, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10026, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10046, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10084, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10140, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10160, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10183, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 10187, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10198, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10224, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 10231, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 10235, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10245, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10273, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 10277, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10288, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10314, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -23])" + ] + ], + [ + 10321, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10323, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 10356, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 10363, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10365, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 10389, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10414, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10434, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 10464, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 10468, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10479, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10506, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -34])" + ] + ], + [ + 10521, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -39] + 7)" + ] + ], + [ + 10532, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 10536, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10547, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10575, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -55] + 14)" + ] + ], + [ + 10653, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10670, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10696, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10729, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10746, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10802, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 10873, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 10877, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10888, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10914, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 10921, + [ + "memory[ap + 4] = memory[ap + -3] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285301248" + ] + ], + [ + 10925, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 3], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10935, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + -4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -1] = x\nmemory[ap + 0] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10960, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 10983, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 10987, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 10998, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11025, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -24])" + ] + ], + [ + 11052, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 11101, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 11105, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11116, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11142, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -18])" + ] + ], + [ + 11251, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 11287, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 11291, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11302, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11331, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -20])" + ] + ], + [ + 11339, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 11343, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11354, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11381, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -35] + 7)" + ] + ], + [ + 11388, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11390, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 11423, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 11430, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11432, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 11456, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11481, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11501, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11531, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 11535, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11546, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11573, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -34])" + ] + ], + [ + 11588, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -39] + 7)" + ] + ], + [ + 11596, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 11600, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11611, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11638, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -54] + 14)" + ] + ], + [ + 11645, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11647, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 11680, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -6])" + ] + ], + [ + 11687, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -3] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11689, + [ + "(memory[ap + 3], memory[ap + 4]) = divmod(memory[ap + -4], 340282366920938463463374607431768211456)" + ] + ], + [ + 11713, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11738, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11758, + [ + "memory[ap + -1] = memory[ap + 0] < 340282366920938463463374607431768211456" + ] + ], + [ + 11788, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 11792, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11803, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11830, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -34])" + ] + ], + [ + 11845, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -39] + 7)" + ] + ], + [ + 11856, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 11860, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11871, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 11899, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -55] + 14)" + ] + ], + [ + 11976, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 11993, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12019, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12077, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12094, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12120, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12165, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12206, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12229, + [ + "memory[ap + 5] = memory[ap + -1] < 3618502788666131106986593281521497120414687020801267626233049500247285300992" + ] + ], + [ + 12233, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 313594649253062377472)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211455)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 12244, + [ + "\n(value, scalar) = (memory[ap + 4], 10633823966279326983230456482242756608)\nx = min(value // scalar, 340282366920938463463374607431768211454)\ny = value - x * scalar\nmemory[ap + -2] = x\nmemory[ap + -1] = y\n" + ] + ], + [ + 12271, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -19])" + ] + ], + [ + 12332, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12334, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12388, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -9])" + ] + ], + [ + 12409, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12425, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -5])" + ] + ], + [ + 12448, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -6] < memory[ap + -1]" + ] + ], + [ + 12476, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -13])" + ] + ], + [ + 12512, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12551, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12566, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12595, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[fp + -10])" + ] + ], + [ + 12616, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = memory[ap + -6] < memory[ap + -1]" + ] + ], + [ + 12644, + [ + "syscall_handler.syscall(syscall_ptr=memory[ap + -13])" + ] + ], + [ + 12667, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12702, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ], + [ + 12783, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = 2270 <= memory[fp + -7]" + ] + ], + [ + 12835, + [ + "memory[ap + 0] = segments.add()" + ] + ] + ], + "compiler_version": "2.6.0" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/public_key/pk.json b/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/public_key/pk.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..694eb9e0d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/clients/feeder/testdata/mainnet/public_key/pk.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"0x48253ff2c3bed7af18bde0b611b083b39445959102d4947c51c4db6aa4f4e58" \ 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Failure reason: 0x434c4541525f41545f4c454153545f4d494e494d554d ('CLEAR_AT_LEAST_MINIMUM').\nCairo traceback (most recent call last):\nUnknown location (pc=0:222)\nUnknown location (pc=0:4845)\nUnknown location (pc=0:10647)\nUnknown location (pc=0:15231)\nUnknown location (pc=0:15231)\n\nError in the called contract (0x04505a9f06f2bd639b6601f37a4dc0908bb70e8e0e0c34b1220827d64f4fc066):\nExecution failed. Failure reason: 0x434c4541525f41545f4c454153545f4d494e494d554d ('CLEAR_AT_LEAST_MINIMUM').\n", + "execution_status": "REVERTED", + "finality_status": "ACCEPTED_ON_L1", + "status": "REVERTED", + "block_hash": "0x2897c5ed835db6f740671381270a2d44ea341f6daddceedde4fb43497351a80", + "block_number": 639743, + "transaction_index": 383, + "transaction": { + "transaction_hash": "0x34e02ab97e273f9a4a9b616fe549cf14a1dcb9431673896290c9543e051240e", + "version": "0x1", + "max_fee": "0xe21a931c912e", + "signature": [ + "0x5356053fa1cdb6fd211db6bce6bfbd974400fdd03ac32f35d68981759c8eb3c", + "0x7ce56c12cd6c5df396ae0cef3903940a341c61bae133c44c4f07379c8032d20" + ], + "nonce": "0x3920", + "sender_address": "0x11b7f0d1c47e8b9435edd6914c7955e69b199be7a2cd1ae465cad91d68bfea7", + "calldata": [ + "0x3", + "0x4718f5a0fc34cc1af16a1cdee98ffb20c31f5cd61d6ab07201858f4287c938d", + "0x83afd3f4caedc6eebf44246fe54e38c95e3179a5ec9ea81740eca5b482d12e", + "0x3", + 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end of file diff --git a/clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x1dde7d379485cceb9ec0a5aacc5217954985792f12b9181cf938ec341046491.json b/clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x1dde7d379485cceb9ec0a5aacc5217954985792f12b9181cf938ec341046491.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8de57e8586 --- /dev/null +++ b/clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x1dde7d379485cceb9ec0a5aacc5217954985792f12b9181cf938ec341046491.json @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +{ + "execution_status": "SUCCEEDED", + "finality_status": "ACCEPTED_ON_L1", + "status": "ACCEPTED_ON_L1", + "block_hash": "0x11d99dabd4c0be31ccb2458c73b87b2e620faeebc1680c4a92fc0f7c04e7124", + "block_number": 62684, + "transaction_index": 48, + "transaction": { + "transaction_hash": "0x1dde7d379485cceb9ec0a5aacc5217954985792f12b9181cf938ec341046491", + "version": "0x3", + "signature": [ + "0x5be36745b03aaeb76712c68869f944f7c711f9e734763b8d0b4e5b834408ea4", + "0x66c9dba8bb26ada30cf3a393a6c26bfd3a40538f19b3b4bfb57c7507962ae79" + ], + "nonce": "0x3", + "nonce_data_availability_mode": 0, + "fee_data_availability_mode": 0, + "resource_bounds": { + "L1_GAS": { + "max_amount": "0x1f40", + "max_price_per_unit": "0x5af3107a4000" + }, + "L2_GAS": { + "max_amount": "0x0", + "max_price_per_unit": "0x0" + } + }, + "tip": "0x0", + "paymaster_data": [], + "sender_address": "0x6aac79bb6c90e1e41c33cd20c67c0281c4a95f01b4e15ad0c3b53fcc6010cf8", + "class_hash": "0x2404dffbfe2910bd921f5935e628c01e457629fc779420a03b7e5e507212f36", + "compiled_class_hash": "0x5047109bf7eb550c5e6b0c37714f6e0db4bb8b5b227869e0797ecfc39240aa7", + "account_deployment_data": [], + "type": "DECLARE" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164.json b/clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b1f736e980 --- /dev/null +++ b/clients/feeder/testdata/sepolia/transaction/0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164.json @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +{ + "execution_status": "SUCCEEDED", + "finality_status": "ACCEPTED_ON_L1", + "status": "ACCEPTED_ON_L1", + "block_hash": "0x6337f367fd30aeea3615426d742838bf88a8cabf327d09e55d7ca54d288ef97", + "block_number": 60170, + "transaction_index": 141, + "transaction": { + "transaction_hash": "0x6e7ae47173b6935899320dd41d540a27f8d5712febbaf13fe8d8aeaf4ac9164", + "version": "0x3", + "signature": [ + "0x1", + "0x4235b7a9cad6024cbb3296325e23b2a03d34a95c3ee3d5c10e2b6076c257d77", + "0x439de4b0c238f624c14c2619aa9d190c6c1d17f6556af09f1697cfe74f192fc" + ], + "nonce": "0x8", + "nonce_data_availability_mode": 0, + "fee_data_availability_mode": 0, + "resource_bounds": { + "L1_GAS": { + "max_amount": "0xa0", + "max_price_per_unit": "0xe91444530acc" + }, + "L2_GAS": { + "max_amount": "0x0", + "max_price_per_unit": "0x0" + } + }, + "tip": "0x0", + "paymaster_data": [], + "sender_address": "0x6247aaebf5d2ff56c35cce1585bf255963d94dd413a95020606d523c8c7f696", + "calldata": [ + "0x1", + "0x19c92fa87f4d5e3be25c3dd6a284f30282a07e87cd782f5fd387b82c8142017", + "0x3059098e39fbb607bc96a8075eb4d17197c3a6c797c166470997571e6fa5b17", + "0x0" + ], + "account_deployment_data": [], + "type": "INVOKE_FUNCTION" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/core/class_test.go b/core/class_test.go index a0aad1464b..d4f3eaf71b 100644 --- a/core/class_test.go +++ b/core/class_test.go @@ -52,19 +52,24 @@ func TestClassV0Hash(t *testing.T) { } func TestClassV1Hash(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) gw := adaptfeeder.New(client) tests := []struct { classHash string checkNoCompiled bool }{ { - // - classHash: "0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5", + // + classHash: "0x1efa8f84fd4dff9e2902ec88717cf0dafc8c188f80c3450615944a469428f7f", + }, + { + classHash: "0x1338d85d3e579f6944ba06c005238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292", }, { - // - classHash: "0x4e70b19333ae94bd958625f7b61ce9eec631653597e68645e13780061b2136c", + classHash: "0x3297a93c52357144b7da71296d7e8231c3e0959f0a1d37222204f2f7712010e", + }, + { + classHash: "0x10455c752b86932ce552f2b0fe81a880746649b9aee7e0d842bf3f52378f9f8", }, } @@ -82,25 +87,22 @@ func TestClassV1Hash(t *testing.T) { } func TestCompiledClassHash(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) gw := adaptfeeder.New(client) tests := []struct { classHash string expectedCompiledClassHash string }{ { - // - classHash: "0x6d8ede036bb4720e6f348643221d8672bf4f0895622c32c11e57460b3b7dffc", - expectedCompiledClassHash: "0x18f95714044fd5408d3bf812bcd249ddec098ab3cd201b7916170cfbfa59e05", + classHash: "0x1338d85d3e579f6944ba06c005238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292", + expectedCompiledClassHash: "0xf2056a217cc9cabef54d4b1bceea5a3e8625457cb393698ba507259ed6f3c", }, { - // - classHash: "0x6b3da05b352f93912df0593a703f1884c4c607523bb33feaff4940635ef050d", - expectedCompiledClassHash: "0x603dd72504d8b0bc54df4f1102fdcf87fc3b2b94750a9083a5876913eec08e4", + classHash: "0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2", + expectedCompiledClassHash: "0x1199c4832cfea48f452b8ddebaf7e4ceb77bd0e27704efd06753b4878631e39", }, { - // - classHash: "0x1fb5f6adb94dd3c0bfda71f7f73957691619ab9fe8f6b9b675da13877086f89", + classHash: "0x10455c752b86932ce552f2b0fe81a880746649b9aee7e0d842bf3f52378f9f8", expectedCompiledClassHash: "0x260f0d9862f0dd76ac1f9c93e6ce0c2536f7c0275c87061e73abce321bfd4ad", }, } diff --git a/docs/docs/ b/docs/docs/ index 45c20163e8..1ab64e8ba3 100644 --- a/docs/docs/ +++ b/docs/docs/ @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ grpc-port: 6064 # Options: debug, info, warn, error log-level: info -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # How often to fetch the pending block when synced to the head of the chain. diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.11.0/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.11.0/ index 4847f0b437..5d0abdde92 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.11.0/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.11.0/ @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ws-port: 6061 # Location of the database files db-path: /home//.local/share/juno -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration, sepolia, sepolia-integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # Custom network configuration diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.0/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.0/ index 9c3bf2f4f9..b9eb5e9870 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.0/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.0/ @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ grpc-port: 6064 # Options: debug, info, warn, error log-level: info -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # How often to fetch the pending block when synced to the head of the chain. diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.1/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.1/ index 9c3bf2f4f9..b9eb5e9870 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.1/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.1/ @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ grpc-port: 6064 # Options: debug, info, warn, error log-level: info -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # How often to fetch the pending block when synced to the head of the chain. diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.2/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.2/ index 45c20163e8..1ab64e8ba3 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.2/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.2/ @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ grpc-port: 6064 # Options: debug, info, warn, error log-level: info -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # How often to fetch the pending block when synced to the head of the chain. diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.3/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.3/ index 45c20163e8..1ab64e8ba3 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.3/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.6.3/ @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ grpc-port: 6064 # Options: debug, info, warn, error log-level: info -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # How often to fetch the pending block when synced to the head of the chain. diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.7.0/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.7.0/ index 45c20163e8..1ab64e8ba3 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.7.0/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.7.0/ @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ grpc-port: 6064 # Options: debug, info, warn, error log-level: info -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # How often to fetch the pending block when synced to the head of the chain. diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.8.0/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.8.0/ index 5ac3803c8a..5283d3c253 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.8.0/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.8.0/ @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ grpc-port: 6064 # Options: debug, info, warn, error log-level: info -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration, sepolia, sepolia-integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # How often to fetch the pending block when synced to the head of the chain. diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.1/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.1/ index a6cb9486de..0d63f80482 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.1/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.1/ @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ws-port: 6061 # Location of the database files db-path: /home//.local/share/juno -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration, sepolia, sepolia-integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # Websocket endpoint of the Ethereum node diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.2/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.2/ index a6cb9486de..0d63f80482 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.2/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.2/ @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ws-port: 6061 # Location of the database files db-path: /home//.local/share/juno -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration, sepolia, sepolia-integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # Websocket endpoint of the Ethereum node diff --git a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.3/ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.3/ index 4847f0b437..5d0abdde92 100644 --- a/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.3/ +++ b/docs/versioned_docs/version-0.9.3/ @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ws-port: 6061 # Location of the database files db-path: /home//.local/share/juno -# Options: mainnet, goerli, goerli2, integration, sepolia, sepolia-integration +# Options: mainnet, sepolia, sepolia-integration network: mainnet # Custom network configuration diff --git a/p2p/p2p_test.go b/p2p/p2p_test.go index 5b536fa09a..29aa7761f7 100644 --- a/p2p/p2p_test.go +++ b/p2p/p2p_test.go @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ func TestService(t *testing.T) { "", false, nil, - &utils.Integration, + &utils.SepoliaIntegration, utils.NewNopZapLogger(), ) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ func TestService(t *testing.T) { strings.Join(peerAddrsString, ","), true, nil, - &utils.Integration, + &utils.SepoliaIntegration, utils.NewNopZapLogger(), ) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ func TestInvalidKey(t *testing.T) { "something", false, nil, - &utils.Integration, + &utils.SepoliaIntegration, utils.NewNopZapLogger(), ) @@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ func TestValidKey(t *testing.T) { "08011240333b4a433f16d7ca225c0e99d0d8c437b835cb74a98d9279c561977690c80f681b25ccf3fa45e2f2de260149c112fa516b69057dd3b0151a879416c0cb12d9b3", false, nil, - &utils.Integration, + &utils.SepoliaIntegration, utils.NewNopZapLogger(), ) diff --git a/p2p/starknet/starknet_test.go b/p2p/starknet/starknet_test.go deleted file mode 100644 index d0f45c1b98..0000000000 --- a/p2p/starknet/starknet_test.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,909 +0,0 @@ -package starknet_test - -// func nopCloser() error { return nil } -// -// func TestClientHandler(t *testing.T) { //nolint:gocyclo -// mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t) -// t.Cleanup(mockCtrl.Finish) -// -// testNetwork := utils.Integration -// testCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) -// t.Cleanup(cancel) -// -// mockNet, err := mocknet.FullMeshConnected(2) -// require.NoError(t, err) -// -// peers := mockNet.Peers() -// require.Len(t, peers, 2) -// handlerID := peers[0] -// clientID := peers[1] -// -// log, err := utils.NewZapLogger(utils.ERROR, false) -// require.NoError(t, err) -// mockReader := mocks.NewMockReader(mockCtrl) -// handler := starknet.NewHandler(mockReader, log) -// -// handlerHost := mockNet.Host(handlerID) -// handlerHost.SetStreamHandler(starknet.CurrentBlockHeaderPID(testNetwork), handler.CurrentBlockHeaderHandler) -// handlerHost.SetStreamHandler(starknet.BlockHeadersPID(&testNetwork), handler.BlockHeadersHandler) -// handlerHost.SetStreamHandler(starknet.BlockBodiesPID(&testNetwork), handler.BlockBodiesHandler) -// handlerHost.SetStreamHandler(starknet.EventsPID(&testNetwork), handler.EventsHandler) -// handlerHost.SetStreamHandler(starknet.ReceiptsPID(&testNetwork), handler.ReceiptsHandler) -// handlerHost.SetStreamHandler(starknet.TransactionsPID(&testNetwork), handler.TransactionsHandler) -// -// clientHost := mockNet.Host(clientID) -// client := starknet.NewClient(func(ctx context.Context, pids ...protocol.ID) (network.Stream, error) { -// return clientHost.NewStream(ctx, handlerID, pids...) -// }, &testNetwork, log) -// -// t.Run("get block headers", func(t *testing.T) { -// type pair struct { -// header *core.Header -// commitments *core.BlockCommitments -// } -// pairsPerBlock := []pair{} -// for i := uint64(0); i < 2; i++ { -// pairsPerBlock = append(pairsPerBlock, pair{ -// header: fillFelts(t, &core.Header{ -// Number: i, -// Timestamp: i, -// TransactionCount: i, -// EventCount: i, -// }), -// commitments: fillFelts(t, &core.BlockCommitments{}), -// }) -// } -// -// for blockNumber, pair := range pairsPerBlock { -// blockNumber := uint64(blockNumber) -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockHeaderByNumber(blockNumber).Return(pair.header, nil) -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockCommitmentsByNumber(blockNumber).Return(pair.commitments, nil) -// } -// -// numOfBlocks := uint64(len(pairsPerBlock)) -// res, cErr := client.RequestBlockHeaders(testCtx, &spec.BlockHeadersRequest{ -// Iteration: &spec.Iteration{ -// Start: &spec.Iteration_BlockNumber{ -// BlockNumber: 0, -// }, -// Direction: spec.Iteration_Forward, -// Limit: numOfBlocks, -// Step: 1, -// }, -// }) -// require.NoError(t, cErr) -// -// var count uint64 -// for response, valid := res(); valid; response, valid = res() { -// if count == numOfBlocks { -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(&spec.Fin{}, response.Part[0].GetFin())) -// count++ -// break -// } -// -// expectedPair := pairsPerBlock[count] -// expectedResponse := expectedHeaderResponse(expectedPair.header, expectedPair.commitments) -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedResponse, response)) -// -// assert.Equal(t, count, response.Part[0].GetHeader().Number) -// count++ -// } -// -// expectedCount := numOfBlocks + 1 // plus fin -// require.Equal(t, expectedCount, count) -// -// t.Run("get current block header", func(t *testing.T) { -// headerAndCommitments := pairsPerBlock[0] -// mockReader.EXPECT().Height().Return(headerAndCommitments.header.Number, nil) -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockHeaderByNumber(headerAndCommitments.header.Number).Return(headerAndCommitments.header, nil) -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockCommitmentsByNumber(headerAndCommitments.header.Number).Return(headerAndCommitments.commitments, nil) -// -// res, cErr := client.RequestCurrentBlockHeader(testCtx, &spec.CurrentBlockHeaderRequest{}) -// require.NoError(t, cErr) -// -// count, numOfBlocks = 0, 1 -// for response, valid := res(); valid; response, valid = res() { -// if count == numOfBlocks { -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(&spec.Fin{}, response.Part[0].GetFin())) -// count++ -// break -// } -// -// expectedPair := headerAndCommitments -// expectedResponse := expectedHeaderResponse(expectedPair.header, expectedPair.commitments) -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedResponse, response)) -// -// assert.Equal(t, count, response.Part[0].GetHeader().Number) -// count++ -// } -// expectedCount := numOfBlocks + 1 // plus fin -// require.Equal(t, expectedCount, count) -// }) -// }) -// -// t.Run("get block bodies", func(t *testing.T) { -// /* -// deployedClassHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0XCAFEBABE") -// deployedAddress := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0XDEADBEEF") -// replacedClassHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0XABCD") -// replacedAddress := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0XABCDE") -// declaredV0ClassAddr := randFelt(t) -// declaredV0ClassHash := randFelt(t) -// storageDiff := core.StorageDiff{ -// Key: randFelt(t), -// Value: randFelt(t), -// } -// const ( -// cairo0Program = "cairo_0_program" -// cairo1Program = "cairo_1_program" -// ) -// cairo1Class := &core.Cairo1Class{ -// Abi: "cairo1 class abi", -// AbiHash: randFelt(t), -// EntryPoints: struct { -// Constructor []core.SierraEntryPoint -// External []core.SierraEntryPoint -// L1Handler []core.SierraEntryPoint -// }{}, -// Program: feltSlice(2), -// ProgramHash: randFelt(t), -// SemanticVersion: "1", -// Compiled: json.RawMessage(cairo1Program), -// } -// -// cairo0Class := &core.Cairo0Class{ -// Abi: json.RawMessage("cairo0 class abi"), -// Program: cairo1Program, -// } -// -// blocks := []struct { -// number uint64 -// stateDiff *core.StateDiff -// }{ -// { -// number: 0, -// stateDiff: &core.StateDiff{ -// StorageDiffs: map[felt.Felt][]core.StorageDiff{ -// *deployedAddress: { -// storageDiff, -// }, -// }, -// Nonces: map[felt.Felt]*felt.Felt{ -// *deployedAddress: randFelt(t), -// *replacedAddress: randFelt(t), -// }, -// DeployedContracts: []core.AddressClassHashPair{ -// { -// Address: deployedAddress, -// ClassHash: deployedClassHash, -// }, -// }, -// DeclaredV0Classes: []*felt.Felt{declaredV0ClassAddr}, -// DeclaredV1Classes: []core.DeclaredV1Class{ -// { -// ClassHash: randFelt(t), -// CompiledClassHash: randFelt(t), -// }, -// }, -// ReplacedClasses: []core.AddressClassHashPair{ -// { -// Address: replacedAddress, -// ClassHash: replacedClassHash, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// { -// number: 1, -// stateDiff: &core.StateDiff{ // State Diff with a class declared and deployed in the same block -// StorageDiffs: map[felt.Felt][]core.StorageDiff{ -// *deployedAddress: { -// storageDiff, -// }, -// }, -// Nonces: map[felt.Felt]*felt.Felt{ -// *deployedAddress: randFelt(t), -// *replacedAddress: randFelt(t), -// }, -// DeployedContracts: []core.AddressClassHashPair{ -// { -// Address: deployedAddress, -// ClassHash: deployedClassHash, -// }, -// { -// Address: declaredV0ClassAddr, -// ClassHash: declaredV0ClassHash, -// }, -// }, -// DeclaredV0Classes: []*felt.Felt{declaredV0ClassHash}, -// DeclaredV1Classes: []core.DeclaredV1Class{ -// { -// ClassHash: randFelt(t), -// CompiledClassHash: randFelt(t), -// }, -// }, -// ReplacedClasses: []core.AddressClassHashPair{ -// { -// Address: replacedAddress, -// ClassHash: replacedClassHash, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// } -// limit := uint64(len(blocks)) -// -// for _, block := range blocks { -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockHeaderByNumber(block.number).Return(&core.Header{ -// Number: block.number, -// }, nil) -// -// mockReader.EXPECT().StateUpdateByNumber(block.number).Return(&core.StateUpdate{ -// StateDiff: block.stateDiff, -// }, nil) -// -// stateHistory := mocks.NewMockStateHistoryReader(mockCtrl) -// v0Class := block.stateDiff.DeclaredV0Classes[0] -// stateHistory.EXPECT().Class(v0Class).Return(&core.DeclaredClass{ -// At: block.number, -// Class: cairo0Class, -// }, nil) -// v1Class := block.stateDiff.DeclaredV1Classes[0] -// stateHistory.EXPECT().Class(v1Class.ClassHash).Return(&core.DeclaredClass{ -// At: block.number, -// Class: cairo1Class, -// }, nil) -// -// stateHistory.EXPECT().ContractClassHash(deployedAddress).Return(deployedClassHash, nil).AnyTimes() -// stateHistory.EXPECT().ContractClassHash(replacedAddress).Return(replacedClassHash, nil).AnyTimes() -// -// mockReader.EXPECT().StateAtBlockNumber(block.number).Return(stateHistory, nopCloser, nil) -// } -// -// res, cErr := client.RequestBlockBodies(testCtx, &spec.BlockBodiesRequest{ -// Iteration: &spec.Iteration{ -// Start: &spec.Iteration_BlockNumber{ -// BlockNumber: blocks[0].number, -// }, -// Direction: spec.Iteration_Forward, -// Limit: limit, -// Step: 1, -// }, -// }) -// require.NoError(t, cErr) -// -// var expectedMessages []*spec.BlockBodiesResponse -// -// for _, b := range blocks { -// expectedMessages = append(expectedMessages, []*spec.BlockBodiesResponse{ -// { -// Id: &spec.BlockID{ -// Number: b.number, -// }, -// BodyMessage: &spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Diff{ -// Diff: &spec.StateDiff{ -// ContractDiffs: []*spec.StateDiff_ContractDiff{ -// { -// Address: core2p2p.AdaptAddress(deployedAddress), -// ClassHash: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(deployedClassHash), -// Nonce: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(b.stateDiff.Nonces[*deployedAddress]), -// Values: []*spec.ContractStoredValue{ -// { -// Key: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(storageDiff.Key), -// Value: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(storageDiff.Value), -// }, -// }, -// }, -// { -// Address: core2p2p.AdaptAddress(replacedAddress), -// ClassHash: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(replacedClassHash), -// Nonce: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(b.stateDiff.Nonces[*replacedAddress]), -// }, -// }, -// ReplacedClasses: utils.Map(b.stateDiff.ReplacedClasses, core2p2p.AdaptAddressClassHashPair), -// DeployedContracts: utils.Map(b.stateDiff.DeployedContracts, core2p2p.AdaptAddressClassHashPair), -// }, -// }, -// }, -// { -// Id: &spec.BlockID{ -// Number: b.number, -// }, -// BodyMessage: &spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Classes{ -// Classes: &spec.Classes{ -// Domain: 0, -// Classes: []*spec.Class{core2p2p.AdaptClass(cairo0Class), core2p2p.AdaptClass(cairo1Class)}, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// { -// Id: &spec.BlockID{ -// Number: b.number, -// }, -// BodyMessage: &spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Proof{ -// Proof: &spec.BlockProof{ -// Proof: nil, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// { -// Id: &spec.BlockID{ -// Number: b.number, -// }, -// BodyMessage: &spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Fin{}, -// }, -// }...) -// } -// -// expectedMessages = append(expectedMessages, &spec.BlockBodiesResponse{ -// Id: nil, -// BodyMessage: &spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Fin{}, -// }) -// -// var count int -// for body, valid := res(); valid; body, valid = res() { -// if bodyProof, ok := body.BodyMessage.(*spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Proof); ok { -// // client generates random slice of bytes in proofs for now -// bodyProof.Proof = nil -// } -// -// if count == 0 || count == 4 { -// diff := body.BodyMessage.(*spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Diff).Diff.ContractDiffs -// sortContractDiff(diff) -// -// expectedDiff := expectedMessages[count].BodyMessage.(*spec.BlockBodiesResponse_Diff).Diff.ContractDiffs -// sortContractDiff(expectedDiff) -// } -// -// if !assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedMessages[count], body), "iteration %d, type %T", count, body.BodyMessage) { -// spew.Dump(body.BodyMessage) -// spew.Dump(expectedMessages[count]) -// } -// count++ -// } -// require.Equal(t, len(expectedMessages), count) -// */ -// }) -// -// t.Run("get receipts", func(t *testing.T) { -// txH := randFelt(t) -// // There are common receipt fields shared by all of different transactions. -// commonReceipt := &core.TransactionReceipt{ -// TransactionHash: txH, -// Fee: randFelt(t), -// L2ToL1Message: []*core.L2ToL1Message{fillFelts(t, &core.L2ToL1Message{}), fillFelts(t, &core.L2ToL1Message{})}, -// ExecutionResources: &core.ExecutionResources{ -// BuiltinInstanceCounter: core.BuiltinInstanceCounter{ -// Pedersen: 1, -// RangeCheck: 2, -// Bitwise: 3, -// Output: 4, -// Ecsda: 5, -// EcOp: 6, -// Keccak: 7, -// Poseidon: 8, -// }, -// MemoryHoles: 9, -// Steps: 10, -// }, -// RevertReason: "some revert reason", -// Events: []*core.Event{fillFelts(t, &core.Event{}), fillFelts(t, &core.Event{})}, -// L1ToL2Message: fillFelts(t, &core.L1ToL2Message{}), -// } -// -// specReceiptCommon := &spec.Receipt_Common{ -// TransactionHash: core2p2p.AdaptHash(commonReceipt.TransactionHash), -// ActualFee: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(commonReceipt.Fee), -// MessagesSent: utils.Map(commonReceipt.L2ToL1Message, core2p2p.AdaptMessageToL1), -// ExecutionResources: core2p2p.AdaptExecutionResources(commonReceipt.ExecutionResources), -// RevertReason: commonReceipt.RevertReason, -// } -// -// invokeTx := &core.InvokeTransaction{TransactionHash: txH} -// expectedInvoke := &spec.Receipt{ -// Type: &spec.Receipt_Invoke_{ -// Invoke: &spec.Receipt_Invoke{ -// Common: specReceiptCommon, -// }, -// }, -// } -// -// declareTx := &core.DeclareTransaction{TransactionHash: txH} -// expectedDeclare := &spec.Receipt{ -// Type: &spec.Receipt_Declare_{ -// Declare: &spec.Receipt_Declare{ -// Common: specReceiptCommon, -// }, -// }, -// } -// -// l1Txn := &core.L1HandlerTransaction{ -// TransactionHash: txH, -// CallData: []*felt.Felt{new(felt.Felt).SetBytes([]byte("calldata 1")), new(felt.Felt).SetBytes([]byte("calldata 2"))}, -// ContractAddress: new(felt.Felt).SetBytes([]byte("contract address")), -// EntryPointSelector: new(felt.Felt).SetBytes([]byte("entry point selector")), -// Nonce: new(felt.Felt).SetBytes([]byte("nonce")), -// } -// expectedL1Handler := &spec.Receipt{ -// Type: &spec.Receipt_L1Handler_{ -// L1Handler: &spec.Receipt_L1Handler{ -// Common: specReceiptCommon, -// MsgHash: &spec.Hash{Elements: l1Txn.MessageHash()}, -// }, -// }, -// } -// -// deployAccTxn := &core.DeployAccountTransaction{ -// DeployTransaction: core.DeployTransaction{ -// TransactionHash: txH, -// ContractAddress: new(felt.Felt).SetBytes([]byte("contract address")), -// }, -// } -// expectedDeployAccount := &spec.Receipt{ -// Type: &spec.Receipt_DeployAccount_{ -// DeployAccount: &spec.Receipt_DeployAccount{ -// Common: specReceiptCommon, -// ContractAddress: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(deployAccTxn.ContractAddress), -// }, -// }, -// } -// -// deployTxn := &core.DeployTransaction{ -// TransactionHash: txH, -// ContractAddress: new(felt.Felt).SetBytes([]byte("contract address")), -// } -// expectedDeploy := &spec.Receipt{ -// Type: &spec.Receipt_DeprecatedDeploy{ -// DeprecatedDeploy: &spec.Receipt_Deploy{ -// Common: specReceiptCommon, -// ContractAddress: core2p2p.AdaptFelt(deployTxn.ContractAddress), -// }, -// }, -// } -// -// tests := []struct { -// b *core.Block -// expectedRs *spec.Receipts -// }{ -// { -// b: &core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{Number: 0, Hash: randFelt(t)}, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{invokeTx}, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{commonReceipt}, -// }, -// expectedRs: &spec.Receipts{Items: []*spec.Receipt{expectedInvoke}}, -// }, -// { -// b: &core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{Number: 1, Hash: randFelt(t)}, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{declareTx}, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{commonReceipt}, -// }, -// expectedRs: &spec.Receipts{Items: []*spec.Receipt{expectedDeclare}}, -// }, -// { -// b: &core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{Number: 2, Hash: randFelt(t)}, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{l1Txn}, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{commonReceipt}, -// }, -// expectedRs: &spec.Receipts{Items: []*spec.Receipt{expectedL1Handler}}, -// }, -// { -// b: &core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{Number: 3, Hash: randFelt(t)}, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{deployAccTxn}, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{commonReceipt}, -// }, -// expectedRs: &spec.Receipts{Items: []*spec.Receipt{expectedDeployAccount}}, -// }, -// { -// b: &core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{Number: 4, Hash: randFelt(t)}, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{deployTxn}, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{commonReceipt}, -// }, -// expectedRs: &spec.Receipts{Items: []*spec.Receipt{expectedDeploy}}, -// }, -// { -// // block with multiple txs receipts -// b: &core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{Number: 5, Hash: randFelt(t)}, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{invokeTx, declareTx}, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{commonReceipt, commonReceipt}, -// }, -// expectedRs: &spec.Receipts{Items: []*spec.Receipt{expectedInvoke, expectedDeclare}}, -// }, -// } -// -// numOfBs := uint64(len(tests)) -// for _, test := range tests { -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockByNumber(test.b.Number).Return(test.b, nil) -// } -// -// res, cErr := client.RequestReceipts(testCtx, &spec.ReceiptsRequest{Iteration: &spec.Iteration{ -// Start: &spec.Iteration_BlockNumber{BlockNumber: tests[0].b.Number}, -// Direction: spec.Iteration_Forward, -// Limit: numOfBs, -// Step: 1, -// }}) -// require.NoError(t, cErr) -// -// var count uint64 -// for receipts, valid := res(); valid; receipts, valid = res() { -// if count == numOfBs { -// assert.NotNil(t, receipts.GetFin()) -// continue -// } -// -// assert.Equal(t, count, receipts.Id.Number) -// -// expectedRs := tests[count].expectedRs -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedRs, receipts.GetReceipts())) -// count++ -// } -// require.Equal(t, numOfBs, count) -// }) -// -// t.Run("get txns", func(t *testing.T) { -// blocks := []*core.Block{ -// { -// Header: &core.Header{ -// Number: 0, -// }, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{ -// fillFelts(t, &core.DeployTransaction{ -// ConstructorCallData: feltSlice(3), -// }), -// fillFelts(t, &core.L1HandlerTransaction{ -// CallData: feltSlice(2), -// Version: txVersion(1), -// }), -// }, -// }, -// { -// Header: &core.Header{ -// Number: 1, -// }, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{ -// fillFelts(t, &core.DeployAccountTransaction{ -// DeployTransaction: core.DeployTransaction{ -// ConstructorCallData: feltSlice(3), -// Version: txVersion(1), -// }, -// TransactionSignature: feltSlice(2), -// }), -// }, -// }, -// { -// Header: &core.Header{ -// Number: 2, -// }, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{ -// fillFelts(t, &core.DeclareTransaction{ -// TransactionSignature: feltSlice(2), -// Version: txVersion(0), -// }), -// fillFelts(t, &core.DeclareTransaction{ -// TransactionSignature: feltSlice(2), -// Version: txVersion(1), -// }), -// }, -// }, -// { -// Header: &core.Header{ -// Number: 3, -// }, -// Transactions: []core.Transaction{ -// fillFelts(t, &core.InvokeTransaction{ -// CallData: feltSlice(3), -// TransactionSignature: feltSlice(2), -// Version: txVersion(0), -// }), -// fillFelts(t, &core.InvokeTransaction{ -// CallData: feltSlice(4), -// TransactionSignature: feltSlice(2), -// Version: txVersion(1), -// }), -// }, -// }, -// } -// numOfBlocks := uint64(len(blocks)) -// -// for _, block := range blocks { -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockByNumber(block.Number).Return(block, nil) -// } -// -// res, cErr := client.RequestTransactions(testCtx, &spec.TransactionsRequest{ -// Iteration: &spec.Iteration{ -// Start: &spec.Iteration_BlockNumber{ -// BlockNumber: blocks[0].Number, -// }, -// Direction: spec.Iteration_Forward, -// Limit: numOfBlocks, -// Step: 1, -// }, -// }) -// require.NoError(t, cErr) -// -// var count uint64 -// for txn, valid := res(); valid; txn, valid = res() { -// if count == numOfBlocks { -// assert.NotNil(t, txn.GetFin()) -// break -// } -// -// assert.Equal(t, count, txn.Id.Number) -// -// expectedTx := mapToExpectedTransactions(blocks[count]) -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedTx, txn.GetTransactions())) -// count++ -// } -// require.Equal(t, numOfBlocks, count) -// }) -// -// t.Run("get events", func(t *testing.T) { -// eventsPerBlock := [][]*core.Event{ -// {}, // block with no events -// { -// { -// From: randFelt(t), -// Data: feltSlice(1), -// Keys: feltSlice(1), -// }, -// }, -// { -// { -// From: randFelt(t), -// Data: feltSlice(2), -// Keys: feltSlice(2), -// }, -// { -// From: randFelt(t), -// Data: feltSlice(3), -// Keys: feltSlice(3), -// }, -// }, -// } -// for blockNumber, events := range eventsPerBlock { -// blockNumber := uint64(blockNumber) -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockByNumber(blockNumber).Return(&core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{ -// Number: blockNumber, -// }, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{ -// { -// TransactionHash: new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(blockNumber), -// Events: events, -// }, -// }, -// }, nil) -// } -// -// numOfBlocks := uint64(len(eventsPerBlock)) -// res, cErr := client.RequestEvents(testCtx, &spec.EventsRequest{ -// Iteration: &spec.Iteration{ -// Start: &spec.Iteration_BlockNumber{ -// BlockNumber: 0, -// }, -// Direction: spec.Iteration_Forward, -// Limit: numOfBlocks, -// Step: 1, -// }, -// }) -// require.NoError(t, cErr) -// -// var count uint64 -// for evnt, valid := res(); valid; evnt, valid = res() { -// if count == numOfBlocks { -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(&spec.Fin{}, evnt.GetFin())) -// count++ -// break -// } -// -// assert.Equal(t, count, evnt.Id.Number) -// -// passedEvents := eventsPerBlock[int(count)] -// expectedEventsResponse := &spec.EventsResponse_Events{ -// Events: &spec.Events{ -// Items: utils.Map(passedEvents, func(e *core.Event) *spec.Event { -// return core2p2p.AdaptEvent(e, new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(count)) -// }), -// }, -// } -// -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedEventsResponse.Events, evnt.GetEvents())) -// count++ -// } -// expectedCount := numOfBlocks + 1 // numOfBlocks messages with blocks + 1 fin message -// require.Equal(t, expectedCount, count) -// -// t.Run("block with multiple tx", func(t *testing.T) { -// blockNumber := uint64(0) -// mockReader.EXPECT().BlockByNumber(blockNumber).Return(&core.Block{ -// Header: &core.Header{ -// Number: blockNumber, -// }, -// Receipts: []*core.TransactionReceipt{ -// { -// TransactionHash: new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(0), -// Events: eventsPerBlock[0], -// }, -// { -// TransactionHash: new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(1), -// Events: eventsPerBlock[1], -// }, -// { -// TransactionHash: new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(2), -// Events: eventsPerBlock[2], -// }, -// }, -// }, nil) -// -// res, cErr = client.RequestEvents(testCtx, &spec.EventsRequest{ -// Iteration: &spec.Iteration{ -// Start: &spec.Iteration_BlockNumber{ -// BlockNumber: blockNumber, -// }, -// Direction: spec.Iteration_Forward, -// Limit: 1, -// Step: 1, -// }, -// }) -// -// expectedEventsResponse := &spec.EventsResponse_Events{ -// Events: &spec.Events{ -// Items: []*spec.Event{ -// core2p2p.AdaptEvent(eventsPerBlock[1][0], new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(1)), -// core2p2p.AdaptEvent(eventsPerBlock[2][0], new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(2)), -// core2p2p.AdaptEvent(eventsPerBlock[2][1], new(felt.Felt).SetUint64(2)), -// }, -// }, -// } -// count = 0 -// for evnt, valid := res(); valid; evnt, valid = res() { -// if count == 1 { -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(&spec.Fin{}, evnt.GetFin())) -// break -// } -// -// assert.Equal(t, count, evnt.Id.Number) -// -// assert.True(t, proto.Equal(expectedEventsResponse.Events, evnt.GetEvents())) -// count++ -// } -// require.NoError(t, cErr) -// }) -// }) -//} -// -// func expectedHeaderResponse(h *core.Header, c *core.BlockCommitments) *spec.BlockHeadersResponse { -// adaptHash := core2p2p.AdaptHash -// return &spec.BlockHeadersResponse{ -// Part: []*spec.BlockHeadersResponsePart{ -// { -// HeaderMessage: &spec.BlockHeadersResponsePart_Header{ -// Header: &spec.BlockHeader{ -// ParentHash: adaptHash(h.ParentHash), -// Number: h.Number, -// Time: timestamppb.New(time.Unix(int64(h.Timestamp), 0)), -// SequencerAddress: core2p2p.AdaptAddress(h.SequencerAddress), -// State: &spec.Patricia{ -// Height: 251, -// Root: adaptHash(h.GlobalStateRoot), -// }, -// Transactions: &spec.Merkle{ -// NLeaves: uint32(h.TransactionCount), -// Root: adaptHash(c.TransactionCommitment), -// }, -// Events: &spec.Merkle{ -// NLeaves: uint32(h.EventCount), -// Root: adaptHash(c.EventCommitment), -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// { -// HeaderMessage: &spec.BlockHeadersResponsePart_Signatures{ -// Signatures: &spec.Signatures{ -// Block: core2p2p.AdaptBlockID(h), -// Signatures: utils.Map(h.Signatures, core2p2p.AdaptSignature), -// }, -// }, -// }, -// }, -// } -//} -// -// func mapToExpectedTransactions(block *core.Block) *spec.Transactions { -// return &spec.Transactions{ -// Items: utils.Map(block.Transactions, core2p2p.AdaptTransaction), -// } -//} -// -// func txVersion(v uint64) *core.TransactionVersion { -// var f felt.Felt -// f.SetUint64(v) -// -// txV := core.TransactionVersion(f) -// return &txV -//} -// -// func feltSlice(n int) []*felt.Felt { -// return make([]*felt.Felt, n) -//} -// -// func randFelt(t *testing.T) *felt.Felt { -// t.Helper() -// -// f, err := new(felt.Felt).SetRandom() -// require.NoError(t, err) -// -// return f -//} -// -// func fillFelts[T any](t *testing.T, i T) T { -// v := reflect.ValueOf(i) -// if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !v.IsNil() { -// v = v.Elem() -// } -// typ := v.Type() -// -// const feltTypeStr = "*felt.Felt" -// -// for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { -// f := v.Field(i) -// ftyp := typ.Field(i).Type // Get the type of the current field -// -// // Skip unexported fields -// if !f.CanSet() { -// continue -// } -// -// switch f.Kind() { -// case reflect.Ptr: -// // Check if the type is Felt -// if ftyp.String() == feltTypeStr { -// f.Set(reflect.ValueOf(randFelt(t))) -// } else if f.IsNil() { -// // Initialise the pointer if it's nil -// f.Set(reflect.New(ftyp.Elem())) -// } -// -// if f.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct { -// // Recursive call for nested structs -// fillFelts(t, f.Interface()) -// } -// case reflect.Slice: -// // For slices, loop and populate -// for j := 0; j < f.Len(); j++ { -// elem := f.Index(j) -// if elem.Type().String() == feltTypeStr { -// elem.Set(reflect.ValueOf(randFelt(t))) -// } -// } -// case reflect.Struct: -// // Recursive call for nested structs -// fillFelts(t, f.Addr().Interface()) -// } -// } -// -// return i -//} -// -// func sortContractDiff(diff []*spec.StateDiff_ContractDiff) { -// sort.Slice(diff, func(i, j int) bool { -// iAddress := diff[i].Address -// jAddress := diff[j].Address -// return bytes.Compare(iAddress.Elements, jAddress.Elements) < 0 -// }) -//} -// -// func noError[T any](t *testing.T, f func() (T, error)) T { -// t.Helper() -// -// v, err := f() -// require.NoError(t, err) -// -// return v -//} diff --git a/starknetdata/feeder/feeder_test.go b/starknetdata/feeder/feeder_test.go index 442ba2b5f7..272d1ea410 100644 --- a/starknetdata/feeder/feeder_test.go +++ b/starknetdata/feeder/feeder_test.go @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ func TestTransaction(t *testing.T) { } func TestClassV1(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) adapter := adaptfeeder.New(client) tests := []struct { @@ -184,12 +184,12 @@ func TestClassV1(t *testing.T) { hasCompiledClass bool }{ { - classHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1cd2edfb485241c4403254d550de0a097fa76743cd30696f714a491a454bad5"), + classHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1338d85d3e579f6944ba06c005238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292"), hasCompiledClass: true, }, { - classHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x4e70b19333ae94bd958625f7b61ce9eec631653597e68645e13780061b2136c"), - hasCompiledClass: false, + classHash: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x21c2e8a87c431e8d3e89ecd1a40a0674ef533cce5a1f6c44ba9e60d804ecad2"), + hasCompiledClass: true, }, } @@ -219,15 +219,15 @@ func TestClassV1(t *testing.T) { } func TestStateUpdateWithBlock(t *testing.T) { - numbers := []uint64{0, 78541} + numbers := []uint64{0, 7320, 19199} - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) adapter := adaptfeeder.New(client) ctx := context.Background() for _, number := range numbers { numberStr := strconv.FormatUint(number, 10) - t.Run("integration block number "+numberStr, func(t *testing.T) { + t.Run("block number "+numberStr, func(t *testing.T) { response, err := client.StateUpdateWithBlock(ctx, numberStr) require.NoError(t, err) sig, err := client.Signature(ctx, numberStr) @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func TestStateUpdateWithBlock(t *testing.T) { } func TestStateUpdatePendingWithBlock(t *testing.T) { - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Integration) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) adapter := adaptfeeder.New(client) ctx := context.Background() diff --git a/sync/sync_test.go b/sync/sync_test.go index 96181d2d89..3fcd498301 100644 --- a/sync/sync_test.go +++ b/sync/sync_test.go @@ -206,9 +206,9 @@ func TestSubscribeNewHeads(t *testing.T) { t.Parallel() testDB := pebble.NewMemTest(t) log := utils.NewNopZapLogger() - integration := utils.Integration - chain := blockchain.New(testDB, &integration) - integrationClient := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &integration) + network := utils.Mainnet + chain := blockchain.New(testDB, &network) + integrationClient := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &network) gw := adaptfeeder.New(integrationClient) syncer := sync.New(chain, gw, log, 0, false) diff --git a/vm/vm_test.go b/vm/vm_test.go index eab4ad1bef..967a306d1b 100644 --- a/vm/vm_test.go +++ b/vm/vm_test.go @@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ func TestV1Call(t *testing.T) { testDB := pebble.NewMemTest(t) txn, err := testDB.NewTransaction(true) require.NoError(t, err) - client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Sepolia) + client := feeder.NewTestClient(t, &utils.Mainnet) gw := adaptfeeder.New(client) t.Cleanup(func() { require.NoError(t, txn.Discard()) }) contractAddr := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0xDEADBEEF") - classHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x28d1671fb74ecb54d848d463cefccffaef6df3ae40db52130e19fe8299a7b43") + classHash := utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x1338d85d3e579f6944ba06c005238d145920afeb32f94e3a1e234d21e1e9292") simpleClass, err := gw.Class(context.Background(), classHash) require.NoError(t, err) @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ func TestV1Call(t *testing.T) { testState := core.NewState(txn) require.NoError(t, testState.Update(0, &core.StateUpdate{ OldRoot: &felt.Zero, - NewRoot: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0xb00a6bfc7d0301d26a570ef4f33ad6b307f8f398066b9aeac793b7ffe93082"), + NewRoot: utils.HexToFelt(t, "0x2650cef46c190ec6bb7dc21a5a36781132e7c883b27175e625031149d4f1a84"), StateDiff: &core.StateDiff{ DeployedContracts: map[felt.Felt]*felt.Felt{ *contractAddr: classHash,