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File metadata and controls

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Charon Configuration

This document describes the configuration options for running a charon node and cluster locally or in production.

Cluster Config Files

A charon cluster is configured in two steps:

  • cluster-definition.json which defines the intended cluster configuration without validator keys.
  • cluster-lock.json which includes and extends cluster-definition.json with distributed validator BLS public key shares.

The charon create dkg command is used to create cluster-definition.json file which is used as input to charon dkg.

The charon create cluster command combines both steps into one and just outputs the final cluster-lock.json without a DKG step.

The schema of the cluster-definition.json is defined as:

  "name": "best cluster",                       // Cosmetic cluster name
  "creator": {                                  // Creator of this cluster definition
    "address": "0x123..abfc",                   // ETH1 address of the creator
    "config_signature": "0x123456...abcdef"     // EIP712 Signature of config_hash by ETH1 address. Proves that the creator created the config.
  "operators": [                                // Operators of all Charon nodes in the cluster
      "address": "0x123..abfc",                 // ETH1 address of the operator
      "enr": "enr://abcdef...12345",            // Charon node ENR
      "config_signature": "0x123456...abcdef",  // EIP712 Signature of config_hash by ETH1 address. Proves that the operator accepts the config.
      "enr_signature": "0x123654...abcedf"      // EIP712 Signature of ENR by ETH1 address. Allows this ENR to act on behalf of the operator.
  "uuid": "1234-abcdef-1234-abcdef",            // Random unique identifier.
  "version": "v1.3.0",                          // Schema version
  "timestamp": "2022-01-01T12:00:00+00:00",     // Creation timestamp
  "num_validators": 100,                        // Number of distributed validators (n*32ETH staked) to be created in cluster.lock
  "threshold": 3,                               // Threshold required for signature reconstruction
  "validators": [                               // Metadata related to each validator to be created
      "fee_recipient_address":"0x123..abfc",    // ETH1 fee recipient address
      "withdrawal_address": "0x123..abfc"       // ETH1 withdrawal address
  "dkg_algorithm": "foo_dkg_v1" ,               // DKG algorithm for key generation
  "fork_version": "0x00112233",                 // Chain/network identifier
  "deposit_amounts": [                          // Partial deposit amounts in gwei (must sum up to 32ETH)
  "config_hash": "0xabcfde...acbfed",           // Hash of the initial configuration fields excluding operator ENRs and signatures
  "definition_hash": "0xabcdef...abcedef"       // Final hash of all fields (after all operators have added ENRs and signatures)

See the cluster.Definition and cluster.Operator Go structs for details on how this cluster-definition.json object is (de)serialised and how the SSZ config hash and definition hash are calculated.

The creator config_signature and operator config_signature and enr_signature are EIP712 signatures of typed structured data as opposed to just raw bytes. EIP712 enables users to see the object that they are signing in their wallet (ex: Metamask). See eip712sigs.go for details on the EIP712 structure used to create these signatures.

The above cluster-definition.json is generated by the dv-launchpad provided as input to the charon dkg command which generates keys and the cluster-lock.json file.

The cluster-lock.json has the following schema:

  "cluster_definition": {...},                              // Cluster definition json, identical schema to above,
  "distributed_validators": [                               // Length equal to num_validators (n*32ETH staked).
      "distributed_public_key":  "0x123..abfc",             // DV root pubkey
      "public_shares": ["0x123..abfc", "0x123..abfc"],      // The public share of each operator (length of num_operators)
      "partial_deposit_data": [...],                        // Deposit datas to activate this validator (corresponds to deposit_amounts)
      "builder_registration": {...}                         // Pre-generated signed builder registration for the validator
  "deposit_amounts": [                                      // Partial deposit amounts in gwei (must sum up to 32ETH)
  "lock_hash": "0xabcdef...abcedef",                        // Hash of the cluster definition and distributed validators. Uniquely identifies a cluster lock.
  "signature_aggregate": "0xabcdef...abcedef",               // BLS aggregate signature of the lock hash signed by all the key shares of all the distributed validators. Proves that the key shares exist and attest to being part of this cluster.
  "node_signatures": ["0xabcdef...abcedef"]                 // Signatures of the lock hash by each operator. Proves that this lock file (and the validators) was generated by all the operators

charon run just requires a cluster-lock.json file to configure the cluster. See the cluster.DepositData and cluster.BuilderRegistration Go structs for more details on how an individual distributed_validator looks like.

Cluster Config Change Log

The following is the historical change log of the cluster config:

  • v1.8.0 default:
    • Added the deposit_amounts list to cluster lock which contains partial deposit amounts in gwei.
    • When not specified, the single value of 32ETH will be used. All partial amounts must sum up to 32ETH.
    • distributed_validator structure replaced deposit_data with partial_deposit_data respectively.
  • v1.7.0:
    • Added the builder_registration structure to distributed_validators list in cluster lock.
    • This enables distributed validators to submit pre-generated validator registrations that enable MEV-blocks.
    • Added the node_signatures list to cluster lock which contains signatures of the lock hash signed by each individual node.
  • v1.6.0:
    • Add deposit_data structure to distributed_validators list in cluster lock.
    • This allows anyone with access to the lock file to activate the validators, specifically, the creator.
  • v1.5.0:
    • Add the validators list to cluster definition that contains fee_recipient_address & withdrawal_address for each validator.
    • This allows configuring multiple fee recipient and withdrawal addresses instead of a single address for all validators.
  • v1.4.0:
    • Added the creator nested structure to the cluster definition proving who created the cluster definition (including non-operators).
    • Refactored operator config_signature EIP712 structure to distinguish between operator and creator config_signatures.
  • v1.3.0:
    • Refactored config_hash, definition_hash and lock_hash calculations by aligning with SSZ common types:
      • ByteList[MaxN]: Variable length with max limit for strings.
      • BytesN: Fixed length byte.
      • Uint64: numbers.
    • Refactored definition operator signatures: config_signature and enr_signature to use updated EIP712 structured types.
    • This version is compatible with dv-launchpad generated cluster-definition.json.
    • See example definition.json and lock.json
  • v1.2.0:
    • Refactored all base64 fields to Ethereum's standard 0x prefixed hex.
      • Refactored definition operator signatures: config_signature and enr_signature.
      • Refactored definition fields: config_hash and definition_hash.
      • Refactored lock fields: lock_hash, signature_aggregate and distributed_validators.public_shares.
    • Remove definition operator nonce field since it isn't used for anything. Only support nonce=0 for older versions.
    • See example definition.json and lock.json
  • v1.1.0:
    • Added cosmetic Timestamp field to cluster definition to help identification by humans.
    • See example definition.json and lock.json
  • v1.0.0:

This version of Charon (logic) supports the following cluster config versions (files): v1.0.0, v1.1.0, v1.2.0.

Flag Precedence

Charon uses viper for configuration combined with cobra for cli commands.

In descending order, the Charon node checks the following places for configuration:

  • From environment vars beginning with CHARON_, with hyphens substituted for underscores. e.g. CHARON_BEACON_NODE=http://....
  • From the config file specified with the -config-file flag as YAML, e.g. beacon-node: http://...
  • From CLI params, e.g. --beacon-node http://...

Configuration Options

The following is the output of charon run --help and provides the available configuration options.

Starts the long-running Charon middleware process to perform distributed validator duties.

  charon run [flags]

      --beacon-node-endpoints strings         Comma separated list of one or more beacon node endpoint URLs.
      --beacon-node-submit-timeout duration   Timeout for the submission-related HTTP requests Charon makes to the configured beacon nodes. (default 2s)
      --beacon-node-timeout duration          Timeout for the HTTP requests Charon makes to the configured beacon nodes. (default 2s)
      --builder-api                           Enables the builder api. Will only produce builder blocks. Builder API must also be enabled on the validator client. Beacon node must be connected to a builder-relay to access the builder network.
      --debug-address string                  Listening address (ip and port) for the pprof and QBFT debug API. It is not enabled by default.
      --feature-set string                    Minimum feature set to enable by default: alpha, beta, or stable. Warning: modify at own risk. (default "stable")
      --feature-set-disable strings           Comma-separated list of features to disable, overriding the default minimum feature set.
      --feature-set-enable strings            Comma-separated list of features to enable, overriding the default minimum feature set.
  -h, --help                                  Help for run
      --jaeger-address string                 Listening address for jaeger tracing.
      --jaeger-service string                 Service name used for jaeger tracing. (default "charon")
      --lock-file string                      The path to the cluster lock file defining the distributed validator cluster. If both cluster manifest and cluster lock files are provided, the cluster manifest file takes precedence. (default ".charon/cluster-lock.json")
      --log-color string                      Log color; auto, force, disable. (default "auto")
      --log-format string                     Log format; console, logfmt or json (default "console")
      --log-level string                      Log level; debug, info, warn or error (default "info")
      --log-output-path string                Path in which to write on-disk logs.
      --loki-addresses strings                Enables sending of logfmt structured logs to these Loki log aggregation server addresses. This is in addition to normal stderr logs.
      --loki-service string                   Service label sent with logs to Loki. (default "charon")
      --manifest-file string                  The path to the cluster manifest file. If both cluster manifest and cluster lock files are provided, the cluster manifest file takes precedence. (default ".charon/cluster-manifest.pb")
      --monitoring-address string             Listening address (ip and port) for the monitoring API (prometheus). (default "")
      --no-verify                             Disables cluster definition and lock file verification.
      --p2p-disable-reuseport                 Disables TCP port reuse for outgoing libp2p connections.
      --p2p-external-hostname string          The DNS hostname advertised by libp2p. This may be used to advertise an external DNS.
      --p2p-external-ip string                The IP address advertised by libp2p. This may be used to advertise an external IP.
      --p2p-relays strings                    Comma-separated list of libp2p relay URLs or multiaddrs. (default [,,])
      --p2p-tcp-address strings               Comma-separated list of listening TCP addresses (ip and port) for libP2P traffic. Empty default doesn't bind to local port therefore only supports outgoing connections.
      --private-key-file string               The path to the charon enr private key file. (default ".charon/charon-enr-private-key")
      --private-key-file-lock                 Enables private key locking to prevent multiple instances using the same key.
      --proc-directory string                 Directory to look into in order to detect other stack components running on the host.
      --simnet-beacon-mock                    Enables an internal mock beacon node for running a simnet.
      --simnet-beacon-mock-fuzz               Configures simnet beaconmock to return fuzzed responses.
      --simnet-slot-duration duration         Configures slot duration in simnet beacon mock. (default 1s)
      --simnet-validator-keys-dir string      The directory containing the simnet validator key shares. (default ".charon/validator_keys")
      --simnet-validator-mock                 Enables an internal mock validator client when running a simnet. Requires simnet-beacon-mock.
      --synthetic-block-proposals             Enables additional synthetic block proposal duties. Used for testing of rare duties.
      --testnet-capella-hard-fork string      Capella hard fork version of the custom test network.
      --testnet-chain-id uint                 Chain ID of the custom test network.
      --testnet-fork-version string           Genesis fork version in hex of the custom test network.
      --testnet-genesis-timestamp int         Genesis timestamp of the custom test network.
      --testnet-name string                   Name of the custom test network.
      --validator-api-address string          Listening address (ip and port) for validator-facing traffic proxying the beacon-node API. (default "")