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How to install

Juha Huiskonen edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 22 revisions

Install the version provided with Scipion

The easiest way to use Localized Reconstruction is from the Scipion GUI. This is available from version 1.1. First find the latest localrec package that has been bundled with Scipion:

./scipion install --help

Then install it, together with Relion 1.4, which is required. For example:

./scipion install --no-xmipp localrec-1.2.0 relion-1.4

Finally make sure that the required packages are in your ~/.config/scipion/scipion.conf file.

LOCALREC_HOME = %(EM_ROOT)s/localrec-1.2.0

Manually upgrading to version 1.2.1 (highly recommended)

Version 1.2.1 contains important bug fixes to reach high resolution. To install it, first follow the instructions below. Then update to version as follows. First manually extract the package 1.2.1 to Scipion software/em folder. Change your Scipion configuration file to point to this version. Finally you need apply two patch files to upgrade the Scipion protocol itself.

Alternative instructions: Install the standalone version from OPIC-Oxford GitHub

Note that these instructions refer to creating a standalone installation for command-line use which is generally not recommended.

Go to the directory where you want to install Localized Reconstruction, and clone it from GitHub (first install git if not present in your system):

git clone
cd localrec

Git will create a localrec/ directory under your current path; you do not need to create it manually.

Then add /localrec/lib in your PYTHONPATH. How to do this depends on your operating system and its configuration.

For Bash shell, add something like this to your .bashrc file (or .bash_profile). Here it is assumed that ~/apps is the install location:


If you're using C shell, add something like this to your ~/.cshrc

setenv PYTHONPATH ~/apps/localrec/lib

Install required software

Install Scipion (release-1.1) from and follow the instructions to install Relion.


To update the package, just download the latest version from GitHub:

git pull
Clone this wiki locally