This homework contains the following files:
In this homework we implement a simple calculator using a domain-specific language (DSL). For arithmetic expressions, we are going to work with the following data type ExprT
data ExprT = Lit Integer
| Add ExprT ExprT
| Mul ExprT ExprT
deriving (Show, Eq)
In this exercise we implement a function eval :: ExprT -> Integer
which takes an expression and evaluates it. This is trivial to do using pattern matching:
eval :: ExprT -> Integer
eval (ExprT.Lit x) = x
eval (ExprT.Add x y) = eval x + eval y
eval (ExprT.Mul x y) = eval x * eval y
The function evalStr :: String -> Maybe Integer
evaluates an expression given as a String
such as (2+3)*4
. If the expression is not well-formed, it should return Nothing
whereas it should return Just n
if the expression evaluates to n
. We are provided with a helper function named parseExp
which does the hard job, that is parsing the String
to ExprT
. The only obstacle is that we have to deal with Maybe
since parseExp
might not be able to successfully parse the expression.
My first approach was the following:
evalStr :: String -> Maybe Integer
evalStr = (maybe Nothing $ Just . eval) . parseExp ExprT.Lit ExprT.Add ExprT.Mul
However, I was not satisfied with this solution since I felt that using the maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
function just to forward the Nothing
and to reconstruct the Just
was too verbose. So I researched and indeed there was a much more elegant solution:
evalStr :: String -> Maybe Integer
evalStr = fmap eval . parseExp ExprT.Lit ExprT.Add ExprT.Mul
Actually it took me a while to understand why this worked. Let's take a look at the fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
function. It takes a function a -> b
and applies it to a
to return a b
, as long as a
and b
are instances of the Functor f
. The function eval :: ExprT -> Integer
implies that fmap eval :: Functor f => f ExprT -> f Integer
. So it is a function that takes an ExprT
and returns an Integer
. But those two elements must be an instance of the Functor
type class! Well, in fact Maybe
type is an instance of Functor
. For example, fmap (*2) Nothing
is equal to Nothing
while fmap (*2) $ Just 5
is equal to Just 10
. So, in the same way we can apply fmap
to [a]
, we can apply fmap
to Maybe
We had to create a type class named Expr
to parallel the constructors of ExprT
. We see that the types of ExprT
constructors are the following:
Lit :: Integer -> ExprT
Add :: ExprT -> ExprT -> ExprT
Mul :: ExprT -> ExprT -> ExprT
Thus, the Expr
is defined as follows:
class Expr a where
lit :: Integer -> a
add :: a -> a -> a
mul :: a -> a -> a
Then we have to make ExprT
an instance of Expr
. This is also straightforward:
instance Expr ExprT where
lit = ExprT.Lit
add = ExprT.Add
mul = ExprT.Mul
Finally, note that an expression such as lit 5
has type Expr a => a
, that is any type which is instance of Expr
type class. If we want to give an explicit type to such an expression, we can explicitly do it like this lit 5 :: ExprT
or we can use an expression which context helps determining the type. A trivial function that does this is the following one:
reify :: ExprT -> ExprT
reify = id
Now the expression reify $ lit 5
has type ExprT
, since the function reify
takes an ExprT
as first argument.
Here we had to keep making instances of Expr
. The first two ones are Integer
and Bool
. So we have to define how they will implement the type class Expr
. We can use point-free notation and sections to simplify the code. Note that we use the id :: a -> a
function since the signature of lit is lit :: Integer -> a
, so in the Integer
instance signature is lit :: Integer -> Integer
instance Expr Integer where
lit = id
add = (+)
mul = (*)
instance Expr Bool where
lit = (<= 0)
add = (||)
mul = (&&)
The following two instances are MinMax
and Mod7
. Here we also define wrappers with newType
to work with Integers
internally. Here we cannot be as concise as the previous ones as we have to pattern match the MinMax
and Mod7
newtype MinMax = MinMax Integer deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Expr MinMax where
lit = MinMax
add (MinMax x) (MinMax y) = MinMax $ max x y
mul (MinMax x) (MinMax y) = MinMax $ min x y
newtype Mod7 = Mod7 Integer deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Expr Mod7 where
lit x = Mod7 $ x `mod` 7
add (Mod7 x) (Mod7 y) = Mod7 $ (x+y) `mod` 7
mul (Mod7 x) (Mod7 y) = Mod7 $ (x*y) `mod` 7
Finally, this led me to wonder what was the difference between data
and newtype
when defining new data structures. Basically newtype
is limited to a single constructor. For example, we cannot use algebraic data types with newtype
. Meanwhile, data
declares a new data structure at runtime. For more info, read this.
I think the complexity of this exercise resided in understanding what we had to do. We have to implement another calculator using a custom stack-based CPU. I highly recommend reading and understanding the statement and taking a look at StackVM.hs file. I took the license of changing the file a little bit, such as adding the Eq
type class to both StackVal
and StackExp
types in order to be able to test the functions.
The task is to implement a compiler for arithmetic expressions only. That means that we are not going to use some operations that the custom CPU supports such as boolean operations. First we have to create an instance of Expr
type class for Program
which is simply a list of StackExp
. For example, [PushI 3, PushI 5, Add]
is a program. We have to implement lit
, add
and mul
lit :: Integer -> Program
: We just have to push theInteger
to the stackadd :: Program -> Program -> Program
: We have to append the first program, the second program and theadd
operationmul :: Program -> Program -> Program
: We have to append the first program, the second program and themul
instance Expr Program where
lit a = [StackVM.PushI a]
add a b = a ++ b ++ [StackVM.Add]
mul a b = a ++ b ++ [StackVM.Mul]
Let's take a closer look at what we did here. Suppose we have the following expression: add (lit 5) (lit 7) :: Program
. The correct program is [PushI 5,PushI 7,Add]
and indeed the instance we just defined does that.
Then we had to create a function compile :: String -> Maybe Program
which takes an arithmetic expression and transforms it into a Program
ready to be run on the custom CPU. To do that we will use again the helper function parseExp :: (Integer -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> String -> Maybe a
. The signature of compile
forces the type variable a
to be bound Program
, so the function is as simple as follows:
compile :: String -> Maybe Program
compile = parseExp lit add mul
Finally, I wanted to try that indeed the compile
function produced a program that was executable by the custom CPU, so I implemented the function run :: String -> Either String StackVal
which compiles and executes an arithmetic expression:
run :: String -> Either String StackVal
run = execute . compile
where execute Nothing = Left "The program does not compile."
execute (Just p) = stackVM p
The last exercise was the most challenging one, but also the one that made me learn the most! The objective of this exercise was to allow variables in our arithmetic expressions.
First of all, we had to create a new type class named HasVars
with the method var :: String -> a
. Then a new data type VarExprT
, similar to ExprT
but with an additional constructor for variables. For now, nothing too fancy:
class HasVars a where
var :: String -> a
data VarExprT = Lit Integer
| Var String
| Add VarExprT VarExprT
| Mul VarExprT VarExprT
deriving (Show, Eq)
Next, we had to make VarExprT
an instance of both Expr
and HasVars
. We have already done this previously, so again, this is straightforward:
instance Expr VarExprT where
lit = Calc.Lit
add = Calc.Add
mul = Calc.Mul
instance HasVars VarExprT where
var = Calc.Var
Now, we are done with VarExprT
and the interesting part begins! We will use the Data.Map
module to deal with maps since we need to store mappings from variables to values. If this is the first time you are dealing with maps, it is worth checking here how they work. We will use a map from String
to Integer
and define the following type for convenience: type MapSI = M.Map String Integer
We must implement two instances: instance HasVars (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
and instance Expr (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
. I will just drop the code here, which is pretty concise, and then I will explain what happens under the hoods:
instance HasVars (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) where
var = M.lookup
instance Expr (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) where
lit a _ = Just a
add a b m = (+) <$> a m <*> b m
mul a b m = (*) <$> a m <*> b m
So... it seems pretty easy right? Well, it took me a while to get there. The first remarkable thing is that (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
is not a regular data type such as VarExprT
, it is a function. So yes, we are implementing two instances of a function. When we say we Haskell has higher-order functions, we take it very seriously!
For the HasVars
type class we have to implement var :: String -> MapSI -> Maybe Integer
. If we take a look at M.lookup :: Ord k => k -> M.Map k a -> Maybe a
we see that it has exactly the same signature, so it is as easy as var = M.lookup
For the Expr
type class I had a lot of troubles understanding how add
and mul
signatures worked. They are a -> a -> a
thus (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) -> (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) -> (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
. But in Haskell this is equivalent to (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) -> (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) -> MapSI -> Maybe Integer
, since ->
is right associative. That means that when we do add a b m
, m
is bound to MapSI
and not to (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
. Similarly, for the lit
function the signature is Integer -> (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
. By the way, when we write a m
and b m
we are working with the types a :: (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
and m :: MapSI
. So if we do a m
we have the signature: (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) -> MapSI -> Maybe Integer
. Taking all of that into account, this was my first approach:
instance Expr (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) where
lit a = (\_ -> Just a)
add a b m = case (isNothing (a m) || isNothing (b m)) of
True -> Nothing
_ -> Just (fromJust (a m) + fromJust (b m))
mul a b m = case (isNothing (a m) || isNothing (b m)) of
True -> Nothing
_ -> Just (fromJust (a m) * fromJust (b m))
As you can see, it is pretty verbose and tedious to extract the values from Maybe
only to wrap them again in add
and mul
while the lit
function is also strange. For the latter, it is just as easy as realising that Integer -> (MapSI -> Maybe Integer)
is the same as Integer -> MapSI -> Maybe Integer
so lit a _ = Just a
makes more sense. For the former, I was lucky enough to find a nice explanation of what applicative style is. It is based on the problem of suming Just 2
and Just 3
so it is perfectly suited for this example.
Finally, I take the license to show again my final version, just in case you missed it:
instance HasVars (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) where
var = M.lookup
instance Expr (MapSI -> Maybe Integer) where
lit a _ = Just a
add a b m = (+) <$> a m <*> b m
mul a b m = (*) <$> a m <*> b m