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Homework 8

This homework contains the following files:

In this homework we work with the following definitions:

type Name = String

type Fun  = Integer

data Employee = Emp { empName :: Name, empFun :: Fun }
  deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

data GuestList = GL [Employee] Fun
  deriving (Show, Eq)

For a more detailed explanation on what those types represent, read the assignment.

Exercise 1

The function glCons :: Employee -> GuestList -> GuestList adds an employee to a guest list ignoring any constraints. We just have to pattern match the GuestList and add the employee. Note that we cons the new employee since it is more efficient than doing xs ++ [x]. We also use empFun :: Employee -> Fun to get the amout of fun of an employee:

glCons :: Employee -> GuestList -> GuestList
glCons x (GL xs f) = GL (x:xs) (f + empFun x)

The second function is just about defining a Monoid instance for GuestList:

instance Monoid GuestList where
  mempty                      = GL [] 0
  GL xs f1 `mappend` GL ys f2 = GL (xs ++ ys) (f1 + f2)

The third function is moreFun :: GuestList -> GuestList -> GuestList which returns the guest list which has the higher fun score. If we take a look at Employee.hs file, we see that the following instance is already defined:

instance Ord GuestList where
  compare (GL _ f1) (GL _ f2) = compare f1 f2

So we can just use max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a to do the job:

moreFun :: GuestList -> GuestList -> GuestList
moreFun = max

Exercise 2

In this exercise we had to implement a fold for the type Tree which is defined as follows in Data.Tree module:

data Tree a = Node {rootLabel :: a, subForest :: Forest a}
type Forest a = [Tree a]

The signature of the function is not given to us, so we can take a look at how it was defined in the previous lecture:

data Tree a = Empty
            | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

treeFold :: b -> (b -> a -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b
treeFold e _ Empty        = e
treeFold e f (Node l x r) = f (treeFold e f l) x (treeFold e f r)

First of all we realise that the data types for Tree are different. In the former we can't represent an empty tree, since the smallest tree that can be represented is Node a [], which is a leaf. So we do not need a base element in the fold function, since we will always start with the leaves. From that we can deduce that in our case the signature will be: treeFold :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b and its implementation is:

treeFold :: (a -> [b] -> b) -> Tree a -> b
treeFold f (Node a sf) = f a (treeFold f <$> sf)

Note that in order to fold a node, we fold each sub forest of that node and then we combine the results with the function a -> [b] -> b, where a is the root label of the current node and [b] are the results of folding each sub forest. So we are folding from the leaves to the root.

Exercise 3

The function nextLevel :: Employee -> [(GuestList, GuestList)] -> (GuestList, GuestList) looks intimidating at first but at the end of the day it is not that difficult to implement:

nextLevel :: Employee -> [(GuestList, GuestList)] -> (GuestList, GuestList)
nextLevel boss gls = (glCons boss withoutBosses, withBosses)
  where withBosses    = mconcat $ fst <$> gls
        withoutBosses = mconcat $ snd <$> gls

We merge all the first elements from gls, which are subtrees with bosses, into one guest list and we just let it go through as the second element of the result. Indeed, if we decide to take all the bosses from the subtree, we can't pick the boss of the current node. Meanwhile, we also merge all the second elements from gls, which are subtrees without bosses, and we add the boss of the current node. Finally, I realised that the following function exists:

foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> [a] -> m
foldMap g = mconcat . fmap g

So there is a more elegant solution:

nextLevel :: Employee -> [(GuestList, GuestList)] -> (GuestList, GuestList)
nextLevel boss gls = (glCons boss withoutBosses, withBosses)
  where withBosses    = foldMap fst gls
        withoutBosses = foldMap snd gls

Exercise 4

We now have to define maxFun :: Tree Employee -> GuestList which takes a tree and returns the guest list which maximizes the fun of the employees. It is kinda obvious that we have to make use of the treeFold function implemented before. It has the following signature if we use maxFun as fold function: treeFold :: (Employee -> [(GuestList, GuestList)] -> (GuestList, GuestList)) -> Tree Employee -> (GuestList, GuestList). So it is pretty obvious that we can just use nextLevel as it is.

The problem is that treeFold nextLevel returns a pair of guest lists, and maxFun needs to return a single one. Which one of the two should we take? Well, the one that maximizes the fun! We already have implemented moreFun :: GuestList -> GuestList -> GuestList and we want to apply it to (GuestList, GuestList). We can use uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> (a, b) -> c which is already defined to help us to write a one-liner solution:

maxFun :: Tree Employee -> GuestList
maxFun = uncurry moreFun . treeFold nextLevel

Exercise 5

In this last exercise we had to read a company's hierarchy from company.txt file and print a formatted list of the employees that should be invited to the party in order to maximize the amount of fun. Moreover, the output list must contain the names of the employees sorted by first name and one employee per line.

This is the first time that we will use IO but it is pretty easy: we only have to read a file using readFile :: FilePath -> IO String and then print the result using putStr :: String -> IO (). We will build a single String with all the result, so we will call putStr once.

We have defined two functions to format GuestList and [Employee] as we want:

formatEmp :: [Employee] -> String
formatEmp = unlines . sort . fmap empName

formatGL :: GuestList -> String
formatGL (GL xs fun) = "Total fun: " ++ show fun ++ "\n" ++ formatEmp xs

Then, the main function is pretty short:

main :: IO()
main = do
  contents <- readFile "company.txt"
  putStr . formatGL . maxFun . read $ contents

Note that I have used a more readable way of dealing with IO than the one that was explained in the notes, but I had already read this so for me it made more sense that way.

Finally and for the record, at first I sorted [Employee] in those two alternative ways (then I realised it was simpler to project the name first and then sort, since we don't need to print the amount of fun of each employee in the result):

formatEmp :: [Employee] -> String
formatEmp = unlines . fmap empName . sortOn empName

formatEmp :: [Employee] -> String
formatEmp = unlines . fmap empName . sortBy (compare `on` empName)