This folder contains the sources of SILE and the Hydra of Maths, a technical booklet published by Didier Willis in Winter 2024 (initial edition), retelling the story of his involvement in improving the maths typesetting capabilities of the SILE typesetting system, from SILE v0.15.5 onwards.
Read it here.
The initial edition was generated with a special build of SILE, derived from SILE 0.15.7 and additional fixes from either the main branch or proposed Pull Requests.
The sources have been updated to work with SILE 0.15.8 and re·sil·ient 2.6.0.
The PDF booklet is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Omikhleia / Didier Willis.
Reproduction and/or distribution of the PDF or any derivative work in any form (including modified versions or printed copies) is allowed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0, provided that the original source is clearly credited and that the work is not used for commercial purposes.
The core idea here is to show how SILE and the re·sil·ient collection of modules were used to make that book a reality. It works as a "real-case" example, so that you may look at its sources and understand how we addressed our typesetting needs for that project.
Recommended citation:
Didier Willis, SILE and the Hydra of Maths. Showcase & Critical Assessment 2024, Omikhleia, 2024.
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