The examples in this folder illustrate some of the SILE packages and classes defined here.
Please note that their license(s) may differ from that of the main directory.
When not specified or in case of doubt, the applicable license is CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0.
They are used as "sample tests" for the omibook class and related packages.
- An article in French, "Le conte perdu de Mercure — Tuor et Idril élevés au rang d'astre", by Alain Lefèvre, reproduced here with the author's kind authorization, and previously published in Tolkien, le façonnement d’un monde, vol. 1, Le Dragon de Brume, 2011. (License: CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 as a special arrangement)
- Conan Doyle's "A Scandal in Bohemia", just because SILE used it in its own showcase, so why not check out it could look here. (License: public domain)
I also included the complete sources of "Contes et légendes d'Almaq", a 362-page novel in French, in the fantasy genre. (License: copyrighted material)
I remain the sole owner of this material.
Reproduction and/or distribution of the PDF or any derivative work in any form (including modified versions or printed copies) is NOT allowed without proper authorization.
Nevertheless, the core idea here is to show how I used SILE to make that book a reality, relying on (almost) all the packages I created on that journey. It works as a "real-case" full example, so that you may look at its sources and understand how I addressed my typesetting needs for that project. Therefore, you may obviously build the PDF version of the book for yourself and keep a private copy.
For pictures and more information on the printed book, refer to its web page. Disclaimer: This is not an incentive for you to buy it. On the contrary, I will even suggest here you should not do such a thing, unless you are sure this is a kind of things you would enjoy reading.
A demonstration of the colophon package, as we did not want to show all these big examples in the main documentation. The text is somewhat nonsensical, with bits of actual explanations mixed with random quotes. (License: MIT)
A demonstration of the framebox package (License: MIT).
A fake résumé of some Sherlock Holmes guy, used as a "sample test" for the omicv class. Sherlockians, be warned, the information in it might not be very canonical, but it serves its purpose here. (License: MIT)
A showcase for the ptable package. (License: MIT)
A small XML (TEI) lexicon (Almaqerin-French) and the corresponding PDF, to illustrate the teibook class and related packages. (License: CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0 as a special arrangement)
The PDF was generated as follows:
sile -I preambles/dict-sd-fr-preamble.sil examples/dict-aq-fr.xml -o examples/dict-aq-fr.pdf
For a more complex project using the same tools, you may also check the sindict repository.