diff --git a/outputters/base.lua b/outputters/base.lua
index 4888a06..570ae8b 100644
--- a/outputters/base.lua
+++ b/outputters/base.lua
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function outputter.debugHbox (_, _, _) end
function outputter.linkAnchor (_, _, _) end -- Unstable API
-function outputter.enterLinkTarget (_, _, _) end -- Unstable API
+function outputter.enterLinkTarget (_, _, _, _, _) end -- Unstable API
function outputter.leaveLinkTarget (_, _, _, _, _, _, _) end -- Unstable API
diff --git a/outputters/html.lua b/outputters/html.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e743d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/outputters/html.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+local base = require("outputters.base")
+SILE.shaper = SILE.shapers.harfbuzz()
+local cursorX = 0
+local cursorY = 0
+local started = false
+local lastkey = false
+local debugfont = SILE.font.loadDefaults({ family = "Gentium Plus", language = "en", size = 10 })
+local _dl = 0.5
+local _debugfont
+local _font
+-- local function _round (input)
+-- -- LuaJIT 2.1 betas (and inheritors such as OpenResty and Moonjit) are biased
+-- -- towards rounding 0.5 up to 1, all other Lua interpreters are biased
+-- -- towards rounding such floating point numbers down. This hack shaves off
+-- -- just enough to fix the bias so our test suite works across interpreters.
+-- -- Note that even a true rounding function here will fail because the bias is
+-- -- inherent to the floating point type. Also note we are erroring in favor of
+-- -- the *less* common option beacuse the LuaJIT VMS are hopelessly broken
+-- -- whereas normal LUA VMs can be cooerced.
+-- if input > 0 then input = input + .00000000000001 end
+-- if input < 0 then input = input - .00000000000001 end
+-- return string.format("%.4f", input)
+-- end
+local outputter = pl.class(base)
+outputter._name = "html"
+outputter.extension = "html"
+-- N.B. Sometimes setCoord is called before the outputter has ensured initialization.
+-- This ok for coordinates manipulation, at these points we know the page size.
+local deltaX
+local deltaY
+local function trueXCoord (x)
+ if not deltaX then
+ deltaX = (SILE.documentState.sheetSize[1] - SILE.documentState.paperSize[1]) / 2
+ end
+ return x + deltaX
+local function trueYCoord (y)
+ if not deltaY then
+ deltaY = (SILE.documentState.sheetSize[2] - SILE.documentState.paperSize[2]) / 2
+ end
+ return y + deltaY
+-- The outputter init can't actually initialize output (as logical as it might
+-- have seemed) because that requires a page size which we don't know yet.
+-- function outputter:_init () end
+local _div = {}
+local _fname
+function outputter:_ensureInit ()
+ if not started then
+ local w, h = SILE.documentState.sheetSize[1], SILE.documentState.sheetSize[2]
+ local fname = self:getOutputFilename()
+ _fname = fname
+ -- Ideally we could want to set the PDF CropBox, BleedBox, TrimBox...
+ -- Our wrapper only manages the MediaBox at this point.
+ --pdf.init(fname == "-" and "/dev/stdout" or fname, w, h, SILE.full_version)
+ print("Writing HTML to " .. fname)
+ local fd, err = io.open(fname == "-" and "/dev/stdout" or fname, "w")
+ if not fd then return SU.error(err) end
+ self.fd = fd
+ self.fd:write(table.concat({
+ "",
+ "",
+ "
+ }, "\n"))
+ _div[#_div+1] = { x = 0, y = 0, w = w, h = h }
+ started = true
+ end
+function outputter:newPage ()
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ self.fd:write('
+ self.fd:write("
+-- pdf stucture package needs a tie in here
+function outputter._endHook (_)
+function outputter:finish ()
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ self.fd:write("
+ self:_endHook()
+ self.fd:write("\n")
+ self.fd:close()
+ started = false
+ lastkey = nil
+function outputter.getCursor (_)
+ return cursorX, cursorY
+function outputter.setCursor (_, x, y, relative)
+ x = SU.cast("number", x)
+ y = SU.cast("number", y)
+ local offset = relative and { x = cursorX, y = cursorY } or { x = 0, y = 0 }
+ cursorX = offset.x + x
+ cursorY = offset.y + (relative and 0 or SILE.documentState.paperSize[2]) - y
+-- FIXME not called from the 0.14 code base!!!
+function outputter:setColor (_)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ SU.error("setColor not implemented")
+local cssColorStack = { "rgb(0,0,0)" }
+local function cmykToRgb(c, m, y, k)
+ local r = 255 * (1 - c) * (1 - k)
+ local g = 255 * (1 - m) * (1 - k)
+ local b = 255 * (1 - y) * (1 - k)
+ return r, g, b
+function outputter:pushColor (color)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ if color.r then
+ cssColorStack[#cssColorStack+1] = "rgb(" .. color.r * 255 .. ", " .. color.g * 255 .. ", " .. color.b * 255 .. ")"
+ elseif color.c then
+ local r, g, b = cmykToRgb(color.c, color.m, color.y, color.k)
+ cssColorStack[#cssColorStack+1] = "rgb(" .. r .. ", " .. g .. ", " .. b .. ")"
+ elseif color.l then
+ cssColorStack[#cssColorStack+1] = "rgb(" .. color.l * 255 .. ", " .. color.l * 255 .. ", " .. color.l * 255 .. ")"
+ end
+function outputter:popColor ()
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ cssColorStack[#cssColorStack] = nil
+function outputter:_drawString (str, width, x_offset, y_offset)
+ local x, y = self:getCursor()
+ x = x - _div[#_div].x
+ y = y - _div[#_div].y
+ local xt = trueXCoord(x+x_offset)
+ local yt = trueYCoord(y+y_offset)
+ self.fd:write('
+ .. str
+ ..'
+function outputter:drawHbox (value, width)
+ width = SU.cast("number", width)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ if not value.glyphString then return end
+ -- Nodes which require kerning or have offsets to the glyph
+ -- position should be output a glyph at a time. We pass the
+ -- glyph advance from the htmx table, so that libtexpdf knows
+ -- how wide each glyph is. It uses this to then compute the
+ -- relative position between the pen after the glyph has been
+ -- painted (cursorX + glyphAdvance) and the next painting
+ -- position (cursorX + width - remember that the box's "width"
+ -- is actually the shaped x_advance).
+ if value.complex then
+ for i = 1, #value.items do
+ local item = value.items[i]
+ self:_drawString(item.text, item.glyphAdvance, item.x_offset or 0, item.y_offset or 0)
+ self:setCursor(item.width, 0, true)
+ end
+ else
+ self:_drawString(value.text, width, 0, 0)
+ self:setCursor(width, 0, true)
+ end
+function outputter:_withDebugFont (callback)
+ if not _debugfont then
+ _debugfont = self:setFont(debugfont)
+ end
+ local oldfont = _font
+ _font = _debugfont
+ callback()
+ _font = oldfont
+local function featuresToCss(features)
+ local css = ""
+ for feature in features:gmatch("([%+%-%w]+)") do
+ local state = "on"
+ local featureName = feature
+ if feature:sub(1, 1) == "+" then
+ featureName = feature:sub(2)
+ elseif feature:sub(1, 1) == "-" then
+ featureName = feature:sub(2)
+ state = "off"
+ end
+ css = css .. string.format("font-feature-settings: '%s' %s;", featureName, state)
+ end
+ return css
+local function fontToCss(font)
+ local props = {
+ "font-family: " .. font.family,
+ "font-size: " .. font.size .. "pt",
+ "font-weight: " .. font.weight,
+ }
+ if font.style and font.style:lower() == "italic" then
+ props[#props + 1] = "font-style: italic"
+ else
+ props[#props + 1] = "font-style: normal"
+ end
+ local css = table.concat(props, ";")
+ if font.features then
+ css = css .. ";" .. featuresToCss(font.features)
+ end
+ return css
+function outputter:setFont (options)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ local key = SILE.font._key(options)
+ if lastkey and key == lastkey then return _font end
+ -- FIXME handle direction?
+ -- local font = SILE.font.cache(options, SILE.shaper.getFace)
+ -- if options.direction == "TTB" then
+ -- ???
+ -- end
+ -- if SILE.typesetter.frame and SILE.typesetter.frame:writingDirection() == "TTB" then
+ -- ???
+ -- else
+ -- ???
+ -- end
+ local metrics = require("fontmetrics")
+ local face = SILE.font.cache(options, SILE.shaper.getFace)
+ local m = metrics.get_typographic_extents(face)
+ m.ascender = m.ascender * options.size
+ m.descender = m.descender * options.size
+ _font = {
+ css = fontToCss(options),
+ spec = options,
+ metrics = m
+ }
+ lastkey = key
+ return _font
+function outputter:drawImage (src, x, y, width, height, _)
+ x = SU.cast("number", x)
+ y = SU.cast("number", y)
+ width = SU.cast("number", width)
+ height = SU.cast("number", height)
+ x = trueXCoord(x)
+ y = trueYCoord(y)
+ -- FIXME use bottom instead of top?
+ x = x - _div[#_div].x
+ y = y - _div[#_div].y
+ -- FIXME escapes needed in the regex!
+ local dir = pl.path.dirname(_fname)
+ src = src:gsub("^"..dir.."/", ""):gsub("^/"..dir.."/", "")
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ self.fd:write('
+ self.fd:write("")
+ self.fd:write("
+function outputter.getImageSize (_, src, pageno)
+ local pdf = require("justenoughlibtexpdf")
+ local llx, lly, urx, ury, xresol, yresol = pdf.imagebbox(src, pageno or 1)
+ return (urx-llx), (ury-lly), xresol, yresol
+local function pathToSVG(path) -- FIXME broken, needs to be rewritten
+ local svgPath = ""
+ local i = 1
+ local _, ep, operands
+ while i < #path do
+ _, ep, operands = path:find("(%g+%s+%g+)%s+m%s+", i)
+ if operands then
+ svgPath = svgPath .. "M" .. operands .. " "
+ i = ep + 1
+ else
+ _, ep, operands = path:find("(%g+%s+%g+%s+%g+%s+%g+%s+%g+%s+%g+)%s+c%s+", i)
+ if operands then
+ svgPath = svgPath .. "C" .. operands .. " "
+ i = ep + 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if svgPath == "" then
+ SU.warn("Invalid path: " .. path)
+ end
+ return svgPath .. "Z"
+function outputter:drawSVG (figure, x, y, width, height, scalefactor)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ local d = pathToSVG(figure)
+ x = SU.cast("number", x)
+ y = SU.cast("number", y)
+ height = SU.cast("number", height)
+ width = SU.cast("number", width)
+ self:setCursor(x, y)
+ x, y = self:getCursor()
+ x = x - _div[#_div].x
+ y = y - _div[#_div].y
+ x = trueXCoord(x)
+ y = trueYCoord(y)
+ self.fd:write('
+ self.fd:write('')
+ self.fd:write("
+function outputter:drawRule (x, y, width, height)
+ x = SU.cast("number", x)
+ y = SU.cast("number", y)
+ width = SU.cast("number", width)
+ height = SU.cast("number", height)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ x = trueXCoord(x)
+ y = trueYCoord(y)
+ -- FIXME: Logic is wrong here
+ local paperY = SILE.documentState.sheetSize[2]
+ if not _div[#_div].rel then
+ y = paperY - y - height
+ else
+ y = paperY - y - height
+ x = x - _div[#_div].x
+ y = y - _div[#_div].y
+ end
+ if width < 0 then
+ x = x + width
+ width = -width
+ end
+ if height < 0 then
+ y = y + height
+ height = -height
+ end
+ self.fd:write("
+ self.fd:write('
+function outputter:debugFrame (frame)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ self:pushColor({ r = 0.8, g = 0, b = 0 })
+ self:drawRule(frame:left()-_dl/2, frame:top()-_dl/2, frame:width()+_dl, _dl)
+ self:drawRule(frame:left()-_dl/2, frame:top()-_dl/2, _dl, frame:height()+_dl)
+ self:drawRule(frame:right()-_dl/2, frame:top()-_dl/2, _dl, frame:height()+_dl)
+ self:drawRule(frame:left()-_dl/2, frame:bottom()-_dl/2, frame:width()+_dl, _dl)
+ -- local stuff = SILE.shaper:createNnodes(frame.id, debugfont)
+ -- stuff = stuff[1].nodes[1].value.glyphString -- Horrible hack
+ -- local buf = {}
+ -- for i = 1, #stuff do
+ -- buf[i] = glyph2string(stuff[i])
+ -- end
+ -- buf = table.concat(buf, "")
+ -- self:_withDebugFont(function ()
+ -- self:setCursor(frame:left():tonumber() - _dl/2, frame:top():tonumber() + _dl/2)
+ -- self:_drawString(buf, 0, 0, 0)
+ -- end)
+ self:popColor()
+function outputter:debugHbox (hbox, scaledWidth)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ self:pushColor({ r = 0.8, g = 0.3, b = 0.3 })
+ local paperY = SILE.documentState.paperSize[2]
+ local x, y = self:getCursor()
+ y = paperY - y
+ self:drawRule(x-_dl/2, y-_dl/2-hbox.height, scaledWidth+_dl, _dl)
+ self:drawRule(x-_dl/2, y-hbox.height-_dl/2, _dl, hbox.height+hbox.depth+_dl)
+ self:drawRule(x-_dl/2, y-_dl/2, scaledWidth+_dl, _dl)
+ self:drawRule(x+scaledWidth-_dl/2, y-hbox.height-_dl/2, _dl, hbox.height+hbox.depth+_dl)
+ if hbox.depth > SILE.length(0) then
+ self:drawRule(x-_dl/2, y+hbox.depth-_dl/2, scaledWidth+_dl, _dl)
+ end
+ self:popColor()
+-- The methods below are only implemented on outputters supporting these features.
+-- In PDF, it relies on transformation matrices, but other backends may call
+-- for a different strategy.
+-- ! The API is unstable and subject to change. !
+function outputter:scaleFn (xorigin, yorigin, xratio, yratio, callback)
+ xorigin = SU.cast("number", xorigin)
+ yorigin = SU.cast("number", yorigin)
+ local paperY = SILE.documentState.sheetSize[2]
+ local x0 = trueXCoord(xorigin)
+ local y0 = paperY - trueYCoord(yorigin)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ local xt = x0 - _div[#_div].x
+ local yt = y0 - _div[#_div].y
+ _div[#_div+1] = { x = x0, y = y0, rel = true }
+ local style = {
+ position = "absolute",
+ left = xt .. "pt",
+ bottom = yt .. "pt",
+ transform = "scale(" .. xratio .. ", " .. yratio .. ")"
+ }
+ local s = ""
+ for k, v in pairs(style) do
+ s = s .. k .. ":" .. v .. ";"
+ end
+ self.fd:write('
+ callback()
+ self.fd:write("
+ _div[#_div] = nil
+function outputter:rotateFn (xorigin, yorigin, theta, callback)
+ xorigin = SU.cast("number", xorigin)
+ yorigin = SU.cast("number", yorigin)
+ local paperY = SILE.documentState.sheetSize[2]
+ local x0 = trueXCoord(xorigin)
+ local y0 = paperY - trueYCoord(yorigin)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ local xt = x0 - _div[#_div].x
+ local yt = y0 - _div[#_div].y
+ _div[#_div+1] = { x = x0, y = y0, rel = true }
+ local style = {
+ position = "absolute",
+ left = xt .. "pt",
+ bottom = yt .. "pt", --
+ transform = "rotate(" .. -theta .. "rad)"
+ }
+ local s = ""
+ for k, v in pairs(style) do
+ s = s .. k .. ":" .. v .. ";"
+ end
+ self.fd:write('
+ callback()
+ self.fd:write("
+ _div[#_div] = nil
+-- Unstable link APIs
+function outputter:linkAnchor (x, y, name)
+ x = SU.cast("number", x)
+ y = SU.cast("number", y)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ local x0 = trueXCoord(x)
+ local y0 = trueYCoord(y)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ local xt = x0 - _div[#_div].x
+ local yt = y0 - _div[#_div].y
+ local style = {
+ position = "absolute",
+ left = xt .. "pt",
+ bottom = yt .. "pt",
+ }
+ local s = ""
+ for k, v in pairs(style) do
+ s = s .. k .. ":" .. v .. ";"
+ end
+ self.fd:write('')
+function outputter:enterLinkTarget (x0, y0, dest, options)
+ local target = options.external and dest or ("#" .. dest)
+ x0 = trueXCoord(x0)
+ y0 = trueYCoord(y0)
+ self:_ensureInit()
+ local xt = x0 - _div[#_div].x
+ local yt = y0 - _div[#_div].y
+ _div[#_div+1] = { x = x0, y = y0, rel = true }
+ local style = {
+ position = "absolute",
+ left = xt .. "pt",
+ bottom = yt .. "pt",
+ }
+ local s = ""
+ for k, v in pairs(style) do
+ s = s .. k .. ":" .. v .. ";"
+ end
+ self.fd:write('