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OneDrive for Business - track changes for a Drive

This sample show how use the delta API in order to track changes to a drive and its children over time.


To use the sample you need the following:

Register the app

  1. Navigate to the Azure AD Portal. Login using a personal account (aka: Microsoft Account) or Work or School Account with permissions to create app registrations.

    Note: If you do not have permissions to create app registrations contact your Azure AD domain administrators.

  2. Click Azure Active Directory from the left-hand navigation menu.

  3. Click App registrations from the current blade navigation pane.

  4. Click New registration from the current blade content.

  5. On the Register an application page, specify the following values:

    • Name = [Desired app name]
    • Supported account types = [Choose the value that applies to your needs]
    • Redirect URI
      • Type (dropdown) = Web
      • Value = https://localhost:44329/signin-oidc

    Note: Ensure that the Redirect URI value is unique within your domain. This value can be changed at a later time and does not need to point to a hosted URI. If the example URI above is already used please choose a unique value.

    1. Under Advanced settings, set the value of the Logout URL to https://localhost:44329/Account/SignOut and set the flag ID Token.
    2. Copy the Redirect URI as you will need it later.
  6. Once the app is created, copy the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID from the overview page and store it temporarily as you will need both later.

  7. Click Certificates & secrets from the current blade navigation pane.

    1. Click New client secret.

    2. On the Add a client secret dialog, specify the following values:

      • Description = MyAppSecret1
      • Expires = In 1 year
    3. Click Add.

    4. After the screen has updated with the newly created client secret copy the VALUE of the client secret and store it temporarily as you will need it later.

      Important: This secret string is never shown again, so make sure you copy it now. In production apps you should always use certificates as your application secrets, but for this sample we will use a simple shared secret password.

  8. Click Authentication from the current blade navigation pane.

    1. Select 'ID tokens'
  9. Click API permissions from the current blade navigation pane.

    1. Click Add a permission from the current blade content.

    2. On the Request API permissions panel select Microsoft Graph.

    3. Select Delegated permissions.

    4. In the "Select permissions" search box type "User".

    5. Select openid, offline_access, Files.Read.All.

    6. Click Add permissions at the bottom of flyout.

    Note: Microsoft recommends that you explicitly list all delegated permissions when registering your app. While the incremental and dynamic consent capabilities of the v2 endpoint make this step optional, failing to do so can negatively impact admin consent.

Configure and run the sample

  1. Download or clone the OneDrive samples for ASP.NET Core.

  2. Open the AspnetCore-Changed-Files.sln sample file in Visual Studio 2017 or 2019.

  3. In Solution Explorer, open the appsettings.json file in the root directory of the project.

    a. For the AppId key, replace ENTER_YOUR_APP_ID with the application ID of your registered application.

    b. For the AppSecret key, replace ENTER_YOUR_SECRET with the password of your registered application. Note that in production apps you should always use certificates as your application secrets, but for this sample we will use a simple shared secret password.

  4. In Solution Explorer, open the launchSettings.json file in the Properties group and configure the setting iisSettings/iisExpress/sslPort with value 44329, then save and close the file.

  5. Press F5 to build and run the sample. This will restore NuGet package dependencies and open the app.

    If you see any errors while installing packages, make sure the local path where you placed the solution is not too long/deep. Moving the solution closer to the root of your drive resolves this issue.

  6. Sign in with your work or school account and grant the requested permissions.

  7. You should see the list of your recent files.

  8. Change one or more files into you OneDrive for Business personal storage.

  9. Press Show changed files button in order to see the list of the changed files.