Releases: OpenConext/OpenConext-engineblock
Releases · OpenConext/OpenConext-engineblock
EngineBlock 4.2.2
SURFnet SURFconext EngineBlock v4.2.2 Release Notes
Removed deprecated tools.
- bin/checkdeps.php
- bin/convert_filters.php
- bin/graph-composer.phar
- bin/parsevalidations.php
- bin/deploy/
- bin/deploy/
- languages/
EngineBlock 4.2.1
SURFnet SURFconext EngineBlock v4.2.1 Release Notes
Removed the unused concept of environments in favor of local configuration files.
Changed the following settings:
- encryption.keys.default.publicFile defaults to "/etc/openconext/engineblock.crt"
- encryption.keys.default.privateFile defaults to "/etc/openconext/engineblock.key"
- auth.simplesamlphp.idp.cert is removed in favor of auth.simplesamlphp.idp.certificate
- Improvements for error reporting on non-200 response from OpenConext API VO Validation.
- Environment IDs (production / staging / test / demo)
- etc/profile.d/
EngineBlock 4.2.0
OpenConext EngineBlock v4.2.0 Release Notes
Ansible support / OpenConext cleanup release.
Changed many settings:
- phpSettings.sendmail_from is now "OpenConext EngineBlock [email protected]"
- Removed deprecated settings for attribute manipulation
- Removed deprecated settings for OpenConext-static
- Introduced new setting: dynamicAssets, which defaults to false expecting Assetic compiled assets.
- Renamed "surfconext.termsOfUse" to "openconext.termsOfUse"
- Removed Shindig configuration
- Set serviceRegistry.caching.backend.options.lifetime to 1 by default
- Set the default api.vovalidate.baseUrl to ""
- Set the default api.vovalidate.key to "oauth_key"
- Set the default api.vovalidate.secret to "oauth_secret"
- Removed support for encryption.key.public and encryption.key.private
- Added support for encryption.default.publicFile and encryption.default.privateFile
- Lazy certificate parsing, only parse a certificate when it is to be used.
- Improved error handling for bin/janus_client.php
- tests/ (we only have unit tests)
EngineBlock 4.1.0
EngineBlock 3.8.5
EngineBlock 3.8.4
SURFnet SURFconext v3.8.4 Release Notes
Feature backport from 4.0.0.
- issues/27: EngineBlock should allow for multiple signing keys in it's metadata.
EngineBlock 4.0.0
SimpleSAMLphp integration release.
In this release we switched to using SimpleSAMLphp/saml2 library as an API for all SAML related funcationality as well
as signing / verification of signatures.
Notable other issues resolved with this release:
- Security vulnerability in discovery screen.
- Moved Mock IdP and SP to OpenConext-engine-test-stand
- BACKLOG-1346: Made guest qualifier URN prefix configurable.
- BACKLOG-1349: Many "session_destroy(): Trying to destroy uninitialized session" erros logged by EB
- BACKLOG-1374: Feedback page not shown when "No a member of VO" error shown
- BACKLOG-1371: EB stores logins without idp entityid
- BACKLOG-1375: EB fails on setting original value of metadata attribute during normalization
EngineBlock 3.8.3
Security & Performance backports from 4.0.0.
- SE-21: Security issue in Discovery screen
- issues/15: Improve LDAP Performance
EngineBlock 3.8.2
SURFnet SURFconext v3.8.2 Release Notes
Open A-Select release -> Was already in 3.7.2 But got accidentally removed
- BACKLOG-1153 EB gives error when both response and assertion are signed in a SAML2-Response (OpenASelect)