The Student Activity Centre (SAC) is a student-led space in the Fabrication Lab block. It is a space for student clubs and research groups to conduct their activities and more.
This is a living document, and policy suggestions are welcome: Just make sure you raise an issue!
For student club members, please use your Official Club Emails or get the project lead to email the cluster reps through SUTD internal email to gain access to the Student Activities Centre telegram chat. For non-club students, you may approach the Arts and Social cluster representatives for the link.
Overall, the rules for the Student Activity Centre may be found below:
For users applying to use the SAC, there are three guidelines of interest for any aspiring user, found below:
Generally, the rule of thumb to observe is Don't be a dick to other people who might use it after you.
Please take a look at our Issues and look for one that you'd like to help with!
This repository is maintained by the OpenSUTD Team.