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SAC Policy Document


1st pre-SAC Assembly: 30 September 2019

In Attendance:

  1. PY, incoming Maker Rep, 2019-
  2. KJ, outgoing Maker Rep, 2018-2019
  3. SW, outgoing Arts/Culture Rep, 2018-2019
  4. SV, incoming Arts/Culture Rep, 2019-
  5. Student Clubs: Gunpla, SUTDio, Makerspace, MechD, SOAR, IEEE,

Key Points

  • Rooms
    • One of the key-locked rooms is planned to be a 'mini-workshop' for Makers - complement Fabrication Lab and foster culture
    • No heavy equipment or equipment that will stress the ventilation systems
    • Room occupied by multimedia clubs left as-is
    • Possible pooling of resources of clubs in Workshop space
  • SAC as a whole
    • Vision as common space for projects/meetings/etc.
    • Not to be used as dumping ground
    • Ground Truth is the Github repository
    • Requests / Issues/ Edits should be submitted to Github
  • Lockers
    • Locker keys will be issued when requests are approved
    • Target deadline end-of-term (Dec 2019) for full key takeover
  • Common Area
    • No spray-painting or staining of common spaces
    • Idea: Reconfigurable working space
    • Idea: Large screen for project collaboration
  • Maintainance
    • Cleanup to be done termly: all users expected to contribute
    • Clean up after use - "don't be a dick" principle
  • Fifth-Row Pages
    • OpenSUTD is offering namespace for Fifth Rows for their own club pages.


Historical Precedence

The Student Activities Centre, also known as the SAC, was originally envisioned as a space for students' use when we first relocated from the Dover campus.

In its initial iterations when the school first moved into the Somapah campus from Dover, the SAC set out to be a space for students to work. Past batches of SUTD students have used the space for various activities: a concert by SUTDCO was once held in the SAC.

Over time, however, due to both a lack of student engagement, and missteps in management and enforcement, the Student Activities Centre slowly lapsed into a dumping ground and storage space - with few students even knowing of the space, much less using it.

In 2018, a team of students from various Fifth Rows spearheaded a cleanup of the space, and the SAC has been student-managed since.

Student Need

Long-standing Student Needs

Students have consistently requested for spaces that they can use - complaints are common over the lack of rooms for meetings, and often, hostel spaces are requested but refused.

Other times, during peak periods for projects, like during Term 5, with Engineering Design Innovation (30.007), students often complain that there is a lack of space for project storage in-between work sessions, or that workspaces and testing spaces are limited.

Combined, we see that there is a significant need for student spaces where they can work without worry and meet with ease.

Policy Framework

Guiding Principles

The SAC is user-driven.

Use of the SAC is a shared responsibility and space:

  1. The SAC is driven by the needs of its users.
  2. Users of the space are expected to know its rules and processes.
  3. Frequent users are expected to contribute to the upkeep of the space.
  4. The SAC is shared amongst everyone who wants to use it.

:::info When the SAC was first being transformed into the space it is today, clubs who actively contributed towards the cleanup of the space were given priority for the use of the space after, leading to the situation today. :::

These are our guiding principles:

  1. Transparency
    • All policies will be openly available in a public repository.
    • Policies are open to review by any stakeholder.
    • All policy enforcement will be done openly.
  2. Inclusivity
    • all key stakeholders consulted
    • communication channels established and kept open
  3. Accountability
    • every processes leading to decisions should be traceable
    • every decision made justifiable


We are always beholden to the policy of the school, as we exist on school grounds. We understand that management of the Student Activities Centre is a privilege provided to us by the Provost.

We are responsible to our users, and those who frequently upkeep the space. We understand that the space belongs to no single party, and that the space must accomodate those who have need of it, wherever possible.

As a student-managed space, the representatives from the Student Association Council are the arbiters of disputes and also their guardians.

As this is a student managed space, the SAC reps are arbiters. Cluster Reps?

Checks and Balances

This uses the RACI system for assignment of responsibilities.

Process Cluster Rep(s) Office (Student Life) Users w/ Space Requestors Students
Room Space Requests A I C R I
Locker Space Requests A I I R I
Moderation of Users R I C I I
Enforcement of Policy A I R I C
Termly Maintenance A I R I R
Yearly Review R C C C I

Users who maintain a space within the SAC are expected to adhere to the following minimum responsibilities:

  1. Participate in the termly clean-up of the SAC space.
  2. Comply with safe operation procedures while using the SAC space.

This is not an exhaustive list, and users are encouraged to take care of the space and contribute back to it.

Disputes should be handled at the user-level first. If and only if affected parties are unable to reach an amiable conclusion by themselves, they should approach the representatives or another user to mediate their conflict.

If all else fails, the Representative will consult the Office of Student Life. Representatives hold final say over the decision of such matters.

Implementation of Policy

Pre-takeover (Before Sept 2019)


Phase 1 (20th Sept 2019 - )

20/9/2019: Meeting between clubs currently holding space in the SAC was called by Maker Representative-elect PY: Meeting was held in the SAC, and policy document drafting was agreed upon. Responsibilities were agreed upon.

Floor Plan


A neutral co-working space designed to support students' activities

Resource Proposal Document

Proposed Floorplans

Management Processes

Operational Concept

Accountable and Responsible Self-service and Registration

Management Policies

We believe that students and student associations should be able to self-serve when it comes to the Student Activities Centre, and we trust that students can be responsible users of the space.

Operational concept: accountable self-service after registration How: open documents for users to read themselves, key decision makers kept contactable, always close the loop when using space temporary


RACI Labels Example RACI