Author: methylDragon
Contains a syntax reference for C++
This time, we'll be going through Functions and File I/O!
I'll be adapting it from the ever amazing Derek Banas:
Assumed knowledge (This is a C++ crash course, not a basic coding tutorial)
- How variables, loops, conditionals, etc. work (Basic coding fundamentals will help a lot!)
- Linux (Terminal/Console proficiency) (We're going to need to compile our stuff)
- Gone through the all preceding parts of the tutorial
- Introduction
- Functional C++ Syntax Reference
2.1 Functions
2.2 Function Overloading
2.3 Recursive Functions
2.4 File I/O
We've gone through the basics of C++. Now let's throw in some functions and file interactions!
Declare your functions BEFORE the main function!
int addNumbers(int firstNum, int secondNum = 0)
firstNum and secondNum are attributes. We set secondNum's default value if no value is given to be 0.
int on the addNumbers function prototype is the RETURN datatype, in other words, the data type of the function's output.
int addNumbers(int firstNum, int secondNum = 0) {
int combinedValue = firstNum + secondNum;
return combinedValue;
!! NOTE. combinedValue is not accessible anywhere else other than in addNumbers, as it is a LOCAL variable defined WITHIN a function.
Calling Functions
// So, we've made a function called addNumbers above
// Call it like this
addNumbers(1, 2); // It'll return 3
// Simple eh?
- When you write the data-type infront of the function name, you're defining a new function prototype
- If you don't, you're calling it.
Remember the distinction!
Read more + code source:
Turns out you can't return arrays from functions just like that. It's not so simple.
This is a little pre-mature since we have to go into OOP and/or pointers to do it.. but.. Here are the several ways to "return an array" from a function.
Return a dynamically allocated array pointer
Like so: int *arr = new int[100];
int *fun()
int *arr = new int[100]; // HERE IT IS!
arr[0] = 10;
arr[1] = 20;
return arr; // Return the pointer to the array!
int main()
int *ptr = fun();
cout << ptr[0] << " " << ptr[1]; // Prints 10 20
return 0;
Return a static array
Like so: static int arr[100];
int *fun()
static int arr[100] // HERE IT IS!
arr[0] = 10;
arr[1] = 20;
return arr; // Return the pointer to the array!
int main()
int *ptr = fun();
cout << ptr[0] << " " << ptr[1]; // Prints 10 20
return 0;
Use Structs (Probably my preferred method)
struct arrWrap
int arr[100];
struct arrWrap fun() // Function returns the struct
struct arrWrap x;
x.arr[0] = 10;
x.arr[1] = 20;
return x;
int main()
struct arrWrap x = fun();
cout << x.arr[0] << " " << x.arr[1]; // And you can access the struct members
return 0;
C++ allows specification of more than one function of the same name in the same scope. These are called overloaded functions and are described in detail in Overloading. Overloaded functions enable programmers to supply different semantics for a function, depending on the types and number of arguments.
For example, a print function that takes a string (or char *) argument performs very different tasks than one that takes an argument of type double. Overloading permits uniform naming and prevents programmers from having to invent names such as print_sz or print_d. The following table shows what parts of a function declaration C++ uses to differentiate between groups of functions with the same name in the same scope. - Microsoft
void sameFunction(int a){
// do stuff;
int sameFunction(float a){
// do something else;
void sameFunction(int a, float b){
// do something different;
Functions can have the same name, but do DIFFERENT THINGS depending on what gets passed to them!
These are functions that call THEMSELVES. Trippy.
int getFactorial(int number){
int sum;
if(number == 1) sum = 1; //Yeah you can do this
else sum = getFactorial(number - 1) * number;
return sum;
This function returns the factorial of itself, and it keeps calling itself which results in it calling itself until it stops, then it resolves one by one till all are resolved.
The last function calls to go on the stack are resolved first! USE THE STACK! Play some Magic!
File input output.
Remember to #include <string>
and #include <fstream>
string dragonQuote = "Rawr. But I can talk. Sup."; // Define the string to be written
ofstream writer("dragonQuote.txt"); //Open a .txt file called dragonQuote, this is an OUTPUT filestream
if(! writer) { //Check to see if the filestream is open
cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
return -1; // Return -1 if failed
) else {
writer << dragonQuote << endl; // Write dragonQuote to writer, which causes dragonQuote.txt to contain only dragonQuote
writer.close(); // Close the file
ofstream writer2("dragonQuote.txt", ios::app); //Create a writer object that appends to dragonQuote.txt
// Open a stream to append to what's there with ios::app
// ios::binary : Treat the file as binary
// ios::in : Open a file to read input
// ios::trunc : Default
// ios::out : Open a file to write output
if(! writer2) { //Check to see if the filestream is open
cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
return -1; // Return -1 if failed
) else {
writer2 << "\n -methylDragon" << endl; // Append "\n -methylDragon"
writer2.close(); // Close the file
char letter;
ifstream reader("dragonQuote.txt"); // Open an input filestream that reads dragonQuote.txt
if(! reader){
cout << "Error opening file" << endl;
return -1;
} else {
for(int i = 0; ! reader.eof(); i++){ // Read until end of file
reader.get(letter); // Get the next letter
cout << letter; // And print it
cout << endl;
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