We re-distribute two open access TCGA RNA-seq datasets, which can be accessed from the GDC portal, in the pre-processed form:
Dimensions: <1089 x 978> Details: Suitable for cancer subtype prediction (5 subtypes)
- LumA
- LumB
- Her2
- Normal
- Basal
TCGA-COMBINED RNASeq (with 10 different tissues )
Dimensions: <4323 x 978> Details: Suitable for cancer tissue-of-origin prediction (10 tissues)
- "TCGA-BRCA" = "Breast",
- "TCGA-COAD" = "Colorectal",
- "TCGA-ESCA" = "Esophagus",
- "TCGA-KIRC" = "Kidney",
- "TCGA-KIRP" = "Kidney",
- "TCGA-LIHC" = "Liver",
- "TCGA-LUSC" = "Lung",
- "TCGA-LUAD" = "Lung",
- "TCGA-OV" = "Ovarian",
- "TCGA-PAAD" = "Pancreatic",
- "TCGA-PRAD" = "Prostate",
- "TCGA-SKCM" = "Skin"
You can download the pre-processed datasets from ELSA Benchmarks Competition platform.
The datasets are downloaded using TCGABiolinks
R package.
raw_dir <- "data/raw/"
download_dir <- "data/raw/downloads"
cancer_types <- c("TCGA-BRCA", "TCGA-COAD", "TCGA-ESCA", "TCGA-KIRC",
for (proj in cancer_types) {
print(paste("Downloading data for:", proj))
filename <- paste(proj, "_primary_tumor_star_counts.rda", sep = "")
if (!file.exists(file.path(getwd(), raw_dir, filename))) {
query <- GDCquery(
project = proj,
data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification",
workflow.type = "STAR - Counts",
access = "open",
sample.type = c("Primary Tumor")
if (!dir.exists(file.path(getwd(), download_dir, proj))) {
if (!dir.exists(file.path(getwd(), download_dir))) {
dir.create(file.path(getwd(), download_dir), recursive = TRUE)
GDCdownload(query, directory = file.path(getwd(), download_dir))
data <- GDCprepare(query,
save = TRUE,
save.filename = file.path(getwd(), raw_dir, filename),
directory = download_dir)
The raw count data is preprocessed as follows:
- Genes with low counts are removed.
- The counts are normalized using DeSeq2's VST function.
- The normalized data is further filtered to landmark genes (lmgenes_filename = f1000_lm_ensembl.tsv)
# Load necessary libraries
# Define the normalize_counts_filter_to_lm_genes function
normalize_counts_and_filter2LM_genes <- function(selected_data,
lmgenes_filename = "",
filter_to_lm = TRUE) {
# load landmark F1000 genes
if (!file.exists(file.path(meta_dir, lmgenes_filename))) {
source(file.path(getwd(), "src/prepare_data", "_get_ensembl_id.r"))
lm_genes <- read.csv(file.path(meta_dir, lmgenes_filename),
header = TRUE,
row.names = NULL)
# Create DESeq2 dataset
design_formula <- as.formula(paste("~", type_col))
# Check if the design variable exists in colData
if (!type_col %in% colnames(type_meta)) {
stop(paste("Error: The design variable", type_col, "is not a column in colData"))
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = selected_data,
colData = type_meta,
design = design_formula)
# filtering low count genes
count_th <- 1
sample_th <- dim(dds)[2] * 0.1
keep <- rowSums(counts(dds) >= count_th) >= sample_th
dds <- dds[keep, ]
# Run DESeq to perform normalization
dds <- DESeq(dds)
vst_counts <- vst(dds, blind = FALSE)
normalized_counts <- assay(vst_counts)
rownames(normalized_counts) <- sub("\\..*$", "", rownames(normalized_counts))
# if filter_to_lm is TRUE, filter to landmark F1000 genes
if (filter_to_lm) {
filtered_norm_counts <- normalized_counts[
rownames(normalized_counts) %in% lm_genes$ENSEMBL.ID,
} else {
filtered_norm_counts <- normalized_counts