This is a light framework for patch-based hyperspectral classification by pytorch. This framework builds a pipline of HSC, including hyperspectral data loading (Pavia University, IndianPines and Salinas scene datasets are pre-defined), patch inputs generation, personal neural network establishment, training, valuating, inferring and evaluating.
- Add you data to .\dataset\ and load your data in loadData function.
def loadData(name): ## customize data and return data label and class_name
data_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),'dataset')
if name == 'IP':
data = loadmat(os.path.join(data_path, 'IndianPines\\Indian_pines_corrected.mat'))['indian_pines_corrected']
labels = loadmat(os.path.join(data_path, 'IndianPines\\Indian_pines_gt.mat'))['indian_pines_gt']
class_name = [ "Alfalfa", "Corn-notill", "Corn-mintill","Corn", "Grass-pasture",
"Grass-trees","Grass-pasture-mowed", "Hay-windrowed", "Oats","Soybean-notill", "Soybean-mintill", "Soybean-clean","Wheat", "Woods", "Buildings-Grass-Trees-Drives","Stone-Steel-Towers"]
- Bulid your model and test.
class MODEL(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_channels, n_classes, *args):
super(MODEL, self).__init__()
def forward(self, x):
return x
net = MODEL(......)
summary(net, ......)
- Set your experimental paremeters.
##hypeperameters and experimental settings
MODEL_NAME = 'CNN1D' ## your model name
DATASET = 'PU' ## PU IP SA or your personal dataset
TRAIN_RATE = 0.1 ## ratio of training data
VAL_RATE = 0.05 ## ratio of valuating data
EPOCH = 100 ##number of epoch
VAL_EPOCH = 1 ##interval of valuation
LR = 0.001 ##learning rate
DEVICE = 0 ##-1:CPU 0:cuda 0
N_PCA = 15 ## reserved PCA components 0:use origin data
NORM = True ## normalization or not
PATCH_SIZE = 1 ## patchsize of input 3D cube 1:only spectral sequence
CHECK_POINT = None ## path of check point model
- Run the Code
and Debug.
pytorch 1.9.0
scikit-learn 1.0.2
spectral 0.22.2
torchinfo 1.6.1