- fix: [ERROR] Stop loss amount is higher than balance. Balance...
- fix: [ERROR] Error creating stop loss: binance Stop price would trigger immediately
- fix: Possible problem with moving stop losses coming from multiple trades. (DCA)
- fix: [ERROR] Error creating stop loss: binance Stop price would trigger immediately. Review exit #22
- fix: [ERROR] Error canceling order: new_grouped_order. #23
- fix: [ERROR] Error creating stop loss: binance Stop price would trigger immediately.
- fix: [ERROR] Can't create stop loss grouped_amount_canceled_orders_and_new_trades #16. Cancel, balance check, sells.
- fix: [ERROR] Can't create stop loss grouped_amount_canceled_orders_and_new_trades #16. Balance check before sells.
- fix: [ERROR] Can't create stop loss grouped_amount_canceled_orders_and_new_trades #16
- fix: [ERROR] Error creating market sell order: binance Account has insufficient balance for requested action. #14
- fix: insufficient data_point for macd indicator
- NoiseTrader v0 noise.py
- Base class for common budget and trailing stop code common_sl_budget.py
- logger.error to warning on new_stop_loss higher than last_close
- strategies.yaml enabled
- strategies.yaml comments
- module name
- new stop_price calc
- min_price_to_start_trailing
- spent_by_frequency
- module name