From 77eb7a1b56947ca22471cd8ee03d34b4d3fdb8f5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick <>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2023 20:57:49 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [Update] (move to wiki)
--- | 248 ++--------------------------------------------------
exports.lua | 10 +++
meta.xml | 2 +-
3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 244 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index eb62a45..f1d0349 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,8 +4,12 @@ Optimized bone attach thanks to the new MTA functions/events.
This resource doesn't match with well known bone_attach, you can not use the same parameters!
+# Documnentation
+You can find the documentation on Wiki page. [(click here)](
# Performance Comparison
-\- There is not so much similiar resources but I will run some performance tests on them.
+\- There are not so much similiar resources but I will run some performance tests on them.
CPU usages (Ryzen 5 2600), streamed-in/out attached objects to a ped, on default MTA server with play gamemode.
| Objects count | pAttach (in_stream) | pAttach (out_of_stream) | attachToBones (in_stream) | attachToBones (out_of_stream) | bone_attach (in_stream) | bone_attach (out_of_stream) |
@@ -16,213 +20,6 @@ CPU usages (Ryzen 5 2600), streamed-in/out attached objects to a ped, on default
| 1000 objects | 46.34% | - | 61.62% | 2.60% | 113.12% | 3.11% |
-# Exported Functions (shared)
-## **attach**
-\- This function attaches an element to the bone of the ped or player.
-bool attach(element Element, element Ped, int/string Bone [, float xPosOffset = 0, float yPosOffset = 0, float zPosOffset = 0, float xRotOffset = 0, float yRotOffset = 0, float zRotOffset = 0])
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **Element** | The element which you want to attach. (Except: player) |
-| **Ped** | The ped or player which you want to attach element to. |
-| **Bone** | The number (or name what you can find below) of the ped or player's bone which you want to attach element to. |
-| Optional arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :--------------------- |
-| **xPosOffset** | The X position offset. |
-| **yPosOffset** | The Y position offset. |
-| **zPosOffset** | The Z position offset. |
-| **xRotOffset** | The X rotation offset. |
-| **yRotOffset** | The Y rotation offset. |
-| **zRotOffset** | The Z rotation offset. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if element was successfully attached, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **detach**
-\- This function detaches an element from the bone of the ped or player.
-bool detach(element Element)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :-------------------------------------- |
-| **Element** | The element which you want to detached. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if element was successfully detached, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **detachAll**
-\- This function detaches every elements from the bone of the ped or player.
-bool detachAll(element Ped)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| **Ped** | The ped or player from where you want to detaches every elements. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if elements was successfully detached, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **setPositionOffset**
-\- This function changes position offset of attached element.
-bool setPositionOffset(element Element [, float xPosOffset = 0, float yPosOffset = 0, float zPosOffset = 0 ])
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------ |
-| **Element** | Element which you want to change offset of. |
-| Optional arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------ |
-| **xPosOffset** | New X offset. |
-| **yPosOffset** | New Y offset. |
-| **zPosOffset** | New Z offset. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if offset was successfully changed, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **setRotationOffset**
-\- This function changes rotation offset of attached element.
-bool setRotationOffset(element Element [, float xRotOffset = 0, float yRotOffset = 0, float zRotOffset = 0 ])
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------ |
-| **Element** | Element which you want to change offset of. |
-| Optional arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------ |
-| **xRotOffset** | New X offset. |
-| **yRotOffset** | New Y offset. |
-| **zRotOffset** | New Z offset. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if offset was successfully changed, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **invisibleAll**
-\- This function make visible or invisible every attached elements on ped or player.
-bool invisibleAll(element Element, bool State)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **Element** | Element which you want to make visible or invisible. |
-| **State** | Visibility status. (true = invisible / false = visible) |
-**Returns:** Returns true if visibility was successfully changed, false otherwise.
-## **isAttached**
-\- This function check is element already attached or not.
-bool isAttached(element Element)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------- |
-| **Element** | Element which you want to check. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if element is already attached, false otherwise.
-## **setDetails**
-\- This function set details of attached element.
-bool setDetails(element Element [, element Ped = currentPed, int/string Bone = currentBone, float xPosOffset = currentXPosOffset, float yPosOffset = currentYPosOffset, float zPosOffset = currentZPosOffset, float xRotOffset = currentXRotOffset, float yRotOffset = currentYRotOffset, float zRotOffset = currentZRotOffset])
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **Element** | The element which you want to update. |
-*NOTE: Use 'false' if you don't want to modify the current value.*
-| Optional arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **Ped** | New ped or player which you want to attach element to. |
-| **Bone** | New number (or name what you can find below) of the ped or player's bone which you want to attach element to. |
-| **xPosOffset** | New X position offset. |
-| **yPosOffset** | New Y position offset. |
-| **zPosOffset** | New Z position offset. |
-| **xRotOffset** | New X rotation offset. |
-| **yRotOffset** | New Y rotation offset. |
-| **zRotOffset** | New Z rotation offset. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if details was successfully changed, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **getDetails**
-\- This function gets details of attached element.
-table getDetails(element Element)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------- |
-| **Element** | Element which you want to check. |
-**Returns:** Returns table with details (value order same as attach function's parameters, starts from Ped) if element exists and attached, false otherwise.
-## **setPed**
-\- This function set ped or player which you want to attach element to.
-bool setPed(element Element, element Ped)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :----------------------------------------------------- |
-| **Element** | Element which you want to update. |
-| **Ped** | The ped or player which you want to attach element to. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if ped was successfully changed, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **setBone**
-\- This function set bone which you want to attach element to.
-bool setBone(element Element, int/string Bone)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| **Element** | Element which you want to update. |
-| **Bone** | The number (or name what you can find below) of the ped or player's bone which you want to attach element to. |
-**Returns:** Returns true if bone was successfully changed, false otherwise. (only on client side)
-## **getAttacheds**
-\- This function get attached elements which is attached to ped or player.
-table getAttacheds(element Ped)
-| Required arguments | Description |
-| :----------------- | :---------------------------------------------------- |
-| **Ped** | The ped or player to which the elements are attached. |
-**Returns:** Returns a table of all the elements attached to the specified ped or player, false otherwise.
# How to use
\- Server sided example to attach objects (parachute, weapon, hat) to player.
@@ -247,38 +44,3 @@ end)
# Known issues
\- There are desynchronization problems when attaching a player to ped or player.
-# Bone IDs and Names
-\- You can use the default bone IDs, or the bone-names which makes it easier to use.
-| Bone ID | Bone Name | Description |
-| :-----: | :--------------------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| **1** | **pelvis** | Pelvis |
-| **2** | **pelvis2** | Pelvis 2 |
-| **3** | **spine (OR: backpack)** | Spine |
-| **4** | **neck** | Neck (upper torso) |
-| **5** | **neck2** | Neck 2 |
-| **6** | **head2** | Head 2 |
-| **7** | **head3** | Head 3 |
-| **8** | **head** | Head |
-| **21** | **right-upper-torso** | Right upper torso |
-| **22** | **right-shoulder** | Right shoulder |
-| **23** | **right-elbow** | Right elbow |
-| **24** | **right-wrist (OR: weapon)** | Right wrist |
-| **25** | **right-hand** | Right hand (Note: use **right-wrist** instead if you want to attach something to player's hand) |
-| **26** | **right-thumb** | Right thumb |
-| **31** | **left-upper-torso** | Left upper torso |
-| **32** | **left-shoulder** | Left shoulder |
-| **33** | **left-elbow** | Left elbow |
-| **34** | **left-wrist** | Left wrist |
-| **35** | **left-hand** | Left hand (Note: use **left-wrist** instead if you want to attach something to player's hand) |
-| **36** | **left-thumb** | Left thumb |
-| **41** | **left-hip** | Left hip |
-| **42** | **left-knee** | Left knee |
-| **43** | **left-tankle** | Left tangle |
-| **44** | **left-foot** | Left foot |
-| **51** | **right-hip** | Right hip |
-| **52** | **right-knee** | Right knee |
-| **53** | **right-tankle** | Right tankle |
-| **54** | **right-foot** | Right foot |
diff --git a/exports.lua b/exports.lua
index fbc9f28..dca7879 100644
--- a/exports.lua
+++ b/exports.lua
@@ -89,18 +89,21 @@ else
function attach(element, ped, boneid, ox, oy, oz, rx, ry, rz)
assert(isElement(element), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(element))
cache[element] = { element, ped, boneid, ox or 0, oy or 0, oz or 0, rx or 0, ry or 0, rz or 0 }
return triggerClientEvent("pAttach:attach", resourceRoot, element, ped, boneid, ox, oy, oz, rx, ry, rz)
function detach(element)
assert(isElement(element), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(element))
cache[element] = nil
return triggerClientEvent("pAttach:detach", resourceRoot, element)
function detachAll(ped)
assert(isElement(ped), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(ped))
for element, data in pairs(cache) do
if data[2] == ped then
cache[element] = nil
@@ -111,6 +114,7 @@ else
function setPositionOffset(element, x, y, z)
assert(isElement(element), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(element))
cache[element][4] = x or 0
cache[element][5] = y or 0
cache[element][6] = z or 0
@@ -119,6 +123,7 @@ else
function setRotationOffset(element, x, y, z)
assert(isElement(element), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(element))
cache[element][7] = x or 0
cache[element][8] = y or 0
cache[element][9] = z or 0
@@ -167,6 +172,7 @@ else
function isAttached(element)
assert(isElement(element), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(element))
return cache[element] and true or false
@@ -187,6 +193,7 @@ else
function getDetails(element)
assert(isElement(element), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(element))
return cache[element] or false
@@ -194,6 +201,7 @@ else
assert(isElement(ped), "Expected element at argument 1, got "..type(element))
local list = {}
for element, data in pairs(cache) do
if data[2] == ped then
list[ #list + 1 ] = element
@@ -204,6 +212,7 @@ else
addEventHandler("onPlayerResourceStart", root, function(res)
if res ~= resource then return end
triggerClientEvent(source, "pAttach:receiveCache", resourceRoot, cache)
@@ -214,6 +223,7 @@ else
addEventHandler("onElementDestroy", root, function()
if cache[source] then
elseif getElementType(source) == "ped" then
for element, data in pairs(cache) do
if data[2] == source then
diff --git a/meta.xml b/meta.xml
index 35fc4b4..539c6f1 100644
--- a/meta.xml
+++ b/meta.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@