Some basic information regarding the slim theme format. Read this file if you plan to make some theme for the program. Of course have a look at any included themes.
A SLiM theme essentially consists of ::
- a background image
named: background.png or background.jpg
- a panel image
named: panel.png or panel.jpg
- input box(es) and messages
their placement and properties
named: slim.theme
The panel and background images may be a PNG or JPEG file.
The panel is blended into the background image,
taking care of alpha transparency.
Background colour is used for centered images and defaults
- fonts:: use the xft font specs: e.g. Open Sans:size=12:bold
- colors:: use html hex format: e.g. #0066CC
- positions::
- absolute in pixels: e.g. 350
- relative to the container: e.g. 50% is in the middle of the screen.
The following is an example slim.theme ::
# Color, font, position for ops messages (e.g: shutting down)
msg_color #FFFFFF
msg_font Verdana:size=16:bold
msg_x 50%
msg_y 30
# Color, font, position for the Xsession list
session_color #FFFFFF
session_font Sans:size=18:bold
session_x 50%
session_y 90%
# style of background: 'stretch', 'tile', 'center', 'color'
background_style stretch
background_color #FF0033
# _x Horizontal and _y Vertical position for the panel.
input_panel_x 50%
input_panel_y 40%
# input controls horizontal and vertical positions.
# IMPORTANT! set input_pass_x and input_pass_y to -1
# to use a single input box for username/password.
# Note: These fields only accept absolute values.
input_name_x 40
input_name_y 100
input_pass_x 40
input_pass_y 120
# Input controls font and color
input_font Open Sans:size=12
input_color #000000
# Welcome message position. (relative to the panel)
# use -1 for both values or comment the options to disable
# the welcome message
welcome_x 50%
welcome_y 38
# Font and color for the welcome message
welcome_font gothic:size=16:bold:slant=italic
welcome_color #d7dde8
# 'Enter username' font and foreground/background color
username_font open sans:size=12
username_color #d7dde8
# 'Enter username' and 'Enter password' position (relative to the panel)
# use -1 for both values to disable the message
# note that in case of single inputbox the password values are ignored.
username_x 50%
username_y 146
password_x 50%
password_y 146
# The message to be displayed. Leave blank if no message
# is needed (ie, when already present in the panel image)
username_msg Please enter your username
password_msg Please enter your password
The 'msg', 'input', 'welcome', 'session' and 'username' sections support shadows; three values can be configured::
- color: the shadow color
- x offset: the offset in x direction, relative to the normal text
- y offset: the offset in y direction, relative to the normal text
So to add a text shadow to the welcome message, add the following to slim.conf::
welcome_shadow_xoffset -2
welcome_shadow_yoffset 2
welcome_shadow_color #cccccc
The other keys are analogous::
# for username and password label
username_shadow_xoffset 2
username_shadow_yoffset -2
username_shadow_color #ff0000
# for the input fields
input_shadow_xoffset 1
input_shadow_yoffset 1
input_shadow_color #0000ff
# for the messages:
msg_shadow_xoffset 1
msg_shadow_yoffset 1
msg_shadow_color #ff00ff
# For the session:
session_shadow_xoffset 1
session_shadow_yoffset 1
session_shadow_color #ff00ff
slim.theme and admin settable in slim.conf.
font "input_font"
Font used for describing the entry fields.
welcomefont "welcome_font"
Font used to write the Welcome Message. Often %hostname goes here.
hintsfont "hints_font"
Used along with the site Welcome Message.
Or perhaps in its place.
enterfont "username_font"
Font used to represent user inputs.
msgfont "msg_font"
Font used to print error or other informative messages.
Usually after closing entry fields.