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186 lines (136 loc) · 7.09 KB

File metadata and controls

186 lines (136 loc) · 7.09 KB

How to contribute

Pull Request General Guidelines

If you want to contribute to this project, make your PR from a feature branch to the main branch following the GitFlow naming conventions of the repository (ex: feat/short-desc-of-branch for new components or feature, fix/short-desc-of-branch, etc.)

  • Describe what has changed in the pull request
  • Explain why this PR exists. Reference issues, Jira tickets, ...
  • Make it clear how it does what it sets out to do.

⚠️ We use commitlint for conventional commit format. (How to use)

You can also use commitizen to create your commit with an interactive command line to respect our commit conventions

$ pnpm cz

Mono repository structure

This mono repository contains multiple packages under the folder packages

  • components contains all the vue components and is released under the name @prestashopcorp/puik-components
  • locale contains all the translations files for the default wording in the components, this package is bundled with the other packages when it's used and isn't released as a standalone
  • puik contains all the other packages and is released under the name @prestashopcorp/puik
  • resolver contains the code of the vue component resolver for unplugin-vue-components and is released under the name @prestashopcorp/puik-resolver
  • tailwind-preset contains the Tailwind Css preset and is released under the name @prestashopcorp/puik-tailwind-preset
  • theme contains all the CSS classes used in our components and is released under the name @prestashopcorp/puik-theme
  • utils contains all the utility functions used across our packages, this package is bundled with the other packages when it's used and isn't released as a standalone
  • web-components contains all the web components and is released under the name @prestashopcorp/puik-web-components (see available web-components)

The playground folder contains a Vue 3 to help you develop your components

The docs folder contains the configuration and the global documentation of the Storybook

ℹ️ All the packages with the private: true property in the package.json aren't released but bundled when used



Local development

  1. Install dependencies
$ pnpm i
  1. With this command you can start the playground dev server
$ pnpm dev
  1. Import the component file to playground/src/App.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { PuikComponent } from '@prestashopcorp/puik-components'

  <div class="app-container">

Create a new component

This project uses Hygen to generate the files for your components You can generate a new component by using this command

$ pnpm component

This command generates multiples files and injects code in these files

└── packages/
    ├── components/
    │   ├── my-component/
    │   │   ├── src/
    │   │   │   ├── my-component.ts
    │   │   │   └── my-component.vue
    │   │   ├── stories/
    │   │   │   └── my-component.stories.ts
    │   │   ├── style/
    │   │   │   ├── css.ts
    │   │   │   └── index.ts
    │   │   ├── test/
    │   │   │   └── my-component.spec.ts
    │   │   └── index.ts
    │   └── index.ts
    ├── puik/
    │   ├── component.ts
    │   └── global.d.ts
    ├── theme/
    │   └── src/
    │       ├── my-component.scss
    │       └── index.scss
    └── web-components/
        ├── components/
        │   └── component.ts
        └── index.ts


Classes created in scss files must be prefixed with puik- followed by the name of the component. Class naming must follow BEM convention.

Example : .puik-my-component

Unit tests

This project uses Vitest & Vue Test Utils for unit testing. Every new component or feature should have unit tests (if possible). Before creating a PR or marking it ready-to-review be sure that all tests pass by running the following command


$ pnpm test

This project uses v8 as test coverage provider. Run the following command to check the current coverage. Min coverage rate is at 60%


$ pnpm coverage


If you are adding a new feature, refactoring or changing the behavior of a component or feature in any other manner, you'll likely want to document the changes. Please include any changes to the docs in the same PR. You don't have to write documentation on the first commit but as soon as the PR is mature enough do it.

All components and documentation are available on our storybook Example:

// run storybook
$ pnpm docs:dev

// storybook running
│                                                   │
│   Storybook 6.4.9 for Vue3 started                │
│   15 s for preview                                │
│                                                   │
│    Local:            http://localhost:6006/       │
│    On your network:    │
│                                                   │

Migrating Documentation from UIKit to PUIK

A documentation is available on to help migrate component from old Prestashop UIKit to PUIK. If you create a component which exists on Prestashop UIKit, you need to create a pull request on doc migration repository to add another paragraph about your component. Review will be refused if the migrating documentation isn't updated.

Testing a Branch

Use the pnpm pack:all command to generate .tgz files that will be stored in the packages-tars directory. This allows you to test a package before publishing it, for example.

Example in a Local Node Project

You can specify the dependencies in the package.json file of your project as shown below:

"dependencies": {   
    "@prestashopcorp/puik-components": "file:[path_to_tar]/prestashopcorp-puik-components-0.0.0-test-[x].tgz",
    "@prestashopcorp/puik-resolver": "file:[path_to_tar]/prestashopcorp-puik-resolver-0.0.0-test-[x].tgz",