qml-box2d 物理引擎
qmltoolboxQML item library for cross-platform graphics applications
StandGLStand motion in GLSL+QML
ShaderToy.qmlShaderToy demo by QML.
asteroid-launcherAsteroidOS launcher and Wayland compositor based on Qt5, QML and QtWayland via Lipstick.
AudioPlayer_qmlSimple audio player (c++/Qt/QML/QtQuick #gui)
BaiduTranslationBaidu Translation API demo by qml.
BBIOConfigA GUI for the BB universal IO
BezierClockort the Processing.js Bezier Clock by Jack Frigaard to Qt Quick/QML for KDE Plasma 5 Live Wallpaper
CarsAndroidCar rental in company. C++/Qt for Android/QML/MySQL.
ClocksQMLA bunch of diferent clocks designed by the canvas of QML
ContinuousImageRotationQML project that rotates pinwheel png image continuously
DropNoteSimple note taking app created with Qt and QML
eloFMInternet radio player for Windows and Android (QML/JavaScript/Qt/C++/SQL)
EpicsQml Qt/QML app for android that comunicates to a websocket and interact with Epics PVs
SlateKit FakeKey是虚拟键盘的,Zinnia是中日韩手写识别引擎的
GbyzanzGbyzanz is a GUI front-end for byzanz which develop by QML
WallpapersAndroidQtWallpapers application for Android written with Qt
StateMachineEditorQML Declarative State Machine Editor
myAirCoachMobileQt (QQuick, C++, QML) application for myAirCoachProject
Party-Mixer-QmlCross plate-form DJ Mixing App
PhoenixPlayerYet another cross platform music player by Qt/qml
qmlcreator 编辑器
qml-screenshotA simple screenshot application written entirely in QML using Qt Components Hildon
qmlendarYet another a calendar application using Qt Quick
JKeyboard 键盘
QMLOnscreenKeyboardQMLOnscreenKeyboard is virtual keyboard for touch screen built for QML Applications. Version 0.1
qml-virtualkeyPure QML in-app virtual key/keyboard/pad
QMLGalaxyPortalA mobile QML app for interfacing with the Galaxy API
QmlGallerycollection of demo applications using Qt/QML
QMLGallery-1Simple image gallery made durning QML Lessons
QML-GeneratorThis project can automatically generate QML Codes!!
niftlyNiftly is a RSS Reader built with Qt/QML and QML Material
QmlPresentationMy Qml presentation source - ZConf - 2015
qmlscratch A spot for prototyping my QML
quickslidesPresentation framework using QML
quartz-uiQuartz UI - A collection of QML widgets with a lightweight theme.
QuteLauncherQML Android Launcher
smarthouse-clientQML-based client to smarthouse-service
TextractorOCR application for Sailfish OS. Based on Google's Tesseract OCR engine and Leptonica image processing library.
sqlite-editor-qtqml A SQLite Editor written in Qt+QML
ImitationLeQiSoccerUI用Qml写的仿乐奇足球界面,跨Android(4.4)、iOS(9.3)、Linux(debian 8)、Windows(8.1)、MacOSX(10.11.3)、WinPhone(8.1)平台,自适应屏幕尺寸。
harbour-editorFunctional rich editor for Sailfish OS.
hybris-ready-bootanimFriendly boot animation in QML (gnulinux_support)
QuickVtkA VTK prototyping application based on QtQuick/QML
harbour-tIDEtransportable IDE for SailfishOS devices
InstagraphUnofficial Instagram Client
poor-mapsPoor Maps is an application for Sailfish OS to display tiled maps (e.g. OpenStreetMap)
HockeySDK-QMLAn unofficial, lightweight, crossplatform HockeyApp SDK for Qt/QML
harbour-sailbookSailbook is an unofficial Facebook client for Sailfish OS
QtMobileAppThis repository contains basic template for Qt for mobile app development using QML and C++ as backend to access RESTful API's
TwitchTubeUnofficial Twitch client
Reader-YCA native Hackernews client for BlackBerry 10
qt-apps-qmlliveIt is available for the PC but also for an embedded device, which supports Qt5.
QRegovarThe official heavy client (in Qt) of the Regovar project
Flat.qmFlatUI by qml, 参考FlatUI设计的一套qml控件
WP8.qml 仿制 WP8 的主系统界面。
StratifyQMLStratify Labs UI QML framework inspired by Twitter Bootstrap
RS-QML-GURetroshare GUI implementation in QML
Metro.qml 使用纯qml构建的Metro风格控件
QMLBootstrapQML UI Kit for Mobile
quey-uiA truly cute QML toolkit for cross-platform application development
qml-bootstrapSweet Qml components inspired from Ionic framework style for mobile and desktop Qt/Qml projects
mobos-guiA simple QML GUI to use with oFono
GurraQML ui framework
fluidLibrary for QtQuick apps with Material Design
QuickFrame 一个快速搭建Flat UI 的Qt Quick框架
pmeas-frontendpmeas-frontend is a frontend application to the pmeas-backend
QmlVlcDemoSimple demo app for QmlVlc lib
qml-audio-playerTest QML/JS app created in QT5. App is an audio player with basic player functionalities.
VideoItemWrap ffmpge api by c++ and register in qml. You can use the qml type VideoItem such as QtMutilMedia.
AudioTestByFFmpeg)Use ffmpeg decode audio file, QAudioOutput play the sound.
AirBattle-gaA platoform-indipendent game written in QML/Javascript
BattleCityQtQt (C++/QML) Version of the classic game Battle City (1985)
CuteEngineQML Game Engine for Visual Novel and Adventure
DeadAscendA 2D point'n'click-like adventure game written in Qt/QML and Javascript
gameframe-qml2D Physics Game Framework for QML using Box2D
PlayerEasyRPG Player is a program that allows to play games created with RPG Maker 2000 and 2003.
CustomBusyIndicatorA customizable BusyIndicator in Qt Quick / QML
DigitalClock_cpp_qmlSimple Digital clock (c++, Qt, QtQuick/QML #gui)
Harrix-QMLSet QML components. [Under Construction]
qmlStyleqt qml样式
qmlcompletionboxJust an example of completion box in Qt with QtQuick
QmlExplorerA Qt QML running environment and examples explorer app.
qml-filedialogQt Quick File picker (filedialog)
QML-LoadersLoading animation implementations in QML
qml-colorpickerA basic colorpicker control made in Qt Quick/QML
qml-trianglehow to make a triangle button in qml
timePickerCircularQML control that lets you choose a time in a painless manner
QmlReusableControlsCommonly used/needed QML controls to save time and quick embedd in your projects.
QMLRearrangeableTreeViewA list-based TreeView that can be rearranged with a mouse or touch device.
qmlnotifyAwesome notification server in QMLs
qmlplaygroundPlayground for QML components
QMLSharedComponentsShared Components for Qt/QML
PersianCalendarQML persian calendar also support gregorian
qml-presenterSimle QML-based app to show some slides.
quickios QML Theme and Component Library for iOS
quickandroidQML Theme and Component Library for Android
translating-qml Demonstration of dynamic switching between languages in QML application
GlowingRectDemo QML appshows Qt Graphical Effect
MessageDialogIOSQmlNative Qml MessageDialog for iOS
qmlweb.componentsgui components for qmlweb
qakQak aims to provide a set of helpful and reusable (Qt5) QML components.
MachinefaceUser interface for Machinekit optimized for 3D printers and mobile devices
ofxDatGuiSimple to use, fully customizable, high-resolution graphical user interface for openFrameworks
qml-creative-controlsQML controls for creative applications and creative coding
TableEditqml TableView 表格编辑器
timekeeperTime Keeper - QML plasmoid for KDE
CppQML-PropPage)The example of using the c++ model (QAbstractListModel) with QML view (ListView)
d3js-qmld3.js visualization integrated into Qt (qml)
FontAwesomeQMLA FontAwesome wrapper for QML(Qt Quick)
font-awesome-qmlFont Awesome in QML (Qt Quick)
QtPictoQt and Qml font awesome, material
QMLTutsSimple QML Repository following the VoidRealms youtube channel
QMLText2Qt QML Text Module
QMLAutoResizeQML AutoResize
qml-candyA sweet QML utility module
QmlCurvedClipppingSmooth clipping along round edges in QML using shaders
qml-extrasSome functionality not provided by Qt Quick or provided in a worse way
QmlGridThis is a QML Data grid using Qt Quick Controls 2
qmlpathview基于QML PathView实现的一些效果
qml-pusher 推送
QtAndroidSplashExample of let's-say-native splash screen
qtquick-palette-viewerA simple tool to view the current SystemPalette as seen by QtQuick Controls
slime-engineA QML webview wrapper - Discontinued
arcgis-runtime-toolkit-qtArcGIS Runtime SDK for Qt Toolkit
qt-quick-responsive-helperA simple toolbar for QtQuick based applications, to let developers test different resolutions and dpi settings easily.
QRab 二维码
QtQuickHotFixQtQuick Hot Fix. 尝试给 QtQuick 应用提供热补订技术。
sqmlSimple layering CRUD (sqlite orm) for qml
qml-ajaxdemo code for doing ajax via qml
qml-socketsExposing Qt's C++ socket objects to QML for declarative use.
protobuf-qmlProtocol Buffers and gRPC binding for QML (QtQuick2)
BlockChainInfo.qmlblockchain.info websocket api warp by qml
HttpRequest `` 使用 Qt 的网络模块编写。通过注册到 QML 中,就可以像使用 XMLHttpRequest
qmlCameraTo get Camera data
qmlparticleeditorthis tool allows you to easily create dynamic particle scenes
amc-client Qt5 c++, qml and javascript client to match amc-api
qml-qt-snippetscollection of useful snippets for qt/qml
qml-singleton-issue qml单例问题
fluffy.qmlSingleton thread for http handle in qml.
LearnQMLQML 与 C++混合编程
DirectBroadcast.qml使用 Camera
将捕获的画面传送给 VideoOutput
InstanceOf.qml检查某个 QML 对象是否是某个类型的实例。
QmlThreadMore powerful Thread module in QML.
StandardQtOnAndroid QtQuick 开发安卓的模板项目
quicknative 封装了 Android 和 IOS 的原生对话框