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Deploy Pyrrha with Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. The Pyrrha project consists of the following services.

  • pyrrha-mariadb: the database that holds all the Pyrrha data
  • pyrrha-wss: the WebSocket server
  • pyrrha-mqttserver: an MQTT broker service that uses VerneMQ
  • pyrrha-mqttclient: the service that sits between the IoT platform and other services
  • pyrrha-rulesdecision: the analytics service that calculates the time weighted averages of all data
  • pyrrha-api-main: the API backend for the dashboard
  • pyrrha-api-auth: the API backend used for authentication
  • pyrrha-dashboard: the dashboard that shows the real-time and long-term averages of firefighter exposure to toxic gases

Note: This environment does not set up the smartphone or watch apps.

The docker-compose.yaml file defines and configures all of these services.


Locally on your machine

  • Docker

    • Ensure you have docker installed by using docker --version command. You should see output as follows:

      Docker version 19.03.13, build 4484c46d9d
  • Docker Compose

    • Docker Compose is a plugin that comes as a part of Docker Desktop. You can verify this by running docker and checking the Management Commands section. On Linux, you will need to follow the instructions to install Compose, available at the link above.

IBM Cloud


  1. Create a directory called pyrrha. This is where the rest of the code will be cloned.

    mkdir pyrrha && cd pyrrha
  2. Create a fork for each of the following required repositories:

  1. Clone all the newly created forks, using your GitHub username instead of YOUR_USERNAME

    git clone &&
    git clone &&
    git clone &&
    git clone &&
    git clone &&
    git clone &&
    git clone
  2. Set MariaDB password in your terminal. This will be used with the rest of the instructions.

    export MDB_PASSWORD=example

    Optionally, you can add this line to .bashrc or .zshrc file so it is automatically set whenever a terminal is opened.

Let's configure each of the services.


  1. Ensure you set MDB_PASSWORD variable in the same terminal you will run the solution.


  1. No additional configuration required


Pyrrha Platform makes use of VerneMQ as its MQTT broker of choice. It is high performance, open source, supports authentication, and supports containers and Kubernetes. More information can be found at their website.

By default, the broker is configured to use database authentication. You can see the configuration in the docker-compose.yaml file under pyrrha-mqttserver > environment. It is recommended to leverage authentication for this service so only applications and devices you control can access the MQTT broker service.

A database table is included in the MariaDB configuration called vmq_auth_acl. This is the required table for the broker service to authenticate against. You can read more details about it here.


The first step for configuration is to create a record in the vmq_auth_acl table as was mentioned in the MQTT broker section. In order to do this:

  • Ensure the MDB_PASSWORD variable is set in your command line session.

  • Ensure that you have the Docker Desktop app running.

Change directory to your pyrrha/Pyrrha-Deployment-Configurations directory.

  • Run the following command. This will start the database service. docker compose up -d pyrrha-mariadb

    • Note: if you run into the error message Error response from daemon: invalid mount config for type "bind": bind source path does not exist: PATH_TO_PYRRHA_DIR/pyrrha/Pyrrha-Database/data, run mkdir data in your pyrrha/Pyrrha-Database/ directory.
  • Run the following command to get the ID of the running container for pyrrha-mariadb. docker container ls

  • Run this command to enter into the running pyrrha-mariadb container. Replace CONTAINERID with the ID found in the last step. docker exec -it CONTAINERID /bin/bash

  • Once in the container, run the following command. This will enter you into the MariaDB session. mysql -uroot -p. You will need the MDB_PASSWORD value.

  • Once in the database service, you can check which databases are available with show databases; (note the semicolon). Ensure pyrrha shows in the list. Run use pyrrha; (note the semicolon) to switch to that database.

  • Verify that the vmq_auth_acl table exists first using show tables;. If it does not, run the follow SQL statement before continuing. Note: this is the same CREATE TABLE statement referenced in the VerneMQ documentation.

CREATE TABLE vmq_auth_acl
  mountpoint VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
  client_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
  username VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
  password VARCHAR(128),
  publish_acl TEXT,
  subscribe_acl TEXT,
  CONSTRAINT vmq_auth_acl_primary_key PRIMARY KEY (mountpoint, client_id, username)
  • You will need to run an INSERT statement similar to the following. You will fill in the CLIENTID, USERNAME, and PASSWORD items yourself. Also make note of these 3 pieces of information as they will be used to fill in values in Pyrrha-MQTT-Client/.env.docker.
INSERT INTO vmq_auth_acl(mountpoint, client_id, username, password, subscribe_acl) VALUES ('', 'CLIENTID', 'USERNAME', SHA2('PASSWORD', 256), '[{"pattern":"iot-2/#"}]');
  • After successful insert, you can verify the data was inserted by running SELECT * FROM vmq_auth_acl; to see the information. When finished, you can type \q and press ENTER to leave the mysql console.

  • Type exit and press ENTER to leave the container.

Next, open the Pyrrha-MQTT-Client/.env.docker file.

  1. Fill in the values in Pyrrha-MQTT-Client/.env.docker file. You need to fill out:

    • IOT_CLIENTID, IOT_USERNAME, and IOT_PASSWORD with the values entered in the last steps.

    You can leave the rest of the values the same:


    Leave the database section as follows:


    Leave the websocket server section as follows:



  1. Ensure the Pyrrha-Rules-Decision/src/.env.docker file contains the following variables:



  1. Ensure the Pyrrha-Dashboard/pyrrha-dashboard/api-main/.env.docker file contains the following variables:



  1. The authorization service uses IBM Cloud App ID service for authentication and authorization. Make a copy of the vcap-local.template.json file located in the Pyrrha-Dashboard/pyrrha-dashboard/api-auth directory and rename it vcap-local.json (this file is ignored by Git) using this command:

    # from the root directory
    cp ./Pyrrha-Dashboard/pyrrha-dashboard/api-auth/vcap-local.template.json Pyrrha-Dashboard/pyrrha-dashboard/api-auth/vcap-local.json
  2. Provision an AppID instance in IBM Cloud -

  3. Create AppID service credentials: In the newly created AppID instance, go to Service Credentials -> New credential. Set the role to Writer.

  4. Expand the created credentials and fill in the required properties in your vcap-local.json file located in web/api under AppID and credentials. For name under credentials you can use the iam_apikey_name value from the created credential. You can leave the scopes field as an empty array.

  5. Copy the apiKey from your service credentials and add it to vcap-local.json in the api_key field under ibm_cloud.

  6. session_secret under user_vars: this can be any random string of characters.

  7. pyrrha_api_key under user_vars: this can be any random string of characters. This is used to send authenticated requests to the API.

  8. jwt_secret under user_vars: this can be any random string of characters.


  1. No changes needed.


  1. Ensure the Pyrrha-Sensor-Simulator/action/.env.docker file exists and contains the following variables:

  2. Copy Pyrrha-Sensor-Simulator/action/devices.sample.json into Pyrrha-Sensor-Simulator/action/devices.json and fill out the following information for each of your devices.

    • IOT_CLIENTID: a unique identifier for the device
    • IOT_DEVICE_ID: an identifier for the device. This is the "username" for this device. This field can be the same as IOT_CLIENTID
    • IOT_PASSWORD: a unique password for this device
    • IOT_FIREFIGHTER_ID: unique GUID like format. You can use a service like this to generate it.
      "IOT_CLIENTID": "device-id",
      "IOT_PASSWORD": "",
      "IOT_DEVICE_ID": "device-id"
  3. Using the Client ID, Password, and Device ID information from the last step, you will need to insert records into the vmq_auth_acl table referenced in the pyrrha-mqttclient section. Follow the steps there to connect to the database to run the below insert statement. The inserts should be in the following format. Be sure to replace CLIENTID, USERNAME, and PASSWORD with the values for each device.

INSERT INTO vmq_auth_acl(mountpoint, client_id, username, password, publish_acl) VALUES ('', 'CLIENTID', 'USERNAME', SHA2('PASSWORD', 256), '[{"pattern":"iot-2/#"}]');


The following commands assume you are in the pyrrha/Pyrrha-Deployment-Configurations directory and have the Docker Desktop app running.

  1. Run the docker-compose build command to build all the images. You should see the following output as the images are built one by one. The output has been truncated here for brevity.

    docker-compose build
    Building pyrrha-mariadb
    Step 1/2 : FROM
    ---> 2ea064dffdcb
    Step 2/2 : ADD ./data/pyrrha.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
    ---> Using cache
    ---> 3680f6a57d6f
    Successfully built 3680f6a57d6f
    Successfully tagged pyrrha-mariadb:latest
    Building pyrrha-wss
    Step 1/12 : FROM
  2. Run the docker images | grep pyrrha command to ensure all the images were built successfully.

  3. Run the docker-compose up command to bring up all the services. You should see an output as follows: TBD

  4. Run the docker-compose ps command to ensure all the containers are up and running.

  5. You can access the dashboard at http://localhost:3000/.