diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml
index c626109..efe2b4f 100644
--- a/Project.toml
+++ b/Project.toml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "UnitDiskMapping"
uuid = "1b61a8d9-79ed-4491-8266-ef37f39e1727"
authors = ["QuEra Computing Inc."]
-version = "0.3.1"
+version = "0.3.2"
Graphs = "86223c79-3864-5bf0-83f7-82e725a168b6"
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ LuxorGraphPlot = "1f49bdf2-22a7-4bc4-978b-948dc219fbbc"
Graphs = "1.6"
-LuxorGraphPlot = "0.2"
+LuxorGraphPlot = "0.3"
julia = "1"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f5d152f..f8a9298 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -29,27 +29,27 @@ pkg> add UnitDiskMapping
## Examples
-Please check this [notebook](https://queracomputing.github.io/UnitDiskMapping.jl/notebooks/tutorial.html), which contains the following examples:
+Please check the following notebooks:
+1. [Unit Disk Mapping](https://queracomputing.github.io/UnitDiskMapping.jl/notebooks/tutorial.html), which contains the examples in ["Quantum Optimization with Arbitrary Connectivity Using Rydberg Atom Arrays"](https://journals.aps.org/prxquantum/abstract/10.1103/PRXQuantum.4.010316):
+ * Reduction from a generic weighted or unweighted maximum independent set (MIS) problem to that on a King's subgraph (KSG).
+ * Reduction from a generic or square-lattice QUBO problem to an MIS problem on a unit-disk grid graph.
+ * Reduction from an integer factorization problem to an MIS problem on a unit-disk grid graph.
-* Reduction from a generic weighted or unweighted maximum independent set (MIS) problem to that on a diagonal coupled unit-disk grid graph (DUGG).
-* Reduction from a generic or square-lattice QUBO problem to an MIS problem on a unit-disk grid graph.
-* Reduction from an integer factorization problem to an MIS problem on a unit-disk grid graph.
+2. [Unweighted KSG reduction of the independent set problem](https://queracomputing.github.io/UnitDiskMapping.jl/notebooks/unweighted.html), which contains the unweighted reduction from a general graph to a King's subgraph. It covers all example graphs in paper: "Computer-Assisted Gadget Design and Problem Reduction of Unweighted Maximum Independent Set" (To be published).
-To run the notebook locally, you will need the [Pluto](https://github.com/fonsp/Pluto.jl) and [GenericTensorNetworks](https://github.com/QuEraComputing/GenericTensorNetworks.jl) Julia packages installed. You can run the following after entering the Package mode:
-pkg> add Pluto
-pkg> add GenericTensorNetworks
+To run the notebook locally, you will need to activate and instantiate the local environment that specified in the [`notebooks`](notebooks) directory:
+$ cd notebooks
+$ julia --project -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.instantiate()'
-and returning to the Julia REPL (you can do this by hitting Backspace in the Package mode) to run:
-julia> import Pluto; Pluto.run()
+To run the notebook, just type in the same terminal:
+julia --project -e "import Pluto; Pluto.run()"
-in the `notebooks` directory of this project. At this point, your browser should automatically launch and display a list of available notebooks you can run. You should just see `tutorial.jl` listed.
+At this point, your browser should automatically launch and display a list of available notebooks you can run. You should just see the notebooks listed.
## Supporting and Citing
diff --git a/examples/petersen.jl b/examples/petersen.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5809fdb..0000000
--- a/examples/petersen.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-using UnitDiskMapping, Graphs
-function petersen_graph()
- graph = SimpleGraph(10)
- for (i, j) in [(1,2), (1,4), (1,9), (2,3), (2, 7), (3,5), (3, 10), (4, 5), (4,6), (5, 8), (6, 7), (6,10), (7,8),(8,9),(9,10)]
- add_edge!(graph, i, j)
- end
- @assert all(==(3), degree.(Ref(graph), 1:10))
- return graph
-g = petersen_graph()
-ug = embed_graph(g)
-G, tape = apply_gadgets!(copy(ug))
-locs = coordinates(G)
-using GenericTensorNetworks
-s1 = solve(IndependentSet(g), SizeMax())
-s2 = solve(IndependentSet(SimpleGraph(G)), SizeMax())
-mis_overhead0 = 2 * nv(g) * (nv(g)-1) + nv(g)
-mis_overhead1 = sum(x->mis_overhead(x[1]), tape)
-s1[].n == s2[].n - mis_overhead0 - mis_overhead1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/notebooks/tutorial.jl b/notebooks/tutorial.jl
index 7488869..59ff128 100644
--- a/notebooks/tutorial.jl
+++ b/notebooks/tutorial.jl
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
-# v0.19.27
+# v0.19.32
using Markdown
using InteractiveUtils
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ using UnitDiskMapping, Graphs, GenericTensorNetworks, LinearAlgebra
# ╔═╡ 98459516-4833-4e4a-916f-d5ea3e657ceb
# Visualization setup.
# To make the plots dark-mode friendly, we use white-background color.
-using UnitDiskMapping.LuxorGraphPlot.Luxor, LuxorGraphPlot; LuxorGraphPlot.DEFAULT_UNIT[] = 25; LuxorGraphPlot.DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR[]="white";
+using UnitDiskMapping.LuxorGraphPlot.Luxor, LuxorGraphPlot; GraphDisplayConfig.unit[] = 25; GraphDisplayConfig.background_color[]="white";
# ╔═╡ eac6ceda-f5d4-11ec-23db-b7b4d00eaddf
md"# Unit Disk Mapping"
diff --git a/notebooks/unweighted.jl b/notebooks/unweighted.jl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43496df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notebooks/unweighted.jl
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+### A Pluto.jl notebook ###
+# v0.19.32
+using Markdown
+using InteractiveUtils
+# ╔═╡ f55dbf80-8425-11ee-2e7d-4d1ad4f693af
+# ╠═╡ show_logs = false
+ using Pkg; Pkg.activate(".")
+ using Revise
+ using PlutoUI
+ # left right layout
+ function leftright(a, b; width=600)
+ HTML("""
+ $(html(a)) |
+ $(html(b)) |
+ end
+ # up down layout
+ function updown(a, b; width=nothing)
+ HTML("""
+ $(html(a)) |
+ $(html(b)) |
+ end
+ PlutoUI.TableOfContents()
+# ╔═╡ be011e30-74e6-49cd-b45a-288972dc5f18
+using UnitDiskMapping, Graphs # for mapping graphs to a King's subgraph (KSG)
+# ╔═╡ 31250cb9-6f3a-429a-975d-752cb7c07883
+using GenericTensorNetworks # for solving the maximum independent sets
+# ╔═╡ 9017a42c-9791-4933-84a4-9ff509967323
+# Unweighted KSG reduction of the independent set problem
+# ╔═╡ f0e7c030-4e43-4356-a5bb-717a7f382a17
+md"This notebook contains examples from the paper, "Computer-Assisted Gadget Design and Problem Reduction of Unweighted Maximum Independent Set"."
+# ╔═╡ cb4a9655-6df2-46b3-8969-8b6f2db7c59a
+## Example 1: The 5-vertex graph
+The five vertex demo graph in the paper.
+# ╔═╡ 956a5c3a-b8c6-4040-9553-3b4e2337b163
+md"#### Step 1: Prepare a source graph."
+# ╔═╡ d858f57e-1706-4b73-bc23-53f7af073b0c
+# the demo graph in the main text
+function demograph()
+ g = SimpleGraph(5)
+ for (i, j) in [(1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 4), (1, 3), (4, 5), (1, 5)]
+ add_edge!(g, i, j)
+ end
+ return g
+# ╔═╡ a3a86c62-ee6e-4a3b-99b3-c484de3b5220
+g5 = demograph()
+# ╔═╡ e6170e72-0804-401e-b9e5-65b8ee7d7edb
+# ╔═╡ 625bdcf4-e37e-4bb8-bd1a-907cdcc5fe24
+#### Step 2: Map the source graph to an unweighted King's subgraph (KSG)
+The vertex order is optimized with the Branching path decomposition algorithm
+# ╔═╡ f9e57a6b-1186-407e-a8b1-cb8f31a17bd2
+g5res = UnitDiskMapping.map_graph(g5; vertex_order=Branching())
+# ╔═╡ e64e7ca4-b297-4c74-8699-bec4b4fbb843
+md"Visualize the mapped KSG graph in terminal"
+# ╔═╡ 0a860597-0610-48f6-b1ee-711939712de4
+# ╔═╡ eeae7074-ee21-44fc-9605-3555acb84cee
+md"or in a plotting plane"
+# ╔═╡ 3fa6052b-74c2-453d-a473-68f4b3ca0490
+# ╔═╡ 942e8dfb-b89d-4f2d-b1db-f4636d4e5de6
+md"#### Step 3: Solve the MIS size of the mapped graph"
+# ╔═╡ 766018fa-81bd-4c37-996a-0cf77b0909af
+md"The independent set size can be obtained by solving the `SizeMax()` property using the [generic tensor network](https://github.com/QuEraComputing/GenericTensorNetworks.jl) method."
+# ╔═╡ 67fd2dd2-5add-4402-9618-c9b7c7bfe95b
+missize_g5_ksg = solve(IndependentSet(SimpleGraph(g5res.grid_graph)), SizeMax())[]
+# ╔═╡ aaee9dbc-5b9c-41b1-b0d4-35d2cac7c773
+md"The predicted MIS size for the source graph is:"
+# ╔═╡ 114e2c42-aaa3-470b-a267-e5a7c6b08607
+missize_g5_ksg.n - g5res.mis_overhead
+# ╔═╡ e6fa2404-cbe9-4f9b-92a0-0d6fdb649c44
+One of the best solutions can be obtained by solving the `SingleConfigMax()` property.
+# ╔═╡ 0142f661-0855-45b4-852a-78f560e98c67
+mis_g5_ksg = solve(IndependentSet(SimpleGraph(g5res.grid_graph)), SingleConfigMax())[].c.data
+# ╔═╡ fa046f3c-fd7d-4e91-b3f5-fc4591d3cae2
+md"Plot the solution"
+# ╔═╡ 0cbcd2a6-b8ae-47ff-8541-963b9dae700a
+show_config(g5res.grid_graph, mis_g5_ksg)
+# ╔═╡ 4734dc0b-0770-4f84-8046-95a74104936f
+md"#### Step 4: Map the KSG solution back"
+# ╔═╡ 0f27de9f-2e06-4d5e-b96f-b7c7fdadabca
+md"In the following, we will show how to obtain an MIS of the source graph from that of its KSG reduction."
+# ╔═╡ fc968df0-832b-44c9-8335-381405b92199
+mis_g5 = UnitDiskMapping.map_config_back(g5res, collect(mis_g5_ksg))
+# ╔═╡ 29458d07-b2b2-49af-a696-d0cb0ad35481
+md"Show that the overhead in the MIS size is correct"
+# ╔═╡ fa4888b2-fc67-4285-8305-da655c42a898
+md"Verify the result:"
+# ╔═╡ e84102e8-d3f2-4f91-87be-dba8e81462fb
+# the extracted solution is an independent set
+UnitDiskMapping.is_independent_set(g5, mis_g5)
+# ╔═╡ 88ec52b3-73fd-4853-a69b-442f5fd2e8f7
+# and its size is maximized
+count(isone, mis_g5)
+# ╔═╡ 5621bb2a-b1c6-4f0d-921e-980b2ce849d5
+solve(IndependentSet(g5), SizeMax())[].n
+# ╔═╡ 1fe6c679-2962-4c1b-8b12-4ceb77ed9e0f
+## Example 2: The Petersen graph
+We just quickly go through a second example, the Petersen graph.
+# ╔═╡ ea379863-95dd-46dd-a0a3-0a564904476a
+petersen = smallgraph(:petersen)
+# ╔═╡ d405e7ec-50e3-446c-8d19-18f1a66c1e3b
+# ╔═╡ 409b03d1-384b-48d3-9010-8079cbf66dbf
+md"We first map it to a grid graph (unweighted)."
+# ╔═╡ a0e7da6b-3b71-43d4-a1da-f1bd953e4b50
+petersen_res = UnitDiskMapping.map_graph(petersen)
+# ╔═╡ 4f1f0ca0-dd2a-4768-9b4e-80813c9bb544
+md"The MIS size of the petersen graph is 4."
+# ╔═╡ bf97a268-cd96-4dbc-83c6-10eb1b03ddcc
+missize_petersen = solve(IndependentSet(petersen), SizeMax())[]
+# ╔═╡ 2589f112-5de5-4c98-bcd1-138b6143cd30
+md" The MIS size of the mapped KSG graph is much larger"
+# ╔═╡ 1b946455-b152-4d6f-9968-7dc6e22d171a
+missize_petersen_ksg = solve(IndependentSet(SimpleGraph(petersen_res.grid_graph)), SizeMax())[]
+# ╔═╡ 4e7f7d9e-fae4-46d2-b95d-110d36b691d9
+md"The difference in the MIS size is:"
+# ╔═╡ d0e49c1f-457d-4b61-ad0e-347afb029114
+# ╔═╡ 03d8adb3-0bf4-44e6-9b0a-fffc90410cfc
+md"Find an MIS of the mapped KSG and map it back an MIS on the source graph."
+# ╔═╡ 0d08cb1a-f7f3-4d63-bd70-78103db086b3
+mis_petersen_ksg = solve(IndependentSet(SimpleGraph(petersen_res.grid_graph)), SingleConfigMax())[].c.data
+# ╔═╡ c27d8aed-c81f-4eb7-85bf-a4ed88c2537f
+mis_petersen = UnitDiskMapping.map_config_back(petersen_res, collect(mis_petersen_ksg))
+# ╔═╡ 20f81eef-12d3-4f2a-9b91-ccf2705685ad
+md"""The obtained solution is an independent set and its size is maximized."""
+# ╔═╡ 0297893c-c978-4818-aae8-26e60d8c9e9e
+UnitDiskMapping.is_independent_set(petersen, mis_petersen)
+# ╔═╡ 5ffe0e4f-bd2c-4d3e-98ca-61673a7e5230
+count(isone, mis_petersen)
+# ╔═╡ 8c1d46e8-dc36-41bd-9d9b-5a72c380ef26
+md"The number printed should be consistent with the MIS size of the petersen graph."
+# ╔═╡ Cell order:
+# ╟─f55dbf80-8425-11ee-2e7d-4d1ad4f693af
+# ╟─9017a42c-9791-4933-84a4-9ff509967323
+# ╟─f0e7c030-4e43-4356-a5bb-717a7f382a17
+# ╠═be011e30-74e6-49cd-b45a-288972dc5f18
+# ╠═31250cb9-6f3a-429a-975d-752cb7c07883
+# ╟─cb4a9655-6df2-46b3-8969-8b6f2db7c59a
+# ╟─956a5c3a-b8c6-4040-9553-3b4e2337b163
+# ╠═d858f57e-1706-4b73-bc23-53f7af073b0c
+# ╠═a3a86c62-ee6e-4a3b-99b3-c484de3b5220
+# ╠═e6170e72-0804-401e-b9e5-65b8ee7d7edb
+# ╟─625bdcf4-e37e-4bb8-bd1a-907cdcc5fe24
+# ╠═f9e57a6b-1186-407e-a8b1-cb8f31a17bd2
+# ╟─e64e7ca4-b297-4c74-8699-bec4b4fbb843
+# ╠═0a860597-0610-48f6-b1ee-711939712de4
+# ╟─eeae7074-ee21-44fc-9605-3555acb84cee
+# ╠═3fa6052b-74c2-453d-a473-68f4b3ca0490
+# ╟─942e8dfb-b89d-4f2d-b1db-f4636d4e5de6
+# ╟─766018fa-81bd-4c37-996a-0cf77b0909af
+# ╠═67fd2dd2-5add-4402-9618-c9b7c7bfe95b
+# ╟─aaee9dbc-5b9c-41b1-b0d4-35d2cac7c773
+# ╠═114e2c42-aaa3-470b-a267-e5a7c6b08607
+# ╟─e6fa2404-cbe9-4f9b-92a0-0d6fdb649c44
+# ╠═0142f661-0855-45b4-852a-78f560e98c67
+# ╟─fa046f3c-fd7d-4e91-b3f5-fc4591d3cae2
+# ╠═0cbcd2a6-b8ae-47ff-8541-963b9dae700a
+# ╟─4734dc0b-0770-4f84-8046-95a74104936f
+# ╟─0f27de9f-2e06-4d5e-b96f-b7c7fdadabca
+# ╠═fc968df0-832b-44c9-8335-381405b92199
+# ╟─29458d07-b2b2-49af-a696-d0cb0ad35481
+# ╟─fa4888b2-fc67-4285-8305-da655c42a898
+# ╠═e84102e8-d3f2-4f91-87be-dba8e81462fb
+# ╠═88ec52b3-73fd-4853-a69b-442f5fd2e8f7
+# ╠═5621bb2a-b1c6-4f0d-921e-980b2ce849d5
+# ╟─1fe6c679-2962-4c1b-8b12-4ceb77ed9e0f
+# ╠═ea379863-95dd-46dd-a0a3-0a564904476a
+# ╠═d405e7ec-50e3-446c-8d19-18f1a66c1e3b
+# ╟─409b03d1-384b-48d3-9010-8079cbf66dbf
+# ╠═a0e7da6b-3b71-43d4-a1da-f1bd953e4b50
+# ╟─4f1f0ca0-dd2a-4768-9b4e-80813c9bb544
+# ╠═bf97a268-cd96-4dbc-83c6-10eb1b03ddcc
+# ╟─2589f112-5de5-4c98-bcd1-138b6143cd30
+# ╠═1b946455-b152-4d6f-9968-7dc6e22d171a
+# ╟─4e7f7d9e-fae4-46d2-b95d-110d36b691d9
+# ╠═d0e49c1f-457d-4b61-ad0e-347afb029114
+# ╟─03d8adb3-0bf4-44e6-9b0a-fffc90410cfc
+# ╠═0d08cb1a-f7f3-4d63-bd70-78103db086b3
+# ╠═c27d8aed-c81f-4eb7-85bf-a4ed88c2537f
+# ╟─20f81eef-12d3-4f2a-9b91-ccf2705685ad
+# ╠═0297893c-c978-4818-aae8-26e60d8c9e9e
+# ╠═5ffe0e4f-bd2c-4d3e-98ca-61673a7e5230
+# ╟─8c1d46e8-dc36-41bd-9d9b-5a72c380ef26
diff --git a/src/visualize.jl b/src/visualize.jl
index 5a8f021..9a6a1cc 100644
--- a/src/visualize.jl
+++ b/src/visualize.jl
@@ -1,47 +1,36 @@
# normalized to minimum weight and maximum weight
function LuxorGraphPlot.show_graph(gg::GridGraph;
- vertex_colors=nothing,
- vertex_sizes=nothing,
- vertex_shapes=nothing,
- vertex_stroke_colors=nothing,
- vertex_text_colors=nothing,
- edge_colors=nothing,
- texts = nothing,
format=:svg, filename=nothing,
# transpose (i, j) to make them consistent with terminal output
+ unit = GraphDisplayConfig.unit[]
locs = [(j,i) for (i,j) in coordinates(gg)]
length(locs) == 0 && return _draw(()->nothing, 100, 100; format, filename)
edges = [(e.src, e.dst) for e in Graphs.edges(graph_and_weights(gg)[1])]
# configure canvas and plot
- xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = LuxorGraphPlot.get_bounding_box(locs)
- config = LuxorGraphPlot.GraphDisplayConfig(; vertex_size, fontsize, kwargs...)
- Dx, Dy = ((xmax-xmin)+2*config.xpad)*config.unit, ((ymax-ymin)+2*config.ypad)*config.unit
- transform(loc) = loc[1]-xmin+config.xpad, loc[2]-ymin+config.ypad
+ config = LuxorGraphPlot.graphsizeconfig(locs)
+ transform(loc) = loc[1]-config.xmin+config.xpad, loc[2]-config.ymin+config.ypad
+ Dx, Dy = ((config.xmax-config.xmin)+2*config.xpad)*unit, ((config.ymax-config.ymin)+2*config.ypad)*unit
# compute empty locations
empty_locations = Tuple{Int,Int}[]
- for i=xmin:xmax, j=ymin:ymax
+ for i=config.xmin:config.xmax, j=config.ymin:config.ymax
(i, j) ∉ locs && push!(empty_locations, (i, j))
# plot!
LuxorGraphPlot._draw(Dx, Dy; format, filename) do
- LuxorGraphPlot._show_graph(locs, edges;
- vertex_colors, vertex_stroke_colors,
- vertex_text_colors, vertex_sizes,
- vertex_shapes, edge_colors, texts,
- vertex_size, fontsize, kwargs...)
+ LuxorGraphPlot.@temp GraphDisplayConfig.vertex_size[] = vertex_size GraphDisplayConfig.fontsize[] = fontsize begin
+ LuxorGraphPlot._show_graph(locs, edges;
+ vertex_size, fontsize, kwargs...)
+ end
# visualize dots
- LuxorGraphPlot._show_graph(empty_locations, [];
- texts=fill("", length(empty_locations)),
- vertex_size=config.vertex_size/10,
- vertex_fill_color="#333333",
- vertex_stroke_color="transparent", background_color="transparent", kwargs...)
+ LuxorGraphPlot.@temp GraphDisplayConfig.vertex_size[] = vertex_size/10 GraphDisplayConfig.fontsize[] = fontsize GraphDisplayConfig.vertex_color[]="#333333" GraphDisplayConfig.vertex_stroke_color[]="transparent" GraphDisplayConfig.background_color[]="transparent" begin
+ LuxorGraphPlot._show_graph(empty_locations, []; texts=fill("", length(empty_locations)))
+ end