Releases: RENCI/APSViz-Msg-Handler
Test updates and minor variable name change
v0.2.11 adjusting the variable name as it is used for ecflow and hecras data
Adding pct complete for PNOW events
..also adding context to log messages to better troubleshoot issues.
Addition of HEC/RAS message handling
v0.2.9 adding hec/ras test data
Correcting for site names
physical_location and clustername consistency across run-time and run props data messages
suite.physical_location (run props), physical_location (run-time) messages == "RENCI", "PSC", etc.
clustername moved to run props messages (,, etc).
Altering sql control character handling
changing the way sql control characters are remove from sql values data.
Correcting ecflow msg handling
Removed checking for the "param_list" to be in a ecflow run props message.
Adding to the allowed site list
v0.2.5 adding to the allowed site list
Correcting indentation issue
a code section had an incorrect indentation.
also refactored the way missing advisory and/or enstrmr params are handled, comments updated...
correcting "advisory" usage
correcting where asgs status messages use "advisory_number" where ecflow messages use "advisory".
adding new ecflow param
adding forcing.vortexmodel and forcing.tropicalcyclone.vortexmodel to the ecflow param list