- Create a queue using Simple Queue Service in AWS. Note the URL for your queue.
- Cluster administrator should install AWS SQS Controller on your cluster
- You will need your aws credentials to configure as a secret
- You have a Knative service deployed. Add a knative service running
kn service create msgtxr-sl --image=image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/kn-demo/msgtxr -l app.openshift.io/runtime=quarkus --env format=none
Create a file with aws credentials
% cat credentials
aws_access_key_id = <awsaccesskey>
aws_secret_access_key = <awssecretkey>
Create a secret referencing this file
oc create secret generic aws-credentials --from-file=credentials=./credentials
We will now create a source that reads messages posted to your AWS SQS Queue and sinks those messages to your knative service.
is a custom resource definition added when the administrator installed the controller. We will create a custom resource for our application. The controller manages this custom resource.
Let us understand the AwsSqsSource custom resource shown below. This reads the data from SQS queue on AWS and pushes it to the sink. In our case we are configuring sink to be our knative service. Also note that this source references the secret created above.
% cat awssqs/awssqs-source-direct.yaml
# Replace the following before applying this file:
# QUEUE_URL: Replace with the AWS SQS queue.
apiVersion: sources.knative.dev/v1alpha1
kind: AwsSqsSource
name: awssqs-sample-source
name: aws-credentials
key: credentials
queueUrl: QUEUE_URL
apiVersion: serving.knative.dev/v1
kind: Service
name: msgtxr-sl
Set the value of an environment variable to your SQS URL
export QUEUE_URL=<yourSQSURL>
Let us create the source by replacing the value of QUEUE_URL running
sed -e "s|QUEUE_URL|$QUEUE_URL|g" awssqs/awssqs-source-direct.yaml | oc create -f -
and notice
awssqssource.sources.knative.dev/awssqs-sample-source created
You should see the awssqssource pod running.
% oc get po
awssqs-awssqs-sample-source-k9rcm-7d48dbb7f6-l2mld 1/1 Running 0 116s
It will show up on your developer console as below:
Now post a message to the queue running the following command from command line. Alternately you can also post a message from AWS Console
aws sqs send-message --queue-url=$QUEUE_URL --message-body="hello world"
Notice the knative service pod scales up and the logs show the following output.
__ ____ __ _____ ___ __ ____ ______
--/ __ \/ / / / _ | / _ \/ //_/ / / / __/
-/ /_/ / /_/ / __ |/ , _/ ,< / /_/ /\ \
--\___\_\____/_/ |_/_/|_/_/|_|\____/___/
2020-06-24 20:34:54,779 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) getting-started 1.0-SNAPSHOT (powered by Quarkus 1.3.2.Final) started in 0.017s. Listening on:
2020-06-24 20:34:54,779 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Profile prod activated.
2020-06-24 20:34:54,779 INFO [io.quarkus] (main) Installed features: [cdi, resteasy]
20:34:55.864 IN {"Attributes":{"SentTimestamp":"1593030891645"},"Body":"hello world","MD5OfBody":"5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3","MD5OfMessageAttributes":null,"MessageAttributes":null,"MessageId":"149e8578-ccc5-4e80-911e-d898dbf8905d","ReceiptHandle":"AQEBdEhLPsrD6TdESml95/OVJYeFPUvcfEsELxqaspiHN/ZlrDehmJdw9gQeycxud4KwTBXdelTmSPPR1Jfjn/nTVzvtlEDubGeH1mrPAzb4R4Du1n9FEZrGMJKGAwpp5TNaa7ynaoEJm7LFk3x9X0LQAucMZkolBL0NpW1zud9ouASb11Iqv/OEb087AnrhtKu6StCXqX9sxkKL2scNUOhIExg9EKtX9Gr77VrX+ynSo2ZPfBCDlfDtQiQ1MTV6bY207/zej2mgjxUXVHqTfBWY/0wADwkM6W5niKaQCW59o92YSC4tOdJVuoZRjpamT79WLPjdf6N6hR6uAM3230VBzxeDTKzFRwb6x0J3++Lc2jFUHlJ5W4rPd7CmB9+LHHJMYM9JzNhGbR9eaVeXqPe6mg=="} OUT {"Attributes":{"SentTimestamp":"1593030891645"},"Body":"hello world","MD5OfBody":"5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3","MD5OfMessageAttributes":null,"MessageAttributes":null,"MessageId":"149e8578-ccc5-4e80-911e-d898dbf8905d","ReceiptHandle":"AQEBdEhLPsrD6TdESml95/OVJYeFPUvcfEsELxqaspiHN/ZlrDehmJdw9gQeycxud4KwTBXdelTmSPPR1Jfjn/nTVzvtlEDubGeH1mrPAzb4R4Du1n9FEZrGMJKGAwpp5TNaa7ynaoEJm7LFk3x9X0LQAucMZkolBL0NpW1zud9ouASb11Iqv/OEb087AnrhtKu6StCXqX9sxkKL2scNUOhIExg9EKtX9Gr77VrX+ynSo2ZPfBCDlfDtQiQ1MTV6bY207/zej2mgjxUXVHqTfBWY/0wADwkM6W5niKaQCW59o92YSC4tOdJVuoZRjpamT79WLPjdf6N6hR6uAM3230VBzxeDTKzFRwb6x0J3++Lc2jFUHlJ5W4rPd7CmB9+LHHJMYM9JzNhGbR9eaVeXqPe6mg=="}
Post a few more messages and test.
In this chapter we have learnt to configure AWS SQS as a source for your knative service
Delete AWS SQS Source
oc delete -f awssqs/awssqs-source-direct.yaml
Delete Secret
oc delete secret/aws-credentials