- Allow clip to AOI when importing existing feature class into DCE layer #562
- Bugs with AOI properties form (unique name constraints)
- Promote to Valley Bottom Icon
- Fix Virtual Area Fields and VB,AOI field fixes #564
- Mapping multiple fields in an existing feature class to DCE Layer causes error #552
- Analysis allow for metrics to be calculated for AOI's and Valley Bottoms #561
- Add AOI's and Valley Bottoms to Climate Engine #561
- Import Field Mapping Form improvements #552
- Add Clip Option when importing valley bottom features from temporary layer #555
- Resizing Analysis Window Causes Crash #535
- Promote watershed delineation to AOI bug #554
- Bug with message log when exporting project #558
- Bug with plotting non-numeric values in stream gage data #553
- AOIs and VBs now stored in db as Sample Frames to support future metric capability #550
- Clean up migration code so it rolls back properly if an error occurs
- Do not recreate legacy layers when opening an existing project
- Added Missing Valley Bottom Symbology #548
- Fix First Time Creating New Project Bug #545
- Adding WMS as Surface Throws Error #544
- Specify a default export folder in settings #537
- Bug with missing DCE Layer Features in project export #539
- Update Project path on browse to path button on New Project Form #538
- Bug with Ignore Fields radio button on Import Features Form #542
- Ability to sort rasters by type or metadata tags #523
- Climate Engine API changes #532
- Added transactions to speed up import feature classes
- Promote to AOI metadata bug
- Metadata bug fixes (promote to aoi, import from RS project)
- Bug with import feature class if source and dest DataSource are the same.
- Change "Watershed Catchments" to "Catchment Delineation(s)" and add layer group when adding to map #527
- Promote catchment to AOI as single feature instead of exploding geometry.
- QRIS plugin fails to load for older versions of QGiS #522
- Switch Create Project Workflow #514
- QRiS System metadata visible by default
- Show "System" metadata to the user. #498
- Batch edit feature attributes #480
- Bug with analysis in project export
- Limit metric selection to only what metrics are selected for analysis in the Analysis Explorer #510
- Analysis Properties form not loading metric/indicator status
- Climate Engine Explorer Improvements #515
- Mirror properties/metadata when automatically creating hillshade #470
- Move metadata along with layer when the layer is promoted to another feature #439
- Raster slider export polygon not working #511
- Riverscapes logo on plugin #280
- Allow importing features from File Geodatabases #502
- Metadata tab stability improvements
- Additional Tool Tips #200
- Create Sample Frames form bugs #506
- Analysis over Time not working in Analysis Explorer #463
- Better display of date labels in Analysis Exlorer #464
- Better Aquisition Date usability for Import Raster Form #469
- Experimental plugin designation #496
- Clickable metadata hyperlinks #250
- Source Project URL added when a layer is imported from Riverscapes Viewer #349
- Structural Elements attribute form logic #304
- Wrong Unit Conversions for Analyses Metrics table #503
- Modified Export Project form to enhance user experience when exporting an existing project #363
- Brat Vegtation Suitability Layer #455
- Added the generate centerline tool to Riverscapes Valley Bottoms #440
- Allow cross section clipping to be VB Polygon from Riverscapes Node #441
- Structural Elements form updated to include attributes based on logic #304
- Ability to update existing project export #363
- Error importing existing profiles when using mask/AOI clip #472
- Metrics Failing to update due to Unique name constraint #491
- Error when trying to edit properties of DCE (As Built) #451
- Moved QRiS Symbology folder to RiverscapesStudio resources folder #487
- Changes to Vegetation Extents layer #455
- Changes to Geomorphic Units Layers #466
- Make Sample Frames 'create from QRIS features' defualt polygon layer to Riverscapes node Valley Bottom #443
- Removed the generate centerline tool from Context Polygons #440
- Temporarily disbale BRAT CIS layers #454
- Metrics fail to update due to Unique Constraint Violation #491
- Missing Sample Frame Features in project export
- Delete unused event rasters in project export
- Improved environment loading
- RS Viewer dependency updated to 0.9.4
- RSXML Module (replaced with Riverscapes Viewer dependency)
- Valley Bottoms to project export
- Project Export Bug with Pour Points in project
- Bug when opening project when a context raster is associated with an event
- Added missing tables to gpkg_contents
- Metric Calculations for Riverscape Length and Area (ability to calculate metrics from user selected 'inputs' layers) #478
- Centerline not appearing in 'Create Sample Frame from QRIS features' until closing and reopening project #444
- Cannot import temporary layer into Sample Frame #471
- Change "Calculate All" text to "Calculate" in Analysis #465
- Better DCE chooser for Basis for Design on Designs Form #482
- Uncalculated metrics now show up as null in the analysis table #477
- Planning Container for DCEs #473
- Date Label attribute for DCEs #479
- New layers for Beaver Dam Censusing #448
- Don't collapse Data Capture Events node on project tree after every 'Add DCE' event #474
- Overlapping checkboxes on Import Surfaces From #468
- Risk Potential Layers moved to DCE's #473
- Several Layer updates for upcoming LTPBR 2.0:
- Vegetation Extents #455
- Dam Crests #457
- Centerlines #458
- Active Channels #459
- Inundation #461
- Geomorphic Units Layers #460, #466
- Risk Potential Layers #467
- CEM Layer #332
- Structure Types #297
- Planning DCEs #473
- Representation attribute in DCEs #479
- Attribute Bug on New DCE Layer Feature Creation #442
- Fix bug when exporting project for upload to Riverscapes Data Exchange #419
- Update rsxml to 2.0.6
- Housekeeping: Move metadata widget to widgets folder
- Promote Line Scratch Vector to Profile #424
- Attribute values not reseting to default when changing between features in DCE feature form
- Migration Error for MacOS #432
- Error when exporting all Metric Values from Analysis #430
- Edit DCE Properties Error #321
- Sample Frame Form bugs #421 and #422
- Metadata Field Widget now uses MultiLineText for notes #429
- Do not include Planning Layers in a Data Capture Event
- Riverscapes Valley Bottoms as new Input type
- DCE Properties form allows for specifying associated valley bottoms #398
- Initial Analysis Summary Explorer
- Allow for metric definitions to be updated
- Provide modifications to design as-built form #268
- Provide modifications to design properties form #267
- User friendly variable descriptions for Climate Engine Explorer #383
- Import Metric Definitions using Riverscapes Viewer #426
- Missing Planning layers for Planing DCE
- Planning Layers and DCE type #391
- Select all / none buttons for metrics on create analysis form #414
- Add select all/none button for layers in Export Project form
- Metric units and unit conversions #415
- Fix type for Remove Layer setting on project close #418
- Analysis Bugs #417
- Export project bug with sample frames #308
- Error when trying to go to properties of a watershed catchment #420
- Error promoting context polygon to Sample Frame #423
- Bug when opening Sample Frame Properties Form
- Ignore stream gages during project export
- Better descriptions for Analysis Icons #386
- Improved signal/slot connections for Analysis Form
- Add a source dropdown in surfaces properties. #395
- Adding a Null geometry to envelope causes null envelope error when exporting project #308
- Skip empty DCE layers when exporting QRIS project #409
- Sort by Date for DCE's in Project Tree #392
- Sort by Date and Raster Type for Surfaces in Project Tree #393
- Remove all project layers on project close option in settings #314
- Add associated surfaces when layer is added to map #387
- Attribute Value Mapping when importing from Temporary Layer #323
- Populate Climate Engine Metadata Tab #400
- Full Date Range button for Climate Engine Explorer chart
- Add Orthomosaic and Satellite as Raster Types #384
- Export Project bug when no metrics are in analysis
- Bug when importing temporary layers #226
- Error When Trying to Import Existing Feature Layer as Sample Frame #362
- Metadata DCE type in project.rs.xml is wrong for AsBuilts #406
- Visualization issues for some Climate Engine timeseries #382
- Fix project export spatial views for symbology #40-5
- Refactored ImportTemporaryLayer to better match ImportFeatureClass
- Right Click delete for downloaded stream gages and climate engine metrics
- Provide descriptions of Climate Engine variables as url link #383
- Add edit button to left of metric calculations in Analysis #255
- Add 'Remove All' button to regular DCE #388
- Double click layer in project tree adds to map #390
- Sort DCE and surfaces by name
- Bug preventing Climate Engine data export
- Error when no Stream Gages found to download #376
- Stream Gage error if map layer not in map #377
- Watershed Cachements/StreamStats Error #378
- Error When Generating Sample Frames from Cross Sections #361
- Better stream gage download messages
- Make Sample Frames appear above Surfaces when Added to QGIS #381
- Specify geometry type for duplicates in available layers for regular DCE #389
- update project export project type to Riverscapes Studio
- Remove gpkg references to old lookup tables
- Climate Engine Explorer
- Stream Gage Explorer
- Bug when creating manual cross sections
- Duplicate Metadata warning when imorting Riverscapes layers from Viewer
- Bug when importing temporary layer to cross sections
- Update Zonal statistics tool help url link
- Temporarily disabled Zonal Statistics Tool settings (units not currently implemented)
- Re-added length and area virtual fields to dce layers
- Better handling of RS project metadata
- Failure adding metadata to surface on import
- initialize MetadataWidget on toolbar load
- Area Proportion metric calculation
- Ablilty to delete metrics from the project
- First version of custom metrics tool
- JSON Schema for custom metrics
- JSON metric definition files for jam and dam densities
- Basemap url bug in QGIS 3.30+
- DCE Event layer text does not update when DCE layer is imported
- Max Cross Section length changed to 5km
- Improved export RS project stability
- Bug with project bounds extents
- "No Feature Count" raster error when traversing tree
- Make sure associated hillshade is added to map if raster is a DEM
- Make sure event layer display name is not empty when copying from existing DCE
- Resize analysis column width on to fit contents
- Remove pour point and catchment from map when deleted from project
- Remove event layer and empty parent nodes from project tree when removed or deleted from the dce
- Updated save centerline to work with metadata widget and store system metadata
- Retain symbology when importing from Riverscapes Viewer
- QRIS settings menu with ability to change default dock side
- Expand and collapse child node context menus added to project tree
- Minimum QGIS version set to 3.28
- Metadata Widget to store three different types of metadata: system, attribute and (user) metadata
- Unused export design as rs project form and code
- Fix tuple typing bug that prevented installation on some systems
- Reenable Import Temporary Layer to aoi and sample frames
- Reenable Promote Catchments to AOI
- Promote Context Vector Polygons to Sample Frames
- Project tree layer remains "empty" after digitizing
- Pour Point symbology
- Catchment Polygon symbology folder error
- Surfaces (rasters) symbology error
- Import Existing Vector Layer to Context bugs
- Import Temporary Layer to Context bug
- Import Profile form bug
- Re-added Add Photo to Observation Points
- Copy from Existing DCE produces Coordinate Reference Error
- Layer names changed to remove parentheses
- Updated user messages when importing dce feature classes
- Spelling error with Structure Type list
- Bug when loading surfaces in project tree prevents project from opening
- Dam Density Metric
- Jam Density Metric
- Sample Frame database schema changed
- Create new Sample Frame
- Create Sample Frame from QRiS layers
- Import Sample Frame from Feature Class
- Reset schema migrations
- Metadata attribute editior widget bug fixed
- Right click menu to add all child layers to map
- Feature Count turned on for QRiS layers
- Layer in Edit Session highlighted in Project Tree
- Project Tree opens in partially collapsed state
- Project Tree layers indicate if they are empty containers (no features)
- Check that gpkg is a valid QRiS project on opening
- Acknowledgements Text
- Bug when adding layer to tree in hierarchy
- Bug when exporting project with an analysis
- Import DCE Layer bug with certain invalid geometries
- Null json values cause error when opening a project
- As-Built Group placement in layer ToC
- References to old qrave plugin
- Updated schema for DCE layers
- Updated schema for As-Built Surveys
- Added default Notes field to all DCE layers
- Updated qrave integration to use Riverscapes Viewer
- Map Manager finds symbology based on logical folders (project folder, qirs resources folder, shared resources folder)
- Additional icon updates
- Bug with importing dce features with same name in attribute table
- Check to make sure sample frame has at lease one feature before creating or opening an analysis
- Fixed attributes not updating when digitizing features
- Fixed bug when loading attributes into Metadata Widget
- Updated icons
- Help page updates
- Setup hierarchy for project tree and layer TOC
- Import Feature class task restructured
- User can export sections of qris project to riverscapes project
- DCE metadata json restructured
- Success message for project export
- Refresh layer after importing dce features (to update symbology and attribute table)
- Project checks DCE metadata structure on opening (with user option to update)
- Check for duplicate output fields when importing dce feature class
- Updated layer schema for LTBPR Base
- bug when lookkup table is empty
- Project Tags
- Update import feature class tool to store attributes in metadata json
- Bug with exporting rs project when no photos exist
- Import photos to Observation Points
- Design layers
- Metadata attribute form widget retains existing values when making edits
- Export QrIS Project to Riverscapes XML project
- Metadata widget for editing layer attributes from json
- DCE and design now stored as three feature classes (points, lines, polygons)
- Updated icons
- rsxml pip module for parsing riverscapes xml
- Export LTPBRDesign Riverscapes Project
- Ability to create new dce from existing dce
- Ability copy dce features from existing dce
- Import temporary layers to context
- Bug with transforming features from temporary layer
- Bug when importing features with empty geometry
- Thalwegs missing metadata field
- Missing warning message when dce date is invalid
- Metadata Widget for profiles, masks, cross sections, and context vectors
- Warning and prevent user from importing vrt rasters
- Added xls format to export metrics table
- Ability to export multiple analyses as one table
- Bug with Import context vectors
- Bug with promote catchments to aoi
- Make geometries valid for zonal stats tool
- Better warnings for centerline tool
- Refresh map after importing dce features
- Raster layers causign bug with edit session locking
- Clean any invalid geometries when creating catchments
- Reworked code for export metrics table
- Add Delete Right-Click to Watershed Catchments
- Ability to import temporary layers to qris project
- Limit editing to only one QRiS layer at a time (does not apply to non-QRiS layers)
- Disabled exporting metrics table to excel format (temporary)
- Right Click "Edit" menu changed to "Properties" and associated window titles fixed
- Export Metrics Table to csv, json, or xlsx
- Bug when saving DCE properties
- Window title for Calculate All Metrics Form
- Analysis table column size depreication warning.
- Promote scratch vector to AOI
- Bug with missing json import when creating new project
- Dockable window improvements and form updates
- Copy Feature Class Task depreciated in favor of using the updated import feature class task
- First cross section is now at the at the first interval of the spacing distance, not the start of centerline.
- Import Feature Class to Data Capture Event
- Promote Watershed Catchment to AOI mask
- View and edit project metadata in project properties form
- Window does not close when editing project properties
- Depricated import mask function (replaced with import feature class task)
- Relaxed rules for empty values in suggested metadata
- Compression for copy rasters
- Tool Tips for analysis, centerlines and cross sections
- Metadata widget for raster import
- Bug with path utilities import
- Able to change raster type after import
- Help button and description for Metrics
- Units to metric values (as lookup table)
- Status icons for analysis table
- Calcuate all button and logic form
- Metric vs Indicator filter on analysis Form
- Tolerance and display settings for metric values
- Brat CIS schema and model
- Import Riverscapes Metadata from QRave
- Documentation buttons added to Metric selection from
- metadata field added to all tables in gpkg
- QRIS project Database migration versioning
- Raster Symbology added to qris
- Qrave (QRV) integration
- Moved analysis table to the right side dock
- More explicit closing of dock widgets
- Added orphaned layers and hid design layers from DCE form
- All forms have help button with web documentation stubbed out
- Remove 'mask' terminology from qrs
- Basemaps now derived from QRave
- zoom to layer extent if no other layers are in map (other than basemap)
- Disabled Stream Flow Stats (temporarily)
- Adding DEM to map will automatically add hillshade if it exists
- Clip raster to AOI when importing
- Analysis Frame and event fixes
- Clear metic values when sample frame is changed
- Gradient metric bug with spatial reference
- Bug when importing sampling frame with aoi mask
- Saving and Loading metric value uncertainty
- Cleaned up windows paths
- Improved Brat CIS context buffer
- bug when rejecting export raster slider
- Clipping vector on import bug
- Set Qrave dependency in metatdata.txt
- QRave plugin dependency
- Import Riverscapes Layer from QRave into QRiS as Context layers
- Open an existing Analysis
- Automated metrics (Sinuosity, Gradient)
- Add hillshade to DEM
- Initial raster type dropdown is derived from raster tname when importing
- Limit one DEM per DCE
- Analysis column size on window resize
- Analysis Table read-only
- Centerline error when polygon projection is not EPSG 4326
- Not implemented message when adding transect profiles
- Raster Slider layer picker window bug
- Event layers duplicated when editing surfaces in event properties
- Event layers in project tree removed when removed from event properties
- Symbology now coming from QRave
- bug when saving manual analysis values (schema change)
- event id incorrectly set for event layers
- bug with edit event form
- Generate sample frames from Cross Sections
- Inverse Value option for Raster Slider
- Centerline tool for AOI polygons
- Sample frames for context polygons
- Labels for Sample Frames
- Save Raster Slider polygon bug
- Centerline Reset button fix
- bug with catchments node placement in project tree
- Analysis panel bugs
- Group layers expand when adding layers to map
- bug with DCE node placement in project tree
- bug with centerline and sample frame coordinate systems
- Map manager improvements for raster slider
- Map manager improvements for centerline tool
- Centerline tool polygon selection tool
- Centerline tool ignores interior rings in polygon
- Centerline tool only retains the continuous section between the clip lines
- Map manager improvements for Cross Sections
- method_to_map.py
- vectorize.py
- Desgin Form bug fixed
- Schema updated to support design layers
- Most Recently Used (MRU) Project Menu
- Add Google Satellite basemap on project load if ToC is empty
- user can clip regular mask by aoi when importing existing regular mask
- double click layer adds method to Data Capture Event
- Add Representation to events (includes lookup table and event table schema update)
- Clip rasters with aoi mask when copying
- Spatial refrence for centerline preview layers
- Copy feature class bug when output geopackage already exists
- vertical spacing in Data Capture Events form
- added missing non-spatial tables to gpkg_contents
- Basemaps node removed for now (will add back in with riverscapes map manager integration)
- Reorganize toc layer order
- Reorganzie Tree menu
- Mask menu order
- New project browser folder title
- Custom project file name
- Create new project as QTask, additional user feedback during new project creation
- aoi masks saved in aoi_features layer instead of mask_features layer
- user can specify single date or date range in dce
First version. Everything is new. Everything is fine.