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Multi-Module Project with Android and Kotlin Libraries

This repository demonstrates a multi-module project setup for an Android application, designed to test concepts and best practices in modular architecture. It includes:

  • Two Android libraries: Separate modules for API and database functionality, structured to maintain a clean architecture.
  • One Kotlin library: A platform-agnostic module that can be used across Android and non-Android projects, following Kotlin best practices.

Project Purpose

This project was created as part of my preparation for a Senior SDK Engineer role. It showcases the implementation of a single source of truth pattern, modularization, dependency injection, and clean architecture principles on a small scale, simulating SDK development practices in a realistic setup.

Modules Overview

  • API Module: Handles network interactions and communicates with external APIs, providing structured responses.
  • Database Module: Manages local data storage using Room, ensuring offline functionality and data persistence.
  • Repository Module: Implements the single source of truth pattern, coordinating between the API and database modules to deliver reliable data to the application layer.


  • Multi-Module Architecture: Promotes separation of concerns, allowing each module to focus on specific tasks and making the codebase more maintainable and scalable.
  • Single Source of Truth: The repository module prioritizes cached data and only fetches from the network when necessary, caching results to maintain a resilient and efficient data flow.
  • Dependency Injection: Supports modular design, enabling seamless testing and reducing dependencies between modules.

Future Enhancements

  • Add UI Module: Integrate a small UI layer to demonstrate a complete application flow using the modular setup.
  • Extend Repository Logic: Add more caching strategies and further optimize the single source of truth pattern.

Project Overview

The project is based on Rick and Morty data and includes modules for fetching and managing data about characters, episodes, and locations from the Rick and Morty API. The end goal of the project is to provide a modular SDK that can be reused in different applications. A small UI demo application will be added later to showcase the usage of the SDK.


This project is organized into multiple modules to support modularity and reusability. Each module has its own specific responsibilities:

1. rickandmortydatabaselib

  • Type: Android Library (Room database)
  • Description: Handles local data storage using Room, providing DAOs for accessing character, episode, and location data.
  • Purpose: Ensures offline access and caching of Rick and Morty data.

2. rickandmortyrepository

  • Type: Kotlin Library
  • Description: A Kotlin-based library that provides a repository implementation following clean architecture. It interacts with both rickandmortydatabase for local data and rickandmortyapilib for network data.
  • Purpose: Acts as an abstraction layer, exposing a clean API for data access without revealing underlying data sources (API or database).

3. rickandmortyapilib

  • Type: Kotlin Library
  • Description: This SDK module provides access to the Rick and Morty API, handling network requests and data mapping.
  • Purpose: Supplies data from the network to the rickandmortyrepository module.

4. app

  • Type: Android Application
  • Description: (Planned) This module will include a small UI for demonstrating the SDK’s capabilities.
  • Purpose: Provides a visual demo of the SDK functionalities, such as displaying characters, episodes, and locations.


The project follows Clean Architecture principles with three main layers:

  1. Data Layer:

    • Contains rickandmortydatabase and rickandmortyapilib modules.
    • The rickandmortyrepository module acts as the primary data access point, connecting the data sources (API and database) and exposing them to the rest of the app.
  2. Domain Layer:

    • Contains core business models and repository interfaces, decoupled from data sources.
    • Implements use cases for fetching Rick and Morty data, exposing data retrieval in a structured and business-logic-focused way.
  3. Presentation Layer (Planned):

    • Will contain ViewModels and UI components in the app module to display data.

Key Components

  • Repository Pattern: The RickAndMortyRepository provides a single access point for data retrieval, combining data from the local database and API as needed.
  • Room Database: The rickandmortydatabase module uses Room to manage offline data storage.
  • Modular Architecture: Each feature is split into separate modules, making the SDK flexible and reusable in other projects.
  • Unit Testing: Unit tests are created using JUnit, Mockk, and Coroutine Test to ensure that each module works independently and reliably.

Future Plans

  • UI Demo: Build a small demo app to showcase the usage of the SDK.
  • Improved Error Handling: Add detailed error handling in the repository layer.
  • Network Caching: Implement network caching to improve performance.
  • Documentation: Add Javadoc comments for public functions and classes.

Project Structure Visualization

Here’s a visual representation of the project structure, illustrating the relationship between each module:

RickAndMortySDK Project
├── app                    # Planned UI demo application
├── rickandmortydatabase   # Database Library (Android)
│   ├── dao                # Room DAO interfaces (CharacterDao, EpisodeDao, LocationDao)
│   ├── entity             # Room entities (CharacterEntity, EpisodeEntity, LocationEntity)
│   └── RickAndMortyDatabase.kt  # Room database setup with DAO providers
├── rickandmortyapilib     # API Library (Kotlin SDK)
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── api            # Network layer (RickAndMortyService, RickAndMortyServiceImpl)
│   │   ├── model          # API data models (e.g., CharactersResponse, EpisodesResponse)
│   │   └── network        # Network client configuration (NetworkClient)
│   └── domain
│       ├── model          # Domain models (Character, Episode, Location)
│       └── usecase        # Use cases (GetCharactersUseCase, GetEpisodesUseCase)
├── rickandmortyrepository # Repository Library (Kotlin)
│   ├── repository         # Repository implementation (RickAndMortyRepositoryImpl)
│   ├── model              # Domain models (Character, Episode, Location)
│   └── di                 # Dependency injection setup (RepositoryProvider)
└──              # Project documentation```