Check out ways to contribute to Lion Web Components:
Help out the whole lion community by sending your merge requests and issues. Check out how to set it up:
# Clone the repo:
git clone
cd lion
# Install dependencies
# We require yarn as we use yarn workspaces
yarn install
# Create a branch for your changes
git checkout -b fix/buttonSize
Make sure everything works as expected:
# Linting
npm run lint
# Tests
npm run test
# Storybook Demo
npm run storybook
Create a Pull Request:
- At click on fork (at the right top)
# add fork to your remotes
git remote add fork [email protected]:<your-user>/lion.git
# push new branch to your fork
git push -u fork fix/buttonSize
- Go to your fork and create a Pull Request :)
Some things that will increase the chance that your merge request is accepted:
- Write tests.
- Write a good commit message.