Dynatrace is an Application Performance Management tool which provides full-stack insights into your application and its runtime environment. In this chapter, we will show how to enable monitoring Kyma runtime related metrics in Dynatrace.
As Dynatrace requires commercial license, different ways of requesting Dynatrace environments are described.
Create a Dynatrace trial environment at Dynatrace with no cost.
Purchase license through Dynatrace or SAP.
As an SAP employee you can request an internal Dynatrace environment
You only need to choose one of above options to request a Dynatrace environment.
- Disable Istio injection into Dynatrace namespace in Kyma.
Kyma uses Istio side-car injection to allow tracing of built-in components. The dynatrace
namespace must be excluded from this injection for improved performance and stability. To disable this, add the label istio-injection=disabled
to the dynatrace
namespace before installing the Dynatrace Operator.
kubectl create namespace dynatrace
kubectl label ns dynatrace istio-injection=disabled --overwrite
- Deploy Dynatrace Operator
Dynatrace provides a fully-automated installer script to enable both the Kubernetes cluster, and cluster workload monitoring. It deploys OneAgent on each Kubernetes cluster node via the Dynatrace Operator, which monitors the Kubernetes cluster node host, and processes running in pods on the cluster.
The steps of installing Dynatrace Operator differ slightly depending on how you request a Dynatrace environment. Following section assumes that you receive a Dynatrace environment from SAP. Difference will be mentioned wherever necessary when using Dynatrace trial environment
Navigate to your Dynatrace environment and go to Deployment Status > Add new host > Kubernetes. Enter following information:
- Name: Your Kubernetes cluster appears with this name in Dynatrace
- Group: kubernetes
- Dynatrace Operator token: Click on "Create token" to automatically generate the required token.
- API Token: Click on "Create token" to automatically generate the required token.
- Toggle
Skip SSL certificate check
, as the Kubernetes cluster API has no valid SSL certificate in most cases
Download the dynakube.yaml
file, copy the commands from the page and execute them against your Kyma cluster. The commands create namespace dynatrace
in which all resources are deployed.
In case you are using Dynatrace trial environment, this step is slightly different. Navigate to Infrastructure > Kubernetes > Connect automatically via Dynatrace Operator, fill in necessary information and follow the steps.
Once the Dynatrace Operator was installed, you can configure the Kubernetes integration via Infrastructure > Kubernetes > select the connected Kubernetes cluster, which leads to the monitoring page of newly added cluster. Then click on the ... on the top right corner > select Settings
You can test connection from Dynatrace to your Kubernetes cluster by clicking on button "Test Connection". It should return "Successfully connected to the Kubernetes API".
Make sure following settings are switched on and click on "Save Changes":
- Connect containerized ActiveGate to local Kubernetes API endpoint
- Monitor Kubernetes namespaces, services, workloads and pods.
- Monitor annotated Prometheus exporters
- Monitor events
- Filter events
- Include important events
Now you have successfully deployed Dynatrace Operator. Next we will enable inject metrics from Istio/Envoy and Kyma system metrics into Dynatrace.
Kyma comes with service-to-service communication and proxying (Istio-based service mesh). Istio and Envoy metrics can be ingested into Dynatrace via Prometheus integration and pre-build dashboard. You can set up the Istio and Envoy service mesh extension to get Istio dashboards and alerts for those metrics.
- Enable Prometheus monitoring and Envoy technology in Dynatrace:
Go to Infrastructure > Kubernetes, look for your cluster and select Action > Settings, and turn on `Monitor annotated Prometheus exporters. (If not yet done in previous step)
Go to Settings > Monitoring > Monitored technologies. Find Envoy in the list and click the pencil icon on the far right, and turn on Monitor Envoy and save changes.
Start ingesting Istiod (control plane) metrics by annotating the Istiod service:
Suppose you have full permission and have set the kubeconfig file targeting the Kubernetes cluster where Kyma is running. Adapt the metric keys in the filter as needed if you would like to collect additional metrics.
kubectl annotate --overwrite service istiod -n istio-system \
metrics.dynatrace.com/port='15014' \
metrics.dynatrace.com/scrape='true' \
"mode": "include",
"names": [
- Start ingesting Envoy (data plane) metrics by annotating your own services. In an Istio/Envoy service mesh you deploy your own services with an Envoy sidecar proxy. The following command will annotate all services in the specified namespace to scrape Envoy data plane metrics. Adapt the metric keys in the filter as needed if you would like to collect additional metrics. To avoid port conflicts with sidecars, applications should not use any of the ports used by Envoy. You can check the ports used by Istio sidecar proxy (Envoy).
Please make sure adjust <your_namespace>
with your namespace.
$ kubectl annotate --overwrite service --all -n <your_namespace> \
metrics.dynatrace.com/port='15090' \
metrics.dynatrace.com/scrape='true' \
metrics.dynatrace.com/path="/stats/prometheus" \
"mode": "include",
"names": [
For example, if you want to capture metrics generated by EasyFranchise application, you can annoate namespace integration with following command:
$ kubectl annotate --overwrite service --all -n integration \
metrics.dynatrace.com/port='15090' \
metrics.dynatrace.com/scrape='true' \
metrics.dynatrace.com/path="/stats/prometheus" \
"mode": "include",
"names": [
Then you can check if the services in integration namespace are properly annoated with following command:
# check service bp-service in integration namespace
$ kubectl get svc -n integration bp-service -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
metrics.dynatrace.com/filter: |-
"mode": "include",
"names": [
metrics.dynatrace.com/path: /stats/prometheus
metrics.dynatrace.com/port: "15090"
metrics.dynatrace.com/scrape: "true"
app: bp-service
You can see new annotations with name metrics.dynatrace.com/xxx are added.
- Activate Dynatrace Extension for Istio and Envoy. To add this extension to your environment go to Manage -> Dynatrace Hub, in the search box enter Istio, select Istio and Envoy Service Mesh (Prometheus).
Then click on Add to Environment. You will see the list of content being added: Istio - Control Plane and Istio - Data Plane.
Activate metric events for alerting. In case your Dynatrace instance is requested via SAP, the extension comes with the two pre-configured metric events for alerting. To activate them:
From the Dynatrace navigation menu, select Settings > Anomaly detection > Metric events.
Find the following events
- Istio - Large number of 500 responses detected.
- Istio - Large number of Galley failed validations.
If necessary, select the Edit button to customize the event conditions.
Use toggle button to activate the mentioned even.
Now go to Dashboards, you can now check out the Istio - Control Plane and Istio - Data Plane dashboards in your Dynatrace environment:
To ensure that data is displayed on the dashboard, it is recommended to open the EasyFranchise application in a browser and navigate through it a few times to generate some traffic. After a few minutes, the data should become visible on the Dynatrace dashboard.
If you are working with Kyma and want to monitor the Kyma cluster, Dynatrace can scrape the metrics exposed by Kyma endpoints. Based on those metrics, you can create your own dashboards for monitoring, alerting, and analyzing Kyma metrics. This section describes the necessary configuration to ingest metrics from Kyma system components into Dynatracee. For details on how to ingest application custom metrics, please see monitor custom metrics in Dynatrace.
Kyma system metrics in the kyma-system
namespace cannot be scraped directly due to strict mTLS requirements and should be fetched from federation endpoint of the in-cluster Prometheus instance. We recommend using the OpenTelemetry Collector to fetch these metrics and forward them to the Dynatrace OneAgent. The Collector deployment can be configured to use a certificate, issued by the Istioo control plane, to scrape metrics. However, the Collector cannot ingest metrics to the Dynatrace OneAgent in this case, and needs an API token to access the Dynatrace instance directly.
Create a Dynatrace API token with the permission to ingest metrics. Go to Manage > Access Token. Generate a new token with the capability to Ingest events, Ingest metrics, Ingest OpenTelemetry traces using API v2.
Create a new namespace for OpenTelemetry Collector and store API token in a secret. Replace
with the environment Id of your Dynatrace instance and the token created in previous step:kubectl create namespace otel-system kubectl -n otel-system create secret generic dynakube \ --from-literal="API_ENDPOINT=https://apm.cf.sap.hana.ondemand.com/e/{ENVIRONMENT_ID}/api/v2/metrics/ingest" \ --from-literal="API_TOKEN={API_TOKEN}"
Note: In case you are using Dynatrace trial environment, the API_ENDPOINT would be different from the one specified above.
API_ENDPOINT in SAP Dynatrace instance: https://apm.cf.sap.hana.ondemand.com/e/{ENVIRONMENT_ID}/api/v2/metrics/ingest API_ENDPOINT in trial environment: https://
<trial environment ID>
.live.dynatrace.com/api/v2/metrics/ingest -
Download the file otel-agent-mtls.yaml and apply the file to deploy Collector into namespace
.- The
section of the OpenTelemetry Collector configuration is compatible with the Prometheus configuration. For example, you can configure a static_config or use the Kubernetes service discovery (kubernetes_sd_config) in your job.
kubectl apply -f otel-agent-mtls.yaml
- The
Check if OpenTelemetry Collector agent is ready and available.
kubectl get deployment/otel-agent -n otel-system
The OpenTelemetry Collector agent will be needed in the next step. Once the whole mission is finished, and the agent is no longer needed, please run following commands to delete all resources:
kubectl delete -f otel-agent-mtls.yaml
kubectl -n otel-system delete secret dynakube
kubectl delete namespace otel-system`