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Changes known VDM CDS view names and field names to CamelCase.
This rule does not distinguish between structures from ABAP or CDS View context (see examples below). Please fine-tune as needed.
- Change known view names to CamelCase
- Change known field names to CamelCase
- Consider commented-out lines in VALUE or NEW constructors (expected format: '* component = ...')
- To decide whether to change a known field name to CamelCase, ABAP cleaner analyzes its context, e.g. all field names in a VALUE constructor, a SELECT statement, a table key etc.
- Consider known field names a 'sure match' if they are at least [11] chars long and contain an upper case letter after a lower case one
- Only consider approved names a 'sure match'
- If a context contains a 'sure match' and all field names are known: [change all known field names in the context]
- If a context contains a 'sure match' but also an unknown field name: [do not change any field names in the context]
- Correct existing 'CameLcasE' name [if it differs from an approved name]
- Custom view and field names can be maintained in text files inside the (local or synchronized) folder of this profile, simply using the line format CamelCaseName
- Custom view names file in profile folder: [CustomViewNames.txt]
- Custom field names file in profile folder: [CustomFieldNames.txt]
METHOD camel_case_names.
DATA lt_company TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF i_companycode.
DATA lv_fiscal_year_variant TYPE i_companycode-fiscalyearvariant.
" Fields from CDS Views can be hard to read if shown in all-lower case.
" The longer the field name, the more its readability benefits from CamelCase:
lt_company = VALUE I_COMPANYCODE( ( companycode = '1234'
companycodename = 'Company Name'
cityname = 'Berlin'
* chartofaccounts = 'ABCD'
* FiscalyeaRVariant = 'K4'
nontaxabletransactiontaxcode = 'AB'
taxrptgdateisactive = abap_true
cashdiscountbaseamtisnetamt = abap_false ) ).
ASSIGN lt_company[ companycodename = 'Company Name' ] TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_any>).
LOOP AT lt_company ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_company>) WHERE cityname = 'Berlin'.
any_method( iv_cash_discount_is_net = <ls_company>-cashdiscountbaseamtisnetamt
iv_fiscal_year_variant = <ls_company>-fiscalyearvariant ).
" IMPORTANT: this rule does NOT distinguish between structures from ABAP or VDM CDS View context.
" Most components of the following structure consist of two words, but they do not use snake_case,
" so they might be replaced with corresponding CamelCase field names from CDS context, too:
ls_vdm_style = VALUE #( refid = '1'
owner = 'anyone'
cityname = 'Hamburg'
lognumber = '12345'
dataprovider = 'XYZ' ).
" by contrast, proper ABAP style would be snake_case; such component names are not replaced,
" because they differ from the naming style of VDM CDS View fields:
ls_abap_style = VALUE #( ref_id = '1'
owner = 'anyone'
city_name = 'Hamburg'
log_number = '12345'
data_provider = 'XYZ' ).
" 'False positives' without underscores (such as lognumber above) are typically short.
" Unintentional replacement can be prevented by setting a minimum length for a 'sure match' in the
" options above, since in CDS View context, field names are usually long: Among CDS field names,
" 99% have 11+ characters
" 95% have 15+ characters
" 82% have 20+ characters
" 61% have 24+ characters
" for the following fields, CamelCase variants are known, but none of them is officially approved:
SORT lt_web_info BY website
" Shorter field names as well as field names with just an initial upper case character like 'Currency'
" or 'Language' can be changed if all field names in the context (e.g. in the whole VALUE constructor)
" are known field names and at least one 'sure match' was identified:
lt_company = VALUE #( ( companycode = '1234'
currency = 'EUR'
language = 'E'
ChartofACcounts = 'ABCD' ) ).
" without this restriction, the field 'currency' and 'language' might be changed in ABAP structures, too:
ls_abap_struc = VALUE #( obj_nr = '1'
currency = 'EUR'
language = 'E'
field_name = 'any' ).
" you can configure how much should be changed if one of the fields is unknown:
ls_unknown_struc = VALUE #( refid = '1'
currency = 'EUR'
unknown_field_name = 42
fiscalyearvariant = 'K4' ).
Resulting code:
METHOD camel_case_names.
DATA lt_company TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF I_CompanyCode.
DATA lv_fiscal_year_variant TYPE I_CompanyCode-FiscalYearVariant.
" Fields from CDS Views can be hard to read if shown in all-lower case.
" The longer the field name, the more its readability benefits from CamelCase:
lt_company = VALUE I_CompanyCode( ( CompanyCode = '1234'
CompanyCodeName = 'Company Name'
CityName = 'Berlin'
* ChartOfAccounts = 'ABCD'
* FiscalYearVariant = 'K4'
NonTaxableTransactionTaxCode = 'AB'
TaxRptgDateIsActive = abap_true
CashDiscountBaseAmtIsNetAmt = abap_false ) ).
ASSIGN lt_company[ CompanyCodeName = 'Company Name' ] TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_any>).
LOOP AT lt_company ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_company>) WHERE cityname = 'Berlin'.
any_method( iv_cash_discount_is_net = <ls_company>-CashDiscountBaseAmtIsNetAmt
iv_fiscal_year_variant = <ls_company>-FiscalYearVariant ).
" IMPORTANT: this rule does NOT distinguish between structures from ABAP or VDM CDS View context.
" Most components of the following structure consist of two words, but they do not use snake_case,
" so they might be replaced with corresponding CamelCase field names from CDS context, too:
ls_vdm_style = VALUE #( RefID = '1'
Owner = 'anyone'
CityName = 'Hamburg'
LogNumber = '12345'
DataProvider = 'XYZ' ).
" by contrast, proper ABAP style would be snake_case; such component names are not replaced,
" because they differ from the naming style of VDM CDS View fields:
ls_abap_style = VALUE #( ref_id = '1'
owner = 'anyone'
city_name = 'Hamburg'
log_number = '12345'
data_provider = 'XYZ' ).
" 'False positives' without underscores (such as lognumber above) are typically short.
" Unintentional replacement can be prevented by setting a minimum length for a 'sure match' in the
" options above, since in CDS View context, field names are usually long: Among CDS field names,
" 99% have 11+ characters
" 95% have 15+ characters
" 82% have 20+ characters
" 61% have 24+ characters
" for the following fields, CamelCase variants are known, but none of them is officially approved:
SORT lt_web_info BY Website
" Shorter field names as well as field names with just an initial upper case character like 'Currency'
" or 'Language' can be changed if all field names in the context (e.g. in the whole VALUE constructor)
" are known field names and at least one 'sure match' was identified:
lt_company = VALUE #( ( CompanyCode = '1234'
Currency = 'EUR'
Language = 'E'
ChartOfAccounts = 'ABCD' ) ).
" without this restriction, the field 'currency' and 'language' might be changed in ABAP structures, too:
ls_abap_struc = VALUE #( obj_nr = '1'
currency = 'EUR'
language = 'E'
field_name = 'any' ).
" you can configure how much should be changed if one of the fields is unknown:
ls_unknown_struc = VALUE #( refid = '1'
currency = 'EUR'
unknown_field_name = 42
fiscalyearvariant = 'K4' ).