<-- previous rule | overview | next rule -->
Standardizes spaces, one-liners and alignment of DDL annotations.
Starting new lines before a comma is not supported. Spaces before '@' and around '.' will always be removed.
- Spaces
- Space after colon
- Space inside braces { ... }
- Space inside array brackets [ ... ]
- One-liners
- Maximum line length for one-liners [120]
- Max. number of elements for one-liners in entity annotations: [4]
- Max. number of elements for one-liners in select lists etc.: [4]
- Alignment
- Align values of nested elements (unless an element contains a dot)
- Align 'tables' of structure-identical annotations in arrays
@ObjectModel.lifecycle.draft.notificationBeforeExpiryInterval: 'PT10D'
@ObjectModel. lifecycle. draft .expiryInterval:'PT28D'
@ObjectModel.usageType: { serviceQuality: #D,
dataClass :#MIXED }
@ObjectModel.supportedCapabilities: [#ANALYTICAL_QUERY,
@UI.selectionVariant: [ {
qualifier: 'params',
parameters: [ {
name: 'P_AnyParam',
value: 'any'
}, {
name: 'P_OtherParam',
value: 'other'
}, {
name: 'P_Third',
value: 'third'
} ] } ]
define view entity C_AnyEntity
as select from I_OtherEntity
@Consumption.filter: { selectionType: #SINGLE,
multipleSelections :false,
@Search.defaultSearchElement: true
@ Search.fuzzinessThreshold :0.7
key AnyKeyField,
@ObjectModel.text.element:[ 'SemanticObjectName']
name: 'I_AnyName',
element: 'ElementName'
Resulting code:
@ObjectModel.lifecycle.draft.notificationBeforeExpiryInterval: 'PT10D'
@ObjectModel.lifecycle.draft.expiryInterval: 'PT28D'
@ObjectModel.usageType: { serviceQuality: #D, sizeCategory: #XXL, dataClass: #MIXED }
@ObjectModel.supportedCapabilities: [ #ANALYTICAL_QUERY,
@ObjectModel.action: [ { instance: { bound: true } },
{ enabled: true },
{ feature: '' } ]
@UI.selectionVariant: [ { qualifier: 'params',
parameters: [ { name: 'P_AnyParam', value: 'any' },
{ name: 'P_OtherParam', value: 'other' },
{ name: 'P_Third', value: 'third' } ] } ]
define view entity C_AnyEntity
as select from I_OtherEntity
@Consumption.filter: { selectionType: #SINGLE, multipleSelections: false, mandatory: false }
@Search.defaultSearchElement: true
@Search.fuzzinessThreshold: 0.7
key AnyKeyField,
@ObjectModel.text.element: [ 'SemanticObjectName' ]
@Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [ { entity: { name: 'I_AnyName', element: 'ElementName' } } ]