<-- previous rule | overview | next rule -->
Standardizes line breaks and indentation before DEFINE / EXTEND etc. keywords, entity name and WITH PARAMETERS.
- Break before DEFINE etc. keywords: [Always]
- Indent if breaking: [0]
- Break before entity name: [Never]
- Indent if breaking: [2]
- Break before WITH PARAMETERS: [Always]
- Indent if breaking: [2]
- Indent of parameters: [4]
@EndUserText.label: 'Any Description' define
C_AnyEntity with
// comment
P_AnyParam : AnyType,
P_OtherParam : OtherType,
P_ThirdParam : ThirdType
as select from I_AnyEntity as AnyAlias
left outer to one join I_OtherEntity as OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.IdField = OtherAlias.IdField
key AnyAlias.AnyKeyField,
Resulting code:
@EndUserText.label: 'Any Description'
define view entity C_AnyEntity
with parameters
// comment
P_AnyParam : AnyType,
P_OtherParam : OtherType,
P_ThirdParam : ThirdType
as select from I_AnyEntity as AnyAlias
left outer to one join I_OtherEntity as OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.IdField = OtherAlias.IdField
key AnyAlias.AnyKeyField,