<-- previous rule | overview | next rule -->
Standardizes spaces around comment signs, colons, commas and arithmetic operators.
Spaces in annotations are handled in 'Standardize annotation layout'.
- Space before comment sign: [Always]
- Space after comment sign: [Always]
- Space before colon: [Keep as is]
- Space after colon: [Always]
- Space before comma: [Never]
- Space after comma: [Always]
- Space after comma in ABAP type: [Never]
- Spaces around arithmetic operators: [Always]
// colons and commas in annotations are not changed by this rule
// but handled in 'Standardize annotation layout':
@Annotation: { anySubAnno: 'value', otherSubAnno: 'value' }
define view C_AnyView
with parameters
P_AnyParam : any_type ,
--colons that start parameter names :P_Any must not be detached
as select from I_AnyView(
P_AnyParam ::P_AnyParam ,
P_OtherParam: :P_OtherParam ) as AnyAlias
--no spaces can be put around the * that specifies cardinality
association [1..*] to I_OtherView as _OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.AnyKeyField = _OtherAlias.AnyKeyField
key AnyKeyField , //any comment
key OtherKeyField ,-- other comment
//arithmetic expressions
AnyValue*2 +OtherValue* 4- ThirdValue as AnyValueField,
3*(-2*AnyValue- 4*OtherValue) as OtherValueField,
-- built-in functions
concat(AnyText,concat('_' ,OtherText)) as AnyTextField,
division(AnyArg *10,OtherArg,2) as ThirdValue,
round(AnyValue* 100, 5) as RoundedValue,
//you may format commas in ABAP types in a different way,
// because these are not built-in functions
cast(AnyAmount as abap.curr(23 ,2)) as AnyAmount ,
cast(OtherAmount as abap.curr(23,2)) as OtherAmount ,
cast(AnyQuantity as abap.quan(18, 6)) as AnyQuantity,
Resulting code:
// colons and commas in annotations are not changed by this rule
// but handled in 'Standardize annotation layout':
@Annotation: { anySubAnno: 'value', otherSubAnno: 'value' }
define view C_AnyView
with parameters
P_AnyParam : any_type,
P_OtherParam: other_type
-- colons that start parameter names :P_Any must not be detached
as select from I_AnyView(
P_AnyParam : :P_AnyParam,
P_OtherParam: :P_OtherParam ) as AnyAlias
-- no spaces can be put around the * that specifies cardinality
association [1..*] to I_OtherView as _OtherAlias
on AnyAlias.AnyKeyField = _OtherAlias.AnyKeyField
key AnyKeyField, // any comment
key OtherKeyField, -- other comment
// arithmetic expressions
AnyValue * 2 + OtherValue * 4 - ThirdValue as AnyValueField,
3 * (-2 * AnyValue - 4 * OtherValue) as OtherValueField,
-- built-in functions
concat(AnyText, concat('_', OtherText)) as AnyTextField,
division(AnyArg * 10, OtherArg, 2) as ThirdValue,
round(AnyValue * 100, 5) as RoundedValue,
// you may format commas in ABAP types in a different way,
// because these are not built-in functions
cast(AnyAmount as abap.curr(23,2)) as AnyAmount,
cast(OtherAmount as abap.curr(23,2)) as OtherAmount,
cast(AnyQuantity as abap.quan(18,6)) as AnyQuantity,